HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.2 AnnualBudget&FinPln " e . CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 1, 1993 SUBJECT: Public Bearing: Adoption of the 1993-94 Annual Budget and Financial Plan (prepared by: Richard C. Ambrose, city Manager) EXHIBITS ATTACHED: 1.~Resolution adopting the 1993-94 Budget 2. / Newsletter survey Results dated Kay 27, 1993 3. ~emorandum from Assistant city Hanager dated May 28, 1993 regarding 1993 Civic center Refinancing 4.~ Letter from Emergency Services Network of Alameda county dated May 1, 1993 5. ~Letter from Dublin Fine Arts Foundation dated May 24, 1993. 6. ~1993-94 Preliminary Budae~ and Financial !lan (provided under separate cover) RECOMMENDATION: ~ FINANCIAL STATEMENT: 1. 2. 3. open Public Bearing. Receive Budget overview by staff. Receive presentations from Groups Requesting Funding. Review preliminary Budget by Program. Receive Public comments. Close Public Bearing. a. Determine whether refinancing savings will be used in lieu of Citywide Landscape Assessment District Formation or adding back services proposed to be reduced. b. Determine which services will be funded for Fiscal Year 1993-94. c. Determine course of action to be taken it state property tax shift and subsequently county Budget impacts are greater than or less than anticipated in preliminary 1993-94 Budget. options include: 1) Prioritize services to be reduced or restored. 2) Raise additional revenues. 3) Use of 1992-93 Anticipated Fund Balance. 4) Defer action until final impact is determined. 4. 5. 6. 7. The total recommended appropriations for Fiscal Year 1993-94 are $20,292,087. Total anticipated net expenditures are $17,841,403. These amounts can be reduced by $124,687 as a result of the City'S recently completed refinancing of the 1988 Civic center Certificates of participation. DESCRIPTION: Year 1993-94 follows: The total recommended appropriations for Fiscal are $20,292,087. These appropriations are broken down as Operating Budget $ 13,927,043 Debt service 2,370,326 Capital Improvements 3,263,629 Internal Service Budget 188.239 Total Anticipated Expenditures $ 19,749,237 Appropriations to Reserves General Fund 26,100 Restricted Funds 516,750 Total 1993-94 Appropriations $ 20,292,087 --~~~~~~---------------------------------~~~~-----------~-~-~~~~-~~---~---- ITEM NO. 8.2 COPIES TO: e . Although the recommended appropriations total $20,292,087, the attached net total expenditures for all funds is $17,841,403. This difference is attributable to the following factors: 1. The- city is required to budget the city's Debt Service paYment of $1,719,595 in the Dublin Information Inc., Fund and the city's Annual Rental paYment of $1,719,595 to Dublin Information Inc., in the Building Management Activity of the General Fund. At the time the Budget was printed, the City anticipated actually spending only $1,719,595 less $140,680 in estimated interest earnings on the 1988 Civic Center Reserve Fund. 2. The costs associated with the Internal Service Fund are also included in the General Operating Budget. These costs are charged by the Internal services Fund to various departmental users for the operation or replacement of equipment that has a life in excess of one year. 3. For Fiscal Year 1993-94, a total of $438,575 in recommended reductions is proposed to balance the 1993-94 Budget. Financina The preliminary Budget for Fiscal Year 1993-94 is funded by $19,581,920 in current Revenue (assumes $826,000 loss of property tax and $112,000 generated trom new citywide Landscaping Lighting District for street Landscaping and Park Maintenance>; $652,619 in Appropriations from Restricted Reserves, and $57,548 from other Sources of Cash. The 1993-94 Preliminary Budget is also predicated upon the city Council continuing to levy those assessments for existing Assessment Districts and once again levying a Storm Water Facility Fee. since the publication of the 1993-94 Budget Financial Plan, City staff has successfully refinanced the Civic Center 1988 certificates of Participation. This refinancing saved the city. a total of $634,091 over the life of the issue; however, the bulk of this savings, approximately $623,350 will be realized over the next 5 years. For Fiscal Year 1993-94, the city's net Debt Service paYment will be $124,687 less than presently included in the Preliminary Budget. Although this savings could be utilized to add back services, given the impact of the economy on our residents and businesses, it is staff's recommendation that savings from the refinancing be used in lieu of burdening the City'S residents and businesses wi th addi tional assessments associated wi th a ci tywide Landscaping Assessment District. since this amount exceeds the amount identified in the Preliminary Budget that would be generated by such a District, the Council may also wish to consider adding back services or holding onto that difference until the final impact of the adoption of the State Budget is known. Non-Profit GrOUD Fundina Reauest Included with this report are two funding requests from non-prOfit groups. 1. Emeraencv services Network of Alameda county (Exhibit 4) - The city has received a request from the Emergency services Network of Alameda county to provide financial support in the amount of $750. It is important to note that the council had, at one time, funded this program but chose to delete funding for the Emergency services Network of Alameda county during Fiscal Year 1992-93. 2. Dublin Fine Arts Foundation (Exhibit 5) - The Dublin Fine Arts Foundation is requesting that the City contribute $8,000 towards Foundation programs as .it has done in previous years. Although this amount is included in the 1993-94 Recommended Budget, the City council may wish to consider funding some other program or service, given the response the city received on the Citywide Budget survey. From that Survey, the contribution to the Dublin Fine Art program was identified as the second lowest service priority of the services identified in the survey. e . It is recommended that the council consider these requests and provide appropriate direction to staff as to whether they should be included in the 1993-94 Budget. Conclusion The 1993-94 budget as recommended is a balanced budget which not only includes the anticipated property tax shift to the state, but also does not rely upon General Fund Reserves. It is proposed that those reductions identified in the preliminary Budget take effect on July 1, 1993, so that the city is not placed in a position in which more severe service reductions need to be made to realize the necessary savings over a shorter period of time. Although the amount and impact of the state property Tax Shift is not final, there are sufficient options for Council consideration included on pages iii - xi of the Preliminary Budget to address a greater budget impact should such impact occur after the council's adoption of the Budget. RCA/lss a:AgBudgt.sgends#12 e . RESOLUTION NO. - 93 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TBE CITY OF DUBLIN ................ ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF DUBLIN FOR FISCAL YEAR 1993-94 WHEREAS, the city Council of the city of Dublin is desirous of establiShing an annual Budget and Financial Plan for Fiscal Year 1993- 94; and WHEREAS, the Dublin city council has reviewed and considered the Budget documents and has received input from the public; and WHEREAS, the summary of Appropriations (Exhibit A) attached hereto and made a part of this Resolution, reflects the 1993-94 Program Budget for the City of Dublin. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the city Council of the city of Dublin does hereby find, determine, declare and resolve as follows: 1. The Dublin City Council does hereby adopt the 1993-94 Budget for the City of Dublin as outlined in Exhibit A. 2. The city Manager is hereby authorized to make expenditures and appropriations in accordance with the Budget as adopted, with the exception of those expenditures which require prior Council approval in accordance with adopted City ordinances, rules and regulations. Such approval shall be procured as described, except as follows: The city Manager will be allowed to transfer funds from the contingent Reserve (Activity 1080) to operating department health and welfare accounts when required due to employee turnover or change in status. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this day of June, 1993. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: city Clerk EXHIBIT .1 K2:A:RESO-BGT e e "EXHIBIT A" SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS PROGRAM Current Service Level Recommended (1) Adopted 1993-94 1993-94 1993-94 GENERAL GOVERNMENT City Council city Manager/Clerk Legal Services Administrative Services Building Management Insurance Elections Non-Departmental TOTAL-General Government PUBLIC SAFETY Police Services crossing Guards Animal Control Traffic Signal & Street Disaster Preparedness Fire TOTAL-Public Safety $ 117,388 290,607 161,170 470,940 2,058,400(2) 184,900 410 50,060 $3,333,875 $ 110,388 $ 260,294 161,170 423,018 2,058,400(2) 169,657 410 50,060 $3,233,397 $ $3,097,615 36,022 103,100 Lighting 290,800 37,890 2,724,203 $6,289,630 $3,097,615 18,011 103,100 290,800 37,890 2,724,203 $6,271,619 TRANSPORTATION Public Works Administration Street Maintenance street Sweeping Street Tree Maintenance Street Landscape Maintenance Paratransit Services TOTAL-Transportation HEALTH & WELFARE Vector Control Waste Management TOTAL-Health & Welfare CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES Library Service Cultural Activities Heritage Center Park Maintenance Community Cable TV Recreation TOTAL-Culture & Leisure Svcs $ 290,311 359,000 67,200 69,200 302,690 1. 500 $1,089,901 $ 290,311 343,422 67,200 51,130 270,690 o $1,022,753 $ 0 572,336 $ 572,336 $ 0 572,336 $ 572,336 $ 165,000 8,000 21,070(3) 616,200 49,000 1. 045,893 $1,905,163 $ 165,000 8,000 10,770(3) 590,100 9,000 1, 045,893 $1,828,763 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ . e PROGRAM Current Service Level 1993-94 Recommended (1) 1993-94 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Planning $ 564,320 $ 493,277 $ Building & Safety 273,811 259,561 Engineering 326,972 286,527 Economic Development 9.610 9.610 TOTAL-Community Development $ 1,174,713 $ 1,048,975 $ Salary Freeze 50,800) TOTAL OPERATING BUDGET $14,365,618 $13,927,043 $ DEBT SERVICE San Ramon Road Specific Plan Assessment District $ 480,081 $ 480,081 $ 1988 Civic Center certifi- cates of Participation 1,719,595 1,719,595 Dublin Blvd Extension Assessment District 170.650 170.650 TOTAL-Debt Service Budget $ 2,370,326 $ 2,370,326 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET General Improvements $ 0 $ 0 $ Community Improvement Projects 79,000 79,000 Parks 280,929 280,929 Street Projects 2.903.700 2.903.700 TOTAL-Capital Improvement Bgt $ 3,263,629 $ 3,263,629 $ INTERNAL SERVICE FUND BUDGET $ 188,239 $ 188,239 $ TOTAL EXPENDITURES-ALL FUNDS $20,187,812 $19,749,237 $ APPROPRIATIONS TO RESERVES General Fund $ 26,100 $ 26,100 $ Vehicle Abatement Fund 10,410 10,410 State Gas Tax Fund 181,460 181,460 Dublin Blvd Extension Fund 242,350 242,350 Capital Project Fund 4,340 4,340 Dublin Blvd Assessment Dist 78.190 78.190 TOTAL-Appropriations to Reserves $ 542,850 $ 542,850 $ TOTAL 1993-94 APPROPRIATIONS $20,730,662 $20,292,087 $ Adopted 1993-94 (1) Includes recommended reductions totaling $438,575. (2) Includes a higher service level to fund preventative maintenance to avoid future costly equipment repair and replacement. (3) Includes new service level for Heritage Center. - CITY OF DUBLIN e MEMORANDUM DATE: May 28,1993 TO: City Council FROM: Richard C. Ambrose, Ci ty Manager SUBJECT: Newsletter Citywide Survey Results As part of the recent Citywide newsletter, a survey related to the budget crisis was included to give Dublin residents the opportunity to communicate ideas and voice their opinions on budget issues. The tally of the survey results is presented for your information In summary, staff received 304 surveys as of May 26. This represents only 3% of the total number of surveys mailed to residents. Although the ratio is not statistically significant, the results provide a snapshot of a small portion of the community. The survey had four main categories in which residents could respond. The results of the first two categories are presented below. The answers indicate the number of votes for each line item. Reduce or Eliminate Services Raise Additional Revenues A Combination of Both Yes 109 17 156 No 32 76 44 Across the Board Reduction of City Services Reduction or Elimination of lower priority services A Combination of both. Number of Votes 19 131 73 The next categories asked which services residents would reduce and which revenues they would raise if they were on the City Council. The overall results are presented on the following pages. Residents were able to vote for those services they thought should be the lowest priority. Residents also voted on the revenues they thought should be implemented. The five items which received the most votes in each category are listed below. The "Percentage of Total" is based on the number of votes cast for that line item divided by the total number of surveys received (304). Service Reductions Revenue Increases % of % of Votes Total Votes Total 1. Subsidy to Channel 30 218 71.71 % 1. Increase User Fees to 2. Contributions to Dublin cover the cost of service 147 48.36% Fine Arts 209 68.75% 2. Increase Hotel Tax 141 46.38% 3. Adult Sports Programs 165 54.28% 3. Require Property Owner 4. Maintenance & Operation to repair sidewalks 113 37.17% of the Heritage Center 130 42.76% 4. Property Assessment 5. Special Events 107 35.20% for Fire & Paramedics 96 31.58% 5. Support County Library Assessment District 92 30.26% e e o N N o o N o CO $ rn 1:4 0 0 ..... ..,. .. .... u ;:; "0 '" ~ "E ~ 'l) 0 "0 ~ N I:: U .... 0 .E 0... '" ~ 0:: ~ ...... CI'J 0 = 0 .. 0 ~ 0 .... ~ ;:l sg Z 0 ~ 0 rn CO ~ ~ 0 '" o ..,. o N o ~ ~ ~ jg ~ ~ ,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g, ~ ~ ~ ~ g ~ !l ~ ~ ~.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~; ~ ,~ g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .14"~ .~ ~ 1 ~ 'E t a .~ .~ ~ 11 Eo Eo'; It ~ f ;, ;, bi) :5 ~ d ~ ,s Ii 6 <l5 '~ebi) ~.~ 0= ~ 'f ~ Eo <! t j; ::E ~ ~ E .1i~e"'E!l:::u"'ee~~... l~l~~~"..J;;u u l:::~~l:::ell"e.1J):I",,~_~ ~"~"-.2 "-"- .~" __ " "';;!!5'~"~~o...$l.2 .llit"",~.~",ii,,-.5;;.5 ~ I ;; ~~ I J J J I ~.. 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" il " ~ III >.'<' 'E 't: (/) ..... ~:g .;~ ~ 1J ::. 8 _ Jl Xl Cl 55 0 "'" 0 ('") 0 N 0 r.f.l 8 Cl) r.f.l l'I:l Cl) I-l 0 V r::::: 0- '" - -;: Cl) il.l E 0 "'0 co t:: 0 Cl) c.. ;:.- '" il.l Cl) 0 0::: ~ r--. ...... r::::: 0 .... 0 C:J ..c Cl) S3 e r.f.l ::l r::::: z 0 ~ 5S r.f.l Cl.l ~ 0 "'" 0 ('") 0 N 0 0 j 1! !i >< It e ] .!:I .l!l g ...... ~ '" ] '" ~ ~ :!l -0 u .~ ;:l i:- " ] ] ~ ~ ~ '" 0 8 ~iJ u ::c: '" ~ ~ 'Ii ~;:l '0 a: ill il 'rg j ~ i1 I '" ~ !i " ril ] .t:l -S] :i olI Ul P.. ~ II ...... olI Jl i '" ;;- J !! ..101 ~ ~ .~ .s ~a la ~ P.. 6 0 1'.0 .~ ..'2 .s ] ] i g ~~ 1l::E II ..E 8 ~ 8 ~ Cl ~ ~"il i ~ I:; ~ i ~ >< i!l ~ J!l ~ ~ J "" ~ ~ :!l .~ t ts< " ~ ~ .... ~ ~ '5 "" < .... < J :> ?;> [ P.. Ul " '" ..c: ! ! g ~ .<> ~ ..5 J!l ~ e e e . 1993.94 Citizen Budget Survey As indicated in the Budget article on page 1. the City anticipates that the State of California will continue to take local property tax revenues to solve the State Budget deficit. If you were a member of the Dublin City Council. identify below what options you would select to make up an anticipated shortfall in excess of $1 million dollars in Fiscal Year 1993-94. A. Reduce or Eliminate Services B. Raise additional Revenues C. A combination of A and B YES YES YES NO NO NO~ D. If you were to reduce services, which of the following options would you prefer. (Check one) 1. Across-the-Board reduction of City services. 2. Reduction or elimination of only lower priority services 3. A combination of 1 and 2 above. E. If you prefer reducing or eliminating lower priority services identify those services which you believe to be the LOWEST priority. (Check only five (5) services.) 1. Street Maintenance _ 17. Crossing Guards _ 27. Preschool Program _ 2. Sidewalk Repair _ 18. Animal Shelter _ 28. Teen Recreational Program 3. Street Tree Maintenance _ 19. Animal Control _ 29. Adult Sports Programs 4. Street Median Landscape Maint,----- 20. Traffic Signal Maintenance _ 30. Youth Sports Leagues and Camps 5. Subsidy for Paratransit _ 21. Subsidy to Alameda County for Library _ 31. Special Events (i.e. St. Partick's 6. Street Sweeping (19 hours) Day Celebration) 7. Building Maintenance 22. Contributions to Dublin Fine Arts Foundation _ 32. Recreation Classes 8. Fire Prevention Programs _ 23. Maintenance & Operation of Heritage Center _ 33. Swim Programs 9. Emergency Medical Resp:mse 24. Maintenance of Parks and Rec. Facilities _ 34. Senior Center Programs _ 10. Fire Suppression Services (includes Shannon Center & Park, Dublin _ 35. Building Inspection & Plan Checking _ 11. Disaster Preparedness Sports Grounds, Mape Park, Dolan Park, _ 36. Zoning Code Enforcement 12. Police Patrol Stagecoach Park, Kolb Park, Alamo Creek _ 37. Long Range Land Use Planning _ 13. Criminal Investigation Park, Dublin Swim Center, Dougherty Hills _ 38. Review of Development Applications _ 14. Narcotics Enforcement Open Space.) _ 39. Economic Development Programs _ 15. Traffic Enforcement _ 25. Subsidy to Channel 30 (Community Television) _ 40. Design / Inspection of Public _ 16. Crime Prevention Programs _ 26. After School/Summer Playground Program Improvement Construction _ 41.Traffic Safety Engineering F. If you were to raise additional revenues, which of the following revenues options would you select. (Choose as many as you feel appropriate.) _ 1. Increase user fees to recover the full cost of providing specific services to specific users. (Est. $165,000) _ 2. Require property owners to pay for sidewalk repair in front of their property as required by State Law. (would save approximately $50,000/year) _ 3. Property Assessment for Fire Services associated with paramedic response. ($3 per household per year would generate approximately $27,000/year) _ 4. Property Assessment for Fire Suppression Services (Amount of revenue generated would vary depending on method of assessment) _ 5. Property Assessment for Park & Street Landscape Mainte- nance. ($ 18/year assessment would generate approximately $180,000/year) Other Suggestions for addressing the Budget Shortfall 6. Increase Hotel Tax (1 % increase would generate approxi- mately $12,000 per year) 7. Establish Utility Tax on Gas & Electric and/or telephone use (1 % tax would generate approximately $300,OOO/year) 8. Increase existing tax on transfer/sale of real estate. (Increase of $0.55 per $1000 value would generate approximately $60,000 to $IOO,OOO/year) 9. Support effort of Alameda County Library Assessment District for Library Service. (Savings to City approximately $180,000/ year.) Thank you! Please return survey (see back page). 7 tit CITY OF DUBLIN MEMORANDUM e I TO: (\n~ichard C. Ambrose, city Manager FROM:~~aul S. Rankin, Assistant city Manager SUBJECT: Revision to Debt Service as a Result of 1993 Refunding DATE: May 28, 1993 As you are aware, on May 26,1993, a contract of Purchase was executed to refund the Civic center COP issue. The following summarizes the impact of this transaction. I Preliminary Revised Schedule Difference Ini 1993/94 Budqet Per 1993 Refundinq Net pavrnents Interest $ 1,219,595 $ 622,816 - $ 596,779 Principal $ 500.000 $ 910.000 + $ 410.000 Total Debt $ 1,719,595 $ 1,532,816 - $ 186,779 Service Less Reserve $ (140,830) $ (78,738) - $ (62,092) Fund Earnings Net Debt Service $ 1,578,765 $ 1,454,078 - $ 124,687 Note: Assumes 1993 Reserve Fund Earnings @ 5.45% + Transfer of $31.944 in accrued interest. 1993/94 will only have 1 payment due in February, 1994. EXHIBIT 3 e . EMERGENCY SERVICES NETWORK OF ALAMEDA COUNlY 1825 SAN PABLO AVENUE, SUTlE 203 · OAKlAND, C4 94612. (510)451-3138. FAX (510)451-3144 ~ ri~"""-," t.. " I.:: \.<, 1;; , 1/ E D May 1, 1993 fi;l.':/ : iQJ:--1 r...) ..) Richard C. Ambrose City Manager City of Dublin P.O. Box 2340 Dublin, CA 94568 (.'I"'r. \.. .....".. d r ( .,'. I)! iPI 'j\. I n.J.~, , Dear Mr.Ambrose, I am writing to report to you on Emergency Services Network of Alameda County's (ESN) current work, which is partially funded by the City of Dublin, and to request your continuing support for our organization in this fiscal year. The Emergency Services Network of Alameda County is a coalition comprised of community based organizations, cities (all except Piedmont), county departments, schools, churches, elected officials, corporations, and individuals (including those who are at risk of being homeless as well as currently homeless and hungry people) dedicated to eliminating homelessness and hunger. ESN's membership has grown from thirty members to 276 in our ten years of existence. ESN's goals are three-tiered and address the full continuum of services needed to help deal with the problem of homelessness and hunger. They are: 1. Prevention 2. Stabilization of existing services 3. Elimination The coalition has a staff of four to facilitate information flow; provide technical assistance, coordinate resource development and distribution, assist in problem identification, assessment, and solving; and help to coordinate services throughout Alameda County. ESN staff and members are also active advocates and provide extensive public education. Many of the members are small community based agencies that work to prevent homelessness and hunger, and intervene in the cycle of poverty. Those providing direct services are often fully occupied with the daily operation of their programs and are not always able to address the issues of homelessness and hunger from a global perspective. Dwindling city, county, state, and federal funding requires an intensive, comprehensive and collaborative approach to provision of services and fund development. ESN's staff works to assure that comprehensive and collaborative coordination. Working together on mutual problems enables our members to know that they are not alone, and that there is hope, even in the face of the truly daunting problems of homelessness and hunger. Members recognize that joining forces to work together and to speak in one united voice maximizes their effectiveness. EXHIBIT '1 A COALITION DEDICATED To ELIMINATING HUNGER AiyD HOMELESSNESS ~ ~ a Uml;;E!d way Agene~ e e ESN's advocacy and public education activities benefit all of the citizens of our county. Some of our current year activities directly impacting the citizens of Dublin are listed below: *Distributed blankets, warm clothing, food, holiday gifts, office furniture & equipment, furniture and household items to agency clients moving into permanent housing, and other donated items to member agencies and needy families throughout the county; * Conducted our second annual Fast for Survival, a public education and fundraising compaign; * Advocated for funds from the County of Alameda for agencies particpating in the Critical Family NeedsIHousing Assistance program; *Published and distributed the ninth annual update of the Resource Guide, produced a fact sheet on homelessness in Alameda County, a holiday guide, which detailed where holiday meals and food baskets could be obtained; *Co-sponsored with Alameda County Dept. of Mental Health the "Third Wednesday Workshops" offering free monthly trainings for providers and their staffs on Confidentiality, Conflict Resolution, Crisis Intervention Strategies and Techniques, Communicative Diseases, Aids Education for shelter staff and other requested topics; *Held monthly meetings attended by an average of 70 representatives of community based organizations, cities, county departments, schools, churches and individuals providing an opportunity to share information, identify gaps in service, and work together towards solutions. Although our expenses have gone up, we know that your budget has not. Therefore, we are requesting the same amount of support, $750, that we have received from Dublin in past years. Support from our cities is particularly important this year, as we must present a strong united front to the County and State who may place homeless and hunger issues low on their list of priorities during these difficult fiscal times. I enclose an invoice and a copy of our city allocation plan. Please call me with any questions. Sin~erely , 7- Deena R. Lahn Executive Director e e EMERGENCY SERVICES NETWORK OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 1825 SAN PABLOAVF.NUE, SUTTE 203 · OAKIAND, C4 94612. (510)451-3138. FAX (510)451-3144 ~ Emergency Services Network of Alameda County Annual Invoice 1992-93 Funder: City of Amount Due: $ Dublin 750 Please make checks payable to: Emergency Services Network of Alameda County 1825 San Pablo, Suite 203 Oakland, CA 94612 Thank you for your support! A COALITION DEDICATED To ELIMINATING HUNGER ANn HOMELES!lNESS ~ ~ iI United Wa!.! Agency e e ESN's FY 1992 - 93 Member Cities Fund Allocation Plan $2,500 Berkeley Fremont Hayward Population of 100,000 and above ......................................................................................................................... $1. 500 Alameda San Leandro Union City Livermore Pleasanton Population of 99,000 to 50,000 ......~............................................................................................................~..... .$700. Emeryville Piedmont Newark Dublin Albany Population of 49,000 & below D Ii B L \' .., "\ ." E , '1 e \ , '(' .l ~~ ,_' F' . t: i\j 1, .l-" \ .: \. l) \ /-{;~\ ""0 1 f",/ 'y) May 24, 1993 R f:r t- H- - .: , 1/ ~ I) AY ? 6 fOc,;; AnSd . . ............ ~ Diane Lowart Parks & Recreation Director city of Dublin P. o. Box 2340 Dublin, CA 94568 Dear Diane: On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Dublin Fine Arts Foundation, I want to thank the city of Dublin for its past support of our programs. As you know, for over five years, the Dublin Fine Arts Foundation has been providing fine art programs for the Dublin schools, bringing fine art in the form of sculptures for display at the civic Center and providing many opportunities for the citizens of Dublin to enjoy fine art here in the community. By raising the majority of our funds from private sources and foundations, we have accomplished this at a very modest cost to the taxpayer. In 1993, the Foundation is undertaking its largest effort yet--to bring fine art on a permanent basis into the city's park system. This will be a multi-year program which will involve the city, neighborhood groups, the schools and others. I have attached a description of our 1993 work program for your review. We are hopeful that the city of Dublin will continue their support this year with a contribution to our programs of $8,000.00. We recognize that the city is under pressure from all quarters in its funding. However, we are hopeful that you will feel the continued support of the Foundation is warranted by the increasing contributions we are making to the community. Cordially, . n. ' ik ,; V1 - ~..... \.) :lc'~(~-l-.);l5-'- ~cr Linda Jeffery ~ Enclosure LJ/ds cc: Ron Nahas Lynne Baer Members of the DFAF Board of Directors EXHIBIT 5 ; :,. \ ~. 1 I ., :; i . :', . '\ . j ~ '. ' e e A LOOK AT THE PRESENT AND FUTURE OF THE DUBLIN FINE ARTS FOUNDATION With the past assistance of the San Francisco Foundation and the contined support of the citizens of Dublin, The Dublin Fine Arts Foundation has developed a unique program on a very limited budget that is appreciated by the community of Dublin. The Foundation's purpose is to: *pursue artistic excellence in all cultural activities *support local artists of all ages by broadening the awareness and appreciation of the fine arts *enhance and enrich the everyday lives of the citizens *educate all citizens in art appreciation and participation *integrate art into the public spaces of the community To accomplish these goals, we have established three areas of concentration: art programs with school age children: temporary and permanent artworks in public spaces: and temporary exhibitions in the Civic Center lobby. Our first endeavor was the commissioning of "GAIA" by Ned Smyth for the fountain in the Civic center courtyard. Through December, 1992, three other large scale works are on long term loan to the Dublin Sculpture Park and a temporary sculpture exhibition, "Whimsey or What?!" was displayed on the grounds of the Civic Center. Two exhibitions have been displayed in the lobby of the Civic Center - "The Fine Art of Books" and "Dublin Collects". Projects with school age children have included a large scale kinetic temporary sculpture called "The Kinetic Color Contraption", artists working with students in the elementary school, and a mural project, "The Past, Present, and Future of Dublin" with elementary, middle, and high school students each creating a panel. Beginning in March and continuing through June, the Foundation is creating a celebration of Art and the Environment. Our first commissioned artwork "GAIA" by Ned smyth stands for the principal of the earth as a living organism that is an interrelated and interbalanced whole. Using this idea and Ned's image as a starting point, the celebration will focus on how artists respond to the environment, both natural and manmade, to create an awareness in the community. e e Page 2 Using our established programs as the organizing structure, the schedule of events is: March - May: A six weeks program with three 4th and 5th grade classes in the Dublin Unified School District. Artists from Southern Exposure's Artist in Education Program - Lukas Felzman, Susan Leibovitz Steinman, and Rene Yung - will work with the classes to create art works that will focus attention on the environment. April - June: The artists, Ray Beldner and Jay Mead, will create site-specific installations in the city of Dublin. With the cooperation of Livermore Waste Management, Ray will use recycled materials in his installation. Jay will work with natural materials in his sculpture. May 10 - June 30: An exhibition of the-works created by the elementary students will be displayed in the Civic center Lobby. A reception and program is planned for May 11. Other community events such as Dublin Pride Week (April 12 - 17) will also highlight our program. The Dublin Library will have a special display of books on the environment and Livermore Waste Management will be planting trees during Dublin Pride Week and publicizing our celebration in their mailings. The following is a list of the scheduled programs from January to June, 1993: Art Education in the Schools April - May (6 weeks): The High School will complete their panel of the three part mural, "The past, Present, and Future of Dublin" April - May (6 weeks): 3 artists will be working with 34th -5th grade classes exploring the theme of "Art and the Environment." Dublin Sculpture Park March (date pending - tentatively mid-month): The Oakland artist, Steve Gilman, will be installing a large-scale granite sculpture on long term loan at the Dublin San Ramon Services District building. e . page 3 TemDorary Exhibitions in the Civic Center Lobby January - February (6 weeks): Last segments of the series, "Dublin Collects"; a collection of fans from around the world. March - June (4 weeks): Display of the three panels of the mural, "The Past, Present and Future of Dublin". May - June: Display of finished artwork from the School project, "Art and the Environment." Temporarv SculDture Exhibition April - June (8 weeks): Two temporary installations in the community of works based on the theme of "Art and the Environment." In response to the economic plight of cities in california, the city of Dublin distributed a questionnaire asking for citizens' input on nonessential services. The Arts Foundation was included because we received a grant of $8,000 from the city. To our delighted surprise, the Foundation was rated near the top of the list in importance to the community. With this validation, the Foundation Board feels that its goals and programs are responding to the needs of the community and should be continued and strengthened. However, in order to maintain fiscal responsibility and quality programs in these difficult times, the Foundation has changed its operating procedures. Instead of employing a part-time Executive Director, the Board will take on more of the administrative duties and the Director will work on a project by project basis with a small monthly retainer fee. , In the corning year as funding permits, the Foundation's goals are to add another piece of sculpture to the Dublin Sculpture Park, work with the Dublin Middle School (7th-8th Graders), and create atleast 2 temporary exhibitions in the civic Center. In addition to maintaining existing programs, The Foundation's future plans are to develop a 5 year program called "Art in the Parks". Dublin is a family oriented community focusing on children's activities, sports, and outdoor activities and, as a result, has a wide range of pUblic parks from small neighborhood playgrounds to a large park with a community center which are all integral and important to the everyday life of the citizens. Our goal is ,~ e . Page 4 to develop a concept that will place art in the parks appropriate to each location and use involving local community groups. For example, in a small playground area, it is appropriate to involve children and professional artists in the creation of a mural or playground equipment or to involve the senior center in the making of a ceramic tile wall. In the large community park, the commissioning of a major site-specific artwork is a long term goal. By the end of 1994, the Foundation will have researched and conceived a master plan that will identify the parks, appropriate art forms, community involvement, and fundraising goals. By creating an ongoing program of "Art in the Parks", our goals are to increase audience participation and continue making art an everyday experience for the Dublin community. I !. i "::' ,;- . '<, ""'i','I(:'~~.i:;" :i 'i, ")i'::"\-:;';!':,',!, ;,'il:'!';", ',' 'y,: ' '.' ,: ,) ';.';./, ',' "l:\,:~;':.;';':";ri,.i i" iiiA , ,.., ii'ii::'ii1i::-:!~;'1""'i ",. "', 'i' .:" , . i " "', , "i" i', Ii' ", ,il;.", " " '" " " I, ::. (. "'1 "",,',;, I \ " I ":\':;:{~Zl\:;:'~;",::' i.: :;'ii, "'.8 'i' '.il ;;,.', ' . '. . ," , hi", j" ,,' : , '.i, ii::ill ' "",'i, .i, ;:\:\:,I':\~\\'~\_: :', ! " " " ' '." ;," - ,"'., ';. ....(:;"::;:';':;':... i,: ~ '" ,i: :, ,,- i . "'" " ,;:,ii: .i:: ,)' ". " ,I. " :;i,::L:;':'i;'" ',,', ::, .'" , . 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"._" :~ ",,: "\,/, '"';.': i', "",U::_I:,li: ,>, :1~:';:" ",(;,i::: }:,;:v\'?:Jm;;; ','\",':"n " . "" '''c. ~r?:.1/;,_,,,, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C I T Y o F DUB L I N PRELIMINARY BUDGET MAY 1993 Peter w. snyder, Mayor David Burton, Vice Mayor Guy Houston, councilmember Lisbeth Howard, councilmember Paul c. Moffatt, Councilmember AND FINANCIAL PLAN 1993-94 SUBMITTED BY Richard C. Ambrose city Manager I I TABLE OF CONTENTS I PAGE INTRODUCTION I Budget Message Budget Summary by Fund.................................. i proposed/Possible Budget Reductions...................iii Historical Comparison of Revenues by source...........vii Historical Comparison of Expenditures by program.....xvii position Allocation plan..............................xix Appropriations Limit................................. .xxi I I GENERAL GOVERNMENT I I City Council............................................1 City Manager/Clerk......................................5 Legal Services.......................................... 9 Administrati ve Services................................ 12 Building Management....................................19 Insurance............................................. .22 Elections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Non-Departmental. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 I I PUBLIC SAFETY I Police Services........................................29 crossing Guards........................................ 32 Animal Control......................................... 35 Traffic Signals & Street Lighting......................38 Disaster preparedness..................................40 Fire Services.......................................... 43 I TRANSPORTATION I I Public Works Administration............................46 Street Maintenance..................................... 48 Street Sweeping........................................ 51 Street Tree Maintenance................................53 Street Landscape Maintenance...........................57 Paratransit Service....................................61 I HEALTH & WELFARE I Vector Control......................................... 64 Waste Management....................................... 66 I CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES I Library Service........................................68 cultural Activities.................................... 71 Heritage center........................................74 Park Maintenance.......................................77 community Television.................................. .81 Recreation............................................ .84 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I,.. TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) PAGE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Planning. . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . .. .. .. .. . . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . . .. .. .. .. . . . . . .. .. 90 Building & Safety.......................................94 Engineering............................................ .98 Economic Development...................................103 DEBT SERVICE San Ramon Road Specific Plan Assessment District.......105 Civic Center.......................................... .107 Dublin Boulevard Extension Assessment District.........109 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET General Improvements.................................. .111 community Improvement projects.........................112 Parks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .113 street projects........................................114 INTERNAL SERVICES........................................... .115 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ;:<~~'LlJJI;; , Illi~~~(\~\\ !,I'l(~I~!8'2i CITY OF DUBLIN .._'-~'~, ~~~ :1/J/-~-'-'.' , (~))~~:'?- ' PO Box 2340, Dublin, California 94568 .~'~ -~~~~--~--~~~~--'-_..-~ . City Offices, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California 94568 May 21, 1993 Honorable Mayor and city Councilmembers: Presented herewith is the 1993-94 Preliminary Budget and Financial Plan for your review and consideration. The 1993-94 Budget was prepared using the 1992-93 Budget service levels adopted by the city council in June 1992 as a starting point. Reduced service levels were then prepared for all activities which would reduce the burden on the City's General Fund, with the exception of Police and Fire. These reduced service levels include reductions in services identified by the city Council on February 8, 1993, as well as additional reductions identified by staff during the budget process. These reductions are identified as Reduced Service Level 1 or 2 for each activity where savings could be realized. The Reduced Service Levels which are being recommended and those other options which the City council may also wish to consider are summarized in "1993-94 Proposed/Possible Budget options to Address State Property Tax Shift", pages iii-vi. In accordance with city council direction provided on February 8, 1993 and March 22, 1993, the recommended 1993-94 Budget approximately offsets the anticipated State Property Tax Shift of $826,007 with increased revenue and budget reductions on a 50/50 basis. 1993-94 Budget Reductions 1993-94 Revenue Enhancements Enacted to Date 1993-94 Revenue Enhancements Yet to Be Enacted $ 438,575 264,090 112,000 - 165,000 The "1993-94 Budget Summary by Fund" (Pages i-ii), the "Historical Comparison of Revenues by Source" (Pages vii-xvi), and the "summary of Expenditures Historical comparison" (Pages xvii-xviii), describe the current Service Level revenue and expenditures in detail, but incorporate recommended revenue and expenditure modifications associated with State Property Tax Shift in the totals of each document. Although the State of California has not adopted a 1993-94 Budget implementing the Statewide property tax shift, and probably will not adopt a budget until late Summer 1993, it is generally accepted that the tax shift will occur. Therefore, it is my recommendation that the city Council adopt a budget that includes the recommendations identified in Pages iii-vi effective July 1, 1993. This will avoid the excessive amount of Staff time that was allocated to revising the budget during Fiscal Year 1992-93, and avoid the necessity to increase reductions to recover the property tax loss over a shorter period of time. If the State property tax shift is greater or less than anticipated, adjustments can be made to the budget at the appropriate time, if necessary. Administration (510) 833~6650. City Council (510) 833-6605. Finance (510) 833-6640. Building Inspection (510) 833-6620 Code Enforcement (510) 833-6620 . Engineering (510) 833-6630 · Planning (510) 833-6610 Poiice (510) 833-6670 . Public Works (510) 833-6630 . Recreation (510) 833-6645 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BUDGET UNCERTAINTIES In addition to the amount of the State Property Tax Shift, there are several other uncertainties which could positively or negatively impact the Budget or the city council's options: 1. Impact of County Budget actions on cities. - Alameda County has identif ied a number of potential budget reductions which may impact the city of Dublin. a. Early release of prisoners at Santa Rita Jail b. Reduce consolidated dispatch c. Eliminate Crime Lab testing d. Eliminate Cal-ID Fingerprint Program e. Reduce Office of Emergency Services f. Cancel Animal Shelter and Field service contract with city of Dublin g. Reduce District Attorney Staff resulting in prosecution of homicides and serious felonies only h. Reduce county Library hours i. Increase Registrar of Voters fees 2. savings which can be realized from refinancing 1988 Civic Center Certificates of Participation 3. potential favorable judgement enabling General Law cities to increase Real Documentary Transfer Tax 4. Cost/Revenue associated with the transfer of Parking Fine Administration from Alameda County to the cities. 