HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 6.1 NoiseMitigationFeeOrd
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CiTY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 27, 1994
Noise Mitigation Fee Ordinance
Report Prepared by Elizabeth H. Silver, city
A~astern Dublin General Plan Amendment and
Specific Plan EIR, pages 3.10-3 and 5.0-13
By/Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and
Specific Plan Mitigation Monitoring Program,
'page 64
C./Government Code Section 65913.2
D~raft Ordinance
tJJ~ 2)
'\ 3)
Open public hearing
Receive Staff Report and public comment
Close public hearing
Waive reading and INTRODUCE Noise Mitigation
Fee Ordinance
The cost of preparing the Noise Mitigation
Fee Ordinance can be recovered from property
owners applying for approval of development
in Eastern Dublin.
DESCRIPTION: The Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and
Specific Plan Environmental Impact Report ("EIR") identified increased
noise on roadways as being a potentially significant impact from
Eastern Dublin development on existing residences (EIR, page 3.10-3).
The EIR also concluded that the development within Eastern Dublin
would contribute to cumulative traffic-related noise impacts (EIR,
page 5.0-13). The EIR includes a mitigation measure (MM 3.10/7.0) to
mitigate this impact. MM 3.10/7.0 provides that the City should
develop a noise mitigation fee to pay for mitigation measures such as
noise barriers, earthen berms or retrofitting existing structures with
sound-related windows.
The council must follow the provisions of AB 1600 (Government Code
Sections 66000 et seg.) to enact a noise mitigation fee on future
development in the Eastern Dublin area. These provisions contemplate
a two-step process prior to the imposition of such a fee on new
development. The first step is the adoption of an "implementing
ordinance". The second step is adoption of a resolution setting the
amount of the fee, the type of improvements to be funded by the fee,
properties subject to the fee and when the fee is payable.
The draft ordinance is the first step. It is an implementing
ordinance which, if adopted, will establish the mechanism for imposing
a noise mitigation fee. No fees will be imposed by the ordinance.
The second step, adoption of a resolution setting the fee: r2quires a
public hearing. It also r~quires 'that information regarding the
amo~nt ~t r~e- proposed fee be available to the public at least ten
~WS im ad~m~. This information would be in the form of a study or
$taE~ ~'pmr~ mkThcm would show the relationship between development
proj~ts and tbe. mitigation measures (e.g., noise barriers, earthen
berms ,or reb:::ofittinq existing structures with sound related windows)
for which the fee is proposed to be charged.
ITEM NO. -".1
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AGENDA STATEMENT - Noise Mitigation Fee Ordinance
Page 2
A noise mitigation fee could be adopted once the ordinance is in
place. It would be applicable only to developments within Eastern
Dublin (the area included within the Specific Plan and General Plan
Amendment area but excluding the Future Study Area) and would not
replace specific project-related improvements for individual projects
to mitigate noise impacts on site.
Government Code section 65913.2 requires the Council to consider the
effect of an ordinance such as this with respect to the housing needs
of the region in which the City is located. The Government Code
requires the City to refrain from imposing regulations which would
make housing infeasible for any segment of the community. This
ordinance would not make housing infeasible for any segment of the
community because it is necessary to allow development to occur. This
ordinance is one step in the implementation of the Eastern Dublin
Specific Plan which contemplates close to 14,000 dwelling units at
buildout (including the General Plan area not within the Specific
Plan), and which will have a beneficial effect on the housing needs of
the region. It will help the city to meet the ABAG projected housing
need in Dublin.
Adoption of the draft ordinance is consistent with and will implement
the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. The adoption of the draft ordinance
is not subject to CEQA (Public Resources Code Section 21080(b) (8).
Staff recommends that the City Council conduct a pUblic hearing,
deliberate, waive the reading and INTRODUCE the ordinance.
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~ Dvbb SP/GPJ.. Em.
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Future noise contours for the Year 2010 wi'th the Project are shown on :Figure 3.1 O..B. These contours
do not take into account acoustical shielding due 'to existing buildings or topogrll'hy. Consequently,
a.etuall1oise levels may be less than tha.t shown on the mal'. By plaCing the contours on the land use
map, one can easily determine the worst case future noise exposure of a particular development
parcel. For examtJle. Medium DensitY Residential development just north of Gleason Boulevarc1 011
both sides of Tassa.jan Road will be exposed to a CNEL of 60 dB or more. According to the City'S
land. use compatibility guidelines, these land uses would be in the "conditionally a.eeeptl.ble" range for
this type of land use. .Conditionally accepg,ble" means that an ~ousuc::al study should be initiateci '
during project development to determine how interior noise levels will be cOQwUed to the City and
State goal of CN'EL 45 dB.
