HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-05-1991 Item 8.2 91-036 Bay Area Rentals CUP TO: FROM: PREPARED BY: SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION: CITY OF DUBLIN PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA STATEMENT/STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: August 5, 1991 Planning Commission Planning staff f'J.D'~ Ralph Kachadourian, Assistant Planner/ Zoning Investigator ~ PA 91-036 Bay Area Rentals Conditional Use Permit PROJECT: APPLICANT: PROPERTY OWNER: LOCATION: ASSESSOR PARCEL: PARCEL SIZE: GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN DESIGNATION: EXISTING ZONING AND LAND USE: Conditional Use Permit request to continue operation of an e~isting vehicle rental lot and office at the Howard Johnson Hotel located at 6680 Regional Street. Christina D. Stephan Bay Area Rentals P.O. Box 2339 San Rafael, Ca 94912-2339 Johnson Clark Howard Johnson Hotel 6680 Regional Street Dublin, CA 94568 6680 Regional Street 941-1500-47-3 5.61+ acres Retail/Office Zone 2: General Commercial C-l Retail Business District (Howard Johnson Hotel) ----------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM NO. B. 2. COPIES TO: Applicant Owner Address File PAGE...!- OF ~ SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: ZONING HISTORY: North: C-1 Retail Business District/ Dublin Bowling alley Interstate 580 Freeway M-1 Light Industrial District/ Unisourse Building/Warehouse Interstate 580 Freeway San Ramon Road/Foothill Blvd. South: East: West: S-421/C-2418: On March 15, 1972, the Alameda County Planning Director approved a Site Development Plan and Conditional Use Permit for a 93-unit motel and restaurant (Howard Johnson Motor Lodge) and five signs. S-595x/C-3206: In April 1977, approval was granted to add 48 units to the Motor Lodge. S-777x/C-3787: In May 1980, an additional 22 units were approved for the Motor Lodge. PA 83-002: PA 83-011: PA 84-026: PA 86-081: On March 28, 1983, the Dublin City Council approved a request to rezone the subject property from Light Industrial (M-1) and Highway Frontage (H-1) to Retail Business (C-1). A Site Development Review approval was granted on May 16, 1983, to allow a 550 square foot addition and remodeling to take place at the main lobby area of the motel. On June 18, 1984, the Planning Commission approved a Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review for a 77-unit addition to the existing motel. On september 15, 1986, the Planning Commission approved a Conditional Use Permit for a 28-foot tall Freestanding Sign on the rear portion the site. On October 14, 1986, the Zoning Administrator denied, without prejudice, a Variance request to consider the existing Freestanding Sign as a Directional Sign. On November 3, 1986, the Planning Commission upheld the zoning Administrator's decision denying the Variance request. On November 24, 1986, the City Council continued the Applicant's appeal. On January 22, 1987, the Applicant withdrew the appeal. . . -2- PAGE~OF~ PA 87-014: PA 87-093: PA 88-017: PA 88-042: On March 2, 1987, the Planning Commission approved a Variance request (1) to allow a Freestanding Sign which is not located within the middle one- third of the lot, (2) to allow the sign to exceed the maximum permitted sign area based on setback, and (3) to allow the sign to exceed maximum permitted height based upon setback and a Conditional Use Permit for a second Freestanding sign located at the entrance of the Howard Johnson Hotel site. On July 6, 1987 and July 20, 1987, the Planning Commission considered a Conditional Use Permit application to construct a 26-foot-tall Freestanding Sign setback 20 feet from the rear property line (instead of constructing the sign approved under PA 86-081). On July 10, 1987, the Applicant withdrew the application. On March 21, 1988, the Planning Commission denied a Conditional Use Permit and Variance request to construct a 26 foot ta~l freestanding sign which would exceed the height, sign area and setback restrictions. On March 24, 1988, Applicant appealed the Planning Commission's action. On April 11, 1988, the City Council took no action on the appeal thereby upholding the Planning Commission's action denying the Conditional Use Permit and Variance request. On June 6, 1988, the Dublin Planning Commission approved a Conditional Use Permit to expand the existing hotel use to allow a vehicle rental lot and office for Avcar Rental. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS: Section 8-48.2 J) requires approval of a Conditional Use Permit to operate a hotel in the C-1 (Retail Business) District. Section 8-94.0 states that conditional uses must be analyzed to determine: 1) whether or not the use is required by the public need; 2) whether or not the use will be properly related to other land uses, transportation and service facilities in the vicinity; 3) whether or not the use will materially affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity; and 4) whether or not the use will be contrary to the specific intent clauses or performance standards established for the district in which it is located. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project has been found to be categorically Exempt from CEQA under Section 15301, Class 1 of the California Environmental Quality Act guidelines. This use PAGE L OF .E.. -3- consists of the continued operation of a vehicle rental lot and office within the hotel involving no expansion of use beyond that previously existing. NOTIFICATION: Public Notice of the August 5, 1991 hearing was published in the local newspaper, mailed to adjacent property owners, and posted in public buildings. ANALYSIS: The Applicant is requesting approval of a Conditional Use Permit to continue operation of an existing vehicle rental lot and office within the Howard Johnson Hotel lobby and parking lot. The existing vehicle rental facility is an ancillary use to the hotel. The Dublin zoning Ordinance requires approval of a Conditional Use Permit for hotel uses in the C-1 Retail Business District. The proposed operation of the vehicle rental lot and office has not changed from the previously approved Conditional Use Permit (PA 88-042) which expired on J~ne 16, 1991. Bay Area Rentals (previously known as Avcar) presently occupies approximately 56 square feet of office space within the hotel lobby and 20 parking spaces within the hotel's southeast parking lot. Business hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., and Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Activities associated with the business include administrative and management duties typical of a vehicle rental lot operation; customer service; rental vehicle pick up and delivery; and temporary storage. Overnight storage of vehicles on the hotel site will range from 2 to 8 vehicles per night. No washing or servicing of rental vehicles will occur at this location. Adequate parking exists for the hotel and its related facilities. A total of 330 parking spaces are required and 354 spaces are currently provided allowing an excess of 24 parking spaces available on the site. The vehicle rental facilities use of the 20 parking spaces at the southeast portion of the site will not compromise the required parking for the existing hotel use. In the past year, Bay Area Rentals has operated in compliance with the previous Conditional Use Permit requirements, and the City has no record of any zoning violations occurring on site. PAGE.:L. OF .B.. -4- This application has been reviewed by the applicable city departments and agencies and no additional conditions were required. Staff recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit for Bay Area Rentals vehicle rental lot and office subject to the conditions specified in the draft resolution (Exhibit B). RECOMMENDATIONS: FORMAT: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Open public hearing and hear Staff presentation. Take testimony from Applicant and the public. Question Staff, Applicant and the public. Close public hearing and deliberate. Adopt the draft resolution approving PA 9l-036, or give staff and Applicant direction and continue the matter. ACTION: staff recommends the Planning Commission adopt the draft resolution (Exhibit B) approving PA 91-036 Bay Area Rentals Conditional Use Permit. ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit A: Site/Floor Plans Exhibit B: Draft Resolution for PA 91-036 Conditional Use Permit Backqround Attachments: Attachment 1: Zoning/Location Map Attachment 2: Applicant's Written Statement PAGE ~ OF I~ -5- " l'U 'cp.,." I '1. . _ ~ ,-, ,- '1.;-&>tw~~-- ~.;; q~':f\\ .- T~~]!:f7! ".- -' - ~ i :~ ----L ilcf:~':':-'-l~!f-!" i :~! ~~~ ~ J I ., \1 ;li..*~_ r:--!-:' L t . ,. j--:.e ," ';.. . J ~:. ~ (./,~<!C-1./J-~ ~~~ ,,:: 3 :0--...-......... /. ~ ,. t .,.- Ji;,... 4 ~ e I--~"'~-+---'--"'- ~.~ Ii' :/\--..- / % '.', ,-- . ~;: ~ b \-=:= ;:~:: :\' .1.' ,': 1 f .. .. .- ~. I t=-=i ~;:~}I.J~I---' ~ ",--/ :~~.~.": :~,. ..- .. -.1 ~.1 "'""='\~o.lo.::.-:.. ~ol' . ~'~k 1."- --' "~I -!--.,- r------------(~/Ij : ...:} , . 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PAGE L OF 1..;;<.. pr .2 - O' , DATI 7 N's:..n ':' 1111 BO REaION~L.;STREET . .:.:'/" ,DUBLIN CA "..ft ..,.. RESOLUTION NO. 91 - A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN --------------------------------------------------------------------- APPROVING PA 91-036 BAY AREA RENTALS CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO OPERATE A VEHICLE RENTAL LOT AND OFFICE AT THE HOWARD JOHNSON HOTEL LOCATED AT 6680 REGIONAL STREET WHEREAS, Christina D. stephan, representing Bay Area Rentals has filed an application for a Conditional Use Permit to continue operation of an existing vehicle rental lot and office at the Howard Johnson Hotel located at 6680 Regional Street; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on said application on August 5, 1991; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS, the application has been reviewed in accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and was found to be Categorically Exempt under Section 15301, Class 1; and WHEREAS, the Staff Report was submitted recommending that the application be conditionally approved, subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear and consider all said reports, recommendations and testimony hereinabove set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning Commission does hereby find that: A. The proposed project will serve a public need by providing a vehicle rental service available to the community and guests of the hotel. B. The use will be properly related to other land uses and transportation and service facilities in the vicinity, as the proposed use will be compatible to the type and nature of operations typically found in the neighborhood. C. The use, under all circumstances and conditions of this particular case, will not materially adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity, or be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood, as all applicable regulations will be met. D. The use will not be contrary to the specific intent clauses or performance standards established for the district in which it is to be located in that the vehicle rental lot and office is ancillary to the existing hotel use and that conditions have been applied to insure compliance with the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. EXHIBIT 13 PAGE~CF~ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning Commission does hereby conditionally approve PA 91-036 Bay Area Rentals Conditional Use Permit shown by materials labeled Exhibit 'A' on file with the Dublin Planning Department, subject to the following conditions. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: Unless stated otherwise, all Conditions of Approval shall be complied with prior to the issuance of buildinq permits or establishment of use, and shall be subiect to Planninq Department review and approval. The followinq codes represent those departments/aqencies responsible for monitorin~ com~liance of the conditions of a roval. PL Planninq, rBl Buildinq, rpOl police, rpWl Public Works, rADM] Administration, rFIN] Finance, rFl Douqherty Reqional Fire Authority, rDSR] Dublin San Ramon Services District, rCOl Alameda County Department of Environmental Health. 1. PA 91-036 is approved for a vehicle rental lot and office at the Howard Johnson Hotel located at 6680 Regional Street, as generally depicted on the site plans dated June 11, 1991 stamped approved, labeled Exhibit 'A' and as modified by conditions of approval. [PL] 2. The activities associated with the -vehicle rental business will be: a. Administrative and management duties; b. Customer service; c. Rental vehicle pick up and delivery; d. Temporary storage and parking of rental vehicles within the designated area of the Howard Johnson parking lot. [PL] 3. Bay Area Rentals office shall be restricted to the lobby or administrative office area of the existing Howard Johnson Hotel. [PL] 4. Storage and parking of Bay Area Rental vehicles shall occupy a maximum of 20 parking spaces located within the southeast parking lot of the Howard Johnson Hotel in conformance with the Site Plan labeled Exhibit A. [PL] 5. The Applicant shall provide appropriate pavement marking designating the 20 parking spaces reserved for Bay Area Rental vehicles. {PL, PW] 6. The Applicant shall provide on-site directional signage with a maximum sign area of eight (8) square feet within the hotel parking lot, including directions to the rental office and rental vehicle parking area. [PL, PW] 7. The servicing or washing of Bay Area Rental vehicles or equipment on the site is not permitted. [PL] 8. No loudspeakers or outside amplification of music or sound shall be allowed. [PL] - 2 - ~AGELOF I~ 9. No modifications or relocation of Bay area Rentals within the Howard Johnson Hotel site shall occur without prior review and written approval of the Planning Director and must comply with all applicable zoning, building code and engineering regulations, including issuance of building permits if required. [PL, B, PW] 10. On at least an annual basis, this Conditional Use Permit shall be subject to Zoning Investigator review and determination as to compliance with the conditions of approval. [PL] 11. This approval shall be null and void in the event the approved use ceases to operate for a continuous one year period. [PL] 12. This permit shall be revocable for cause in accordance with Section 8-90.3 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. Any violation of the terms of conditions of this use permit shall be subject to citation. [PL] PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of August, 1991 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Planning Commission Chairperson ATTEST: Planning Director - 3 - PAGE LE- OF 2.. . . , ! , , . , : I . . . ' , I , I I.' I'.' , ,.., 1,;1 1,.1 I Ie, I r : : : I , , ' . . , . I I I, , : -'f: I ~!.. I I i , . I , , , I I I , , , . : : : : I I I I , , . , I , I : : : 1 : ' , . , , I : : I I 1 : , : I I I I . . ~': - /" .: - /,:! I ~/,'. : I' : I . I , I 'f/:::':~: \ \ (~..~~::~I~;:r'~~S, ,. ", ~__,-::"",,"'7 ...~.._:;;~~.:~:-.:.-<:.: /:" ~:;-~:~"': \ \ \ ) \, // " . I I \ ."1, ':\:;{2\ \~\ i~~~;:;: W ',' .. , l~~-P :g-(t [ \..:..~~\~ ~- \ \ \ ',\ 1- .. '~ .. h 10 - 9.,.. \, ',0. \ \ ~ (t).rtI!! \\\', -f ~ 'if.. \ \,\, \\ ~~ 3: p O' .. """\ ~ I r-.? ... ..... '-. ~~ .... (f1 . \ \'. ",\ ;...007 {\\ .. ,,'. '.\ ~\,,-Y \ ..',', ~ U.,. "" , " , ::~I,:lOO \ ..... ", 'l'~;!\; .~ CITY OF ~ iF t 0 ~ DUBLIN ; 1 ..~ ;: ~ -:Pl.JTE;O ':. i i 'i QUilLIN ,''''T' .., .,..... C:"lITOItNIA 1- o.a.Go_~' .",..,-, '...., ~l~ ux:Af/o/fJ /Ci)JY" .or ZC> t'\ I t-I ~ <Y\. C\... 't" R:E-CE f V ED'" JU'i 1 ~ '''91 I- .:..~ I~ J fJ p,-q {....o 1;;'tJ D.uaLltc{ r..LJ~j~~lI~~ 0&go 'I~'~: ~~: '.;l I . I I I ' t[r. , - ...(....tOI1 ,\ PART Of THE ZONING MAP THE CITY OF n.Iltll Wi S ,.,..IU10. E ~ " ... ~- ~ SANTINA . ,~ ~ THOMPSON...e, ATTACHMENT / PAGE..!.!- Of E:- (,. CAR S TRUCKS' VANS " -r'ost Office Box 2339 San Rafael, CA 94912-2339 21 Offices Serving the Bay Area Since 1974 Ma y 24, 1 99 1 Planning Commission 6500 Dublin Blvd., #205 Dublin, CA 94568 To Whom it May Concern: Bay Area Rentals is seeking approval to continue operating a vehicle rental office inside Howard Johnsons Hotel at 6680 Reginal street in Dublin. We have operated at this location for the last 3 years in which we replaced Budget who operated there for the previous 12 years. Our intent is to operate our business in the same manner as to comply with the City's ordinance and with no new changes. Parking has been provided to us upon the Howard Johnson's property. We were given 20 parking stalls which have been sufficient to us. At this time we occupy approximately 56 square feet (7 x 8) of space within the Howard Johnsons lobby to transact contracts and answer phones. Our total staff consists of 5 full and part time employees with an average of 2-3 people wOrking at a given shift. Hours of operation are 7-6 weekdays, Saturday 8-4 and Sunday 9-2. Bay Area Rentals feels it has improved the quality of service for vehicle rental needs in the Tri Valley Area. We have since established accounts with Lawrence Livermore Lab, Pac Bell, Chevron, Clorox, and many local dealership and service departments. Bay Area Rentals was established in San Francisco in 1974 and currently operates 19 locations throughout the Bay Area. The city has incurred no expenses. I hope this has provided the information you needed. Should any additional information please call me at (415) 451-6333. be happy to provide any information required upon request. you need We will Thank you for your time. sincerely, /Ii "~ ~k0;;S 0 <5:;;;i~.<-, . Christina D. Stephan East Bay District Manager (415) 451-6333 Pager 801-9844 RECEIVED J'U'l\1 "i ': 1Qq1 Pl .l. ,. lv,,! Dt~~ /pS~~~G ATTACHMENT (o0W ~ 1- AUTOMOBILES I STATION WAGONS I PASSENGER VANS I PICK.UP TRUCKS I FLAT BEDS I PARCEL TRUCKS I 4-WHEEL DRIVES I CARGO VANS PAGE l.i::... OF ~0