HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.2 HowardJohnsonCUP r CITY ,COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 10, 1939 SUBJECT: Continued Public Hearing - A~peal of PA 88-148 Howard Johnson's Conditional Use Permit, Temporary Retail Sales and A~ctions within existing conferencejbanquet rooms at 6680 Regional Street REPORT PREPARED BY: Associate Planner EXHIBITS ATTACHED: Exhibit A-I: Draft Resolution of Approval upholding the Commission action approving the Conditional Use Permit Exhibit B-1: Site Plans (3) Exhibit A-2: Draft Resolution modifying the Planning Commission.action Exhibit B-2: Site Plans (3) Attachment 1: City Council Staff Report for the March 27, 1989 meeting Attachment 2: Appeal letter dated received March 3, 1989 ""","'A"",/!;?,,,,1 11: ~ 1. Open Public Hearing and ~ear Staff presentation. 2. Take Testimony from Applicant and the Public 3. Question Staff, Applicant and the Public 4, Close Public Hearing and Deliberate 5.. Adopt Resolution (Exhibit A-lor Exhibit A-2) relating to PA 88-1.~8, or give Staff and Applicant direction and continue the matter FINAi\1CIAL STATEHENT: None BACKGROUND: During the meeting of March 27, 1989, the City Council heard Staff's presentation and Applicant's comments on the Appeal of How-9.rd Johnson's request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow temporary retail sales and auctions within the existing hotel's conferencejbanquet rooms at 6680 Regional Street. The Appellant, due to sudden unforseen circumstan:es, was unable to attend the meeting and present comment. The Council conti":lued their co~~irleration of the matter to its next meetip~. Staff was directed to contact the cities of Livermor.a and Pleasanton and report back as to what these communities require for this type of request. Pleasanton's zoning regulations allow for temporary sales/auctions as an accessory use within a hotel conference room if the hotel is in a retail business zone and the use has a temporary business license. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ITEJo! NO. 6<>2 COPIES TO: Applicant Owner PA 88-148 -1- > (d ;" ( Livermore's zoning requires the issuance of a Zoning Use Permit, even if the site is zoned for the use. The Zoning Use Permit is i.sued administra- tively by Staff. The Zoning Use Permit would require the property owner to be co-applicant on the request and the City would be able to limit the duration of the event (typically, no more than 10 days/events within a 6-month period). In addition, the City has a business license program requiring the issuance of a temporary business license. Staff has also contacted the City of Walnut Creek, wnich requires the issuance of a zoning administrator's permit, as well as a temporary business license. ANALYSIS: The Appeal involves the temporary sales/auction activities only. The City regulations (Section 8-60.60, 8-60.60.1 and 8-61) allow for consideration of temporary uses in any district through a use permit process. The Hotel's current use permit did not include this use, therefore, this activity needed consideration through a separate permit request. In October of 1988, the Staff learned of a planned tamporary sales The operator,was contacted and subsequently applied and received for a temporary. sales through an Administrative C.,nditional Use event. approval Permit. In subsequent discussions with the hotel operator, Staff learned that the temporary sales and auctions had been a past practice ~ith the company and one they wished to continue. Staff informed ,the Applicant that to legally allow s~ch activities to occur, an Administrative Conditional Use Permit or Conditional Use Permit would be needed, depending on duration. Given that the Applicant felt they would likely have several such activities throughout the y,aar, Staff indicated a Conditional Use Permit could be applied for. The City Attorney has reviewed the application and appeal and indicated that should the Council feel the use appropriate, conditio'Ols could only be . applied to the use itself, not the operators of the events. State law and . permits pre-empts the local government from further regulating the actual seller/auctioner (see March 27, 1989 Council Staff Report, Attachment 1). Two draft resolutions are attached for Council consideration. Exhibit A-I would uphold the Commission action, allowing the temporary sales/auction uses. Exhibit A-2 would modify the Commission action not .approving the temporary sales/auction activities, however still allowing the other Commission approved uses to occur. -2- RESOLUTION NO. - 89 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ---------------~-------~------------------------------------------------------ UPHOLDING THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S ACTION APPROVING PA 88-148 HOWARD JOHNSON'S CONDITIONAL USE PER.