Mitigation Measure or the ElR
MM 3.]0/1.0 Require tlull an Q&DUStietJ Slutl'Y bd submitted wilh all residential development
projects located within the future CNEL 60 (:QnICRIT. The goal of th~ dCC1U3tical
study is to .show how the interior noise level will be controlled to a CNEL 0/
45 dB as required by Title 24. PlUllI. The Title 24 ,om of CNEL 45 should
be applied to single-/amlIY housing.
MM 5.10/1.0 is appli.:ablo to the total Project site. Implementation of this 11'1itigation measure will
reduce the impact to a level of insie.nificancc.
1M 3.10/9
Exposure of Existins Raideaces to i.dure Roadwal Noiu
Future Project de...e1opment will alsO have the potential to impact existing mideQ~ due to increased
noise on roadwa)'S. Table 3.10-3 ghows the future noise level along major roaaways in the pIaDning
area for the Year 2010 With Project and Year 2010 without Projecn. Alol1Slnterstate S&o. the noise
level increase will be 1 dB or less with or withOUt the Project. A I-dB change would 110t be
considered significant.
Along Tassaiara Roacl, the f\lture noise level wID incre-ase by 3 dB near cxisu.ng residential
development north or Dublin Boulevard without the Project and by an additional I dB with the
Project for a total increase of 4 dB.
Fallon Road. Doola.n R.oad. and Hacienda Road do not have significant traffic on 'them currently.
In the future, without the Project, noise levels alan; theSe roadways would remain similar to the
current noise le'Vels. NOise levels along Doolan Road.. however, woulcl increase by 7 to 15 dB due to
the projeet. This would result in future CNELs of 62 to 10 dB approximately SO tcet from the
roadway centerline. In oonclusion.. b1areasecl trlf'fic noise Oft local roads would result in noise level
increues of 6 dB or more along J)oOlan aDd Fallon. Roads. This would be considered a l,ill!f\lf'icallt
This Unl'act is aJso a DOtentiallv :n&1lificant advetSe imoact IS c1.iscllSSed in ChQPll' S.
Mitigation Measure of the EIR .
MM 3,101Z.0 Require tJuzt deveJDpment prDjflcts pt()'1id. for "oi.s, hDfritf'S or berms ntar
existing residences to control noise in outdoor use spaces. One possibility is the
construeti07l of solid fences around outdoor use aretJ3. T1u! noise control/or
existing re$idenee: should be naluttlld 012 a case..bY-Cl1Se basis.
MM 3.10/2.0 is applicable to existing residential areas throughout the total Proj~ct site.
Implementation of this mitigation will reduc:e the hnpac:t$ to a level of notentiallv silITiificant since
mitigation may not be feasible at a11locations due to site constraints such as driveways or prOximity .
1.1." ~...A_..A C .~~
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change. This impact
remains a sii~jr;~nt cumulative imD;lct.
1M 3.10/B
Exposure of Existing Residences to Future Road.way Noise
The Project would contribute to cumulative traffic-related Daise impactS in the region. I:ach
cumulative project may contribute one Or two d~bels to the overall noise level- in the subregional
ate3. This !:MY tyl)ically be oonsidered no impact since the iDcreue is generallY less than 3 dB.
However, over the lOng term. the noise level increases in a 5ub5tantial maDllcr. This Tt'ould be true
alons. such roadways as Fallon and Tassajara road. Therefore. the noise imPact of the Project is
considered a eitlnific::mt cumulative irnollct. ~ -4> I ~~
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Mitigation Measure of the :EIR
MM 3.10/7.0 In order ta miligalc Ihis sirdlicDN cumulali" ;mptW, the CilY should
develop a noise miligaztonfee to pay /or mitigating me:a.mre:s such as
noise barriers. elUthell berms or retro/ittinl existing structures with
sound-rml!d windows. 1114 mitigation fIe coul.d be developd 071' a
"dollars for deciber ba.sis. For example. i/ the future noise level is
predicted to ;ncrease by 4 dB. and the Project will COli tribute 2 dB. then
the applicant should be r~$ponsiblc lor SO ~rcsnJ. 01 Ihe tOlal cost 0/
aIty off-site mitigazion measw'es.
This mitigation measure is designee! especially to reduoe c:umulanve impacts related to noise. This
is an experimental concept which haS been adopted by other jurisdi~ons in the Tri- Valley.
ImJ)lementation of this mitigation measure would reduce cumulative noise impacts to a potentia.lly.
siC!nifiy.m~ level.
. Air Quality
1M 3.11/A
Dust Dtposltioll Soiling Nvisp~, frOm CODStnlc:tioll AetiYity
This is a ~te-ntiallv siinificant cumulative in'lDact due to the non-attaiDment statuS of the air basin.
