HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.07 Fireplace Patio BBQ CITY CLERK File # Drn[iJ~-~rol 'II D ,. 75 AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 18,2007 PA 07-001 Custom Fireplace, Patio & BBQ Downtown Core Specific Plan Amendment, Zoning Map Amendment and Planned Development Rezone with Stage 1 and 2 Development Plan, 2nd Reading Report prepared by Mamie R. Nuccio, Senior Planner SUBJECT: ATTACHMENTS: RECOMMENDATION: ~l) ~- FINANCIAL STATEMENT: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 1) Ordinance amending the Zoning Map and adopting a Planned Development Rezone amending the Stage 1 Development Plan and adopting a Stage 2 Development Plan for Custom Fireplace, Patio and BBQ located at 7099 Amador Plaza Road. Revised Site Plan showing configuration of future Safeway employee parking. 2) Waive the 2nd reading and adopt an Ordinance (Attachment I) amending the Zoning Map and adopting a Planned Development Rezone amending the Stage 1 Development Plan and adopting a Stage 2 Development Plan for Custom Fireplace, Patio and BBQ located at 7099 Amador Plaza Road. None. The Applicant, Architectural Networks, Inc., on behalf of the property owner and business owner, Walt Ligon, has requested approval of a Downtown Core Specific Plan Amendment and Planned Development Rezone to amend the Stage 1 Development Plan and adopt a Stage 2 Development Plan to change the existing Specific Plan land use designation from Retail/Auto to Retail/Office and establish development ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COpy TO: Applicant File Page 1 of5 4,1 J:\PA#\2007l07-001 Custom Fireplace, Patio, BBQICClCCSR 09-18-07 2nd Read.doc ITEM NO. standards for the expansion and remodeling of an existing building at 7099 Amador Plaza Road (the "Project") (see Figure 1). Amador Plaza Road Veterinary Surgical Associates Amador Plaza Shopping Center Interstate 6RO Background The property at 7099 Amador Plaza Road was previously occupied by Ken Harvey's Dublin Honda for an automobile dealership. Mr. Harvey recently constructed a new dealership at the comer of Dublin Boulevard and Scarlett Drive and has sold the property on Amador Plaza Road to Walt Ligon. Mr. Ligon currently operates Custom Fireplace, Patio & BBQ from a leased tenant space north of the Project site in a multi-tenant commercial building known as the Amador Plaza Shopping Center. Custom Fireplace, Patio and BBQ is a retail commercial business that specializes in the sale of outdoor patio furnishings. The business has outgrown its current location; therefore, Mr. Ligon would like to relocate the business to the former Dublin Honda site and expand the existing 9,370 square foot building by adding an additional 10,900 square feet. The expanded building would include an entirely new fac;ade, new signage, and site improvements including new parking and circulation, new landscaping and fencing and a new trash enclosure. The Project is located within the Downtown Core Specific Plan area and has a current land use designation of Retail/Auto consistent with the prior use of the property as a Honda dealership. The Downtown Core Specific Plan limits the use of the property to sales and service of new and used vehicles. In anticipation of purchasing the property, Mr. Ligon requested that the City Council initiate a Downtown Core Specific Plan amendment to change the land use designation from Retail/Auto to Retail/Office to allow for the operation of his retail establishment on the former auto dealership site. The City Council granted the request on September 19,2006. ANALYSIS: The Project site has a General Plan land use designation of Retail/Office. The Project is consistent with the General Plan land use designation. The Project is also within the Downtown Core Specific Plan area and has a Specific Plan land use designation of Retail/Automotive which limits retail uses on the site to automotive uses only. The Project includes a request to amend the Specific Plan to change the land use designation from Retail/Automotive to Retail/Office to permit the establishment of other retail uses such as Custom Fireplace, Patio and BBQ. The amendment to the Specific Plan also warrants an amendment Page 2 of5 to the Stage I Development Plan to maintain consistency between the Specific Plan and the Planned Development Zoning. Furthermore, in accordance with the Downtown Core Specific Plan, a Planned Development Rezone with Stage 2 Development Plan is required for any new development within the Specific Plan area. Downtown Core Specific Plan Amendment The Downtown Core Specific Plan was adopted by the Dublin City Council on December 19, 2000 (Resolution 229-00) for the purpose of fostering appropriate development and redevelopment of properties located in Dublin's downtown core area. The Specific Plan covers approximately 51 acres which has been developed historically with freestanding retail buildings which cater to automobiles. The Specific Plan aims to