HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.3 GPA Dub Ranch FGH CITY CLERK File # 0450-30 AGENDA STATEMENT cITy COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 7, 2000 SUBJECT: ATTACHMENT: RECOMMENDATION: PUBLIC HEARING PA 98-068, 98-069 and 98-070 Dublin Ranch Areas F, G and H (Previously known as the Pao Lin Property); General Plan / Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment; Stage I Planned Development Rezone for Areas F (PA 98-068), and H (PA 98-070); Stage I and.Stage II Planned Development Rezone for Area G (PA 98-069) and individual Mitigated Negative Declarations for Areas F, G and H. (Report Prepared by: Anne Kinney, Assistant Planner and Mike Porto, Consulting Planner) City Council Staff Report, dated February 15, 2000, (with Attachments previously distributed under separate cover) . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. '8. . Hear Staff Presentation Open Public Hearing Hear Applicant's Presentation Question Staff, Applicant and the Public Close Public Hearing Deliberate Adopt Attachment 1 (of Staff Report, dated February 15, 2000), City Council Resolution approving individual Mitigated Negative DeClarations for Area F (PA 98-068), Area G (PA 98-069), & Area H (PA 98- 070) of Dublin Ranch herein incorporated by reference with the Mi-tigated Monitoring Programs for Areas F, G and H included as Exhibit A and the Response to Comments included as Exhibit B, and Adopt Attachment 2 (of Staff Report, dated February 15, 2.000), City Council Resolution approving the General Plan Amendment and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment for Areas F, G & H (PA 98-068, 069 and 070) of Dublin Ranch with Exhibits A, B, C, D, E and F included, and Waive reading and introduce the Ordinance Attachment 3 (of Staff Report, dated February 15, 2000), amending the Dublin Zoning Ordnance to approve a Planned Development (PD) Rezone/Development Plan Stage I for Area F (PA 98-068) and Area H (PA 98-070) and a Planned Development (PD) Rezone/Development Plan Stage I and II for Area G (PA 98-069) G:/pa\98-068\ccsrmar7 COPIES TO: The Applicant The Property Owner PA File ITEM NO. with the Development Plans included as Exhibits A-1 & A-2, B-1 & B-2 and C-1 & C-2. Schedule the second reading of the Ordinance for the March 21, 2000 City Council meeting. 10. BACKGROUND: At the City Council meeting on February 15, 2000, city staff presented the Dublin Ranch Areas F, G and H projects to the City Council. The City Council did not take any action on the projects and continued the public hearing to March 7, 2000, in order to alloTM the Council additional time to review the project materials. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This application includes a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment to relocate various land uses and acreages within Areas F, G and H (previously know as the Pao Lin property) of Dublin · Ranch, on approximately 304 acres of land located north of 1-580 and east of Tassajara Road within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area. The project also consists of a Stage 1 Planned DeVelopment Rezone / Development Plan for Areas F and H and a Stage 1 & 2 Planned Development Rezone / Development Plan for Area G. Additional descriptions of the development concepts are contained in the proposed development plans for Areas F, G and H included as Exhibits A-1 & A-2, B-1 & B-2 and C-1 & C-2 of Attachment 3 to the staff report, dated February 15, 2000. o , . ANALYSIS: Refer to attached City Council staff report, dated February 15, 2000. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the City Council open the Public Hearing, deliberate and adopt the following resolutions: Adopt Attachment 1 (of Staff Report, dated February 15, 2000), City Council Resolution approving individual Mitigated Negative Declarations for Area F (PA 98-068), Area G (PA 98-069), & Area H (PA 98- 070) of Dublin Ranch herein incorporated by reference with the Mitigated Monitoring Programs for Areas F, G and H included as Exhibit A and the Response to Comments included as Exhibit B, and Adopt Attachment 2 (of Staff Report, dated February 15, 2000), City Council Resolution approving the General Plan Amendment and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment for Areas F, G & H (PA 98-068, 069 and 070) of Dublin Ranch with Exhibits A, B, C, D, E and F included, and Waive reading and introduce the Ordinance Attachment 3 (of Staff Report, dated February 15, 2000) amending the Dublin Zoning Ordnance to approve a Planned Development (PD) Rezone/Development Plan Stage I for Area F (PA 98-068) and Area H (PA 98-070) and a Planned Development (PD) Rezone/Development Plan Stage I and II for Area G (PA 98-069) with the Development Plans included as Exhibits A-1 & A-2, B-1 & B-2 and C-1 & C-2. 4. Schedule the second reading of the Ordinance for the March 21, 2000 CitY Council meeting. SUBJECT: ATTACHMENTS: ClT,Y CLERK AGENDA .STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE' February 15, 2000 PUBLIC HEARING PA 98-068, 98-069 and 98-070 Dublin Ranch Areas F, G and H (Previously 'known as the Pao Lin Property); General Plan / Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment; Stage I Planned Development Rezone for Areas F (PA 98-068), and H (PA 98-070); Stage I and Stage II Planned Development Rezone for Area G (PA 98-069) and individual Mitigated Negative Declarations for Areas F, G and H. (Report Prepared by: Anne Kinney, Assistant Planner and Mike Porto, Consulting Planner) (Under Separate Cover) City Council Resolution adopting individual Mitigated Negative Declarations and Mitigated Monitoring Programs as further clarified by the Response to Comments for Area F (PA 98-068), Area G (PA 98-069) and Area H (PA 98-070) with the following Exhibits included: Exhibit A: The Mitigation Monitoring Programs for Areas F, G and H, (The Mitigated Negative Declarations are incorporated herein by reference) Exhibit B' Response to Mitigated Negative Declaration Comments, Areas F, G and H City Council Resolution approving a General Plan Amendment and an Amendment to the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan for Area F (PA 98-068), Area G (PA 98-069) and Area H (PA 98-070) with the following Exhibits included: Exhibit A: GP/EDSP Land Use Map Exhibit B: EDSP Planning Subareas Map Exhibit C: PropOsed EDSP text amendments Exhibit D: GP text amendments Exhibit E: EDSP Appendix 4 update Exhibit F: EDSP Town Center. Concept Plan. City Council Ordinance adopting a Planned Development (PD) Rezone/Development Plan Stage I for Area F (PA 98-068) and Area H (pA 98-070) and a Planned Development (PD) Rezone/Development Plan Stage I and II for Area G (PA 98-069) With the following Exhibits attached as: Exhibit A-1 & A-2: Area F: Development Plans Exhibit B-1 & B-2: Area G: Development Plans Exhibit C-1 & C-2: Area H: Development Plans ~pa\98-068\ccsrfeb 15.doc COPIES TO: Applicant Property Owner PA File Fiscal Analysis for Areas F, G and H prepared by EDAW¢Inc.' ,~ ' Peer Review of EDAW's Fiscal Analysis prepared by ERA Applicants written statement regarding the requested General Plan / Eastern Dublin Specific Plan amendments. Letter from Martin Inderbi,~en re: Mitigated Negative Declarations RECOMMENDATION: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. . 10. Hear Staff Presentation Open Public Hearing Hear Applicant's Presentation Question Staff, Applicant and the Public Close Public Hearing Deliberate Adopt Attachment 1, City Council Resolution approving individual Mitigated Negative Declarations for Area F (PA 98-068), Area G (PA 98-069), & Area H (PA 98- 070) of Dublin Ranch herein incorporated by reference with the Mitigated Monitoring Pro,ams for Areas F, G and H included as Exhibit A and the Response to Comments included as Exhibit B, and Adopt Attachment 2, City Council Resolution approving the General Plan Amendment and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment for Areas F, G & H (PA 98-068, 069 and 070) of Dublin Ranch with Exhibits A, B, C, D, E and F included, and Waive reading and introduce the' Ordinance Attachment 3 amending the Dublin Zoning Ordnance to approve a Planned D&velopment (PD) Rezone/Development Plan Stage I for Area F (PA 98-068) and Area H (PA 98-070) and a Planned Development (PD) Rezone/Development Plan Stage I and II for Area G (PA 98- 069) with the Development Plans included as Exhibits A-1 & A-2, B-1 & B-2 and C-1 & C-2. Schedule the second reading of the Ordinance for the March 7, 2000 City Council meeting. BACKGROUND: The Eastern Dublin Specific Plan was adopted by the City of Dublin in January of 1994, and established land use designations for apprOximately 3,300 acres of land east of the Camp Parks Military Reserve. A large component of the plan (Dublin Ranch) was annexed to the City in 1995, including 1,03 7 acres owned'by the Jermifer Lin Family and 304 acres owned by Pao Lin. Upon annexation, the Dublin Ranch properties were prezoned to a Planned Development overlay zone. The Pao Lin hold~gs were recently acquired by Jennifer Lin and are now the subject of this application. The land area was divided into three planning areas for ease of project processing: Areas F, G and H. Area F is the northern most portion of the project site and directly.abuts Dublin Ranch Phase I to the north and Central Parkway to the south. Area G, the central portion of the site, is bounded by Dublin Boulevard to the south and Central Parkway to the north. Area H, the southern most planning area, is bounded by 1- 580 to the south and Dublin Boulevard to the north. All three Planning Areas are bounded on west by the DiManto Property (Dublin Land Company) and on the east by Areas B and C of Dublin Ranch. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This application includes a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment to relocate various land uses and acreages within Areas F, G and H (previously know as the Pao Lin property) of Dublin Ranch, on approximately 304 acres of land located north of 1-580 and east of Tassajara Road within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area. The project also consists of a Stage 1 Planned Development Rezone / Development Plan for Areas F and H and a Stage 1 & 2 ~Planned Development Rezone / Development Plan for Area G. Additional descriptions of the development concepts are contained in the proposed development plans for Areas F, G and H includedas Exhibits A-1 & A-2, B-1 & B-2 and C-1 & C-2 of Attachment 3 to this staff report. ENWIRONMENTAL REVIEW Approval of the proposed General Plan / Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendments, Planned Development Rezoning / Development Plans, future Tentative Map and future amendment to the existing Development A~eement for Areas F, G and H of Dublin Ranch are within the Dublin General Plan's Eastern Extended Planning Area and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Area, which was the subject of an Environmental Impact Report, certified by the City of Dublin in 1993 (Addenda to the EIR were also approved, dated May 4, 1993 and August 22, 1994). The General Plan/Specific Plan EIR is a program EIR, which anticipated several subsequent actions related to future development in Eastern Dublin. The EIR did identify some impacts from implementation of the General Plan/Specific Plan that were not able to be mitigated. Upon certification of the EIR, the City adopted a Statement of Overriding Considerations for several impacts, some of which relate to this project. The City also adopted a mitigation-monitoring pro,am, which included measures intended to reduce impacts from the development of Eastern Dublin area. These mitigation measures apply to project apprsvals and actions at various stages in the development process, and will be applied to this project as applicable. The timing of these mitigation measures is indicated in the City's EIR mitigation monitoring matrix (City Council ResOlution # 53-93). Through the Initial Study process, several issues presented themselves requiring additional analysis and ultimately mitigation measures which caused three separate Mitigated Negative Declarations to be prepared; one for Area F, one for Area G and one for Area H. The Mitigated NegatiVe Declarations were published for review on November 9, 1999, for the mandatory 30-day review period and were sent to the City Council under separate cover on November 9, 1999. During the Public Comment period a number of comments letters were received from local, state and federal agencies, including