HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.2 MTC Regnl&AlaCntyCMA TrnsptPln " . . CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT City Council Meeting Date: May 23, 1994 SUBJECT : MTC's Regional Transportation Plan and the Alameda county CMA's Transportation Plan Report by: Public Works Director Lee Thompson EXHIBITS ATTACHED: 1) /comparison of the CMA Tier 1 and 2 Projects List to the proposed MTC Track 1 and 2 project List 2) /' Draft letter 3) / Excerpt from MTC' s Resolution 1876 4) ./ August 23, 1993, Agenda Statement and Letter to MTC RECOMMENDATION: ~~ransmit letter to MTC recommending: ~ 1) That funding be increased in the Tri-Valley area to an amount based on the proportionate share of the Bay Area population for Track 1 and Track 2; and 2) That Dublin does support the need for the West Dublin/Pleasanton BART Station but requests that the additional monies above be assigned to the Route 84 project subject to the improvements being designed to be part of a future highway or expressway between I- 580 and I-680. FIHlUICIAL STATEMENT: There is no direct fiscal impact to the City of Dublin from these studies and repOrts; however, the studies and reports provide an opportunity to secure the best priorities for regional funding sources, thereby minimizing the necessity for higher local development fees. DESCRIP':rION: the public on Transportation Transportation The purpose of this report is to update the City Council the Alameda County Congestion Management Authority's (CMA) Plan and to compare this plan to and comment on the Metropolitan Commission's (MTC) proposed Transportation Plan. and CMA PLAN The CMA has developed a County-wide traffic model and, for the last 3 to 4 years, has been working toward a plan which matches needed major transportation improvements (freeway and mass transit) to projected land use growth. This plan has just been approved by the CMA. For the study, the county was split into four regions, the Tri-Va11ey area being Area 4. Recommended improvements were then categorized into two tiers, Tier 1 being those projects that are projected to be funded from expected regional funding sources such as future ISTEA monies and extended Proposition 111 gas tax, up through the Year 2010. Tier 2 projects are those regional projects that are needed, but there are no identified funding sources. By spreading the Tier 1 monies by population, Area 4 was projected to receive approximately $72 million. The CMA has adopted the following project funding for its Plan, as well as for recommending this list of projects to MTC for inCOrPOration into MTC's Bay Area-wide Transportation Plan: Tier 1: 1) $17 million for completing the I-580/I-680 flyover and hook ramps project 2) $27.5 million for the West Dublin/Pleasanton BART Station ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ITEM NO. &2 COPIES TO: John McCallum, MTC Roger Henderson, CMA City of Livermore City of Pleasanton CITY CLERK FILE ~ . . 3) $20 million for the 1-580/Hwy 84 interchange 4) $5 million for enhanced bus services 5) $2.2 million for the Altamont Rail Service Demonstration project that will connect Sacramento County, San Joaquin County, Alameda County and Santa Clara County Tier 2: 1) $6 million to complete the 1-580/1-680 flyover project that will provide access to Hopyard Road. 2) $180 million for Route 84 3) $23 million for enhanced bus services 4) $16 million for Vasco Road safety improvements MTC PROPOSED TRANSPORTATION PLAN MTC has been preparing a Bay Area-wide Transportation Plan similar to the Alameda County Plan and is in the process of holding hearings to obtain public input to this Plan, as well as the related environmental document. MTC has broken the projects into funding categories called "Track 1" and "Track 2," but the categories are essentially defined the same as the CMA "Tier 1" and "Tier 2" categories. MTC's