HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.4 FallonVillageGHAD c~rY CLERK FI~e #- D~~[Q}{~J[Q] AGE~DA STATEME~T C~TY COUNC~l MEET~NG DATIE December 4,2007 SUB JlE Cf PublIc Hearmg Approvmg the FormatIon of the Fallon VIllage Geologic Hazard Abatement DIstrIct (GRAD) and Appomtmg the CIty Council as the Board of Directors of the GHAD Report Prepared by Mark Lander CIty Engmeer A rf ACHMEN'fS 1) ResolutlOn Approvmg the FormatIon of the Fallon Village GHAD and Appolntmg the Dublm City Council as the Board of Directors November 6,2007, Staff Report (without attachments) June 21, 2005, Staff Report, Declanng the City of Dublin Subject to State Law Relatmg to Geologic Hazard Abatement Distncts Plan of Control 2) 3) 4) RECOMMENUlATllON 1# 6 FINANCIAL STATEMENT Adopt the ResolutlOn approvmg the formatIOn of the Fallon Village Geologic Hazard Abatement DIstrIct, and appomtmg the City CouncIl as the Board of Directors, There should be no fiscal Impact Once the Fallon Village GHAD has been formed, and a fundmg mechamsm has been approved by the Board of Directors and the affected property owners, the costs associated With the operation of the Fallon Village GHAD Will be offset by assessments paId by property owncrs wIthm the DI.':>tnct DESCRIPTION DIVISIon 17 of the CalIfornia PublIc Resources Code establIshes legal standard.'> for geologiC hazard abatement diStrICt ("GHAD") formatIOn, GHAD financmg and the scope ofGHAD authorIty (SS 26500-26654) CalIfornia PublIc Resources Code sectIOn 26567 provides that after suffiCient notice and a heanng at which the owners of no more than 50 percent of the assessed valuatIOn of the proposed dlstnct object to ItS formatIOn, a new GHAD may be formed by resolutIOn of the City Council --------------------------.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPY'fO Jeff Lawrence, Braddock and Logan G IDIo VELOPMENT PRIV A rE\fallon V1Ilage (EDI 01\G11AD\a~'St GHAD Approval DOC liTEM!: NO b~ C/ Page 1 of2 The adoptIon of the resolutlOn approvmg the formatIOn of the Fallon Village GRAD, dnd the selectIOn of the initial Board of DIrectors are the next steps m the creatIOn of the Fallon VIllage GRAD ANALYSIS Pursuant to the PublIc Resources Code, the City CouncIl adopted ResolutIOn No 196-07 on November 6, 2007, settmg a publIc hearmg and notlcmg by marl the owners of real property to be mcluded wlthm the Fallon VIllage GHAD at least twenty (20) days before the date set for the hearIng At the publIc hearmg, If the owners of more than 50 percent of the assessed valuatIOn of property wlthm the temtory to be annexed do not object to the formatIOn, at the close of the heanng, the City Council may decIde whether or not to form the Fallon VIllage GRAD Ifthe City Council wishes to approve the formatIon of the Fallon VIllage GHAD, the City CounCll must adopt a resolutIon approvmg the formatIOn of the Fallon Village GRAD and appomtmg members to act as the Board of Directors for the Fallon Village GHAD Under the GRAD law, the CIty CounCil may appomt five (5) real property owners wlthm the DIstnct or the CIty Council Itself, to act as the Board of Directors In thIS case, there IS only a smgle property owner, and it IS therefore only practical to appomt the City Counctl as the Board of Directors As descnbed m the Staff Report for the November 6, 2007, City Council meetmg, the City CouncIl must m future actIOns take additIonal steps to make the Fallon VIllage GHAD operatIOnal The Board of Directors must pass a budget and levy an assessment Levymg the assessment reqUIres two steps (a) approval of the engmeer's report and the InItIatIOn of the assessment ballot proceedmg, and (b) followmg