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Item 4.03 MoFinancialRpt
. . CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 12, 1994 fJiL' Monthly Financial Report: November 1994. (Prepared by: Paul S. Rankin, Assistant city Manager) SUBJECT: EXHIBITS ATTACHED: 1./" Balance Sheet and Income Statements for the Period Ending November 30, 1994 RECOMMENDATION: ~ Accept and file the report. FINANCIAL: See report for monthly financial activity. DESCRIPTION: This item provides a report of the monthly financial statements for the month of November 1994. ANALYSIS OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT Consistent wi th previous reports, the analysis which follows will focus on General Fund Revenues and Expenditures, which represent the most significant elements of the City's operations. GENERAL FUND REVENUES OVerall, the General Fund Revenues are performing comparable to the experience in the previous Fiscal Year. The city has collected approximately 29.1% of its 1994/95 budget as compared to 27.4% collected through November of 1993. Certain categories of Revenues have increased while others have decreased. Overall, the total revenues collected are relatively consistent with the prior year. The following describes significant trends: Property Tax is down approximately $55,094 from the same period in the prior year. It appears that this may have been caused by a delay in the County transmitting the City'S proportionate share of prior year taxes. Staff will be monitoring this trend in the upcoming months. Sales Tax advances have increased based upon the improving economic climate. Total General Fund Sales Tax is up $172,242 over the same period in the prior year. Transient Occupancy Tax receipts are up approximately 14% from the same period in the prior year. This appears to be attributable to the change the corporate affiliation and management changes at the local Hotel. License & Permit revenues are down by approximately 5%. This category is comprised primarily of Building Permit Revenue, which can be affected significantly by the timing of large projects. At this time the ci ty has collected $23,038 less in Building Permit fees, than were collected in the same period of the previous Fiscal Year. The other major component of this category is Business License Revenue, which is actually running $10,999 ahead of the prior year. This appears to be caused by two factors: (1) 1994/95 Licenses are being renewed in a more timely manner: and (2) In the months of July through November 1994 the ci ty processed 45 more Business Licenses than in the same period for 1993. Interest earnings appear at this time to be less than in the previous year. This is caused by the fact that a significant portion of the portfolio was moved in the last year, from LAIF to individual Federal Agency Securities. The LAIF makes interest payments four times a year. The more. recent investments make interest payments twice each year. Therefore, the apparent lag in interest revenue should reverse once more ITEM NO. .4. j COPIES TO: CITY' CLERK FILE. ~ . . of the fiscal year has lapsed and the semi-annual interest revenue is received. Intergovernmental Revenue is up by approximately 16% over the same period for the previous year. This relates primarily to the Motor Vehicle License Fees paid to the City bf the state. The major factor