HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.10 PolicePatrlVehls e . ... ., ,~ CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 27,1995 SUBJECT Award of Bid For Marked Police Patrol Vehicles (Prepared by: Jim Rose, Police Chief) / Bid Package Submitted By Downtown Ford 1) Award the bid to Downtown Ford and authorize Staff to proceed with the issuance of a purchase order based upon the bid. EXHIBITS A 1'1' ACHED RECOMMENDATION ~ FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Tbe total purchase cost of 4 cars including an extended warranty service agreement is $91,506.40. Tbree vehicles are replacement cars and they will be Cunded Crom Internal Service Fund Reserves. One car will be used in conjunction with tbe extension of services to the Eastern Dublin Annexation and will be funded by contributions to the Internal Service Fund as result of charges collected by the City in conjunction with the Annexation Agreement. It is anticipated that delivery and the expenditure will occur in Fiscal Year 1995/96. DESCRIPTION : At the City Council meeting on January 30, 1995, the City Council authorized Staff to solicit bids on four (4) marked police patrol vehicles. Copies of the bid specifications were mailed to nine car dealers. The basis of the bid specifications were the specifications developed by the Highway Patrol for 1995 Police Vehicles. The State bid was based upon the a Chevrolet vehicle and the City of Dublin specifications allowed for the substitution of like or better equipment. Ford and Chevrolet are the two manufacturers who currently produce the majority of the Police Patrol vehicles. On February 15, 1995, the City of Dublin opened the two sealed bids received in response to the City bid process. The only bids received were from Ford dealers and they were based upon the 1995 Ford Crown Victoria. Currently the City of Dublin Police Patrol Fleet consists entirely of the same model. The following is a summary of the bids received: Downtown Ford Shamrock Ford BASE VEHICLE COST Vehicle Price/Car Tax & Deliver/Car Subtotal Cost Per Car $ 17,983.00 1.543.60 $ 19,526.60 $ 18,600.00 1 f534.50 $ 20,134.50 Total Cost of 4 Vehicles $ 78,106.40 $ 80,538.00 EXTENDED MAINTENANCE/ WARRANTY Price Per Vehicle Total Warranty Cost of 4 Vehicles $ 3.350.00 $ 13,400.00 $ 4.350.00 $ 17,400.00 GRAND TOTAL BID FOR 4 1995 VEHICLES INCLUDING EXTENDED MAINTENANCE WARRANTY $ 91.506.40 $ 97.938.00 The lowest bid submitted was from Downtown Ford. The Base Bid by Downtown Ford was $607.90 lower per vehicle than Sbamrock Ford. Staff also evaluated whether a credit for the local sales tax revenue generated by a purchase from Shamrock Ford would result in a lower cost to the City for the vehicles. Based upon the Shamrock Ford pricing the local sales tax which would be returned to the City would only total $744.00 and this does not offset the $2,431.60 difference in the total base bids for the purchase of four (4) vehicles. In recent years the City of Dublin has purchased extended maintenance warranty coverage on the police vehicles. This is a special fleet program offered by Ford Motor Company and it also includes preventative maintenance such as oil changes. The program has proven to be a cost effective manner to service these vehicles. With the Ford Motor Company Program the vehicles can be serviced at any Ford dealer. Staff recommends that the City Council award the bid to Downtown Ford and authorize Staff to issue the necessary Purchase Order. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEMNO.~ COPIES TO: CITY CLERK FILE~ .,=.-. =... ~TY OF DUBLIN :BI~R.OPOS.A.L PO" '. " I have received the documents titled "City of Dublin Bid Specifications" for four(4) new 1995 patrol vehicles and "lnstructions to Bidder", and I have satisfied myself as to the scope of the requested purchase and the conditions required, In submitting this proposal, I agl'ee: 1. To hold my bid open for final approval by the City Council but not to exceed 30 days from the date of this proposal. 2. To comply with the provisions of the Notice Inviting Bids, Instructions to Bidders and Bid Specifications. 3. To enter into a contract based upon a purchase order reflecting the terms found in the specifications, if awarded on the basis of this proposal. My proposal: . . VEHICLE DES~IPTION (General): Make: 73 j( . Model: R.DCtJ;t) VI diJEJ IJ Year: /99S DF,LIVERY Sc;HEDULE: . The delivery shall be completed within 12L) days following the formal award of this bid. . COSTS: I. Price of vehicle~ 06 $ /7. 99.:3~/eachx4 - $ 71 93~ - I ' Cost of delivery chal'ges, taxes: t/O $ /5'131>0 leach x 4 - $ q' 17t/ ~ All other fees and applicable charges (attach detailed itemized list of costs) $ -f) leach x 4 .. $ P . ~ AJt;e hE[J TOTAL CHARGES: $ 7&;. /6/., t/C; .:J;t PIe:J5E 5&. r . II. Cost of three year extended full maintenance service warranty. 00 00 3 years1100,000 nli1es $ 83J5CJ -each x 4 ... $ /4 ~aJ-- 3 yearsl 85,000 miles $ N/A each x 4 ... $ N /19 . Name of Firm submitting Bid: DOWAJiCXJ,JAJ Ii . / a Signature of Authorized Firm representative-: - ~ y~". YOtJAI.:j . Date:.2- ..../3 '.7~ Title: ~.f.+ :5.t::'.cti:..,s', Business Address: 5d5 10/6"1./7 0.. ?flG. 1_ (7A 9.:>-2/'/ - 9/6-L/t/2-67'3/ NOTE: Any substitutionHo or exclusions from the specifications listed in the bidding sheet must be fully explained and reasons given why the required item is being substituted or excluded. 6Um,/ A\)~--{'/V - ~:)Y~~, _ Ifl~~'I~~~\\ . l\l ~ ~ ~~ CITY OF DUBLIN -~. ~ '! . ,/)) -- --~- ~ ('1~"~ po. 80' 2340. Dublin, Califo",;a 94568 ., /'lrOV-J./ e . City Offices, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California 94568 February 15, 1995 Ms. Mary E. Young Fleet Manager Downtown Ford Salcs 525 N 16th. HI. Sacramento, Ca. 95814 Subject: Receipt of Bid Proposal - City of Dublin Pmchase of Four 1995 Ford Crown Victoria (Police Vehicles) Dear Ms. Young: /!..~ All Bid proposals for the pmchase referenced above, were opened at the City Managers Conference Room at 10:00 a.m. on February 15, 1995. Preliminary analysis of the bids indicates that the bid submitted by your company, is the apparent low bid for the purchase of four Ford Crown Victoria police vehicles. In accordance with the local purchasing regulations the award of all bids is subject to the approval of the City Council. It is our intent to purchase the vehicles from your company.. pending the approval of the City