the 45-day notIce penod reqUIred by PrOposItIon 218, a publIc heanng to tabulate the assessment ballots and approve or deny the assessment RECOMMENDA 'fION Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the ResolutIOn approvmg the formatIon of the Fallon VIllage GeologIc Hazard Abatement Dlstnct, and appomtmg the CIty CounCIl as the Board of Directors Page 2 of2 \1Y() ~ L-f RESOLUTION NO -07 A RESOLU'][llON OF THE CJLTY COUNCllL OF TIHIE CITY OF DUBLIN **************************************** RESOILUTHJlN APPROVING TIHIE FORMATION OlF THE FALLON VILLAGE GEOLOGiC HAZARID ABATEMENT DISTRICT AND APlPOINTiNG THE DUBLiN CiTY COUNCiL AS TIHIE BOARD OlF DIRECTORS WHEREAS, on June 21, 2005, pursuant to the provISIOns of section 26550 of the PublIc Resources Code, this Counctl adopted ResolutIOn No 139-05, declanng the CouncIl to be subJect to the prOVISion of DIviSIOn 17 (SS 26500-26654) of satd Code, and forwarded a copy of said ResolutIon to the State Controller, and WHEREAS, pursuant to the prOVISlOns of DlvlSlon 17 of thc Public Resources Code, a PetItIOn ("PetitlOn") was filed With the City Clerk, dated October 2, 2007, for the formation of the Fallon Village GCOIOgIC Hazard Abatement Distnct ("GHAD" or "Dlstnct"), and WIHIEREAS, on November 6, 2007, thIS City adopted ResolutIOn No 196-07 acceptmg the PetItIon and settmg a hearmg on the filed PetltlOn on December 4, 2007, at 7 00 pm, and WHEREAS, notice of the heanng was given pursuant to the provlSlons of Pub he Resources Code sections 26561 through 26563, and WHEREAS, a publIc heanng before the City Council on thc formatIon of the GHAD was held on December 4, 2007, at 7 00 pm, pursuant to the reqUirements of sectlOn 26557 of the Public Resources Code, and WIHIEREAS, at the tIme set for the heanng, no owner of real property wlthm the proposed GHAD had made a wntten obJcctton to ItS formation III accordance With the prOVISIon of PublIc Resources Code sectIOns 26564 through 26566, and WHEREAS, at the hearmg, the owners of more than 50 percent of the assessed valuatlOn of the GHAD dId not obJect to the formatiOn thereof, and the Board closed the heanng, and WHEREAS, the formation of the GHAD IS exempt from the proViSIons of the CalIfornia Environmental QualIty Act (PublIc Resources Code 99 21000 et seq) m accordance With PublIc Resources Code sectIOns 21 080(b )(4) and 26559, NOW, THERlEFORE, BE iT R1ESOJL VED TIHIA '][ SectIon 1 Pursuant to PublIc Resources Code sectIon 26567, the CounCil hereby orders the formatlOn of the GRAD, as descnbed m the PetitIOn SectlOn 2 Pursuant to PublIc Resources Code sectIOn 26567, the Council hereby appomts Itself as the Board of Directors of the Fallon Vl11age GeologiC Hazard Abatement DIstnct (GRAD Board) ATTAill_f 'It 0 c9. tr6 q if SectIOn 3 Thrs resolutIOn shdll become effective Immedldtely upon Its passage and adoptlon The GHAD shall become operatIonal only after the parcels wlthm the boundarIes of the GHAD have been successfully assessed In accordance with PublIc Resources Code sectlOn 26650 and Article XIII(D) of the California Constitution The GHAD Board Intends to adopt separate resolutions to lllrtlate the establishment and authOrIL;atlon of an assessment on the real property mc1uded m the GHAD PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED on thIs 4th day of December, 2007 AYES NOES ABST AlN ABSENT Mayor ATTEST Clty Clerk 2 CC~lV CllE~~ rFde ~ D~~~<oiJ~ 3f1Qot4 lAG IE~IDA ~T fA llElMillE~T C rlllr co u ~c ~ llMillE IET~ IMG DA TIE U\!IoV'sl11l'lllbJe &" ~, 2[>>(Q) l' SUBJEC'f ResolutIon Settmg a Public Heanng on the FormatIOn of the Fallon VIllage GeologIc Hazard Abatement Dlstnct Report Prepared