HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-049 Fallon Village Community Theme Wall CUP AGENDA STATEMENT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DATE: November 27, 2007 SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING: P A 07-049 Fallon Village Community Theme Wall: Conditional Use Permit for 1 Minor Amendment to the Planned Development Zoning District, Stage I Development Plan for Fallon Village (PA 04-040) and the Stag~ 2 Development Plan for Positano (P A 05-038) (Quasi-Judicial Action). Report Prepared by Martha Aja, Assistant Planner ATTACHMENTS: 1) Resolution approving the Conditional Use Permit for a Minor Amendment to the Planned Dt:velopment Zoning District Stage 1 Development Plan for Fallon Village and the Stage 2 Development Plan for Positano (Exhibit A: Revised Page 22 of the Stage 1 Development Plan Design Guidelines for Fallon Village, Exhibit B: Revised Page 92 of the E,tage 1 Development Plan Design Guidelines for Fallon Village, Exhibit C: Revised Page 60 of the Stage 2 Development Plan Design Guidelines for Positano). ~ 1) Receive Staff presentation; 2) Open the public hearing; 3) Take testimony from the Applicant and the public; 4) Close the public hearing and deliberate; and 5) Adopt Resolution approving the Conditional Use Permit for a Minor Amendment to the Planned Development Zoning District Stage 1 Development Plan for:;'allon Village (P A 04-040) and the Stage 2 Development for Positano (P A 05-038). RECOMMENDATION: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: '''\ ) \ >. Location , , l 'l<f..~-S ! ~c~-{~..<{ I: c.~'~~~/ l _~~/~~;""9 :91,Ul:R CArt" Or:!. '1'.-- Fallon Village is located north of Interstate 580 and east of Fallon Road within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Area. Fallon Village is a 1,134-acre project site consisting of various parcels with 11 different ownership interests. The topography of the project site consists of gently rollin~, hills and grasslands that increase in elevation to the northeast. ",-:h, ,.:~"<< r:j-1l}.~+ ""~\y ~ I . \ COPIES TO: Applicant Property Owners File ITEM NO.&L Page 1 of6 G:\PA#\2007\07-049 Fallon Village Commllnity WaI/lPCSR-CUP Fallon Community Wall.doc Entitlements Fallon Village has received several planning entitlements. A Gene~al Plan Amendment, Specific Plan Amendment and a Planned Development zoning with a Stage 1 Deve lopment Plan were approved for the entire Fallon Village project area. Subsequently, a Stage 2 Development Plan was approved for the northern 486 acres of the project area, commonly referred to as the Positano development. No other entitlements have been approved within the Fallon Village area. The Stage 1 Development Plan was adopted through Ordinance 32-05 and included Design Guidelines that apply to the entire 1,134 acre Fallon Village area. The purpose of these Design Guidelines is to create a cohesive community and to ensure consistency for residential development by the various property owners. The Design Guidelines illustrate a vision for a Mediterranean Agrarian theme and palette, and streetscape designs which include elements such as the "Community Theme Wal1." The Community Theme Walls are used where residential properties are adjacent to rrajor streets. The Design Guidelines stipulate that the Community Theme Walls have the appearance of a stacked block wall with a stucco base and cap, and pillars. 1- L w 10 ..,. 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Current Proposal/Proiect Description The Applicant currently requests approval of a CUP for an amendment to the Fallon Village Stage 1 Development Plan (Ordinance 32-05, P A 04-040) and the Positano Stage 2 Development Plan (Ordinance 33-05, P A 05-038) to change the design of the Community Theme Wall as identified in the Stage 1 and Stage 2 Design Guidelines. The proposed amendment would apply to all of the properties within the Fallon Village project area. The only proposed change to the Design Guidelines for the Fallon Village area is the Community Theme Wall. The other architectural features that were approved in the Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan Design Guidelines, including Neighborhood Entry Walls and Monolitf s, remain the same. Chapter 8.32.080 of the Zoning Ordinance states that a CUP for a minor amendment to an adopted Development Plan can be approved by the Planning Commission upon a finding that the amendment substantially complies with and does not materially change the provisions or intent of the adopted Planned Development Zoning Ordinance for the site. 20f6 ANALYSIS: The proposal would modify the design of the Community Theme Wall for the Fallon Village project area. The Community Theme Wall is used along major corridors, residential entry roads and in additional locations which are highly visible within the community. Their purpose is to define the edge of the primary streetscapes and enhance the community character. + 95. t7t ">I'- ' ~ ., '26- ('!;t J... o',-r>>t1 The proposed wall is the same height as the previously approved Community Theme Wall. The Applicant is proposing a stucco wall with columns every 26 feet and at grade change locations. Ue Applicant is proposing Copper (brown) for the main body of the walls and columns, and Breccia (tan) for wall and column caps. The proposed colors are consistent with the overall desi~.n theme. Color samples of the community theme wall will be available at the Planning Commission meeting. 