HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-20-1994 Item 8.1 94-019 Marg-ett Arts & Crafts Fair CUP / TO: FROM: PREPARED BY: SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION: CITY OF DUBLIN PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA STATEMENT/STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: June 20, 199'1 Planning commission Planning staff fr ~ Ralph Kachadourian, Assistan1: Planne~ PA 94-019 Marg-ett Arts and Crafts Fair CUP PROJECT: APPLICANT: PROPERTY OWNERS: LOCATION: Conditional Use Permit requeBt to allow the operation of two arts and crafts fairs at the Dublin Plaza Shopping Center on July 14-17, 1994 and December 1-4, 1994. Marietta Lewis Marg-ett Arts and Crafts Shmls 1377 Wylie Way San Jose, CA 95130 Eric Wenberg Dublin Plaza Merchants Assoc:Lation Albertson's Food Center #733 7333 Regional Street Dublin, CA 94568 Sanwa Bank of California c/o Property Accounting #424!i 9275 S.W. Peyton Lane Wilsonville, OR 97070 Regional Street Joint Venturl~ The Cortana Group 800 El Camino Real #175 Menlo Park, CA 94025 Jeffrey Sandelman Albertsons Inc. 733 P.O. Box 20 Boise, ID 83726 Johnson Chamberlain WMMIG 14 Commercial Boulevard #125 Novato, CA 94949 7117-7~43 Regional Street ---- - ---- --- -- ----- --- -- - - - - - ------- - ------- ----.---- -------- --- -- ----- COPIES TO: Applicant Property OwnerOwner Address File .0 ".'1'''' I or I ;-.:-..:c._r~ ITEM NO. A' ASSESSOR PARCELS: 941-305-14-2, 16, 17-1, 17-2, 21 PARCEL SIZE: 17.39:t acres GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: Retail/Office DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN DESIGNATION: Zone 6: Central Block West Hetail EXISTING ZONING AND LAND USE: Center C-1, Retail Business Distric1:i Retail Shopping SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: The properties to the north, south, east and west are zoned C-1, (Retail BusinElss) District with retail commercial uses. ZONING HISTORY: Since November 13, 1984, twenty separate ar1:s and crafts fairs have been conducted on this site during the summer and winter months with Conditional Use Permit approvals. The Dubl:_n Planning Commission previously approved PA 93-024 Conditional Use Pel:mit for the Marg-ett Arts and Crafts Fair on May 25, 1993. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS: Section 8-61.0 requires that a Conditional Use Permit be obtained from the Planning commission for the operation of two separate arts and crafts fairs, for up to four days each, per 1:welve month period per lot when sponsored by a Dublin based non-profit, non-restrictive civic or service organization, for the sale of handmade or handcrafted items for sale by the original artist. Section 8-94.0 states that conditional uses must be analyzed to determine: 1) whether or not the use is required by the public needi 2) whether or not the use will be properly relatE~d to other land uses, transportation and service facilities in the vic:_nitYi 3) whether or not the use will materially affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinitYi and 4) whether or not the use will be contrary to the specific intent clauses or performance standards established for the district in which :_t is located. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project has been found to be Categorically Exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under Section 15304, Class 4(e) of the State CEQA Guidelines. This project involves the minor temporary use of land having negligible or no permanent effects on the environment. NOTIFICATION: Public Notice of the June published in the local newspaper, mailed and posted in public buildtqgs. 20, 199'~ hearing was to adjacent property owners, -2- c'."-' r 17\ I. .'':;': ~ Or -'-_~'_ ANALYSIS: The Applicant is requesting Conditional Use Permit approval to operate two separate arts and crafts fairs at the Dublin Plaza Shopping Center to be held on July 14-17, 1994 a:1d December 1-4, 1994. Approximately 20 to 25 arts and crafts boot:1S with individual artists/craft persons exhibiting their work will be set up along the pedestrian walkway area stretching from the Albe::-tson' s market to the Mervyn's Department Store. The proposed hours 0: operation for the fair will be from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. This Conditional Use Permit request has been coordinated with and sponsored by the Dublin Plaza Shopping Center Merchants Association. The fairs have not created any special problems ::or the existing commercial retail tenants at the shopping center The City has no record of any zoning violations associated with 1:he previous fairs operated by the Applicant. Previous approvals have allowed the