HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.1 Budget Study Session 2007/2008 CITY CLERK File # D[2]~[Z2]-[Z][lJJ >< 6?OO-3[) AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 28, 2007 SUBJECT: ATTACHMENTS: REC OMMENDATI 04' FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Fiscal Year 2007 / 2008 Budget Study Session Report Prepared by Richard C. Ambrose, City Manager 1. Background General Fund Financial Trends Informational Charts lA -IE Analysis of Anticipated Impacts on City General Fund In 2007/2008 Historical Expenditure Comparison Summary of2006 ~ 2011 Capital Improvement Program By Program Area Resolution No. 80-93 (Policy for Management & Use of General Fund Assets) Community Group/Organizational Funding Application Packet 6a. Application Community Groups Grant Applications Budget Issues Worksheet 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. Receive Staff Report. Receive Presentations from Community Groups and Organizations requesting funding. Review Budget Issues Worksheet and provide Staff with direction on each of the issues identified in the Worksheet. 3. See attached. DESCRIPTION: The City's Annual Budget Study Session provides the City Council with an opportunity to: . Identify those programs and services the Council would like Staff to analyze as part of the development of the City's Annual Operating Budget. · Identify those Projects that the Council would like to see presented as part of the development of a new Five Year Capital Improvement Program, which will be presented with the Budget. · Receive early information regarding those items that may have a significant impact (positive or negative) on the City's expenditures and revenues in Fiscal Year 2007/2008. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COpy TO: 2007-2008 Community Group Funding Applicants w/o Attach. Page 1 of5 g. J ITEM NO. H:\Budget\Goals & Objectives\2007 Agenda Budget Study Session\agenda strnntBudget Study 3_28_07.doc ~~ . Have early input on the budget process reducing the potential for last minute budget issues for which there would be insufficient time to evaluate. . Receive presentations from Community Groups which are requesting consideration for funding as part of the City's 2007/2008 Budget. Historical Financial Overview / Trends In order to prepare for the upcoming budget it is relevant to consider financial trends. Staff will provide an overview of key trends associated with the General Fund Revenues and Expenditures. The City has benefited from the economic growth in the region. However, current trends identify that Revenues and Expenditures in the General Fund are approaching a point where the general operating costs are covered by revenues, reducing excess revenue available for capital projects. Staff will review the Charts included in Attachment 1. Preliminarv Proiection of Issues Faced in Fiscal Year 200712008 In Attachment, 2 Staff have identified some of the conditions which are expected to impact the financing of programs and services in Fiscal Year 200712008. It should be noted that this list has been prepared based on information available today, which is subject to change. As the preliminary budget and financial plan is developed, Staff will continue to incorporate the impact of any significant changes. Community Group Presentations The City Council directed Staff at the June 20, 2005 City Council meeting to prepare a report discussing alternatives for the establishment of guidelines and criteria for considering Community Group funding requests. At this meeting the City Council had expressed a desire to have more structure in the Community Group Funding process, including establishment of criteria for funding, and establishing a funding cap. At the January 17, 2006 City Council meeting, City Council approved the implementation of a new Community Group/Organization funding process that would be part of the Fiscal Year 200712008 Budget process. One of the key changes of the Community Group/Organizational Funding process was the approval of a new funding application packet and application (Attachments 6 and 6a). The intent of the new application packet and application was to: 1) improve fund recipient accountability; 2) standardize recipient reporting; 3) ensure that the application and reporting requirements are not so cumbersome that potential applicants could be discouraged from submitting requests. Groups would be required to make a mandatory presentation to the City Council at the Goals & Objective and Budget Study Session detailing the services they provide to the Community and how the additional funding from the City would further assist them in serving and benefiting Dublin residents and businesses. This new Community Group/Organizational Funding process would create further equity among those receiving funds by requiring that all organizations receiving funding submit uniform reports demonstrating how funds have been used, and how the funding has had a positive impact on our community. Although a similar application and instruction manual has been used by neighboring Cities for many years, the City Council directed that this new process be reviewed and evaluated by participating Community Groups after the first year to determine if there should be any modifications to the process or application packet to further improve the process. The City Council also established a maximum request per project of $25,000 and a funding cap of $120,000 (based on the average of Community Funding approved by the City for Fiscal Years 02/03, 03/04, 04/05 and 05/06) for the Fiscal 2007/2008 Budget process. One of the elements that was emphasized by the City Council was to complete the necessary outreach and education to our previously funded community groups. Page 2 of5 ,. Outreach Efforts There were many points of contact as part of the new application process and those outreach and education efforts are listed below: I. The January 17, 2006 City Council Staff Report on Alternatives for Community Group/Organizational Fund Report was sent to all the funding recipients in the past four (4) Fiscal Years of 2002/2003, 2003/2004, 2004/2005, and 2005/2006. II. On October 12, 2006, a letter was sent to all recipients that applied for funding over the past five (5) fiscal years of 2002/2003, 2003/2004, 2004/2005, 2005/2006, and 2006/2007 which invited them to a meeting on November 1, 2006 to go over the new application process. There were only two community groups that were in attendance at this meeting. III. December 14, 2006, letters and application packets were sent out to all recipients with an application deadline of Monday, January 29, 2007, at 5:00 p.m. and the timeframe for the Mandatory City Council Presentation during the week of March 26,2007. IV. E-mail and a hard copy of a letter dated January 26, 2007 was sent to extend the application submittal deadline to Monday, February 5,2007 at 5:00 p.m. because of typo on page 7 of the packet. The incorrect Fiscal Year had been sent out to all recipients on this one page. Since this was the inaugural year for