Miti~ti01J. Measures of the EIR
MM 3.11/ J.O rtclWres that a series of actions be taken by the City of Dublin to reduce
dust deposition irom t;ODStnetion activity.
Even if the City implements MM 3.11/1.0. cumulative PM-IO impacts will not be reduced to a level
of insignificance because the nOl1-atta.inment 5ta~ of th~ ~ basin imposes I. %ero tolerance threshold
for cumulative impactS for any non-attainment pollutants. This impact will remain a. Q2tentiall~
sjgnif~~Dt cumulative imoact.
1M 3.11/D
CoustnlCtiOD EquipDlC1J-t/Vehic1e: Emissions
This is a aptenrialtv sifnif'1~nt eurnutative impact due to the non-attainment statuS of the air basm.
Mitigation Measures of the Em.
MM 3.11/ 'l.D through MM 3.11/4.0 propose measures to reduce emissions related to
COD:ltructiou operatiot13.
,~, .'
Ct_y of DubUfI
May 1, 1993
Eastern Dublin Spteific Plan Ie GPA ErR
Mitig1l.tion Monitoring Plan
2. Miti;'l\tlon Imnlcrnentation and Monitorine PrQuam
Impact 3.10/A Exposure of Proposed Housing- to Future Roadway Noise
Miti~ation, Measure 3.10 I] .0: Acoustical Study Within Future CNEL 60 Contour
To require acoustical studies for'all residential development projects within
the future CNEL 60 comour to show hOW interior noise levels will be
reduced to 45 dB.
Applica.nts/Planning Department.
Verify the preparation of an acoustical study for aU residential projects
located within the future CNEL 60 noise contour. and confirm the
incorporation of mitigation measures into the proposed plan.
Prior to tentative map approval.
Prior to final map approval.
Planning Department.
Impact 3.10/B Exposure of :b:istinS Re!lidence~ to Future Roadway Noise
Mit/ration Measure 3,10/2.0: Provision of Noise Control Measures
To require th:at 3.11 development projects in the Project area provide noise
barriers or berms near uisting residences to control noise in outdoor use
Applicants/Planning Department.
Verify that proposed plans provide noise abatement for existing residencl:s
or that such mitigation is not necessarY.
Prior to tentative map approval.
Prior to Final map a.pproval.
Planning Department~
Miti~atfon Measure 3.10/7.0: Noise. Mitigation Fe.e.
To provide for the establislunent of a noise mitigation fee to pay for on-
and off -site noise mitigations, including but not limited tOI noise barriers,
earthen berms. or retrofitting structures with sound-rated windows.
APplicants/Planning Department.
Prepare an ordinance permitting the levying of a noise mitigation fee.
During processing of prezoning and -annexation applications.
Prior to tentative map approval for projects along Tassajara Road, Hacienda
Road, or Fallon Road. .
:Planning Department.
Impact 3.10/D Exposure of Proposed Residential Development to Noise from Future Military
J'raining Activities at Parks Reserve Fnrces Trl'1inine Area (Camp Parks RITA) and the County Jail
MiaJ!ation Measure 3.10/3.0: Perform ACouslfcal Studies
To require acoustical studies prior to future development in the FoothillP
65913.8. Public capital facility improvement relal.-
ed to development project; prohibition
of fee 01'.1' payment including
amount for tenance and operation
as condition for approval; exceptions.
Density bonus for devew of housing
within one-half mile ~ass transit
guideway station.
~ 65913. Legislative findings and declarations
(a) The Legislature finds and declares that there exists a severe shortage of affordable housing,
especially for persons and families of low and moderate income, and that there is an immediate need to
encourage the development of new housing, not only through the provision of financial assistance, hut ahm
through changes in law designed to do all of the followin1f
(1) Expedite the local and state residential development process * * *:
(2) Assure that local governments zone sufficient land at densities high enough for production of
affordable housing.
(3) Assure that local governments make a diligent effort through the administration of land use and
development controls and the provision of regulatory concessions and incentives to significantly reduce
hOU'in: development costs and thereby facilitate the development of affordable housing, including
housing for elderly persons and families, as defined by Section 50067 of the Health and Safety Code.
These changes in the law are consistent with the responsibility of local government to adopt the
program required by subdivision (c) of Section 65583.
(b) The Legislature further finds and declares that the costs of new housing developments have been
increased, in part, by the existing permit process and by existing land use regulations and that vitally
needed housing developments have been halted or rendered infeasible despite the benefits to the public
health, safety, and welfare of those developments and despite the absence of adverse environmental
impacts. It is, therefore, necessary to enact this chapter and to amend existing statutes which govern
housing development so as to provide greater encouragement for local and state governments to approve
needed and sound housing developments.
(Amended by Stats.19S5, c. 1117, S 1.)
