HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 6.3 AmendMuniCd 9.28 .">;', CITY C L E R K Fite # ..... ..;!>- . AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 26.1996 SUBJECT: CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINO: Amendment to Chapter 9.28 of the Dublin Municipal Code - Quimby Act Ordinance. Report Prepared by: Diane L02!arl1J'~rks ,& .c01!'rnu~!ty Se"lces Director -..- __~_ ~ i" i ..".." , EXHIBITS ATIACHED: Ordinance Amending Sections 9.28.040,"9.28.050 and 9.28.060 of .~;. '. the Dublin Municipal Code - RE~~MMENDATION:!J!f 1. Open Public Hearing " . ". . 2. Receive Staff presentation and public testimony (}f / 3. Question Staff and the public l/..... · 4. Close Public Hearing and deliberate 5. Waive reading and introduce Ordinance FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None DESCRIPTION: On February 13, 1996, the City Council opened a Public Hearing to consider proposed amendments to Chapter 9.28 of the Dublin Municipal Co4e (Quimby Act Ordinance). .&.S amendments to the Quimby Act Ordinance are related to the proposed Public FaciUties Fee and as the ~blic Hearing on the Public Facilities Fee was continued both on February 13, 1996 and March 12, 1996, the Public Hearing on the amendments to the Quimby Act Ordinance was continued_~.well. . '. Baclqround ., ." Chap~ 9.28 of the Dublin Municipal Code (Quimby Act Ordinan~) is enac1edpmsuanttoauthority granteC:t by Section 66477 of the Government Code of the State of California. Tliis 'chapter requires that each subdivider of land classified by the City of Dublin zoning ordinf:U1ce for - residential use shall as a condition to filing a final subdivision map dedicate or reserve lands, pay fees in lieu thereof, or a combination of both, for neighborhood and community p~k or recreational purposes. Chapter 7.78 of the Dublin Municipal Code is enacted pursuant to authopty granted by S~etion 66000 of the Government Code of the State of California. This chapter establishes a public fa,'?Uities' fee to pay for municipally owned public facilities including neighborhood and community parks. In order to insure that new development is not udouble-charged" for neighborhood and cOi1101unity park lands once the public facilities fee becomes effective, it is desirable to amend Chapter 9.28 of the Municipal Code. Proposed amendments to the ordinance pertain to the amount of land to be dedicated, the calculation of in-lieu fees, and credits for open space and recreational facilities. 4It----------------------COlPIjfsT()~-------------------------------- . . ITEMNO.M F:\eemtgs\ec326qmb.doe .. . '. . ""~';''fI~~~;i';~;'Y~I",. Amount 0(14- to h\fBf4icated ($ectlnM '.21./UflJ. " ." . ...... :'I"""";';,i.;;\i,.~i The CUl'feJ!t ~~;jtrMdes for. .~. dedicadol1 of..S~O itcres of park area per one thousandpeop~<<; ~ .. .005 acres"per pWsont'Votltthe adOption oftbe.hrb ud Recreation Master Plan in July of 1994, this '. standard was split betWeen neigJ:tb()rhoodpar~.~I.S~per one tlwusand people and community parks at 3.5 acresperone~pecJple~., ,. ..,.... '.' Amendments to. Sectton'.9~28~04Orefl~t the.' spUt betweeIl neighborhood parks.and community.p8rb:..~fi' ..' . revise the ca1ctlIadtnm,for. ~ount otpark area to be dedicated per dwelling unit.to comonn With dU$ spJit~.' , . Additi---t't~'~ft""of- ft.