HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 6.1 AmendEDublinSpecPln&CityGPA '<II~:~i: : CITY CLERK File # ~[i]~~-~[Q] ..,.:~, 'f AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 15,1996 SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING: P A 96-020 Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment and City of Dublin General Plan Amendment (Report Prepared By: Jeri Ram, Associate Planner) Of!- EXHIBIT ATTACHED: 1) Resolution adopting the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring Program 2) Resolution approving the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment and General Plan Amendment. 3) Map and Text Amendments 4) Final Mitigated Negative Declaration and Initial Study (under separate cover) 5) Existing and proposed EDSP and City of Dublin General Plan Land Use Map (Figure 4.1), EDSP Road System Map (Figure 5.1), and Planning Subareas (Figure 4.2) ._,..~COMMENDATION:~ ...- . .,' 1) Open public hearing and hear staff presentation. 2) Take testimony from Applicant and the public. 3) Question staff, Applicant, and the public. 4) Close public hearing and deliberate. 5) Adopt resolutions approving the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring Program and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment and General Plan Amendment (Exhibits 1 and 2). FINANCIAL STATEMENT: The 1994 Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and City of Dublin Ge~eral Plan establish a mix of land uses for the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area. Development of the lands under provisions of those plans will result in the generation of municipal revenues and expenditures, The proposed amendments, if approved, will result in a relatively minor change in the overall mix of land uses now allowed and no demonstrable shift in the fiscal balance assumed for the existing Plans. DESCRIPTION: In summary, this Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment and General Plan Amendment woll.l:d allow for combined Industrial/Office uses near Gleason Drive, allow residential development near Gleason Drive and ___._~_________________________________________.__________..~~________~_______.~_______~______~____.____~_______w_~______________~________~__ COPIES TO: Alameda County Surplus Property Authority P A File Internal Distribution '.- .... - ~ . ~ ITEM NO. t./ , "'"-':"V:' create a new site for a multifamily development between Dublin Boulevard and the Central Parkway. More specifically, those amendments would include: I. A revision to the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan (EDSP) Land Use Map (Figure 4.1 of the EDSP) to rearrange land uses and to add 'Industrial Park/Campus Office' as a new 'combined' land use category; . 2. A revision to the EDSP Subareas Map (Figure 4.2) to modify the subarea boundaries for consistency with the changes to the Land Use Map; 3. A revision to the EDSP Road System (Figure 5.1 of the Specific Plan dated January 7, 1994) to ,realign the planned alignment of Hacienda Drive north of the proposed Central Parkway (also referred'to as the Transit Spine); 4. A Text Amendment to Chapter 4 of the EDSP relating to nuisance and land use compatibility as a result of rearranging of land uses on Figure 4.1 ; 5. Text Amendments to Chapter 4 of the EDSP to bring into consistency various tables and text directly related to the change in Figure 4.1 of the Plan; \ 6. A Text Amendment to Chapter 11 of the EDSP relating to Hazards; 7. Text Amendments to the EDSP, Chapter 5, Traffic and Circulation, to ensure consistency with the Applicant's proposed amendinents, and to specifically address Arnold Drive, Dublin Boulevard, and Gleason Drive; and, 8. A revision to the General Plan to incorporate changes resulting from amendment of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan (replacing the EDSP Land Use Map with the revised EDSP Land Use Map). J....~ . "'.. . ";.:.'. .,1. AGENDA STATEMENT SUMMARY: The proposed Amendments to the Eastem Dublin . Specific Plan and City of Dublin General Plan are set forth in full in Exhibit 3. In summary, the amendments will modify maps and text that will result in a better p8.rce1 configuration for development in the area Additionally, Hacienda Drive will be straightened and connect'at Gleason Drive at a "1'" intersection. This will provide for better traffic circulation in the area. A newIND/CO land use designation will be created that will provide flexibility for the. development of a business center at the comer of Oleason Drive between Hacienda Drive and Arnold Road. The new designation will provide for a combination office and industrial park. The County has also requested some changes in the mix of land uses that they feel is more logical based on the current market. For example, allowing residential development near Gleason Drive and creating a new site for a multifamily development between Dublin Boulevard and the Central Parkway at Hacienda Drive. Staffhas evaluated the requested changes and is recommending approval. However, as a result of the County's requested amendment, modifications to other portions of the Specific Plan must be made for consistency. Additionally, staff is requesting the addition of two new policies relating to environmental assessments and land use compatibility (see below). Staff will present overheads at the City Council Meeting that will clarify the intent and scope of the project.:::-' 2 . ':"':: Background: The Alameda County Surplus Property Authority has filed a request for approval of amendments to the City's .,':'7:-\ 1994 Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and the City of Dublin General Plan, as amended by the 1994 Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment (General Plan). The purpose for the proposed amendments is to provide a suitable land use designation .and parcel configuration for lands at the southwest comer of the future intersection of Gleason Drive and proposed Hacienda Drive for development of a business center. The Applicant has proposed no changes to the text, goals, policies, or action programs of either the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan or the City's General Plan. The requested amendments related to Figures 4.1 and 5.1 of the Plan (Items 1 and 2 under Project Description). Staff is proposing additional amendments to address map and textual changes required to achieve consistency of the Applicant's proposed amendments with the balance of the EDSP (Items 3 through 8 as noted above under Project Description). The complete amendments (maps and text) are attached as Exhibit 3 to this report. Planning Commission Meeting of September 24, 1996: The Planning Commission heard this item at a public hearing on September 24, 1996. At the hearing members of the Commission questioned the location of residential adjacent Gleason Drive (and its proximity to the Sheriff's fIrearms ranges and the reduction of neighborhood commercial at the intersection of Hacienda and Dublin Boulevard. After questioning staff and the Applicant, the Planning Commission unanimously ......~_ recommended approval of the Project. .' ANALYSIS: Environmental: Prior to adoption of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and the City of Dublin General Plan Amendment, the City Council certified the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment/Specific Plan Amendment Final Environmental Impact Report. That document was a 'Program Environmental Impact Report' which allows it to serve as the basis for future environmental analyses of the Plan's implementation. The City has prepared an Initial Study and , Mitigated Negative Declaration (SCH 96082092) for the proposed Specific Plan and General Plan amendments based on that earlier document (Exhibit 4). The findings of the Initial Study, as outlined in the Mitigated Negative Declaration, are that the proposed amendments will not have a significant effect on the environment that was not previously addressed and mitigated via the earlier document. The EDSP Master Matrix, modified for this project (Appendix E to the Mitigated Negative Declaration) serves as the Mitigation Monitoring Program for this project. The draft Mitigated Negative Declaration was circulated for a 30-day public review and comment period on August 27, 1996. The public review period closed on September 24, 1996. One comment letter was received during the public review period. The Final Mitigated Negative Declaration (Exhibit 4) contains those comments and staff's responses to the comment letter. None of the comments received in the letter were substantive or required modifications to either the draft Mitigated Negative Declaration or proposed project. :e. 3 . ,~!,;:.;: >~, ~<'.~,< ~'. ~ Land Use Amendments: The proposed amendments would rearrange uses delineated on the Specific Plan's Land Use Map (Figure 4.1) and would add Industrial Park/Campus Office as a new 'combined' land.use category. The same change wcA~,:: be made to the City of Dublin General Plan Land Use Map as shown in the 1994 Amendment. Exhibit 5 to tIr< staff report presents graphic depictions of the existing and proposed land use maps. The proposed land use changes and the addition of the combined land use category have been evaluated by staff for consistency with the text, goals, policies, and action programs of the EDSP and General Plan. Staff found the proposed amendments generally consistent with those plans. While the proposed amendments would rearrange some land uses 'and add a new combined land use category, the overall balance of uses set out in the EDSP is not significantly altered. As a result of the changes in the 'land use designations, changes had to be made for consistency in the Tables in Chapter 4 of the Plan. The Tables have been updated to reflect the changes in the land use mix. The Tables also reflect new information that was obtained as a result of engineering surveys for specific projects in the area. A text amendment in Chapter 4 clarifies that there will be some neighborhood commercial development west of Hacienda Drive (a small 5 acre portion of the Campus Office area west of Hacienda Drive). The proposed amendments will also require a revision to the Plarming Subarea Diagram. The Planning Subarea Diagram divides the EDSP into "villages," "gateways," and "centers". Since the land use designations are being modified, this Map must also be changed so that it conforms with the intent of the Plan and the revised land use designations (Exhibit 3). Exhibit 5 to the staff report presents graphic illustrations of the existing and proposed Planning Subareas. As a result of the Applicant'-s requested amendments, staff recommends two new policies be added to the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan in rel8.tion to land use compatibility and environmental assessment: .':' . -:...... County of Alameda Sheriffs Department Firearms Range: The Alameda County Sheriff's Department operates three fireanns ranges on lands north of Gleason Drive, including a pistol range and an automatic weapons range. The proximity of these ranges to the new proposed location of residential development repre~ents a,somce of nuisance noise and an attractive nuisance to- future residents within the area, with particular attention to children, due to proximity and ease of access to the ranges. To address this issue, staff recommends the following policy: Policy 4-7: Before the construction of any of the residential units within 400 feet of Gleason Drive, in Subarea C, by any developer, the Alameda County Sheriff's firearms ranges shall be relocated or reconstructed by that developer for appropriate sound and public safety mitigation to the satisfaction of the Sheriff. Reimbursement for costs associated with said relocation or reconstruction will be considered by the City when adjacent affected properties are developed. Any developer seeking building permits on any residential dwelling unit north of Central Parkway in Subarea C, shall fence the Sheriff's firearms ranges to the satisfaction of the Sheriff for public safety purposes prior to the issuance of building permits. e,,: , ,. 4 ';~~ft"". The addition of this Policy would necessitate renumbering all subsequent policies within Chapter 4 of the EDSP. ....-'. .': Phase I Environmental Site Assessments: Historic use within the Eastern Dublin area included the use of materials and methods of processing which today are classified as hazardous. To ensure that future development of lands within the area occurs only after any and all hazardous materials are properly remediated, staff recommends the following new text and policy: 11.4.7 Phase I Environmental Site Assessments Some former uses of the land within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area involved the use of process and materials in the form of construction, in the manufacturing of goods, in the pursuit of agriculture, and in the provision of medical services, which today may be considered to be hazardous materials. Information available to the City indicates that some remnants of these materials may remain on lands within the area. To ensure that development of the Eastern Dublin area does not occur until such time as such materials are either removed or encapsulated on-site, the following policy shall apply. Policy 11-1: Prior to issuance of building permits for site-specific developments, site-specific Phase I (and if necessary Phase II) environmental site assessments shall be made available to the Community "." ""~~, Development Director, with appropriate documentation that all recommended remediation actions have been completed. Road System Amendment: t The Applicant has proposed a revision to the future alignment of Hacienda Drive depicted in the EDSP. As now adopted, the alignment of Hacienda Drive, north of the future Central Parkway (also referred to as the, Transit Spine), turns first to the west and then to the north in an'S' configuration, intersecting Gleason Drive at its present intersection with Arnold Drive (Exhibit 3). The Applicant has proposed that the future alignment of Hacienda Drive north of Central Parkway continue directly north to a 'T' intersection with Gleason Drive. Exhibit 5 includes a diagram of the existing alignment and the proposed alignment of Hacienda Drive. As part of the Applicant's filing, a traffic analysis was prepared, which among other circulation issues, evaluated the proposed realignment. That analysis was reviewed by the Public Works Department staff and found to reflect an accurate projection of future traffic within the area of the proposed amendments. Further, the analysis and staffs conclusions concur that the future alignment of Hacienda Drive proposed by the Applicant reflects a preferable alignment over that now reflected in the Specific Plan. Text Amendments: The Applicant's proposed road system amendments necessitate textual changes to the EDSP to amend the ."::,:narrative description of the roads and their function. The text of these amendments can be found in full on , : Exhibit 3. 5 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council open the public hearing, deliberate, and adopt Resolutions approvi~.:,:.." the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring Program and the Eastern Dublin Specific Pt.;,)' Amendment and General Plan Amendment. (Exhibits 1 and 2). O:\P A96-020\CCSRl .-";" :.:::. .'.' -.. 6 .~ .' . RESOLUTION NO. - 96 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ______________________________________________~______________________w__________~____________~~____________~_------~ ADOPTING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM FOR P A 96-020 WHEREAS, the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment ("GP A") and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan ("EDSP") were adopted by the City in 1993; and WHEREAS, the EDSP provides more specific and detailed goals, policies and action programs for approximately 3313 acres within the GP A area nearest to the City; and WHEREAS, a Program Environmental Impact Report ("Program EIR") was prepared for the EDSP and GPA (SCH No. 91103604) and certified by the City Council on May 10, 1993, by Resolution No. 51-93, and two Addenda dated May 4, 1993, and August 22, 1994 ("Addenda") have been prepared and considered by the City Council; and WHEREAS, on May 10, 1993, the City Council also adopted Resolution No. 53-93, adopting the GP A and EDSP, making [mdings as to the environmental impacts and mitigation measures relating to the EDSP and GP, and adopting a Mitigation Monitoring Program ("Program MMP") for the GP A and EDSP; and WHEREAS, the Alameda County Surplus Property Authority has requested approval of a Plan Amendment for the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and City of Dublin General Plan for revisions to portions of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan land use and circulation system maps and City of Dublin General Plan Land Use Map; and WHEREAS, a complete application for the Plan Amendment is available and on file in the Planning Department; and WHEREAS, the City has prepared an Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration ("MND") for the project which includes a detailed matrix addressing the applicability and implementation of each of the programs in the EDSP and each of the mitigation measures in the Program MMP; and WHEREAS, the Initial Study demonstrated that the Project would have no potentially significant environmental impacts which were not adequately described and analyzed in the Program EIR and that the Project would have no significant environmental impacts with the implementation of mitigation measures either already required pursuant to the Program MMP and those additional measures identified in the Initial Study and made a part of the Mitigation Monitoring Program for the Project; and EXHIBIT :1 I WHEREAS, a 30 day public review period was held for the MND, from August 27, . 1996, through September 25, 1996; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the project and MND during the public review period on September 24, 1996; and WHEREAS, one letter commenting on the MND was received during the comment period, a copy of which is attached to the MND, available and on file in the City of Dublin Planning Department; and WHEREAS, the City reviewed and prepared a written response to the letter of comment, a copy of which is attached to the MND; and WHEREAS, on October 15, 1996, the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing on the project, during which it considered the MND, Mitigation Monitoring Program and the General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan Amendment; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE City Council hereby finds that: 1. resolution. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and incorporated herein as a part of this ."" " 2. Pursuant to Section 21083.3, subdivisions (b) and (e), of the Public Resources Code and pursuant to Section 15168 of the State CEQA Guidelines, the City Council finds that the Project is within the scope of the EDSP and the GPA, that the Project and all of its potentially significant environmental impacts were adequately described and analyzed in the EIR, that the Project incorporates all applicable mitigation measures identified in the Program ErR, and that - all of the Project's potentially significant environmental impacts will be mitigated to a level of insignificance with the imposition of the mitigation measures identified in the Program MMP and the project specific mitigation measure identified in the Initial Study for the Project. 3. Pursuant to Section 21166 and Section 21083.3, Subdivisions (b) and (e), of the Public Resources Code, and pursuant to Sections 15162 and 15168 of the State CEQA Guidelines, the City Council fmds: a) that the Project does not constitute a change from the program (Le. the GP A and the EDSP) analyzed in the Program ErR which would require major revisions in the Program EIR; b) that there are no substantial changes in the surrounding circumstances under which the Project is being undertaken from those circumstances which existed when the City .'" certified the Program EIR which would require major revisions in the Program EIR; and :2. ...". " .' . ~ c) that there is no new information of substantial importance to the GP A, the EDSP, or the Project which, despite the exercise of reasonable diligence, could not have been known when the Program EIR was certified and which shows either (i) that the Project will have significant environmental effects not discussed or substantially underestimated in the Program EIR or, (ii) that there are mitigation measures or alternatives not identified as feasible in the Program EIR and not included as part of the Project which would reduce or avoid any significant environmental impacts. 4. Pursuant to section 21080, subdivision (c), of the Public Resources Code and pursuant to section 15074, subdivision (b), of the State CEQA Guidelines, the City Council (I) certifies that it has considered the Mitigated Negative Declaration, along with the one letter of comment received and the City's responses thereto; (2) finds that there is no substantial evidence in light of the whole record that the Project will have a significant effect on the environment; and (3) hereby approves the Mitigated Negative Declaration. 5. The City Council does hereby adopt the Project-specific Mitigation Monitoring Program (a copy of which is attached as Addendum E to the Negative Declaration) as the reporting and monitoring program required by Public Resources Code Section 21081.6 for the Project, as a supplement to the Program MMP. 6. Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21081.6, subdivision (a) (2), the City Council specifies that the documents which constitute the record of proceedings upon which its fmdings and decision herein are based shall be located at City Hall, and their custodians shall be the City Clerk and the Community Development Director of the City. ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 15th day of October, 1996, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: MAYOR CITY CLERK G:\PA96020\ccres RESOLUTION NO. - 96 .' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING THE EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT FOR P A 96-020 WHEREAS, the Alameda County Surplus Property Authority has requested approval of a Plan Amendment for the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and City of Dublin General Plan for revisions to portions of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Land Use and Circulation System maps and City of Dublin General Plan Land Use Map; and WHEREAS, a complete application for the Plan Amendment is available and on file in the Planning Department; and WHEREAS, the City has prepared an Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration ("MND") for the project; and WHEREAS, the City of Dublin has evaluated the requested amendments and is recommending additional amendments to ensure overall Plan consistency and compatibility with surrounding uses; ..-.-", ., WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a duly noticed public hearing on said application on September 24, 1996; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the Project to the City Council; and, WHEREAS, the City Council did hold a duly noticed public hearing on said application on October 15, 1996; and WHEREAS, the Staff Report was submitted recommending that the City Council approve the amendments to the City of Dublin General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and use their independent judgment and considered all said reports, recommendations and testimony hereinabove set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin City Council hereby .. ',: finds that the proposed changes to the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan (EDSP) are consistent with the City of Dublin General Plan as proposed to be amended herein. The changes to the EDSP L/ EXHIBIT 2 ,". ..... .... " ." .:~:. will provide a new land use designation to assist development in Eastern Dublin. Changes to the circulation system in the EDSP and General Plan will provide a better configuration and improve traffic flow through the area. These changes will help implement policies of the General Plan regarding development in Eastern Dublin NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVE THAT THE Dublin City Council hereby approves the Amendments to the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and City of Dublin General Plan, attached as Exhibit 3 to the Staff Report for PA96-020 dated October 15, 1996. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of October, 1996. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk G:\P A96020\ccres2 5 CITY OF DUBLIN GENERAL PLAN AND EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN TEXT AND MAP AMENDMENTS .',: The following are proposed amendments to the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan as part of P A96-020: I. A revision to the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Land Use Map (Figure 4.1 of the EDSP dated January 7, 1994) to rearrange land uses and to add 'Industrial Park/Campus Office' as a new 'combined' land use category. The revised portion of the map is attached. 2. A revision to the EDSP Road System (Figure 5.1 of the Specific Plan dated January 7, 1994) to realign the planned aligrunent of Hacienda Drive north of the proposed Central Parkway (also referred to as the Transit Spine in the EDSP). The revised portion of the map is attached. 3. A Text Amendment to Chapter 4 of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan relating to nuisance and land use compatibility as a result of rearranging of land uses on Figure 4.1 Policy 4-7: .'"'" " Before the construction of any of the residential units in Subarea C, by any developer, within 400 feet of Gleason Drive, the Alameda County Sheriffs firearms ranges shall be relocated or reconstructed by that developer for appropriate sound and public safety mitigation to the satisfaction of the Sheriff. Reimbursement for costs associated with said relocation or reconstruction will be considered by the City when adjacent affected properties are developed. Any developer seeking building permits on any residential dwelling unit north of Central Parkway in Subarea C, shall fence the Sheriff s firearms ranges to the satisfaction of the Sheriff for public safety purposes prior to the issuance of building permits. The addition of this Policy would necessitate renumbering all subsequent policies within the Land Use Section of the 1994 Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. e: fr, EXHIB!T 3 . 4. Text Amendments to Chapter 4 ofthe Eastern Dublin Specific Plan to bring into consistency various tables and text directly related to the change in Figure 4.1 of the Plan: (note: addition indicated in bold type) 4.9.7 HACIENDA GATEWAY LAND USE CONCEPT Last sentence, first paragraph: "General and Neighborhood Commercial uses are designated along the east and west side of Hacienda Drive, to take advantage of the high visibility and convenient vehicular access from 1-580, Hacienda Drive, and Dublin Boulevard." (Please see Tables attached on separate pages) 5. A Text Amendment to Chapter 11 of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan relating to Hazards. .' 11.4.7 Phase I Envirorunental Site Assessments Some former uses of the land within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area involved the use of materials and methods of processing in the form of construction, in the manufacturing of goods, in the pursuit of agriculture, and in the provision of medical services, which today are considered to be hazardous. Information available to the City indicates that some remnants of these materials may remain on lands within the area. To ensure that development of the Eastern Dublin area does not occur until such time as such materials are either removed or encapsulated on-site, the following condition shall apply. Policy 11-1: Prior to issuance of building pennits for site-specific developments, site-specific Phase I (and if necessary Phase II) envirorunental site assessments shall be made available to the Community Development Director, with appropriate documentation that all recommended remediation actions have been completed. .' 6. Text Amendments to Chapter 5, Traffic and Circulation, to ensure consistency with the applicant's proposed amendments, and to specifically address Arnold Drive, Dublin Boulevard, and Gleason Drive 17 (Note: additions indicated in bold type, deletions, indicated by strikct-hrough) 5.2.2 NORTH-SOUTH CIRCULATION (at first paragraph, first sentence) The major north-south streets will be Arnold Drive, Hacienda Drive. . . . (beginning of second paragraph) Arnold Drive will facilitate access to Dublin Boulevard for residents and employees along the western boundary of the planning area. Arnold Drive is planned as a four lane road with extends from the northern City boundary to Dublin Boulevard. (new last paragraph for Section 5.2.2) Arnold Drive will be a north south road that will connect the BART station to Gleason. Arnold Drive will be limited access which will serve local as well as through traffic. 5.2.3: (end of second paragraph). . the freeway. Dublin Boulevard is also a major transit route which connects residential and employment users along Dublin Boulevard to BART. Gleason Road, located aApproximately a half mile north of and parallel to the Dublin Boulevard extension, will be widened to, a smaller a four lane arterial road would be located along the Gleason Road along its current alignment. 7. A revision to the General Plan to incorporate changes resulting from amendment of the proposed Amendment of the EDSP (replacing the EDSP Land Use Map with the revised EDSP Land Use Map in the City of Dublin General Plan). G:\P A96.020\exhibit <l e.:" .' " ..- ....2:~';.. ... .. " .' q Table 4.1 EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN LAND USE SUMMARY Land Use Designation Land Area Density Yield COMMERCIALIINDUSTRlAL General Commercial 298.2 acres .25-.35 FAR 3.365 MSF Neighborhood Commercial 73.6 acres .30-.35 FAR 1.031 MSF Campus Office 220.2 acres .35-.75 FAR 4.625 MSF Industrial Park 72.4 acres .25 FAR .719 MSF Subtotal 9.740 MSF RESIDENTIAL High Density 68.2 acres 35 dulac 2,387 du Medium High Density 133.4 acres 20 dulac 2,637 du Medium Density 482.3 acres 10 du/ac 4,823 du Single Family 612.6 acres 4 du/ac 2,492 du Rural Residential! Agric. 410.8 acres .01 du/ac 4du Subtotal 12,343 du PUBLIC/SEMI-PUBLIC Public/Semi-Public 96.3 acres .24 FAR 1.049 MSF SCHOOLS Elementary School 69.6 acres 6.5 schools Junior High School 35.9 acres 1.8 schools High School 55.3 acres 1 schools Subtotal PARKS AND OPEN SPACE City Park 56.3 acres 1 park Community Park 126.7 acres 2 parks Neighborhood Park 45.2 acres 7 parks Neighborhood Square 13.3 acres 7 parks Subtotal 241.5 acres 17 parks Open Space 436.9 acres Subtotal 678.4 acres 17 parks TOTAL LAND AREA 3,307.2 acres Table 4.2 EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN POPULATION AND EMPLOYMENT SUMMARY .., Development Sq. Personldu Population Ft./Emolovees Commercial General Commercial 3.365 MSF 510 6,598 NeiJ?;hborhood Commercial 1.031 MSF 490 2,104 Campus Office 4.625 MSF 260 17,787 Industrial Park 0.719 MSF 590 1,218 Public/Semi-Public 1.049 MSF 590 1,778 TOTAL 10.788 MSF 29,484 Residential HiJ?;h Density 2,387 2.0 4,774 Medium High Densitv 2,637 2.0 5,274 Medium Density 4,823 2.0 9,646 Single Family 2,492 3.2 7,974 Rural Residential! Agric. 4 3.2 13 TOTAL 12,343 27,681 Table 4.3 CITY OF DUBLIN .. PROJECTED JOBSIHOUSING BALANCE .' Planning Area Dwelling Jobs Employed Balance Ratio Units Residents Existing City of 7,100 12,210 12,000 -210 1.02:1.0 Dublin Eas tern Dublin 12,343 29,484 19,996 -9,488 1.45: 1.0 S ecific Plan Area TOTAL 19,443 41,694 31,996 -9,698 1.30: 1.0 .";-. " 10 .' .'.,.., " e:: 11 Table 4.6 TOWN CENTER - RESIDENTIAL SUBAREA DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL Designation Acres Density Development Potential High Density 33.6 35 dulac 908 Medium High Density 44.9 20 dulac 852 Medium Density 189.0 10 dulac 1,949 Single Family 89.2 4 dulac 399 Subtotal 356.7 4,108 ()pen Space 49.8 City Park 56.3 1 park Community Park 80.6 1 park Neighborhood Park 11.6 2 parks Neighborhood Square 7.5 5 parks Subtotal 205.8 Elementary School 31.1 3 schools Total 593.6 4,108 dwelling units 9 parks 3 elementary schools Table 4.11 HACIENDA GATEWAY SUBAREA DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL Designation Acres Density Development Potential General Commercial 85.8 .21 FAR .800 MSF Neighborhood Commercial 0.0 .30 FAR Campus Office 65.0 .37 FAR 1.048 MSF Campus Office 53.0 .85 FAR 1.962 MSF Subtotal 203.8 3.810 MSF High Density Residential 34.6 35 dulac 1,211 du Medium High Density 16.2 20 dulac 324 du Residential Residential Subtotal 50.8 1,535 du Total 254.6 3.810 MSF 1,535 du Table 4.13 COUNTY CENTER .:, SUBAREA DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL Designation Acres Density Development Potential Public/Semi Public 88.5 .25 FAR .964 MSF Total 88.5 .964 MSF .~ . ,:L .: .': .> J~ PROPOSED EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN PLANNING SUBAREAS ~ "( Q -u o c L ( --------- NOI<i"H Gleason Dr"ive -u u o It IJ~ ({ ! CenTral Parkwa 1 o "lJ C U "0 o I ~ u "0' Ill, III t!! Dublin Soulevar"d A 1..560 A S C G I ..J ,.. dSSSc;jdr"d Gdi"ewdY ,.. own CenTer" .. Commer"cidl ,.. own CenTer" .. ~essidenTidl Foc::rt+lill l<esidenTial CounTy Ceni"er" Hdciendd GaTeway Proposed Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Planning Subareas rKurU:SElJ EA~lJ:l.,Kl"'l UUJjLl1~ ~rJt.,Ll~lL. rLA1~ AND GENERAL PLAN LAND USE MAP ."'