HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Reso 84-31 Howard Johnson Addition ~ ( ~.. ."., " RESOLUTION NO. 84-31 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ------------------------------------------------------------------ APPROVING THE SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW FOR PA 84-026 HOWARD JOHNSON MOTOR LODGE ADDITION WHEREAS, Motor Lodge Associates proposes to building a 77 unit addition to the existing Howard Johnson Motor Lodge on 5.56 acres at 6680 Regional Street (APN 941-1500-22-01 & 941- 1500-19-1); and WHEREAS, the Planning commission did hold a public hearing on said application on June 18, 1984; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS, a Staff report was submitted recommending that the application be conditionally approved; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear and cons~cer all said reports, recommendations, and testimony as herein set forth; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission finds that: 1. All provisions of Section 8-95.0 through 8-95.8 Site Development Review, of the Zoning Ordinance are complied with. 2. This application, as modified by the Conditions of Approval, will promote orderly, attractive and harmonious development, recognized environmental limitations on; stabilize land values and investments; and promote the general welfare by preventing establishment of uses or erection of structures having qualities which would not meet the specific intent clauses or performance standards set forth in the Zoning Ordinance and which are not properly related to their sites, surroundings, traffic circulation or their environmental setti~g. 3. The approval of the application as conditioned is in the best interests of the public health, safety and general welfare. 4. General site considerations, including site layout, open space topography, orientation and the location of buildings, vehicular access, circulation and parking, setbacks, height, walls, fences, public safety and similiar elements have been designed to provide a desirable environment for the development. 5. General, architectural considerations including the character, scale and quality of the design, the architectural relationship, with the site and other buildings, building materials, colors, screening of exterior appurtenances, exterior lighting and signing and similiar elements have been incorporated in order to insure compatibility of this development with its design concept and the character of adjacent buildings. 6. General landscape considerations including the location, type, size, color, texture and coverage of plant materials, provisions for irrigation, maintenance and protection / ,.( ,:",::"~1-':"";;?:~',::l"'_'J"r .h,.... ,.n "", , 'j',_ . " , , ' .,.0. "~,.~,,,;n,~,V "V",~, , "...~."...; ,.""". 'r ',' . ,.:,..:::ir.:0~~~.:~:~':,~/_~~::.~ ,.' ~-,- ndscaped areas.and similiar elements 'have been considered to ~s'tirevisual relief to complement buildings and structures and to '?ovide an attractive environment of the public. ." ~:~(, . ,,:;., , , NOW, ;THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT ,THE Dublin 'Planning '\i;" Commission .approvesthe,Site Development' Review as shown on the ,,', plans labeled Exhibit ,.'~Au, and subject to the following Conditions: CONDITIONS: 1. Comply with the Plans labelled Exhibit "A" as may be amended by the related Conditional Use Permit action of the Planning Commission and by these Conditi~ns. 2. Comply with City of Dublin Site Development Review Standard Conditions. (attached) 3. Comply with City of Dublin Police Services Standard Commercial Building Security Requirements. (attached) 4. Comply with the City Engineers recommended Conditions of Approval as listed in his memorandum to the Planning Director dated 6/28/84. (attached) " 5. The new parking area shall be restricted for use by customers and guests of the Howard Johnson Motor Lodge only. 6. The new parking lot shall be extensively landscaped. Said landscaping shall include; a) 15 gallon fast growing canopy trees planted approximately 25 feet on center along the north, east and south property lines. b) 4 additional tree islands within the two compact space parking bays (2 each bay). c) 15 gallon medium to fast growing trees in the interior of the lot that are of an evergreen canopy type. d) 5 gallon oleanders around the periphery of the lot as shown on Exhibit B. 7. All parking stalls, throughout the entire Howard Johnson Motor Lodge shall be striped and signed as required by the Planning Department. A parking striping and signing plan shall be approved prior to issuance of building permits. a:::,'TN;;'ocCupancyofthe .addition shall take, .placeuntil the' paiHil'i-,i''Ot:'.ii1d'i t5~ -'landscaping are).nj'lace('as ,:p~r:the .X,,' app'rc:nTe{d i;lans." " ," ' , " ," ... 9. State of California Title 24 handicapped access provisions shall be complied with. 10. All recommendations of the~DSRSD Fire Department shall be complied with except that the City is not requiring sprinklers in the existing building. 11. Provide landscape soil preparation, plant planting, fertilizing and maintenance specifications. '12: 'i?roV'idea~:igried Dublin La.ndscape'Maintenance .. Agreement'(atj:ached) and, abondor letter of crediLt'o >::over "'landscape"~ma'iri'ten'ance'co5tsUof the ne~, landscaping for two 'years / _ '. ._...-'... ...__.__ ..__ Wo'_ .' _', .'__ --."__> ..... '",':...-. -. . .. 13. Remove the 9 eucalyptus trees along the north property line because of their fire potential and replace with 6- l5 gallon trees acceptable to approval of staff. The other existing trees, ground cover and shrubs shall be irrigated and maintained during and after construction of the addition. ' 14. All trees shall be protected from damage during construction, including fencing them off and hard digging around their roots. Tree fencing of both the building and parking lot sites shall occur prior to construction occuring. ~~J.:~;i:"i;;F-"DP" 8 3 ..,2.0.; ) 15. Paint out and screen irrigation control backflow devices and the like. 16. The fire access shall be directly south of parking aisle just westerly of Dublin Bowl. 4-6 parking stalls shall be removed to allow fire department equipment to use the access gate. A ramp, chain and painting and signing shall be installed as per Fire Department requirements. An 'easement over the bowling alley property shall be recorded to assure Fire Department access. The existing trees on the bowling alley site shall be saved and protected from damage during accessway construction. 17. All construction areas' equipment and materials shall be fenced off and/or barricaded to restrict vehicular and pedestrian access to the construction site and associated areas by employees, customers and guests. 18. The new parking lot lights shall be lensed so that their light sources are shielded from view from the highway. 19. A new masonary trash enclosure shall be built on the eastern portion of the site that is designed to accommodate the refuse needs of the restaurant and/or motel. Its design and location shall be approved by the Planning Department. The joint use of the trash enclosure on the adj~cent bowling alley site is not approved. 20. Final architectural, landscape, irrigation, grading and improvement plans shall be approved by the City prior to issuance of building permits. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this l8th day of June, 1984. AYES: Commissioners Alexander, Mack, Petty and Raley NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Barnest ~ \ '^" \\Q~,--L,\.JO.\ , Pla~ngCor.mission Chair.nan ATTEST: DP 83-20