by Mark Lander, Czty Engineer A'fT AClHIMEN1LS ResolutIOn Settmg a Pubhc Heanng on the FormatIOn of the Fallon VIllage GeologIc Hazard Abatement DIstnct, together With ExhibIt "A" to the Resolution PetItion For FormatIon Exhtblt "A" to the PetItIon Boundary Map ExhIbit "B" to the PetItIOn Legal DescnptJ.on Exhtblt "C" to the Petition Plan of Control ExhIbIt "B" to the ResolutIon Notice ofPubhc Heanng IRlECOMMlENUlA1l'llON ~ Adopt the Resolul1on Settmg a PublIc Heanng on the Fonnal1on of ~ ~ the Fallon V1l1age GeologIC Hazard Abatement Dlstnct IF'INANCiAL STATEMENT There IS no nnmedIate fiscal Impact Once the Fallon Village GeologiC Hazard Abatement DIStrIct ("Fallon Village GRAD") has been fanned and a fundmg mechanism has been approved by the Board of Drrectors and affected property owners, costs assocIated With the operatIOn of the Fallon Village GRAD WIll be offset by assessments paId by property owners wrthm the Dlstnct IDJESCmlP'flION GeologIC Hazard Abatement DistrIcts (GHADs) are mdependent public entIties used to oversee geologiC hazards Wltlnn a gIVen fixed boundary through preventative mamtenance, hazard mItigatIOn and geologIC faIlure abatement DIVISIOn 17 of the Cahforrua Public Resources Code establishes legal standards for geologIC hazard abatement dIStrICt ("GHAD") formatIOn, GHAD financmg, and the scope of GHAD authonty (~~ 26500-26654) COpy TO Jeff Lawrence, Braddock and Logan I AfT L\.CHMEN I 2 Page 1 of2 ~... A,J. # CalIfornIa PublIc Resources Code Section 265505 provIdes that proceedIngs for the formatIon of a new GRAD may be Imtlated by a petitIOn sIgned by owners of at least ten percent (10%) of the real property to be Included wlthm the proposed dlStnct LtUVCi ~ The Fallon Vlllage GHAD annexatIOn petition has been executed and submItted to the CIty CounCil of the CIty of DublIn The adoptIOn of the resolutIon settmg a publIc hearmg on the formatIon of the Fallon VIllage GRAD IS the first step In the formatIon process ANAlLYSm Under the PublIc Resources Code, the CIty CounCIl must adopt a resolution settmg a publIc heanng and notIcmg by mall the owners of real property to be mcluded wIthIn the Fallon Village GHAD at least twenty (20) days before the date set for the heanng Property owners may thereafter object m wntmg to the proposed formatIOn of the Fallon VIllage GRAD The CIty CouncIl ofthe CIty of Dublm WIll hold a publIc heanng on the proposed formation of the Fallon VIllage GRAD on December 4, 2007 If It appears at the heanng that the owners of more than SO percent of the assessed valuatIon of property wlthm the temtory to be annexed object to the formation, the proceed.mgs must be abandoned At the close of the heanng, the CIty CounCIl Will deCIde whether or not to form the Fallon VIllage GRAD After the Fallon Village GRAD IS fonned, the City CounCil must take addItIonal steps to make the Fallon VIllage GRAD operatlonal SpeCifically, the City CounCIl must then appoInt members to act as the InitIal Board of Directors for the Fallon VIllage GRAD The Board of DIrectors must then pass a budget and levy an assessment LevyIng the assessment requrres two steps (a) approval of the engmeer's report and the ImtIabon of the assessment ballot proceedmg, and (b) fo llowmg the 45-day notIce penod requIred by ProposItIOn 218, a publIc heanng to tabulate the assessment ballots and approve or deny the assessment lRlECOMMENIDA'IlION Staff recommends that the CIty CouncIl adopt the ResolutIon Settmg a PublIc Heanng on the FonnatIOn of the Fallon Village GeologiC Hazard Abatement DIstnct '0"....'" ") ...