HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.1 1992-97CIPUpdate-. SUBJECT: 0 0 CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 1, 1993 F 4r14 0 -0 - -) +q=i.1V go -T49 r 0 A min Public Hearing: 1993 -94 Update to Five Year Capital Improvement Program (1992 -97) (Prepared by: Richard C. Ambrose, City Manager) / 1. Draft Resolution 2. Update to Capital Improvement --- .. ._._P.. -_ -r- o gram p rovided under � ep a cover. /3. Memorandum from Recreation Director to City Manager dated March 10, 1993. TION: 1) Open Public Hearing; 2) Receive Staff qA��- presentation; 3) Receive Public comments; 4) Close Public Hearing; 5) Deliberate; and 6) Adopt Resolution approving the 1993 -94 Update to the Capital Improvement Program. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Updated costs for Five Year Capital Improvement Program total $23,948,607. Projected costs for remaining four years of CIP total $6,805,410 for those projects which are funded, and $10,132,325 for those projects which are unfunded or underfunded. Recommended project costs for Fiscal Year 1993 -94 total $3,263,629. DESCRIPTION: In June 1992, the City Council adopted a Five Year capital Improvement Program (CIP) for the period covering 1992 -97. For Fiscal Year 1993 -94, Staff has prepared an update to the 1992 -97 CIP which considers changing conditions as well as revised City Council priorities. The following breakdown identifies those recommended project costs by program area for the remaining four years of the Capital Improvement Program. Unfunded/ Funded Underfunded Total General $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Community Improvements 232,600 390,000 622,600 Parks 1,545,109 2,598,796 40143,905 Streets 54027,721 7,143,529 12,171,2.30 Total $ 6,805,410 $10,132,325 $16,937,735 On May 25, 1993, the Dublin Planning Commission reviewed the proposed Update to the Five Year Capital Improvement Program and determined that it was in conformance with the City's adopted General Plan. The City Parks & Recreation Commission has reviewed those projects included in the Parks program of the CIP. The proposed Parks Capital Improvement Program is in accordance with the Parks & Recreation Commission's recommended priorities (See Exhibit 3). The City Manager's Capital Improvement Program message, which is included in the Capital Improvement Program document, identifies changes, additions and deletions from the 1992 -97 CIP which was adopted by the City Council last year. It is recommended that the City Council conduct the public hearing, deliberate, and adopt the attached Resolution approving the 1993 -94 Update to the Five Year Capital Improvement Program. RCA /lss a:61CIPAG.agenda #12 COPIES TO: ITEM NO. to CITY CLER FILE • RESOLUTION NO. - 93 • A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ADOPTING THE 1993 -94 UPDATE TO THE 1992 -97 FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM WHEREAS, in 1992 the City Council adopted the City's 1992-97 Capital Improvement Program to address the City's future public infrastructure needs; and WHEREAS, the City Council is desirous of reviewing the recommended 1992 --97 Capital Improvement Program to assure the City's capital needs are met; and WHEREAS, the 1993 -94 Update of the 1992 -97 Capital Improvement Program has been reviewed by the Planning Commission which found the document to be in conformance with the City's adopted General Plan; and WHEREAS, the 1993 --94 Update of the 1992 -97 proposed Park Improvements have been reviewed by the Park and Recreation Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that (1) the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby adopt the 1993 -94 Update to the 1992 -97 Five Year Capital Improvement Program, which is attached to and made a part hereof; and (2) the items scheduled for implementation in Fiscal Year 1993 -94 shall be included in the Capital Budget of the Annual City Budget and Financial Plan for Fiscal Year 1993 -94. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this th day of June, 1993. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ATTEST: City Clerk RCA /lss a:ResoCIP.agenda #12 Mayor TO City Manager FROM SUBJECT DATE . Recreation Director • Update to Five Year Capital Improvement Program Parks & Recreation Commission Recommendations March 10, 1993 At the March 9, 1993 meeting of the Commission reconsidered the and school projects currently Improvement Program. Utilizing Medium - 2 points and Low - Z following priorities: the Parks and Recreation Commission, priorities for those park, facility identified in the 1992 -97 Capital a ranking system of High - 3 points, point, the Commission determined the I. Dublin Sports Grounds Renovation (Phase I) 2. Dublin High school Athletic Field Renovation 3. Iron Horse Trail 4. Mape Park Renovation 5. Dublin Sports Grounds Renovation (Phase I1) 6. Nielsen School Athletic Field Renovation 7. Murray School Athletic Field Renovation Dublin Sports Grounds Renovation (Phase III) Dublin High School Tennis Courts Renovation 10. Dublin High School Outdoor Lighting 11. Dublin Swim Center Boiler Replacement 12. Wells- Cronin Athletic Field Renovation Frederiksen School Athletic Field Renovation 14. Dublin School Athletic Field and Play Area Renovation Heritage Center Renovation, Phase II 16. Dougherty Hills Park Design Study Dougherty Hills Park Construction 18. Shannon Center Social Hall Floor Replacement • The Commission is well aware that the funding for any of these projects is extremely limited and understand that the Staff will take the aforementioned priorities into consideration when updating the CIP. In addition, Jeanne Howland from the School District was in attendance at the meeting and indicated to the Commission that all of the school projects have been included for funding in the proposed bond measure being pursued by the District. In the event that the bond passes, the District will work with the City to evaluate the priorities for the various school projects. should you have any questions or need additional information, please advise. �ITR 0� or 'o 1, 1 �N of 4, b. t A I D71 4� l7 ) �Ok 100� Is,471 A NiC Ut-, v o ct�- 'F''y m W., o "l 11,614 �jl V, gq",� j �,;;O I-PO qt6 �v KV�-Wp,� t I . .. . .. .. . . "ol N p v% .,; '4a, IN RI;N ""n v" Z. ."In . 1­',.Ilf' io I. 1­',.Ilf' C I T Y O F D U B L I N FIVE -YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1992 -97 PROPOSED 1993 -94 UPDATE MAY 1993 Peter W. Snyder, Mayor David Burton, Vice Mayor Guy S. Houston, Councilmember Lisbeth Howard, Councilmember Paul C. Moffatt, Councilmember SUBMITTED BY Richard C. Ambrose City Manager May 20, 1993 CITY OF DUBLIN P.O. Box 2340, Dublin, California 94568 City Offices, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California 94568 Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers: Transmitted herewith is the 1993 -94 Update to the 1992 -97 Capital Improvement Program. In June 1992, the City Council adopted the 1992 -97 Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The CIP serves as the financial planning document for the City's future capital facility requirements. On an annual basis, the CIP is updated to reflect changing conditions and priorities that may affect the scheduling of the various projects included in the CIP. The Planning Commission annually reviews the CIP to establish that the proposed projects contained in the CIP are in conformance with the City's General Plan. The Parks and Recreation Commission reviews those projects within their purview and makes recommendations on project priorities. The CIP is then submitted to the City Council for review and adoption. Funding has been included in the 1993 -94 Preliminary Budget for those capital improvement projects which are recommended for Fiscal Year 1993- -94. 1993 -94 CIP Update The total estimated cost for the remaining four years of the 1992 -97 Capital Improvement Program is $6,805,410. Of that amount, $232,600 is designated for Community Improvements, $1,549,109 is designated for Park Improvements and $5,027,701 is designated for Street Improvements. With the exception of the Parks and Recreation Master Plan, projects scheduled for 1993 -94 and beyond do not include the use of General Fund Revenues or Reserves. It should be noted, however, that there is approximately $10,132,325 in unfunded projects identified in the CIP for which the City has collected or has obligated $606,902 in restricted funds. Thus, there ' is a net shortfall in project funding of $9,525,423. Highlights and significant changes in each CIP program area are ' described below: General ' There are no changes proposed for the 1993 --94 CIP Update. The City's Data Processing System is funded from this program area, and although additional expenses are anticipated beyond Fiscal Year 1993 -94, the ' costs are not known at this time. 1 Administration (510) 833 -6650 • City Council (510) 833 -6605 • Finance (510) 833 -6640 • Building Inspection (510) 833 -6620 Code Enforcement (510) 833 -6620 • Engineering (510) 833 -6630 • Planning (510) 833 -6610 Police (510) 833 -6670 • Public Works (510) 833 -6630 • Recreation (510) 833 -6645 I I Community Improvements No new Community Improvement projects are proposed for this year's update to the CIP. However, two projects were added during Fiscal Year 1992 -93 subsequent to the adoption of the CIP in June of 1992. These projects were the Stagecoach Landscape Upgrade and the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Pilot Program. The Stagecoach Landscape Upgrade was completed in Fiscal Year 1992 -93 and was funded through the Stagecoach Road Landscape Assessment District. The NPDES Pilot Program will extend into Fiscal Year 1994 -95 and is funded through a Countywide urban clean water program grant. One change is proposed in this program area. The Village Parkway Sidewalk Widening Project has been deferred beyond the 1996 -97 timeframe due to a reallocation of the Gas Tax Funds to the Dublin Boulevard Widening and Repair Project, Silvergate Drive to Hansen (see Streets). Additional Community Improvement projects for which there is insufficient funding include the Downtown Identity Theme Program and the Street Name Identification Sign Replacement Program. The total cost of the unfunded projects in the area of Community Improvements is $390,000. Parks As a result of action taken by the Parks and Recreation Commission to re- prioritize several park and school projects, there are several changes to this program area. 1. Mape Park Renovation - defer two years to 1995 -96. 