HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-002 Chapter 8.104 SDR of Dublin Zoning Ordinance
STUDY SESSION: ZOA 07-002 - Chapter 8.104, Site Development
Review, of the Dublin Zoning OrdinanGe
Report prepared by Erica Fraser, Senior Planner
1) Chapter 8.104
2) Review Required in Selected Cities (Table)
RECOMMEN~t\~~: )Receive presentation and provide comments.
The City Council, as a high priority goal for Fiscal Year 2007/2008, requested that Staff and the Planning
Commission review Chapter 8.104, Site Development Review (SDR), of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance and
determine if any changes should be made to increase the effectivenes:; ofthis Chapter.
Currently, Staff is also working on the first portion of a comprehensive update to the Zoning Ordinance which
will be reviewed by the Planning Commission during a Study Session in a few months. The Site Development
Review Chapter, however, has been pulled out of the comprehensive review, so that if necessary, changes can
be made more quickly to this Chapter. Adoption of the complete comprehensive update is not anticipated to
occur for at least one year.
In order to begin the review of this Chapter of the Zoning Ordinance, Staff has scheduled this Study Session so
that Staff and the Planning Commission can discuss the existing Chapter. Staff has included several questions
to the Planning Commission to aid in the discussion of Chapter 8.104 at the end of this Agenda Statement.
Prior to 1997, the Zoning Ordinance was similar to what was in effect when the City was part of Alameda
The current version of the Site Development Review Chapter was lagely adopted in 1997 as part of the
comprehensive Zoning Ordinance update. Minor changes have been made to the Site Development
Review Chapter since 1997; these changes were made to require review of projects in the Historic
Overlay Zoning District and the Scarlett Court Overlay Zoning Distriet.
Since the adoption of the current Zoning Ordinance in 1997, the City has undergone some dramatic
changes. In the last ten years, much of the eastern portion of Dublin has been developed and a significant
number of remodels and new constmction have also occurred in the western portion of Dublin due to the
age of the structures.
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G:\Zoninl! OrdlSDR Uodate 20071PCSR Study Session 1O-9-07.doc
A Site Development Review permit in the City of Dublin is required for the following:
. All projects within the Scarlett Court Overlay Zoning District;
. All projects within the Historic District Overlay Zoning District;
. Additions or new construction of more than 1,000 square feet m the commercial or
industrial zoning districts;
. Agricultural accessory structures;
. Exterior modifications to existing structures or modifications to site layout m the
commercial or industrial zoning districts;
. Height exceptions for single family residences west of Dougherty Road;
. Planned Development Permits; and
. Signage.
Site Development Review Required
As noted above, the Zoning Ordinance specifies improvements which require a Site Development Review.
This allows the City to review the project and determine if the proposed project complies with the required
Site Development Review findings which can be found in Section 8. t04.070 of the Zoning Ordinance and
included as Attachment 1.
The SDR Chapter is ambiguous on who may review a Site Development Review. In the past, Staff has
reviewed fayade remodels (such as the Shamrock Village fayade remodel) while major projects (such as
new construction) are reviewed by the Planning Commission. Ove:1ime, the Planning Commission has
begun reviewing all fayade remodels (such as Pool, Patio and More). Although the Chapter only requires
review be conducted for certain projects, Staff has required approval of a Site Development Review
Waiver or Site Development Review for almost all exterior proj ~cts to ensure consistency with the
existing development.
Site Development Review Waiver
Section 8.104.100 allows Staff to issue a Site Development Review Waiver for minor projects. The
Zoning Ordinance does not specify what types of projects are considered to be minor, however, Staff has
used the Waiver to review minor improvements on non-residential buildings such as door and window
modifications, addition of a trellis, access ramps, trash enclosures and minor changes to approved projects.
The Site Development Review Waiver process allows Staff to review minor exterior improvements with
an expedited review (typically over the counter or up to a few days; and for a flat fee (the current fee is.
$250). The use of Waivers is beneficial to both Staff and the Applic ant because it allows Staff to ensure
that the proposed project is compatible with the site, impose conditlons where necessary and allows the
Applicant a quick review period with a flat fee which ensures that the review will not have a negative
financial burden on the Applicant. Staff typically issues approximately 250 SDR Waivers per year.
Improvements Exempt from Review
As discussed above, there are several types of exterior improvements which require review by the City.