this new process Staff felt that it was the most equitable to extend the submittal date by one full week. V. E-mail and a hard copy of a letter were sent on March 9, 2007 inviting all applicants to attend the Mandatory Budget Session on Wednesday, March 28, 2007 starting at 6:00 p.m. Each of the organization presentations were to be limited to five (5) minutes and would address: The success or impact of any past City funding received by your organization. Past organizational challenges. The need for this specific funding. The number of Dublin residents that would be served/impacted. Applications Received On February 5,2007 at 5:00 p.m. the City had received 11 applications: Chabot-Las Positas Community College District (Tri-Valley One-Stop Career Center) Child Care Link Dublin Fine Arts Foundation Dublin High School (Drug Substance Abuse Council) Dublin Partners in Education Pacific Chamber Symphony Tri- Valley Business Council Community Resources for Independent Living (CRIL) Dublin High School Alumni Association Page 3 of5 Dublin Unified School District Tri-Valley Housing Opportunity Center The City also received an application at 5 :09 p.m. from Teen Esteem. In reviewing the applications, Staff came up with the initial findings based on the checklist of requirements (Attached at the front of each of the groups funding request is the Staffs review of the checklist of requirements located in attachments a-I) that were part of the new application process and that the following applications were deemed complete: Child Care Links Community Resources for Independent Living (CRIL) Dublin High School (Substance Abuse Council) Dublin Unified School District Pacific Chamber of Symphony Tri -Valley Housing Opportunity Center Tri -Valley Business Council The remaining applicants deviated slightly from this new application process but were not material in nature (examples of those missing elements were one copy ofthe application; signature pages missing; materials presented in different format; and insurance certificates were not included with the initial submittal). Staff felt that since this was a new process for the community that all the applicants should move forward to the next step of the process, the Mandatory presentation to the City Council at the Wednesday, March 28,2007 Budget Study Session. The purpose of the Community Group/Organizational Funding process is to enable the City Council to determine if a funding request should be preliminarily included as a higher service level in the 200712008 Preliminary Budget. Staff anticipates only including the funding requests if the City Council indicates its desire to see the item identified in a higher service level. A chart has been included in Attachment 8 which identifies the amount of funding the City allocated for each Community Group in the current year and the amount requested for 2007/2008. The form also includes a space for indicating whether the group's entire request or a portion of its request should be preliminarily included as a higher service level for 200712008. Identification of Operatim! Bud2et and Capital Proiect Issues For Further Evaluation Operating Budget Staff has provided the City Council with a Budget Issues Worksheet (see Attachment 8) for Fiscal Year 2007-2008. The purpose of this worksheet is to assist the City Council in establishing a policy framework for preparation of the Preliminary Budget. It also provides the City Council with an opportunity to identify new services or projects, which Staff can analyze as part of the Preliminary 2007-2008 Budget. The City Council can also use this form to indicate whether further evaluation of a community group's request is needed, by placing the group's request in a higher service level. Capital Projects Similar to the Operating Budget Issues, the form has a section related to identifying Capital Projects which either may not be in the current CIP, or where the phasing or timing of the project is of interest to the City Council. The purpose is to identify areas which can be further evaluated to provide recommended options in the new Capital Improvement Plan. Page 4 of5 The Study Session will be most productive if prior to the meeting the individual Councilmembers: . Review the Fiscal Year 2006/2007 Preliminary Budget · Review the 2006/2007 Update to the 2006-2011 Capital Improvement Program · Complete the Budget Issues Worksheet and bring the completed Budget Issues Worksheet to the Council meeting for purpose of discussion. 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J: -::t () 0 ~ I C") 0 ~ 0 c: N 0 .;;; <f) Q) (/) >- "0 :3 Ci5 a3 Cl "0 :3 CO t1l "0 c: Q) C") Cl c{ 0 r-- I 0 N 0 0 !)l 0 <f) N Q) > 13 Q) E 0 ell <f) Iii 0 (9 :;::; Q) Cl "0 :3 gl :i: ANALYSIS OF ANTICIPATED FUTURE IMPACTS ON THE FISCAL YEAR 2007-2008 BUDGET Staff has identified a number of items that could potentially impact the City's Budget for Fiscal Year 2007- 2008. The information presented below is preliminary and is based upon the data available at this time. REVENUES Staff anticipates there could be the following positive and negative impacts on the City's revenue for the upcoming Fiscal Year: 1. Impact of State Local Government Financing Overall, the proposals in the Governors Budget look relatively positive for local government, however there continues to be a state budget deficit that will need to be resolved. In the coming months the State will be preparing details of the 200712008 budget. Much of the focus on next years State Budget will be on the distribution of capital bond monies generated as a result of voter approval of Proposition lB. State government will be faced in the coming years with the need to assess outstanding liabilities for post employment benefits such as retiree medical insurance, that have been funded on a pay-as-you- go basis. A Commission has been appointed by the Governor and the Legislature to study this issue. However, their report is not expected until the end of2006. Staff will continue to provide updates as more information becomes available. 2. Property Tax - At this time, Staff anticipates modest growth in the City's property tax as a result of projects that are already in process and will result in additional assessed valuation for the upcoming Fiscal Year. For the past four years the net taxable assessed value increases have been in excess of 13 percent. With the slow down in new construction the 200712008 growth rate is projected to be much less. Based on very preliminary assessment information the change next year is expected to be significantly less. To date the Assessors Office has calculated changes totaling approximately 8.5 percent. Last year at the same time, the Assessor had already processed changes totaling 13 percent and the final 2006/07 tax roll change was 16.7%. 