HomeMy WebLinkAboutAttachmt 1 Exhibit A - Addendum & Suppl Traffic Anlys CEQA Addendum to the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan (certified 5/10/1993) and the Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report for the Ikea Project (certified 3/16/2004) For the Emerald Place Retail Center Projed, PA 07-019 August 3, 2007 PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND PRIOR CEQA ANALYSIS: On May 10, 1993, the Dublin City Council adopted Resolution 53-93 approving the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and General Plan Amendment. At the same time, the City Council adopted Resolution 53- 91 certifYing a Program Environmental Impact Report for the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and General Plan Amendment, hereinafter referred to as the Eastern Dublin EIR (SCH 91103064). This Environmental Impact Report evaluated the environmental impacts associated with developing the 6,920 acre Eastern Dublin planning area with a range of residential, commercial, light industrial, open space, parks, schools, and other public uses. In 2003, a development application was submitted to the City of Dublin for a General Plan and Specific Plan Amendment to change the land use designation on a 27.55-acre piece of property located within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area from Campus Office to General Commercial. The development proposal for the subject property included a 317,000 square foot Ikl~a retail store and a 137,000 square foot "lifestyle" retail center on the southwest corner of Hacienda Drive and Martinelli Way. An Initial Study was completed to determine if the proposed Ikea store and neighboring retail center would require additional environmental review beyond that already .malyzed in the Eastern Dublin EIR. The Initial Study determined that although many of the impacts of the proposed project were already addressed, there were changed circumstances and/or new information that could result in new or intensified impacts. These included: 1. The potential for new or newly-designated special status biological species to be present on the subject site; 2. A change in traffic and commuting patterns since 1993 which could have substantially increased regional traffic and congestion; and 3. The potential for new regional air quality impacts due to be traffic impacts and congestion. A Supplemental EIR was completed, which examined these potential impacts (SCH 2003092076). On March 16, 2004, the Dublin City Council reviewed and approved a Stage 1 and 2 Planned Development Rezoning, General Plan and Specific Plan Amendment, and related applications for the subject site. The City Council certified the Supplemental EIR (SEIR) for the Ikea Project, including the neighboring retail center (Resolution 44-04), approved the General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments (Resolution 47- 04), and on April 6, 2004, adopted Ordinance 10-04 approving the rezoning and related PD Development Plan (collectively, the "Prior Approvals"). The Prior Approvals included findings and a Statement of Overriding Considerations related to supplemental Air Quality and Traffic Impacts identified in the SEIR. At the end of 2006, the City of Dublin received notice that Ikea did not intend to move forward with the construction of their retail store, and that another developer intended to propose a modified retail commercial use on the property. Exhibit A In April 2007, Blake Hunt Ventures submitted a Stage 1 Planned Development Rezoning application to the City, seeking entitlements for a revised project consisting of a 305,000 square foot retail commercial shopping center on the same 27.55-acre site studied in the Ikea Project SEIR, hereafter referred to as "the Project". The Prior Approvals (including the two certified EIRs) referenced above are incorporated herein by reference and available for public review at Dublin City Hall during normal business hours. CURRENT CEQA ANALYSIS AND DETERMINATION THAT AN ADDENDUM IS APPROPRlA TE FOR THIS PROJECT: In order to determine if there were any significant environmental impacts that were present with the revised project