capitalize on the proximity of the future West Dublin BART Station which would provide a new transportation opportunity for accessing the downtown core area. One of the goals of the Specific Plan is to integrate new, small scale developments with existing big box retail uses creating more opportunities for pedestrian scale retail and service establishments as well as public plazas and green spaces. The Downtown Core Specific Plan governs the use of land, development standards, design of public improvements and the design of private improvements including buildings, parking areas, signs and landscaping. The Specific Plan allows for the establishment of retail uses within existing buildings but requires that all new construction and development conform to the adopted land use categories in the Specific Plan. The Project is considered new construction and development, and therefore must conform to the Specific Plan land use category Retail/Automotive. Since the Project is not an automotive use, an amendment to the Specific Plan is necessary. Throughout the Specific Plan area two properties are designated Retail/Automotive, the Project site and the site of the recently approved Veterinary Surgical Associates at 7159 Amador Plaza Road. Both of these properties were previously occupied by Dublin Honda and utilized for automotive sales and service uses. The proposed Specific Plan amendment to change the land use designation from Retail/Automotive to Retail/Office would only apply to the Project site. Modifying the land use designation for the Project site would be consistent with surrounding land uses which include Retail/Office and Commercial A. Retail/Office uses include a range of general retail uses as well as professional, business, corporate, medical and dental offices. Commercial A uses generally include larger retail centers, general retail and service uses, and restaurants. The Project, a retail establishment which specializes in the sale of home improvement products, is a general retail use and would be consistent with the Retail/Office land use designation as well as surrounding land uses. Modifying the land use designation for the Project site would also be compatible with the overall vision of the Downtown Core Specific Plan. Goal #8 of the Specific Plan allows for existing uses and buildings to be converted to uses consistent with the vision and requirements of the Specific Plan. Furthermore, the Specific Plan encourages the gradual phasing out of automobile sales and service land uses in the Specific Plan area. The Project furthers this goal by modifying the land use designation from Retail/Automotive to Retail/Office and allowing for an existing downtown core business to expand. It should also be noted that while Staff recognizes that a new Specific Plan for the downtown area is currently underway, the modification to the land use designation and the allowance for an existing business to expand was considered by the City Council in September 2006 with the request to initiate the Specific Plan amendment. The City Council unanimously decided that the request would benefit the community and fit in with the downtown vision. Page 3 of5 Planned Development Rezone - Stage 1 and 2 Development Plan One of the implementation measures of the Downtown Core Specific Plan was to adopt a Planned Development Zoning District for the entire Specific Plan area; this was accomplished in April 2002 (Ordinance 3-02). The Downtown Core Specific Plan serves as the Stage 1 Development Plan for the entire Specific Plan area. An amendment to the Stage 1 Development Plan is necessary to reflect the proposed change in land use from Retail/Auto to Retail/Office for the Project site. In accordance with the Downtown Core Specific Plan and the Dublin Zoning Ordinance, a Stage 2 Development Plan is also required before any ministerial or discretionary permits can be issued for the Project. The Stage 2 Development Plan includes: 1) a statement of compatibility with the Stage 1 Development Plan; 2) a statement of proposed uses; 3) a site plan; 4) site area and proposed densities; 5) development regulations; 6) architectural standards; and 7) a preliminary landscape plan (see Attachment 1 for the Stage 2 Development Plan). The Stage 2 Development plan is compatible with the Stage I Development Plan by replacing automotive sales and services uses with general retail and office uses. Permitted general retail uses include retail trade establishments selling many lines of new and used merchandise directly to customers and permitted office uses include business, administration and professional services as well as outpatient medical services. The site plan, site area and proposed density, development regulations, architectural standards and preliminary landscape plan are as shown on the Project plans prepared by Architectural Networks, Inc. dated received by the Planning Division on June 25,2007. Planning Commission Action of August 14, 2007 On August 14, 