3. Building Permit Fees - In Fiscal year 2007-2008, the City expects to see a continued decline in permits issued for both residential and non-residential development. The current projections show the following trend between Residential and Non-Residential permits: PRELIMINARY PROJECTIONS OF BUILDING PERMIT ACTIVITIES 200612007 Estimate 200712008 Projection 296,257 sq. feet Non-Residential Sq. Ft Permitted (Excludes Parking Garage Structures) Residential Units Multi- family Single Family TOTAL 317,603 sq. feet 839 ~ 859 606 90 696 H:\Budget\Goals & Objectives\2007 Agenda Budget Study Session\A TTACH 2 Juture Impacts 07-08.doc ATTACHMENT 2 Page 1 of3 Construction of the following private development projects are expected to begin in 200712008: · 6300 Clark Avenue - Venture Office Project · Tralee Commercial · Quarry Lane School . Lowes With the decline in new projects, Staff is anticipating a reduction in Building Permit Fees in Fiscal Year 2007-2008, without the same corresponding decrease in Building Inspection staffing. With Building and Safety activities it is not uncommon to have permit fees collected in one year and the actual inspection costs and activities spread over more than one year. 4. Sales Tax - At this time there are relatively few new large scale retail developments that will have a significant impact on sales tax revenue in 2007 / 2008. Sales tax also has a lag between the reporting period and when the taxes were collected. Staff is currently awaiting data for the fourth quarter of 2006, which typically is the largest quarter for retail transactions. The opportunity for sales tax revenue growth is expected to be largely impacted by general inflationary changes in the retail climate. A full year of sales is expected from the new GM Dealerships (Hummer / Saturn / Saab) and the new Dublin Honda location. There will also be a full year of new sales from the Ulferts Center. Both the Ulferts Center and new GM Dealerships are subject to tax sharing under the cost sharing agreement with Alameda County. The City receives a reduction in property tax equal to 35 percent of the sales tax generated. Due to the delay in tax reporting those impacts will impact fiscal years after June 30, 2008. As the budget is developed Staff will have more current data on which to base a more definitive projection of sales tax revenue for 2007-2008. EXPENDITURES Staff has identified a number of items that are anticipated to have an impact on the City's budget for Fiscal Year 2007-2008. This analysis does not include inflationary increases associated with materials, supplies, equipment or increased costs associated with salaries and benefits for City employees. 1. Demand for Services - The City's Operating Departments are currently evaluating whether the City's increasing population will require expansion of services to keep pace with the growth for Fiscal Year 2007-2008. 2. Maintenance - In Fiscal Year 2007-2008, it is anticipated that the City will encounter additional facilities primarily in the following areas: parks (full year operation ofthe Dougherty Hills Dog Park and partial year maintenance on the Neighborhood Square and Park adjacent to the Toll Brothers developments;; and signal and street maintenance costs, associated with new infrastructure that is being completed in Fiscal Year 2007-2008. H:\Budget\Goals & Objectives\2007 Agenda Budget Study Session\A TT ACH 2]uture Impacts 07-08.doc ATTACHMENT 2 Page 2 of3 3. Police and Fire Contract Costs - Staff anticipates increases in police and fire contract service costs for Fiscal Year 2007-2008. Most of the increase is attributable to salary and benefit and insurance costs. The City will be working with the County to review it's projections and the results of changes to their collective bargaining agreements in more depth. 4. City Facility Needs - The City is in the process of concluding a space needs report, which also projects staffing requirements in the future. This will not only have an impact on operating costs, but will also impact the need to address the phasing which will require the provision of temporary office space. H:\Budget\Goals & Objectives\2007 Agenda Budget Study Session\ATTACH 2]uture Impacts 07-08.doc ATTACHMENT 2 Page 3 of3 HISTORICAL COMPARISON OF EXPENDITURES BY PROGRAM GENERAL GOVERNMENT Citlj Counoil Cit)' Manager/Clerk Central Services Legal Servioes Administrative Sap/ioas Building Management Insurance Elections Non- Departmental TOTAL-General Government PUBUC SAFETY Polios Services Crossing Guards Animal Control Traffic Signal&: Stroot lighting Disaster Preparedness Fire TOTAL-Public Safety TRANSPORT A TION Public Works Administration Sireet Maintenance Street SVi'eeping S1met Tree Maintenance Street Landsc ape Mai ntenanoe TOT AL- Transportation HEALTH &. WELFARE Waste .iltanagement Child Care Social Services Housing Programs TOTAL-Health.& Welfare CULTURE &: LEISURE SERVICES Libra!'/ Selvice Heritage &: Cultural Arts Park Maintenance Community Cable TV Parks &: Community SeNial!> Parks &: Faoilities Manaaement TOTAL-Culture .& Leisure Services COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Comm Dev (Planning &: Slag/Safety) Engineering Economic Development TOTAL-Community Development TOTAL OPERATING BUDGET ACTUAL 2004-2005 $ 224,070 919,977 362,245 667,700 1 ,433,877 668,646 508,448 12,265 68.155 $ 4,865,383 $ 9,943,795 71,407 208.370 413,297 68,023 3.5113.898 $19,223,790 $ 725,1:4 2&3,300 140,784 117,662 1.000A15 $ 2,272,315 $ 1,455,440 15,000 44,927 219A20 $ 1,734,787 $ 577,734 291,316 1,450,.064 61,809 2,734,281 261.929 $ 5,377,133 $ 4,.814,407 2,317,831 272.3BO $ 7,404,618 BUDGET 2005-2006 $300..704 997,923 545,720 BG3,~2rJ2 1,648,603 734,657 422,038 Vl90 B7,712 $ 5,.603,449 $ 11,4B1,292 B2.140 208,898 531,410 74,721 9,237.869 $ 21,616,330 $ 1310,992 360,78B 150,67.0 133,661 L098.727 $ 2,552,838 $ 1,B? 4.906 15.000 60,427 903.030 $ 2,853,363 $ 628,271 438,992 1,712,065 66,407 3,240,409 308,494 $ 6,394,63B $ 5,900,668 2,213.105 355.628 $ 8,4690401 CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL ESTlfvlATED BUDGET 2005-20062006-2007 $ 234,605 950,427 437,668 876,785 1,594.520 739,008 385.650 2,446 8,867 $ 5,1)29,976 $ to,932,639 81. 189 212,125 488,403 64,909 9.207,616 $20,986,881 $ 1300,515 411,226 138,000 132,186 1.096,089 $ 2,577,9912, $ 1,829,482 15,000 60.427 323,393 $ 2,2213,302 $ 627,944 435,294 1,561,271 64.921 3,209.827 305,275 $ 6,204,532 $ 5,152.667 2,381,320 298.075 $ 7,832,062 $ 298,.156 1 ,026,.039 453,571 759,895 1,686,961 762,909 443,659 21,815 114,300 $ 5,567.305 $ 11,943,107 8.