~: ., Gleoson Dl""ive G/I '"U 0 0 ~ l1 L- ~ T I () INDia L 0 "U ~ F' "0' III 0 GC III I: "[ ~ L Q C 1: {) "U I: H Ql MH M GC "ij u L- I Dublin 60ulevol""d CO.. GC CO. GC CO INDia H MH M L- G/I es F' ----- NOR'TH .. I..sea . Genel""ol Commel""ciol Compus OfAc::e Indusi"l""iol F'ol""k10fAc::e High Densiiy Resideni"iol Medium High Density Residentiol Medium Oensiiy Resideni"iol Single Fomily Resideni"iol Public/Semi Public elemenTor-y Sc::hool Ciiy POl""k NC moy be pel""mi"l"'ted by 0 Plonned DevelopmenT Zoning PI"""c::ess Includes .5 oCl""es of NC Proposed Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Land Use Map and General Plan Map ..: J 1 .:"~.,,,> " .:" ." I;? Gle05"~ Dr-ive G/I "U tJ 0 ~ OC l- ~ "[ I 0 \NDIO L u "U ~ P -ij' UI "0 c#C UI t: '[ C ~ L 0 ( U "U I: H QI MH M c#C -ij {) 1- I DL..Ibli~ S"L..Ilevar-d CO.. GC CO. 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Negative Declaration (Prepared pursuant to City of Dublin Environmental Guidelines, Section 1.7 (c), 5.5) Description of Project: Proposed amendments to the land use and circulation diagrams of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan to create a useable site for the proposed Santa Rita Business Center; adjusting the circulation system and remaining land uses to create a more efficient roadway system and reduce potential conflicts between adjacent uses; and adoption of a Development Agreement with infrastructure sequencing program. Project Location.; The Santa Rita property encompasses 954 acres (Assessor's Parcel No. 946-15-1-4), of which approximately 705 acres are included within the adopted Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Oanuary 1994). The site is bounded by Broder Boulevard on the north, 1-580 to the south, Camp Parks on the west, and Tassajara Road on the east. Name of Proponent: Alameda County Surplus Property Authority I hereby find that although the above project could have a significant effect on the enyironment, because the mitigation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project, there will not be a significant effect in this case. Attached is a copy of the Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration documenting the reasons to support the above finding. Iv litigation measures are included in the project to avoid potentially significant effects on the environment and are included as part. of the Initial Study. 5i~ - Ten Ram Printed Name Associate Planner Title 8/23/96 Date At:acilmenls \1 Date Published: Date Posted; Date Notice Mailed: Considered by: On: Action on Negative Declaration: Approved _ Disapproved_ Notice of Determination filed: Council Resolution No. EXHIB!T ~ FINAL MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION .' EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT/GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT September, 1996 I. Introduction and Document Format: This document constitutes the Final Mitigated Negative Declaration for the proposed Eastern Dublin Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment and associated applications. This document contains all letters (one letter) received by the City of Dublin during the comment period concerning the Mitigated Negative Declaration with associated responses to each of the comments. Taken together, the Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration/Initial Study and the Final Negative Declaration constitute the complete environmental documentation for the proposed project. II. Project Location: .::: The Santa Rita property encompasses 954 acres (Assessor's Parcel No. 946-15-1-4), of which approximately 705 acres are included within the adopted Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Uanuary 1994). The site is bounded by Broder Boulevard on the north, 1-580 to the south, Camp Parks on the west, and Tassajara Road on the east. III. List of Persons and Organizations Submitting Comments: The following individuals and/or organization have submitted comments on this environmental document: · Beth Stone, East Bay Regional Parks District IV. Comment Letters and Responses: The following is a summary of the only comment letter received by the City of Dublin regarding the Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration and the City's responses to the letter. The full text of the comment letter follows this section. Note that responses have been prepared for individual paragraphs constituting the letter where appropriate. . ,<6 .' .'.,..", "' ." (1 Comment Letter: Beth Stone, East Bay Regional Parks District . The preferred alignment of the regional trail along the Tassajara Creek corridor in the area between Dublin Boulevard and Gleason Drive is on the east side of the creek. Response: Comment acknowledged. The City has recently adopted a Stream Corridor Plan which designates the alignment for the Tassajara Creek Trail on the east side of the Creek between Dublin Boulevard and Gleason Drive. . A local connection (for the trail) will be provided from the creek corridor through the project site along the north side of Dublin Boulevard in a westerly direction to provide the important connection to the Dublin BART station and EBRPD Regional Iron Horse Trail. Response: Comment acknowledged. Staff continues to work with Alameda County on the improvement plans for Dublin Boulevard. Plans submitted indicate that the trail connection will be provided along the north side of Dublin Boulevard. . The District requests that the location of the Tassajara Creek Trail be shown on the final land use map for the project. Response: The location of trails is shown in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan on the Open Space Map, not on the Land Use Map. Additionally, the locations on the Open Space Map are "general". The exact alignment of the trail has been determined as part of the Stream Corridor Plan, which was prepared as part of the implementation measures of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. . The District requests that they be contacted during the design and implementation phase of the project so that they can be involved in the review process. Response: The District is a regular reviewing agency for the City. They will be contacted when projects occur adjacent any creek or open space area that the District would have interest in. This is done as a part of the regular procedures of the City of Dublin Planning Department and as a mitigation measure of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. G:\P A96-020\FinalIS REGIONAL PARKS. R E eEl v.:~. SEP i 8 1995 EAST BAY REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT September 17, 1996 DUBUr..f P.J:A'-' ,:,,,~.,,;~-;"',,rl, NNING Prt!'!':nenl t'(-r;Jp'..i~ S,,"'Jen Vlr~.PI i~l:t(ln! .1"..::5", Tr.ellSu'i'1 Ms. Jeri Ram Associate Planner City of Dublin Community Development Department P.O. Box 2340 Dublin, California 94568 Bt~\.il."j\.i;mp. St"";~I~i:I.\" J~"'..:i'i,'n C("tm~$ 7 en Rn~''''P C~lfrl'! St:I'\'emn F'.a: 05r,~n Gener at Mana~ei SUBJECT: PROPOSED EASTERN DUBLIN" SPECIFIC PLAN / GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS Dear Ms. Ram, Thank you for forwarding us a copy of the initial study and mitigated negative declaration for the subject project. The District has reviewed the study and has the following comments on the project. District staff has been coordinating with City and County staff on the issue of providing a regional trail connection through the project site. Our approved Trails Master Plan calls for a .. "': ' regional trail along the Tassajara Creek corridor in order to implement the Sycamore Valley to Tassajara Creek Trail. Through meetings with City staff, it was detennined that the preferred alignment for the regional trail segment will be along the east side of the creek corridor. In the future, a northerly alignment will be detennined to provide a connection to the Sycamore Valley area. In addition, a local connection will be provided from the creek corridor through the project site along the north side of Dublin Boulevard in a westerly direction to provide the important connection to the Dublin BART station and the EBRPD Regional Iron Horse Trail. When completed, these trail segments will improve circulation and offer alternative modes of transportation and recreational opportunities for future residents and employees of the project site. Attached is a copy of the Specific Plan Land Use Map depicting the subject area, with the location of the regional trails shown in green. The District requests that these proposed trails are clearly shown in the final document for this project. We further request that we be contacted during the design and implementation phase of this project so that we may be involved in the review process. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this project. Sincerely, ~~ Beth Stone . Advanced Planning .~: /).0 Ene: Revised Specific Plan Land Use Map ~ .795:: =;,'<::a OakS Cou': POBox 538 i Oakla,.,:: CA 94605-0351 Tel' (510) 63;'-0735 TOO: (510) 633-0460 Fax: (510) 569-4319 ". ::: ,,' .. , ' l_-<'::-:~('':=--C:::::::::::~\ ~ g !g ~ ~ .:./;<1/: ,";/i' '.' ' \ ~ ~ '- ~ i ~/__I I i I " ,u _..., , ..., I 1 ~. "" ' ~ ,'\ ~. i ~ i .:" ~ ~-l~'~'. \~\ \,;'<, I x . g i~ ~ 00 I g ;:.....-';:. ~k - ~. , r:::I:! 1 1 0-- !-' _' _~ - . i I . , ,.' ,_ \ J'I . I ; . l __ . ".-.-. , , " , u ,-", ,., ' I ". . ,,' u' (.:>. , "cp,' I \ \ .~~,~,_~~;", '_+_,,=~_~L~J, :i ,:,";~i';~Y; ,l .or;:; ",.. .~. :. 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D t D , n ,~ .:::,.-:,' , .' lN1:RODUCIION GENERAL PURPOSE! SCOPE OF ENVlRONMENTAL REVIEW This Initial Study (IS) has been prepared to determine whether or not the proposed Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment/ General Plan Amendment for the Santa Rita property (project) will have a significant effect on the environment which is outside the scope of a prior Environmental Impact Report (ElR) for the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan (discussed below), and to identify feasible mitigation measures. Major features of the proposed project include: . Amendments to the land use and circulation diagrams of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan to create a useable site for -t.'le proposed Santa Rita Business Centerj amendments to the text and diagrams of the General Plan to update existing and proposed roadway designations, alignments, etc. . Adjusting the circulation system and remaining land uses to create a more efficient roadway system and reduce potential conflicts between adjacent uses. .'~:. ,~ .- .".or '_ . Adoption of a Development Agreement with infrastructure sequencing program. If, based upon the information presented in ibis study, it is determined that the proposed project will not hl!.ve any significant impacts or that such impacts can be mitigated, a Mitigated Negative Declaration will be issued. If it is determined that the proposed project will have one or more significant impacts that cannot be adequately mitigated, and which were not -examined in the EIR for 'the Eastern Dublin S~c Plan, the lead agency (Oty) will require 'the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR). Th'VIRoNMENTAL PRoc:EDURES This IS has been prepared in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 (CEQA), as amended (Public Resources Code, Section 21000, et seq.) and the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines (California Administrative Code Section 15000, et seq.) This report complies wifu the rules, regulations, and procedures for the implementation of fue California Environmental Quality Act as adopted by the City of Dublin. -.): ~')- -1- INCORPORATION BY REFERENCE The project represents an amendment to a portion of the City's adopted Eastem Dublin Spedfic PIan (1994) and General Plan (1992). An Environmental Impact Report (ErR -State Oearinghouse No. 91103064) for the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan was certified in May of 1993. The project site was included in the analysis of tha t ElR. CEQA Section 15150 states the follov..ring concerning incorporation by reference: "An EIR n' may incorporate by reference all or portions of another document which is a matter of public record or is generally available to the public. 1'\7here all or part of another document is incorporated by reference, the incorporated language shall be considered to be set forth in full as part of the te>..i of the EIR..." As further required by CEQA Section 15150, the certified Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan (parts I-III) will be available for public inspection at the Oty of Dublin Community Development Department, 100 Ovic Plaza, Dublin, California, during normal business hours. Appendix F contains the Executive Summary of the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan EIR, which surrunarizes that projecfs potential environmental impacts and recommended mitigation measures. Also incorporated by reference is a Matrix which has incorporated the mitigation measures and action programs of the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment' and Specific Plan which vvill reduce impacts of the proposed project to a level of. insignificance. The Matrix was designed to use in evaluating specific project proposals in Eastern Dublin for compliance V\'ith the Eastern Dublin Final EIR and Mitigation Monitoring Program. The Matrix has been modified to include any additional mitigation measures required by this Initial Study. Therefore, the Matrix also serves as the mitigation summary and mitigation monitoring program for this proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration. The Matrix is attached as Appendix E (only those applicable mitigation measures/ conditions are included). LRID AGENCY/CONTACT PERSONS In accordance vvith Sections 15050 and 15367 of the State CEQA Guidelines, the Oty of Dublin has been designated the "lead agency" V\Thich is defined as the "public agency V\Thich has the principal responsibility for carrying out or disapproving a project. II The project sponsor is also the Oty of Dublin. -2- ~3 .'.," '_w .' . '".+ .'.,' ~ :": : . ::-.; . .:~.:.. .:i, :.,....;:. ". -'. - 0".. ."'-',., , '. ..- + ..' .'.,;',.,... . . . . ~'.. ,.' - .~.~.:~; ..,'" ':::.>:}::: Lead Agency/ Project Sponsor. MS. Jeri Ram, Associate Plarmer Community Development Departm.ent 100 Ovic Plaza P.O. Box 2340 Dublin, CA 94568 (510) 833-6610 (510) 833-6628 Fax RESPONSIBLF/ 1RUSTEE AGENCIES Responsible agencies are those which have discretionary approval over one or more actions involved with development of the proposed project site. Trustee Agencies are state agencies having discretionary approval or jurisdiction by law over material resources affected by the project For the purposes of this project these agencies include, but are not limited to the following: . California Deparbnent of Fish & Game - Region 3 . Caltrans - Alameda Branch II and District ATSD Coordinator . U.S. Army Corps of Engineers . U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service TECHNICAL SIUDlES 1JKM Transportation Consultants prepared a traffic report and CurrIes M. Salter Associates, Inc. prepared a noise impact assessment (both firms are under contract to 'the Alameda County Surplus Property Authority). These reports have been summarize~ in the text of the Jnitial Study and may be found in their entirety in the Appendices _ section. d-1 -3- PROJECT DEscR1PnON .',.".. ..... "<.-:.- IN1RODUCIION The Alameda County Surplus Property Authority (ACSP A), . owner of the Santa Rita property within the City of Dublin,. is requesting an amendment to the City's Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and General Plan to reflect proposed modifications to the land use and circulation pattern for the Santa Rita property. The Eastern Dublin Specific Plan planning area (consisting of approximately 3,300 acres) is located on the eastern edge of the City of DubliI\. situated near the center of the Tri- Valley regio~ which includes the communities of Dublin, San Ramon, Pleasanton, and Livermore, and portions of both Alameda County and Contra Costa County. Interstate highways 580 and 680 provide regional access to the planning area. Figure 1 represents the local vicinity. The Santa Rita property encompasses 954 acres, of which approximately 705 acres are included 'Within the adopted Eastem Dublin Specific Plan Ganuary 1994). The site is bounded by Broder Boulevard on the north to 1-580 on the south, and from Camp Parks on the west to Tassajara Road on the east Land use designations include a wide mix of residential densities, as well as retail, office, industrial, and semi-public uses. The property is also designated for an elementary school, a large community park, and an open space corridor along Tassajara Oeek (designated as a major perennial stream). Total residential development, based on .average pennitted densities is .2,.971 units, over half being medium-high to high density units. Total non-residential development based , on average permitted floor area ratios (PARs), is approximately 5.8 million square feet The existing Specific Plan Land Use Map for the Santa Rita property is shown in Figure 2 .'<,::.\ . ~'.'~ . ':::?~: DFSCRIPTlON OF PROPOSED PROJECT The primary purpose of the proposed amendment (project) is to permitihe development of the 25-acre Santa Rita Business Center being proposed h}T Opus Southwest, to be located in the northwest comer of the properly. The Business Center proposal will, require a Specific Plan amendment to 1) create a viable site for the project by realigning the proposed segment of Hacienda Drive near Gleason Road; and 2) to accommodate the intensity of use being proposed for the development by essentially combining the current Campus Office and Industrial Park designations into a new Industrial/Office designation. -4- .:... ~ . .. ~:'. ~ .~.: : .- '5 ~ .<c:;::>. , ' .',. - ~\.~.:. .0. -.:.'~ ."; '., ...... . :':\-:.-. EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMEl'--TJ / GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT FOR THE ALAMEDA COUl'\lTY SURPLUS PROPERTY AUTHORITY SANTA RITA PROPERTY INITIAL STUDY AND MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION CITY OF DUBLIN CoMMUNITY DEVEWPMENT DEPARTMENT AUGUST 1996 '..-: ~b TABLE OF COhTffiNTS Irrtroduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Project Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Environmental Olecklist F onn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Olecklist Responses and Environmental Analysis. . . . . . . . . . ..' . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 List of Figures and Tables Figure 1 - Local Vicinity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Figure 2 - Adopted Specific Plan Land Use Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Figure 3 - Proposed Land Use Map ............................"... 8 Table A - Adopted Specific Plan Land Use Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Table B - Proposed Specific Plan Land Use Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Appendices Appendix A - Appendix B - Appendix C - Appendix D - Appendix E - Appendix F - 9-1 Public Notice and Responses Transportation Study and Proposed Text Amendments Noise Study Hazards Memorandum Mitigation Monitoring Matrix Executive Summary from Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan draft ElR ."'~"':2'" ..... " ....-. .--..,.,'" ....., ..~+'/ .,., o. .' ~. .~. ..,"""..:; . ., --~.... .... .. ~:. .:.:~. ,; . -.." :-~. - .";' ..-. . ~ ~ ;'.&"..~ j't{ ~ NORTH Local Vicinity Figure 1 Source: City of Dublin - 5 - Gleason Drive G/I ~ C':l IP M 0 0::: r-s CO a '2 <r.> LM.ES p <r.> {) GC r= > is MH -' M M ::;; - H CO NC LM.MH GC < ....:; Dublin Blvd. 0 GC Interstate 580 NC "Neighborhood Commercial GC Gene11ll Commercial , CO Campus Office IF Industrial Park H High Density Residential MH Medium High Density Residential M Medium Density Residential L Single Family Residential GII Public/Semi Public ES Elementary School P City Park ~ NORTH ~1 Exisring Land Use Map Figure 2 - 6- co Source: City of Dublin , , .."... .'~"';,.".::~:, '" .... .'. ...'. .:". ,-. .'~'" . ., .::\ , .. - --a .-. .-- .' 2b In addition to accommodating the needs of the Business Center, the applicant's proposed Specific Plan amendment has the following objectives: to adjust the remaining land uses to reduce potential conflicts with the adjacent uses; provide viable sites that can be marketed and developed in a logical fashion; and reflect the as-built location of Dublin Boulevard and specific or approved developments on the property. Figure 3 illustrates the proposed Specific Plan Land Use Map. Tables A and B summarize the existing and proposed land uses and intensities for the property. Proposed area-by-area Specific Plan land use changes are described in detail under the 'Land Use' heading of the Checklist and Responses section of this report The proposed amendment also adjusts the major roadway pattern to accommodate the Santa Rita Business Center. Specific adjusbnents to the circulation system are described under the 'Transportation' heading in the Checklist and Responses section of this report and in Appendix J? DISCRETIONA.RY ACTIONS Implementation of the proposed project will require a series of discretionary actions as listed below. The Gty of Dublin is the agency responsible for making the discretionary actions. Please note that one or more of the agencies listed on page 3 may have additional discretionary authority throughout the approval/planning process. . . . . . . . Adoption of the Initial Study /Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring Program Approval of Specific Plan text and map amendments Approval of General Plan text and map amendments Approval of a tentative parcel map Approval of Planned Developm~t (PD) rezone Adoption of a Development Agreement Site Development Review approval -7- t) > Q o < NC GC lND/CO H MH M L G/I ES P . ~ NORTH 31 Proposed Land Use Map Fi gure 3 Gleason Drive Gfl GC INDiCa M "0 r:; o ~ L :-;l 1:3 .~ v:> v.: GC ~ IND ICO p M ES M MH H MH :..: Q - ... '-' .... C3 CO'" -g M L u lin Blvd. GC GC/CO Interstate 580 Neighborhood Commercial General Commercial Industrial/Campus Office High Density Residential Medium High Density Residential Medium Density Residential Single Family Residential Public/Semi Public Elementary School City Park Includes 5 acres of Neighborhood Commercial Source: City of Dublin -8- .'.,. . ,'. ,", .. ."_'-0'; ... . " -'.' .. '..' .... . .'~. ......-r. .--,,:'0> ., .' ...:,.. : ~;!~\ ."" _"w". . - -.. ~ Table A Santa Rita Property Adopted Specific Plan - Land Use Sum.Inary Land Use Category Qoss Acres Density Square Feet Units General Commercial 103.0 351.25 FAR 1,153,033 Neighl:)(lIhood Com.. 18.0 0.30 FAR 235,224 Campus Office 140.8 .75135 FAR 2,.791,325 Public/Semi-Public 00.8 0.25 FAR 988~2 Industrial Park 53.4 0.28 FAR 651,309 High Density Resd. 36.3 35 dul ac 1,271 Med-High Density 39.5 20 dul ac 700 Medium Density 642 10 du/ac '642 Single-Family Resd. 892 4-5.5 dul ac 399 City Park , 56.3 -, Open Space 24.6 Elementary School 10.5 IOIAL 704.6 5,819,703 ..",,972 Somce: Appendix 4 of the adopted Eastem Du~lin Specific Plan. FAR = Eoor .AIea Ratio duf ac = dwe1l.iiig units per acre 'It Total shown in adopted Specific Plan was 2,.971 units, but appear.> to be a typographical error. 7/- - 9- Table B Santa Rita Properly Proposed Specific Plan - Land Use Summary .J-~':_:'- ..,."... .... .' -..... '.... Lmd Use Category Gross Acres Density Square Feet Units General Commercial 133.75 .21-.3 FAR 1,369~74 Campus Office1 79.05 .&5/.40 FAR 2,,416,273 Public/Semi-Public 88.5 0.25 FAR 963,765 Industrial/ Office 65.0 0.37 FAR 1,047,618 High Density Resd. 34.6 35 du/ ac 1,211 Med-High Density 38.9 16-20 du/ ac 747 Medium Density 602 10 du/ ac 602 Single-Family Resd. 892 4-5.4 du/ ac2 399 Community Park 56.3 Open Space/ Creek 29.1 Elementary School 11.0 'IOTAL 685.E? 5,797,530 2,959 ....,-'~,....., ',' Source: Alameda County Swplus Property Authority 1 Jncludes 5.0 Bcxes of Neighoo:z:hood Comm~ _ :2 Density nmges fpr Medium High and Single-Family reflect actual Califomia Creekside densities. 3 Acreage total does not correspond with adopted Specific Plan due to more acew:ate mapping. .',.-:, ":.". . .'.:: .'. .- '7.2 - 10- .' D.'VIRoNMENTAL 0tEc::KLl5T FORM IN1RODUCIION The following 1'v.,'o sections evaluate the potential impacts of the proposed project The environmental checklist,. approved by the City and consistent with CEQA Guidelines, was used to focus this study on physical, social, and economic factors that may be further impacted by the proposed project The checklist indicates ",rith.a "potentially significant impact", "potentially significant unless mitigation incorporated", "less than significant impact", or "no impact/no new impact" for each specified potential impact The second section, Olecklist Responses and Environmental Analysis, will respond and analyze in detail those impacts identified in the checklist A brief explanation is required for all answers except "no impact" answers that are adequately supported. A "no impact" answer is adequately supported if the referenced information sources show that the impact simply does not apply to projects like the one involved. "No new impact" responses are briefly summarized. .~~ ,.-, , " . "-". Referenced information sources utilized for this analysis include the following: 1) Determination based on location of project; 2) Determination based on staff office review; 3) Determination based on field review; 4) Determination based on the City of Dublin General Plan; 5) Determination based on the City. of Dublin Zoning Ordinance; 6) Determination based on the Easter Dublin General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan Final EIR and Addendum"; 7) Not applicable. .An Initial Study is a preliminary analysis prepared by the lead agency to determine whether an EIR or Negative Declaration must be prepared and to identify the significant effects to be analyzed in an ElR (CEQA Guidelines See. 15365). .An Initial Study may also be used to determine "'Thether a project is within the scope of a previously prepared Program EIR (CEQA Guidelines See. 15168 (c)). The Initial Study for -the proposed Santa. Rita property and associated Specific Plan and General Plan lunendments will serve to focus on effects determined to be potentially significant In accordance ",rith CEQA Guidelines, the folloV\ring checklist has been prepared that identifies any environmental effects. .,.., . -~.~::-:~:>:: "~t/ -11- E1\'\:'ffiONMEN'TAL CHECKLIST 1. Project Title: Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment/General Plan Amendment for the Alameda County Surplus Property Authority Santa Rita Property .~-'-',,::.-;:; . . -" 2 Lead Agency Name: City of Dublin 3. Contact person and phone number: Ms. Jeri Ram, ..6,ssociate Planner (510) 833-6610 4. Project location: The Santa Rita property encompasses 954 acres (Assessor's Parcel No. 946-15-1-4), of which approximately 705 acres are included within the adopted Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Ganuary 1994). The site is bounded by Broder Boulevard on the north to 1-580 on the south, and from Camp Parks on the west to Tassajara Road on the east 5. Project sponsor's name and address: Alameda County Surplus Property Authority, ""4 W. Winton. Room 151, Hayward, California. Contacts: Stuart Cook or Pat Cashman 6. General plan designation: Refer to Table A 7. Zoning: Refer to Figure 2 8: Description of project: The primiU}' purpose of the proposed amendment (project) is to permit the development of the 25-acre Santa Rita Business Center being proposed by Opus Southwest, to be located in the northwest comer of the property. The Business Center proposal ",'ill require a Specific Plan amendment to 1) create a viable site for the project by realigning the proposed segment of Hadenda Drive near Gleason Road; and 2) to accommodate the intensity of use being proposed for the development by essentially combining the current Campus Office and Industrial Park designations into a new Industrial/Office designation. ..,- .... ,'. . - ....... . ..- The project site is generally flat and largt::ly vacant Tassajara Creek bisects the site in a north-south "direction and contains the majority of tress 1>n-site. Several public facilities (California Highway Patrol County corporation yard, and animal shelter) located north of Gleason Drive will remain. Numerous decrepid buildings associated with the old 'Navy Hospital are in 'the process of being removed. 9. Smrounding land uses and setting: Camp Parks Army Base is located to the west,. Santa Rita County jail to the north, 1-580 and the Oty of Pleasanton to the south, and vacant agricultUral land deSignated for a variety of urban uses to the east (part of adopted Eastern Dublin Specific Plan). 10. Other public agencies whose approval may be required during the processing of future site- specific applications: California Department of Fish & Game - Region 3; CaltTans _ Alameda Branch n and District A1SD Coordinator; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; US. Fish and Wildlife Service. .:: .....'.. I},~ ;/ -12- ._....,..r_' .. . ENVIRONMENIA.L FAODRS POTENTIALLY AFFECTED: The environmental factors checked below would be potentially affected by this project,. involving at least one impact that is a 'Potentially Significant Impact" as indicated by the checklist on the following pages: o land Use and Planning o population and Housing o Geological Programs o Water o .A.ir Quality DETERMINATION: o Transportation/Circulation 0 Public Services o Biological Resomces 0 Utilities and Service SystemS o Energy and Mineral Resources 0 Aesthetics B Hazards 0 Cultuxal Resomces o Noise 0 Recreation c Mandatory Findings of Significance o I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment,. and a NEGATIVE DEa..ARATION 'Will be prepared. s I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment,. there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project A ~TEG.~11VE DEa..ARATION will be prepared. D I find the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on !he enviroronent, and an ENVlRoNMENTAL Th1P ACT REPOKf is required. D . I find that the proposed project roay have ~ ~ignificant effect(s) on !he environment, but at least one effect 1) has been adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant 10 applicable legal standards, and 2) has been addressed by mitigation measures based on an earligr analysis as described on attached sheets, if the effect is a 'potentially significant impact" or 'potentially significant unless mitigated.' An ENVIRoNMENTAL lMPACI REPORT is required, but it must analyze only the effects that remain to be addressed.. D I find that' although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environp:l.ent,. there WILL Nor be a significant effect in -this case because all potentially significant effects (a) have been analyzed adequately in an earlier EIR pursuant to applicable sbmdards, and (b) have been avoided or mitigated pursuant to that earlier ErR, including re'visions or mitigation measures that are imposed upon the proposed project Si~~~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q ~~. .\S0!": . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Printed Name . . . . . '8 : ~ :3;-:1.3 . . . . . . . . . . . Date .":~" '~.,,:~~::~+\ .',... ..-. '. ( ,+. . )\ . . .'-""'1 ~ .D.\.J.~. . . . . . . For <J . +" . ....:. '.... -13 - '?Jh Th'\1RO~TfAL Th1PACIS 1 L.4..ND USE A..1IID PLANNING. Would the proposal: 8) Conflict with gen:ral plan designation or zoning? b) Conflict with applicable environmental plans or policies adopted by agencies with jurisdiction over the project? c) Be incompatible with existing land use in the \'icinity? (2, 4, 6) d) Affect agricultullU resources or operations (e.g., impacts to soils or f8Imlands. or impacts from incompatible land uses)? (6) e) Disrupt or divide the physical arrangement of an established community (including a low income or minority community)? [T) H. POPIJLA.TION AND HOUSING. Would the proposal: a) Cumulatively exceed official regional or local population projections? b) Induce substantial growth in an area either directly or indirectly (e.g., through projects in an undeveloped area or extension of major infrast:nwture)? (6) c) Displaee existing housing, especially affordable housing? [T) ill. GEOLOGIC PROBLEMs. Wauld the proposal result in Dr expose people to potential imp~ts invoIl'ing; a) Fault rupture? (6) b) Seismic ground shaking? (6) c) Seismic ground failure, including liquefaction? (6) -14 - ~1 Po&:atiaIIy S~ ~ o o o o o o o o o o o 1'oCaJt1aUy Si:Dlftc:U UDle:q Mititldio.a IDeot1lO~ o o o o o o o o o o o 1.- aa. SipUic:.nt ~ 8 8 o o o 8 o o o o o No lmpadf No Ne'I'I" Jnu-d o o f5I f5I B o f5I f5I f5I 8 8 .'.,' . ' ....... ", .- ".-.. .',-,., . .:. '.~' ," ," .... ...... ',' .',., '. -. -. . ~.." -'. .' . .... . : . ~ ... ,:....-... '. ... .-. .:'" . ,..- . '..- :'-",' ..r.", ..-.... ...... -. '.. . ....... ~ -. - _ ~'. ~ '.-:~' ." ."'., " -" .' .-' . ." -_ ...: r:~::. +"'-:"&' d) Seiche, tsunami, or volcanic hazard? (7) e) Landslides or mudflows? (4, 6) f) Erosion, changes in topography or unstable soil conditions from excavation, grading, or fill? (6) g) Subsidence of land? (6) h) E>.."pansive soils? (6) i) Unique geologic or physical features? (4,6) IV. WATER- Would the proposal result in: a) Changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the rate and amount of surface runoff1 (6) b) Exposure of people or property to water related hazards such as flooding? (6) c) Discharge into surface waters or other alteration of surface water quality (e.g., temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity)? (6) d) Changes in the amount of surface water in my water body? (6) e) Changes in currents, or the c_oursc or direction of water movements? (6) f) Changes in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct additions or withdrawals. Of through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations or through substantial loss of groundwater recharge capability? (6) g) Altered direction or rate of flow of groundwater? (6) h) Impacts to groundwater quality? (6) i) Substantial reduction Dl the amount of groundwater otherwise available for public water supplies7(6) 7;1 p...