exhibitors to sleep overnight in their recreational vehicles (RVs) in the shopping center parking lot. The Commission has permitted overnight use of the RVs with the number and location subj ect to review and approvcll by the Planning Director. Since there is no record of any problE!ms occurring from the RVs staying overnight, Staff has included the same provision in the Draft Resolution, Exhibit 3. The project has been reviewed by other City departments and their comments are included as conditions of approval in the Draft Resolution, Exhibit B. DUE~ to potential theft pl:oblems at these types of events, the Police Department suggests that SEcurity services be provided at all times. Staff recommends approval of the Applicant's Conditional Use Permit request to allow two separate 4-day arts and crafts fairs at the Dublin Plaza Shopping Center during the months of July and December 1994. RECOMMENDATIONS: FORMAT: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Open public hearing and hear Staff presentation. Take testimony from Applicant and the public. Question Staff, Applicant and the public. Close public hearing and deliberate; Adopt the rE:solution approving the Conditional Use Permit, or give Staff and Applicant direction and continue the matter. ACTION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the Draft Resolution, Exhibit B, approving ':onditional Use Permi t PA 94-019 Marg-ett Arts and Craf":s Fair. , ' -3- ..., r'-"" ~ f"I- 0'""') t'" I Pi.~~ -=- Or .~. ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit A: site Plan Exhibit B: Draft Resolution approving PA 94-1}19 Conditional Use Permit Backqround Attachments: Attachment 1: Location/Zoning Map Attachment 2: Dublin Plaza Merchants Association Agreement dated February 16, 1994. , ' -4- ,I J.'" t,-!(:~ f 0.('" f) ~..:.:~.------- .'\.,/f' ...""",~..."", ~ \lAur:< BuJD /~ "'V -t'1f. ~ 1/. '^ /(..- ~ i ~< ~ I :t V- I ~ f)\ I to , 79 - ~ ~ ~ iO > I 7\ 0- r 111 ,..... - - ~ ....., ~ ~ ~ l' :~ ~ ~ ro '(- V) -j " J:1 - p .'1 t-l ~ "0 I7l b i\l t p ~ "1J t-- ~ J "L C'\ UrJ -=>Pr ~ ~b ~ '" & ~ itI !: U\ :+: ~t J ~€kITY CJ\ VJA,: ~m Pi bEl? T s .O)'S 0 'E ~ /vJKT %J r- 7 ?\ 11 ;u ~ R E oS TA-u{<..;\1J'\ f1I III b 1) CLe~NF"'f..S Ir.AUNd."R'j rr!!6tf (11~ t., > ::'7r:J(fl~R/~ ~ 5 1(oJ RDhb) -' oS JJ ~~ ~t. --I . ~ .." ::J. a $5 ~7 A'id "S?J.~ S =t6JJ t:J ? Ci tf ~ 5C1~ CJ fY 0 ~'-1 ti / ~ l''<J(Y1;'"\'f\^ ~ ~tf/l11 ~3 H EXHIB!!A, 10 I' .....1- ___ ,.II ..._..... RESOLUTION NO. 94 - A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ----------------------------------------------------------------------- APPROVING PA 94-019 MARG-ETT ARTS AND CRAFTS F~IR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUEST TO ALLOW TWO SEPARATE, FOUR DAY llRTS AND CRAFTS FAIRS WITHIN THE DUBLIN PLAZA SHOPPING CENTER LOCATED ~T 7117-7333 REGIONAL STREET WHEREAS, Marietta Lewis and the Dublin Plaza Shopping Center Merchants Association request approval of a Cond:.tional Use Permit to allow two separate, four-day arts and crafts fairs at the Dublin Plaza Shopping Center (7117-7333 Regional street) on July 14-17, 1994 and December 1-4, 1994j and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a pub:.ic hearing on said application on June 20, 1994j and WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS, the application has been reviewed :_n accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quali1:y Act (CEQA) and was found to be categorically Exempt under section 1!i304, Class 4(e) of the State CEQA Guidelinesj and WHEREAS, the adopted city of Dublin Zoning ordinance, as amended, provides for the operation of arts and crafts fa:xs for up to two separate events of a maximum of four days each during a twelve month period through the Conditional Use Permit prOCeSBj and WHEREAS, the Staff Report was submitted recommending that the application be conditionally approvedj and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear and consider all said reports, recommendations and testimony hereinabove set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dub:_in Planning Commission does hereby find that: A. The two Marg-ett Arts and Crafts Fair eventB will serve the public need by providing an opportunity for the community to see and purchase specialty handmade and handcrafted items not typically available elsewhere in the commun:_ty. B. The proposed uses will be properly related 1:0 other land uses and transportation and service facilities in the vicinity, as the proposed uses will be compatible when compared to the type and nature of operations typically found in the neighborhood. C. The proposed uses, under all circumstances and conditions of this particular case, will not materially adversE~ly affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity, or be materially detrimental ,to the public welfare or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood, as all applicable regulations will be met. V'"~'7 ~1 nr: / L~ I n;;.L ___ ",J~ ......