HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.1 Community Grant Funding CITY CLERK File # D~ru[Q]-[I][Q] AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 18, 2007 SUBJECT: Fiscal Year 2007-2008 City Council Community Grant Funding Process Improvements Report Prepared by Joni Pattillo, Assistant City Manager and Roger Bradley, Administrative Analyst ATTACHMENTS: Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Community Group/Organization Application Packet RECOMMENDATION:.,..(7v1;\rVieceive the report, approve the desired program improvements, or ~ . provide Staff with other direction. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None DESCRIPTION: At the January 17, 2006 City Council Meeting, the City Council adopted a new protocol for awarding General Fund grant monies to community organizations. As part of this new protocol, the Council elected to enact a formal application process, wherein, prospective applicants would have to submit organizational and programmatic information to the City to be eligible for funding consideration. In addition, Council wanted to ensure that it received feedback on the process and wanted a follow-up meeting to be held after completing the cycle to ensure that the new process was effective, efficient, and equitable for all involved. As the City has recently completed the first cycle of applications for the new program, Staff has held a follow-up meeting, in accordance with Council's direction, with the Fiscal Year 2007-2008 grant recipients to receive feedback on the process. The meeting was held on August 30, 2007 with all groups that were funded being invited to the meeting. Out of all the groups that received funding, representatives from two organizations were in attendance at the critique meeting: the Dublin Fine Arts Foundation and the Tri-Valley Business Council. Even though attendance was minimal, the City was still able to receive good feedback on improvements to the funding COPY TO: Page 1 of2 ITEM NO. I). ( F:\Council\Agenda Staternents\2007-2008\as-CBO Followup.doc application process. Staff has reviewed all recommendations and believes that all can be easily and effectively implemented. The recommendations for improvement included: . Instead of asking for an organization's non-profit ill number, which does not exist, ask for the organization's federal tax ill number (see Attachment 1, Section 2, and Page 3). . Clarify in the funding application that funds are to disbursed on a reimbursement basis, and ask the organization to explain at what frequency reimbursements will be requested (to be placed in Attachment 1, Section 2, and Page 4). . If 100% disbursement is needed at the beginning of the fiscal year, include a section where this can be requested and its need justified (to be placed in Attachment 1, Section 2, and Page 4). . For the organizational introduction section, include a box that can be checked, which allows past grantees to indicate that the organizational description they have on file is current and accurate, thereby, minimizing the application workload (to be placed in Attachment 1, Section 2, Page 9). . Request a copy of each organization's non-profit status to verify eligibility for grant funding (see Attachment 1, Section 2, and Page 10). . Develop a grant website and make application materials available there for easy access. . Provide a question and answer section on the website to easily provide clarification on various Issues. . Condense the space available within the application to make the workload appear less qaunting. . Allow for electronic submission of the grant application with only a signature page needing submittal, reducing application costs and transmittal times. These recommendations represent the bulk ofthe critique provided by meeting attendees. Staff would like to include a caveat that it believes that a central point for application requests should be maintained to ensure that new information, answers to questions, and application amendments can be sent to all parties interested in applying. As far a grant-funding website is concerned, the City could develop this and have it password protected to help maintain control of the process and application equity. Simply, Staff would be able to maintain an accounting of all organizations interested in