~;511 255,100 601,237 132,784 9,530,586 $ 22,501 ,325 $ 837,901 412,734 145,400 134,702 1.,210.780 $ 2.,741,517 $ 1,552,978 15,000 71.804 804.070 $ 2,443,1352 $ 686,208 493,186 1,811,174 67.,591 3,430,289 326.214 $ 6,814,662 $ 5,818,520 2,234,948 227.742 $ 8.2131,210 $40,8711026 $ 47,400,019 $44,1359.749 $ 48.349..871 Page 1 of2 HIGHER SERVICE LEVELS 2006-2007 $ 60.000 19,904 42.750 22,000 $ 144,654 $ 332,541 20.346 $ 352,8137 $ 139.889 $ 139.,8139 $ $ :36,000 $ 3,500 $ 39,500 $ $ 144,434 $ 1,733 8,682 if; 1 54,849 $ $ 30.7,160 $ 35.,000 $ 342,160 $ $1.113,939 $ RECOMMENDED 2006-2007 $ 3513,156 1,045,943 45:3:571 802,645 1,708,961 762,90.9 443,659 21,815 114.30.0 5,711.959 $ $ 12,.275,648 B8,511 255.100 601,237 103,1i30 9,530.586 22,854,.212 $ $ 977 ,790 412,734 145,40.0 134,70.2 1,210.780 2,.881 ,406 1,5B8,978 113,50.0 71 ,1304 804.1'170 2,483,352 1330,642 494,919 1,811,174 67,591 3:438,971 326,214 6,969,511 6,125,680 2,234,948 262.742 8,623,370 49.523.810 ATTACHMENT 3 HISTORICAL COMPARISON OF EXPENDITURES BY PROGRAM GAP1TAlIMPROVEMENT BUDGET General Communit'llmpro'lsments Parks Streets TOTAl.Capitallmprovements DlJ8LIN INFORMATION INC BUDGET Total Dubiln Information Inc. $ ACTUA l 2004-.20(15 $ 1.258.792 454,.731 9,237,424 2.B2fl616 $13,779,563 BUDGET 2005-2006 $ 1,459,456 888,975 13,060.220 39.584,868 $ 54,993.519 o $ HiGHER SERVICE lEVELS 2006~2007 CURHENT SERVICE lEVEL ESTH.,.IATED BUDGET 2005-2006 2006-2007 $ 760,116 755,978 10,.572,806 6.126,971 $18,215,871 I) $ RECOMMENDED 2I)06~20lJ7 $ 1,194,030 $ 21B 125 4,660,453 37,579.593 43,652211 $ 20 $ 0 $ 1,194,030 213,125 4,660,453 37.579.598 I) $ 43,652,211 I) $ 20 I) $ 1,155,9813 $ I) $ INTERNAL SERVICE FUND BUDGET TotallnternaJ Sefvice Fund $ 424,174 $ 1,179,837 $ 719.223 $ U55,988 $ TOTAL EXPENDITURES- All FUNDS less Dublin Information Inc. less Internal Seri/ice Fund Expenses NET TOTAL EXPENDITURES ALL FUNDS $ 55 ,OB 1 ,763 $ 103,663,375 $63,794,843 $ 93,1.58,090 $1,173,939 $ 94,332,029 $> I) $ 0 \424,174) (1.179,8:37) $> I) (719,223) $ (20) $ n ,155.9881 I) (20) (1.155,9813) $ $54,657,589 $102,483,538 $63,075,620 $ 92,002,082 $1,173,939 $ 93,176,.021 Page 2 of2 ATTACHMENT 3 SUMMARY 2006-2011 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM.. GENERAL PROJ~CT NUMBER ANI) NAM~ 99135 Neo Studio h'.;.modgl 99150 NGtJiork Sys!00l Upgra,j; [13192 Geographic Inf'jrmation Syst~l11 93:200 Building Peormit 5) s1eom 93320 Telocommunb.1tlons Plan @3402 M2!intooancG Faeilit.v Study 93450 CMe Center Ul::rary 93900 Building Manage-mer1/: Study 93@10 Ct..de O€ln1er M.xlificatlml De-$~n S9lvlees & C.:)nstruclion [13933 Civic Center GSf1?rato r @3@70 .Automated Document stor~e & Retrieval SystOOl 94500 Public FacHny Fee: Study Utxiate 9tl191 ,o!l,Izcc,untlnJ Syet~l11 99@1! ADA Translti9n Plan 93:2123 CMc GentJH Wlndwi S€la.ling @34132 Inspector T raile-rs 93451 Ubra.l"y He(C,airs TOTAL COST FINANCING General Fund (001) Criminal Activity Furl:! (.200:1 Public Facility ImJ:<'lGt Fgg. (3101 TOTAL FlNA NCING TOTAts: PRtoo ~ $ 435,22:3 $ 97.223 357,766 297 ,766 :;&30,11 7 234.[117 252,0((1 163,001 13,591 35,000 18.,559,497 17,218,8.52 175,or)) 4,373,022 2,204,9,98 334 ,055 119,237 41,446 355 ,(li:JJ 110,O(() 54 ,1 C:(! 153,821) :33,3(:(! 38,770 1 04,237 34,236 20(JiS'::200'l" 2007.2~oa ~ 349,000 60,000 35,200 252 000 $ 1 ::1).000 35,000 175.000 5,500 15;13,098 2008-20Cti) $ 30,000 200~2i:)10 $ 30,000 2010-2011 $ 1,340,645 20,000 15,000 7,210 00 J)1)O 00,000 54,100 83,720 :?<3,300 275,000 2:1;(100 ';(l, 1 00 1,'fl69,4:36 20,((10 $2'5,.$.$2,.1134 :$ 2i:),234.,j.70 $1.1~4.030 :$ 72&,lge $2,314,721 $ 9,703,449 $ 7,290,209 $ 1,181 ,320 $ ~~5~:1 00 $ 345,2.95 $ 17,266 17,266 16,161 ,44@ 12,927,0'215 12,710 1'~~ 098 1,9159,4136 $ 25,$.$2, 164 $ 20..234.570 $ 1,194,030 :$ 728,19Q $ 2,314,721 $ Page 1 of6 20,000 $ 50.000 $ 1,300.645 50,000 $ SOl ,535 1,059,110 50,000 $ 1,300,645 ATTACHMENT 4 SUMMARY:200&.2011 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM - COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS PRIOR YEARS 2006.2007 2007~~ 200&.2<10.9 200~2J01IfJ 2J01tJ..2011 PROJECT NUr.tIBER AND t4AL.E TOTALS 94052 Iron Hors13 Trail - Vol iI ctflower Planting 94250 Sidiilw'aJk Safety' R13pair PrclIgram 94252 Bus S~lelter$ 94801 San Ramon Rood Concrete s.ound \'i/aJIMainterla.nce NiA San Ramon RC'<ld Landscape Renovation N;'A San Ramon Rced Wooden Sound Wall MaintElnanc€! N(A Grry Entrance Sign Modifications 94942 Seasonal Street &1nners TOTAL COST $ 72,864 $ 874,1137 206,800 70,135 143.745 47,075 97,520 84,623 $1,.046,429 $ $ 22.607 $ 113,367 65,200 $ 30,500 $ 22,607 65,200 65,200 $ 60,200 27.1 f.o 65,200 116,100 70,135 143.745 47,075 97,520 34,1323 143,250$ 218,1125 $ 309,127 $ 222.920 $ 137,801 $ 65,200 FINANCING GenernJ Fund (00t) Community' Dgyelopment Bleck Grant (209;1 TOTAL FltlANCING $ 1,028,848 $ 143.250 $ 200.544 $ 309.127 $ 222,920 $ 87,807 $ 65,200 17,581 17,581 $ 1,()46,429 $: 143,250 $: 218,.1125 $ 309,127 $ 222,9:20 $: 87,1307 $ 65,200 SUMMARY 2006-2011 CAPITAllMPROYEMEHTPROGRAM . COMMUNITY IMPROYE..MENTS PROJECTS UNFUNDED DURING THE FIVE YE.AR TIME FRAME ESTIMATED COST PROJECT NUMBER AND NAP.tE 9425.2 Bus Shelters :}; 1<20,300 :}; 1: 20, 300 TOTALS ATTACHMENT 4 Page 2 of6 SUM'.tARY 2000.2011 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM. PARKS PROJECT NUMBER AND NAME ';15465 Shanmn Community Center R;,;;construction 95555 Dublin Historic Park 95600 Emerald (11;,;;n Park 95802 Emi'lrald Glen Park Rocf'i?ation and Aquatic Cf)rnplex 95625 Dougherty Hills Parl<. DQd Park 95831 Park Furni1ure Replacement 95635 Piuk Play Area Renovations 95840 Dublin Ranch Ne~hl:mfl1cl;)d Parks 95830 Dublin Sports Grounds Renovation 1;)5851 Fallon SIXII'ts Pwk NiA Schoofer Ranch Ne~hbor11cl;)d Park f~521 0 Stags.coach Park Assessrne.nt District.W ater Meter 95C'i10 CommunITy Needs Assessment TOTAL COST FINANCING Glilnl?lal Fund (001) Gomrnu nity ~velopment Block Grant (209) State Park Bond Act (213) Measure D Fund (224) Traffic Impact Foo Fw'f!! (300) Publh; Facility Impact Fee (210) Pw"kOedication In.Lieu FUI'f!! (315) TOTAL FINANC1NG TOTALS :$ 10.,11.2,240 :$ 161,131 17,454 ,298 16.164.985 500 ,6ag 2413 ,400 576.742 4,806,900 1,7:2.9,012 19,322,000 3,827.,870 00,025 62,0((1 $ 75,159,.453 :$ 7.62;l.98.Q 06.713 701,Cm 31,9,100 200 ,9OCI E/J,101,311 7,061 ,364 $ 75,159,.4153 PRIOR ~ 568,900 $ 1 41.336 17,454,29e. 67,954 53,099 57.995 363.732 1.525.88.6 1.670.762 5,601,202 2006-20,07 2.484,222 $ 19,795 102,500 .543,.540 79,974 12.4,550 924,972 57,250 214,28.0 50,025 2Ci07.200B 7.061,119 004,368 $ 55. BOO 79.4130 1.519,539 l.i320,.8.27 20CiB-2fJOQ 2000-2010 20:10-2011 52,000 818,389 $ 6,799,534 $7.772.190 006,750 7,196.W4 1.234.470 4,600.533 1.816,940 77 6.460 49,600 12,400 $ 27,1503,114 $ 4,660,458. $ 10.,9.52,.511 :$10,1!S,713 :$ 13..30t>..o.07 $ 13,548,650: $ 1,:360,996 $ 3.204.432 $ 3.084..511 56.713 101,037 129.715 290,900 17 ,959.1 02 7 ))61 ,364 $ 27..503,114 79.874 1.319.439 $ 52, roo 10,135,913 $ 13,30€U)07 $ B,S4B,6E,0 $ 4,660,458 $ 1UI'52..511 $ 10,18$.,.713 $ 13,306,.0.07 $13,548,650 Page 3 of6 ATTACHMENT 4 SUMMARY 2006-2011 CAPITAL U\nPROVE.ME.NTPROGRAM- PARKS PROJECTS UNFUNDE.DDURING THE FIVE. YE.AR TIME FRAME UNFUNDED PORTION OF ESTIMA TED COST 95600 95602 95640 95830 95851 95935 NiA N/A ~~lA NeVi Emerald alen Park Emerald alen Park :Hecreatjol1 and Aquat:ic Com:p!lex. Dublin RanG:h:Neighborhood Parks Dublin Sports around s Re novation Fallon SpJrts Park Cu fiu ral Arts Ce:nter Easter n Dubl>in Parks Emerald alen Park Communi:ItyCenter Trans~ Center Park Wallis A.anch Neighborhood Parks TOTALS lESS AVA ILABlE PARK DEDIC.ATlON AND PUBLIC FACiliTY FEES $ 875~300 t ,02.9~653 750~71 I) 850~685 15,077~062 8.40 1 ~471) 37.745~505 8.418~465 10,t92~921 9,353,970 $ 92.694;741 $ 40,100,719 $ 52.594,022 FUN Dlt~Q SHORTFAll ATTACHMENT 4 Page 4 of6 SUMMARY 2006-2011 CAPITAL IMPROVB,IEtn PROGRAM. STREETS fllli2[ mm. P:ROJECT NUMBER AND NAME <;l4'O,2Ij Tri-V$J1~ Triangl~S'ltIct,' gemo Dublin80ulevard 100!'to."ements- Slt..erl9a1e Drive 10 Ha.rsenDrr,..e 9€fJ8:2 Underground Utilities - Dublin Boulevald/ Doughert~ Rood Intelseclion and Vicirity '0041)) Eastern [:iublin ArteriaJ Street and Fr_ay Impla>ternents 9G430 1.51:lO 3. Fallon Road Fle!9'....ay Interchange ImprCNements - PhaElll' I 004F2 DL"WntO'l'In Traffic Signal Equipment Replooe01ent DowntO'l'In CutdnFbactNay Improvements Anrual Street <::Nella)' Program ArnllJ!l.18Iuny Seal Pro'f.lram Alanl!:' C'il.na.l TraillJnder I-58\) Cit,.....kJe Bic,'cte.' Pedestrian Plan 93IB4O 8'~arl""tl C'live Iron Hors,," TraiI&lenalon 008.~j D)ugherty Road ImpfCf>! em!9'flts. NO'Ilh (01 Arneo:lm Va.lle-y Boule->tard to North of Hou&lon Plac,," D:'ughelty Road Impla>tern",ms- HOlls!)::,n PIa..;;eto I-S.90 Saim Paln.:k W <fl' R.....;j9I1al Street!)::, G::IJdsn Gate Dlf>!e Dublin Ek'uler,..ard 100ItfO'>!ements- ViII8IJe PSfWilla:;" to Sierra O::>Ult Dublin 8.t'ulevard Inlr-HNemenls . Sierra Co.nt to Dubin Ce.urt TrPiall"-"f' Tran~tbn Devekpment Fee Re9011id Tran~oC~tatbn Pmji?'t,ts Bike Lane - Amador Valley BoulB'>/ald 81ageoc'reh Rood to ClDljghert~ Road Dublin Ek'uler..<lrd . Right Tult1 at Village Parkway Dublin BQule'J<lld Bridge R~lIrf<lcing at ,A,lam,) Canal East Dublin BART Statbn Corridor Enhanoanlerrt. DubtinEkuler>/ald . TMsajara Road to Clam Ii,venue 9'lJ)11 W %t Dublin 8-ART Smtbn Oorridor Enhancement. Dt..c.lin BC<l.llevard - Han!i>3'1'i Drf.'e U, CIa.m P;.'~"""~ -;~ 96S1:l:) $~,S8S 96773 0077-.5 96852 ';w?B70 gel;'20 92t~3 ~1Y)1 Nt./\. NtA 00)22 00312 TOTAL COST FINANCING Grenela.l FUll:! rom State Ga... Tax '(206) ISTEA (210) Transp. D!9'>telopment Act (211) Measure 8 Sales Tax (217) State Tran~.:,rtation Impra.'ements (219) SB300 Gram (220;1 Meaane, B.BikelPedesllian (227) CMA, TIP Fl.lrltls (228) Traflie Conges4ion Relel Fln"lct (240) Traffic Impret Fee FltOO (300) .m1A.I.i $ 60.50) 3,5(iJ75S7 $ 759,840 719,976 756..840 2 . S81.2>Bi2 2,954.658 106.700 3l),411 16,~)) 52.~)) 234,6:32 5702:B9 2.830,570 6,.942 5.134(iJ,415 $ 1.432.094 $ 560.821 285..044 39 ,COD !32..lb"9 3,080,2<>"9 69.340 30}))) 400,1))) 200S-.2007 $ 60.9:X, 3.1))) 12.193JB79 . 9,195,937 .24.057 1002 574021 7.'3,0.20 14,';1\;1,) 28.399 12,923,3'fl4 592,400 185.110 , ,250.i)).) 29.f;J;Jl.) 249.750 1,420,870 $ tt1,153,307 $113.410,856 :$ 31.579,500 175,250 $23.21 ~,952 f> 1 9,7B@..955 :$ $. ,804, 1 :J!5$ 5,354,811 $ 2,314,82';' 3.871,79) 3,285})44 45.144 7,559,482 3,Cl90,re8 69,341) 291..aS3 906..l:CI) 338,87'8 1MI.391 ,254 $ tIt, 153,301 757 735 1!\l2,5nl 339, FC() 8,144 407,148 37.245 2f'...()7-:200B $ 2.877,581 ZOOB-2009 2009-:20HI 12,2(11.023 ~: 8A797a5 t 2,13136,'s02 $ ~{,:3lS8,099 345.761 570$,41)0 6"~,570 495,617 1. 1 07MO 287,000 2(:') ,7e. 1 605,700 483,720 li 125,000 855,190 $ 9)2,600 115,400 166.873 10,452.0.21:' 3 S. $ 16,410,859 $ 37, 1,254,$21 600,400 520,000 5.306.145 1,2S0,.1)X1 473,1 S3 1,114,560 791,400 6B8.250 $ 17577c-) 3,883,4(1) 217,COO 622,400 54S.I)I:o(' 4,749 S43 7135,1)(}0 t 2,705,S65 :201,o.~11 375,21 8 625,400 570,00i) 3,E.s4,60e. 119,405 810.000 :385,400 13,263.6)5 5,3132704,.159,411 $ 19,7139(,,55 $ 6,804,135 $ 5.354.811 It I.. el>1imat<ed thai appro:>:ima.tet~ $11.4 million ,:11 t"'" Fi...~al'l'eara,"(lS.2007 btJ.::lgeted expenditures for this project will be built ~'the dev...lopment o;::.rn munit~. 38,71S,9:0 lE,4 13.689 130,84:3 1,632.12,85 2,998,1521 2,411 ~) 31490 .SO ..$t&f! 10,786,.437 4..234,967 1'O,,753,!re4 1,707,((32 Fll34,E25 1 111,495 2,SOO,COD 2.97,((1) 673.934 29,00:';; 1,970,OCQ Page 5 of6 ATTACHMENT 4 SUMMARY 2000..2011 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM '. STREETS PROJECTS UNFUNDED DURING THE FIVE YEAR TIME FRAME PRO,JECT NUMBERAND NAME 96400 96480 96930 NlA 96001 Eastern Dublin Arterial Street and Freeway Improvements Downtown Dublin Roadway Improvements Dublin Boulevard InlprOl/ements - Sierra Court to Dublin Court Doughert~. Road Improvements - Amador Valley Boulevard North to City Limits Tr~ Valley Transp)rtation Development Fee Reg ional Transpor1ation Projects TOTALS Page 6 of6 UNFUNDED PORTION OF ESTIMATED COST $ 38.012,334 4.933,587 2.628,425 4,084,558 14,319,400 FEES AVAILABLE $ 104,281 482,863 377 ,543 NET SHORTFALL $ 4,829,306 2, I 45.462 3,707,015 14,319.400 $ 63,91'8,304 :$ 964.781' $ 6a,.o13,S17 ATTACHMENT 4 RESOLUTION NO. 80 - 93 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN **************** ESTABLISHING A POLICY FOR MANAGEMENT AND USE OF GENERAL FUND ASSETS WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Dublin recognizes the importance of General Fund Reserves; and WHEREAS, General Fund Reserves are an important asset of the City and it is prudent to have an established policy to guide their use; and WHEREAS, typically, General Fund monies are a discretionary funding source which can be appropriated as enacted through the annual budget process; and WHEREAS, interest earnings from City General Fund Reserves can provide an independent local revenue source; and WHEREAS, it is not possible to exactly predict over time how economic conditions may impact either the interest earnings (income) or the need to utilize reserves to provide the level of municipal services deemed adequate by City Council policy; and WHEREAS, prudent management would dictate that the City have a general policy for the management of its assets, including the anticipated purpose of General Fund Reserves. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby establish the attached Policy for the Management and Use of General Fund Reserves (Exhibit A), attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that City Staff are hereby authorized and directed to undertake all administrative steps necessary to implement said "Policy" and present periodic reports to the City Council. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 14th day of June, 1993. AYES: Councilmembers Burton, Houston, Howard, and Mayor Snyder NOES: None ABSENT : Councilmember Moffatt ~k--- ABSTAIN: None ATTACHMENT 5 Page 1 0[3 EXHIBIT A CITY OF DUBLIN GENERAL FUND RESERVE POLICY PURPOSE The purpose of this document is to formally outline the city council policy of maintaining General Fund Reserves and designating the potential types of uses for such reserves. General Fund Reserves shall not be considered as being readily available for appropriations towards operating expenses, except as allowed for in this policy and through explicit action by the city council. AMOUNT OF RESERVES The amount of General Fund Reserves will fluctuate over time. The Ci ty Council recognizes that there are numerous events which could place a legitimate demand on the reserves. INTEREST EARNINGS All interest earnings on the General Fund Reserves shall accrue to the City'S General Fund Unreserved Fund Balance, for appropriation by the city Council in accordance with local and state laws, regulations and policies. ABILITY TO ACCOMMODATE CITY NEEDS The City Council recognizes the importance of maintaining flexibility at this time as well as in the future. Proper maintenance of the City's General Fund Reserves will accommodate a response to economic conditions affecting earnings on said funds as well as unanticipated events which require an appropriation. POTENTIAL USE OF RESERVES Any appropriation of General Fund Reserves is subject to action by the City Council. The following events are the basis. for a policy to. protect and carefully plan for any expenditure from General Fund Reserves: . City Indebtedness: Reserves may be utilized to reduce or eliminate the need for current or future debt service payments. The limi tation of debt service as an annual operating expense allows for available monies to be expended for other public purposes. This shall be considered the highest priority for the use of General Fund Reserves. . Economic Uncertainty: A prudent reserve can be used to finance municipal services in the event that economic conditions have deteriorated to the extent that traditional revenue sources can no longer support the services. ATTACHMENT 5 Page 2 of3 . Response to Reductions in Revenues: In recent years, state Government has taken revenues which were previously considered to be local revenues. Development of a locally controlled revenue source can be important. . catastrophic Loss: The City currently participates in a pooled self-insured liability and property proqram. A catastrophic event may require additional appropriations in order to attain a full recovery. . Preservation of Funds as Revenue Generator: The preservation of General Fund Reserves provides revenue as a result of investment income. This is an important discretionary income source. . Economic Development stimulus: A locally controlled fundinq source could become one component of an investment plan, which would provide a positive return to the City and a public benefit. This listing is not intended to be all inclusive; however, it is generally reflective of the types of considerations to be made when proposing the use of such funds. Proposed uses which are inconsistent with this policy should demonstrate a public benefit and a finding that it is in the best interest of the city. REVISIONS Revisions to this policy shall be approved by the city Council in the form of a Resolution. PSR/lss a:FundExbA.agenda#12 ATT ACHMENT 5 Page 3 of3 CITY OF DUBLIN Community Group/Organizational Funding Request Application Packet Fiscal Year 2007-2008 SECTION 1 Page 10f8 Attachment 6 ,,,' "v CITY OF DUBLIN COMMUNITY GROUP/ORGANIZAl'IOlNAL FUNDING REQUEST ApPLICATION PACKET Fiscal Year 20lJ7-2008 Section 1: Information and Guidelines For Applicants SECTION 1 Page 2 of8 ,4, .il. City of Dublin Fiscal Year 2007-2008 MUST READ INFORMATION 1. Projects/programs proposed must have a start-up date not earlier than July 1, 2007, and must be completed by June 30, 2008. 2. Funds cannot be e:x.penqed prior to July 1,2007, or after June 30, 2008. 3. Please read the instJ;uctions and application carefully. 4. A separate applic&\tionmust be completed f()r each project/program requesting funds. 5. For eachfundingtequest, please submit: ../ Two (2) copies of a completed Application for Funds are required (please re'1:iew attached Application Ch~cklisttoensure all required documents are included). ../ The application form and all requested materialsn;lust be submitted on 8 W' x 11" paper, suitable for copying. 6. Return the completed applicatiol1stO: City of Dublin, City Manager's Office 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 7. Applications are due: No later than 5:00 p..rn., Monday, January 29, 2007. No postmarks/faxlemails will be accepted. 8. No exceptions will be made to the application deadline. 9. Failure to submit a complete application or to comply with any of these procedures will remove an application from funding consideration. 10. Funds not expended by the end of the funding year will revert to the City. 11. The City of Dublin's Community Group funding is limited. 12. If selected for funding a "Funding Agreement" will be required. 13. Please contact Joni Pattillo, Assistant City Manager, at 925-833-6650 with questions regarding the application process. SECTION 1 Page 3 of8 ":'" City of Dublin Fiscal Year 2007-2008 ApPLICANT GUIDELINES a) Applicants must have nonprofit status and a 50l(c)3 State of Cali fomi a identification number, and a current City Business License, ifrequired pursuant to DMC 94.04. b) Applicants must be a community-based organization promS)ting and providing services to residents and/or businesses in the City. c) Applicants who represent fundil1g foundations or other funding agencies are only eligible for p~ojects!programs that provide ~specified direct service to clients/participants. Funds cannot be used as pass-through dollar& for individual scholarships. d) Applicants must quantify the total number oforganizationdients, and clearly specify hS)w many Dublin .residents and/or businesses the proposed project/program will serve. e) Applicants who propose a project/program thatidentifies other organization collaboration(s) )::l.Wl:w~tsubmit a separate affidavitJorm completed by each supporting organization along with the application (Affidavit Form included in attached Application Packet). f) Applicant agencies/organizations must comply with the Civil Rights Actof 1964, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended, and the Age Disc~~);J;lination Act of 1975, which bars discrimination based on race, color, national or ethnic origin, gender, age, or disability. g) Applicant programs/services must be accessible to the public. h) Projects/programs involving or requiring religious beliefs or activities are not eligible for funding. i) Funds are available for prS)jects/programs that have a start"'up date not earlier than July 1, 2007, and will be completed by June 30, 2008. j) Applicant organizations must complete a mandatory presentation at the designated City Council Public Hearing. k) City funding cannot be used to supplant other contract funds or grant awards. SECTION 1 Page 4 of8 h A '"", City of Dublin Fiscal Year 2007-2008 ApPLICATION TIMELINE Application Packets available to the publi,~: Week of December 11, 2006 Pick-qp packets atthe City of Dublin Civic Center, City Manager's Office, lCYcated at 1 OOc:ivic Plaza, Dublin, or request packets to be mailed by calling (925) 833-6650. Application Deadline Monday, January 29, 2007 Completed applications must be received by 5:00 p.Il1. No postmarks/fax/emails. Mandatory Presentation Week of March 26, 2007 Mandatory Applicant Presentation during Goal 8J, Objective and~~q;get Study Session Public Heating. Applicants will. b~ notified of date. Each applicant will be limited to a 5..,minute presentation. Council Approval Week of June 18,2007 After City Council approval (considered as part of annual City Budget Hearing), funded organif:atjOIls will receive a notification letter and mandatory f1nan9ial reporting packet after July 1,2007. Applicants will be notified of date. Funds Available July 1,2007 Funds will be available after July 1, 2007. Final Report August 30, 2008 The Summary Report must be completed and submitted