IVHt~RE.4S, the California Department of Housing and the Assodation of Bay Area Governmei~ts have determined that almost 10,000 new units of
affordabk housing is needed over the next 5years in order to meet the needs of Alameda Counties vey low income populatidn; and
IY/HERF. AS, the Alameda County Board of Supervisors has declared Alameda County in a housing state-of-emergency; and ,~
IVHEREAS, decent, sari and affordabk housing is one of the basic necessities of life; and
IY/HERE~4S, affordable housing is of vilal importance to the health and well-being of Alameda County residents; and
IWIfE~S, hundreds of thousands of Californians live in overcvowded, substandard and otherwise inadequate housing~':and
I~4EREAS, hundreds of thousands more are paying over 30% of their income for housing and often over 50% and are at significant risk of losing their
housing and becoming homeless; and
IVt-IEREAS, thousands of units of affordable housing have been built by non-profit developers in the State of California; and
IVHERE~4S, these affordabk housing units are well-managed, well-maintained and are contributing to the communities in which they are located; and
IvHEREAS, East Bay Housing Organizations and similar organi~.ations have organized events during this week to acknowledge the need for and
contributions of affordabk housing.
NO~,, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that I, Janet Lockhart, Mayor of Dublin, on behalf of the entire Cit_y Coundl, do hereby
proclaim the week of June I, 2002 to June 9, 2002, as AFFORDABLE HOUSING WEEK in the City of Dublin, and calls upon all residents of
Dublin to karn about and h°nor the contributions of affordable housing by partidpating in activities held throughout the week to commemorate this observance.
JanetLock*art ~.~