applying to the City Council Community Grant Program, ensuring that all groups have the required materials, receive clarification to application questions, and submit the application on time. RECOMMENDATION: Receive the report, approve the desired program improvements, or provide Staff with other direction. Page 2 of2 1~~Lf CITY OF DUBLIN Community Group/Organizational Funding Request Application Packet Fiscal Year 2007-2008...4+ GAl I 7 ~ "1-fem rr '1,/, /8'D . SECTION 1 Page 1 of8 ATTACHMENT 1 CITY OF DUBLIN COMMUNITY GROUP/ORGAN TIONAL FUNDING REQUE ApPLICArIO~ PACKET Fiscal Year Section 1: Information and Guidelines For Applicants SECTION 1 Page 2 of8 c? ~ ~Lj 2~24 City of Dublin Fiscal Year 2007-2008 MUST READ INFORMATION 1. Projects/programs proposed must have a start-update not.e.arlier than July 1, 2007, and must be completed by June 30, 2008. 2. Funds cannot be expended prior to July 1, 2007, or after June 30, 2008. 3. Please read tp.e instructions and applicatioIl9w~fully. 4. A separate application 'must be completed for each project/program requesting funds. 5. For each funding request, please submit: ./ Two (2) copies of a completed Application for Fu attached Application Checklist to ensure all requ ./ The application form and all requested materials suitable for copying. e required (please review ents are included). on 8 ~"x 11" paper, 6. Return the completed applications to: City of Dublin, City Manager's Office 1 00 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 7. Applications are due: No later than 5:00 p.m., Monday, January 29, 2007. No postmarks/fax/emails will be accepted. 8. No exceptions will be made to the application deadline. 9. Failure to submit a complete application or to comply with any of these p edures will remove an application from funding consideration. 10. Funds not expended by the end ofthe funding year will revert to the City. 11. The City of Dublin's Community Group funding is limited. 12. If selected for funding a "Funding Agreement" will be required. 13. Please contact Joni Pattillo, Assistant City Manager, at 925-833-6650 with questions regarding the application process. SECTION 1 Page 3 of8 City of Dublin Fiscal Year 2007-2008 ApPLICANT GUIDELINES a) Applicants must havenonpJ:;ofit st~tU$ and a 501 (c)3 Sta;te of California identification number, and a current City~usiness License, if requ.r~d pursuanttQ DMC S4.04. b) Applicants must be a~ommunity...based organization pro.tn~ting anqproviding services to residents and/or busi sin the c) Applicants who represent funding foundations or other funding agencies are only eligible for projects/programs that provide a specified direct service to clients/participants. Funds cannot be used as -through dollars for individual scholarships. q) Applicants must qu how many Dublinr ber of organization clients, and clearly sp inesses the proposed project/program will e. e) Applicants who propose a collaboration(s) must subm. organization along with the Packet). ram that identifies other 0 ation te affidavit form co by each supporting n (Affidavit Form inclu in ched Application f) Applicant agenc Rehabilitation Act bars discrimination based 0 disability. must comply with the Civil Rights Act of 1964 ded, and the Age Discrimination Act of 19 , color, national or ethnic origin, gender, age, g) Applicant programs/services accessible to the public. h) Projects/programs involying or funding. religious beliefs or activities are eligible for i) Funds are available fotpr<i>jects/progt'ID11S that have astart...up dat~..not earlier than July 1, 2007, and will be ,completed by Jt$!e 3~, 2008. j) Applicant organizations mustcomplet~ .~mandatorypresentation at the designated City Council Public Hearing. k) City funding cannot be used to supplant other contract funds or grant awards. SECTION 1 Page 4 of8 City of Dublin Fiscal Year 2007-2008 ApPLICATION TIMELINE Application Packets available to the publi~: Week of December 11, 2006 Pick-up packets at the City of Dublin Civic Center, City Manager's Office, located at 100 c Plaza, Dublin, or request packets to be mailed by ing (925) 833-6650. Application Deadline Monday, January 29, 2007 Completed applications must be received by 5 :00 p.m. No postmarks/fax/emails. Mandatory Presentation Week of March 26, 2007 Mandatory and will h applicant