5. Impact on retail sales tax revenue due to new Livermore Mervyn's and Target Retail Center. 1992-93 BUDGET SURPLUS During 1992-93, a number of actions were taken by Staff to reduce the city's operational costs and enhance revenues in addition to those adopted by the city Council in December, 1992. These actions included: 1. Worked with PG&E on a Franchise Fee Audit which resulted in $133,000 in back payment of Franchise Fees and additional $30,000/year in future years. 2. Reduce office supply inventory. 3. Did not fill authorized positions which were vacated during the year including Finance Manager, part-time Office Assistant II (Finance), part-time Management Assistant (Engineering), office Assistant II (Planning), part-time planning Intern. Staff anticipates that 1992-93 Revenues will exceed expenditures by $366,561. The City council may wish to utilize this surplus as insurance against any of the Budget uncertainties described above which may occur after the city Council adopts the budget. 1993-94 BUDGET Total recommended appropriations for all funds for Fiscal Year 1993-94 are $20,292,087. However, the proposed net estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 1993-94 are less than total appropriations, totalling 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I $17,841,403. The difference between 1993-94 total appropriations and 1993-94 net estimated expenditures is due to the following factors: 1. 2. 3. Dublin Information Inc., Rental Payment Internal service Fund Expenditures Appropriations to Reserves Total Difference $1,719,595 188,239 542,850 $2,450,684 The recommended net expenditures (all funds) for Fiscal Year 1993-94 are approximately $1,108,950 or 6.6% more than net estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 1992-93. Shown below is a comparison of net expenditures: COMPARISON OF NET EXPENDITURES Operating Debt service Capital TOTAL 1992-93 $12,007,365 1,939,390 2.785.698 $16,732,453 1993-94 $12,207,448 2,370,326 3,263,629 $17,841,403 DIFFERENCE $ 200,083 + 1.7% 430,936 +22.2% 477.931 +17.2% $1,108,950 + 6.6% The Fiscal Year 1993-94 Budget is funded by approximately $17,711,236 in net revenues (including $112,000 from a citywide Landscaping and Lighting District which has not yet been formed); $615,469 in Reserves from Restricted Funds (not including those needed to replace equipment in the Internal Service Fund) and the ABAG Insurance Di vidend of $57,548. The balance of the restricted reserves total $542,850 more than net estimated expenditures, however, this difference must remain in the restricted fund of origin in order to repay advances from other funds. The Budget as proposed does not include the use of any General Fund Reserves. OPERATING BUDGET The proposed net operating expenditures for Fiscal Year 1993-94 are $12,646,023, less $438,575 in reductions or $12,207,448. This figure includes an adjustment for the civic Center lease payment which must be shown in the Building Management Activity and the Debt Service Activity. This represents an increase of $200,083 or 1.7% over the Estimated Net Operating Expenditures for Fiscal Year 1992-93. Those factors affecting the Operating Budget are discussed below by budget program. GENERAL GOVERNMENT The total net expenditures of General Government as shown in the Current Service Level (excluding DII Rental Payment of $1,719,595 and the contingent Reserve of $50,000), is estimated for Fiscal Year 1993- 94 at $1,564,280. This funding level excludes any adjustments for the recommended service reductions. The current service level represents approximately a 2.7% increase over the estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 1992-93. 3 I I I The minimal increase in the current service Level Budget is primarily attributable to the following factors: 1. Significant decreases in estimated legal expenses due to the completion of major General Plan studies. 2. Partial year funding for the Finance Manager and the part-time Office Assistant II in Administrative Services as a result of vacancies at the beginning of the fiscal year. 3. A higher service level is recommended for Building Management to assist with preventative maintenance on major facility systems. 4. Increases in insurance premiums for General Liability coverage as well as the charge by Alameda County for Contract Services. 5. In Fiscal Year 1992-93, the City had the expense of a Special Election which will not be included in the Fiscal Year 1993-94 Budget. 6. In the past, a larger contingent reserve has been recommended in the recommended Budget. The recommended Reduced Budget for Fiscal Year 1993-94 would be $1,463,802, without any adjustment for a pro-rata share of the recommended salary freeze. This recommended level represents a 6.4% decrease from the 1993-94 current service level budget. The list of recommended reductions begin on Page iii. I I I I I I I PUBLIC SAFETY I The total expenditures to fund the current Service Level for Public Safetly are estimated at $6,289,630. This represents an increase of $199,628 or 3.3% when compared to Fiscal Year 1992-93. The primary factors contributing to this increase include: 1. Increased salary and benefit increases for contract Alameda County employees providing services under contract to Dublin Police Services. 2. Increased costs for Crossing Guard services. 3. Increased usage by the city of Dublin of the County Animal Shelter and increased cost of Animal Control Patrol services obtained from Alameda County. 4. Increased utility costs for traffic signals and street lighting, as well as labor increases for contract signal repair. 5. Additional Disaster Preparedness training for management personnel. 6. Increased costs for Fire Services provided by the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority including: . The City of Dublin's share of the operating contribution has increased due to a larger increase in assessed value, which is a critical factor in the formula. . Increased salary expenses in accordance with the current Memorandum of Understanding (MOD). This budget DOES NOT include funding for any salary or benefit adjustments beyond the current agreement which expires December 31, 1993. I I I I I I I I However, these increased costs are partially offset by recommended budget reductions totaling $18,011 as described in "1993-94 Proposed/ possible Budget options to Address State property Tax Shift". This results in total estimated expenditures of $6,071,991 or a 0.2% 4 I I . I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I decrease from the 1993-94 Current Service Level budget (not including proposed salary and labor rate freeze). TRANSPORTATION The total expenditures to fund the Current Service Level for Transportation are estimated at $1,089,901. This represents an increase of $48,826 or 4.7% when compared to estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 1992-93 . The following factors contribute to this increase: 1. Increased labor costs for Contract Maintenance personnel. 2. Increased hours for Contract Maintenance Superintendent. 3. Full year funding of Public Works Administration 1992-93 personnel salary and benefit increases. 4. Thermoplastic striping associated with the Village Parkway overlay project. 5. Increased number of curb miles swept due to the addition of new streets during the latter part of 1992-93. 6. Inclusion of tree trimming/brush cutting on private property that was not 'performed during the first half of 1992-93 due to budgetary constraints. However, these increased costs are partially offset by recommended budget reductions totaling $67,148 as described in "1993-94 Proposed/ Possible Budget Options to Address State Property Tax Shift". This results in total estimated expenditures of $1,022,753 or a 6.2% decrease from the 1993-94 Current Service Level budget (not including proposed salary and labor rate freeze). HEALTH & WELFARE The total expenditures for Health and Welfare are estimated at $572,336. This represents an increase of $495,615 which is primarily attributable to a new Minimum Garbage Service Program which has its own revenue source. The following are major factors in this area: 1. All expenses associated with Vector Control are now collected by Alameda County and the City will no longer have General Fund expenses under this activity. 2. Approximately $551,586 is associated with the cost of providing minimum garbage and recycling services to all households. The revenue which offsets the expenditures is collected through assessments on the County Property Tax bill. CULTURE AND LEISURE SERVICES The total expenditures to fund the Current Service Level for Culture and Leisure Services are estimated at $1,905,163. This represents an increase of $158,515 or 9% when compared to estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 1992-93. The following factors contribute to this increase: 1. Full year funding of grounds maintenance at Heritage Center and 6 months funding of building maintenance at Heritage Center. 2. Increased labor costs for Contract Park Maintenance personnel. 3. Increased cost of water for irrigation at park sites. 5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4. Addition of Topaz circle Landscaping adjacent to Dougherty Hills Open Space. 5. Full year funding of Recreation personnel salary and benefit increases. However, these increased costs are partially offset by recommended budget reductions totaling $76,400 as described in "1993-94 Proposed/ possible Budget options to Address state Property Tax Shift". This results in total estimated expenditures of $1,828,763 or a 4% decrease from the 1993-94 Current Service Level budget (not including proposed salary and labor rate freeze). COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT The total expenditures to fund the Current service Level for Community Development are estimated at $1,174,713. This represents a decrease of $351,928 or 23% when compared to estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 1992-93. The following factors contribute to this decrease: 1. Reduced consultant services in Planning as a result of the conclusion of the studies related to the eastern and western extended planning areas. 2. Reduced contract services in Engineering as a result of completion of Dublin Boulevard Extension project constructed by the city of Pleasanton. However, this budget program would be reduced further by recommended budget reductions totaling $125,738 as described in "1993-94 Proposed/ Possible Budget options to Address State Property Tax Shift". This results in total estimated expenditures of $1,048,975 or a 10.7% decrease from the 1993-94 Current service Level budget (not including proposed salary freeze). DEBT SERVICE This portion of the Budget consists of two types of debt. Only the payment for the Civic Center lease affects the General Fund. The remainder of the debt service budget is attributable to two assessment districts which derive their revenue through special assessments levied on the properties which benefit from improvements constructed with monies derived from special improvement bonds. The total Debt service Budget for Fiscal Year 1993-94 is $2,370,326, which is approximately 22.2% more than Fiscal Year 1992-93. In order to fully understand the reasons for this increase, it is important to look at each debt service activity as follows: San Ramon Road Specific Plan Assessment District: The Fiscal Year 1993-94 budget for this Assessment District is approximately $381,012 greater than the previous fiscal year. The reason for this increase is due to the decision by the city to call all outstanding bonds and eliminate future assessments. This is possible because adequate funds have been paid by property owners within the District, to payoff all obligations earlier than the original term. 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I civic Center: The civic Center debt service payments are made by a Trustee on behalf of 011. The Trustee also holds a Reserve Fund which generates interest to reduce the City's annual expense for the lease payment. The city is legally required to budget the full lease payment of $1,719,595. Reserve Fund earnings will reduce the City's actual obligation by an estimated $140,830. The city's net debt service payment has remained relatively constant compared to the previous year. The city is also in the process of working with consultants to assess a reduction in the debt service cost through a refinancing. If the refinancing is successful, a future budget reduction can be made. Dublin Boulevard Extension Assessment District: In June of 1992, the city completed the funding of an Assessment District which is contributing towards one phase of the Dublin Boulevard Extension project. The recommended 1993-94 budget of $170,650 is $49,299 more than the 1992-93 estimated costs. The reason for this increase is the fact that during the first year, there was only one debt service payment which represented capitalized interest. All funds associated wi th this acti vi ty are der i ved from property assessments levied on properties which benefit from the improvements. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS For Fiscal Year 1993-94, Staff has prepared an Update to the 1992-97 Capital Improvement Program. The recommended Capital Improvement Budget for Fiscal Year 1993-94 totals $3,263,629. This represents an increase of $490,216 or 17.7% when compared to Fiscal Year 1992-93. As described in the Capital Improvement Program Update (see separate document), the increase is primarily attributable to the anticipated construction of the following projects during Fiscal Year 1993-94: Heritage Center Renovation; Dublin Swim Center Renovation; Dublin Boulevard Improvements (Donlon Way to Village Parkway); and Dougherty Road Improvements (South of Southern Pacific Right-of-Way) . REVENUES Estimated net revenues for Fiscal Year 1993-94 total $17,711,236. This represents an increase of $1,644,414 or 10.2% when compared with Fiscal Year 1992-93. This increase in revenues is attributable to the following factors: 1. A slight increase in Sales Tax Revenue based on a rebound in 1992-93 in sales tax activity, additional new retail outlets anticipated to open during 1993-94, offset by retail leakage associated with new retail centers and the aerospace retail sales tax impact. 2. Increased Real Property Transfer Tax associated with the sale of approximately 49 new homes. 3. Increased building permit revenue due to the recently adopted fee schedule. 4. Increased encroachment permit revenue due to the recently adopted fee schedule. 7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I 5. Increased facility rental revenue due to the recently adopted fee schedule and the rental of the Shannon Center to several large rentals. 6. Increased Park and Recreation fees due to the recently adopted fee schedule. 7. Full year implementation of the Solid Waste fee to recover administrative and planning costs associated with the City's Source Reduction Recycling Element and Garbage Rate Review. 8. Full year receipt of the Alameda County Vehicle Abatement Subvention. 9. Increased Gas Tax revenues associated with the incremental increase in Proposition 111 funds. 10. Increased Community Development Block Grant funding associated with the rehabilitation of the Dublin Swim Center. 11. Increased Federal Aid Urban funds associated with the widening of Dublin Boulevard - Donlon Way to village Parkway and Dougherty Road improvements south of the SPRR. 12. Receipt of the Measure AA Grant funds associated with the completion of the Heritage Center renovation. 13. Sale of real and personal property associated with the Dublin Boulevard Extension project. 14. Receipt of the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System grant for a storm water pilot project. 15. Increase in Storm Water utility fees. 16. Inclusion of the garbage service fees paid on the property tax bill. 17. Traffic mitigation contributions associated with the Dublin Boulevard widening Donlon Way to Village Parkway and Dougherty Road improvements south of SPRR and the sidewalk Repair Program. 18. Increased special assessment associated with the citywide Street Lighting Program. 19. Dublin Boulevard Extension Assessment District debt service assessments. 20. Formation of a new Citywide Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District to fund a portion of the City's street landscape maintenance and park maintenance costs. These revenues are partially offset by anticipated reductions in the following revenues: 1. A projected $826,007 property tax shift from the city of Dublin to the State of California. 2. A slight reduction in the Hotel Transient Occupancy Tax. 3. Reduction in interest income due to the lower interest rates partially offset by a greater allocation of interest revenue to the General Fund. 4. Reduction in Zoning and Subdivision fees due to the completion of the eastern and western Dublin General Plan studies~ 5. Reduction in Plan Check and Inspection fees due to the completion of the inspection of the Dublin Boulevard Extension project constructed by the city of Pleasanton. 6. Reduction in sale of real and personal property in the General and Criminal Activity funds. 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 7. Reduction in Transportation Development Act funds due to the late payment of a TDA project that was completed in Fiscal Year 1991- 92, for which the city was reimbursed in FY 1992-93. 8. Reduction in SB 300 grant funds due to the near completion of the Dublin Boulevard Extension project during Fiscal Year 1992-93. 9. Reduction in the stagecoach Road Landscape Assessment District special assessments due to the completion of a one-time landscaping project within the district. 10. Reduction in San Ramon Road Specific Plan Assessment District assessments due to the early call of bonds and closing out of the assessment district on July 1, 1993. APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT The Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 1993-94 is $20,975,686. As indicated in the Budget document, this limit exceeds by approximately $9,817,664 the appropriations which are funded by Proceeds of Taxes. These are the only appropriations which are subject to this limit. STAFFING The Fiscal Year 1993-94 Current Service Level budget provides for a total of 82.75 positions, including 36 City employees and 46.75 Contract positions. This represents a 4.08% decrease in staff as compared to the Fiscal Year 1992-93 budget. The 1993-94 Current Service Level budget includes staff reductions totaling 3.38 contract positions, including cuts in Street Tree Maintenance, Street Landscape Maintenance, Park Maintenance, Planning and Engineering services. These proposed staff reductions are primarily a result of a change in the City'S landscape mowing, edging and weed control methods. These services will be provided to the city through a subcontract service; resulting in a cost savings to the City'S General Fund in excess of $43,000. The other factor impacting the number of contract personnel is the anticipated completion of major one-time projects such as eastern and western Dublin extended Planning Area studies. The Fiscal Year 1993-94 (Recommended) Reduced Service Level budget provides for a total of 77.73 positions, including 32.5 city employees and 45.23 Contract positions. This represents a 9.75% decrease in staff as compared to the Fiscal Year 1992-93 budget. The 1993-94 Reduced Service Level budget includes additional reductions of 5.02 positions (3.5 City staff and 1.52 Contract positions) totaling 8.4 positions. The additional cuts include reductions in Finance, Street Maintenance and Heritage Center activities; and further reductions in Street Tree Maintenance, Street Landscape Maintenance, Park Maintenance, Planning and Engineering. These proposed reductions are primarily a result of a reorganization of the city Manager's Office and Finance Department; further reductions in street, street tree landscape, park maintenance and Heritage Center activities; major staffing changes in the Planning Department; and the elimination of a part-time Management Assistant responsible for coordinating the City'S Trip Reduction Ordinance activities. 9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I As shown on the chart below, the city of Dublin continues to employ fewer administrative/support personnel (i.e., city Manager, City Clerk, Data Processing and Administrative/Financial Services) per 10,000 residents compared to the adjacent communities. In comparing the number of City administrative/support personnel employed in Fiscal Year 1992-93 to those in the surrounding cities, Dublin employed approximately 3. 97 administrative staff to Pleasanton' s 6.42, Livermore's 4.63 and San Ramon's 4.42. However, as shown below, the staff reductions proposed for Fiscal Year 1993-94 would lower the number of administrative/support personnel to 3.38 per 10,000 residents. Comparison of Administrative Support Personnel per 10,000 Residents 7 l .1 I "1r [;1. ;1. Inll" .. I "1r ;1. ;1. ;1. ;1. .1 I.... ;1. ;1. ;1. ;1. ;1. ;1. ;1. r;l. ;1. ;1. l;l. 1;1. l;I.J [;1. , [;1. , I ----. ~ 6 (I) "0 "u; (I) a: 5 C) o 0_ ~ 4 R :e 2:! 3 C.f) ~ ".;::> ~ 2 <.f) "E "E ~1 o Dublin 93.94 Pleasanton 92.93 Uvermore 92-93 San Ramon 92-93 Dublin 92-93 10 I I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CONCLUSION Despite some pUblic comments made to the contrary, the city of Dublin has, over the last several years, recognized that the City's discretionary revenues would be reduced in the future. In response to that, the City has aggressively held the growth of discretionary expenditures almost flat since Fiscal Year 1990-91. This is clearly illustrated in the graph below. Discretionary Revenue vs. Expenditures $14.5 $14.0 ~ $13.5 en c .Q :E $13.0 ~ .s $12.5 $12.0 Revenue ~ , Expenditures $11.5 1990-91 Actual 1991-92 Actual 1992-93 Estimated 1993-94 Recommended In Fiscal Year 1992-93 and 1993-94 the City is facing a revenue grab by the State like none it has previously experienced. The proposed budget for Fiscal Year 1993-94 addresses the anticipated loss of revenue head-on with a combination of revenue enhancements and significant budget service and cost reductions in order that the city might have a balanced budget for this fiscal year. If cuts in revenues exceed those that are projected, Staff has included within this budget document, a number of options for the Council to utilize to meet those increased revenue reductions. If the city does not experience as severe revenue reductions or some positive events occur which improve the City's fiscal position, the city council is in a position to add back services that are proposed to be reduced at the appropriate time. I would like to thank the Council and Staff and Commission members and volunteers in the city for all of the effort that is given to provide the highest quality service to our constituents. Respectfully submitted, ~~(!-~ Richard C. Ambrose City Manager RCA:kk 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1993-94 SUMMARY BY FUND I Dublin Street Light Landscape San Ramon Landscape DUblin Blvd Landscape Measure Dublin Blvd, Measure D Garbage Caphal Information Assessment Assessment Rd Spec Plan Assessment Assessment Assessment Internal AA Bond SB 300 Extension NPDES Recycling Service Projects Inc. District District Assessment District District District Service Fund #218 Fund #220 Fund 11221 11222 Fund #224 Fund #225 Fund 1300 Fund 11601 Fund 1171 0 Fund 11711 Fund 11712 Fund 11713 Fund 11715 Fund 11716 Fund 11830 260 4,340 1,860,275 6,980 430 2,300 5,360 13,190 9,360 136,338 70,602 29,000 164,971 551,586 137,229 286,500 567,000 7,500 2,900 182,615 53,048 52,600 235,650 4,500 136,338 70,602 286,500 193,971 260 551,586 571,340 1,860,275 197,095 53,478 2,300 60,860 248,840 151,089 19,526 20,390 2,320 130 482,581 9,988 37,150 25,460 2,293 (140,680) 136,338 70,602 286,500 213,497 20,650 551,586 571,340 1,745,055 199,415 53,608 484,881 70,848 248,840 2,293 188,239 12,070 1,140 192,500 4,800 74,000 1,701 52,500 69,620 20,650 551,586 > 12,250 110,497 5,214 1,108 1,228 2,293 184,497 20,650 551,586 25,460 199,415 53,608 4,800 70,848 2,293 1,719,595 480,081 170,650 29,000 50,000 136,338 70,602 44,150 517,000 136,338 70,602 44,150 29,000 567,000 188,239 136,338 70,602 44,150 213,497 20,650 551,586 567,000 1,745,055 199,415 53,608 484,881 70,848 170,650 2,293 188,239 242,350 4,340 78,190 136,338 70,602 286,500 213,497 20,650 551,586 571,340 1,745,055 199,415 53,608 484,881 70,848 248,840 2,293 188,239 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - li - Net General Fund Revenues Available Current Service Level operating Budget *Includes Higher Service Level for Building Maintenance and New Service Level for Heritage Center General Fund Capital Budget I I I I A. 1993-94 BUDGET PROBLEM I I Surplus/(Deficit) I 1993-94 PROPOSED/POSSIBLE BUDGET OPTIONS TO ADDRESS STATE PROPERTY TAX SHIFT $13,247,073 (12,935,541) (10,000) $ 301,532 I Surplusj(Deficit) Proposed 1993-94 State Property Tax Shift l826,007) $ (524,475) I 1. B. RECOMMENDED ACTIONS TO BALANCE THE BUDGET service Reductions Identified by city Council on February 8, 1993 I Reduced service Level I a. 1010-1 (Pg. 3) I b. 1040-1043-1 ( Pg . 17) c. 2020-1 (Pg. 34) I I d. 3020-1 (Pg 50) I e. 3040-1 (Pg. 55) I f. 3040-2 (Pg. 56) I g. 3050-1 (Pg. 59) I I Description Savinqs Eliminate Dublin Pride Week, contribution to Dublin Substance Abuse Council. $ 7,000 Eliminate City Newsletter. 3,760 Eliminate Crossing Guards. (Note: Pursuant to State Law, can only eliminate those which do not meet warrants.) 18,011 Reduce storm Patrol and lengthen storm' clean-up response time, non-safety street sign replacement, guardrail repair and curb painting and marking. 15,578 Eliminate trimming of private trees which encroach onto streets and sidewalks. 14,800 Eliminate replacement of dead or vandalized trees, reduce tree stake adjustment and tree fertilization. 3,270 Reduce median leaf Clean-up; reduce median mowing frequency during winter months; eliminate use of San Ramon Road Banner Poles by non-profit groups. 6,200 - iii .. I I Reduced Service Level Description I h. 3050-2 (Pg. 60) Eliminate replacement of dead or vandalized shrubs and ground cover in street landscape areas; reduce pruning of shrubs; reduce median mowing and edging frequency in street median all year; delay fencing repairs and reduce repair of paver stones. I I i. 3060-1 (Pg. 63) Eliminate paratransit subsidy. I j. 8012-1 (Pg. 76) Reduce building and grounds maintenance at Heritage Center by 50%. I k. 8020-1 (Pg. 79) Mothball fountains at Shannon Park and Civic Center; reduce Park litter pick-up during winter months; reduce inspection of playcourt nets,ballfield fences, backstops, benches and bleachers, resulting in repair delays. I 1. 8030-1 (Pg. 83) Reduce contribution to Tri-Valley Community Television Corporation. I m. 9030-1 (Pg. 101) Eliminate special traffic studies requested by the public or City Council. i I TOTAL SAVINGS RESULTING FROM COUNCIL IDENTIFIED SERVICE REDUCTIONS II 2. Additional Revenues Identified bv City Council on March 22, 1993 I Description a. Citywide Landscaping District for Street Landscape Maintenance and Park Maintenance Savinas 25,800 1,500 10,300 26,100 40,000 11, 000 $ 183,319 $ 112,000 - $165,400 Savinas I b. Establish Supplemental Assessment for Emergency Medical First Responder Service. I * Only realized in Fiscal Year 1993-94, if adopted by Fire Authority Board on June 21, 1993 I c. Establish fee for Fire Inspection Services required by other agencies. I ** Only realized in Fiscal Year 1993-94 if adopted by Fire Authority Board on June 21, 1993. I d. Library Service Funding *** Work with County and other Cities in Library System to develop a funding mechanism for Fiscal Year 1994-95. 26,700* 3,335** None*** I TOTAL ADDITIONAL REVENUES $ 112,000 - $165,000 I - lV - I I 3. Cost Reductions Recommended bv Citv Manaqer I a. Salary freeze for City employees b. Labor rate freeze for MCE employees I TOTAL COST REDUCTIONS RECOMMENDED BY CITY MANAGER I 4. Service Reductions Recommended bv Citv Manaaer I Reduced Service Level a. 1060-1 (Pg. 24) I b. 9020-1 (Pg. 97) I c. 9030-2 (Pg. 102) I d. 9010-1 (Pg. 93) I I e. 1020-1 (Pg. 8) & 1040-1043-1 (Pg. 18) I I Description Increase City liability insurance deductible $ from $25,000 to $50,000. $ 36,200 14,600 $ 50,800 Savinqs 15,243 Eliminate inspections of buildings for unsafe conditions at the time of business license renewal. 14,250 Eliminate part-time Management Assistant, limiting ability to implement Trip Reduction Ordinance. Eliminate Associate Planner and Full-Time Office Assistant in Planning Department, which will delay records conversion; and delay planning application processing if development applications increase. Transfer Assistant City Manager/Administrative Services Director time (.30) allocated to City Manager's Office to Finance. Eliminate Finance Manager and part-time Office Assistant position in Finance. TOTAL SERVICES REDUCTION RECOMMENDED BY CITY MANAGER I RECAP OF RECOMMENDATIONS A. State Property Tax Shift 1993-94 Revenue in Excess of Expenditures I B. 1. Service Reductions Identified by City Council on February 8, 1993 I B. 2. Additional Revenues Identified by City Council on March 22, 1993 (Worst Case) I B. 3. Cost Reductions Recommended by City Manager B. 4. Service Reductions Recommended by City Manager I SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) I -. v - 29,445 71,043 30,313 44,162 $ 204,456 $ (826,007) 301,532 183,319 112,000 50,800 204,456 $ 26,100 I C. OTHER OPTIONS TO BALANCE THE BUDGET 1. Reallocate Gas Tax Revenue Defer Dublin Boulevard widening and slope repair Silvergate Drive to Hansen Drive from 1996-97 to 1997-98 by utilizing $168,100 in Available Gas Tax Revenue for Street Landscape and street Tree Maintenance. (See capital Improvement Program - Streets, Pg. 30) I I I 2. Consider Further Service Reductions I Reduced Service Level a. 1030-1 (Pg. 11) b. 8011-1 (Pg. 73) c. 1010-2 (Pg. 4) ,I I 1 d. 8010-1 (Pg. 70) I e. 2050-1 (Pg. 42) 1 f. 8020-2 (Pg. 80) I 1 g. 8040-8100-1 (Pg. 89) 1 1 1 1 Description Eliminate Litigation Contingency Reserve $ Eliminate Dublin Fine Arts contribution Eliminate Council Team Building Training and services related to GFOA Certificate of Financial Recognition. Reduce contribution to County Library equivalent to County Library reduction in service. Reduce supplies, equipment and training related to Disaster response. Eliminate replacement of dead or vandalized trees, shrubs and groundcover in parks; eliminate park parking lot repairs; reduce frequency of park turf moving and shrub and tree trimming in parks; close park rest rooms during low use winter months. Eliminate Teen Program Eliminate all special events except St. Patrick's Day Eliminate sports Camps, City T-Ball League, Youth Hockey League Reduce Senior Center Operation from 5 days/week to 4 days/week and reduce meal program from 3 days/week to 2 days/week. Reduce Recreation Computer Software support; defer replacement of chairs at Shannon Center. 20,810 6,975 5,440 13,458 2,703 Subtotal 1 TOTAL FURTHER SERVICE REDUCTIONS 1 3. utilize 1992-93 Year End Fund Balance (Estimated 1992-93 Revenues less Estimated 1992-93 Expenditures) TOTAL OTHER OPTIONS 1 - vi - $ 168,100 Savinas 10,000 8,000 5,765 75,246 3,826 49,200 49,386 $ 201,423 $ 366,561 $ 736,084 I HISTORICAL COMPARISON OF REVENUES BY SOURCE I DESCRIPTION I PROPERTY TAXES I Current Year Secured Current Year Unsecured Prior Year Secured Prior Year Unsecured supplemental Property Tax pilot Tax Sub-Total I I TAXES OTHER THAN PROPERTY I I Sales & Use Tax Real Property Transfer Tax Hotel Transient Occupancy Tax Franchise Tax-Electric Franchise Tax-Gas Franchise Tax-Garbage Franchise Tax-Cable TV Sub-Total I LICENSES & PERMITS I Building Permits Animal Licenses Encroachment Permits Recycling Transporter Permits Business License Subtotal I I FINES & FORFEITURES I other Court Fines other Fines & Penalties Sub-Total ACTUAL 1991-92 BUDGET 1992-93 GENERAL FUND (#001) $ 3,232,345 302,973 104,495 6,330 114,941 46,167 $ 3,807,251 $ 5,293,709 62,319 93,958 164,138 40,036 109,075 129,764 $ 5,892,999 $ 173,666 4,368 6,921 o 61,504 246,459 $ $ 24,209 1,572 25,781 $ II REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY I Interest Rents & Concession Field Building Pool Sub-Total I I INTER-GOVERNMENTAL REVENUES - STATE I Motor Vehicle In-Lieu Tax $ Trailer Coach In-Lieu Tax Cigarette Tax off Highway Vehicle In-Lieu Fee Homeowner's Property Tax Relief Sub-Total $ I $ 976,342 10,761 45,912 5,488 $ 1,038,503 744,538 5,945 32,207 366 81. 591 864,647 $ 3,020,923 313,400 130,800 14,200 125,000 47,000 $ 3,651,323 $ 5,400,000 66,000 96,000 172,350 41,650 101,000 136,250 $ 6,013,250 $ 152,000 4,800 5,800 100 62,500 225,200 $ $ 21,000 1,000 22,000 $ $ 939,400 12,250 49,000 7,800 $ 1,008,450 $ 819,555 6,850 o 400 88,900 915,705 $ - Vll - ESTIMATED 1992-93 $ 3,112,000 300,000 110,000 10,000 95,000 47,801 $ 3,674,801 $ 5,475,000 63,000 90,051 270,820 71,730 110,500 147,346 $ 6,228,447 $ 190,000 4,670 7,300 SO 68,000 270,020 $ $ 25,000 1,000 26,000 $ $ 803,500 $ 12,250 49,100 9,100 873,950 $ 820,000 2,786 3,760 399 80,000 906,945 $ RECOMMENDED 1993-94 $ 3,262,000 306,000 115,000 10,500 100,000 45,540 $ 3,839,040 $ 5,560,000 73,000 86,000 195,000 44,400 112,500 154,000 $ 6,224,900 $ 282,000 4,500 17,500 100 71, 500 375,600 $ $ 25,000 1,000 26,000 $ $ 797,000 $ 16,000 62,100 6,000 881,100 $ 882,000 o o 425 82,000 964,425 $ I ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED RECOMMENDED I DESCRIPTION 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 GENERAL FUND (Continued) I CHARGES FOR SERVICE Zoning & Subdivision Fees $ 478,102 $ 577,163 $ 508,000 $ 50,000 Plan Check & Inspection Fees 58,959 117,200 132,600 30,000 I Sale of Maps & Documents 8,809 7,500 6,400 6,500 special Police Services 5,896 6,000 5,900 15,275 Park & Recreation Fees I Playgrounds 11,276 33,120 26,370 61,690 Preschool 32,691 35,370 34,635 39,057 Teen 1,517 3,957 2,800 9,270 Adult Sports 108,943 121,640 106,000 115,820 I Special Events 7,106 10,075 10,000 11,540 Senior Center 15,305 18,930 17,550 57,576 Recreation Instruction 64,085 63,105 66,000 76,952 I Aquatics 63,788 57,850 72 , 840 89,995 Youth Sports 8,904 13,335 13,220 20,558 Other Charges 67,005 78,060 89,700 71 , 000 I Building Use Insurance 3,089 3,540 3,400 3,800 Zone 7 Drainage Fees 0 0 100 0 DUI Program 4,359 4,200 3,600 3,600 Booking Fees Recovery 0 0 3,100 5,000 I Solid Waste Fee 0 0 19,300 46,900 Sub-Total $ 939,834 $ 1,151,045 $ 1,121,515 $ 714,533 I OTHER REVENUES Sale of Real & Personal Property $ 108,767 $ 260,755 $ 5,300 $ 0 I Contributions 2,658 1,326 3,200 0 Miscellaneous 83,648 19,950 5,850 3,000 Reimbursement 45,438 13,500 28,000 18,900 Reimbursement-Public Damage 18,434 3,000 7,900 5,600 I Sub-Total $ 258,945 $ 298,531 $ 50,250 $ 27,500 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $13,074,419 $13,285,504 $13,151,928 $13,053,098 I I CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES FUND (#200) REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY I Interest S 1, 621 $ 1, 160 S 1, 250 S 600 Sub-Total $ 1,621 $ 1,160 $ 1,250 $ 600 I OTHER REVENUES Sale of Real & Personal Property $ 4,050 $ 8,000 $ 6,000 $ 0 Miscellaneous 100 0 3,900 5,000 I Sub-Total $ 4,150 $ 8,000 $ 9,900 $ 5,000 TOTAL - CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES FUND $ 5,771 $ 9,160 $ 11,150 $ 5,600 I I - viii - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DESCRIPTION ACTUAL 1991-92 BUDGET 1992-93 REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY VEHICLE ABATEMENT FUND (1#201) Interest Sub-Total $ $ INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE - STATE Vehicle Abatement Subvention Sub-Total $ $ $ TOTAL - VEHICLE ABATEMENT FUND o o $ $ o o $ $ $ 2,500 2.500 2,500 o FINES & FORFEITURES TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND (1#205) Vehicle Code Fines Sub-Total $ 32.721 $ 32,721 TOTAL - TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND $ 32,721 $ 34.730 $ 34,730 $ 34,730 REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY STATE GAS TAX FUND (1#206) Interest Sub-Total $ $ 13.264 13,264 INTER-GOVERNMENTAL REVENUE - STATE State Gas Tax (2105) State Gas Tax (2106) State Gas Tax (2107) State Gas Tax (2107.5) Sub-Total $ 114,510 106,092 198,138 5.000 $ 423,740 TOTAL - GAS TAX FUND $ 437,004 $ $ 400 400 ESTIMATED 1992-93 o o $ $ o o $ 121,000 104,000 205,000 6.000 $ 436,000 $ 436,400 $ $ $ o o o $ 26.500 $ 26,500 $ 26,500 $ $ 11 .600 11,600 $ 116,500 107,000 205,000 6.000 $ 434,500 $ 446,100 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) FUND (1#209) INTER-GOVERNMENTAL REVENUE - FEDERAL Community Development Block Grant $ 34.124 TOTAL - CDBG FUND $ 34,124 $ 110.131 $ 110,131 - ix - $ 36.393 $ 36,393 RECOMMENDED 1993-94 $ 510 $ 510 $ 17 .700 $ 17,700 $ 18,210 $ 26.500 $ 26,500 $ 26,500 $ 13,360 $ 13,360 $ 136,900 108,900 205,000 6.000 $ 456,800 $ 470,160 $ 79,125 $ 79,125 I ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED RECOMMENDED DESCRIPTION 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 I FEDERAL AID URBAN FUND (11210) INTER-GOVERNMENTAL REVENUE - FEDERAL I Federal Aid Urban Funds $ 855,020 $ 114,759 $ 114.482 $ 2,068,000 I TOTAL - FEDERAL AID URBAN FUND $ 855,020 $ 114,759 $ 114,482 $ 2,068,000 I TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT (TDA) FUND (#211) INTER-GOVERNMENTAL REVENUE - STATE I Article 3 Grant (Bicycle/ Pedestrian) $ 146.433 $ 75,000 $ 150,000 $ 75.000 I TOTAL - TDA FUNDS $ 146,433 $ 75,000 $ 150,000 $ 75,000 STATE PARK BOND ACT (#213) I INTER-GOVERNMENTAL REVENUE - STATE I 1988 Bond Act Roberti-Z'Berg Harris $ 7.202 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 I TOTAL-STATE PARK BOND ACT $ 7,202 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 I PARK DEDICATION (#215) REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY I Interest $ 151 $ 3,090 $ 4,600 $ 1 ,530 Sub-Total $ 151 $ 3,090 $ 4,600 $ 1,530 I OTHER REVENUE Park Dedication In-Lieu Fees $ 325,217 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 I Sub-Total $ 325,217 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL - PARK DEDICATION FUND $ 325,368 $ 3,090 $ 4,600 $ 1,530 I MEASURE B FUND (#217) I REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY I Interest $ 2,599 $ 0 $ 4,400 $ 170 Sub-Total $ 2,599 $ 0 $ 4,400 $ 170 I TAXES OTHER THAN PROPERTY Sales & Use Tax $ 105,484 $ 108,000 $ 111,600 $ 114,000 Sub-Total $ 105,484 $ 108,000 $ 111,600 $ 114,000 I TOTAL - MEASURE B FUND $ 108,083 $ 108,000 $ 116,000 $ 114,170 - x - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED RECOMMENDED DESCRIPTION 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 MEASURE AA BOND FUND ( 1#218) INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE - EBRPD Measure AA Grant $ 47.349 $ 157.829 $ 21 .491 $ 136.338 TOTAL-MEASURE AA BOND FUND $ 47,349 $ 157,829 $ 21,491 $ 136,338 SAFCO GRANT FUND (1#219) INTER-GOVERNMENTAL REVENUE - STATE SAFCO Grant $ 5.000 $ 0 TOTAL - SAFCO GRANT FUND $ 5,000 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 SB 300 GRANT FUND (1#220) INTER-GOVERNMENTAL REVENUE - STATE SB 3000 $ TOTAL - SB 3000 FUNDS $ $1.129.329 $1,129,329 $ 70.602 $ 70,602 106.250 106,250 $ 882.577 $ 882,577 DUBLIN BOULEVARD EXTENSION FUND (1#221) REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 41 .651 $ 0 $ 14.300 $ 0 Sub-Total $ 41,651 $ 0 $ 14,300 $ 0 OTHER REVENUES Sale of Real & Personal $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 286.500 Property Sub-Total $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 286,500 TOTAL - DUBLIN BLVD EXT FUND $ 41 , 651 $ 0 $ 14,300 $ 286,500 - xi - I ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED RECOMMENDED DESCRIPTION 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 I NATIONAL POLLUTION DISCHARGE & ELIMINATION SYSTEM (#222) I USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 2,005 $ 3,600 $ 1,050 $ 0 I Sub-Total $ 2,005 $ 3,600 $ 1,050 $ 0 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE - COUNTY I NPDES Grant $ 0 $ 0 $ 1,000 $ 29.000 Sub-Total $ 0 $ 0 $ 1 ,000 $ 29,000 I CHARGES FOR SERVICE Storm Water Utility Fee $ 145,417 $ 144,900 $ 144,900 $ 164,971 I Sub-Total $ 145,417 $ 144,900 $ 144,900 $ 164,971 TOTAL - NPDES FUND $ 147,422 $ 148,500 $ 146,950 $ 193,971 I MEASURE D RECYCLING FUND (#224) I USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY I Interest $ 581 $ 4,280 $ 3,970 $ 260 Sub-Total $ 581 $ 4,280 $ 3,970 $ 260 I OTHER REVENUES Miscellaneous $ 112,727 $ 7.000 $ 0 $ 0 Sub-Total $ 112,727 $ 7,000 $ 0 $ 0 I TOTAL - MEASURE D FUND $ 113,308 $ 11,280 $ 3,970 $ 260 i I GARBAGE SERVICE FUND (#225) I CHARGES FOR SERVICE Garbage Service Fees $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 551.586 I TOTAL - GARBAGE SERVICE FUND $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 551,586 I I I I - Xll - I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED RECOMMENDED DESCRIPTION 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND (#300) REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 2,857 $ 10.290 $ 5,900 $ 4,340 Sub-Total $ 2,857 $ 10,290 $ 5,900 $ 4,340 OTHER REVENUES Contributions & Reimbursements $ 286,190 $ 121,298 $ 55.211 $ 567.000 Sub-Total $ 286,190 $ 121,298 $ 55,211 $ 567,000 TOTAL-CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND $ 289,047 $ 131,588 $ 61,111 $ 571,340 DUBLIN BLVD EXTENSION ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FUND (#315) REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 5,649 $ 0 $ 8.050 $ 0 Sub-Total $ 5,649 $ 0 $ 8,050 $ 0 TOTAL-DUBLIN BLVD EXTENSION ASSESSMENT DIST FUND $ 5,649 $ 0 $ 8,050 $ 0 DUBLIN INFORMATION INC. FUND (#601) REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest - Reserve Fund Rents & Concessions Sub-Total $ 140,727 1.718,970 $1,859,697 $ 143,525 1,575,445 $1,718,970 $ 140,830 1,719,445 $1,860,275 $ 140,728 1.544.609 $1,685,337 OTHER REVENUE Miscellaneous Sub-Total $ $ $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ $ 2,410 2,410 o o TOTAL - DUBLIN INFORMATION, INC $1,687,747 $1,859,697 $1,718,970 $1,860,275 - xiii - I ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED RECOMMENDED DESCRIPTION 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 I STREET LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FUND (#710) REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY I Interest $ 7,507 $ 7,300 $ 6,700 $ 6,980 Sub-Total $ 7,507 $ 7,300 $ 6,700 $ 6,980 I SPECIAL BENEFIT ASSESSMENTS I Special Assessments $ 177,615 $ 172,246 $ 172,246 $ 182,615 Sub-Total $ 177,615 $ 172,246 $ 172,246 $ 182,615 OTHER REVENUES I Reimbursement-Public Damage $ 3,361 $ 4,000 $ 5,600 $ 7,500 Sub-Total $ 3,361 $ 4,000 $ 5,600 $ 7,500 I TOTAL-STREET LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FUND (#710) $ 188,483 $ 183,546 $ 184,546 $ 197,095 I LANDSCAPE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT (#711) I REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 949 $ 850 $ 680 $ 430 I Sub-Total $ 949 $ 850 $ 680 $ 430 SPECIAL BENEFIT ASSESSMENT I Special Assessments $ 48,324 $ 59,901 $ 60,800 $ 53,048 Sub-Total $ 48,324 $ 59,901 $ 60,800 $ 53,048 I TOTAL-LANDSCAPE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FUND (#711) $ 49,273 $ 60,751 $ 61,480 $ 53,478 I SAN RAMON ROAD SPECIFIC PLAN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FUND (#712 & 714) I REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 43,910 $ 0 $ 25,300 $ 2,300 I Sub-Total $ 43,910 $ 0 $ 25,300 $ 2,300 SPECIAL BENEFITS ASSESSMENTS I Special Assessments $ 104,827 $ 49,397 $ 48,911 $ 0 Sub-Total $104,827 $ 49,397 $ 48,911 $ 0 I OTHER REVENUE Sale of Real & Personal property $ 26,188 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 I Mis~ellaneous 2,575 0 0 0 Sub-Total $ 28,763 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL-SAN RAMON ROAD SPECIFIC I PLAN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT $ 177 ,500 $ 49,397 $ 74,211 $ 2,300 - XlV - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY LANDSCAPE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT (#713) Interest Sub-Total $ $ 7.817 7,817 SPECIAL BENEFIT ASSESSMENTS Special Assessments Sub-Total $ 49.951 $ 49,951 OTHER REVENUE Reimbursement Sub-Total $ $ 7.680 7,680 TOTAL-LANDSCAPE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT # 713 $ 65,448 $ $ 6.430 6,430 $ $ 6,400 6,400 $ 5.360 $ 5,360 $ 52.600 $ 52,600 $ 2.900 $ 2,900 $ 60,860 $ 50,085 $ 50,085 $ 900 $ 900 $ 57,415 $ 50,085 $ 50,085 $ 2,700 $ 2,700 $ 59,185 REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY DUBLIN BOULEVARD EXTENSION ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FUND (#715) Interest on Reserve Fund Interest Sub-Total SPECIAL BENEFIT ASSESSMENTS $ $ Special Assessments Sub-Total $ $ TOTAL DUBLIN BLVD EXTENSION ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FUND $ o o o $ $ 473 o 473 $ 5,145 7,200 $ 12,345 o o $ 89.176 $ 89,176 $ 5, 100 8.090 $ 13,190 $ 235,650 $ 235,650 $ 248,840 o o $ $ o $ 473 REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY INTERNAL SERVICE FUND (#830) Interest Sub-Total $ 17.972 $ 17,972 CHARGES FOR SERVICE Equipment Usages Sub-Total $ 144,490 $ 144,490 OTHER REVENUES Sale of Real & Personal property $ 0 Sub-Total $ 0 TOTAL - INTERNAL SERVICE FUND $ 162,462 $ 14,250 $ 14,250 $ 143,994 $ 143,994 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 $ 161,244 - xv - $ 101,521 $ 13,400 $ 13,400 $ 132,194 $ 132,194 $ 13,000 $ 13,000 $ 158,594 $ 9,360 $ 9,360 $ 137,229 $ 137,229 $ 4 . 500 $ 4,500 $ 151,089 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TOTAL REVENUE - ALL FUNDS $18,112,731 $17,883,571 $17,800,861 $ 20,295,927 LESS 1993-94 STATE PROPERTY 0 0 0 (826,007) TAX SHIFT LESS LEASE INCOME TO D II (1,544,702) (1,718,970) (1,575,445) (1,719,595) LESS INTERNAL SERVICE FUND REVENUE (162,462) (161,244) (158,594) (151,089 ) LESS FEDERAL AID URBAN FUND PURCHASED REVENUE (282,400) 0 0 0 PLUS REVENUES NOT YET 0 0 0 112,000 ENACTED TOTAL AVAILABLE REVENUE* $16,123,167 $16,003,357 $16,066,822 $17,711,236 * Does not include Cash from Other Sources, Interfund Transfers, or use of Reserves. - xvi - I HISTORICAL COMPARISON OF EXPENDITURES :1 I PROGRAM I GENERAL GOVERNMENT I City Council City Manager/Clerk Legal Services Finance Administrative Services Data processing Support Svcs Building Management Insurance Elections Non-Departmental TOTAL-General Government I I I PUBLIC SAFETY I Police Services crossing Guards Animal Control Traffic Signal & Street Lighting Disaster Preparedness Fire TOTAL-Public Safety I I TRANSPORTATION I Public Works Administration Street Maintenance Street sweeping Street Tree Maintenance Street Landscape Maintenance Paratransit Services TOTAL-Transportation I I I HEALTH & WELFARE Vector Control Waste Management TOTAL-Health & Welfare I CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES I Library Service Cultural Activities Heritage Center Park Maintenance Community Cable TV Recreation TOTAL-Culture & Leisure Services I I BY PROGRAM ACTUAL 1991-92 BUDGET 1992-93 ESTIMATED 1992-93 CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 1993-94 $ 126,566 $ 109,009 $ 111,168 $ 117,388 479,144 500,971 489,654 290,607* 206,533 189,575 190,000 161,170 233,611 239,839 220,116 0* 0 0 0 470,940 6,253 14,850 4,880 0* 1,876,387 2,053,882 1,901,584 2,058,400** 145,934 148,532 159,934 184,900 2,997 19,500 24,331 410 289,558 7,708 56 50,060 $3,366,983 $3,283,866 $3,101,723 $3,333,875 $2,758,780 33,143 39,120 257,706 36,100 2,416,709 $5,541,558 $2,970,248 35,346 86,535 267,390 43,512 2,672,950 $6,075,981 $2,953,362 35,346 132,557 266,690 34,651 2,667,396 $6,090,002 $3,097,615 36,022 103,100 290,800 37,890 2,724,203 $6,289,630 $ 267,077 $ 279,823 $ 272,871 $ 290,311 389,225 379,200 326,079 359,000 61,455 67,500 65,600 67,200 50,973 62,700 62,180 69,200 313,144 327,320 312,845 302,690 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 $1,083,374 $1,118,043 $1,041,075 $1,089,901 $ o 90,790 90,790 21,394 8,132 29,526 $ $ $ $ 156,007 8,000 o 552,453 49,000 911, 697 $1,677,157 $ 164,870 8,000 12,080 571,910 49,000 991, 855 $1,797,715 - xvii - $ $ 0 572,336 $ 572,336 $ 7,123 69,598 76,721 $ 164,870 8,000 1,230 579,410 49,000 944,138 $1,746,648 $ 165,000 8,000 21,070 616,200 49,000 1,045,893 $1,905,163 I I INDICATOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT I I Planning Building & safety Engineering Economic Development TOTAL-Community Development I TOTAL OPERATING BUDGET I DEBT SERVICE I San Ramon Road Specific Plan Assessment District Civic Center Dublin Boulevard Extension Assessment District TOTAL-Debt service Budget I I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET I General Improvements Community Improvement Projects Parks Street Projects TOTAL-Capital Improvement Budget I I INTERNAL SERVICE FUND BUDGET I TOTAL EXPENDITURES-ALL FUNDS Less civic Center Rental Payment Less Internal Service Fund Less FAU Fund Purchase I I Less 1993-94 Recommended Cuts ACTUAL 1991-92 $ 955,526 261,821 328,163 5,920 $1,551,430 $13,250,028 $ 103,813 1,720,670 o $1,824,483 $ 3,902 94,538 355,341 3,672,140 $4,125,921 $ 167,697 $19,368,129 (1,544,702) ( 167,697) ( 282,400) NET TOTAL EXPENDITURES-ALL FUNDS $17,373,330 I * BUDGET 1992-93 $ 954,261 254,027 423,197 29,300 $1,660,785 $14,027,180 $ 96,663 1,718,970 o $1,815,633 $ 31,700 57,051 349,595 2,529,449 $2,967,795 $ 272,041 ESTIMATED 1992-93 $ 907,429 245,828 367,982 5,402 $1,526,641 $13,582,810 $ 99,069 1,718,970 121. 351 $1,939,390 $ 31,700 58,051 112,801 2,583,146 $2,785,698 $ 263,456 CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 1993-94 $ 564,320 273,811 326,972 9,610 $1,174,713 $14,365,618 $ 480,081 1,719,595 170,650 $2,370,326 $ 0 79,000 280,929 2,903,700 $3,263,629 $ 188,239 $19,082,649 (1,718,970) ( 272,041) ( 0) $17,091,638 $18,571,354 (1,575,445) ( 263,456) ( 0) $16,732,453 $20,187,812 (1,719,595) ( 188,239) ( 0) 438,575) $17,841,403 ** A portion of the City Manager's Activity and all of the Finance and Data Processing Activities have been consolidated into the new Administrative Services Department. Includes Higher Service level (See Building Management. 1050) I I $sLlllexp I - xviii - I 19'93-94 POSITION ALLOCATION PLAN 1993-94 1993-94 I ALLOCATED ALLOCATED TOTAL DIFFERENCE CITY CONTRACT 1993-94 COMPARED DEPARTMENT CLASSIFICATJ!ON POSITIONS POSITIONS ALLOCATION TO 1992-93 City Manager city Manager 1 1 I Assistant City Mgr/ .30 .30 Admin Serv Dir City Clerk 1 1 Secretary 1.- 1- I Sub-Total 3.30 3.30 0 Administrative Asst City Mgr/ .70 .70 Services Admin Serv Dir I Asst to the 1 1 City Manager Finance Manager 1 1 Management Assistant 1 1 I Finance Technician II 2 2 Office Asst II (2 Part-Time) 1.- 1.- Sub-Total 6.70 6.70 0 I Police Services Captain 1 1 Lieutenant 1 1 (Alameda County Patrol Sergeant 5 5 I Sheriff's Dept) Detective Sergeant 4 4 Patrol Officer 15 15 Traffic Officer 2 2 Specialist Clerk 2 2 I Secretary 1 1 Community Safety Asst .:2Q ---=-.2.Q Sub-Total .50 31 31.50 0 I Disaster Community Safety Asst. .:2Q .:2Q Preparedness Sub-Total .50 .50 0 Public Works/ Public Works Director/ I Administrative city Engineer 1 1 Administrative Aide 1 1 Office Assistant II 1 1 Maintenance Superintendent I (MCE) 1 1 Sub-Total 3 1 4 0 Street Maint Landscape Laborer II .50 .50 I (MCE Corp) Landscape Laborer III ~ 1.- Sub-Total 1.50 1.50 0 Bldg Maint Building Leadman 1 1 I (MCE Corp) Landscape Laborer II .30 .30 Landscape Laborer III ~ ~ & Sub-Total 1. 75 1. 75 .45 I Street Tree Landscape Laborer II .50 .50 Maintenance Landscape Laborer III & ~ ..L..ill (MCE Corp) Sub-Total .95 .95 (.05 ) I Street Landscape Landscape Foreman I 1 1 Maintenance Landscape Laborer I 1 1 (MCE Corp) Landscape Laborer II 1 1 I Landscape Laborer III ~ -=...2.Q l..Ll.Ql Sub-Total 3.50 3.50 (1. 20) Heritage Center Landscape Laborer II ....1Q ....1Q ~ I (MCE Corp) Sub-Total .20 .20 .20 Park Maintenance Landscape Foreman 1 1 Landscape Laborer I 1 1 I Landscape Laborer II 1 1 (1.00) Landscape Laborer III 1.85 1.85 .LL.l.;U. Sub-Total 4.85 4.85 (2.15) - xix I I DEPARTMENT Recreation I I I Planning I I I Building & Safety (Taugher & Associates) I Engineering I TOTAL I City Employees Contract Employees Total I I I I I I city Employees Contract Employees Total 1993-94 ALLOCATED CITY POSITIONS 1 1 1993-94 ALLOCATED CONTRACT POSITIONS TOTAL DIFFERENCE 1993-94 COMPARED ALLOCATION TO 1992-93 1 1 CLASSIFICATION Recreation Director Recreation supervisor Recreation coordinator/ senior Programs Recreation Coordinator/ Sports Programs/Aquatics Recreation coordinator/ Special Programs/Classes Admin Secretary Office Assistant II Sub-Total 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 2 2 1 1 2 .50 9.50 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 2 2 1 1 2 .50 9.50 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 ~ 4.50 82.75 SUMMARY (REDUCED SERVICE) 1993-94 1993-94 1992-93 (Current) Difference (Reduced) Difference o .L.,j,1l (.54) o ( .09) ( .09) (3.38) DIFFERENCE o ~ (3.38) (1. OOi ( .50) (.25 ) ( .30) ( .20) ( .50) (.12) (.15) (1.00) (1.00) .50 .L.ill (5.02) Total Difference -3.50 -4.90 -8.40 I NOT~: All of the designated personnel perform duties directly from City taeilities. This listing does not account for the te<rporory part-time Recreation Staff which varies between 30-35 additional ~loyees. It also does not include all Contract Employees who perform wor~ under controct to the City of DUblin at Off-site locations: including Contract Engineering; MCE Corporotion (publ ic lIorks); Alameda County employees performing Pol ice Services, crossing guard, and traffic Signal maintenance services; or legal services provided by Meyers Nave Ribsck & Si lver. I Planning Director Senior Planner Associate Planner Assistant Planner/Zoning Investigator Admin Secretary Office Assistant II Intern (Part-Time) Contract Planner (Part-Time) Sub-Total Chief 8ui1ding Official Building Inspector Admin Secretary Sub-Total Public Works Inspector 2 Sr. civil Engineer 1 Engineering Tech 1 Management Asst (part-time)~ Sub-Total 4.50 36.00 46.75 -3.50 ::.l:...2.1 -5.02 The City of Dublin also provides personnel, labor relations, wor~ers' ee<rpensation, and aaninistrative support for the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority. The Authority has 53 employees which are not included above, since this represents a sep8rat~ entity. SUMMARY (CURRENT SERVICE) 1992-93 1993-94 36.00 50.13 86.13 36.00 ~ 82.75 Recommended Cuts Finance Manager Office Assistant II (Finance) Landscape Laborer II (Street Maint) Landscape Laborer III (Street Tree Maint) Landscape Laborer II (Street Landscape Maint) Landscape Laborer 111 (Street Landscape Maint) Landscape Lborer II (Heritage Center) Landscape Laborer III (park Maintenance Associate Planner Office Assistant II (Planning) Student Typist Clerk (Planning) Management Assistant (Engineering) Total Reductions 36.00 ~ 86.13 36.00 46.75 82.75 0.00 -3.38 -3.38 32.50 ~ 77.73 - xx - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1993-94 CITY OF DUBLIN APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT In accordance with Chapter 1025 of the Statutes of 1987, each government entity is required to include the appropriations limit in its annual budget. This limit is commonly referred to as the Gann Limit or proposition 4 limit. The limit is calculated in a manner consistent with Article XIII B of the California Constitution. Chanqe in population (as reported bv the state Department of Finance): Change in population: DUBLIN Estimated Population (1/1/92) Estimated Population (1/1/93) 24,140 24,704 Increase in Population % change in population +564 +2.34% (used in calculation) ALAMEDA COUNTY Estimated Population (1/1/92) Estimated population (1/1/93) 1,304,267 1,324,430 Increase in Population % change in Population +20,163 +1.55% (not used) Chanqe in State Per Capita Income: +2.72% (not used) Chanqe in non-residential valuation +6.1053% (used in calculation) The Appropriations Limit Growth Rate Formula: 1.0234 = 1.08588 1.061053 x The City'S Appropriations Limit base for 1993-94 is calculated by multiplying the 1992-93 revised Appropriations Limit of $19,316,762 by the Appropriations Limit Growth Rate. The new Appropriations Limit for the next fiscal year amounts to $20,975,686. The law provides that the Appropriations Limit only restricts those appropriations that are funded by "Proceeds of Taxes." Proceeds of Taxes is narrowly defined by the State Law and was recently altered by California judicial proceedings. The 1993-94 preliminary Budget recommends appropriations to be funded by Proceeds of Taxes, which are subject to the limit, equal to $11,158,022. - xxi - I 1 'I I 1 1 I I 1 I 1 1 I I I I I I I CITY COUNCIL The City Council consists of five members elected at large by the voters of Dublin. The City Council is responsible for enacting legislation, establishing policies, and providing guidance and direction for actions which affect the quality of life in the City. Local elected officials also represent the City at a variety of forums at the county, Regional, State and National levels, in order to make certain that the interests of the city of Dublin and cities in general are promoted. The budget for City Council activities for Fiscal 1992-93 was $109,009. It is estimated that the City Council will spend approximately $111,168 in 1992-93. The estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 1992-93 will be offset by approximately $2,273 in revenues generated from a community event. Thus, the net expenditures for Fiscal Year 92-93 will be approximately $108,895 (approximately 1% under the Fiscal Year 92-93 budget). The budget necessary,to provide the Current Service Level for City Council activities for Fiscal Year 1993-94 is $117,388. This budget includes Councilmember salaries and fringe benefits; the City's independent financial audit; Councilmember attendance at various meetings and conferences on behalf of the City; a council team building workshop; necessary supplies, postage, printing/binding, books and publications, legal notices, and office equipment for the Council to effectively perform its responsibilities. In addition, the Fiscal Year 1993-94 budget includes funding for a number of community promotion activities including the St. Patrick's Day Parade, Dublin Pride Week and the Alameda County Fair. The proposed budget also includes memberships and dues for the following organizations: . Alameda county Mayor's Conference League of California Cities East Bay Division - League of California Cities Association of Bay Area Governments Dublin Sister City Association . . . . The Current Service Level budget for city Council represents a 5.6% increase compared to 1992-93 attributable to the following factors: activities for expenditures. Fiscal This Year 1993-94 increase is . In 1991, the City Council voted to increase Counci1member salaries by 5%, following the 1992 election. In addition, the Council voted to increase the salary of the directly elected Mayor. It should also be noted that in 1992, the City Council voted to waive any additional inflationary increase to Council salaries for Calendar Year 1992. . other inflationary increases for services and supplies. - 1 - I CITY OF DUBLIN I 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL I GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY COUNCIL - 1010 CURRENT COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE I FUND TOTAL TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL I General $114,938 $114,938 Councilmembers 5 5 (001) TDA (211) 2,450 2,450 Total $117,388 $117,388 Total 5 5 I CURRENT I ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL DESCRIPTION 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 I PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries, Part-Time $ 23,061 $ 24,335 $ 24,595 $ 25,320 Retirement 2,433 2,872 2,889 3,493 I Group Insurance 26,008 27,752 30,654 33,655 Workers' Compensation 170 222 240 247 SUI 699 233 888 0 FICA 139 137 181 210 I TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 52,510 $ 55,551 $ 59,447 $ 62,925 I SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 247 $ 400 $ 190 $ 240 Postage 217 220 100 110 I copier Supplies 0 0 0 0 Operating 19 0 140 0 printing & Binding 66 250 750 250 Books & Publications 0 100 0 50 I Memberships & Dues 10,180 7,877 8,611 9,047 Travel, Conferences & Mtgs 9,395 6,660 5,000 8,650 Training 0 10,250 8,709 5,000 I Legal Notices 426 1,200 525 500 Professional Services 29,934 18,616 18,616 23,231 Commumity Promotion 23.572 7,885 9.045 7,385 I TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 74,056 $ 53,458 $ 51,686 $ 54,463 TOTAL Cf.lNTRACTS $ 0 $ 0 $ 35 $ 0 I TOTAL ~PITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 I TOTAL acTIVITY COST $126,566 $109,009 $111,168 $117,388 I I - 2 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM GENERAL GOVERNMENT COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL ACTIVITY CITY COUNCIL - 1010 SERVICE LEVEL REDUCED (1) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL General (001) TDA (211) Total Counci1members 5 5 $ (7,000) $107,938 2,450 Total 5 5 $ (7, 000 ) $110,388 This Reduced Service Level would result in the elimination of the city Council's participation in two community promotion activities including: 1) Dublin Pride Week; and 2) contribution to the Dublin Substance Abuse Council. DESCRIPTION REDUCED CUMULATIVE SERVICE TOTAL 1993-94 1993-94 $ 0 $ 62,925 $ (7,000) $ 47,463 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ (7,000 ) $110,388 PERSONNEL SERVICES SERVICES & SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERVICES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL ACTIVITY COST - 3 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM GENERAL GOVERNMENT COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL ACTIVITY CITY COUNCIL - 1010 SERVICE LEVEL REDUCED (2) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL General (001 ) TDA (211) Total Councilmembers 5 5 $ (5,765) $102,173 2,450 Total - 5 - 5 $104,623 $ (5,765) This Reduced Service Level would result in elimination of the following service and supply items: 1) Council team building/training; and 2) services necessary to apply for the GFOA Certificate of Financial Recognition. REDUCED CUMULATIVE SERVICE TOTAL DESCRIPTION 1993-94 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 $ 62,925 SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ (5,765) $ 41,698 CONTRACT SERVICES $ 0 $ 0 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ (5,765) $104,623 - 4 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY MANAGER/CITY CLERK The City Manager is appointed by the City Council as the Chief Executive Officer. This includes the responsibility for overseeing the day-to-day operations and implementing all policies adopted by the City Council. This office provides support to all areas of City operations including: assuring the enforcement of City Ordinances; supervision and evaluation of employees; evaluation of all contract services; recommendation to the City Council of ordinances and policies which address the effective operation of the City; provision of advisory recommendations for the City Council; preparation and administration of the City's Budget and Five Year Capital Improvement Program as approved by the City Council; and representation of the City before intergovernmental bodies and organizations. Effective July 1, 1993, the City Manager's Office will undergo a reorganization. Consequently, a new department, the Administrative Services Department, will be formed. The Administrative Services Department will provide financial support services, as well as a number of services previously performed by the City Manager's Office including personnel administration for the City and the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority, public information, waste management, disaster preparedness, cable television, animal control and risk management. As a result of the reorganization, the following personnel will be assigned to the City Manager's Office: 1 City Manager, .30 Assistant City Manager/Administrative Services Director, 1 City Clerk, and 1 Secretary. In addition to those responsibilities described above, the City Manager's Office will continue to provide support services in the areas of contract administration and Economic Development. The City Manager activity also includes the City Clerk function. This position has the responsibility for: administering municipal elections; maintaining conflict of interest and financial disclosure records submitted by public officials; preparing and maintaining minutes of City Council meetings; coordinating City Commission appointments; and maintaining the official records of the City. The budget required for the provision of the current service level for Fiscal Year 1993-94 is $290,607. - 5 - 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 _I 1 1 CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM GENERAL GOVERNMENT COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL FUND ACTIVITY CITY MANAGER/CLERK - 1020 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT PERSONNEL SUMMARY CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL General (001 ) $290,607 $290,607 City Manager Asst City Mgr City Clerk Secretary 1 .30 1 1 1 .30 1 1 Total $209,607 Total 3.30 3.30 $290,607 This budget provides funding to maintain the current level of service of those programs remaining in the City Manager/City Clerk Department including the day-to-day operations of the City, supervision and evaluation of City employees, City Council support, administration of the City's Budget and Five Year Capital Improvement Program, representation of the City before intergovernmental bodies and organizations, contract administration, Economic Development, and City Clerk functions. In addition to providing administrative and City Council support services, this budget will allow completion or substantial progress on the following goals: City Council Priori tv High 1- High 2. High 3. High 4. High 5. High 6. High 7. High 8. 1993 GOALS Prepare report on the feasibility of developing a Local Economic Development Program. Pursue the development of a major commercial center in Eastern Dublin. Implement the reorganization of the City Manager's Office and the Finance Department. Identify revenue options available to balance the City Budget and implement those selected by the City Council. Update the Five Year Capital Improvement Program. Evaluate desirability of defeasing and/or refinancing Civic Center Certificates of participation. Continue to provide Staff support and monitor agencies and proposals. Conduct contract service evaluations. - 6 - I CURRENT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL INDICATOR 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 I PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries, Full-Time $305,292 $311,385 $309,899 $211,519 I Salaries, Full-Time (JPA) 6,458 17,626 15,583 0 Salaries, (Recycling) 0 18,752 17,000 0 Salaries, Part-Time 13,416 13,834 13,402 0 I salaries, Part-Time (JPA) 29 361 19 0 Salaries, Overtime 1,578 1,600 1,077 1,500 Salaries, Overtime (JPA) 57 200 223 0 Retirement 34,339 36,361 35,367 27,709 I Retirement (JPA) 0 2,411 1,973 0 Retirement (Recycling) 0 2,504 2,140 0 Group Insurance 39,845 36,033 39,490 21,217 I Group Insurance (JPA) 293 3,253 2,587 0 Group Insurance (Recycling) 0 2,863 2,620 0 Workers' Compensation 4,895 6,824 6,574 5,596 Workers' Compensation (JPA) 0 170 154 0 I Workers' compensation (Recycling) 0 176 170 0 F.I.C.A. 1,585 1,591 1,529 477 F.I.C.A. (JPA) 0 264 229 0 I F.I.C.A.(Recycling) 0 164 165 0 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES $407,787 $456,372 $450,201 $268,018 I SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 2,467 $ 3,020 $ 2,000 $ 1,250 Office Supplies (JPA) 70 200 50 0 Postage 2,372 2,460 2,300 1,300 I Postage (OIl ) 1,360 75 75 0 Postage (JPA) 138 150 105 0 Copier Supplies 2,640 2,840 2,300 1,600 I Copier Supplies (JPA) 0 100 0 0 Operating Supplies 90S 1,450 1,250 0 Advertising 760 1,000 500 0 I Advertising (JPA) 663 300 0 0 Printing & Binding 646 900 500 200 printing & Binding (DIl ) 17,005 3,550 3,550 0 Printing & Binding (JPA) 2 0 10 0 I Repairs & Maintenance 275 400 400 300 Books & Publications 907 1,050 1,050 1,050 Books & Publications (JPA) 327 200 0 0 I Memberships & Dues 1,578 1,650 1,650 1,050 Memberships & Dues (JPA) 199 210 204 0 Mileage/Auto Allowance 7,739 8,000 7,900 6,000 I Mileage/Auto Allowance (JPA) 12 100 0 0 Travel, Conferences & Mtgs 4,085 550 500 2,400 Travel, Conferences & Mtgs (JPA) 19 100 163 0 Training 10,882 4,248 4,150 500 I Training (JPA) 10 100 0 0 Internal Service Fund 9,445 4.646 4,646 2,939 TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 64,506 $ 37,299 $ 33,303 $ 18,589 ,I CONTRACT SERVICES $ 6,613 $ 6,800 $ 5,650 $ 4,000 I CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture/Fixtures $ 238 $ 0 $ 500 $ 0 Machinery & Equipment 0 500 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 238 $ 500 $ 500 $ 0 I TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $479,144 $500,971 $489,654 $290,607 - 7 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM GENERAL GOVERNMENT . COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL ACTIVITY CITY MANAGER/CLERK - 1020 SERVICE LEVEL REDUCED (1) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL General (001 ) $260,294 City Manager Asst City Manager/ Admin Serv Director City Clerk Secretary Total (.30) 1 1 3 $ (30,313) ( .30) Total $260,294 $ ,(30,313) AS a result of the reorganization of the City Manager's Office and creation of the new Administrative Services Department, the Assistant City Manager/Administrative Director position will be split. The City Manager/City Clerk Current Service Level activity provides funding for 30% of the Assistant City Manager/Administrative Director position; the remaining 70% of this position is budgeted in the new Administrative Services Current Service Level activity. This Reduced Service Level would result in complete elimination of the Assistant City Manager/Administrative Services Director position from the City Manager/City Clerk activity and the placement of 100% of this position in the new Administrative Services Acti vi ty. This Reduced Service Level would be implemented in conjunction with Reduced Service Level (2) in the Administrative Services Department, which eliminates the Finance Manager and Office Assistant positions. Consequently, a number of the projects assigned to the Assistant City Manager/Administrative Services Director, including economic development and contract administration, would be affected. REDUCED CUMULATIVE SERVICE TOTAL DESCRIPTION 1993-94 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ (29,629) $238,389 SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ (684) $ 17,905 CONTRACT SERVICES $ 0 $ 4,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ (30,313) $260,294 - 8 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,I I I LEGAL SERVICES The City contracts with the law firm of Meyers, Nave, Riback & Silver. In addition to having individual partners who are specifically designated as City Attorney and Assistant city Attorney, the firm has several practicing attorneys who specialize in specific areas of municipal law. The City Attorney provides the City council and Staff with legal opinions related to business. Also, their firm drafts and reviews proposed ordinances, resolutions, contracts. The City Attorney's Office also represents the City in litigation. City and The budget necessary to provide the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 1993-94 totals $161,170. This represents a 17.9% decrease compared to estimated total expenditures for Fiscal Year 1992-93. This decrease is primarily attributable to reduced legal work associated with the Western and Eastern General Plan Studies and the transfer to General Counsel duties for the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority to the City of San Ramon for Fiscal Year 1993-94. - 9 - I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM GENERAL GOVERNMENT COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL FUND CUMULATIVE TOTAL ACTIVITY LEGAL SERVICES - 1030 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT PERSONNEL SUMMARY JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL $161,170 General (001) Total $161,170 I I I I I DESCRIPTION PERSONNEL SERVICES Retirement Group Insurance TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES General Litigation Fire Authority (DRFA) TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES CAPITAL OUTLAY I I TOTAL ACTIVITY COST I I I ,I I I $161,170 $161,170 No City Personnel are included in this activity. CURRENT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 $ 2,569 $ 2,814 $ 2,800 $ 3,170 0 0 0 0 $ 2,569 $ 2,814 $ 2,800 $ 3,170 $140,633 63,331 o $203,964 $163,511 17,000 6.250 $186,761 $121,000 36,500 500 $158,000 $147,500 38,700 1,000 $187,200 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $206,533 $190,000 $161,170 $189,575 - 10 -. I I I I I I I I il I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM GENERAL GOVERNMENT COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL ACTIVITY LEGAL SERVICES - 1030 SERVICE LEVEL REDUCED (1) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL General (001 ) Total No City personnel are included in this activity. $ (10,000) $ (10,000) $151,170 $151,170 The Reduced Service Level would eliminate the litigation contingency. DESCRIPTION REDUCED SERVICE 1993-94 CUMULATIVE TOTAL 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ $ 3,170 o SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ $ 0 o CONTRACT SERVICES ($10,000) $148,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ $ o o TOTAL ACTIVITY COST ($10,000) $151,170 - 11 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES The Administrative Services Department is a newly created City Operating Department resulting from a reorganization of the City Manager's Office and the Finance Department. The new Administrative Services Department is comprised of a Financial Services Division and a Central Services Division. The Financial Services Division will perform financial functions previously performed by the Finance Department and Risk Management/Insurance functions formerly provided by the City Manager's Office. The Central Services Division will be responsible for Personnel Administration and Labor Relations (City and Dougherty Regional Fire Authority), Waste Management, public Information, Disaster preparedness, Legislative Analysis and Special projects previously performed by the City Manager's Office, and Data processing functions formerly performed by the Finance Department. The direct costs for Waste Management and Disaster preparedness activities are identified separately in the Fiscal Year 1993-94 Budget. The Administrative Services Department will be supervised by an Assistant City Manager/Administrative Services Director (70%). The Financial Services Division will be supervised by a Finance Manager, and the Central Services Division will be supervised by the Assistant to the City Manager. In addition, the following personnel will be assigned to the Administrative Services Department: 2 Finance Technicians; 2 half-time Office Assistant II; 1 Management Assistant; and .5 Community Safety Assistant (shown in Disaster preparedness Budget). The budget necessary to provide the current service level for Fiscal Year 1993-94 for the new Administrative Services Department is $470,940. This budget provides for the current service level associated with providing finance, central service and related administrative service functions. The Administrative Services Department Budget will be offset by approximately $118,400 in revenue in 1993-94. This includes $71,500 in Business License revenue and $46,900 in Waste Management Administration fees. Thus, the net cost to the City for the Current Service Level would be $352,540. The following Workload Indicators identify key measures of selected activities previously undertaken by the City Manager's Office or Finance Department. These activities will now be performed by the newly created Administrative Services Department. WORKLOAD INDICATORS ESTIMATED 1992-93 PROJECTED 1993-94 Finance Accounts Receivables Processed # Statements # Invoices 3,000 300 3,000 300 Accounts Payable # Checks Processed # Invoices Processed 2,825 4,600 2,825 4,600 payroll # Checks Processed 2,000 2,000 Business License Activity # New Applications Processed/year # Renewal Applications Processed/year 420 1,100 500 1,100 - 12 - 1 1 1 Personnel Ci ty Acti vi ties # Recruitment # Employment Applications Processed # Workers Compensation Claims Processed 1 1 DRFA Acti vi ties # Recruitments # Workers Compensation Claims Processed Animal Control 1 1 1 # vicious Dog Hearings Insurance # Liability Claims Processed Contract Administration # Contract Reviews Completed 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,I Public Information # Citywide Newsletters # Press Releases 1 1 - 13 - ESTIMATED 1992-93 PROJECTED 1993-94 2 200 5 4 400 5 1 17 3 17 3 4 12 6 6 3 1 58 1 58 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM GENERAL GOVERNMENT COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL FUND General (001 ) Dublin Info, Inc. (601 ) Fire JPA (General) $439,273 12,010 19,657 Total $470,940 ACTIVITY ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES - 1040-1043 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT PERSONNEL SUMMARY CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL $439,273 Asst. City Manager/ .70 .70 Admin Serv Dir Finance Manager 1 1 12,010 Asst to the City Mgr 1 1 Management Assistant 1 1 Finance Tech II 2 2 19,657 Office Asst II 1 1 (2 Half-Time) $470,940 Total 6.70 6.70 This budget provides funding to maintain the current level of financial, central service, and administrative service support provided by the former Finance Department and proportionate share of the City Manager's Office. A comparison of the former City Manager, Finance and Data processing budgets and the proposed Administrative Services budget is shown below: CURRENT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL INDICATOR 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 City Manager $479,144 $500,971 $489,654 $290,607 Finance 233,611 239,839 220,116 0 Data Processing 6,253 14,850 4,880 0 Admin Services Administrative 0 0 0 100,943 Finance 0 0 0 137,963 Central Services 0 0 0 232,034 Subtotal Administrative Services $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $470,940 TOTAL $719,008 $755,660 $714,650 $761,547 The recommended Fiscal Year 1993-94 funding for the Administrative Services Department is $470,940. This budget combined with the City Manager Activity (see City Manager/Clerk - 1020) totals $761,547. This represents a $46,897 (6.6%) increase over the Fiscal Year 1992-93 estimated expenditures for the former City Manager, Finance and Data Processing activities. However, the recommended funding for 1993-94 Administrative Service and City Manager/City Clerk activities is only $5,887 (less than one percent) over the Fiscal Year 1992-93 budgeted amounts for these activities. The primary factors contributing to the increase include full year funding of the Finance Manager and Office Assistant II positions, which were not filled during Fiscal Year 1992- 93; and estimated costs associated with performance pay adjustments. - 14 - I I I I I I I I I I I In addition to providing financial, central services, and administrative service support to the City and the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority, this budget will allow completion or substantial progress on the following goals: Ci ty Council Priori tv High 1. High 2. High 3. High 4. High 5. High 6. High 7. Medium 8. Medium 9. Medium 10. Medium 11. Medium 12. Medium 13. I I I I I I I I 1993 GOALS undertake American Disabilities Act Self Evaluation. undertake comprehensive review of charges for services rendered by all departments. Prepare Spring 1993 Newsletter. Represent Valley Cities in developing Tri-Valley Animal Shelter Prepare report on implementing collection of basic garbage service on property tax bill. Prepare report on potential means of implementing commercial recycling program. Evaluate the City's continued participation in the Joint Rate Refuse Committee. Implement Employee Brown Bag Training Program. Assume transfer of Parking Fine Collection from courts. Review and update City's Investment Policy. Complete early call of San Ramon Road Specific plan Assessment District Bonds. Implement strategy to increase dog licensing. Participate in Countywide studies which benefit Dublin's SRRE goals and prepare a report to City Council on available options. - 15 - I CURRENT FINANCIAL CENTRAL SERVICE DESCRIPTION ADMIN SERVICES SERVICES LEVEL I PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries, Full-Time $ 55,965 $118,424 $ 79,391 $253,780 I Salaries, Full-Time (JPA) 0 0 13,837 13,837 Salaries, (Recycling) 0 0 0 0 Salaries, Part-Time 14,196 12,667 0 26,863 Salaries, Part-Time (JPA) 0 0 0 0 I Salaries, Overtime 0 620 0 620 Salaries, Overtime (JPA) 0 0 0 0 Retirement 9,314 17 ,428 10,535 37,277 I Retirement (JPA) 0 0 1 ,834 1,834 Retirement (Recycling) 0 0 0 0 Group Insurance 11,013 24,885 10,691 46,589 I Group Insurance (JPA) 0 0 2,134 2,134 Group Insurance (Recycling) 0 0 0 0 workers' Compensation 687 1 ,450 778 2,915 Workers' Compensation (JPA) 0 0 136 136 I Workers' Compensation (Recycling) 0 0 0 0 F.1.C.A. 206 1,914 1,151 3,271 F. 1. C.A. (JPA) 0 0 201 201 I F.I.C.A.(Recycling) 0 0 0 0 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 91,381 $177,388 $120,688 $389,457 SERVICES & SUPPLIES I Office Supplies $ 900 $ 1,800 $ 0 $ 2,700 Off ice Supplies (JPA) 0 0 100 100 postage 1,125 2,500 0 3,625 I postage (JPA) 0 0 150 150 Copier Supplies 800 360 0 1 , 160 Copier Supplies (JPA) 0 0 100 100 I Operating Supplies 0 0 1,610 1,610 Advertising 0 0 500 500 printing & Binding 300 5,050 150 5,500 printing & Binding (011) 0 0 3,760 3,760 I Repairs & Maintenance 100 200 0 300 Books & Publications 100 325 200 625 Books & Publications (JPA) 0 0 550 550 I Memberships & Dues 35 250 70 355 Memberships & Dues (JPA) 0 0 215 215 Mileage/Auto Allowance 1,746 800 250 2,796 I Mileage/Auto Allowance (JPA) 0 0 100 100 Travel, Conferences & Mtgs 680 840 1,120 2,640 Travel, Conferences & Mtgs (JPA) 0 0 100 100 Training 900 750 5,500 7,150 I Training (JPA) 0 0 200 200 Small Tools 0 0 100 100 Internal Service Fund 2,876 1 ,356 0 4,232 I TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 9,562 $ 14,231 $ 14,775 $ 38,568 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 0 $ 31,550 $ 2,500 $ 34,050 I OIl 0 8,250 0 8.250 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $ 0 $ 39,800 $ 2,500 .$ 42,300 I CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture/Fixtures $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Machinery & Equipment 0 615 0 615 I TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 615 $ 0 $ 615 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $100,943 $232,034 $137,963 $470,940 - 16 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM GENERAL GOVERNMENT COST BY FUND INCREMENT FUND TOTAL General $ 0 (001 ) Dublin Info, Inc. (3,760) (601 ) Fire JPA (General) 0 Total $ (3,760) ACTIVITY ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES - 1040-1043 SERVICE LEVEL REDUCED (1) PERSONNEL SUMMARY CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL $439,273 Asst. City Manager/ .70 .70 Admin Serv Dir Finance Manager 1 1 8,250 Asst to the City Mgr 1 1 Management Assistant 1 1 Finance Tech II 2 2 19,657 Office Asst II 1 1 (2 Half-Time) $467,180 Total 6.70 6.70 This Reduced Service Level would result in elimination of the 1994 City Newsletter. REDUCED CUMULATIVE SERVICE TOTAL DESCRIPTION 1993-94 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 $389,457 SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ (3,760) $ 34,808 CONTRACT SERVICES $ 0 $ 42,300 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 615 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ (3,760) $467,180 - 17 - I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM GENERAL GOVERNMENT COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL ACTIVITY ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES - 1040-1043 SERVICE LEVEL REDUCED (2) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL General (001 ) Dublin Info, Inc. (601 ) Fire JPA (General) $ (44,142) Asst. City Manager/ Admin Serv Dir Finance Manager Asst to the City Mgr Management Assistant Finance Tech II Office Asst II (Half-Time) Total ( 1 .2) 5.5 $395,131 .3 8,250 (1) o 1 1 2 .5 o 19,657 o (.5) Total $ (44,142) $423,038 This Reduced Service Level would freeze the Finance Manager and one of the half-time Office Assistant II positions which are currently vacant. In lieu of filling these positions, the Assistant City Manager/Administrative Services Director would be assigned full-time to the Administrative Services Department. In addition to the increase in the Assistant City Manager/Administrative Services Director time allocation, this Reduced Service Level provides for an additional $8,000 in consulting services to provide necessary financial, accounting, and technical support to the Department. The net savings is approximately $44,142 for Fiscal Year 1993-94. This Reduced Service Level will impact the following activities: economic development, follow-up on accounts receivables and business license applications. REDUCED CUMULATIVE SERVICE TOTAL DESCRIPTION 1993-94 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ (52,142) $337,315 SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 0 $ 34,808 CONTRACT SERVICES $ 8,000 $ 50,300 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 615 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ (44,142) $423,038 - 18 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BUILDING MANAGEMENT This budget funds the maintenance and operation of the Dublin Civic Center and the City's public Works Corporation Yard, including supply, utility, telephone, contract service and repair costs associated with both buildings. This budget also funds the lease payment to Dublin Information, Inc. for rental of the Civic Center as well as contract service costs from MCE Corporation for all five of the City's buildings. The budget necessary to finance the current level of service for Fiscal Year 1993-94 is $2,048,900. This budget represents an approximate 7.75% increase over the previous fiscal year. This increase is attributable to the following factors: 1. The City is legally required to budget the entire amount of the lease payment, which is $1,719,595, although a portion of the payment will be offset by interest on the 1988 Certificate of Participation Reserve Fund. The actual payment for Fiscal Year 1993-94 is estimated to be $1,578,756, which is approximately $3,311 over the estimated payment for Fiscal Year 1992-93. 2. Inflationary increases are proposed for some of the contract service providers. In spi te of a proposed rate increase of 3%, MCE Corporation's Fiscal Year 1993-94 budget is less than the estimated Fiscal Year 1992-93 expenditures, due to the 1992-93 costs associated with making the Police Holding Cells operational. For Fiscal Year 1993-94, a higher service level is recommended which would increase the cost of this budget by $9,500 for a total recommended budget of $2,058,400. This higher service would add part-time assistance to the Building Leadman to perform preventative maintenance on the major mechanical and equipment systems for the five City facilities maintained by this budget. without this additional service, the City may face major costs in the future to repair or replace expensive building equipment systems. - 19 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM GENERAL GOVERNMENT COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL ACTIVITY BUILDING MANAGEMENT - 1050 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL General (001 ) Contract Building Leadman Landscape Laborer II 1 .30 $2,048,900 $2,048,900 1 .30 Total $2,048,900 Total 1.30 1. 30 $2,048,900 This budget increment finances one full time Contract Building Leadman who is responsible for the maintenance, security, minor improvement, and contract supervision related to the Civic Center, Corporation Yard, Shannon Center, Senior Center, and Dublin Swim Center Building, as well as a part-time assistant for the Building Leadman on an "as needed" basis. This increment also finances the services and supplies, utilities, and contract services associated with the operation and maintenance of the Civic Center and Corporation Yard, and the lease payment from the City to Dublin Information, Inc. associated with the Civic Center Debt Service. INDICATOR CURRENT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 516 $ 700 $ 600 $ 630 5,292 7,880 5,620 6,650 0 200 0 0 44 100 0 0 1,096 800 1 ,600 1 ,600 1,544,702 1,718,970 1,575,445 1,719,595 115,810 120,000 116,000 122,000 6,320 7,095 6,936 7,000 36,674 38,000 37,000 37,500 214 690 800 460 $1,710,668 $1,894,435 $1,744,001 $1,895,435 $ 77,975 $ 73,800 $ 81,500 $ 75,600 54,831 53,450 51,632 52,700 18,753 23,268 20,518 24,265 $ 151,559 $ 150,518 $ 153,650 $ 152,565 $ 9,754 $ 7,099 $ 3,750 $ 400 1,558 180 183 500 2,848 1 ,650 0 0 $ 14,160 $ 8,929 $ 3,933 $ 900 $1,876,387 $2,053,882 $1,901,584 $2,048,900 - 20 - PERSONNEL SERVICES SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies Operating Supplies Advertising Printing & Binding Repairs and Maintenance Rental/Leases Gas & Electric Water & Sewer Telephone Filing Fees TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERVICES MCE Janitorial Other TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements Furniture & Fixtures Machinery & Equipment TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL ACTIVITY COST I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 ,I 1 1 CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM GENERAL GOVERNMENT COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL ACTIVITY BUILDING MANAGEMENT SERVICE LEVEL HIGHER PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL General $2,058,400 Contract Building Leadman Landscape Laborer II Maintenance Laborer III .45 1 .30 .45 $9,500 Total .45 1. 75 Total $9,500 $2,058,400 This budget increment finances 791 additional hours of a part-time assistant for the Building Leadman. currently, there are insufficient hours available within the Building Management budget to pursue a preventative maintenance program for the City's five buildings. Consequently, the City runs the risk of costly repairs and disruption of services due to failed systems and inoperative equipment. Implementation of this Higher Service Level will increase the frequency of inspections for building systems and equipment, as well as allow for the implementation of a preventative maintenance program. DESCRIPTION HIGHER SERVICE 1993-94 CUMULATIVE TOTAL 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ o o $ SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ $1,895,435 o CONTRACT SERVICES MCE Janitorial Other TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $ 9,500 $ 85,100 0 52,700 0 24,265 $ 9,500 $ 162,065 $ 0 $ 900 $ 9,500 $2,058,400 CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL ACTIVITY COST - 21 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INSURANCE The city of Dublin obtains General Liability Insurance through a pooled risk sharing arrangement offered by ABAG PLAN corporation. This group includes 28 cities in the Greater Bay Area and offers coverage to the limit of $5 million per occurrence. In addition to General Liability coverage, the policy also includes Errors and Omissions Coverage for the city. The total estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 1992-93 are approximately 7.7% higher than the authorized 1992-93 Budget. This is due to a higher number of losses than anticipated which resulted in paid claims. The budget necessary to provide the totals $184,900. This represents expenditures for Fiscal Year 1992-93. expenditure. Current Level of coverage for Fiscal Year 1993-94 approximately a 15.6% increase from estimated The increase is due to a higher anticipated claims The proposed insurance budget for Fiscal Year 1993-94 is comprised of the following component s : county Contract Services - The City pays a separate surcharge on all county contract services for liability insurance. This surcharge covers services provided by Alameda county including Police, crossing Guards, Animal control, and Traffic Signal Maintenance Services. The estimated cost for 1993-94 is $25,000. Property Insurance - This coverage covers all city owned facilities, including the Civic Center, Parks, Corporation Yard, Swim Center, and Shannon Community Center. The estimated cost is $12,637. Tenant Insurance - This insurance is offered as a service to individuals or groups who utilize City facilities. The user pays the City for the cost of the premium and the City absorbs the taxes and all administrative costs. It is projected that $3,720 in expenses associated with this program will be offset by revenue generated from user fees. General Liability Insurance - The City's General Liability Insurance coverage as noted above is provided through a risk sharing pool. The total premium estimated for 1992-93 is $112,010. In addition, ABAG PLAN will return an equity dividend based on the performance of the pool and the City of Dublin's loss history. During Fiscal year 1991-92, the City received a $39,099 dividend. In Fiscal Year 1992-93, the City received an equity dividend of $60,059. In Fiscal Year 1993-94, the City will receive a dividend of $57,548. Claims Expense - The City has a $25,000 deductible for general liability claims. Included in this deductible as a claims cost is any expense related to legal counsel. Based on outstanding claims, loss reserves, and loss history, Staff recommends a budget of $31,500 for 1993-94. - 22 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACTIVITY INSURANCE - 1060 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL General (001) Total $184,900 $184,900 No personnel are included in this activity. $184,900 $184,900 CURRENT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL DESCRIPTION 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Insurance Premiums $144,341 $128,532 $128,414 $153,400 Insurance Claims Expense 1, 593 20,000 31,520 31, 500 TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $145,934 $148,532 $159,934 $184,900 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $145,934 $148,532 $159,934 $184,900 - 23 - I I I I I I I :1 I I II I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM GENERAL GOVERNMENT COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL ACTIVITY INSURANCE - 1060 SERVICE LEVEL REDUCED (1) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL General (001) Total No City personnel are included in this activity. $ (15,243) $ 169,657 $ (15,243) $ 169,657 The City currently has a $25,000 deductible for liability claims. $15,243 would be saved by increasing this deductible to $50,000. Only three times since the City incorporated have claims exceeded the $25,000 deductible. DESCRIPTION REDUCED CUMULATIVE SERVICE TOTAL 1993-94 1993-94 $ 0 $ 0 $ (15,243) $169,657 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ (15,243) $169,657 PERSONNEL SERVICES SERVICES & SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERVICES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL ACTIVITY COST - 24 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ELECTIONS This budget finances the administration of municipal elections. The cost of personnel associated with this task is identified in the City Manager/City Clerk (Department #1020) budget. During Fiscal Year 1992-93, the City held a municipal election which was combined with the statewide General Election in November, 1992. Additionally in Fiscal Year 1992-93, a special election was held which was completely funded by the City. Normally, election costs are shared by numerous governmental agencies; however, since the only items on the ballot were for the City, all the costs for the election were funded by the City. The total cost for the Fiscal Year 1992-93 is estimated to be $24,331. No elections are scheduled for Fiscal Year 1993-94. recommended budget is $410. The total Fiscal Year 1993-94 - 25 - I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET I PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL GENERAL GOVERNMENT ELECTIONS - 1070 CURRENT I COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE FUND TOTAL TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL I General $ 410 $ 410 Personnel associated I (001) with this are funded in City Manager/City Total $ 410 $ 410 Clerk-l020. I ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED RECOMMENDED I DESCRIPTION 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 I SERVICES & SUPPLIES I Office Supplies $ 0 $ 25 $ 0 $ 0 Postage 0 0 2,028 0 operating Supplies 0 0 1,804 0 Printing/Binding 472 365 6,517 0 I Mileage/Auto Allow 0 60 10 60 Training 0 400 449 350 TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 472 $ 850 $ 10,808 $ 410 I CONTRACT SERVICES I County Registrar of Voters S 2,525 S 18,650 S 13,523 S 0 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $ 2,525 $ 18,650 $ 13,523 $ 0 I CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 CONTINGENT RESERVE $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 I TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 2,997 $ 19,500 $ 24,331 $ 410 I I I I I - 26 - I I NON-DEPARTMENTAL I The Non-Departmental Budget has historically funded items which are not allocated to another Budget Activity. For Fiscal Year 1993-94 this Budget includes: property tax payments for Zone 7 Bonded Indebtedness on Civic Center property; filing fees associated with Dublin Information Inc.; and a Contingent Reserve to cover unanticipated expenses which may occur during Fiscal Year 1993-94. I I The recommended budget for the Non-Department Activity for Fiscal Year 1993-94 totals $50,060. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - 27 - I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET I PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL GENERAL GOVERNMENT NON-DEPARTMENTAL - 1080 CURRENT I COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE I FUND TOTAL TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL General $50,000 $50,000 No personnel are I (001 ) included in this Dublin activity. Info Inc 60 60 I ( 601 ) Total $50,060 $50,060 I BUDGET ESTIMATED RECOMMENDED ACTUAL I DESCRIPTION 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 I SERVICES & SUPPLIES Filing Fees $ 5 $ 5 $ 5 $ 5 I Miscellaneous 7 .1 08 0 0 0 TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 7,113 $ 5 $ 5 $ 5 I CONTRACT SERVICES Purchase of FAU Funds $282,400 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 paying Agent (Assess Dist #715) 0 750 0 0 I TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $282,400 $ 750 $ 0 $ 0 I PROPERTY TAX $ 45 $ 50 $ 51 $ 55 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 I CONTINGENT RESERVE $ 0 $ 6,903 $ 0 $ 50,000 I $ $ 50,060 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $289,558 $ 7,708 56 I I I I - 28 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I POLICE SERVICES Police Services for the City of Dublin are performed under a contract with the Alameda county Sheriff's Department. The County Sheriff, under consultation with the City, designates the Commanding Officer who functions and is empowered to act as the City's Police Chief. Patrol, criminal investigation, crime prevention and business office functions are performed from the Civic Center location. Dispatch and some data processing functions are handled at the Alameda County Sheriff's Department located at the Eden Township Substation (San Leandro). In addition to Sheriff's Department Personnel, a part- time civilian City employee assists with Crime Prevention Programs. The budget necessary to provide the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 1993-94 is $3,097,615. This represents a 4.9% increase or $144,253 over estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 1992-93. This increase is primarily attributable to the following: 1) negotiated Salary and Benefit increases for Management Staff, Sworn and Clerical Personnel; 2) increases in vehicle operations/replacement costs; and 3) other inflationary increases for miscellaneous services and supplies. The portion of the Budget attributable to contract services with the Alameda County Sheriff's Department is projected to total $2,912,218 in Fiscal Year 1993-94. This represents a 4.8% increase or $132,114 over the estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 1992-93. The primary increases to contract services include inflationary costs associated with negotiated salary and benefit increases for County Sheriff's personnel and other inflationary increases for miscellaneous services and supplies. The following comparison identifies workload indicators which are estimated for 1992 and compared to the actual data from calendar years 1990 and 1991. Calls for Service Reports Written Citations Issued Arrests citizen Inquiry/Person citizen Inquiry/Telephone School Presentations Group Talks and Service Organizations Neighborhood Watch Groups Merchant Alert Members Narcotic Arrests Narcotic Seizures Accident Investigations Cases Assigned to Investigations Investigation/Complaints Filed Investigation/search Warrants Obtained Total Major Part I Crimes ACTUAL 1991 33,340 2,914 7,694 968 4,893 17,357 148 31 119 87 48 $61,812 295 906 169 36 132 - 29 - ACTUAL 1992 37,427 3,144 6,290 1,076 4,575 25,069 283 59 80 105 58 $159,656 328 1,144 208 57 170 ANTICIPATED 1993 35,000 3,200 6,500 1,000 4,600 25,000 285 60 90 110 50 $75,000 350 1,000 190 50 145 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM PUBLIC SAFETY ACTIVITY POLICE SERVICE - 2010 COST BY FUND SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT FUND TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION General (001) $3,079,445 $3,079,445 crim Act 10,370 10,370 (200 ) Vehicle Abatement 7,800 7,800 (201) Total $3,097,615 $3,097,615 city community safety Assistant Contract captain Lieutenant Patrol sergeant Detective sergeant Patrol Officer Secretary Traffic Officer specialist Clerk Total .5 .5 1 1 1 1 5 5 4 4 15 15 1 1 2 2 --2. --2. 31.5 31.5 This Budget finances the current staffing level. In addition to the personnel costs identified above, the City also pays its prorated share of personnel costs of the Alameda County Eden Township Substation and Headquarters as shown below: .08 - FTE - Undersheriff Prorated Share Dispatch Center This Budget Increment also finances: 1) the cost of operating eight (8) patrol vehicles, eight (8) unmarked and undercover vehicles; 2) necessary services and supplies to support the operations of the Police Department; 3) additional equipment to improve the overall operation of Police programs and the Police facility; and 4) county contract overhead charges. with the current staffing level, the Police Department can accomplish the following goals. City Council prioritv High 1993 GOALS 1. Coordinate inclusion of all Dublin City apartment complexes into ongoing Neighborhood Watch Program. High 2. Improve the effectiveness of existing cost recovery program for jail booking fees. Medium 3. Report to Council on effectiveness of commercial alarm ordinance. - 30 - I I CURRENT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL DESCRIPTION 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 I PERSONNEL SERVICES salaries, Full Time $ 18,384 $ 20,232 $ 20,058 $ 20,675 I Salaries, Part-Time 0 0 0 0 Retirement 1,788 2,316 2,398 2,745 Group Insurance 1,317 1,575 1,586 1,590 Worker's Compensation 118 949 896 924 I FICA 252 294 291 300 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 21,859 $ 25,366 $ 25,229 $ 25,234 I SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 2,351 $ 3,665 $ 2,000 $ 2,300 Postage 1,817 1,822 1,400 1,600 I Copier Supplies 2,326 2,600 2,500 2,700 Operating Supplies 5,448 8,401 8,400 8,900 Communications 3,563 3,600 3,200 3,600 Advertising 0 200 200 300 I Printing & Binding 638 3,000 1,500 1,570 Repairs & Maintenance 1,382 1,365 1,800 1,800 Rental & Leases 12,662 13,258 11,900 14,040 I Books & Publications 825 2,055 2,055 3,470 Memberships & Dues 1,530 1,865 1,750 335 Mileage/Auto Allowance 164 500 200 300 I Travel, Conferences & Mtgs 1,456 2,010 1,230 2,430 Training 0 1,000 400 500 Telephone 2,247 2,500 3,000 3,400 Internal Svc Chg - Office 6,106 5,044 5,044 6,468 I Internal Svc Chg - Vehicles 100,086 109,200 98.000 101, 200 TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 142,701 $162,085 $ 144,579 $ 154,913 I CONTRACT SERVICES Personnel $2,178,858 $2,330,210 $2,339,502 $2,447,168 Vehicles 14,775 15,247 13,775 15,247 I Indirect Costs 137,385 147,463 147,463 154,549 Dispatch 173,839 171,495 171,435 180,070 Admin - Financial Svcs 10,225 14,072 17,799 14,769 Services/Supplies 19,944 36,203 32,404 39,935 I General 6,322 7,000 7,226 7,480 Booking Fees 50,237 55.000 50.500 53,000 TOTAL OONTRACT SERVICES $2,591,585 $2,776,690 $2,780,104 $2,912,218 I CAPITAL OUTLAY I Furniture/Fixtures 0 3,205 1,950 3,950 Machinery & Equipment 2,635 2.902 1.500 300 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 2,635 $ 6,107 $ 3,450 $ 4,250 I TOTAL ACTIVITY.COST $2,758,780 $2,970,248 $2,953,362 $3,097,615 I I - 31 - I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I ,I I I CROSSING GUARDS The City of Dublin provides 4 adult crossing guards to assist elementary school age students in crossing heavily traveled streets on their way to and from school. These services are provided through a contract with the Alameda County Public Works Department. The County provides the recruitment, training, supervision, equipment, and substitute personnel associated with this program. Crossing Guard locations include: San Ramon Road and Shannon Avenue, Amador valley Boulevard and Burton Street, Silvergate and Amarillo Road, and Amarillo Road at Nielsen School. The budget necessary to provide the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 1993-94 is $36,022. This provides for a total of 3,379 hours of adult crossing guard service, in addition to the City's pro rata share of costs associated with overhead. The estimated cost for crossing guard services for Fiscal Year 1992-93 is $35,346. The cost increase is attributable to a 1.9% increase in the hourly rate, from $10.64/hour to $10.66/hour. - 32 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM PUBLIC SAFETY COST BY FUND INCREMENT FUND TOTAL SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT CUMULATIVE TOTAL TOTAL ACTIVITY CROSSING GUARDS - 2020 9,600 CUMULATIVE JOB TOTAL CLASSIFICATION $ 26,422 Contract Crossing Guards 9,600 $ 36,022 Total 4 - 4 4 4 General (001) Traffic Safety (205) Total $ 26,422 $ 36,022 CURRENT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL DESCRIPTION 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 CONTRACT SERVICES county Public Works $ 33,143 S 35,346 S 35,346 S 36,022 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $ 33,143 $ 35,346 $ 35,346 $ 36,022 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 35,346 $ 36,022 $ 33,143 $ 35,346 - 33 - I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM PUBLIC SAFETY COST BY FUND INCREMENT FUND TOTAL ACTIVITY CROSSING GUARDS - 2020 SERVICE LEVEL REDUCED (1) PERSONNEL SUMMARY CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL General (001) Traffic Safety (205) Total No City personnel are included in this activity. $ (18,011) $ 8,411 9,600 $ (18,011) $ 18,011 This Reduced Service Level would reduce the number of adult crossing guards from four locations to two locations. Accordingly, the FY 1993-94 budget would be reduced by 50% ($18,011) . This Reduced Service Level would eliminate crossing guards at two locations (Silvergate Drive and Amarillo Road, and Amarillo Road and Alegre Drive) which do not meet crossing guard warrants. The rema~n~ng two "warranted" locations (San Ramon Road and Shannon Avenue, Amador Valley Boulevard and Burton street) for Fiscal Year 1993-94 would be funded. DESCRIPTION REDUCED SERVICE 1993-94 CUMULATIVE TOTAL 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ o o $ CONTRACT SERVICES $ 18,011 $ (18,011) CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 18,011 $ (18,011) - 34 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ANIMAL CONTROL The City contracts with the Alameda County Sheriff's Department for Animal Control Services provided within the boundaries of the City. This includes: patrol, enforcement of animal related laws and ordinances, investigation of dog bites and attacks, collection of stray animals, and Shelter services. The City Manager's Office is responsible for the oversight and evaluation of services rendered. In addition, personnel from this office have direct responsibility for conducting Vicious Dog Hearings and serving as a liaison with Sheriff's Department Personnel. The estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 1992-93 are $132,557, or $46,022 more than budgeted. This difference is attributable to: 1) the county not billing the City for third and fourth quarter 1991-92 service until Fiscal Year 1992-93 and 2) an increased City usage of the Animal Shelter. The budget necessary to provide the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 1993-94 is $103,100. This represents an increase of $5,970 or 6% over 1992-93 estimated service costs. The proposed level of service is consistent with the previous fiscal year. The increase is primarily attributable to the following factors: 1. The county has recently evaluated its allocation of costs for the Shelter and found that previous charges to the participating agencies did not include all costs of the Shelter operation. 2. The county has proposed a revision to the formula used to charge the City for its share of Field Services Cost. The intent is to better approximate the actual hours of service. 3. Inflationary and cost of living increases provided for under county collective bargaining agreements. 4. New costs attributable to administration of the new Shelter. The City Council previously directed Staff to evaluate possible cost savings as a result of eliminating or restricting proactive patrols and only responding to calls for service. The Alameda County Sheriff's Department advised the city in May of 1993 that effective August 1, 1993, the County would no longer provide Animal Control Services. This service disruption would be initiated as a result of County-wide budget reductions which are estimated to require the Sheriff's Department to reduce is operations by $31 million. In the communication, the Sheriff's Department indicated their interest to work with county officials to rescind the notice of termination. Since the entire provision of services were in question, Staff has presented funding information on the current service level only. In the event that the City is unable to secure these services from Alameda County, budget adjustments will be required. Shelter Services are provided by the County from a site adjacent to the former Santa Rita Jail. All of the public agencies which utilize this facility share in the cost of operation based upon the number of live animals housed from a particular jurisdiction. Historically, the City of Dublin's share has fluctuated as shown below: SHARE OF SHELTER OPERATING COSTS 1989-90 1990-91 EST 1992-93 EST 1993-94 1991-92 13.5% 11.7% 16.5% 16.5% 15.5% - 35 - I I I I I I During the last year, the Cities of Dublin, Livermore and Pleasanton have been working on the design and development of a new valley Animal Shelter. Based upon the current agreements between the County and the Cities, the City of Dublin will incur debt service costs for the new Shelter in Fiscal Year 1994-95. This cost was previously estimated at $112,419 and would be in addition to the Shelter operating costs. The Animal Control costs are partially offset by revenues generated from animal licenses. The following table identifies revenues generated: ACTUAL 1990-91 PROJ. 1993-94 EST. 1992-93 ACTUAL 1991-92 $4,834 $4,500 $4,368 $4,670 I The following workload indicators identify statistics calculated on a fiscal year basis: I I I I I I I I I I I I ANIMAL CONTROL WORKLOAD INDICATORS ACTUAL 1990-91 ACTUAL 1991-92 EST. 1992-93 Impounded 505 551 553 Bites 33 28 34 Complaints 66 96 74 Citations 88 115 98 Injured 16 10 3 Total Dead pick Up 886 850 946 Vet Dead Pick Up (681) (668) (688) vicious Dog Hearings 15 6 3 - 36 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM PUBLIC SAFETY ACTIVITY ANIMAL CONTROL - 2030 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT PERSONNEL SUMMARY COST BY FUND FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL General (001) $103,100 No City personnel are included in this activity. This activity is administered by the City Manager's Office. $103,100 Total $103,100 $103,100 INDICATOR ACTUAL 1991-92 BUDGET 1992-93 ESTIMATED 1992-93 CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ o $ $ o $ 0 o SERVICES & SUPPLIES Postage printing/Binding TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 50 600 650 $ 100 o $ 100 $ $ 100 600 700 $ o o o $ $ CONTRACT SERVICES Shelter Service Field Service TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $ 15,121 $ 34,605 $ 71,037 $ 54,000 23,999 51, 230 60,870 49,000 $ 39,120 $ 85,835 $131,907 $103,000 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 39,120 $ 86,535 $132,557 $103,100 CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL ACTIVITY COST - 37 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TRAFFIC SIGNALS & STREET LIGHTING This budget finances the maintenance, repair and energy costs associated with the operation of traffic signals and commercial and residential street lighting throughout the City. Traffic signal maintenance services are provided to the City by Alameda County. The street lighting costs proposed for Fiscal Year 1993-94 total $192,500. These costs will be funded by the Dublin Street Light Assessment District 83-1. Those lighting costs funded by the District and shown in this budget represent the major cost associated with the District. The proposed street lighting budget for Fiscal Year 1993-94 exceeds estimated expenditures for 1992-93 by approximately 7%. This increase is attributable to the addition of street lights associated with City capital Improvement Projects and the Brighton Meadows subdivision, increases in energy fees from P. G. & E, and increases in the cost of repair parts for City-owned lights. Traffic signal maintenance and energy costs proposed for Fiscal Year 1993-94 total $98,300. Signal costs are approximately 13% higher than estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 1992-93 because of increased energy costs at the revised Dublin Boulevard/Dougherty Road intersection, a proposed new traffic signal at the Dougherty Road/Sierra Lane intersection, and a 5% labor increase from Alameda county for Fiscal Year 1993-94. Traffic signal energy rates are also expected to increase by 5%. The cost of traffic signal maintenance is partially offset by reimbursements for accident damage repairs. One quarter of the cost for maintenance of the Dublin Boulevard/San Ramon Road intersection signal is reimbursed to the City by CalTrans. It is not recommended that the level of service be decreased for either Street Lighting or Traffic Signals because a reduction in service would reduce the relative safety, exposing the public to a higher incidence of accidents, as well as the City to a higher level of liability. WORKLOAD & PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET INDICATOR 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 Traffic Signals 20 20 20 21 Street Lights (PG&E owned) 1,345 1,345 1,352 1,352 Street Lights (City owned) 351 410 408 410 Street Lights (CalTrans owned) ---....J ---....J ----2 ----1 Total Street Lights 1,699 1,758 1,763 1,765 - 38 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM PUBLIC SAFETY SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT PERSONNEL SUMMARY ACTIVITY TRAFFIC SIGNALS & STREET LIGHTING-2040 COST BY FUND INCREMENT FUND TOTAL INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION Gas Tax $ 93,500 (206) Assess Dist (710) 192,500 San Ramon Rd (712) 4,800 $ 93,500 No City personnel are included in this activity. 192,500 4,800 Total $290,800 $290,800 CURRENT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL DESCRIPTION 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Operating Supplies (Assess Dist) $ 81 $ 200 $ 300 $ 350 Memberships (Assessment Dist) 750 750 750 750 Gas/Electric-Signals 43,678 48,050 46,700 50,300 Gas/Electric-Street Lighting (Assessment Dist) 162.003 168,800 171,460 178.500 TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $206,512 $217,800 $219,210 $229,900 CONTRACT SERVICES Street Lighting (Assess Dist) $ 6,047 $ 6,200 $ 4,630 $ 10,800 Traffic Signals 44.541 40,150 40,150 48,000 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $ 50,588 $ 46,350 $ 44,780 $ 58,800 CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements (Assessment Dist) S 606 S 3,240 S 2,700 S 2,100 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 606 $ 3,240 $ 2,700 $ 2,100 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $257,706 $267,390 $266,690 $290,800 - 39 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DISASTER PREPAREDNESS This budget identifies funding for a variety of activities related to disaster preparedness and emergency response. Major activities include: a part-time Community safety Assistant position to address preparedness issues, public information and neighborhood preparedness, specialized training and clean-up of hazardous spills. The estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 1992-93 are $34,651. The budget necessary to provide the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 1993-94 is $37,890. This represents an increase over the estimated 1992-93 expenditures of $3,239 or 9.3%. The primary reasons for the proposed increase include: 1) printing of revisions to the City's "Hazards Plan" and the Dublin "Basic Emergency Plan" guides; and 2) additional disaster preparedness training. It should be noted that the recommended funding also includes a decrease in the hazardous spills clean-up contingency. During Fiscal Year 1993-94, Staff anticipates that the following goals and objectives will be accomplished: 1993 GOALS City Council Prioritv High L Present a revised multi-functional Hazard Plan for City Council approval pursuant to SB 1841. High 2. Complete the Emergency Preparedness Training Program for all departments. High 3. Formalize the shelter agreements with the Red Cross and identify how trained personnel can be available to initiate Red Cross shelter. Medium 4. Prepare a report on the effectiveness of the Neighborhood Preparedness Program and identify alternative means to provide information. In all preparedness activities, City Staff will continue to work cooperatively with other agencies, including the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority, to provide disaster preparedness information. - 40 - I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET I PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL PUBLIC SAFETY DISASTER PREPAREDNESS - 2050 CURRENT I COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE FUND TOTAL TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL I General $ 36,750 $ 36,750 Community Safety (001) Asst (Part-Time) .5 .5 I Dublin Info 1,140 1,140 Inc (601) Total $37,890 $37,890 Total .5 .5 I CURRENT I ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL DESCRIPTION 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 I PERSONNEL SERVICES salaries, Full Time $18,384 $20,232 $20,058 $20,675 Retirement 1,788 2,316 2,398 2,745 Group Insurance 1,364 1,576 1,587 1,590 I Worker's Compensation 118 949 897 924 FICA 252 294 291 300 Total Personnel Services $21,906 $25,367 $25,231 $26,234 I SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 57 $ 100 $ 10 $ 75 Postage 895 850 60 110 I Postage (DII) 0 0 640 640 Operating Supplies 6 500 320 675 Communications 0 0 0 0 I Printing & Binding 3,937 1,100 100 760 Printing & Binding (DII) 0 0 400 500 Books & Publications 0 100 50 50 I Memberships and Dues 0 50 15 20 Mileage & Auto Allowance 164 250 200 250 Travel Conferences & Meetings 90 100 50 100 Training 2.380 2.120 600 1.476 I TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 7,529 $ 5,170 $ 2,445 $ 4,656 CONTRACT SERVICES $ 6,665 $10,900 $ 5,000 $ 6,500 I CAPITAL OUTLAY I Furniture & Fixtures $ 0 $ 500 $ 400 $ 500 Machinery & Equipment 0 1. 575 1. 575 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 2,075 $ 1,975 $ 500 I TOTAL AcrIVITY COST $36,100 $43,512 $34,651 $37,890 I I - 41 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM PUBLIC SAFETY COST BY FUND INCREMENT FUND TOTAL ACTIVITY DISASTER PREPAREDNESS - 2050 SERVICE LEVEL REDUCED (1) PERSONNEL SUMMARY General (001) Total $ (3,826) CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL $ 34,064 community Safety 0 .5 Asst. (Part-time) $ 34,064 Total 0 .5 $ (3,826) This Reduced Service Level will result in a reduction in the purchase of emergency vests and base map holder for the Emergency Operations center; the elimination of emergency and disaster preparedness training for key Management staff; and a reduction in the hazardous spill clean-up contract costs. DESCRIPTION REDUCED CUMULATIVE SERVICE TOTAL 1993-94 1993-94 $ 0 $ 26,234 $ (l, 826) $ 2,830 $ (1,500) $ 5,000 $ ( 500) $ 0 $ (3,826) $ 34,064 PERSONNEL SERVICES SERVICES & SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERVICES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL ACTIVITY COST - 42 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FIRE SERVICES Fire Services are provided to the City of Dublin by the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority (DRFA). DRFA is a joint powers authority jointly operated by the Cities of Dublin and San Ramon. The DRFA Board of Directors is comprised of 3 City Councilmembers from each City. Administrative oversight of the Authority is accomplished through a Management Committee consisting of the Ci ty Managers of both Ci ties. The City of Dublin provides in-kind personnel and labor relations services to the Authority. The City of San Ramon provides in-kind financial administration and risk management services to the Authority. All other services are provided by Authority employees. In April 1993, the DRFA Board of Directors adopted the Authority's preliminary Budget for Fiscal Year 1993-94. This preliminary Budget requires the approval by the Cities of Dublin and San Ramon before the Authority can adopt the Final Budget. The total proposed Authority Budget for Fiscal Year 1993-94 is $5,384,840. A comparison of the 1993-94 Preliminary Authority Budget to previous years is shown below. ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED RECOMMENDED BUDGET 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 Operating $4,071,632 $4,630,147 $4,469,568 $4,587,440 Capital Replacement 10,694 6,700 6,700 271,400 New Capital 476,179 22,200 16,200 505,000 Capital Improvement Projects 1,952,490 1,952,379 21,000 Total Budget $4,558,505 $6,611,537 $6,444,847 $5,384,840 Worker's Camp Reserve 50,000 0 0 0 Total $4,608,505 $6,611,537 $6,444,847 $5,384,840 As indicated above, the Preliminary Budget for Fiscal Year 1993-94 is estimated to be $5,384,840 or 19.7% less than the estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 1992-93. This decrease is primarily attributable to the construction of the new Fire station No. 1 in Fiscal Year 1992-93. Also, based upon a recent review of the Authority's self-insured workers' compensation program and excess insurance policy, it is recommended that the Authority's workers' compensation reserve be reduced from $350,000 to $300,000. The proposed funding for the 1993-94 Preliminary Budget is as follows: Member Agency Contributions Program Revenues Fire Impact Fees Interest Revenue Total Revenue $4,625,106 71,500 60,000 22,000 $4,778,606 Fire Authority Reserves Total Funding 606,234 $5,384,840 - 43 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Pursuant to the Joint Powers Agreement, each City contributes annually to the DRFA budget based upon their respective share of the assessed value served by the Authority. Shown below is a comparison of each agency's assessed valuation and resulting contribution. Adjustment 1993-94 1991-92 1993-94 1992-93 1993-94 preliminary Support Adjusted Assessed Value % Contribution Service contribution Dublin $1,489,276,000 58.78 $2,719,560 $4,643 $2,724,203 San Ramon 1,044,327,000 41.22 1,905,546 (4,643) 1 ,900,903 TOTAL $2,533,603,000 100.00 $4,625,106 $ 0 $4,625,106 Adjustment 1992-93 1992-93 1991-92 Budget 1992-93 1991-92 1992-93 preliminary Support Adjusted Estimated Assessed Value % Contribution Service Contribution Contribution Dublin $1,382,525,000 58.71 $2,726,148 $ 834 $2,726,982 $2,667,396 San Ramon 972,177 , 000 41.29 1,916,999 (834) 1,916,165 1 ,874,281 TOTAL $2,354,702,000 100.00 $4,643,147 $ 0 $4,643,147 $4,541,677 The total anticipated increase in the City of Dublin's share of 1993-94 Fire costs is $56,807 or 2.1% This budget includes salary and fringe benefit increases for Fire Department personnel through December 31, 1993 only, and therefore could be further impacted by the results of the Authority's labor negotiations with Fire employees beyond December 31, 1993. This budget also includes an increase in the City'S contribution to the Equipment Replacement Fund to fund the replacement of a Fire Engine and Fire Ladder Truck which will be acquired during the next two years. - 44 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET FUND PROGRAM PUBLIC SAFETY COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL ACTIVITY FIRE SERVICES - 2060 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT PERSONNEL SUMMARY CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL General (001 ) Although no City personnel are funded in this activity, in-kind Administrative, personnel, and Legal Support Services are provided to the Fire Authority by Personnel within the City Manager, Administrative Services, and City Attorney Activities. $2,724,203 $2,724,203 Total $2,724,203 $2,724,203 DESCRIPTION ACTUAL 1991-92 BUDGET 1992-93 ESTIMATED 1992-93 CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ $ $ $ o o o o SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ $ $ o $ o o o CONTRACT SERVICES Dougherty Regional Fire Authority TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $2,672.950 $2,672,950 $2,667.396 $2,667,396 $2,724,203 $2,724,203 $2,416.709* $2,416,709 CAPITAL OUTLAY o o $ o $ o $ $ TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $2,672,950 $2,667,396 $2,724,203 $2,416,709* * This amount is less than the 1991-92 Final Year End Report because a refund of $59,119 for overcontribution for Fire Services was not received until after the City of Dublin 1991-92 Accounting Records were closed. - 45 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION This Budget provides for a full-time Public Wor~s Director/City Engineer who is responsible for the administration of Engineering, Public Works Inspection, General and Traffic Engineering Services, Capital Project Design and Implementation, Street Sweeping, Traffic Signal Maintenance, Public Works Maintenance Services, and Building Management. The Budget also provides the full-time services of a contract Maintenance Supervisor who directly supervises Street Maintenance, Landscape Maintenance, Street Tree Maintenance, Park Maintenance, and Building Maintenance performed by MCE Corporation and various subcontractors. support services of an Administrative Aide and an Office Assistant II are also a part of this budget. The budget necessary to provide the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 1993-94 is $290,311. This represents an increase of $17,440 or 6.4% over estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 1992-93. This increase is primarily attributable to salary increases and 1993-94 merit increases, MCE labor rate increases, and increased hours for the contract Maintenance Superintendent. The personnel in this budget would have the responsibility for following 1993 City goals: City Council Priority High High 2. High 3. High 4. High 5. High 6. High 7. High 8. Medium 9. Medium 10. Medium 1L Low 12. Low 13. 