by the deadline. Failure to submit a report will result in ineligibility for future funding. SECTION 1 Page 5 of8 ,lL ,,' City of Dublin Fiscal Year 2007-2008 FUNDING GUIDELINES AND CATEGORIES (Note: A separate, complete application must be submitted for each project/program.) Funds may be requested for the following project use(s): . Capital Projects (semi or permanent physical facility amenity) Operational Expenses . Funding Priorities & Maximum Req nest Funding requests are strongly encouraged for, but not limited to, projects/prograII;i.s that are consistent with the City of Dublin's Mission and Vision statements. Mission The City of Dublin promotes and supports a high quality of life that ensures a safe and secure environment, fosters new opportunities and provides responsive fair treatment to our diverse community. Vision Dublin is~ vibrant city committed to its citizens, natural resources and cultural heritage. As Dublin grow~, it will balance history withprogress, to sustain an enlightened, economically balanced and diverse community. Dublin, with its distinctive place in the region, highlights ~ulture, diversity and civic stewardship to create a broad mosaic. This mosaic is enriched by the integrating orcultures, races and economic diversity into villages and neighborhoods '-. forming acoinmon network that welcomes both residents and businesses alike; sl4:pporting the efforts and achievements of all. The City of Dublin allocates up to $120.000 annually for this grant program. Each applicant may request a maximum of up to $25.000 per project/program. The City of Dublin's funding is limited. SECTION 1 Page 6 of8 "r ..i City of Dublin Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Ev ALUATION Application Evaluation Process: 1. Application RelViewlEvaluation: Staffwill sct@en each application for completeness. Accepted.applicationswill be forwarded to the City Council for revieW. 2. Mandatory Presentation: Presentations will be conducted at the Goal and Objective and Budget St1,ldy Session Public Hearing: Week of March 26, 2007; applicants will be notified of date. Each applicant organization must address its application in a Public Hearing before the City Council. The Council will review and consider all applications based upon the presentations. Presentations will be limited to (5) five minutes and must review the following: ./ Success or impact of any past funding received ./ Past organizational challenges ./ Need for this specific funding request ./ Number of Dublin residents to be served ./ Presentation should eliminate or minimize organizational history 3. City Council Approval: The City Council will grant the final funding approval in June during the City's Annual Budget Hearing. Agencies whose projects/programs are approved will be notified in writing prior to July 1,2007. SECTION 1 Page 7 of8 .k, Ai , "7 '1 City of Dublin Fiscal Year 2007-2008 GENERAL REVIEW CRITERIA Application Check List: Completed applications are due by 5:00 p.m., Monday, January 29,2007. No postmarks/fax/emails will be accepted. Application will be .reviewed for technical cOlnpleteness to include the following: D Two (2) copies of compl@ted Application form for each project/program submitted. D Affidavit F Onn( s) completed. byea9h collaborating ag.ency identifi@d for propqsed ptoj ect/program (fl~t@guireclJ D Per Agency, only one (1) copy of each of the following items needs to be attached: D Governing Boarlilmember names, and identification of current Board Officers. D Most recent audit or tax return. o Resolution, letter or other document providing evidence that G()verning Board approves submittal of application and date of approval. o Signed Application Verification. D Organization's certificate of insurance showing coverage for liability and worker's compensation. SECTION 1 Page 80f8 .'" A'. ,. '",. "i CITY OF DUBLIN COMMUNITY GROUP/ORGANIZATIONAL FUNDING REQUE~T ApPLICATIONP ACKET Fiscal Year:2007-2008 Section 2: Application for Community Group/Organizational Funding SECTION 2 Page 1 of 16 Attachment 6 a ,Ih CITY OF DUBLIN Fiscal Year 2007-2008 COMMUNITY GROUP/ORGANIZATION ApPLICA TION FOR FUNDS COVER PAGE AGENC'Y NAME: PROPOSED PROJEC'Ifl>ROGRAM NAME: FUNDING AMOUNT REQUESTED: SECTION 2 Page 2 of 16 '(i "", CITY OF DUBLIN Fiscal Year 2007-2008 ApPLICATION FOR FUNDS 1. Please sel(fct Qpe expen~e categQry: 0 Capital 0 Opeta,ting 2. Applicapt InfQrm~iti{)n: Organization! Agency Name Mailing Address Street Address City State Zip Executive Director/ChairpersoN Work Phone Email Board President (if applicable) Work Phone Email Please list the Primary Project Contact Person who woulq;'P~able to answerCJuest~pns about this application and project/program during the funding period. Contact Person for Project/Program Job Title Work Phone Email Fax Nonprofit Identification No. (required) City of Dublin Business License No. (required) SECTION 2 Page 3 of 16 ~k. Ai. City of Dublin Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Application for Funds 3. Proposed Project/Program Information (1)0 not describe Organization.) Amount of Funds Reqtlested $ (Maximum $25,000 per project.) Proposed Project/Program Name Prop.(.)se(:l :{>>roject[program Date(s): Start / / and End / / mo. day yr. mo. day yr. a. How would the requested fUllds be used? · Describe, in detail, the PROPOSED PROJECTIPJR.!(i)GRAM (not the Agency). · Bulleted text isaccepta!m[e. · Identify ifthe proposedproje\Dt/program i$ a new serVioe, or extension of an existing one. An additional page may be added, if needed. . SECTION 2 Page 4 of 16 ,~.. . A "'f '1' City of Dublin Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Application for Funds b. How would the PROPOSEIlPRQJECTIPROORAM address an unrnet community need and improve the quality of life for Dublin residents. Why is this project/program needed? (Additional page may be added, if n(;1eded): c. What documentation/data/recotCls support the need for this PROPOSED PROJECT/PROGRAM? Please identify yqur data sources. (Additional pa,ge may be added, if needed.) SECTION 2 Page 5 of 16 ,IL "\ City of Dublin Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Application for Funds d. Specify the PROPOSED PROJECT/PROGRAM p.opulation to be served. e. Projects/programs must be evaluated to determine if they are being carried out efficiently and ifproj.~ct/program goals are being met. Please describe how you plan tOltrlOmtor your project/program's success and impact. · An additional page may be added, if need,ed. f. Specjfynumbers of clients served by agency, then by PROPOS~D PROJECT/PROGRAM: Total Proposed Partici ants Served by this Project/Program Total Number of Dublin Residents Served by this Project SECTION 2 Page 6 of 16 City of Dublin Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Application for Funds 5. Financial Information ,.,..Oper~ting Budget a. Expense Budget Services & Supplies Capital Costs Other (please specify) Other (please specify) TOKE~L Further COrnm.ents/Explanations (if necessary): SECTION 2 Page 7 of 16 ..:J ....~--.'t~v~.::''''"~':'',.:.:.:." ;:''',~,,'''',' v.......:-\ . "'~:'~I~~',~{'. ~ ~,: :.'