Goal & lic Hearing. presentatir:m. Council Approval Week of June 18, 2007 After City Council City Budget Heari notification lette after July 1,2007. Applicants will be notified of part ual ded organiz s will receive a mandatory financial reporting packet Funds Available July 1, 2007 Funds will be after July 1, 2007. Final Report August 30, 2008 The Summary Report must be completed and submitted by the deadline. Failure to submit a report will result in ineligibility for future funding. SECTION 1 Page 5 of8 City of Dublin Fiscal Year 2007-2008 FUNDING GUIDELINES AND CATEGORIES (Note: A separate, complete application must be submitted for each project/program.) Funds may be requeste<ifor the following project qse(s): · Capital Projects (semi or permanent physical facility amenity) · Operational Expenses Funding Priorities & Maximum Request Funding requests are strongly encouraged for, but not limited to rojects/programs consistent with the City of Dublin's Mission and Vision stat Mission The City of Dublin promotes and supports a high quality environment, fosters new opportunities and provides re community . and secure to our diverse Vision Dublin is a vibrant city committed to its citizens, natural Dublin grows, it will balance history with progress, to balanced and diverse community. rces and As In an enlightened, economically Dublin, with its distinctive place in the region, highlight~cultllre,div;~rsity~d9ivic stewardship to create a broad mosaic. This mosaic is enriched by tp.~ inte . of cultures, races and economic diversity into villages and neighborhoods ..fOJ;ming a on network that welcomes both residents and businesses alike; supporting the effort~and achievements of all. The City of Dublin allocates up to $120.000 annually for this grant program. Each applicant may request a maximum of up to $25.000 per project/program. The City of Dublin's funding is limited. SECTION 1 Page 60f8 '1 oj 02 City of Dublin Fiscal Year 2007-2008 EVALUATION Application Evaluation Pro s: 1. Application Review/Evaluation: Staff will screen each application for completeness. Accepted applications will be forwarded to the City Council r review. Presentations will be con Public Hearing: Week of March 26, 2007; and Objective dget Study Session 2. Ma.t:;l:datory Presentation: ts will be notified Each applicant organization City Council. The Council preseIJ,tations. its application in a Public Hearing before the and consider all applicaf based upon the Presentations will be five minutes ust review the following: ./ Success or impact past funding received ./ Past organizational nges ./ Need for this specific ding request ./ Number of Dublin residents to be served ./ Presentation should eliminate or minimize organizational history 3. City Council APproval: The City Council will grant th~ fiIl!tll futl,ding approval in June during the City's Annual Budget Hearing. Agencies whose.proj~ct~/programs are approved will be notified in writing prior to July 1, 2007. SECTION 1 Page 7 of8 IS '::f...? ,'; City of Dublin Fiscal Year 2007-2008 GENERAL REVIEW CRITERIA Application Che.ck List: Completed applications are due by 5:00 p.m., Monday, January 29,2007. No postmarks/fax/emails will be Application will be reviewed for eteness to include the following: o Two copies of . on form for each project/program submitted. o Affidavit Form(s) completed project/program (as required). ollaborating agency identified for proposed o Per Agency, only one (1 ) copy following items needs to be attached: o Governing Board member current Board Officers. o Most recent audit or tax o Resolution, letter or oth approves submittal of app cument providing evidence that Governing Board n and date of approval. o Signed Application Verification. o Organization's ce;rtificate o~insuranceshowing coverage forliability and worker's compensation. SECTION 1 Page 8 of8 CITY OF DUBLIN COMMUNITY GROUP/ORGANIZATIONAL FUNDING REQUEST ApPLICA TION PACKET Fis Year 2 2008 Section 2: Application for Community Group/Organizational Funding SECTION 2 Page 1 of 16 CITY OF DUBLIN Fiscal Year 2007-2008 COMMUNITY GROUP/ORGANIZATION ApPLICATION FOR FUNDS C GE AGENCY NAME: PROPOSED PROJECT/PR NAME: FUNDING AMOUNT REQUESTED: SECTION 2 Page 2 of 16 ,"'- I' 1:2 CITY OF DUBLIN Fiscal Year 2007-2008 ApPLICA TIONFOR FUNDS 1. Please sele.ct