The Code, however, exempts review of the following:
. Improvements or additions on buildings which are less than 1,000 square feet in size;
. Minor exterior changes such as color changes, architectural fI~atures or other minor improvements
where a Site Development Review has not been approved;
Page 2 of7
. Residential exterior improvements (single family and attached); and
. Landscape Modifications.
Review Required in Other Cities
Staff reviewed a variety of other cities in the area to determine whal types of projects require review and
also which projects require staff level approval or Planning Commi1:sion approval. A table listing Staffs
findings is included as Attachment 2.
As shown in the Attached table, most cities require review of all ncm-residential exterior improvements
(both major and minor) and several require review of custom homes (including tear downs and new
houses) and residential additions (only Livermore and Dublin do not~equire review of additions).
Most cities allow Staff to review custom homes, minor fayade remodels and minor additions on non-
residential buildings and residential additions. By allowing Staff to review these types of permits, it cuts
down on Staff time required to revicw a project and expedites revieul for the Applicant as well as lowers
the Applicant's costs.
Recommended Staff Changes
Staff recommends that at a minimum, the following changes be made to the Site Development Review
Chapter to clarify the SDR Chapter, provide consistency on what is reviewed and to require review of
additional projects to ensure consistency with the existing development as well as the neighborhood in
which it is located.
Requested Change Description of Current BenefitlImpact of Change
General (Applies Citywide)
Clarify Reviewing Body. Does not state which body (Staff, Benefit. By clarifying the reviewing
Community Development tody it will allow Staff and the
Director or Planning Applicant to clearly identify who is
Commission) IS required to r~quired to review each type of project.
revicw each type of project which
has led to some confusion.
Remove Zoning Districts. SDR Chapter states that review is Benefit. Provides better clarity. Also
Staff recommends the Chapter required for certain zOlllng enforces the fact that the City will be
be changed to state Residential districts, does not include Planned r;'lview exterior modifications in the
and Non-Residential. Developments Zoning Districts. Planned Development Zoning
Clarify Projects that can be Allows a Site Development Benefit. By clarifying what types of
reviewed with a Site Review Waiver to be issued for projects can be reviewed with a Site
Development Review Waiver. "minor projects" although does Development Review Waiver, it
not clearly state what types of allows the City and the Applicant to
projects are considered minor. determine the type ofreview required.
Require a Site Development No planning review is currently Benefit. These types of projects tend to
Review for Single Family Tear required. Allows Applicant to be large m scope and can impact
Down and Rebuild (or Custom obtain a Building Permit only. adjacent properties. In order to ensure
Home) which will be reviewed that the new house will fit in with the
by the Community neighborhood and not create any
Development Director. negative impacts on the adjacent
properties, Staff recommends that
Page 3 of7
Requested Change
Require all Additions and
Exterior Modifications on
Non-Residential Buildings to
be Reviewed.
Require a Site Development
Review Waiver to be issued
for specified Minor Projects.
Minor Projects would include
color change, fencing, door
and window changes,
aWlllngs, mlllor changes to
approved plans, roof screens,
trellises and similar
Description of Current
Requires review of additions or
building modifications which are
on a building which is greater
than 1,000 square feet.
Chapter is ambiguous on what
qualifies as a mlllor change.
Currently, the Site Development
Review Waiver IS used for
aWlllngs, door and window
changes and mlllor changes to
approved plans.
Page 4 of7
BenefitlImpact of Change
LIese types of projects require a Site
Development Review and review by
t1.e Community Development Director.
Potential Negative Impact. This will
hcrease the overall cost of permitting
for the homeowner due to an increase
h time required to review the project
(:lver what currently exists today) as
./ell as additional permitting costs
r;'llated to SDR fees. Will also increase
staff workload which could result in an
hcrease in overall processing time for
[rojects as well as resulting III a
r;'lduction in the amount of time Staff
t as available to work on long-range
[ lanning.
Benefit. Require all modifications to be
r~viewed which is currently practiced
ty the City at this time. Staff
r~commends however, that mlllor
additions and fayade improvements be
r;'lviewed by the Community
Development Director (under 500
square feet).
Benefit. Clearly states which projects
can be reviewed with a Site
Development Review Waiver which
aids Staff and Applicants in clearly
defining the type of permit that is
r~quired. Additionally, by allowing
Staff to Issue a Site Development
Review Waiver, which IS typically
completed in 1 to 3 days, this will not
impact construction timelines. The
application fee for Waivers is a flat fee
which will not have significant
[nancial impacts on the Applicant.