to this change is the revised City of Dub11n / County of Alameda Annexation and Tax Sharing Agreement, which became effective in November 1993. The previous agreement provided for the City of Dublin to transfer a proportionate share of this revenue to the county. Under the Agreement implemented with the Eastern Dublin specific Plan, this transfer does not occur. GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES OVerall, through the month of November General Fund expenditures were 29.2% of the General Fund Budget and totalled $3,773,921. In comparison through November 1993, the City expended only $3,281,943 in General Fund expenses, which represented approximately 27.0% of the total General Fund operating expendi tures for the year. Some of the lags discussed in previous monthly reports have corrected themselves and expense trends are very close to those experienced in the prior year. The General Government expenditures were at approximately 33.1% of Budget through November 1994. This compares to approximately 20.6% expended for the same period in the prior year. The increased spending is being affected primarily by two activities. The 1994/95 Civic Center debt service schedule provides for two payments this Fiscal Year, whereas last year there was only one payment made in February. It appears that the City Attorney expenses are currently higher than in the previous year. Although litigation related expenses are less, development related activities have increased. Typically these costs are recovered from the project Applicant. The current expenditures through November continue to be affected by billing lags related to contract service expenditures. For example, the City has not recorded any expense for Police Services. This lag is typical of. the experience in the previous Fiscal Year. Modest budgetary savings have occurred in Community Development activities due to a lag in filling personnel vacancies. In the area of Capi tal Improvement Projects, the 1994/95 General Fund expenditures are at 32.3% of Budget compared to the 3.5% expended in the same period of the prior Fiscal Year. This is the result of the timing of the Annual Slurry Seal and Street Overlay projects. The 1993/94 projects were undertaken in the Spring of 1994. The 1994/95 projects were completed earlier in the Fiscal Year with all improvements accepted as of the November 1994 reporting period. It is recommended that the City Council receive and file these reports as authorized by section 41004 of the California Government Code. . . CITY OF DUBLIN'S FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER 1994 Prepared by The Finance Department (December 2, 1994) .1.. BGLl02 12/02/94 l>.5SETS C.~SH C.~_SH iHTH FISC~L ~GElIT ClLlJlORTIZED BDND DISCOUNT Ilr:ESH1E1ITS AT COST RECEIVt~LES:TAXES ACCOClIIS (UET) IlITEREST lSSESSHElIIS RE!ITS NOTES Dn fROH OTHERS nr:ElITORY t.T COST ?REP.l.ID HENS rEED .l.5SETS _~.HOLlITS TO BE PROnDED TOEL ?SSETS LEE, HID B.~L, REDID ERllIJiGS DEFDSITS FOR PRLUE DEVELFrnfT DEPOSITS FOR 2B1600 FEES DEPOSITS OTHERS EYf~LES :t.CCOCllTS I!ITEREST PAYROLL DeE TO OTHERS DEBT IllSTRUHENTS PlYA,BLE TOEL LEBILTIES mID BAElICES TOT2L FL1ID EQUITY . CITY Of DCBLIiI BfJ.lllCE SHEET fOR THE PERIOD 7j94 THROCGH 11/94 GEllIR_~.L REm!CE FLlillS SPECEL REVEllH FUNDS 680292.41- 381742.70 13676322.74 220361. 