~IT TO ADD A PROPOSED BARBER/BEAUTY S~)P (HAIR SALON), GIFT SHOP, OFFICES, TEMPORARY RETAIL SALES AND AUCTION ACTI'iTITIES WITHIN THE EXISTING HOTEL BUILDING AND A DANCE FLOOR WITHIN THE LORD DUBLIN RESTAURANT/LOUNGE AREA. lffiEREAS, Johnson Clark filed an application f.n a Conditional Use Permit to establish a commercial recreational facility (daace floor) and to add a proposed barberfbeauty shop (hair salon), gift shop, offices, temporary retail sales and auction activities within the existing hotel building in an existing restaurant at 6680 Regional Street; and lffiEREAS, the City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance requires approval of a Conditional Use Permit in the C-l District for the operation of a commercial recreational facility (dance floor) and temporary sales; aad lffiEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a p'~blic hearing on said application on February 21, 1989; and lffiEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS, this application has been reviewed in accordance with the prov~s~ons of the California Environmental Quality Act and has been found to be categorically exempt; and WHEREAS. the Staff Report was submitted recomnending consideration of the Conditional Use Permit application appeal; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear and consider all said reports, recommendations and testimony herein above.setforth. WHEREAS, on February 21, 1989 the Planning Comnission adopted Resolution No. 89-005, approving PA 88-148 Conditional Use Permit for additional hotel uses including temporary retail sales and auction activities within the existing Howard Johnson1s hotel. WHEREAS, the Commission action was appealed in regards to approval of the temporary retail sales and auction activities withi-~ the conferencefbanquet rooms of the hotel approved in PA 88.143, Conditional Use Permit; and ~""':::r>:':AS. Froper notice of said F...!~]ic ~:'3rir:.6 '..:.:l~ b:......~n ....u a:: respects as ~t~~1red by law; and fxb?'. ~,,', -" ,.... ,. ' A.I WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on the Appeal on March 27, 1989, and continued consideration of the matter to the April 10, 1989 meeting; and WHEREAS, the City Council heard and considered all reports, recommendations and testimony hereinabove set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin City Council does hereby find: A. The use as proposed is required by the public need in that the use provides a recreational facility (danca floor) contributing to the diversity of recreational facilities available within the City and will provide needed supplemental services for the hotel and will fu11fill a demand for temporary retail sales/ auction space. B. The uses will be properly related to other land uses, and transportation and service facilities in t~e vicinity, as the use is located in a hotel complex in downt,wn Dublin near a major arterial street, the proposed peak hour uses of the dance floor can be anticipated to be during late evening hours (9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m.) rather than at normal p,aak business hours, and therefore will not conflict with existing commercial retail and restaurant uses on site and in the surrounding area. The gift shop, hair salon, offices activities ~ill serve as supplemental suport services for the hotel patrons. Tempora~1 retail sales will be limited within the conferencejbanquet room areas and not impact on-sice or ofr-site uses. C. The uses will not materially adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in t~e vicinity, or be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborho"d, as all applicable regulations will be met. D. The uses will not be contrary to the specific intent clauses or performance standards established for the District in which it is located, as the proposed uses will be c.,mpatib1e with the adjoining uses. E. The approval of the Conditional Use Permit will be consistent with the Dublin General Plan and Dow~town Specific Plan. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE City Council d"es hereby conditionally approve PA 88-148 Howard Johson's Conditional Use Permit for a commercial recreation facility (dance floor) and to add a oeautyfbarber shop (hair salon), gift shop, office, temporary retail sales and auction activities within the existing building subject to the fol1o~ing conditions: -2- 1. The dance floor area shall be restricted to th,a area as generally shown on the floor plan submitted with the application dated received on December 16, 1989 by the Dublin Planning Department (Exhibit B). 2. The permit shall be valid for a period of one (1) year (March 4, 1990). The approval period for the Conditional Use Permit may be extended two additional years (Applicant must submit a written request for the extension prior to the expiration date of the Conditional Use Permit) by the Planning Direct.,r upon the Director's determination that the Conditions of Aproval remain adequate to assure that the stated Findings will continue to be met. 3. No loudspeakers or amplified music shall be permitted outside the enclosed building. All activities associated ~ith the proposed uses shall be conducted entirely within the su,ject building. 