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EXHIBITS ATTACHED: ,/Copy of the Joint Powers Agreement and the Amendments.
RECOMMENDATION:~ It is recommended the City Council adopt the amendments to the
Associated Community Action Program Joint Powers Agreement.
Amendment of the Associated Community Action Program Joint Powers
(Prepared by: Bo Barker, Management Assistant)
DESCRIPTION: The twelve City Councils of Alameda County (outside Berkeley and Oakland) and
the Alameda County Board of Supervisors are currently signatories to a Joint Powers Agreement
that created the Associated Community Action Program (ACAP) and the now defunct Alameda
County Employment and Training Board (ACTEB). Each elected body selects one of its members
to the ACAP Governing Board. With the loss of ACTEB's designation as recipient of block grants.
under the Federal Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA), there is no longer a need for the ACTEB
portion of the ACTEB/ACAP Joint Powers Agreement. The process of amending out the ACTEB
language from the JPA was initiated by the ACAP Governing Board at their February, 1993
Since that time, the City Managers Association appointed a team of legal counsels from three of
the participating jurisdictions to review and amend the Joint Powers Agreement that created the
Associated Community Action Program (ACAP) as recipient of the Community Services Block
Grant. The amended Joint Powers Agreement is attached as Exhibit 1. Exhibit 1 shows the
amendments using "strikethru" for items being deleted, bold lettering for items being added and
italics for language regarding the Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO).
It is recommended the City Council adopt the amendments to the Associated Community Action
Program Joint Powers Agreement.
ITEM NO. -4. 2.
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of the
This document dated, , for convenience by and between This
Agreement is entered into this day of , 1994, between the
COUNTY OF ALAMEDA, a political subdivision of the State of California
(hereinafter "County") and the CITIES OF ALAMEDA, ALBANY, DUBLIN,
PLEASANTON, SAN LEANDRO, and UNION CITY, municipal corporations of the
Swte of California (hereinafter "Cities"). is a Joint po....ers Agreement creating the
Associated Community ."-ction Pro~ram.
\VHERE'\S, +The Congress of the United States has passed the
Community Services Block Grant, 42 USC 9901 et seq. (hereinafter "CSBG") to assist
the disadvantaged in the war on poverty to become self-sufficient and self~reliant;
\VHEI~E/\S, iThe State of California has passed enabling legislation to
carry out the CSBG; and,
\VHEI~E/\S, i-The County and the Cities referenced herein, collectively,
have been designated in accordance with the law as a Community Action Agency
(hereinafter "CAA") under CSBG; and,
\VHEI~E.'\S, Title 1, Division 7, Chapter 5 of the Government Code of
the State of California (section 6500 et seq.) (hcreinafter the "Code") authorizes joint
exercise of powers agreements of two or more public agencies for any power common
to them; and,
\VHEI~E'\S, the Cities listed in the immediate paragraph above ha';e, by
Council Resolution, indicated their desire to become signatories to ACi\...o Joint
Pm,vers Agreement; and,
\VHEI~E/\S, +Thc County and Cities of Livermore, Fremont, Newark,
Hayward, Pleasunton, San Leandro and Union City on May 2, 1974, created a joint
powers agency designated us the Associated Community Action Program (hereinafter
"ACAP") to operate programs in the war against poverty under the Economic
Opportunity Act (hereimlfter "EO.'\"); and, (subsequently replaced with CSBG)i and
\VHERE/\S, i-The City of Alameda, Albuny, Emeryville, and Piedmont
becume purtics to thc ACAP Joint Powers Agreement in 1976; and,
\\'HEI~EAS, tThe City of Dublin became a party to the ACAP Joint
Powers Agreement in 1984; and;
\VHEI~E/\S, iThe Hforesaid County and Cities huve, since their joining
the ACAP Joint Powcrs Agency, sent elccted representatives from the Alameda
County Board of Supervisors and the respective City Councils to serve on the ACAP
Governing Board; and;
\\'HEREAS, the Congress of thc United States has rcscinded tho EO.^~
and rcplaccd said Ic~islation ...viti) the Community Ser;iccs .\ct (hereinafter "CSA");
\\'HEREAS, the Congress of the United States has rescinded the CSA
und replaced said Icgislation ",:ith the CSBG; and,
\\'HEI~EAS, iThe County and the Cities now wish to reform ACAP in
OI'der to continue an effective local government program to deal with the problems of
poverty, including the prol'ision of decent housning for low-income and moderate,income persons, and to
assist the low income and disadvantaged residents of Alameda County.; and, they have
determined that such problems can bcst bc rcsolved and a\"ailable funds may be best
administcred by the entity callcd thc Associated Community Action Program, which is
created hercundcr;
covenants, undconditions herein agreed, the signatories agree that by execution of
this agreement the parties hereby rescind all prior agreements ont his subject matter,
and further agree us follows:
A. Name of Agency. The parties hereby J&rec that the agency
composed of a combination of the parties signata!)' to this agreement, be and are
hereby agency creatcd undcr the aforesaid provisions of law for the purpose of
administering this Jgreement,----atT4 shall hereafter be designated as the Associated
Community Action Progl'al11 ("ACAP. ")
B. Certificate. This agreement is not prevented by state or local law
from taking effect in any of the geographical areas which it purports to selVe.