Council. The transaction would be in accordance with the pricing submitted with your bid. The recommendation and awarding of the bid is scheduled for the City Council meeting on Monday, February 27, 1995. We will formally confirm our ordcr with a City of Dublin Purchase Order following the City Council action. In the event that there are any questions, please feel free to contact my assistant, Paul Rankin at (510) 833-6640. Sinccrely, Richard C. Ambrose City Manager cc: Jim Rose, Dublin Police Services Paul S. Rankin, Assistant City Manager Administration (510) 633.6650. City Council (510) 633-6605. Finance (510) 833-6640. Building Inspection (510) 633-6620 Code Enforcement (510) 633-6620 . Engineering (510) 833-6630 · Planning (510) 633-6610 Police (510) 833-6670 . Public Works (510) 833-6630 · RecreAtion (510) 833.6645 'ii' * '*, j) I STR I BU.N NEl~I:.~ BULU::T I N #01 *** e -', '.~ ANUPIRY 6, 1995 r:'f'GE 2" ,,) ******************************************* ,* 1 '7' 9 5 F LEE .1 ,* ****~************************************** GOVERNMENT PRICE CONCESSION AMOUNTS AND REFERENC~ NUMBERS ---_._-----------------------------~----------------_.----- THE FLEET CUSTOMER INFORMATION CENTER (FCIC) WILL NO LONGER QUOT~ GOVERNMENT PRICE CONCESSION AMOUNTS AND REFERENCE NUMBERS OVER THE PHONE. THE. I NFORMAT ION I S AVA 1 LABLE IN CuNCEF'S AND CAN BE. ~~CCE..SSE.D FROM THE SELECTION MENU ~Y PRESSING -- - 2 - VEHICLE MARKETiNG INFORMATIUN MENU, THEN 4 - GOVERNMENT BID CENTER MENU, AND 2 - PRICE CUNCESSIUN REFERENC~ NUMBER iNQUIRY (REFEJ,ENCE SECT I ON 16 OF THE "UNL I NE WITH CONCt:::F'S" MANUAL.) IF YOU NEED ASSISTANCE IN ACCESSING THIS INFORMATiON, PLEASE CALL l-BOO-34-FLEET. 1995 CROWN VICTORIA F'OLICECAR ORDER INFORM~TION , ------------------------------------------------ ~~~=-~~~=~-~~~=~~~-~~~~ TO GIVE DEALERS ADEQUATE TIME TO NOTI~Y GOVERNMENT CUSTOMERS, PLACE ORDERS AND MAIL DOCUMENTATIUN, WE ARE ANNUUNCING THAT ORDERS FOR BOTH DEAL~R SPECIAL URDER (DSO> AND LIMITED PRODUCTION OPTION (LPO> 199~ CROWN VICTORIA POLICE" CARS (P?l) MUST BE RECEIVED BY FORD M010ij ., COMPANY ON ORBEFORErEBRUARY 1~,1995. ~ / ORDERING REG!UIREMENTS ~ --------------------- TO FACILITATE THE SCHEDULING O~ SOLU OkD~RS, W~ ARE REQUIRING THAT DEALERS MAIL PURCHASE ORDERS (P.O. (5))' ISSUED BY THE GOVERNMENT CUSTUMER TO THE ADDRESS LISTED B~LUW. IN THE ABSENCE OF A P.O., DEAL~RS SHUULD MAIL LETTERS OF INTENT TO THE SAME ADDRESS. NOTE THAT ORDERS SUPPORTED BY A LETTER OF INTENT WILL RECEIVE DIFFERENT PRIORITY AND MAY NOT BE SCHEDULED. ALL MAILING~ MUST BE POST MARKED ON OR BEFORE FEBRUARY 1~, 1995. EFFECT I VE NOVEMBER 21, 1994, ALL "f--' 71" ORD~RS I N THE UNSCHEDULl:::D ORDl:::R ORDER BANK I;JlLL GE~~ERATE THE FOLLOwING MATERIAL HOLD ME.SSAGl:-.: lIORDER TO BE RELEASED U~ON k~CEIF'T OF PURCHAS~ ORD~R." fHIS wlLL HI::: DONE TO ESTABLISH A CUNFIRMATIUN PROCE.DUR[;.. ) il"l!'