06 10209.00 32951.01 6748.79 13266300.19 35020.79 165147.18- 15452.39- 145578.73- 18120721.41- 18120721. U - 117993.21 29859.02 529594.93 3927.07- 3927.07- 525667.86- 525667.86- SHCEL ~.SSESSHElII mIDS 250240.72 250240.72 3125.00- 3125.00- 247115.72- 247115.72- TOTAL LI.~,FllD B~L, RETD ElRlIS 18266300.19- 529594.93- 250240.72- C~PITAL IHPROiJEHE!lT mIDS . TRUST! f.GEllCY FUllD 202135.71- 19569.50 121210.04 110795.71 91390.00- 23mo.00- 234530.00- 325920.00 325920.00 2232500.00 2373279.54 2350000.00- 2350000.00- 23279.54- 23279.54- 91390.00 2373279.5~- P.~_GE 1 13.40.05 TOT ' L S --- 14EMOR.:lfDCli G!fU-u C[RRHIT J[!jI 30, 1994 230925.20- 121210.04 225691.93 121210.04 13676322.74 17389~17.33 449149.98 324262.45 10209.00 3601. 00 62010.03 6748.79 2232500.00 21323025.38 35020.79 234530.00- 163272.18- 3927.07- 15452.39- 2350000.00- 2737160.35- 18590364.53- 18590364.53- 230523.06 25.70.00 2232500.00 2053 f7'75 .91 40137.66- 1~1513.~6- 165707.66- 21'7855.67 - 34256.82- 285113.65- 2":90000.00- 3674589.92- 16910185.99- 16910135.99- 21323025.33- 20534775.91- BGLl02 12/02/94 . CITY Of DUBLIll BALfllCE SHEEl' FOR THE PERIOD 7/94 THRQCGH 11/94 . IlITERlU.L SERVICE FUlID ElITERPRISE FUIIDS FIXED .~SSETS GEllER~.L LOlIG GROUP OF IEPJ~ DEBT ACCOUllIS .A.CCOL1IT GROCP ASSETS CASH CASH wITH FISC2L AGENT rn.1JI0RTIZED OOIID DISCOUNT 371089.65 4~S9.35- 1730761. 91 IlfiESIHElITS AT COST RECEIV.~LES:TAXES ACCOUNTS (lIET) IUTEREST }.5S ESSH ElITS REIITS 1I0TES DeE FRCfl OTHERS IlriEllTDRY AT COST PREP.l.ID ITEMS fIXED ~.5SETS JJlOllITS TO BE PROVIDED 151. 00 153663.97 21110330.12 TOTAL .l.SSE1S 524904.62 22836602.63 LL~~, mD BAL, RETlID ERlIIUGS DE~JSITS FOR PRIV2IE DEVELPilllT DEPOSITS OIHERS P~Y.l~LES:ACCOUlITS IlITERES1 P.WROLL DCE TO OTHERS DEBT IlISTRl;1lHITS PAYABLE TOTAL LI2BILITIES WID B.~U1ICE COlfTRIBl'TIOllS IlriESTHElITS III fIXED ASSETS REEIlIED HPJIIlIGS TOEL mID EQUITY 17615000.00- 17615000.00- 347566.06- 111712.68- 177333.56- 5109390.00- 52~904.62- 5221602.68- 524904.62- 22336602.63- 479305.26- 2713930.44- TOV.L LV~, FUD Bt.L, RETD HRlIS 479305.26 479305.26 2713930.~4 2713930.44 479805.26- 479305.26- 2713930.44- 2713930.44- P.l.GE 1 13.46.20 IO'f~LS --- HEHOPJ1IDCH OHU --- CCRRHlT JCll: 30, 1994 366600.30 1730761. 91 151. 00 21743799.35 2713930.44 26555243 .00 20328930.44- 20323930.44- 459278.74- 5287223.56- 479305.26- 6226312.56- 286318.36 1'726901. 55 ~6371. 33 119.60 22259445.26 25~8360. H 26368516.56 25603.30- 21151212.29- 21176315.59- 56461,39 5273147.74- r0014 . 62- 26555243.00- 26363516.56- 5691700.97- BGLl04C 12/02/94 ********REVElIUES******* PROPERTY TAXES S:.LES TAX RE~L PROPERTY TR)JISFERS IK~lISIE!IT OCCUP).11CY TAX fR.lJICHISE TAXES LICEIlSES & PEPJ1ITS FIms & fORFEITURES (SES OF HOllEY .lJID PROPERTY nrnRCJ);jERIIHElInL FROM STt.TE CH.l~GES FOR SERVICES OTHER SOURCES OF REVElmE TOEL REVElIUE *******EXPE1IDITURES******* GEJlEP~~.L CJ)'JEPJIHEllT ACTIVITIES: 110n - D EP .~R'TIlEllI .~L CITY COClICIL 1010 CITY H}JL~GER 1020 CITY HIOPJIEY 1030 l:DHIl1 SER'!ICES 1040 BCILDIIIG 1f\11).GEHE!lT 1050 f~CILIIY RElIT.~ 1050-719 IlISCP~llICE COST CEllTER 1060 HEcnOllS COST CElI'UR 1070 }.CTIVITY 10TH PUBLIC S:.fETY: POLICE 2010 CROSSIIIG GU).RDS COST 2020 .!llIH.~L COl1TROL 2030 DIS).5TER PREPREDlIESS 2050 fIRE SERVICES JPA 2060 i:.CTIVITY IOT.U, IP~~lISPORErrOll : PCBLIC ~OP~S 3010 STREET H.\IlITElf.lJICE 3020 STREET TREE H.UlITElIflICE 3040 STREET UJIDSC.