Furthermore, the legal officers of the County and the Cities have assured in writing
that each signutory has the legul uuthority, under state and local laws, to enter into
this agreement.
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C. Power exerciscd: Purpose of Agreement. The power to be
exercised is the planning, development and administration of programs under und in
accordance with the CSBG, and the State of California enabling legislation or
successor legislation enactedffig- for the same purpuses, as proceeding legislation
referenced herein. The purpose of this agrcement is to continuc, under the aforesaid
legislation, the separatc public entity of ACAP which will excrcise such power. Such
power will be exercised and the purpose of this agreement will be accomplished in
the manner hereinafter set forth in this Agreement.
D. Powcr of ACAP. ACAP alone shall have decision making power
for actions taken under and pursuant to CSBG and the state enabling legislation.
ACAP is authorized to du all acts necessary for the exercise of
s-ate- its authority, including but not limited to any or all of the following:
(1) To the extent necessary or appropriate for achieving the
stated purposes of this agreement, consistent with Government Code Division
6, Chapter 5, Article 1, sectiun 6500 et seC). and the provisions of this
agreement, exercise uny power which is common to both Cities and County.
All powers shall be exercised subject to such restrictions upon the manner of
exercising such powers as are imposed upon County in its exercise of similar
powers, as provided in and for the purposes of Section 6509 of the
Government Code uf the Slate of Californiu, such restrictions as are set forth
in this agreement, and such restrictions as may be set forth in grants or other
agreements as ACAP may enter into for the receipt and disbursement of funds.
(2) Make and enter contracts in its own name; employ agents
and employces; acquire, lease, rent, manage, mainwin, hold or dispose of
equipment, material, supplies and property in accord with the approved grant
(3) Sue ur be sued 1I1 its own name.
A. AcAP Go\'ornin; Bodies
(1) Membership. The guverning body of ACAP shall consist of
thirteen (13) members;~ one representative from each of the following Cities
plus a representative from the County: Alameda, Albany, Dublin, Emeryville,
Fremont, Hayward, Livermure, Newark, Piedmont, Pleasanton, San Leandro,
and Union City.
- 3 ~
The guverning budy uf ACAP shall be known as the ACAP
Governing Board (hereinufter IBu:1rd").
The Buard of Supervisurs of Cuunty and the City Councils of
partIcIpating Citics shall appoint from their respective bodies the member to
serve on the ACAP Governing Board. The member shall serve at the pleasure
of and in a manncr determined by the appointing body.
(2) Voting. Each ACAP member shall have one (1) vote.
An action must receive a majority of votes form ACAP
members present in order to be passed. Actions of the Board shall be by
motion or rcsolution.
(3) Alternates. The Board of Supervisors and the City
Couneils of participating citics shall appoint from their respective bodies not
less than one ulternate for each respective member. The alternate shall serve
at the pleasure of and in the manner determined by the appointing body.
An alternate shall have authority to attend, participate and
vote at any meeting of the Board whenever any regular member is absent from
such meeting.