~' , "~ubed, ~,:cl.ellinumt b8s beeR revised to ~naJ:tdto,tbe' ~y ." '. .~.. ..t-".... .. ..-..,. r-""'." g , -........,.... . dWenma'Wdt'~.;"""Jn ~'pub& tatilfties fee. Instead of assignhig densities by tbetype.of dweUinl' U!\itt i.... '.~'sb)gle..tiuid1y ~.' attached~~tly, = d#rex'~Or ml1\ti~~y;..ts, '. densiti~:"'~:based' . the numbetofunits to be Constructed 'acre.. . ,.... .. es. ;,'" .':-.' ...... .... ~ ". " .. " .' "" " per , .'. '., ' Ct,t!I;I......,.~...;,'";~jf~tf9*~B..0. . '. . , ',,' ,'S,,: ," '. TbeCU1tOltt~~,.,~s;.::to~um~".~,~~ f~. are requited by the City to be paid'in lieu ot "~on. A$ptopoSe4, ~:feCl,' are requited to be paid in lieu of land dedication fOt:81l . new 'deY61opmeDtm'mi'Hatern . D1Jt)linSpecific .Plan >at'eII, .the fee shall be equal to the f<< .for . uCom~utItY~U1td.'~~Nei~"Parkl'LaDd" oftheCity"'s Public Facilities Fee. Fot~ d.ev(;l~fWithintheJemili!1i1'tg:portiori oftJU::Cit,y,lhefee for commUJiity;patksshall be oq~ Ut~..: fee for"ConUmmitf~, L&nd" ot,the Clty'sPttbJ1c FaeiJities Fee, and the .fee for neiglJborhqpd~ shall be based On the'G~~'ftlueQfthe dovelupable acreage oftlie... to 'be subdividea~ ;':'/"'.' '~~'.. . , " '. 1\ ."' ,~. , \' " ,.' ': ~ . .' .' ,'~" ,. , The purpose Of thiS , ~ is't() .tJUdte the cslculatiOA of the Quimby Act fee simple and to .VOid a ' , situati~ wher6.,_'~,Aci.. (payable at tim\l~) is one amoUrtt and the park land comix>Dtnt of . .. the Pllbl.c FatititiC$~~~jableaHi~,inSpecti~),i~ a.~iffereltt .an1~unt'd . ..,', '. ... I""-.IJM. m~1JIiI. f..~.._ib ". ,;,:,:~::,q.:,y . ""'.--...."... ~r"xtiGT .~..I..;:;' .. .... . .' .' .'.' . The,c~:ot4loan~:ptt,Mdes.ere4it tOsuWlviders whoproVidepark.and recreational improv.~~lcf::, . the~i~~pi.!!\~;~dM;tm~~ti~':lneet C<<tain requirements. The proposed .~..." '. to thiS::~.bn~:" ~fizUtiOaorpriVatedpen space.~d.tecrQational ~ilities.and clarifi~;*,,' , the faCilities mUsH)etu'-~,witihl.~; .';'.: . i-....itd.d8rdsfot lOcal.. . . 'ks e~ntainedin both ~~~ ...... . .. ,'.. .. . ,..... prme~ . .' ..pat . . ....r...."" ..andopeti;~'.~"o,..Citr~'::06rieraH.lanluid,tbe)).ksandRecre&tionM8$~Plaa .. . ii... '. .. .', ~ Reeo..~Oif;' .... ..... '.' ... . .'. '.. . . .' .8tatf.~ .~..~:;~..Councll<'take. the .ft)UQwitlJacti~: 1) open ''Public Heariri~2);receiv4:'" Statf;'~~~.J>~l1~'~~;,:l)' ~P:'$taft':and .the' publiQ; 4)clOsePUb1ic'R~~;<. deli~,:*,~~::~ma""~'the.Otdibance; Intbe event tliatthtfPublic F~ 'eiis , : not ..A~..t:at~i~.,...'t:"'~'~'eiided~m:.t th "City' Co 'it contin...1.o' -D."bI"i' . --8 '.'. .~.~<' . .' . ,-..vy~, ..~~~r ,A"~i'\_~ .. .&.IM e ,lJ:nC ue we Hl C..~ w we Dext'~,,~th(!Pbtit~FaoUltie$~~ltbe considered. ' .... ...., .......... \:. ,.~/,~}:::".,'J("~~;'" ;'. "<. ' " " . n ,,:0 '" .' . \ .' . '" '.. ,,- ..,' .' > < I ~ ,< J '. . '.., ,. ". . " '\/0", , ~" .,.', , . .",'" ." " ,,' \.': , "0":,'. . ".'\' - '.~ .. ... I' ,. . , . -"".co - " ,.,.',1,(. ."t.~ ,,' "'t" < :,,",' f~' ", lJ.J/lJ Ii;JU .L'T;.L'T rl'UIII; i.J.1t:JJ.L.J"'T,JUI I aye t. U I U .. . AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 9.28.040, 9.28.050 AND 9.28.060 OF THE DUBLIN MUNICIPAL CODE -....:-. - ~-=-.-.. .-.-=-=====..:..