HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.01 Draft CC 04-03-2007 Min D'RJ,.[.~, '~ ":J~.:I~ E i- ~; '_4~, l~ ~ :~_;~ MINUTES OF THE cITY COUNCIL OF THE cITY OF DUBLIN RE6ULAR MEETIN6 - APRIL 3. 2007 CLOSED SESSION A closed session was held at 6:48 p.m., regarding: L CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS (Government Code section 54956.8) Property: 11759 Dublin Blvd. (Dublin Square Shopping Center) City Negotiator: City Manager Negotiating parties: City of Dublin; Berkeley Land Company, Inc., a California Corporation Under negotiation: Price and terms of payment .. A regular meeting of the Dublin City Council was held on Tuesday, April 3, 2007, in the Council Chambers of the Dublin Civic Center. The.meeting was called to order at 7:04 p.m., by Mayor Lockhart. .. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmembers Hildenbrand, Oravetz, Sbranti and Scholz, and Mayor Lockhart. ABSENT: None .. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge of allegiance to the flag was recited by the Council, Staff and those present. .. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING April 3, 2007 PAGE 118 'idRA'PT Acceptance of Gifts to City.from the Dublin Rotary and Host Lions Clubs 7:14p.m. 3.2 (150-70) Parks and Facilities Development Coordinator Rosemary Alex presented the Staff Report and advised that the Rotary Club and Host Lions Club of Dublin had elected to support the Dougherty Hills Dog Park by making monetary contributions for the project. The Rotary Club presented a check for $4,500 to the Dublin City Council for use at the Dougherty Hills Dog Park. The Council thanked both organizations and presented them with certificates of appreciation. On motion of Cm. Sbranti, seconded by C,m. Scholz and by unanimous vote, the Council recognized the sponsors and formally accepted the contributions. +- Public Comments 7:18 p.m. 3.3 No comments were made by any member of the public at this time. .. CONSENT CALENDAR 7:19 p.m. Items 4.1 through 4.7 On . motion of Cm. Sbranti, seconded by Cm. Oravetz and by unanimous vote, the Council took the following actions: Approved (4.1) Minutes of Regular Meetings of February 20, 2007 and March 6, 2007; Approved (4.2 350-40) the disposal of computer equipment to AERC, a State certified recycler; DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING April 3, 2007 PAGE 120 {I r" O D,flrF}T' . Wit? '~., PUBLIC HEARINGS Public Hearing Approval of Engineer's Report " ' , And Ordinance Creatin Dublin Ranch East Si e Storm'Drain Benefit District 7: 19 p.m. 6.1 (360-40) Mayor Lockhart opened the public hearing. Consultant Paul Kruger presented the Staff eport and advised that the City Council would consider adopting an Ordinance appro . g the creation of the Dublin Ranch East Side Storm Drain Benefit District (which . cluded the property within the City's territorial limits to the east of Dublin Ranch an Fallon Road) to levy and collect charges, as a condition of development, to reimburse evelopers who constructed and installed drainage facilities that benefited properties oth r than their own. No testimony was received by any member of t e public relative to this issue. Mayor Lockhart closed the public hearing. On motion of Cm. Sbranti, seconded by Vm. ildenbrand and by unanimous vote, the Council waived the reading and INTRODU ED the Ordinance to create the Dublin Ranch East Side Storm Drain Benefit District. +- UNFINISHED BUSINESS Proposal to Dis la Alameda Coun Fair Banners on Ci -Owned Li ht Poles in Dublin 7:24 p.m. 7.1 (450-20) Economic Development Director Chris Foss p esented the Staff Report and advised that in September 2006, the City Council agreed t co-sponsor the Alameda County Fair and include the Alameda County Fair Banners i the City's Banner Program. Staff was directed to bring back the banner design for proval and to work with the Fair to place banners at locations throughout the City. is item identified the Fair's 12 requested locations and provided the design for the Fair' banners. DUBLIN CITY CO CIL MINUTES VOL E 26 REGULAR EETING April 3, 2007 PAGE 22 DR1ft! City Manager Ambrose stated if the City waited until next year to add the trellis, costs might increase with it being a stand alone project. The City might consider combining future park projects to reduce total overall costs. Cm. Sbranti stated that because costs were over budget, it might be necessary to review capital project costs. Vm. Hildenbrand stated she would not want to see the standard for City parks lowered. The Council agreed that if the City were to wait until next year to build the trellis, the increased costs might be more than if they were to include it now in the bid. On motion of Cm. Oravetz, seconded by Vm. Hildenbrand and by unanimous vote, the City Council adopted RESOLlITION NO. 38 - 07 