proposal that were not already addressed (and mitigated if necessary) in the both the Eastern Dublin EIR and the Ikea Project Supplemental EIR, an Initial Study was completed. The Initial Study, dated August 3, 2007 and incorporated herein by referen;:e, determined that the potentially significant effects of the project were adequately addressed in the both of the above documents, and that no substantial changes have been proposed to the Project or the conditions under which the Project will be undertaken which require revisions of the previous EIRs. This Addendum to the Eastern Dublin EIR and the Ikea Project Supplemental EIR has been prepared, which notes the difference in the current and previously analyzed projects and their relation to the certified Eastern Dublin EIR and the Ikea Project Supplemental EIR. The 2007 Project varies from the project as originally proposed and analyzed in the lKEA Project SEIR as follows: Table 1 Project Comparison IKEA Project described in 2004 SEIR Emerald Plate Town Center ro osal 305,000 SF 270,000 SF Difference Total Pro' ect size Retail Restaurant 454,000 SF 329,000 SF 217 KSF Ikea store 112 KSF ad'acent retail ctr. 46,000 SF 21 KSF inside Ikea store 25 KSF at ad'acent retail ctr. 62,000 SF 17,000 SF -149,000 SF -59,000 SF 35,000 SF 1 -11,000 SF Warehouse Office None Ancillary to relail use and included in retail square foota e above Parkin s aces 1,405 arkin s aces 1,423 arkin ~; aces Sources: Ikea Project SEIR (certified 3/16/2004) and Current Stage 1 Site Plan (dated 8/21/07) -62,000 SF -17,000 SF +18 s aces IAdditional retail use may be substituted for restaurant uses or additional restaurmt use may be substituted for retail use at exchange ratios described further in this document. For the purposes of this table, the square footage comparison is based on the project as currently proposed. Although the overall project size is smaller under the revised propo:;al, the Initial Study determined that an additional examination of potential impacts to the traffic and circulation section of the SEIR should be completed to ensure that no new significant environmental impacts could be identified and that no increase in the severity of the previously-identified impacts would be: discovered. SUPPLEMENTARY TRAFFIC ANALYSIS: The City completed a supplementary traffic analysis to analyze how the traffic impacts of the revised project (305,000 square foot retail center with 35,000 square feet dl~voted to restaurant uses) compared to the project studied in the certified Ikea Project Supplemental EIR (454,000 square feet retail, warehouse, office uses with a maximum of 46,000 square feet of restaurant uses). The analysis concluded that the traffic impacts would not be substantially diff.~rent. The traffic analysis and the accompanying level of service analysis completed by the City Traffic Engineer is attached to this Addendum as Exhibit A-I, and incorporated herein by reference. The highlights of the traffic analysis are included in the sections below. In assessing whether the revised retail center project creates significant impacts that were not present or that were substantially more severe than the Ikea project, the traffic analysis examined three main measurements: 1. Overall trip generation rates of the revised Project; 2. Impacts to levels of service at key intersections as a result of the revised project; and 3. Consistency of the Project with the Alameda County Congestion Management Agency requirements. Proiect Trip Generation Rates. The traffic analysis examined the Project trip generation rates of the proposed land uses at the highest daily peak hour, as follows: . Table 2 Project Trip Generation PM Peak Hour land Use Size Net New Trips (ksf) In Out Total New Blake Hunt 305 KSF retail center Shoooina Center1 270 381 413 794 Restaurant2 35 133 85 218 TOTAL 305 514 498 1,012 Source: Supplementary Traffic Analysis for the Revised Project (conductecl by the City Traffic Engineer and dated 1/8/07) Notes: ksf = thousand square feet 1. Trip rate based on regression equation (and not average value) from ITE's Trip Generation (7th Edition), according to the guiding principles stated in the Trip Generation Handt100k (October 1998). Shopping Center rate based on ITE Land Use Code 820. 