2. Dublin High School Athletic Field Renovation - defer one year to 1995 -96. 3. Dublin Sports Grounds Renovation, Phase II - advance to 1996 -97. 4. Murray School Athletic Field Renovation - defer beyond 1996 -97. For Fiscal Year 1994 -95 and beyond, the ability of the City to undertake the Dublin Sports Grounds Renovation, the Dublin High School Athletic Field Renovation and the Mape Park Renovation will depend upon the Donlan Canyon Development and Phase II of the Hansen Hill Ranch Development proceeding and requesting final map approval from the City. If these developments do not proceed, the associated Park Dedication In --Lieu funds will not be available for use by the City. Additional Park projects for which there is insufficient funding have been prioritized by the Parks and Recreation Commission. Detailed backup for these projects is included in the CIP. The total cost of the unfunded projects in the area of Parks is $2,598,796. It should be noted that the Dublin Unified School District has placed a $36,000,000 General Obligation Bond on the June ballot. If the bond measure is successful, the District has indicated that a portion of r the funds are designated for the school renovation projects currently identified in the CIP. Consequently the amount of unfunded projects may be reduced substantially. Streets Changes in this program area relate to the funding and timing of street projects. During Fiscal Year 1992 -93, Staff was successful in securing substantial grant funding through the Federal ISTEA program which will enable the City to move ahead on several existing street projects and add one new street project. In addition, Transportation Development Act grant funding was obtained for a new bike path project. The changes to the street projects are summarized below. 1. Dublin Boulevard Improvements Donlon Way to Village Parkway - advance completion date by one year to 1993 -94 as a result of successfully competing for $1,884,000 in ISTEA grant funds. 2. Dougherty Road Improvements South of Southern Pacific R -O -W - advance completion of Phase I by one year to 1993 -94 as a result of successfully competing for $184,000 in ISTEA grant funds. Parallel to and South of Dublin Boulevard; 3) I -580 Offramp 3. Dublin Boulevard Widening & Repair Silvergate Drive to Hansen - ' defer one year to 1996 -97; utilize Gas Tax funds not required for annual overlay and maintenance work from Fiscal Years 1993 -94 through 1996 -97 to complete project. These funds may not be ' required if development occurs to the West of the approved Donlon Canyon project. t 4. Dublin Boulevard Bridge over Alamo Creek Repair - defer Phase II beyond 1996 -97. S. Traffic Signals Village Parkway at Brighton Drive, Tamarack ' Drive and Davona Drive - defer beyond 1996 -97. There may be a possibility of obtaining grant funds prior to this date. ' 6. Downtown Street Light Additions - defer Phase II (Sierra Court, Sierra Lane, and Amador Valley Boulevard) beyond 1996 -97. ' 7. Bike Path Projects - add Alamo Creek Channel Pathway to 1993 -94 as a result of successfully competing for a $75,000 Transportation Development Act grant. ' 8. Dougherty Road Improvements From Southern Pacific R -O -W to Amador Valley Boulevard - add to 1994 -95 as a result of successfully ' competing for $293,700 in ISTEA grant funds. In addition to the aforementioned changes, there are five additional street projects for which there is insufficient funding. Four of these projects: 1) Landscape Silvergate Drive Medians; 2) New Street Parallel to and South of Dublin Boulevard; 3) I -580 Offramp I I Improvements at San Ramon Road; and 4) Road Parallel to Southern Pacific R -O -W Dougherty Road to Dublin Boulevard Extension were included in last year's CIP. In this year's update Staff has included one additional project: San Ramon Road Slope Stabilization Between Vomac Road and Alcosta Boulevard. It is also important to mention that the scope of the Road Parallel to and South of Dublin Boulevard has been reduced because the portion of the road between Amador Plaza Road and Golden Gate has been included in the Cal Trans I -580/I -680 improvements. Detailed backup for these projects is included in the CIP. The total cost of the unfunded projects in the area of Streets is $7,143,529. Of this amount the City has received or has obligated to the City $606,902 in traffic mitigation fees. conclusion Although the City has identified a number of projects in this year's update to the CIP for which there is no funding within the timeframe of the CIP, the amount of dollars required to fund unfunded projects has dropped considerably from 1992 -93. This can be attributed to the outstanding grantsmanship exhibited by City Staff during Fiscal Year 1992 -93. During the last year the City Staff was successful in obtaining more than $2.5 million for five different projects. Given the attack by the State on the City's General Fund Revenues, 1 there will be little or no General Fund Revenues available for Capital Projects in the future, because General Fund Revenues will be required to maintain services including existing infrastructure. In the 1 future an effort should be made to avoid projects which add significantly to the City's operating costs and aggressively pursue grants to fund those projects which are currently unfunded. 1 This year, I would like to thank those staff members who plan, inspect and maintain those projects which make up this program, as well as those who were instrumental in making this year's CIP update possible. 1 Thanks all! Respectfully submitted, 1 Richard C. Ambrose city Manager I I 1992 -97 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE CITY MANAGER'S LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SUMMARIES AllPrograms .................... ............................... i General................................................. ...... Community Improvements ........ ............................... iii Parks.......................... ............................... iv Streets.......................... .............................vi GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS DataProcessing System ........... ..............................1 COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS Sidewalk Safety Repair ........................................ 2 Stagecoach Landscape Upgrade .... ............................... 3 NPDES Pilot Program .............. ..............................4 Widen Village Parkway Sidewalks .. ..............................5 Downtown Identity Theme Program ................................ 6 Street Name Identification Sign Replacement Program ............ 7 PARKS Park & Recreation Facilities Master Plan ....................... 8 Dublin Swim Center Bathhouse Renovation ........................9 Heritage Center Acquisition /Renovation ........................10 Dougherty Hills Park Landscaping . .............................11 Arroyo Vista Playground ........ ............................... 12 Dublin Sports Grounds Renovation ......... ....................13 Dublin High School Athletic Field Renovation ..................14 Mape Park Renovation ........... .............................15 Nielsen School Athletic Field & Play Area Renovation .......... 16 Murray School Athletic Field Renovation .......................17 Dublin High School Tennis Court Renovation ....................18 Dublin High School Outdoor Lighting ...........................19 Dublin Swim Center Boiler Replacement ......................... 20 Wells- Cronin Athletic Field & Play Area Renovation............ 21 Frederiksen School Athletic Field Renovation .................. 22 Dublin School Athletic Field & Play Area Renovation ........... 23 Dougherty Hills Park Design Study ............................. 24 Shannon Center Social Hall Floor Replacement .................. 25 ri STREETS Annual Street Overlay Program .. ............................... 26 Dublin Boulevard Improvements- Donlon Way to Village Parkway ... 27 Dublin Boulevard Extension- Dougherty Road to SPRR R- O- W....... 28 Dougherty Road Improvements South of SPRR R -O -W ............... 29 Dublin Boulevard Widening & Repair /Silvergate Drive toHansen .................................................. 30 Dublin Boulevard Bridge Over Alamo Creek Bridge Repair........ 31 Street Subdrains .............................................. 32 Traffic Signals - Village Parkway @ Brighton Dr; Tamarack Drive & Davona Drive .............................. 33 Downtown Street Light Additions ............................... 34 Bike Path Projects ............................................ 35 Dublin Boulevard Extension SPRR to Tassajara Road ............. 36 Benchmarks & Monuments ..... .................. 37 Dougherty Road Improvements •from SPRR R -O -W vo Amador Valley Boulevard... ........................ 38 San Ramon Road Slope Stabilization Between Vomac Road & Alcosta Boulevard ......... ............................... 39 Landscaping Silvergate Medians ................................ 40 New Street Parallel to and South of Dublin Boulevard.......... 41 I -580 Offramp Improvements @ San Ramon Road ................... 42 Road Parallel to SPRR - Dougherty Rd to Dublin Blvd Extension .43 I i ro a n o d r In CD In o n N ID n ID n d U a Q\ 0I^0 n n n0 0 r M M 1 O r N M O r to T P M to . 