~PE HABIT. 3050 ,1.CTIVI1'Y TOTAL HEALTH & WELF.l~E: v;J,STE H.~.Jl}.GEHElIT 5020 ~CTIVITY TOTil.L CCLIURE & LEISURE SERVICES: LIBR)~Y SERVICES 8010 ceLTUK~L ACTIVITIES 8011 HERIEGE CElITER 8012 DCBUlI CEHETERY 8013 P.~K KUIlTElIAllCE 8020 .E CITY OF DlillLIlf STATEHElIT SHOWIUG REVENUES VERSeS EXPE1/DITURE fOR THE PERIOD 7/94 THROCGH 11/94 BC1X IT 3849500.00- 5392000.00- 68500.00- 90000.00- 479800.00- 361350.00- 37500.00- 936100.00- 970325.00- 753180.00- 120200.00- 13613455.00- 15601.00 120011.00 260109.00 127170.00 451641.00 326490.00 1553744.00 134000.00 12475.00 3001244.00 3268352.00 38495.00 103750.00 31317.00 2797315.00 6239729.00 294390.00 33959.00 50040.00 165360.00 544249.00 27100.00 27100.00 177536.00 10000.00 26563.00 16680.00 579619.00 GElIER.~L REVDIUE FUlID CCRRElII PERIOD f.CIe.L PERCElIT VARIfllCE 323573.63- 2233954.13- 22790.14- 54550.00- 49936.91- 172170.34- 12625.93- 196625.70- 406983.67- 333352.87- 96001.50- 3962575.37- .00 34313.09 99496.41 63021.03 167438.79 115175.79 401726.3~ 110606.74 69~.~S 992472.72 82476.03 7726.77 16144.CO .00 1323072.00 1429418.35 112063.35 31652.32 11912.61 64653.52 220292.30 670.50 670.50 44384.00 10000.00 997.11 3805.54 223212.61 8.5 33.8 33.3 60.6 10.4 47 .6 33.7 19.9 41.9 44,0 ";0 0 J J .." 25.0 100.0 3.8 22.8 38.5 29.1 3520921. 37- 3603045.37- 45709.86- 35450.00- 429863.09- 189179.16- 24374.02- 739474,30- 563336.33- 424327 .13- 24198.50- 9650879.63- 23.6 38.3 49.6 37.1 35.3 25.9 82.5 15601. 00 35700.91 160612.59 64148.92 284202.21 211314 .21 1152017.66 23393.26 11780.52 2003771.23 5.0 33.1 2.5 20.1 15.6 3135875.92 30768.23 87606.00 31317.00 1474243.00 4310310.15 47.3 22.9 38.1 93.2 23.8 39.0 40.5 132321.65 2306.18 38127.39 101201.43 323956.70 2.5 2.5 26429.50 26429.50 133152.00 .00 25565.89 12874.46 356406.39 . P.l.GE 13 .01.13 PRH10CS YER EIlDnlG J[llI 30 I 1994 l:CIU::L l:CIL1.L PERCElIT ':.:.RL~lICE FISCAL YR Y-I-D 3353101. 60- 5969342.43- 65253.80- 33313.00- 481162.79- 340994.32- 34316.48- 935615.33- 945713.40- . 530737.55- 275567.69- 13570128.94- 815.04 102612.23 240219.95 235554.62 410536.74 313411.43 1453593.27 149792.07 10317.83 2922353.13 2970615.78 .00 92215.39 25728.27 2632168.71 5720723.15 282508.50 877.22 45767.70 158297.22 437450.64 75.84 75.34 165000.00 3000.00 2234.23 3068.33 562328.40 383673.40- 2116712.11- 26994.13- 47917.00- 45798.97- 180409.62- 12338.36- 207590.40- 349343.70- 223631. 25- 124550.37- 3724959.31- .00 39233.30 103234.60 59263.31 157473.92 107341 .61 0(\ 132387.01 1534,17 600963.92 100851. 96 .00 .00 12322.73 1307616.96 1421291. 70 108761. 39 460.94 13830.04 60743 .53 183795.90 41250.00 3000.00 175.23 .00 223521.70 10.0 35.5 41. 4 54,3 9.5 52.9 37.4 22.2 37.0 39.~ 45.2 27 .4 33.2 43.0 25.2 33.4 31.4 .00 .00 25.0 100.0 7.8 3~:9428.20- 3852630.32- 33264.67- ~0~01.00- 435363.82- 160585.20- 21478.12- :23024.93- 595369.70- 352106.30- 151017.32- 93~5169.63- 815.04 633:3.43 136985.35 1:6290.31 2:.3062.82 205569.32 1~53593. 27 88.4 14.2 20.6 17405.06 u.........., ,..,.. .....:OJ.Dv 2321334.26 3.4 2S69~63.82 .00 92215.39 12905.49 1324551.75 4299~36.45 49.8 49.7 24.8 33.5 52.5 30.2 33.4 3!. i 1";37F.1l H6.23 ,10,"; " J...~..;: .ot> O"'<;~, '0 J ,....J.... .lJ... 303654,74 75.84 75.84 39.7 123750.00 .00 2059.00 8068.33 338306.70 . eITY OF DUBLIII SHTDlDIT SHOWIlIG . GLl04C P.