-- ~- THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN DOES ORDAIN AS . , ~'~, 1":(_) LLC_) W S: SECTION I. Section 9.28.040 oftlle Dublin Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: ~~~H'Q~~ '"''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''',,'''':'''''''""'" r"'[""""""'a ","""""',, '1j'" ""'C)""""d"""""""""''''''''''\1 [ii\jit9Ullt:,O", 'air' to Je "e - icate~ . It is hereby found and detennined that the public interest, convenience, health, safely and welfare require lhal five (5) acres of properly of each one lllOusam.l (l,000) persons residing within the city be devoted to local park and recreational purposes. The amount of land to bo dedicated, or fooo to bo paid, oholl benr n rcnoonnble relntionohip to the use of the park and recreation facilities by the future inhabitants of Ule subdivision a-nd;j,j;~trjl~;aiB~~~tSfJdtlat~p69.~di~~tedshall be the amount calculated from the following formula: LAND=AxB fEE A x B x C B A. "A" means the park and recreation area required per dwelling unit, based on the type of dwelling units of the proposed subdivision and the park area per one tholls::tnrl (f ,(00) people of 1'h<,: dly. 1. The park area ofUle city is determined to be 5.0 acres per one thousand i_Jiii~I'i~il~i~lii~l*l..K~i~ii~~~f 2. The pal'k and reerealion al"Ca l'equired pel' dwelling unil, A, is cSlablished as follows: . 1 03/UU96 14: 14 From: 15101234567 Page 3 of 6 .~ ~5~~1tiii_l~;lil.,.,jf. . Therefore: A = 3.2 x .000Q:Q~l~ = .9-l-6g;~;~'~: acres perunitlf~m:;sg~G'nl~l~}iA:g*l: '. ,:; 11~I.tll;~~g;~~~ll~~m~:~~~~'j:~~:~'~:;p~f\i!mJj.[~~f~flt*1~~gR~it~~~~iiE~F&~), lili~lfgfil~;;~iI~~!~:,JhQ;;i"i!:~;~).OOftJ;~~~lnJt . b. For attached single-family, duplex or mu1tifamil):~dwelling units t6tlY~ ._"d.llril!!;~~~1:~=~~r~~~~mf@t\p)ljt~f~p~~~I)i:!l Therefore: A = 2.0 x .oo5;W;~~:~ = ~.QQ~ acres per unit '(r9!iigg~~g~'4~,gryr:.I)#rRs,) r;i)i;[?:'i;g:;i\'~Q,p,~~![i::j~QQ~;g~i:~~'p~~~i;wit',Cf9*i~j~ig11q$:i-Hgg?[p~~~~). ~~I~~gt~X);;~]'mK~g'l<ls~~~~p~rH-~t . B. "B" means the number of dwelling units in tlle proposed subdivision. For the pmpose of tllis section, the number of dwelling units in tlle proposed subdivision shall be detennined as follows: In areas zoned for one (1) dwelling unit per lot or parcel, tlle number of dwelling units shall equal tlle number of parcels indicated on tlle tentative r:J!fi~,~ map. When the subdivision is located in an area zoned for multiple dwelling units per parcel, tlle number of dwelling units shall equal dle maximum number of dwelling units allowed under dlat zone. For residential condominium projects, the number of dw~~i.Ilg units shall equal the number of condominium units inrlkaterl on the tc:ntMivc. ;611.#J map. For pl:mnerl rleve10pment projec.ts, the nmnher of dwelling units shall equal dle number of dwelling units indicated on the approved . planned development plan. C. "C" means the cun"cnt markct value of the developable acreage of the ar-ca to be subdivided. D. "D" mcan~ the de.d0p~bk clcn:agc of lhc an:cl to be :mbdividcd. (Old. 1 91 ~ I ([l 7.J)) 2 . UtJIU;I."U ~""T...I.I , 11,111I. "''''''~UJ.'-\oII''''''''1 . "',:I"" . .... ... o!' . SECTION 2. Section 9.28.050 of the Dublin Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 1~~~(I:~~"q ~~~~~~~~i~~\~~:f~:q~{t':f~~:~ !