1993 GOALS L Perform contract reviews for Engineering, Traffic Engineering, Traffic signal Maintenance. the fOllowing Public Works contracts: Maintenance, Implement the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) requirements, including industrial site inspections. Implement four new community volunteer projects. Report on Traffic Impact Fee. Coordinate 1-580 improvements with Caltrans and Pleasanton. Work with the Tri-Valley Transportation Council to develop a Subregional Transportation Plan. Monitor the BART extension. Implement Trip Reduction Ordinance. Report to Council on County Transportation Plan. complete NPDES pilot project at Shannon Park. Develop a Public Works Tri-Valley Mutual Aid Agreement. Update the City's Subdivision Ordinance. Undertake Corporation Yard facilities studies. - 46 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM TRANSPORTATION COST BY FUND ACTIVITY PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION - 3010 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL $288,610 Citv Public Works Director Administrative Aide Off ice Asst II Contract Maintenance Supt Total General $288,610 (001) Street Lt Assess Dist (710) 1,701 1,701 Total $290,311 $290,311 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 4 This Budget increment finances the current level of service and includes the Public Works Director, Contract Public Works Maintenance Superintendent, Administrative Aide, and one Office Assistant II. It also includes the necessary services and supplies and equipment to support this activity. DESCRIPTION PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries, Full-Time Salaries, Overtime Retirement Group Insurance Workers' Compensation F.I.C.A. TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL 1991-92 $141,550 1,255 13,951 16,691 2,940 1,393 $177,780 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies Postage Copier supplies Operating Supplies Communications Printing/Binding Books & Publications Memberships & Dues Mileage/Auto Allowance Travel, Conferences & Mtgs Training Legal Notices Internal Service Fund TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 1,371 2,643 750 87 o 570 o 70 2,452 877 154 650 1,905 $ 11,529 CONTRACT SERVICES Maintenance Supervision TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES 5 76,518 $ 76,518 CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture & Fixtures Machinery & Equipment TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 1,128 122 $ 1,250 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $267,077 BUDGET 1992-93 $145,028 1,692 16,346 17,064 4,371 1,541 $186,042 $ 1,443 3,200 960 100 o 825 50 70 2,520 145 531 100 1,237 $ 11,181 5 82,100 $ 82,100 $ 500 o 500 $ $279,823 - 47 - ESTIMATED 1992-93 $145,000 1,600 16,067 17,253 4,226 1,548 $185,694 $ 600 1,520 600 100 o 870 50 70 2,600 100 100 100 1,237 $ 7,947 $ 78,780 $ 78,780 $ 450 o 450 $ $272,871 CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 1993-94 $150,248 1,870 19,897 17,267 4,369 1,600 $195,251 $ 650 1,520 650 100 o 600 50 70 2,600 700 500 100 1,520 $ 9,060 5 86,000 $ 86,000 $ o o o $ $290,311 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I STREET MAINTENANCE street Maintenance Services include street repair; drainage maintenance; storm patrol and clean-up; emergency and temporary curb, gutter and sidewalk repair; traffic, street and Neighborhood Watch sign repair and installation; striping and marking; guardrail repair; weed control; bike path maintenance; and the City's annual slurry seal program. The Street Maintenance Services are provided by a variety of Contractors. MCE corporation provides a number of the services identified above, with the exception of 1) major annual street patching project and associated striping; 2) slurry seal project; and 3) thermoplastic striping project. The total estimated expenses for Fiscal Year 1992-93 are anticipated to be approximately 16.3% below the budgeted amount. This reduction is primarily attributable to the City obtaining more competitive bids for major street repair work. The budget necessary to provide the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 1993-94 totals $359,000, or approximately 10% greater than anticipated expenditures for Fiscal Year 1992- 93. This increase is primarily attributable to thermoplastic striping associated with the street overlay of Village parkway and a labor rate increase from MCE Corporation. A total of $191,000 has been budgeted under the Contract Service Street Repair line item and the Capital Outlay Improvement line item for work under the annual street repair program, annual slurry seal, and a minor amount for emergency work by MCE Corporation. Of the total amount of the Street Maintenance budget, $187,200 is anticipated to be paid by Gas Tax funds, and $6,800 from NPDES fees. WORKLOAD/PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ESTIMATED INDICATOR 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 Emergency Pothole Patching 87 hr 99 hr 210 hr 96 hr Remove & Replace Asphalt 209,300 sf 200,000 sf 170,850 sf 184,000 sf Slurry Seal-(Bid as Separate 132,350 sy 100,000 sy 89,350 sy 100,000 sy Contract) Catch Basins Cleaned 93 ea 148 ea 445 ea 454 ea Ditch Cleaning 781 lf 46 lf 180 lf 266 lf Storm Patrol & Clean Up 270 hr 370 hr 768 hr 392 hr Install New Signs 87 ea 84 ea 59 ea 90 ea Signs Repaired 201 ea 190 ea 177 ea 254 ea Bike Path Maintenance 77 hr 95 hr 184 hr 106 hr Roadside Spraying 14 ac 19 ac 19 ac 20 ac - 48 - I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM TRANSPORTATION COST BY FUND INCREMENT FUND TOTAL I I I General $165,000 (001) Gas Tax 187,200 (206) NPDES 6,800 (222) Total $359,000 ACTIVITY STREET MAINTENANCE - 3020 CUMULATIVE JOB TOTAL CLASSIFICATION $165,000 Contract 187,200 Landscape Laborer II Landscape Laborer III 6,800 $359,000 Total SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL ACTUAL 1991-92 BUDGET 1992-93 .5 .5 1 1 1.5 1.5 I I I INDICATOR PERSONNEL SERVICES SERVICES & SUPPLIES I I I CONTRACT SERVICES Street Repair Drainage Maintenance Storm Patrol & Clean-up Curb, Gutters & Sidewalks Sign Repair & Installation Striping & Marking Guardrail Repair Weed Control Bike Path Maintenance TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES I I I CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements Other Than Buildings TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY I I TOTAL ACTIVITY COST I I $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 ESTIMATED 1992-93 CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 1993-94 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $232,032 $240,900 $183,599 $191,100 10,224 10,600 13,570 13 , 900 7,267 10,000 17,000 11,500 2,730 3,900 500 1,000 20,618 19,500 16,320 21,400 49,132 35,400 39,800 59,800 0 1,300 0 1,300 7,487 8,000 6,340 8,700 3,680 4,600 3,950 5,300 $333,170 $334,200 $281,079 $314,000 $ 56,055 $ 56,055 $ 45,000 $ 45,000 $389,225 $379,200 - 49 - $ 45,000 $ 45,000 S 45,000 $ 45,000 $326,079 $359,000 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM TRANSPORTATION COST BY FUND INCREMENT FUND TOTAL ACTIVITY STREET MAINTENANCE - 3020 SERVICE LEVEL REDUCED (1 ) PERSONNEL SUMMARY CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL General (001) Gas Tax (206) NPDES (222) Total $ 165,000 Contract $ 0 $(15,578) 171,622 Landscape Laborer II Landscape Laborer III ( .25) o .25 1 o 6,800 Total (.25) 1.25 $ 343,422 $(15,578) This Reduced Service Level would result in the following reductions: time and materials for storm patrol and clean-up; sign repair and installation; guardrail repair; and bike path maintenance. The impact of the Reduced Service Level varies, depending on the activity. Storm patrol and clean-up would lengthen response time to storm drain emergencies and reduce manpower within the crews. This would result in a small increase in liability exposure in storm drain overflows. Reducing the sign replacements would increase the time to replace old signs, resulting in poor aesthetics. This only defers a cost which will ultimately be incurred. Reducing guardrail repair would only be significant if there was a hit and run accident where a guardrail could not be replaced through subrogation. In addition, this Reduced service Level would impact curb painting and installation of pavement markers. Reducing curb painting would potentially decrease the City's ability to enforce parking regulations and could add to traffic safety problems. REDUCED SERVICE 1993-94 CUMULATIVE TOTAL 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ $ o o SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 0 $ 0 CONTRACT SERVICES $(15,578) $ 298,422 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 45,000 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $(15,578) $ 343,422 - 50 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I STREET SWEEPING street sweeping services are presently provided to the City under a private contract with A-I Enterprises. This is the second year of a five-year contract which became effective in July of 1992. Street Sweeping Services are provided to commercial streets once a week and to residential streets twice a month. During the heavy leaf fall months, additional sweeping is performed as needed. The National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit application work, which commenced last fiscal year, requires monthly reports from the sweeper in terms of quantity of debris picked up and obstacles to the sweeping effort such as parked cars. The Urban Runoff Committee's Best Management Practices (BMP) publication recommends specific street cleaning frequencies and methods. Dublin's current level of service is consistent with the NPDES. The budget necessary to provide the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 1993-94 is $67,200. This represents an increase of $1,600 over estimated expenses for Fiscal Year 1992-93. This increase is attributable to an increased number of curb miles swept and the addition of new streets during the latter part of 1992-93. This activity is funded entirely by the NPDES Storm Water Fee which must be adopted annually by the City Council. No reduction in service is recommended, because the current service level assists the City in meeting its obligations under the Federal Clean Water Act, and the service is not a General Fund Activity. WORKLOAD/PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ESTIMATED INDICATOR 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 Curb Miles Swept 3,687.3 3,926 3,868.67 3,946.4 Major Intersections swept 624 624 624 624 CallOut (HOurs) 54.5 65 54 60 - 51 - I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET FUND PROGRAM TRANSPORTATION COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL ACTIVITY STREET SWEEPING - 3030 JOB CLASSIFICATION SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL NPDES (222) Total $67,200 $67,200 $67,200 $67,200 No City personnel are included in this activity. INDICATOR PERSONNEL SERVICES SERVICES & SUPPLIES I I CONTRACT SERVICES Street Sweeping TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES CAPITAL OUTLAY I I I I I TOTAL ACTIVITY COST I I I I ACTUAL 1991-92 BUDGET 1992-93 $ $ o o $ o $ o s $ 61.455 61,455 $ $ 67,500 67,500 $ o $ o $ 61,455 $ 67,500 - 52 - ESTIMATED 1992-93 $ o $ o s $ 65,600 65,600 $ o $ 65,600 CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 1993-94 $ o $ o s $ 67.200 67,200 $ o $ 67,200 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I STREET TREE MAINTENANCE This budget funds street Tree Maintenance Services which are provided to the City under contract with MCE Corporation. Services provided by MCE include comprehensive maintenance of city trees planted in the public right-of-way; trinuning of residential street trees which impede street repair and street sweeping activities; trinuning of trees obstructing traffic signs and sidewalks; and limited tree spraying and removal. The budget necessary to provide the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 1993-94 is $69,200. Approximately 16.5% ($11,400) of the total activity is funded by the City's two landscape assessment districts. The Fiscal Year 1993-94 Budget represents an approximate 11.3% increase over the estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 1992-93. This increase is attributable to the full year impact of the 5% increase in Contract Services implemented midway through Fiscal Year 1992-93, a 3% increase in Contract Services for Fiscal Year 1993-94 and the inclusion of tree trinuningjbrush cutting on private property that was not performed during the first half of Fiscal Year 1992-93 due to budgetary constraints. WORKLOAD/PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ESTIMATED INDICATOR 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 City owned Street Trees 2,874 2,874 2,874 2,895 Residential Street Trees 4,991 4,991 4,991 4,991 Tree Brush Cutting 232 hr 302 hr 222 hr 384 hr Tree Replacement 0 38 ea 38 ea 38 ea Tree Staking 875 ea 1,051 ea 517 ea 619 ea Tree Pruning 1,715 ea 1,336 ea 1,432 ea 1,730 ea Tree Fertilizing 1 ea 1,834 ea 1,027 ea 1,855 ea Tree Trinuning (Subcontractor) 67 ea 125 ea 125 ea 125 ea Tree Watering 716 ea 774 ea 607 ea 1,161 ea Tree Removal 61 ea 33 ea 46 ea 35 ea - 53 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL TRANSPORTATION STREET TREE MAINTENANCE - 3040 CURRENT COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE FUND TOTAL TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL General $57,800 $57,800 Contract (001) Assessment Landscape Laborer II .50 .50 Dist #711 3,400 3,400 Landscape Laborer III .45 .45 Assessment Dist #713 8,000 8,000 Total $69,200 $69,200 Total .95 .95 INDICATOR ACTUAL 1991-92 ESTIMATED 1992-93 CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 1993-94 BUDGET 1992-93 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 CONTRACT SERVICES General Fund Assessment Dist #711 Assessment Dist #713 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $46,090 $52,630 $51,480 $57,800 1,848 2,970 3,030 3,400 3,035 7,100 7,670 8,000 $50,973 $62,700 $62,180 $69,200 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $62,700 $62,180 $69,200 $50,973 - 54 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL TRANSPORTATION STREET TREE MAINTENANCE - 3040 REDUCED (1) COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE FUND TOTAL TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL General $ (14,800) $43,000 Contract (001) Assessment Landscape Laborer II .50 Dist #711 0 3,400 Landscape Laborer III ( .20) .25 Assessment Dist #713 0 8,000 Total $ (14,800) $54,400 Total ( .20) .75 Implementation of this Reduced Service Level would result in the owners of private property absorbing the cost of tree trimming or tree removal for those trees which encroach onto the public right-of-way. In addition, frequencies for in-house and contract pruning would be reduced resulting in overgrown and potentially hazardous trees. REDUCED SERVICE 1993-94 CUMULATIVE TOTAL 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ $ o o SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ o $ o CONTRACT SERVICES $ (14,800) $ 54,400 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ (14,800) $ 54,400 - 55 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET FUND PROGRAM TRANSPORTATION COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL ACTIVITY STREET TREE MAINTENANCE - 3040 SERVICE LEVEL REDUCED (2) PERSONNEL SUMMARY CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL General (001) Assessment Dist #711 Assessment Dist #715 Contract $ (3,270) $ 39,730 Landscape Laborer II Landscape Laborer III ( .10) .50 .15 o 3,400 o 8,000 Total ( .10) .65 Total $ (3,270) $ 51,130 Implementation of this Reduced Service Level would result in 1) bare spots in medians and planting strips due to elimination of any replacement for dead or vandalized trees; 2) potential long-term damage to trees due to reduced frequencies for restaking and adjusting of tree stakes (if continued for more than one year); and 3) unhealthy trees due to reduced fertilization. REDUCED SERVICE 1993-94 CUMULATIVE TOTAL 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ o o $ SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ $ o o CONTRACT SERVICES $ (3,270) $ 51,130 CAPITAL. OUTLAY $ $ o o TOTAL aCTIVITY COST $ (3,270) $ 51,130 - 56 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I STREET LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE This budget funds maintenance and irrigation of City parkways and street medians (exclusive of street trees). street Landscape Maintenance is provided to the City under contract with MCE corporation, while trash receptacle pick-up is provided to the City under contract with A-I Sweeping. services provided by MCE include landscape maintenance, turf care, irrigation and drainage maintenance, weed control, litter pick-up, and sign removal. The budget necessary to provide the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 1993-94 is $302,690. Approximately 36.5% ($110,720) of the total activity is funded by special assessments to property owners in the vicinity of stagecoach Road and Dougherty Road. These Assessment Districts were formed to fund maintenance activities normally performed by homeowners associations at the request of the developers. The Fiscal Year 1993-94 Budget represents an approximate 3.3% decrease from the previous fiscal year due to a proposal by MCE to subcontract mowing and edging in addition to aeration, weed control, and fertilization, resulting in cost savings to the City. INDICATOR WORKLOAD/PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ESTIMATED 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 16.00 ac 20.61 ac 20.61 ac 20.61 ac 492 ea 525 ea 525 ea 530 ea 7,843 ea 8,929 ea 8,929 ea 9,029 ea 17 ea 17 ea 17 ea 17 ea 397 hr 120 hr 215 hr 110 hr LEVEL OF SERVICE Landscaped Areas Irrigation Stations Irrigation Heads Trash Receptacles Banner Installation Litter Pick-up (times/year) Manual Weed Removal Mowing Turf (times/year) Trash Receptacle Pick-up 1.0 Monthly 37 52 1.0 Monthly 40 52 1.0 8.4/yr 42 52 1.0 Monthly 40 52 - 57 - I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM TRANSPORTATION COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL FUND General (001) Assessment Dist #711 Assessment Dist #713 $191,970 49,100 61,620 Total $302,690 DESCRIPTION PERSONNEL SERVICES SERVICES & SUPPLIES Gas & Electric General Fund Assessment Dist #711 Assessment Dist #713 Subtotal (Gas & Electric) Water & Sewer General Fund Assessment Dist #711 Assessment Dist #713 Subtotal (Water & Sewer) I I I I I I I I TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERVICES General Fund Gas Tax Assessment Dist #711 Assessment Dist #713 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL ACTIVITY COST ACTIVITY STREET LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE-3050 CUMULATIVE JOB TOTAL CLASSIFICATION $191,970 Contract 49,100 Landscape Foreman I Landscape Laborer I 61,620 Landscape Laborer II Landscape Laborer III $302,690 Total SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL ACTUAL 1991-92 BUDGET 1992-93 $ $ o o 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 .50 .50 3.50 3.50 ESTIMATED 1992-93 CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 1993-94 $ o o $ $ 1,157 $ 1,050 $ 1,160 $ 1,220 428 425 500 500 1.193 975 1.120 1.120 $ 2,778 $ 2,450 $ 2,780 $ 2,840 $ 21,790 $ 29,960 $ 31,730 $ 34,150 11,993 16,350 15,300 17,000 14.739 18,390 18.200 19.900 $ 48,522 $ 64,700 $ 65,230 $ 71,050 $ 51,300 $ 67,150 $ 68,010 $ 73,890 $173,211 o 41,877 46.756 $261,844 $ 93,764 78,106 39,200 49.100 $260,170 $ o o $ $313,144 $327,320 - 58 - $ 80,769 78,106 39,200 46.760 $244,835 $156,600 o 31,600 40,600 $228,800 $ $ o o $312,845 $302,690 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM TRANSPORTATION ACTIVITY STREET LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE - 3050 SERVICE LEVEL REDUCED (1) PERSONNEL SUMMARY COST BY FUND INCREMENT FUND TOTAL CUMULATIVE JOB TOTAL CLASSIFICATION $185,770 Contract 49,100 Landscape Foreman Landscape Laborer I 61,620 Landscape Laborer II Landscape Laborer III $296,490 Total INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL General (001) Assessment Dist #711 Assessment Dist #713 $ (6,200) o 1.0 1.0 1.0 .40 o ( .10) ( .10) 3.40 Total $ (6,200) Implementation of this Reduced Service Level would result in 1) increased leaves on Village parkway due to reduced leaf cleanup; 2) longer grass during the winter months due to reduced frequencies for mowing; and 3) elimination of use of San Ramon Road banner poles by non-profit groups. DESCRIPTION REDUCED SERVICE 1993-94 CUMULATIVE TOTAL 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ $ o o SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ $ 73,890 o CONTRACT SERVICES $ (6,200) $222,600 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ $ o o TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ (6,200) $296,490 - 59 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I. 1 I 1 1 I ,I 1 1 CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM TRANSPORTATION ACTIVITY STREET LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE - 3050 SERVICE LEVEL REDUCED (2) PERSONNEL SUMMARY COST BY FUND INCREMENT FUND TOTAL CUMULATIVE JOB TOTAL CLASSIFICATION $159,970 Contract 49,100 Landscape Foreman Landscape Laborer I 61,620 Landscape Laborer II Landscape Laborer III $270,690 Total CUMULATIVE TOTAL INCREMENT TOTAL General $ (25,800) (001) Assessment 0 Dist #711 Assessment 0 Dist #713 1.0 1.0 ( .20) .80 ( .40) 0 ( . 60 ) 2.80 Total $ (25,800) Implementation of this Reduced Service Level would result in 1) bare flower beds and planting strips due to elimination of any replacement for dead or vandalized shrubs and groundcover; 2) overgrown shrubs due to reduced pruning; 3) longer grass and unkempt edges due to reduced frequencies for mowing and edging; 4) delay in repair to fences and soundwalls due to decreased inspections; and 5) potentially hazardous areas in streets and parking lots due to reduced repairs of paver stones (except in high pedestrian traffic areas) . DESCRIPTION REDUCED CUMULATIVE SERVICE TOTAL 1993-94 1993-94 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 73,890 $ (25, 800 ) $196,800 PERSONNEL SERVICES SERVICES & SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERVICES CAPITAL OUTLAY $ o o $ TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ (25,800) $270,690 - 60 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PARA TRANS IT SERVICE On July 1, 1988, the Livermore-Amador valley Transit Authority (LAVTA) assumed responsibility for the provision of Paratransit Services in the City of Dublin. AS a result of this transfer, LAVTA directly receives the City's Transportation Development Act annual allocation for paratransit services. During Fiscal Year 1992-93, the City paid a $1,500 General Fund subsidy to the LAVTA Paratransit Program. LAVTA has again requested a subsidy of $1,500 for Fiscal Year 1993-94. In addition to funding the LAVTA budgetary shortfall, this year the funding will help LAVTA compensate for the costs associated with expanding Dial-A-Ride services to meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. - 61 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM TRANSPORTATION COST BY FUND SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT ACTIVITY PARATRANSIT SERVICE - 3060 PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL General (001) Total $ 1,500 $ 1,500 No City personnel are included in this activity. $1,500 $ 1,500 DESCRIPTION CURRENT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 PERSONNEL SERVICES SERVICES & SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERVICES LAVTA S 1. 500 S L 500 S L 500 S L 500 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ o o $ o $ o $ TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 - 62 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 ,I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM TRANSPORTATION COST BY FUND INCREMENT FUND TOTAL ACTIVITY PARATRANSIT SERVICE - 3060 SERVICE LEVEL REDUCED (1) PERSONNEL SUMMARY CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL General (001) No City personnel are included in this activity. $(1,500) $ o Total o $(1,500) $ This Reduced Service Level would eliminate the General Fund subsidy to Livermore-Amador Valley Transit Authority (LAVTA) for the provision of Paratransit services in the City of Dublin. The impact of this reduced contribution on service will have to be determined by the LAVTA Board of Directors once all funding contributions are known for Fiscal Year 1993-94. REDUCED CUMULATIVE SERVICE TOTAL DESCRIPTION 1993-94 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 0 $ 0 CONTRACT SERVICES $(1,500) $ 0 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $(1,500) $ 0 - 63 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VECTOR CONTROL Since March 1, 1988, the City has contracted with Alameda County Service Area - Vector Control. The City has paid for this program with General Fund monies in lieu of assessing property owners as part of the countywide service area. payment for services is based on the number of Dublin "equivalent benefit units" (if the City were included in the County Service Area). Services provided include, but are not limited to, enforcing applicable health and safety codes and ordinances, conducting various investigations, responding to public complaints, conducting neighborhood surveys, collecting rodents for laboratory examination,' and surveillance of rabies control. During Fiscal Year 1991-92, it is estimated that the City received approximately 400 hours of vector control services. The cost to the City to fund these services was $21,394. During the 1991-92 annual Budget deliberations, City Staff provided the City Council a number of options with regard to vector control services. Subsequently, the City Council directed Staff to pursue annexation to the county Vector Control Service Area. The annexation was approved by the City, the County, and the Local Agency Formation commission (LAFCO) and was effective on July 1, 1992. consequently, all of the 1993-94 source of revenue to support Vector control Services to the City will come from the Vector control Service Area. The total recommended Budget for Fiscal Year 1992-93 was zero; however, due to the tardiness of the county's billing system, the final bill for 1991-92 was not received until well into the 1992-93 Fiscal Year, This final bill for $7,123 was posted to Fiscal Year 1992-93. Vector Control services are no longer funded by the city. Fiscal Year 1993-94 is zero. The recommended budget for - 64 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM HEALTH & WELFARE COST BY FUND ACTIVITY VECTOR CONTROL - 5010 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE FUND TOTAL TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL General $ 0 $ 0 No City personnel are included in this Total $ 0 $ 0 activity. ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED RECOMMENDED DESCRIPTION 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES S 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 0 S 0 $ 0 $ 0 CONTRACT SERVICES S 21,394 S 0 $ 7,123 $ 0 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 21,394 $ 0 $ 7,123 $ 0 - 65 - 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 -I I 1 WASTE MANAGEMENT This budget identifies costs associated with the support required to monitor waste management activities and implementation of programs as identified in the adopted Dublin Source Reduction and Recycling Element (SRRE). All staffing related to this activity is included in the Administrative Services Department. Total expenditures for Fiscal Year 1992-93 are estimated to be $69,598. Activities undertaken in 1992-93 included a rebate to all Dublin residents participating in the single family curbside recycling program, a subsidy to the Alameda County Home Compost Program, work associated with the Christmas Tree Recycling Project and a subsidy for the implementation of a Multi-Family Residential Recycling Program. Funding for these activities came from the Measure D lawsuit settlement agreement. It is anticipated that remaining Measure D funds will be exhausted during Fiscal Year 1993-94. The total recommended budget for this activity for Fiscal Year 1993-94 is $572,336. total of $20,650 in Measure D funds is proposed for the following activities: A 1. Christmas Tree Recycling Project 2. Evaluation of a Commercial Recycling Program 3. Work associated with revisions to the City's Source Reduction and Recycling Element, which will be necessary due to the anticipated passage of new State Regulations The 1993-94 Waste Management Budget also includes for the first time an estimated $551,586 payment to Livermore Dublin Disposal for the first can of residential garbage service, curbside recycling, and four special garbage clean-ups. The City will be reimbursed for the cost of these services through fees paid on the property tax bill. - 66 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM HEALTH & WELFARE COST BY FUND INCREMENT FUND TOTAL ACTIVITY WASTE MANAGEMENT - 5020 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT PERSONNEL SUMMARY CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL General (001) Recycling (224) Garbage Service (225) Total $ 100 Personnel support for this activity is included in the Administrative Services Department. $ 100 20,650 20,650 551,586 551,586 $572,336 $572,336 CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office supplies $ 60 $ 100 $ 0 $ 0 Postage 129 1,200 0 0 Postage (Recycling) 0 0 0 700 Operating Supplies 0 200 0 0 Advertising 0 0 0 0 Printing & Binding 0 0 0 0 printing & Binding (Recycling) 0 1,050 0 300 BOOks/publications (Recycling) 0 100 0 50 Mileage/Auto Allowance 0 200 0 0 Mileage/Auto Allowance (Recycling) 0 0 80 50 Travel, Conferences & Mtgs 0 0 0 0 Travel, Conferences & Mtgs (Recycling) 0 690 0 0 Training 0 500 0 0 Training (Recycling) 0 0 0 0 Legal Notices 111 150 150 100 Professional Svcs 7,832 17,000 0 0 Professional Svcs (Recycling) 0 0 0 0 community Promotion 0 300 0 0 Community Promotion (Recycling) 0 0 0 0 TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 8,132 $ 21,490 $ 230 $ 1,200 CONTRACT SERVICES $ 0 $ 69,300 $ 69,368 $571,136 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 8,132 $ 90,790 $ 69,598 $572,336 - 67 - I 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 I I I I I I I .1 I 1 LIBRARY SERVICES This budget funds the contract agreement with the Alameda County Library for additional hours of library service at the Dublin Library. For Fiscal Year 1992-93, Alameda County Library funded 40 hours per week of library service and the City of Dublin funded 19 hours per week of library service. Thus, the Library was open for a total of 59 hours per week, seven days per week as follows: Sunday 1pm-5pm Friday 10am-5pm Saturday 10am-5pm Monday 10am-9pm Tuesday 1pm-9pm wednesday 10am-9pm Thursday 10am-9pm For Fiscal Year 1993-94, Alameda county Library Staff has indicated that the hours funded by the county may be reduced from 40 hours per week to an average of 16.75 hours per week. This is the result of an anticipated 44% reduction in county funding to the Library System. If this reduction is implemented, county funded hours at the Dublin Library will be as follows: Sunday closed Monday Closed Friday Closed *Saturday 9am-12:30pm Tuesday 1pm-8pm Wednesday Closed Thursday 10am-6pm *Twice a month on alternating Saturdays As a result of this major reduction in countywide library service, the City could not fund the additional 19 hours of library service at the same incremental cost basis as was provided in previous years. If the City were to contribute at the same level as 1992-93 (approximately $165,000), an average of 12.75 hours of library service per week would be provided. At this contribution level, the Library would be open a total of 29.5 hours. If the City's contribution is reduced in proportion to the County reduction of 45%, the estimated cost to the city would be $89,754. This amount would fund 8.75 hours per week. - 68 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES COST BY FUND ACTIVITY LIBRARY SERVICES - 8010 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL CUMULATIVE JOB TOTAL CLASSIFICATION $165,000 General (001 ) Total $165,000 $165,000 No City personnel are included in $165,000 this activity. INDICATOR PERSONNEL SERVICES SERVICES & SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERVICES County Library TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL ACTIVITY COST ACTUAL BUDGET 1991-92 1992-93 $ $ o o $ $ o o $156.007 $156,007 $164,870 $164,870 $ $ o o $156,007 $164,870 - 69 - CURRENT ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE LEVEL 1992-93 1993-94 $ o $ o $ $ o o $164,870 $164,870 $165,000 $165,000 $ $ o o $164,870 $165,000 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES COST BY FUND ACTIVITY LIBRARY SERVICES - 8010 SERVICE LEVEL REDUCED (1) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL General (001) Total $ 89,754 No City personnel are included in this activity. $ (75,246) $ 89,754 $ (75,246) Implementation of this Reduced Service Level will result in a reduction of City funded hours from an average of 12.75 hours per week to an average of 8.75 hours per week. REDUCED SERVICE 1993-94 CUMULATIVE TOTAL 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ o $ o SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ $ o o CONTRACT SERVICES $ (75,246) $ 89,754 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ $ o o TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ (75,246) $ 89,754 - 70 - I I CULTURAL ACTIVITIES I This budget funds City contributions to cultural activities. During Fiscal Year 1992-93, the City provided funding in the amount of $8,000 to the Dublin Fine Art;s Foundation. These funds were used to offset the costs associated with the programs sponsored by the Foundation such as the Art Education in the Schools Program, the Dublin Sculpture Park and the Temporary Sculpture Exhibition. I I The Dublin Fine Arts Foundation is once again requesting a contribution from the City in the amount of $8,000. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - 71 - I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT ACTIVITY CULTURAL ACTIVITIES - 8011 COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL I I FUND JOB CLASSIFICATION PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL $ 8,000 $ 8,000 General (001) Total $ 8,000 $ 8,000 I I I I I I I I I I INDICATOR PERSONNEL SERVICES SERVICES & SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERVICES contribution to Dublin Fine Arts Foundation TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL ACTIVITY COST I -I I I No City personnel are included in this activity. ACTUAL 1991-92 BUDGET 1992-93 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 S 8,000 $ 8,000 $ 8,000 $ 8,000 $ 0 $ 0 $ 8,000 $ 8,000 - 72 - ESTIMATED 1992-93 CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 1993-94 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 8,000 $ 8,000 $ 8,000 $ 8,000 $ . 0 $ 0 $ 8,000 $ 8,000 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES COST BY FUND ACTIVITY CULTURAL ACTIVITIES - 8011 SERVICE LEVEL REDUCED (1) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL General (001) Total $ o No City personnel are included in this activity. $ (8,000) $ o $ (8,000 ) This Reduced Service Level would eliminate the General Fund subsidy to the Dublin Fine Arts Foundation. REDUCED CUMULATIVE SERVICE TOTAL 1993-94 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 0 $ 0 CONTRACT SERVICES $ (8,000) $ 0 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ (8, 000 ) $ 0 - 73 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I HERITAGE CENTER This budget funds the maintenance and operation of the Dublin Cemetery, the original Murray Schoolhouse and the Old St. Raymond's Church, collectively known as the Heritage Center. The budget required to provide the same level of service that is provided to other City facilities is $21,070, and has been developed based on the following assumptions: 1. 2. Acquisition of the Heritage Center will be complete by June 1, 1993. Exterior renovation of the church and school will be complete by January 1, 1994. Public use of the church will be limited, pending interior renovation. The City will be solely responsible for the operation and maintenance of the Heritage Center. 3. 4. The proposed budget provides funding as follows: building maintenance for six months; and utilities operation and maintenance is estimated to be $26,425. grounds maintenance for 12 for 12 months. The annual months; cost of - 74 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES COST BY FUND INCREMENT FUND TOTAL ACTIVITY HERITAGE CENTER - 8012 SERVICE LEVEL NEW PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT CUMULATIVE TOTAL TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION General (001 ) $ 21,070 Contract Landscape Laborer II .20 .20 $ 21,070 Total .20 .20 Total $ 21,070 $ 21,070 This budget increment finances grounds maintenance ( 1 2 months), and bui lding maintenance (6 months) at the Heritage Center that is consistent with the level of service provided at other City facilities. NEW ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL INDICATOR 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Operating Supplies $ 0 $ 150 $ 0 $ 150 RepairS/Maintenance 0 0 0 200 Gas & Electric 0 690 0 850 Water & Sewer 0 230 30 350 Telephone 0 180 0 350 TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 0 $ 1,250 $ 30 $ 1,900 CONTRACT SERVICES Grounds Maintenance $ 0 $ 7,905 $ 1,200 $14,520 Building Maintenance 0 2,925 0 4.650 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $ 0 $10,830 $ 1,200 $19,170 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ $12,080 $ 1,230 $21,070 o - 75 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES COST BY FUND ACTIVITY HERITAGE CENTER - 8012 SERVICE LEVEL REDUCED (1) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL General (001 ) $ (10,300) Contract Landscape Laborer II (.12) $ 10,770 .08 ( .12) .08 TOTAL CONTRACT Total $ (10,300) $ 10,770 Implementation of this Reduced Service Level will result in an approximate 50% reduction in building and grounds maintenance. Consequently, preventative maintenance will not be done and the majority of maintenance done will be in response to complaints or problems. Reductions in tree pruning would result in overgrown and potentially hazardous conditions, reduction in weeding would result in an unkept appearance, and reductions in building maintenance would result in equipment and fixtures that are not in working order. REDUCED SERVICE 1993-94 CUMULATIVE TOTAL 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ $ o o SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ $ 1,900 o CONTRACT SERVICES Grounds Maintenance Building Maintenance TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $ (7,743) (2.557) $(10,300) $ 6,777 2,093 $ 8,870 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ $ o o TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $(10,300) $10,770 - 76 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PARK MAINTENANCE This Budget funds Park Maintenance Services for the following facilities: Alamo Creek Park Dolan Park Dublin High School Football Field Kolb Park Senior Center Grounds Stagecoach Park Civic Center Grounds Dougherty Hills open Space Dublin Sports Grounds Mape Park Shannon Park Swim Center Grounds Park Maintenance Services are provided to the City under contract with MCE Corporation. Services provided by MCE include: turf care, irrigation and drainage maintenance; weed control, tree and shrub maintenance, litter pick-up, park equipment maintenance and facility maintenance. However, for Fiscal Year 1993-94, MCE proposes to subcontract mowing and edging in addition to aeration, weed control and fertilization, resulting in cost savings to the City. Parking lot sweeping is performed under a separate contract with A-I Sweeping. Maintenance and utility costs associated with City buildings are included in the following budget activities: Civic Center and corporation Yard (105); Shannon Center (805); Senior Center (808); and Swim Center (810). The current budget for Fiscal Year 1992-93 is $571,910. Estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 1992-93 will exceed this budget by approximately $7,500. This can be attributed to unanticipated utility increases in both Gas and Electric and Water and Sewer. The budget necessary to provide the Current service Level for Fiscal Year 1993-94 is $616,200. This budget represents an approximate 6.3% increase over the previous fiscal year. This increase is attributable to the full year impact of the 5% increase in Contract Services implemented midway through Fiscal Year 1992-93, a 3% increase in Contract services for Fiscal Year 1993-94, the addition of the Topaz Circle Landscaping adjacent to Dougherty Hills Open Space and increased water rates. WORKLOAD/PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ESTIMATED INDICATOR 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 Turf (lLCres) 42.60 42.60 42.60 42.60 Bedding (Acres) 6.17 6.38 6.38 6.61 Shrubs 6,321 6,290 6,290 6,620 Trees 1,725 1,727 1,727 1,763 Irrigat.ion Stations 351 351 351 362 Irrigation Heads 5,158 5,158 5,158 5,275 Open Space (Acres) 107.45 107.45 107.45 107.42 Total Park (Acres) 172.05 172.05 172.05 172.05 LEVEL OF SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ACTIVITY/FREOUENCY 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 MowingjTimes/year 36-45 43 41 43 EdgingJTrimming/Times/year 6-13 11 6 11 Fertilize/Times/year 4 4 4 4 Manual Weeding/Times/year 7.5 Monthly Monthly Monthly - 77 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES ACTIVITY PARK & RECREATION FACILITY MAINTENANCE - 8020 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT FUND COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL General (001) $ 616,200 Contract Landscape Foreman 1 1 Landscape Laborer I 1 1 Landscape Laborer II 1 1 Landscape Laborer III 1.85 1.85 Total 4.85 4.85 $ 616,200 Total $ 616,200 $ 616,200 INDICATOR ACTUAL 1991-92 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Operating Supplies Gas & Electric Water & Sewer TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 937 17,198 95,264 $113,399 CONTRACT SERVICES MCE Gopher Control A-I Sweeping TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $434,854 o 4,200 $439,054 CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements Furniture & Fixtures TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 o $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $552,453 - 78 - BUDGET 1992-93 $ 0 $ 650 16,300 120,340 $137,290 $430,420 o 4,200 $434,620 $ 0 o $ 0 $571,910 ESTIMATED 1992-93 $ 0 $ 350 17,900 133,000 $151,250 $422,735 1,225 4,200 $428,160 $ 0 o $ 0 $579,410 CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 1993-94 $ 0 $ 400 17,900 145,300 $163,600 $448,400 o 4,200 $452,600 $ 0 o $ 0 $616,200 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES ACTIVITY PARK & RECREATION FACILITY MAINTENANCE SERVICE LEVEL REDUCED (1) FUND COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL PERSONNEL SUMMARY CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL General (001 ) $ (26,100) $ 590,100 Contract Landscape Foreman 1 Landscape Laborer I 1 Landscape Laborer II 1 Landscape Laborer III ( . 