HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 5.1 RowellRnchUseBanners e e CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT City Council Meeting Date: March 27, 1995 SUBJECT: Written Communication: Request from Rowell Ranch Rodeo to Use City Banner Poles to Advertise the 1995 Rodeo Report by: Lee S. Thompson, Public Works Director EXHIBITS ATTACHED: / 1) / 2) /3) Letter from Marie Cronin, Chairperson, Rowell Ranch Rodeo, Inc. Current banner policy Copy of minutes of 2/8/93 Council meeting regarding budget cuts RECOMMENDATION: /Z \l~ry 1) Review request from Rowell Ranch Rodeo and determine whether request should be granted. Determine whether use of the banner poles by non-profit organizations should be reactivated, and, if so, whether the adopted fee or any other parameters should be changed. 2) FINANCIAL STATEMENT: The average cost for the City's maintenance crew to install and remove a banner is approximately $400. If the banner needs to be maintained during the time it is on the banner poles, the cost could be as high as $600 to $700 or more. The existing encroaclunent permit fee schedule specifies a permit fee of $50.00 for use of the banner poles. This fee was left in place with the understanding that permits would not be issued after 7/1193. DESCRIPTION: During the 1992-93 Fiscal Year, the City Council determined to discontinue issuance of permits to non-profit organizations for use of the City's banner poles on San Ramon Road. This was done as a cost-saving measure and became effective July 1 of 1993. The average cost for the City's maintenance crew to install and remove a banner from the banner poles was about $400 at the time the service was discontinued. This cost included rental of a lift and placement oftraffic control devices on San Ramon Road, as well as the actual labor time involved in installing and removing the banner. If the banner needed to be maintained due to wind damage during the time it was up, the cost increased. The adopted permit fee for use of the San Ramon Road banner poles is $50.00. At the time that permit issuance was discontinued, the City Council specified that an organization could pay the entire cost of installation. Staff has received a number of inquiries about use of the banner poles since that time; however, none of the organizations expressed an interest in paying the cost. Ms. Cronin's letter states that the Rowell Ranch Rodeo could pay an unspecified "moderate amount" for banner installation or would hire a professional installer. Staff does not recommend allowing individuals or firms other that the City's maintenance crew to install banners. While some of these firms may be qualified to do the work, the City would incur potentially great liability exposure if the banner should corne loose and fall into the roadway. Permittees have been required to provide liability insurance certificates which name the City as additional insured; however, the risk increases when the integrity of not only the banner itself but also its installation is involved. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CITY CLERK FILE~ ~_. . .. -;;;,.._,- ITEM NO. ~ COPIES TO: Marie Cronin e e Staff recommends that the City Council review the request from the Rowell Ranch Rodeo, determine whether a permit should be issued for installation of a banner advertising the rodeo, and, if approved, provide direction as to cost and conditions. If this request for the Rowell Ranch Rodeo is approved, Staff requests direction as to whether the banner program should be reinstated and whether the fee or any of the policy parameters should be changed. If any changes are to be made (fee or policy), the item would need to be brought back for adoption of a resolution. g: lagenmisclbanner Page 2 e e ROWELL RANCE BODEO, INC. BOARO OF DIRECtORS CECIL JONES JACK SMITH MANUEL REIS DICK WARREN BUD GARIN "Every Year in May" HaYWlll:'d, California 9.546 March 20. 1995 HONORARY DIRECTOR ART PALMER City of Dublin % Mr.'Lee Thompson 100 Civic Plaza Dublin Ca 94568 FAX 833-6628 Dear Mayor Huston & C?uncil Members, AOVISORVBoAROCHAIRMAN May 20th & 21st 1995 i9 the 75th Anniversary of the EARLJ.McCARTHY Rowell Ranch ROdeo, which was held in Dublin in the 1920's. The Banner CommittEe: Andy Anderson. 7339 Amande Dublin 829-6530 Suzie Alves, 11541 Padre Way Dublin 829-3431 Harvey Tulchinsky, 8917 San Ramon Rd. Dublin Marie C~onln, 3989 Dublin Cyn. Rd., Hay~ard We hereby request 8 permit to erect ~nd maintain a banner announcing the Rodeo from May 8th thru May 21st, 1995. Size and loca.tion a.s e,pproved by City Council. We are a non-profit organization and the event benefits City of Dublin reeidantB. We have liability insurance and can provide professional installers; Or we Can pay amoderete amount for the city to install the banner. We hope you'll approve Our request and help' celebrate this historical event. Sinoerely, ~.M~/ ~..... __ Marie Cronin, Chairman. FAl 582-2813 277-6641 582-8989 ;},. ,~....; '. ' J ',:: , ,./'::..... ' . , ..':It ~".....,.. . : ....... .... 