HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.2 SB1250(Boatwright) ... . . CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: Apri126, 1993 SUBJECT: Senate Bill 1250 (Boatwright) 'rP (prepared by: Bo Barker, Management Assistant) EXHIBITS ATTACHE~ 1250 (Boatwright) including the Legislative Counsel's Digest RECOMMENDATION: Deliberate and provide COWlcilmember Moffatt with direction for the East ~y Division League of California Cities Meeting. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Unknown at this time DESCRIPTION: The East Bay Division of the League of California Cities is currently reviewing SB 1250 (Boatwright). Councilmember Moffatt, as the City's Representative to the East Bay League of Cities, is requesting the City Council discuss the bill and provide direction to be communicated at the next meeting of the East Bay Division of the League of California Cities. The following excerpt is taken from the Legislative Council's Digest summarizing the bill: "Existing law includes various provisions regarding local planning, to ensure economically and socially desirable land use within the State. Existing law includes no specific provisions regarding the provision of water service by special districts to urban growth areas within the State. This bill would ~uire any special district to provide water services to an area designated for urban growth, as defined, when the applicable local agency formation commission has . included that area within the special district's boundaries. This bill would also permit the special district to refuse to provide service as required, by declaring that a lack of service capacity exists, as specified. It would permit the City or County where the area for urban growth is designated to challenge a refusal to provide service, by requesting a determination from the local agency formation commission as to whether the lack of service capacity exists. The bill would require the local agency formation commission to hold at least one public hearing, and make its determination within 60 days of receiving the request for determination. Because the bill would impose new duties on special districts and local agency formation commissions, it would constitute a state mandated local program." In Dublin, the bill would mandate that DSRSD provide water services to areas which come under their jurisdiction. An example would be the East Dublin Planning Area. Under 5B 1250, DSRSD would be mandated. to provide water services. Although DSRSD would be mandated to provide service, the District could decline to provide service by stating there is a "lack of service capacity." This determination, under 5B 1250 could be appealed to the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO). Current Impacts Currently, Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD) has agreed to provide water service to the East Dublin area. Provided that the DSRSD Board of Directors does not change their policy, SB 1250 would not currently impact the City. Future Impacts This bill may have an impact in the future. For example, if the Board of DSRSD changed, they could theoretically change their position and state there is a "lack of service capacity." This would impact development which requires their services. The City may not be able to approve development projects due to the lack of water service. ----)( ((e. FToo 0 - 2..a CITY CLERK FILE~ COPIES TO: ITEM NO. -8. t ~ . . [- i::' ~ . '..>. I" ~ ' ,.. A declaration of lack of service capacity could happen regardless of whether SB 1250 is passed into law or not. The difference is the course of action the City would pursue if DSRSD were to take such a position. With SB 1250 as law, recourse would be sought through LAFCO. Conclusions 1. The bill will not impact the City's current General and Specific Plan amendments for the East Dublin Area. 2. The bill could impact the City in the future if DSRSD changes its current position of servicing the East Dublin area in the future. If DSRSD did change its position, there are numerous options the City could pursue including the result of SB 1250 which would change how the City pursues a resolution of such an action by DSRSD. Recommendation: Deliberate on the bill and provide Councilmember Moffatt direction on how to vote at the next East Bay Division of the League of California Cities meeting. '. ~,.; '.' ."",\ ~~T B~:EOATWRIGHT~CAPITOL ; 4-14-93 1:24PM 9164467367-?DUELI N C lTY MGR Ol-rc; fI d. . . !tAGI 1 Di.play 1993-1994 Dill T.xt - INrORMATION BItL HUMBER; S8 1250 BILL TEXT AMBNDiD IN SENATB APaIL 13, 1"3 INTRODUCED B~ Senator Boatwright (prinoipal coauthor; AI'8mbly Xemb.r aainey) KARCH 25, 1993 An act to add Article 10.9 (commenoing with section 65610) to Chapter 3 of DLviaion 1 of Title 1 of the Government code, relating to urban 9rowth, and declaring the urgency thereof, to take effect tmmad1ately. 1 LIGXSLATIVI COUNSEL'S DIGIST " 'I ,1 SS 1250, al &mended, Boatwright. Urban develQpment; wae., provision 2! .ervie8e El .peetal districts. ill Ixisting law includ.. y.~iOUI p~ovl.ion. regarding looal ~lanning, to enaure economically and locially d..irable land use within the .ta~.. Existing law i~cl~de. no speoifio provision regarding ~h. ~royi.ion of w._.~ leryice, ~ s~.cial distriot. to u~ban growth areas within the Itate. 'l'hia bill would require any pubi.. wae.. J.....e~ epecial d~.trict to provide ~.... IA~vlce8 to an area d..i9natAd for urban g~owth, .. defined, when the appll~abl. looal agency format Lon commillion hae inoluded that area within the wa... p~e....e~1 sPGcial district'l bo~ndarie.. Thl. bill would a180 permit the wae.~ fro..... .pecial distriot to ~.fuse to p~oyide wa~.~ seryice.. required, by declarin9 ~ · .a.e. .~e.~.'e ....'.".r eeft_ie,enT oe a_.,'int ~.iaee_ r...i..'Dftl aftd ~.I..'I".n. ~.m*e'ft' e~. .......ed ef n.w ~ 2! ..rvlce capaoity exists, .. epeoified. It would permit the city or county whe~. the Area for urban Qrowth i8 designated ,to ohallenge a refulal to provide l.rYlee, by requ.sting a determination f~om ~h. 'eaee Wae.~ R.I....e. 8one.ei Boar. ~ aqency formation oommission ae to whether the e..e,.day eeft.'~'en ~ g! 18(vice capacity exi.tl. The bill would require the ~e.rd local aqtnoy formation commisslon to hold a~ le..t one public hearing, and make ita determination within ill 60 day. of roceiv1n; the request for d.t.rminat1on. Because 3h! bill-Would !Meole ~ duti.. ~ .~olal dl.trio~s ~ ~Q~al a~engy formation COmml.8ion', !E ~ cons~itut. ! leate-mandated local program. Lai In! ~~lifo~nl. qonltitutioD requir.. Sh! !!!!! !2 t*1mburl. local aqanc1el ~ achool diatrlctl ~ certain ~ mandated ~ ~ state: Statuto~~ provi8ionl establish proc.du~e8 !2! making ~ " o'! ,'I EXHIBIT L "". , . ' 915446?36?~DUB~IN CITY MGR OFFC:" 3 'I :. , ", :NT BY:BOATWRIGHT*CAPITO~ : 4-14-93 1124PM I', fAGI a . I.,' ~ I f 'I ' '""~: \; :", ,'I' \;"" Di.play 1993-1994 Sill ~ext - INrO~TI0N BILL NUMBIRI sa 1250 I' ' Btt.L 'rIlX'l' " ',' I r.imbur.em.nt~ ~noludin~ ~ ~reation gt ! State ~andat.. Qlaim. Fund ~ 2!I the 90etl ~ mandates ~h10h ~ no~ exoeed 11,000,000 !tatewide ~ othe~ ~ocedu~e~ !2! claim. wh08~ .t.~ewid. coate exceed ,1,000,000. Thi~ !ill would pl'ov:ld~ that, g, ~h" commi..ion gn B~.te Mandatee determine. tha~ thie ~ill contaln. co.t. 'mandated ~ ~h~ ttate, ralrtlbul'l8l'tllltnt !9! those QOlts anall ~ made ~rluant :!:2 tho,. .tatuto~y ~ooed\\re. and1 g t.~. ~atewlQe oo.t doel no~ exceed Jl,OOO,OOOr ehal..! ~ ~ad. ~rom ~ Stat.. Mandatel Claim', J'unr!' !!l ~h1' bill would ....e declare_that it i. to take effect lmmediatelYT al an urgency itatut.. Vot'H 2/3. AppropriaU.onl no. rileal committ... ye.. 8tat.-mancSate4 local proqranu ftO Y." '/" ,', , 'tHE PEOPLE 01' 'lB! STATE or OALIFORNtA DO ENACT AS I'Ot.t.OWSI SECTION 1. Articl. 10,.9 (commenalnQ with section 6B610) of Ohapter 3 of Divilion 1 of Titl. 7 i. .aded to the Government code, to :..41 1\,;'1;ic1e 10.9. C~owl;.h Ar.a. wa~e~ p~eYi.ieft provision of service to urban ..-, .t.:I:. . 65610. (al When the votare of a city or county adopt a mea.ura, pur.uant to Chapter 2 (commencinq with section 3100), or Chapter 3 (OomMQncinq w1~h , seotion 4000) of nlv1.ion 5 of the Ilectionl Cod., de.ignatin; an are. for urban growth by adopting urban l1mit linol, or other qrowth bOUndarie., .nd th. appli.abl. 10.al .gonoy formation oomm1.aion ha' inoluded that .... within the boundar1.. of a '~Dt'e w.~ee ,~eY'de~~ ~~. ~~~~'e ...e. ,~e.'... 8ftS'. p~e.'~a wae.~ Ipecia1 ~etrict~ !h! !POoia1 d18tria~ .hall provide .e~vice to the .~8a eo d..ignated. tbt s~~;... ~e _h. .~e.'.~Oft' *ft'e~~d*.te*ea tety aOeft'''' ia _ft" ...e~e~ 8ft.~~ ...,~ ~h. s~*~tty of a ,..i'. .at.. p~..'... eo 4.eiaro a wa.e~ .kerea,- e...,eftey eoft.,~'Oft~ ,.e...~' e. ehap... a teemM.fte~'" wt.h s.c.~eft i&et ef atvt.seft i .. _fta W.ee~ '.de, e. ee ..0'. ~~e ~.o~s."eft. .ftd ~e.e..e~'e". .~'ho~..e. ~y eft.. efta~~e~T .ftes~..ft9 i'M.e.~'.ft8 e~ p~eY'4*~9 neV ..~.'.e~ tct ;, . ~~iz. we~.r ,wey~4.f ..f~... eo p...tde w.~.. e...... . . SENT qY:BOATWRIGHT~CAPITOL .... . ; 4-14-93 1:25PM '::I:Lo~4b't~b't-;lJ.iUDL.H'l \...,1 I T 1'1l:l1'( UI-' '-',... .... '" I : ~ '" . . PAOli 3 Display 1993-1994 aill Taxt - INroRHA~ION aILL NUMllat II 1250 BILL '1'2IlXT .. .~ .cc.~~afte. w*.~ '.bdty'.'e~ tat, ~a..d _peft '~I ..Baa~.~'.R .~a. . w.e.~ .h.~ear. ..e~..".y seftd,.i.ft ..i.t. ..~...~_ .. 8~.,..w a teeMMeft.'n, with S.e~'e" 8S9t ei .....icft i .1 e~. w...~ 8e..~ and 'f .~. e'.y eJ.l !el 1!l 11 ~ .peeial district r.f~s.. S2 provide ..rvice ~ .ccordanoe ~ .ubdivi.ion i!lL ~ ~ !if deola~.tion ~ ! l~k gl ..rvic. capacity .~i.t., ~ if ~ city ~ county d..i9natin; the area for ur~.n growth dLeput.. the evidence the p.b... va... ,...,... .~ecl.1 di8trict ~.ll.d upon in makin9 the finding. and d.~.rminations re~*r.d ~r tha. e~.,t.. lnolud.~ with1n ~ declaration, the city or oounty may requ..t a determination freM the Bb... W.... R........ e.n~.e. Beard .. to wh..~.r the ......~.r '4.~"f'.4 ~y .he p.B~'B water ,~e.'d.. e_"..T B.fer. ....'n' ,~. d..er.'ft..'.ftT ~ke S~a.. w.... a..o..e.. ee~'re. B.aw. .ha~i ho~. ae z.a.~ ena ~~~'e h..~'",~ >>.~...ft. .. lee~ien iB~ af .he w...~ sed.. I~. a.e.r.'fta~'.ft af .he Bea~. .hall _. mad. fte ie.e. ~h.ft ... ..f8 .feer *_ r....... _h. ....... ef ~~. .'.Y e. oe.ft~YT 81e~ aT ~ ~ !22!l agenoy formation Commi'8io~ !! 12 whether !h! ~ 2! .er~Lo. capaci~y identified E1 ~ speclal di.tr1ct exia~.. lal B.fote is.ulna !E! determination purauant ~ paraqraph l!lL .Eh! ~ Agenoy formaticn ootM'lission .h.l~ ~ ~,!!!!!!! ~ Public he.r1ng. Ih! d.t'rmina~ion g! ~ !22!! .qancy formation oomtl\ielBlon !l:!.!ll ~ m!2.! .!l2 l~ter ~ !Q. day. ill!! II rec.ive. ~ requ..t it ~ oity ~ county. ~ ~ Notwithetandi~g Section !1!l2 2! ~ Government Code, !! ~ comm~s.1on 2a ~ "andat.e d.termine. ~ thi. !S! Qontain. COlt. mandated Ex !h! stat., ~irnbur8.m.nt 12 ~ agenci.. ~ .chool cSietric:t.. !!a!. tho8e ~ !h!ll ~ ~ pursuant ~ '-ar1: 1 Lcomm.nolnq ~ Seotion 17500) 2! Division! 2! I!!!! 1 2! ~ Oover~ent ~ II ~ .tatewid. ~ gl ill! S!!!!!! m r.1mbur.eme~t ~ ~ exceed 2n! million dollar. (Sl,OOO,OOO~l r.!mbursem.nt shall ~ m~de !!2m !h! State Mandata, Claim. ~ Notwithltandina S.ction 11!!2 2! !h! Government Code, unless otherwi.. .~cifi.d !n th1D act, ~ provlBion. g! ~.!SS !ha!! beoom. ~J:'at1ve 2n ~ !!!!!! d~~. ~ :=h! .!5 ~ eUec't pursuant !2 !h! Ca11fornia eon.titutiQ~ ~ ~ Thi. aot it an urgency .tatut. nec...ary for the imMediat. preservation of the public poaca, health, or .aiety within the m.aninq of Article Iv of th. Conatitution and .hall ;0 into tMmed1atA eff.c~. The faat. conatitut1n; the nec...Lty are. In o~d.r to .n.ura the rightful ~eliveJ:'Y of wae.~ .e.....T .~ . ~e...ftabi. ...t, special district Bervice; to are. I of tha stat. de.ignated for urban development, it i. n.c....ry th.t thi. act take .ft,ot lmmediat.ely. I I. . f." 'I:'._~: "' "'I'~.,'7- ,;":".~.. IT.'. .I.". ,/....'. "',,. j'"'