! ;:,.,'r;.....~ :.' ',-" ,-, L City of Dublin Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Application for Funds b. Revenue Budget FY 2007-20Q8 REVENUE BUDGET ComniittedlRestricted -Funds -- (specify source) _ . - - - . '., ,. ORGANIZATION - - PROJECT/PROGRAM Non-Committed/Restricted Funds - " - --, - ,'. (s eCify source TOTAL Further Comments/Explanations (if necessary): SECTION 2 Page 8 of 16 " ..".~",~4>""",m<?~~~~~~~m~'t''>W:<'~'<,''~ City of Dublin Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Application for Funds 6. General Agency Informatiol1 a. List all years that Organization has..previously received City of Dublin funding (not Community Developtpent BlogkGrant- CDBG). b. Describe the population(s) served by the Organization. c. Describe all the serVice.$~he Organizatiop. currently provides to Dublin residents. · An additional page may be added, if needed. d. Has your agency ever previously received funds from the City of Dublin? If yes, please specify in what Fiscal Years and the amount received each year. SECTION 2 Page 9 of 16 City of Dublin Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Application for Funds 7. ReQuired Attachments: o Only one (1) copy per A2ency {)feach ofthe followillg is requited,. even with multiple projects/programs submitted. o Applicationswith{)ut the following document$will not be reviewed for fl,lnding. o Please label attachments: A. B, C, etc. o A. Names of Governing Board; identify current Board officers, DB. Current total Organization operating budget, including revenue. · Clearly label/identify the program that includes the PROPOSED PROJECT/PROGRAM. o C. Most recent audit report or tax retl,l.r;:n .(ifapplicable). o D. Resolution, letter or other document providing evidence of Board/Organization approval of application, and date approval was granted. · Board/Organization approval may be pending. o E. Organization's certificate of insurance showing coverage for liability and workers' compensation. o p, Application Verification Declaration Signature Page. o G. Signed affidavit form from each .collaborating agency named in proposed project/program plan (if applicable). SECTION 2 Page 10 of 16 City of Dublin Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Application for Funds ApPLICATION VERIFICATION I attest that the infofl1I:\ation qQntained in this FY 2007-2QQa grant application is accurate and that the funds reqJ:leste.d willl;lot sl.lpplant any other Il10nies secured by the organization. Attached is (l resolutiol;l, letter, or other document providil;lg evidence that the Board of Directors approved the application as submitted. Successful applicants are required to submit a sUIl1mary report as soon as possible after submitting the reimbursement request, but not late;f than August 30,2008. Failure to submit a report will result in ineligibility for future funding, Signatures: Executive Director Date Board President/Chairperson Date SECTION 2 Page 11 of 16 City of Dublin Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Application for Funds COLLABORATION AGENCY AFFIDAVIT FORM o This form is to be completed by each collaborating organizationas named by the applicant agency in the proposed project/program. o Completed forms must be submitted at time of application. Collaborating Agency Name: Agency Division/Department: Project/Program Title: Project/Program Role Desy;J7~ption (i.e..,facility space, staff support, etc.): Agency ProjectlPrQgram Contact Person Title Phone Email I attest that the applicant agency and our organization agree to work collaboratively to implement the proposed project/program as identified in the FY 2007-2008 funding application. Executive Director Date Project/Program Contact Person Date SECTION 2 Page 12 of 16 CITY OF DUBLIN Fiscal Year 2007-2008 COMMUNITY GROUP/ORGANIZATIONAL FUNDING PROGRAM REQUEST FOR REIMBURSEMENT AGENCY NAME MAILING ADDRESS FOR REIMBURSEMENT: PROJECTIPROGRAM NAME CLAIM # OF TOTAL FUNDING AMOUNT AWARDED TOTAL REIMBURSEMENT REQUESTED THIS PERIOD $ $ nested.. .... (If requesting project/program "start-up" funding, pleas~ describe initial funding use above.) I attest that the above listed expenses are accurate and true and have been used as represented in the approved funding application. Submitted by: Signature: Date: SECTION 2 Page 13 of 16 '" " CITY OF DUBLIN Fiscal Year 2007-2008 COMMUNITY GROUP/ORGANIZATIONAL FUNDING PROGRAM SUMMARY REPORT (Summary Report must be completed and submitted prior to August 31, 2008.) AGENCY NAME MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: PROJJl;CT!PROGRAM NAME: TOTAL FUNDING AMOUNT AWARDED $ TOTAL REIMBURSEMENT RECEIVED $ 1.) How has the PROJECT/PROGRAM addressed an unrnet cormnuuity need and improved the quality of life for Dublin residents. (Additional page may be added, if neededD: 2.D Please evaluate the succe~s o.:fyourproject/program. Were the goals outlined in the application met? Was the project/program carried out efficiently? Please use the objectives identified in your application to discuss yourprograrn/project's success and impact. Include any documentation/data/records you have that support your conclusions. SECTION 2 Page 14 of 16 b, .4 City of Dublin Fiscal Year 2007-2008 SUMMARY REPORT 3) How many total participants wen~ served by this project/program? How many of those participants are Dublin residents? I attest that the above listed information is accurate and true. Submitted by: Signature: Date: SECTION 2 Page 15 of 16 ',,, '1- AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF DUBLIN AND (insert organization name) THIS AGREEMENT, dated for identification this _ day of _ 2007, is entered into between the City of Dublin ("City") and (organization). RECITALS A. (organization) has asked City to contribut~$ ( Dollars) for use by (organization) to cover costs in order to provide the services as described in Exhibit A. The services rendered pursuant to this agreem~nt will be for the period July 1,2007 through June 30,2008. B. City has determined that it is in the interest of the residents ofthe City of Dublin to make a donation of $ ( Dollars) for such purpose, provided cett;ilin conditions are met to ensure that the services will benefit the residents of City. AGREEMENT City and (organization) agree as follows: 1. Recitals The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are part of this agreement. 2. City Donation City shall donate $ ( Dollars) to be used by (organization) to be used for operational support for as described in Exhibit A to this Agreement. The donation shall be paid upon invoice to the City. 3. Records (Organization) shall maintain records for project/program revi~w, evaluation, iludit and/or other purposes and make them available to City upon request. 4. Periodic Reports Upon request by City, (organization) shall provide reports describing the progress made by (organization) accomp1is;hit).g the goals and objectives outlined in the work plan. CITY OF DUBLIN Dated: By: Richard C. Ambrose, City Manager Dated: By: Title: SECTION 2 Page 16 of 16 _t. ,""J