East Bay Regional .Parks District, Regional Water Quality Control Board, DePartment offish and Game and U. S. FiSh and Wildlife Service. Staffhas prepared responses to each of these letters, refer to the Response to Comments attached to the staff report as Exhibit B of AttaChment 1. The agencies' comments focused on the.biological resources of the project site which include special- status species and habitats regulated under the jurisdiction of the US Army Corps of Engineers, US Fish and Wildlife Service, and the California Department of Fish and Game. Based on discussions with the project applicants, measures to mitigate loss of on-site breeding and movement (estivation) habitat for both species within Planning Area F have been refined and included in the original Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration. Mitigation for this impact would now consist of permanently creating suitable red-legged frog and California tiger salamander habitat and preserving a minimum 63-acre site in the northern drainage area of the Dublin Ranch property~ Other mitigations have also been included. The amended mitigation measures will reduce impacts to biological resources to a less-than-siguificant level. PROJECT OVERVIEW General Plan/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendments: The proposed General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific P~lan Amendments primarily consist of relocating various land uses and acreages within Areas F, G and H and eliminating portions of the document that are no longer applicable. Refer to Attachments B-2 to B-7 to this staff report. A summary chart of the proposed changes in land use designations, acreages and potential square footage is included below. EXISTING AND PROPOSED LAND USE AREAS F, G AND H Land Use Category Present General Plan Proposed General Difference Acres (units/sq.ft.) Plan Acres (units/sq.ft.) Single Family Residential 23.6 (94) 22.7 (91) -0.9 (-3) Medium Density Residential 77.3 (776) 68.9 (689) -8.4 (-87) Medium-High DenSity Residential 11.0 (220) 26.2 (528) +15.2 (+308) High Density Residential 23.4 (819) 25.0 (876) +1.6 (+57) Residential Total 1909 2184 +275 Public/Semi-Public (governmental & institutional uses) 7.8 7.0 -0.8 Neighborhood Commercial/Village Center 2.0 (426,388) 22.0 (230,000) -6.0 (-196,888) Neighborhood Park 11.6 12.3 +0.7 Neighborhood Square 6.0 4.5 -1.5 General Commercial 35.9 (390,951) 16.4 (178,596) -19.5 (-212,355) Campus Office 36.7 (559,528) 43.9 (860,528) +7.2 (+301,000) Campus Office or General Commercial Uses allowed through Stage 2 PD 10.5 +10.5 approval. (205,82I) (+205,821) Commercial Total 1,377,367 I 1,474,945 +97,578 Open Space 3.0 I 4.2 +1.2 Middle School 31.4 30.6 -0.8 Elementary School 10.0 10.0 0 Planned Development Rezoning: Chapter 8.32 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance establishes the intent, purpose and requirements of the Planned Development District. The intent of the Planned Development Zoning District is to create a more desirable use of land, a more coherent and coordinated de.velopment and a better Physical environment than would otherwise be possible under a single zoning district or combination of zoning districts. The Zoning Ordinance requires that a Development Plan shall be adopted to establish regulations for the use, development, improvement, and maintenance of the property within the requested Planned Development Zoning District. The Zoning Ordinance further requires the adoption of both a Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan with the reclassification of the property in question to the Planned Development Zoning District. The applicant is applying for a Stage 1 Development Plan for Areas F and H and both a Stage 1 and 2Development Plan for Area G. An individual Development Plan has been prepared for Areas F, G and H, depicting development concepts and addressing the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance..The proposed Development Plans are attached and consist of Attachment C-2 and C-3 for each area. Attachment C-2 contains all of the Zoning Ordinance requirements for a Stage 1 and 2 Development Plan. Attachment C-3 contains, site, circulation and other plans, the applicant's written statement and design guidelines. GENERAL PLAN' AMENDMENT/EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENTS: The basis for the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendments originate in revisions made to the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan several years ago. In 1997, the City approved revisions to the vehicular access and circulation patterns in the Circulation Element of the General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan which affected the implementation of the planning concept for the "Town Center- Commercial" area '¢vhich includes a portion of Area F and G. The primary circulation change was the redesignation of Central Parkway from a two-lane Transit Spine to a four-lane arterial. The applicant also identified economic aspects associated with the original Town Center commercial land acreage which is si_maificantly in excess of what it is anticipated today's market would absorb. General Plan Amendment/Specific Plan Amendment Issues: Fiscal Analysis: EDAW, Inc has prepared a market assessment of the proposed plan asit relates to the existing Specific Plan. This was due in large part to the belief that the original Specific Plan over estimated the ability of the market place to absorb the total square footage of commercial uses originally planned. The City contracted with ERA (the firm that prepared the original fiscal analysis for the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan adopted in 1994) to provide a peer review ofEDAW's analysis of this plan. Their basic determination was that the proposed plan appears to be consistent with the intent of the original Specific Plan. The methods used by EDAW are reasonable approximations of cost and revenue flows that can be expected from the development. The proposed project will result in revenues to the City that are slightly higher than the revenues proposed in the original Specific Plan. Included for review as Attachment D-1 and D-2 is the EDAW analysis and the ERA review of that document. Transit Spine: The Transit Spine as originally designated in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan was to accommodate on- street parking serving a local business district with shops opening on to the street and with pedestrian access easily achievable between each side of the street. The Eastern Dublin Specific Plan made provisions for a tiering of land uses with high-density residential uses adjacent to the commercial and medium-density uses adjacent to the high-density uses, etc. When the Transit Spine (named Central Parkway) was designated a four-lane arterial, the ability to create a "Town Center" with on-street parking serving front loaded shops was impractical. In addition, having a commercial.district fronting directly 5 onto Central Parkway woUld inhibit vehicular and pedestrian traffic flow on that arterial. ,.The- accessibility and ecOnomic viability of businesses located along Central Parkway would be serio~tsly impacted. The applicant realized the difficulties in trying to make the "Town Center" concept work, as detailed in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan with the amended street designation, and felt that a revised concept that kept the intent of the original plan was appropriate. The applicant is proposing to reorient the "Town Center" in a north/south configuration along 'Main Street' a new street to be constructed between Central Parkway and Dublin Boulevard (within Area G). Moving the Town Center south and orienting it between two arterials separates commercial users from through-traffic and will result in a safer downtown area for both pedestrians and vehicles and will create a more efficient circulation system. Direct access to either end of Main Street will be provided from Dublin Boulevard and Central Park~vay with additional access available by a number of collector streets which cross the area. Relocating the neighborhood commercial uses to Area G also necessitated moving the high density and medium high-density residential designated areas within Area F to locations east and west of 'Main Street'. Locating high-density neighborhoods adjacent to 'Main Street" would creme a pedestrian orientated Town Center as envisioned in the Specific Plan and would also serve to support a viable commercial district. With the applicant's submittal, Area G will encompass the entire Town Center land use including, neighborhood commercial, multi-family residential, parks, public and semi-public uses and Area F will become a more traditional residential village with associated parks and schools. Area H will remain similar to the prezoning and General Plan/Specific Plan land use designations (see discussion of Area H below). In addition to the applicant's request for a General Plan and Specific Plan Amendment, Staff is including revisions to Appendix 4 of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan which depicts the land area and breakdown of land uses for the Pao Lin Property. Additionally, wording changes to delete all references to the "Transit Spine," wording changes relating to Land Use Categories, revisions to the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Planning Subarea and Town Center Concept Maps and revisions to the General Plan/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Land Use Map are also necessary. General Plan Amendment/Specific Plan Amendment Analysis: Area F Analysis: Area F is bordered by Area E and Phase 1 of Dublin Ranch on the north, Dublin Ranch Area B on the east, Central Parkway to the south and Dublin Ranch Area E and the property of the Dublin Land Company (DiManto) on the west. In the applicant's proposal, Area F has been decreaSed in size from 156.8 acres to 146.5 acres due primarily to ye final alignment of Central Parkway from that illustrated in the Specific Plan. Because of this reduction, Area G has increased in size a comparable amount. The existing Specific Plan shows 14 acres of Neighborhood Commercial, 11 acres of High Density Residential, and 11 acres of Medium-High Density Residential designated lands north of Central Parkway. This GP/EDSP amendment proposes the relocation of neighborhood commercial, high and medium high density residential uses to Area G and their replacement by Medium Density Residential uses within Area F. Refer to Attachment C-3, Area F. The Dublin Unified School District, has indicated it will not require the full 50 acres designated for a "high school" on the Specific Plan, of which 30 acres fall within this Project Area. The school site will be redesignated as a future Middle School and sited as show on the Stage I Area F site plan. .6 The existing 'Specific P1an shows Public/Semi-Public land located in the middle of the Tovm Center. The Specific Plan proposed that this area contain some combination of community-serving uses such as a library, community center, post office, church, or other publicly oriented facility. This GP/EDSP amendment application proposes those types of uses to o~ccur north of the intersection of Central Parkway and Devaney Drive in Area F. Within Area G, a 3.1-acre Govemmental/Instituti°n/Public/Semi-Public parcel is shown at the intersection of Central Parkway and Street E. It is planned that Area F will be a traditional residential village with 2 schools, a neighborhood park adjacent to the elementary school, a neighbOrhood square at the center of a residential neighborhood and public uses adjacent to Main Street and the Town Center. AreaG Analysis: Area G of Dublin Ranch is 86.9 acres in size and is bounded by Dublin Ranch Area F on the north (separated by Central Parkway), Dublin Ranch Area B to the east, Dublin Ranch Area H on the south (separated by Dublin Blvd.) and property of the Dublin Land Company (DiManto) to the west. Area G has been increased in size from the 76.6 acres illustrated in the East Dublin Specific Plan to 86.9 acres in this Plan due primarily to the final realignments of Dublin Boulevard and Central Parkway. . As mentioned previously, revised vehicular access and circulation patterns in the Circulation Element of the General Plan and East Dublin Specific Plan by the City of Dublin were one of the main reasons for the relocation and reorientation of the Town Center in a north-south orientation within Area G. The proposed 22 acre Town