-ny S~ ~ o o o o -15 - p~ Sipl1k:lmt UDIess 1&1iptiOQ lDeoTllOnRc! o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o l.aI e- s~ ~ o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o "- o o o o No lmJI-d' NoN-~ S s s s s s s R a 8 B ,181 B 8 I8l v. AIR QUALITY. ff' ould the proposal: a) Violate any air quality standard or contribute to an existing or projected air quality violation? (6) b) Expose sensitive receptors to pollutants? (6) c) ..6Jter air movements, moisture, or temperature, or cause any change in climate? (6) d) Create objectionable odors? VI. lRANSPORTATION/CIRCUUTION. Would the proposal result in: a) Increased vebi cular trips or traffic congestion? (3) b) Hazards to safety from design features (e.g., sharp cW"Ves or dangerous intersections) or incompatible uses (e.g., fann equipment)? c) Inadequate emergency access or access to nearby uses? d) Insufficient parking capacity onsite or offsite? e) Hazards or barriers for pedestrians or bicyclists? (6) f) Conflicts with adopted policies supporting alternative transpOrtation (e.g., bus turnouts,. bicycle racks)? (6) g) RBi!. waterborne or air traffic impacts?(7) VlI. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES. Would the proposal result in impacts 10: a) Endangered, threatened or rare species or their habitats (mcluding but not limited to plants, fish, insects, animals, and birds)? (6) b) Loca.lly desiBDated species (e.g., heritage trees)? (5) c) Lo::ally designatednatuIal communities (e.g., oak forest, coastal habitat, etc.)? (4, 6) d) Wetland habitat (e.g., marsh, riparian, and veInal pool)? (6) e) Wildlife dispersal or migration corridors? (6) "77 - 16- PoO:ntiaDy SI:nmc:aJt. ~ o D o [J o o o o IJ o o o o o o o l'o=tiaDy Si:DmCMlt UJlIcsa ~-601l lDcon>ol1lR:d o o o [J o [J o [J o o o o [J o o [J r.es. fila S!:nl1iant ~ o o o iii o III iii iii o o o D D o o o .'.,... ..' .. . ..' ,".:-:::-. No~ No Nrw ImJ-d iii II . 8 8 iii iii 8 III 8 8 [J 8 [J o o .... .'r .~:: ",' ....... ..,.:: ..-'-''-- ".- ". .. ..~""'" ..... . ~ .&:~ .::. .... vro. ENERGY ~"'D MINERAL :RESOURCES. Would the proposal: a) Conflict with adopted energy conservation plan? (7) b) Use nonrenewable resources in a wasteful and inefficient manner?(2, 6) c) Result in the loss of availability of a known romenl resource that would be of future value to the region and the residents of the State?(7) lX. HAZAlU>S. W (JULd the proposal im>olve: a) A risk of accidental explosion or release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to, oil, pesticides, chemicals, or ndiation)? b) Possible interference with an emergency response plan or emergency evacuation plan?(7) c) The creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard? d) Exposure of people to existing sources of potential health hazards? e) Increased frre 1:ulz,ard in areas ""ith flammable brush, grass, or trees'] (6) X. NOISE. Would the proposal result in: a) Increases in existing noise levels'] (3.6) b) :Exposure of people to severe noise levels? (3, 6) :xI. pOBUC SERVICES. Would the proposal have all effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered government sen'ices in mry of the following areas; a) Fire protection! (2, 6) b) :police protection? (2, 6) c) Schools? (2, 6) d) Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? (2,6) e) Other government services? (2,6) ~D p~ sipiA~ ~ o o o -17 - p~ s~ Unless Mitita6oll. locofpOJ"lded o o o 1J 1J 1J 1J c IJ c 1J 1J IJ o 1J Leu bn s~ ~ o 1J IJ o III o o o B II o o o o o o o o o o o o No Jmpood' No Ne,.- lmPad III IlJ III o III o o II . B o o 1J o I!C 8 III II o III xu. UTlLII'IES AND SERVICE SYSTEMS. Would the proposal result in a need for new systems or supplies, or substantial alterations to the following: a) Power or natural gas? (6) b) Communication systems? (6) c) Local or regional water treatment or distribution systems? (6) d) Sewer or septic tanks? (2, 6) e) Storm water drainage? (6) f) Solid waste disposal? (6) g) Local or regional water supplies? (6) XIII. AESTHETICS. Would the proposal: a) Affect a scenic vista or scenic highway? (6) b) Have a demonstrn.ble negative aesthetic effect? (6) c) Create light or glare? XIV. COLTlJRAL RESOtlRCES. Would the proposal: a) Disturb paleontological resources? (6) b) Disturb archaeological resources? (6) c) mve the potential to cause a physical change which wouJd affect unique ethnic cultural values? (4,6) d) Restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the potential impact area?(7) XY. RECREATION. Would the proposal: a) lncrease the d:mand for neighborhood or regional parks or other recreational facilities? (6) b) Affect existing recreational opportunities? (6) t/I -18 - p~ sJ:nUkant ~ D D D o D D o D D o o D D o D D l'otmllUllly Sl:Dl1lamt Unless Mifi:lItiOll Inco\1l(lnded D o D D o o D o o D o o o o o o Less tb:mt SI:nmcomt ~ D o D o o D o D o B o o o D o o No:&np.dl No Ntw Irm-ct .' ~,:,..,.~:, . ..... , " II B B B III B B B .'.".,' .."+ ...": III o III B B llIl B B .:.:. .~. . ~_......-~ .'.," , " .'.,-.- ."-:-:-:,' ". .. .... -- .'~.. -:. - .' ... ..:.-,: ':-:;.~~ vJ.. l"otenCiIIlIy S~CIlJ1If ~ potmtiNly S1pUkaat Unless MiIl.tmon JDcorponoted No Jmp8dI No Nr::w bnp8d Less e.. SlpI.ncapt ~ XVI MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE. a) Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the enviroDlIlent, substantially reduce the habitat of Ii fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or pre-history? o D D B b) Does the proj ect have the potential to achieve short-term., to the disadvantage of1,mg-term, enviroDlIlental goals? o D D rill c) Does the project have impacts that are individually limited, but c1lII1ulatively considerable? (-Cumulatively considerable- means that the incremental effects of a project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current projects, and the effects of probable future projects) o D 0 rill d) Does the project have environmental effects 'which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings either direetly or indirectly? D c c rill -19 - OmCKLlST RESPONSES AND ENvIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS ..... ~.. . . ,.,:":'~~ ;.: The follo'Wing section provides responses to those questions in the previous section. Each subsection is annotated with the number, name and letter corresponding to the checklist form. Sources used to complete the IS include the City of Dublin General Plan, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and EIR, the proponent's application,. and the technical reports listed on page 3 of this study. Please note that a majority of the potential impacts discussed within this Initial Study (checked as "no new impact") were analyzed in the Eastern Dublin GP A/SPA Final EIR (incorporated by reference) and mitigation measures adopted. The issues which Were previously analyzed are noted below and mitigation measures and/or policy numbers are noted (derived from the Cityls matrix). It should be noted that for the purposes of this analysis, impacts to the adopted Specific Plan itself (i.e. conflicts with goals and policies), as well as what potential impacts the proposed amendments could have on the environment should 'the future development occur, were considered and analyzed. .';.. .'... - ~'". -::. ~~~:.. 1 LWD USE AND PlANNING Existing- Setting Please refer to the Eastern. Dublin GP A/SPA Final .mR for a description of the existing land use and planning setting. Potential Impacts and Mitigation Measures SignifiCllnce Criteria: According to CEQA Guidelines Appendix G, a project may have a significant impact on existing land uses if it would: 1) disrupt or divide the physical arrangem.ent of an established community; 2) conflict 'with established recreational, educational, religious, or scientific uses in an area; 3) convert prime agricu1turalland to non-agricultural land or impair the productivity of prime agricu1turallandi or 4) conflict with adopted environmental plans and goals of the community where it is located. bnpact Project approval may result in conflicts witJz the City's General PIan designations or zoning for the site.. This impact is considered less t1um significant .",. ---" .... .. +.. "." ..... ..... - 20- ~1; ,(,.;~""-. ..;...,; ...~,.),~.., ~ . .", ~". .. ..:'.. "" ..-, '0. ." The proposed Specific Plan Amendment and General Plan Amendment incorporate minor adjustments to the arrangement of land uses within the project area, and combine two previously adopted land uses into a single use category to allow for greater flexibility (combines the current Campus Office and Industrial Park designations into a new Industrial/ Office designation to accommodate the mix and intensity of uses being proposed for the development). The policies outlined in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and the O.ty's General Plan and which are designed to guide use and development of the area, generally support the proposed land use amendments as proposed. Presuming adoption of the proposed amendments, any impacts that may arise are anticipated to be less than significant No mitigation is required. bnpact Project approval may result in amf1icts with applicable envtronmentnl plans or policies adopted by agencies wi1h jurisdiction over the p,*ct This impact is considered less than signifiamt ' ' The proposed Specific Plan Amendment and General Plan Amendment, as noted above, include adjustments to land uses previously approved. No areas previously planned for open space in the adopted Eastern Dublin Specific Plan nor the Otis General Plan are proposed for development, and similarly, no lands previously contemplated for development are proposed for open space. The magnitude and intensity of development 'that could occur if the amendments are adopted as proposed are relatively similar to -those shown under the adopted Specific Plan. As such, any impacts that may arise are anticipated to be less than significant ' No mitigation is required. Impact Project approval may result in incompatibilities witit. existing 1and uses in the vicinibj (both on- and off-siie). This impact was aifdressed in the prior EIR. No new impacts are anticipaJe.d from the proposed proFct Please note that although this impact was addressed in the prior ElR, updated information regarding surrounding land uses and their potential incompatibility has been included below. Off-site land uses Off-site land use impacts for the proposed project are similar to those analyzed for the adopted plan,. including the proximity of Camp Parks to the west and the Santa Rita Rehabilitation Center Gail) and Alameda County sheriffs Firing Range and Training Center and California Highway Patrol office located to the north. ~4 - 21- Potential impacts associated with off-site land uses include noise generated by Camp Parks and the Sheriffs training center (please refer to section X. Noise, for a complete discussion) and security concerns 'with the Rehabilitation Center. Some future residents in the northeast portion of the Specific Plan area (as well as future business in along the northern and western Specific Plan boundaries) may perceive the proximity of the Rehabilitation Center and it's release program as a potential land use conflict This potential conflict is more of a social and marketing concern rather than an actual land use confli~ and is not considered an environmental impact per se. At present, there are no physical barriers (other than roadways) separating the specific plan area from these off-site uses. No impacts not previously analyzed in the Eastern Dublin GPA/SPA Final ElR are expected to occur. On-site land uses Potential incompatibilities for the proposed project are similar to those analyzed for the adopted plan. The focus is on the proximity of residential to non-residential uses and can be manifested in many ways including: noise, odor, light and glare, and visual impacts. The proposed land uses represent a similar mix as that adopted for the Specific Plan. 'Through the Site Development permit the City analyzes all of the issues mentioned above and consults with other agencies, as necessary, for making further conditions of the project ' No impacts not previously .analyzed in the Eastern Dublin GP A/SF A Final EIR ,are expected to occur. Mitigation Measures: Implementation of "the following mitigation measures will reduce potential impacts associated with off-site land use incompatibilities to a level of insignificance. :Mitigation Measure 03.01/01.0 from the Eastern Dublin GPA/SPA Final ElR is applicable. No mitigation is required for potential on-site land use incompatibilities. bnpact Proj?ct approval may affect agriai1bi.ra1 resources or operations (e.g., impacts tv soils or farmlands, or impacts from incompatible land uses). This impact was addressed in the prior EIR and identified as less than signifia:m:t. No new impacts are aniidpated from this proposed project As indicated in -the prior EIR, loss of agricu1turalland (dry farming occurs on-site) is considered an insignificant impact due to the fact that underlying lands are not - 22- 1~ ...'..:, .".~ .:: .-"',:.,~:. .-, . . . .... ::.:/.::'0.- ..' _w.' ..:;> , ..... ," ,', -. ". : '"~.~. .- . ~. - . .' . . ~ w _ .',. ~. : : . ." '\- '..- . 7"W - ~ :,' ". .~. '.~. *" considered "prime". No impacts not previously analyzed In the Eastern Dublin GPA/SPA Final EIR are expected to occur. II. popUlATION AND HOUSING Existing Setting Development of the Specific Plan area is in the very early stages, with only one commercial development (800,000 square feet) and a 271 mixed-unit residential development approved. A 422,800 square foot business center is currently proposed and in the planning process. Potential Impacts and :Mitig-ation Measures Significance Criteria: CEQA Guidelines Appendix G indicates that a project would have a significant effect on the environment it if will induce substantial gro'Wi:h or concentration of population or displace a large number of people. Typically, an increase in population or housing is not considered an environmental impact in and of itself, but rather the secondary impacts (such as traffic generation and demand on public services) are those considered potentially significant . From the information provided in Tables A and B, it is calculated that buildout of the Santa Rita Property would result in a daytime population of approximately 16,257 employees under the adopted scenario and 16,403 under -the proposed scenario. A residential population of approximately 6,267 is anticipated under the adopted scenario and 6,395 for the proposed scenario. (All calculations were based on generation factors given in Table 3.2-5 of the draft EIR for the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and Specific Pl.mt- Part L page 32-7, except for the new Industrial/ Office designation, for which an average of Industrial Park and Campus Office was used). This represents anincrease of less 1han 1 % for employees and 2% for residents for proposed populations versus adopted. . Impact Project apprcroaI may -result in a cu.mu1aiive exceedence of official regimUil or 1.oca1 popu1ation proj!!.cf;itms.. This is considered a 1ess tJzan significant impaCf:. As indicated above, build out of the Santa Rita property under proposed land uses would result in a negligible increase of employee populations and a very small increase in residential populations over build out under the adopted scenario. The Santa Rita property encompasses a portion of !he Easler Dublin Specific Plan area, a majority of which still remains undeveloped. }Jthough the proposed plan represents an increase over adopted uses, because so much remains to be developed and because the increases are so small, it is anticipated that -they can be off-set during the remaining planning and build out of the Specific Plan area. - 23- No mitigation is required. bnpact ~ct approval may induce substantial growth in an. area eiiJzer directly or indirectly (e.g., tJwugh projects in an undeveloped area or extension of 11Uljor infrastructure). This impact was addressed in the prior ErR. No new impacts are antidpaied from this proposed proj?ct Adoption of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan signified the City's intent to introduce substantial grov.'i:h in an area that previously supported minimal development Growth- inducing impacts associated with the adopted Specific Plan were analyzed in the prior ErR. The proposed amendments represent minor changes to the plan,. with similar grov.'i:h-inducing impacts anticipated. No impacts not previously analyzed in the Eastern Dublin GPAjSPA Final EIR are expected to occur. m GEOLOGIC PROBLEMS Existing- Setting Please refer to the Eastern Dublin GPAjSPA Final EIR (incorporated by reference) for the existing geologic setting for the project site. Potential Impacts and 1v.fitig-ation Measures Significance Criteria: CEQA Guidelines Appendix G indicates that a project may have significant impacts on the environment if it interferes substantially with groundwater recharge, causes substantial flooding, erosion or siltation.. or exposes people or structures to major geologic hazards. Impact: Projxt approval may result in exposure at future un-siJE residents to potential impacts involving fll1lltrupture. This impactwas addressed in the prior E1R aniJ was detimnined to be less than signifiamt No new impacts are anticipated from this proposed project No known active or potentially active faults traverse ihe project site, and Alquist-Priolo Special Studies Zones are not located within the site. The potential for fault ground rupture is therefore considered to be nil. No impacts not previously analyzed in the Eastern Dublin GPAjSPA Final EIR are expected to occur. No mitigation measures required. hnpact: '11 Projxt lip pI 'Oval may result in exposure of future on-site residents tD patential seismic ground sluiking and! or seismic ground failure, in.c1uding liquefac:t:iotL 17zis impact was addressed in the prior ErR.. No new impacts are anticipaJeiJ from this proposed proj!.ct - 24- .',...,.. .... '," . -~ :::":.-::" ..~" . .-;. .:".- -~.:. ! . rOW' .,:;: . -.. - . ... - . . ~ ," . .. ," .'.':...:.-. " -. . -.~ -' .':;"::-:,:-- . ~ . . , -- . -f":.". ":.~::: .+: .',. .".-, .".-.'''' ...... - . Ow. ~{ Please refer to the Eastern Dublin GP A/SPA Final EIR for a discussion of this potential impact No impacts not previously analyzed in the Eastern Dublin GP A/SPA Final EIR are expected to occur. Mitigation Measures: According to the prior ElR, implementation of mitigation measure 03.06/01.0 will reduce but cannot completely eliminate hazards associated 'with groundshaking. Implementation of the remaining mitigation measures listed ",rill reduce secondary effects of earthquake ground shaking to a level of insignificance. :M1tigationmeasures 03.06/01.0, 03.06/04.0,03.06/07.0,03.06/09.0, and 03.06/11.0 from the Eastern Dublin GP A/SPA Final EIR are applicable. bnpact Projedapproval may result in erosion, changes in topography, or unstllb1e soil conditionS from future exarvation, grading, or filL This impact was addressed in the prior ErR.. No new impacts are anticipated from this PT?Posed project. Please refer to the Eastern Dublin GP A/ SPA Final EIR for a discussion of this impact No impacts not previously analyzed in the Eastern Dublin GPA/SPA Final EIR are expected to occur. Mitigation Measures: Implementation of the following mitigation measures will reduce this impact to a level of insignificance. Mitigation measures 03.06/27.0 - 28.0 from the Eastern Dublin GPA/SPA F~ Em. are applicable. lmpacr Future development on-site "may result in expansive soils and subsiJIence of 1muI. This impact was addressed in t1te prior ErR. No new impacts are anticipated from this proposed project. " Expansive soils and bedrock are present on the project site and have the potential to cause damage to foundations, slabs and pavements. Expansive soils and rock tend to shrink upon drying and swell upon wetting. TIris process can cause distress to overlying structures and infrastructure. No impacts not previously analyzed in the Eastern Dublin GPA/SPA Final EIR are expected to occur. Mitigation Measures: Implementation of the folloV\-dng mitigation measures will reduce this impact to a level of insignificance. Mitigation measures 03.06/14.0 -16.0 from the Eastern Dublin GPA/SPA Final EIR are applicable. - 25- N. WATER .'.,>~.:: . .. ~ . .~. . Existing Setting Please refer to the Eastern Dublin GPA/SPA Final EIR (incorporated by reference) for the existing water setting for the project site. Potential Impacts and Mitigation Measures Significance Criteria: CEQA Guidelines Appendix G indicates a project may have a significant effect on the environment if it substantially degrades water quality, contaminates a public water supply, or substantially degrades or depletes ground water resources. Impact Development of the project site tnIllj result in changes in absorption rates/ drainage patterns, or the rate and amount of surface water. This impact was addressed in the prior EIR. No new impacts are anticipated from this proposed project. The project site is located in an area of minimal groundwater recharge and groundwater reserves and the majority of the Tri-Valley's groundwater resources are in the Central Basin, south of the project Nevertheless, development of the project site could have an impact on local ground "water resources and groundwater recharge due to an increase in impervious surfaces within the project site. No impacts not previously analyzed in the Eas~ Dublin GP A/SPA Final EIR are expected to occur. .'-_., '."'-:.;, . .:.:'~~::: Mitigation Measures: Implementation of t:he following mitigation measures will reduce this impact to a 1evel of insignificance.. - Action Programs 11.210,9X,.. and Mitigation Measure 03.05j46.0from the Eastern Dublin GPAjSP A Final EIR are applicable. Impact: ,Development of the project site tnIllj result: in the exposure of people or properly 1D water -re1Ried hazards such as flooding. This impact was addressed in tJze prior EIR. No new impacts are anticipated from this proposed project As development occurs in the area, more impervious surfaces will be created due to paved streets and building development TIris ",rill increase runoff to T assajara Creek. Improvement to creek channels in the project area V\rill be required by Zone 7. Basically, Zone 7 requires "that the hydraulic capacity of the channel be sufficient to carry the 100- year design flow with one-foot of freeboard at the ultimate upstream development Already flooding occurs along Tassajara Creek during conditions that are less severe than l00-year flood due to an undersized culvert Thus with development, it is inevitable .',.: ........... 11 - 26- " . ,- -. .-.. .~' that significant channel improvements will be required along Tassajara Creek. It should be noted that more creek channel acreage is being proposed than what is shown for the adopted plan, which is considered a benefit of the proposed plan. No impacts not previously analyzed in the Eastern Dublin GP A/SF A Final EIR are expected to occur. Mitigation Measures: Implementation of the following mitigation measures will reduce this impact to a level of insignificance. Action Programs 11.210, 9W, 9X and Mitigation Measures 03.05/44.0,03.05/45.0, 03.05/47.0, 03.05/48.0 from the Eastern Dublin GPA/SPA Final EIR are applicable. It should be noted that the applicant has submitted a Master Storm Drainage Plan which has been conditionally approved by the Oty of Dublin Public Works Department bnpact Development of the project site may resultin disc1;arge into surface waters or other a1Jerati.on of surface water qu.a1ity. This impact was addressed in the prior EIR. No new impacts are anticipated from this proposed P-roFct ..:----,.~> , ' Please refer to me Eastern Dublin GP A/SPA Final EIR for a discussion of this impact No impacts not previously analyzed in the Eastern. Dublin GPA/SPA Final EIR are expected to occur. Mitigation Measures: Implementation of the following mitigation measures will reduce this impact to a level of insignificance. MitigationMeasures 03.05/49.0, 03~05/51.o., 03.05/53.0, 03.05/54.0, and 03.05/55.0 from 1he Eastern Dublin GP A/SPA Final ElR 'are applicable. bnpact Development of the project site may resu1tin changes in. the amount of surffa water in mry water body or changes in currents, or the course or 4iret::tiDn oj water morement ThiS impact was atUlressed in the prior ElR aru1 determined to be less than Signifiamt. No new impacts are anticipated from t1zis proposed ~ct Due to the fact that future on-site development -will be required to adhere to requirements of Zone 7 and the Gtyls NPDES permit, no significant impacts to Tassajara Creek are anticipated with regard to increased surface water or changes in currents or the course or direction of the creek. No impacts not previously analyzed in the Eastern Dublin GP A/SPA Final EIR are expected to occur. .::. No mitigation measures are required. .' -' .~'. .-. &J - 27- bnpact Development of the project sUe may result in changes in the quanti1y of groundwa/ers, a1te.red direction or rate of flow of groundwa/e.r or impacts to wa/e.r qu.a1ity, or a substrmtial reduction in the amount of groundwater otherwise available for public wafEr supplies. This impact was addressed in the prior EIR. No new impacts are anticipated from. this proposed prYJi!ct Please refer to the Eastern Dublin GP A/SPA Final EIR for a discussion of this impact No impacts not previously analyzed in the Eastern Dublin GP A/SPA Final EIR are expected to occur. Mitigation Measures: Implementation of the following mitigation measures will reduce this impact to a level of insignificance. Mitigationmeasures 03.06/120 and 03.06/26.0 from the EastemDublin GP A/SPA Final EIR are applicable. v. AIR QUAUIY Existing Setting Please refer to the Eastern Dublin GPA/SPA Final EIR (incorporated by reference) for the existing air quality setting for the project site. Potential Impacts and Mitigation Measures Significance Criteria: CEQA Guidelines Appendix G indicates that a project will nonnally have a significant effect on the environment if it violates any ambient air quality standard, contributes substantially to an existing or projected air quality violation, or exposes sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant concentrations. Impact: Deve10pment oj the project sUe may result in. construdion-re'la:red air qu.a1ity . impacts ,including short-fEnn vio1atkm of adopted stmuIm-ds or contribution to tm existing or projeded air quality violation; and result in. exposure of sensitive receptvrs ttJ po11utzmis. This impact was addressed in the prior EIR. No new impacts are anticipated from this proposed proj?ct Please refer to me Eastern Dublin GP A/SPA Final EIR for a discussion of this impact No impa<;is not previously analyzed in the Eastern Dublin GP A/ SPA Final EIR are expected to occur. Mitigation 'Measures: Implementation of proposed mitigation measures ",rill reduce the impact of dust emissions as related to PM-10 to a level of insignificance. The Eastern 'SI - 28- ...-.;- -= :~. ....,',. . . .".:::.-::-:, ",.,,- .-.' ..... .:'" .' , -0 ,. , .' ~ . . "~ ..,:~:-::,::.:.- : :",: .,-' ..... .':"':::.~.., ;,.- <{'.'):. .., " ~ - -~ ~ '. ..' , " Dublin GP A/SPA Final EIRindicates that impacts related to construction equipment and vehicle emissions will remain potentially sigriificant even after implementation of proposed mitigation measures. Mitigation measures 03.11/01.0, 03.11/020, 03.11/03.0, 03.11/04.0 from the Eastem Dublin GP A/SPA Final EIR are applicable. Impact Development of the project site will result in. traffic..-re1aJe.d air qu.a1ity impacts. This impact was addressed in the prior EIR. No new impacts are anticipated from this proposed ProFct Please refer to the Eastern Dublin GP A/ SF A Final EIR for a discussion of this impact No impacts not previously analyzed in the Eastern Dublin GPA/SPA Final EIR are expected to occur. MitigatiDn Measures: Implementation of the folloVYing mitigation measures will not achieve the 98 % reduction in project-related rraffic needed to reduce emissions below the ozone precursor significance threshold. The Eastern. Dublin GP A/SPA Final EIRindicates that residual air quality impacts -will remain significant Mitigation Measures 03.11/06-11 from the Eastern Dublin GP A/ SF A Final EIR are applicable. Impact Development of the project site will resu.7tin air quIi1iiy impads re1aied tv stationary source emissions. This impact was addressed in the prior EIR. No new impacts are anticipated from this proposed project. . - Please refer to the Eastern Dublin GP A/5P A Final EIR for a discussion of this impact No impacts not previously analyzed:in the Eastern Dublin GPA/SPA Final EIR are expected to _ occur. MitigaJiDn Measures: Implementation of the following mitigation measures cannot achieve the reduction in stationary source emissions needed to meet the insignificant threshold. The Eastern Dublin GP A/SF A Final EIR indicates ihat stationary source emissions air quality impacts remain significant Mitigationmeasures 03.11/120 and 03.11/13.0 from the Eastern Dublin GP A/SPA Final EIR are applicable. bnpact Development of the project area mJlJj resu1tin the creatiDn of ob}ect.iontlb1e odors. This is consiJ1e;red a less tJu:m significtmi impact Some commercial/industrial uses, such as fast-food restaurants and certain types of manufacturing, can create odors that may be deemed objectionable to the local populace. 5?- - 29- The likelihood of impacts increases when residential and non-residential uses are proposed in close proximity, as with the proposed project However, through Site Development Review and Conditional Use Permits, standard conditions of approval such as installation of appropriate ventilation and/ or scrubbers, it is anticipated that buildout of the project site would result in a less than significant impact No mitigation is required. VI IRANs:'OKTATIO~ ORCUlATION 1JKM Transportation Consultants (under contract to the applicant) prepared a Traffic Study which is included in its' entirety in Appendix B. Portions of this study have been summarized below. Introduction The Eastem Dublin Specific Plan was completed in 1992 to serve as a planning framework for future growth and development of the Eastern Dublin area. The plan provides a comprehensive land use program as well as recommended infrastructure needs to support the future gro'Wth. There is a need to update the Specific Plan to reflect current refinements to the land use plan and the -transportation network Currently the County of Alameda is proposing a new update to the Specific Plan. There are no new developments or higher density pr:oposed in the updated plan. The changes are all relatively minor; they affect only- the local area trip distribution and routing with no regional impact The major change in the -transportatiOIi network fu.volves revising the alignment of Hacienda Drive north of Central Parkway (also referred to as the Transit Spine) so that it heads straight north to intersect Gleason Drive at a right angle. In the ~sting Specific PIan.. Hacienda Drive is routed at a diagonal and intersects Gleason Drive at a point west of the new location. The new alignment provides a better connection between Hacienda Drive and Gleason Drive and allows Gleason Drive to serve as an alternative route to Dublin Boulevard. In additio~ Arnold Drive is added to the network west of Hacienda Drive going from Gleason Drive to the BART station area south of Dublin Boulevard. The traffic study was done using the Tri-Valley Model with the 2010 expected land use scenario. A number of enhancements to the model were implemented and are described in Appendix A of T]KM's report Two future horizons were analyzed in this study for each of 'the three scenarios: Year 2010 and build-out of the Dublin area The analysis has shown that 'the new roadway network improves traffic flow in Eastern Dublin by lowering -traffic volumes on Central Parkway and, to a lesser extent, on 5;) - 30- ..::,<.:.::/:: . . f-;''''_ .......:-.. . .oW .. ! ./;;;:~-~ -. ..-- .,.h:':. . -. ~ " ~'. ~ ..~:_"n .~':. Dublin Boulevard and Tassajara Drive. 