one expense categQry: 0 Capital 0 Operating 2. Applica~t Information: Organizatio1Jj Agency Name Mailing Address Street Address City Zip Executive Director/Chairperson Email Board President (if applicable) Email Please list the Primary Project Contact Person who would. be able to answer questionsa.nout this a,pplication and project/program during tb,e funding p~riod. Contact Person for Project/Program Title Work Phone Email Fax Nonprofit Identification No. (required) City of Dublin Business License No. (required) SECTION 2 Page 3 of 16 City of Dublin Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Application for Funds 3. Proposed Project/Program Information (po not describe Organization.) Amount of Funds Requested $ (Maximum $25,000 per project.) Proposed Project/Program Name Proposed ProjectlProgram Date(s): and End / / / / mo. day yr. a. How would the requested funds be · Describe, in detail, the PROPOSED · Bulleted text is acceptable. · Identify if the proposed existing one. · An additional page service, or extension of an the Agency). SECTION 2 Page 4 of 16 Ir) 1 't City of Dublin Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Application for Funds b. How would the PROPOSED PROJECT/PRo6RAM address an unmet community need and improve the quality of life for Dublln re~ldents. Why is this project/program needed? (Additional page may be added, if needed)i c. What documentation/data/records support thelle~d for this PROPOSEl.> PROJljjCT/PROG~M? Please id~lltify your data sources. (Additional page may be added, if ne~ded.) SECTION 2 Page 5 of 16 City of Dublin Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Application for Funds d. Specify the PROPOSED fROJECT/PROGRAM population to be served. e. Projects/programs must be evaluated to determine and if project/program goals met. your project/program's success · An additional page may ey are being carried out efficiently how you f. Spe~ifynumbers ofcljents served by agency, PROJECT/PROGRAM: Total Pro osed Partici ants Served by this Pro' ect/Program Total Number of Dublin Residents Served by this Project SECTION 2 Page 6 of 16 City of Dublin Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Application for Funds 5. Financial Information - Oper3ti.ng Budget a. Expense Budget Services & Supplies Capital C Other (please specify) Other (please specify) TOTAL FurtherComments/Explanations (if necess SECTION 2 Page 7 of 16 City of Dublin Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Application for Funds b. Revenue Budget Further Comments/Explanations (if necessary): SECTION 2 Page 8 of 16 City of Dublin Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Application for Funds 6. General Agency Information a. List all years that Organization haspreviouslyrecei~e<i City gfDublin funding (not Community Qeveloptnent Block Grant - CDBG). b. Describe the population(s) served c. Dublin residents. Describe all the services the Organization · An additional page may be added, if needed. d. Has your agency ever previously receiv~<i fuI1as from tp.~.City of Dublin? If yes, please specify in what Fiscal Yeats andthe<antount received each year. SECTION 2 Page 9 of 16 J '7;:f L; /8 '1c2' City of Dublin Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Application for Funds 7. Required Attachments: o Onlv one (1) COpy per Ae:encv o~each oftlj~ followin,g is requited,ev~. with multiple projects/programs submitted. o Appli~ations without the following docum~~t$~i11 not be reviewed foffll-uding. o Please label attachments: A, B, C, etc. o A. Names of GovefO.ing current Board officers. o B. Current total Or · Clearly label PROJECT/PR mg revenue. e PROPOSED o C. Most recent audit report tax return (if applicable). o D. Resolution, Board/Organiza · Board/Org document providing eviden proval of application, and dat roval was granted. ion app 1 may be pending. o E. Organization's certificate .of insurance showing coverage workers' compellsation. and o F. Application Verification Declaration Signature Page. o G. Signed affidavit form fr llaborating agency named in proposed project/program plan (if app Icable). SECTION 2 Page 10 of 16 /11;/ City of Dublin Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Application for Funds APPLICATION VERIFICATION I attest that the information contained in this FY 2007-2008 grant application is accurate and that the funds requested will not supplant any secured by the organization. Attached is a resolution, letter, or other document providing evidence that the Board of Directors approved the application as submitted. Successful applicants are required to submit a summary report as soon as possible after submitting the reimbursement request, but not later than August 30, 2008. Failure to submit a report will result in ineligibility for future funding. Signatures: Date Board President/Chairperson Date SECTION 2 Page 11 of 16 cf20 ~,. 