Center is the heart of Area G and is bordered by~l 1.9 acres of Medium-High and 11.5 acres of High Density Residential and a 2.7 acre Neighborhood Square on the west and 14.3 acres of Medium-High and 13.5 acres of High Density Residential and a 6.6 acre Neighborhood Park to the east. Higher density residential uses clustered around the commercial area will help strengthen it by concentrating significant numbers of potential customers within a short distance of the Town Center. To achieve this intensity of residential uses, the Medium-High Density Residential land use designation shown located between Central Parkway and Gleason Dr (Area F) in the Specific Plan was moved to Area G and replaced with Medium Density Residential in Area F. Additionally, the amount of Medium-High Density Residential shown in the Specific Plan was increased from 11.0 to 26.7 acres. Area H Analysis: Dublin Ranch Area H is bordered by the extension of Dublin Boulevard on the north, Area C of Dublin Ranch'to the east, 1-580 on the south and property of the Dublin Land Company (DiManto) to the west. The project area is 70.8 acres in size. This area has two land use designations, being General CommerCial and Campus Office. The Eastern Dublin Specific Plan shows 35.9 acres designated as General Commercial and 36.7 acres as Campus office. The applicant is proposing to modify the acreage to 43.9 acres of Campus office, 16.4 acres of General Commercial and the remaining 10.5 acreS that could be developed as either all General Commercial or ail Campus Office. The proposed GP/EDSP amendment will allow the flexibility to develop campus office uses on land designated for general commercial uses pursuant to a Planned Development Stage 2 Rezoning / Development Plan application. In addition, the requested amendment proposes that the midpoint of the density range of the floor area ratio (FAR)for Campus Office uses be increased from 0.35 in the Specific Plan to 0.45, with 0.60 FAR being the maximum of the range allowed in the General Plan. This will allow the flexibility to exceed 7 0.45 FAR for some parcels; however, the amendment proposes average FAR for all CO parcels would not exceed 0.45 FAR. This increase in FAR coupled with the decrease in the amount of square footage for Neighborhood Commercial, with keeping the amount of commercial square footage relatively the same as originally designated. These minor modifications create the necessity for this General Plan/Specific Plan Amendment (GPA/SPA). The changes described above are the result of market assessment studies undertaken by EDAW, Inc. for Area H that concludes that the 1-580 corridor is "over-zoned" for regional/community-serving commercial uses. As mentioned in the GPA/EDSP amendment discussion above, the corridor is saturated with large format, specific market and full service retailers. Approximately 150 acres of land intended for such users are still available in the Specific Plan area, however, recent market studies show the buildout population of Eastern Dublin will not be at high enough levels to warrant a commercial area of this size. Additionally, the market assessment indicates a considerable demand at present for regional and headquarters office land. That need is especially acute for large parcels of such land. It is for these reasons that the General Plan/Specific Plan Amendment for Area H is proposing the flexibility to develop 10.5 acres of land with either General Commercial or Campus Office uses. Because demand cannot be predicted with complete accuracy very far into the future, it shall be determined at the Stage 2 Planned Development Rezoning application whether the 10.5 acres will be developed with either General Commercial or Campus Office uses. PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REZONING (STAGE 1 & STAGE 2) The applicant is proposing a Planned Development Rezoning for Areas F, G and H to bring the zoning of these areas into consistency with the proposed. General Plan/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment as required by State Law. In addition, the EDSP requires a "District PD Plan" for all property within plan area. The City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance requires a Stage 1 Development Plan (includes listing of permitted uses, densities, maximum numbers of residential uses and square footage of non-residential uses, preliminary site plan and a master landscape plan). As well as a Stage 2 Development Plan (which builds on the Stage 1 requirement and includes development regulations such as setbacks and building heights, architectural standards and specific landscape standards) in order to bring the applicant's property to a full Planned Development Zoning District. The applicant is proposing only a Stage 1 Planned Development Rezone for Areas F and H, as development plans for these two areas are not fully known at this time. Before development can proceed on these two areas an application for a Stage 2 Planned Development rezone will be necessary. However, both a Stage 1 and Stage 2 Planned Development Rezone for Area G is being proposed as very specific development plans are known for this area. Area F Planned Development Rezoning/Development Plan - Stage 1: The proposed zoning for the site is a combination of"Planned Development/R-l" (Single-Family, Medium Density Residential), "Planned Development/Schools" (Middle School, Elementary School), "Planned Development/Parks" (Neighborhood Square, Neighborhood Park) and "Planned Development/ P/SP" (Public and Semi-Public Uses) and "Planned Development/OS" (Open Space). These zoning categories are consistent with the purpose, intent and requirements of the City's Zoning Ordinance. The proposed project is consistent with the Dublin General Plan and Specific Plan policies by providing development of housing in the appropriate density range, preserving open space areas, and school and park sites adjacent to residential neighborhoods. The Planned Development proposes a linear open space area to preserve a stream corridor, and provides a continuous open space connection (multi-use trail) from 8 Dublin,P~ancb~Phase 1, through Area F to Main Street (Area G). The multi-use trail also provides connections to on-street bike paths / pedestrian sidewalks linking to the school and park sites. Area "F" ; '.:: :' ~ ~"hT~';'-': '.,~,::. , ' I "- ~'~ ~":' PROPOSED PLA2~-NED DEVELOPMENT- · ,.'1t~i' ~.....'