HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.06 US MayorsConference 'I.. ." CITY CLERK File # D[Z][1][{j]-[Q]~ . AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: November 14, 1995 SUBJECT: Request to Join the United States Conference of Mayors Report Prepared by: Lou Ann Riera-Texeira, Assistant to the City Manager EXHIBITS ATTACHED: Letter dated October 10, 1995, to David W. Smith, Mayor, City of Newark regarding the United States Conference of Mayors RECOMMENDATION: ~ Approve the Mayor's request to join the United States Conference of Mayors FINANCIAL STATEMENT: The cost to the City of Dublin for 1995 membership in the United States Conference of Mayors is $470. This amount is based on the City's population and includes a 25% discount for new membership (the full membership cost without the 25% discount is $627). Membership in this organization was not specifically included in the FY 1995-96 budget. However, sufficient funds are available in the City Council's budget to cover the 1995 membership fee. .aESCRIPTION: Mayor Houston received information regarding membership in the .nited States Conference of Mayors and has requested that the City of Dublin consider participating. Briefly, the principal roles of the Conference are to aid in the development of effective national urban policy, strengthen federal-city relationships, ensure that federal policy meets urban needs, and provide Mayors with l~adership and management tools of value in their cities. The Conference is comprised of eight standing committees. Conference policies and programs are developed and guided by an Executive Committee and Advisory Board, and by the standing committees and other special groups formed from time to time. In addition to the ongoing work of the standing committees, Mayors are organized into task forces to examine and act on issues that demand special attention, such as AIDS, Unfunded Federal Mandates, Hunger and Homelessness, etc. The Conference conducts two principal meetings each year, including an annual meeting in June. During the annual meeting, every member attending is given the opportunity to discuss and then vote on major Conference policy issues. Each City, represented by its Mayor, casts one vote. Subsequently, the urban policy positions adopted at the annual meeting are presented to the President and to both Houses of Congress. Mayor Houston has requested that the Dublin City Council consider participation in this organization. If the City Council chooses to join, Council should direct the City Manager to process the appropriate budget transaction and membership application form. . ~---------------------COlPI~ST()~---------------------------------- ITF.M No.4. 6 President: NORMAN RJCE Mayor of Scaale Vice President: RJCHARD M. DALEY Mayor of Chicago Past Presidents: JERRY ABRAMSON Mayor of LouIsviUe VICTOR ASHE Mayor of Knoxville ROBERT M. ISAAC Mayor of COlorado Springs JOSEPH P. RIUY, JR. . Mayor of Charl""ton, SC Trustees: HECTOR LUIS ACEVEDO Mayor ofSanJlW1 CHARi.ES BOX Mayor of Rockford DEEDEE CORRADINJ Mayor of Salt Uke City KAY GRANGER Mayor ofFon Wonh SHARPE JAMES Mayor of Newark, NJ MlKEJOHANNS Mayor of llncoln JAMES PERRON Mayor of Elkhan EUZABml D. RHEA Mayor of Rock Hill DAVID W. SMITH Mayor of Newark, CA GREG SPARROW . .rOfDeKalb WHl1E of Clevebnd Board: PAUL HElMKE . Clu.ir Mayor of Fon Wayne DENNIS ARCHER Mayor of Detroit RJCHARD ARRJNGTON . Mayor of Birmingham MARTIN CHAVEZ Mayor of Albuquerque ROBERT COBLE Mayor of COlumbia, SC BRENTCOLES Mayor of Boise CARDEll COOPER Mayor of East Orange ]AMES GARNER . Mayor of Hempstead SUSAN GOWING Mayor of San Diego JAN L\VERTYJONES Mayor of w Vegas FRANK JORDAN Mayor of San Prancisco JOHN McCARTHY Mayor of Everett PATRICK McMANUS Mayor oflynn RITAMUUlNS Mayor of Palatine MEYERA E. OBERNooRF Mayor ofVtqlinia Beach DONAW PLUSQUEWC Mayor of AkrOn SAUL RAMIREZ, JR. Mayor of Laredo M. SUSAN SAVAGE Mayor of Tulsa SHARON SAYLES BELTON Mayor of Minneapolis KURT SCHMOKE Mayor of Baltimore P'.UN . Madison o ( Austin WEWNGTON WEBB Mayor of Denver MARnIA WOOD Mayor ofWinston-SaJem Executive Director: J. THOMAS COCHRAN THE UNITED STATES CO~FERENCE OF A'ffc8fSc: 1620 EYE STREET; NORTIlWEST ""-. V a..::, 0 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 DC TELEPHONE (202) 293-7330 T 2 5 1995 FAX (202) 293-2352 " . TpD (202) 293-9445 GI J Y Ur Ut jd! !