AWARDING CONTRACT NO. 07-03 AREA F - NEIGHBORHOOD SQUARE TO JENSEN CORPORATION with Alternate # 1. .. Exclusive Negotiating'Rights Agreement (ENRA) with City of Dublin, Housing Authority of the City of Dublin, Housing Authority of the County of Alameda, Eden Housing, Inc., and Citation Homes Central for the Arroyo Vistas Redevelopment Project 7:37 p.m. 7.3 (600-40) Assistant City Manager Joni Pattillo presented the Staff Report and 'advised that the City Council would consider the approval of an ENRA for the Arroyo Vista Redevelopment Project. The purpose of the ERNA was to provide the project developers with assurances that they would be negotiated with exclusively and to assure the Housing Authority and the City that the developers would pay for the predevelopment processing costs. The ERNA also outlined the terms for the future transfer of the property. Mayor Lockhart asked if Staff had any estimate of transactional costs. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING April 3, 2007 PAGE 124 I,IAif T Linda Mandolini, Executive Director of Eden Housing, thanked the'O;:mncil and Staff for efforts in negotiations. The Housing Authority was going to select Overland Pacific and Cutler as the relocation specialists for this project. Eden Housing had worked with them on previous projects, including one in which they relocated 150 seniors, and had done a wonderful job. There would be two meetings with the residents and surrounding residents on April 24 to discuss the development of Arroyo Vista. Mayor Lockhart stated that outreach to the surrounding neighbors was very important since they would be curious about the project, as well as the fact that there would be an increase in units. Assistant City Manager Pattillo stated that during the RFQ process, Eden Housing, as well as Citation, noted the importance of viewing this as a community project and involving the surrounding neighbors. Eden had been involved in tough projects where at the end; everyone in the community was celebrating the project. On motion of Cm. Oravetz, seconded by Cm. Scholz and by unanimous vote, the City Council 1) Authorized the Mayor to sign the ENRA on behalf of the City of Dublin; 2) Directed Staff to include a reserve in the Inclusionary Zoning In Lieu Fee Fund for a future loan of $1,500,000 as a low interest loan to Eden Housing for the affordable rental units; and 3) Directed Staff to include an appropriation from the Inclusionary Zoning In Lieu Fee Fund in the amount of $250,000 for Transactional Cost in the Fiscal Year 2007 -2008 Budget. .. NEW BUSINESS Review of General Plan and Specific Plan Residential Land Use Designations for Properties Generally East of Dougherty Road and Including the East Dublin Specific Plan Ar.ea 7:53 p.m. 8.1 (410-20) Senior Planner Jeff Baker presented the Staff Report and advised that the City Council would consider providing Staff with direction regarding current residential land use policies and future residential development for the properties generally located to the east of Dougherty Road and included in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Area. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING April 3, 2007 PAGE 126 "".,n,R. ',.rI.,... · u.."I('. .~ ..~ i'~ it~ ti to look at the issue of density. The Council had a commitment to its residents to balance the housing. The developers came before the Council with condominiums and townhomes and would say that was all they could provide in the project in order to make ends meet. The City did not have the next-step homes for residents looking to move. .' Cm. Sbranti commented that the City had provided a good balance of housing. What was coming on-line was single-family or medium density housing. But what has been built now was near the freeway because there were not as many environmental constraints. A lot of what was zoned for higher density had been built, but now, the projects further out were going to be built and help balance it out. He was willing to look at the concept of medium low density. He did not want to change the entire City development standards. Because the City had a Medium-High density category, he was willing to look at where it might be appropriate to create a Medium-Low density category, just for the level of consistency. There were not that many properties left in Dublin that would be affected by any changes made by Council. Vm. Hildenbrand reiterated that even with Medium density, the Council would still see condominiums and townhomes where they were expecting to see single-family dwelling units. A Planning Commissioner had relayed to her that the Commission felt the train was out of the station so they felt that was the way the Council wanted to move forward. She stated that may have been how the Council wanted to move forward in 1993, but not