HomeMy WebLinkAboutPre-Hearing Analysis 7/7/76 PRE-HEARING ANALYSIS - JULY 7, 1976 DUBLIN MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION V-7034 Application for VARIANCE to permit two freestanding sign 12' in height, 117.26 square feet in area not otherwise permitted by the provisions of the "C-I" (Retail Business)District, located at on the southerly side of Amador Valley Boulevard and the northlerly side of Dublin Boulevard of the intersection with approximately 200' east of the intersection of Regional District, Dublin. ASSESSOR'S NO. 941-305-16 & 17. PERTINENT FACTS: History: Shopping center has been installed in accordance with previously approved Site Development Review(s) which authorizes specified building mounted signs. In addition to the basic signing program, applicant has exercised Site Development Review S-423 and Variance V-5730 granted on appeal by the Board of Supervisors on September 7,1972 which authorized the installation of a 600 square foot, 45' high free-standing sign. Environmental Impact: Application is catagorically exempt as Class II, Example I. PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS: The existing freestanding sign was rendered nonconforming by the enact- ment of a comprehensive amendment to the sign regulations which became effective February 4, 1974. The law established a three year amortization schedule for signs not meeting these requirements. The presence of that sign, which applicant's acknowledge will be removed, places all existing signing beyond those aggregate sign areas authorized by present regulations. Considerations of supplemental signing must be based on the assumption that the nonconforming sign will not be present. The present requirements allow freestanding signs if total site aggregate sign area is computed at a ratio of 1.5 square footage of sign area per each lineal foot of primary lot frontage and but one sign per site is authorized. This application is presented as a total site having need of individual retail identification although the site itself has been segregated into several parcels. A rational approach to this request would consider the site as two parcels, each having frontage on the street adjacent to each requrested sign and each containing a represen- tative grouping of existing structures. With this criteria, for the purposes of this application, the parcel may be considered as two parcels with the division line being the Assessor's parcel line dividing the Mervyn's and the Payless complex. The southerly assumed parcel has approximately 575' frontage of Dublin Boulevard, which at 1.5 to one would yeild 862.5 square feet of aggregate sign area. This arbitrary site contains approximately 329 square feet of building signs. The requested sign, containing 117.26 square feet would be within the aggregate area allowed and could be installed if setback 17.5' from the street line. The northerly assumed parcel has 576.32' frontage on Amador Valley Boule- vard, yeilding 864.48 square feet of aggregate sign area. This site con- tains approximately 840 square feet of building signs so as the addition of the requested 117.26 square feet would exceed the aggregate limits. The aggregate could be absorbed in the total site computation. Even this rationale is not disruptive of the intent of the regulations as the building mass is approximately equal as viewed from each street frontage and it is with this ratio, in combination with lot size, that the Ordinance attempts to regulate a reasonable sign program. Utilizing the entire site for agg- regate area purposes, the requested sign along Amador Valley Boulevard could be construed to be in compliance if located 17.5' from the street line. PRE-HEARING ANALYSIS - JULY 7, 1976 DUBLIN MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION V-7034 PAGE 2 from the street line. The Planning Commssion Dublin Sign Policy is a guiding criteria for business signs in this area and is applicable in addition to Ordinance requirements. Applicant has concurrently requested modification of Site Development Review and it is within this procedure that the provi- sions of the Sign Policy are being applied to the requested signs. This review had not been completed as of date of preparation of this report. FINDINGS REQUIRED: Are there special circumstances applicable to the property which deprive the property of privileges enjoyed by other property in the vicinity under the identical zoning classification? Lot area and dimensions constitute special circumstances. Will the granting of the application constitute a grant of special privi- leges inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and zone? Not such a grant as applied and conditioned. Will the use be detrimental to persons or property in the neighborhood or to the public welfare? Not detrimental. PRE-HEARING RECOMMENDATION: Approval, subject to no implementation of this permit until the existing freestanding sign is removed from the premises, location of the signs to be in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance (17.5' setback). As an alternate, consider authorizing modifying existing freestanding sign so as not to exceed 234.5 square feet, 35' in height.