Requested Change
Require Review of All
Exterior Changes to Non-
Residential Building
Require a Site Development
Review for Major Landscape
Modifications and a Site
Development Review Waiver,
to be reviewed by the
Community Development
Director, for minor landscape
improvements such as the
removal of five or fewer plant
speCIes on all properties
excluding single family
Potential Impacts
Description of Current
Standard/Req uirement
SDR Chapter only reqUIres
reVIew of specific items.
Improvements such as fencing or
color changes, for example, are
not included in the list of items
that require review.
Currently, the Chapter does not
reqUIre reVIew of landscape
modifications at a property. In
some cases, Staff has recently
required that a permit be
obtained; however, because the
Chapter does not require a permit,
this has been inconsistently
applied. There IS a reference
requmng a Site Development
Review in Chapter 8.76 when a
majority of the trees on site are
removed, however majority is not
Benefit/Impact of Change
Benefit. Allows the City to review all
exterior changes. By allowing these
minor improvements to be reviewed by
~)taff with a Site Development Review
Waiver it will not impact construction
timelines or create a financial hardship
Jor Applicants but at the same time
will ensure consistency of change with
the existing building.
Benefit. Allows the City to reVIew
landscape changes to all non-
residential projects which can result in
::. significant impact if too many plant
~pecies are removed or changed.
Potential Negative Impact. Increases
review time for Applicants who are not
llsed to applying for a permit for these
types of changes. Review by the
Community Development Director will
bwer review time, over what would be
required by the Planning Commission.
As discussed on pages 3-6 of this Agenda Statement, there are both [,ositive and negative impacts that can
occur as a result of increasing the number of projects that require a Site Development Review or Site
Development Review Waiver as well as requiring more projects to be reviewed by the Planning
Commission. The following is a summary of some of the positive and negative impacts resulting from
Staffs proposed changes.
Potential Benefits
By modifying the Zoning Ordinance to clarify what body is required to review each type of project and
clearly state when review is required, Staff will be able to consistemly require permits and identify when
review by Staff or the Planning Commission is required.
Additionally, by allowing Staff to review minor improvements, Staff will be able to efficiently process
permits which will save the Applicant time and money. Applicant~: have recently expressed frustration
with the requirements to bring most projects to the Planning Commi~;sion, which has led some Applicants
to withdraw their requests and as a result, some of the older buildings in town have not been improved. By
determining which projects are appropriate to be reviewed at a Staff level, the City could see an increased
investment in older buildings in the community.
Additionally, the Zoning Ordinance does allow the Community Development Director to refer decision
making authority to the Planning Commission at any time. In the past, this type ofreferral has done this
when there is a Site Development Review that is controversial.
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Potential Negative Impacts
Staff has also requested that the Chapter be revised to require permit~ for additional types ofprojects.
By requiring additional projects to require a permit, the City could Jace the potential for property owners
to decide not to improve their property so that they do not have to fO through the expense of obtaining a
Site Development Review. Additionally, by requiring more projects to be reviewed at the Planning
Commission level, the City also faces the potential that property owners or tenants may not want to have
to spend additional money or time on projects requiring Planning Commission review. Property owners
and tenants are typically more concerned with Planning Commission reviewed projects because there is no
guarantee that even if Staff recommends approval of their project, that their project will be approved.
Additionally, any additional time required for review of their project can mean that the opening of their
business will be delayed which will increase their expenses.
The current SDR Chapter was crafted to allow Staff to make decisioLs regarding exterior improvements in
order to speed up the entitlement process to encourage commercial growth and improvements in the City.
By allowing Staff to render decisions on more projects, the entitlement process is faster. Planning
Commission review requires the preparation of Staff Reports, review of Staff Reports by the City
Attorney, noticing and a hearing. All of these items can increase the number of hours spent on a project
by. By requiring Planning Commission review of more projects, this increases the processing time for
projects which significantly impacts Staff time as well as creating an additional burden on Applicants due
to an increase in time as well as pemlitting costs.
Any modifications that increase the number of improvements that re ~uire review by Staff or the Planning
Commission will increase the current Staff workload. By increasing the number of projects Staff reviews,
it will result in an increase in the total processing time for projects (due to an increase in the number of
projects each Staff member is working on). Long range projects (such as specific plans) will also take
longer to complete or may not be started due to the amount of time Staff will have available for these
types ofprojects.