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C) w �d E U Ll1A U wA �d w U 7 rd wA 0A� N C4 U z co w7C OU) H M I W ro7Rt04o0wOL�'C4L m 2 �L rd � d E b �C C m rt N Ld m t7 O LL Q Q 4 p A z CEHwCrdMIX m w _ ' x. -W O H (U o U 1d W 41 co `-' O 4) C 1d A W r N m r In ko n q H W C7 U LL U F4 ►] U] °•- •� I I 1 SUMMARY 1992 -97 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PARKS PROJECTS PRIORITIZED BY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Iron Horse Trail (See Bike Path Projects - Streets) Nielsen School Athletic Field Renovation, Phase II Murray School Athletic Field Renovation Dublin Sports Grounds Renovation, Phase III Dublin High School Tennis Courts Renovation Dublin High School Outdoor Lighting Dublin Swim Center Boiler Replacement Wells- Cronin Athletic Field Renovation Frederiksen School Athletic Field Renovation Dublin School Athletic Field & Play Area Renovation Heritage Center Renovation, Phase II Dougherty Hills Park Design Study Shannon Center Social Hall Floor Replacement Total Cost - V - INSUFFICIENT FUNDING unknown $ 339,974 385,849 229,720 214,150 22,680 42,250 300,114 87,840 906,369 unknown 45,000 24,850 $2,598,796 n o c c O N 1 0 N D + M 0 o Ln r. N m O r m d, 0 O o Cl O I O O � O T O b D O N N w yt oa a r r o + r O 1N•- a O U O C N N d) •n 1D r m n N 0 a1 N In r r w 1n r M M a r 0 .H orf y} V! u () J. cc O 4 O O dl o O O H V D O 0 o dp a0 O C U N N 0 ro 0 G y} yr •• w m 4 w b G C w 0 0 0 O O O O 4 cc O O O m m m U G H 4) m M 1D m CO w ••4 Ma a w U r N r t1 N a W N G w •H 9 vl, 4A y N G Ul •H •H o 0 0 O m N 0 O 0 O O d) Q) cc In m N 0 O a w w 00 I mko 0 r n m N Cq N T O V' n M 4"i = 4) 1D r�r- v r o o w N N N �y yg v w 3 X w w O O aN O V 001 Mr ID b o W S M a a do a1 1n r co m Om a mo a1r a d H aj d1 VI 471 Nrrr nm v v ld Mm r V'NCh V m n r ro G r O N m 1n In a E N N C N O 4s iff w •H ro > 47 C a N O M r 0 M m LO O 7 Q) r V c7l Ln m�o a o o .r m rn p m u1 rn a1 •.mi rl w� o'ko �o .a N N 4 A a 1pr mN NN m G G N r M M H H w m V'0 ON NN M M M 0 '4 171 d O1D0 Nmm�D NN o a1 m U C > In ehr aim V'N rr In O O G 41 w - H Q) .-1Dr V 10Mr V in N ^ Ln ?+ N 001D ^Nnr mat w V oM kom D as n m u in a rN r N r^N n ri C fs 0 •H 0 i w .4 W N %+ i01 r•1 N G W _ N cp O J. b ♦= m H N W w Q1 4 0 IV m A �n .0 1.1 N 5i W x tl -- In o [� C tlr Cy Gw+1 H H •H Q) aHr pb v•H 0 m 0 +.+ 10 _W 41Nr •H G^ E O•H > w a >+.r m ao m d) w o v 1D G d N C W o m a L w •H V •H 0 0 0 b Q ro O v M d) m m a •H x -H G 0 N A C N 1J a..1 m •H > 0> •H +- w G ZION k V m10 N al N d! A OOW 0-m 'R (7 roro H a Oar H w rn A tn 0 G Crou+�Wroro 0 b 0 •H4dG G> A a a O W W R+J ld M 7H W 0H G E 40 •H ti. A 0 z k LwM ELCtlm i) a M 1•4 x H O U 4) H d) r= m 0 b m N H Q) 0 U (d 0. woo 4d0Gldm F U 0 cn gm A 7.. H F w m 7 o•H W w•H W m H R 4) d) C V m M 4 •H 7 H m m O. z Cu)v04m .OadAGR N w M N lQ d) w 0 m 0 d7 7 ld 0 7 b R U W UC7[x.E = W Q U Am a m -- '- 1 In O O O a O O O a O m O r m d, a r O N M N tlY y E R a 0 O O o a O O a m 1 o 0 0 n o w O 0 0 r- 04 E M rn o ^ N N In O �+ rn a N v m 4"i N � W + ` K V} Q a. a $ 1D � In o N N 0 0 N co m F v m M o o Ino r N r 7 E a I ri V o M o r r V• r H E N N a1 r N V Ul W y R �• ' N U `y Vt r O I N H a1 a1 r r u1 N LO M n7 � T N N a Co p N 1D 1n M N ON N 1() V' r O 1n r M cc N a O 4" 7 m a M a) N m y r m M In r 0 O Ip M M m N O M Ili N m 0 O �S F E NI M yry In n ko m o Q` n V• M O 0 In r fn tf) N M N F U O v1 O N N r r N N r E N O w a A mro N �+ C G m 104 ]r m 4) d C .ryl. E N tr1 w d7 C +�' >. le o+ 0 0Q) G1C> ld(]GI.1 oroGd4) w > N N W 0 -H x O w H G> O1 m 0 W E 0 H V OH C H C CD -H 4 0 0-1 +1 C 4d 7 w 40 O9 ' 04E> O .> 00.i ro ul I- .)00 0 ro -E E x A w H •H •.a d G m 01 ee A •n k •n E H w A d) 4H 0 W •H C4 � w w C. •H H •H 0 0 W b 0 J.) ro U 10 Ix O L7 to it N d w mad ro ro a..1 0 ro rox mxaro ,fCwCP7ww Wrom p;ld 6 m 0 H 7 ?, ] W m] d o A t1 ] 10 m NCR U y MM M W Cow M td .]4 W Z i4 C R7E O a7 U d b H IEd C G m G 0 44)) 4w) C N U 0 b 3 a C .0 E a0.1 +� E a1 W 0 S•Hr.GXX•H O G 0+1•.4 3 w 0 1 .CA ti Or1 r4 X H rn41 M > •H E 4) w (0 rna O �ilOi4dltltEd3'ro0�7PW.WOW E W Z�4 0M00000��A .- �CW OAM 0O rn Am 0m�0 -9 �P.FAOR W Aln m 0u) 6 04 m r- r w 10 rn oa a r r o + r O 1N•- a O U O C N N d) •n 1D r m n N 0 a1 N In r r w 1n r M M a r 0 .H orf y} V! u () J. cc O 4 O O dl o O O H V D O 0 o dp a0 O C U N N 0 ro 0 G y} yr •• w m 4 w b G C w 0 0 0 O O O O 4 cc O O O m m m U G H 4) m M 1D m CO w ••4 Ma a w U r N r t1 N a W N G w •H 9 vl, 4A y N G Ul •H •H o 0 0 O m N 0 O 0 O O d) Q) cc In m N 0 O a w w 00 I mko 0 r n m N Cq N T O V' n M 4"i = 4) 1D r�r- v r o o w N N N �y yg v w 3 X w w O O aN O V 001 Mr ID b o W S M a a do a1 1n r co m Om a mo a1r a d H aj d1 VI 471 Nrrr nm v v ld Mm r V'NCh V m n r ro G r O N m 1n In a E N N C N O 4s iff w •H ro > 47 C a N O M r 0 M m LO O 7 Q) r V c7l Ln m�o a o o .r m rn p m u1 rn a1 •.mi rl w� o'ko �o .a N N 4 A a 1pr mN NN m G G N r M M H H w m V'0 ON NN M M M 0 '4 171 d O1D0 Nmm�D NN o a1 m U C > In ehr aim V'N rr In O O G 41 w - H Q) .-1Dr V 10Mr V in N ^ Ln ?+ N 001D ^Nnr mat w V oM kom D as n m u in a rN r N r^N n ri C fs 0 •H 0 i w .4 W N %+ i01 r•1 N G W _ N cp O J. b ♦= m H N W w Q1 4 0 IV m A �n .0 1.1 N 5i W x tl -- In o [� C tlr Cy Gw+1 H H •H Q) aHr pb v•H 0 m 0 +.+ 10 _W 41Nr •H G^ E O•H > w a >+.r m ao m d) w o v 1D G d N C W o m a L w •H V •H 0 0 0 b Q ro O v M d) m m a •H x -H G 0 N A C N 1J a..1 m •H > 0> •H +- w G ZION k V m10 N al N d! A OOW 0-m 'R (7 roro H a Oar H w rn A tn 0 G Crou+�Wroro 0 b 0 •H4dG G> A a a O W W R+J ld M 7H W 0H G E 40 •H ti. A 0 z k LwM ELCtlm i) a M 1•4 x H O U 4) H d) r= m 0 b m N H Q) 0 U (d 0. woo 4d0Gldm F U 0 cn gm A 7.. H F w m 7 o•H W w•H W m H R 4) d) C V m M 4 •H 7 H m m O. z Cu)v04m .OadAGR N w M N lQ d) w 0 m 0 d7 7 ld 0 7 b R U W UC7[x.E = W Q U Am a m -- '- 1 L_ 1 SUMMARY 1992 --97 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM STREETS PROJECTS Dougherty Road Improvements - South of Southern Pacific Right --Of -Way -- Phase II Dublin Boulevard Bridge over Alamo Creek Repair - Phase II Traffic Signals - Village Parkway at Brighton Drive; Tamarack Drive; and Davona Drive Downtown Street Light Additions - Phase II San Ramon Road Slope Stabilization Between Vomac Road and Alcosta Boulevard Landscaping Silvergate Medians New Street Parallel to & South of Dublin Boulevard I -580 Offramp Improvements at San Ramon Road Road Parallel to Southern Pacific Right -Of -Way Dougherty Road to Dublin Boulevard Extension Total Cost Less Traffic Impact Fees Collected or Obligated FUNDING SHORTFALL (a) This amount includes $5,702 in collected to date. (b) This amount includes $4,800 in collected to date and $584,000 required to contribute to this (c) This amount includes $12,400 i collected to date. INSUFFICIENT FUNDING $1,075,379 194,700 339,000(a) 58,350 400,000 152,600 2,240,000(b) 845,000 1,838,500(c) $7,143,529 (606,902) $6,536,627 Traffic Impact Fees which have been Traffic Impact Fees which have been in mitigation funds which BART is project. a Traffic Impact Fees which have been -Vii- I I 1992 -97 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. 9315 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Data Processing ACTIVITY GENERAL DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This item provides for the selection and installation of a comprehensive data processing system. The system components would address financial applications, as well as a specialized computer packages for use by all departments. COMMENTS To date the City has purchased hardware and software to support the City Manager's Office, Finance, Police, and Recreation. Currently installed software systems include accounting, payroll, word processing, legislative history/ indexing, Recreation Facility Scheduling and Registration, and Business License. During 1990 -91, the Alameda County Sheriff's Department installed computer aided dispatch and police records management in the Dublin Police Department. In Fiscal Year 1991 -92, the Data Processing Budget was reduced by nearly $80,000 due to Budget constraints. For Fiscal Year 1992 -93, $22,000 from the Internal Service Fund Reserves was used to purchase Data Processing equipment for Planning, the City Manager's Office, Recreation, and Public works. Additionally, $9,700 from the Criminal Activity Fund was used to purchase equipment for police. No additional costs in Fiscal Year 1993 -94 are expected. Future costs of Data Processing equipment will be evaluated during Fiscal Year 1993 -94 for future needs of the Data Processing System. ESAIMATED COSTS FINANCING YEARS SCHEDULE Machinery Equip $234,834 Fund Prior Years 1992 -93 1993 -94 1994 -95 1995 -96 1996 -97 TOTALS 200 $ 0 $ 9,700 $ 0 $ 9,700 830 203,134 22,000 0 225.134 TOTAL - -a $234,834 TOTALS - -y $203,134 $31,700 $ 0 $234,834 - 1 - CITY OF DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA 1992 -97 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. 9425 PROJECT Sidewalk DESCRIPTION Safety Repair ACTIVITY COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project provides for the replacement of damaged curb, gutter, and sidewalks at various locations. The sidewalk repairs are made by either removing and replacing concrete or by grinding the high side of offset sidewalk. The method is determined by the severity of the damage. COMMENTS State Law provides that sidewalk repair is the responsibility of the property owner, yet cities are also held liable for hazards associated with sidewalks in need of repair. This program reduces the property owners, as well as the City's liability exposure. The policy for the funding of this program is being changed for Fiscal Year 1993 -94 from City funded to property owner funded repairs. The property owners will be given the choice to make the repairs themselves (normally through a contractor) or have the City make the repairs and pay the City. If the property owner does not make provisions for the needed repairs, the City will make the repairs and bill the property owner. ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Design $ 5,000 001 Survey 15,000 Inspection 30,000 300 Improvements 200,000 TOTAL $250,000 TOTALS - -n FINANCING /YEARS SCHEDULE Prior Years 1992 -93 1993 -94 1994 -95 1995 -96 1996 -97 TOTALS annual $50,000 $ 50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 200,000 annual $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $250,000 2 CITY OF DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA 1992 --97 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. 9403 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Stagecoach Landscape Upgrade ACTIVITY COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project will provide preliminary landscape architectural plans for the relandscaping of the landscaping along Stagecoach Road and install plant material to fill in the slopes along Agate and Coral Ways. COMMENTS The landscaping in the Assessment District for the Stagecoach Road area has suffered over the last several years from freezing weather and pest and rodent problems. The assessments were increased for Fiscal Year 1992 -93 to prepare a new plan that would be more drought tolerant and less maintenance intensive. In addition, part of the additional assessment is to replant some of the bare areas on the internal slopes (Agate Way and Coral Way). ESTIMATED COSTS Design $4,000 Fund Improvements 3,051 711 TOTAL - -a $7,051 TOTALS -T FINANCING YEARS SCHEDULE Prior Years 1992 -93 1993 -94 1994 -95 1995 -96 1996 -97 TOTALS $7,051 $7,051 - 3 - $7,051 $7,p51 CITY OF DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA 1992 -97 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. 9430 PROJECT DESCRIPTION NPDES Pilot Project ACTIVITY COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project would construct a pervious concrete /sand filter drain in the Shannon Park Parking Lot as a pilot project. Rain water will carry pollutants from the parking lot through porous concrete slabs and these pollutants would hopefully be filtered out before getting into the storm drain system. COMMENTS As part of the National Clean Water Act, the City of Dublin is participating in a Countywide urban clean water program. Along with storm water pollution monitoring and public education, pilot projects are being funded through the County Program to test new methods if reducing the storm water pollutant load. ESTIMATED COSTS Design $ 3,700 Fund Inspection 5,000 222 Improvements 24,900 TOTAL $33,600 I TOTALS - -y FINANCING YEARS SCHEDULE Prior Years 1992 -93 1993 -94 1994 -95 1995 -96 1996 -97 TOTALS $1,000 $29,000 $3,600 $33,600 - 4 - $1,000 $29,000 $3,600 $33,600 CITY OF DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA 1992 -97 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY Not Yet Widen Village Parkway Sidewalks COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS Assigned Dublin Boulevard to Amador Valley Boulevard DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project would widen the sidewalk or both sides of Village Parkway between Dublin Boulevard and Amador Valle) Boulevard from its present 4 -1/2 feet to F feet. COMMENTS Most of the sidewalks in the downtown area are presently 8 feet wide. The 4 -1/2 foot sidewalk is a residential standard for areas where a high volume of pedestrian use is not expected. This segment of Village Parkway allows parking directly in front of a large number of small retail businesses. Pedestrian use of this sidewalk is made more difficult because of obstructions typically found in a downtown area such as bus benches, sign posts, and fire hydrants. The City presently has 8 feet of right -of -way from the curb face on both sides of the street. ESTIMATED COSTS FINANCING /YEARS SCHEDULE Prel Engr $ 4,000 Fund Prior Years 1992 -93 1993 -94 1994 -95 1995 --96 1996 -97 TOTALS Design 8,500 Improvements 120,000 Inspection 7,000 Insufficient funding within the CIP timeframe. $140,000 Miscellaneous 500 TOTAL $140,000 TOTALS $140,000 5 CITY OF DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA 1992 -97 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY Not Yet Downtown Identity Theme Program COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS Assigned DESCRIPTION- LOCATION This project would 1) establish and carry out a public sign support and framinc program; 2) prepare a design for private shopping center identification pylonE consistent with other theme elements in the downtown area; and 3) design and construct district identification improvements at the four major intersections in the downtown area. COMMENTS These improvements were identified in the Dublin Downtown Improvement Plan approved by the City Council in 1987. This project would implement some of the larger improvements from that study. 1) Public Signing Program $ 50,000 2 Study for design of center entry pylons 10,000 3) Downtown entries identification 100,000 Total $160,000 ESTIMATED COSTS FINANCING YEARS SCHEDULE Prelim Engr $ 20,000 Fund Prior Years 1992 -93 1993 --94 1994 -95 1995 -96 1996 -97 TOTALS Design 15,000 Inspection 4,500 Insufficient funding within the CIP timeframe. $160,000 Improvements 120,000 Miscellaneous 500 TOTAL $160,000 TOTALS $160,000 - 6 - CITY OF DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA 1992 -97 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY Not Yet Street Name Identification COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS Assigned Sign Replacement Program DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project would replace the existing black lettering on white background street name identification signs at approximately 400 intersections throughout the City with distinctive reflectorized green- and -white name signs with the City's logo, as well as, block numbers, as adopted by the City Council during Fiscal Year 1985 -86. COMMENTS The new signs will be easier to read because the faces are reflectorized. These signs are presently being installed on all new subdivision streets. ESTIMATED COSTS FINANCING /YEARS SCHEDULE Fund Prior Years 1992 -93 1993 -94 1994 -95 1995 -96 1996 -97 TOTALS Prelim Engr $ 2,000 Design 3,000 Insufficient funding within the CIP timeframe. $90,000 Improvements 75,000 Inspection 9,500 Miscellaneous 500 TOTAL $90,000 TOTALS $90,000 7 - CITY OF DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA 1992 -97 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 9585 Park & Recreation Facilities Master Plan This project provides for the services of a landscape architect /planner to develop an overall parks and recreation master plan for the entire City including Eastern and Western Dublin. COMMENTS In order to provide an adequate system of park and recreational facilities to accommodate the anticipated growth to the East and West, it is necessary to develop a comprehensive master plan to use as a planning document. The plan will include proposed park locations, suggested trail alignments, park and facility standards, and potential funding mechanisms. The Master Plan, as originally prepared, included the entire Western Dublin and Eastern Dublin Planning areas. However, as a result of the referendum regarding Western Dublin, as well as modification to the Eastern Dublin Plan, the Master Plan requires substantial revision requiring additional funding. ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Design $101,250 001 Miscellaneous 7,550 TOTAL $108,800 TOTALS - -� ACTIVITY PARKS FINANCING YEARS SCHEDULE Prior Years 1992 -93 1993 -94 1994 -95 1995 -96 1996 -97 TOTALS $78,083 $20,717 $10,000 $108,800 $78,083 $20,717 $10,000 $108,800 CITY OF DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA 1992 -97 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 9507 Dublin Swim Center Bathhouse Renovation DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project provides for the renovation of the bathhouse at the Dublin Swim Center, located at 8157 Village Parkway. COMMENTS Renovation of the bathhouse is necessary to complete the overall renovation of the Dublin Swim Center. Included in the renovation are floor resurfacing, roof repair, replacement of hot water heater, heater repair, lighting upgrade, enclosure of office areas and installation of lockers. Improvements related to handicapped accessibility as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act are also included and will be funded by Community Development Block Grant Funds. ESTIMATED COSTS Design Inspection Improvements Machinery & Equip Miscellaneous Fund $ 16,100 209 9,210 215 101,116 2,945 407 ACTIVITY PARKS FINANCING YEARS SCHEDULE Prior Years 1992 -93 1993 --94 1994 -95 1995 -96 1996 -97 TOTALS $13,825 $72,525 $ 86,350 $ 6,407 2,575 34,446 43,428 TOTAL $129,778 I TOTALS $ 6,407 $16,400 $106,971 0&� $129,778 CITY OF DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA 1992 -97 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY 9401 Heritage Center PARKS Fund Acquisition /Renovation 1995 -96 1996 -97 TOTALS DESCRIPTION- LOCATION This project provides for the acquisition and renovation of the Dublin Cemetery, Old St. Raymond's Church, and original Murray Schoolhouse, located on Donlon Way. COMMENTS The Amador -- Livermore Valley Historical Society has offered Old St. Raymond's Church for $10,700; the Dublin Historical Preservation Association has offered the original Murray Schoolhouse at no cost; and the Dublin Cemetery, Inc, has offered the Dublin Cemetery at no cost. The total cost for acquisition (inclusive of title, escrow, appraisal, soils test and legal fees) is estimated at $22,741 and will be concluded during Fiscal Year 1992 -93. The proposed renovation includes the following; 1) Cemetery - tree removal /pruning, fence repairs /replacement and lighting repairs ($20,000). 2) Church - dry rot removal /repairs, handicapped modifications, bell tower repairs, electrical upgrade and painting ($55,338). 3) School - dry rot removal /repairs, handicapped modifications, window replacement, electrical upgrade and painting ($67,620). Renovation to the interior of either building and replacement of the pews and alter for the church have not been included. The estimated cost for additional renovation and furnishings is undetermined at this time. ESTIMATED COSTS FINANCING /YEARS SCHEDULE Design $ 10,606 Fund Prior Years 1992 -93 1993 --94 1994 -95 1995 -96 1996 -97 TOTALS Inspection 5,302 001 $ 1,250 $ 1,250 Acquisition 22,741 215 $ 6,620 6,620 Improvements 126,050 218 $21,491 136,338 157,829 Miscellaneous 12000 TOTAL - -a $165,699 TOTALS $ 1,250 $21,491 $142,958 $165,699 - 10 - CITY OF DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA 1992 -97 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY 9402 Dougherty Hills Park PARKS Landscaping DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project provides for the landscaping of those portions of the Dougherty Hills Park which are immediately adjacent to Topaz Circle. The property owners of the Topaz Circle Neighborhood have volunteered their labor to install landscaping and irrigation for the open space slopes along the north and east of Topaz Circle. The City of Dublin has committed $17,000 for the landscaping and irrigation materials for the east slope and part of the north slope. It is anticipated that DSRSD and Zone 7 will pay $7,000 and $4,000 respectively for the remainder of the northslope landscape and irrigation materials. ESTIMATED COSTS Improvements $28,000 Fund 001 300 TOTAL - -> $28,000 I TOTALS - -> FINANCING YEARS SCHEDULE Prior Years 1992 -93 1993 -94 1994 -95 1995 -96 1996 -97 TOTALS $17,000 $17,000 11,000 11,000 $28,000 $28, - 11 - CITY OF DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA i� 1992 -97 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. 9598 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Arroyo Vista Playground ACTIVITY PARKS DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project provides for the installation of playground equipment at Arroyo Vista, a subsidized housing project on Dougherty Road run by the Dublin Housing Authority. COMMENTS This project was partially funded by City of Dublin Community Development Block Grant Funds. Additional funding came from the Dublin Housing Authority and labor was donated by prisoners from the Federal Correctional Facility in Dublin. ESTIMATED COSTS Contracts $22,568 Fund 209 LTOTAL - -> $22,568 I TOTALS - -> � \MIY b w ~ �f1 o x g � o c X BR pJE TAMA RACK PJP� U 611A N110 \� U FPp° P\ a h A ate' aR C4 yy La q$ Y 4 y 6 0 04 "p M y o A \ -SB° FINANCING /YEARS SCHEDULE Prior Years 1992 -93 1993 -94 1994 --95 1995 -96 1996 -97 TOTALS $22,568 $22,568 - 12 - $22,568 $22, CITY OF DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA J 1992 -97 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. 9583 PROJECT Dublin Sports DESCRIPTION Grounds Renovation ACTIVITY PARKS DESCRIPTION - LOCATION The project provides for the renovation of the Dublin Sports Grounds which is locates at Dublin Boulevard and Civic Plaza. COMMENTS The Dublin Sports Grounds Master Plan was adopted in May of 1990. The recommender improvements have been divided into phases as follows: Phase I includes construction of a 60' baseball field, addition of score booths at baseball /softball fields, fencing for softball fields, and additional bleachers and drinking fountains; Phase II includes reorientation of baseball field #3 and drainage improvements; and Phase III includes additional drainage improvements and the addition of a jogging trail. Phase I Phase II Phase III $208,675 $296,695 $229,720 ESTIMATED COSTS FINANCING /YEARS SCHEDULE Fund Prior Years 1992 -93 1993 -94 1994 -95 1995 -96 1996 -97 TOTALS Improvements $629,400 Phase I Design 72,588 215 $21,000 $20,770 $166,905 $208,675 Inspection 27,102 Phase II Miscellaneous 6,000 215 $296,695 296,695 Phase III has insufficient funding within the CIP timeframe. 229,720 TOTAL - -> $735,090 TOTALS $735,090 - 13 - CITY OF DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA 1992 -97 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY 9586 Dublin High School PARKS Athletic Field Renovation DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project provides for the renovatioi of the athletic fields (baseball softball, and soccer) located at Dubli: High School, 8151 Village Parkway. COMMENTS This project was conceived by the Dublin School Facilities Improvement Task Force. Baseball field renovation includes regrading and reseeding of turf areas, irrigation system repair and replacement, extensive drainage improvements and infield repairs. The softball field renovation includes backstops, irrigation improvements, and clay infields. Additionally, the project provides for installation of bleachers and limited landscaping. Project design and preliminary engineering for this project have been completed. Sufficient Park Dedication in lieu funds will not be available until the Donlon Canyon Project commences. Annual Maintenance costs are undetermined at this time. ESTIMATED COSTS FINANCING YEARS SCHEDULE Prior Years 1992 -93 1993 -94 1994 -95 1995 -96 1996 -97 TOTALS $35,679 $226,020 $333,180 $594,879 $35,679 -14-- $226,020 $333,180 $594,879 CITY OF DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA Fund Improvements $533,800 215 Design 25,082 Prelim Eigr 12,053 Inspection 21,500 Miscellaneous 2,444 TOTAL - a $594,879 TOTALS - -� FINANCING YEARS SCHEDULE Prior Years 1992 -93 1993 -94 1994 -95 1995 -96 1996 -97 TOTALS $35,679 $226,020 $333,180 $594,879 $35,679 -14-- $226,020 $333,180 $594,879 CITY OF DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA 1992 -97 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Not Yet Mape Park Renovation Assigned DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project provides for the renovatioi of Mape Park which is located on Plat.' Way. COMMENTS Major improvements identified for Mape Park include removal of existing play equipment and installation of a new accessible tot and children's play area; replacement of worn park furniture including benches, drinking fountains, and trash receptacles; and installation of additional park lighting. The fitness course, walkway and portable restrooms identified in the original master plan adopted in 1986 have not been included. ESTIMATED COSTS ACTIVITY PARKS FINANCING YEARS SCHEDULE Prior Years 1992 -93 1993 -94 1994 -95 1995 -96 1996 -97 TOTALS $27,310 $193,300 $220,610 - 15 - $27,310 $193,300 $220,610 CITY OF DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA Fund Prel Engr $ 5,110 Improvements 185,010 215 Design 20,200 Inspectiion 8,290 Miscellaneous 2,000 TOTAL —a $220,610 TOTALS - ACTIVITY PARKS FINANCING YEARS SCHEDULE Prior Years 1992 -93 1993 -94 1994 -95 1995 -96 1996 -97 TOTALS $27,310 $193,300 $220,610 - 15 - $27,310 $193,300 $220,610 CITY OF DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA 1992 --97 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY 9501 Nielsen School Athletic Field PARKS Fund and Play Area Renovation 1995 -96 1996 -97 TOTALS DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project provides for the renovatioi of Athletic Fields and the play area al Nielsen School, located at 7500 Amarillc Road. COMMENTS This project was identified by the Dublin Schools Facilities Improvement Task Force. Recommended improvements include connecting the school yard to Mape Park by removing a drainage Swale. Additional improvements include regrading and reseeding of turf, irrigation installation, play area reconstruction and capping of an abandoned well. Phase I was completed during Fiscal Year 1991 -92 and included construction of a new play area. Phase II will include renovation of the athletic field. ESTIMATED COSTS FINANCING YEARS SCHEDULE Fund Prior Years 1992 -93 1993 -94 1994 -95 1995 -96 1996 -97 TOTALS Improvements $309,797 Phase I Design 42,372 215 $13,848 $ 13,848 Prelim Engr 7,729 300 21,000 21,000 Inspection 12,472 Phase II Miscellaneous 2,452 Insufficient funding within the CIP timeframe. 339,974 TOTAL - -:> $374,822 TOTALS $374,822 - 16 CITY OF DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA 1992 -97 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY Not Yet Murray School PARKS Assigned Athletic Field Renovation DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project provides for the renovatior of the athletic fields at Murray Elementary School located at 8435 Davona Drive. COMMENTS This project was conceived by the Dublin Schools Facilities Improvement Task Force. Field renovation includes extensive grading and reseeding, the addition of an irrigation system and paved walk and renovation of playfield backstops. ESTIMATED COSTS FINANCING /YEARS SCHEDULE Fund Prior Years 1992 -93 1993 -94 1994 -95 1995 -96 1996 -97 TOTALS Improvements $325,732 Design 39,088 Prelim Engr 6,000 Insufficient funding within the CIP timeframe. $385.849 Inspection 13,029 Miscellaneous 2,000 TOTAL $385,849 TOTALS $M5,849 17 CITY OF DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA 1992 --97 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY Not Yet Dublin High School PARKS Assigned Tennis Court Renovation DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project would provide for improvements to the tennis courts at Dublin High School which is located at 8151 Village Parkway. COMMENTS The Dublin School Facilities Improvement Task Force recommended that the tennis courts at Dublin High School be renovated. Improvements include court resurfacing, access from court area to the football field, and the lighting of the tennis courts for night play. These courts would be available for public play when not in use for teaching. ESTIMATED COSTS FINANCING YEARS SCHEDULE Fund Prior Years 1992 -93 1993 -94 1994 -95 1995 -96 1996 -97 TOTALSI Design $ 22,050 Inspection 7,350 Insufficient funding within the CIP timeframe. $214,150 Improvements 183,750 Miscellaneous 1,000 TOTAL $214,150 TOTALS $214,150 - 18 CITY OF DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA 1992 -97 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY Not Yet Dublin High School Outdoor Lighting PARKS Assigned DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project provides for installation of outdoor lighting in the parking lots and along walkways at Dublin High School. COMMENTS installation of outdoor lighting in the parking lots and along walkways at Dublin High School would make the facility more accessible to the community in the evening. This project was suggested by the Dublin School Facilities Improvement Task Force. ESTIMATED COSTS FINANCINGREARS SCHEDULE Fund Prior Years 1992 -93 1993 -94 1994 --95 1995 -96 1996 -97 TOTALS Improvements $22,680 Insufficient Funding within the CIP timeframe $22,680 TOTAL $22,680 TOTALS - -a $22,680 - 19 - CITY OF DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA 1992 -97 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY Not Yet Dublin Swim Center PARKS Assigned Boiler Replacement DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project provides for the replacement of the boiler at the Dublin Swim Center, 8157 Village Parkway. COMMENTS Although the Swim Center was renovated during Fiscal Year 1989 -90, the boiler was not replaced. The boiler has exceeded its usable life, thus it is recommended that it be replaced with a more energy efficient unit. The proposed replacement is 97% efficient and the cost will be recovered through reduced fuel costs after three years. ESTIMATED COSTS FINANCING /YEARS SCHEDULE Machinery /equip $42,150 Fund Prior Years 1992 -93 1993 -94 1994 -95 1995 -96 1996 -97 TOTALS Miscellaneous 100 Insufficient funding within the CIP timeframe. $42,250 TOTAL - -> $42,250 TOTALS - -> $42,250 �di= CITY OF DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA 1992 -97 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY 9502 Wells- Cronin Athletic Field PARKS 1996 -97 TOTALS and Play Area Renovation $285,918 DESCRIPTION -- LOCATION This project provides for the renovation of the former Cronin Park Play Area, as well as the renovation of the athletic fields between Cronin and Wells Schools located between Penn and York Drives. COMMENTS This project was recommended by the Dublin School Facilities Improvement Task Force. It provides for regrading and reseeding of turf areas; replacement of approximately one -third of the irrigation system, backstop repair; and renovation of the play area (formerly Cronin Park). Phase I was completed during Fiscal Year 1991 -92 and included installation of new play equipment and surfacing. Phase II will include the renovation of the athletic fields. ESTIMATED COSTS FINANCING /YEARS SCHEDULE Fund Prior Years 1992 -93 1993 -94 1994 -95 1995 -96 1996 -97 TOTALS Improvements $285,918 Phase I Design 38,249 215 $45,252 $ 45,252 Prelim E%r 7,627 Phase II Inspectian 11,098 Insufficient funding within the CIP timeframe 300,114 Miscellaneous 2,474 TOTAL - -> $345,366 TOTALS - -a $345,366 - 21 -- CITY OF DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA 1992 -97 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY Not Yet Frederiksen School. PARKS Assigned Athletic Field Renovation DESCRIPTION — LOCATION This project provides for the renovatioi of the athletic fields at Frederiksen School, located at 7243 Tamarack Drive. COMMENTS This project was identified by the Dublin Schools Facilities Improvement Task Force and includes filling and reseeding of low spots in the athletic fields and irrigation system repair. ESTIMATED COSTS FINANCING YEARS SCHEDULE Fund Prior Years 1992 -93 1993 -94 1994 -95 1995 -96 1996 -97 TOTALS Prelim Engr $ 4,000 Improvements 70,552 Insufficient funding within the CIP timeframe. $87,840 Design 8,466 Inspection 2,822 Miscellaneous 2,000 TOTAL $87,840 TOTALS - -> $87,840 - 22 - CITY OF DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA 1992 -97 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Not Yet Dublin School Athletic Field and Assigned Play Area Renovation DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project provides for the renovation of the athletic fields at Dublin Elementary School and development of a mini -park on the former pool site. The project is located at 7997 Vomac Road. COMMENTS This project was developed by the Dublin Schools Facilities Improvement Task Force and will be undertaken in two phases. Phase I: Renovation of athletic fields includes complete regrading, reseeding, and new irrigation of fields; and replacement of the back stops. Phase II entails converting site of a former pool into a mini -park. Phase I Phase 11 $568,402 $337,967 ACTIVITY PARKS ESTIMATED COSTS FINANCING /YEARS SCHEDULE Fund Prior Years 1992 -93 1993 -94 1994 --95 1995 -96 1996 -97 TOTALS Improvements $782,069 Design 84,017 Insufficient funding within the CIP timeframe. $906,369 Prelim Engr 6,000 Inspection 31,283 Miscellaneous 3,000 TOTAL - -n $906,369 TOTALS $906,369 - 23 - CITY OF DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA 1992 -97 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY Not Yet Dougherty Hills Park Design Study PARKS Assigned DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project provides for the services of a landscape architect to proceed with design development for the 90 -acre Dougherty Hills Park located on the ridge of the Dougherty Hills between Amador Valley Boulevard and the County line. COMMENTS A masterplan was completed for this site in April of 1986. This project provides for the review and refinement of the masterplan. Upon completion, the Dublin Rotary Club has indicated a desire to pursue development of portions of the site. ESTIMATED COSTS FINANCING /YEARS SCHEDULE Prelim Engr $10,000 Fund Prior Years 1992 -93 1993 -94 1994 -95 1995 -96 1996 -97 TOTALS Design 35,000 Insufficient funding within the CIP timeframe. $45,000 TOTAL - -> $45,000 TOTALS - -a $45,000 - 24 - CITY OF DUBLIN,'CALIFORNIA 1992 -97 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Not Yet Shannon Center Social Hall Assigned Floor Replacement DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project provides for replacement of the social hall floor in the Shannon Community Center, 11600 Shannon Avenue. COMMENTS Due to excessive moisture and improper underlayment, the vinyl the floor in the social hall requires replacement. This project includes replacement of the underlayment and installation of new vinyl tile. ACTIVITY PARKS ESTIMATED COSTS I FINANCING YEARS SCHEDULE Fund Prior Years 1992 -93 1993 -94 1994 -95 1995 -96 1996 -97 TOTALS Inspection $ 1,500 Improvements 23,000 Insufficient funding within the CIP timeframe. $24,850 Miscellaneous 350 TOTAL — $24,850 I TOTALS -_, $24,850 - 25 - CITY OF DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA 1992 -97 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY Not Yet Annual Street Overlay Program STREETS Assigned DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project provides for the placement of a 1 -1/2 inch asphalt overlay on streets that are presently in a deteriorated condition at various locations. COMMENTS As streets begin showing major structural failures, it is important to reinforce these streets with repairs and overlay to reduce the need for more costly reconstruction at a later date. The City's Pavement Management System Program has given the City funding guidelines, as well as, priorities for maintaining the City streets. The Street Maintenance Account in the Operating Budget includes funding for preparatory patching for this project, for the slurry seal project, and for the restriping of those streets to be overlaid. Design and inspection is budgeted in this project for both this overlay project • and the repair and striping work from the Operating Budget. This program will protect the substantial investment the City has in its streets. ESTIMATED COSTS Prelim Engr $ 25,000 Fund Design 17,500 001 Improvements 909,446 206 Inspection 100,000 217 (Measure B) Miscellaneous 1,500 220 (SB300) TOTAL - -a $1,053,446 TOTALS - -> FINANCING /YEARS SCHEDULE Prior Years 1992 -93 1993 -94 1994 -95 1995 -96 1996 -97 TOTALS annual $ 35,034 $ 35,034 $ 83,700 $ 81,400 $ 79,000 244,100 141,584 $129,398 116,300 118,600 121,000 626,882 76,828 70,602 147,430 - 26 - $253,446 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $1,053,446 CITY OF DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA 1992 --97 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 9696 Dublin Boulevard Improvements Donlon Way to Village Parkway DESCRIPTION- LOCATION This project will implement those improvements identified in the Dublin Boulevard Traffic Study, which was approved'by the City Council in 1983 -84 and as amended in 1987 -88 in the plan line update. These improvements include the development of Dublin Boulevard to a full six lane street between Donlon Way and Village Parkway. It Will provide additional right -turn lanes where needed and extra turning lanes at San Ramon Road. ; reM_�1►k& To date, the City has received or expects to receive $603,661 in developer contributions including BART. The balance of the future project costs ($1,884,000) will be funded by Federal ISTEA Grant. ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Prelim Engineering $ 67,340 001 Design 119,986 210 Inspection 126,000 300 Right- of-way 404,504 712 Improvements 1,800,000 Miscellaneous 7,705 TOTAL -_,. $2,525,535 TOTALS - -� ACTIVITY STREETS FINANCING YEARS SCHEDULE Prior Years 1992 -93 1993 -94 1994 -95 1995 -96 1996 -97 TOTALS $ 35,371 $ 35,371 $1,884,000 1,884,000 127,775 $4,886 471,000 603,661 2,503 2,503 $165,649 $4,886 $2,355,000 _27_ $2,525,535 CITY OF DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA 1992 -97 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY 9690 Dublin Boulevard Extension STREETS Dougherty Rd to Prior Years 1992-93 1993 --94 1994 -95 the Southern Pacific Right of Way Prelim Engr DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project is purchasing a portion of the right -of -way for six lanes and constructing two lanes of improvements on the extension of Dublin Boulevard to the east of Dougherty Road to the Southern Pacific Railroad Right of Way. COMMENTS Dublin Boulevard is proposed to extend from Dougherty Road east parallel to I -580 to Tassajara Road and beyond. As a first phase, this project will provide access to Tract 5900 and end at the Southern Pacific Railroad right -of -way. Funding for this phase is made possible through $2,285,000 in loans from BART and sale of excess right -of --way. One half of the ultimate improvements through Tract 5900 will be funded by a benefit assessment district. The remainder of the extension past the Southern Pacific Railroad right -of -way will be paid for by a loan from the City of Pleasanton (not a part of this project). ESTIMATED COSTS FINANCING YEARS SCHEDULE Fund Prior Years 1992-93 1993 --94 1994 -95 1995 -96 1996 -97 TOTALS Prelim Engr $ 5,871 Design 205,908 220 $ 74,586 $ 271,790 $ 346,376 Inspection 130,772 221 2,276,053 297,059 $ 44,150 2,617,262 Right -of -Way 3,402,290 300 39,125 39,125 Improvements 1,220,454 315 1,206,360 888,761 2,095,121 Miscellaneous 132,589 TOTAL - -> $5,097,884 TOTALS $3,556,999 $1,496,735 $ 44,150 $5,097,884 - 28 - CITY OF DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA 1992 -97 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY 9655 Dougherty Road Improvements STREETS 25,000 South of Southern Pacific Right -of -Way 700,000 DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project provides for the acquisition of right -of -way and the widening of Dougherty Road, primarily on the east side of the street, between Dublin Boulevard, and the Southern Pacific right -of -way and installation of a traffic signal at Sierra Lane and Dougherty Road. This widening would provide six travel lanes, bike lanes, landscaped medians, street trees, and street lights. COMMENTS There are older sections of the street on the east side that have not been widened. Some right -of -way will need to be acquired to complete this project. Redevelopment of existing uses in the future may require dedication of right -of -way and installation of improvements, which will reduce the costs of the City project. ' The City presently has $12,296 in developer traffic impact fees. Also, the City has been granted $184,000 in Federal ' Highway (ISTEA) Funds. Work completed through 1993 -94 (Phase I) will include the design and installation of a traffic signal at Sierra Court and Dougherty Road ' and some related road improvements. Beyond 1993 -94, there are insufficient funds to acquire right -of -way and ' construct the widening of Dougherty Road and a landscaped median north of Sierra Lane (Phase II) improvements. The balance of the project costs ($1,075,379) will ' have to be funded by additional developer dedications /contributions and /or outside grants. ESTIMATED COSTS Prelim Engineer $ 87,200 Design 82,000 Inspection 25,000 Improvements 700,000 Right- of-way 432,000 Permits 10,500 TOTAL - -a $1,336,700 FINANCING YEARS SCHEDULE Fund Prior Years 1992 -93 1993 -94 1994 --95 Phase I 001 $ 4,642 210 $184,000 300 26,479 $ 200 46,000 Phase II Insufficient Funding within CIP timeframe. TOTALS - -� 1995 -96 1996 -97 TOTALS[ $ 4,642 184,000 72,679 $1,336, 29 - CITY OF DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA ' 1992 -97 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY 9601 Dublin Boulevard widening and Repair STREETS ' Silvergate to Hansen ' DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project would widen Dublin Boulevard between Silvergate Drive and Hansen Drive from two to four lanes and realign the ' Dublin Boulevard /Silvergate intersection into a standard "Tee" intersection. This widening would take place on the southside ' of the street where there is sufficient right -of -way to make these improvements. In addition, the project would repair the existing roadway section as the roadway fill is undergoing creeping soil instability. COMMENTS The addition of new residential projects proposed to be constructed to the west of this intersection along Dublin Boulevard will require the widening of Dublin Boulevard from two to four lanes between Silvergate Drive and Hansen Drive. Those new projects will pay for this portion of the project if and when they proceed. In 1992, the first phase of the work realigned the Dublin Boulevard /Silvergate intersection through restriping and pavement modifications. It is anticipated that the addition of major new traffic will magnify the distress requiring repairs simultaneous with the widening. To date, developers of the Hansen and Donlon projects are obligated to contribute $769,256 in reimbursements for this project. The balance of the project costs ($517,074) will have to be funded by a new Western Dublin development. If further development in Western Dublin does not occur, the balance of this project would have to be funded by Gas Tax which won't be in sufficient amount until Fiscal Year 1996 -97. ESTIMATED COSTS FINANCING /YEARS SCHEDULE Prelim Engr $ 26,200 Fund Prior Years 1992 -93 1993 -94 1994 -95 Design 41,650 Phase I Inspection 39,800 300 $ 107,427 $ 3,702 Improvements 1,164,720 Phase II Miscellaneous 13,960 206 300 TOTAL $1,286,330 TOTALS $ 107,427 $ 3,702 1995 -96 1996 -97 TOTALS11 $ 111,12911 $ 517,074 517,074! 658,127 658,127 $1,175,201 $1,286,330 30 - CITY OF DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA 1992 -97 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY 9603 Dublin Boulevard Bridge over STREETS Design Alamo Creek Repair Phase I DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project has repaired the deck and will repair the foundation of the concrete bridge on Dublin Boulevard over the Alamo Creek channel. COMMENTS Through the performance of maintenance checks, it was discovered that the pile foundations have become exposed due to the erosion of storm waters running beneath the bridge. Also, the deck was showing some cracks on the surface. The deck was tested and sealed as Phase One of this project. Phase II will key in and rip -rap the slopes under the bridge to protect the piling and abutments. ESTIMATED COSTS FINANCING YEARS SCHEDULE Fund Prior Years 1992 -93 1993 -94 1994 -95 1995 -96 1996 -97 TOTALS Design $ 16,937 Phase I Inspection /Testing 4,397 206 $18,845 $ 18,845 Improvement 191,327 Phase II Miscellaneous 884 Insufficient Funding within CIP timeframe. 194,700 TOTAL -> $213,545 TOTALS - -r $213,545 — 31 — CITY OF DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA 1992 -97 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. 9602 PROJECT street DESCRIPTION Subdrains ACTIVITY STREETS DESCRIPTION- LOCATION This project would provide interceptor trench drains at several locations throughout Dublin in paved street areas. The drain design includes a perforated pipe surrounded by drain rock and filter fabric. This pipe is then directed to an existing storm drain. The streets needing these drains are: Village Parkway, Amador Valley Boulevard, San Ramon Road, and Stagecoach Road. COMMENTS There are a number of locations in street areas where subsurface water is being concentrated. This is causing the pavement structural sections to fail. This water is due to natural spring, median watering and private property watering. The subdrain will drain away the damaging water and prolong the life of the pavement. Phase 1 along Stagecoach Road was constructed with the 1991 -92 street Overlay Project. ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Design $ 4,849 001 Inspection 6,886 206 Improvement 114,312 220 Miscellaneous 180 TOTAL $126,277 TOTALS - -� FINANCING /YEARS SCHEDULE Prior Years 1992 -93 1993 -94 1994 -95 1995 -96 1996 -97 TOTALS $17,378 $ 17,378 $102,495 102,495 6,404 6,404 $23,782 $102,495 $126,277 - 32 - CITY OF DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA 1992 -97 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY 9656 Traffic Signals - Village Parkway at STREETS Brighton Drive, Tamarack Drive and Davona Drive This project would provide for the installation of three traffic signals at the intersections of Village Parkway with Brighton Drive, Tamarack Drive and Davona Drive. These signals would be interconnected to the other existing traffic signals on Village Parkway south of this project. Also, village Parkway would be widened in front of the Dublin High School to provide student drop off and bus turnout. COMMENTS A traffic study conducted during Fiscal Year 1983 --84 found that these signals were marginally warranted. A total of $5,702 in developer traffic impact fees have been collected to date. The City has applied for outside funding for this project, but has not as yet been successful in obtaining these funds. The street widening in front of the High School will provide bus and vehicle drop off and pick up for students. Each of the traffic signal projects and road widening can be done together or separately. Annual maintenance and electricity costs are estimated at $10,000. ESTIMATED COSTS FINANCING /YEARS SCHEDULE Fund Prior Years 1992 -93 1993.94 1994 --95 Design $ 19,083 001 $ 9,083 Inspection 10,000 Improvements 318,000 Miscellaneous 1,000 Insufficient funding within the CIP timeframe. TOTAL - -a $348,083 TOTALS - -a =NM 1995 -96 1996 -97 TOT $ 9. 339, $348,08311 CITY OF DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA 1 1 1992 --97 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. 9604 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Downtown Street Light Additions ACTIVITY STREETS DES..CRIPTION- LOCATION This project will complete the installation of street lights in the downtown area including Golden Gate Drive (7), Clark Avenue /Village Parkway Loop (9), Sierra Court (4), Sierra Lane (6), and Amador Valley Boulevard east of Village Parkway (4). COMMENTS A number of street lights have been installed in the downtown area in past years, together with other street and traffic signal projects. This project will complete the lighting of the remaining streets in the downtown commercial areas. The lights are proposed to be installed in 2 phases: Golden Gate Drive and Clark Avenue /village Parkway Loop in Phase I and Sierra Court, Sierra Lane, and Amador Valley Boulevard in Phase 2. Annual energy costs are estimated to be $2,500. ESTIMATED COSTS FINANCING /YEARS SCHEDULE Improvements $105,000 Fund Prior Years 1992 -93 1993 -94 1994 -95 1995 -96 1996 -97 TOTALS Design 13,000 Phase I Inspection 7,000 206 $67,350 $ 67,350 Miscellaneous 700 Phase II Insufficient Funds within CIP timeframe 58,350 TOTAL $125,700 TOTALS - -a $125,700 MEM CITY OF DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA 1992 -97 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. 9605 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Bike Path Projects ACTIVITY STREETS DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project would construct bicycle paths along the Southern Pacific Railroad Right - Of -Way and the Alamo Creek Channel. COMMENTS The Railroad Path is a portion of the extension of the Iron Horse Trail in San Ramon and would ultimately connect to the proposed Eastern Dublin BART Station. This Bike Path would be constructed in Fiscal Year 1992 -93. The Alamo Creek Channel Pathway would connect the Iron Horse Trail with a regional path under 1- 580 in Pleasanton. This path would be constructed in Fiscal Year 1993 -94. These two segments of the future trail system have been funded through Transportation Development Act Grants. ESTIMATED COSTS Prelim Engr $ 10,000 Fund Design 14,000 Inspection 10,200 211 Improvements 109,750 Miscellaneous 1,000 TOTAL - -a $144,950 TOTALS -� FINANCING /YEARS SCHEDULE Prior Years 1992 -93 1993 --94 1994 -95 1995 -96 1996 -97 TOTALS $72,400 $72,550 $144,950 =167= $72,400 $72,550 $144, CITY OF DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA iPROJECT NO. 9691 1992 --97 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT DESCRIPTION Dublin Blvd Extension SPRR to Tassajara Road ' pavement allowing for two travel lanes. The roads will tie the proposed BART Station to the developed portion of ' Dublin, as well as to the Hacienda /I --580 Interchange. I COMMENTS The project is being constructed and paid for by Pleasanton as a loan to Dublin because of Pleasanton's need for a frontage road to the Hacienda Drive /I -580 Interchange pursuant to a requirement imposed on Pleasanton by the Federal Highway Administration. The City of Dublin is performing the inspection and testing services as the road is proposed to be turned over to Dublin, once completed. These inspection and testing costs are accounted for in the Engineering Operating Budget and only the pass through SB 300 Grant Funds appear in this CIP Budget. Pleasanton's costs for the project are a loan to the City of Dublin and the pass through SB 300 monies are to reduce Pleasanton's costs and, thereby, reduce the monies owed by Dublin to Pleasanton. ESTIMATED COSTS Improvements $573,272 Fund 220 TOTAL — $573,272 I TOTALS - -> ACTIVITY STREETS DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project is an extension of Dublin Boulevard to the new Hacienda Drive, ' Hacienda Boulevard Drive to between I -580, and Dublin Hacienda Drive and Tassajara Road. It is a first phase of r' the future streets and includes 40 feet of ' pavement allowing for two travel lanes. The roads will tie the proposed BART Station to the developed portion of ' Dublin, as well as to the Hacienda /I --580 Interchange. I