2. Trip rate based on average rate from ITE's Trip Generation (7th Edition), according to the guiding principles stated in the Trip Generation Handbook (October 1998). Restaurant rate based on ITE Land Use Code 932. Level of Service Analvsis. Since the trip generation rate and the PM peak hour trip rate for a quality restaurant are higher than the trip generation rate for a retail space of the same size, the traffic analysis assumed that the project would contain 35,000 square feet of gross huilding area for restaurant purposes and 270,000 square feet of gross building area for retail purposes. However, in an effort to analyze a variety of possible scenarios for tte actual use of the center, and based on the ITE standards for restaurant and retail uses, it was determined by the City Traffic Engineer that for each square foot of space more than 270,000 that is used for retail instead of restaurant, the traffic impacts of the proposed project are reduced compared to the project with a higher amount of restaurant uses. Conversely, for each square foot of space more than 35,000 that is used for restaurant instead of retail, the traffic impacts of the proposed project area increased. The PD-Development Plan includes the flexibility to substitute retail space for restaurant space and vice versa at the exchange ratios indicated below: . For each square foot of restaurant space above 35,000 square feet, 2.12 square feet of retail square footage shall be removed from the 270,000 square foot retail area and, conversely, . For each square foot of retail space above 270,000 square feet, 0.47 square feet of restaurant square footage shall be removed from the 35,000 square foot restaurant area. The traffic analysis conducted assumes that the project will contain 270,000 square feet of retail square footage and 35,000 square feet of restaurant. Any variation from these numbers will need to incorporate the above-stated exchange ratios to determine the maximum allowable square footage permitted that will keep the overall project trip generation rate under the 1,012 net newP .M. Peak Hour trip threshold noted in Table 2. The results of the supplementary traffic analysis comparing the two projects and their impacts to intersection levels of service are as follows: Table 3 Intersection levels of Service - Buildout Conditions PI' Peak Hour With With Signalized Intersections IKEA Project Emerald Place Retail Center (As approved) Project (270 ksf retail + 35 ksf restaurant) v/c lOS v/c lOS Dublin Boulevard/Dougherty Road 0.93 E 0.93 E Dublin Boulevard/Hacienda Drive 0.84 D 0.84 D 1-580 EB Ramp/Santa Rita Road/Pimlico 0.84 D 0.84 D Drive (Mitigated per Fallon Village SEIR) Hacienda Drive/Martinelli WaylHacienda 0.75 C 0.77 C Crossings 1-580 EB Ramp/Hopyard Road 0.87 D 0.87 D Notes: ksf = thousand square feet Source: Supplementary Traffic Analysis for the Revised Project (conducteci by the City Traffic Engineer and dated 1/8/07) As shown above, the levels of service at critical intersections are not increased as a result of the revised Project. The volume to capacity ratio is slightly increased at the Hacienda Drive intersection, however, the level of service remains unchanged and at a less than significant level. The traffic analysis concludes that no new or substantially more severe significant impacts on levels of service at nearby critical intersections will result from the Project, and no additional mitigation measures are required. Consistencv with the Congestion Management Agency reauirements. The Alameda County Congestion Management Agency (ACCMA) may require additional traffic impact analysis on Routes of Regional Significance if specific project trip generation thresholds are exceedt:d. The threshold for analysis is met if the project generates 100+ net new vehicle trips during the weekday PM peak hour. The ACCMA assumptions for potential vehicle trips are based on local General Plans. Under the Campus Office land use category that was studied in the 1993 Eastern Dublin EIR, 922 PM peak hour trips would have been generated by a project on this 