preliminary lists are, however, somewhat different than the CMA's list. Exhibit 1 shows a comparison between the lists. MTC's list is as follows: Track 1: 1) $16 million for the 1-580/1-680 flyover and hook ramps 2) $20 million for the 1-580/Hwy 84 interchange 3) $7 million for the 1-580 truck/auto separation on the westbound Altamont Pass Track 2: 1) $28 million for the West Dublin BART Station 2) Approximately $5 million for local LAVTA transit operations The major differences between the two Plans are: (1) the MTC Plan has designated substantially less monies to the Tri-Valley area than the CMA Plan and (2) the CMA has shown the West DUblin/Pleasanton BART Station in the Tier 1 funding, while MTC has included it in the MTC Track 2 project list. MTC's reason for not including the BART Station in the Track 1 projects is that MTC has previously passed a resolution (Resolution No. 1876 - see Exhibit 3), in which the Warm Springs BART Extension would be funded after the two-station Dublin/Pleasanton Extension. Since the time the MTC document was published, it appears that $75.5 million in Traffic Operations study funds will be reassigned to other projects, and the Tri- Valley area will receive $29.5 million of these funds (not indicated in the above Track l/Track 2 funding list). The Alameda County CMA has taken the position that the West Dublin/Pleasanton BART Station should be funded; however, it seems clear that MTC is unwilling to put the BART Station in their Track 1 p~iorities. This would not preclude finding some, as yet unknown, funding source to complete the station. The next best place to assign the additional monies would be into Highway 84, assuming that Highway 84 becomes either an expressway or highway between 1-580 and 1-680. The regional benefit of this connection is to draw off traffic between the Page 2 . . East and South legs of the 1-580/1-680 interchange. In order to make the Highway 84 connection work, significant additional funds need to be found and allocated to this project. Funding Sources could include making this segment a toll road (either public or private) or obtaining future specific Federal legislative funding. The Dublin City Council has been consistent in the position that the major Tri- Valley transportation needs include (see Exhibit 4): 1) The 1-580/1-680 flyover, including the hook ramps from 1-680; 2) Highway 84 between 1-580 and 1-680; and 3) The completion of the West Dublin/Pleasanton BART Station Staff recommends that the City Council transmit the following requests to MTC: 1) That funding be increased in the Tri-Valley area to an amount based on the proportionate share of the Bay Area population for Track 1 and Track 2; and 2) That Dublin does support the need for the West Dublin/Pleasanton BART Station but requests that the additional monies above be assigned to the Route 84 project subject to the improvements being designed to be part of a future highway or expressway between 1-580 and 1-680. a:agenda94\m~c-cma Page 3 . Draft PJrot . Altamont Rail Service - Funding fur initial stage planned by -+ Demonstration Project San Joaquin Co. M1'C s1aff'stated (project 508) they will include a fuotnote in the RTP stating support, if San Joaquin County allocates funds to the project. Enhanced Bus Service 0 5.0 to serve Planning Area 4 ---to (project 412, formerly Project 502) 1-5801I-680 SB to EB 16.0 17.0 Pending review of 1-580/1-680 fl~, hook ramps & inkzchange funding program. --. complete ramp braid to Construction scheduled to begin 'CJ7. retain Hopyard Rd. access (project 401) West Dublin I Pleasanton 0 Zl.5 BART extension to be completed by BART Station '95, will build shcll fur W. Dublin ---. (Project 402) station. Propa;ed fur TIadc II by MrC statE If defern:d by MrC Board to Track IT, reallocate rn.5 m to the IDe 841I-58O interchange and approaches. .