'Il ~ J 1II"'lL . .... , ...,- ,.."~I--."". i....'.,......'~~."..._ 4.:.. . : ,:(:::-L >..."'.lw. ,.l~..:_ ~ ,..,. . ,1l>... ..""Q ',' .-:~ '-.J. --."\.i,' . ".,. ..~:.;~~,:~7~~ EXHIBIT t Letter ~ 't<oux:.H~ '""=Rodeo :e -e EXHIBIT "A" POLICY OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN REGARDING INSTALLATION OF ADVERTISING BANNERS WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY INTENT: This policy is to regulate the installation, materials, scheduling, removal, insurance, and other items related to banners placed within the City of Dublin public right-of-way. ELIGIBILITY: Nonprofit organizations advertising activities which benefit City of Dublin residents may apply for a permit to erect and maintain a banner. APPROVING AGENCY: The Public Works Director shall be the approving entity for applications wherein all guidelines of this policy are clearly met and shall issue an encroachment permit for same. The City Council shall be the approving entity where exceptions to the policy are requested or where the Public Works Director has denied the permit. If such applications are approved by the City Council, the Public Works Director shall issue the encroachment permit. The banner shall be installed by the City of Dublin maintenance department. FEES: The applicant shall be charged an encroachment permit fee for usage of the banner poles. There shall be no possibility of waiver of the fee. TIME LIMITS: The application for banner installation shall be submitted not later than one month in advance of the desired installation of the banner, and no sooner than one year in advance of the proposed installation. Anyone agency may not erect a banner any more frequently than four times in anyone calendar year. No banner, for any event, may be erected for longer than two weeks and no more than one banner erected for anyone event. LOCATION: The banner shall be erected and displayed at a location approved by the City Council. MATERIALS: The banner shall be designed and made by a company whose business it is to design and construct banners. The design shall be sufficient to handle wind loads as specified in the latest adopted Uniform Building Code. INSURANCE: The applicant shall carry liability insurance in an amount not less than $1,000,000 and shall provide a certificate of insurance which names the City, its agents and employees, as additional insureds. OTHER REQUIREMENTS: The City Council and/or the Public Works Director may impose additional conditions as necessary to control banner installation, maintenance, and removal. The City Council may waive or change any of the guidelines within this policy as conditions may dictate on any installation; except that the encroachment permit fee shall not be waived in any case. EXH~B~T 2 Cu-rYblt .{}dq:G.J ~~ o e e l020-city Manager/Clerk cut $3,550 (City Newsletter); 2020-School crossing Guards cut $35,346 (this should be the school's responsibility) ; 2030-Animal Control cut $26,230 (eliminate pro-active service); 2060-Fire Service cut $2,055 (fire employee recognition); 3020-Street Maintenance cut $35,697 (10% reduction across the board); 3040-street Tree Maintenance cut $14,650 (tree brush cutting/privately owned trees in City right-of-way) and cut $2,190 (10% of remaining 3 items) ; ~ 3050-street Landscape Maintenance cut $3,700 (San Ramon Road Banner - if people want to place banners there, they will have to pay the entire cost) and cut $7,943 (10% from leaf clean-up, paver stone maintenance, landscape turf maintenance, bedding maintenance/weeding, and traffic control for events); 3060-Paratransit Service cut $1,500; 80l2-Heritage Center cut $20,855 (1/2 of the amount as we will be counting on use of volunteers); 8020-Park Maintenance cut $35,600 (park fountain maintenance - although there may be costs to mothball the pumps), and cut $4,312 (10% of remaining park maintenance services); s030-Community Cable Television cut $40,000 (from CTV contribution); S040-Recreation Administration (negotiate with school District to recover costs for school facility scheduling); SagO-Leisure Enrichment (look at increasing city's percentage on classes) ; SlOO-Aquatics (look at increasing revenue on specialty aquatics programs); cut $5,025 (pool rentals); 9030-Engineering cut $16,000 (50% of traffic studies requested by city council/citizens) . The Council then reviewed the Exhibit D list. em. Houston felt we should keep police and fire budgets because the primary function of government is to keep the people safe. We should maintain the level of service in public safety and look at all other departments for the necessary quarter million dollars to cut. He felt that culture and leisure services are secondary to some of the other services we need to provide. Library and aquatics services represent over $300,000. . . . . . . . . . . . FXHISST 3 ?1<6\'1~ ~; YlLlt'~ I . . . . . . . . ...--\1Itwn- Regular Meeting February 8, 1993