'This is due to the fact that the Hacienda/Gleason Drive arterial1ink is much more attractive in the refined plan due to the removal of the Hacienda diagonal. For the same reason, there are improved operations at intersections along Tassajara Road. This results in better circulation in the area north of Dublin Boulevard and also provides some relief to the heavy traffic on Dublin Boulevard. Existing Setting Information and data regarding the existing project area conditions are shown in the Eastern Dublin GP A/SPA Final EIR (incorporated by reference) and TJKM's Traffic Study, located in Appendix B. Potential Impacts and Mitigation Measures Significance Criteria: CEQA Guidelines Appendix G states that a project will normally have a significant effect on the environment if it will cause an increase in 'traffic which is substantial in relation to the existing traffic load and capacity of the street system. bnpact Imp 1ementaJion of the proposed ~ 1fUllj result in increaSed vema/Jar trips or traffic congestion. This impact was addressed in the prior EIR. No new impacts are im.t:idpaied from this proposed project The projected average daily traffic volumes on the major roadways for the three scenarios are illustrated in Figure 5 and Figure 6 of TJKM1s Traffic Study (see Appendix B), for 2010 and Dublin Build-Out, respectively. Due to the better connection linking Gleason Drive with Hacienda Drive wiihout ihe back-tracking of the diagonal connection, the proposed plan attracted more 'traffic to Gleason Drive west of Tassajara Road and Hacienda Drive between Gleason Drive and Dublin Boulevard. Tassajara Road has less traffic because of the 'traffic diversion to Hacienda Drive. Dublin Boulevard has less traffic between Hacienda Drive and Tassajara Road because Gleason Drive has become a viable alternative for east-west 'traffic. The a.m. and p.m. peak hours intersection level. of service results are included in Tables 4 and 5 of TJKM1s Traffic Study (see Appendix E). The biggest improvement with the proposed plan is at the intersection of Tassajara Road and Gleason Drive, due to ihe decrease in southbound 1hrough traffic. At ftrls location LOS E condition improves to LOS C Only one intersection is projected to operate at LOS E or worse during one or both peak hours during 2010 for the proposed plan. Three intersections are projected to operate at LOS E or worse during one or both peak hours during Dublin Build-Out for the proposed plan. However, traffic conditions at this intersection under the proposed plan are no ",TOrse than were already identified in the Eastern. Dublin GP A/ SPA l'inal ErR. 54 - 31- The proposed amendments will not have any site-specific impacts on the County's property nor the proposed Opus property. With project approval, no intersections result in a degradation that is considered unacceptable. .'" Mitigation Measures: Implementation of the following mitigation measures will reduce a majority of the traffic-related bnpacts to a level of insignificance. The Eastern Dublin GP A/SPA Final EIR indicates that some impacts (both project-specific and cumulative) remain potentially significant even after implementation of proposed mitigation measures. Please refer to the Eastern Dublin GP A/SPA Final ElR for a complete listing. :Mitigation measures 03.03/01, 03.03/021,03.03/13,03.03/15,03.03/15.1-15.3 and 03.12/07 from the Eastern Dublin GPA/SPA Final EIR are applicable. Impact Future on-site. deve1Dpments may result in hazards 10 safety frmn design features (e.g., sharp curves or dangerous intersections) or incompatible uses (e.g., fann equipment>. This is considered a less tJzan significant impact. Considering the major existing/proposed roadways on-site, the proposed project actually represents an improvement in safety and design over the existing plan due to the removal of the Hacienda Drive "diagonal". All projects must go through a site development process prior to approval and are required to meet all City zoning standards. .--.~':::., '.:- - ~ . . . . .."4 ....4 . .. No ~tigation measures are required. bnpact Future on-siJe deve1Dpmen:l$ may result in inm1equate emergettaj access or acCess 10 neaiby uses. This is considerei1 a less than significa:ntimpoct All projects must go through a site development process prior to approval and. are required to meet all City zoning standards. No mitigation measures are required. Impact Future on-siJE deve1Dpments may have insufficientparking alpactty 011.- or off-siie. This is amsidered a less than signifiamt impact lill projects must go through a site development process prior to approval and are required to meet all City zoning standards. Because of the combination of land uses (Industrial/Office), future developments will be required to meet the Oty zoning standards for each use (ie., if 40% of the project is proposed for industrial uses and 60% for office, then 40% of the parking must meet the industrial standard and 60% the office standard). .., '....:.:...~.. .- ....... !is - 32- tit.: No mitigation measures are required. bnpact Development of the project area t1UlJj result in Juzzards or barriers for pedestrians or bicyclists. This impact was addressed in the prior EIR. No new impacts are antidpate.d from this proposed ProF-ct Please refer to the Eastern Dublin GP A/ SPA Final EIR for a discussion of this impact No impacts not previously analyzed in the Eastern Dublin GPA/SPA Final EIR are expected to occur. Mitigation Measures: Implementation of the following mitigation measures will reduce this impact to a level of insignificance. Mitigation measure 03.03/16.1 from the Eastern Dublin GPA/SPA Final ElR would apply. Impact Future on-site developments may result in conflicts wi:tJt adopted policies supporting aliernatire transportation (e.g., bus blrnouts, biaJc1e racks). This impact was addressed in the prior :EIR. No new impacts are anticipated from this proposed ]JT01rl .., . ..w.", +-.... Please refer to the Eastern Dublin GP A/SPA Final EIR for a discussion of this impact No impacts not previously analyzed in the Eastern Dublin GPA/SPA Final EIR are expected to occur. Mitigation Measures: Implementation of -the following mitigation measures will reduce ibis impact to a level of insignificance. . Action Program 5B from the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan would apply. VlI. BIOLOGICAL RFlDURCES Existin2: Setting Please refer to the Eastern Dublin GP A/Sf' A Final EIR for a discussion of the biological resources existing conditions. .;.:,:.:::- :-,-.' ~ "'5 Potential Impacts and Mitigation Measures Significance Criteria: CEQA Guidelines Appendix G states that a project will normally have a significant effect on ihe environment if it will substantially affect a rare or endangered species of animal or plant or habitat of the species. - 33- bnpact Development of the project site may impact endangered, threatened or rare species or their habitats (including but not limited to plants, fish, insects, animals, and birds). This impact was addressed in the prior EIR. No new impacts are anticipated from this proposed project .""". , , ....:.. Please refer to the Eastern Dublin GPA/SPA Final ElR for a discussion of this impact No impacts not previously analyzed in the Eastern Dublin GPA/SPA Final EIR are expected to occur. It should be noted that although the prior EIR did not identify endangered species on the Countyls property, the Eastern Dublin GP A/SF A Final EIR requires certain investigations and protocols prior to issuance of a building permit Mitigatkm. Measures: Implementation of the following mitigation measures will reduce this impact to a level of insignificance. bnpact Mitigation measure 03.07/28.0 would apply. Future development on the County property (other than the Opus site) may resu7tin impacts tD on-siie wetland habttrits (e.g., marsh, riparian., and vernal pool). This impact was addressed in the prior E1R. No new impacts are antJcipaied from tJz.is proposed project .':~,>: ':. ~'.-' : . Please refer to ihe Eastern Dublin GP A/ SPA Final EIR for a discussion of this impact Wetlands were not identified for the Opus project site. No impacts not previously analyzed in the Eastern Dublin GP A/SPA Final EIR. are expected to occur. MiiigaJion Measures: Implementation of the folloWing mitigation measures will reduce this impact to a level of insignificance. - .. Impact Mitigation'measures 03.07/06-09, 03.07/11, and 03.07/17 are applicable. Development of the proj?d site may result in impacts 1D wildlife dispersal or migration rorriilors. This impact was addressed in the prior E1R and deemed to be less than significant No new impacts are anticipated from' 1ltis proposed project Please refer to the Eastern. Dublin GPA/SPA Final EIR. for a discussion of this impact No impacts not previously analyzed in the Eastern Dublin GPA/SPA Final EIR. are expected to occur. No mitigation is required. s1 e". , ' ".' -.". ~ '. -' - 34- t., Vill ENERGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES Existing Setting Although partially developed in the past with urban uses, these are no longer in existence. Other portions of the site currently have dry farmland rotation crops. No mineral resources are known to exist on the project site. Potential Impacts and Mitigation Measures Significance Criteria: CEQA Guidelines Appendix G states that a project will norroally have a significant effect on the environment if it will use fuel, water or energy in a wasteful manner or encourage activities which result in the use of large amounts of fueL water or energy. The proposed project represents an amendment to the adopled Eastern Dublin specific PIan. The project site is not subject to any adopled energy conservation pIan. Although consump~on of non-renewal resources (for the specific Plan area as a whole) was identified as a significant cumulative impact (discussed under section XlI), future development of the site is not anticipated to use such:resources in a wasteful or inefficient manner. No mineral resources are known to exist on-site, therefore no impacts are anticipated. ...... ",- .,\) ". :r.::~~:: IX. HAZARIJS Infoxmation for this section is provided by the Alameda Counly General Services Agency, :from an interOffice memorandum dated May 13, 1996. This memorandum can be found in Appendix D. Existi.'l.~ setting The project site was furmerly owned by the US government as part of Camp Shoemaker, arid contained a military hospital and numerous suppartbuildings that were reportedly constrUcted in the 1930's - 1940's. The military facililyWas closed after World \,\7ar II., then reopened during the Korean War before shutting down permanenlly. Following the closure, Alameda Counly first leased, then putchased the propertY from the military for use as a jaiL which occupied former Navy buildings (!mown as Old Greystone) near 1-580 until 1989 when the neW jail facility was completed north of Broder Boulevard. Other buildings on the site have been used for warehousing County stores, arid the Counly animal shelter was located just north of Dublin Boulevard until earlier this year. Portions of the property were also used inteIIl1ittent1y for agricultural operations relating the jaiL including a pig farm north of Gleason Drive and a greenhouse on the site currenfly planned for residential uses by Kaufman arid Broad. ..,.,. . - . . -. ~ .......~&:. ~ --- 's1 - 35- A number of studies have been conducted over the years to ascertain the location and nature of potential hazardous materials, including Underground Storage Tanks (USTs), buildings containing asbestos, or other environmental contaminants. A list of environmental reports in the Countyls files pertaining to the Santa Rita property is included in Appendix D. All known storage tanks located on the property south of Gleason Drive have been removed, and have received closure letters from the appropriate regulatory agencies. Asbestos removal from existing buildings is currently underway, "With demolition of all existing structures scheduled to be completed by August, 1996. Please refer to Appendix D for a more complete description of the UST s previously located on the project site. Potential Impacts and Mitigation Measures Significance Criteria: CEQA Guidelines Appendix G states that a project will normally have a significant effect on the environment if it will create a potential public health hazard or involve the use, production or disposal of materials which pose a hazard to people or animal or plant populations in the area affected, or interlere with emergency response plans or emergency evacuation plans. Due to the large size, history and complexity of the Santa Rita property, the applicant (County) has not pursued investigation and complete remediation of the entire property at once. The long (and largely undocumented) history of use for military and other ,activities leaves the potential for discovery of currently unknown underground tanks 'or other environmental concerns. The County has 'therefore recommended site-specific Phase I and n investigations be condu~ as part of the purchase process of particular portions of the property. Some investigations performed to date have indicated higher than normalleveJs of DDT associated With planter beds in the old greenhouse on 'the site. As a result, ihe County is in the process of having the contaminated soils removed to an appropriate landfill. I:mpact Development of the project si/e may result in a risk of qrrioentaI explosion or release of hazardous subsil11tres (incbuIing, but not lim:it1!d tD oil, pesticilIes, chemiCRls, or Tadiation) muI may result in the creation of Il1t1J hea1tit hazmd or pofEntiaI hea1:9t hazard. This impact is considered less than significant It is not known at this time what future tenants may occupy lands currently designated for commercial and indushial uses. These tenants may store on-site or use in their daily operations any number of chemicals or compounds which could pose hazards in the event of an explosion or release or may result in the creation of a potential health hazard. This potential impact is compounded. by 'the fact. that the project area is planned for mixed uses, vvith future residents being located in proximity to -the commercial and 5'? - 36- .'.-:.':..: ....'.:..: .".- . ,.' '.-' ..-. .~::~:.. ~ .".:::. .., . -",. ". . ~ . ..,." .. ......,' .--" ." ~ &. ::~~~;> e,.. .--. :". .:.~. . industrial uses. Although future residents may keep potentially toxic substances on-site (paints, pesticides, etc.), due to the normally small quantities, this is not anticipated to create a substantial risk. Development projects (those proposing non-residential uses) are normally conditioned by the City and/ or applicable health departments and fire departments to submit information regarding chemicals to be used and/ or stored on-site. Therefore, it is anticipated that buildout of the proposed project would result in a less than significant impact. No further mitigation is required. Impact: Development of the project site may result in exposure of people to existing sources of potential health hazards. This impact is considered potentially significant unless mitigation is incorporated. As indicated above, past uses on the project site have resulted in various forms of contamination, many of which the full ",,'tent of contamination is not presently known. As the project area begins to develop, future residents and on-site workers may be exposed to contaminants existing on as--yet undeveloped properties. Due to the lack of complete hazardous information on the entire project site, this remains a potentially significant impact until such time as subsequent studies are performed and required remedial work performed Alomeda County has indicated that Phase I environmental site assessments are normally required at -the time of sale of property. Any necessary remediation is required as a matter of law. Mitigation. Measures: - IX-l. Prior to issuance of building permits for site-specifiC developments, site-Specific Phase I (and if necessary Phase II) environmental site assessments shall be made available to the Community Development Director, with appropriate documentation that all recommended remediation actions have been completed. Impact: Development of the project site may result in increased fre hazard in areas with j'l.a:rnmable brush, grass, or trees. This i:mpact was tuIdressed in the priar EIR- No new impacts are anticipated from this proposed project please refer to the Eastern Dublin GP A/SPA Final EIR for a discussion of this impact. The City has prepared and adopted a Wildfire Management Plan. which future applicants would be required to adhere to. No further mitigation is required. .-.-. ~ - -. ... . '"GO -37 - x. NOISE Information for this section was derived from the Eastern Dublin GP A/SPA Final EIR,. as well as from a report prepared by Olarles M. Salter Associates, Inc. for the County. It should be noted that the latter report focused specifically on potential impacts associated with the off-site uses to the norm and west of the project site, and to a lesser degree with noise generated by traffic on Gleason Drive. TIris report may be found in its entirety in Appendix C. Existing Setting The major constant noise source is traffic along Interstate 580. Other noise sources are traffic along Tassajara Road, occasional aircraft flyovers from Livermore Municipal Airport, and from training exercises at Camp Parks and the Sheriffs training center. Currently, lands south of Gleason Drive are zoned for residential and industrial uses (refer to Figure 2). There are several activities near the Santa Rita property that generate noise. The primary noise generator is the Alameda County Sheri:f:fs training center north of Gleason Drive. Activities at the Sheriffs training center include small weapons training on firing ranges, emergency vehicle training and ordnance disposal. Camp Parks Reserve Forces Training Area (RFTA) to the west of Amold Road is also a potential noise generator. Camp Parks has similar training activities, with the addition of helicopter fly overs and heavy ariillery exercises. Potential Impacts and Mitigation Measures Significance Criterilz: CEQA Guidelines Appendix G states that a project will normally have a significant effect on the environment if it will increase substantially the ambient noise levels for adjoining areas. . The Oty of Dublin uses the CNEL descriptor to assess compatibility of various land uses willi noise environments. A rnEL of 60 dB or less is considered "normally acceptable" for residential development The Oty also recognizes Title 2, Part 2 of the California Code of Regulations in implementing Measure G of the Noise Element Title 24 requires all multi-family residential dwellings, hotels; and motels exposed to a rnEL of 60 dB or greater to have an acoustical study that shows how an interior CNEL of 45 dB will be achieved in habitable rooms. The proposed Specific Plan amendment would replace some of the industrial ZDne5 lands adjacent to Gleason Drive with residential uses. TIris change will result in low density residential lands being moved approximately 500 to 700 feet to the north (based 61 - 38- e"':.> "._r. ." .", ... , .' ::." :.:.~ ..~.::; .. e,... " . ".-- .. . ....:..-:.: e..'. ...... "-:..-." , .' .:-;--' . -.1 . ~ ." ", '. \~-. .. ..~. "0-". -...... .::: on proposed site plans submitted. at the time). This change places future residences closer to the County's training facility. bnpact Development of the project site tnmj result in inc:reaf;eS in existing 1Wise levels and may expose people tv increJ.zSed noise levels. This impact was addressed in the prior EJR. No new impacts are anticipated from this proposed p~ct As the project site is basically undeveloped at this time, future development vvill result in increases of ambient noise over existing levels. The two major sources of noise that may impact future on-site residents are traffic-related noise from roadways and off-site noise generated by Camp Parks and the Sher:iffs facility. Impacts may also result from the placement of residential and non-residential uses in proximity as proposed in the mixed-use land plan and from construction-related noise. These are discussed below: Traffic-generated noise. Proposed residential housing along Dublin Boulevard, Tassajara Road, and Gleason Road will be exposed to future noise levels in excess of 60 dB CNEL. Future noise contours for the Year 2010 with the buildout of the entire Specific Plan are shown in Figure 3.10-B of the Specific Plan EIR (pg.322). According to the Gtyls land use compatibility guidelines, these land uses would be in the "conditionally acceptable" range for this type ofland use. II Conditionally acceptable" means -that an acoustical study should be initiated during project development to determine how interior noise levels will be controlled by the Gty and State goal of CNEL 45 dB. Off-site noise sources. Noise measurement of activities at Camp Parks were not made as part of -the Charles M. Salter report Noise projections from Camp Parks were obtained frOp:l. an Installation Compatible Use Zone (ICUZ) study which was done in 1988. Most of the weapons training activities at Camp Parks occur near Tassajara Road, far north of the project site. According to lCUZ, 'the noise from activities within Camp Parks site. generates a CNEL of less than 65 dB on the project site. According to the lCOZ study, a CNEL of less than 65 dB is considered "acceptable. 11 " :--.".:" . :. . . ~- .. ". According to fue Salter report, fubJre noise levels (assumes use of firing ranges, emergency vebic1e training, and ordnance disposal at fue Sheriffs facility) would be 3 to 4 dB higher at the new proposed residentially zoned areas adjacent to Gleason Drive versus 'the adopted specific plan residential locations to the south. A 3 to 4 dB change in noise would be just noticeable but not considered a significant change in environmental noise since levels from the training center will be below a O\TEL of 60 dB. ~tUthough noise levels will meet the Gty's standards, there is still potential for annoyance and complaints due to gunshot noise, particu1arl)T at night On-site noise compatibility. The presence of different land use types 'wifuin the same development creates the possibility of noise impacts between adjoining uses, particularly y\Then commercial and residential land uses abut bJ- - 39- The Uniform Building Code does not specifically address the sound insulation requirement between business and residential uses. Impact and airborne sound insulation for such demising partitions should be designed on a case by case basis and may need to exceed those required between residences. Construction-related noise. Construction ""ill occur over a number of years on the project site. Major noise associated "With construction is truck activity on local roads, heavy equipment used in grading and paving and impact noises from barriers used in framing of structures. Pile driving can also generate substructural noise. Mitigatitm Measures: Implementation of the following mitigation measures will reduce these impacts to a level of insignificance. Mitigation measures 03.10/01-07 are applicable. XI. PUBliC SERVICES Existing: Setting Public Services agencies were contacted via a questionnaire for an update to existing conditions and potential impacts. With the exception of updated enrollment/capacity figures from the school districts, all other agencies either indicated that conditions had not changed from those analyzed in the previous EJR. or did not respond at all Please refer to the Eastern Dublin GP A/SF A Final Em for a description of the public services setting. Potential Impacts and Miti~ation Measuxes Significance Criteria: CEQA GuidelineS do not have a specified criteria for public services. Typically, if a proposed project results in an increased demand in services and/ or personnel provided or anticipated to be provided for an area, this results in a potentially significant impact (especially if current services are at or near capacity). Impact: Development of tJze project area 11UlJj resu1tin an i1u:reased denu:md for fire prote.cJion services aniI exposure of developmen:ttv wildland fire ha:zmds. This impact was addressed in the prior ErR. No new impacts are anticipated from this proposed proj!.ct Please refer to the Eastern Dublin GP A/SPA Final EIR for a discussion of this impact No impacts not previously analyzed in the Eastern Dublin GPA/SPA Final EIR are expected to occur. Mitigation Measures: Implementation of the following mitigation measures will reduce these impacts to a level of insignificance. (,3 - 40- .....,. . .'.', ::';',):' .... .. . . :: '. "- .~: .:. : .... .. !' ..-.,~ .-,,,,,,,:, ..... . .::.:~. .....:.' ,,' {)..- . . -..- -:.,.. Mitigation measures 03.04/06 and 03.04/09 are applicable. Impact Development of the project area 1tUlJj result in an increaSed demmuI for police services. This impact was addressed in tite prim' EIR No new impacts are anticipated from 11tis proposed ProF-ct Please refer to the Eastern Dublin GPA/SPA Final EIR for a discussion of this impact No impacts not previously analyzed in the Eastern Dublin GP A/ SF A Pinal EIR are expected to occur. Mitigation Measures: Implementation of the following mitigation measures will reduce these impacts to a level of insignificance. Mitigation measures 03.04/01-05 are applicable. Impact Development of the prop:t area may result in iJu;reased demand on school fad1ities and personnel. This impactWRS addressed in the prior EIR No new impacts are antidpared from t1zis proposed project Please refer to me Eastern Dublin GP A/SF A Final EIR for a discussion of this impact No impacts not previously analyzed in -the Eastern. Dublin GP A/SPA Final EIR are expected to occur. Mitigation Measures: Implementation of -the following mitigation measures -will reduce these impacts to a level of insignificance. Mitigation measures 03.04/13.1, 03.04/16-19, and 03.12/06 are applicable. Impact Development of the projeCt area may result in i:ncreJlSed demand on -m.ainfEn,an.reofpub1ic !t1Cl1itiP-s, i:nc1u.ding roads, and otiter gUDemmentnZ seruit:es. This impactwas addressed in 11te. prior EIR. No new impacts are anticipated from 1his proposed project , Please refer to the Eastern Dublin GP A/ SF A Final ErR for a discussion of this impact No impacts not previously analyzed in the Eastern Dublin GPA/SPA Final EIR are expected to occur. Typically, these types of services are funded through a combination of property taxes, assessment districts, and/ or special financing plans established, thereby allowing future developments to pay (usually placed as a condition of project approval) for their contribution towards these service demand. : . .' .~- - Mitigation ~res: Implementation of the following mitigation measure will reduce these impacts to a level of insignificance. (,q - 41- Mitigation measures 03.12/01 is applicable. .--'---:,.:. -." '.- XlI. UlJLIIIEs AND SERVICE SYSTEMS Existins?: Setting Utility and Services agencies were contacted via a questionnaire for an update to existing conditions and potential impacts. All agencies either indicated that conditions had not changed from those analyzed in the previous Ell\. or did not respond at all. Please refer to the Eastem Dublin GP A/SPA Final EIR for a description of the utilities and services setting. Potential Impacts and Mitigation Measures Significance Criteria: CEQA Guidelines Appendix G states that a project will normally have a significant effect on the environment if it will encourage activities which result in the use of large amounts of fuel, water, or energy; use fuel, water, or energy in a wasteful marmer; or extend a sewer trunk line with capacity to serve new development bnpact Development of the proj!ct site 11UllJ result in increasetl demand for electric, gllS, and telephone serDices and require extension of lines. This impact was addressed in the prior EIR. No new impacts are anticipated from this proposed project. ..,. .... ....:....r -. .. Ple~ refer to the Eastern Dublin GP A/ SF A Final EIR for a discussion of this impact. No impacts not previously analyzed in the Eastern Dublin GPA/SPA Final EIR are expected to occur. Mitigation Measures: Implementation of the following mitigation measures will reduce the impact of increased demand to a level of insignificance. The Eas~ Dublin GP A/SF A Final EIRindicates that service line extension is a significant growth-inducing impact and an unavoidable adverse impact which cannot be mitigated. Mitigation measures 03.04/41-46 are applicable. bnpoct: De'Delopment of the prcrj!.ct site may result in impacts to local or regional water treatment or distribution systems and 1oca1 or regional water supp lies. This impactwas addressed in the prior EIR. No new impacts are R11.iidpated from this proposed proj!!.ct. Please refer to the Eastern Dublin GPA/SPA Final EIR for a discussion of this impact No impacts not previously analyzed in the Eastern Dublin GPA/SPA Final EIR are expected to occur. .... ,~:~ ....~::: b;; - 42- .",...:..,' . " '.' ....-:-.:'.- .. ., :'.::"10" Mitigation Measures: Implementation of the following mitigation measures "Will reduce these impacts to a level of insignificance. Action Program 9G, 9E, 9F, and mitigation measures 03.05/12-13, 03.05/20, 03.05/24-31, 03.05/33-34, 03.05/37, 03.05/38-39, and 03.12/08 are applicable. Development uf the proj!d site 1tUlJj result in an increaSed de:numd for wastewaJe.r treatment and require expansion of facl1:ities. This impact was addressed in the prior FlR No new impacts are antictpared from this proposed proj!:ct Please refer to the Eastern Dublin GP A/SPA Final EIR and Addendum (dated August 22, 1994) for a discuSsion of this impact No impacts not previously analyzed in the Eastern Dublin GPA/SPA Final EIR are expected to occur. bnpact The following information is also included as an update to the information provided in the previous EIR and Addendum. DSRSD currently has an Area-wide Facility Agreement V\.hieb. states that 1,500 dwelling unit equivalents (d.u.e.) of sewer capacity have been allocated to the Alameda Countys developable property within the specific plan area A separate allocation of 100,000 gallons has been made for industrial and non-retail users 'within Alameda County's developable properly in the specific plan area. Of this amount it is calculated that approximaiely 363 d.u.e.'s will be allocated for the approved Homart projedt and 248.5 d.u.e.'s for -the California Creekside project The proposed Opus development woUld utilize approximately 182 d.u.e.'s. Therefore, between the tw'o allocations, there is more than sufficient sewer capacity presently available to serve all approved development The plans of -the G.ty and DSRSD to provide sewer service to future development within Eastern Dublin were addressed in the . Eastern Dublin GP A/SF A Final EIR and Addendum (dated August 22, 1994). DSRSD has indicated that it still plans to provide sewer service to Eastern Dublin with disposal either via one of the export options analyzed in the 1992 'EIR for the long range V\7astewater Management Plan for -the livermore-Amador Valley or via groundwater recharge and recycling (including reverse osmosis). DSRSD is currently planning the construction of facilities to treat wastewater via reverse osmosis, and -these facilities will have sufficient capacity to serve all portions of Eastern. Dublin already annexed to DSRSD (including all areas covered by this Specific Plan Amendment). D5RSD is expected to circulate a draft EIR for the reverse osmosis facilities in September 1996. Mitigation Measures: Implementation of the following mitigation measures will reduce these impacts to a level of insignificance. - 43- Action Programs 9R 9S and mitigation measures 03.05/01-07, 03.05/07.1, 03.05/08, 09 and 11 are applicable. ....':..::. .'. bnpact Development of the proj!.ct stiE may result in impacts trJ existing strmn drainage faci1i.ties. This impact was addressed in the prior ErR. No new impacts are anticipated from tJzis proposed project Please refer to the Eastern Dublin GP A/SPA Final EIR for a discussion of this impact No impacts not previously analyzed in the Eastern Dublin GP A/SPA Final EIR are expected to occur. Mitigation A1easures: Implementation of the following mitigation measures will reduce these impacts to a level of insignificance. Mitigation measures identified for storm drainage impacts discussed under section N. Water above are applicable. bnpact Development of the project stiE may result in impacts trJ solid waste. . disposal services. This impact Wlls addressed in the prior EIR No new impacts are anticipated from this proposed prop:t. Please refer to the Eastern Dublin GPA/SPA Final ElR for a discussion of this impact .:: No impacts not previously analyzed in the Eastern Dublin GP A/SPA Final EIR are expected to occur. Mitigation Measures: Implementation of the following mitigation measures will reduce these impacts toa level of insignificance.. Mitigation measures 03.4/37-40 are applicable. XlIL AEbllilillCS Existing Se~ The project site is relatively fiat, containing farmland, undeveloped areas, and abandoned/ demolished building sites. Scenic features of the site include Tassajara Creek and views of the hillsides and vistas to the north and northeast Potential Impacts and Mitigation Measures Significa-nce Criteria: CEQA Guidelines Appendix G states that a project will normally have a significant effect on the environment if it 'Will have a substantial, demonstrable negative aesthetic effect e.' ~. ' / . ; . -. . .... <:"<".+ h1 - 44- .6.