~GE 2 12/02/94 REVENUES VEP$[S EXPEIIDITURE 13.04.13 fOR THE PERIOD 7/94 Tl~CGH 11/94 GENERAL RETIIH FmID CCRREllI PERIOD PRE7IOCS YL~ HIDIIIG JClIE 30, 1994 BUCGET ACTCH PERCElIT V>.RV1ICE KTC~.L J.. CICf.L PERCEnT '1J..RP1ICE FISC.~L YR y- I-D COHHUIITY OBLE TV 8030 22393.00 21143.00 94,4 1250.00 20279.00 9000.00 44,4 11279.00 RECREA'TIOll ADHHI. 8040 177379.00 69068.45 38.9 108310.55 175746.19 70720.91 40.2 105025.28 PU.YGROUlfDS 3045 93U9.00 41931.51 45.0 51217.49 72270.89 33613.93 46.5 33656.96 SH.lJilIOll CEUTER 8050 113540.00 40173.40 35.4 73366.60 116563.54 43227.07 37.1 73336.47 PRESCHOOL 8055 33615.00 U622.64 37.9 23992.36 34319.22 13561.95 39.5 20757.27 HIllS PROGRAH 8060 29446.00 8929.93 30.3 20516.07 27928.80 10160.14 36.4 17763.66 J..DCLT SPORTS 8065 92961.00 33364.34 36.4 59096.16 76349.38 36032.81 47.3 40267.07 YOCTH SPORTS 8066 34886.00 12637.32 36.2 22248.68 28570.77 9532.15 33.5 13983.62 SPECEL EVEUTS 8070 31323.00 7399.50 23.6 23928.50 23749.94 7153.32 24.9 21591.12 SIlIIOR CElITER 8080 109422.00 41716.17 38.1 67705.83 98858.25 38556.27 39.0 60301.98 RECREHIOlI I!ISTRUCTIOlI 8090 81736.00 31996.12 39.1 49739.83 78626.11 30nO.05 33.7 ~3196.06 .!.Qc.~TICS 8100 197003.00 94036.20 47.7 102971.80 205324.75 93114.22 47.8 107210.53 KTIVITY TOTt.L 1332261. 00 699913.34 38.2 1132342.66 1709218.30 673155.25 39.4 1036063.05 COHHLllIri DEVELOPHElIT: PL~JnIIlIG 9010 611170.00 211563.19 34.6 399606.81 511179.82 204410.66 40.0 306769.16 BCILDIlIG SUETY 9020 266000.00 9~048.29 35.4 171951.71 252992.23 90707.92 35.9 162234, 31 EllGIllEERIlIG 9030 204072.00 79514.66 39.0 124557.34 215790.71 90420.94 41.9 125369.77 ECOllOHIC DEVELOPHElIT 9040 73132.00 357.55 .5 7277 4.45 6328.57 5304, O~ 83.S 1024, 53 ACTIVITY TO'EL 1154374.00 335433.69 33.4 763890.31 986291.33 3903B.56 ~(j , 5~5~~7.77 .)..0 C.PIEL IHPROVEHElIT PROJECTS: GEllERn CIP PROJECTS 93lnl 59015.00 4612.50 - n 54402.50 .00 .00 .00 ; .0 COHH8lIIY IHPROVEHEJlTS 9 Hill 50000.00 3564.39 7.1 46435.61 43603.17 .00 ~3603.17 P.~J~KS 9511ll .00 4987.60 4987.60- 12423.92 .00 12.;23.92 STREET COIISTRC/IHPROVMT 961m 32500.00 325CO.00 100.0 .00 231695.66 11337.37 4.2 269308.29 .1.CrIVITY 'I0EL 1H515.00 45664.49 32.3 95850.51 342722.75 11837.37 3.5 330335.33 TOT f. L EXPEIlDITURES 12940472.00 3773920.89 29.2 9166551.11 12163340.19 3231942.70 27.0 8336397.49 EXCESS <REVEl/UE> EXPE}IDITURES 672983.00- 133654.43- 23.0 48B28.52- 1401283.75- 443016.61- 31.6 953272.14- TP~lJISfERS III FROH OTHER FUUDS .00 .00 .00 77093.25- .00 77093.25- TP~~JISHRS OUT TO OTHER FlJl/DS .00 .00 .00 41383.31 29424.36 70.3 12453.95 EXCESS <REVEUUE> EXPENDITURE 672933.00- 133654.~3- 23.0 434328.52- 1436498.19- 413591. 75- 2" " 1022906.44- 0.0 BGLl04C eITY OF DUBLIlI STHEHEI1T SHOIHUG . P.l.GE 1 12/02/94 REVElIUES VEP'sUS EXPElIDITURE 13.06.51 fOR THE PERIOD 7/94 IHROCGH 11/94 SPECEL REmlUE FmlDS ClJRRnlI PERIOD PRrlIOt:S YER HIDIllG JC!lI 30 I lOu' u-t BU!:CET ?CTc.!.L PERCElIT VARVlICE l:.CTUAL f.cn:?l PERCElII ':.:1< InlCE FISC.~L YR Y-T-D * H ** * * *REVElIU ES* * HH * S.