-+ New Route 841I-580 20.0 20.0 Project Study Report bcing devclopcd interchange (Project 403b) 1-580 trudr/auto 7.0 0 Safety-operntional improvements to --. separation on WB 1-205 at interdlange. Dependent on San 1-580 (Prqcct 407a) Joaquin Countyprovision of $5 m. Subtotal fur planning area 71.7 Original TIer 1 funding equity targets projects were: PAl $296 m, PA 2 $153 m, PA3 $138 m, and PA4 m m. Original targets were based on MrC estimate of $1,145 m in total revenue. SuOOequently, MI'C added $5 m to AC Transit Centas. Other minor differences due to rounding. Grand Totals - countywide set-asides and planning area projecls. Planning Area (p A) 1 includes Oakland, Berkeley, Albany, Emeryville, Alameda, and Piedmont. Planning Area (p A) 2 includes San Leandro, San Lorenzo, Hayward, ~tro Valley. Planning Area (p A) 3 includes Fremont, Newark, and Union Qty. Planning Area (PA) 4 includes Pleasanton, Uvermore, Dublin, and unincorporated portions of East County. r r Transporlation Vision 2010 and Beyond: Alameda County Long Range Transportation Plan ~.....s..~,...~. ~,.l"'.'.'.~....~.. ...~.. ~ 1- ..~ .';';$ ~ ~ ~~~ -b'~" ti ~.. 't\. ll.~.i....: c',; !".".'>'" .;~ .~ r;.v f ~~ i: ~';--~' ~~.;;1 "'J ~. .~.~ j E)<~~'~A-i7~raium -:Pi a<'\ / Fremont South Bay Rail (project 506) . . DraftPJan ~ Streets!Road Maintenance, 0 30.0 Rehabilitation, and Construction - Planning l Area specific (Project 512b) I ! \VIden 1-880 from Rt. 262 CMA proposes this project for Tier 1 to Santa Qara Co. line (Project 301) Build new Rt. 84 from 35.0 Upgrade Measure B project to 6 Mission to 1-880 (Project lanes, indudes local match. 302a) 75.0 Provides new fucility to reduce congestion on parallel arterials. Right-of-way acquisition in Tier 1. 0 15.0 ----.. Local Transit Operations- lAvrAand Union City Transit (projectS18) Altamont Pass Rail -.... Service - DemOllltration Project (project 5(8) 23 4.7 MrC amount indudes $20 million for capilal, $20 million for opernting to be split between the two operators; plus $23 specifically identified for Union City Transit ADAshortfull. CMA allocation is for ADA shortfall as follows: $4.7 m for lA VI'A and $23 m for Union City Transit. Pending corridor study results. CMA recommends funding Alameda Co. share of demo service in Tier I Planning Areal indudes Oakland, Berkeley, Albany, Emeryville, Alameda, and Piedmont. Planning Area 2 indudes San Leandro, San Lorenzo. Hayward, ~tro Valley. Planning Area 3 indudes Fremont, Newark, and Union City. Planning Area4 indudes Pleasanton, Iivennore, Dublin, and unincorporated portions of East County. Transportation Vision 2010 and Beyond: Alameda ColBty Long Range Transportation Plan April 8, 1994 Page 100 1-5801I-680 second flyover, complete hook ramps to Dublin, & -.. complete ramp braid to retain Hopyard Rd. access (project 401) 1-580 HOV lane -+ (Project 408) West Dublin BART 28.0 --... Station (Project 402) . . \ Drat'tPlan ~ To be. determined, pending review of 1-58OII-680 ink'zCbange funding program. To be detmnincd, pending outcome of corridor study Route 84 Freeway/Expresswayand complete Rt 841I-58O Interchange (Project 403) Enhanced Bus Service (project 412, formerly Project 502a) Vasco Road Safety -.. Improvements o 180.0 CMA recommends project fur Tier 1 and Trade L Reallocate W.5 m of the $180 m to project 402 ifMrC adopts RTP with Project 402 in TIadc II. -. o 23.0 to serve PA 4. -.. o 16.0 (Project 411) Subtotal for Planning Area projects 940 486 4373 129.7 Remainder ofMrC's TIackII list to be determined. Tier 2 funding equity targets are: PAl $939, P A 2 $486, PA3$437, PA4$230. MrC Track n is a partial list only. MrC is not expected to complete its work on Track n \D1til L95. CMA grand tolal is based on MfC funding target for Track II. Grand Totals Planning Area 1 includes Oakland, Berkeley, Albany, Emeryville, Alameda, and Piedmont. Planning Area 2 includes San Leandro, San