15) 1. 70 Total ( . 15) 4.70 Total $ (26,100) $ 590,100 Implementation of this Reduced Service Level would result in 1) increased plant loss due to pest damage; 2) increased litter during winter months due to decreased frequency of pick-up; 3) delay in replacement of playcourt nets due to decreased inspections and 4) delay in repair to ballfield fences, backstops, benches and bleachers due to decreased inspections. In addition, all City fountains would be shut off and the mechanical equipment "mothballed." REDUCED SERVICE 1993-94 CUMULATIVE TOTAL 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ $ o o SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ $163,600 o CONTRACT SERVICES $ (26,100) $426,500 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ $ o o TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ (26,100) $590,100 - 79 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES ACTIVITY PARK & RECREATION FACILITY MAINTENANCE - 8020 SERVICE LEVEL REDUCED (2) FUND COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL PERSONNEL SUMMARY CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL General (001) $ (49,200) $ 540,900 Contract Landscape Foreman 1 Landscape Laborer I 1 Landscape Laborer II 1 Landscape Laborer III (.75) .95 Total (.75) 3.95 Total $ (49,200) $ 540,900 Implementation of this Reduced Service Level would result in 1) bare flower beds and planting strips due to elimination of any replacement for dead or vandalized trees, shrubs and groundcover; 2) bare flower beds and planters due to elimination of annual flower planting, 3) increased areas of parking lot failure due to elimination of asphalt repairs; 4) longer grass and unkempt edges due to reduced frequencies for mowing and edging,S) overgrown shrubs and trees due to reduced pruning; and 6) closure of park restrooms during the winter months. REDUCED SERVICE 1993-94 CUMULATIVE TOTAL 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ o $ o SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ o $163,600 CONTRACT SERVICES $ (49,200) $377,300 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ (49,200) $540,900 - 80 - I I COMMUNITY CABLE TELEVISION I The Tri-Valley community Television Corporation (TVCTC) is a non-profit entity which provides public, educational, and government cable television access. The TVCTC Board of Directors is comprised of representatives from the Cities of Dublin, Livermore, Pleasanton, and San Ramon. Primary funding for the corporation is provided from equal contributions from the four member agencies. I I In order to maintain the Current service Level, each agency would need to contribute $48,000 plus their respective $1,000 grants from Viacom Cab1evision. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - 81 - I I I I I I I I I I ,I I II I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES COST BY FUND ACTIVITY COMMUNITY CABLE TV-8030 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL General (001) Total $49,000 No City personnel are included in this activity. $49,000 $49,000 $49,000 CURRENT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL INDICATOR 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 CONTRACT SERVICES $ 49,000 $ 49,000 $ 49,000 $ 49,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 49,000 $ 49,000 $ 49,000 $ 49,000 - 82 - I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES COST BY FUND ACTIVITY COMMUNITY CABLE TV-8030 SERVICE LEVEL REDUCED (1) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL General (001) Total $ 9,000 No City personnel are included in this activity. $(40,000) $ 9,000 $(40,000) This Reduced Service Level would reduce the City's contribution to the Tri-valley community Television Corporation by $40,000. The impact of this reduced contribution on service will have to be determined by the Corporation Board of Directors once all member agencies contributions are known for Fiscal Year 1993-94. REDUCED CUMULATIVE SERVICE TOTAL 1993-94 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 0 $ 0 CONTRACT SERVICES $ (40,000) $ 9,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ (40,000) $ 9,000 - 83 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RECREATION The Recreation Department is responsible for planning and implementing a comprehensive program of recreational opportunities for all ages. The Department is also responsible for the management of the Shannon community Center, the Dublin Senior Center, the Dublin Swim Center and in addition, schedules the use of the Dublin Sports Grounds and the Dublin Unified School District athletic fields and gymnasiums. During Fiscal Year 1993-94, it is anticipated that the following goals can be accomplished within the current service level: City Council Prioritv High 1. High 2. High 3. Hi';1h 4. Medium 5. High 6. High 7. Medium 8. Medium 9. Medium 10. 1993 GOALS Prepare a report from the Heritage Task Force with recommendations on the best way to operate programs at the Heritage Center. Renovate Heritage Center. Complete Parks & Recreation Master Plan. Prepare a report from Library Planning Task Force. Report to the City Council on the appropriate level of cost recovery for recreation programs. Complete renovation of Swim Center Bathhouse. Establish liaison committee with local youth sports organizations. Work with EBRPD and county on development of Iron Horse Trail through Dublin. Work with Dublin Fine Arts Foundation to implement 1993 projects, provided funding is available. Report to the City Council on potential name for Recreation Department to more accurately reflect programs and. services administered by the Department. The following three goals cannot be accomplished with the current service level due to insufficient Staff time and lack of funding: Medium Low 1. 2. Low 3. Complete renovation of DHS Athletic Fields. Develop a vandalism awareness program in cooperation with Public Works and Police. Complete Dougherty Hills Park Plan in order that the Rotary Club can adopt a portion of the project. The budget necessary to provide the current level of service is $1,045,893. It is anticipated that $566,558 will be generated in revenue. Of this amount, approximately $65,315 is a result of fee increases approved by the city Council during 1992-93 to offset the projected budget shortfall for the upcoming Fiscal Year. Thus, the net cost to the City for the Current Service Level is $479,335. This represents an approximate 8% decrease from Fiscal Year 1992-93. - 84 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The Current Service Level budget by program is shown below: CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 1993-94 BUDGET Recreation Administration Playgrounds Shannon Center Preschool Classes Teen Program Adult Sports Program Youth Sports Special Events Senior Center Recreation Classes Aquatics TOTAL $ 187,868 79,352 114,889 36,620 34,221 105,242 31,034 30,995 136,518 92,022 197.132 $1,045,893 - 85 - ESTIMATED REVENUE $ 0 61,690 62,100 39,057 9,270 131,820 20,558 11,540 57,576 76,952 95,995 $566,558 NET PROGRAM COST $187,868 17,662 52,789 (2,437) 24,951 (26,578) 10,476 19,455 78,942 15,070 101,137 $479,335 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES COST BY FUND ACTIVITY RECREATION 8040-8100 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL $1,033,643 Recreation Director 1 1 Recreation Supervisor 1 1 12,250 Recreation Coordinator 3 3 Admin. Secretary 1 1 Office Asst II 1 1 $1,045,893 Total 7 7 Part Time 30,194 hrs 30,194 hrs General $1,033,643 (001) Dublin 12,250 Info. Inc. (601) Total $1,045,893 This increment finances the following activities: 1) Recreation Administration; 2) Shannon Center Operation; 3) Playgrounds; 4) Preschool; 5) Teens; 6) Youth and Adult Sports; 7) special Events; 8) Senior Center operation and Senior Programs; 9) Leisure Enrichment Classes; and 10) Dublin Swim Center operation and Aquatics Programs. In addition to the full time Staff shown above, this Budget includes the following part time staff: Building Attendants (2,802 hours); Playground Leaders (6,945 hours); Preschool Instructors (2,836 hours); Teen Leaders (1,575 hours); Adult Sports Officials (3,608 hours); Youth Sports Officials (1,553 hours); Special Events leaders (231 hours); Senior Center Leader (936 hours); Leisure Enrichment Class Instructors (288 hours); and Aquatics Staff (9,420 hours). WORKLOAD/PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ESTIMATED INDICATOR 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 PRoGRAM PARTICIPANTS PLAYGROUNDS Summer 68/day 65/day 81/day 90/day Afterschool 65/day 70/day 68/day 70/day Camp Shannon n/a 18/day n/a 14/day Winter Wonderland n/a n/a 40/day 40/day PRESCHOOL Classes 180 180 180 180 Day camp 71 90 90 112 TEENS Wells, noontime 56/day SO/day 60/day 65/day Wells, afterschool 11/day 25/day 10/day 40/day Excursions/Special Event s 38 80 184 400 Pool Bashes 117 500 235 250 ADULT SPORTS Softball Teams 171 180 138 153 Basketball Teams 44 45 42 54 Volleyball Teams 19 31 38 45 Open Gym 1,110 1,430 554 700 - 86 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I WORKLOAD/PERFORMANCE MEASURES (Continued) ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ESTIMATED INDICATOR 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 YOUTH SPORTS Softball 17 30 30 60 Basketball 95 140 149 165 sports Camps 45 120 60 200 Hockey n/a 15 50 50 SPECIAL EVENTS Halloween 194 250 226 140 Tree Lighting 200 200 200 200 Breakfast w/Santa 408 410 396 400 St. Patrick's Day Celebration 3,000 3,500 5,000 5,500 Eggstravaganza 625 825 900 1,200 Flea Markets 800 1,000 1,500 1,500 SENIOR CENTER Center Avg. Daily Attendance 75 75 78 78 Meals (lunch) 2,728 2,964 2,964 2,964 Trips 102 180 230 210 Classes Etc. 11,546 10,000 12,000 12,000 Special Events 1,320 900 900 1,000 LEISURE ENRICHMENT CLASSES Number Conducted 239 250 210 250 Participants 2,169 2,500 2,139 2,500 AQUATICS Rec Swim 10,867 20,000 26,000 26,000 Lessons 1,610 2,000 1,903 1,950 VOLUNTEER HOURS Preschool 1,435 1,440 1,435 1,435 Youth Sports 19 25 30 44 Special Events 304 360 398 375 Senior Center 3,184 2,700 3,800 3,800 Aquatics 510 750 1,200 1,250 FACILITY USE PERMITS ISSUED Field Use 80 85 85 85 Shannon Center 67 80 80 84 Civic Center Paid 12 32 23 47 Unpaid 252 240 236 233 - 87 - I CURRENT SERVICE I ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 I PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries, Full-Time $255,668 $276,496 $274,538 $ 285,205 Salaries, Part-Time 213,727 227,716 212,674 242,486 I Salaries, Overtime 3,267 3,465 2,686 2,814 Retirement 28,443 31,672 30,903 37,869 Group Insurance 33,916 38,030 36,258 36,299 Workers' Compensation 17,074 32,146 27,760 29,994 I F. I. C . A. - med i 5,335 5,841 5,603 6,126 F.I.C.A. - oasdi 13,306 14,121 13,186 15,035 S.U.I. 0 0 0 0 I TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES $570,736 $629,487 $603,608 $ 655,828 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 2,090 $ 2,400 $ 1,539 $ 1,550 I Postage 6,958 7,329 6,379 6,962 Copier supplies 2,628 3,110 2,910 3,087 operating supplies 45,022 49,308 41,726 44,884 I Advertising 934 1,630 977 1,390 printing & Binding 10,367 11,195 9,876 10,150 Insurance 919 1,860 1,510 1,630 I Insurance/Claims 0 0 0 0 Repairs & Maintenance 556 1,100 2,455 1,911 Rentals/Leases 9,258 11,235 10,433 7,007 Books & Publications 529 659 335 227 I Memberships & Dues 670 805 761 730 Mileage/Auto Allowance 2,820 3,380 2,950 3,360 Travel, Conferences & Mtgs 1,129 550 475 2,450 I Training 175 880 777 940 GaS/Electric 55,599 61,700 58,020 60,975 water/sewer 14,249 16,255 15,410 16,996 I Telephone 5,337 6,003 5,693 5,814 Legal Notices 25 0 62 65 Internal Service Fund 8,855 10,003 10,003 9,425 TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $168,120 $189,402 $172,291 $ 179,553 I CONTRACT SERVICES Rec Admin $ 775 $ 800 $ 740 $ 750 I Playgrounds 580 1,740 1,230 1,808 Shannon 24,041 28,455 29,863 28,175 Preschool 560 1,145 200 0 Teens 135 1,458 1,503 4,380 I Adult Sports 42,228 39,640 33,995 33,715 Youth sports 1,846 2,000 1,902 2,862 Special Events 2,152 2,525 3,310 3,400 I senior Center 18,185 19,110 18,111 55,077 Rec Instruction 40,102 41,018 42,900 43,975 Aquatics 33,251 29,440 28,850 29,000 I TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $163,855 $167,331 $162,604 $ 203,142 CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture/Fixtures $ 4,810 $ 4,310 $ 4,431 $ 3,355 I Machinery & Equipment 4,176 1,325 1, 204 4,015 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 8,986 $ 5,635 $ 5,635 $ 7,370 I TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $911,697 $991,855 $944,138 $1,045,893 - 88 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL ACTIVITY RECREATION 8040-8100 SERVICE LEVEL REDUCED (1) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL $954,244 Recreation Director 1 Recreation Supervisor 1 Recreation Coordinator ( .20) 2.80 12,250 Admin. Secretary 1 Off ice Asst. II 1 $966,494 Total ( .20) 6.80 Part Time (4,779 hrs) 25,415 hrs. General $ (79,399) (001) Dublin Info. Inc. 0 (601) Total $ (79,399) Implementation of this Reduced Service Level would result in 1) elimination of the Teen Program; 2) elimination of the following Special Events - Halloween Spooktacular, Tree Lighting, Breakfast with Santa, Easter Eggstravaganza, and Citywide Garage Sales; 3) elimination of the following Youth Sports Programs Sports camps, T-bal1jSoftbal1 Leagues, Hockey Leagues and Girls Summer League Basketball; 4) reductions in Senior Center operation from 5 days per week to 4 days per week and reductions in meals served from 3 days per week to 2 days per week; and 6) reductions in capital outlay, computer software support and memberships. This Reduced Service Level would also result in the reduction of one full time Recreation Coordinator to 80% and reductions in part time staff as follows: Playgrounds (942 hours); Teens (1,575 hours); Adult Sports (852 hours); Youth Sports (977 hours); Special Events (99 hours); Senior Center (286 hours); and Aquatics (48 hours) . The total estimated cost for the Reduced Service Level is $966,494; however, revenue would be reduced by $30,013. The net cost to provide the reduced level of service would be $429,949. This represents an approximate savings of $49,386 or 8.7%. REDUCED SERVICE CUMULATIVE DESCRIPTION 1993-94 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES $ (59,431) $596,397 SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ ( 7,508) $172, 045 CONTRACT SERVICES $ (10,432) $192,710 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ ( 2,028) $ 5,342 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ (79,399) $966,494 - 89 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PLANNING The City's planning Department provides oversight and enforcement for the development process within the community. This includes the development and recommendation of policies and regulations related to the development process. The Planning Department is directly responsible for providing Staff support for the following activities: preparation of updates and amendments to the General Plan; development of Ordinances for consideration by the Planning Commission and the City Council; administration of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); processing of development applications; and administration and enforcement of the City's zoning Ordinance. A five member Planning Commission, appointed by the City Council, conducts reviews of development proposals and provides recommendations to the city Council. In some cases, the Planning Commission has the ability to take the final action on an application, in the event that no member of the public requests a review by the City Council. The Planning Director serves as the Staff to this Commission. The Planning Director is responsible for coordinating and supervising the completion of all staff reports, agendas and meeting minutes associated with the Planning Commission. ' The estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 1992-93 are 4.9% under the approved budget. This was achieved in light of off setting savings/expenses in maj or categories. For example, total Personnel Services are less than the budget as a result of staff vacancies, including the Senior Planner and Office Assistant II positions. Offsetting these savings, the Professional Services line item increased. This activity includes additional consulting services and project modifications associated with the Eastern Dublin project. A portion of these costs ($508,000) are offset by fees collected from the applicants. The budget necessary to provide the current service level for Fiscal Year 1993-94 is $564,320. This represents a decrease of 38% or $343,109 from estimated Fiscal Year 1992- 93 expenditures. Substantial reductions are related to the conclusion of the studies related to the eastern and western extended planning areas. This reduces the need for expenses related to consultants as identified under professional services and the contract planning position identified in contract services. The cost of the Planning Activity is partially offset by revenue in the amount of $50,000 (Zoning and Subdivision fees) and by Community Development Block Grant funds. The following represent Workload Indicators for the Planning Department: ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 Planning Applications Completed 149 178 175 166 Business License Reviews 1,282 650 509 510 plan Checks/zoning Approvals 170 192 204 200 Annual CUP Reviews 84 72 94 95 Sign Permits Issued 25 40 45 45 Ordinance Amendments 6 6 0 5 Zoning/Property Maintenance 147 170 140 140 Cases Handled (Closed or Corrected) General Plan Amendment Reports 4 4 6 1 Home Occupation/Garbage Exemption 72 152 131 130 Inspections - 90 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING - 9010 CURRENT COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE FUND TOTAL TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL General $564,320 $564,320 Planning Director 1 1 (001) Senior Planner 2 2 Associate Planner 2 2 Assistant Planner/ zoning Investigator 1 1 Admin. secretary 1 1 Office Asst II 2 2 Intern (Part-Time) (988 hrs) .5 FTE .5 FTE Total $564,320 $564,320 Total 9.5 9.5 This Budget increment finances the current level of service and enables the City to maintain the same level of service approved in the Fiscal Year 1992-93 Budget. 1993 GOALS City Council Priority High High High High High High High 1. Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment/specific Plan 2. Carry out Eastern Dublin Implementation Program 3. Convert records system to street address based system 4. Resolve Eastern Sphere of Influence with Livermore 5. Revise Sign Ordinance 6. Implement Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance Modification. 7. zoning Ordinance Amendment - Auto Dealer Signage (not necessary if #5 above is undertaken) 8. zoning Ordinance Amendment - Outdoor Sales 9. Zoning Ordinance Amendment - Signs & Banners (not necessary if #5 above is undertaken) 10. Conduct Land Use Study for Southern Portion of camp Parks High High Medium In order to achieve the above goals, the Senior Planner, Office Assistant II and Intern positions would need to be filled, and additional engineering services for the Camp Parks Land Use Study would be required (not shown in this budget). - 91 - I CURRENT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL INDICATOR 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 I PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries, Full-Time $377,493 $346,854 $332,819 $393,628 I Salaries, Part-Time 18,024 13,084 3,330 12,792 Salaries, Overtime 4,185 4,157 1,500 1,227 Retirement 38,411 39,393 37,354 52,240 I Group Insurance 44,376 42,710 42,360 49,515 Workers' compensation 9,426 10,929 9,886 12,449 S.U.I. 0 0 219 0 F.I.C.A. 3,922 5,003 3,848 4,806 I F.I.C.A. - O.A.S.O.I. 1,272 0 206 793 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES $497,109 $462,130 $431,522 $527,450 I SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 3,648 $ 3,980 $ 1,600 $ 2,000 I postage 4,059 3,990 3,390 3,000 Copier Supplies 1,505 2,197 1,500 1,650 Operating Supplies 287 285 240 250 printing & Binding 2,658 3,095 3,095 2,000 I Repairs & Maintenance 550 685 750 800 Books & Publications 1,211 1,650 1,642 1,150 Memberships & Dues 322 400 392 420 I Mileage/Auto Allowance 2,986 2,880 2,800 2,800 Travel, Conferences & Mtgs 1,365 500 260 3,885 Training 51 1,325 1,100 1,100 I Legal Notices 2,128 2,415 2,300 2,500 Professional Services 312,723 392,841 397,000 0 Filing Fees 4,750 5,650 2,580 2,700 Internal Service Fund 8,000 6,508 6,508 8,115 I TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $346,243 $428,401 $425,157 $ 32,370 I CONTRACT SERVICES Contract Planning $106,937 $ 58,500 $ 50,000 $ 0 Alameda Co. Mortgage Cert pgm 5,000 4,500 0 4,500 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $111,937 $ 63,000 $ 50,000 $ 4,500 I CAPITAL OUTLAY I Furniture & Fixtures $ 237 $ 750 $ 750 $ 0 Machinery & Equipment 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 237 $ 750 $ 750 $ 0 I TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $955,526 $954,281 $907,429 $564,320 I I I I - 92 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING - 9010 REDUCED (1) COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE FUND TOTAL TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL General $ (71,043) $493,277 Planning Director 0 1 (001 ) Senior Planner 0 2 Associate Planner ( 1 ) 1 Asst. Planner/ Zoning Investigator 0 Admin. Secretary 0 Office Asst. II ( 1 ) Intern (part-time) (988 hours) 0 .5 Clerk Typist (part- time) (1,000 hrs.) .5 .5 Total $ (71,043) $493,277 Total ( 1 .5) 8.0 This Reduced Service Level would result in the elimination of one Associate Planner and one Office Assistant II position. In addition, this service level would promote one of the current Associate planners to Senior Planner, and would add one part-time student Clerk Typist position (1,000 hours per year). These staffing changes would result in a delay in the completion of a number of the Department's goals, including converting the records system to a street address based system and revising the Sign Ordinance, and delay in development application processing, if the City experiences increased development requests. REDUCED CUMULATIVE SERVICE TOTAL 1993-94 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ (71,043) $456,407 SERVICES & SUPPLIES 0 32,370 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 4,500 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ (71,043) $493,277 - 93 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BUILDING & SAFETY Building and Safety services are presently provided to the City under a contract with Taugher & Associates, Inc. The services provided include: building inspection, construction plan checking, and housing code enforcement activities. The budget necessary to provide the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 1993-94 is $273,811. This represents an increase of $27,983 or 11.4% over the Fiscal Year 1992-93 estimated expenditures. This increase is primarily attributable to resumption of business license renewal inspections and a proposed average 3.6% increase in labor rates. In 1991, the City implemented a business license registration program which is administered by the Finance Department. In accordance with this program, the Building & Safety Department conducts initial inspections and periodic (once every four years) re-inspections of local businesses for compliance with the City's building codes. In 1992-93, the Finance Department experienced a reduction in the number of staff position. Consequently, the business re-inspection notices were not processed and the business re-inspections were not conducted. The 1993-94 current service level budget includes funding to conduct business re-inspections. It is estimated that in Fiscal Year 1993-94, the Building & safety Department will spend approximately 250 hours conducting about 400 re-inspections in accordance with the City's Business License Registration Program. The 1993-94 Budget will allow the Building & Safety Department to respond to projected requests for Building & safety services, as well as continue the public education programs implemented in 1991-92. The public education programs are designed to assist homeowners who undertake projects without the assistance of a building contractor. The proposed workload is structured in anticipation that the following projects will be under construction during Fiscal Year 1993-94: . Bordeaux Estates (9 vacant lots) Ahmanson (43 vacant lots) Creekside (3 vacant lots) Bloomington (1 vacant lot) Dublin Meadows (16) Dublin Honda Enea Tenant Improvements U-Hau1 Mini Storage Addition Amador Valley/Dougherty Commercial Hexcel Remodel St. Raymond's New Classroom . . . . . . . . . . INDICATOR WORKLOAD/PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ESTIMATED 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 $14,765,090 $12,000,000 $13,500,000 $10,000,000 798 703 850 825 $ 173,666 $ 152,000 $ 190,000 $ 282,000 4,139 4,000 3,800 3,800 22 21 22 16 201 18 21 44 $ 212,702 $ 202,000 $ 195,000 $ 223,000 51. 38 50.50 51. 28 58.68 Building Valuation Permits Issued Building Permit Fees Inspections Dwelling Units Issued Dwelling Units Finaled Contract Cost Contract Cost Per Inspection - 94 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL ACTIVITY BUILDING & SAFETY - 9020 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT PERSONNEL SUMMARY CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL FUND General (001) $273,811 $273,811 city Admin. secretary 1 1 Contract Building Official 1 1 Building Inspector 1 1 (total 3,000 contract hrs) Total 3 3 Total $273,811 $273,811 This budget increment finances the current level of service and enables the City to maintain the same level of service as was provided during Fiscal Year 1992-93. The increment includes one full-time Administrative secretary (City employee), the services of one contract Building Official (1,000 hours) and one Building Inspector (2,000 hours), plus 250 hours associated with business license renewal inspections. The Building Official provides plan checking and overall superv~s~on of the Building and Safety Department. Also included in this budget are the necessary services and supplies to support the Building and Safety Department. 1993 GOALS In addition to maintaining pace with the construction activity in the City for Fiscal Year 1993-94, this Department will undertake the following goals adopted by the City Council: City Council Priority High 1. Continue follow-up of enforcement of non-conforming signs. High 2. Adopt 1993 Edition of National Electrical Code. Medium 3. Provide two Homeowner Building Education Seminars. - 95 - I I CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL I DESCRIPTION 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES I Salaries, Full-Time $ 36,063 $ 38,439 $ 38,159 $ 37,736 Salaries, Part-Time 0 0 0 0 salaries, Overtime 79 0 0 0 Retirement 3,676 4,358 4,249 4,982 I Group Insurance 3,921 4,061 4,088 4,083 Workers' Compensation 403 323 377 367 F.LC.A. 0 0 0 0 I TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 44,142 $ 47,181 $ 46,873 $ 47,168 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 232 $ 224 $ 290 $ 250 I Postage 573 563 300 400 Copier supplies 203 236 170 180 Operating Supply 18 50 36 35 I printing & Binding 1,005 1,368 1,300 350 Books & Publications 1,186 870 809 600 Memberships & Dues 457 500 555 555 I Mileage/Auto Allowance 13 50 0 25 Training 88 500 0 500 Legal Notices 0 50 60 60 Internal Service Fund 1.202 435 435 688 I TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 4,977 $ 4,846 $ 3,955 $ 3,643 CONTRACT SERVICES $212,702 $202,000 $195,000 $223,000 I CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture/Fixtures S 0 S 0 S 0 S 0 I TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $261,821 $254,027 $245,828 $273,811 I I I I I I I - 96 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COST BY FUND INCREMENT FUND TOTAL ACTIVITY BUILDING & SAFETY - 9020 SERVICE LEVEL REDUCED (1) PERSONNEL SUMMARY CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL General (001) Total No City personnel are included in this activity. $ (14,250) $259,561 $ (14,250) $259,561 This Reduced Service Level would eliminate building inspections associated with Business License renewals and would eliminate one of the two building regulatory training seminars. The impact of eliminating re-inspections could result in building code non-compliance and/or unsafe conditions going undetected; and additional significant costs to property owners in the future. REDUCED SERVICE 1993-94 CUMULATIVE TOTAL 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ $ 47,168 o SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ $ 3,393 (250) CONTRACT SERVICES $ (14,000) $209,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ $ o o TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ (14,250) $259,561 - 97 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ENGINEERING This activity provides funding for activities related to: traffic engineering and related programs; Storm Water Pollution Control activities; inspection of Capital Projects; inspection of private development facilities which will be dedicated to the city (i.e. the development of new streets, sidewalks, etc.); review of plans for subdivisions and private development; preparation of maps identifying parcels within the community; and technical engineering support for Assessment Districts. These services are provided using a combination of City employees and Contract Services. The Fiscal Year 1992-93 estimated costs are projected to be approximately 12% less than the budget. This outcome reflects measures enacted by the city Council and Staff to lessen the impact of the reduced funding received from the state. Specifically, the savings were achieved as a result of the following actions: postponement of hiring a part-time Management Assistant to implement the Trip Reduction Ordinance; printing of items related to the Storm Water Pollution Education Program were less than anticipated; and reduced training in response to the City's fiscal condition. In the area of contract Services, the Staff reduced the amount of work undertaken on mapping updates and general studies. The Fiscal Year 1993-94 Current Service Level budget of $438,072 provides funding based upon anticipated private development activities. Due to a decline in this area, the budget relies on reduced funding for Contract Services. The Current Service Level does include the salary and benefit costs of a part-time Management Assistant to perform activities related to the Trip Reduction Ordinance. The costs associated with this position total $29,445. In the area of Services and supplies, most of the charges reflect inflationary increases. Printing is projected to increase by approximately $2,049 over the estimated for Fiscal Year 1992-93. This is primarily attributable to increased printing costs associated with Assessment District notifications, as well as the cost of NPDES publications as part of the storm water pollution education program. As previously noted, declining development activity has resulted in reduced expenses for Contract Services. As noted in the Budget Detail, the portion of Engineering costs associated with CIP projects are shown for information purposes only on these pages. The actual engineering costs are included in the capital Budget for each project. In Fiscal Year 1993-94, CIP engineering costs account for approximately 26 percent of the total engineering costs budgeted. The Engineering Department also offsets a portion of its expense through fees and charges. The following Table shows the impact of these revenues on the net cost of providing Engineering Services. Net Cost of Engineering Activity Total Engineering General Fund Proiected Revenues Encroachment Permits Plan Check/Inspections AB 134 Trip Reduction Program Net General Fund Cost Estimated 1992-93 $251,122 Fiscal Year 1993-94 $200,632 (7,300) (132,600) (10,000 ) $101,222 (7,000) (30,000) (15,900) $147,732 Adjustment for Reduced Service Level (1) Adjustment for Reduced Service Level (2) Net cost (11,000) (29,445) $107,287 - 98 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING - 9030 CURRENT COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE FUND* TOTAL TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL General $200,632 $200,632 Citv** (001 ) Sr. Civil Engineer Gas Tax 6,000 6,000 Public Works (2107.5) Inspector 2 2 Assessment 5,214 5,214 Engineering Tech 1 1 Dist #710 Management Assistant .5 .5 Assessment 1,108 1,108 Dist #711 Assessment 1,228 1 ,228 Dist #713 Assessment 2,293 2,293 Dist #716 NPDES (222) 110,497 110,497 Total Total 4.5 4.5 $326,972 $326,972 This Budget provides funding for the current level of service. necessary services, supplies, and improvements necessary to Division. This Budget funds the support the Engineering * The following legend provides descriptive information on the special funds: Assessment Dist. #710 Assessment Dist. #711 Assessment Dist. #713 NPDES #222 Citywide street Lighting Landscape Assessment District (Stagecoach Rd) Landscape Assessment District (Villages/ Dougherty Rd) National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (Stormwater pollution Control Program) ** Although 100% of the costs for the City Personnel involved with this activity are reflected on the following page for information only, it is anticipated that only a portion of the Staff time will be charged to this account and the remainder will be charged to various capital projects. - 99 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries, Full-Time $157,491 $190,808 $190,360 $199,093 Salaries, Part-Time 828 9,974 0 20,172 Salaries, Overtime 1 ,890 2,719 8,565 4,858 Retirement 15,244 23,624 21,412 29,099 Group Insurance 19,453 28,954 27,213 33,346 Workers' Compensation 4,037 9, 128 8,765 9,242 F.I.C.A. 2,331 2,951 2,884 3,250 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES $201,274 $268,158 $259,199 $299,060 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 826 $ 730 $ 730 $ 770 Postage 78 2,400 2,935 3,045 Operating Supplies 601 2,150 1,266 900 Printing & Binding 2,478 11,650 2,861 4,910 Books & Publications 54 250 252 200 Memberships & Dues 290 140 144 150 Mileage/Auto Allowance 4,640 5,685 5,986 5,600 Travel, Conferences & Meetings 487 0 0 580 Training 257 1 ,858 1 ,050 1,350 Legal Notices 266 150 285 250 Filing Fees 25 0 25 25 Internal Service Fund 1 ,400 3.084 3,084 2.642 TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 11 ,402 $ 28,097' $ 18,618 $ 20,422 CONTRACT SERVICES Contract Services General $102,952 $ 77,780 $ 75,635 $ 78,490 General Engineering Services 12,189 20,000 5,700 1,000 General Traffic Engr 26,761 32,000 25,000 27,000 Private Development Engr/lnspection 29,618 64,000 69,365 8,000 Traff ic Engr 6,249 10,000 0 0 Assessment District Engr 8,758 8.305 4 ,101 3.600 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $186,527 $212,085 $179,801 $118,090 CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture & Fixtures $ 0 $ 3,050 $ 2,816 $ 0 Machinery & Equipment 376 4.875 1 ,235 500 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 376 $ 7,925 $ 4,051 $ 500 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $399,579(1 ) $516,265(2) $461,669(3) $438,072(4) (1 ) The total 1991-92 expenses were actually $328,163. Approximately $71,416 are costs related to various capital projects and is shown for information only. The adopted 1992-93 Budget was actually $423,197. Approximately $93,06B are costs related to various capital projects and is shown for information only. The estimated costs for 1992-93 are actually $367,982. Approximately $93,687 are costs related to various capital projects and is shown for information only. The estimated costs for 1993-94 are actually $326,972. Approximately $111,100 are costs related to various capital projects and is shown for information only. (2) (3) (4) - 100 - I I 1 I 1 1 I I 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 1 -I I 1 CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING - 9030 REDUCED (1 ) COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE FUND TOTAL TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL General $ (11,000) $189,632 Citv (001) Sr. civil Engineer 0 1.0 Gas Tax 0 6,000 Public Works (2107.5) Inspector 0 2.0 Assessment 0 5,214 Engineering Tech 0 1.0 Dist #710 Management Assistant 0 .5 Assessment 0 1,108 Dist #711 Assessment 0 1,228 Dist #713 Assessment 0 2,293 Dist #716 NPDES (222) 0 110,497 Total Total 0 4.5 $ (11,000) $315,972 This increment reduces funds available for Contract Traffic Engineer services. This would eliminate the ability to provide special studies of issues brought to the City's attention by the public or the City Council. Examples of these studies include: requests for stop signs, requests for crosswalks or speed zone changes, etc. PERSONNEL SERVICES REDUCED CUMULATIVE SERVICE TOTAL 1993-94 1993-94 $ 0 $299,060 0 20,422 ( 11 , 000 ) 107,090 0 500 $ (11,000) $427,072(1) SERVICES & SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERVICES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL ACTIVITY COST (1) The ClITIUlative Cost for 1992-93 is actually $315.972. Approximately $111,100 related to City Personnel is shown for information only and is projected to be disbursed to various capital projects. - 101 - I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I I 1 I I .1 1 1 CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING - 9030 REDUCED (2) COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE FUND TOTAL TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL General $ (29,445) $160,187 City (001 ) Sr. Civil Engineer 0 Gas Tax 0 6,000 Public Works (2107.5) Inspector 0 2 Assessment 0 5,214 Engineering Tech 0 1 Dist #710 Management Assistant ( .5) 0 Assessment 0 1,108 Dist #711 Assessment 0 1 ,228 Dist #713 Assessment 0 2,293 Dist #716 NPDES (222) 0 110,497 Total Total ( .5) 4 $ (29,445) $286,527 This increment eliminates the part-time Management Assistant position designated to undertake activities related to the Trip Reduction Ordinance. PERSONNEL SERVICES REDUCED CUMULATIVE SERVICE TOTAL 1993-94 1993-94 $ (29,445) $269,615 0 20,422 0 107,090 0 500 $ (29,445) $397,627(1 ) related to City Personnel is shown for SERVICES & SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERVICES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL ACTIVITY COST (1) The Cumulative Cost for 1992-93 is actually $186,527. Approximately $111,100 information only and is projected to be disbursed to various capital projects. - 102 - 1 1 I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I 1 1 1 I 1 1 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT The purpose of this activity is to enhance and maintain the City's economic base through programs and activities which focus on promotion and retention. The goal of this effort also includes addressing issues related to the revitalization of areas in decline in order to protect the competitiveness of our local economy. Staffing utilized for projects under this activity are provided for in the City Manager's Department and the Administrative Services Department. In Fiscal Year 1992-93, the City Council received a final recommendation from the Dublin Business Task Force. This group of business representatives evaluated recommendations from the 1987 Downtown Specific Plan, including the recommendation to form a local Business Association. The Task Force conducted forums to obtain input, as well as reviewing the success of similar organizations in other cities. The final recommendation of the Task Force was to encourage the Chamber of Commerce to develop a program rather than embarking on the establishment of a new organization. Only minor expenses for supplies to support the Task Force were incurred in 1992-93. The original budget had included funding for Consultant Services to assist with formation of a Business Association. The major expense in 1992-93 was the City's contribution to the Alameda Countywide Economic Development Program. This program is jointly funded through public agencies, utilities, and private businesses. The recommended budget for Fiscal Year 1993-94 totals $9,610. The majority of the funds are attributable to two activities: 1. City contribution to Alameda Countywide Economic Development Program ($4,942). This is a joint effort coordinated by the County involving public agencies, utilities, and private companies. The emphasis is placed on business retention, as well as the attraction of new businesses to the region. 2. undertaking a local effort to determine the potential components and feasibility of a local Economic Development Program, which will address opportunities specific to the City of Dublin. CALED, a statewide professional organization of Economic Development representatives, has a program which will provide outside professional resources to assess local community issues. Funds have been included to utilize CALED's Public Advisory Service to perform this analysis. 3. Preparation of an update to the City'S Economic Profile Brochure. Fiscal Year 1993-94 represents the final year of an original three year commitment to the Alameda County Program. In the future, the City will need to assess the benefit received from participation in this program. Staff for Economic Development activities are provided for in the City Manager'S Department and Administrative Services. Staffing reductions in these Departments may impact the completion of the report on a local Economic Development Program, as well as the amount of time available to participate in meetings and programs sponsored by Alameda County Economic Development. - 103 - I I 1 1 I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - 9040 PROGRAM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL FUND JOB . CLASSIFICATION SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL General (001 ) $ 9,610 $ 9,610 Total $ 9,610 $ 9,610 This activity is supported by Staff shown in the City Manager's and Administrative Services Budgets. This Budget finances High Priorities Activities identified in the City Council Goals and Objectives including the preparation of a report on the feasibility of a local Economic Development Program. Specific activities include services and supplies associated with the report; preparation of an update to the City's Economic Profile Brochure; consultant services associated with an independent review of the City's needs for structuring an Economic Development Program; and the City's participation in the Alameda Countywide Economic Development Program. Staffing for these activities are shown in other Departments as noted above. DESCRIPTION PERSONNEL SERVICES SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies Postage Copier Supplies Operating Supplies Advertising printing & Binding Books & Publications Memberships & Dues Travel, Conferences & Mtgs Legal Notices TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture & Fixtures Machinery & Equipment TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL ACTIVITY COST ACTUAL 1991-92 $ o $ o 243 o 379 o o 93 200 63 o 978 $ $ 4,942 $ o o o $ $ 5,920 - 104 - BUDGET 1992-93 $ 0 $ 500 1,000 100 300 300 1,600 100 200 100 100 $ 4,300 $ 25,000 $ $ $ 29,300 o o o ESTIMATED 1992-93 $ o $ o 75 10 o o 100 45 200 30 o 460 $ $ 4,942 $ o o o $ $ 5,402 CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 1993-94 $ 0 $ 0 o o 100 250 1,500 100 210 450 o $ 2,610 $ 7,000 $ o o o $ $ 9,610 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I I 1 1 I I I I I I DEBT SERVICE - SAN RAMON ROAD SPECIFIC PLAN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT During Fiscal Year 1985-86, at the request of property owners, the City formed the San Ramon Road Specific Plan Assessment District. This Assessment District financed: 1. The westerly extension of Amador valley Boulevard 2. Modification of the traffic signal at the intersection of Amador Valley Boulevard and San Ramon Road 3. Frontage improvements along San Ramon Road 4. Engineering costs 5. Financing costs Most of the improvements were completed by Fiscal Year 1987-88. A total of $857,869 in Assessment District Bonds have been issued. The bonds were scheduled to be repaid from assessments collected from property owners through the Year 2000. In Fiscal Year 1992-93, Staff reviewed assets available from: early prepayments by property owners, unused proceeds, interest and property sale revenue and miscellaneous revenue. It was determined that adequate assets were available to call all outstanding bonds as of July 2, 1993. The total principal and interest payment required for Fiscal Year 1993-94 is $480,081. The interest figure of $40,081 includes interest due on July 2, 1993 of $20,831 plus $19,250 in premiums to be paid on bonds with scheduled maturities falling after July 2, 1993. The budgeted amount for principal of $440,000 represents all outstanding bonds. This will eliminate the need for any debt service payments on this Assessment District in future years. - 105 - I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 1 I -I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM DEBT SERVICE ACTIVITY SAN RAMON ROAD SPECIFIC PLAN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT FUND COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION CUMULATIVE TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL Assessment $480,081 Dist #712 Total $480,081 $480,081 No City personnel are included in this activity. $480,081 DESCRIPTION ACTUAL 1991-92 BUDGET 1992-93 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ o $ SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ o $ o CONTRACT SERVICES $ $ o o DEBT SERVICE Interest Principal* TOTAL DEBT SERVICE $ 48,813 55,000 $103,813 $ 41,663 55,000 $ 96,663 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ o $ o TOTAL ACTIVITY COST Sl03,813 $ 96,663 PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT TOTAL ESTIMATED 1992-93 o $ o RECOMMENDED 1993-94 $ o $ o $ o $ o $ o $ 44,069 55,000 $ 99,069 $ o $ 40,081 440,000 $480,081 $ o $ 99,069 $480,081 * Actual principal payments are not reflected in the previous year's Year End Financial Statements because they are capitalized at the end of the year. - 106 - 1 1 I I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I DEBT SERVICE - CIVIC CENTER During Fiscal Year 1985-86, the City issued $11,968,000 in Certificates of Participation to finance the acquisition of 10 acres of land, as well as the construction of the Civic Center. The City's lease agreement with Dublin Information, Inc., provided that the City would make lease payments to Dublin Information, Inc., which in turn would make payments through a Trustee to the Certificate holders. During Fiscal Year 1987-88, the City issued $17,230,000 in new certificates of Participation in order to refinance the 1985 Certificates of participation and take advantage of favorable interest rates to reduce the size of the 1985 debt, as well as generate new funds needed for the Civic Center. The City is legally required to budget the gross debt service for Fiscal Year 1993-94, which totals $1,719,595. The financial legal documents also required that the City establish a Reserve Fund of $1,723,000, which is held by the Trustee. The interest earnings on this fund are estimated at $140,830 for Fiscal Year 1993-94. This will be applied to the lease payment, resulting in a net debt service payment of approximately $1,578,765. As the 1993-94 Budget was being prepared, Staff was working with financial consultants, at the direction of the City Council, to consider a possible refinancing of the 1988 Certificates of Participation. If this transaction is successfully completed, there will be a reduced lease payment schedule and this budget will need to be revised. - 107 - 1 1 1 I I I I I 1 i I 1 I I 1 I 1 1 I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM DEBT SERVICE ACTIVITY CIVIC CENTER COST BY FUND INCREMENT FUND TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION Dublin $1,719,595 Info. Inc. (601) Total $1,719,595 $1,719,595 No City personnel are included in this activity. $1,719,595 DESCRIPTION ACTUAL 1991-92 BUDGET 1992-93 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES o $ $ CONTRACT SERVICES o $ $ DEBT SERVICE Interest principal* TOTAL DEBT SERVICE $1,275,670 445,000 $1,720,670 $1,248,970 470,000 $1,718,970 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ o $ TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $1,720,670 $1,718,970 * SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT TOTAL ESTIMATED 1992-93 $ 0 o $ o CUMULATIVE TOTAL RECOMMENDED 1993-94 $ o o $ o $ o $1,248,970 470,000 $1,718,970 o $ o $ o $1,718,970 $1,219,595 500,000 $1,719,595 $ o $1,7l9,595 Actual principal payments are not reflected in previous years Year End Financial Statements because they are capitalized at the end of the year. - 108 - 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I 1 I I I 1 1 DEBT SERVICE - DUBLIN BOULEVARD EXTENSION ASSESSMENT DISTRICT In Fiscal year 1991-92, the City initiated proceedings to form the Dublin Boulevard Extension Assessment District. This District funds improvements which represent the first phase of a roadway extension which will eventually span from Dougherty Road to Tassajara Road. The financing was completed late in Fiscal Year 1991-92 with proceeds deposited with the City on June 16, 1992. This was subsequent to the adoption of the 1992-93 City Budget. The portion of the roadway extension associated with this Assessment District is limited to the extension from Dougherty Road easterly to the former southern Pacific Railroad right of way. The project includes: 1. Construction of the westerly one-half of the road which is to be on each side of Chabot Channel. 2. Construction of the extension of Dublin Boulevard including acquisition of the right of way. 3. A five foot widening on the east side of Dougherty Road from Dublin Boulevard to the northern boundary of Tract 4978. 4. 4978 and proposed Tract 5900 including: curbs, street lights, landscaping and miscellaneous the extended portion of Dublin Boulevard. Public improvements within Tract gutters, sidewalks, drainage, improvements on Dougherty Road and The repayment of these bonds will be accomplished through annual assessments on the property owners located within the District. In accordance with the legal documents, a separate reserve fund is maintained by a Trustee for the City. The estimated balance in this reserve fund as of June 30, 1993 is projected to be $122,645. All interest earnings will accrue to this reserve until the balance equals $164,500; thereafter, reserve earnings can be utilized to reduce debt service payments. The total interest payment required for Fiscal Year 1993-94 is $170,650. with the bond maturity schedule, no principal payments will be made 1993-94. In accordance in Fiscal Year - 109 - I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM DEBT SERVICE ACTIVITY DUBLIN BLVD EXTENSION ASSESSMENT DISTRICT SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT FUND COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT TOTAL $170,650 CUMULATIVE TOTAL Assessment $170,650 Dist #715 Total $170,650 $170,650 activity. DESCRIPTION PERSONNEL SERVICES SERVICES & SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERVICES DEBT SERVICE Interest Principal* TOTAL DEBT SERVICE CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL ACTIVITY COST * No City personnel are included in this ACTUAL 1991-92 BUDGET 1992-93 ESTIMATED 1992-93 o $ o RECOMMENDED 1993-94 $ o $ o $ $ o $ o $ o $ o $ o $ o $ o $ o $121,351 o $121,351 $ o $ 170,650 o $ 170,650 $ o $ o o o $ o o o $121,351 $170,650 Actual principal payments are not reflected in the previous year's Year End Financial Statements because they are capitalized at the end of the year. $ $ $ o $ o $ o $ o - 110 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I .1 1 I PROJECT TITLE Data Processing System TOTAL COST FINANCING General Fund (001) Criminal Activity Fund (200) Internal Service Fund (830) Total 1993-94 CAPITAL BUDGET GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS ACTUAL 1991-92 $ 3,902 $ 3,902 - 111 - BUDGET 1992-93 $ 31,700 $ 31,700 ESTIMATED 1992-93 $ 31,700 $ 31,700 RECOMMENDED 1993-94 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 o o $ 0 I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I .1 I I 1993-94 CAPITAL BUDGET COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED RECOMMENDED PROJECT TITLE 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 Sidewalk Safety Repair $81,312 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 Downtown Promotional Banners 13,226 0 0 0 NPDES Pilot Project 0 0 1 ,000 29,000 Stagecoach Landscape upgrade 0 7,051 7,051 0 TOTAL COST $94,538 $57,051 $58,051 $79,000 FINANCING NPDES Grant Fund (222) Capital Project (Reimbursements) Fund (300) Total $29,000 50,000 $79,000 - 112 - I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I II I I 1 1 I 1993-94 CAPITAL BUDGET PARKS ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED RECOMMENDED PROJECT TITLE 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 Shannon Center Renovation $ 65,564 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Dublin High School Football Field Renovation 71,306 0 3,625 0 Senior Center Upgrade 21,927 0 0 0 Park & Recreation Facilities Masterplan 20,177 20,717 20,717 10,000 Dublin High School Baseball & Girl Athletic Field Renovation 369 0 0 0 Nielsen School Play Area 34,848 0 0 0 Cronin School Play Area 45,252 0 0 0 90' Baseball Diamond 20,469 0 0 0 Shannon Park Well 28,855 0 0 0 Shannon Center Exterior Painting 24,546 0 0 0 Bathhouse Renovation - Dublin Swim Cntr 6,407 125,150 16,400 106,971 Kolb Park Handicapped Playground 12,061 0 0 0 Shannon Center Kitchen Floor 2,310 0 0 0 Heritage Center 1,250 164,160 21,491 142,958 Dougherty Hills Park Landscaping 0 17,000 28,000 0 Dublin Sports Grounds Renovation 0 0 0 21,000 Arroyo Vista Playground 0 22,568 22,568 0 TOTAL COST $355,341 $349,595 $112,801 $280,929 FINANCING General Fund (001 ) Community Development Block Grant (209) Park Dedication In-Lieu Fund (215) Measure AA (218) Capital Projects (Reimbursements) Fund (300) $ 10,000 72,525 62,066 136,338 o TOTAL $280,929 - 113 - I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1993-94 CAPITAL BUDGET STREET PROJECTS ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED RECOMMENDED PROJECT TITLE 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1992-93 Annual street Overlay Program $ 164,241 $ 200,000 $ 253,446 $ 200,000 Dougherty Road Bike Path 75,464 0 0 0 San Ramon Road (Phase IV) 954,724 0 8,660 0 Downtown Infrastructure Impact Fee study 1,569 0 0 0 Dublin Blvd Improvements Donlon Way to Village Pkwy 30,395 48,941 4,886 2,355,000 Dublin Blvd Extension Dougherty Road east to SPRR 2,286,614 1,443,225 1,496,735 44,150 Dougherty Road Improvements South of SPRR 9,079 9,166 200 230,000 Dublin Blvd Widening & Repair Silvergate to Hansen 107,427 0 3,702 0 Dublin Blvd Bridge over Alamo Creek repair 18,845 0 0 0 Street Subdrains 23,782 102,495 102,495 0 Traffic Signals - Village Pkwy at Brighton and Tamarack 0 10,000 0 0 Downtown Street Light Additions 0 67,350 67,350 0 Bike Path projects 0 75,000 72,400 72,550 Dublin Blvd Extension SPRR to Tassajara Road 0 573,272 573,272 0 Benchmarks & Monuments 0 0 0 2,000 TOTAL COST $3,672,140 $2,529,449 $2,583,146 $2,903,700 FINANCING Gas Tax Fund (206) Federal Aid Urban Fund (210) Transportation Development Act Fund (211) Measure B Fund (217) SB 300 Fund (220) Dublin Blvd Extension Fund (221) Capital Project (Reimbursements) Fund (300) $ 2,000 2,068,000 72,550 129,398 70,602 44,150 517,000 TOTAL $2,903,700 - 114 - I I INTERNAL SERVICES I The Internal Services Fund was established to provide for a reserve to replace equipment when the current inventory is used and no longer functional. Each department budgets within its own operating budget for the amount of equipment usage based upon a predetermined rate. That charge to the General Fund becomes income to the Internal Services Fund, offsetting its cost and reserving funds for the future replacement of equipment. I I The 1993-94 Internal Service Fund includes replacement of 2 patrol vehicles and one unmarked unit. This Budget activity is shown for informational purposes only. I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I - 115 - 1 I 1 I 1 1 I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM INTERNAL SERVICES COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL ACTIVITY INTERNAL SERVICES SERVICE LEVEL N/A PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL Internal Svcs Total $188,239 No City personnel are included in this activity. $188,239 $188,239 $188,239 DESCRIPTION ACTUAL 1991-92 BUDGET 1992-93 ESTIMATED 1992-93 RECOMMENDED 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ o $ o $ o $ o SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies Operating Supplies Repairs & Maintenance TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 991 $ 1,765 $ 500 $ 500 30,653 36,704 29,500 31 , 100 27.864 24.710 24.350 25.325 $ 59,508 $ 63,179 $ 54,350 $ 56,925 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 17,868* $109,217 $109,461 $ 52,000 $ 90,321 $ 99,645 $ 99,645 $ 79,314 $167,697 $272,041 $263,456 $188,239 CONTRACT SERVICES MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT DEPRECIATION & REPLACEMENT TOTAL ACTIVITY COST *Capitalized to Fixed Assets (Not shown in Final 6/30/92 Financial Report) - 116 - 1 C I T Y O F D U B L I N FINAL BUDGET AND FINANCIAL PLAN 1993-94 ADOPTED JUNE 1 , 1993 Peter W. Snyder, Mayor David Burton, Vice Mayor Guy Houston, Councilmember SUBMITTED BY Lisbeth Howard, Councilmember Richard C. Ambrose Paul C. Moffatt, Councilmember City Manager ( UY V • C T ' TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Re-cap of City Council Adopted Budget Modifications 1 Budget Summary by Fund 3 Position Allocation Plan 4 GENERAL GOVERNMENT City Council 6 City Manager/Clerk 7 Legal Services 9 Administrative Services 10 Building Management 12 Insurance 13 Elections 14 Non-Departmental 15 PUBLIC SAFETY Police Services 16 Crossing Guards 18 Animal Control 19 Traffic Signals & Street Lighting 20 Disaster Preparedness 21 Fire Services 22 TRANSPORTATION Public Works Administration 23 Street Maintenance 24 Street Sweeping 25 Street Tree Maintenance 26 Street Landscape Maintenance 27 Paratransit Service 28 HEALTH & WELFARE Vector Control 29 Waste Management 30 CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES Library Service 31 Cultural Activities 32 Heritage Center 33 Park Maintenance 34 Community Television 35 Recreation 36 r x - TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) PAGE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Planning 38 Building & Safety 40 Engineering 42 Economic Development 44 DEBT SERVICE San Ramon Road Specific Plan Assessment District 45 Civic Center 46 Dublin Boulevard Extension Assessment District 47 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET General Improvements 48 Community Improvement Projects 49 Parks 50 Street Projects 51 INTERNAL SERVICES 52 1993-94 RE-CAP OF CITY COUNCIL ADOPTED BUDGET MODIFICATIONS Reduced Service Level Description Savings a. 1010-1 Eliminate Dublin Pride Week, contribution to $ 7,000 Dublin Substance Abuse Council. b. 1040-1043-1 Eliminate City Newsletter. 3,760 c. 2020-1 Eliminate Crossing Guards. 36,022 d. 3020-1 Reduce Storm Patrol and lengthen storm clean-up 15,578 response time, non-safety street sign replacement, guardrail repair and curb painting and marking. e. 3040-1 Eliminate trimming of private trees which 14,800 encroach onto streets and sidewalks. f. 3040-2 Eliminate replacement of dead or vandalized 3,270 trees, reduce tree stake adjustment and tree fertilization. g. 3050-1 Reduce median leaf clean-up; reduce median 6,200 mowing frequency during winter months; eliminate use of San Ramon Road Banner Poles by non-profit groups. h. 3050-2 Eliminate replacement of dead or vandalized 25,800 shrubs and groundcover in street landscape areas; reduce pruning of shrubs; reduce median mowing and edging frequency in street median all year; delay fencing repairs and reduce repair of paver stones. i. 3060-1 Eliminate Paratransit subsidy. 1 ,500 j . 8012-1 Reduce building and grounds maintenance at 10,300 Heritage Center by 50%. k. 8020-1 Mothball Park and Civic Center fountains; 26, 100 reduce Park litter pick-up during winter months; reduce inspection of playcourt nets, ballfield fences, backstops, benches and bleachers resulting in repair delays. 1. 8030-1 Reduce contribution to Tri-Valley Community 40,000 Television Corporation. -1- x Reduced Service Level Description Savings m. 9030-1 Eliminate special traffic studies requested 11 ,000 by the public or City Council. n. Salary freeze for City employees 40,214 o. Labor rate freeze for MCE employees 15,370 P. 1060-1 Increase City liability insurance deductible 15,243 from $25,000 to $50,000. q. 9020-1 Eliminate inspections of buildings for unsafe 14,250 conditions at the time of business license renewal. r. 9020 Labor rate freeze for Taugher & Associates employees 7,000 s. 9030-2 Eliminate part-time Management Assistant, 29,445 limiting ability to implement Trip Reduction Ordinance. t. 9010-1 Eliminate Associate Planner and Full-Time 71 ,043 Office Assistant in Planning Department, which will delay records conversion; and delay planning application processing if development applications increase. u. 1020-1 & Transfer Assistant City Manager/Administrative 30,313 1040-1043-1 Services Director time ( .30) allocated to City Manager's Office to Finance. Eliminate Finance Manager and part-time Office 44,162 Assistant position in Finance. TOTAL SAVINGS $ 468,370 a:recap.adoptedbudget -2- _ t t Federal Transpor- Criminal Vehicle Traffic State Aid tation Dev. Park Measure Fiscal Year 1993-94 General Actvity Abatement Safety Gas Tax CDBG Urban Act Dedication B CURRENT REVENUE TOTAL Fund#001 Fund#200 Fund#201 Fund#205 Fund#206 Fund#209 Fund#210 Fund#211 Fund#215 Fund#217 Property Taxes 3,839,040 3,839,040 Taxes Other Than Property 6,338,900 6,224,900 114,000 Licenses&Permits 375,600 375,600 Fines&Forfeitures 52,500 26,000 26,500 Use of Money&Property 2,550,667 881,100 600 510 13,360 1,5301 170 Intergovernmental Revenues 3,896,990 964,425 17,700 456,800 79,125 2,068,000 75,000 Charges for Service 1,568,319 714,533 Other Revenues 896,400 27,500 5,000 Special Assessments 528,413 TOTAL-CURRENT REVENUE 20,04.6,829 13,053,098 5,600 18,210 26,500 470,160 79,125 2,068,000 75,000 1,530 114,170 LESS PROPERTY TAX SHIFT (826,007) (826,007) APPROPRIATIONS FROM RESERVES 651,739 4,770 60,5361 15,228 FUND TRANSFERS IN 123,561 101,861 FUND TRANSFERS OUT (123,561) (21,700) (16,900) (6,600) OTHER SOURCES OF CASH 57,548 57,548 I TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE 19,930,109 12,364,800 10,370 18,210 9,600 470,160 72,525 2,068,000 75,000 62,066 129,398 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES OPERATING BUDGET General Government 3,031,659 3,020,899 2,450 _ Public Safety 6,252,276 5,942,166 10,370 7,800 93,500 Transportation 1,011,572 644,501 170,672 Health and Welfare 572,336 100 Culture&Leisure Services 1,816,540 1,804,290 Community Development 1,025,239 901,192 6,000 TOTAL OPERATING BUDGET 13,709,622 12,313,14.8 10,370 7,800 270,172 2,450 TOTAL-DEBT SERVICE 2,183,547 CAPITAL BUDGET General Community Improvement 79,000 Parks 280,929 10,000 72,525 62,0661 Streets 2,903,700 2,000 2,068,000 72,550 1 129,398 TOTAL CAPITAL BUDGET 3,263,629 10,000 2,000 72,525 2,068,000 72,550 62,066 129,398 TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE BUDGET 188,239 TOTAL ANTICIPATED EXPENDITURES 19,345,037 12,323,148 10,370 7,800 272,172 72,525 2,068,000 75,000 62,066 129,398 APPROPRIATIONS TO RESERVES 585,072 41,652 10,410 9,600 197,988 I TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 19,930,109 12,364,800 10,370 18,210 9,600 470,160 72,525 2,068,000 75,000 62,0661 129,398 -3- ' 1993-94 SUMMARY BY FUND Dublin Street Light Landscape San Ramon Landscape Dublin Blvd Measure Dublin Blvd. Measure D Garbage Capital Information Assessment Assessment Rd Spec Plan Assessment Assessment Internal AA Bond SB 300 Extension NPDES Recycling Service Projects Inc. District District Assessment District District Service Fund#218 Fund#220 Fund#221 #222 Fund#224 Fund#225 Fund#300 Fund#601 Fund#710 Fund#711 Fund#712 Fund#713 Fund#715 Fund#830 260 4,340 1,611,177 6,980 430 2,300 5,360 13,190 9,360 136,338 70,602 29,000 164,971 551,586 137,229 286,500 567,000 7,500 2,900 182,615 53,048 52,600 235,650 4,500 136,338 70,602 286,500 193,971 260 551,586 571,340 1,611,177 197,095 53,478 2,300 60,860 248,840 151,089 19,526 20,390 2,320 482,581 9,238 37,150 21,700 (78,361) 136,338 70,692 286,500 213,497 20,650 551,586 571,340 1,554,516 199,415 53,478 484,881 70,098 248,840 188,239 8,310 1,140 192,500 4,800 73,878 1,701 51,950 68,870 20,650 551,586 12,250 110,497 5,214 1,108 1,228 184,375 20,650 551,586 21,700 199,415 53,058 4,800 70,098 1,532,816 480,081 170,650 29,000 50,000 136,338 70,602 44,150 517,000 136,338 70,602 44,150 29,000 567,000 188,239 136,338 708602 44,150 213,375 20,650 551,586 567,000 1,554,516 199,415 53,058 484,881 70,098 170,650 188,239 242,350 122 4,340 420 78,190 136,338 70502 286,500 213,497 20,650 551,586 571,340 1,554,516 199,415 53,478 484,881 70,098 248,840 188,239 ADOPTED 6/1/93 P � 1993-94 POSITION ALLOCATION PLAN TOTAL TOTAL 1993-94 1993-94 ADOPTED ALLOCATED ALLOCATED TOTAL CITY CONTRACT 1993-94 DEPARTMENT CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS POSITIONS ALLOCATION City Manager City Manager 1 1 City Clerk 1 1 Secretary 1 1 Sub-Total 3 3 Administrative Asst City Mgr/ 1 1 Services Admin Sery Dir Asst to the 1 1 City Manager Management Assistant 1 1 Finance Technician II 2 2 Office Asst II (Part-Time) .50 .50 Sub-Total 5.50 5.50 Police Services Captain 1 1 Lieutenant 1 1 (Alameda County Patrol Sergeant 5 5 Sheriff's Dept) Detective Sergeant 4 4 Patrol Officer 15 15 Traffic Officer 2 2 Specialist Clerk 2 2 Secretary 1 1 Community Safety Asst .50 _ .50 Sub-Total .50 31 31.50 Disaster Community Safety Asst. .50 .50 Preparedness Sub-Total .50 .50 Public Works/ Public Works Director/ Administrative City Engineer 1 1 Administrative Aide 1 1 Office Assistant II 1 1 Maintenance Superintendent (MCE) _ 1 1 Sub-Total 3 1 4 Street Maint Landscape Laborer II .20 .20 (MCE Corp) Landscape Laborer III 1 1 Sub-Total 1.20 1.20 Bldg Maint Building Leadman 1 1 (MCE Corp) Landscape Laborer II .23 .23 Landscape Laborer III _42 42 Sub-Total 1.65 1.65 Street Tree Landscape Laborer II .65 .65 Maintenance (MCE Corp) Sub-Total .65 .65 Street Landscape Landscape Foreman I 1 1 Maintenance Landscape Laborer I 1 1 (MCE Corp) Landscape Laborer II .80 .90 Sub-Total 2.80 2.90 Heritage Center Landscape Laborer II .08 .08 (MCE Corp) Sub-Total .08 .08 Park Maintenance Landscape Foreman 1 1 Landscape Laborer I 1 1 Landscape Laborer II 1 1.25 Landscape Laborer III 1_85 1_50 Sub-Total 4.85 4.75 -4- TOTAL TOTAL 1993-94 1993-94 ALLOCATED ALLOCATED TOTAL CITY CONTRACT 1993-94 DEPARTMENT CLASSIFICATION POSITIONS POSITIONS ALLOCATION Recreation Recreation Director 1 1 Recreation Supervisor 1 1 Recreation Coordinator/ Senior Programs 1 1 Recreation Coordinator/ Sports Programs/Aquatics 1 1 Recreation Coordinator/ Special Programs/Classes 1 1 Admin Secretary 1 1 Office Assistant II 1 1 Sub-Total 7 7 Planning Planning Director 1 1 Senior Planner 2 2 . Associate Planner 1 1 Assistant Planner/Zoning Investigator 1 1 Admin Secretary 1 1 Office Assistant II 1 1 Intern (Part-Time) .50 .50 (988 hrs) Clerk-Typist (Part-Time .50 .50 (1000 hrs) Sub-Total 8.00 8.00 Building & Safety Chief Building Official 1 1 (Taugher & Building Inspector 1 1 Associates) Admin Secretary 1 _ 1 Sub-Total 1 2 3 Engineering Public Works Inspector 2 2 Sr. Civil Engineer 1 1 . Engineering Tech 1 1 Sub-Total 4 4 TOTAL 32.50 45.23 77.83 ' SUMMARY 1992-93 1993-94 City Employees 36.00 32.50 Contract Employees 50.13 45.23 Total 86.13 77.73 -5- ADOPTED 6/1 /93 CITY OF DUBLIN 1 -1 • 1993-94 FINAL BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY COUNCIL - 1010 ADOPTED COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY JOB FUND TOTAL CLASSIFICATION . TOTAL General $107,938 Councilmembers 5 (001 ) TDA (211 ) 2,450 Total $110,388 Total 5 • ADOPTED . ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED . SERVICE LEVEL DESCRIPTION 1991-92 " 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 PERSONNEL :SERVICES . Salaries, Part-Time $ 23,061 $ 24,335 $ 24,595 $ 25,320 Retirement 2,433 2,872 2,889 3,493 Group Insurance 26,008- 27,752 - 30,654 33,655 Workers' Compensation 170 222 ' 240 -- 247 SUI 699- • 233 888 • 0 FICA 139 137 181 210 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 52;510 $ 55,551 $ 59,447 $ 62,925 SERVICES & SUPPLIES . . Office Supplies $ 247 $ 400 $ 19.0 $ 240 Postage 217 220 100 110 Copier Supplies 0 0 0 0 Operating 19 0 140 0 Printing & Binding 66 250 750 - 250 Books& Publications 0 100 0 50 Memberships -& Dues 10,180 7,877 8,611 - 9,047 Travel, Conferences & Mtgs 9,395 6,660 5,000 . .8,650 Training 0 10,250 8,709 5,000 ' Legal Notices 426 1 ,200 525 500 Professional Services 29,934 18,616 18,616 23,231 `Community Promotion 23,572 7,885 • "9,045 385 TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 74,056 $ 53,458 $ 51 ,686 $ 47,463 TOTAL CONTRACTS $ 0 $ 0 $ 35 -$ 0 TOTAL" CAPITAL OUTLAY $ - 0 $ 0 ' . $ ,0 $ 0 • • TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $126,566 $109,009 $111 , 168 $110,388 • -6- ADOPTED 6-1-93 CITY OF DUBLIN • 1993-94 FINAL BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY MANAGER/CLERK - 1020 ADOPTED COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY JOB FUND TOTAL CLASSIFICATION . TOTAL General $254, 184 City Manager 1 (001 ) • City Clerk 1 • Secretary 1 Total - $254, 184 . Total 3 • For details, see 1993-94 Preliminary Budget Reduced Service Level (1 ) . • • • • • -7- ADOPTED 6/1/93 „). _ ADOPTED ACTUAL BUDGET H ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL INDICATOR 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93' 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries, Full-Time $305,292 $311 ,385 $309,899 $182,020 Salaries, Full-Time (JPA) 6,458 17,626 15,583 0 • Salaries, (Recycling) 0 18,752 17,000 0 Salaries, Part-Time 13,416 13,834 13,402 0 Salaries, Part-Time (JPA) 29 361 19 0 Salaries, Overtime 1 ,578 1,600 _ 1 ,077 1 ,500 Salaries, Overtime(JPA) 57 200 223 0 Retirement 34,339 36,361 35,367 24,061 Retirement (JPA) , - 0 2,411 1 ,973 0 Retirement (Recycling) 0 2,504 . 2, 140 0 Group Insurance • 39,845 36,033 39,490 18,979 - Group Insurance (JPA) 293 3,253 2,587 0 Group Insurance (Recycling) 0 2,863 . 2,620 0 Workers' Compensation 4,895 6,824 . 6,574 5,222 Workers' Compensation (JPA) 0 170 154 0 Workers' Compensation (Recycling) 0 - 176 170 0 F.I.C.A. 1 ,585 1 ,591 1 ;529 497 F.I.C.A. (JPA) 0 264 229 0 F.I.C.A. (Recycling) 0 164 • 165 0 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES $407,787 $456,372 $450,201 $232,279 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies - $ - 2,467 $ 3,020 -$ 2,000 ; .. - $ 1 ,250 Office Supplies (JPA) 70 . 200 5.0 0 Postage - 2,372 2,460 2,300 1 ,300 Postage (DII) 1 ,360 75 75 0 Postage (JPA) 138 150 105 0 • Copier Supplies 2,640 2,840 2,300 1 ,600 Copier Supplies (JPA) 0 100 - • 0 0 Operating Supplies 905 1 ,450 1 ,250 • 0 Advertising 760 , 1 ,000 500 0 Advertising (JPA) 663 300 - 0 0 Printing & Binding 646 900 500 200 - -. Printing & Binding (DII) 17,005 3,550 3,550 0 Printing & Binding (JPA) 2 0 10 0 Repairs & Maintenance 275 400 400 300 Books & Publications - 907 . 1 ,050 1 ,050 1 ,050 Books & Publications (JPA) 327 200 0 0 Memberships & Dues 1 ,578 1 ,650 1 ,650 1 ,050 Memberships & Dues (JPA) 199 210 204 0 Mileage/Auto Allowance 7,739 '8,000 7,900 5,316 Mileage/Auto Allowance (JPA) 12 100 0 0 Travel, Conferences & Mtgs 4,085 550 . 500 - 2,400 Travel, Conferences & Mtgs (JPA) 19 100 163 0 Training 10,882 4,248 4, 150 500 . Training (JPA) 10 100 • 0 . 0 Internal Service Fund 9,445 . 4,646 4,646 2,939 TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 64,506 $ 37,299 $ 33,303 .$ 17,905 CONTRACT SERVICES $ 6,613 $ 6,800 • $ 5,650 $ 4,000 . CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture/Fixtures $ 238 $ 0 • $ 500 $ - 0 Machinery & Equipment 0 500 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY . $ 238 $ 500 $ 500 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $479,144 $500,971 $489,654 • $254,184 ADOPTED 6/1/93 CITY OF DUBLIN - _ 1993-94 FINAL BUDGET • PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL GENERAL GOVERNMENT LEGAL SERVICES. - 1030 ADOPTED COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY • JOB FUND TOTAL - CLASSIFICATION TOTAL • General $161 , 170 No City Personnel (001 ) are included in Total $161 , 170 this activity. • ADOPTED ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL DESCRIPTION 1991-92 • 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES Retirement $ 2,569 $ 2,814 $ 2,800 . $ 3,170 Group Insurance 0 0 0 0 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 2,569 $ 2,814 $ 2,800 $ 3,170 CONTRACT SERVICES - _ . General $140,633 $163,511 3147,500 $121,000 Litigation 63,331 17,000 -38,700 36,500 Fire Authority (DRFA) 0 6,250 1 ,000 500 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES • $203,964 $186,761 $187,200 $158,000 • CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $206,533 $189,575 $190,000 $161 ,170 • -9-. ADOPTED 6/1/93 CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 FINAL BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL GENERAL GOVERNMENT ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES - 1040-1043 ADOPTED COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY JOB FUND TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL General $388,518 Asst. City Manager/ 1 (001 ) Admin Sery Dir Dublin Asst to the City Mgr 1 Info,' Inc. 8,250 Management Assistant 1 (601 ) Finance Tech II 2 Fire JPA Office Asst II .50 (General) 18,951 (Half-Time) Total $415,719 Total 5.50 For details, see 1993-94 Preliminary Budget Reduced Service Level (1 ) and Reduced Service Level (2) . -10- ADOPTED 6/1/93 ADOPTED FINANCIAL _ CENTRAL SERVICE DESCRIPTION ADMIN SERVICES • SERVICES LEVEL PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries, Full-Time $ 27,320 $120,230 $ 77,466 $225,016 , Salaries, Full-Time (JPA) 0 0 13,494 13,494 Salaries, (Recycling) 0 0 0 0 Salaries, Part-Time 13,830 0 0 13;830 Salaries, Part-Time (JPA) 0 0 • 0 0 Salaries, Overtime 0 '620 0 620 Salaries, Overtime(JPA) 0 0 0 0 Retirement 5,474 15,953 10,281 31 ,708 Retirement (JPA) 0 0 1 ,790 . 1,790 Retirement (Recycling) 0 0 0 • 0 Group Insurance 8,405 17,613 10,682 36,700 Group Insurance (JPA) . 0 0 1 ,824 1 ,824 Group Insurance (Recycling) 0 0 0 0 Workers' Compensation 404 1 ,182 759 2,345 Workers' Compensation (JPA) 0 0 132 132 Workers' Compensation (Recycling) 0 0 0 0 F.I.C.A. 201 1 ,017 1 , 123 2,341 F.I.C.A. (JPA) 0 0 196 196 F.I.C.A. (Recycling) 0 0 0 0 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 55,634 $156,615 $117,747 $329,996 SERVICES & SUPPLIES . Office Supplies $ 900 $ 1 ,800 $ 0 $ .2,700 Office Supplies (JPA) - - - 0 -- 0 - - 100 - 100 - Postage 1 , 125 2,500 0 -3,625 Postage (JPA) 0 - . 0 150 ' 150 Copier Supplies 800 360 . • 0 1 ,160 Copier Supplies (JPA) ' 0 0 100 - 100 Operating Supplies 0 0 1 ,610 1 ,610 Advertising 0 0 • 500 500 Printing & Binding 300 5,050 . 150 5,500 Printing & Binding (DII) 0 0 0 0 Repairs & Maintenance 100 200 0 300 Books & Publications 100 325 200 625 Books & Publications (JPA) 0 0 550 550 Memberships & Dues 35 250 70 355 Memberships & Dues (JPA) 0 . 0 215 215 Mileage/Auto Allowance 948 1 ,598 ' 250 2,796 Mileage/Auto Allowance (JPA) a 0 100 . 100 Travel, Conferences' & Mtgs 680 840 • 1 , 120 2,640 Travel, Conferences & Mtgs (JPA) 0 0 100 100 Training 900 750 5,500 . 7, 150 Training (JPA) 0 0 200 200 Small Tools 0 0 . 100 100 Internal Service Fund 2,876 1 ,356 __0 4,232 TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 8,764 $ 15,029 ' $ 11 ,015 $ 34,808 CONTRACT SERVICES . General $ 0 $ 39,550 . $ 2,500 $ 42,050 DII 0 8,250 ' 0 ' 8,250 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $ 0 $ 47,800 $ 2,500 $ 50,300 CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture/Fixtures $ 0 $ 0 ' $ • 0 $ 0 Machinery & Equipment • 0 615 0' 615 TOTAL CAPITAL 'OUTLAY - $ 0 $ 615 , $ • 0 $ 615 • TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 64,398 $220,059 $131 ,262 $415,719 -1] ADOPTED 6/1/93 CITY OF DUBLIN , ) 1993-94 FINAL BUDGET - PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUILDING MANAGEMENT - 1050 ADOPTED COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY JOB FUND TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL General $1 ,870,071 Contract (001 ) Building Leadman 1 Landscape Laborer II .23 Maintenance Laboror III .42 Total $1 ,870,071 Total 1 .65 ADOPTED ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL INDICATOR 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 516 $ 700 $ 600 $ 630 Operating Supplies 5,292 7,880 5,620 6,650 Advertising 0 200 0 0 Printing & Binding 44 100 0 0 Repairs and Maintenance 1 ,096 800 1 ,600 1 ,600 Rental/Leases 1 ,544,702 1 ,718,970 1 ,575,445 1 ,532,816 Gas & Electric 115,810 120,000 116,000 122,000 Water & Sewer 6,320 7,095 6,936 7,000 Telephone 36,674 38,000 37,000 37,500 Filing Fees 214 690 800 460 TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $1 ,710,668 $1 ,894,435 $1 ,744,001 $1 ,708,656 CONTRACT SERVICES MCE $ 77,975 $ 73,800 $ 81 ,500 $ 83,550 Janitorial 54,831 53,450 51 ,632 52,700 Other 18,753 23,268 20,518 24,265 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $ 151 ,559 $ 150,518 $ 153,650 $ 160,515 CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements $ 9,754 $ 7,099 $ 3,750 $ 400 Furniture & Fixtures 1 ,558 180 183 500 Machinery & Equipment 2,848 1,650 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 14, 160 $ 8,929 $ 3,933 $ 900 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $1 ,876,387 $2,053,882 $1 ,901 ,584 $1 ,870,071 -12- ADOPTED 6/1 /93 CITY OF DUBLIN _ 1993-94 FINAL BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL GENERAL GOVERNMENT INSURANCE - 1060 ADOPTED COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY JOB FUND TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL General $169,657 No personnel are (001 ) included in this Total $169,657 activity. ADOPTED ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL DESCRIPTION 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Insurance Premiums $144,341 $128,532 $128,414 $138,157 Insurance Claims Expense 1 ,593 20,000 31 ,520 31 ,500 TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $145,934 $148,532 $159,934 $169,657 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $145,934 $148,532 $159,934 $169,657 -13- ADOPTED 6/1 /93 CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 FINAL BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL GENERAL GOVERNMENT ELECTIONS - 1070 ADOPTED COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY JOB FUND TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL General $ 410 Personnel associated (001 ) with this are funded in City Manager/City Total $ 410 Clerk-1020. ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED DESCRIPTION 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 0 $ 25 $ 0 $ 0 Postage 0 0 2,028 0 Operating Supplies 0 0 1 ,804 0 Printing/Binding 472 365 6,517 0 Mileage/Auto Allow 0 60 10 60 Training 0 400 449 350 TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 472 $ 850 $ 10,808 $ 410 CONTRACT SERVICES County Registrar of Voters $ 2,525 $ 18,650 $ 13,523 $ 0 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $ 2,525 $ 18,650 $ 13,523 $ 0 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 CONTINGENT RESERVE $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 2,997 $ 19,500 $ 24,331 $ 410 -14- ADOPTED 6/1 /93 CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 FINAL BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL GENERAL GOVERNMENT NON-DEPARTMENTAL - 1080 ADOPTED COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY JOB FUND TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL General $50,000 No personnel are (001 ) included in this Dublin activity. Info Inc 60 (601 ) Total $50,060 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED DESCRIPTION 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Filing Fees $ 5 $ 5 $ 5 $ 5 Miscellaneous 7, 108 0 0 0 TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 7, 113 $ 5 $ 5 $ 5 CONTRACT SERVICES Purchase of FAU Funds $282,400 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Paying Agent (Assess Dist #715) 0 750 0 0 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $282,400 $ 750 $ 0 $ 0 PROPERTY TAX $ 45 $ 50 $ 51 $ 55 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 CONTINGENT RESERVE $ 0 $ 6,903 $ 0 $ 50,000 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $289,558 $ 7,708 $ 56 $ 50,060 -15- ADOPTED 6/1/93 CITY OF DUBLIN _ 1993-94 FINAL BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL • PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE SERVICE --2010 ADOPTED COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY JOB FUND TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL General $3,078,779 City (001 ) Community Safety Assistant .5 Contract Crim Act 10,370 Captain 1• (200) Lieutenant 1 Patrol Sergeant 5 Vehicle Detective Sergeant 4 . Abatement 7,800 Patrol Officer 15 (201 ) Secretary 1 Traffic Officer 2 Specialist Clerk 2 Total $3,096,949 Total 31 .5 • • ' For details, see 1993-94 Preliminary Budget Current Service Level. • • • • • • • • • • -16- • ADOPTED 6/1/93 ADOPTED ACTUAL BUDGET- ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL DESCRIPTION 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries; Full Time $ 18,384 $ 20,232 $ 20,058 $ 20,118 Salaries, Part-Time 0 0 0 0 Retirement 1 ,788 2,316 2,398 2,671 Group Insurance 1 ,317 1,575 1 ,586 1 ,587 Worker's Compensation 118 949 896 900 . FICA 252 294 291 292 . TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 21 ,859 $ 25,366 $ 25,229 $ 25,568 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 2,351 $ 3,'665 $ 2,000 $ 2,300 Postage 1 ,817 1 ,822 1 ,400 1 ,600 Copier Supplies • 2,326 2,600 2,500 2,700 Operating Supplies 5,448 ' 8,401 8,400 ' 8,900 Communications 3,563 3,600 3,200 3,600 Advertising - 0 200 200 300 Printing & Binding 638 . 3,000 1 ,500 1 ,570- Repairs & Maintenance 1 ,382 1 ,365 - 1 ,800 1 ,800 Rental & Leases 12,662 13,258 11 ,900 14,040 Books & Publications 825 2,055 2,055 3,470 Memberships & Dues 1 ,630 1 ,865 . - 1 ,750 335 Mileage/Auto Allowance - - - 164 500 - - 200 - 300 • Travel, Conferences & Mtgs - 1 ,456 - 2,010 1 ,230 2,430 Training 0 1 ,000 400 _ - 500 Telephone 2,247 2,500 3,000 3,400 Internal Svc Chg - Office 6,106 5,044 5,044 6,468 Internal Svc Chg - Vehicles 100,086 109,200 98,000 ' - 101 ,200 TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 142,701 $162,085 $ 144,579 $ 154,913 CONTRACT SERVICES Personnel - $2, 178,858 $2,330,210 $2,339,502 $2,447,168 Vehicles 14,775 15,247 13,775 15,247 Indirect Costs 137,385 147,463 147,463 154,549 Dispatch 173,839 171 ,495 171 ,435 180,070 - Admin - Financial Svcs 10,225 14,072 17,799 14,769 Services/Supplies 19,944 36,203 32,404 39,935 General 6,322 7,000 7,226 7,480 Booking Fees 50,237 55,000 50,500 53,000 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $2,591 ,585. $2,776,690 $2,780, 104 $2,912,218 CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture/Fixtures 0 3,205 1 ,950 3,950 Machinery & Equipment 2,635 2,902 1 ,500 300 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 2,635 $ 6, 107 $ 3,450 $ 4,250 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $2,758,780 $2,970,248 $2,953,362 $3,096,949 -17 ADOPTED 6/1/93 CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 FINAL BUDGET - PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL PUBLIC SAFETY CROSSING GUARDS - 2020 ADOPTED COST BY FUND - PERSONNEL SUMMARY JOB FUND TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL General $ 0 Contract 0 (001 ) Traffic • Crossing Guards Safety 0 (205) Total $ 0 Total 0 ADOPTED ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL DESCRIPTION 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $- 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES - $ 0 .- $ 0 $. .. 0 - . -.$ 0 CONTRACT SERVICES County Public Works . $ 33, 143 $ 35,346 $ 35,346 $ 0 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $ 33, 143 $ 35,346 $ 35,346 $ 0 • CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0- TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 33, 143 $ 35,346 $ 35,346 $ 0 • -18- ADOPTED 6/1 /93 CITY OF DUBLIN _ 1993-94 FINAL BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL PUBLIC SAFETY ANIMAL CONTROL - 2030 ADOPTED COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY JOB FUND TOTAL CLASSIFICATION. TOTAL General $103, 100 No City personnel are (001 ) included in this activity. This activity is administered by the Total $103, 100 City Manager's Office. ADOPTED ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL INDICATOR 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES - Postage $ 0 $ 100 $ 50 $ 100 Printing/Binding 0 . 600 600 0 TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 0 $ 700 $ 650 $ 100 CONTRACT SERVICES Shelter Service $ 15, 121 $ 34,605 $ 71 ,037 $ 54,000 Field Service 23,999 51 ,230 60,870 49,000 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $ 39,120 $ 85,835 $131 ,907 $103,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 39,120 $ 86,535 $132,557 $103,100 -19- ADOPTED 6/1 /93 CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 FINAL BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL PUBLIC SAFETY TRAFFIC SIGNALS & STREET LIGHTING-2040 ADOPTED COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY JOB FUND TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL Gas Tax $ 93,500 No City personnel are (206) included in this Assess Dist activity. (710) 192,500 San Ramon Rd (712) 4,800 Total $290,800 ADOPTED ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL DESCRIPTION 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Operating Supplies (Assess Dist) $ 81 $ 200 $ 300 $ 350 Memberships (Assessment Dist) 750 750 750 750 Gas/Electric-Signals 43,678 48,050 46,700 50,300 Gas/Electric-Street Lighting (Assessment Dist) 162,003 168,800 171 ,460 178,500 TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $206,512 $217,800 $219,210 $229,900 CONTRACT SERVICES Street Lighting (Assess Dist) $ 6,047 $ 6,200 $ 4,630 $ 10,800 Traffic Signals 44,541 40, 150 40, 150 48,000 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $ 50,588 $ 46,350 $ 44,780 $ 58,800 CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements (Assessment Dist) $ 606 $ 3,240 $ 2,700 $ 2, 100 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 606 $ 3,240 $ 2,700 $ 2, 100 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $257,706 $267,390. $266,690 $290,800 -20- • ADOPTED 6/1/93 CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 FINAL BUDGET - PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL PUBLIC SAFETY DISASTER PREPAREDNESS - 2050 ADOPTED COST. BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY JOB . FUND TOTAL • CLASSIFICATION TOTAL • General $ 36,084 Community Safety (001 ) Asst (Part-Time) .5 Dublin Info 1 , 140 Inc (601 ) - . Total $37,224 Total .5 ADOPTED ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL DESCRIPTION 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES ' Salaries, Full Time $18,384 $20,232 $20,058 $20,118 Retirement 1 ,788 2,316 2,398 2,671 Group Insurance 1 ,364 1 ,576 1 ,587 ' 1 ,587 Worker's Compensation 118 • 949 897 900 FICA ' _ 252 294 ' ' ' - 291 292 . Total Personnel Services $21 ,906 $25,367 • • $25,231 $25,568 - . SERVICES & SUPPLIES - Office Supplies $ 57 $ 100 $ 10 $ 75 Postage 895 850 60 110 . Postage (DII) 0 0 - - 640 - 640 Operating Supplies 6 500 320 - • - 675 Communications 0 . 0 0 0 Printing & Binding - 3,937 1 , 100 100 760 Printing & Binding (DII) 0 0 400 500 Books & Publications 0 100 ' 50 50 Memberships and Dues 0 50 15 20 Mileage & Auto Allowance 164 - 250 200' 250 Travel Conferences & Meetings 90 100 • 50 - 100 Training 2,380 2, 120 600 1 ,476 TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 7,529 $ 5,170 $ 2,445 $ 4,656 CONTRACT SERVICES $ 6,665- $10,900 $ 5,000 $ 6,500 CAPITAL OUTLAY - Furniture & Fixtures $ 0 $ 500 ., $ 400 $ 500 Machinery & Equipment 0 1 ,575 1 ,575 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 2,075 $ 1 ,975 , $ 500 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $36, 100 $43,512 $34,.651 $37,224 • • • • -21- • • ADOPTED 6/1/93 CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 FINAL BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL PUBLIC SAFETY FIRE SERVICES - 2060 ADOPTED COST' BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY JOB FUND TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL • General $2,724,203 Although no City personnel (001 ) are funded in this activity, • • . in kind Administrative, Personnel, • and Legal Support Services are Total $2,724,203 provided to the Fire Authority by Personnel within the City Manager, Administrative Services, and City Attorney Activities. ADOPTED ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL DESCRIPTION _ 1991-92 - ,_1992-93 , • . =1992-93 1993-94 - PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 , $ . 0 - $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 .$ 0 CONTRACT SERVICES Dougherty Regional Fire Authority $2,416,709* $2,672,950 $2,667,396 $2,724,203 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $2,416,709 $2,672,950 . $2,667,396 $2,724,203 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $2,416,709* $2,672,950 $2,667,396 $2,724,203 * This amount is less than the 1991-92 Final Year End Report because a refund of $59, 119 for overcontribution for Fire Services was not received until after the City of Dublin 1991-92 Accounting Records'were closed. • • -22• ADOPTED 6/1 /93 CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 FINAL BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL TRANSPORTATION PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION - 3010 ADOPTED COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY JOB FUND TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL General $282,681 City (001 ) Public Works Director 1 Street Lt Administrative Aide 1 Assess Dist Office Asst II 1 (710) 1 ,701 Contract Maintenance Supt 1 Total $284,382 Total 4 This Budget increment finances the current level of service and includes the Public Works Director, Contract Public Works Maintenance Superintendent, Administrative Aide, and one Office Assistant II. It also includes the necessary services and supplies and equipment to support this activity. ADOPTED ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL DESCRIPTION 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries, Full-Time $141 ,550 $145,028 $145,000 $147, 102 Salaries, Overtime 1 ,255. ' 1 ,692 1 ,600 1 ,817 Retirement 13,951 16,346 16,067 19,482 Group Insurance 16,691 17,064 17,253 17,262 Workers' Compensation 2,940 4,371 4,226 4,252 F.I.C.A. 1 ,393 1 ,541 1 ,548 1.,557 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES $177,780 $186,042 $185,694 $191 ,472 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 1 ,371 $ 1 ,443 $ 600 $ 650 Postage 2,643 3,200 1 ,520 1 ,520 Copier Supplies 750 960 600 650 Operating Supplies 87 100 100 100 Communications 0 0 0 0 Printing/Binding 570 825 870 600 Books & Publications 0 50 50 50 Memberships & Dues 70 70 70 70 Mileage/Auto Allowance 2,452 2,520 2,600 2,600 Travel, Conferences & Mtgs 877 145 100 700 Training 154 531 100 500 Legal Notices 650 100 100 100 Internal Service Fund _ 1 ,905 1 ,237 1 ,237 1 ,520 TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 11 ,529 $ 11 , 181 $ 7,947 $ 9,060 CONTRACT SERVICES Maintenance Supervision $ 76,518 $ 82,100 $ 78,780 $ 83,850 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $ 76,518 $ 82, 100 $ 78,780 $ 83,850 CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture & Fixtures $ 1 , 128 $ 500 $ 450 $ 0 Machinery & Equipment 122 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 1 ,250 $ 500 $ 450 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $267,077 $279,823 $272,871 $284,382 -23- ADOPTED 6/1 /93 s CITY OF DUBLIN _ 1993-94 FINAL BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL TRANSPORTATION STREET MAINTENANCE - 3020 ADOPTED COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY JOB FUND TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL General $165,000 Contract (001 ) Gas Tax 170,672 Landscape Laborer II .2 (206) Landscape Laborer III 1 NPDES 6,678 (222) Total $342,350 Total 1 .2 ADOPTED ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL INDICATOR 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 CONTRACT SERVICES Street Repair $232,032 $240,900 $183,599 $191 ,000 Drainage Maintenance 10,224 10,600 13,570 13,650 Storm Patrol & Clean-up 7,267 10,000 17,000 10, 100 Curb, Gutters & Sidewalks 2,730 3,900 500 1 ,000 Sign Repair & Installation 20,618 19,500 16,320 15,550 Striping & Marking 49, 132 35,400 39,800 52,700 Guardrail Repair 0 1 ,300 0 0 Weed Control 7,487 8,000 6,340 8,600 Bike Path Maintenance 3,680 4,600 3,950 4,750 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $333, 170 $334,200 $281 ,079 $297,350 CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements Other Than _ Buildings $ 56,055 $ 45,000 $ 45,000 $ 45,000 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 56,055 $ 45,000 $ 45,000 $ 45,000 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $389,225 $379,200 $326,079 $342,350 -24- ADOPTED 6/1/93 CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 FINAL BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL TRANSPORTATION STREET SWEEPING - 3030 ADOPTED COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY JOB FUND TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL NPDES $67,200 No City personnel are (222) included in this Total $67,200 activity. ADOPTED ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL INDICATOR 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 CONTRACT SERVICES Street Sweeping $ 61 ,455 $ 67,500 $ 65,600 $ 67,200 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $ 61 ,455 $ 67,500 $ 65,600 $ 67,200 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 61 ,455 $ 67,500 $ 65,600 $ 67,200 -25- ADOPTED 6/1/93 CITY OF DUBLIN _ , 1993-94 FINAL BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL TRANSPORTATION STREET TREE MAINTENANCE - 3040 ADOPTED COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY JOB FUND TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL General $39, 150 Contract (001 ) Assessment Landscape Laborer II .65 Dist #711 3,350 Assessment Dist #713 7,950 • Total $50,450 Total .65 ADOPTED ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL INDICATOR 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 CONTRACT SERVICES General Fund $46,090 $52,630 $51 ,480 $39,150 Assessment Dist #711 1 ,848 2,970 3,030 3,350 Assessment Dist #713 3,035 7, 100 7,670 7,950 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $50,973 $62,700 $62, 180 $50,450 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $50,973 $62,700 $62, 180 $50,450 -26- ADOPTED 6/1/93 CITY OF DUBLIN ' ,, 1993-94 FINAL BUDGET • • PROGRAM ACTIVITY .SERVICE LEVEL TRANSPORTATION STREET LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE-3050 ADOPTED COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY JOB FUND TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL General $157,670 Contract (001 ) - Assessment 48,600 " Landscape Foreman I. 1 .00 • Dist #711 Landscape Laborer I 1 .00 Assessment 6.0,920 Landscape Laborer II .90 Dist #713 Total $267, 190 Total • 2.90 ADOPTED ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL DESCRIPTION - 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 " PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 $ 0 $ • 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES. . Gas & Electric General Fund $ 1 , 157 ' $ 1 ,050 $ 1 ,160 $ 1,220 Assessment Dist #711 . 428 425 500 500 Assessment Dist #713 • 1 ,193 • 975 1 ,120 1 ,120 Subtotal (Gas & Electric) $ 2,778 $ 2,450 $ 2,780 $ 2,840 Water & Sewer General Fund $ 21 ,790 $29,960 $ 31 ,730 $ 34,150 Assessment Dist #711 11,993 16,350 15,300 17,000 Assessment Dist #713 • 14,739 18,390 18,200 19,900 Subtotal .(Water & Sewer) $ 48,522 $ 64,700 $ 65,230 $ 71 ,050 TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 51 ,300 $ 67;150 $ 68,010 $ 73,890 CONTRACT SERVICES General Fund . $173,211 $ '93,764 $ 80,769 $122,300 Gas Tax 0 78,106 . - 78, 106 0 Assessment Dist #711 41 ,877 39,200 39,200 31 ,100 Assessment Dist #713 46,756 49,100 46,760 39,900 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $261,844 $260,170 $244,835 $193,300 . CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $313, 144 $327,320 . $312,845 $267,190 -27- ADOPTED 6/1/93 CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 FINAL BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL TRANSPORTATION .PARATRANSIT SERVICE - 3060 ADOPTED COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY JOB FUND TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL General $ 0 No City personnel are (001 ) . included in this activity. Total $ 0 ADOPTED ACTUAL - BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL DESCRIPTION 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 • 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 • SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 0 $ 0 $ - 0 $ 0 CONTRACT SERVICES • - LAVTA - $ 1 ;500 $ 1",500 $ 1 ,500 . $ - 0 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $ 1 ,500 ..$ 1 ,500 - $ 1 ,500 $ 0 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 1,500 $ 1 ,500 $ 1 ,500 $ 0 • j ' -28- ADOPTED 6/1 /93 CITY OF DUBLIN _ 1993-94 FINAL BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL HEALTH & WELFARE VECTOR CONTROL - 5010 ADOPTED COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY JOB FUND TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL General $ 0 No City personnel are included in this Total $ 0 activity. ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED DESCRIPTION 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 $ . 0 $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 CONTRACT SERVICES $ 21 ,394 $ 0 $ 7, 123 $ 0 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 21 ,394 $ 0 $ 7,123 $ 0 • -29- ADOPTED 6/1 /93 CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 FINAL BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL HEALTH & WELFARE WASTE MANAGEMENT - 5020 ADOPTED COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY JOB FUND TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL General $ 100 Personnel support for (001 ) this activity is included Recycling 20,650 in the Administrative (224) Services Department. Garbage 551 ,586 Service (225) Total $572,336 ADOPTED SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 60 $ 100 $ 0 $ 0 Postage 129 1 ,200 0 0 Postage (Recycling) 0 0 0 700 Operating Supplies 0 200 0 0 Advertising 0 0 0 0 Printing & Binding 0 0 0 0 Printing & Binding (Recycling) 0 1 ,050 0 300 Books/Publications (Recycling) 0 100 0 50 Mileage/Auto Allowance 0 200 0 0 Mileage/Auto Allowance (Recycling) 0 0 80 50 Travel, Conferences & Mtgs 0 0 0 0 Travel, Conferences & Mtgs (Recycling) 0 690 0 0 Training 0 500 0 0 Training (Recycling) 0 0 0 0 Legal Notices 111 150 150 100 Professional Svcs 7,832 17,000 0 0 Professional Svcs (Recycling) 0 0 0 0 Community Promotion 0 300 0 0 Community Promotion (Recycling) 0 0 0 0 TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 8, 132 $ 21 ,490 $ 230 $ 1 ,200 CONTRACT SERVICES $ 0 $ 69,300 $ 69,368 $571 ,136 • CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST , $ 8, 132 $ 90,790 $ 69,598 $572,336 -30 ADOPTED 6/1/93 CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 FINAL BUDGET - PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES LIBRARY SERVICES - 8010 ADOPTED COST BY FUND .PERSONNEL SUMMARY JOB FUND TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL. General $165,000 No City personnel (001 ) are included in • Total $165,000 this activity. • ADOPTED ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE LEVEL INDICATOR . 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 CONTRACT SERVICES County Library $156,007 $164,870 - $164,870 --$165,000 - TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $156,007 $164,870 $164,870 $165,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 0 $ - 0 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $156,007 $164,870 $164,870 $165,000 • • -31• ADOPTED 6/1 /93 CITY OF DUBLIN _ 1993-94 FINAL BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES CULTURAL ACTIVITIES - 8011 ADOPTED COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY JOB FUND TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL General $ 8,000 No City personnel are (001 ) included in this Total $ 8,000 activity. ADOPTED ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL INDICATOR 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 CONTRACT SERVICES Contribution to Dublin Fine Arts Foundation $ 8,000 $ 8,000 $ 8,000 $ 8,000 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $ 8,000 $ 8,000 $ 8,000 $ 8,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 8,000 $ 8,000 $ 8,000 $ 8,000 -32- ADOPTED 6/1 /93 CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 FINAL BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES HERITAGE CENTER - 8012 ADOPTED COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY JOB FUND TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL General $ 10,450 Contract (001 ) Landscape Laborer II .08 Total $ 10,450 Total .08 ADOPTED ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL INDICATOR 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Operating Supplies $ 0 $ 150 $ 0 $ 150 Repairs/Maintenance 0 0 0 200 Gas & Electric 0 690 0 850 Water & Sewer 0 230 30. 350 Telephone 0 180 0 350 TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 0 $ 1 ,250 $ 30 $ 1 ,900 CONTRACT SERVICES Grounds Maintenance $ 0 $ 7,905 $ 1 ,200 $ 6,476 Building Maintenance 0 2,925 0 2,074 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $ 0 $10,830 $ 1 ,200 $ 8,550 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 0 $12,080 $ 1 ,230 $10,450 -33- ADOPTED 6/1/93 CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 FINAL BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES PARK & RECREATION ADOPTED FACILITY MAINTENANCE - 8020 COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY JOB FUND TOTAL • CLASSIFICATION TOTAL General $ 584, 100 Contract - (001 ) Landscape Foreman 1 Landscape Laborer I 1 Landscape Laborer II 1 .25 Landscape Laborer III 1 .50 Total $ 584,100 Total 4.75 • ADOPTED ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL INDICATOR 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 $ 0 $ • 0 $ 0 • SERVICES & SUPPLIES • Operating Supplies $ 937 $ 650 $ 350 $ 400 Gas & Electric 17,198 16,300 17,900 17,900 Water & Sewer 95,264 120,340 133,000 145,300 TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $113,399 $137,290 $151 ,250 $163,600 CONTRACT SERVICES MCE $434,854 $430,420 $422,735 $448,400 Gopher Control 0 0 1 ,225 0 A-1 Sweeping 4,200 4,200 4,200 4,200 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $439,054 $434,620 $428,160 $452,600 CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Furniture & Fixtures 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $552,453 $571 ,910 $579,410 $584,100 • • -34- ADOPTED 6/1/93 CITY OF DUBLIN _ ` 1993-94 FINAL BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES COMMUNITY CABLE TV-8030 ADOPTED COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY JOB FUND TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL General $ 9,000 No City personnel are (001 ) included in this Total $ 9,000 activity. ADOPTED ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL INDICATOR 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 CONTRACT SERVICES $ 49,000 $ 49,000 $;. 49,000 $ 9,000 . CAPITAL OUTLAY - $ 0 $ 0 $. 0. $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 49,000 $ 49,000 $ 49,000 $ 9,000 -35- ADOPTED 6/1/93 CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 FINAL BUDGET _ PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES RECREATION 8040-8100 ADOPTED COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY JOB FUND TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL General $1 ,027,740 Recreation Director 1 (001 ) Recreation Supervisor 1 Dublin 12,250 Recreation Coordinator 3 Info. Inc. Admin. Secretary 1 (601 ) Office Asst II 1 Total $1 ,039,990 Total 7 Part Time 30, 194 hrs For details, see 1993-94 Preliminary Budget Current Service Level. The Current Service Level budget by program is shown below: ADOPTED SERVICE LEVEL ESTIMATED NET PROGRAM 1993-94 BUDGET REVENUE COST Recreation Administration $ 186,058 $ 0 $186,058 Playgrounds 79, 132 61 ,690 17,442 Shannon Center 114,480 62,100 52,380 Preschool Classes 36,509 39,057 (2,548) Teen Program 33,891 9,270 24,621 Adult Sports Program 104,959 131 ,820 (26,861 ) Youth Sports 30,805 20,558 10,247 Special Events 30,655 11 ,540 19, 115 Senior Center 135,712 57,576 78, 136 Recreation Classes 91 ,224 76,952 14,272 Aquatics 196,565 95,995 100,570 TOTAL $1 ,039,990 $566,558 $473,432 -36- ADOPTED 6/1/93 ADOPTED ` SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries, Full-Time $255,668 $276,496 $274,538 $ 280,278 Salaries, Part-Time 213,727 227,716 212,674 242,486 Salaries, Overtime 3,267 3,465 2,686 2,768 Retirement 28,443 31 ,672 30,903 37,216 Group Insurance 33,916 38,030 36,258 36,275 Workers' Compensation 17,074 32, 146 27,760 29,799 F.I.C.A.- medi 5,335 5,841 5,603 6,068 F.I.C.A. - oasdi 13,306 14, 121 13, 186 15,035 S.U.I. 0 0 0 0 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES $570,736 $629,487 $603,608 $ 649,925 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 2,090 $ 2,400 $ 1 ,539 $ 1 ,550 Postage 6,958 7,329 6,379 6,962 Copier Supplies 2,628 3, 110 2,910 3,087 Operating Supplies 45,022 49,308 41 ,726 44,884 Advertising 934 1 ,630 977 1 ,390 Printing & Binding 10,367 11 ,195 9,876 10,150 Insurance 919 1 ,860 1 ,510 1 ,630 Insurance/Claims 0 0 0 0 Repairs & Maintenance 556 1 , 100 2,455 1,911 Rentals/Leases 9,258 11 ,235 10,433 7,007 Books & Publications 529 659 335 227 Memberships & Dues 670 805 761 730 Mileage/Auto Allowance 2,820 3,380 2,950 3,360 Travel, Conferences & Mtgs 1 , 129 550 475 2,450 Training 175 880 777 940 Gas/Electric 55,599 61 ,700 58,020 60,975 Water/Sewer 14,249 16,255 15,410 16,996 Telephone 5,337 6,003 5,693 5,814 Legal Notices 25 0 62 65 Internal Service Fund 8,855 10,003 10,003 9,425 TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $168, 120 $189,402 $172,291 $ 179,553 CONTRACT SERVICES Rec Admin $ 775 $ 800 $ 740 $ 750 Playgrounds 580 1 ,740 1 ,230 1 ,808 Shannon 24,041 28,455 29,863 28,175 Preschool 560 1 , 145 200 0 Teens 135 1 ,458 1 ,503 4,380 Adult Sports 42,228 39,640 33,995 33,715 Youth Sports 1 ,846 2,000 1 ,902 2,862 Special Events 2, 152 2,525 3,310 3,400 Senior Center 18, 185 19, 110 18, 111 55,077 Rec Instruction 40, 102 41 ,018 42,900 43,975 Aquatics 33,251 29,440 28,850 29,000 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $163,855 $167,331 $162,604 $ 203,142 CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture/Fixtures $ 4,810 $ 4,310 $ 4,431 $ 3,355 Machinery & Equipment 4, 176 1 ,325 1 ,204 4,015 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 8,986 $ 5,635 $ 5,635 $ 7,370 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $911 ,697 $991 ,855 $944, 138 $1 ,039,990 -37- ADOPTED 6/1 /93 CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 FINAL BUDGET - PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING - 9010 ADOPTED COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY JOB FUND TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL General $483,617 Planning Director 1 (001 ) Senior Planner 2 Associate Planner 1 Assistant Planner/ Zoning Investigator 1 Admin. Secretary 1 Office Asst II 1 Intern (Part-Time) (988 hrs) .5 Clerk Typist (Part-Time) (1000 hrs) .5 Total $483,617 Total 8.0 For details, see 1993 Preliminary Budget Reduced Service Level (1 ) . -38- ADOPTED 6/1 /93 ADPTED O ` ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL INDICATOR 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries, Full-Time $377,493 $346,854 $332,819 $328,934 Salaries, Part-Time 18,024 13,084 3,330 18,292 Salaries, Overtime 4, 185 4,157 1 ,500 1 ,227 Retirement 38,411 39,393 37,354 43,639 Group Insurance 44,376 42,710 42,360 38,616 Workers' Compensation 9,426 10,929 9,886 10,833 S.U.I. 0 0 219 0 F.I.C.A. 3,922 5,003 3,848 4,072 F.I.C.A. - O.A.S.O.I. 1 ,272 0 206 1 , 134 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES $497,109 $462,130 $431 ,522 $446,747 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 3,648 $ 3,980 $ 1 ,600 $ 2,000 Postage 4,059 3,990 3,390 3,000 Copier Supplies 1 ,505 2, 197 1 ,500 1 ,650 Operating Supplies 287 285 240 250 Printing & Binding 2,658 3,095 3,095 2,000 Repairs & Maintenance 550 685 750 800 Books & Publications 1 ,211 1 ,650 1 ,642 1 ,150 Memberships & Dues 322 400 392 420 Mileage/Auto Allowance 2,986 2,880 2,800 2,800 Travel, Conferences & Mtgs 1 ,365 500 260 3,885 Training 51 1 ,325 1 , 100 1 ,100 Legal Notices 2,128 2,415 2,300 2,500 Professional Services 312,723 392,841 397,000 0 Filing Fees 4,750 5,650 2,580 2,700 Internal Service Fund 8,000 6,508 6,508 8, 115 TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $346,243 $428,401 $425, 157 $ 32,370 CONTRACT SERVICES Contract Planning $106,937 $ 58,500 $ 50,000 $ 0 Alameda Co. Mortgage Cert Pgm 5,000 4,500 0 4,500 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $111 ,937 $ 63,000 $ 50,000 $ 4,500 CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture & Fixtures $ 237 $ 750 $ 750 $ 0 Machinery & Equipment 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 237 $ 750 $ 750 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $955,526 $954,281 $907,429 $483,617 -39 ADOPTED 6/1 /93 CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 FINAL BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUILDING & SAFETY - 9020 ADOPTED COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY JOB FUND TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL General $251 ,277 City (001 ) Admin. Secretary 1 Contract Building Official 1 Building Inspector 1 (total 3,000 contract hrs) _ Total $251 ,277 Total 3 For details, see 1993-94 Preliminary Budget Reduced Service Level (1 ) . -40 ADOPTED 6/1/93 • . ADOPTED SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 1991-92 1992-93 . 1992-93 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries, Full-Time $ 36,063 $ 38,439 $ 38, 159 $ 36,612 Salaries, Part-Time 0 0 0 0 Salaries, Overtime 79 . 0 0 0 Retirement 3,676 4,358 4,249 4,834 - , Group Insurance 3,921 4,061 4,088 4,079 Workers' _Compensation 403 323 377 359 F.I.C.A. 0 • 0 0 - 0 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 44, 142 $ 47;181 $ 46,873 $ 45,884 • SERVICES & SUPPLIES - Office Supplies $ 232 $ . 224 $ 290 $ • 250 • Postage 573 563 300 400 Copier Supplies 203 236 170 180 Operating Supply 18 50 36 35 Printing & Binding 1 ,005 1 ,368 1 ,300 350 .. Books & Publications 1 , 186 870 809 600 Memberships & Dues 457 500 555 - 555 Mileage/Auto Allowance 13 50 0 25 Training 88 500 0 250 Legal Notices 0 50. 60 60 Internal Service Fund - - - 1 ,202--= = 435 - - _ 435 . - , 688 TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES , $ 4,977 $ 4,846 - $ 3,955 . $ 3,393. CONTRACT SERVICES $212,702 $202,000 $195,000 $202,000 - CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture/Fixtures . $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ • 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 - -$ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $261 ,821 $254,027 $245,828 $251 ,277 • • • • -4 ADOPTED 6/1/93 CITY OF DUBLIN _ 1993-94 FINAL BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING - 9030 ADOPTED COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY JOB FUND TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL General $156,688 City (001 ) Sr. Civil Engineer - 1 Gas Tax 6,000 Public Works . (Fund 206) Inspector 2 Assessment 5,214 Engineering Tech 1 Dist #710 Assessment . 1 , 108 Dist #711 Assessment 1 ,228 Dist #713 NPDES (222) 110,497 _ Total Total 4 $280,735 . For details, see 1993-94 Preliminary Budget Reduced Service Level (1 ) and Reduced Service Level (2) . - -4� ADOPTED 6/1 /93 ADOPTED SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries, Full-Time $157,491 $190,808 $190,360 $195,095 Salaries, Part-Time 828 9,974 0 0 Salaries, Overtime 1 ,890 2,719 8,565 4,815 Retirement 15,244 23,624 21 ,412 25,878 Group Insurance 19,453 28,954 27,213 27,238 Workers' Compensation 4,037 9, 128 8,765 8,864 F.I.C.A. 2,331 2,951 2,884 2,898 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES $201 ,274 $268, 158 $259, 199 $264,788 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 826 $ 730 $ 730 $ 770 Postage 78 2,400 2,935 3,045 Operating Supplies 601 2,150 1 ,266 900 Printings & Binding 2,478 11 ,650 2,861 4,595 Books &'`Publications 54 250 252 200 Memberships & Dues 290 140 144 150 Mileage/Auto Allowance 4,640 5,685 5,986 5,600 Travel, Conferences & Meetings 487 0 0 580 Training 257 1 ,858 1 ,050 1 ,350 Legal Notices 266 150 285 200 Filing Fees 25 0 25 25 Internal Service Fund - 1 ,400 3,084 3,084 2,642 TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 11 ,402 $ 28,097 $ 18,618 $ 20,057 CONTRACT SERVICES Contract Services General $102,952 $ 77,780 $ 75,635 $ 78,490 General Engineering Services 12,189 20,000 5,700 1 ,000 General Traffic Engr 26,761 32,000 25,000 16,000 Private Development Engr/Inspection 29,618 64,000 69,365 8,000 Traffic Engr 6,249 10,000 0 0 Assessment District Engr 8,758 8,305 4,101 3,000 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $186,527 $212,085 $179,801 $106,490 CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture & Fixtures $ 0 $ 3,050 $ 2,816 $ 0 Machinery & Equipment 376 4,875 1 ,235 500 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 376 $ 7,925 $ 4,051 $ 500 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $399,579(1) $516,265(2) $461 ,669(3) $391 ,835(4) (1) The total 1991-92 expenses were actually $328,163. Approximately $71,416 are costs related to various capital projects and is shown for information only. (2) The adopted 1992-93 Budget was actually $423,197. Approximately $93,068 are costs related to various capital projects and is shown for information only. (3) The estimated costs for 1992-93 are actually $367,982. Approximately $93,687 are costs related to various capital projects and is shown for information only. • (4) The estimated costs for 1993-94 are actually $280,735. Approximately $111,100 are costs related to various capital projects and is shown for information only. -4 ADOPTED 6/1 /93 CITY OF DUBLIN ` 1993-94 FINAL BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - 9040 ADOPTED COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY JOB FUND TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL General $ 9,610 This activity is supported (001 ) by Staff shown in the City Manager's and Administrative Services Budgets. Total $ 9,610 ADOPTED ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL DESCRIPTION 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 0 $ 500 $ 0 $ 0 Postage 243 1 ,000 75 0 Copier Supplies 0 100 10 0 Operating Supplies 379 300 0 100 Advertising 0 300 0 250 Printing & Binding 0 1 ,600 100 1 ,500 Books & Publications 93 100 45 100 Memberships & Dues 200 200 200 210 Travel, Conferences & Mtgs 63 100 30 450 Legal Notices 0 100 0 0 TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 978 $ 4,300 $ 460 $ 2,610 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $ 4,942 $ 25,000 $ 4,942 $ 7,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture & Fixtures $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Machinery & Equipment 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 5,920 $ 29,300 $ 5,402 $ 9,610 -4, ADOPTED 6/1/93 CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 FINAL BUDGET - PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL DEBT SERVICE SAN RAMON ROAD SPECIFIC PLAN ADOPTED ASSESSMENT DISTRICT COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY JOB FUND TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL Assessment $480,081 No City personnel are Dist #712 included in this Total $480,081 activity. ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED DESCRIPTION 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 CONTRACT SERVICES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 DEBT SERVICE Interest $ 48,813 $ 41 ,663 $ 44,069 $ 40,081 Principal* 55,000 55,000 55,000 440,000 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE $103,813 $ 96,663 $ 99,069 $480,081 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $103,813 $ 96,663 $ 99,069 $480,081 * Actual principal payments are not reflected in the previous year's Year End Financial Statements because they are capitalized at the end of the year. -4 ADOPTED 6/1 /93 CITY OF DUBLIN i 1993-94 FINAL BUDGET • • PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL DEBT SERVICE CIVIC CENTER ADOPTED . • COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY JOB FUND TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL • Dublin $1 ,532,816 No City personnel are Info. Inc. included in this (601 ) activity. Total $1 ,532,816 • ACTUAL BUDGET - ESTIMATED ADOPTED DESCRIPTION 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 . SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 CONTRACT SERVICES $ _ . `0 $ 0 $ - ` _ -0 $ 0 '- DEBT SERVICE _ - Interest $1 ,275,670 $1 ,248,970 $1 ,248;970 $ 622,816 Principal* 445,000 470,000 470,000 910,000 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE $1 ,720,670 $1 ,718,970 .$1 ,718,970 .$1 ,532,816 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $1 ,720,670 $1 ,718,970 $1 ,718,970 $1 ,532,816** * Actual principal payments are not reflected in previous years Year End Financial , Statements because they are capitalized at the end of the year. ** This amount reflects the total Gross Debt Service for Fiscal Year 1993-94 resulting from the June 1993 refinancing of the '1988 Civic Center Certificates of - Participation. This amount will be offset by estimated $78,738 in interest on the 1993 Reserve Fund. • • • -4 • ADOPTED 6/1 /93 CITY OF DUBLIN -1 1993-94 FINAL BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL DEBT SERVICE DUBLIN BLVD EXTENSION ADOPTED ASSESSMENT DISTRICT COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY JOB FUND TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL Assessment $170,650 No City personnel are Dist #715 included in this Total $170,650 activity. ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED DESCRIPTION 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 CONTRACT SERVICES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 DEBT SERVICE - Interest $ 0 $ 0 $121 ,351 $ 170,650 Principal* 0 0 0 0 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE $ 0 $ 0 $121 ,351 $ 170,650 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 0 $ 0 $121 ,351 $170,650 * Actual principal payments are not reflected in the previous year's Year End Financial Statements because they are capitalized at the end of the year. —4d 1993-94 CAPITAL BUDGET GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED PROJECT TITLE 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 Data Processing System $ 3,902 $ 31 ,700 $ 31 ,700 $ 0 TOTAL COST $ 3,902 $ 31 ,700 $ 31 ,700 $ 0 FINANCING General Fund (001 ) $ 0 Criminal Activity Fund (200) 0 Internal Service Fund (830) 0 Total $ 0 -4( 1993-94 CAPITAL BUDGET COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED PROJECT TITLE 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 Sidewalk Safety Repair $81 ,312 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 Downtown Promotional Banners 13,226 0 0 0 NPDES Pilot4Project 0 0 1 ,000 29,000 Stagecoach Landscape Upgrade 0 7,051 7,051 0 TOTAL COST $94,538 $57,051 $58,051 $79,000 FINANCING= NPDES Grant Fund (222) $29,000 Capital Project (Reimbursements) Fund (300) 50,000 Total $79,000 -4S 1993-94 CAPITAL BUDGET PARKS ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED PROJECT TITLE 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 Shannon Center Renovation $ 65,564 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Dublin High School Football Field Renovation 71 ,306 0 3,625 0 Senior Center Upgrade 21 ,927 0 0 0 Park & Recreation Facilities Masterplan 20, 177 20,717 20,717 10,000 Dublin High School Baseball & Girl Athletic Field Renovation 369 0 0 0 Nielsen School Play Area 34,848 0 0 0 Cronin School Play Area 45,252 0 0 0 90' Baseball Diamond 20,469 0 0 0 Shannon Park Well 28,855 0 0 0 Shannon Center Exterior Painting 24,546 0 0 0 Bathhouse Renovation - Dublin Swim Cntr 6,407 125,150 16,400 106,971 Kolb Park Handicapped Playground 12,061 0 0 0 Shannon Center Kitchen Floor 2,310 0 0 0 Heritage Center 1 ,250 164,160 21 ,491 142,958 Dougherty Hills Park Landscaping 0 17,000 28,000 0 Dublin Sports Grounds Renovation 0 0 0 21 ,000 Arroyo Vista Playground 0 22,568 22,568 0 TOTAL COST $355,341 $349,595 $112,801 $280,929 FINANCING General Fund $ 10,000 (001 ) Community Development Block Grant 72,525 (209) Park Dedication In-Lieu Fund 62,066 (215) Measure AA 136,338 (218) Capital Projects (Reimbursements) 0 Fund (300) TOTAL $280,929 -51 1993-94 CAPITAL BUDGET STREET PROJECTS ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED \ ADOPTED PROJECT TITLE 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1992-93 Annual Street Overlay Program $ 164,241 $ 200,000 $ 253,446 $ 200,000 Dougherty Road Bike Path 75,464 0 0 0 San Ramon Road (Phase IV) 954,724 0 8,660 0 Downtown Infrastructure Impact Fee Study 1 ,569 0 0 0 Dublin Blvd Improvements Donlon Way to Village Pkwy 30,395 48,941 4,886 . 2,355,000 Dublin Blvd Extension Dougherty Road east to SPRR 2,286,614 1 ,443,225 1 ,496,735 44, 150 Dougherty Road Improvements South of SPRR 9,079 9, 166 200 230,000 Dublin Blvd Widening & Repair Silvergate to Hansen 107,427 0 3,702 0 Dublin Blvd Bridge over Alamo Creek repair 18,845 0 0 0 Street Subdrains 23,782 102,495 102,495 0 Traffic Signals - Village Pkwy at Brighton and Tamarack 0 10,000 0 0 Downtown Street Light Additions 0 67,350 67,350 0 Bike Path Projects 0 75,000 72,400 72,550 Dublin Blvd Extension SPRR to Tassajara Road 0 573,272 573,272 0 Benchmarks & Monuments 0 0 0 2,000 TOTAL COST $3,672, 140 $2,529,449 $2,583, 146 $2,903,700 FINANCING Gas Tax Fund (206) $ 2,000 Federal Aid Urban Fund (210) 2,068,000 Transportation Development Act Fund (211 ) 72,550 Measure B Fund (217) 129,398 SB 300 Fund (220) 70,602 Dublin Blvd Extension Fund (221 ) 44, 150 Capital Project (Reimbursements) Fund (300) 517,000 TOTAL $2,903,700 -51 ADOPTED 6/1 /93 CITY OF DUBLIN I. 1993-94 FINAL BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL INTERNAL SERVICES INTERNAL SERVICES ADOPTED COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY JOB FUND TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL Internal $188,239 No City personnel are Svcs included in this Total $188,239 activity. ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ADOPTED DESCRIPTION 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 991 $ 1 ,765 $ 500 $ 500 Operating Supplies 30,653 36,704 29,500 31 , 100 Repairs & Maintenance 27,864 24,710 24,350 25,325 TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 59,508 $ 63, 179 $ 54,350 $ 56,925 CONTRACT SERVICES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT $ 17,868* $109,217 $109,461 $ 52,000 DEPRECIATION & REPLACEMENT $ 90,321 $ 99,645 $ 99,645 $ 79,314 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $167,697 $272,041 $263,456 $188,239 *Capitalized to Fixed Assets (Not shown in Final 6/30/92 Financial Report) -5;