(4) Quorum. The presence of membcrs representing a
majorIty of the total vote from ACAP shull constitute a quorum for the-
transaction of business, except that less than a quorum may adjourn from time
to time. No action may be tuken by ACAP except upon the affirmative vote of
members representing a majority of the votes present at the meeting. Votes
shall be cust only in pcrson and may not be cast by proxy.
(5) Chairperson. A Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson of the
Board shall be selected by the Board from its members. The term of office of
the Ch::Iirperson and Vicc-Chairperson shall each be one (1) year, beginning in
April of each year.
(6) Meetings. All meetings of the Board shall be held subject
to the provisions of the Culifornia Public Meetings Law (hereinafter the
"Brown Act"), California Government Code Section 54950 et seq. Meetings
shall be held only aftcr three (3) days public notice unless an emergency
situation exists as defincd in Section 54956.5 of the California Government
(7) Bvlaws. The Board shall adopt bylaws for the conduct of
business which shall not be inconsistent with the provisions of this agreement.
- 4 M
BG. Powers of thc Board. The Board may contract for the
administration of ACAP or create a staff. At the time of signing this J..PA agreement
the Governing Board of ACAP had contracted with the Alameda County Private
Industry Council to administer thc ACAP. If the Board decides to create a staff, the
following applics:
(1) Executive Director. Thc Board shall be assisted by an
Executivc Director who shall scrve at the pleasure of the Board as its chief
administrative officer. The performance of the Executive Director shall be
evaluated annually by the Board using such criteria as it may deem proper
after which a decision shall be made to retain or release the incumbent.
Pursuant to Section 6505.1 of the California Government
Code, the Executive Director is hereby designated as the person who shall
have churge of, handle, and have access to any property of ACAP.
(2) Employees. The Board, for the achievcment of the
purposes of this amcnded agreemcnt, may establish positions and f1:: the salary
ran,;o for employees of /\C'\P, and may authorize the E~cccutivo Director to
hire such other employee::; and to fi:, and pay their compcnsation, pro';ided thut
no payment shall be made for any such employment rendered prior to the
approyal by the Board of the position and the salary range therefor.
The Board, for the achievement of the purposes stated
herein, in this agreement shall have the power to appoint any other offIcer, or
officers,---t:H'- and employees, and to employ or retain the services of other
organizations and individuals as it may deem necessary and appropriate, and to
fi.,x and pay their compensation,- provided that. No payment shall be made for
any such employment or services rendered prior to the approval by the Board
of the position and ~ its salary range or compensation. thercfor
(3) General Powers. In accordunce with applicable law, the
Board may do the following:
(a) Select an Executive Director, after public
recruitment, who shall servc at its pleasure.
(b) Adopt with or without amendment, the annual
budget for ACAP upon receipt thereof from the CAB.
(c) Approve all program proposals, budgets, agreements
and cntities providing services to the ACAP client group.
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(d) Determine programs, aH4 policies, priorities, goals,
objectives and plans.
(e) Establish necessary administrative policies and
(f) Require compliance with all applicable federal and
state law by all ACAP personnel with respect to ACAP activities.
(g) Delegate such additional authority and responsibility
in wnt1l1g to the CAB as it deems workable and desirable, by any means
not in connict with the provisions of this amended agreemen~ and to
delegate such additional authority and responsibility in II'ritint to a Community Housing
Del'elopment Organiwtion (CHDO) with ACAP funding in amounts to be detemzined
annually by the GOl'erning Board.
(h) Engage supportiTe- services, as necessary, including
but not limitcd to personnel, purchasing, and legal services.
(i) The Board shall have the power and authority to
receive, accept, and expend or disbmse funds on behalf of ACAP, by
contract or otherwise, for purposes consistent with the provisions
thcreof, of this a.gl'eement. v..hich Such funds may be provided by the
United States Govcrnment, the State of California, or any subdivision
thereof, €H*i- from any other person, .agency, or organization, whether
public or private, for the purposes specified herein in this agreement.
The parties may provide ACAP, on behalf of the
Board, and ACAP shall be authorized and empowered to receive and
accept from the parties, or any of them, and utilize:
(i) The services of personnel, equipment, or
property of the parties, or any of them;
(ii) Paymcnts or advances of public funds from
the parties, or any of them;
For the achievement of the proposes stated herein in
this agreement, thc Board shall act on behalf of all the parties signatory
to this agreement. However, the Board shall have no power or authority
to incur obligations in excess of the amount of funds then appropriated
to its use by a funding source or donated from other sources.