~ ..:.:: e'..;'"'"' .. . ,'. " .' ..... . . ~- . . . ~.. . -& ':.::'. . e,>:', .. ~r;'.: //' "ft:J Y> Impact Development of the project site may affect a scenic vistn or scenic highway. This impact was addressed in the prior ErR. No new impacts are anticipated from this proposed project Please refer to the Eastern Dublin GPA/sPA Final EIR for a discussion of this impact No impacts not previously analyzed in the Eastern Dublin GPA/SPA Final EIR are expected to occur. Mitigation Measures: Implementation of the follo",,'ing mitigation measures will reduce these impacts to a level of insignificance. Mitigation measures 03.08/02-03, 03.08/04.3, 03.08/08.1 are applicable. bnpact Future development on-site may 'haDe a demonstrable negative aestitetic effect. This impact was addressed in the prior E1R and detennined to be less than significant. No new impacts are anticipated from this proposed project As identified in the Specific Plan EIR,. development of the flatter portions of the project area (such as this project site) is regarded as a trade-off measure designed to preserve slopes, hillsi9.es and ridgelines contained in the larger Specific Plan area. Although development of the project site will change the visual character, it is anticipated that through the Cityls design review process a demonstrable negative aesthetic effect will not occur. No impacts not previously analyzed in the Eastern Dublin GP A/SPA Final EIR are expected to occur. In April of 1996 the Gty-adopted a Scenic Corridor Plan as a requirement of Program 6Q of 'the adopted Eastern Dublin S~c Plan. Identified scenic corridors include Tassajara Road, 1-580, and Fallon Road. The intent of the policies arid standards of the Scenic Corridor Plan is to allow project development as sho'VtTJl in the Specific Plan to occur while maintaining 'the visual character of the eastern ridgelines, watercourses, and distinct landscape feab.1res, for travelers on scenic routes in Eastern Dublin. No mitigation is required. bnpact Future development on-site unlI create light or glare. This is considered a less tJum. signifiamt impact Both residential and non-residential development on the project site ",'ill contribute to light (associated with street lamps and indoor office and home lighting) and glare (mostly noticeable from multi-storied buildings or homes) impacts that will be noticeable both on- and off-site. - 45- At build out;. this would represent a significant increase over existing light and glare and change the visual urban/rural boundary as it now exists. As the proposed project represents an amendment to the adopted Specific Plan, and as it is assumed that all future projects \-",ill go through the City's site development process (where conditions on lighting and building materials are typically made), no significant impacts from development are anticipated. No mitigation is required. XIV. CUL'IUR.L\L RESOURCES Existin,; Setting Information contained in the Specific Plan EIR indicate that no known prehistoric or historic archaeological sites are found on the project site. Potential Inroads and Mitigation Measures Significance Criteria: CEQA Guidelines Appendix G states that a project will normally have a significant effect on the environment if it will disrupt or adversely affect a prehistoric or historic archaeological site or a property of historic or cultural significance to a community or et1:mic or social group; or a paleontological site except as a part of a scientific sh1dy. Development of tJze project siJe. may result in impacts to unidentified pa1eonto1ogiaiI or archneo1ogiaiI resources. This impact was addressed in the prior E1R No new impacts are anticipated from 1kis proposed project Please refer to 1he Eastern Dublin GP AJ SF A Final EIR for a discussion of this impact No impacts not previously analyzed in the Eastern. Dublin GP A/SPA Final EIR are expected to OCCUI. bnpacJ: Mitigation Measures: Implementation of the following mitigation measures will reduce these impacts to a level of insignificance. Mitigation measures 03.09/01, 02, 04, 05, and 06 are applicable. xv. RECREATION Existing Setting Please refer to the Eastern. Dublin GP A/ SF A Final EIR for a description of recreation existing conditions. Please note that the Parks and Recreation Master Plan has been adopted. b1 - 46- .<::', . - ..... " ' " ' ~.;''''.<~'' ..... '. ' .~:. ~- . . ; .'-':"-:::. .: ::::~ .:" .::. :: .~~ .-".-. . . . . ~ ...... ,'. ..;- .: ".-. . ".'- . -,.-,-: Potential Impacts and Mitigation Measures Significance Criteria: CEQA Guidelines Appendix G indicates that a project would normally have a significant effect On the environment if it conflicted with established recreational uses of the area. For the purposes of this report, an increased demand for parks and recreation services, particularly if this increase has an effect on the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities would be considered a significant impact A 56-acre City park is proposed within the project boundaries. The adopted Specific Plan indicates that this park would provide a major destination site to serve the diverse needs of the entire City, with facilities that maximize the recreational and leisure experience of all citizens. Open space and facilities will accommodate a range of activities including: active and passive recreation, formal sports, community events and social/cultural gatherings. bnpact Development of the proj!.ctsite will increase tize demand for neighborhood or regional parks or other recreational faciJitjes and affect existing recreational opportunities. This impact was addressed in the prior EIR. No new impacts are anticipated from this proposed project Please refer to -the Eastern Dublin GP A/SPA Final EIR for a discussion of this impact No impacts not previously analyzed in the Eastern Dublin GPA/SPA Final EIR are expected to occur. MiiigatiDn Measures: Implementation of the following mitigation measures will reduce these impacts to a level of insignificance. -. Mitigation measures 03.04/27, 29~ 31, 32, 34, and 36 are applicable. fJD - 47- ...... '. ....0 ....."_0 .'; APPENDIX A PUBLIC NOTICE AND RESPONSES :~'>:~..:;_:-.:' ,w. 0"' .... . .0..... . . .. ~ 'w' . . .:. .:' 11' -,-.. ."' ..... >' .' . '. ~ ~:.'~. ~. e,. .' . . ..:<~~~'{:/>;.. .:...' ~"/1 !.'f@'l ~ \\\ ;:. -:- -~ .:. CITY OF DUBLIN ~',: ~ /1,' ......'\~\ ~ .....;.:/.--. " -'. __......:...;~. P.o. Box 2340. Dublin, California 94568 -....-:.:.-5/~. ----_._~--_.....---.. - . City Offices, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, Californ:a 9455B TO: Applicable Responsible, Trustee and Interested Agencies Jeri Ram, Associate Planne<< City of Dublin FROM: DATE: May 9, 1996 RE: Proposed Eastern Dublin Specific Plan/General Plan Amendments The City of Dublin (Lead Agency) is in the process of preparing a Focused Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration for the above-referenced proposed project. CEQA Section 1063(g) requires the Lead Agency to consult infonnally with all Responsible and Trustee Agencies to obtain recommendations as to whether an EIR or Negative Declaration should be prepared. The Alameda County Surplus Property Authority, owner of the Santa Rita property within the City of Dublin, is requesting an amendment to the City's Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and General Plan to reflect proposed modifications to the land use and circulation pattern for the Santa Rita property. The Eastern Dublin Specific Plan was adopted in 1994 and has a certified Program EIR (SCH No. 91-103064). The site is bounded by Broder Boulevard on the north to 1-580 on the south, and from Camp Parks on the east to Tassajara Road on the east Land use designations include a wide mix of residential densities, as well as retail, office, industrial and semi-public uses. The primary purpose of the proposed amendment (project) is to pennit the development of the 25 acre Santa Rita Business Center being proposed by Opus Southwest, to be located on the northwest corner of the property. The Business Center proposal will require a Specific Plan amendment to (1) create a viable site for the project by realigning the proposed segment of Hacienda Drive near Gleason Road; and (2) to accommodate the intensity of use being proposed for the development by essentially combining the current Campus Office and Industrial Park designations into a new IndustriaVOffice designation. In addition, revisions are proposed to the land use map to facilitate more logical future development in relation to land uses and circulation. The approved and proposed Specific Plan Land Use Maps and land uses and intensities (in tabular fonnat) are attached. We solicit your recommendation regarding preparation of the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration and any comments you. may have regarding this project. Please forward your comments within ten (10) days of receipt to: Jeri Ram, Associate Planner City of Dublin P.O. Box 2340 Dublin, CA 94568 G:\PA9602D\ar11 f}9- Aoministration (510) 833-6650 . City Council (510) 833-6605 . Finance (510) 833-6640 . Building Inspection (510) 833.6620 Code Enforcement (510) 633-6620 . Engineering (510) 633-6630 . Parks & Community Services (510) 833-6645 Police (510) 833.6670 . Public Works (510) 833-6630 . Planning (510) 833-6610 -~. :.:. ~...' .. :::.:.... "t..~::. ,+, -.' ::.;~~':'.: .-" :., ..':. ,.., '. ..... . . .... . ' 'T)I'pIcIII~AppIIoad_ J)~" CoutJO'OlJ .....~.. L . , .u..... c:...tJ - ...... ~ CA. !M$4oC .. ~ e.....r PuWk lIioob Dcpt. -./tCI'fIA......W-.lta 111 ~~. -~....,..I.bLIU r.a." 0I00I0pt.1W DoocllJ . bL 111 .u...II c..tr.." Ja.,.m.n "of~ Inl o.t IlaaC, ... SU 00tIIId, a. 94611 ~~~0ftI. 122IOC......IU 0IiIIM, CA "'12 o...lJ ~- DoMl4 Xn,r ......... c.., rIn >>-p&. 1111011I. A_ u.-.a....S$O A.: ......... .uu... c..v ..1. - - . ..... hpoi.-t 101 a.tIw&., ftw)', hlla DI ~a. ..soum AIR: 11II1-.,... .u-.6a c...,..--""'" D... ~......... 1131........ rbl7 ....15lI ~ CA. H5Q2.a7'1 t'..'-~""'" f -, --;ri~. ...... ~.o.Jka:23UG ~CA.~ Aa:. A.S... ~aldl , '*d\;~~ ~ Co\. P4G3--o16O Aal: 0.,. Ad-. c-,~ '.' , ~:u.CalDol..... . . 1.CCPaIb, UTA BWc. 'l9O IllIlIIIl. CA P4561-m1 . '-"'U- ~n.-- , l0S2IlDu1b~A-- u.-. CA. P45. AM: .......,....."..... ~~ , .a.-A_ '.:~CA~ . A-= ....1Iwt1l......~ arr;~~ .. 11, .... 2mc...m. ___ .. J--. C/o. 94513 "'*' M W..........DIl.- ewp.cI_~..s A.-:t COLQ _lW~.S"221 ~ Co'. ....,2. loa bII Jim c.~c.;\Y , Dopt. . Ul ,...... .. ....1IIIIlb ..... ........ CA Hm ~~~tlc.n. -.. . L c.:... .r~~";"; . . Uf'~~ _' .1 a.-:II .."-..: .~: . ..2l1NoiDSftal . ,'. " ~. . .,;'........... eA 'PCIOS:lJlll5 : . ,. . ,.._.....J..~.......a.;. . 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ODD.-A_ ~ CA. .."""" ua. ...............1lrfItt -1L"2.IllOc.oo.- w.. a.- KIlOS ,... U"A C4 was W.,.. WWta,.... '-"- .:. " VIa._ CaIlIeTlkftol_ ~ H-. tlmM u-.,CA. Mf. Alii: NJrt-- '- '1.......... c:..tJ,.... ~. ""...o--....JJWrkt 5W7 J'IItIMI DIM -...-.... CA ,." ~ Vlac:cW..,. --,,"-.. ~o-IlI ~ 'J,.u..... c.-, "'-" c:-.I4 w.... c.-.. ...110... DWrid . 7lMl Xotl c.-rrt" "'1" "--. CA MUll --Aa:Y_~ . ~:'tII~ cm' OffiCES U3 MA1S STREET cm' COUNCIl. 4:-8001 cm' MAJ'AGER 4:-8008 cm' A ITORN:Y ~3 Cm'Cl.ERK ~5 Fl~t~NCE . 484-8033 PERSONNEL 48t-8012 cm' OffiCES 200 OLD BERSAl. A ''E, PLANNING .. 4~..3 .' '. \'>JINEERlNG ::~1 Btm.DING INSPEcnON 484-8015 COMMUNITY SERVICES ~160 WATER. Bn..llNG 484-8038 FIELD SERVICES 3333 BUSCH RD. SUPPORT SERVlCES ~7 PARKS ~6 SANTT ARY SE\\'3. ~ ~J 48t-8Cl66 WArd{ ~1 FIRt 4.44-; RAILROAD A "E, ./~1l4 , roUCE 4833 BERJ\'AL AYE- P.O. BOX 909 484-81:7 14 CITY OF PLEASANTON P.O. BOX 520 PLEASANTON. CALIFORNIA 94566-0802 May 29. 1996 Jeri Ram City of Dublin P.O. Box 2340 Dublin. CA 94568 RE: Proposed East Dublin Specific Plan/General Plan Amendments Dear :Ms. Ram: The City of Pleasanton has received the City of Dublin's notice regarding the preparation of a Focused Initial Study and intent to prepare a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the above-referenced project. The City has the following comments which should be addressed in the Initial Study: 1. "Why is the "Transit Spine" to be eliminated in favor of an arterial street in essentially the same location? The East Dublin Specific Plan emphasizes the "Transit Spine is central to land use and circulation concept of eastern Dublin. which is to link land use with transit in an attempt to offer alternatives to the . private auto for daily trips. The Spine is the focus of neighborhood commercial activity in the Town Center and is within walking distance of all Town Center residents." Section 7.5.2. "The transit system for eastern Dublin will provide service to all land use areas in the Specific Plan area. The Transit Spine service will connect the Town Center. campus office areas. the higher density residential areas directly to regional transit opportunities at the eastern DublinfPleasanton BART station." Section 5.3. page 55. See also section 5.2.4 and Amendment 5.2F. "Encourage higher densities and mixed use developments near major transit lines and transit transfer POirlts as a means of encouraging the use of public transit. This type of transit-oriented development is especially encouraged along the transit spine and near the Eastern Dublin BART station. It ,\V'nat are the implications on land use patterns. traffic circulation and trip distribution by elimination of the Transit Spine? What effect 'will the elimination of this "central" feature of the land use and circulation pattern have on regional arterial streets. on freeways, on the Hacienda Drive intersections in Dublin and in Pleasanton. and on the 1-580 interchanges? Several land use changes have been proposed. Please reevaluate the EIR traffic model and conclusions under these proposed changes. .4..5 a "central" feamre, it is difficult to understand how the elimination of this feature can occur through a mitigated negative declaration. R :- c: Eo nr E ~ .~ -N ':; 1 tn9~ I It" '"' I ::1 u Page 2 May 29, 1996 How will the deletion of this transportation feature affect promoting transit service and pedestrian circulation plan? Program Sc. .'. ".", 2. One of the requirements of the East Dublin Plan EIR was to prepare a Master Storm Drainage Plan prior to any development. Program 9T. The Plan is to include hydrologic studies of the entire related upstream watersheds which would include a major portion of the drainage area of East Dublin Specific Plan if any portion of the Alameda County property has been approved for development. Please provide the phase approaches and system modeling produced to date concerning this watershed, detailed analysis of effects of development on water quality of surface runoff, design level analysis of the impacts of proposed developments on the existing creek channels and watershed areas, and design features to minimize runofffIows. Has the hydraulic computer analysis been prepared to establish channel and pipe sizing, as stated on page A6-23 of the East Dublin Specific Plan? Has the City negotiated with Zone 7 the level offlood control improvements required to meet district standards and rights-of-way requirement'\and maintenance responsibilities, as required in Program 61? Has the City developed a comprehensive stream corridor restoration program? Program 6E. 3. Another requirement of the East Dublin Plan was the construction ofa Fire Station prior to any development. Section 8.3.1, Policy 8-5. How is this requirement being met in the amended Plan? .. '. . ~ . 4Th" C tyThe City ofPleasanftthon iInS inlter~sted inHthe ~VaiOlabdility of affithordablifie housing in thealVfialley. . e i requests copies 0 e c uslOnary ousmg r inance, e spec. IC numeric go or percentage of affordable units in eastern Dublin, the Density Bonus Ordinance, and the Rental Availability Ordinance. Section 4.4.2, Policy 4-8, and Program 4F and 41. ", ....- :....... The City of Pleasant on also is concerned about only ten days response time accorded interested parties in your "Notice of Preparation." The City does not feel that ten days is an adequate amount of time to ascertain whether a proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration/Focused Initial Study is the most appropriate and thorough method to evaluate the potential impacts of the Proposed Specific Plan and General Plan amendments. If you have any questions or comments, please refer them to Mr. Dennis Beougher. the Assistant City Attorney. He is most familiar with the East Dublin Plan and can provide you with a much better understanding of the City's concerns with the East Dublin Plan and the proposed amendments. In the future, please include Mr. Beougher on your mailing list for projects proposed within the East Dublin Plan area. Thank you. Sincerely, :: . .". ~- / I .,~ ~ .-tc-:..":::J ~ CAvo...A-1' Kathryn Wart Associate Planner . .~. . + - .'. CEDUBAMND.SAM) fl:7 ..'.....:. .. .'.; " -' .._-.- .... '. . ....- -.&.-' ..' APPEl\TDlX B TRANSPORTATION STUDY .Al\TD PROPOSED TEXT AMENDMENTS AVAILABLE AT THE CITY OF DUBLm PLAATJ\1ING DEPARTMENT UPON REQUEST 0& PROPOSED EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN TEXT AMENDMENTS ..... , . 5.2.2: The major north-south streets will be Arnold Drive, Hacienda Drive. . . . (beginning of second paragraph) Arnold Drive will facilitate access to Dublin Boulevard for residents and employees along the western boundary of the planning area. Arnold Drive is planned as a four lane road with extends from the northern City boundary to Dublin Boulevard. (new last paragraph for Section 5.2.2) Arnold Drive will be a north south road that will connect the BART station to Gleason. Arnold Drive will be limited access which will serve local as well as through traffic. 5.2.3: (end of second paragraph).. the freeway. Dublin Boulevard is also a major transit route which connects residential and employment users along Dublin Boulevard to BART. Gleason Road, located aApproximately a half mile north of and parallel to the Dublin Boulevard extension, will be widened to, 0 Gmoller a four lane arterial road would bo loc::Jted ::JIang the Gleason R03d along its current alignment. . G:\PA96-020\AMEND1 . f}.IJ ..-. .. . ...':.... ..... _-..t ':..:~.~' . '. e,.,. ..- . ~. - - ':.-. . APPE1\TDIX C NOISE STUDY AVArrABLEAT THE CITY OF DUBLIN PLA1\1NillG DEP ART:MENT UPON REQUEST r ~ - ~ - . 11 e' APPENDIX D HAZARDS MEMORANDUM .\ 0~ e, e:: interoffice MEMORANDUM to: from: subject: date: Stuart Cook, Surplus Property Authority Rod Freitag, General Services Agency ~y Status of Santa Rita Remediation Projects May 13, 1996 Per your request, this memo is a summary of environmental investigation and remediation work conducted at the Santa Rita property in Dublin, as it relates to the County's proposed Specific Plan amendment for the property. Background .'" -- The Santa Rita property was formerly owned by the U.S. government as part of Camp Shoemaker, and contained a military hospital and numerous support buildings that were reportedly constructed in the 1930's - 1940's. The military facility was closed after World War II, then reopened during the Korean conflict before shutting down permanently. Following the closure, Alameda County first leased, then purchased the property from the military for use as a jail, which occupied former Navy buildings (known as Old GTeystone) near 1-580 until 1989 when the new jail facility was completed north of Broder Boulevard. Other buildings on the site have been used for warehousing County stores, and the County animal shelter was located just north of Dublin Boulevard until earlier this year. Portions of the property were also used intennittently for agricultural operations relating to the jail, including a pig farm north of Gleason Drive and a greenhouse on the site recently sold to Kaufman and Broad. Because of the long history of use of the property by the military and for different County functions, a number of studies have been conducted over the years at the behest of the County to ascertain the location and nature of potential hazardous materials, including Underground Storage Tanks (USTs), buildings containing asbestos, or other environmental contaminants. A list of environmental reports in GSA's files pertaining to the Santa Rita property is attached. Extensive work has been carried out to address known environmental concerns. All known storage tanks located on the property south of Gleason Drive have been removed, and we have received closure letters from the appropriate regulatory agencies. Asbestos removal from existing buildings is currently underway, with demolition of all existing structures south of Gleason scheduled to be completed by August, 1996. With the exception of one former UST site located north of the Specific Plan area, on the Sheriff s property, this will result in the completion of actions to address environmental concerns on the property. .::, Of course, the historical use of the property as a military installation will require site-specific investigations as portions of the property are sold for development to ensure that additional, unknown, tanks or other hazardous materials are not present, or if present are remediated. ~D Stuart Cook Page 2 May 13, 1996 .', , . StoraQe Tank Removal Most of our efforts to date have concentrated on the removal and remediation of underground storage tanks from the property. A total of 17 underground storage tanks were removed from the property between 1988 and 1992. Six of these tanks (#5, 6, 7, 10, 18 and 19) were considered to require no further action by the Alameda County Department of Environmental Health (DOER). Investigative and remedial actions for the remaining 10 tanks in the Specific Plan area have resulted in the DOER issuing remedial action completion certification letters (#1, 2, 3, 4, 4A. 4B, 9, II, IIA. and 12). The former tank site #23, which is located north of Gleason Drive, outside of the Specific Plan area, has been submitted to the DOER for closure. The tanks requiring investigation and remediation were located in four clusters, with each cluster containing I~3 tanks. The approximate locations of these former tank clusters are indicated on the attached maps to show their locations relative to the adopted Specific Plan and proposed Specific Plan amendment land uses. Two of the former tank site clusters are located on the "phase IT' portion of the Tri-Valley Crossings property. These tanks (#9, 11, IIA. and 12) were related . to the former "Old Greystone" jail site. A "remedial action completion certification" was issued .. ,:' for these tanks by the Department of Environmental Health on July 7, 1995. The Specific Plan amendment will not modify the proposed land use for this area. Two other clusters offormer tank sites are located along the old 4th Street alignment, approximately 1200 feet south of Gleason Drive. The western-most cluster, which contained tanks #1,2 and 3, was associated with an old boiler plant that was located west of the proposed Hacienda Drive alignment, between Gleason and the Transit Spine. This site is designated for Campus Office under the adopted Specific Plan and is proposed to be Industrial/Campus Office under the proposed amendment. The site received a remedial action completion certification on AprilS, 1996. The other cluster, located at 4th and Madigan, contained tanks 4, 4A and 4B. This site is designated for Low Density residential uses under both the adopted and proposed Specific Plan. The site also received a remedial action completion certification on AprilS, 1996. BuildinQ Removal and Site Clearance The property's history as a military facility and use for various County functions has resulted in a large number of structures in various levels of deterioration on the site. The majority of buildings are associated with the former military hospital complex located east ofTassajara Creek. Other . structures were associated with the former County jail (Old Greystone), a group of warehouses , ,,,' adjacent to 1-580 and Hacienda Drive, the old animal shelter, and a number of other miscellaneous buildings and foundations dating back to Camp Shoemaker. ~I .'" " e;.:, .;- Stuart Cook Page 3 May 13, 1996. The former jail facilities, located primarily on the Tri- Valley Crossing site, were demolished several years ago, subsequent to the removal and disposal of asbestos containing building materials. The County has is proceeding with a contract with a demolition company to remove asbestos-containing materials from the remaining structures south of Gleason, and then to demolish the buildings. Asbestos removal is nearing completion, and a number of buildings have been demolished, including the old animal shelter and the Madigan building. The demolition contract is scheduled to be completed by August, 1996. Site Specific Environmental Review Due to the large size, history and complexity of the Santa Rita property, the County has not pursued investigation and complete remediation of the entire property at once. The long (and largely undocumented) history of use for military and other activities leaves the potential for discovery of currently unknown underground tanks or other environmental concerns. The County has therefore recommended site-specific Phase I and II investigations be conducted as part of the purchase process of particular portions of the property. For instance, Kaufinan and Broad conducted a site-specific investigation of the California Creekside site that indicated higher than normal levels ofDDT associated with planter beds in the old greenhouse on the site. As a result, the County is in the process of having the contaminated soils removed to an appropriate landfill. Similar site-specific investigations of other portions ofthe property may result in the discovery of additional environmental concerns that will be addressed in an appropriate fashion. Attached are the existing and proposed Specific Plan land use maps with the approximate locations of tank clusters that have-required remediation. Closure letters for all known underground tanks removed from the property south of Gleason are also attached, as well as a reference list of environmental reports in our files relating to the Santa Rita property. cz'J- ~ ~ . .' .' .:. ~g~~1 ~ inaz Z ~~i~ 0 ~ 5 ~ 5 E e n = e ~ ~ ~ ;:: n n 0 ~ ~ i'i ~ ;;::1 ~ ~ ~ i =< ..; g ~ I ,- . ~ -" ~. I' ....., :"'-."'.-: -; '.~. ~.>.-" ~!!i~ ~~:iEi ~ n ~ g 8 R ~ ~ ng:;'i"~ ~x%nG: ~gli~5 ~ ~g i g -.... ~ 0 [l 0 0 I 0 .. ~ ~ ~ ;s ; :~ ! El ~ = ~ ~[E . ~ . . .~. '.. . .:....... 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'" : ft II 'i n a ;; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ $ 5 ;l~ I~ ~ VI J~3~ I ~>Q ~:::o 11... IA-~:ID i~"'" 0 ~>S;o 'C'~"'r-~ "o;::g > Q ~~ 0 6 ~ c;-CC:n'1 :::::m ~ a 26:::0 ~ == _11::-...4 m l i I ~j '(;'l I [!] . I () I I I I I . 3: I I I I Z I I .... I I . I 3: I I , AlAMEDA COUNTY HEALTH CARE SERVICES AGENCY DAVID J. KEARS. Agency Director ~j) U.:i' cfJ - January 25, 1995 Mr. Andy Garcia Alameda County General Services Agency Engineering & Environmental Management 1401 Lakeside Drive, 11th Floor Oakland, CA 94612 JAN "3 1 1995 . RAFAT A. SHAHTD. Assistant Agency DiroclOf . ALAMEDA COUNTY ENV. HEALTH DEPT. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DIVISION 1131 HARBOR BAY PKWY., #25Q ALAMEDA CA 94502-6577 f,51()}567-n7()() Dept. RE: SANTA RITA REHABILITATION CENTER - MADIGAN BUILDING, UST #5 Dear Mr. Garcia: This office has reviewed the July 20, 1992 Environmental Science & Engineering, Inc. (ESE) report documenting the closure of a single underground storage tank (UST) at the noted Santa Rita subsite. The subject UST previously served the former Madigan :Building. ...... ., The referenced report documents that no noteworthy release of petroleum hydrocarbons has occurred. Consequently, no further environmental investigation is re~~ired at the subject Santa Rita subsite. Therefore, this department is satisfied that the subject UST has been closed in full compliance with the requirements of Title 23, California Code of Regulations. ,,--. Sincerely, Please contact me at 510/567-6783 should you have any questions. ./ , CHMM ous Materials Specialist cc: Rafat A. Shahid, Agency Director Tom Peacock, ACDEH Rob Weston, ACDEH Jim Ferdinand, Alameda County Fire Department -..--. Cj5 .,n . f f'\r'"r"'''''f'''\I'"'\'''''n 1,... If'\tt" , t .,..."" '. t'!'''''''I ,.""._ .,"""''''' t.. 9:" _....^ ~ ...... ....... ...... . .... eo:' JI'" Pet 'VO} ALAMEDA COUNTY HEALTH CARE SERVICES AGENCY DAVID J. KEARS. Agency Director . . .:' ~~ FES 2 :1 10Qti /?&P7r\/J: / RAFAT A. SHAHlD. Assistant Agency Director-/ STID 4086 Alameda County Environmental Protection 1131 Harbor Bay Parkway, Alameda CA 94502-6577 February 21, 1995 Mr. Rod Freitag Alameda County General Services Agency Engineering & Environmental Management Dept. 1401 Lakeside Drive, 11th Floor Oakland, CA 94612 RE: SANTA RITA - OLD G~~YSTONE, USTs #6, 7, 10 Dear Mr. Freitag: This office has reviewed the December 11, 1990 Certified Environmental Consulting, Inc. (CEC) report documenting the closure of four of the underground storage tanks (UST) associated with the noted Santa Rita subsite, USTs #6, 7, 9, and 10. The subject USTs previously served the former county rehabilitation center. The referenced report documents that no noteworthy releases of petroleum hydrocarbons from USTs #6, 7, and 10 have occurred., Consequently, no further environmental investigations are required for these UST sites. UST #9, the remaining tank of _ those referenced in the cited CEC report, is currently in the last stages of its post-closure ~nvestigation. This department is satisfied that USTs #6, 7, and 10 have been closed in full compliance with tpe requirements of Title 23, California Code of Regulations. Please contact me at 510/567-6783 should you have any questions. ,Sincerely, Specialist cc: Rafat A. Shahid, Agency Director Tom Peacock, ACDEH Rob Weston, ACDEH Jim Ferdinand, Alameda County Fire Department t{b CC4580 Division Room 250 " /' /'~ ;' ~EDA COUNTY ,AEALTH CARE SERVICES AGENCY DAVID J, KEARS, Agency Director @H~"'\ u'= cTJ .;;JUL 1 4 [995 . ,.... July 7, 1.995 RAFAT A. SHAHID, DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL H State Water Resources Control B ,....' Division of Clean Water Programs UST Local Oversight Program , , 31 Harbor Bay Parkway Alameda, CA 94502-6577 (510) 567p6700 STID 4086 REMEDIAL ACTION COMPLETION CERTIFICATION Jim de Vos Alameda County General Services Agency Engineering & Environmental Management Depa~tment 1.401 Lakeside Drive, l1.th Floor Oakland, CA 946i2 RE: II OLD GRAYS TONE II - SANTA RITA REHABILITATION CENTER Dear Mr. de Vos: This letter confirms the completion of site investigation and remedial action for the underground storage tanks formerly located at'the above-described location. Specifically, the subject tanks are: USTs 1.1, 12, and 12A (fueling complex); and, UST 9 (mess hall). Enclosed are the Case Closure Summaries for the two tank locations at the referenced site for your records. ..' Based upon the available information, including current land use, and with the provision that the information provided to this, 'agency was accurate and representative of site conditions, no further action related to the underground storage tank release is required. This notice is issued pursuant to a regulation contained in Title 23, California Code of Regulations, Division 3, Chapter 26, Section 2721(e). If a change in land use is proposed, the owner must promptly notify this agency. Please contact Sco~t Seery at (510) 567-6783 if you have any , questions regarding this matter. Sincer;:. AI J W Rafat Ii!. Shahid Director of Environmental Services cc: Jun Makishima, Acting Chief, Env. Protection Division Kevin Graves, RWQCB Mike Harper, SWRCB Rod Freitag, GSA .. cz1 .':~" .' .... .:"." e:. .:.~ ALAMEDA COUNTY HEALTH CARE SERVICES AGENCY DAVID J. KEARS. Agency DireClor ~.)j)'\ 0": cfJ 1r-70g7 ~1 .,.,~.. .oJ ".. \0 STID 5541 RAFAT.A. SHAHID, DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 1131 Harbor Bay ParkWay AWneda. CA 94502-6577 (510) 567.6777 September 25, 1995 Mr. Rod Freitag Alameda County General Services Agency Engineering & Environmental Management Dept.. 1401 Lakeside Drive, 11th Floor Oakland, CA 94612 RE: S~7A RITA - FORMER MILITARY HOSPITAL SITE, USTs #18 & 19 Dear Mr. Freitag: This office has reviewed the July 20, 1992 and June 26, 1995 Environmental Science & Engineering, Inc. initial and supplemental UST closure reports for the referenced Santa Rita subsite. The referenced reports document that no noteworthy rel~as~s of petroleum hydrocarbons from USTs ~le and 19 have occurred. Consequently, no further environmental investigations are required for these UST sites. This department: is satisfied that USTs #18 and 19 ha.v~ b~en closed in full compliance with the requirements of Title 23, California Code of Regulations. Please contact me at 510/567-6783 should you have any questions. Sincerely, ------. Specialist County Fire Department -~ - --.. -~-- .-- ~- -.... -~~.. ...~ ..... ..-. I ....... \~EDA COUNTY ~ HEALTH CARE SERVICES AGENCY DAVID J. KEARS, Agency Director AprJ..l 5, ~.9.9 6 ~j):\ 0': 4~ RAFAT A. SHAHID, DIRe,:", DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH "31 Harbor Bay Parkway Alameda, CA 94S02.6Sn STID 5541. REMEDIAL ACTION COMPLETION CERTIFICATION RE: "CENTRAL PARCEL" - SliliTA ~~~ ~ fl\'y;r :-'1 r:-~' fa Ii: r''''~u - ~ ~\!..~'0- ~ tiLr liP R 1 7 1995 Departmen(.;~, "......... ('~ ~; .'.:ir::~...-GSA ,*',:N:, ~.+. !'1,_....'..t:!.JI"\ '. Engi.'i9-?.cng &, Environmental ~ianag,9ment RITA REHABILITATION CENTER Jim de Vos Alameda County General Services Agency Engineering & Environmental Management 1401 Lakeside Drive, 11th Floor Oakland, CA 94612 Dear Mr. de Vas: This letter confirms the completion of site investigation and remedial action for the underground storage tanks formerly located at the above-described location. Specifically, the subject tanks are: USTs 1, 2, and 3 ("old boiler plant"); and, USTs 4, 4A, and 4B ("4th and Madigan sitell). Enclosed are the Case Closure Summaries for the two tank, locations at the referenced site for your records. e,. , . Based upon the available information, including current land use, and with the provision that the information provided to this agency was accurate and representative of site conditions" no, further action related to the underground storage tank release is required. " This notice is issued pursuant to.a regulation contained in Title 23, California Code of Regulations, Division 3, Chapter '16, Section 2721(e). If a change in land use is proposed, the owner must promptly notify this agency. Please contact Scott Seery at (51.0) 567-6783 if you have any questions regarding this matter. Sincerely, ~>><-~ Jun Makishima Acting Director of Environmental Services enclosures cc: Gordon Coleman, Acting Chief, Env. Protection Division Kevin Graves, RWQCB Mike Harper, SWRCB Rod Freitag, GSA . 1'1 General Services Agency Darlene A. Smith, Director May 13, 1996 TO: Pat Cashman, Surplus Property Authority FROM: Jiin de Vos, E&EM - General Services Agency SUBJECT: UPDATED LISTING OF SANTA R1T A REPOR S Following is a listing oftbe "Environmental Reports" in our files: · Gregg & Associates, Inc.; Underground Storage Tank Management Plan; June 1988. · Gregg & Associates, Inc.; Underground Tank Removal and Site Remediation Report, Santa Rita Rehabilitation Cenlc:.r at Old Boiler Plant, Tanks 2942-1,2 & 3; May 1988. . · ESE; Report of Stockpiled Soil Sampling, UST 1,2 and 3 Site, Santa Rita Correctional Facility, Dublin, California; December 7, 1993. · ESE; Report of Stockpiled SoU Spreading and Disposal, UST 1,2,3 $ite, Santa Rita Correctional Facility, Dublin, California; June 20, 1994. · ESE; Site Assessment Report. Alamerla County UST I, 2, 3 Site, Santa Rita Correctional facility, Dublin, California; December 21, 1994. · ESE; Quarterly Monitoring Report, Alameda County UST 1,2,3 Site, Santa Rita Correctional Facility, Dublin, California; January 30, 1995. · ESE; Quarterly Monitoring Repon, Alameda County UST 1,2, 3 Site, Santa Rita Correctional Facility, Dublin, California; March 13, 1995. · ESE; Quarterly Monitoring Report, Alameda County UST 1, 2,3 Site, Santa Rita Correctional Facility, Dublin, California; June 19. 