Lorenzo, Hayward, Castro Valley. Planning Area 3 includes Fremont, Newark:, and Union aty. Planning Area 4 includes Pleasanton, llvermore, Dublin, and unincorporated portions of East County Transportation Vision 2010 and Beyond: Alameda County Long Range Transportation Plan April 8, 1994 Page 101 . . DRAFT = May 19, 1994 Chairperson and Members METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION 101 8th Street Oakland CA 94607 SUBJECT: Comments on MTC's Proposed Transportation Plan Honorable Board Members: Thank you for the opportunity to comment on your proposed Transportation Plan. The Dublin City Council reviewed your proposed Track 1 and Track 2 funding lists on May 23rd. Following are our recommendations: 1) That funding be increased in the Tri-Valley area to an amount based on the proportionate share of the Bay Area population for Track 1 and Track 2; and 2) That Dublin does support the need for the west Dublin/pleasanton BART Station but requests that the additional monies above be assigned to the Route 84 project subject to the improvements being designed to be part of a future freeway or expressway between 1-580 and 1-680. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 833-6605. Sincerely, Peter w. Snyder Mayor PWS/LST!gr a:\agenda\m~cmal~r F ~~\ :? q! ~;; ~~:-- ~ ~ ~ ~~ :~7:~\ ~~ ~~ '-.- ,-. ~ J ~ ~~ui' ..~S;; ~'~'.. :: ~ 'Draft Giiir- . . Attachment A Resolution No. 1876 Page 5 of 5 E. Related Understandinas 1. l- i For Santa Clara Co~nty: The Tasman Corridor Project is the county1s highest priority. Santa Clara County1s high reaiona1 priorities are the extension of SART to: Harm Springs at the earliest feasible date, and prograu~}ng or .fuii funding for the CalTrain rights-of-way acquisition in accordance with recommendations of the JPS. ~2. For the Dublin Extension: HTC is committed to a rl'io station extension (Castro Valley and Hest Dublin). The next Alameda County priority is the Harm Springs extension. Ultimately, the Dublin line is expected to be Extended further east, '!'ihich would eliminate the need for a $49 million parking structure at West Dublin. 8ART and Alameda County are encouraged to seek private funding, impact fees, or other funds not available to the Harm Sarinas project in order to fund the additionai cost of the East Dubl in' Station. In th; s event, the $49 mi 11 ion parking structure should not be built a.nd the revenues freed up to assist in the easterly extension. Alternatively, HTC could ca.p its regional fundina commit:;:ent to $531.3 miliion as shown in Table 1. . 3. Federal eariiiarks.'I'I'ill be deteriilined as Dart or HlCs annual Ca.pital Grant Strategy Program. Project expend1tuie ne~ds will guide HTe i~ . developi!lg a Capital Gra.nt Strategy. .4. See Appendix 1 for documenta.tion 0 HlCs understa.nding rega.rding 1.11: BART/SamTrans agreement and the in egra..tion of the Tasman ~orridor proj ect. ~7 :~ ~2 :,ll .~:. ~'?~ .~; {'1 J i !; ~_~~~ ;i ~ _.~ fS(~rPt ~Y"Y1 fYl"TC 'Ke=o-# I '07Co -:~'- ~: ~/ . . . . CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT city Council Meeting Date: August 23, 1993 SUBJECT: Comments on MTC's Regional Transportation Plan Alternatives to be Evaluated in the Environmental Documents Report by: Public Works Director Lee Thompson EXHIBITS ATTACHED: Draft letter to Lawrence Dahms, MTC RECOMMENDATION:~ . ~ support the request to add Tri-Valley projects to the RTP ~.