- 6 -
C. Community Action Board.
(I) c.'eatiol1 of CAB. In accordance with CSBG, there is
created a Community Action Board (hcreinafter "CAB"),
which shall be constituted and exercise authority as hercin
set forth in this Agreement, and in accordance with all
applicable law,. and \"hich is The CAB shall be advisory to
the Board except for powers which are expressly delegated
to it by the Board or which are given to it by statute.
(+a) Membership. A plan, approved by the Board and
consistent with applicable law, wH+ shall be developed which shall
provide for the composition of the CAB, is stJtcd in CSBG rc~ulations
und Government Code Section 127gb for the method of selecting its
membership, fer the maximum feasible participation of and
proportionate representation among the poor, and fer a procedure
allowing others to petition for representation. .'\11 members or
organizations will be selected by the Governing Board. Such plan for
selection of CAB membership shall require that one-third of the membership be public
officials appointed by the Governing Board,. that one-third be appointed by pril'ate sector
organiwtions that hm'e been selected by the CAB,' and that one-third be elected
representatives of low income organiwtions that hm'e been selected by the CAB.
(;;!'b) Term of Office. All CAB members shall serve for
t.....o (2) one (J) year terms and may be reappointed for a maximum of
three (3) twu (2) years sit (6) one-year terms.
(~) Meetings, The CAB shall hold at least six (6) regular
meetings each year, giving seven (7) days public notice prior thcrcto before
each meeting. The hour, date and place for regular meetings shall be fIxed by
resolution of the CAB. Special meetings may be held as provided for in the
Brown Act.
All meetings of the CAB shall be called, held and
conducted in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Brown Act and
with such further the rules ef adopted by the CAB. not inconsistent there\vith.
Except as otherwise provided by law, all meetings of the
CAB shall be open and public.
The CAB shall cause minutes to he kept of its meetings,
both regular and special, and shall promptly transmit to each of the parties
hcrcto to this agreement copies of the minutes of such meetings.
- 7 -
(4d) Bvlaws. The CAB ffiaj'- shall develop and submit its bylaws
to the Board for approval. The Board rctains the right to make changes, add
und umend tEl- the bylaws and may submit them for review by the CAB. sate-
The byluws shall contain, among other things, membership requirements,
election procedures, quorum requirements, voting rights and other such
organizational and procedural matters as the CAB shall require. The bylaws
shall becomc effective upon approval by the Board. The bylaws shall be
reviewed annually by the CAB for possiblc amendments and bylaws
amendments shall take effcct upon approval by the Board.
D. Insurance. This Section pertaining to insurance. only applies if the
signatories agree to set up an cntitv to administer ACAP. At the date of signing this
agreement the ACAP Govcrnin~ Board has contracted with the Alameda County
Private Industrv Council Department to administer the program, therefore insurance
coverage bv Alameda County is applicable. However, if and when Alameda County
ceases administering ACAP, the insurance provisions of this Section shall become
immediately applicable.
(+A) Insurance. Requirements. After execution of this agreement,
ACAP shall promptly obtain, at its own expense, all the insurance required by this
section and shall submit a complete Copy of Covcrage Verification signed by the
ACAP's agent Or broker to the ACAP members for review and approval. The
insurance requirements must be mct prior to commencement of any work or other
obligation pursuant to this agreement.
The authorization to proceed with the work under the agreement will
not be issued, and thc ACAP shall not commence work, until such insurance has been
approved by the ACAP members. Thc ACAP shall not allow any contractor to
commenee work until all similar insurance required of the contractor has been
obtained. Such insurunce shall remain in full force as effect at all times during the
prosecution of the work und until the final completion and acceptance thereof.
(;;B) Workers' Compensation and Emplover's Liabilitv Insurance.
ACAP shall take out and maintain during the life of the Agreement Workers'
Compensation and Employer's Liability Insurance for all of its employees to be
engaged in work under the agreement. Should any work be sublet, the ACAP shall
require the subcontractor similarly to provide Workers' Compensation and
Employer's Liability Insurance, all in strict compliance with federal and state laws
and to fully protcct the ACAP members from any and all claims arising out of
occurrences on the work.