~LES V.X 116000.00- 47244.51- 40.7 63755.49- 117622.52- 46106.35- 39.2 71516.17- FIlIES & FORFEITURES 31900.00- 10003.34- 31.4 21891.66- 33963.62- 10537.48- 31.2 23376.14- SPECHL BEUEFITS f.SSESSHElITS .00 395.33- 895.33 .00 .00 .00 CSES Of MOllEY }JID PROPERTY 35300.00- .00 35800.00- 35095.35- .00 35095.35- IlITERl1GOVERW1ElfV.L FROB STATE 611354.00- 213927.73- 35.3 392926.27- 609300.33- 179112.30- 29.4 E0683.53- I1ITERC-OVERlIMElI'V.L FROM COUlITY 150000.00- 37978.00- 25.3 112022.00- 125934.50- 21532.00- 17.1 104452.50- nITERGOVERmmfV.L FROB FEDERAL 2329423.00- .00 2329423.00- 116540.21- .00 116540.21- CE)~GES FOR SERVICES 697356.00- 239.11- 697116.39- 742453.70- 2922.39- .4 '739536.31- OTHER SOURCES OF REVEl1UE 16000.00- 3251.42- 20.3 12743.58- 11993.19- 6587.32- 54.9 5~O5.37- TOEL REVE!lUE 3933333.00- 313544,49- 8.0 3669793.51- 1793459.42- 2663!7.34- 14.9 1526611.53- *******EXPENDIl'URES******* GElIER-l.L C-OVERm~ElIT }.CTIVITIES: f.cTIVITY TOTAL .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 RBLIC SAFETY: roLICE 12350.00 755.00 6.1 11595.00 12067.43 1647 .69 13.7 10419.79 TP~~HIC SIGiI.l.LS 90790.00 26417.29 29.1 64372.71 32277.35 207'71.12 25.2 61506.23 KrIVITY TOTn 103140.00 27172.29 ?' ... 75967.71 94344.33 22H3.81 23.8 71926.02 40.,) TP~lJISPORE1'IOll : PCBLIC ~;ORKS 526.00 .00 526.00 .00 .00 .00 STREET IEI!ITEll.lJICE 215050.00 151472.04 70.4 63577.96 153320.93 112252.14 70.7 ~6568.84 STREET S;VUPIllG 73360.00 22003.77 30.0 51356.23 69985.83 21~52.06 30.7 ~o533.77 f.CTIVITY TOTJ..L 233936.00 173475.31 60.0 115460.19 223306.81 133'704020 53.4 95102.61 EE~LTH & WELFJ.~E: t;.~.STE H.1JL1.GEHEUT 640137.00 10050.13 1.6 630086.87 542622.00 2253.20 .4 5~O368.80 CCLTCRE & LEISCRE SERVICES: COHHCllIIY DEVELOPHElIT: ElIGIUEERHIG 113450.00 20363.52 17.9 93086.48 117649.45 16866.43 14.3 100733.02 .l.CTI'JITY TOTf.L 113450.00 20363.52 17.9 93036.43 117649.45 16366. n 14.3 100'733.02 Cl.PIEL IHPROVEHEllT PROJECTS: GHlER.1.L CIP PROJECTS 17269.00 .00 17269.00 .00 .00 .00 COHMlllITY IMPROVEME1ITS 205207.00 13366.35 6.5 191340.15 53963.45 23021.57 47.5 30946.33 P.l.RKS 29895.00 .00 29895.00 133793.53 12206.03 9.1 121587.45 STREET COllSIRUCTIOll/IMPROVMT 2436696.00 100699.66 400 2335996.3~ 364376.23 14017.79 3.3 350353.49 ACTIVITY TOTAL 2739067.00 114066.51 4.2 2625000.49 557138.26 54245.44 Q ~ 502892.82 ..I lOT A L EXPE!IDITURES 3884730.00 345128.26 n Q 3539601. 74 1540561.35 229483.08 1409 1311073.27 0.. EXCESS <REVElruE>EXPElTDITu'RE 103608.00- 26583.77 21\ 7_ 130191. 77- 252893.07- 37359.76- 14.8 215533.31- ~" 'IPJJISfERS III FROM OTHER FmIDS .00 .00 .00 32723.13- 29t24.36- 89.9 3303.32- 'IR.lJfSFERS OUT TO OTHER FmIDS .00 .00 .00 9451.83 .00 9451. 83 EXCESS <REVElIUE> EXPE1IDITURE 103603.00- 26533.77 25.7- 130191.77- 276174.42- 66734.62- 24,2 209389.80- E~L104C . CITY OF DL'BLIlI STATEHEIIT SHOWIl/G . P.l.GE 1 12/02/94 REVENUES VERSCS EXPElIDITURE 13.10.25 fOR THE PERIOD 7/94 THROUGH 11/94 SPECEL .!.SSESSllElIT FmIDS CCP.RE11T PERIOD PRr:lors YE..~ WDUIG JUIE 30 I 1994 BUDGET i.CICH PERCElIT V}.RIJ.JICE 1:.CTUJ.l. J..CIU.l.L PERCEIlI ~:.:JU;lICE FISC}l. YR Y-T-D ********REVElIUES******* SPECEL BEl/EFITS .~SSESSHElITS 238265.00- 303.35- .1 287961.65- 533098.91- 4583.62- .9 523515.29- CSES OF HOllEY }JID PROPERTY 15000.00- .00 15000.00- 2297 L 46- .00 22974.46- OTHER SOURCES OF REVEllUE 5725.00- .00 5725.00- 14269.21- 4727.89- 33.1 9541.32- rOEL REVElICE 303990.00- 303.35- .1 303636.65- 570342.53- 9311.51- 1.6 561031.07- ** H * * * EXPENDITURES*" ** ** * GE!lEP~l.L c.D7ERlIHElIT }.CTIVITIES: lfOll-DEPlRTHElfEL .00 .00 .00 210730.75 565406.00 268.3 3546'75.25- .l.CTIVITY TOEL .00 .00 .00 210730.75 565406.00 263.3 3546~5.25- PCBLI C Sf.FETY: TRfC SIGS/STREET LIGHTIlfG 199025.00 