1 ,~ 12" ,1.. The proposed wall modifications to decrease the intervals between the columns from 100' to 26', the addition of a stucco color coat on the wall rather than a stacked block appearance, and additional wall details will further enhance the community. The proposed changes are consistent with the Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plans and Planned Development zoning standards previously adopted for the project area. Therefore, Staff has prepared a finding supporting the proposed revision to the Community Theme Wall which can be found on page 2 of Attachment 1. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project has been reviewed under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), State CEQA Guidelines and the Dublin Environmental Guidelines. On December 6, 2005, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 222-05 certifying a Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) (SCH #2005062010) to the Eastern Dublin EIR and the Eastern Dublin Property Owners SEIR. The prior EIRs are available for review in the Community Development Department The proposed project is within the scope of the prior EIRs for the Fallon Village project, and therefore nCI additional environmental review is required. PUBLIC NOTICING: In accordance with State law, a public notice was mailed to all properly owners and occupants within 300 feet of the proposed project. A public notice was also published in the Valley Times and posted at several locations throughout the City. To date, the City has not received any comments or objections from surrounding property owners or tenants regarding the current proposal. CONCLUSION: The proposed project is consistent with the Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plans and Planned Development zoning standards previously adopted. The proposed project is suitable and appropriate for the project site and will not adversely impact adjacent and surrounding properties. The proposed project confirms to the goals, policies, and objectives established in the City's General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. 30f6 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission: 1) Receive Staff presentation; 2) Open the public hearing; 3) Take testimony from the Applicant and the public; 4) Close the public hearing and deliberate; and 5) Adopt Resolution approving the Conditional Use Permit for a minor amendment to the Planned Development Zoning District Stage 1 Development Plan for Fallon Village (Ordinance 33- 05, PA 04-040) and the Stage 2 Development Plan for Positano (Ordinance 33-05, PA 05-038). 40f6 GENERAL INFORMATION: APPLICANT: PROPERTY OWNERS: LOCATION: ZONING: Braddock & Logan Services, Inc. c/o Jeff Lawrence 4155 Blackhawk Plaza Cird~, #201 Danville, CA 94506 Chen, Jordan Ranch, Andemon, Pleasanton Ranch Investments, Righetti, Collier Canyon Properties, LLC, Monte Vista Properties, EBJ Partners, LP., Croak, Fallon Enterprises and Braddock & Logan. The project area is located within the City of Dublin and is bordered by Fallon Road and Dublin Ranch to the west, the City's City Limit boundaries to the north and east, and 1-580 to the south. APN: APN: APN: APN: . APN: APN: APN: APN: APN: APN: APN: APN: APN: APN: APN: APN: 985-0027-002 985-0027-007 985-0027-006 905-0001-006-03 985-0027 -005 905-0001-005-02 905-0001-004-04 905-0001-004-03 985-0027-004 905-0002-002 905-0002-001-0 I 985-0028-004 985-0028-005 985-0028-006 985-0028-007 905-0002-003 Planned Development PD- Rural Residential! Agricu: ture PD-Low Density Residential PD-Medium Density Residential PD-Medium High Density Re:jidential PD-Elementary School PD-Junior High School PD-Neighborhood Square PD-Neighborhood Park PD-Community Park PD- Neighborhood CommerciLl PD-General Commercial PD- Industrial Park PD-Open Space 50f6 GENERAL PLAN/SPECIFIC PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATION: Rural Residential/ Agricultur~, Single Family Residential, Medium Density Residential, Medium High Density Residential, Open Space, Neighborho'Jd Park, Neighborhood Square, Community Park, Elememary School, Mixed-Use, General Commercial, General Commercial/Campus Office, Industrial Park and Semi-Public. 60f6 RESOLUTION NO. 07 - A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A MINOR AMENDMENT TO THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONING DISTRICT STAGE 1 DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR FALLON VILLAGE (PA 04-040) AND THE STAGE 2 DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR POSITANO (PA 05-038) PA 07-049 WHEREAS, the Applicant, Braddock & Logan, has reque5ted approval of a Conditional Use Permit for a Minor Amendment to the Stage I Development Plan for Fallon Village and the Stage 2 Development Plan for Positano to change the design of the Commurity Theme Wall as identified in the Fallon Village Design Guidelines; and WHEREAS, a complete application was submitted and is available and on file in the Department of Community Development; and WHEREAS, the Applicant has submitted project plans and exterior elevations received on September 12, 2007, for a Conditional Use Permit for a Minor Ammdment to the community walls as identified in the Fallon Village Design Guidelines; and WHEREAS, on December 13, 2005, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 32-05 approving Planned Development (PD) Rezoning - Stage I Development Plan for the entire 1, 134-acre Fallon Village (P A 04-040) and Ordinance 33-05 approving the Stage 2 Developmert Plan for the 488-acre Braddock & Logan properties (P A 05-038) now known as Positano; and WHEREAS, the Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan Design Guidelines establish an overall theme for development and design to create a cohesive community and to ensure consistency for development by the various property owners; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Chapter 8.32.080 of the Zoning Ordinance, the Planning Commission may approve a Minor Amendment of an adopted development plan for the Community Theme Wall by means of a Conditional Use Permit upon a finding that the amendment substantially complies with and does not materially change the provisions cr intent of the adopted Planned Development Zoning Ordinance for the site; and WHEREAS, on December 6, 2005, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 222-05 regarding P A 04-040 and P A 05-038 certifying a Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) (SCH #20050620 I 0) to the Eastern Dublin EIR, and the Eastern Dublin Prop ~rty Owners SEIR; and WHEREAS, the proposed project is within the scope of the prior Fallon Village EIRs and does not result in impacts that were not previously considered. Therefore, no additional review is necessary; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on said application on November 27,2007, for this project; and ATTACHMENT 1 WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given ill all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted recommending that the Planning Commission approve the Conditional Use Permit; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear and use independent judgment and considered all said reports, recommendations, and testimony hereinabove set forth. Conditional Use Permit: A. Pursuant to Chapter 8.32.080 of the Zoning Ordinance, the Minor Amendment to allow a redesign of the Community Theme Wall substantially cOI'lplies with and does not materially change the provisions or intent of the adopted Planned DE'velopment Zoning Ordinance 32-05 (PA 04-040) or Planned Development Zoning Ordinance 33-05 (PA 05-038) because it will enhance the character of the project's land uses and related structures. B. The proposed change in design to the community wall is compatible with the surrounding uses because it is consistent with and will compliment the thene established by the Fallon Village Design Guidelines and will generally improve the residential quality ofthe subdivision. C. The proposed change will not adversely affect the heall h or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity or be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare because the wall design conforms to the standards established for the project site as amended. D. The community wall redesign will not be injurious to property or improvements within the neighborhood because it conforms to the standards established in the Design Guidelines for the project area. E. There are adequate provisions for public access, water, sanitation, and public utilities and services to ensure that the proposed use and related structllres would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare because the redesign of the Community Theme Wall will not require additional public access or public utilities than those already identified and provided. F. The site is physically suitable for the provision of the wal/ as was determined in the previous Planned Development approvals because the redesign oflhe Community Theme Wall would not create any changed circumstances. G. The proposed redesign will not be contrary to the specific intent clauses, development regulations or performance standards established for the Zoning District and the adopted Development Standards because the wall design is consistent, as amended, with the Fallon Design Guide. H. The redesign of the community wall is consistent with the Dublin General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan because the project consists of a Minor Amendment and the General Plan and Specific Plan land use designations are remaining the same. 