.. L.a~ND USE PLAN 1 ~ :~ ~;..~ .'. - ~. .... ~ '.. ~ ..'. se .;~ .. ~ · ~~ ,~ ~I~ .~.. ~' ; I ". · .- ~'.'/~ ;' ' " ~' '**~ ~"~ "- ?":t''-' " :1' _.. '"" M ~-':' '~ :'" ''' ::'"' ',-, : ~'' -..-' '"'. 30.6 AC Gross '; '" """ '"" ' '/ ' ~ :... ~.~". .. I ~ · -,i.-. r ' -. · ',. . .-..:~%.-: " ' z' ~ -... '. .. ':.(;.'"'~" ·. .... . '. ..... ~2 I0.6 AC Gm~ ~/' F [.;:; Il.SAC Gross . .., ~o.o ~,~ Cros~ .,~. ' ' -- 16.4 AC (;mss · . · Acreage's are approximate. Refer to Development Plan for specific acreage. Area H Planned Development Rezoning/Development Plan - Stage 1: The proposed zoning for the site is a combination of"Planned Development/C-- (General Commercial) and "Planned Development/C-O'' (Campus Office). The zoning category is consistent with the purpose, intent and requirements of the City's Zoning Ordinance. These uses and locations are consistent with and reinforce the General Plan and Specific Plan policies by providing land designated for employment and service uses in close proximity to residential development in Areas F and G. The Development Plan proposes development of between 16.4 acres of General Commercial Uses and 43.9 acres of Campus Office Uses, this includes 10.5 acres that could be developed with either all general commercial or campus office uses, pursuant to a Stage 2 PD application. The maximum development of Area H with both General Commercial and Campus Office would be capped at 1,244,945 square feet. The Eastern Dublin Specific Plan encourages mixed use developments including residential uses within areas designated for general commercial and campus office uses. The applicant is requesting that attached and detached dwellings at densities established for the Medium, Medium-High, and High Density Residential land use designations be considered for Area H. The Stage 1 Development Plan (refer to Attachment C-2) states that residential uses may be considered for this area at the Stage 2 Planned Development application process as long as certain policies of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan are met. These policies are stated in the Area H Development Plan (Attachment C-2, Area H) attached to this staff report. Area "H" Acreages are approximate. Refer to Development Plan for specific acreage. Area G Planned Development Rezoning/Development Plan - Stage 1 and 2: The Proposed zoning for the site is "Planned Development/RM" (Medium High Density and High Density,. Residential), "Planned DevelopmentFVC~C)" (Neighborhood Commercial'Village Center'), "Planned Development/P/SP" (Public/Semi-Public), "Planned Development/Parks" (Neighborhood Park and Neighborhood Square) and "Planned Development/OS" (Open Space). This zoning category is consistent with the purpose, intent and requirements of the City's Zoning Ordinance. Area "G" Acreages are approximate. Refer to Development Plan for specific acreage. The proposed project is consistent with the Dublin General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan policies by providing for the development of a pedestrian-orientated 'Main Street' with neighborhood retail uses serving the Village Center and surrounded by housing of the appropriate density range and by reserving land for public uses, parks and open space. The project also reflects Planned Development principles by providing pedestrian/bike trails/pathways which provide linear connections from 'Main Street' to the (Applicant's are proposing to call the Main Street commercial area [designated Neighborhood Commercial [within the "Town Center-Commercial"planning subarea] in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan] Village Center. The uses and intent will not be effected For the purposes of this Ordinance NC Neighborhood Commercial and VC- Village Center shall be the same) 10 sift-rounding residential neighborhoods, north to Area F and east west to the neighborhood park and square. The trails, parkways, circulation and recreation facilities are consistent with the goals of the General Plan and Specific Plan. As the applicant has requested both a Stage 1 and a Stage 2 Planned Development Rezone for Area G, very specific and detailed Development Standards, Architectural Guidelines and Landscape Guidelines will be adopted with the Planned Development Rezoning Development Plan. These items will dictate building styles, building materials, unique setbacks and various features which will create a diverse and -interesting Town Center encompassing both commercial and residential uses. The most unique element would be the proposed "Main Street." Additionally, a Master Sign Program is also included which dictates the signage criteria for the individual buildings and uses within the Village Center Area. (Please See Attachment C-3 Area G). Main Street (Area G): The Village Center area as proposed by the applicant is envisioned in the traditional format with a series of buildings that give the impression that the area was developed over time. Buildings are to front onto the "Main Street" with parking areas behind the shops and stores. The Main Street will allow for one lane of traffic in each direction with on street parking. The parking areas behind the shops will have mid-block access through the shops to the Main.Street with mid-block crosswalks allowing access to both sides of the street. The rear elevations of the buildings will have architecture that mirrors the front of the buildings to give the appearance of front doors. Commercial uses in the Village Center will focus on convenience retail such as comer grocery, drug store, and dry cleaners for local residents, and specialty retail uses such as food and clothing boutiques, florists, bookstores, stationers, antique shops, beauty salons, bars, cafes and restaurants for the larger community. Main Street will be developed with three blocks, each approximately 400 ft. in length with provisions for the development of both second story office uses an~or residential uses depending on the potential at the time of development. The addition of the residential uses is in keeping with the goals of Eastern Dublin Specific Plan which encourages the development of residential uses as an accessory use within the Town Center subarea. The applicant's plan details specifics for this development potential including parking reqUirements, and open space. One unique aspect of the Village Center Main Street will be the method of ownership of the sidewalk. Normally, the developer dedicates the right of way from the back of the sidewalk .