1995. · ESE; Report of Additional Site Assessment, UST 1,2,3 Site, Santa Rita Correctional Facility. Dublin, California; February 1996. · ESE; Closure Report for Underground Storage Tank (US1) numbers 2942-4, 2942-4A aoo. 2942- 4B, Santa Rita Jail, Dublin., California; July 20, 1992. . qD - Engineering & Environmental Management Department 1401 lakeside Drive, 11th Floor. Oakland, California 94612 Telephone (510) 208-9525. FAX (510) 208-9530 Pat Cashman Pagc 2 5/13/96 .'"" " · ESE; Report of Stockpiled Soil Sampling, 4th and Madigan Site, Santa Rita Correctional Facility, Dublin, California; November 22, 1993. · Versar, Inc.; Contaminant Modeling Using Sesoil for the 4th and Madigan Site, Santa Rita Correctional Facility, Alameda County, California; December 28, 1993_ · ESE; Spreading of Stockpiled Soil, 4th and Madigan Site, Santa Rita Correctional Facility. Dublin, California; June 26, 1995. · Versar~ Inc.; Subsurface Investigation Report, 4th Street and Madigan Avenue on the Santa Rita Property, Alameda COUllty, California; October 23, 1995. · ESE; Soil Sampling, 4th and Madigan Site, Santa Rita Correctional Facility, Dublin, Califomia; February 7, 1996. · ESE; Closure Report for Underground Storage Tank (USn number 2942-5, Santa Rita Jail, Dublin California.; July 20, 1992. · Certified Environmental Consulting, Inc.; Santa Rita Tank Removals - UST s 2942-6, 7, 9 & 10; December 11, 1990. .:, · Versar, Inc.; In..<ttallation of One Monitoring WeIland Performance of the First ofFoUT Quarters , of Groundwater Monitoring, Santa Rita Property. Fonner Underground Storage Tank #9 Site; July, 1994. · Versar. Inc.; Second Quarter Groundwater Monitoring Report for 1he Former Underground Storage Tank #9, Santa Rita Property, Santa Rita, California; November 29, 1994. · Versar, Inc.; Third Quarter Groundwater Monitoring Report for the Fonner Underground Storage Tank #9, Santa Rita Property, Santa Rita, California; February 27, 1995. · Versar, me.; Fourth Quarter Groundwater Monitoring Report for lhe Fonner Underground Storage Tank #9, Santa Rita Property, Dublin, California.; Mareh 30, 1995. · Versar, Inc., Groundwater Monitoring Abandonment Report for Fonner Underground Storage Tank #9 at the Santa Rita Prop~rty, Santa Rita, California; JWle 3D, 1995. · ESE; Closure Report for Underground Storage Tank (UST) Numbers 2942.11, 2942-12 and 2942-12A, Santa Rita Jail, Dublin., California; July 20, 1992. . C(I .- e. .--:. Pat Cashman Page 3 5/13/96 · ESE; Vehiele Fueling Area, Old GraystDnc. Santa Rita Correctional Facility~ Dublin, California; January 7. 1993. · Report on Soil and Ground Water Investigation at Old Graystone Fueling Facility, Santa Rita Correctional Facility, Dublin, California; January 15, 1993. · ESE; Corrective Action Report for Old Graystone Fueling Area, Santa Rita Correctional Facility, Dublin, Alameda County. California; March] 993. · ESE; Report of Stockpiled Soil Confmnation Sampling, Old Graystone Fueling Area, Santa Rita Correctional Facility. Dubl~ California; August 9. 1993. · Versnr, Inc_; Final Contaminant Modeling using Sesoil for Old Graystone Fueling Area, Santa Rita Correctional Facility, Alameda County, California; January 6, 199.4. · ESE; Site Assessment Report, Old Graystone Fueling Area, Santa Rita Correctional Facility. Dublin, California; February 21, 1994. · ESE; Quarterly Monitoring Report, First Quarter 1994. Old Graystonc Fueling Area, Santa Rita Correctional Facility, Dublin, California; February 25, 1994. · ESE; Quarterly Monitoring Report, Second Quarter 1994, Old Graystone Fueling AI~ Santa , Rita Correctional Facility, Dublin. California; July 12, 1994. · ESE; Quarterly Monitoring Report, Third Quarter 1994, Old Graystone Fueling Area. Santa Rita Correctional Facility, Dublin. Cal~ornia; July 12. 1994. · ESE; Report of Limited Cleanup at Four Sites, Santa Rita Correctional Facility~ Dublin, California; March 3. 1995. · ESE; Report of Site Activities, Old Graystone Fueling Area, Santa Rita Correctional Facility, Dublin. California; June 15, 1995. · ESE; Closure Report for Underground Storage Tank (UST) numbers 2942-18 and 2942-19; Sa.nta Rita Jail, Dublin California; July 20, 1992. · ESE; Additional Clarification Concerning Activities Performed at the UST 18 & 19 Site, Santa Rita Correctional Facility, Dublin, California; June 26, 1995. · ESE; Report of Stockpiled Soil Sampling, UST 18 & 19 Site, Santa Rita Correctional Facility, Dublin, California; July II. 1995. ~9- Pat Cashman Page 4 5/13/96 · Versar, Inc.; Disposal of Stockpiled Soil, Santa Rita Correctional Facility Site, Dublin. California; September 12, 1995. · ESE; Report of Site Activities, UST 18 & J 9 Site, Santa Rita Correctional Facility. Dub~ California; December 4. 1995. · Enviropur W cst; Non-PCB Containing Transformer Oil Spill Cleanup; November 1994. · Versar, Inc.; Asbestos Survey and Engineering Cost Estimate for the County of Alameda, Santa Rita Property, Dublin, California; December 10, 1993. · Versar, Inc.; Phase r Environmental Site Assessment, C01.Ulty of Alameda, Santa Rita Property; January II, 1994. · ESE; Report of Limited Excavation and Disposal, Northwest of Former Boiler Room, UST 18 & 19 Site, Santa Rita Correctional Facility, Dublin, California; November 29..1995. · Versar. Inc.; Project Oversight for Hazardous Waste Removal Services, County of Alameda, Fonner Santa Rita Hospital Facility; November 17, 1995. cc: .Candace Fitzgerald, GSA - Real Property Rod Freitag, GSA - E&EM JdV:mtf:g:\crspndc\idv\spa60513.doc q0 .C" , ' .' . ~: .' e' APPENDIX E MITIGATION MONITORING MATRIX .: .; , q~ rr~...... ..... . . _. 00.. ....:. -." 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OJ;:';... 1:..t3!!:_ '" - = .:0",-- - ':J -= 3~=- .- - ~.E .5- '- - C ii :: ~ u _ _ = v - - . -- - U-:::;I: ~~~.g-5 J8~=~]. - -; = .~ g wS-=-u o :0,) _ - - e) - .... :JI - ~~ g: ~ .::,~ . <= en :J xg~~ "" oc ..., .'~ APPENDIX F EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FROM EASTERN DUBLIN GPAlSPA DRAFT EIR .:.- e--:. \ IlIi s I ~ l)gb&l SPfGPA Em ~l:nITRODUcnON . ' e' ." .. 1.1 LEGAL BASIS FOR THE DR This EIR was prepared in conformance with the objectives of CEQA to inform the public and public agency decision-makers of the potential enviromnental effecu of the Eastern Dublin General Plan. Am.endmml and Specific Plan (the "Projd) and to identify meaDS of reducing or eliminating these potential impactS.. 1.2 Em REQUIREMENT The City of Dublin. acting as the Lead Agency. conducted an Initial Study in September 1988 on the potential environmenml effectS of the Project and determined that the Project would have a significant effect on the environment. A subsequent lDitia1 Study and Notice of Preparation were prepared in October 1991 in response to minor revisions to the Project description. This EIR was authorized 10 assess the environmental impacts identified in the twO Initial Studies and to identify appropriate mitigation measures. State CleariDlhoasc Number The Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan ErR has been recorded with the State of California Govemor's Office of PWming and Research (OPR) and has been given State Oearinghouse Number (SCH#) 91103064. All correpondence and comments regarding this Project should include this number for reference and identification purposes. 1.3 PROGRAM EIR .'" .. , ,~, :: : . "':::. _w, . Beeause this EIR assesses the im.pacts of a series of actions that can be charaCterized as one ,comprehensive .project." it was determined to be most appropriately a wprogram EIRw. 1.4 Em SCOPE The environmental and related issues rscopeW) of the EIR were identified by the City of Dublin Wough its Initial Studies. responses to the Notices of Preparation ("NOr). and public comments. The EIR addresses environmental impacts and relaled plaDning concerns in the following areas: .!aDd use; populalio~ homing and employment; traffic and circulation; commmlity services and facilities; public utilities; so~ geology. hydrology and seismicity; biological nsources; visual resources; cultural resources; DOise; air quality; and I1.scal considerations. ' 1.5 ORGANIZATION OFTHEEIR This EIR. is orga:nized into a Summary, six. chapters. and a teclmical Appendix. Chapter 3: Setting, Impacts and Mitigation Measures. is divided into twelve seetiODS. each of which analyzes specific topical environmenml eonccms. Chapter 4: AlternatiYes Analysis dis,...""USSCS a nmge of alternatives to the Project. including the required wNo Projd Alternative. ChapLeT 5: CEQA.-mmuiated Considerations contains the mandatory discusSion of different types of impacts. including cumulative impactS. aDd Chapter 6: References provides lists of"EIR preparers :md sources consulted for this report. 1.6 REVIEW AND APPROVAL PROCESS .~ \ \ s For the Projec:t to be implemented. this EIR. must be certified following a pUblic comment and response period. The City of Dublin will make Findings on any significant im~ i4entifed in the SM-2 010 ..:,,: &.... . ~- .' -' .. . e: " , , \\'G ~ J)-oba SP jGPA KI& Sa=aoary EIR after which it can certify the F1D3l EIR.. The CitY may also need to make a Statement of Overriding Considerations and will have to approve a Mitigation Monitoring Program in accordance with CEQA. requirements. 1.7 FlJ'IlJRE ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS Future activities under the Project not ~ for environmental impacts may require additional environmental assessment. Prepartion of this EIR does not preclude the need for further analysis of environmental impacts. CHAPTER 2: PROJEcr DESCRIPTION 2.1 PROJECT LOCATION Terms Used to Designate the Project Site The EIR clarifies the terms used to designate discrete areas of the Project site. Re&ioDal LoanoD. The Project site is located approximatelY 35 miles east of the CitY of San Francisco in the Tri- Valley. a subregion of the San Francisco Bay Region. BoUDdaries oC the Project Site The Project coDSists ofa Genet3l Plan Amendment (GPA) for a 6.920-acre study area and a speci1JO Pla:n (SP) for 3,328 acres within the larger stUdy area.. The "Project site" refers to the entire GP A area , wbich is bounded by 1-580 to the south. the Alameda County/Contra Costa County line to the north. Parks ReserVe Forces TI3inin& Cenrerto the west. and the ridgeline berween Doolan Road andCOUiet Canyon Road 10 the east. The'sOuthern, wester1l and northern boundaries of the specific Plan area coincidO with those of the GPA- The easrem boundarY of the speci1JO PJan area fDI1D~ a srepped alignment east of Croak Road (refer to Figure 2-B.) 2.2 PROJECT SITE FEATURES The Project site consists of a ..ney plain and rnUing foothills. FJattet portions me ooltiwted; the ~ul<jdes are genet2IIy passJands. Riparian corridors snpport stands of associaled vegetation and isolated treeS an: scattered tbronzhout the site. Rmal residences me found on Tassajam Road and Doolan Road. The County PropertY in the southwestern cornet is urbafti7P.d. Owuership 'The Project site consists of ~9 paroels. Fioe JandownetS own more than 11fty percent of the site. AJ'lI<m..m. COUIlty owns approx;...ntltf'!ly 600 acres in the southwestem portion. Ownership is shown on Fxgure 2-D. c 2.3 PROJECT coMPONENTS The Project consists of an amendment to the City of Dublin Genet3l PJan (EasuI7l Dublin G.,..,-a1 pltJn Ammdment) and a speci1JO plan (Eastern Dublill spedfi& pltJn) for a 3,328-acre sire within the General PJan Amendment area. A lltItIlber of procedom sreps (Pro j.a Imp[emmU1lion) reQUited to imPlement the Project are slso part of the Project. '- SM-3 011 &..&.:. Dabb SP IGP A Em. ct. ~ 2." PROJEcr CONCEPT e" .', .~., ... The Project calls for the development of a mixed-use community in eastem Dublin that will be a vital. self-sustaining urban environment with a strong sense of identity and community. Housing and employment-generating uses will be balanced to provide residents with the oppommity to live near work. Higher density housing has been located adjacent to commercial centers and traIlSportation corridors to encourage walking, transit-use, street activity and -neighboring: Significant portions of the Project site have been designated for new parks and open. space uses to provide enhanced outdoor recreational opportunities. , Additionally, the Project sets aside principal ridgelands and riparian corridors to preserve the natural features that give the area its unique visual quality and CODStitllte important habitat for :lnim~l and plant species. 2.5 STATEMENT OF PROJEcr OBJECTIVES In making its decision to approve or deny approval to the Project, the City of Dublin will consider how the Project fulf'ills the fOllowing stated objectives: · To ensure responsible and environmentally-sensitve development i1i Eastem Dublin. · To respond to community needs for housing, employment and leisure opportunities. · To protect visually-sensitive ridgelan:ds and biologically-sensitive habitat. . .'-' :.\.~ .' ..- To encourage higher density housing in more level portions of the site and discourage major alterations to ~tinctive hill forms. · To encourage development patterns that support transit use and facilitate safe and efficient traffic flow. · To maintain a jobs/housmg balance in the area as a means of reducing traffic congestion and air pollution.. 2.6 .PROJECT CHARACTERISllCS La.ad Use De,.elOPllleJlt Plus Eastern Dublin General Pltm .4mmdmmz .....--- . . 1" .T -.."'3".. z::. :....~-:. .. The General Plan Amendment area encoDq)2.SSeS 6.920 acres and constitutes the entire area referred. to as the "Project site- in the.EIR.. Approximately one-half of the Project site (3,327.8 acres) is designated as the Specific Plan area.. That portion of the Project site th3.t lies outside the Specific Plan area. is referred to in the EIR. as the General Plan Amendment Increment area (3.592 acres.) Most (3290.& acres: 91 percent) of the GPA Increment area is devoted to Residentialla.nd use with a full 62 percent (2262.9 acres) in Rural Residential use. A small portion (6.8 acres) is d-;PSM as Neighborhood Commercial and 58 acres are reserved. for Industrial Park use along the 1-580 corridor. The GPA Increment area adds 2.75 schools and 7.8 parks to these land uses under the Specific Plan.. Easurn Dublin. Specific Plan .~ The Specific Plan provides a more-detailed land use concept for the 3~27.8 westem portion of the General Plan Amendment area. Residential uses (1,702.6 acres) will occupy more than half the Specific Plan area with Medium-Density and Single Family hoU$ing predomin,.tin~., R~identia1 areas ..... ". -,". .~\ . . H1 SM-4 012 .': ." "w' :".r. ......... . -.". e';, '\\,:,4 . . ~ . ~ D'abb 51' /GPA. EI1 s--zT are envisioned as C<lmpact "villaS..' with neighborhood-serving c:onunercial and ",tail uses (69.7 """",) located along pedestrian-oriented streets. /;:J.., '1V8 :?. ~~ At buildout. the Specific Plan is pro jectcd to providll 12,451 new housing units (70% of the Project) i <!. :0. ~ - 3 and Dublin's population will increase by 27,794 new residents. 1lRIJI.: 7:>'7 The Specif"1C Plan ioclodes 10.9211 million _ feet of uw ~ space and will ptovidlllD estimated 2Jl.2U new jobs. All employment-generating land uses are loatcd along JIllLjOt aneriaIs with convenient tranSit access. SeveoteeD new patks and 412.4 """'" of OpeD SpaCe will be provided by the Specific PJan. The Specif"1C Plan includes a p~ for a 56.3-""'" City ParI< near the Project site's center ("Town Center"). Policies Eastern Dublin ~ra1 plan Amendment The General Plan AmeDdment includes teXt ameodmeDts as well as a uw land use map for the EasterD Dublin 1'IanDioB Area (See Figme 2-E). The teXt amends the following eiemeDts of the City of Dublin General Plan. j,aDd Use Element: Proposed policy llD1eodments suppon the dllvelopmeot of a mixed-use community m the Eastetn ExteDdcd pJanDing Area including commercial and employmeni-generatiog land uses. J'3rl:S aDd Ooeo S1>8OO' Specif".es the need for me'" parks in Dublin's PriJIllLrY and Extended !'lanDiDB ^""" aDd recommends coofonoance with the City of Dublin Park and Rea""i"" Moster Plan of 1992. Adds policies for acquistion and maintenance of parks and trails. Schools. Public Londs and Utilities: Pulicies UIllIetsCO'" the need to ptovide adequate schOOls in EasterD Dublin aDd recommend a revision in the jurisdictional boundaries of the Dublin UoiIlCd School DisUict. ~i=h1tion and Scenic lU2bwavs: Recommends extensive improvements to the City's roadways and c:ircUlatioD system with an emphasis on CODDectioDS betweeD Dublin and the Eastem Extended Planning Area and tr3DSit use. p,osem>tiou: Policies describing the suitablity of the EasteIDExtended Plamtiog Area for agricu1mra1 use "WOuld be llD1ended to indicate its value as aD ""'" of loca1ly-imPOrtant farmlands. Historic resource policies would be amended to yeeognizc the potential for historic sites. Eastern Dublin Specific plan The Eastern Dublin S pea fie plan is organized into twelve chaP""" which denne the pJanDiDg concept for the SpeclIlC Plan ""'" and the goals. policies and action progIOJDS designed to implell1eDt this C<lncept. The seven Policy chaP""" are: Land Use; TraffIC and (;irculatioo; }tesour<e MaoaB-eot; community Design; CommunitY Services and Facilities; Sewer. Water and Storm !)taioage; and F1%l3D.cing. SM-S 013 ~ Dabfia s:P !GPA EDt s-,.. CH.AP1':ER 3: ENVIRONMENTAL S~l UNG, IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASmu:s This Chapter forms the .core- of the environmental analysis of the EIR. Pursuant to CEQA., existing environmental conditions rtlle Staing-) are described from a regional and local perspective. The potential effectS C'ImPactsj of the Project on the Sming are analyzed and actions designed to reduce or eliminate rMiligation MellSllJ'eS-) are identified. Of~ the Mitigation Me/ZSUTes are policies included in the Eastern Dublin General Plan Ammdment or Eastern Dublin Spedfic Plan. In this case. the Project is considered .self-mitigating-. In cases where DO applicable Miligation M ellSllJ'e has been included in either document, the ElR proposes an appropriate action. Chapter 3 is divided into twelve sections. each of which conforms to the Selling. Impacts and Miliganon Measures format. For organizational and reference purposes. lmpaas are stated in bold type as 1M 3.3/X with the PleIlX 1M preceding a number (ie. 3.3) and a letter indicating the section and alphatetical order in which the impact is given in the ten. Mitigation Me/ZSUTes are stated in italics as MM 3.3/_ with the prefIx MM rneceding a number for the section in which the measure is found and a letter indicating the numerical order in which the measure is given. 1/1 SM-6 014 . ...... .... e::. e:" : ;. '~..-.:: :.: ...... "w ......- ), , " . .-.~..~ '. ~ : -: .....: . . -..,: ...- .... , , e,.. -. .. ~ .... ~~ ~. .... ttO ~ I)abiia SP /GP A:sm ! ~ SECOON 3.1: LAND USE This section discusSeS land use impac1S and land use planning concerns of the Project. The section also addIOSSOS planning issUeS rdated to jurisdictional boundaries and discusSeS the consistenCY of the Project with relevant land use plans and policies. IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES: PROJECT SITE 1M 3.1/A SabstaDtW Alteration to ExistiJal LaIld Use The alteration of existing land uses from primarily nual to mban uses is identif"JOd as an impor13llt planDing concern of the Project but an ipsi'2nific:ant imoact. pursuant to CEQA.. No mitigation is required. 1M 3.1jB On-Site Project Land Use Conflicts The land use plans f Ot both the specific Plan area and General Plan AtI10ndment Area avoid abrllPt tt2DSitions between potentially incompatible land uses and provide adequate buffer and open space areas. This is an insieificant imoact. No mitiption is required. IMP ACTS .AND MITIGATION MEAStJRES: AGRICULTURE 1M 3.1/C Discontinuation of A&ricultaral Uses This impaet is identif"JOd as insienificant due to the high peteenmge of Wim.m",n Act contt3ctS that have been non-renewed and the limited value of non-prime soils on the Project site. No mitiption is required. 1M 3.1jD Loss of Farmlands of Local Importance Because the fannlands on the Project site "'" not c]assiIJOd as "prime". their loss is judged to be insi2Difi~nt. No mitigStion is required. 1M 3.1/E btd1reet Impacts Rcsultmc from the NOD-'RCDcm of Williamson Act eo.trae:ts Non-renewal is not an envrronmenw impact, as deImed by CEQA.. No mitigation is reQuired- ", SM-7 015 -....... .-" x....- D1IbIia SP!GPA Em. s... ;I IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES; TRI-VALLEY NON-UlmAN LANDS .::. .:' j 1M 3.1/F ColnersioD DC NOD- Urh.. Laads Areas of the Project site that adjoin non-urban lands have been designlilted for Open Space and Rural Residentia1land uses to reduce growth pressures on these lands. This is an insi2nifiC'::\ut imoact.. No mitigation is required.. IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES: .A.JACENT LANDS IM 3.1/G Poteatial CoDfIJcts with LaDd Uses to the West This is a DOtentialJv siRnifjc:\ilnt imnact due to the possibility that the U.5. Anny will increase its training activities at the Parks Reserve Forces Training Area (-Camp Parks-), located due west of the Project site. MM J.l/1.0 calls for the City of Dublin to coordinate its Planning activities with the Army to achieve compatibility with adjacent land uses. Implementation of MM 3.1/ J.O will redUce this impact to a level of insimifieanee. 1M 3.11H PoteDtiaI Conflicts with !.aDd Uses to the South Project site land uses are compatible with existing and projected land uses to the south. This is an insi2nifi~t imnaCf. .,.... . .... No mitigation is required. .'-- 1M 3.1/1 PoteDtiaI Collfllcts with Laud Uses to the East Project site land uses are compatible with existing and projected land uses to the east. This is an insimific:ant imnaet. No .mitigation is required. 1M 3.1/ J PoteDtialCollfllcts with Lud Uses to the North The Presence of the Dew Sanm Rita Rehabilitation Center to the north of the County Property is seen as more or a marketing concern than an environmental impact.. This impact is. therefore, insi2nific:itnt. No mitigation is required. ..1URtSDICIIONAL BOUNDARIES The Project site is affected by a number of jurisdictional, pmnn;ft! and service district boundaries including; city and county limits. spheres-of-influence, planning areas and special service districts. SPHERE-OF-lNFLUENCE The Project entails an eX:J:mftflon of the City of Dublin sphere-of -influence to eventually encompass the entire Project site. including the Doolan Canyon Road. area.. This portion of the Project site lies outside the ctuTent City of Dublin sphere-of-influence and is also the subject of ~ CitY of Livermore . . , -., .+. ... :.".. Iii 8M-I 016 ." , " e,. , ". . :. ":'. :-.":. ~ :.: w_",. . .+.-.- e", .. ' ....- ~ .. . .&. - \\y z.....- I)gb&l SP /GP A J:Dt , gencnJ plan amendment stUdy. The Alameda Coonty Local Agency Formation Commission has indicated that it will consider the _ueslS of both Dublin and Livennore to annex the Doolan eanyon Road area in May 1993. PLANNING AREAS The Project site constitutes a plll..niug..... A portion of this pl..ning area boundarY over~ with the planDing area boundarY established for the Nom Livermore GeucnJ Plan Amendment area- oTHER SPECIAL DISTRlCIS A number of special districtS are current or future providerS to the l'roject site including: oougbertY Regional Fire Authority; Dublin Unified School District; Livermore Valley Joint UniIJed School District; East Bay Regional Park District; Dublin San Ramon SefVices District; and Livennore Area Recreation and Park District. Service issues related to these districtS are cfis<:1lSsed in the applicable section of Chapter 3. CONSISTENCY WITH RELEV ANI' LAND USE pLANS AND P<>IJCIES This subsection cfiscusSeCS the consistency of the Project with City of Dublin plans and pOlicies sucb as the GeMral Plan and Zoning Ordinana. Also discussed are the applicable plans and pOlicies of other counti~, cities and agencies. Table 3.1-4 provides a delailed matrix of the Project's consi=nCY with the CitY of Dublin (ieneral Plan. SEcnON 3.1: POPULATION, HOUSING k EMPLOYMENT This section provides the c\elIlllBIlIPbic. \101lSins and eDII>lo}'1OeDt conrext of the l'roject at the regionllI (Bay Area). subregional (fri- ValleY) and local (City of Dublin) level. This section doeS llot anaJy>e these projections in tenus of potential enviro"",enlOl impaCIS wbich are adlIresSed in the re\eVlIIlf cnviromnental sections of CJuz.pter .3. SEcnON 3.3: TRAFFIC AND CIRCULATION Tmllc and circulation conditions are evaluated onder four .,w,.is ...".nos: E;dsring 1992 Conditions; Yem 2010 Without Projer:t; Yem 2010 With Pro jet:!; and Qmul/Dri'Je BrdldourWilk p,."je&t. - ImpaCtS are cfis<:1lSsed in termS of changes in daily mUfic volumes, peakhottt inrenecnon operationS. tranSit operations, and bicycle and -pedes1:rian impacts. IMPACIS.uID MITIGATION MEAStJllES: nAIL y TRAFFIC VOLUMES (TEAR 2010 ll'"ITHOUT PROJECT) 1M 3.3/A 1-580 Freeway, Tassajara-Falloll y _ 2010 growth without tbe l'roject would cause freeway vo\umCS 10 exceed level of service :E on 1-580 betWeen Tassajara Road aIld Fallon Road. This is a ~omifi"""t MnftuJat\Ve imDaOt, Jmplemen,.,;on of MM 3.3/1.0 10 consrruct auxiJiarY lanes would provide LOS D operations and reduce the impact to a level of iJtsj2t1ifi~nc:e. ..' . SM-9 017. :z....a.. DIIbb SP/GPA Em s--,. IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES: DAILY'IRAFFIC VOLUMES (YE..4.R 2010 JYrrH PROJECT) ....: -;':.' 1M 3.3/B 1-580 Freeway, 1-680-HacieDda Year 2010 growth with the Project would cause 1-580 between 1-680 and Hacienda Drive to exceed level of service E. This is a Sitmific:lnt imoa~ This impact is also a si2nif1cant cumulative imoact as discussed in Chapter 5. MMs 3.3/2.0-3.3/2.1 propose participation in 1'SM programs and sharing of costs for regional mitigation measures. Implementation wouId reduce the impact, but the impact would remain simificant. 1M 3.3/C 1-S80 Freeway, Tassajara-Falloll .Airway Year 2010 growth with the Project would cause freeway volumes to exceed level of service E on 1-580 between Tassajara Road and Airway Boulevard. This is a sismificant imoa.ct. This impact is also a si2nificant cumulative i~nact as discussec.t in Chapter 5. MM 3.3/3.0 calls for the construction of auxiliary lanes. Implementation of this mitigation measure would reduce' the impact to a level of insi2nificance but LOS on the Tassajara-Fallon Road segment would remain DOtentiaIlv siRnifica.nt. 1M 3.3/D 1-680 Freeway, North of 1-580 .......:. '. i- &.... ~.:. .". .". Year 201 0 growth with the Project would cause freeway volumes to exceed level of service E on 1-680 north of the 1-580 interchange. This is a simifi~nt imoa.ct. This impact is also a SiRnifi~nt cumulative imnaq as discuSsed in Chapter 5. MM 3.3/4.0 calls for CODtributions to planned improvements. Implementation of this mitigation measure would reduce the impact to a level of. insiRnificance. IMPACIS AND MITIGATION MEA.SImEs: DAILY TRAFFIC VOLUMES (CClMUUTIYE . BUILDOUr FrrR PROJECT) 1M 3.3/E CamaJa.ti~ Freeway Impads ~ BuildDlll with ~Projeci would cause additioDal freeway sections to exceed level of service E compared to Year 201 0 With Project, iDclnding 1':'580 west of 1-680 (from E to F), and I-S80 east of Airway Boulevard (from E to F). This isa simificant cumulative iml"l!'a~ . Implementation of MM 3.3/5.0 would reduce the impact, but the impact would remain Si21lifi,..nt and an unavoidable adverse imD1lCT. IMPACI'S AND MITIGATION MEA.SImEs: PEAK HOUR lNTERSEcnON OPERATION (YE..a 2D10 W7TH PROJECT) 1M 3.3iF .DD.perty Road & DabJia BoaJeYard -'.: .~. --..~ .:. - . Year 20]0 development with the Project would cause level of service F opentions at the intersection of DoUgherty Road with Dublin Boulevard. This is a si2njfi~nt i!J1nact. " . . ..... ".".. . .'. . \\ :7 SM-IO 018 .. .. ~ .... ~. -. ". '.. . .' :. ':. .' ... . . :.' ."". - . .>. ...... ..- ::::,/-\: e: .. .- ..... . "..'- \\i :a:-... Dabb 51' /GP A J:D1. '-1' MM 33/6.0 calls for the consmrction of additonal lanes on approaches to the inteneetiOD.. Implementation of this mitigation measure will reduce the impact to a level of insilZDifjcance. IM 3.3/G Hacienda Drhe "1-580 Eastbollnd RsmPS Year 2010 development with the Project would cause level of service F operations at the intersection of Hacienda Drive with the I-S80 eastbound ramps. This is a sjlrnificant imoact. MM 33/7.0 calls for resttiping. Implementation of this mitigation measure will reduce the impact to a level of jnsilZnifjro.:::mce. 1M 3.3/H Tassajara Road" 1-580 WestbouDd Ramps Year 2010 development with the Project would cause level of service F operations at the intersection of Tassajara R.oad with the I-S80 westbound ramps. This is a lilZnificant im'DaCt. MM 3..3/8.0 calls for the widening of I-S80. Implementation of this mitigation measure will reduce the impact to a level of insilrnificance. 1M 3.3/1 Santa Rita R.oad " I-S80 Eastbound Ramps Year 2010 development with the Project would cause level of service F operations at the intersection of Santa Rita. Road with the 1-580 eastbound ramps. This is a ~i21ljfjc:ant imnact and an unavoidable adverse imoact. MM 3..3/9.0 c:alls for widening of freeway. Implementation of this mitigation measure will reduce the impa.c:t but will intrOduce out-of-direction travel for 'certain drivers, thereby resulting in a notent1:!lllV si211ificant imnact.. . 1M 3.3/J ~y BouleTUd " DabJiD BoaleTani Year 2010 development with the Project would cause level of service E operations at the intersection of A.irway Boulevard with Dublin Boulevard/North Canyons ParkwaY. This is a linificaut imuat.t. MM.3..3/10.0 calls for improvements to provied LOS C. Implementation of this mitigation measure will reduce the impact to a level of jnsirn.ifi~nce- 1M 3.3/X. Ainra,. Boa.leu.rd &: I-S80 WestbollDd }WDps Year 2010 development with the :Project would Cause level of service F operations at 'the interseetion of Airway Boulevard with the 1-580 westbound ramps. This is a p~ifiMtnt imoact. , - - .. .~ . ~.. MM 3..3/11.0 calls for widening the Airway Boulevard overc:rossmg. Implementation of this mitigation measure would reduce the impact to a level of iJlsi21lificance. 1M 3.3fL El Charro Road Project traffic could introduce stops and delays for loaded trncks from the Q1Wries on EI CbarTO Road south of 1-580. This is a t>Otentia1lv si2nific:ant imoact. Implementation of MM 3..3/12.0 calls for coordination with Caluans to modify the 1-580 interchange: This would reduce the impact to a level of insi2nmMlnce. IMPACTS AND MITIGDION MEASURES: PEAK HOUR INTERSECTION OpER.A.T/ONS ~' . SM-ll 019 x....... DabIba ZIP IGP AlCIlt !'L (CUMULATIVE BUILDOUT WITH PROJECT) 1M 3.3jM Cuwlatiye Impacts on Dublin Boalenrd Cumulative buiIdout with the Project would cause level of service F operations at the intersection of Ha.cienda Drive with Dublin Boulevard anc1level of service E operations at the intersection of Tassajara Road with Dublin Boulevard. This is a si2Ilificant cumulative imoact and an unavoidable adverse imoact. Implementation of MM 3.3/13.0 c:aIIing for grade-separated interchanges would reduce the impact, but the .impact would remain si2nificant. 1M 3.3jN Cumalatift Impacts on Tasujara Road. Curnulati,e Buildouz with the Project would cause level of service F operations at the intersections of Tassajara Road with Fallon Road, Gleason Road and the Tramit Spine. These impacts would be caused primarily by trafiJC from the Tassajara connection to Dougheny Valley, and full buildout of the Tassajara Valley. This is a sjeificant cumulative imoact and an unavoidable adverse imDact. Implementation of MM 3.3/14.0 requiring the widening of Tassajara Road to six lanes would not be compatible with plann.ed land uses, resulting in a Dotentiallv si2nifieant imoact. IMPACIS AND MITIGATION MEASUREs: TRANSIT 1M 3.3/0 Tra.usit Senic:e Extensions The Project would introduce significant development in an area Dot currently served by public tranSit, creating the need for substantial expansion of existing transit systems. This is a si2Dificant imoact., MMs 3.3/15.0-3.1/16.3 caIls for coorriin:t'ting improvements to ttansit service with LA VTA and BART. Implementation of these mitigation measures will reduce the impacts on transit to a level of . . ifi 1DS12n, Cl~ce', IMPACTs AND MITIGATIONS MEASUREs: PEDESTRIANS AND BICYCLES 1M 3.3fP Street Crosship Pedestrians and bicycles would cross major streets in easter:D. Dublin with high projected trafIJC volumes, such as Dublin Boulewrd, Tassajara Road and FaDon Road, introducing potential safety hazards (or pede:striam and bicyclisu. This is aDOtentiaIlv sirmific.:ant imoact:.. MMs 3.3/16.0-3.3/16.1 call for the provision of Class I paths. Implementation of these mitigation measures will reduce the .impact to a level of iusirmificance. ,L7 SM-12 020 I e.', .' i' -;F '.' .. , '. ~ -";.<:.::.-&.:.' . . .' . ~'.. '. .~ . :. . _.+ ,".., e.,. '-. +' .... .. '. ~ . . ~ .. .. .' + ... ~. ~.+. . --~ -:.': .<: .-. . ""F:.: \~.1p ........-..-........_.. ~ DabIiD sp/GPA:mt ! .., SECTION 3.4&: coMMUNITY SERVICES AND FACILITIES IMPACIS AND MITIGATION MEASURES: POLICE SERVICES 1M 3.4/ A Demand for lJlcreased police Senices The Project will incrca>e demand for police protcetion and services from the Dublin Police Department. This is a ~tentia11v silznificant imnact on existing police services. A> mitigation to a le..1 of jpsi2nifi~~ce. adcquatC budgetin& for mcrcascd police services wiD be required. 