4. All activities shall be controlled so as not t., create a nuisance to the surrounding businesses. 5. The Applicant shall comply with all applicable Dougherty Regional Fire Authority requirements. 6. The Applicant shall obtain a valid Dance Permit from the Dublin Police Department and shall submit to the Planning Department documentation that said permit has been obtain~d. 7. The Applicant shall submit to the Planning Dep,artment documentation that a Alcoholic Beverage License has been obt,ained from the State of California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. 8. The Applicant shall comply with all applicable Police Department requirements including. but not limited to, th~ following: Revised per A. Police Dept Review and Approval At all times there is dancing occurring, there will be at least one (1) security officer on duty to check I.D.'s and provide facility security (The number of security guards may be increaesd by the Police Department, if necessary). B. All bouncers, doormen and security guard" while on duty, will wear identifiable clothing displayi'Olg their names. c. Applicant recognizes his/her responsibility to comply with Alcohol Beverage Control regulations, spacifically, that intoxicated persons shall not be served alcoholic beverages, D. During all business hours the establishm,ant is open to the public, all permits and licenses shall ba posted and available for viewing by the Dublin Poli,:e Department. -3- E. All live entertainment or other amplified sound must not be audible outside the structure of the establishment. F. The parking lot of the premises shall be equipped with lighting of sufficient power to illuminate and make easily discernible the appearance and conduct of all persons on or about the parking lot. G. Exterior lighting shall be of a design a~d placement so as not to cause glare onto adjacent properties. H. The petitioner(s) shall be responsible f.n maintaining free of litter the area adjacent to the premises over which he has control. I. There shall be no pool tables or coin-op,arated games maintained upon the premises at any time. 9. Any modifications to exterior lighting shall b~ subject to review and approval of the Planning Department and Police Department. 10. All uses shall be as listed, and occur, only within the rooms indicated on the Site Plan and Floor Plan, rec~ived by the Dublin Planning Department on December 16, 1988 (Exhi~it B). 11. Each individual temporary sales activities shall obtain a temporary state sellers permit or resale license. (Auctions shall obtain and submit a copy of the State Auctioneers Permit). This license/ permit shall specifically state the activity, merchandise to be sold, and the Dublin location. A copy of this permit/license shall be submitted to the Dublin Planning Department a minimum of four calendar days prior to the event being held. 12. Each sales/auction event shall not exceed ten (lO) consecutive days. A minimum of thirty (30) days shall lapse between events for the same user. 13. No exterior permanent signs (other than allowa~le window signs) shall be installed for the additional uses, sh,wn on Exhibit B. 14. Office use shall be limited to that which is primarily oriented toward servicing the hotel patrons (i.e. travel agent, real estate office). Any other related office use shall b,a submitted to the Planning Director for review and approval. 15. Nothing in this permit supersedes any terms or conditions of previous Conditional Use Permit, Site Developm3nt Review, Variance applications on this site. -4- 16. This permit shall be revocable for cause in accordance with Section 8-90.7 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. Noncom~liance of any provisions of the above Conditions shall be ca~se for the initiation of hearings before the Planning Comnission to determine whether cause is present to revoke this permit. 17. If the Applicant and Police Department cannot agree to the final wording of Condition #8A, the condition shall be brought back to the Commission for further review. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 10th day of April, 1989. 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'j- ;:. , :.~~ !.~ ' " . .. ~- \=..: ..' .,. .,.1....11 ,-~ \ , Df.~, 16 19S~ NI'OtIN l'lA:-::-:\:((: RESOLUTION NO. - 89 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN -.-------------------------------------------------------------.-----------.