~ 8 -
(JC) Public Liability Insurance. ACAP shall takc out and maintuin in
thc name of ACAP and ACAP members during the life of the agreement, such Public
Liability Insurance as shall protect itself, ACAP members, officials, officers, directors,
employees, and agents, from claims which may arise from operations under this
agreement, whether such operations be by itself, by ACAP members, its officials,
officers, directors, employees, and agents, and contractor, or by anyone directly or
indirectly employed by either of them. This li:.1bility insurance shall include, but shall
not be limited to, protection against claims arising from bodily and personal injury
and damage to property, resulting from ACAP's, ACAP, membcrs" or subcontractor's
operations, use of owncd or non-owncd automobiles, products, and completed
operations. The amount of insurance shall not bc less than the following:
Singlc Limit Coverage applying to
Bodily and Personal Injury Liability and
Property Damage: $1,000,000.00.
The following endorsements must be attached to the
(a-l) If the insurance policy covers on an "accident" basis, it
must be changed to "occurrencc."
(~2) Thc policy Illust cover personal injury as well as bodily
(e-3) The policy must cover complete contractual liability.
Exclusions of contractual liubility as to bodily injuries, personal injuries and
property MUST BE ELIMINATED from the basic policy endorsements.
(44) The policy must include a gross liability or severability of
intercsts cluuse.
(eS) The ACAP membcrs must be named as additional insured
under the covcragc alTurded with rcspect to the work being performed under
the umcndcd agreemcnt.
(f6) An endorsement shall be provided which states that the
coverage is PRIMARY INSURANCE and that no other insurance effected by
the ACAP members will be called upon to contribute to a loss under this
(g7) Cancellation, non-renewul, or reduction in limits shall be
sent to the ACAP members with at last thirty (30) days notice.
- 9 -
(1)4) Depusilors' Furg,ery Coverage. ACAP shall also purchase
deposilors forgery covcragc in thc amount of $100,000.00.
(ES) Official Bond. The Exccutivc Dircctor is hereby required to file
an official bond in the amount of $100,000.00.
A. In the event that judgment is rendered against ACAP by a
court of competent jurisdiction or an administrative tribunal which orders repayment
from non-federal sources of federal funds determined to have been misspent, all
means of further legal rccourse have been exhausted or the time limits thereon have
expired, and the ACAP is unable to pay the judgment, then the parties to this
amended agreemcnt shall pay such judgment equally in proportion to their ACAP
vote. However, if a party is found to be individually liable on any contract which it
held with ACAP, by a court of competent jurisdiction or administrative tribunal and
all means of further legJI rccourse have becn exhaustcd or the time limits thereon
have expired, then that mcmber is individually liable and responsiblc for payment of
that debt unless it has been declared bankrupt or is otherwise prohibited by law from
paying such debt in which case the remaining parties shall pay the debt, in
accordance with thc formula in the first sentence of this paragraph.
The signatoriesy- to this agreement are not liableHtty- for any funds
misspent undcr CSBG.
B. Pursuunt to Government Code section 6508.1, the debts, liabilitics
and obligations of ACAP shall bc the debts, liabilities and obligations of the
signatories to this agreement, to be shared cqually.
C. ACAP agrces to hold harmless, indemnify, and to defend the
ACAP members and their officcrs, employees and agents from any and all claims for
injury or damage of whatevcr type brought by or on behalf of any third party,
including, but not limited to, ACAP's officers, employees, and agents, arising from or
connected with uny acts or omissions in the performance of this agreement by ACAP
except from uny such claims arising solely out of acts or omissions attributable to the
ACAP member or its officers, employces, or agents.
A. Depositorv: Controller. Pursuant to Section 6505.5 of the
California Government Code, the Auditor/Controller and the Treasurer of the
County of Alameda are hereby designuted Auditor/Controller and Treasurer of
- 10 -
ACAP and they shall have all of the powers and duties specified in Section 6505.5
including but not limited to:
(1) The Treasurer shall rcccive and receipt of ull sate- funds of
ACAP and place ti- thelll in the Treasury of the County of Alameda to
the credit of ACAP;
(2) The Trcasurcr shall be rcsponsible upon his/her official
bond for safe-keeping and disbursement of all funds of ACAP so held by
(3) The Treasurer shall pay, when due, out of said funds of
ACAP so held by him/her, all sums due from ACAP funds, only upon
warrants of or checks issued by the Auditor/Controller.
(4) The Treasurer shall testify and rcport in writing on the first
day of July, October, January, and April of each year to ACAP and to
the signatories to this ugreemcnt, lhe amount of said funds he/she holds
for report, and thc amount paid out since his last report.
(5) Pursuant to Section 6505 of the California Government
Code, the Auditor/Controllcr shall contract with a ccrtified public
accounlanl to makc an annual audit of the accounts and records of
ACAP, copics of which audit shall be distributed to the ccounty and
(6) Pursuant to Section 6505.5 of the California Government
Code, thc Board of Supervisors of the County of Alamcda shall
dctermine churges to be madc against ACAP for services of the
Treasurer and thc Auditor/Controller.
B. Records and Reports. ACAP shall establish and maintain such
funds and accounts as may bc required by good accounting practice or by law. The
books and records of ACAP shull bc open to inspection at all rcasonable times by
representatives of any signatory to this amended agrcement or its representatiyc.
e. Inspection und Audit. Representatives of Aany of the signatories
to this agreement, or authurized representatives of any of them, shall at all times
have uccess for the purpose of audit or inspection to any and all books, documents,
papers, records, property, und premises of ACAP.
D. Disposition of Assets: Surplus Moncy. Upon termination of this
agreement under Section V.e., all costs, expenses and charges Iegully incurred by
ACAP shall be paid and discharged; and ACAP shall sell such property as may be
- 11 -
necessary therefor and shall be distributed to the Unitcd Statcs Government and/or
the State of California such properly and funds as are lawfully required, the balance
of such property and any surplus moncy on hand shall be distributed or returned in
proportion to contribulions made by the cffected parties except to the extent
otherwise agreed upon by the affected parties.
E. Fiscal Year. Unless otherwise required by federal or state law,
the fiscal year for ACAP shall be from Junuary 1, to and including December 31.
A. Provision for Additional Members. The signutories may agree to
amend this agreement to enable other eligible cities in Alameda County to become
members of ACAP. eEligible cities are those cities so designated by the state or
federal law.
E. Term. This agreement shall become effective upon execution by
the signatories hereto and shall continue in full force and effect until terminated ffi.
tho manncr hereinafter providcd plIl'slIant to this section. Any signatory may withdraw
from this umended agreement. upon giving written notice to the other signatories not
less than thirty (30) dLlYs prior to the effective withdrawal dLlte thcrein specified.
Hov.'eyer, iln no event may signatory withdraw from this amcnded agreement prior to
the expiration date of any grLlnt between the state and ACAP.
A. Amendment bv Agreement. This agreement may be amended at
any time by the written agrcement of thc signatories, as long as such amendment is
not in contlict with applicable law.
E. Limitation or Power. Nothing contained in this agreement or any
bylaws promulgated pursuant to it shall be construed to authorize any action which
any signatory is not authorized by law to undertake.
C. Severability. Should any part, term, or provision of this
agreement to be decided by a court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal or in
conflict with any law of the State of Californiu, or otherwise be rendered
unenforceable or ineffectuul, the validity of the remaining portions or provisions shall
not be affected thereby.
- 12 ~
WITNESS THE EXECUTION HEREOF the date sct opposite OLlr
rcspective names:
, 1994
County of Alameda
Approved as to Form:
County Counsel
, 19~4
City of Alameda
City Clerk
Approved as to Form:
City Attorney
, 1994
City of Albany
City Clerk
Approved as to Form:
City Attorney
- 13 -
, 1994
City Clerk
Approved as to Form:
City Attorney
, 1994
City Clerk
Approved as to Form:
City Attorney
, 1994
City Clerk
Approved as to Form:
City Attorney
City of Dublin
City of Emeryville
City of Fremont
- 14 -
City Clerk
Approved as to Form:
City Attorney
, 1994
City Clerk
Approved as to Form:
City Attorney
, 1994
City Clerk
Approved as to Form:
City Attorney
City of Hayward
City of Livermore
City of Newark
- 15 ~