HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 54-07 Scarlett Court Guidelines RESOLUTION NO. 54 - 07 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN *********** ADOPTING THE SCARLETT COURT DESIGN GUIDELINES P A 03-063 WHEREAS, the Scarlett Court area consists of approximately 52 acres of land and is bounded on the west by Dougherty Road, the north by Dublin Boulevard, the south by 1-580 right-of-way, and the east by the Iron Horse Trail right-of-way; and WHEREAS, during the Goals and Objectives session for Fiscal Year 2002/2003, the City Council requested Staff, as a high priority item, to initiate a Specific Plan for the Scarlett Court Area; and WHEREAS, on June 20, 2006, the City Council directed Staff to divide the Specific Plan preparation into two phases with the first phase of the Scarlett Court Specific Plan to include landscape, signage and design guidelines; and WHEREAS, the Scarlett Court Design Guidelines are proposed as set forth in Exhibit A, and no land use changes are proposed at this time; and WHEREAS, the City held one walking tour of the Scarlett Court area with the public on October 20,2006, and two community workshops on October 30, 2006, and February 22,2007, to gain feedback from the public; and WHEREAS, City Staff worked with RBF Consulting, property owners and tenants in the Scarlett Court area, to develop design guidelines intended to ensure that future improvements in the Scarlett Court area enhance the aesthetics of the area; and WHEREAS, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), together with the State guidelines and City environmental regulations require that certain projects be reviewed for environmental impacts and that environmental documents be prepared; and WHEREAS, the project has been found to be Exempt from CEQA, according to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061 (b)(3) because it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the proposed Scarlett Court Design Guidelines may have a significant effect on the environment; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held public hearings on said Scarlett Court Design Guidelines on March 27,2007 and April 10, 2007 and adopted Resolution No. 07-18 recommending that the City Council adopt this Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the foregoing recitals are true and correct and made a part of this resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council hereby adopts the Scarlett Court Design Guidelines as set forth in Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference. Reso No. 54-07, Adopted 5/1/07, Item 6.2 Page 1 of2 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 1st day of May, 2007, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Hildenbrand, Oravetz, Sbranti and Scholz, and Mayor Lockhart NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ATTEST: Cuv{;c;i- Oepv'~ City Clerk Reso No. 54-07, Adopted 5/1/07, Item 6.2 Page 2 of2 ". Scarlett Court' Design Guidelines -- t . . t. :> a .~;~t "~.I Of . I " '~-~-'::f "'<11'\.'" t Pr.epared~ for City..of DubHn .. ..., ..", (, <" - ... ... ... l" I' .:.... ~ .. I~ CONEA~VED APR 0 ~ Z007 ATTACHMENT 3 DUBLIN PLANNING 1 I i II I TABLE OF CONTE Public Review Draft Scarlett Court Design Guidelines April 2007 Prepared for: City of Dublin Community Development Department 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 Prepared By: RBF Consulting's Urban Design Studio 111 W. St John Street, Suite 850 San Jose, CA 95113 o -I )> OJ r m o "T1 (") o Z -I m z -I C/) Table of Contents U ' G .d ... ser s UI e................................................ III Chapter 1. Introduction .............................. 1 1.1. Introduction ....................................................... 1 1.2. Understanding Design Guidelines................... 1 1.3. Purpose and Applicability................................ 1 1.4. Permit Review Process..................................... 2 Chapter 2. Existing Setting and Future Vision ........................................ 5 2.1. Existing Setting ................................................. 5 2.2. Future Vision ..................................................... 8 Chapter 3. Design Guidelines .................. 13 3.1. Site Planning ................................................... 15 3.2. Architectural Guidelines................................. 21 3.3. Sign Guidelines ............................................... 29 3.4. Lighting Guidelines ......................................... 41 3.5. Landscape Guidelines .................................... 45 Chapter 4. References.............................. 59 f::~\ II . ~..._- I; II I USER'S GUI User's Guide This section is intended to provide straightforward guidance for optimizing the use of the Scarlett Court Design Guidelines (Design Guidelines). The following steps are recommended: Step 1: Review Chapter 1: Project appl icants should review Chapter 1 (introduction) to gain an understanding of the purpose and applicability of design guidelines and to familiarize themselves with the specific design review process for the City of Dublin. Step 2: Gain {Ill Understanding of Scarlett Court: Project applicants should read Chapter 2 (Existing Setting and Future Vision) to gain an understanding of the area's existing conditions and to understand the City's vision for its future. Step 3: Review Applicable Guidelines: The Design Guidelines are presented in Chapter 3 (Design Guidelines) in the following five sections: Section 3.1: Site Planning: presents guidelines for placement of buildings, driveways, pedestrian circulation, and associated elements. Section 3.2: Architectural Guidelines: presents design guidelines for buildings and their associated elements. Section 3.3: Sign Guidelines: presents guidelines for style, size, placement, lighting and landscaping of signs. Section 3.4: Lighting Guidelines: presents guidelines for style, size, and placement, and landscaping of lighting. Section 3.5: Landscape Guidelines: presents guidelines for type, size, and location of landscaping and associated elements. o ~ i ii \, i.~_j~ Based on the scope and nature of the project, certain sect ions of Chapter 3 mayor may not apply to the proposed project. For new construction and major development projects, all of the section~~ would likely apply to the project. Smaller projects, such as a new sign or fence, may only require compliance with one or two sections. Project applicants should consult with the City of Dublin Planning :;taff to determine which section(s) would apply to their project. Step 4: Meet with City Staff: After completing steps I thru 3, project applicants should schedule an appointment with the City of Dublin Community Development Department to review their id ~as, ask questions, and discuss potential issues, solutions, and approaches. The City encourages project applicants to collaborate with City Sta ff early on in the design process to foster shared understanding and positive outcomes. Step 5: Ask More Questions: If the project applicants have additional questions or concerns, they should contact the City of Dublin Community Development Department at (925) 833-6610. c en m :;0 en G) c c m Scarlett Court Area """"r 'r.- _ ~ I....... ~ .... '" ~ ('\" 1 ..... i} "I, I ~ -, #- !" ,,; ..." . f; Dublin Bouleval~d ~ c..- r~': I df ... "'... ':0' .j .... I ,. I I ., , ., -, ... " .., ~. ., " I. I ~ ~~.t, , I ,- ~ ~. "' , 1--58"0 -- . BART ... r; --; 'i..I.V. ' ~'-- -~/ I: II I CHAPTE Chapter 1. Introduction 1.1. Introduction The Scarlett Court area is an approximately 52-acre industrial district in the City of Dublin. The area is located in the central portion of the City and is bounded by Dougherty Road to the west, Dublin Boulevard to the north, the lron Horse Trail to the east, and lnterstate 580 to the south. Over its history, the Scarlett Court area has developed into a light- industrial district with a variety of auto-oriented and outdoor storage uses. Previous subdivisions have created a series of long and narrow lots, some of which do not have direct access to public streets. Over time, the properties were developed with a variety of building styles, landscaping treatments, and signs. The City of Dublin has expressed a desire to create a set of guidelines for new development and improvement projects in the Scarlett Court area. The City wants to ensure that development in this highly visible gateway to Dublin creates a positive image for the City. 1.2. Understanding Design Guidelines Design guidelines are a set of recommendations that guide the development of land to achieve a desired level of quality for the physical environment. Design guidelines contain text, sketches, diagrams, and photographs that establish desired outcomes for future development projects. Items addressed in design guidelines typically include: · Site Design: placement of buildings, parking, service areas, storage, driveways, pedestrian paths, etc. · Architecturlll Design: form, mass, height, fa<;ade articulation, materials, colors, mechanical equipment, etc. o · Signllge: sign types, placement of signs, size of signs, ~ tc. · Lllndscllping: landscaping requirements, plant and tre,: types, fencing and screening, etc. 1.3. Purpose and Applicability The way properties in Scarlett Court are developed will greatly influence the overall character and image of the area. The purpose of this document is to provide site and building design, signage, and landscape guidelines to ensure that future development enhances the desired character and image of the Scarlett Court area. F roperty owners, architects, landscape architects, engineers, project p anners, tenants, and designers should review the applicable design guid~ lines to gain an understanding of the City's desired image and chara ;ter for Scarlett Court. City Staff, the Planning Commission, and he City Council will use these guidelines to judge the merits of al future development proposals for the Scarlett Court area. During the review process for future development projects, the Community Development Director, City Staff, the Zoning Administrator, the Planning Commission and the City Council 'viII use discretion in applying various provisions of the design guide .ines to specific projects. Each guideline may not apply equally to every project. When implementing these design guidelines, the overall objective is to ensure that the intent and spirit of the guidelines are followed and that the project respects its surroundings and fosters the desired character and image. Z -i ::0 o C C n -i o Z 1.4. Permit Review Process would consider the project during a public hearing. This process IS described on the following page. Project applicants for the Scarlett Court area are strongly encouraged to review these design guidelines and to meet with City Staff to discuss their ideas and/or preliminary plans prior to submitting an application. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss preliminary issues or concerns, the submittal requirements for the project, and the application review procedures. After this meeting, the project applicant will complete and submit their plans and application to the City. Process for Project that Requires Community Development Director or Zoning Administrator Review In general, there are two application review processes for projects in the Scarlett Court area: (I) those that require a public hearing by the Community Development Director or the Zoning Administrator; and (2) those that require a public hearing by the Planning Commission. Chapter 8.l32 of the City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance provides detailed guidance for the noticing and hearings process. _...........~ ,0 . " . " . " . " " ,0 " " " " ,,' " " .' 0' The Community Development Director or the Zoning Administrator can approve some minor projects. Once the application materials are submitted to the Community Development Department, City Staff will review the materials to ensure all the items are properly completed and to assess compliance with City regulations. Once the application is deemed complete, City Staff will schedule and notice a public hearing by either the Community Development Director or the Zoning Administrator. At the public hearing, the project will be approved, conditionally approved, or denied by either the Community Development Director or the Zoning Administrator. A Notice of Decision will be given, consistent with Chapter 8.132 of the City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance. This decision may be appealed to the Planning Commission. Based on the complexity of the project or other potential issues of controversy or concern, the Community Development Director or the Zoning Administrator may defer their decision-making authority to the Planning Commission. In these instances, the Planning Commission, not the Community Development Director or the Zoning Administer, t ?-. r 2 ,.~ ~"/ I I: II I CHAPTE Applications for major projects, including facade improvements or additions and those that require a Conditional Use Permit and/or Variance, require a public hearing by the Planning Commission. Once the application materials are submitted to the Community Development Department, City Staff will review the materials to ensure all the items are properly completed and to assess compliance with City regulations. Once the application is deemed complete, City Staff will prepare a staff report and will schedule and notice a public hearing by the Planning Commission. At the public hearing, the project will be approved, conditionally approved, or denied. An appeal period will follow the decision of the Planning Commission. lf the decision of the Planning Commission is not appealed, then the project is approved and the applicant may apply for subsequent permits, such as demolition, grading, and building permits. lf the decision of the Planning Commission is appealed, the City Council will review the project during a public hearing. The City Council's decision is final and cannot be appealed. Certain applications within the Scarlett Court area may require City Council approval, such as applications for General Plan Amendments and the rezoning of property. For applications that require City Council approval, the Planning Commission becomes an advisory body to the City Council, and would make a recommendation to the City Council on whether or not the project should be approved, approved with conditions, or denied. 0.3".; '~"_-,,,b Process/or Project that Requires Planning Commission Review ......... ....\ .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... '""',''''' ~ Z -4 ;:;0 o c c: (") -4 o Z This page intentionally left blank. ~,~ 'I' 4 '\ ~ fi I I i II I CHAPTE Chapter 2: Existing Setting and Future Vision 2.1. Existing Setting The Scarlett Court area is located between Dougherty Road to the west, Dublin Boulevard to the north, the Iron Horse trail to the east, and 1- 580 to the south. 2.1.1. Surrounding Uses A variety of commercial and residential uses are located near the Scarlett Court area. A mix of restaurants, a hotel, auto-service/retail businesses, dental offices, retail stores, and gas stations are located north and west of the Scarlett Court area. These businesses are located in a variety of different commercial buildings setback from Dublin Boulevard. This area does not have a common or unifying architectural theme or style. A large portion of land under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Army, referred to as Parks Reserve Forces Training (Camp Parks), is presently left as open space to the northeast of the area. The Iron Horse Trail and the Dublin/Pleasanton Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) station and associated parking lot are sited immediately to the east of the Scarlett Court area. Multi-family o ~. / residential units are located just north of the BART parking lot: within approximately 300 feet of the Scarlett Court area. An electric power substation and City's corporation yard are also located east of the Scarlett Court area. Views of commercial uses to the north of the Scarlett Court a'-ea. (photos areji-om outside of the plan area) r --------n-l ~ I n_~ A~~ "TIm ex -1- een ::o:! mz <G) -en ~m 0-1 z:! z G) )> z c Ii Views of BART parking lot and multi-family residential units loca:ed to the east of the Scarlett Court area. (photos are from outside of the pi m area) ... I [ r I ~ The Iron Horse trail, located just outside of the Scarlett Court area's eastern boundary, is a 33-mile regional trail connecting several cities throughout the Counties of Alameda and Contra Costa. This multi- functional trail is used for a range of recreational activities, including walking, biking, and horseback riding. The trail is elevated above the grade of the adjacent properties within the Scarlett Court area. As a result, trail users have clear views of the adjacent properties within the Scarlett Court area. mini-storage facilities. Exterior building materials include corrugated metal, wood siding, stucco, and concrete. The buildings within the Scarlett Court area do not have a common or unifying architectural theme or style. Building setbacks and landscaping treatments vary from parcel to parcel. Buildings within the Scarlett Court area. Views of the Iron Horse Trail. The Scarlett Court area is located on the left side of the photos. (photos are from outside of the plan area) '-~ Office and commercial uses (within the City of Pleasanton) are located to the south of the Scarlett Court area and Interstate 580. 2.1.2. Scarlett Court Area In the 1960s, light-industrial businesses began locating within the Scarlett Court area. Many of the properties were developed under Alameda County regulations before the City of Dublin was incorporated. Today, the area has been subdivided into approximately 22 properties that vary in size from less than a half acre to over five acres. \1 . The properties have a variety of different types of buildings, including warehouses, large service garages, auto dealership showrooms, and ; '\..J' "':'!:t'~'''' r'''''-''o, l 6 , '~_~h I I i II I CHAPTE A variety of light industrial uses are located in the area. Most businesses are automobile-related, including auto and motorcycle dealerships, mechanics, and auto-body shops. The area also includes a lumberyard, storage facilities, and vehicle and equipment rental businesses. The Scarlett Court area has two main streets. Scarlett Court extends from Dublin Boulevard and runs parallel and adjacent to Dougherty Road and l-580. Scarlett Cqurt terminates as a cul-de-sac near the BART parking lot. The second street, Scarlett Drive, bisects the project area and connects Scarlett Court and Dublin Boulevard. An uncovered drainage channel runs down the middle of Scarlett Drive, separating the northbound and southbound lanes. The edges of the channel are lined with chain-link fencing. Some segments of Scarlett Court and Scarlett Drive contain sidewalks, many of which are not ADA accessible. Where sidewalks are provided, they primarily occur on private property, outside of the public right-of-way. Scarlett Court Scarlett Drive ... ....... '" Vehicle access to the properties within the Scarlett Court area IS primarily provided from Scarlett Drive and Scarlett Court. Access fi'om Dublin Boulevard is limited because of traffic safety and traffic flow concerns. Access to properties from Dougherty Road is prohibited. A few of the parcels within the area do not have direct access from a public street. Driveways through an adjacent parcel provide access to these parcels. 0..-:'\ ~ ! .'--._.~ The Scarlett Court area is situated at a major gateway to the City of Dublin and is highly visible from 1-580 and the Dougherty Road/I-580 on- and off-ramps. This location provides excellent freeway visibility to the properties, businesses, and signs within the Scarlett COl rt area. Other attributes of the area, such as access to and from InterstHte 580, proximity to BART, and the surrounding retail and commerci 11 uses, help define the area as a viable light-industrial business park. Views of the Scarlett Court area from 1-580. .:.:. L --. I . -------' ~..::t ...:.1_ 1. I "'11m ex -t- een :::o~ mz <G) -en ~m O-t z~ z G) )> z c 2.1.3. Applicable Regulations & Guidelines The City of Dublin General Plan has designated most of the Scarlett Court area as Business Park/Industrial and Outdoor Storage (one property is designated as Retail/Office and Automotive). The properties are zoned M-I (Light lndustrial) with the exception of one property, which is zoned C-2 (General Commercial). This document does not change the area's current land use or zoning designation. Applicable sections from the City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance and Municipal Code also apply to projects within the Scarlett Court area where not changed by these design guidelines. The graphics on the following pages show how the vision could be implemented at several sites within the Scarlett Court area. These are conceptual sketches for demonstration purposes only. They are not intended to represent absolute solutions for properties in the area. 2.2. Future Vision Prior to the preparation of this document, City staff and RBF Consulting conducted walking tours and a public workshop to discuss the design guidelines, various design issues and concerns related to the Scarlett Court area, and potential ways to improve the physical design of the area. Based on the input and feedback received, the following vision statement for the Scarlett Court area was prepared: The Scarlett Court area is an attractive and highly visible light-industrial district that serves the City of Dublin and its surrounding communities. The area contains a variety of attractive buildings with unifying architectural design treatments, enhanced landscaping, improved sidewalks and pedestrian connections, and consistent signage, all of which supports the economic health of the light industrial and auto- oriented businesses within the district. As a highly visible district from Interstate 580, Dougherty Road, and Dublin Boulevard, the enhanced Scarlett Court area has greatly improved the overall image of the City of Dublin. ~N"'.1.- ~, ~' :!' .~ .~ ~:~ ". ..: :;oo"~'.... .f 8 \ !.. . ' ~ ;." CHAPTE' "T1m e)( -t- een ~~ mz <G) c;;en -m O-t z-t z G) )> z c Existing view alo I . ng Scarlett C lurt ookmg southeast Potential Future View -- ......--"...- --- -- ---- --. o ~ ' ~,"__..A Potential Future V' few , ~.... ......t ., .' .;......... .' ~ ~.....i.-,' 'h)f.~"";;"",......;',<j. . 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