^ I October 10, 1995 The Honorable David W. Smith Mayor of Newark 37101 Newark Blvd: Newark, CA 94560 Dear Mayor Smith: Several weeks ago in Seattle the Advisory Board of the Conference approved the recommendations of the Membership Committee which were discussed in Miami this past summer. You may recall that the Committee felt that a new member discount would help us add to our membership rolls, and as such, requested that new members be given a 25% discount during their first year, and if the mayor attended either the Annual Meeting or the Winter Meeting in Washington, an additional 25% discount would be authorized for the second year of membership. This policy is now in effect. I am enclosing a membership fee breakdown for your information. You can see that dues are based on the size of the city and reflect the current dues structure without applying the cost of living increase, which will be added with the next billing for 1996 membership. I intend to encourage all members of the Conference to make 'an extra effort to recruit new members between now and January r, 1996, as you will be able to represent to prospective new members that they will be able to join the Conference between now and January 1 and receive full membership benefits between their date of joining and December 31, .1996 at a 25% discount. If the mayor of a newly joining city attends either one of the two principal meetings that we have during the calendar year 1996, that city would then be able to receive a continuation of the 25% discount for the calendar year 1997. However, any who join after January I, 1996, would be billed at the 1996 dues rate which includes a small cost of living increas~. It is my intention to be in contact with individual members of the Conference from a number of targeted states to try to specifically encourage some of you to focus on a number of targeted cities so that we may be able to collectively show a signifi'cant membership increase, as we now have a very beneficial tool to utilize in membership recruitment. Finally, the Advisory Board and the Executive .Committee elevated the Membership Committee to full Standing Committee status, which again reflects the importance that the Conference places on adding to our strength through membership. I was very pleased and enthused by the reception of the Advisory Board and the strong pledge of President Norman Rice, along with the rest of the leadership to work closely with us in adding to our membership rolls. It is my goal that between now and January 1, 1996, we show a net gain of at least 25 new members, which will take us to an all time high prior to our 1997 Winter Meeting in Washington where we again will convene the committee to assess our accomplishments and plan further activities. This is now budget season for many of our communities, so now is the time to act I look forward to continuing to work with each of you and if I may be of any assistance, please let me know. I remain, Sincerely, ~~~.~T-- Patrick H. Hays Mayor, North Little Rock Membership Committee Chair . . . ,... ''-1 "'r': The United States Conference of Mayors . " ;;;.. \"\ ..... o~ * s~ 1995 MEMBERSHIP REGISTRATION FORM Please provide additional information: :Ylayor City Hall Address City State ZIP Phone Fax Population . BILL (;S LATER CJ P.-\ Y'lE~T ENCLOSED Please check appropriatc box for a twch'c-mooth membership fee: (Populations and Prices) = under 30.000 )) $627 = 30.000 - ~9.999)) $1.737 .~ 50.000 - 99.999 )) 52.625 ,- 100,000 - 299.999 )) 56.099 300.000 - ~99.999)) S8.7H _ :'()(),OOO - 999.999 ') S13.06l '~ LOOO.OOO - 1,~99,000 )) S20.0.P - 1.500,000 - 2,999,999)) 522.711~ :J 3.000,000 - 3.999,999 )) $3~. -7- = over ~.OOO.OOO )) $51,181 The United States Conference of 'Iayors · 1020 Eye Street, NW · \Vashington, D.C. 20006 Phone: (202) 293-7330 · Fa:\:. (202) 293-2352 .