27.55-acre site. Under the midpoint range of the General Commercial land use category that was adopted for the Ikea Project, 962 PM peak hour trips would have been generated. The revised Project would generate 1,012 PM peak hour trips (assuming 35,000 square feet of restaurant uses within the Project\ As noted above, exchange ratios have been established which allow some flexibility in "trading" retail square footage for restaurant square footage (and vice versa) without increasing the overall trip generation rate for the project. As shown in Table 3 of the traffic analysis, the Project would generate approximately 50 more PM peak hour trips than assumed under the General Commercial designation. Thus, the net new PM peak hour trips generated by the revised Project would generate fewer trips th;m ACCMA's 100-trip threshold, as compared to mid-point density General Commercial development (or previous General PlanlEastern Dublin Specific Plan designation of Campus Office). Therefore, no additional traffic impact analysis on Routes of Regional Significance is required to satisfY the Land Use Analysis Program of the Alameda County Congestion Management Program. It was determined by the City Traffic Engineer that there was not a :mbstantial difference in the impacts to levels of service at the City's key intersections, as detailed in Exhibit A-I to this Addendum. Additionally, the increase in PM peak hour trips resulted in only 5(] PM peak additional trips, which is below the threshold triggering ACCMA review. After reviewing the prior EIRs and the Supplementary Traffic Analysis and assessing the minor increase in PM peak hour trips, the City Traffic Engineer concluded that the traffic mitigation measures that were approved in the Eastern Dublin EIR and the Ikea Project SEIR would also be sufficient to mitigate the traffic-related impacts of the revised Project and that no new or additional mitigation measures are required for the Project. NO SUBSEQUENT REVIEW IS REQUIRED PER CEQA GUIDELINES SECTION 15162: Pursuant to Section 15162 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, no subsequent EIR shall be prepared for this Project, as no substantial changes have been proposed to the Project or the conditions under which the Project will be underta:ken which require revisions of the previous EIRs. No new significant environmental impacts have been identified and no substantial increase in the severity of previously identified impacts has been discovered. Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15164, with minor technical amendments and clarifications as outlined in this Addendum, the Program Environmental Impact Report for the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and General Plan Amendment and the Supplemental EIR for the Ikea Project will continue to adequately address the significant environmental impacts of the revi~:ed Project. CONCLUSION: The City prepared an Initial Study in connection with the determination to adopt an Addendum. As provided in Section 15164, the Addendum need not be circulated for public review, but shall be considered with the priorEIR and SEIR before making a decision on the proposed project. The Initial Study, the supplementary traffic analysis and its updated Level of Service analysis conducted by the City Traffic Engineer, the Eastern Dublin EIR, and the Ikea Project SEIR are available for review in the Community Development Department at the City of Dublin, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California. Exhibit A-I: Supplementary Traffic Analysis for the Revised Emerald Place Retail Center Project and Level of Service CalculationslResults P A 07-019 January 8, 2007 Back2round The City of Dublin Traffic Engineer conducted a threshold analysis to determine the maximum square footage of General Commercial development that can be supported on the Project site without creating additional traffic impacts at study area intersections beyond those projected under buildout conditions of the City's General Plan including the currently approved IKEA Project. Based on this review, it was concluded that up to 305,000 square feet (SF) of General Commercial use can