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the foregoing recitals are true and correct and made part of this resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Commissi::m of the City of Dublin does hereby approve the following amendments to the Fallon Village Stage I Development Plan (P A 04-040) and Positano Stage 2 Development Plan (P A 05-038). 1. Replace Page 22 of the Stage 1 Development Plan Design Guidelines for Fallon Village, which includes a picture of the proposed revised Community r~heme Wall, with the revised page attached as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference 2. Replace Page 92 of the Stage I Development Plan Design Guidelines for Fallon Village, which includes a picture of the proposed revised Community Theme Wall and the proposed stucco colors, with the revised page attached as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by reference. 3. Replace Page 60 of the Stage 2 Development Plan Desgn Guidelines for Positano, which includes a picture of the Community Theme Wall and the correct text that applies to the revised Community Theme Wall, with the revised page att.1ched as Exhibit C and incorporated herein by reference. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Dublin does hereby approve a Conditional Use Permit based on the above findings and subject to the conditions included below. Unless stated otherwise, all Conditions of Approval shall be complied with prior to the issuance of building permits or establishment of use, and shall be subiect to Planning Department review and approval. The following codes represent those departments/agencies responsible for monitoring compliance of the conditions of approval. rpL.l Planning, rBl Building, rpOl Police, rpWl Public Works r ADMl Administration/Citv Attorney, rFINl Finance, rFl Alameda County Fire Department, rDSR] Dublin San Ramon Services District, rCOl Alameda County Department of Environmental Health, rZ71 Zone 7. CONDITION TEXT [ RESPON. WHEN SOURCE REQ'D AGENCY Prior to: GENERAL 1. Permitted uses. This Conditional Use Permit is PL On-going Planning for the redesign of the community wall as identified in the Fallon Village Guidelines, P A 07-049. The project shall generally conform to the project plans submitted by Braddock & Logan Services, Inc. received September 12, 2007, on file in the Community Development Department, and other plans, text, and diagrams relating to this Conditional Use Permit, unless modified by the Conditions of Approval contained herein. 2, Permit Expiration and Time Extension. PL One year from DMC Approved use shall commence or demonstrate date of approval 8.96.020.D substantial progress toward commencement andE 3 Modifications (CUP). Modifications or minor PL changes to the Conditional Use Permit approval may be considered by the Community Development Director if the modifications or changes proposed comply with Section 8.100.080 of the Zoning Ordinance. PUBLIC WORKS Standard Public Works Conditions of PW Approval. Applicant/Developer shall comply with all applicable City of Dublin Public Works Standard Conditions of Approval. In the event of a conflict between the Public Works Standard Conditions of Approval and these Conditions, these Conditions shall prevail. Hold Harmless/Indemnification. The PW Developer shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Dublin and its agents, officers, and employees [rom any claim, action, 3. within one (1) year of CUP approval. Otherwise, the CUP shall lapse and become null and void, in which case a new application must be made and processed. The original approving decision-maker may grant a time extension for a period no longer than six (6) months given that the Applicant submits a written request for an extension of approval prior to expiration and that any Conditions of Approval remain adequate to assure that applicable findings of approval will continue to be met. Disputes over permit expiration and time extension requests may be publicly noticed and heard before the City Council. Fees. The Developer shall pay all applicable fees in effect at the time of building permit issuance including, but not limited to, Planning fees, Building fees, Dublin San Ramon Services District fees, Public Facilities fees, Dublin Unified School District School Impact fees, Public Works Traffic Impact fees, Fire Services fees; Noise Mitigation fees, Inclusionary Housing In-Lieu fees; Alameda County Flood and Water Conservation District (Zone 7) Drainage and Water Connection fees; and any other fees as noted in the Development Agreement. Revocation. The Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review shall be revocable for cause in accordance with Dublin Zoning Ordinance Section, Revocation. Any violation of the terms of the terms and conditions of this permit may be subject to the issuance of a citation. 4. 5. 6. 7. 4 B,PL, ADM,F PW PL Issuance of Building Permit On-going Ongoing Prior to approval of Improvement Plans Through completion of Improvements Standard DMC DMC 8.100.080 Public Works Public Works or proceeding against the City of Dublin or its agents, officers, or employees to attack, set aside, void, or annul an approval of the City of Dublin or its advisory agency, appeal board, Planning Commission, City Council, Community Development Director, Zoning Administrator, or any other department, committee, or agency of the City to the extent such actions are brought within the time period required by Government Code Section 66499.37 or other applicable law; provided, however, that The Developer's duty to so defend, indemnify, and hold harmless shall be subject to the City's promptly notifying The Developer of any said claim, action, or proceeding and the City's full cooperation in the defense of such actions or proceedings. 8, Conditions of Approval. A copy of the PW Conditions of Approval which has been annotated how each condition is satisfied shall be included with the submittals to the Public Works Department for the reVIew of the improvements plans. The notations shall clearly indicate how all Conditions of Approval will be complied with, and where they are located on the plans. Submittals will not be accepted without the annotated conditions. 9. Construction Hours. Construction and PW grading operations shall be limited to weekdays (Monday through Friday) and non-City holidays between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. The Applicant/Developer may request permission to work on Saturdays and/or holidays between the hours of 8:30 am and 5 :00 pm by submitting a request form to the City Engineer no later than 5 :00 pm the pnor Wednesday. Overtime inspection rates will apply for all Saturday and/or holiday work. 10. Damage/Repairs. The Applicant/Developer PW shall be responsible for the repaIr of any damaged pavement, curb & gutter, sidewalk, or other public street facility resulting from construction activities associated with the development of the project. 11. Graffiti. The Applicant/Developer and/or PW, PL building tenant(s) shall keep the site clear of graffiti vandalism on a regular and continuous basis. Graffiti resistant paint for the structures and film for windows or glass shall be used whenever possible. 12. Required Permits. An encroachment permit PW from the Public Works Department may be required for any work done within the public right-of-way. Developer shall obtain all permits 5 With each submittal of Improvement Plans During Construction Acceptance of improvements by City Council On-going Various Times and Prior to issuance of Building Permit Public Works Public Works Public Works Public Works Public Works required by other agencies including, but not limited to Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Zone 7, California Department of Fish and Game, Army Corps of Engineers, Regional Water Quality Control Board, Caltrans and provide copies of the permits to the Public Works Department. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 27th day of November, 2007 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Planning Commissioner Chair ATTEST: Planning Manager G: \PA #\2007\07-049 Fallon Village Commllnity WalllFallon Commllnity Wall-PCReso-CUP.doc 6 COMMUNITY THEME WALL WOOD FENCES VIEW FENCE OPEN SPACE INTERFACE FENCE FENCl NG Fencing types should be consistent throughout all the residential areas within Fallon Village. Several types of fencing are to be used for resi- dential properties: · Community Theme Walls - A community theme wall should be used where properties are adjacent to major streets, multi-use trails, parks, schools and other highly visible locations. The design, materials and finish of the theme wall should be consistent with the Mediterranean I\grarian theme, Refer to the Landscape Elements section of the Design Guidelines for height and finish specifications. . \V'ood Fence - \'Vood fences should be used between lots and adjacent to residential streets. These fences should be 6' in height with posts at a minimum of 8' o,c. A lattice top or special design should be used in more visible locations. . View Fence - r\ ornamental iron view fence should be used along the golf course edge and in other locations where views are possible. It may also be used when the elevation difference between rear yards is greater than 20'. This fence should be 6' in height with ornamental metal posts at 8' o.c. . Open Space Interface Fence - r\ 6' tall open space interface fence should be used where rear or side yards abut open space. The design of this fence should allow for views to the open space while restricting wildlife access to private property. I\t a minimum, the fence should be welded wire on wood post with a wood rail, fence top and cap, General guidelines for fencing of residential lots are as follows: . Rear yard fencing backing onto a public street should be a community theme wall, not \\lOod. . \\1ood fences adjacent to residential streets should be located a mini- mum of 5' from the back of sidewalk. In cases where the adjacent lot is downslope from the sidewalk, the fence may be located 3' from the back of sidewalk. Taller shrubs should be planted to screen the fence from the street. . On corner lots, the fence shall overlap a maximum of 25% of the side house length. .-\ \-iew fence may be added where the layout creates a large side yard to prm-ide more private space for the homeowner. Special care shall be taken on corner houses to insure that the charac- ter of front facing architecture wraps around side elements. . \,\lhere lots abut open space, two fencing options conform with the Dublin Wildfire fvlanagement Plan. The first option is to locate a 24" masonry pilaster next to the house with an open space interface fence along the rear property line and wood fencing on side property lines. The second option is to place a tubular steel fence along the rear property line with a 10' return on the side property lines. 22 FALLON VILLAGE DESIGN GUIDELINES EXHIBIT A 8,5" 7" 6' min, STUCCO COLORS COMMUNITY THEME WALLS This wall is used along the major corridor streets in residential ar- eas and in additional locations which are highly yisible within the community, Their purpose is to define the edge of the primary streetscapes and enhance the community character. Primarily used in residential neighborhoods, the community theme wall may be adapted for other areas as well. · The location and configuration of the theme wall must be care- fully considered with regards to grades and the rela tionship to the adjacent street. · Community Theme \'Ualls should be stucco treatment with orna- mental cap and compliment the entry portals and monoliths in both color and design. · Theme walls should be a m1111mum of 6' tall, with ornamental columns that occur at approximately 26' o,c. or where structurally appropriate. Columns should be located at the toe of slope or at retaining wall locations where grade changes occur. Column and wall heights may increase as necessary at grade changes to main- tain a constant top of wall elevation between columns. -{ 26' Q,C.j: ~'i'::":"~'=:I( , I 1 .f I ! I I 'I I I i ~ I I Ii l. l. .. 22" .. COMMUNITY THEME WALL CONCEPT LaHabra Stucco or eCJui\"alent \\/all and Column Cap: Breccia (.\-42048) Wall and Couffin Body: Copper (.\-42049) Copper (.\-42049) - -- Breccia (.\-42048) 92 FALLON VILLAGE DESIGN GUIDELINES Exhibit B COMMUNITY THEME WALL 8,5" 7" Cap Color: Breccia (A-42048) Wall and Column Color: Copper (A-42049) 6' min, .......::':-~ L. "1 22" L. "1 COMMUNITY THEME WAll COMMUNITY THEME WALL LOCATION This wall is used along Positano Parkwa~' (aka Upper Loop Road), Residential Entry Roads, and in additional locations which are highl~' visible within the community, Their purpose is to define the edge of the primary streetscapes and enhance the community character. DESIGN The wall is a minimum of 6' tall, with ornamental columns that occur at a maximum of 26' o,c.. Columns should be located at the toe of slope or at retaining wall locations where grade changes occur. Column and wall heights may increase as necessary at grade changes to mallHa1l1 a constant top of \Vall elevation between columns. 5 TY L E 'Portola' model precast concrete \vall and columns by Sierra Precast. COLOR La I-Iabra stucco color Copper (.-\-42049) or equivalent for main body of walls and columns, La Habra stucco color Breccia (.-\-42048) or equivalent for wall and column caps, G ENE RA L G U IDE LI N E S The location and configuration of the theme wall must be carefully con- sidered \vith regards to grades and the relationship to the adjacent street, \,\lhere applicable, the theme wall should terminate a minimum of 18 feet from the back of sidewalk to avoid closing in corner properties, \'Vall panel construction joints will be located at columns. 60 FALLON VILLAGE - !)RADDOCK & LOGAN PROPERTIES - DESIGN GUIDELINES Exhibit C