-!l' OISTRIBUT& NEWS 8ULU:.T IN #01 il'*-ll' e . " '_, JANUARY 6, 1990 t~'AGt:: .3 'J ******************************************* * 1 9 9 5 F L E. l::. '\ 'It ******************************************* 1995 CROWN VICTORIA POLICE. CAR ORDER INFORMATIUN (CUNiT) ------------------------------------------------ ORDERING REQUIREMENTS (CUNiT) ~I --------------------- WHEN A CONFIRMED PURCHASE OkD~k IS kEC~IVED BY ~ORD, THE MESSAGE WILL CHAI\lGE TO READ: "PURCHASE ORDER ',-lAB BEE.N RE.CE I VED BY FORD" AND YUU WILL HECEIVE A NEW DORA. THIS DORA WILL BE YOUR CUN~IRMATION I'HAT WE RECEIVED YOUR DOCUMEN1ATION AND YUUR ORDER HAS BEEN APPROVE.D FOR SCHEDULING. PLEASE ALLOW 10 DAYS FOR ~ORD TO PROCESS YOuR PURCHASE ORDER (8) . II LETTERS OF INTENT" ARE Li::':TTERS Wk I 'lTEN BY THE GOVERNt"IENT CUSTOMER INDICATING ITS INTENT TO PURCHASE 199~ MODEL YE.AR POLICE CARS iN THE. ~UTURE. ORDERS DOCUMENTED BY L~TTERS OF INTENT WILL BE RELEASED ~OR SCHEDULING UNLY IF SUFFICIENT PRODUCT1UN CAPACITY EXISTS AFTER ALL ORDERS SUPPORTED BY P.O. <S) HAVE BEEN REL~ASED. THIS WILL UCCUR A~TER FEBRUARY 15, 1995. AFTER ALL DOCUMENTED ORDERS HAVE BEEN R~L~AS~D, We wLLL USE ANY REMAINING CAPACITY FOR SCHEDULING UNDOCUMENtED ORDERS. THESE ORDERS ~ 51 LL BE SCHEDULED BY ULj)~ST Rk:.CE U..'T VA TE: ~ 1 Rsr . DEALERS wITH ORDERS CURREN fLY IN THE ORDER BANK ARE STILL RE~UIRED TU MAIL IN DOCUMENTATION. UN I T8 MUS r Bt..: DEL I VERED TO THE SAI"IE CUS TOMER ~Ok WH 1 CH rHEY '~ERE ORDERED. DELiVERIE~ WILL BE CHECKED AND D~ALERS ARE SUBJ~CT lu CHARG~ BACKS FOR CONCESSIONS wHERE THIS DOES NOT OCCUR. DOCUMENT AT ION REQUiREMENTS? -------------------------- DOCUMENTATION MUST BE ANNOTATED WITH YOUR SALES CODE AND P71 URj)~R NUMBERS. ~AX COPIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. PURCHASE ORDERS AND LETTERS O~ INTEN'I MUST BE ISSUED BY THE. CUSTUMER AND CONTAIN A NAME AND TELi::':PHON~ NUMBER. THIS WILL ASSIST US I~ VERIFICATIUN IS REQUIRED. DEALER PURCHASE ORDERS AR~ NOT ACCEPTABL~. t-'R I CE PRO TECT I ON \ IF ORDERS SUPPORTED BY P.o. (5) ARE NUT PRODU~ED AS 199~ MUDELS, CARRY- OVER PRICE PROTECTIUN RULES WiLL APPLY. . J\Dl::.fm sUf:'eOI.nED BY LC::TEF~S at: INTENT Af~E NUT ELIGIBLE t:OR LAKF':Y-UVEf\ MODEL PRICE PROTECTIUN. 1!'** U I S rR I 8u r" NEWS 8ULLt:::T I N #01 "*,-lit,,* e , .. "_ J ANUAh:Y 6, :L 99~ ~'f.~L:JC: 4- -j ******************************************* * 1 '7' ci' ::, F~ L E. E:. -I ,*- ******************************************* --~--------~------~------~----------~-------~------ 1995 CROWN VICTORiA PULICE CAR ORDER INFORMATIUN lCUN'I) DOCUMENTATIUN MAILING ADDRESS J ----------------~-----~---~-- MAIL DOCUMENTATION 10: CROWN VICTORIA POLICE CAR SCHEDULER GUVERNMENT SALC:S DC:PARTMC:NT JOO RENAISSANCE CENTER ~~'. lJ. 80X 4.3,311 DETRUI1, Ml 4824~ GOVERNMENT ACCUUNl NOTIFICATION -------~----------------------- IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO CUNTACl YOUR GOVERNMENl CUSTOMERS AND ADVISE THEM OF THIS CUT-O~F DATE AND UOCUMENTATION Rc:aUIRC:MENTS. IT IS CUSTOMARY TO NOTIFY A GOVERNMENT ACCUUNl A1 LEAST ~o DAYS IN ADVANCE Of AN lJRD~R CUT-U~F DATE. DEALERS SHUULD ONLY BID UN CUNTRACTS FOR WHICH THEY WILL RECEIV~ d PURCHASE ORDERS BY THE CUT-OFF DATE. ,; ::> SCHEDULING INFORMATION ---------------------- . REFER TO "SCHEDUU:: DATES" SECT ION ~OR THE eRODULTION Wc:t:::K Bt:.ING ASSIGNED FOR ORDERS SUBMITTED TO THE PLAN1 FOR ALLOCA'llUN WEEK 01 (JAN j - JAN 111. . ~~EFER TO THE "MA TER I AL HOLl) UP r IONS" Of THE "1995 CAR" AND "1995 TRUCK" SECTIONS FOR CURRE"f1 MATERIAL HOLD lNFORMAllUN. )