63243.22 31.8 135781. n 190210.34 53341.26 30.7 131869.58 }.CTIVITY TOTH 199025.00 63243.22 31.8 135731.73 190210.84 53341.26 30.7 131369.53 TP~~JISF{)RV.TIOll : PCBLIC WORKS 5632.00 1012.79 18.0 4619.21 2736.26 1599.20 58.4 1137.06 SIREET TREE HAIl/1'ElI}JICE 9390.00 1705.09 17.2 8184, 91 6807.10 1432.37 21.0 5374.73 SIREET llJIDSClPE H.mmlmlCE 109940.00 47210.85 42.9 62729.15 105133.50 43514.32 41.4 61618.63 I..cTIVITY TOEL 125462.00 49923.73 39.3 75533.27 114676.86 46546.39 40.6 63130.47 HElLIS & ~ELFARE: CCLlCRE & LEISURE SERVICES: COPJKliITY DEVELOPHElIT: EllGIHHRIllG 4120.00 3203.40 77.8 916.60 3828.40 3~58.52 90.3 ""I.-Q A,'" .:::~).... . 00 2CTIVIIY TOEL 4120.00 3203.40 77.3 916.60 3823.40 3453.52 90.3 1"'0 I\f\ .....0.....00 C.~IEL IHPROWlEllT PROJECTS: COHHClIIIY IHPROmmlTS .00 .1)0 .00 4500.00 4500.00 100.0 .00 STREET conSTRCCTIOnjIHPRO\i1lT 400000.00 .00 400000.00 .00 .00 .00 ,l.CTIVITY TOTAL 400000.00 .00 400000.00 4500.00 4500.00 100.0 .00 I 0 1 ? L EXPEllDITURES 723607.00 116375.35 16.0 612231.65 5239~6.35 678252.17 129.5 154305.32- ECESS<REVElIUE> EXPElIDIIURE 419617.00 116072.00 2i .1 303545.00 46395.73- 663940.66 1441.8- 715336.39- TPJJISfERS HI FROH OIHER FlmDS .00 .00 .00 123395.44- .00 123395.4~- TPJJISFERS OUT TO OTHER FmIDS .00 .00 .00 110995.44 .00 110995.44 EXCESS <REVElmE> EXPElIDITURE 419617.00 116072.00 27.7 303545.00 59295.73- 663940.66 1128.1- ';23236.39- BGLl04C .ITY OF DUBLII! STJ..TEHEIIT SHOWIllG . P.l.GE 1 12/02/94 REVEllUES VERSUS EXPElIDITURE 13.23.02 FOR 'THE PERIOD 7/94 THROCGH 11/94 C.lJ'IEl IHPROVHlHl1' mID CCRRIllT PERIOD PREVIOCS YEAR EIIDIllG JlllI 30, 1994 BUOCET J..cTG.L PERCElIT ViI..RVJICE ACIU.~.L ]..(10.1 PERCEIIT '1.~..RE1ICE FISCAl YR Y~I-D ********REVEUUES****** * CSES OF HOtIEY }lID PROPERTY .00 .00 .00 2058.46- .00 2058.46~ OTHER SOURCES OF RE'JElIUE 711509.00- .00 711509.00- 73214 .23- .00 7321L23- wnL REVElIUE 711509.00- .00 711509.00- 75272.69- .00 75272.69- *******EXPElfDITURES******* GmER.~ GOVERl1J.lEnT ,~CTIVITIES: .~.CTI7ITY TOEL .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 PCBLIC SfJETY: 'TR.~J!SPORTATIOll : HEJ.LTH & wELF)..RE: CCLTCRE & LEISURE SERVICES: COHHlllIIY DEVELOPHEIIT: C.~IT.l.L IHPROVEME1IT PROJECTS: STREET COllSTRUC'IIOll /IHPRO'iHT 431509.00 49473.22 11.5 332035.78 214021.33 32323.00 15.3 131193.33 ACTIVITY 'IOV.L 431509.00 49473.22 11.5 332035.78 214021.33 32323.00 15.3 131193.33 I 0 T J.. L EXPEIlDIIERES 431509.00 49473.22 11.5 332035.78 214021. 33 32323.00 15.3 181193.33 EXCESS<RfiElIUE> EXPElIDIIURE 230000.00- 49473.22 17.7- 329473.22- 133743.64 32323.00 23.7 105920.6-1 IR.~J!SHRS OUT 'fO OTHER FL1/DS .00 .00 .00 33393.92 .00 33393.92 HCESS <REVEllUE> EXPEllDIICRE 230000.00- 49m.22 17.7- 329473.22- 222142.56 32323.00 14.3 13931~ .56 BGLl04C aITY OF DUBLnI ST!TEHEIIT SHOWIlIG . P.~GE 1 12j02/94 REVEllUES VERSUS EXPElIDITURE 13.41.22 fOR THE PERIOD 7/94 THROCGH 11/94 TRUST/J..GElICY mID CURRHlr PERIOD PRrIWES YEAR HlDIllG JUlE 30 I 1994 BUOCET ).CTU1>l PERCE/IT V}.RmICE f..CTU~.L f.CTUJ.1 PERCEiII ~':.l.Rm!CE FISCH YR Y- I-D * H** * H REVElIUES* H*** * SPECEL BEliE FITS ASSESSHElITS .00 6251.28- 6251.28 .00 .00 .00 TOEL REVElIUE .00 6251. 28- 6251.28 .00 .00 .00 *******E1~E}IDITURES******* GEllERJ..L C-OVERlIMElIT ACTIVITIES 110ll- DEP.