-.. EXHIBIT B D. The proposed uses will not be contrary to the specific intent clauses or performance standards established for the District in which it is to be located. E. The approval of the Conditional Use Permit .rill be consistent with the Dublin General Plan and the Downtovrn Specific Plan. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning Commission does hereby conditionally approve PA 94-019 Conditiomll Use Permit application as generally depicted on the plans labeled Exhibit A, stamped approved and on file with the Dublin Planning Department and subject to the following conditions: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: Unless stated otherwise, all Conditions of Approval shall be complied with prior to the issuance of buildinq permits or establishment of use. and shall be sub;ect to Planninq Department review and approval. The followinq codes represent those departments/aqencies responsible .for moni torinq compliance of the conditions of aflproval. rPL 1 Planninq, rBl Buildinq, rpOl Police. rpWl Public Works, rADMl Administration/city Attorney, rFINl Finance. rFl Douqherty Reqional Fire Authority. rDSRl Dublin San Ramon Services District. rCOl Alameda Countv Department of Environmental Health. 1. This Conditional Use Permit approval is to allow two separate arts and crafts fairs for four days each (July 14-17, 1994 and December 1-4, 1994) in the Dublin Plaza Shopping Center located at 7117-7333 Regional Street. This approva:_ shall generally conform to the site plan labeled Exhibit A elated received by the Planning Department May 5, 1994. [PL) 2. The items sold at the fairs shall be restricted to handmade or handcrafted items produced by the original artist. The density of the display setups shall be graphically portrayed on an exhibit prepared by the Applicant and submi1:ted for review and approval by the Dublin Planning Department and the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority a minimum of four working days prior to the event. Displays shall not be set up in such a manner that pedestrian traffic is shifted into the adjo:_ning driveway/fire- lane aisles. [PL, PO, F) 3. The display areas shall not obstruct pedestrian movement on the sidewalk, block fire protection appliances or fire lanes and display areas shall be kept clear of all stc)re entrances. [PL, PO) 4. signage is restricted to a maximum of two 24 square foot signs. signage shall not be located within the pub:.ic right-of-way. Temporary no-parkingjno-stopping signs shaL_ be posted along the curb line. [PL] 5. Any trash or litter resulting from the even1: shall be removed by the Applicant immedia~ely after the fair. :PL] - 2 - c.' ,~,... -J ()_ {Tl, J il-':~;': . I J~' ",.1' .- -- J u,.............~ 6. No art or craft items shall be left unsecurf~d on the premises overnight. [PL, PO] 7. The Applicant shall submit a certificate of Insurance naming the city of Dublin as certificate Holder and additional insured in the amount of one million dollars to the Dublin Planning Department prior to conducting the fairs. :PL] 8. Assigned recreational vehicle parking for the arts and crafts fair exhibitors shall be provided on the prl~mises with the number and location subject to review and comment by the Dublin Plaza Shopping Center Merchants Association and subject to review and approval by the Dublin Planning Department. Said review shall occur a minimum of two weeks prior to conducting the arts and crafts fairs. [PL] 9. All activities shall be controlled so as no": to create a nuisance to the existing retail businesses with the Dublin Plaza Shopping Center. [PL] 10. Security services are suggested for each fair event in order to prevent theft problems. [PO] 11. This permit shall be revocable for cause in accordance with Section 8-90.3 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinan<::e. Any violation of the terms or conditions of this permit shalL be subject to citation. [PL] PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOP'I'ED this 20th day of JU:1e, 1994. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Planning co:nmission Chairperson ATTEST: Planning Director - 3 - C' ~,.. d - 1(\ jJ..L!.: 2......_ Ot" "..,..--_'-" . , I , , I. ~,~ '~.. .. \ , , \ ........~:_~...-....~...... \ I .. '. ~ ~ - \ \ ~ \ ............ \ \';\ "~,,,"," ".. ','" \ \ .. \" \ , , \, ...... " .. iO::i\ ... \, ~ . \~"~ ~ ---.J ".. \. " .... ua ....,... , ~ va &\(S, ~ VI \~..\ A . :g'\, \, \.., " , \ \ \ \ , \ I \ ':"&~r \ \, \. - N ~ ~~: . S "8" . ;> _jO~" ~~~ ~-< . .~ l~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ -- 91 ~ ~ 0 . t"l ~ ""'; ~ g . _,.-' . - :: ,J. as c__ , 0.. ... .. P ;. i ? , , , I I I I I '" / . , .. / , / , , , , , ~./' /,,,- , , , , , , I , , , , , , : ~[ I , , I , , , , I , I I I , , , , \1 ~~ /~ ;/~ ~ (PoGI'OlUI",G *' CITY' 'OF DUBLIN @ SANTINA . ,:~::.; * THOMPSON INC" ....~I"ITi:_.D C'.c (1-- ii\ ,,,", n."., j .. - .........~""....... ,/~ .,.-.,...:.."".... l().4,O Oalt. c.._ w...... f)l'BU~ ,)rT () .,......... CAlIFORSIA - ,~ c:;rr <;llrFT :r ;~ AGREEMENT The part ies to this Agreement are Yn~+,i.. &Q.W~"<md Marg-ett Shows. Center is the owner or lessor of the premises known s _~' ~ <P~ &- , (hereinafter referred to as the "Center"). Marg-ett Shows desirE'S to use 0 porti~ of the premises for certain periods of time, for the purposes hereafter s:>ecified. The parties agree as follows: I. The type of activity is as follows: ...., ad t {l,,~" ~ 2. The dote of the activity is/J.~ N~ /~ rrPj~ 1- L9.u...- /- '7/ /'ly/- 3. The Center agrees that Marg-ett Shows may use and 'occupy that portion of the premises which is designated on Exhibit A for the purpose of selling arts and crofts on the dotes above specified dur:ng the hours of 9:lJo Ill-'/. to L~:t;C FYI on said dates. Thjs location sholl not be changed without the prior consent of Mmg-ett Shows. 4. Marg-ett Shows will maintain location in 0 clean I:ondiiion. 5. Marg-ett Shows shall obtain any and al/ permits "that nay be lawfully required by ~he appropriate governmental <Juthorities wit~ respect to the cctivities. 6. Marg-ett Shows shal/ obtain, or has obtained" the followinQ....j(lsurqnf~ in connection with the activity: <{/.O,~: pvo re~~Jt : ~'v ~~/j:P..t..j.t.,~ 7. Any party t ; this agreement may cancel or terminate this agreement by giving notice thereof to tl. :emaining parties so long as said notice is given at least -.f L;.J;;. (.,;'0) d\:. ,xior to the first day the activity's set to take place. ~ ' 8. Marg-ett Shows shal/ pay the Center a lump sum in consideration of this agreement, In the amount of , receipt of which i~; hereby acknowledged. IN1:1TNESS WI-lEREOF the parties hereto haye executed this agreement, this 16" - day of ~a,r..?':df7::~f , 19 77'"- #/" . // .. " , . L-:~ 'K:enter" \. j ( '---~ "-'.-1 - 1 / /IJ~ {L/. /'.A. '- i'n.--CU ~ ~.-:::::> Marietta L.ewis ...-/ -~- R!C'E1V!D q " 01'1 f> A <1 J 1994 " - H~135H PJ-qIQ~~Sr" 1~%LlN P\.ANNING ATTACHMENT Z- J" t; jl'-\' Q.'G:- . 'or. v.', Lr'_ C. _ 1--.,. .PUBLl:C HEARING SUBJECT: PA 94-019 Marq-ett Arts and Crafts Fair Conditional Use Permit approval request to allow the operation of two separate arts and crafts fairs at the Dublin Plaza Shoppinq Center. located at 7117-7333 Reqional Street. on Julv 14-17. 1994 and December 1-4. 1994. Cm. North opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report. Mr. Ralph Kachadourian, Assistant Planner, preslmted the staff report, indicating that Staff recommended approval of the Conditional Use Permit request. Cm. North asked what Dublin-based, non-profit o:~ganization was sponsoring the arts and craft fair. Mr. Kachadourian indicated that the Dublin Plaza Merchants Association sponsored the event. Marietta Lewis, the Applicant, advised that she had organized successful arts and crafts shows in Dublin for :~everal years and would appreciate the opportunity to continue. Cm. Burnham asked the Applicant if she would orqanize more shows per year, if allowed. Ms. Lewis indicated that she was currently limi"::ed to two shows per yearj however, she would appreciate the opportu:1ity to organize more shows, if allowed. Mr. Tong advised that the existing ordinance limited arts and crafts fairs to two per year through a Conditional Use Permit. Cm. North closed the public hearing. Cm. Burnham asked Staff if Marg-ett' s could hav.:! an extra arts and craft fair during Dublin's annual st. Patrick's Day celebration. Mr. Tong advised that the st. Patrick's Day cel,:!bration was co- sponsored by the city and was not covered by th,:! Zoning Ordinance. The Applicant could work with Staff to organize an event on st. Patrick's Day. On motion from Cm. Rafanelli, seconded by Cm. Zika, and with a vote of 4-0, the Planning commission adopted RESOLUTION NO. 94-016 APPROVING PA 94-019 MARG-ETT ARTS AND CRAF'l'S FAIR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUEST TO ALLOW TWO SEPARATE, FOUR-DAY ARTS AND CRAFTS FAIRS WITHIN THE DUBLIN PLAZA S::lOPPING CENTER LOCATED AT 7177-7333 REGIONAL ,3TREET ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Regular Meeting [6-20min] PCM-1994-55 June 20, 1994