1M 3.4jB Police SerYices Accessibility The hilly topography of most of the Pro jcet site may present some accessibility and crime-preYCtltion problems and result in ootentiallv sie:nificant imoacts. DcsigII s1llIldards which take safety and crime prevention into acco1ll1t will mitigate this impaCt to a level of insie:nificance. IMP ACIS AND MITIGATION MEASlJRES: FIRE PROTECTION SERVICES 1M 3.4/C Demand for Increased Fire Se"iees Buildout of the Project will substantiallY expand the DRF A service area and increase demand for new rn statiODS and f"rrefighting personneL This is a ~jmifiMtnt imnact of the Project. 1M 3.4fD Fue Response to OutlyiD& Areas Based 011 DRF A's prcIim;".". JocatiOllS for new 1"" S1lttioDS. the northern-most portiollS of the GP A i1lt:rcmCl1t area wouJd be o1l1Side the ])jstrict's $1lttldard respcmse..... This wouJd tcS1IIt in Rl'tCI1ti2l Si211ifi(;nt imnacts. , 1M 3.4fE - F~re to WUdflre Huards ScttlcmCl1t of population and C01l$ttIlCtiOI1 of ncW communities in proximity to high 1"" ha23td opel1 space areas would pose an incrcaSins wildt"" ha23td to people and property if opeIl space ..... are not mainmined for Irre safety. This is a simifiMtnt imnaet. of the Project. This is also :a ~ignifiMlnt enmulative imnaC12S further discussed in Chapter 5.0. The polCtlti2l signif"1CaI1t impac1S rcJative to 1"" services. respcmse time and wildt"" cxposme will be mitigated to a level of jllSi2nificance by mcasmcs ""mng for adcquatC 1"" pctSOl1I1Ci sllIf1mg, _ intctface \atldS ........gcmcm pIaCticcs. and dcsip $1ltI1da:rds for dcvcloptoCl1t that take 1"" safety into ac:::ounL IMPACIS AND MITIGATION MEASURES: SCHOOLS 1M 3.4fF Demand for New Classroom Space Buildout of the Project will inorcllSC the demand for IlCW cJasstOOm space and school faci\itiCS. This is a shmific:ant imnact. ., SM-13 021 '..~ :.:.- ~ :. . . .. . A.- _ '. ". ~ l>tabb SP/GPA. Em. !Il. ;I The Project provides 9 new elementary schoo~ 2 new junior high schools and 1 new high schooL This impact is reduced to iJisillnificant. .... .". "", . 1M 3.4/G DeDlaDcl tor Junior RICh Schools Project buildout could result in DOtentia11v sillnifjcant imDacts on junior high school classroom capacity. Projected need is for 2.7 junior high schools and the Project provides 2 new junior high schools. This impact is mitigated to insillnificant by proposing that junior high SChools be designed to accomodate the project number of junior high school students. 1M 3.4jH (hoercrowdilll of schools Another POtential impact of the Project is the potential for overcrowding at existing schools if insufficient new classroom space is providecl. Mitigation Measures 3.4/13.0. 14.0 and 15.0 are applicable to the entire Project site and when implemented. would reduce overcrowding and school space impacts to a level of insi2nificanc:e. 1M 3.4/1 Impact 011 School FiDUCiaC District JurisdictioD Development of eastern Dublin under existing jurisdictiOnal boundaries would result in the area being served by two different school districts and would adversely affect f"mancing of schools. This is considered a Dotentiallv simificant imD3.C1- .:.., This issue will require resolution by the Dublin Unified School District and the Livermore Valley Joint Unified School District to reduce impacts to a level of insignificance. .+:....:... IM 3.4/J FUWlcw Burdell 011 School Districts The cost of providing Dew.school facilities' could adversely impact local school districts by creating an. unwieldy 11DaD.cial burden. This is a ootentiaIJv SillDifi~t imDact. Mitigation will be provided by fees and appropriate, funding meehllftic:-mc to rednce this impact to in.~Vificant. _ lMPACI'S AND MITIGATIONS: PARK FACILIlIES 1M 3.4jX Demod for Park FaclUties Without the addition of Dew parks and facilities. the increased demand for new park and recreation facilities resulting from buildout of the Project would create DOtentiallv si2Dificant im~ and si2nific:mt cumulative imD8C'tS discussed in Section 5.1. Mitigation measures calling for adequate funding. phasing and implemention of the City of Dublin Park and Recremion Masler Plan 1992 will reduce this impact to insi2nificant. IMPACIS AND MIllGATIONS: PARK FINANCING 1M 3.4jL Park Facillties FISC&! Impact .:- 1\1 Acquisition and improvement of Dew park and recreation facilities may place a rmancial str.Un 011 existing City of Dablin revenue sources. This is a DOtenmt1v sisznificant imnaet: .. : .'. ~.. . SM-14 022 . w. .. e::. . .' - ~ . j . '. .~. .:. ~.':' e:: ._; . . - ..... ..../ "0 \ l B..-.s J)abiiR SP /GP A EDt , 7 In-lieu fees and the provision of parklands at the time of development reduce the impact on City financial resources to a level of insilznificance. IMF ACIS AND MITIGATIONS: PlffiLIC ACCESS AND TRAIL SYSTEM 1M 3.4/M Impact OD Re&ioaal Trail System Development of residential and commercial areas without adequate provision of trail easements may prevent implementation of a regional trail system. This is a ttatentiallv simifiMlnt imoaet. The specific Plan supportS establishment of a trail system with regional connections. This impact is mitigated to a level of jpshmificance. 1M 3.4/N Impact OD Open Space Connections Urban development in eastem Dublin may eliminate recreational oppornmities if not adequately designed and implemented- This is a ootentiallv sismificant imoact. A continous open space network will be provided on the Project site. This impact is reduced to insi2Difieant. IMP ACIS AND MITIGATIONS: SOLID WASTE 1M 3.4/0 Increased Solid Waste Prociu.ctioD Increased population and commercial land use will cause a proportional increase in the total projected amount of solid waste and household hazardous waste generated 'bY the City of Dublin. This is a potentially si2I1ificant imtmC1 of the Project. 1M 3.4fP Impact oa SoUd Waste Disposal Facilities The ~ of the projected increment of solid waste and household .ba%ardous waste generated by the Project may accelerate the closing schedule far AltaD10nt landfill unless additional capacity is develOped or alt:er.Date disposal siteS are identified. This is a ootentiallv si2nificant imoact of the Project. It is -also notenri!;ll1v sieifiMlnt cumulative imnact. Solid waste generation and solid waste disposal c3pacity .impactS are reduced to a level of insimifi~ee by implementation of the City's recycling and solid -waste progIamS. IMPACIS AND MITIGATIONS: EXTENSION OF U1UITY LINES 1M 3.4/Q Demand for Utility ExtenSions Development of the Project site will significantly increase demand for gas,' electric and telephone services. This is considered a sitmifiMlnt 2TOwth-inducin2 imoact and an J.1Davoidable adverse imnact. Extension of utility lines are nec~ry if the Project is to approved and built. There is no mitigation to this impact. 1M 3.4fR. Utility ExteasioD V1$Il&lud Biolopcal Impacts .P Exp'21'o:;on of electrical. gas aDd telephone lines could result in DoteDriallv si2"n.ifiMlnt imoaets to visual and biological resources if DOt appropriatelY sited- 8M-IS 023 ~ DabZi:D. SP tCPA EDt s~ Undergrounding of utilities would reduce impactS to a level of insi2nifica.ncc. ..: 1M 3.4/5 Consumptioa of Noa-Renewable Natural Resou.rces Natural gas and electrical service would increase coI1SUIXlption of non-renewable namral resources. This impact is considered a sirnifjcant imoaet of the Project and an unavoidable imoact. Despite energy-conserving design standards, the Project will still cause the COn.sumption of nOn- renewable resources and therefore the residual impact of the Project is considered an unavoidable adverse imnact. . IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASUllES: POSTAL AND LIBRARY SERVICES 1M 3.4/T DeDWld for Inerea.sed Postal Senice The Project will increase the demand for postal service. This is a DotentiaJlv si2nificant imoact. Mitigation is provided to a level of insili!nificance by policies which call for a new post office in eastern Dublin. 1M 3.4/U DelD&Jld for Increased. Library $ernee Without additional library facilities and staff, the increase in popula.tion resulting from the project would create si2nificant imoac:ts on existing library service and facilities. The Project suPPOrts adequate library service in eastem Dublin., inCluding a new library. This impact is reduced to insignificant. ....., - . - . .' -:. : . ~. ~ .' . SEcnON 3.5: SEWER, WA'I'ER AND STORM DRAINAGE IMPACl'S AND MITIGATION MEAStJRES: SERVICE PROVISION 1M 3.5/ A hdirec:t Impacu RemltiJli fro. the Lack of a Wastewater Senic:e ProTider to the Project SIte The Project assumes annexation of the .Project site to the DSRSD which will provide wastewater service. No indirect impactS resulting the lack of a wastewater service provider are identified. No mitigation is required. IMPACIS AND MITIGATION MEASURF.s: W AS'rEW ATER COLLECTION 1M 3.5/B Lact of a Wastewater CoUectiOD System Estimated wastewat=r flow for the Specific Plan area is 4.2 MGD-ADWF (See Table 3.5-1) and the esri"'!!I"~ wastewater flow for the General Plan amendment area is 5.6 MGD (see Table 3.5-2). This will be a sil!nifjcant imoact. I \ 'I 1M 3.5/C ExteusiOD of a Sewer Tnznk Liae with Capadty to Se"e New DeTelopmeDu. .: '.. T?e Project provides measures for wastewater collection to this impact to insi2Ilifieant. SM-16 n~4 .:"- .-<': ....- -'~~.:- e: \,}O ! ~ o.bIia 51" /GPA EDt " ConstrUction of a wastewater collection system could result in the development of other projectS that would connect to the Project's collection system. This is a ootentiaIlv si2nific:ant imoac:t. This impact is also a DOtentiaJ1v si2nificant lZrowth-inducin2 imoact as discuSsed in ChapleT 5. The proposed wastewater system bas been sized only for the Project site. This reduces impactS to a level of insismific:ance. IMPACIS AND MITIGATION ME.ASURES: WASTEWATER. TREATMENT 1M 3.5/D Current Limited Treatment Plut Capacity. There is a limited available treatment capacity at the DSRSD, Wastewater Treatment Plant. Available export capacity limits wastewater treannent plant expansion. This is a si2nifi~nt imoact. A Design Level Water investigation will be required to reduce this impact to a level of insienificance. 1M 3.5/E Future Lack of Wastewater Treatment Plut Capacity Development of the Specific Plan and the Project will require an increase in wastewater treatment plant capacity to adequately treat the additional wastewater flows to meet discharge standards. This is a si2nifil""!itftt imoaet. A.s mitigation. it can be shown that DSRD has the funds available to design and construct W3SlCwater treatment plant expansions once export capacity is available which will reduce this impact to insi2nifi~nt. 1M 3.5/F bacrease ia. EDern Usqe Throu.eh Inc::reascd Wastewater Treatment. Development of the Project will result in increased wastewater flows (as shown in Tables 3.5-1 and 3.5-2) and will require increased energy use for treamlent of wastewater. 'Ibis is a DOtentiallv si2Ilml""!itnt imoact. This impact is also a DOtentiaIlv si2nifi~nt irrevemble'chanee as discussed in CiuzplU 5. Despite energy-conserving measures, energy use will increase and this impact will re:ma.in DOteftri~1JV si211ifi~nt. ' IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES: WASTEWATER DISPOSAL,' 1M 3.5/G Lack of Wastewater OureDt Disposal r.padty. The increase in wastewater flows through the development of the Specific Plan and the Project will require an increase in wastewater disposal Additional wastewater disposal can be achieved through developing additional export capacity and/or recycled water projects_ Implementation of these mitigation measures will rec1uee this impact to insi2Ilifil!:mt. 1M 3.5fH hacrease ill Eaeru Usage 1'Arou.ell JDaea,sedWaste.w.atcl DU;r....l Development of the Project will result in increased wasteWater flows (as shown in Tables 3.5-1 aDd 3.5-2) and will require increased energy use for disposal of wastewater. Energy for Vo'3StCwater disposal will be required for 1) pumping of raw wastewater to CCCSD for neann~nt ~der the TW A .I~ ~ -". SM-17 025 ........ Dahiia SF IGP A EDt ~ proposed project; and/or 2) operation of an advanced treatment and distribution system for recycled water. This is ootentiallv sisznificant imoact.. ." ., This impact is also a ootentiallv si2nificant irreversible chanlZe as discussed in CJu:zpter 5. Despite mitigatio~ energy consumption will still increase and the impact will still be DOtentiallv sitznific:ant. 1M 3.5/1 PoteatiaJ Failure of Export Disposal System. A failure in the operation of the proposed TW A wastewater pump stations would have serious impactS on the overall operation of the wastewater collection system for the Tri- Valley subregion as well as the eastern Dublin Project. This is a ooteDtiallv simificant im'D8Ct. Engineering redundancy will reduce the impact to a level of insi2D.ifieance 1M 3.5/J Pulllp Statioa Noise ud Odors. The proposed TW A wastewater pump Stations could generate noise during their operation and could potentially produce odors. This is ootentiallv Si2nificant imoact. Local noise standards and odor control equipment will reduce the impact to a level of insi2nificance. 1M 3.5[K Storqe Basia Odors ud PoteatiaJ Failure. The proposed TW A Emergency Wastewater Storage Basins could potentially emit odors and/or the basins could have structural failure due to landslides, earthquakes or undermining of the r~ervoir from inadequate drainage. This is ootentiallv sitznifiC3Dt imoact.. e"",, :;-.. ..' . Basins will be covered to reduce the impact to a level of insi2Ilific::lnce. 1M 3.5/L Recycled Water System OperatiOIl. The proposed recycled water system must be const:n1Cted and operated. properly in order to prevent any, potential COTJt!lmin.tion of or cross-connection With potable water supply systemS~. This is a ootentizIlv simificant imoact.. Distribution system will meet all applicable standards to reduce the impact to a level of insimifi~1tce. 1M 3.5/M Keeyded Water Storqe Failure. Loss of storage through damage from landslide.. Qrthquakes, and undermining of the reservoir through inadequate drainage. This is a ootentiallv sisznificant imoact. Reservoir construction standards will reduce the impact to a level of insienific::lnce. 1M 3.5/N Loss of :Recycled Water System Pressme. Loss of pressures in the proposed recycled water distribution -systems could result in the system being unable 10 meet peak irrigationdl'!m.nd This is a ootenriSll1v sienificant iII1D3.C:4 e.-", " . EmergencY power generation backup will reduce the impact to insimific:ance. 1 ~I ~. * . 1M 3.5/0 Seccmdary Impacts from RecycleIl WatersJstelll Operatio. ". -.~ G.~i...' , SM-I8 026 ..~ .::":' .... .... -.' . -' . ""r \f' ~ Dahb SP jGPA. Em. s-y Failure to identify and implement required improvcmen1S may increase salinity in the ground'Water basin. This is a DOtenria11v si2nificant imoact. Reycled water projects shall incorporate salt mitigation measures to reduce this impact is a level of insi2nificance. IMP ACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES: SERVICE PROVISION 1M 3.5/P (herdraft of Local Groaadwater Resoan:es. This is a DOtcnrlallv si2t1ificant imoact. Coordination with DSRSD will reduce this impact to a level of insi2nific:ance. IMP ACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES: WATER SUPPLY 1M 3.5/Q Increase in Demud for Water. Estimated average day water demands for the Specific Plan Area is 5.8 MGD (see Table 3.5-4) and the estimated average water demand for the General Plan Amendment .Area is 7.7 MGD (see Table 3.5-5). Measures to reduce this impact to a level of insi2nifiMllnce iDcluQe water conservation. water recycling, and new capital facilities improvemen1S for Zone 7. including ground'Water wells. IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES: WATER TREATMENT 1M 3.5/R Additioul Treatment PlaIlt Capacity. The increase in water demands through Qeve10pment of the Specific Plan and the Project will require an expansion of existing water treatment facilities in order to deliver safe and- potable water. This is a si2nifiMllnt impact. Two new chlorination/fluoridation stations and other Zone 7 improvemen1S will reduce this impact to the level of insimfjMllnce. IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES: WATER DISTRIBUTION 1M 3.5/5 Lack of a Water Distribution System.. A wa.tt:r distribution system is need for the Project site. This is a ~i2nifi~nt imnact. A Water System Master Plan will reflect the Projcct and reduce the impact to a level of ;nsi2nifiMlnce. 1M 3.5rr lDdDeement of SabstaDtial Growth and CoacentratioD of population. The proposed water distribution system has been si%ed to potentially accommodate the DoughertY Valley Development to the north. This is a si2nificant imoaCt. This impact is also a DOtenriallv si~cmt erowth-indncine imuact.3S. di.scuSSed in Cluzpler_S~ This impact will remain si2nifi~nt. despite mitigation. 1M 3.5fU Increase in Enerc Usqe Throaeh Operation of the Water Distri_~ati_on System. SM-19 027 . :..l;' .-'. ....- . .".-.'-' x......c. Dabb BP /GP A EDt s--,. Development of the Project wiI1 result in increased water demands requiring a water distribution system which will require additional energy. Primarily for pumping of a water to the System and to storage. This is a ootentiaJlv silZnifieant imoact. This impact is also a ootentialJv silZnificant irreversible chan2e as discussed in Chapur 5. Energy-conserving technology will parti.a.IIy reduce this impact; however, energy consumption will still increase and the impact will still be potentially significant. 1M 3.5fV PoteJltial Water Storqc RcserToir Failure. Loss of storage in proposed water distribution reservoirs from landslides, earthquakes, and/or underm.ini.ng of the reservoir through inadequate drainage would impact the ability of the water supply system to maintain. water pressures and to meet I.1fe flows. This is a ootentialJv si2nificant imoact. Reservoir construction takes safety hazards into account and will reduce the impact to a level of insi2nifi~n~. 1M 3.5fW Potmtial Loss of System Pressure. Loss of PI'e$SJ1fe in the proposed water distribution systems could result in con~m;n::!tion of the disttibution system and would Dot allow adequate flows and pressures that are essential for Iue flow conditions. This is a ootentiaIlv Si2Dific:ant imDaCt.. All applicable pressure standards wiI1 be required to reduce the impact to a level of insilZnificance. 1M 3.5/X POtUltial Pump StatioD Noise. Proposed water system pump stations would generate noise during their operation that could impact the surroundinS community. This is a DOtentialJv sjmifi~nt imnact. Design. of pump stations will reduce this impact to insimificant. IMPACIS AND MITIGATION MEASuREs: STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 1M 3.5/y PotuatiaJ F1n...1i"l. Development of the Project will result in an increase in runoff to creeks and will result in an increased potential for flooding. This is a 'DOtentiatJv si2DifiOlnt imD8Ct. Flood contrOl measUres and a Storm Drninage Master Plan will reduce the impact to a level of insi2nificance. 1M 3.5/Z Redaced. GrollDdwater R~e. ~ Project is JOCD:1ed in area 0/ minimal rrDUNiwlZler recharge. 'This is a oot!!utia11v sienific:ant imnacr_ :.... e'. . -....... .... '. .'. .- ...... .' .... .... .' . . .... ~..~~:' .....""', ground_ recIwse programs to reduce the impaot to a Ievd of ., r:3 1M 3.5/M Noa-PoiDt Sources of Pollatio.. -~n SM-20 028 : . ~. .:. . : .. ....... .. ".'. -.'w . e' .,' .:.,:, , ".:.~:.~'=~.> .:" .. . . - :':~:"q \r x-- Dub4n ;:,r f...r,..-- s "T Development of the Project could ,..ult in a deterioration of the qualitY of stormwator due to an in=ase in nOD-point sonn:es of pollutioD including 1) urban runoff; 2) "",,-stOrmwater disChatles to storm drains; 3) subsurface dr1litJage; and 4) coosuuctiOD site runoff (erosion and se<funenation). This is a potentially si2t1ificant imoaet. This impact is also a potentially sillnificant cumulative imoact as discUSSed in Chapter 5.D. The reqWremeDt to conduct a Water QualitY jnvestigation will roduce the impact to a level of insilltlifiMlnce. SECTION 3.6: sons, GEOLOGY AND SEISMICITY IMP ACIS AND MITIGATION ME.ASlJRES: SEISMICITY 1M 3.6jA Fault GrouDd Rupture The exposure of people or strUctures to hazards from fault ground rupture is ipsi2nificant. No mitigation is required. 1M 3.6/B . Earthquake Ground ShaJdng: Primary Effects The primarY effects remain 'DOtentiallv Si2nifiMlnt. 1M 3.6jC Earthquke GroaDd SbakiDI= SecondsrY EffcdS Seismically-induced landsliding, diffeteDrlal COJllP3Ction and/or settlement axe CODSidered J!P"'1"ilIl1' ~llnifiMlnt. Design and engineering standards will reduce these impacts to insi2uifieant. IMP ACTS AND MITIGATION, ME.ASlJRES: TOPOGRAPHY AND LANDFORMS 1M 3.6jD Sabstalltial Alteration to Project Site Landforms Permanent change to the Project site's existing topography is considered a potentially sillUific:an1 jmnaet. Grading stancm'-ds that J'l1;nimt'fi! cut-and-rill will reduce this impact to insillUifiMlnt. 1M 3.6jE EJjwnination of FutJU'e Use of Project Site AurePte Resources This impact is considered insilmificant. No mitigation is required.. nBACIS AND MITIGATION ME.ASlJRES: DRAINAGE 1M 3.6jF Groa.ndwater Impacts Shallow groundwater conditions IIIllY =te geotechnical ha2;ards which axe ~oteutia1IV si",,;r;= 1M 3.6/G Groudwater Impacts ..4sJ<<iwtcd with Jrriptioa SM-21 ( 029 .... . . . . '. . '.. .' ~ -. .. . . . x....:. Dubb SP IGP A :Em. , This is considered DOtentiaJlv sis!Difi~t. Ch2ra.eterization of groundwater conditions and construction oC snbdrains, among other recommended improvements, will reduce 1M 3.6jF and 1M 3.6/G to insirmificant. IMPACTS AND MIIIGATION MEASURES: GEOLOGY 1M 3.6/H ShriDkiDC and SweUinl of ExpaJl$in Soils aDd Becirock Geotechnical ha:ards are DOtentia1Jv silmificant. Design and moisture-control measures will reduce this impact to insi2nificant. IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES: SLOPE STABILITY 1M 3.6/1 Natural Slope StabUlty Geotechnical harards are DOtentia1Jv si2nificant. Engineering Cor site-specific conditions can reduce this impact to insi2nificant. 1M 3.6/J Cut-and-Fill Slope Stabillty Potentially-unsta.ble cut-and-rill slopes may present safety hazards which are Dotentiallv si2nificant. Grading plans and periodic mOnitoring will reduce this impact to insilmificant. IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASuREs: EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION 1M 3.6jX Erosion aDd Sedimeutation: CoDStnactioa-ReIated Modification oC the ground surface and vegetative cover may create 1)OtentialJv si2:Dific:ant imDacts. Measures adopted during construction can reduce this impact to insimifieant. 1M 3.6/L. Ero.ion aDd Sedimelltatioll: Lonc- Term Long-term impacts are t>Otentistl1v sirmific:ant. Appropriate design. and construction that takes subsurface drainage into a.ccaunt should reduce this .impacr to insi2nific:mt.' SECllON 3.7: BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASuREs: HABITAT 1M 3.7/A Direct Habitat Loss 'P The Project will result in the loss, degradation, or disturbance oC as much -as 3,700 acres oC -existing vegetation. This substantial reduction oC habitat and range is a DOtentialJv Si2Jljf'i~nt imoact oC the. Project. , ,-. ... . SM-22 030 l~ e,." ., :~'_:.' .: e\'. . :.~ . .... ::..:....:... \....... . .. . -w'. !? .: '," e"" '- , . .,." .,'... - '....- '.::::&.::. .::'"", ',::::-:& ,~' ~ I)abIDa s:P IGPA EIJt , ~ This impact is also a DOtentiallv sillnific:ant cumulative imoac;t and a ii,nifil"=l'lnt irTevcrsible cllaDie as discussed in Chapter 5. Vegetation management will reduce this impact to a level of insi2nifi~nee. 1M 3.7 {B hdirect Impacts of Ve&etatio. Remow ConstrUction activities on the Project site may cause dust deposition from CODStrUction activities, increased soil erosion and sedimentation, increased potential for slope failures, and alteration of surface and subsurface drainage panerns. These are ootcntiallv Si2nific:ant. Revegetation measures reduce these impacts to a level of insillnificanee. IMFACIS AND MITIGATION MEASURES: RARE OR ENDANGERED PLANTS No rare and endangered plants were documented in the GPA area; therefore, impacts to rare plant species are not anticipated and no mitigation measures are required. IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES: BOTANICALLY SENSITIVE HABITATS 1M 3.7 Ie Loss or Degradation of Botanically Sensitive Habitat The following impacts could occur to Northern Riparian Forest. Arroyo Willow Riparian Woodland. and Freshwater Marsh: Direct loss and degradation from grading, road CODStrUc:rlon, and culvert crossings. Indirect impactS could result from increased sedimentation or spoil deposition affecting stream flow pattemS and damaging young seedlings and the roots of woody plants. Given the sensitive and unique nature of these habitats, pre-mitigation effectS represent ootentiallv si2nifj~nt imoacts. 'This impact is also a DOtentia11v si2nific:ant cumulative imoaet as discuSSed in Chapter 5. ExteDSive...protection measures will reduce impacts to a level of ;nsillnifi~nce. IMPACIS AND MITIGATION MEA5tJllES: THREATENED AND ENDANGERED SPECIFS 1M 3.7/D SaIl Joaquin kit fox 1InpactS of the Project on this species are nntentiallv si2I1ific::ant. The ~m Dublin Kit Fox Proteetion Plan (Appendix E) will reduce impacts to an jpsitrnifi,..nt level 1M 3.7 IE Bald ea&le, perecriDe falCOIl, aDd Alameda whipsuke potential impa.c:ts to these species are considered jnsi2nifiMlnt due to the lack of appropriate habitat on the Project site. No mitigation measures are :required. IMPACTS AND,MI11GATION MEASURES: FEDERAL CANDIDA'I:ES FOR LISTING 1M 3.7 IF Red-leaed. f~. The destrUction and alteration of small water impoundments and stream courses on the Project site ~' - SM-23 031 L.t:.::. D1Ib6a SP IGP A J:Dt s.a.-z,. threaten to elimmlil~ habitat for the red-legged frog. This is considered a OOteDtiallv Si2Dificant imoaC1 to red-legged frog populatioDS. e" 1M 3.7/G California tiler ul."".wder. This ~Jlilmlilnder is vulnerable to many of the same impactS as the red-legged frog. These impacts are ootentiallv siszDificant. 1M 3.7/H Weste~ poad turtle. Western pond turtles would be impacted by degradation of water courses and larger permanent water impoundments, similar to those discussed for the red-legged frog. Impacts are ootentiallv sili!Dificant. 1M 3.7/1 Tri-colored blackbird Potential destruction of riparian and freshwater habitat for this species is a DOteDtiallv Si2Dific:ant imooC1. Mitigation meas1UeS which provide buffers and protect riparian habitat reduce poten.tial impacts to red-legged frog, California tiger ~ Jlilmlilnder, Western pond turtle, and tri-colored blackbird to a level of insismifiClilnce. IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES: CALIFORNIA SPECIES OF SPECIAL CONCERN 1M. 3.7/J Golde.a. Eac1c: DestructioD of NestiD& Site .,.. -." .; :"--::-:-, .", .....'.:,. Construction. and operation. of a proposed. road connecting Doolan Road to Tassajara Road could result in. the loss of a golden. eagle nesting site. This loss would constitute a si2nificant imoact to the pair of breeding eagles. Nesting impacts to the golden eagle are reduced to a level of insi2nificance by the provision of a Golden Eagle Protection Zone. 1M 3.7fK . GoldeD EaeJe: ElimiDatiOD of ForqiDe Habitat The conversion of grassjands and the COnsequent reduction of potential prey are expected to reduce the amount and quality of foraging habitat for golden eagles. ImpactS due to the reduction. of foraging habitat are expected to be 'DOtenrial1v si2Dificant. This impact is also 2. DOtentialJv silrnifie:llnr cumulative imoact due to its contribution to the overall regioD3l1oss of {oraging habitat for this species as discussed in. Chapler 5. The Project provides wide areas of undeveloped land which will reduce this impact to a level of insi2nificanee. 1M 3.7/L Golden Eqle aod Other Raptor ElectroartiollS Direct mortality of golden eagles and other raptors which may perch or fly into high-voltage tr:In~~ion.lin.es is a DOtentialJv si2Difieant imDaC't of the Project. Undergrounding of utilities- will reduce this impact to a level of insi2Difieance. 1M3.7/M Bmrolrill& owl ,e , . :;',/,::~ . . .... /J .... Ii I . ,:.' SM-24 032 .:: '::':: e" . . ~ -.- . . .. ~ . \~{ ~~SP/GPA:IDt , Impacts from h2fa,SSment and destrUction of burrows are ootentiallv sirnifi~nt. 1M 3.7/N Americ::aJl bad&er Badgers could be directly affected by destrUction of burroWS. poisons. or reduce prey populations. Increased human activities could decrease badger populations. Impac13 are ootentiaJlv sienificant. Buffer :zones will be provided to reduce impacts to burrowing owls and badgers to a level of insirnifif"'2nce. 1M 3.7/0 Prairie falCOD. Dorthena hanier, aDd b1ac:k-sbou.ldered .kite ImpactS due to loss of foraging habitat are DOtentiallv sirnifiC3llt. 1M 3.7/P Sbarp-sbiDued hawk and Cooper's hawk Impacts due to loss of foraging habitat are considered Dotentiallv sirnificant. Proteetion and buffer :zones for riparian and freshwater marsh habitats should reduce impacts to sharp-shinned hawk and Cooper's hawk to a level of insi2Uific:ance. 1M 3.7/Q Short-Eared Owl Impacts to Sbon-eared owl populations are considered insienifican.t due to the ).ack of appropriate habitat. No mitigation is required. , 1M 3.7 {R. California. Honaed Lizard California horned li%ard distribution is fairly extensive throughout California and therefore habitat loss anticipated -in the p1aJming area is considered to have an jnsirnifif"'2nt imoaet on -this species. No mitigation is required. IMPACIS AND MITIGATION MEASURES: SPECIAL STATUS INVERTEBRATES 1M 3.7/5 .' Special StatJIS InTertebra.tes ImpactS to special statUS invertebrates cannot be estimated at this time and -are potentially significant. Species-specific surveys shall be conducted in appropriate riparian/wetland habitats 60 days prior to development will reduce this impact to a level of insi'!Difi~nce. SECIION 3.1: VISUAL RESOURCES IMPAcrs AND MITIGATION MEASUUS: VISUAL CHARACI'ER 1M 3.8/A StaJldardized. -Tract" DeTelopJDeJlt Generic .cookie-cuner- development conld obscure the ~c natural f~ ,of ~e Project site SM-25 033 '. '. o' . do .'.. .....:. ~ Dabiia tiP/CPA J:m. ~ (such as its landforms, vegetation and watercourses) that make it a unique place with its own identity. This is a ootentialJv-silmificant imD3ct. .":.. , , The Specific PIan calls for establishment of a visually distinctive commtmity and reduces this impact to a level of iD$imific:anee. 1M 3.8jB AIteratiOD of Raral/Open Space V1SUal Character Urban development of the Project site will substantially alter the existing rural and open space qualities that ch.ancterize eastern Dublin. This is a ootentia1lv sismificant imoact.. This impact is also a ootentialJv SillDificant irreversible chan2e as discussed in Chapter 5. Despite mitigation, this impact will remain DotentialJv si2nificant. IMP ACTS AND MIIlGATION MEASURES: DISllNCTIVE NAlURAL FEATIJRES 1M 3.I/C ObsauiDI DistiDctbe Natura) Features The char2cteristic tlDvegetated (-spare-) landscape of the Project site heightens the visual importance of existinl trees, watercourses, and other salient natunl and cultural features. The Project has the POtential to obscure or alter these existing features and thereby reduce the visual uniqueness of the site. This impact is DOtentiallv si2nificant. The Plan calls for preservation of distinctive 'natural features to reduce this impact to a level of imi2Jlific:ance. ..... . ..... .,w.... IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES: HILLSIDES AND RIDGES 1M 3.ljD AlteratioD of YlSIIal Quality of Hillsides Grading and excavatiOIl of building sites in hillside areas will severely COmpromise the visual quality of the Project site. This is a DOtentialJv sirnificant imDaCt. Sensitive grading policies reduce this impact to a level of insi2nificance. 1M 3.8/E AlteratiOR of V1suI Quality of .Rid&es St:ructu.re:s built in proximity to ridges may obscure or fragment the profile of visually-sensitive ridgelines. This is a DOtentiallv si2nific:ant imoaet. Ridgelands protections reduce this impact to a level of insignificance. IMP ACTS AND MITIGATION MEAStJRES: VALLEY GRASSLANDS 1M 3.8/F AlteratiOD of V1SIUI1 Charuter of Flatluds Commercial and residential development of the Project site's flatlands will completely alter the existing visual chan.c:ter resulting from valley grasses and agricultural fields. This is a 'DOtentiallv ,i>rnifi=r imDact. . ,. This impact is also a DOtentiallv sirnificant irreveTSible ehan2e as discussed in ChD.pter 5. :;.'1 No mitigation measure has been identified which can either .fully or JJarti3ny rM1tCe this impact. . .... SM-26 e,:,' ....:,,: '. . .:-..... .::, . .&. . ~ .w -. l~D B..-. ])gb&D SP /GP A J:Dl ! I Development of the Project site's flatter areas is reprded as a .t:rade-Of~ measure designed to preserve slopes, hillsides and ridgelines. 'Ibis impact remains ~tentiallv si2nifie;mt. IMP ACIS AND MlTIGATION MEASURES: WATERCoURSES 1M 3.8/G Alteration of the VlSIlaJ Cha.rader of Watercourses Urban development of the Project site in proximity to watercourses may d;m;ni<tll or eHmiMtf'! their visibility and function as distinct landscape elements. 'Ibis is a ~tentia11v si2nifiMtnt imoact. Revegetation of stream corridors and a comprehensive sueam corridor restOration program will reduce this impact to a level of insi2nificance. - IMPACIS AND MITIGATION MEASURES: COMMUNITY mENTITY 1M 3.8/H Alteration of Dablin's VlSW Identity as a FreestudinC City The visual perception of Dublin and Livermore as freestanding cities will be substantially altered. This is a potentiallv si2nificant imoact. Design guidelines in CJuzpter 7: Comrmmiry Design will reduce this impact to a level of insiEnificancc.. 1M 3.8/1 Scenic VistaS Development on the Project site will alter 'the character of existing scenic vistaS and may obscure important sightlines. This is a DOtentiallv sirnifi~nt imoac:t. Viewsheds will be identifed and pLeserved to reduce this impact to a level of insi2nifj~nce. IM3.8/J Scenic :aoates Urban development of the Project site will signif"1C3l1tly alter the visual experience of travelers on scenic routes in eastem ~b1in. This is 2 DOtentiallv silmifiMlnt imoact. Designation of scenic routes,will reduce this impact to a level of insiEnifiMlnce. SECI10N 3.9: CULTURAL 1tESOURCFS IMPAeIS AND MITIGATION MEASURES: l'REBISTOlUC RESOURCES 1M 3.9/A Disnaption or Destruction of Iden~fied Prehistoric Resources Doe to the level of development proposed in the Project. it is assumed that all prehistoric siteS identif"lCd in the 1988 inventory will be di:sL~bed or altered in some maDDer. This potential disturbance is identified as a simifit:::mt imDaCt of the Project. Protections under the guidaDce of a certified archaeOlogist will reduce this impact to a level of insimifl~Tlce: 1M 3.9fB Disruption or Destruction of Unidentified. Pre-Historic Resources Previously unidentified pre-historic resources may exist on the Project site and would be subject to ..' . SM-%7 035 B--. DU&a SPIGPA KIlt. q... I potential disruption or destruction by construction and development activities associated with the Project. This is a. ootentialJv si2nifieant imoact. .'. In-depth protections and measures will reduce this impact to a level of insi2nificance. IMP ACTS AND MITIGATION MEASUltES: HISTORIC RESOURCES 1M 3.9 Ie DUnaptiOD or DestradioD of Identified Historic Resources Due to the level of development proposed in the Project, it is assumed that all historic sites identified in the 19&8 inventory will be disturbed or altered in some manner. This potential disturbance is identif'ICd as a si2nificant imoact of the Project. InventOries and preservation programs reduce this impact to a level of insi2nificance. 1M 3.9/D DisnaptioD or DestraCtiOD of Uaidentified. Historic Resoim:es Previously unidentified historic resources may exist on the Project site and would be subject to potential disruption or destruction by consuuction and development activities associated with the Project. This is a oorentiaJlv si21lifieant imoact. Preeonstruction protection measures would reduce this impact to a level of insi2nificance. SEcnON 3.10: NOISE ..... .',",".:", 1M 3.101 A l;xposare of Proposed. HoasiIlz: to Future Roadway Noise Proposed residential housing along Dublin Boulevard~ Tassajara Road, Fallon Road, Hacienda Drive and Doolan Road will be exposed to future noise levels in excess of 60 dB CNEL. This is considered a simificant imnact. Required acoustical studies will reduce this impact toa level of insi2nificance. 1M 3.10/B ExpoAue of Exfstbtl Residellces to Future Roadway Noise Increased traffic noise on local roads would result in DOise level increases of 6 dB or more along Doolan and Fallon Roads. This would be considered a simific:ant imoact. impactS will be reduced to a level of DOtenm.l1V simificant since mitigation may Dot be feasible at a1lloca.tions due to site constraints such as driveways or proximity to roadways. 1M 3.10/C Exposare of Exis1iDz: ad Proposed DeTelopmcJlt to Airport Noise The Project is located north and west of the Livermore MUDicipa1.Airport. According to the Airport Land Use Policy Plan for Alameda County~ the future (1995) CNEL60 contour for the aiIport would not extend into the Project area.. Although the area would be exposed to occasional single-event DOise from aircraft flyovers~ average noise leveb (CNEL) would not exceed TItle 24 nor the City's scmdards. Consequently ~ aircraft noise would be considered an insilmifieant im1)3ct.. e. ..".-.:.-.' )1 No mitigation required. . . -~'.' ~ ..~. 1M 3.10/D Exposare of Proposed ResideatiaI DeyelopmeJlt to Noise from Futa:re MIlitary - .... ... SM-2I 036' e.,. " ....:.: . .~. , . .'- + . +. +~. '.. .:. '-~~. , E--=a I>obaa SP /GP A EDt ., TraiDiDI ActiTities at Parks Rescne Forces Trainml Area (Camp Parks RITA) ancl the Coa.aty Jail Residential development on the Project site within 6000 feet of CamP Parks RFT A could be exposed to noise impac1S from gunshots and helicopter overflights.1 If development is to proceed in this ~ then a detailed study should be made of the noise-generating activities and which mitigation measures should be imposed. Exposure of proposed development to noise from CamP Parks RFT A and the County Jail would therefore be considered a DOtentia11v sisznifit"':lnt imoact. This impact will remain DOtentiallv simifi~nt since mitigation of Camp Parks and jail noise may not be feasible at all locations. 1M 3.10/E Exposare of ExistiDI &lid Proposed Resid.eaces to CoDStnlmoll Noise CoI1SttUction would occur over years on the Project site. ConstrUction noise is considered a DOtentia1lv silmifir""llnt imoact. A Con.str11C1ion Noise Management Prognm will reduce impacts to a level of insisznifjcance. 1M 3.10/F Noise Conflicts due to the AdjaceDCY of Diverse Lud Uses Permitted by Pla.n Policies SIlPportiDI Mixed-Use Development The presence of different land use types within the same development createS the possibility of noise impacts between adjoining uses, partic:ularly when commercial and residential land uses abut. This is considered a DOtentia1lv sj2Difi~nt imoaet. Noise management plans will reduce this impact to insil!nifi~nt. SECTION 3.11: AIR QUALITY IMPACIS AND MITIGATION MEASURES: AMBIENT AIR QUALITY 1M 3.II/A Dust DepositiOD SoiIiDI Nuisance from CoIlStruCtiOD Actirity Dust deposition soiling nuisance js a ootentiallv si2D.ifi~nt imoact :near any individual constrUction site. Dust emissions also constitute a DOtentiallv si2Difi~nt cumulative imcact as discussed in ChaptQ" 5. Measures adopted during the Project"s consttuetion phase will Teduce project dust deposition soiling impacts to a level of insisznifi~nce but ootentiallv sisznifi~nt cumulative imnactS will remain.. 1M 3.11;B CoutnlC:tiOD Eqa.ipmeutfVehicle r.mimoRS Ccmstruction equipment operation constitutes a chronic source of equipment/vehic:le emissions that is a tlOtentiallv si2Difi~nt imoact. 'This impact is also a DOtentiallv sisznific:ant cumulative imoaCt as discussed ~ Chapter 5. 1 NoDe ~t of. the ~ Pla=., CoDtn c-ta Comlt)'. lQQQ. -~ SM-29 031 ~ Dabb SP/GPA Em. ~ ~ Mitigation measures that mtntmt~ construction interface with regional non-Projectc traffic:: movement and other emissions control measures will provide some reduc::tion but this impact will remain ootentia1lv si2nificant. e::. .' . . ... .. Because of the non-attainment status of the air ~ residual impactS will remain a Dotentia1lv si2nifi~nt cumulative imDaCt as discussed in C1uzpleT S. 1M 3.ll/e Mobile Soarce EmissiollS: ROG or NOx Project implemenmtion/fun buildout will cause 500,000 daily automobile trips to be generated within the air basin. This is a si2nifi~nt imnact. Mobile source emissions may result in regional iInpacts through emissions of ozone precursor pollutants. This impact is. therefore. a DOtentiaIlv sienificant cumulative imDaet as discussed in C1uz.pler 5. Implementation or mitigation measures will Dot achieve the 98% reduction in Project-related traffic needed to reduce emissions below the ozone precmsor significance threshold. Residual air quality .impacts will remain si2nific:ant. 1M 3.11/D Mobile Source Emissions: CO CO emissions are insilmific::ant. No mitigation is required. 1M 3.11/E Stationary Source Emissiou ....... . . .-. ... Specific Plan build out will create emissions from a variety of miscellaneous sources which constitute a si2nific:ant immct. . This impact is also a DOtentialIv sienificant cumulative imnaet as discussed in Chapler 5. Implementation or mitigation measures cannot achieve the eight-fold 1'educ::tion in stationary source emissions needed to meet the insignificant project threshold. Stationary source emissions air quality impacts remain sirnifi~t. SECTION 3.12: FISCAL CONSIDERATIONS IMPACTS.AND MIIlGATION MEASURES: OPERATING COSI'S AND REVENUES 1M 3.121 A Fual Impacts to the Cost/ReyeJlue Bal.a.uce of the Oty of Dablill Bud&et A.ssuming at least a 2S perc.ent share of property taxes. the I1sca.l analysis prepared for the Project indicates that, after shor1ialls in the early yean, .Project-generated revenues would be more than sufficient to cover Project-generated costS. (See Table m-9 in Appendix 7 of the Specific Plan for more details). Therefore, the Project is e:x:pec:ted to have an insirrnificant impact On the cost,!revenue baIaDce of the City's budget. .i.. No mitigation is required. I~~ IMP ACIS AND MITIGATION MEASU:RES: CAPITAL FACILITIES .... ;. t SM-30 038 ... ~~ . .-,. ,'. .'.-.- . .... . ~ - ~ 1~~ x.-tca D..bIia tIP IGP A EDt II I 1M 3.12/B F1scaI Impacts related to the Cost aDd ProTision of Project-related. Infrastructure Improvements The Project will require capital facilities improvements which could have DOtentialtv silZIlifieant impacts on the City's budget if these improvements are not fully funded through sources other than City revenues from existing residents. Implementation of new funding recommendations combined with implementation of existing City of Dublin impact fees and funding mechanisms available to developers would mitigate f"1SC3l impactS related to provision of needed infrastrUctUre to a level of insimificanee. No funher mitigation is required. CHAPTER 4.0: ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS 4.1 INTRODUCTION: REQUIREMENT AND PURPOSE OF THE ALTERNATIVES Four alternatives to the Project an: analyzed: Alternative 1: -No Project"; Alternative 2: Reduced Planning A.rea; Alternative 3: R.educed Land Use l1uensities; and Alternative 4: No Del'dopment. 4.2 ORGANIZATION OF THE ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS Each altemative is described and evaluated according to its chief characteristics and signii:scant environmental impacts relative to those of the Project. A land use table (Table 4.0-1) summarizes key land use data for alternatives 1-3. 4.3 ALTERNATIVE 1: wNO PROJEcr Pursuant to CEQA., this alternative provides a baseline CODdition for amlysis of the Project's impac1S. The -No Projed Alternative is not a -no developmen~ altemative. The most imporlmt reductions to Project impactS would be land use impacts related to alteration of existing land use conditions. Traffic and circulation impacts would be substantially reduced. Demands for sewer; water, recycled water, and storm drainage inf:rastI"11Ct'Ql would be substantially less than under the Project. Impacts to biological, visual, and cultural resources would be substantially reduced. 4.4 ALTERNATIVE 2: REDUCED PLANNING A.RE..4. This alternative permits development in easter.D. Dublin within the current sphere-of-influence boDIldary. Some reductions to environmental impacts would result from a reduced planning area.. especially impacts to the Doolan Canyon area. Traffic and circulation im:pacts from the Project on Tn-Valley freeways would be reduced by 10 percent. Sewer, water, recycled water and storm drainage impa.et:S would be slightly reduced. Significantly less habitat would be lost under Altemative 2. 4.5 ALTERNATIVE 3: REDUCED LAND USE INIENSITIES This alternative reduces land use intensities throughout the Project -site by n;m;nic:ning the amount of acreage devoted to large-scale commercia1land uses. Residential land uses an: concentrated in Single Family and Medium Density. Some improvements to uart1C and ~tion im])8Ct5aIC achieved. Alternative 3 would require sewer, water, recycled water and storm drainage improvements ..' . SM-31 039 ~ D1d:& SF/CPA Em. ~ similar to those in the Project. No reductions would be achieved for biolog.i~ vis~ or cultural resources. -. ..~ .... 4.6 ALTERNAlIVE 4: NO DEYELOPMENT This alternative proposes that no development take place on the Project site. 4.7 ENVIRONMENTALLY SUPERIOR ALTERNATIVES This section I2I1ks the alternatives according to each alternative's ability, to achieve reductions in environmental impacts compared to the Project. In order of superiority the alternatives are: Alteruative 4, Alte.n1a.tive 1, AItemaitve 2, and Alternative 3. 4.8 ALTERNATIVES NOT SELECTED The alternatives not selected for discussion are: Off-Size Alternative, and the Single Family Alteruative. CHAPTER 5: CEQ.4-MANDATED CONSIDERATIONS As pan of its. required contents, CEQ.4 mandates that the EIR. discuss the fOllowing six subjects: Cumulative Impacts; Growth-Inducing Impacts; Unavoidable Adverse Impacts; Shon-Term Uses versus Long-Term Productivity; Significant Irreversible Changes; and Impacts Found Not to be Significant. 5.1 CUMULATIVE IMPACIS ......:. " .." ; :'.:".l" Daily Traffic Volumes (Year 20]0 Without Project) IM3.3/A 1-580 .Freeway, Tassajara-liaUoll This section of 1-580 ~Ould exceed LOS E. This.is a silmificant Cumulative imoact. MM 3..3/1.0 calls for the cooperatiOD. of the City of Dublin with Caltrans' efforts to construct .auxiliary lanes on 1-580 between Tassajara and FalloD. roads. Implementation of this'mitigation measure will reduce this impact to a level of insismifi~nCe. Daily Traffic Volame5 (Yem- 2010 W-uk Project) 1M 3.3jB 1-580 .Freeway, 1-6IO-Ha.eicDda This section of 1-580 will exceed LOS F with the Project. This is a si2I1ifj~nt cumulative imoact. MM 3.3/2.0 aDd MM 3..3/3.JJ.require ,business with SO or more employees to participate in 'ISM programs aDd for the Project to conuibute a proportionately to regio:aal transportation mitigation measures.. Imp1emeZllztion of these mitigation measures will reduce this impact but not eliminate it.. It will remain a silmific.::lnt cumulative imDaCt. 1M 3.3/C 1-510 Freeway, Tassajara-FaUoa-Ainra,. .': '.' )~5 : \ .. .... SM-32 040 .:;0 ..... ... "0: &+ ./),& 1/ :s...-a D1IbIia SF /GP A JaIt .., 1 LOS would exceed. level E on this section of 1-580 with the Projec:t. 'Ibis is a sillnifi~nt cumulative imoact of the Project. MM 33/3.0 calls for the Project's developers to contribute to the CODStrUction of auxiliary lanes on 1-580 between Tassajara Road and Airway Boulevard. Implementation of this mitigation measure would reduce this impact to a level of jnsiC1ifi~nce for the Fallon Road-Airway Boulevard segment. LOS on the Tassajan-Fallon segment would remain a si~jfj~nt cumulative imnact.. 1M 3.3/D 1-680 Freeway, North of 1-680 LOS on 1-680 north of the 1-580 interchange would exceed level E. This is a sienificant cumulative imoact. MM 33/4.0 calls for the Project to contribute proportionately to planned improvements at the 1- 580/I-680 interchange. Implementation of this mitigation measure would achieve LOS D operations and reduce this impact to a level of insimifi~nce. . Daily Traffic: Volumes (CunadatiJe Buildout With Project) lM 3.3/E Cumulatin Freeway Impacts Additional freeway sections would exceed LOS E under full buildout of cumulative projects including 1-580 west of 1-680 (from LOS E to LOS F), and I-S80 east of Airway Boulevard (from LOS E to LOS . F). This is a si2D.ifi~nt cumulative imnact. MM 33/5.0 calls for the participation of local jurisdictions in regional t:raI1S?ortation mitigation programs. Despite implementation of this mitigation measure, this impact would remain a si21lifi~nt cumulative - imna.ct. - .". . . . Peak Hoar lDtersec:tioll OperatiollS (0DnulDti?e Bvildout W"ztk Project) 1M 331M Camulati!_e lIaP8.C7ts 011 ~bllll BouleTUd . At the interseetion of Hacienda Drive with Dublin Boulevard, LOS would be at level F. At the iIlte~on ofTassajan Road with Dublin Boulevard, LOS would be at level E. This is a ~21lifiMlnt cmnulative lmnact. MM 303/13.0 suggestS the constrUCtion of grade-separated interchanges on DUblin Boulevard ad/or establishment o.f altemarlve routes to redistribute trafnc flow. Implementation of this mitigation measure would reduce but Dot eliminate this impact. It would remain a ~i2D.ific:ant cumulative imnact. 1M 3.3fN CIlmulatiye lapaels OD Tassajara Road. LOS F operations would result at the inu:rsections of Tassajara Road with Fallon and Gleason roads and the Transit Spine. This is a si2I1ific:ant cumulsrive imnact.. SM-33 041 ~ Dahms SP/CPA JlDt s--.-,. MM 3J/14.o states that buiIdout of non-Project-rela.ted development would require the widening of Tassajara Road to six lanes between Dublin Boulevard and the Contra Costa County line. This widening would not be compatible with the proposed land use plan. .:...~.." .....: . Implementation of this mitigation measure would reduce the trafI1C impact. However. due to its conflict with the proposed land use plan of the Project, this impact remains a ootentialJv si2nifica.nt cumulative imna.ct. Community Senia:s and Facilities Fire ProtectiOD 1M 3.4/E Exposure to Wildfire Hazards The development of new residential development in ridgelands areas with difficult access exposes the ~ew. residential po~on to increased safety hazards from wildlands I1res. This is a DotentialJv SJIi!:!1lficant CUmulatIve lmoact. Mitigation for this impact is provided by MM 3.4/9.0. MM 3.4/10.0 and MM 3.4/11.0 which call for project design that takes I1re safety into account, buffer zones for homes which adjoin wildlands. and maintenance of buffer zones. and the integration of fire trails and lIre breaks into the trail system. Additional mitigation for this impact is provided by MM 3.4/12.0 which calls for the preparation of a wildf"Ire management plan. Implementation of all of these mitigation measures will reduce this impact to a level of insili!:nifi~nce. ..... "." ." .." -: .::::...~::.~: Parb ud Recreation 1M 3.4jX 1>>--"d (or Park Facilities Increased population results in additional need for park and recreation facilities. The City of Dublin Recreation Department is c:mrently.UDable to develop the Dougherty Hills Open Space due to a lack of surncient il!WJcial resources. This is a DotentialJv si2l1ificant cmnulative jmoact. MM $.4/24.0 requires that land be dedicated. and improved or that in-lieu fees be collected for the 2S parks desipliltM by the Project. Mitigation for this impact is provided by MM 3.4/27.0 which requires that park development in eastelll Dublin by consistent with the City of Dublin Park and Recreation Master Plan 1992. The Master Plan contains standards and phasing to ensure the adequate provision of park facilities. Together, these two mitigation measures will ensme that adequate monies are available for park development and that park development is phased with residential development. Implementation of both of these mitigation measures will redu.ce this impact to a level of insimificance. Solid Waste 1M 4.4jP Impact on Solid Waste Disposal Facilities Solid wzste generated by the Project would contribute to the cumulative demand for landIill capacity~ and could accelerate the closure time for the Altamont landfill which is a regional facility handling waste from Allilmeda. County and San Ff'!tnM~ County. Although the landfill operatOrs are pmsuing an expamjon PrDgIam which would provide 350 million cubic yards of cap~ty.. the additional e.. . ---..... ::-<:::"/. J~1 SM-34 042 -~---~ . .: , , .--'::- - . . + ~ -' ,-?it' z...-. D8hIi:D SP /GP A J:Dl CL T capacity cannot be counted until all permits are granted. This is a si2nifil"2nt cumulative imoac;t. MM 3.4/39.0 and 3.4/40 call for the preparation of a Solid Waste Management PIon for the Project and link approval for development in eastern Dublin to the availability of landnll capac:ity to absorb projected wasteS generated by proposed development. Implementation of both of these mitigation measures will reduce this impact to a level of insie:nifil"2nee. Sewer, Water ud Storm DraiDa&C 1M 3.4/D Fature Lack of Wastewater Treatmellt Capacity Development of the Project will contribute to cumulative demand for treatment capacity from DSRSD.This is a ootentiallv si2nifiMlnt cumulative imoact on these facilities. This impact is reduced by MM 3.5/8.0 and 3.5/9.0 which require that v.'2Stewater treatment facilities be available to meet the needs of future development in eastern Dublin and that DSRSD can co:cstrUct the facilities it needs. Implementation of both of these mitigation measures will reduce this impact to a level of insi2nific:anee. 1M 3.5/G Lack of Cunellt Wastewater Disposal Capacity The Project, combined with other subregional development. will result in an. increase in subregional wastewater flows to the wastewater export facilities of the Tri- Valley. Until new capacity is developed, Project wastewater will continue to represent a si2nifi~nt adverse cumulative imoac:t. MM 3.5/11.0 through MM 3.5/14.0 call for the City of Dublin to support the TWA in its carrent effort to implement a new wasteWater export pipeline and to promote water recycling as a means of reducing wastewater flows. ' Implementation of all of these mitigation measures will reduce this impact to a level of insicmifieance. Water 1M 3.5/Q Iac:rease ill DeIllUd. for Water The Project, combined with cumulative projectS. will increase the ovenl1 demand for water.in the Tri- Valley at a time when water supplies and deliveries are uncertain- The following discuSSion of water supply and potential cumulative impacts is men from the Western Dublin SpecifiC Plan/General Plan Amendment Final ErR. Stona Drailutee 1M 3.5/y POteJltiaJ FloodiaE The increase of impervious surfaces associated with development on the Project site would jncreaSe the volume and rate of runoff in local creeks and watercourses. thus contributing to a potential increase in flood hazards. 1M 3.5/Z Red..accd Ground....ter Recharle SM-35 043 x..... Dobia sP 1Cl' A J:m. ~'rT The Project would contribute to the increase in impervious surfaces in the Tri- Valley which could result in a reduction in groundwater recharge. This is identified as a DOtentialJv silZnifjeant cumulative imD8.ct. .. 1M 3.5/ AA Sources or PollutloD. The Project would contribute to a subregional increase in non-point pollution sources. thus leading to a deterioration in the Quality of runoff. This is a DOtentiallv si2nifjc:ant cumulative imoaet.. Soils. GeoIO&)' ad Seismicity 1M 3.6/C Earthquake GrouD.d Shakin&: Secondary Effects The Project site is located in. a region subject to ground shaking from active faults. Further settlement of population in the area has the potential to expose residents to significant safety hazards and to strain the capacity of emergency response systems. This is a potential silZnificant cumulative imoact. 1M 3.6{D Substantial Alteration to Project Site Ludforms Grading and excavation will permanently alter the existing landform of the Project site. This impact will contribute to the cumulative process of landform alteration as hillsides and ridgelands of SUITOunding cities of the Tri- Valley are also graded and excavated for development projects. This is a si2nifieant c:umulative imDact as well as a si21lificant irreversible chan2e to the local environment. 1M 3.6/1. ErosiOD ad SedimeDtatiou: LoDe Term ...... ... "... - Grading and construction activities on the Project site will occur concurrent with development of ~imi12" sites throughout the Tri- VaDey. At a subregional level. the Project will contribute to both shon-term and long-term increases in erosion and sedimentation and POtentially impact'the hydrological coDditiom of subregional watercoUISes. This is a Si2nifi.C2Dt cumulative imDaCt of the Project. . BiDlocicaJ :R.esoarces 1M 3.7/A Direct Habitat Loss The Project will contribute to the ongoing process of habitat loss in the Tri- Valley region and is considered a Si2nificant cumulative imoa.ct. JM.3.7/C .Loa or DearadatiOD. of BotaDic:aJly Seasith'e Habitat . The continued loss and deterioration of bomnica.l1y sensitive habitat. IM3.7/X Golde. Eape: ElimiDatiDD or Forap.nE Habitat The ongoing urban development of rangelands and hillsides in the Tri- VaIley is contributing to the cumulative loss of foraging habitat for golden eagle and other raptors such as prairie falcon. Dorthern harrier. and blaclc:-shouldered kite. This is a potentially si2nifi~l1t cumulative imDaCt.. VlStlal Resources 1M 3.8/B Alteration of RllraJ/OpeD space VlSIIa1 Character .: .' . ,1Q1 SM-36 044 ..:; 4t::- .~-: - ~. -.. ..~ . .. ~ /.~D ~ ))abIiIl 51' /GP A xm. ct. ..., Development of the Project would contribute to the on-going process in which the natur2l rural cb.uacter of the Tri- Valley is replaced with urban development. Noise 1M 3.1D/B Exposure of Existin& R.esidences to Future R.oad.....y Noise The Project would contribute to cumulative traffic-related noise impacts in the region. Air Quality 1M 3.11/ A Dust Deposition SoUma: Nuisance from CoUStnlc:tiOD Actirity This is a ~tentiallv si2Difi~nt cumulative imoact due to the Don-attainment statUS of the air basin. 1M 3.11/B CoDStnlction Equipmeat/V chicle Emissions This is a oorentiallv sjmifi~nt cumulative imDact due to the non-attainment statuS of the air basin.. 1M 3.11/C Mobile Source Emissions: ROO and NOx Mobile source emission may result in regional impactS through emissions of ozone precursor pollutants. This impact is. therefore. a DOtentiallv sismific:mt cumulative imoact. 1M 3.11/E StatioUl"Y Source EmissioDS StatiOnary source emissions may create a potentially significant impact from regional electricitY generation emissions. from on-site natural gas combustion. and from miscellaneous non-vehicular fuel combustion and volatile Organic coJDf)OUIld evaporative emissions. Residual impactS wiD. be sirnifi~nt cumulative imoactS because of the non-attainment statUS of the airshed. 5.2 GROWTH-lNDUCING IMPACIS Growth-inducing impacts. as deimed by CEQA. Guide1ines: Section 15126 are those which could "foster economic or population gro~ or the constrUction of additional housing. either direCtly or indirectly. in the sarroudiDl environment.- The focus of this discUsSion is Project impactS that may lead to growth. outside the boundaries of the Project site. eo_uait)' .Serric:es aDd Facilities 1M 3.4/Q :p.--.d for Utility ExteDSiollS Development of the Project site will require expansion of electrical and gas lines onto undeVeloped lands currently in agrieulnual and open space JaIld uses. Se....er, Water ud Storm J>raiDar;e 1M 305/e . ExteDSioll of A Sewer TruDk. Line with Capacity to Sene Ne.... DenlopmenU The extenSion of sewer inftaSUUcmre onto the Project site may have a 2rowth-inducinli! imoa.l:<10n adjacent undeveloped areas in Alameda County and Contn Costa County. 1M 305fT lDdacemellt of SubstaDtial Growth aDd Conceatration of population The water distribution system infrastI'Ucmre bas been sized in anticipation of growth beyond the .. . SM-37 045 :z....- I>abma f1:p IGP A J:Dl. 9 I Project site (particularly. the Dougheny Valley to the north) and will cenainly facilitate development within the total Project site as a result. .". '.' 5.3 UNA VOmABLE ADVERSE IMPACTS Pursuant to CEQA.. a draft EIR must d.escribe those significant environmental impacts for which no mitigation or only partial mitigation are feasible. While mitigation measures have been proposed for these impactS. the impact would not be reduced. to an insignificant level without SUbstantially altering the basic characteristics of the Project. Traffic aDd Circ:ulatiOD 1M 3.3fB states that even with mitigation, LOS would exceed the significance threshold established by the City on I-S80 between 1-680 and Hacienda Drive. This remains an nnavoidable adverse imoact of the Project. 1M 3.3/E states that under the Cumulativ~ Buildout with Projea scenario. LOS would exceed the significance threshold established by the City. Even with mitigation. this impact remains an unavoidable adverse imDact of the Project. 1M 3.3/1 states that by the year 2010, development with the Project will cause LOS F operations at the intersection of Santa Rita Road with the 1-580 eastbound ramps. Mitigation will reduce this i.mpact but will create silZIlificant indirect imoacts as drivers seek alternate routes to avoid the poor circulation conditions. This impact remains. therefore. an unavoidable adverse imDact. 1M 3.3 1M states the onder the Cumultlli,e Buildout with Project scenario. LOS would exceed the City's significance thresholds at two key intenections of Dublin Boulevard: Hacienda Drive and TassajBI3 Road. Implementation of MM 3.3/13.0 would reduce but not eliminate this impact. It remains an unavoidable adverse imDact of the Project. e.-" '. ',' +. '.' ..' The .impact of the Project on level-or-service (LOS) at Tassajara Road intersections is identified as a silZIlificant cumulative imoac:r 1M 3.3/N. To mitigate this LOS F. Tassajara Road would need to be widened tb at least six.1anes. A widening of this kind would fundamentally change the visual and physical character of the pllmTted community. It is considered preferable to leave Tassajan Road at its current width and to accept Congestion as an Wlavoir1~hle adverse imnact of the Project. Commwty Serrices aDd Faclllties The extenSion of utility lines onto the Project site for gas. electric aDd telephone semce has been identiiIed as a sieificant 2TOwth-induciDlZ immct of the Project. If the Project.is to be developed., these ext=nsioIlS will be a necessity aDd are. therefore. unavoidable adverse imDaCtS. Substantial mitigation can be achieved by MM 3.7/26.0 which calls for the undergrounding of utilities lines. Implementation of this mitigation measure will red.uce this impact to a level of insilZnificance. Air Quality RqionaI OzoDe EmissiODS Motor vehicles ~4ted with the Project would contribute to regional ozone emissions. Given the region's existing non-compliance with air quality standards, and regulatory requirements to red.ace ozone emissions. this would be a simifi~t unavoidable adverse imDaCt. Mitigation measures in the EIR. would not reduce this impact to an in~gnttJCaJ1t level ... j '- Noise } Lf{. SM-38 046 .:; .-~ - - .:.. }~j- ~ DUb SP/GPA EIB. s-,. Increased traffic on area roadways will significantly increase noise levels. thus adversely affecting existing residences and population. Mitigation can be achieved to buffer residents from levels that exceed acceptable standards. by providing berms or walls adjacent to outdoor use spaces of existing residences. However. the magnitude of change in the noise environment, from quiet rural roads with little tI2ffic to busy suburban thoroughfares. c::an.Dot be avoided. This is. therefore. an unavoidabl~ adverse imoact of the Project. V1suI Development of the Project area will adversely impact the existing rural. agricultural charaCter of the area., eliminating the sense of simpliciry and openness that currently charac'terizes the planning area landscape. Although the highest ridgelines would be preserved as open space. the visual charac:!er of the rounded lower foothills in the foreground would be altered by constrUction of homes and roads. This is. therefore. an unavoidable adverse imoact of the Project. SA SHORT-TERM VERSUS LONG- TERM PRODUCTIVITY The impacts d.iseu!sed. below are those which would narrow the range of long-term beneficial uses of the site. If the Project is approved. the Ciry of Dublin would. by this action. foreclose other future beneficial and productive uses. Caltl1raI Resources Despite archaeological surveys performed to date. it is possible that unidentified prehistoric sites may exist on the Project site. 5.5 SIGNIFICANT IRllEVERSJBLE CHANGES This discuSSion evaluates the Project in terms of its consumption of irretrievable natural reso~. The discuSSion also focuses on Project land uses that will make it unlikely for future generations to reverse or remove these land use decisions. Electricity, Natmal Gas od Telephone Senice 1M 3.4/S CollSUJDption or NOIl-ReDewable Natural Resources The Project will increaSe demand for Don-renewable fuel sources. including fossil fuels used in the generatiOD of electricity. and namm1 gas. Sewer. Water 011 Storm DraiDa&e 1M 3.5/F lDc:rease in Enerey Usaee Throu&h Increased Wastewater Treatment and 1M 3.5/H lDc:rezse in Enerey Usaee Through Increased Wastewater Disposal Development of the Project will increase demand for non-renewable fuel sources. including fossil fuels for electriciry. 1M 3.5jU lJu:rease ill Ellerey Usaee Through Operation of the Water Distributioll System Analogously. the water distribution system required by the Project will increase demand for energy. primarily for pumping water to the system and for stonge. SM-39 047 \ . '\ '/h I~/ ~~SP/Gl'AEDt ~ Geo1oa, SolIs ud Seismicity As stated in Section 5.1: Cumulatiye Impacts above. grading and excavation of the Project sire will perDWlently change the existing physical condition of the Project site. Once the landscape is graded to create safe and stable building sites. it is highly unlikely that it will revert at some future ~e to its natural condition. BiolOlic:a1 Resoarc:es In developed portions of the Project site. direct habitat Joss (IM 3.71 A) will be total and permanent. This representS a si21lifi~nt irreversible chanRe to those portions of the General Plan Amendment area. This loss of habitat would also cause the reduction or el;minRtion of dependent wlldlife~ including some special statuS species. 5.6 IMP ACIS FOUND NOT TO BE SIGNIFICANT Discussed below are impactS which. although they appear significan~ were determined to be insi2nifi~nt. . GeololY, Soils ud Seismicity 1M 3.6/E Elimination of Future Use or Project Site for A21repte Resources The use of the Project site for urban development will preclude future extraction of aggregateS. Noise 1M 3.10jC Exposure of ExistiD~ ud Proposed DeyelopmeDt to Airport Noise ImpactS due to aircraft noise were found to be insi2nifi~nt since the CNEL 60 contour does not . extend upon the Project site. SM-40 .; " ) e-' ~~ -. - ..... . .' , '. ....... .-... 048 .' _ - 'l'r:,~:IIl'.!. ;:>=~ - U I.'l n. I CI L ) HJ,...J L [) I: 0 Q .. I 0 [) CI ~ :?; ..^'-' Cl Pi"':."...... e:. 1'''pr~5'''.!. ?"'~ U I.'l I o u ::....~=;-; U "'0 I '- CI ~ t: I CI U\- n. I r "5 w Ifl 0 " + :J III ~ 1 ,~ 1i :l F U 0 Z ~ 0 > L 0 I: ~ 0 III 0 CI ~ o U I I =-^,!.J::: ?Fl,.:.,..I'c'" e:., /~~ I ---Ui)JlOf:U 001 010 O~~:E 0 ~)..1I "Z Ii U Y+"-E c t :lJ:n..Il E u,,- '-lElf~e"lIn..~ "'Oll.~O " r\ 0 1] 3! 3! 3! ... u, 1: e ..!l n. .. Eu,.......t>-_tll " E.Jl"eJ~"~Ut~~b OR.~OCOCIL ~+ '-OCO ~ijn.1:1::f~:ll~ x.1]~U\ OUO...ij.IlE G1~ ... ij Jiiill.Q.!! .Ill: {l 5 .000" W )....!! 2 :l - un. U \!) ~J:iE~ E 1: -Ol_::Idi U - I - u, I 11 Z EI :J '6 " L o 'I "Ifl U02III.J\!)wn.. \!)U_ " 0 + .. --0 uO't l:. -0 'Jlo o~+:n 0 0 >-"" ~Ii U ~"-E"-E I: t: ::Iiin..Il E g '- dEn. e ''.!{In.1I\ >-"U R-,- "GO "U"'O "-- +- "-n. 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