2007, Staff presented the Project to the Planning Commission and the Planning Commission adopted the following Resolutions: 1) Recommending City Council approval of an amendment to the Downtown Core Specific Plan to change the Retail/Auto land use designation to Retail/Office; 2) Recommending that the City Council amend the Zoning Map and adopt a Planned Development Rezone with Stage 2 Development Plan; and 3) Approving a Conditional Use Permit for Retail- Outdoor Storage and Site Development Review to construct an approximately 10,900 square foot addition to an existing 9,370 square foot building. The Planning Commission's approval of the Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review is contingent upon City Council approval of the Downtown Core Specific Plan amendment and Planned Development Rezone with Stage 1 and 2 Development Plans. City Council Action of September 4, 2007 On September 4, 2007 the City Council adopted a Resolution approving an amendment to the Downtown Core Specific Plan to change the Retail/Auto land use designation to Retail/Office for the Project site at 7099 Amador Plaza Road. The City Council also introduced an Ordinance to amend the Zoning Map and adopt a Planned Development Rezone which would amend the Stage 1 Development Plan (the Downtown Core Specific Plan) and establish a new Stage 2 Development Plan. At the request of the City Council, the Stage 2 Development Plan has been modified to allow, as a permitted use on the Project site, Page 4 of5 employee parking for the adjacent Safeway grocery store if an agreement between Safeway and the property owner can be reached in the future. The City Council expressed an interest in facilitating the use of approximately 33 excess parking stalls on the Project site for Safeway employee parking in order to alleviate the shortage of parking that Safeway is currently experiencing. The Stage 2 Development Plan, which is included as part of Attachment 1, has been modified to include the following language which would allow Safeway employee parking as a permitted use: Leased Parking of Excess Parking Stalls for Safeway Employees. Leased Parking of Excess Parking Stalls for Safeway Employees shall mean the lease of surface parking spaces to the adjacent Safeway grocery store for the sole purpose of Safeway employee parking. All customer parking for the Safeway grocery store shall be provided on the Safeway site in accordance with the Site Development Review approval for the Safeway project. The number. of parking stalls which may be leased for Safeway employee parking at any point in time is the difference between the total number of parking stalls provided on the property and the number of stalls required for the retail users) of the property at that time. A revised Site Plan showing the configuration of the future Safeway employee parking area and access between the two properties is shown in Attachment 2. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The proj ect has been found to be Categorically Exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15332, In-Fill Development Projects. The Project consists of an amendment to the Downtown Core Specific Plan to change the Specific Plan land use designation from Retail/Automotive to Retail/Office to allow for the establishment of a retail commercial use; a Planned Development Rezone amending the Stage 1 Development Plan and adopting a Stage 2 Development Plan in accordance with the Downtown Core Specific Plan and the Dublin Zoning Ordinance; a Conditional Use Permit for approximately 1,600 square feet of Retail - Outdoor Storage; and Site Development Review to construct an approximately 10,900 square foot addition to an existing 9,370 square foot building and modifications to site layout including alterations to parking and circulation, installation of new landscaping and fencing and new trash enclosures. CONCLUSION: The Project has been reviewed by all applicable City departments and agencies, and their comments have been incorporated into the Conditions of Approval for the Project. The proposed Project, as conditioned, is consistent with the Dublin General Plan, the Downtown Core Specific Plan and the Planned Development Zoning District in which the Project is located and represents an appropriate project for the site. The Project contributes to the intensification of the downtown core area through the expansion of an existing downtown business and implements the goals of the Downtown Core Specific Plan by phasing out an automobile sales and service use and converting to a retail use consistent with the vision and requirements of the Specific Plan. The expansion and exterior remodeling of the existing building contributes to the enhancement of the downtown core area by providing a Project that is attractive and architecturally compatible with recent developments in the area. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council: 1) Waive the 2nd reading and adopt an Ordinance (Attachment 1) amending the Zoning Map and adopting a Planned Development Rezone amending the Stage 1 Development Plan and adopting a Stage 2 Development Plan for Custom Fireplace, Patio and BBQ located at 7099 Amador Plaza Road. Page 5 of5 lit ORDINANCE NO. XX - 07 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN AMENDING THE ZONING MAP AND ADOPTING A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REZONE AMENDING THE STAGE 1 DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND ADOPTING A STAGE 2 DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR CUSTOM FIREPLACE, PATIO AND BBQ LOCATED AT 7099 AMADOR PLAZA ROAD (APN 941-0305-026) PA 07-001 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. RECITALS A. By Ordinance No. 03-02 the City Council rezoned approximately 51 acres of land known as the Downtown Core Specific Plan area ("the Downtown Core Specific Plan") to a Planned Development Zoning District (P A 02-005) and adopted a Stage 1 Development Plan for the Downtown Core Specific Plan. The Stage 1 Development Plan is the Downtown Core Specific Plan which was adopted on December 19, 2000. B. This Ordinance amends the Stage 1 Development Plan (the Downtown Core Specific Plan) to change the Retail/Auto land use designation to Retail/Office for the property at 7099 Amador Plaza Road (APN 941-0305-026) and adopts a Stage 2 Development Plan for the same property to allow for the expansion of an existing building for a retail establishment, namely Custom Fireplace, Patio and BBQ. Section 2. FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS Pursuant to Section 8.32.070 of the Dublin Municipal Code, the City Council finds as follows: 1. The Planned Development Rezone, amended Stage 1 Development Plan and the Stage 2 Development Plan meet the intent and purpose of Chapter 8.32 of the Zoning Ordinance because they provide efficient use of the Project site pursuant to General Plan and Downtown Core Specific Plan policies and establish permitted, conditionally permitted and temporary uses and other standards which will ensure that the Project will be compatible with commercial and public uses in the immediate vicinity. 2. Development under the Planned Development Zoning, amended Stage 1 Development Plan and the Stage 2 Development Plan will be harmonious and compatible with existing and future development in the surrounding area in that the proposed uses and development standards are consistent with the adopted Stage 1 Development Plan, as amended. Compliance with the Stage 1 Development Plan ensures that the Developer's Project will be harmonious and compatible with other existing and future development in the area. Through compliance with the adopted Stage 1 Development Plan, as amended, the Stage 2 Development Plan for the proposed Proj ect will create a pedestrian oriented development with a pedestrian scale. ]Jerri:f:t. 4. '1 q ('8'101 ~ ATTACHMENT 1 ! cQ 19 Pursuant to Sections 8.120.050 of the Dublin Municipal Code, the City Council finds as follows: 1. Development under the Planned Development Zoning, amended Stage 1 Development Plan and the Stage 2 Development Plan will be harmonious and compatible with existing and future development in the surrounding area in that the proposed uses and development standards are consistent with the adopted Stage 1 Development Plan, as amended. Compliance with the Stage 1 Development Plan, as amended, ensures that the Developer's Project will be harmonious and compatible with other existing and future development in the area. Through compliance with the adopted Stage 1 Development Plan, as amended, the Stage 2 Development Plan for the proposed Project will create a pedestrian oriented development with a pedestrian scale. 2. The Project site is physically suitable for the type and intensity of this Project in that it is intended to conform with City policies related to comprehensive planning in the Downtown Core Specific Plan area. The Project is designed to minimally affect the existing topography and terrain of the site, has adequate access, and compliments existing and proposed development in the surrounding areas. 3. The proposed Planned Development Rezoning, amended Stage 1 Development Plan and the Stage 2 Development Plan will not adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity or be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare because the Stage 2 Development Plan has been designed in accordance with the City of Dublin General Plan, Downtown Core Specific Plan and all applicable development regulations. 4. The proposed Planned Development Rezoning, amended Stage 1 Development Plan and the Stage 2 Development Plan for the Project are consistent with all elements and policies of the Dublin General Plan and the Downtown Core Specific Plan as proposed. The Stage 2 Development Plan conforms to the elements and policies of those plans including roadways consistent with the Circulation Element, adequate public facilities, and safe design as required by the Seismic Safety and Safety Element. Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the City Council finds as follows: 1. An Initial Study/Negative Declaration for the Downtown Core Specific Plan was adopted on December 19, 2000, incorporated herein by reference. 2. The Downtown Core Specific Plan states that major amendments to the Specific Plan are subject to additional environmental review pursuant to CEQA. The Project has been reviewed in accordance with CEQA and a determination has been made that the proposed Specific Plan Amendment is not a major amendment. Therefore, the Project is found to be Categorically Exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15332, In-Fill Development Projects. Section 3. MAP OF THE REZONE AREA Pursuant to Chapter 8.32, Title 8 of the City of Dublin Municipal Code, the City of Dublin Zoning Map is hereby amended to rezone the Downtown Core Specific Plan area from a Planned Development Zoning District (PA 02-005) to a Planned Development Zoning District (PA 07-001). The amendment area is as follows: 20f7 3'i~ Approximately 51 acres ofland located north of Dublin Boulevard and west of the 1-680 freeway (Assessor Parcel Numbers: 941-305-10, 12-2, 22-1, 26, 27, 28, 29-2, 31-2, 32, 33,36,37,38, 39 and 40). A map of the rezoning area is shown below: Pursuant to Chapter 8.32, Title 8 of the City of Dublin Municipal Code, the City of Dublin Zoning Map is further amended to rezone the property at 7099 Amador Plaza Road from a Planned Development Zoning District (P A 02-031) to a Planned Development Zoning District (P A 07-00 I). The amendment area is as follows: Approximately 1.94 acres generally located east of Amador Plaza Road, north of the existing Safeway shopping center on a parcel of land designated by Assessor Parcel Number (APN) 941-0305-026. A map of the rezoning area is shown below: 30f7 4~3 Section 4. APPROVAL The regulations for the use, development, improvement and maintenance of the Property are set forth in the Stage 1 Development Plan (the Downtown Core Specific Plan, as amended and hereby incorporated by reference) and the following Stage 2 Development Plan for the Project area which is hereby approved. Any amendments to the Stage 2 Development Plan shall be in accordance with Section 8.32.080 of the Dublin Municipal Code or its successors. STAGE 2 DEVELOPMENT PLAN This is a Stage 2 Development Plan pursuant to Chapter 8.32 of the Dublin Municipal Code (Zoning Ordinance) for the property located at 7099 Amador Plaza Road (APN 941-0305-026) and is adopted as a zoning amendment pursuant to Section 8.32.030.B ofthe Dublin Municipal Code. 1) Statement of compatibility with Stage 1 Development Plan. The Stage 2 Development Plan for Custom Fireplace, Patio & BBQ located at 7099 Amador Plaza Road is compatible with the Stage 1 Development Plan (Downtown Core Specific Plan) in that the Project includes the phasing out of an automobile sales and service land use and converts the land to a use (retail commercial) consistent with the vision and requirements of the Downtown Core Specific Plan. 2) Statement of proposed uses. Permitted, conditional and temporary uses are regulated as follows: PERMITTED USES General Retail. General Retail shall mean retail trade establishments selling many lines of new and used merchandise directly to customers. Such types of stores and lines of merchandise include, but are not limited to, the following: Artist's supplies Artisan Auto parts (not auto repair or machine shops or any non-retail auto services) Bicycles Books Cameras and photographic supplies Clothing and accessories Department stores Drug and discount stores Dry goods Fabrics and sewing supplies Florists and houseplant stores (indoors or if enclosed by a partition) General stores Gifts Groceries Handicraft items Hardware Hobby materials Jewelry Locksmith Luggage and leather goods Mini -marts Musical instruments 40f7 !5 o.;f ~ PERMITTED USES (cont.) Novelties and souvenirs Newsstands Orthopedic supplies Parts and accessories Pet store Religious goods Small wares Specialty shops Sporting goods and equipment Stationery Toys and games Thrift stores and variety stores Other goods may be permitted if determined to be substantially similar to the above by the Director of Community Development. Retail sales shall not include sales of new or used automobiles, trucks, recreational vehicles, boats or trailers, nor shall it include auto brokerages. ProfessionallMedical Office. ProfessionallMedical Office shall mean an office or office building for the conduct of business, administration or professional services and outpatient medical services where these activities do not include the manufacture, storage, display (except for samples), or sale at retail of any merchandise on the premises including, but not limited to, the following: Accountant Acupressure Acupuncture Advertising agency Architect Attorney Broker (stock and bond) Business consultant Business management Chiropodist