COMMENTS The project is being constructed and paid for by Pleasanton as a loan to Dublin because of Pleasanton's need for a frontage road to the Hacienda Drive /I -580 Interchange pursuant to a requirement imposed on Pleasanton by the Federal Highway Administration. The City of Dublin is performing the inspection and testing services as the road is proposed to be turned over to Dublin, once completed. These inspection and testing costs are accounted for in the Engineering Operating Budget and only the pass through SB 300 Grant Funds appear in this CIP Budget. Pleasanton's costs for the project are a loan to the City of Dublin and the pass through SB 300 monies are to reduce Pleasanton's costs and, thereby, reduce the monies owed by Dublin to Pleasanton. ESTIMATED COSTS Improvements $573,272 Fund 220 TOTAL — $573,272 I TOTALS - -> ACTIVITY STREETS FINANCING YEARS SCHEDULE Prior Years 1992 -93 1993 -94 1994 -95 1995 -96 1996 -97 TOTALS $573,272 $573,272 $573,272 $573,272 — 36 — CITY OF DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA r' / ua[wAL MRR CyMRRMMy 1 uiG IT [Rr RLy[RvRnON , / d s � us.bnr. I I or ju$T16L I I 1 CpuNTr of K-114 1 I Y I FINANCING YEARS SCHEDULE Prior Years 1992 -93 1993 -94 1994 -95 1995 -96 1996 -97 TOTALS $573,272 $573,272 $573,272 $573,272 — 36 — CITY OF DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA 1992 -97 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY Not Yet Benchmarks & Monuments STREETS Assigned DESCRIPTION - LOCATION Several of the City's benchmarks and monuments on major thoroughfares have been damaged or destroyed over the years during construction. This project will reestablish benchmarks and recover existing benchmarks on Dublin Boulevard, San Ramon Road, Dougherty Road, Amador Valley Boulevard, and Village Parkway. It will also reset seven monuments at selected locations. COMMENTS Monuments and benchmarks are critical to the definition of property lines and rights of way for Capital Improvement projects. This project will result in savings to the City in future Capital Improvements Projects, as well as property owners who will require property surveys. ESTIMATED COSTS Prelim Engr $ 2,000 Fund Engr Survey 18,500 206 Miscellaneous 300 TOTAL ---> $20,800 TOTALS - -y FINANCING YEARS SCHEDULE Prior Years 1992- -93 1993 -94 1994 -95 1995 -96 1996 -97 TOTALS $2,000 $18,800 $20,800 - 37 - $2,000 $18,800 $20,800 CITY OF DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA 1992 -97 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY New Dougherty Rd Improvements STREETS From SPRR Right -Of -Way to Amador Valley Blvd DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project consists of removing existing dirt medians on Dougherty Rd and replacing them with new pavement. It would also overlay the existing north bound lanes due to grade differences and an uneven pavement surface. This would complete the ultimate improvements for southbound traffic. COMMENTS The new paving would allow the two southbound lanes to move away from the curb thus improving intersection site distance and allow an area along the curb for bus stops, emergency parking and on street bicyclists. It is anticipated that the City will receive an ISTEA Grant to fund the bulk of this project. ESTIMATED COSTS Topography $ 5,000 Fund Design 20,000 Inspection 10,200 206 Improvements 294,000 Miscellaneous 800 210 TOTAL — $330,000 TOTALS - -y FINANCING /YEARS SCHEDULE Prior Years 1992 -93 1993 -94 1994 -95 1995 -96 1996 -97 TOTALS $ 36,300 $ 36,300 293,700 293,700 $330,000 $330,000 CITY OF DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA 1992 -97 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Not Yet San Ramon Rd Slope Stabilization Assigned Between Vomac Rd and Alcosta Blvd DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project would stabilize the hillside slope on the west side of San Ramon Road between Vomac Road and Alcosta Boulevard. The slope repair would consist of removing the existing road, installing an inslope drainage system, and providing engineered backfill. COMMENTS An engineering soil investigation has indicated that the slope on the western side of San Ramon Road between Vomac Road and Alcosta Boulevard could become unstable under saturated or seismic conditions. By implementing this project, the slope would became stable thus protecting the roadway improvements, as well as the private properties above the slope. ACTIVITY STREETS ESTIMATED COSTS I FINANCING YEARS SCHEDULE Fund Prior Years 1992 -93 1993 -94 1994 -95 1995 -96 1996 -97 TOTALS Design $ 39,500 Inspection 15,000 Insufficient funding within CIP timeframe. $400,000 Topography 5,000 Improvements 340,000 Miscellaneous 500 TOTAL - -> $400,000 TOTALS - -n $400,000 - 39 - CITY OF DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA 1992 -97 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Not Yet Landscaping Silvergate Medians Assigned DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project would upgrade the landscaping that exists in the medians at the south end of Silvergate Drive and install new landscaping in the medians at the east end of the street. Both areas would be fully irrigated. The plant materials would be primarily trees and shrubs irrigated with drip irrigation systems. Extensive brick areas would be added to reduce future landscaping and irrigation costs. COMMENTS The landscaping on the south end of Silvergate Drive has never reached its potential, basically due to lack of irrigation, plus the need for a more integrated design for the plant materials. The medians at the east end of the street have never been landscaped and have been left as bare soil. The annual irrigation and maintenance costs are estimated at $7,000. ACTIVITY STREETS ESTIMATED COSTS FINANCING YEARS SCHEDULE Prelim Engr $ 2,000 Fund Prior Years 1992 -93 1993 -94 1994 -95 1995 -96 1996 -97 TOTALS Design 10,000 Inspection 6,000 Insufficient Funds within CIP timeframe. $152,600 Improvements 114,200 Miscellaneous 20,400 TOTAL -- -> $152,600 TOTALS $152,600 - 40 - CITY OF DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA n 1992 -97 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 9687 New Street Parallel to and South of Dublin Boulevard DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project will construct a 68- foot -wide roadway between Golden Gate Drive and Regional Street south of and parallel to Dublin Boulevard. It includes two 20 --foot paved lanes, one 12 -foot two -way left turn lane, and 8 feet of combination sidewalk and landscaping along each side of the road. COMMENTS The need for a connector road for three long commercial cul -de -sacs was identified in the City's Downtown Study. This need will become more apparent as this portion of the Central Business District develops further and the proposed BART parking lot is constructed along Golden Gate Drive. It now appears that the section of this parallel road between Amador Plaza Road and Golden Gate Drive will be constructed through the Alameda County Transportation Authority as part of the I -580/2 -680 Measure B Interchange Improvements. It is expected that the City's project, between Golden Gate Drive and Regional Street, would be funded through private contributions in the form of a downtown traffic development impact fee and /or as offsite environmental mitigation improvements. A total of $4,800 in reimbursements have been collected to date for this project. It is estimated that BART will contribute $584,000 as part of its Environmental Mitigation work for the West Dublin Station. ESTIMATED COSTS Prelim Engr $ 40,000 Design 60,000 Inspection 62,000 Right -of -way 1,325,000 Improvements 752,000 Miscellaneous 1,000 TOTAL - -> $2,240,000 ACTIVITY STREETS FINANCING YEARS SCHEDULE Fund Prior Years 1992 -93 1993 -94 1994 -95 1995 -96 1996 -97 TOTALS Insufficient funding within CIP timeframe. $2,240,000 TOTALS - -> $2,240,000 - 41 - CITY OF DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA 1992 -97 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY Not Yet I -580 Offramp Improvements STREETS Assigned at San Ramon Road DESCRIPTION- LOCATION This project would provide modifications to the 1 -580 westbound offramp including a traffic signal to control the conflict between the northbound traffic from Pleasanton and the westbound -to- northbound off -ramp traffic. COMMENTS This improvement was identified as being a necessary traffic improvement through the City's Downtown Improvement Study. It is anticipated to be funded through a traffic mitigation fee for the Dublin Downtown Commercial area or as a portion of the longer range Caltrans I -580/1 -680 interchange improvements. As it is on the State right --of -way, coordination and permits would be required from Caltrans. ESTIMATED COSTS FINANCING/YEARS-SCHEDULE Fund Prior Years 1992 -93 1993 -94 1994 -95 1995 -96 1996 -97 TOT Prelim Engr $ 70,000 Design 70,000 Inspection 56,000 Insufficient funding within CIP timeframe. $845, Improvements 647,500 Miscellaneous 1,500 TOTAL - -a $845,000 TOTALS - -> $845, - 42 - CITY OF DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA 1992 -97 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY 9686 Road Parallel to Southern Pacific STREETS Right -of -Way - Dougherty Road to Dublin Boulevard Extension DESCRIPTION - LOCATION This project would provide a 4 -lane roadway connection between Dougherty Roac and the easterly extension of Dublir. Boulevard (parallel to the Southerr. Pacific Railroad Right -of -Way). COMMENTS This road is included in the Dublin General Plan and would serve to relieve the Dougherty Road /Dublin Boulevard intersection of much of the southbound to eastbound turning traffic, especially for the future BART Station bound traffic. At this time, it is assumed that right -of -way could be obtained from the U. S. Army (Camp Parks) and /or Alameda County at no cost. A total of $12,400 in reimbursements has been collected for this project. The balance of the project costs ($1,826,100) will have to be funded by additional developer dedications /contributions and /or outside grants. ESTIMATED COSTS FINANCING YEARS SCHEDULE Fund Prior Years 1992 -93 1993 -94 1994 -95 1995 -96 1996 -97 Prelim Engr $ 21,000 Design 126,000 Inspection 109,500 Insufficient funding within CIP timeframe. Improvements 1,575,000 Permit 7,000 TOTAL - -> $1,838,500 1 TOTALS - -a - 43 - TOT $1,838,500 $1,838, CITY OF DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA