HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.09 FinalBudgetChngFY95-96 . . CITY CLERK FiI. rnb2lrJl..[JJjVJl SUBJECT: AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: (September 17,1996) ~ Final Budget Changes For Fiscal Year 1995/96 . EXlDBITS ATTACHED: Budget Change Fonns RECOMMENDATION:.~ vtI Approve the Budget Changes and direct Staff to record the items in y the Final Financial Report. FINANCI,AL STATEMENT: See Report. The adjustments required can be covered by reducing the amount appropriated to Reserves as well as transfers of unexpended appropriations. DESCRIPTION: Staffhas reviewed the Preliminary Financial Reports and the Auditors are preparing the Final Comprehensive Financial Report for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 1996. Staff is requesting year end adjustments at this time. This will allow the Staff to deliver a clean set of records to the Auditors when they begin their final work. Current City policies only allow the City Manager to make budget adjustments between line items which are within the same activity (Le. Department). The City Council must approve all other adjustments to appropriations. Proposed Aqjustments .k1any of the adjustments discussed in this section of the report were anticipated in the information .esented in the Preliminary 1996/97 Fiscal Year Budget and Financial Plan. For example, the increased Engineering Staff costs funded by the General Fund were partially anticipated, due to increased development activity. GENERAL FUND (001) Leial Services(1030): $9.545 Attributable to greater than anticipated expenses associated with General Legal Services, Litigation, and Reimburseable Development Activity. The number of activities in the General Category during the last quarter of the Fiscal Year, required more time than the average during the first 9 months. Examples of specific issues addressed include: Campaign Contribution Ordinance Revisions; Firearm Legislation; and preliminary issues regarding the City's role in the dissolution of DRF A. The work on private development applications is reimburseable from the project applicant. The Reimburseable category alone exceeded the Budget estimate by approximately $5,400. These expenses would be directly offset by the revenues collected. ~----------------------CO-PIE-ST()~-------------------------------- 4.'1 - ITEM NO. H/cc~form5/agda5tmt.doc Street Landscape Maintenance (3050): $ 16.590 This was. to the following factors: Higher ~ticipated water utility charges;lIIntenance of newly landscaped areas _g San Ramon Rd.; and Increased vandalism repair costs. The Preliminary 1996/97 Budget also projected a Budget overrun and discussed these same causes. . Enllineerin~ (9030): $28.793 This overrun was due.to several factors including: Less than anticipated Staff time was used on the NPDES (Stonnwater Program), resulting in more time being absorbed by the General Fund. Increased private development activity requiring contract Engineering Services, which are paid for by the project applicant. (This is borne out by the fact that Engineering Plan Checking Revenues exceeded the budget estimate by approximately$51, 730). An accounting entry at year end of approximately $4,800 to offset the amount recorded for paid leave liability. Street Overlay PrQject (9658): $13.818 This project was funded with special restricted use grant funds as well as a contribution from the General Fund. Due to a decrease in the allocation of SB 300 grant funds, an additional appropriation from the General Fund was required. The total additional appropriations in the General Fund for all activities is $68,746. FEMA DISASTER FUND Q12) Buildini Mana.~ement (1050): $245 The City received Disaster Grant monies in Fiscal Year 1995/96 related to stonn . damage which occurred in early 1995. A majority of the funds received related to work completed in the prior Fiscal Year (1994/95). A small amount of repair work to the Police Facility, occurred in Fiscal Year 1995/96. There was no appropriation for expenditures in the Disaster Fund. A total of approximately $245 was expended and it will be offset by FEMA revenue in the same amount. The total additional appropriations in the FEMA Fund are $245. NPDES (Storm Water) FUND Q22) Street Maintenance (3020): $2.315 The Drainage Maintenance category contributed to a small overrun in this activity. Adequate NPDES funds are available, since Engineering costs were less than the ... Budgeted amount. . The total additional appropriations in the NPDES Fund are $ 2,315. Capital Improvement Fund (300) Eastern Dublin Maior Arterial Plan Lines (9640): $3.262 The cost of this project will eventually be reimbursed through the collection of the Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee. A portion of the overrun was attributable to Staff time required to review the Consultant work and approximately $1,000 in .' additional contract engineering expense. . The total additional appropriations in the Capital Improvement Fund are $3,262. - 2 - DII FUND (601) This activi used'to acc~unt for costs ~sociated. the administration of the Civic Center Certificates of Participation. Due to a corporate banking merger, the billing cycle changed for the Trustee. This resulted in expenses being incurred in Fiscal Year 1995/96, which were not anticipated until 1996/97. The General Fund typically transfers to the Drr Fund monies necessary to cover such operating expenses. . The total additional appropriations in the Dublin Information Inc. Fund is $2,863. Attached are Budget Change fonns which will allow for amendments to the budget consistent with this report. Staff recommends that the City Council receive and file this report and authorize the Mayor to execute the Budget Changes. . ~ If . - 3 - CITY OF DUBLIN tt BUDGETCHANGEFO~ CHANGE FORM # . New Appropriations (City Council Approval Required): X . From Unappropriated Reserves Budget Transfers: From Budgeted Contingent Reserve (1080-799.000) Within Same Department Activity Between Departments (City Council Approval Required) Other N:#~:>>'llO.nsE!B.'Ub(l'&.1NlCti)n_WWiMtwMQ1DmiPW#Th1l..eDi$.lrB.._Xc.eORW4fM**Ift(QDN$W:l:~I: _ From New Revenues .:.:.:.:.:-..... .,',.'."...:....'... .~...................,.,.,.,. .................;: , . .:::.... -. .,.... .:.....:-:.........;.,...:.......:. . - ." .' '. '.':-.', .'. . . . :.:..:. ',':',';"':"'"':';';_;', ',',',' ..............,...: . ..:.....:.",. . ._."... '.;.'._.~.;.:--... . . ,', ,.... .... . .'. 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Name: Name:Gen Fund - Legal - Professional Services Account #: Account #: 001-1030~729-000 $ 9,545 Name: Name: Gen Fund Street Landscape Maint- Water & Sewer Account #: Account #: 001-3050-725-010 $ 10,670 Name: Name: Gen Fund- Street Lanscape Maint - Contract Services Account #: Account #: 001-3050-740-000 $ 5,920 Name: Name: Gen Fund - Engineering- Contract Svcs - Gen Engineering $ 25,750 Account #: Account #: 001-9030-740-070 Name: Name: Gen Fund- Engineering - Traffic Engineering Svcs $ 3,043 Account #: Account #: 001-9030-740-071 Name: Name: Gen Fund-Capital Proj- Street Overlay- Impvts $ 13,818 Account #: Account #: 001-9658-750-050 REASON, FOR BUDGET CHANGE ENTRY: Per the attached Staff Report Presented September 17, 1996, Year End Budget Adjustments. City Manager: Date: Signature " As~pprQ,,~4.~~#l~:Pit)'h9W19i(M~etil1g9n: .... Date: Mayor: Date: Signature Posted By: Date: Signature .JlhUdll"hng Pc-~~ \ o{ L. . CITY OF DUBLIN...... BUDGET CHANGE FOKW CHANGE FORM # New Appropriations (City Council Approval Required): Budget Transfers: . ~ From Unappropriated Reserves From Budgeted Contingent Reserve (1080-799.000) Within Same Department Activity From New Revenues Between Departments (City Council Approval Required) Other t*qU~"BlJ.im.I:'flmUDlli%.:~~lf&M.tmNlfiX1lW%t.CDKS.~~~B..GHjm<<fi'Uif11*/&.t%*\iM.V.Mt:~:;~:~:~:~:~:t *:~::~::::~<"""':"""""""":"""-""""'"' :. '.' ::... .... ..... .,. ..........<w:~. ......:..... ..... ....:...:...., ":':"~""';~"'" "~" ....:...:~'..:~::..................... ...:........ .::" _' :~;:-....:.:;;.:.-. ;";;;::;;:~;;::':':" . . . :.. ". ',' ...,...;.....................,....::;......:.............:::..............:...',.'$....:._..:'....:::._,. .;.-.....;. ......:...:...:.......:::.. ..::::~.:_:::_:::1~:~::.::.:.:-; . ; .............;.....:::.....:...:. ..:.....::::::::::::~:::::;::: Name: Name: FEMA Fund~ General Building Mgt- Contract Services $ 245 Account #: Account #: 212-1050-740-000 Name: Name: NPDES (Storm Water Fund) ~ Street Maintenance~ Contract Svcs- Drainage Account #: $ 2,315 Account #: 222-3020~740-000 Name: Name: Capital Improvement Fund - Arterial Plan Line Project- Professional Services $ 3,262 Account #: Account #: 300-9640-729-000 Name: Name: DII FUND- Finance- contract Services $ 2,863 Account #: Account #: 60 I-I 040-740-000 Name: Name: Account #: Account #: Name: Name: Account #: Account #: REASON FOR BUDGET CHANGE ENTRY:Final Year End Budget Changes Per the attached Staff Report presented 9/17/96. "" City Manager: Date: Signature As)\.pproved :it~epity Council Meeting on: ....Date: . Mayor: Date: Signature 1> 0... ~ e ".l. 0 ~ L.