HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 5.1 RequestTempArtwrkCCPlza e e ~. CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 14, 1994 SUBJECT .. .. Request from the Dublin Fine Arts Foundation (DFA) to place a temporary work of art in the Civic Center Plaza Report by Diane Lowart, Recreation Director A.. Letter dated February 7, 1994 from Lynne Baer, DFA Consulting Director B.. Proposal for temporary work of art from Jo Hansen EXHIBITS ATTACHED : RECOIIIIIlNDATION ~ FINANCIAL STATEMENT : Approve request subject to Staff recommended conditions. Potential undetermined Staff and Maintenance costs associated with the coordination of the installation and removal of the exhibition. DESCRIPTION : In spring of 1993, the Dublin Fine Arts Foundation (DFA) introduce\i the "Art and the Environment" program. The goal of the program was to create an awareness in the community by presenting artist responses to both man-made and the natural environment. Due to the success of the program, DFA is proposing to repeat the program again this __y~ar.. Correspondence has been received from Lynne Baer, Consulting Director of DFA, requesting approval to place a temporary work of art in the plaza of the Dublin Civic Center (Exhibit A). The proposed work of art would be created by Jo Hansen and is titled "500 Reasons to Preserve the Earth". As described in Exhibit B, the work would include a ceremonial gate and arcade that would be constructed completely with recyclable materials collected in Dublin. Livermore Dublin Disposal Company, who is underwriting the project for the Foundation, would collect the recyclable materials for the project. As was done last year, students from Dublin elementary schools would be involved in creating the artwork. Installation of the artwork would be done the week of April 11, to coincide with Dublin Pride Week. The installation would remain until June 30, 1994. It is recommended that the city council approve the request sUbject to the following conditions: 1. All installations, including location, shall be approved by the Public Works Department. 2. Staff shall prepare a signed waiver to be completed by the Artist. ::::-::~~-------::::::-::~--:::::-:::::~-::-~:::::~-:::------- Lynne Baer, Consulting Director, DFA CITY CLERK FILE ~ From: L BRER FN RRT/PIDTO db~OBLE PHONE No. : 415 931 0753 ~ Feb.07 1994 12:58PM P01 1> lJ B L I N F J\! [ ,; ^ I: 'J' s It' () 1.I N I) A T 'I I. 0 ogo February 7, 1994 Mayor Peter SnyoAr City council MsmhATA city of Dublin 100 civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 D~ar Mayor Snyder and city Council Members; The response to t.he Foundation's proqram of t1Art nnd the Environment" last spring was so positive that we are r~peatin9 it this year. We are oqain requesting approval to plHoe ~ temporary work of art in the city Of DUblin. Our goal continues to be to create an awareness in the community by presenting artist responses to both man-made and the natural environment. installation of the wor~ is planned for the week of April 11 to coincide with Dublin Pride Week, Earth Day, and recycling programs. The installation will remain until June 30, 1994. The artist selectedl Jo Hansen, was one of the first artists in the country to focus her work on both social and environmental issues using found and recycled materials. Her work haS been exhibited nationally as well as internationally, most recently as part of an e~h1bition, "Living in Balance,1I at the san Franciso Airport. As well as serving as a San Francisco Arts commissioner, she designed and implemented an artist-in-residence program at ~he Sanitary Fill Company, a San Francisco solid waste oisposal company. Hanson received an M.A. 1n Art in 1973 from San Francisco State uni~ersity after careers in teaching, journalism, and social wor~. I have enclosed her proposal for "500 Reasons to Preserve the Earth", a ceremonial gate and arcade that will be constructed completely with recyclable materials collected nere in DUblin by Livermore DUblin Disposal Company who is underwriting the project for the Foundation. The exciting part about this work is again the involvement of students of Dublin elementary schools. Because this insta!Aation is designed for close inspection and interaction, placement in the civic center Fountain area is requested. From: L BRER FN RRT/PIDTO db~OBLE .. ~ PHONE No. : 415 931 0753 1] H .L ] N v N '1,' I.' ^ H T S F 0 1.1 Feb.07 1994 12:59PM P01 N BAT ON ogo The l"oundation Cippreciate$ t.he continued S1.tpport of the cit.y council in our ettort~ to integrat.e art into public spaoes of the communi t.y. We foel this installation will foouS attention on Hrt and the environment. creotivCly, po~ltively, nnd cducatlbnally. Best regar~ ~.t5~ Lynne Baer Conntllting Oireotor . From L BRER FN RRT/PIDTO dba NOBLE e PHONE No. 415 931 0753 e Feb.07 1994 1:00PM P01 FEE 07'<')4 12;37 No.019 P.Ol ID: 'I I ., -, To: Lynna Balar F1\X No. 931-0753 ...; ., IO HANSON ;<OJ Buch(lnaU Strut San }<'mm.'isct/ 1.J4JfJ2 (4J 5) 861j.-7J 39 TO: DUBL1N r;rl\m: AATS FOUNDATION pRQ)?QS.AL roR INSTALlATION Titl.., 500 REl\SONS 'IO m;:SIlRV~ THE FAR'l'I (Thie rofera to the apprOXumtG n~r __ of childr.en who will hElve their. lw.ndprint5 on the sb:uct;ure. ~ .~n(,.~pt1. >>. ceremon~a] c;lat.o and ~cadG! will be construoted from salvaged wood. A!ter the u(''lCirds are cut and ahapX1, they \d.ll be pt'l,i.ntl:.rl red (hope- i\31Jy with aalvaged paint frt:XtI the hazards fac.ility). The painteO. boardS will be taken to the elementar.y schools where chilo1~en will t.race their handprint on then'\ and sign their name. ThO sb:ucture will bo assembled on B~,te. A slender rectangular bin/altAX' }?l.acK-rl in the arcado will contain and demonstrate snlvage fl~ curbside reoycling. I I -J Tntentions; - .. .~ .. ...--.-. 1. To achlcve the pi!U'tic~p!lti(jn of school children in t:t w(tY that is simplG enough to be lYlaoaged, is positive to their self concept., and IJromotes a caring attitudo about com:jf~rvadon nnd recyclinq. ~. 'I'o bring ecoloqiclal a.warGneS9 down to the bottom line that cadog for our chilQrerl and t11~ir ohildren mE"..aI'\B dt'!\velopin9 su~t.ainablG ways of 1i vinq 01' E".(:i rt-h. 3. 'ro creat.e an inst.al1ation that provides visual oojoyrnent and sUmu- lation . 4. To de~ign an installlation that is free of safety }'a~ardf,; and litter traps. MeanB t Mat~~ials will be collected by the Li.vcrmore-Dublin OiSl)Osal COmpany. 'they w~.)l bo C\.1t, fitted and painted in the arti.st:.' A studio. ~chorQ will be consulted p.~r.ly about the best way and tiup to bting tl'1~ project to their a.l.aalfes for discussion and handprints. F rorn L BAER FN ART/PIDTO dba NOBLE PHONE No. 415 931 0753 e e Tn FEB 06'94 I ," ,..., "r"'.~"''''~,"",:"-:.:..,.,~..,..,,,......,...( .......-. .,- , I I I ; I I ,: ',: ~ : I I ':":, I . i ",: I "I ,,' : . I l . \ I , I ' ,;.~,. ' ; I' "1'1 I.!, I '! ~. I ! I I . ~ ' . I I j ." 1 4t t. I'~ t ';'r.I-~' "":.. '"" I " ','.' '...,.. r :jI.:....~..~ ~,,:,,,..::....~;~ ! ...~... ;'~ ;' "; 'I~II :1',11 :':"'~:'''':'''''~~~;....'' .~'~:."; "'}' .1 .. \"'" .."'I I j I I I i ~ . ; : I I f , I I j . . ~.: , I I" :I: . " I, . , I' " I .; i ~ '"j I ~ I , ..! I I" I . I ...!"1......' .~ ,\ ' ~ I I.. J. Ij~ ~ I : I , ::! ; . i I ::':, l. , . ..: I,. I.. ~ ! J i.; ; . i ! I.,.. II" "',.'. _.....~j.._...._1 ...'., "1 III ~ II' r j I ,! i I I ; : : :', ~" I : I :: : lL...:, :,.:. .., :, r'~'~' :..:,~, : I ; ~ :.:.:,:,:,. J .j. ~.: : ~ I: ""! t '''I i' ,I' II,,! 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"Ift,._..'"h ......,..~fWI... I 'h . ,. .... :l. , f' :.t: " , -i ~ From L BRER FN RRT/PIDTO d~OBLE PHONE No. 415 931 0753_ Feb.07 1994 1:04PM P01 ID: FEB 07'94 12:37 No.019 p.n, '1\)~ Lyune &er l~Ax NO. 931-0753 70 HANSON Mil UUObaUd'I, ,S'UWt $(/11 F,','I1u:isco P41M (41 J) ~'C"'.7J!J' ~ Jo Hanson received an M.A. Ul Art in 1973 (rom Snn rrancieco State University after- careers in t.eaching, journalism ahd social worK. Her major \oX)rk be<;Jan with "Crab orchard ~tery, II initiated by the Corcornn Ga.llory of 1\rt. in washington, D.C. in 1974 and touring subsequently to museums including the San Francisco Mu- seum of Modarn Art. She has participated in major international exhibitions in Auckland, New Zealand and Se..u Paolo, Braudl in addi. tion to exhibiting in the U. s. For many years tho Mt~iaJ and enviroJ1m8ntal issues of street litter have under- lain wide-ranging work and pl."Oiecte--one of them ~dada-st~yJ.e bus tour of San Fran- cisco's illegal dump,{n\1 ait:.E!!!I,for the ll'ltornational Sculpture COnference in 1982. Hanlfon l1Ierved aft a Sa.n If'rancisoo Arts com:nissioner, 1982,-89, and on the advisory board of ~e tKporatoriw~.s artist in residence program, 1984-90. She serves as advisor for the Artist. in Residence Program which she conceived and designed in the San Fr.anclAoo disposal company, Sanitary Fill Co., as pubHo P.iluoation out- reaoh to pr.oarote conservation al'ld recycling. In 1993 she c-o-eur:at.ed the n]~i ving in Balance" exhibitiorl presente<! by the Blln Francisco Airpor.'l:s c.'oomi.ssion at the airport and scheduled at the Ricl~nd Art Center in May, 1994. It ~eatureB the \<<>rk of 22 artists who fOOUR on "reduce, 1"6UBO, 1-eeycle. I' Hanson received an NF.A fellowshlp Award J.tl "9'1; and NEA funding in 1980 tor ~ large exhibition bt'lBOO (,!l stroot traoh And related conn1unity sourccs and city ser.vices.