~ Where fees are required by the city to be paid in lieuo~ l~ncl<i~clication, ,..;'.....'.'-';";'';'..>.';'.'...';'.'>.'.'.';c';'.~'.';'.';'. >.'."""':'-~ ','. .'.'_ '.' . . '.'.':. ........,.... .....~..................~..~...~...:" .. .(......,...:"., .:".., ...~~' ': ~'.N~. ~ ,~...' " ',' .~. ~.., 'C. ~. :' :::.~.'.... N.N.. ..... .'..... .>.:'.:.: :'.:':: ..,....': ..'.':....~.... :.:. .... .::.,.: ..... '::.:: ". . . . I ft I II b"Ulil,un ufi "'" ufi uU"C ""'" "" u,. . h..p" i( ~'I-' (1' "N . gl b' 1 d i~J~~,i~~~iI;jli~,~tl~~~~ri~~~~~m~!~~~~~~~l!t :'i. ,:.~r,:~i';.., ,"" .(i~l~.:.n;.~~ 1.,,:.<>r lOt),. "'~~~,_!~~ developable acreage of the area to be subdivided as detelmined by the Director of ~l~?lic ~?'E~~~~~og!~~E~::gi1,!2!:~~~?,r at the time of approval of the final subdivision map ann ~b.~,U..'R~:]'~~\U#~~~':~~"~~1fgUgW~';: ~~~iffl~~~[~,i;~,~~i"~ i:~:tHf@:@~:~ . ~ltv~ :::::~'-;:~';;[!f;::I~l~ ls::arlfm~a;itBSv~'i : :.: ....: ::~.: :::':':'. :.:.:.:.::::. ..::::':':':1.'. :':':::'.;: ~ .: :;.':': :''':'.: : : '.: ... . .::~~;:;,::~~~~~:~:~q[lh~':~i~~l~J1S ~':;m~ If tlle subdivider objects to tlle deternlination of current market value, tlle subdivider may request the city to obtain an appraisal of tlle property by a qualified real estate appraiser mutually agreed upon by tlle city and tlle subdivider, which appraisal will be considered by the city in dctcnnining tilC current market value. All cosls required to obtain such appraisal shall be borne by the subdivider. (Orcl. l_l}l ~ 1 (8 +:4fl SECTION 3. Section 9.28.060. subdivision B, subdivision (1.) of the Dublin Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: .V..',)",...'.,.,'...,.N',','},'!'.,.,',',.,,'.' """""",."("1""",., 'H'''''},?,'.' '"",('..' ,'",,,,,,,,,,",,; 8",,*,,,, Private 0 en s ace a'n(;lI'eCteAtl<>t111, :-rAdlitieS]ll'~ ~at least one-half (Yz) acre in p p ,',',',',..,w..w,..,........T.",.. ,',.. ," "....,.., '......'....,w..'..',,'............'....,....'..,....,'....,",'..,','..w,w,'-', area with its smallest dimension being at least one hundred feet (100') clear excluding yards and selbacks nOTInally retluireu by zoning provisions; SECTION 4. Section 9.28.060, subdivision B, subdivision (3) of the . 3 E13/07/95 14:14 From: 151[11234557 Page 5 of 6 " Dublin Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: . Private open space and ~J~iJ~tiQ!i~t facilities are suitable for active park and recreation pUlposes taking into consideration such factors as shape, topography, access, and improvements proposedi ~~!m - =-.'-== ~ ,i SECTION 5. Section 9.28.060, subdivisioll B, subdivision (4) of the Dublin Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: ;\. ~;~;::~:~~~~~~;.:;~~~~~iiiiii.~~~rs 91 ~ 1 (8-7.5)) SECTION 6. ''"Dlis ordinance will be effective on the effective date of the Public Facilities Fee, as adopted by Resolution No, SECTION 7. The CiLy Clerk of the CiLy of DuuIin shall cause lhis ordinance to be published or to be posted in at least three (3) public places in City in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code of the State of California. . PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Dublin on this _ day of , 1996, by vote as follows: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK EHS:lja ]:\WPO\MNRSW\II4\ORD\9-28-040.RDL .