Chiropractor Collecting agency Dentist Doctors of Oriental Medicine Employment agency Engineer Financial services Herbalists Indusbialrnanagernent Insurance Landscape architect Loan agency Medical doctor Mortgage Company Optomebist Osteopath Philanthropic or charitable organization 50f7 0i~ PERMITTED USES (cont.) Physical Therapist Podiatrist Psychiatric/Psychiatrist Public utilities Real estate Sales representative Secretarial Telephone answering Travel agent Telecommuting center Other uses may be permitted if determined to be substantially similar to the above by the Director of Community Development. Leased Parking of Excess Parking Stalls for Safeway Employees. Leased Parking of Excess Parking Stalls for Safeway Employees shall mean the lease of surface parking spaces to the adjacent Safeway grocery store for the sole purpose of Safeway employee parking. All customer parking for the Safeway grocery store shall be provided on the Safeway site in accordance with the Site Development Review approval for the Safeway project. The number of parking stalls which may be leased for Safeway employee parking at any point in time is the difference between the total number of parking stalls provided on the property and the number of stalls required for the retail use(s) of the property at that time. CONDITIONAL USES Community Clubhouse Community Facility Hospital/Medical Center (inpatient medical services) Outdoor display of merchandise Outdoor storage of materials for sale Outdoor seating TEMPORARY USES Temporary uses are allowed with the issuance of a Temporary Use Permit in accordance with the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. 3) Stage 2 Site Plan. The Stage 2 Site Plan shall be as shown on Sheet 3 of the Project Plans prepared by Architectural Network, Inc., dated received by Dublin Planning on June 25, 2007 for P A 07-001. 4) Site area, proposed densities. Site Area: 1.94 net acres (84,506.40 square feet) Commercial Square Footage: 66,760.06 square feet maximum Floor Area Ratio: .79 maximum (66,760.06 square feet) 60f7 -1175 5) Development Regulations. The Development Regulations for the Project shall be as shown on the Stage 2 Site Plan, Sheet 3 of the Project Plans prepared by Architectural Network, Inc., dated received by Dublin Planning on June 25, 2007 for P A 07-001. 6) Architectural Standards. The architectural standards shall be as shown in the Project Plans prepared by Architectural Network, Inc., dated received by Dublin Planning on June 25, 2007 for PA 07 -001. 7) Preliminary Landscape Plan. The preliminary landscape plans is shown on Sheet L-l of the Project Plans prepared by Architectural Network, Inc. (and Borrecco!Kilian & Associates, Inc.), dated received by Dublin Planning on June 25, 2007 for P A 07-001. 8) Applicable Requirements of Dublin Zoning Ordinance. Except as specifically provided in this Stage 1 Development Plan, the use, development, improvement, and maintenance of the Property shall be governed by the provisions of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance pursuant to section 8.32.060.C. Section 5. USE. DEVELOPMENT. IMPROVEMENT AND MAINTENACE The use, development, improvement and maintenance of the Project area shall be governed by the provisions of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance and the Downtown Core Specific Plan except as provided in the Stage 2 Development Plan. Section 6. EFFECTIVE DATE AND POSTING OF ORDINANCE This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after the date of its final adoption. The City Clerk of the City of Dublin shall cause this Ordinance to be posted in at least three (3) public places in the City of Dublin in accordance with Section 39633 of the Government Code of California. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED BY the City Council ofthe City of Dublin on this 18th day of September 2007 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Janet Lockhart, Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk G:\P A#\2007\07-001 Custom Fireplace, Patio, BBQ\CC\CC Ord Stage 2 PD Jev.doc 70f7 ~ ~ l!; ~ g I u; ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:i ~ ::i t: lD i .~ ~ I! ~~~i~g~ i ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ . ~~ ~ ~~U ~:~~; ~ ~ ~ i' ; ~ I ;~ ~ ~ ~ H ti l;i~ll;i I~ ~ ffi! ~ ! ~" ~Hi ~ ~~~h J~ ~i ill ~ ;: ~ ~ ~ r ~~ ~"~~ . 'mi' h I- ~~ d~~ 5 ~U ~ ~'; ~~ ~ i~~~ it ~ IIi : ;h;lh~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ;!!l! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ !~ ~ 5i~ ~ ~U!~ ~~w !is <( p! ~i~~~~ U ~~~ I ~ ~ ~ffi ~ _d ~,,~~ 6 ~ ~~g n I~~~I ~!i I~ ffi ~ i;~ hnl II ill; II ~ ~ i II I II! ~~ Ih UU~ U~ ~ ~I!b ill ~; ~ - :::: ::: - - :=:=i,: =":.;.:;~~:il:: :l:~::: :~:: II :JW @ ~ I~ j p ~n ~ ::! ~ ~ ! ~ ! g ~n~~~ dun J ~ ~Io~@tr() 10 I L $ .~~ ~;~ '>~ .J>~ ....w" ->'0 t8 W I- U~R) 2::s~ t"o.t-:t ":Jx \.hL m' '"~~ d~ ~II in I~~ 5.~ ~~~ 15~ ~u '"S~ %~~ ~~~ .l~' ~ ~~ . 2. 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