~.R'rHElmL .00 159594.75 159594.75- .00 .00 .00 p.CTIVITY TOTP.L .00- 159594.75 159594.75- .00 .00 .00 PCBLIC SlfETY: 'IR.!JISPORE'TI Oll : HEf.LIH & WELFJ..RE: CCLTURE & LEISD~E SERVICES: COHHLllITY DEVELOPMEIIT: C.U'IEL IHPROVEHElIT PROJECTS: TOEL EXPElIDIT{;~ES .00 159594.75 159594.75- .00 .00 .00 EXCESS (REVElIUE) EXPE!IDITURE .00 153343. n 153343.47- .00 .00 .00 EXCESS (REVEllCE) n~EIIDITURE .00 153343.47 153343.47- .00 .00 .00 BGLl04C .CITY OF DCBLIlI ST~.TEMEnT SHotiIlIG . P.l.GE 1 12/02/94 REVENUES VERSUS EXPElIDITURE 13.13.44 FOR THE PERIOD 7/94 THROCGH 11/94 IlITERJLl.L SERVICE FU1ID CURRIlII PERIOD PRE7IO[S YHR HIDIlIG JUlt 30; 1994 BUOCET f.CIC~l PERCElIT VARVlICE .~CTUf.L f.CIEL PERCENT ':.l.RVlICE fISCAL YR Y-I-D ********RfvENUES******* CSES OF HOllEY HID PROPERTY 11600.00- .00 11600.00- 15331.72- .00 15381.72- (]ll.RGES FOR SERVICES 124603.00- 52734.03- 42.3 71373.92- 123214.23- 53553.59- 41.8 74655.69- OTHER SOCRCES OF REVElIUE .00 1033.54- 1038.54 7615.50- .00 7615.50- IOEL REVENUE 136203.00- 53772 .62- 39.5 82435.38- 151211.50- 53553.59- 35.4 97652.91- ,,* * H* * EPElIDIfURESH* H ** GElIERf.L C-OVERlIHElIT ACTIVITIES: 1I0n-DEP.~RTMEIlTAL 230233.00 19137.23 8.3 211045.72 127230.73 63042.55 49.5 64238.23 f.CTIVITY TDTAL 230233.00 19187.28 3.3 211045.72 127280.73 63042.55 49.5 64233.23 PCBLIC Sf.FETY: TP}JISroRETIOII : liE}.LTH & wELF}.RE: CCLTURE & LEISURE SERVICES: COHHlllIIY DEVELOPHElIT: C.~.PIEL IHPROvrHENT PROJECTS: TOT A L EXPE1IDIIURES 230233.00 19137.28 8.3 211045.72 127230.73 63042.55 49.5 6~233.23 EXCESS<REVENUE> EXPElIDITURE 94025.00 34535.34- 36.8- 123610.34 23930.72- 9433.96 39.6- 33H4.63- EXCESS <REVElIGE> IXPEllDITURE 94025.00 34585.34- 36.8- 128610.34 ' 23930.72- 9483.96 39.6- 33414. 68- .. ~ITY OF Du~LIH SI1TEHEIIT SHOWING . BGLl04C PlGE 1 12/02/94 REVEIWES VERSUS EXPflIDlTURE 13.18.33 FOR THE PERIOD 7/94 THRO(G[ 11/94 EllTERPRISE FClIDS CCRREliTPERIOD PREIOCS YER ElIDIlIG Jcm 30, 1994 BUOCET P. CIC.~.L PERCHIT VARLllICE >.CTU.l.L ~.cTCl:L PERCEm ~.'.:.Rl.lJICE FISC.~L YR }-1-D x******xREVEHUES**xx*xx I;SES OF HOllEY AlID PROPERTY 1658112.00- 405931.29- 2405 1252180.71- 1564715.31- 866.61- .1 1563848.70- OTHER SOURCES OF REVElWE .00 5.44- 5.44 .00 .00 .00 TOEL REVEUUE 1658112.00- 405936.73- 24.5 1252175.27- 1564715.31- 866.61- .1 1563843.70- **xH**EXPElIDITURESxx*x*x* GElIER.~L GOVERJIHElIT ACTIVITIES: llOll-DEP1RTHElITAL 1553784.00 75741.93 4.9 1478042.07 1436774.32 31. 70 1B6742.62 .~.rtun SERVICES 13370.00 3523.75 25.4 10346.25 1635.85 633.75 42.1 947.10 ACTIVITY 'IOEL 1567654.00 79265.68 5.1 1488388.32 1438410.17 720.45 .1 1437639.72 PCBLIC S?.FETY: DIS.~STER PREAPREDlIESS 1150.00 .00 1150.00 .00 .00 .00 ACTIVITY 'JOEL 1150.00 .00 1150.00 .00 .00 .00 TR.~JISPORT}.TIOll : HEALTH & wELFARE: CCLTURE & LEISURE SERVICES: RECRETIOll lDHIl/ISIRATIOll 10130.00 Q'- ,- 9.5 9212.33 10364.05 2934.67 27.0 7929.38 ...tl/ .0: SDfIOR CElITER 463.00 250.00 54.0 213.00 333.14 233.14 70.4 100.00 }.CTIVITY TOEL 10643.00 1217.67 11. 4 9425.33 11202.19 3172.31 28.3 3029.33 COHHLllITY DEVELOPHElIT: C.PIEL IHPRO'lEHElII PROJECTS: TOT ~. L EXPElIDITCRES 1579:147.00 80433.35 5.1 1493963.65 1449612.36 3393.26 .3 1445719.10 EXCESS<REVEllUE>EXPEllDITURES 73665.00- 325~53.3S- 413.7 246733.33 115102.95- 3026.65 2.6- 113129.60- TR.~J1SHRS III FROM OTHER mIDS .00 .00 .00 12008.13- .00 12008.13- EXCESS <REVElIUE> EXPE1IDITURE 73665.00- 325453.33- U3.7 246783.33 127111.03- 3026.65 2.4- 130137.73-