Recently, at the request of the Planning Commission, Staff has required almost all Fayade Remodels to be
reviewed by the Planning Commission. The change in policy has led to several Applicants to determine
that they would not upgrade the fayade because they did not want to wait the additional time required for
Planning Commission Review which would delay the opening of their business and have the potential for
increasing their costs. Most recently, the Applicants for All Video a1d Aquarium Concepts (both located
in older buildings) determined that they would not make minor flyade improvements to the building
because Staff informed them that it would require review by the Planning Commission.
Staff is recommending several modifications to the Site Development Review Chapter to clarify the SDR
Chapter, provide consistency on what is reviewed and to require re'/iew of additional projects to ensure
consistency with the existing development as well as the neighborhood in which it is located.
Staff is asking for feedback from the Planning Commission on the current Site Development Review
Chapter. In order to assist Staff and the Planning Commission in the discussion, Staff has crafted the
following questions:
. Should we clarify the Chapter to require review of the items ~aaff has identified in the table found
on pages 3-6 ofthis Agenda Statement?
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. Are there any additional illlprovements that you would lilce to see reviewed by Staff or the
Planning Commission?
. What types ofprojects should require Stafflevel or Planning Commission review?
. Are there any other changes you would like to see to the Site Development Review Chapter?
Following this Study Session, Staff will begin making revisions to the Site Development Review Chapter
incorporating feedback from the PlaJrning Commission. Staff will then bring back the modified Chapter to
the Planning Commission for review during a Public Hearing.
Page 70f7
Chapter 8.104
Purpose. The purpose of this Chapter is to estabLish a procedure for
approving, conditionally approving, or denying Site Development Review
Intent. The intent ofthis Chapter is:
A. To promote orderly, attractive and harmonious site and structural development
compatible with individual site environmental constraints and compatible with
surrounding properties :md neighborhoods.
B. To resolve major project-related issues including, but not lirnited to, building
location, architectural and landscape design and theme; 'lehicular and pedestrian
access and on-site circulation, parking and traffic impacl s.
C. To ensure compliance with development regulations anc the requirements of zoning
districts, including but not limited to, setbacks, heights, :Jarking, landscaping and
fences, accessory structures, and signage.
D. To stabilize property values.
E. To promote the general welfare.
Projects subject to Site Development Review:
A. Addition. An addition to an existing structure, where the addition involves 1,000
gross square feet or more, located within a C-O, C-N, C-l, C-2, M-P, M-l or M-2
Zoning District.
B. Agricultural structures. All structures in the Agricultural Zoning District shall be
subject to Site Development Review with the exception of a single family home.
C. Exterior Modification Of Existing Structure. Any eJi terior modification of an
existing structure with a gross floor area of 1,000 square feet or more located within
a C-O, C-N, C-1, C-2, M-P, M-l or M-2 Zoning District, including but not limited
to, facade renovation, new and/or additional windows and doors (with frames), and
roof or ground-mounted mechanical equipment. This d<Jes not include painting,
window glass replacement or tinting, replacement of sign copy, and similar minor
D. Modification To Site Layout. Any modification to sit(~ layout or improvements in
a C-O, C-N, C-1, C-2, \1-P, M-1 or M-2 Zoning District, including but not limited
City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance
September 1997
Amended May 15,2007
Chapter 8.104
to, parking, fencing, circulation, landscaping, accessory structures, or trash
E. New Construction. Any new construction with a gross floor area of 1,000 square
feet or more located within a C-O, C-N, C-1, C-2, M-P, M-1 or M-2 Zoning
F. Planned Developments. Pursuant to Development Plans approved for a Planned
Development district.
G. Signage. Pursuant to the Sign Ordinance where applicable. .
H. Historic Overlay Zoning District Site Development Review. Any development
in the Historic Overlay Zoning District (as indicated on the Zoning Map) shall be
reviewed in accordance with and subject to Chapter 8.62, Historic Overlay Zoning
District Site Development Review, in addition to this Chapter. (Rev. Ord. 04-05,
Effective March 3, 2005)
I. - Where Site Development Review Is Otherwise Required By This Title.
Examples include farm buildings, signage, enclosed accessory structures in multi-
family districts, security gates, commercial accessory structures, encroachment of
living spaces on Front Lot Line, tree removal/replacement, vehicle stacking, non-
residential parking lot, parking in Front Yard Setbacks of a non-residential lot, and
perimeter landscaping.
J. Scarlett Court Overlay Zoning District Site Development Review. Any
development in the Scarlett Court Overlay Zoning District (as indicated on the
Zoning Map) shall be reviewed in accordance with and subject to Chapter 8.34,
Scarlett Court Overlay Zoning District; in addition to this Chapter (Rev. Ord. 11-
07, Effective June 14,2007).
Application. The Applicant shall submit a complete application pursuant
to Chapter 8.124, Applications, Fees and Deposits, accompanied by a fee
and such materials as are required by the Director of CornmU11ity
Notice Of Decision. A Notice of Decision shall be given consistent with
Chapter 8.132, Notice and Hearings. No public hearing is required for a
Site Development Review unless the application is being considered
concurrently with another permit requiring a public hearing.
Concurrent Consideration. When a Site Development Review is required
for a project which is also subject to a Conditional Use Permit and/or
Variance, it shall be approved, conditionally approved, or denied by the
same decision-maker or body for those actions.
City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance
September 1997
Amended May 15,2007
Chapter 8.104
Required Findings. The following findings shall all be made in order to
approve a Site Development Review:
A. Approval of this application is consistent with the purpose and intent of this
B. Any approval complies with the policies of the General Plan, with any applicable
Specific Plans, with the development regulations or performance standards
established for the zoning district in which it is located, and with all other
requirements of the Zoning Ordinance.
C. The approval will not adversely affect the health or safe:y of persons residing or
working in the vicinity, or be detrimental to the public bealth, safety and general
D. The approved site development, including site layout, structures, vehicular access,
circulation and parking, setbacks, height, walls, public ~afety and similar elements,
has been designed to provide a desirable environment for the development.
E. The subject site is physically suitable for the type and irtensity of the approved
F. ln1pacts to views are addressed.
G. ln1pacts to existing slopes and topographic features are :tddressed.
H. Architectural considerations, including the character, scale and quality of the
design, the architectural relationship with the site and o:her buildings, building
materials and colors, sGreening of exterior appurtenances, exterior lighting, and
similar elements have been incorporated into the project and as conditions of
approval in order to insure compatibility of this develo[,ment with the
development's design concept or theme and the character of adjacent buildings,
neighborhoods, and uses.
I. Landscape considerations, including the location, type, size, color, texture and
coverage of plant materials, provisions and similar elements have been considered
to ensure visual relief and an attractive environment for the public.
J. The approval ofthe Site Development Review is consi~,tent with the Dublin
General Plan and with any applicable Specific Plans.
K. Approval of this application complies with Chapter 8.58 relating to the Public Art
Program Contribution.
City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance
1 04-3
September 1997
Amended May 15, 2007
Chapter 8.104
Action. The decision maker for Site Development Reviews shall be the
Director of Community Development (and hislher designee). The Director
of Community Development may, based on evidence in the public record,
and the findings above, make an administrative decision to approve,
conditionally approve, or deny a Site Development Review.
Amendment. The process for amending a Site Development Review shall
be the same as the process for approving a Site Development Review except
that the decision-maker for such Site Development Review shall be fue
same decision-maker that ultimately approved the Site Development
Review including approval on appeal. The Community Development
Director or his/her designee may grant a Site Development Review Waiver
for applications approved by another decision-maker or body upon the
determination that the modification is a minor project and in accordance
with Section 8.104.100, Waiver.
Waiver. The Community Development Director or hislher designee may
allow a minor physical change to an approved Site Development Review as
a Waiver upon determining that a Site Development Review Waiver is in
substantial conformance with the Site Development Review is a minor
project, is Categorically Exempt from the California Environmental Quality
Act, and is consistent with the conditions of approval for the Site
Development Review. It is not the intent of this Chapter that a series of Site
Development Review Waivers be used to circumvent the need for a new
Site Development Review. Rev. Ord. 16-02 (November 2002)
Guidelines. Site Development Review Guidelines adopted by the City
Council on May 11, 1992 shall be used to guide the review of Site
Development Review applications.
Building Permits. Building Permits shall not be issued except in
accordance with the terms and conditions of the Site Development Review
Procedures. The procedures set forth in Chapter 8.96, Permit Procedures,
shall apply except as otherwise provided in this Chapter.
1 04-4
September 1997
Amended May 15,2007
City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance
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