HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.7 FinalAcceptance 84-8 CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 8, 1985 SUBJECT : Final Acceptance of Contract 84-8 Reconstruction of Dublin Boulevard, Amador Valley Boulevard, and Village Parkway EXHIBITS ATTACHED : None RECOMMENDATION : FINANCIAL STATEMENT: 1) Accept the improvements as being complete. 2) Authorize final payment to Gallagher and Burk,Inc. In the amount of $46,579.87. Budget Actual Construction Design & Inspection TOTAL $487,116 $469,029 56,000 60,380* ,TT6 Y -fg, o9 Source of Funds Federal Aid Urban State Gas Tax DSRSD General Fund TOTAL (FAU) $417,620 $397,510 -0- 30,982* -0- 7,882 125,496 93,035' $543,~ $529,409 Note: FAU pays 86.2~ of construction excluding $7,880 related to DSRSD fixtures. 86.2~ (461,149) + $397,510. * The City expended $33,882 in design costs in Fiscal year 1983-84 ($30,982 in State Gas Tax funds and $2,900 in General fund Monies). DESCRIPTION : In October of 1984, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 110-84 which approved Federal Aid Urban (FAU) funding for the rehabilitation of major arterials. This program provides for reimbursement of 86.2~ of the construction costs. The project involved the removal of failed pavement and the placement of .einforcing fabric covered by an ashpalt concrete overlay. The project included the following streets: The north side off Dublin Boulevard from San Ramon Road to the Alamo Canal, Village Parkway from Dublin Boulevard to Amador Valley Boulevard, and Amador Valley Boulevard from San Ramon Road to Starward Drive. In addition to the resurfacing, this contract also provided for the installation of 17 street lights on Dublin Boulevard, placement of traffic signal interconnect conduit and irrigation crossings for the landscape project which is a separate project now underway. The orginal cost of construction was anticipated to be more due to changes in quantites when the field measurements were made. The amount of material required to fill a swale in Dublin Boulevard was less than the orginal estimate. Additional cost savings were also realized due to the elimination of pianing required next to medians on Village Parkway. The City Engineer has reviewed the improvements and found them to be in ~ccordance with the approved plans, specifications and modifications. Staff recommends that the City Council accept the improvements and authorize the final payment.. / COPIES TO: Gallagher and Burk, Inc. PUBIJC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE CITY OF DUBLIN ~,, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ~ NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS '~ Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Clerk of the City of Dublin; 6500 Dublin Boulevard, Dublin, Califonlia unlil 2:00 P.M., on October I, 1984, at which time they will be pub icly opened and read aloud for construction in accordance with the pro[ecl plans and specifications to which special reference Is made, as follows: RECONSTRUCTION OF DUBLIN BOULEVARD, AMADOR VALLEY BOULE~/ARI~,ANO VILLAGE PARKWAY IN DUBLIN. · This prelect has a goal of t0 percent disadvantaged business participation and a goal of 1 percentwoman bwned business enterprise participation., ~ THIS PROJECT IS SUBJECT TO THE "BUY AMERICA' pROVISIONS OF THE SURFACE TRANSPORTATION ASSISTANCE ACT OF t982. - A pre-bid meet ng s scheduled for 11:00 A.M., September 24, 19~ at t he Dublin City Hall, 6500 Dubtin Boulevard, Dublin, California. This meet n is to nform DB/WBE of subcontracting and material supply opportunities. B dders attendance at this meet ng is a prerequis e for demonstrating reasonable effprt to obtain DB/WBE participation; however, if the DB/WBE goal is met or DB/WBE pertic?aaflon is obtained, atlendance is not required· Prospective b driers can obtain cop es of the plans and specifications for the work far the City Clerk of the City of Oubtin, &50() Dublin Boulevard, Dublin, California at the followin~ non- refundable costs: Products hay n se ~rate pans and specifications: $20.00 per s~t. If mailing is desired, an additional non-re~un~ble cost of $S.00 per set w be requ red. Checks or money orders musl be made pa abe o the City of Dublin. Bids must ~)~ made on propose s wh ch a re i nclud ed with the prelect speci ficatlons a nd must be signed by the b dder andaccompen ed by a deposit in lhe amount shown on the Bid-Bond form which s a art of the Propose and sealed within a b d envelope. This deposit n'tay be cash, cashier'sc~eck, certified check cert fiodwithoutqualifica on and drawn on a solvent bank of the State Of California or a Nat[Dna Bank doing business in the State of California) or bid beed, made payable to the C o[ Dublin or the bid wilt not be considereldi; thfioSwa~OormeS~l~de deposit s to serve as agreed and ~qu,dated damages should the party or part es contrad is awarded fail to enter nfo the contract after the award or fail to give the bond required for the faithful performance of the contract, or tail to furnish any other, bond required by law. ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE OF QUANTITIES UNIT OF ESTIM~,TED ITEM ITEM NO, DESCRIPTION I. Mobilization 2. Traffic Control 3. Cleaning and Grubbing 4. InstaJt Ad ustment Rings $. Remove & Rep ace Frames and f2. Reset Boddin inlet Planing A.C. ~[avement Asllhalf Concrete Pul~Boxes for Traffic Safety L ght ng MEASURE QUANTITY EA. 1 S.Y. 14,700 TON tOO S.Y. ~' 14.500 23 Trenching Under ~Aedian 24. Pull Boxes for Signal Interconnect EA. 3 .25. Construction Area Signs EA. 12 The City of Dublin hereby notifies all bidders that it will aflirmative~y insure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged busines~ and woman owned bus ness enterpr sas wffi be afforded fu opportun to submit bids in response 1o this invitation and will not be discrim na ed against on the gi~u~nds of race, co or, or national or[ in in consideration for an award . · ~n mum wage rates for this pro ect as predetermined by the Secretary of Labor are set forth in she Special Provisions· f there is a difference between the mimmum wa e rates predetermined by the Secretary of Labor and prveiling wage rates determin~q:by the Department of Industrial Relations for similar classifications of lobar, the Contractor ~nd his sub-contractor shall pay not less than the higher wage rates. ,~ Pursuant to Section 1773 of the Labor Code, the general prevailing rate of wages in the coun in which the work is fo be done has been determined by the Director of the Department of I~t~str a Relations. These wa~e rates appear in the Department of Transportation ub cation entitled Genera Prevading Wage Bates date 1984. Future effectiv~ wage r~tes Pwh ch have beefl predetermined and are on file with the Department of Industrial Relahons are referenced'but not printed n said pub cation. T he City of Dubin reserves the right to relent a ny or a U bids and any or all items of such bids. DATED: Abgust 2~ 19~4. . - CITY OF DUBLIN ... By: RICHARD AMBROSE .~, City Clerk · Trt-Valley Herald. Le al No. ~ terald (SEE ATTACHED) SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ALAMEDA AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION In the matter of Karen Peterson ........................................... deposes and says that (he/she} was the Public Notice Advertising Clerk of the TRI- VALLEY HERALD a newspaper of general circulation os defined by Government Code Section 6000, adjudicated os such by the Superior Court of the State of California, County of Alameda (order Nos. 205 370 and 240 625), which is published and circulated in Murray and Pleasanton Townships in said county and state seven days a week. of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published in every issue of the TRI-VALLEY HERALD on the following dates: ................. .$e.PC. embe..r....~...a-gd...4~.., ! ~.~ I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated this ............ !5 ~h ........ day of ...... ~eRtember , .1~84' at Livermore, California. P.O. Box 3000 325 South "t" Street Livermore, California 94550 DcoUNT WITH city of Dublin · p. O. Box 2340 Dublin, CA ~ 94568 Reconstruction of Dublin Blvd., Blvd. & village parkway ; 5ASERETURN STATEMENT WITH pAYMENT Tri-valleY Ee=ald -- Legal Notice to Cc~tractors NO · Run: 9/8 and 9/15/84 18" @ $6.74 col. in- (lst run) 18" @ $6.27 col. in. (and run) BILL NO. DATE Sept' ,1984 RECEIVED SEP [ 1 198'I CiTY Of D[J~L'~FI Amador valley #3017 OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE couNTY OF ALA/~AEDA BLICATION rkway in O568 Dated this ... :. ~.:.. .:."~ ................................ deposes and ';"~l~ii~'-I~o;~e AdvertiSing Clerk ot the TRi- f~o~er of general circulation as defined by 6000, adjudicated as such by the Superior ornla, County o~ A ameda (order Nos. 205 370 f|ished and circulated in Murray and P easanton -'lama stote seven days a week. c~n ~ractors .............................................. ~r nted copy, w~s published in eve~/' %ssue of the f;{Iow ng dotes~'. ......................................................... ~..: ................... ',~'""]'y'"""]"9 8 4 ............. t - ei'~l (hat the foregoing is true and pe, nalty of p I n/ .!sth ...... dayof September~ 1984