-- MODIFYING THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S ACTION APPROVING PA 88-148 HOWARD JOHNSON'S CONDITIONAL USE PERliIT TO ADD A PROPOSED BARBER/BEAUTY SHOP (HAIR SALON), CIFT SHOP, OFFICES, TEMPORARY RETAIL SALES AND AUCTION ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE EXISTING HOTEL BUILDING AND A DANCE FLOOR WITHIN T3E LORD DUBLIN RESTAURANT/LOUNGE AREA. WHEREAS, Johnson Clark filed an application for a Conditional Use Permit to establish a commercial recreational facility (dance floor) and to add a proposed barberjbeauty shop (hair salon), gift shop, offices, temporary retail sales and auction activities within the existing hotel building in an existing restaurant at 6680 Regional Street; and WHEREAS, the City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance requires approval of a Conditional Use Permit in the C-l District for the operation of a commercial recreational facility (dance floor) and temporary sales; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a p'~blic hearing on sai.d application on February 2l, 1989; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS, this application has been reviewed in accordance with the prov1s1ons of the California Environmental Quality Act and has been found to be categorically exempt; and WHEREAS. the Staff Report was submitted recomnending consideration of the Conditional Use Permit application appeal; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear and consider all said reports, recommendations and testimony herein above setforch. WHEREAS, on February 21, 1989 the Planning Comnission adopted Resolution No. 89-005, approving PA 88-148 Conditional Use Permit for additional hotel uses including temporary retail sales and auction activities within the existing Howard Johnson's hotel. WHEREAS, the Commission action was appealed in regards to approval of the temporary retail sales and auction activities within the conferencejbanquet rooms of the hotel approved in PA 88-143, Conditional Use Permit; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said publiL: hearing 'Jlas giVP.-D tp a-tJ respects as required by law; and -1- ExJiit A.2.. WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on the Appeal on March 27, 1989, and continued consideration of the matter to the April 10, 1989 meeting; and WHEREAS, the City Council heard and considered all reports, recommendations and testimony hereinabove set forch. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin City Council does hereby find: A. The use as proposed is required by the public need in that the use provides a recreational facility (danca floor) contributing to the diversity of recreational facilities available within the City and will provide needed supplemental services for the hotel. However, a demand for temporary retail sales/auction space does not exist as it can be fulfilled by existing available retail space and businesses within the community. B. The uses will be properly related to other land uses, and transportation and service facilities in t~e vicinity, as the use is located in a hotel complex in downtown Dublin near a major arterial street, the proposed peak hour uses of the dance floor can be anticipated to be during late evening hours (9:00 p,m. to 1:00 a.m.) rather than at normal p~ak business hours, and therefore will not conflict with existing commercial retail and restaurant uses on sice and in the surrounding area. The gift shop, hair salon, offices activities ~ill serve as supplemental suport services for the hotel patrons. Temporary retail sales although proposed to be limit~d within the conferencejbanquet room areas and will imp.9.ct on-site or off- site uses and not be commensurate with hot-a! uses as these activities would cater to the larger community and not be oriented to hotel patrons. C. The uses will not materially adversely aff~ct the health or safety of persons residing or working in t:,e vicinity, or be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborho"d, as all applicable regulations will be met. D. The uses will not be contrary to the specific intent clauses or performance standards established for the District in which it is located, as the proposed uses will be c"mpatible with the adj oining uses. E. The approval of the modified Conditional Use Permit will be consistent with the Dublin General Plan and DOw'Tltown Specific Plan. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE City Council does hereby delete t~e Commission approved temporary retail sales and auction activities within the conference/banquet rooms and does hereby c0ncHti.:'!1ally appreve r_\ ~" :.'~e p.c~..;J.:::':' -2- Johnson's Conditional Use Permit for a commercial recreati"n facility (dance floor) and to add a beautyfbarber shop (hair salon), gift shop and office, within the existing building subject to the fol10~ing conditions: 1. The dance floor area shall be restricted to tha area as generally shown on the floor plan submitted with the application dated received on December 16, 1989 by the Dublin Planning Department (Exhibit B-2). 2. The permit shall be valid for a period of one (1) year (March 4, 1990). The approval period for the Conditional Use Permit may be extended t~o additional years (Applicant must submit a written request for the extension prior to the expiration date of the Conditional Use Permit) by the Planning Director upon the Director's determination that the Conditions of Aproval remain adequate to assure that the stated Findings will continue to be met. 3. No loudspeakers or amplified music shall be permitted outside the enclosed building. All activities associated ~ith the proposed uses shall be conducted entirely within the su,ject building. 4. All activities shall be controlled so as not t" create a nuisance to the surrounding businesses. 5. The Applicant shall comply with all applicable Dougherty Regional Fire Authority requirements. 6. The Applicant shall obtain a valid Dance Permit from the Dublin Police Department and shall submit to the Planning Department documentation that said permit has been obtain~d. 7. The Applicant shall submit to the Planning Department documentation that a Alcoholic Beverage License has been obtained from the State of California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. 8. The Applicant shall comply with all applicable Police Department requirements including, but not limited to, th~ following: Revised per A. Police Dept Review and Approval At all times there is dancing occurring, there will be at least one (1) security officer on duty t" check I. D. 's and provide facility security (The number of security guards may be increaesd by the Police Department, if necessary). B. All bouncers, doormen and security guards, while on duty, will wear identifiable clothing displayi~g their names. C. Applicant recognizes hisjher responsibility to comply with Alcohol Beverage Control regulations, spacifically, that intoxicated persons shall not be served alcoholic beverages, -3- D. During all business hours the establishm,ant is open to the public, all permits and licenses shall b,a posted and available for viewing by the Dublin Poli,:e Department. E. All live entertainment or other amplified sound must not be audible outside the structure of the establishment. F. The parking lot of the premises shall be equipped with lighting of sufficient power to illuminate and make easily discernible the appearance and conduct of all persons on or about the parking lot. G. Exterior lighting shall be of a design a~d placement so as not to cause glare onto adjacent properties. H, The petitioner(s) shall be responsible f,n maintaining free of litter the area adjacent to the premises over which he has control. I. There shall be no pool tables or coin-op,arated games maintained upon the premises at any time. 9. Any modifications to exterior lighting shall ba subj ect to revie'.; and approval of the Planning Department and Police Department. 10. All uses shall be as listed, and occur, only within the rooms indicated on the Site Plan and Floor Plan, rec,aived by the Dublin Planning Department on December 16, 1988 as modified (Exhibit B-2). 11. No exterior permanent signs (other than allowaJle window signs) shall be installed for the additional uses, shown on Exhibit B-2. l2. Office use shall be limited to that which is primarily oriented toward servicing the hotel patrons (i.e. travel agent, real estate office). Any other related office use shall ba submitted to the Planning Director for review and approval. 13. Nothing in this permit supersedes any terms or conditions of previous Conditional Use Permit, Site Developrn.~nt Review, Variar.ce applications on this site. 14. This permit shall be revocable for cause in ac:ordance with Section 8-90.7 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. Noncompliance of any provisions of the above Conditions shall be ca'~se for the initiation of hearings before the Planning Comnission to determine whether cause is present to revoke this permit. l5. If the Applicant and Police Department cannot agree to the final wording of Condition ;;8A, the condition shall ',e brought back to the Commission for further review. -4- PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 10th day of April, 1989. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk .5- .L..../'7...."rlO "" ,:U''''~ , --:-'(,J.") . . .... ...-- 1'./' '''ttl]..~.. ,-- -'-"-' -.... ' I ~ _', ... . II. ~ . ... .,,, YJ" " (, 'J#<~ ' ,. ..~. . "'~:,'I' I,':. -!hO\' t',.. ".~'.' ",V.;?J',;"~ (r= ~~'~fJ1"J',I>.I!"-""-"" rr-;. 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'( . .:: c.;:,~ I; ~..' ~.~:O~ . .. - ~ " ~t ~a ~ ~ \J ; . ~ ~ ~~ . ..d'LO ,r I \' ~ -' \ I (\lr , I I \ ~ I I ~V \ I ! ;. , . i;. . .l '. .,r .'. , {O,- !. -- '- ~~' =!, 'J' ~ . ~ I ~:: ,\:J ~ ; ~.b.r I~S J3.g~.:t\y.~P. DE.C 1 6 i~SS 7;: j:; 'I :::: .. l..;~ ~:~ .\ .-'<- PUSl\N rL:\:\:-:\:\c. i- ---_.~ . ,:;..--- / SUBJECT: REPORT PREPARED BY: EXHIBITS ATTACHED: RECOHl1ENDATION: FINA.\1CIAL STATE-!EST: DESCRIPTION: l\ack~rO\.::-<i : AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: Harch 27, 1989 Public Hearing - Appeal of PA 88-148 Howard Johnson's Conditional Use Permit, Tecpora~J Retail Sales and Auctions within existing conference/banquet rooms at 6680 Regional Street Laura Hoffmeister, ~~sociate Planne~ Exhibit A-I: Draft Resolution of Approval upholding the Coocission action approving the Conditional Use Pe~t Exhibit B-1: Site Plans (3) E~~ibit A-i: Drafc Resolution modifying the Planning Commission action Exhibit B-2: Site Plans (3) Attachment 1: Appeal letter dated received March 3, 1989 Attachment 2: Pla~~ing Commission Resolution No. 89-005, Conditior.al Use Percit a??=oval Attachment 3: Pla~ing Commission Minutes for the February 21, 1989 meeting Attachment 4: P1a~,ing Commission Staff Repor: ~:"' ,h, "0='''' n. "89 ..,,,., 2. 3. 4. 5. Open Public Heari~g and hear Staff presentation. Take Testi~ony froQ Applicant and the Public Question Staff, A?plicant and the Public Close Public Hearing and Deliberate Adopt Resolution (Exhibit A-lor Exhibit A-2) relating to PA 88-l~8, or give Staff and Applicant ci~action and continue the matter None In December 1988, the Applicant made a Conditional Use Per.nit application to consider additional uses at the hotel which were not included in previous conditional use permits (barber/beauty shop (hair salon) gift shop, offices, a dance floor in Lord Dublin Restaurant Lounge] a~d to allow for temporary retail sales and auctions to occur 'Within the conferencejb3nquet rooms. ----~---------------------------------_._------------------------------------- ITEH 1\0. 6..., 6 f"nrIES TO: Applicant/ O\.!ncr / rA SS-l4S V Attaciment --L ~~!i_ , :\ j " .i i ! i , I i I ! :..~8tl14:.r?':::,t~"AJ"~ "'-~~~-'::~':.:;;r."'I;';N",_~~;.:.;-;'I.;':'-'lj:.;--""?'.{;.I.'I:'/J,;'t,:,;.. -"'.:.":':"::'~; ,U.!..t~....;4"""~-' ,.., ~,....~....--- " On February 21, 1988, the Planning Commission considered snd spproved the C~nditiona1 Use Permit with conditions (see Attachment 2 and 3). On March 3, 1989, the Commission action was appealed by Councilmember, Peter Snyder. The appeal was in regards to only the Commission action which allowed the establishment of temporary retail sales and auctions within the conferencejbanquet rooms of Howard Johnson's hotel. Analysis: The Zoning Ordinance allows consideration of temporarj retail sales by a Conditional Use Permit. The Planning Commission expressed concerns as to how temporary retail sales/auctions could be regulated/monitored. Conditions included and recommended by Staff and adopted by the Commission would require that these activities could only occur in conferencefbanquet rooms, and prior to each occurrence applicable State licenses/permits (auctioneers permits, State resalers license, etc.) would need to be submitted to the City to ensure the event would be a retail sale or auction and that the proper sales tax would be collected. Given the concern stated in the appeal of the Comcission action approving the temporary sales/auction, Staff has contac~ed the City Attorney to determine i: other conditions could be required for these activities. According to the City Attorney, the temporary use of retail sales/auction activities is a discretionary consideration throu~~ the Conditional Use Permit process. Each site and proposal is reviewed on its own merits to determine i: the required Conditional Use Permit findings can be made in support of the request. ;The Council would need to determine if the findings could be made to support the request or not. Should the Council determine that the uses are 1) not required by public need; 2) not properly related to other land uses in the vicinity; 3) and not appropriate or compatible use for this site, the Council could disapprove or the retail sales/auction. Should the Council determine that the findings can be made to support the request, conditions could be applied to minimize potential impacts. However, the conditions could only apply to the use event, not to any individual conducting the event as State law controls the lice~ing/permitting of the individual. The City Council could consider conditions that would regulate the type of goods to be sold or auctioned, the hours of the event and frequency of the event. Should the Council feel additional conditions are appropriate, the Council should include them and codify the title in the Draft Resolution of Approval Exhibit A-I accordingly, then adopt the codified resolution. Attached for Cou~cil consideration are two draf~ resolutions. Exhibit A-I would uphold the Comcission action approving the te~porary sales/auction uses. Exhibit A-2 would modify the Co~nission action not approving the temporary sales/auction activities, however, still allowing dancing and the other Commission approved uses to occur. , i pees) C?( 5) UI~ ':jile, ," ... March 3, 1989 Laurence L. Tong Planning Directo~ City of Dublin Pla:u,ing Depa~t=ent 6500 Dublin Boule7a~d, Suite D Dublin, CA 94568 J. ".i ,\ 'I i i i I '.i RE: PA '88-148 Eo~a~d Johnson R~t~i1 Sales/Conditional Use Parmit Dear Mr.~ Tong: I am appealing t:-.=I ,':Jove refa~a:".~=c. p:-arming ~~,?::cG.::io~ in re[a:'~s to tha R~t~il Sales/Auction sectio~ of t~at a??l:cz~:=~. " dIY, / J7~-J;~p:-rv- Peter Snycer Councilce:ober PS:ga .. '. : ! , ,I i i ; , I , .\~E~E\Y.ED !i1:V, 0;: '1969 DUBUN FL~'lN\NG "-. -"..)._.'"," .... ----~.;..- . ~ .:.. ..:;.l . ~ ~ '" AttachllEnt ~ ~_._----,-----'-'---."'" . . .' .