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Law Review Commentaries
Growth control by the ballot box: California's experi-
; ence. Daniel J. Curtin) Jr. and M. Thomas Jacobson, 24
Loy.L.A. L.Rev. 1073 (1991).
~ 65913.2. Limitations on local government regulation of subdivisions
In exercising its authority to regulate subdivisions under Division 2 (commencing with Section 66410), a
city, county, or city and county shall:
(a) Refrain from imposing criteria for design, as defined in Section 66418, or improvements, as defined
in Section 66419, for the purpose of rendering infeasible the development of housing for any and all
economic segments of the community. However, nothing in this section shall be construed to enlarge or
diminish the authority of a city, county, or city and county under other provisions of law to permit a
developer to construct such housing.
(b) Consider the effect of ordinances adopted and actions taken by it with respect to the housing needs
of the region in which the local jurisdiction is situated.
(c) Refrain from imposing standards and criteria for public improvements including, but not limited to,
streets, sewers, fire stations, schools, or arks, which exceed the standards and criteria bein a lied b
the city, county, or city and county at that time to its publicly financed improvements located in similar1;y
zoned distJicts within that city, county, or city and county.
(Amended by Stats.19S3, c. 367, S 1.)
Additions or changes Indicated by underline; deletions by asterisks * *' *
93 Cal Code 1994 P.P.~2 31
Section 1.
Chapter 5.112 is added to the Municipal Code of the City of
Dublin to read as follows:
"Section 5.112.010 Purpose
In order to implement the goals and objectives of the
City of Dublin's ("City") General Plan and the Eastern
Dublin Specific Plan and to mitigate the impacts
caused by future development in the City, certain
noise mitigation measures must be implemented. The
City Council has determined that a noise mitigation
fee is needed in order to implement these noise
mitigation measures and to pay for each development's
fair share of the implementation costs of the
necessary noise mitigation measures. In establishing
the fee described in the following sections, the City
Council has found the fee to be consistent with its
General Plan and the above Specific Plan, and
pursuant to Government Code ~ 65913.2, has considered
the effects of the fee with respect to the City'S
housing needs as established in the Housing Element of
the General Plan."
"Section 5.112.020 Noise Mitiqation Fee Established
A. A Noise Mitigation Fee ("Fee") is hereby
established to pay for noise mitigation measures
necessary to mitigate cumulative impacts identified in
the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and Specific
Plan Environmental Impact Report (SCH No. 91103064).
B. The City Council shall, in a Council resolution or
resolutions adopted after a duly noticed public
hearing, set forth the amount of the Fee, describe the
benefit and impact area on which the Fee is imposed,
list the noise mitigation measures to be financed,
describe the estimated cost of these measures, and
describe the reasonable relationship between the Fee
and the various types of future developments and set
forth time for payment." .'
"Section 5.112.030 Use of Fee Revenues
A. The revenues raised by payment of the Fee shall be
accounted for in the City's Capital Project Fund
("Fund"). Separate and special accounts within the
fund shall be used to account for revenues, along with
any interest earnings on such account. These monies
shall be used for the following purposes:
(i) To pay for design, engineering, right-of-way
acquisition and construction of noise mitigation
measures designated in the Council resolution and
reasonable costs of outside consultant studies related
(ii) To reimburse the City for designated noise
mitigation measures constructed by the City with funds
(other than gifts or grants) from other sources
together with accrued interest;
(iii) To reimburse developers who have designed and
constructed designated noise mitigation measures which
have a value in excess of the amount of the Fee
payable; and/or
(iv) To pay for and/or reimburse costs of program
development and ongoing administration of the Noise
Mitigation Fee Program."
"Section 5.112.040 Developer Construction of Facilities
If a developer is required, as a condition of approval
of a permit, to construct an improvement that has been
designated to be financed with Noise Mitigation Fees
and if the improvement has a value in excess of that
needed to mitigate the impacts of the development, a
reimbursement agreement with the developer and a
credit against the Fee otherwise levied by this
ordinance on the development project shall be offered
by the City. The reimbursement amount shall not
include the portion of the improvement needed to
mitigate the burdens created by the development."
"Section 5.112.050 Administration Guidelines
The City Council may, by resolution, adopt
Administrative Guidelines to provide procedures for
the calculation, reimbursement, credit or deferred
payment and other administrative aspects of the Noise
Mitigation Fee."
Section 2.
This ordinance was adopted at a noticed public hearing, for
which notice was given pursuant to Government Code ~ 6062a.
Section 3. Effective Date and Postinq.
This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty
(30) days from and after the date of its passage. The City
Clerk of the City of Dublin shall cause this ordinance to
be published or to be posted in at least three (3) public
places in City in accordance with Section 36933 of the
Government Code of the State of California.
the City of Dublin on this ____ day of , 1995,
by vote as follows: