HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.01 Draft CC 09-18-2007 Minutes / ;, DRAFT Minutes of the City Council of the City of Dublin REGULAR MEETING September 18~ 2007 A regular meeting of the Dublin City Council was held on Tuesday, September 18, 2007, in the Council Chambers of the Dublin Civic Center. The meeting was called to order at .7:00 p.m., by Mayor Lockhart. +.. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmembers Hildenbrand, Oravetz, Sbranti and Scholz, and Mayor Lockhart. ABSENT: None .. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge of allegiance to the flag was recited by the Council, Staff and those present. __._.. ...._ .._._~u____ ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Introduction New Emplovees 7:02 p.m. 3.1 (700-10)) New employees were introduced: Police Deputy Clinton Smith, Police Deputy Scott Busby, Police Deputy Todd Shaheen, John Belford and partner Police Canine Nero. .m__." .___ DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING September 18, 2007 PAGE 385 I u DRAFT Report to Council on the San Francisco Bay Regional Rail Plan and Adoption of Policy Statement Re2ardin2 Hi2h Speed Rail 7:10 p.m. 3.2 (1060-60) Public Works Director Melissa Morton presented the Staff Report to inform the Council on the San Francisco Bay Regional Rail Plan and provide an opportunity for input to Staff on Tri- Valley improvements proposed. She recommended the City Council adopt the Tri- Valley Policy Statement, unanimously adopted on August 27th by the Tri- Valley Policy Working Group, as follows: . The Tri-Valley Policy Advisory Committee supports continued study of high- speed raid through the Altamont Corridor on the Union Pacific corridor provided: a. There are no significant right of way takes; and b. There is no major aerial structure through Pleasanton. . The Tri- Valley Policy Advisory Committee supports continuing evaluation of the Regional Rail Plan's recommendation for a BART extension to Isabel/Stanley and beyond provided: a. Alternatives including Isabel/Stanley, Greenville, and beyond will continue to be studied in the environmental document; and b. An environmental document process can begin to be developed soon after the adoption of the Regional Raid Plan. Public Works Director Morton's. presentation included regional rail plan draft recommendations for the Tri-Valley and elements of the Tri-Valley Vision and Bay Area High Speed Rail Alignment Options. Cm. Sbranti asked about the likelihood or timetable for high speed rail. Public Works Director Morton responded that with the increased concerns about global warming and the price of energy, high speed rail has been considered a more viable alternative than originally thought. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING September 18, 2007 PAGE 386 DRAFT Mayor Lockhart spoke on the potential of high-speed rail routes between the Bay Area and Central Valley. She stated the potential impact in the Valley, without serving a large need, has been acknowledged. Cm. Sbranti spoke on the Interstate 680 and Tri Valley Corridor and in support of a new Altamont Commuter Express (ACE) intermodal at Isabel/Stanley and the Pacheco Pass alignment. Mayor Lockhart stated she cannot support an alignment running through Dublin. Councilmembers discussed proposed alignments and costs, with the City of Sacramento the destination of any alignment. On motion of Cm. Sbranti, seconded by Vm: Hildenbrand, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted the Tri-Valley Policy Statement. -+ . Public Comments 7:30 p.m. 3.3 No comments were made by any member of the public at this time. _._-~ . .----- .--.--- CONSENT CALENDAR 7:30 p.m. Items 4.1 through 4.10 Cm. Sbranti pulled Item 4.2 to declare a conflict of interest and abstain. Mayor Lockhart pulled Item 4.7 for Walt Ligon, Applicant, to address the Council. On motion of Cm. Oravetz, seconded by Vm. Hildenbrand, and by unanimous vote, the Council took the following actions: DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING September 18,2007 PAGE 387 DRAFT (4.1) Minutes - None Adopted (4.3 600-30) RESOLUTION NO. 168 - 07 APPROVING AN AGREEMENT WITH CALLANDER ASSOCIATES . LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE INCORPORATED FOR P ASSA TEMPO PARK Approved (4.4 600-35) Change Order #1 and Budget Change and Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 169 - 07 ACCEPTING IMPROVEMENTS TO DOUGHERTY HILLS PARK - DOG PARK CONTRACT NUMBER 06-07 Adopted (4.5 600-60) RESOLUTION NO. 170 - 07 ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS AND APPROVAL OF REGULATORY TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES ASSOCIATED WITH TRACT 7414, TASSAJARA CREEK PHASE III (GHC ROXBURY, LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY) Adopted (4.6410-40) RESOLUTION NO. 171 - 07 APPROVING PARCEL MAP 9096 (LBNCC DUBLIN, LLC) Adopted (4.8 380-20) RESOLUTION NO. 172-07 WAIVING THE COMPETITIVE BID PROCESS AND AUTHORIZING STAFF TO PURCHASE SPECIALIZED POLICE VEHICLES DIRECTLY FROM STATE AUTHORIZED DEALER DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING September 18,2007 PAGE 388 DRAFT Received (4.9 100-80) FiscalYear 2007-2008 Goals & Objectives Status Report & CIP Schedule. Approved (4.10 300-40) the Warrant Register in the amount of$I,537,686.86, dated September 18, 2007. em. Sbranti removed Item 4.2 to declare a conflict of interest due to the location of his residence and abstain. Motion by Vm. Hildenbrand, seconded by Cm. Oravetz, and by 4-1 vote with Cm. Sbranti abstaining, the Council adopted (4.2 600-30) RESOLUTION NO. 173 - 07 APPROVING AGREEMENT WITH DON TODD AND ASSOCIATES, INCORPORATED FOR DEVANY SQUARE Mayor Lockhart removed Item 4.7 for the Applicant, Walt Ligon, to address Council. Mr. Ligon thanked the City Council and City Staff for their support, cooperation and customer service. Motion by Mayor Lockhart, seconded by Cm. Schulz, and by unanimous vote the Council adopted (4.7450-20/410-55) ORDINANCE NO. 19 - 07 AMENDING THE ZONING MAP AND ADOPTING A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REZONE AMENDING THESTAGE 1 DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND ADOPTING A STAGE 2 DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR CUSTOM FIREPLACE, PATIO AND BBQ LOCATED AT 7099 AMADOR PLAZA ROAD (APN 941-0305-026) PA 07-001 .... .~- DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING September 18,2007 PAGE 389 DRAFT WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Eastern Alameda County Re2ional Conservation Strate2V 7:40 p.m. 5.1 (410-10) Public Works Director Melissa Morton presented the Staff Report and advised that the California Department of Fish and Game and the U.S. :Fish and Wildlife Service are requesting that the City of Dublin participate with other agencies in the development of the Eastern Alameda County Regional Conservation Strategy, requiring a Cooperative Agreement with six (6) other agencies. to fund participation and a budget change allocating $30,000 for the City's share of the Resource Strategy costs. Mayor Lockhart requested clarification of the development of the Resource Strategy and benefits of the Conservation Strategy. Public Works Director Morton responded Staff representatives would participate on the Conservation Strategy Team Committee with all recommendations going to individual entities for action. She stated anticipated benefits are not tangible at this time, but that the City will be included in the management and oversight of the consultant's work, as well as creating the opportunity to provide input on the process and final product. Mayor Lockhart questioned the recourse if landowners are not in support. City Engineer Lander responded that the Conservation Strategy would be a guide, a planning document, for resource agencies when reviewing land use applications and property owners to determine which lands could be used for conservation. Cm. Oravetz asked if the result would be a faster review process by the Department of Fish and Game. City Engineer Mark Lander responded that one of the anticipated benefits is permit streamlining. Assistant City Manager Joni Pattillo stated the Department of Fish and Game is trying to reframe their relationship with the local agencies, looking at a: more global perspective. Mayor Lockhart requested regular updates on what is happening at the meetings and Cm. Scholz spoke in support of Staff participating. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING September 18, 2007 PAGE 390 DRAFT Motion by Cm. Sbranti, seconded by Vm. Hildenbrand, and by unanimous vote, the City Council authorized the budget change in the ~mount of $30,000 and adopted RESOLUTION NO. 174 - 07 AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF THE COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT TO FUND THE CITY OF DUBLIN'S SHARE OF THE EASTERN ALAMEDA COUNTY REGIONAL CONVERSATION STRATEGY and authorizing the City Manager to execute the Cooperative Agreement. ...u" -~._=----. PUBLIC HEARINGS Public Hearing P A 04-042, Development Agreement for Sorrento East at Dublin Ranch (Dublin Ranch Area F East) between the City of Dublin and "SR Structured Lot Options I, LLC submitted bv Toll Brothers Inc. for approximatelv 71.227 Acres. 8:00 p.m. 6.1 (600-60) Mayor Lockhart opened the public hearing. Mike Porto, Consulting Planner, presented the Staff Report and advised that the Applicant is proposing approximately 694 units of medium density residential on 71.227 acres, 5 individual residential neighborhoods, a 5.2-acre site for a Neighborhood Park, a 10.0 acre Elementary School and 1 private recreation center. As per the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, the Developer is required to enter into a Development Agreement for any development in the Eastern portion of the City. He recommended the Council conduct the public hearing, waive the reading and introduce the Ordinance approving a Development Agreement between the City of Dublin and SR Structured Lot Options I, LLC. He spoke on Development Agreement conditions to ensure that the neighborhood recreation complexes would be operating . when a majority of residents occupied their units. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING September 18,2007 PAGE 391 DRAFT Chuck Templeton, Toll Bros., spoke in support. Mayor Lockhart closed the public hearing. On motion of V m. Hildenbrand, seconded by Cm. Schulz, and by unanimous vote, the Council waived the reading and introduced an Ordinance approving a Development Agreement between the City of Dublin and SR Structure Lot 'Options I, LLC. .__.~-_....... ..... ...........-. . Public Hearing Universal Desi2n Ordinance 8:05 p.m. 6.2 (660-60/440-20) Mayor Lockhart opened the public hearing. Gregory Shreeve, Senior Building Official, presented the Staff Report and advised that Staff is requesting the Council discuss the two options for a Universal Design Ordinance, conduct the public hearing, waive reading and introduce either Ordinance A, Universal Design Ordinance (100% applicability), or B, Universal Design Ordinance (13% applicability), and direct Staff to amend the valuation table of the City's Fee Schedule. He spoke on the prqvisions of the current State laws and the State Model Ordinance and reviewed previous City Council and Housing Committee Meetings on Universal Design and Council direction. In conclusion, mandatory Ito install features to be offered to home buyers, included in the proposed Universal Design Ordinance A and Ordinance B were presented, as follows: . An accessible doorbell must be installed for an installed accessible entrance. . . Grab bar reinforcements must be installed in powder rooms or bathrooms located on the primary entry level. . Faucets and handles not requiring tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist must be installed in powder rooms or bathrooms located on the primary entry level. . Sink controls not requiring tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist must be installed when a kitchen is located on the primary entry level. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING September 18,2007 PAGE 392 DRAFT ,. . Hand-activated door hardware not requiring tight graspmg, pinching, or twisting of the wrist. . Rocker light switches and controls or light switches and controls. . Receptacle outlets, lighting controls and environmental controls throughout the dwelling unit must comply with CBC Chapter llA or applicable provisions of the California Electrical Code. Senior Building Official Shreeve clarified that homebuyers would have the ability to purchase mandatory-to-offer options from the developer/builder. Mayor Lockhart asked if the proposed Ordinance applied to all new construction projects. Senior Building Official Shreeve responded the proposed alternatives of the Universal Design Ordinance requires projects in excess of 20 residential dwelling units (including duplex and triplex units) to comply. Apartment buildings or multi-family buildings are not included as they are covered by existing regulations covered in the building code. Cm. Sbranti requested clarification of estimated costs of mandatory to install and mandatory to offer optional features and who pays, the developer/builder or the buyer? Mr. Shreeve responded the estimate for mandatory-to-install features is 3% to 5% of the cost of building the unit. He stated homebuyers would have the ability to purchase mandatory-to-offer options from the developer/builder. Vm. Hildenbrand requested clarification of the "opt out clause" and referenced alternative Ordinance B requiring Universal Design be applied to 13% of the dwellings in anyone project. She asked what the City's position would be if the developer/builder could not .. sell the Universal Design homes. Senior Building Official Shreeve responded both proposed Ordinances have an "opt out clause" permitting the buyer of a unit to forgo any or all of the installation features. Vm. Hildenbrand stated she does not necessarily agree with the mandatory to install requirements but does agree with mandatory to offer options and asked how many future units would be affected based on the 13% requirement. Senior Building Official Shreeve responded with an estimate of 650 homes. Cm. Scholz referred to proposed Ordinance B and asked how the 13% was determined. Mr. Shreeve responded the 13% was based on the City of Dublin housing element. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING September 18,2007 PAGE 393 DRAFT Carroll Lee-Bailey, Dublin resident, spoke in support of mandatory to install Universal Design features, citing opportunity to convert home at a later date if necessary. Gregory Bailey, Dublin resident, spoke in support of 100% of mandatory to install Universal Design features. Jessica Melton, San Ramon resident, spoke in support of mandatory to install Universal Design features, citing other jurisdictions requiring 100% of universal design homes and her own personal experiences. Jessica Lang, Community Resources for Independent Living (CRIL) thanked the City Council and spoke in support of applying Universal Design features to 100% of the dwellings in anyone project, stating it is critical to offer zero step entrances, lower light switches and a bathroom on the ground floor. Bob Glover, Home Builders Association, recommended a more comprehensive plan and spoke on concerns relating to projects currently in the pipeline, zero step entries, financial. impact to developer/builder and Staff, unknown marketability and availability. He requested the City work with builders, developers and residents for a trial period of one year to provide the opportunity to see how other entities are dealing with Universal Design. If the City does take action tonight, he recommends proposed Ordinance B. Jennifer Mosel, Dublin resident, requested Staff reiterate list of mandatory-to-install features and spoke in support of first floor bathroom and zero step entrance. Senior BuildingOfficial Shreeve responded with the list of mandatory- to-install features. Mayor Lockhart closed the public hearing. Cm. Sbranti asked if a zero step entry is a mandatory to offer feature and requested clarification of the exemptions of the mandatory to offer accessible route and doorway width options. Senior Building Official Shreeve responded the zero step entry option is mandatory to offer, but not mandatory to install, and clarified Staff would have guidelines to follow for exemptions. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING September 18,2007 PAGE 394 DRAFT Cm. Oravetz requested clarification of estimated costs. Senior Building Official Shreeve responded that until a developer actually builds two houses side by side, the Universal Design mandatory to install costs cannot be determined. Council Members discussed mandatory to install vs. mandatory to offer options, estimated costs and opt out provision. Mayor Lockhart spoke in support of mandatory to install Universal Design features as the standard, citing the opt-out opportunity. Vm. Hildenbrand spoke in support of offering mandatory checklist of Universal Design options but in opposition to mandatory to install. Cm. Oravetz suggested a one-year moratorium as recommended by Bob Glover, Home Builders Association. Assistant City Attorney John Bakker stated additional analysis will be done for projects exempt from the new Ordinance based on their Development Agreement with the City. Cm. Sbranti, em. Scholz and Mayor Lockhart spoke in support of proposed Ordinance A, requiring mandatory to install features for 100% of new construction of all single-family, duplex, and triplex residential dwellings for which an application for a building permit is submitted after the effective date of the Ordinance. Cm. Oravetz spoke in opposition to proposed Ordinance A, requiring mandatory to install features for 100% of new construction and indicated his support of proposed Ordinance B, requiring mandatory to install features for 13 % of new construction of all single-family, duplex, and triplex residential dwellings for which an application for a building permit is submitted after the effective date of the Ordinance. Cm. Sbranti spoke in support of process for exemptions. On motion by Cm. Schulz, seconded by Cm. Sbranti, and by majority vote, with Cm. Oravetz and Vm. Hildenbrand voting no, the Council waived the reading and introduced Ordinance A, Universal Design Ordinance (100% applicability) and directed Staff to amend the valuation table of the City's Fee Schedule. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING September 18,2007 . PAGE 395 DRAFT RECESS 9:14 p.m. Mayor Lockhart called for a brief recess. The meeting reconvened with all Councilmembers present at 9:20 p.m. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Fiscal Year 2007-2008 City Council Community Grant Funding Process Improvements 9:20 p.m. 7.1 (330-10) Administrative Analyst Roger Bradley presented the Staff Report on recommended improvements to the Community Grant Funding Application process, which was a new process for the Fiscal Year 2007-2008 funding cycle, and advised that the improvements were recommended by grant recipients. Councilmembers spoke in support of the feedback from the grant recipients and .recommendations to include direction to Staff to maintain a central point for application requests, to develop a grant-funding web site and have it password protected to help maintain control of the process and application equity, and that either option of submitting two copies of the completed application, or electronic submission of the grant application with only a signature page needed for submittal is allowed. Assistant City Manager Joni Pattillo indicated the Application Form would be modified to include the recommendations. On motion of Cm. Scholz, seconded by Vm. Hildenbrand, and by unanimous vote, the City Council approved the recommended program improvements, including the option to develop a grant-funding web site and have it password protected to allow for electronic submission of the grant application with only a signature page needed for submittal. .+ DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME ,26 REGULAR MEETING September 18,2007 PAGE 396 DRAFT Report on the AutoPulse Resuscitation System 9:30 p.m. 7.2 (540-80) Deputy Fire Chief Dave Rocha presented the Staff Report on the performance of the Fire Department's AutoPulse Resuscitation Systems and requested Council consider their . continued use or the purchase of new Zoll E Series Heart Monitors, with the AutoPulse Systems traded in for credit for the new heart monitors. Cm. Scholz requested clarification of the AutoPulse concerns. Chief Rocha responded that the concept of AutoPulse appears to be sound; unfortunately, there are serious concerns being raised throughout the medical community regarding its efficacy and safety. He stated the Zoll E. Series Heart Monitors will enable paramedics to continuously . monitor the rate and depth of chest compressions, both at the scene and during transport to the hospital. Assistant City Manager Joni Pattillo provided clarification of funding to purchase the new equipment and Chief' Rocha stated they had met with the Dublin/San Ramon Women's Club and they were in support. Cm. Sbranti commented on CPR certification. On motion of Vm. Hildenbrand, seconded by Cm. Oravetz, and by unanimous vote, the City Council authorized the removal of the AutoPulse from use in the City of Dublin and directed Staff to pursue credit for the two Dublin AutoPulse units as part of purchase agreement for Zoll E series heart monitors, with the full amount of credit for the two units that were donated by the Dublin/San Ramon Women's Club allocated exclusively for the City of Dublin's portion of the Zoll E series heart monitors. .... .........-.....-.----. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING September 18,2007 PAGE 397 DRAFT Acceptance of the 2007 Strate2ic Technolo2Y Master Plan 9:40 p.m. 7.3 (350-20) Information Systems Manager Steve Pappa and ClientFirst Consulting Group representatives presented the Staff Report and advised that the 2007 Strategic Technology Master Plan identifies needs to improve the use of technology and that input was obtained from all Departments to develop a list of initiatives to be pursued over the next five years. Cm. Sbranti asked to what extent Department Heads and the City Manager had input on development of the Plan. Assistant City Manager Joni Pattillo responded that the Technology Advisory Committee was formed and composed of representatives from Administrative Services, City Manager's Office, Police Services, Community Development, Public Works, and Parks and Community Services, including Department Head and City Manager input. She stated the Master Plan is a living document to serve as a guiding document to focus funding requests and projects over the next three to five years and that additional refinement of cost estimates and prioritization of projects will be necessary based upon resources available. Cm. Oravetz requested funding clarification. Administrative Services Director Paul Rankin responded the total estimated costs for the completion of all of the initiatives is approximately $2.5 million with the costs expected to be phased over multiple years. He also stated that among the projects identified in the Master Plan, some would be funded from reserves in the Equipment Replacement Internal Service Fund and do not represent unexpected expenditures and would reduce the total estimated financial impact to $1.48 million over the five year period. Vm. Hildenbrand requested location of fiber-optic cable in relation to the School District. Tom Jakobsen, ClientFirst representative, responded the cable does not go far enough out for the School District. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING September 18, 2007 . PAGE 398 DRAFT Council discussed use of existing fiber-optic cable and Assistant City Manager Pattillo reported on City Staff meeting with the School District to determine existing fiber-optic cable. Public Works Director Melissa Morton reported on recent meeting with the School District and that they are in the process of developing their own fiber-optics plan. On motion of Vm. Hildenbrand, seconded by em. Oravetz, and by unanimous vote, the City Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 175 - 07 ACCEPTING THE 2007 STRATEGIC TECHNOLOGY MASTER PLAN (STMP) PREPARED BY CLIENTFIRST CONSULTING GROUP, LLC. .+ Membership in the National Lea2ue of Cities Or2anization 10:00 p.m. 7.4" (140-30) Administrative Analyst Roger Bradley presented the Staff Report on application for membership in the National League of Cities and the costs associated with City membership. He advised that if the City becomes a member, appointment of a delegate and alternate will be required in addition to a budget adjustment, in the amount of $6,720, for the delegate's attendance at the conference events, or $26,720 if Council would like to leave the option open for all Councilmembers to attend. The presentation included the annual conference date of November 13, 2007 through November 17, 2007, and the Legislative Update scheduled in Washington D.C., March. 8, 2008 through March 12, 2008. Cm. Scholz spoke in support and indicated she would be interested in being the delegate or alternate. Cm. Oravetz spoke in support of the League of California Cities and in opposition to joining the National League of Cities, indicating it is not a good expenditure of tax payer money. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING September 18, 2007 PAGE 399 DRAFT Cm. Sbranti spoke in support of membership and appointment of one delegate and alternate, but clarified he is not in support of all Councilmembers going to the conferences. Vm. Hildenbrand spoke in support and recommended appointment of delegate, and an alternate in the event the delegate cannot attend and that the appointment( s) be on a rotating basis. Mayor Lockhart spoke in support and recommended appointment of a delegate and alternate on. a rotating basis and to follow the establis4ed appointment procedure. She requested Councilmembers notify her if they are interested in nomination for delegate or alternate. Cm. Sbranti spoke in support of applying for membership and of following the established appointment procedure of the Mayor presenting the nomination to the Council to be ratified. Assistant City Manager Joni Pattillo clarified the timing issue, 'referencing conference registration costs. Vm. Hildenbrand stated that even though the conference registration will be higher, she thinks it is important to follow the established appointment procedure. Motion by Cm. Scholz, seconded by Vm. Hildenbrand and by a 4-1 vote,. with Cm. Oravetz voting no, the Council directed Staff to apply for membership in the National League of Cities, approved the budget adjustment in the amount of $6,720, approved appointment of a delegate and alternate, following the established appointment procedure, with authorized attendance by one representative. _______H + ... DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING September 18, 2007 PAGE 400 DRAFT NEW BUSINESS Agreement with Cal State East Bay Small Business Development Center (SBDC) for a pilot Small Business Trainin2 Pro2ram 10:15 p.m. 8.1 (600-30) Economic Development Director Chris Foss presented the Staff Report on a pilot Small Business Training Program and recommended Council adopt the Resolution approving an agreement with the Cal State East Bay Small Business Development Center (SBDC). He responded to Council questions on the procedure to select the participating businesses. ' On motion of Cm. Oravetz, seconded by Cm. Sbranti, and by unanimous vote, the City Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 176 - 07 APPROVING SERVICE AGREEMENT WITH CAL STATE EAST BAY SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER TO PROVIDE MONTHLY BUSINESS EDUCATION WORKSHOPS and approved a budget adjustment in the amount of $2,500. OTHER BUSINESS Brief INFORMATION ONLY reports from Council and/or Staff, including Committee Reports and Reports by Council related to meetings attended at City expense (AB 1234) 10:17 p.m. Assistant City Manager Joni Pattillo commended the City Council and Staff for their Day on the Glen participation. Cm. Scholz stated she enjoyed her Day on the Glen participation and spoke 'in support of League of California Cities sessions. Cm. Sbranti spoke in support of Day on the Glen, specifically the concert and fireworks, reported on his attendance of the League of California Cities Business Meeting and invited Councilmembers to attend Dublin High School Homecoming events next week. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING September 18, 2007 PAGE 401 DRAFT Vm. Hildenbrand commented on the Cheerleading Squads invited to participate in the Homecoming Parade.. Vm. Hildenbrand spoke in support of the Day on the Glen and thanked Staff for putting it together. She spoke in support of the American Lung Association recommendations for a Tobacco Ordinance to include the following: . No smoking 20 feet from doors . Tobacco retail licensing . Consider percentage of multi unit housing to be smoke free . No smoking in public service areas or common outdoor areas . Smoke free City sponsored events . No smoking in adult care or child care facilities . No smoking in Parks (or at least 100 feet where children congregate) Assistant City Manager Pattillo responded that Staff will review the recommendations and report back. Mayor Lockhart spoke in support of Day on the Glen, citing good input from residents. She acknowledged there would be no fireworks next year, but requested Staff consider the evening concert again next year. - ------~. . DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING September 18,2007 PAGE 402 DRAFT ADJOURNMENT 10.1 There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 10:20 p.m. in memory of our fallen troops. Minutes prepared by Interim City Clerk Carolyn Parkinson Mayor ATTEST: Interim City Clerk ~ DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING September 18,2007 PAGE 403