4- City of Dublin Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Application for Funds COLLABORATION AGENCY AFFIDA VIT FORM o This form is.Jo be c()plpleted by each collaborat!llgorganiza~iol1as named by the applic;a.n.J a.ge in the .proposed proJ~ctlprogram. o COJ.:p.pletedfor must be submitted at tiBje of applicatioll. Collaborating Agency Name: Agency Division/Department: Project/Program Title: Project/Prografu Description (i.e., facility Agency Project/Program Contact Person Title Phone Email I attest that the aPcP~i€ant agency all~ our organizationagreeto.""ork collabor~tively to implement the proposed project/program as i~entified in the FY 20~7-2~08funding application. Executive Director Date Project/Program Contact Person Date SECTION 2 Page 12 of 16 dl ~~L CITY OF DUBLIN Fiscal Year 2007-2008 COMMUNITY GROUP/ORGANIZATIONAL FUNDING PROGRAM REQUEST FOR REIMBURSEMENT AGENCY NAME MAILING ADDRESS FOR REIMBURSEMENT: PROJECT/PROGRAM NAME CLAIM # TOTAL FUNDING AMOUNT AWARDED $ SEMENT REQUESTED THIS I attest that the above listed expenses are accurate and true and have been used as represented in the approved funding application. Submitted by: Signature: Date: SECTION 2 Page 13 of 16 ~O;f CITY OF DUBLIN Fiscal Year 2007-2008 COMMUNITY GROUP/ORGANIZATIONAL FUNDING PROGRAM SUMMARY REpORT (Summary Report must be cOIUpleted and submitted prior to August 31, 2008.) AGENCY NAME MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: PROJECT/PROGRAM NAME: TOTAL FUNDING AMOUNT AWARDED $ $ 1.) How has the PROJECT/PROG the quality for Dublin residents. (A ddressed an unmet community need and improved tional page may be added, if needed): 2.) Please evaluate the success o'you~project(program. Were thegoal~ dined in the application met? Was the proj~~t/program c~~~d out efficiently? Please use the objectives identified in your application to discuss your program/project's success and impact. Include any documentation/data/records you have that support your conclusions. SECTION 2 Page 14 of 16 o?31c2 City of Dublin Fiscal Year 2007-2008 SUMMARY REpORT 3) How many total participants were served by this project/program? How many of those participants are Dublill residents? I attest that the above listed information is accurate and true. Submitted by: Signature: Date: SECTION 2 Page 15 of 16 I! o?~ ff AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF DUBLIN AND (insert organization name) THIS AGREEMENT, dated for identifiG.ationthis_ day of _ 2007, is entered into between the City of Dublin ("City") anQ(or~anization). RECITALS A. (organization) has asked City to contribute $ (organization) to cover osts in order to provo described in Exhibit A. The servi pursuant to this period July 1, 2007 through June ,Dollars) for use by he services as eement will be for the B. City has determined that it iSlnth a donation of $ conditions are met to ensure the residents of the City of Dublin to make lars) for such purpose, provided certain ices will benefit the residents of City. AGREEMENT City and (organization) agree 1. Recitals The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are part s agreement. 2. City Donation City shall donate $ for operational support for The donation shall be paid upon used by (organization) to be used as described in Exhibit A to this Agreement. to the City. 3. Records (Organization) shall maintain re and/or other purposes .and make tIT rogram review, evaluation, 911dit to City upon request. 4. Periodic Reports Upon request by City, (o~~ani~ation) sRall proyid~reports de~c~l>ing the progress made by (organization) accompli~hillg the g09ls andpbjectives outlined in the work plan. CITY OF DUBLIN Dated: By: Richard C. Ambrose, City Manager Dated: By: Title: SECTION 2 Page 16 of 16