(in the case of a separated sidewalk) or Public Utility Easement (in the case of a monolithic sidewalk) to the City. In this instance, the sidewalks are proposed to be 12 feet in width to accommodate a higher volume of pedestrian traffic With the allowance of a 4-foot encroachment to accommodate outdoor seating for restaurants, etc. The Public Works Department proposes to allow the applicant to dedicate from the back of curb on one side of the street to the back of the curb on the other side (the vehicular travel surface only) with a 4 foot easement behind the curb for items such as fire hydrants, light standards and any other "public facility." The sidewalk area will then be maintained by an association which will make provisions for the maintenance and upkeep of the embellished paving, landscaping and other appurtenances envisioned for the streetscape. This will allow for a decorative streetscape usually not found on commercial thoroughfares. The streetscape for Main Street will be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission as a part of the frrst SDR for the commercial portion of Village Center. 11 Economic viability of the proposed 'Mah~ Street'(Area G): The current East Dublin Specific Plan was overly optimistic in stating the mount of neighborhood retail uses to be split between Areas G and F. The yield was at least partially based on a 1988 market analysis report prepared by ERA in conjunction with the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment. This analysis was done before the 1-580 corridor became h~ghly competitive with large format, high-value retailers (Home Depot, Circuit City, Staples, etc.) and value-oriented, full service retailers (Costco, Wal- Mart, Super Kmart, etc.). Current market assessment work undertaken on behalf of the applicant by EDAW, Inc. for this GPA/SPA and the Development Plan for Areas F, G and H (and reviewed by ERA on the City's behalf) indicates that the Town Center could support up to 169,200 square feet of retail and service floor space at the buildout of the Specific Plan area. Refer to Attachment D-1 (EDAW's fiscal analysis) and D-2 (peer review by ERA) to this staff report. The full potential of retail space within the Town Center may be difficult to achieve without a supermarket/drug store anchor. According to EDAW's analysis there are more suitable sites in Eastern Dublin for such a facility (e.g., Tassajara or Fallon Roads near the 1-580 interchanges). If a large format supermarket/drug store is not captured in the Town Center, the food and liquor merchandise category would likely be represented by a mix of smaller specialty food stores which cater to specific market niches (e.g., bakery, ethnic foods, meat and fish markets, etc.). Normally these types of retail operations do not generate the same high volumes of shopper traffic, as would one single supermarket. To enhance the economic viability of the Town Center, it is envisioned in the applicant's proposal as a high quality mixed-use district that provides a vibrant and pedestrian-friendly environment, presents a clear and complimentary set of neighborhood-oriented retail and services uses, and leverages the drawing power of other nearby commercial, community and civic uses (e.g., office, churches, lodging, etc.) in addition to the surrounding higher density residential and office components (within Area G and H) in order to attract and maintain a dedicated shopper and visitor base. As a result of the projected decreased demand, the Town Center is proposed to be reduced in size from the 28 acres indicated in the Specific Plan to 22 acres as depicted on the Area G Stage 1 & 2 Site Plan (Refer to Attachment C-3 Development Plan, Area G). Pedestrian/Bike Trails and Neighborhood Square (Area G): Another unique feature of the Town Center (Village Center) Plan is the proposed trail system and Neighborhood Square. This trail, which extends from Dublin Ranch, Phase 1 the north, through Area F, provides bicycle and pedestrian linkages to the Village Center Area and Dublin Boulevard. These trails provide delineation between the commercial uses of the Village Center and the Public/Semi-Public, Neighborhood Square and High-Density Residential uses on the west and the Medium High and High Density uses on the east. Connections from these trails to the adjacent residential communities are anticipated as well as connections from the trails, through the Parking lots to the commercial uses on Main Street. Mid-block' on Main Street, a strong pedestrian link has been provided connecting the medium-high density residential area on the east with the Neighborhood Square on the west. This pedestrian pathway traverses both the eastern and western parking areas, passes between the commercial buildings and crosses . Main Street in a mid-block crosswalk. Both the easterly and westerly terminus of this pathway will be at focal points; in the medium-high density neighborhood in a "to be determined during SDR review" design element and in the Neighborhood Square at an appropriate design feature such as a gazebo, bandstand or similar structure. The pathway is envisioned as an embellished design to permit safe travel across the parking areas with raised planters and the crosswalk across Main Street having a unique paving pattern. 12 The path-~ay could pass between buildings where an open courtYard with a design feature would be located such as that shown by the applicant on the westerly side of Main Street. On the easterly side of Main Street, the applicant envisions the pathway passing under the buildings through a neo-classical arched opening. The Neighborhood Square has been shown to address the'Urban nature of the Village Center; while the linkage to the commercial core is important, the provision of open space for the Urban living environment is equally important. The applicant's depiction of the Neighborhood Square (which has been reviewed by the Parks and Recreation Commission in August of 1999) is as that of an Urban meeting place; a location for art shows, band concerts, farmer's market, etc. An outdoor amphitheater is included in the applicant's proposed plan. The Parks and Community Services Department will have the final design review authority for the Neighborhood Square. The applicant's proposal for the Town Center commercial development as presented in the Specific Plan, is not being changed by this application. It remains the focus for convenient commercial and services for adjacent residential neighborhoods and the center for entertainment and specialty retail uses for the larger Eastern Dublin community. With the associated Development Regulations and Design Standards (Attachment C-2, Area G), Architectural Guidelines and Standards, Master Sign Program and Landscape Guidelines (Attachment C-3, Area G) a very exciting, unique and vibrant neighborhood commercial center to serve Eastern Dublin and Dublin Ranch in particular will be created. Residential Development in Area G: The density ranges of the residential uses are 14.0 to 25.0 units to the acre for the Medium High Density designation and 25.0+ units to the acre for the land designated for High Density residential land uses. The development of these residential properties would equate to townhouse condominiums or "stacked flats" for the Medium High sites and "stacked flat" apartments or condominiums over structured parking for the High-Density sites. The applicant has proposed a maximum total of 1,404 dwelling units for Area G. This number of units has been calculated to be approximately 528 Medium High Density units at approximately 20.2 dwelling units to the acre (slightly above the 19.5 mid-range target density) and 876 High Density units at a density range of 34.6 dwelling units to the acre (slightly less than the target density referenced in Appendix 4 of the existing Specific Plan). The overall density for the residential component of Area G is 27.3 dwelling units to the acre. The maximum number of dwelling units attributable to Dublin Ranch is 5,760. The overall project (Areas F &G dombined) proposes more units than originally identified (1,909 vs. 2,184) in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan for the properties in question. The applicant has proposed the additional units due to the loss of Village Center (Neighborhood Commercial) acreage with the replacement of higher density residential uses in keeping with the existing Specific Plan's "Town Center" concept. The increase in dwelling units for these areas will not increase the maximum allowable number of units for the entire Dublin Ranch land holdings beyond the 5,760 without a further General Plan Amendment requiring additional environmental review. PROJECT TIMING AND SEQUENCING It is the applicant's intention to move forward with the residential component of Area G as soon as possible. To facilitate this development, it will be necessary to construct Phase I roadway improvements for Central Parkway, the northerly boundary of Area G, Dublin Boulevard which is the southerly boundary of Area G and Collector "B" the easterly boundary of Area G. A Lot Line Adjustment is being processed to assimilate the "L" shaped portion of Phase 1 into Area F. The Tentative Tract Map for Areas 13 F, G and H has been submitted and will follow closely behind this project for planning Cemrfiissi0n' consideration. OTHER AGENCY/DEPARTMENT REVIEW The appIication has been reviewed by the applicable City.Departments and agencies. Extensive work with the applicant has taken place to define the various points of the project and to provide the maximum direction and clarity to those individuals and departments who wi11 utilize these documents and the amended General Plan and Specific Plan. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: On January 25, 2000, the Planning Commission adopted a Resolution recommending that the City Council adopt individual Mitigated Negative Declarations and Mitigated Monitoring Programs as further clarified by the Response to Comments for Areas F, G and H. At this Public Hearing, the Planning Commission also adopted a Resolution recommending that the City Council approve a General and Specific Plan Amendment and adopted a resolution recommending that the City Council approve a Planned Development (PD) Rezone/Development Plan Stage 1 for Area F and H and a Planned Development (PD) Rezone/Development Plan Stage 2 for Area G. CONCLUSIONS The GP/EDSP amendments proposed are necessary to implement the goals of the Specific Plan due to factors that have occurred since the approval of the original Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. The Stage 2 Development Plan for Area G will create an architecturally significant Village Center that will enhance and provide focus for Dublin Ranch and eastern Dublin. The proposed project is consistent with the purpose, intent and requirements of the City's Zoning Ordinance, the approved Planned Development Rezone and the Development Plans, the Dublin General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the City Council open the Public Heating, deliberate and adopt the following resolutiOns: lo Adopt Attachment 1, City Council Resolution approving individual Mitigated Negative Declarations for Area F (PA 98-068), Area G (PA 98-069), & Area H (PA 98- 070) of Dublin Ranch herein incorporated by reference with the Mitigated Monitoring Programs for Areas F, G and H included as Exhibit A and the Response to Comments included as Exhibit B, and o Adopt Attachment 2, City Council Resolution approving the General Plan Amendment and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment for Areas F, G & H (PA 98-068, 069 and 070) of Dublin Ranch with Exhibits A, B, C, D, E and F included, and 3, Waive reading and introduce the Ordinance Attachment 3 amending the Dublin Zoning Ordnance to approve a Planned Development (PD) Rezone/Development Plan Stage I for Area F (PA 98-068) and Area H (PA 98-070) and a Planned Development (PD) Rezone/Development Plan Stage I and II for Area G (PA 98-069) with the Development Plans included as Exhibits A-1 & A-2, B-1 & B-2 and C-1 & C-2. 4. Schedule the second reading of the Ordinance for the March 7, 2000 City Council meeting. 14