be supported on this site, including 270,0(]0 SF shopping center retail and 35,000 SF restaurant use. The traffic analysis associated with this finding is summarized below, and the detailed level of service analysis conducted follows this document. Proiect Trio Generation and Assimment Trip generation during the weekday PM peak hour was calculated for a 305,000 SF shopping center, including 270,000 SF retail and 35,000 SF restaurant use. Table 1 below summarizes trip generation calculations. The analysis was specifically conducted during the weekday PM peak hour because peak demand for retaiVrestaurant uses typically coincides with peak traffic demand on adjacent streets occurring during the evening commute period Table 1 Project Trip Generation PM Peak Hour Land Use Size Trip Rates Total Trips % Net New Trips (ksf) In Out In Out Pass- By In Out Total Shoppinj1; Center1 270 2.14 2.32 578 626 34 381 413 794 Restauranr 35 6,66 4.26 233 149 43 133 85 218 TOTAL 305 811 775 514 498 1,012 Notes: ksf= thousand square feet L Trip rate based on regression equation (and not average value) from lIE's Trip Generation (7lb Edition), according to the guiding principles stated in the Trip Generation Handbook (October 1998), Shopping Center rate based on ITE Land Use Code 820, 2, Trip rate based on average rate from ITE's Trip Generation (7lb Edition), according to the guiding principles stated in the Trip Generation Handbook (October 1998). Restaurant rate hased on ITE Land Use Code 932, Exhibit A-I The above Project trips were then assigned to individual turning movements at adjacent intersections using the same trip distribution and assignment assumptions used in the traffic analysis for the IKEA Project SEIR. This information was udlized to update PM peak hour turning movement volume forecasts at critical intersections in lhe vicinity of the Project under buildout conditions, assuming that the above 305,000 SF shopping center is developed in place of the IKEA Project. Level of Service Analvsis Levels of service (LOS) at five adjacent intersections were calculated during the PM peak hour under buildout conditions with the 305,000 SF shopping center occupying the study site (see attached analysis sheets). The LOS calculations were then compared to previously calculated levels of service from the City's traffic demand model which includes IKEA Project trips. The results of this comparative analysis are summarized in Table:2 below. The five intersections listed in Table 2 were selected for the analysis because they are currently projected to operate at or below level of service D during the PM peak hour at buildout, and/or are in proximity to the Project site. Table 2 Intersection Levels of Serviee - Buildout C Dnditions PM Peak Hour With With Signalized Intersections IKEA Project Emerald Plaee Retail Center (As approved) Project (271() ksf retail + 35 kse restaurant) vie LOS vie LOS Dublin BoulevardIDougherty Road 0.93 E 0.93 E Dublin BoulevardlHacienda Drive 0.84 D 0.84 D 1-580 EB RamplSanta Rita RoadlPimlico 0.84 D 0.84 D Drive (Mitigated per Fallon Village SEIR) Hacienda DrivelMartinelli Wayl 0.75 C 0.77 C Hacienda Crossings 1-580 EB RamplHopyard Road 0,87 D 0,87 D Notes: ksf= thousand square feet As shown in Table 2, the volume-to-capacity (v/c) ratios are not expected to change at the study intersections as a result of the 305,000 SF shopping center Project, except for the Hacienda DrivelMartinelli Way/Hacienda Crossings intersection where thf: v/c ratio is expected to increase insignificantly from 0.75 to 0.77 - still within an acceptable LOS standard. This increase would not affect the intersection LOS and the intersection is projected to operate at level of service "C", which is an acceptable level. Levels of service would remain unchanged at all five intersections, as indicated in Table 2. The Dublin Boulevard/Dougherty Road intersection is projected to operate at level of service "E" during the PM peak hour under buildout conditions. A~; a result, this intersection was identified as the most critical intersection in determining an llpper threshold for the size of General Commercial development that can be supported by the ~djacent street system. Based on this LOS analysis, it was concluded that 305,000 SF of shopping center (including 270,000 SF retail and 35,000 SF restaurant use) would represent the maximum size of development that can be supported without causing the v/c ratio at the Dublin Boulevard/Dougherty Road intersection to further increase where operations already exceed the City's target performance of LOS "D". For example, if development size exceeded the 305,000 SF threshold, the PM peak hour v/c ratio at this intersection would then increase beyond current projeetions of 0.93 at buildout, and intersection operations could deteriorate into a more unstable LOS "E." Based on this analysis, there would be no additional supplemental cumulative impacts at study area intersections beyond those described in the IKEA SEIR as a result of implementing the above 305,000 SF shopping center Project. Therefore, the supplemental mitigations listed in the IKEA SEIR remain adequate and no additional mitigations are required. Consistency with Alameda County Cone:estion Manae:ement Ae:encv Requirements The above 305,000 SF shopping center Project would be consistent with current "General Commercial" designation for this site under the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. The Alameda County Congestion Management Agency (ACCMA) may require additional traffic impact analysis on Routes of Regional Significance if specific project trip generation thresholds are exceeded. The threshold for analysis is met if the project generates 100+ net new vehicle trips during the weekday PM peak hour. To assess whether additional traffic impact analysis is neCf:Ssary on Routes of Regional Significance in the Project area, the 305,000 SF Project trip generation during the PM peak hour was compared to the following site development scenarios, as shown in Table 3: 1. General Commercial development at mid-point density, as specified in the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. 2. Previous General Plan/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan designation of Campus Office for the site (e.g., previous Commerce One approvals). Table 3 Congestion Management Agency Trip Generation Assessment Site Development PM Peak u,[)ur Trips Scenarios 305 ksf Shopping CenterI 1,012 1,012 Mid-Point Density GC<I 962 Campus Office" 922 Trip Difference +50 +90 Notes: ksf = thousand square feet 1. See Project Trip Generation discussed above. 2. Mid-point density equivalent to 359,893 SF, Shopping Center assumed for trip generation (with 34% pass-by) based on lTE Land Use Code 820, Trip rate based on regression equation (and not avel'll/i,e value) /Torn ITE's Trip Generation (7th Edition), according to the guiding principles stated in the Trip Generation Handb,)ok (October 1998), 3. See lKEA Proiect SEIR, Table 4.3.10. As noted in Table 3, the net new PM peak hour trips generated by the 305,000 SF shopping center scenario would generate fewer trips than ACCMA's 100-trip threshold, as compared to mid-point density General Commercial development or previous General Plan/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan designation of Campus Office. Therefore, no additional traffic impact analysis on Routes of Regional Significance is required to satisfy the Land Use Analysis Program of the Alameda County Congestion Management Program (CMP). Exchane:e Ratio: Retail square footae:e to restaurant and vict:-versa At the Applicant's request, the City Traffic Engineer reviewed trip generation comparisons between shopping center retail and restaurant uses, considering PM peak hour trip generation rates as well as percent pass-by traffic for each type of use in the analysis. Based on this review, the City Traffic Engineer determined that for each square foot of space more than 270,000 that is used for retail instead of restaurant, the traffic impacts of the proposed project are reduced compared to the project with a higher amount of restaurant uses. Conversely, for each square foot of space more than 35,000 that is used for restaurant instead of retail, the traffic impacts of the proposed project are increased. Based on the trip generation rates of the two use types, the City Traffic Engineer determined that square footage can be "traded" at the exchange ratios indicated below: . For each square foot of restaurant space above 35,000 square feet developed in the project, 2.12 square feet of retail square footage shall be removed from the 270,000 square foot retail area and, conversely, . For each square foot of retail space above 270,000 square feet developed in the project, 0.47 square feet of restaurant square footage shall be removed from the 35,000 square foot restaurant area. LOS Results LOS software by TJKM Transportation consultants ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ condition: Buildout+prj 12/20/06 INTERSECTION Count Date ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ city of Dublin peak Hour PM 1 Dougherty/Dublin Time RIGHT THRU LEFT 134 1315 44 I I I ^ I I I I <--- v ---> 2.0 1.1 4.1 2.0 CCTA METHOD LEFT 263 8-PHASE SIGNAL ^ I split? N 1.0 --- 18 RIGHT STREET NAME: THRU 1456 ---> 3.0 (NO. OF LANES) 3.0<--- 1719 THRU Dublin RIGHT 566 2.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 --- 798 LEFT I <--- ^ ---> I v I I I v I I I SIG WARRANTS: 1015 1922 544 urb=Y, Rur=Y LEFT THRU RIGHT Split? N STREET NAME: Dougherty N W + E S MOVEMENT ======================================================================== CRITICAL V/C NB RIGHT (R) THRU (T) LEFT (L) SB RIGHT (R) THRU (T) LEFT (L) T + R EB RIGHT (R) THRU (T) LEFT (L) WB RIGHT (R) THRU (T) LEFT (L) ORIGINAL ADJUSTED VOLUME VOLUME* CAPACITY 544 1922 1015 134 1315 44 566 1456 263 18 1719 798 238 * 1922 1015 134 1315 44 1449 177 * 1456 263 o * 1719 798 3000 4950 4304 1650 6600 3000 6600 3000 4950 3000 1650 4950 4304 'Ii/C RATIO 0.0793 0.3883 0.2358 0.2358 0.0812 0.1992 0.0147 0.2195 0.2195 0.0590 0.2941 0.0877 0.2941 0.0000 0.3473 0.1854 0.1854 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL VOLUME-TO-CAPACITY RATIO: INTERSECTION LEVEL OF SERVICE: 0.93 E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * ADJUSTED FOR RIGHT TURN ON RED INT=BLDPRJ.INT,VOL=BLDPRJPM.PMV,CAP=...LOSCAP.TAB page 1 LOS Results LOS software by TJKM Transportation consultants =======================================================~================= condition: Buildout+prj 12/20/06 INTERSECTION Count Date ========================================================================= City of Dublin PE!ak Hou r PM 4 Hacienda/Dublin Time CCTA METHOD RIGHT THRU LEFT 8-PHASE SIGNAL ----------- 275 547 253 I I I ^ I I I ^ I <--- v ---> I split? N LEFT 346 2.0 1.0 3.0 2.0 1.0--- 52 RIGHT STREET NAME: THRU 1446 ---> 3.0 (NO. OF LANES) 3.0<--- 901 THRU Dublin RIGHT 320 2.5 3.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 --- 768 LEFT I <--- ^ ---> I v I I I v N I I I SIG WARRANTS: W + E 295 902 763 urb=Y, Rur=Y S LEFT THRU RIGHT split? N STREET NAME: Hacienda ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ORIGINAL ADJUSTED ~/C CRITICAL MOVEMENT VOLUME VOLUME* CAPACITY RATIO v/c ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NB RIGHT (R) 763 341 * 1650 0.2067 0.2067 THRU (T) 902 902 4950 0.1822 LEFT (L) 295 295 4304 0.0685 SB RIGHT (R) THRU (T) LEFT (L) EB RIGHT (R) THRU (T) LEFT (L) WB RIGHT (R) THRU (T) LEFT (L) 275 547 253 85 * 547 253 1650 4950 3000 0.0515 0.1105 0.0843 0.0843 320 1446 346 114 * 1446 346 3000 4950 3000 0.0380 0.2921 0.1153 0.2921 52 901 768 o * 901 768 1650 4950 3000 0.0000 0.1820 0.2560 0.2560 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0.84 D TOTAL VOLUME-TO-CAPACITY RATIO: INTERSECTION LEVEL OF SERVICE: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * ADJUSTED FOR RIGHT TURN ON RED INT=BLDPRJ.INT,VOL=BLDPRJPM.PMV,CAP=...LOSCAP.TAB page 2 LOS Resul1:s LOS software by TJKM Transportation consultants ---------------------------------------------------.--------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- condition: Buildout+prj 12/20/06 ===================================================:===================== INTERSECTION Count Date 7 Santa Rita Rd./1-580 EB Ramps city of Dublin Ti me PE~ak Hou r PM LEFT 1057 RIGHT THRU LEFT 7-PHASE SIGNAL 927 1791 270 I I I ^ I I I ^ I <--- v ---> I split? N 3.0 1.9 2.0 1.0 2.5 515 RIGHT CCTA METHOD THRU RIGHT 79 ---> 1.0 (NO. OF LANES) 0.0<--- STREET NAME: o THRU 1-580 EB Ramps 65 1.9 0.0 4.1 <--- ^ I I I I o 2596 LEFT THRU 1.1 ---> I I 203 RIGHT split? N 2.0 --- I v 126 LEFT I v N W + E S SIG WARRANTS: urb=Y, Rur=Y STREET NAME: Santa Rita Rd. ---------------------------------------------------.--------------------- ---------------------------------------------------.--------------------- MOVEMENT ORIGINAL ADJUSTED VOLUME VOLUME* CAPACITY V/C ~,TIO CRITICAL v/c NB RIGHT (R) THRU (T) T + R 203 2596 203 2596 2799 1650 6600 6600 0.1230 0.3933 0.4241 0.4241 SB RIGHT (R) 927 927 1650 0.5618 THRU (T) 1791 1791 3300 0.5427 LEFT (L) 270 270 1650 0.1636 0.1636 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EB RIGHT (R) 65 65 1650 0.0394 THRU (T) 79 79 1650 0.0479 LEFT (L) 1057 1057 4304 0.2456 0.2456 WB RIGHT (R) LEFT (L) 515 126 24 * 126 3000 3000 0.0080 0.0420 0.0080 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL VOLUME-TO-CAPACITY RATIO: INTERSECTION LEVEL OF SERVICE: 0.84 D ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * ADJUSTED FOR RIGHT TURN ON RED INT=BLDPRJ.INT,VOL=BLDPRJPM.PMV,CAP=...LOSCAP.TAB page 3 LOS Results LOS Software by TJKM Transportation consultants --------------------------------------------------_._-------------------- ---------------------------------------------------.--------------------- condition: Buildout+prj 12/20/06 INTERSECTION Count Date ==================================================::===================== City of Dublin PE!ak Hou r PM CCTA METHOD LEFT 458 18 Hacienda Dr/Hacienda xing Time ^ I RIGHT THRU 260 1376 I I I I <--- v 1.0 1.1 4.1 LEFT 10 I I ---> 2.0 6-PHASE SIGNAL ^ I split? N 1.1 --- 10 RIGHT STREET NAME: THRU 42 ---> 1.1 (NO. OF LANES) 1.1<--- 40 THRU Hacienda xing RIGHT 1173 N W + E S 3.1 3.0 3.0 <--- ^ I I I I 753 1502 LEFT THRU 1.5 2.0 --- 409 ---> I I v I 331 RIGHT split? N I v STREET NAME: Hacienda Dr LEFT SIG WARRANTS: urb=Y, Rur=Y MOVEMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CRITICAL v/c ORIGINAL ADJUSTED VOLUME VOLUME* CAPACITY 'Ii/C R.A TIO NB RIGHT (R) 331 106 * 1650 0.0642 THRU (T) 1502 1502 4950 0.3034 LEFT (L) 753 753 4304 0.1750 0.1750 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SB RIGHT (R) 260 260 1650 0.1576 THRU (T) 1376 1376 6600 0.2085 LEFT (L) 10 10 3000 0.0033 T + R 1636 6600 0.2479 0.2479 EB RIGHT (R) THRU (T) LEFT (L) T + R WB RIGHT (R) THRU (T) LEFT (L) T + R 1173 42 458 884 * 42 458 926 4304 1650 1650 4304 1650 1650 3000 1650 0.2054 0.0255 0.2776 0.2151 0.2151 10 40 409 10 40 409 50 0.0061 0.0242 0.1363 0.0303 0.1363 ======================================================================== TOTAL VOLUME-TO-CAPACITY RATIO: INTERSECTION LEVEL OF SERVICE: 0.77 C ======================================================================== * ADJUSTED FOR RIGHT TURN ON RED INT=BLDPRJ.INT,VOL=BLDPRJPM.PMV,CAP=...LOSCAP.TAB page 4 LOS Results LOS software by TJKM Transportation consultants ========================================================================= condition: Buildout+prj 12/20/06 ========================================================================= INTERSECTION Count Date 26 Hopyard Rd./I-580 EB Ramps Time City of Dublin PE!ak Hour PM CCTA METHOD RIGHT THRU LEFT 2-PHASE SIGNAL ----------- 529 1597 0 I I I ^ I I I ^ I <--- v ---> I split? N LEFT 852 2.0 1.9 3.0 0.0 0.0 0 RIGHT STREET NAME: THRU 0 ---> 0.0 (NO. OF LANES) O.O<n- 0 THRU 1-580 EB Ramps RIGHT 1200 2.0 0.0 3.0 1.9 0.0 n_ O LEFT I <--- ^ ---> I v I I I V N I I I SIG WARRANTS: W + E o 2722 337 urb=Y, Rur=Y S LEFT THRU RIGHT split? N STREET NAME: Hopyard Rd. ===================================================:===================== MOVEMENT ORIGINAL ADJUSTED VOLUME VOLUME* CAPACITY V/C R)l,TIO CRITICAL v/c NB RIGHT (R) THRU (T) 337 2722 337 2722 1800 5400 0.1872 0.5041 0.5041 SB RIGHT (R) THRU (T) 529 1597 529 1597 1800 5400 0.2939 0.2957 EB RIGHT (R) LEFT (L) 1200 852 1200 852 3273 3273 o . 3666 0.2603 0.3666 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL VOLUME-TO-CAPACITY RATIO: INTERSECTION LEVEL OF SERVICE: 0.87 o ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * ADJUSTED FOR RIGHT TURN ON RED INT=BLDPRJ.INT,VOL=BLDPRJPM.PMV,CAP=...LOSCAP.TAB page 5