HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.1 PoetLaureate&Histrorian~~.~1~'UB~f~ CITY CLERK ~ '~ ,~~ File # ^~~~-~~ ~~ ~`if~~ 82 ~ ~~J ~ \~'11T, rFr,o~1~ AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: November 20, 2007 SUBJECT: Poet Laureate & Local Historian Prepared by John Hartnett, Heritage & Cultural Arts Supervisor and Elizabeth Isles, Heritage Center Director ATTACHMENTS: 1) Poet Laureate Program 2) Poet Laureate Application 3) Local Historian Program 4) Local Historian Application RECOMMENDATIOP~: ~iV`_ Approve Poet Laureate and Local Historian positions; authorize Z Staff to advertise the positions. Cl " ' FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None DESCRIPTION: Two of the 2007-2008 high priority objectives adopted by the City Council for the Heritage & Cultural Arts Division are to: ^ Explore the opportunity to develop a Poet Laureate for the City; ^ Explore the opportunity to develop an Historian for the City. Poet Laureate As proposed, the Poet Laureate will serve as a public advocate for the appreciation and advancement of the literary arts for the City of Dublin. They will be a resource to Staff, the Commission and the City Council and be a liaison between the City's Heritage & Cultural Arts Division and local schools, literary organizations and bookstores. They also may assist with the development of classes and workshops devoted to literary works. City Historian As proposed, the City Historian will assist researchers, students, librarians, members of the public, the press and direct them to resources for historical information. They will be a resource to Staff, the Commission and the City Council and be a liaison between the City's Heritage and Cultural Arts Division ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '"f COPY TO: r l~ ~ . Page 1 of~ ITEM NO. d ' ~ G:ACOUNCIL~Agenda Statements~2007\I 1-20 Poet Laureate-Dublin Historian.doc ~~~ and local schools, students, genealogical groups, members of the media and members of the public. The City Historian shall collect and build upon the body of knowledge pertaining to Dublin's History. Staff has conducted research on similar positions and program responsibilities with other local cities and developed program criteria that Staff feels would best serve the needs of the Heritage and Cultural Arts Division and the City of Dublin (Attachments I & 3). Additionally, applications for both positions have been developed (Attachments 2 & 4). It is proposed that both the Poet Laureate and City Historian be volunteer positions serving two year terms. On November 8, 2007, the Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission reviewed the program criteria and application forms for each position and unanimously recommended approval by the City Council. The next step to be accomplished is to go through a selection process as part of the recruitment for each position as outlined below. Poet Laureate Form a Selection Committee that will assist the Mayor with the screening of the applications and conduct interviews with the applicants. The Mayor will make the appointment with the approval of the City Council. The five-member Selection Committee will be comprised of the following members: . Mayor . Heritage and Cultural Arts Commissioner . Las Positas English Department Representative . Dublin Library Staff . City Staff - Heritage & Cultural Arts Supervisor City Historian Form a Selection Committee that will assist the Mayor with the screening of the applications and conduct interviews with the applicants. The Mayor will make the appointment with the approval of the City Council. The five-member Selection Committee will be comprised of the following members: . Mayor . Heritage and Cultural Arts Commissioner . Dublin Historic Preservation Association Representative . Tri- Valley History Council Representative . City Staff - Heritage Center Director RECOMMENDATION: the following action: Staff recommends that the City Council receive the report and take 1. Approve the Poet Laureate and Local Historian positions; authorize Staff to advertise the positions. c2~02 City of Dublin Poet Laureate Program '<14 The City of Dublin is seeking a candidate to serve as Dublin's First Poet Laureate. The person selected shall serve as a public advocate for the appreciation and advancement of the literary arts, particularly poetry, in the City of Dublin. The poet selected for the position will not receive compensation, as the post is voluntary. They will receive the title of Poet Laureate and will be presented with a certificate recognizing them in their official capacity as Poet Laureate at a City Council meeting. The Poet Laureate will be called upon to create and read poetry at civic events such as public ceremonies and dedications. He or she will serve as a resource and liaison between the City's Heritage & Cultural Arts Division and local literary organizations. He or she will act as a resource on the topic of poetry should the City Councilor Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission need that expertise. He or she may also have the opportunity to conduct poetry workshops or staged readings. Each candidate for the position of Poet Laureate must: . Be a Dublin resident or work in Dublin . Be age 18 or older . Be the author of published poetry and be willing to publish poetry during their term if selected . Be willing to create and read poetry for civic events and dedications . Be willing to serve as a resource to the Heritage & Cultural Arts Division . Be willing to share their love of poetry with people of all ages . Be ready to serve a two-year term with no compensation . Be willing to orient and train the next Poet Laureate . Affiliation with literary organizations is preferred but not necessary for appointment to the position Interested applicants must send: . The attached application . One page letter of interest outlining what you would like to accomplish if you are selected as Poet Laureate . Two original poems . A resume including a list of published poetry Applications must be received by , 2008. Applicants may mail or deliver their applications packets to: John Hartnett, Heritage & Cultural Arts Supervisor, City of Dublin, toO Civic Plaza, Dublin, California, 94568. Questions please contact: John Hartnett at (925) 556-4565 - iohn.hartnett@ci.dublin.ca.us Please Note: Applications will be screened to make sure that they meet the basic criteria and then interviews will be scheduled. :lte...,-:#' Ii:" "J~ }o71 ATIACHMENT 1 City of Dublin Poet Laureate Application c< 0{ 4- Name Address City State Zip Daytime Phone. Evening Phone E-Mail Have you ever given a reading of your poetry in public? Have you ever served on a City Board, Commission or in a role such as Poet Laureate here or in another City? If so please explain. What inspired you to start writing poetry? Why do you want to be the Poet Laureate for the City of Dublin? Enclosures: Send your application along with two original poems, a resume including a list of published poetry and a one-page Letter of Interest of what you would like to accomplish if you are selected as Dublin's Poet Laureate by , 2008 to: John Hartnett, Heritage & Cultural Arts Supervisor, City of Dublin, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California, 94568. ATIACHMENT 2 ""----::ill City of Dublin City Historian Program 3 c;f Lf The City of Dublin is seeking a candidate to serve as Dublin's first City Historian. The person selected shall serve as a public advocate and researcher in matters pertaining to Dublin's history. The City Historian will be called upon to answer queries relating to the history of Dublin, assist with genealogical research and be a resource to the City Council, Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission, the Dublin Historic Preservation Association, Dublin City Staff and the Dublin Library. The person selected for the position will not receive compensation, as the post is voluntary. They will receive the title of City Historian and will be presented with a certificate recognizing them in their official capacity as City Historian at a City Council meeting. The City Historian will assist researchers, students, librarians, the public, the press and direct them to resources for historical information. Possible duties include; preparing historically interesting articles for publications, giving presentations, replying to interview requests regarding the City's history and serving as an advocate for the preservation of the City's historical sites Each Candidate for the position of City Historian must: · Be a resident of Dublin or the descendent of a Dublin family · Be age 18 or older · Be willing to serve as a resource to the Heritage and Cultural Arts Division · Possess the ability to write and communicate effectively · Be ready to serve a two-year term with no compensation · Possess the ability to provide first-rate customer service · Possess knowledge of the City and its history, as demonstrated through original writing and research Interested applicants must send: · The attached application · One page letter of interest describing: o Your connection to Dublin. o Any research you've been involved in. o Why you'd like to become the City Historian. o What inspired your interest in Dublin's History · A list of published works. · A statement of what do you hope to accomplish if you are selected as City Historian. Applications must be received by 2008. Applicants may mail or deliver their application packets to: Elizabeth Isles, Heritage Center Director, City of Dublin, toO Civic Plaza, Dublin, California, 94568. Questions please contact: Elizabeth Isles at (925) 452-2100 Please note: Applications will be screened to make sure that that they meet the basic criteria and then interviews will be scheduled. ATTACHMENT 3 Dublin City Historian Application LJ1Lt Name Address City State Zip Daytime Phone Evening phone E-Mail Educational Background: Describe your availability to respond to pubic inquiries on Dublin's History: Have you ever served on a City Board, Commission, or in a role such as City Historian here or in another City? If so, please explain. Enclosures: Send your application along with a list of any published works or research, a statement of what you would like to accomplish if you are selected as Dublin's Historian, and a one page letter of interest describing your connection to Dublin and any research you've accomplished by 2008 to: Elizabeth Isles, Heritage Center Director, City of Dublin, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, CA. 94568 ATTACHMENT 4 .~