- and authorize Mayor to sign the attached letter to MTC FINANCIAL STATEMENT: If MTC includes projects in the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) , Dublin can request Federal funding for regional projects. DESCRIPTION: MTC is in the process of updating its Regional Transportation Plan and requesting comments on this Plan. On Thursday, August 5, 1993, Boardmembers of Tri-Valley's Alameda county congestion Management Agency (CMA) held a meeting to discuss MTC's updated plan. In attendance were Mayor Pete Snyder, Mayor Ben Tarver from Pleasanton, councilmember Ayn Wieskamp from Livermore, and County Supervisor Ed Campbell. The members of the Tri-Va11ey CMA Board recommended that all cities in the Tri-Valley area, Alameda County, and Livermore-Amador Valley Transit Authority (LAVTA) should support the inclusion of the following projects into MTC's Regional Transportation Plan. Projects that are part of the RTP program are eligible to request Federal funding. It should be mentioned that Short-Term Projects (Track 1) are on the Tri-valley Transportation Council's high priority list. Each agency's Councilor Board is to send a letter to MTC to show support of the following projects: SHORT-TERM PROJECTS (TRACK 1): 1) West Dub1in/Pleasanton BART Station Construction 2) Environmental Study for BART Extension to Livermore 3) Environmental Study for Route 84 and completion of Isabel Expressway (Route 84) 4) Alameda County's share of the Altamont Rail project LONG-TERM PROJECTS (TRACK 2): Construction of BART from eastern Dublin/pleasanton to Livermore RTP projects have been divided into two "tracks": Short term RTP projects are in Track 1, and long term projects are in Track 2. It is hoped that Track 1 projects would be constructed by the Year 2010. Because of the time frame, the Tri-Valley agencies will have time to further address the Long-Term projects (Track 2). At this time, the Track 2 recommendation is preliminary. Staff recommends including an additional project to the list for Track 2: the construction of Light Rail/transit between Walnut Creek and Dublin/Pleasanton area. The 1-580/680 project is already part of the RTP, and staff is recommending that the request to MTC include that th~ 1-580/1-680 remain in the RTP. Staff recommends that the City Council approve or modify the attached letter and authorize the Mayor to sign it and send it on to MTC. a:agendalmtcrtp -------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM NO. 8. Z ~7\-;:~"',""!'>..~ ~ '."!.. .c, 'j '.; -:'t.., ,:-.). ,I;" .-:. a ~c: ;~\ rcZ(]f'S ~ g~~A~~~Jl5~ COPIES TO: Bill Van Gelder, PIe Dan smith, Livermore /' ,- " . . -~ .. August 31, 1993 Mr. Lawrence D. Dahms Executive Director Metropolitan Transportation Commission 101 Eighth Street Oakland, CA 94607 SUBJECT: Comments on the Regional Transportation Plan Dear Mr. Dahms: Thank you for the opportunity to provide you with comments on the Draft 1994 Regional Transportation Plan. The City of Dublin, other Tri-Valley cities, and Alameda County have jointly prioritized this area's regional facilities. This consensus has been agreed upon through the Alameda County long range transportation Plan Area 4 and through the Tri-Valley Traisportation Plan process. The City of Dublin would like to request the following projects to be included in the Track 1 Regional Transportation Plan if they aren't already included: 1. I-580/1-680 flyover with Dublin hook ramps 2. West Dublin/pleasanton BART station 3. Environmental study for Route 84 and completion of Isabel Expressway (Highway 84) 4. Environmental study for BART Extension to Livermore 5. Alameda county's share of the Altamont Rail project. These are the priorities that the Tri-Valley cities see as fitting our area's needs. For Track 2, the City of Dublin requests that the following two projects be included in the RTP if they are not already included: 1. BART Extension to Livermore 2. Light Rail/Transit between Walnut Creek and the Dublin/pleasanton area Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Sincerely, Peter W. Snyder Mayor PS/mb cc: Bill Withrow, Chairperson, CMA Ben Tarver, Mayor, Pleasanton Cathie Brown, Mayor, Livermore Ayn Wieskamp, Councilmember, Livermore Dennis Fay, Executive Director, CMA Dan Smith, Traffic Engineer, Livermore Bill van Gelder, Traffic Engineer, Pleasanton a:aug\17r~pl~r