now. Cm. Scholz asked if what Vm. Hildenbrand was supporting was not in conflict with what the Mayor had suggested could happen with infrastructure not getting built. Vm. Hildenbrand stated that if the Council went with Option B as outlined in the Staff Report, it would not be modifying the mfrastructure so severely that Dublin Boulevard could not be built out as far as it needed to go. They could build cluster or row homes, or alley loaded homes. Cm. Oravetz stated he did not see the plan as being broken so he did not want to change it. Every Councilmember had a vote, and if Vm. Hildenbrand did not like a project that came before Council, she could vote no and say she did not like it. If three Councilmembers voted no, the developer would have to revise that project. She did have a vote. The City had a long term financial plan, and if it was changed now, how would it affect that financial plan. If he had a choice, he would like to see single-story homes built in Dublin, but condominiums were what sold these days. If that was what sold in east Dublin, then that was what should be built. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING April 3, 2007 PAGE 128 DRAFT! Vm. Hildenbrand stated that she was not saying the City was only building Medium- High. But what the Council was consistently seeing in Medium density designations was a majority of condominiums and townhomes. Focusing in on Medium where the City had an opportunity to provide small yards for activity, was not being offered as often as the City was offering condominiums and townhomes in Medium density housing. She was not saying change the land designations, but look at the possibility of getting more, small homes with yards so residents could move out of their apartments, townhomes or condominiums, and have a home of their own with a yard. Cm. Sbranti commented that a Medium-Low density category would achieve, at least conceptually, what Vm. Hildenbrand was suggesting. Mayor Lockhart stated that there were single-family homes in the City of Dublin that had big back yards. Vm. Hildenbrand stated that those older homes might need remodeling and with the money you had spent on purchasing the home, and then the money you would use to remodel, you could afford to buy a new single-family home outside of Dublin. The Council discussed the high number of condominiums on the market not only in Dublin, but in the State of California, due to the economy. Cm. Sbranti reiterated that looking at a density category of Medium - Low would achieve some of the detached housing options being suggested. By having a Medium, Medium- High and Medium-Low density it would achieve that. But there were not many properties that this would affect. Mayor Lockhart suggested looking at the few properties that were left in Dublin that were not in a planning process and ask if it made sense on that particular project, to zone it that way, when they first came in to speak to the City. Vm. Hildenbrand asked if the Council should give Staff direction to encourage more homes that were detached, single or cluster. Right now Staff was letting those developers come through and if it met the range, they were seeing more townhomes and apartments. Cm. Scholz asked if any of the options outlined in the Staff Report reflected what Vm. Hildenbrand was advocating. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING April 3, 2007 PAGE 130 DR:A;F'T'i would still fall within the range of the number of units that had been originally evaluated as part of the environmental document. Mayor Lockhart reiterated her concern for not changing the rules on people that were already in the process of developing,. at some stage. If there were properties that could be affected by a Medium-Low density category that the City could look at, if and when they ever did decide to plan, then she was fine with taking a look at it then. em. Oravetz made a motion to accept Option D, continue to implement the existing General Plan and Specific Plan. Without a second, the motion was not considered. Cm. Sbranti made a motion to accept Option A, Prepare General Plan/ Specific Plan Amendments to include two new land use designations including Medium-Low 96.1-10 du/acre) and Medium (10.1-14 du/acre). City Manager Ambrose asked for clarification from the Council as to what properties would be affected by this item. The Council and Staff discussed at what point of interaction with the City, and what properties, would be affected by this item. Narrowing down the properties would make it easier for developers to know what Was expected before they come before the Council so the Council would not have to vote them down. Cm. Oravetz stated that he could vote no on any issue. City Attorney Silver stated that Cm. Oravetz could vote no, and if there was a majority of the Council that denied an application that was consistent with the General Plan and the Specific Plan, the City Attorney would urge the Council to include findings as to why the Council was denying it. For example, it might be consistent with the density ranges in the General Plan and Specific Plan, but if there was some other General Plan policy with which it was not consistent, that would provide a basis for denying it. The Council concurred that Staff would go back and look at a category of Medium-Low for the Croak, Jordan and Chen properties, where there was currently a Medium designation. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING April 3, 2007 PAGE 132 DRAFT Consultant Services Agreement With Jerry Haag, Urban Planner, for a Joint Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report for the Arroyo Vista Proiect 9:19 p.m. 8.3 (600-30) Senior Planner Erica Fraser presented the Staff Report and advised that the City Council would consider authorizing Staff to hire outside consultants to (lssist Staff with the preparation of an environmental document for the Arroyo Vista project. Mayor Lockhart asked at what point would Staff know what type of document would be needed. Senior Planner Fraser stated that as with any environmental review, Staff had to start with an initial study and identify what could potentially be the environmental impacts of that project. Once that was completed, then Staff could identify what type of environmental review was needed. There might be studies such as a cultural analysis study or a traffic analysis. Staff was anticipating that an EIR would be required. Staff was not sure of the EIS. Mr. Haag did have experience with the EIS document. On motion of Cm. Oravetz, seconded by Vm. Hildenbrand and by unanimous vote, the City Council adopted RESOLlITION NO. 40 - 07 APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF DUBLIN AND JERRY HAAG, URBAN PLANNER, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SIGN THE AGREEMENT and authorized the City Manager to execute the agreement. .. Report on 2007 Dublin Pride Week Activities 9:23 p.m. 8.4 (150-80) Administrative Analyst Roger Bradley presented the Staff Report and advised that the City Council would receive a report on the planned activities for the 2007 Dublin Pride Week, scheduled for April 28 - May 5, 2007. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING April 3, 2007 PAGE 134 DR;Aff;T ...,'.:ft' .:" , ;"....., . .. ~ related to Alameda, Contra Costa, Santa Clara, Solano and San Joaquin Counties. The Chair of the House Subcommittee on Highways and Transit, the Director of the State Department of Transportation, MTC Executive Director, and the San Joaquin Executive Director of Council of Governments would all be present. There would also be an ABAG General Assembly on April 19. The topic was "Focusing Our Vision." City Manager Ambrose would check to verify who was the voting delegate of the Council. Cm. Scholz stated she had met with June Garrett, the representative from BART, and had discussed BART business. She also met with Charles and Linda regarding Arroyo Vista and discussed plans for the future. Cm. Oravetz attended a LA VTA meeting and had been given an update on BART. Vm. Hildenbrand stated she and the Mayor had attended the Tri - Valley Triangle Study and the outcome had been that they were going to move forward with Option 1, instead of Option lA which would have included the full improvements of Highway 84. Dublin, Livermore and Alameda County had selected Option 1 because in order to be regional players in a regional study, all roads, highways and freeways needed to be considered and Pleasanton needed to consider the Stoneridge extension as a part of a regional traffic solution to the area. There were six expensive items that needed to be paid for and improved prior to getting to the Option of Highway 84 that Pleasanton supported. Vm. Hildenbrand wanted to let parents know that the helicopter that had hovered over the area of Dougherty Elementary had been a news helicopter working on a story, and nothing had happened at the school. She also stated she would be attending a League Dinner coming up. Cm. Sbranti stated he had nothing new to report since the last Council meeting. Mayor Lockhart stated that the Triangle Study was concluded. The recommendation from those meetings would move forward at the new CMA meeting and a vote would be taken by all 18 agencies, including all the Cities, BART, and AC Transit. They would be voting on the expenditure plan on the Prop. 1 B monies for 580 and 680 and they would also be voting on the Triangle Study's recommendation, Option 1. Highway 84 had a $190 million cost, not taking into account any environmental issues that might have ansen. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING April 3, 2007 PAGE 136