HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.3 AlaCntyCMA Budget I~/.. ;~,",,:4; CITY CLERK Fil~ # (ZEJW-r9lIa AGENDA STATEMENT i~ CITY COUNCIL .MEETING DATE: APril~996 . SUBJECT: Alameda County Congestion ManagetnentAgeJ!1CY (CMA) Budget and Activities ' Report Prepared by: Richard C. AmbrMe,City Manager , "~' . 1) 2) Letter to Gus Morrison, Chai.rrtuu1 orCMA Board CMA Responsibility EXHIBITS ATTACHED: RECOMMENDATION: IJ . ~,/ A~orize Mayor. to sign and send attached 1_ to GusMorrison, \'V... Chainnanofthe OMA,Board FINANCIAL STATEMENT: City of Dublin is asked :to providefuA~g for Fiscal Year 1996-97 to pay Dublin's share of the 'CMABud&et.This amount is $7,234. . DESCRIPTION: In June 1990, Votel'S:approvedPropositions 108 and lUwhich increased funding for California's transportation system by approDna'tely $18.5:.bipion over the next ten years. Approval of Proposition 111 increased the City's old gas,taJc revenues bI:'api>roxim8.tely 30%. These funds are to be used for street and highway improvementsarid,uutintenan~ and also for the related aclministlJtion costs. To receive these funds, a CongestienManagernent Agency (CMA) was established. Th~,~MA ismj)onsible for developing the programs and protBdwes that meet,the,requirements of the legislation. ::this includes developing a Congestion Management Program (CMP). Please see Exhibit 2 fOr CMA responsibility. " The Alameda County (CMA) was originally formed by Alameda County and the. cities in Alameda County as a mandate to Proposition 111. One of the responsibilities of the congesiion.mllnagement agency is to monitor congestion on major. transportation routes.. If congestion ~hed. an unacceptable Level of Service, the affected jurisdictions are required to prepare a plan to mitigate the . congested routes or relieve area..widecongestion. In the Tri.. Valley area of Al8l11eda County, thefteeway system was adopted as the CMA routes to be monitored. The CMAisnotresponsiblefor 9~ons or proposing mitigation plan if the route is congested but requires the local agency to do the nrltigatiQIl. It has come to. Staff's attention that the CMA has recently become active in'areas which Staff believes to be beyond the CMA's original charge as determined by legislation, and .the CMA,is not following its established policies. g:forml\agenmisc\info~m. .... .::~, . . ....1 ,., " "..;rj'.;J:~;::7~~1'r:~ 'fhese areas include investigating a County.. Wide Regional Traffic Impact F~ without~:~ing:JrlJ;~4\.,.,., member ageaci~s if they would'support a regio~tn.tffic impact fee, proposing to useIST&.fmonies" gpaqmt~~ toretum to,eacll,:9f~Jour COlmtyptltmingareas to fund a regional project, SIldtaking ort the study of ttaftlc ~ongesuon:~,iieewa:y 'at the ~Uest ora citizeri. . ' :,'.... ",,-...;.,.:....... .". ,:,.. ., , The CMAn:cerit1Y'hU'eda ~ultan4~;IIaU.dlf~ AsSOciates,to investigate the viability of establishingaCcn.R1tY;.Wi~Traflic ImpactF~. ,:Pattiofthe scOpe of the consultant's work was for tile consultant tQ eo:otaeteaebjurisdictiontode_fuethe le~l of intereSt ht an Alameda County Re8iP~ . Traffio~;Pee.; It :w&st'ound thatthe!jUri~m_'did notWQJ1t to beilWolved in such a regiOnal tee. ' . ' It would ~;lJeenltltlre,:8J'Pn?P~t'or .UteG~st81fto survey th~jurl$dictions before hiring a ' .' cOnsultant,;~ial1~8s__j~iCtioJiS'~ nointorestin.. COUnty..Wide Traffic Impact Fee ,trom "the beg~;i:~t)ublinhasaWati'.a40_. ~'.t fee fotnew deve10pmentin Eastern DUbIm ,'I' ' and.is wGIkiitt,withthe,othercides,.,Itt~TIi.N:elleyareato adopt a.Regional Transpo~ Fee. ," " )",.' J ,",., \:0 ,:: ~'A For'CMAptirpo~$"Mame&t'CO~ty'is,di~~;;intoJb9f'P]anning~. The Tri-Valley,~()fwhich " Dublin is~' i$:'iIiPl~g Area 4.ISTEAMtdinl>isdBtrlbuted from the State through the. ". MPiw'moHlan ~;.~ .'., ,Commissi n"'~lito tht;C,,~i ' aricUbtoeac;b 'urisdiction. Each " . : " -.........J!'. .." $;ii~pvu_...<m , Q \,J.VJ.t""'J, ' "",,"~. en ,J , . 1.:':;niti:O:_~MItt~dt<fuudi ' 't.r.'li-+..~~)Oit~~.~titi :,' . ofthe.16~"";~ ~ which., A' p-~~ .. ,~..~~. Dg JtO,,"'f,"'- ", , Jo'Uj#W#. Mp~ '. '. . 'monics ~";_hPJAR'liot";"",,,;}~,,_ haS ,proposed 'to take some "~" fundmg:., ' . tmme~ptaunmgareaaqd uqnittc:kHiIhWay!l3,'betWeen 1-580 and I..8S0 as a regional project. , : '" ' \ ; ,..,. ." .', , ,.~. '" ,; '..;. '.'\1.\ : " , ':, ' ' . T6:~'~,nJ~iJ18>~'.~"i~~.regiotlalptO.*tShbtUdnotbea11owed because: Ijitisp*~dl". .' · 'settmg;~J~::~~,i$,~Qt'~~~~"1d1otth~.regiona1 func$na'needs; and2)..if~, ,"'.. ':regionaJ~'oeds'~':be'~,~ tlie"pVbJJc and,'polioy.lnaJ,cerS apPro~the ~prOj~.: wou1dbea~:~datetoheft~w:t"t)fjhe,~'ot1he MeaSureB ro . An ~.,,,,,,_ .', 'ec::f' . ',. ".Y~", . ,,' , r-~\. U," '.'. " . .' " P ,gram , Y ......IJl'R&U~" ,'. thatbringS:~''':CO~UJ)ities'~:~~,~:gteater dlmceofbeing ~roved~the votel-s ..' '. henth~.'~n_~_ ,','" .,' " ' ' . . :~':",~*~~:'~,_by~~CoWHnl~~dlc ..' .'dl th.ori~ StaB'~dS_"C41 Council . theletterd iffj .ai' . .' ". a~~j~1~_aUd -':~;_:~i~~:V;~:,CMABO::a:q,~.,i;:;;J;,'::r":' "J,.:;;,. . ,I .~, ., ., ~ , " , .".1" ,I,. "" ~.~ .', -~, ' ,!..",~r". , ~',. " ",: ". ~"" , " ,~. I' , "';\-.\.' ,:, .r.,' " /". " ..i . ; , .. " . ;. X. :- I- .", ) (,".,., ,",.' ">\ :;;.' ",;,'" ,:' . ".,:~ ':d~. ;.'::.." . .1 i. ,J._ .. .\' . .~: , '\\ .\, . . . DRAFT April 18, 1996 Mr. Gus Morrison, Chairman of the Board Alameda County Congestion Management Agency 1333 Broadway, Suite 220 Oakland, CA 94612 SUBJECT: Mr. Chairman: The City of Dublin has a concern that the CMA is expanding its scope of work to areas outside those that the CMA was originally charged to perform. The following are our concerns: 1) The City of Dublin was recently contacted by a consultant, Recht Hausarth & Associates, who had been hired by the Alameda County Congestion Management Agency (CMA). The purpose of the call was to determine the City's interest in participating in an Alameda County Regional Traffic Impact Fee and, if the City concurred with the Fee, how the money would be used. The City of Dublin, along with most of the other jurisdictions in the CMA, was not interested in a County-Wide Traffic Impact Fee. In the interest of prudent use of taxpayers' dollars, and as the City of Dublin participates in financing the CMA, it is the City's belief that CMA staff could have performed the interest portion of this survey at no additional cost to local jurisdictions and eliminated the rest of the study. Dublin has already adopted a regional impact fee for new development in Eastern Dublin and is working with the other cities in the Tri-Valley area to adopt a Regional Transportation Fee. 2) The CMA has a policy to distribute a portion of the ISTEA funding based on the existing population of each planning area. It appears that the CMA would like to change the formula for distributing funds by shifting funding from one planning area to another. For example, it has been proposed that the improvement to State Route 238, between 1-580 and 1-880, be funded by reducing a portion of the "guaranteed" ISTEA funds from each of the Planning Areas. Because of the shortage of Federal and State funding, it would seem more advisable that this type of project be included as part of the extension of the Measure B program. This project is highly visible and would have high voter appeal. If the CMA Board is interested in revisiting the funding distribution issue, the City of Dublin is suggesting that the distribution of funds to each planning area be based on existing and future population. ~...,.......!~ ~ ~ i' ". :' ". - ,.... ~.t""'..:': I ~ ',.',;, ~:<\o,;"; k... '''.J" ~ U Thank you for your consideration on this matter. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact my office. Sincerely, Guy Houston Mayor cc: Dennis Fay, CMA g:\agenmisc\cmaltr . . . "CMA RESPONSIBILITY" . The Congestion Management Agency is responsible for developing the programs and procedures that meet the requirements of the legislation. This includes developing a Congestion Management Program (CMP). The following major elements are required for the development of the CMP: 1. Designate a transportation network system and Level of Service (LOS) standard and monitor it. For Alameda County, this system is proposed to be the State Highway System, plus arterial streets carrying a minimum of 30,000 vehicles per day. In the Tri-Valley area, this system is limited to the State Highway. The LOS has been designated at "E". lfthe LOS reaches an unacceptable LOS, affected jurisdiction or jurisdictions are responsible to mitigate the congestion or improve area-wide LOS and air quality. 2. A transit standards element. The standards include frequency and routing of public transit and transit mitigations in EIR's. 3. A Transportation Demand Management (TDM) element (Trip Reduction Ordinances). Cities should promote the use of alternatives to the single-occupant private automobile through requirements for Trip Reduction Ordinances. 4. A program for analyzing the impacts of the land use decisions. General Plan Amendments, which would generate 100 or more peak hour trips, would be required to be run on the regional traffic model. . 5. A seven-year Capital Improvement Program (CIP). Cities shall submit CIP projects to the CMA. This CIP would include projects on the CMP System, plus other highway, transit and local projects affecting the CMP network. 6. Establish a computerized travel model for estimating future transportation needs. The new County model and Tri- Valley models meet this requirement. 7. Establish Congestion Management Agency (CMA). The CMA in Alameda County has been established and is made up of one elected official per city and one elected official for Alameda County, BART and AC Transit. . r~~.'- :: F" i.'. ... -: i ~~ ~".t z i , ! l,' , r t- i. 10, "0._', ........,,"'- ,...., .... ii>