-i''') o ce~l"~ cel~~~ fg~~ '$ DIaJ~~~ A~~~DA $iA1r~~~~iF 5~ ct. + ,e~liV <COUIMc;Ul ~~~'fUINl~ lQl~iI"~D J~Iiil~ &:~ ~ ~@(Q)~ SUE.DWCT Declanng the City of Dublm SubJect to State Law Relatmg to GeologIc Hazard Abatement Dlstncts Report Prepared by Mel!ssa Mortonj Publrc Worki DIrector ATIACJBrMl&N'Fg ResolutIon declanng that the City of Dublm IS subject to the proViSIOns of Cabforma Pubhc Resources Code D1V1slOn 17 relatmg to Geologlc Hazard Abatement Dlstncts 1) Adopt resolutIon declanng that the City of Dublm IS subject to the proVlSlOllS of Cahforma PublIc Resources Code DtvtS10n 17 relatIng to GeolOgIC Hazard Abatement DlStncts 2) O1rect Staff to forward the adopted resolutlon to the State Controller o ]JI'][N,AN CIA.IL S1f A ''If'EMDENl!': None IDESCm.IffiD TI ON": The City CouncIl bas partlClpa'ted in diSCUSSIOns With Staffregardtng the possible benefits of fonmng a GeolOgiC Hazard Abatement Dunne! (GRAD) m the City The purpose of such a Th.stnct IS to prevent, ontlgate, abate and control geologIc hazards In areas such as hillSides GIven recent events where shdes have occurred as the result of adverse weather conchtIons m vanous mIl areas of southern Cahforma, the City Couneu may Wish to coDSlder the forma.t1on of a GHAD at some pomt U1 the future In order to conform Wlth CahfoIIlla State Law related to the future formanon of a CHAD, It 1S necessary for the Crty to declare Itself subject to proVISIOns of the Law by adoptIng a resolul1on contammg wd declaratIon A copy of the adopted resolUtlon must then be f01"WS1'ded to the State Controller In order to esta.bhsh the CIty'S elIgibility to form a GHAD Staff recommends that the C.ty COUDeLl adopt the resolut1on declanng that the City ofDubbn IS subject to the proVlSlOnB of Cahfonua Publ1c Resources Code DIVISion 17 relatmg to GeolOgiC Hazard Abatement DlstnCts, and d1rect Staff to forward the adopted resolution to the State Controller ~ ~g~___~~~~~~g~~~~_________~Rg~RQg~---__~=Qgg~p-----QQgQg~~~CCCg C((DJPllDES TO: G \AOENMISC\apl GHAD Stale Laws 062105 doe t~t A 'IT ACHMENT 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I GVb&tY- PLAN OF CONTROL FOR FALLON VDLLAGE GEOLOGIC HAZARD ABATEMENT DISTRICT DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA SUBMITTED TO BRADDOCK & LOGAN GROUP DANVll..LE, CAUJFORNIA PREPARED BY ENGEO INCORPORATED PROJECT NO 4663 101001 MAY 8, 2007 LA 'fEST REVISION OCTOBER 4, 2007 COPYRIGH] (J 2007 BY ENGEO INCORPORA ll::D THIS DOCUMENT MA Y NOT BL R[PRODUCLD IN WHOLE OR IN PAR I BY ANY MEANS WIlA I SOl< VbR NOR MAY IT BE QUOTED OR [XCl::RPno WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTLN CONSFNT OF ENGEO INCORPORA TLD rttt>C14 GEOTECHNICAL ENVIRONMENTAL WATER RESOURCES CONSTRUCTION StRVlCES PrOject No 46631 010 01 May 8, 2007 Latest RevIsion October 4, 2007 Mr Jeff Lawrence Braddock & Logan Group 4155 Blackhawk Plaza CIrcle, SUite 201 Danville, CA 94526-4668 Subject Fallon Village DublIn, CalIfornIa PLAN OF CONTROL FOR FALLON ViLLAGJE GEOLOGIC HAZARD ABA l'EMENl' DiSTRICf Dear Mr Lawrence The Fallon Village Plan of Control has been prepared and is bemg submitted m cOnjunctIOn With an Engmeer's Report and a petitIOn filed by your office to form the Fallon VIllage GeologIC HaLard Abatement DistrIct ENGEO IN L &~ Un ElIahu, GE Enc Harrell, CEG ehlJ b 2010 Crow Canyon Place SUIte 250 San Ramon CA 94583 4634 (925) 8b6 9000 Fax (888) 279-2698 WW\\l engco com ~ ~ ~ ~ 11 ~ I II I ~ I ~ ~\ I tI ~ if I I TABLE Of CONTENTS Letter of Transmittal I Authonty and Scope Property IdentificatIon n Background EXistIng Site ConditIons Proposed Development Open Space GRAD ResponsibilItIes HI Geology RegIOnal Geology d.l1d Geologic Maps KV Slope StabIlity ConsideratIOns Durmg Mass Gradmg V GeologIC Hazards Slope Instabihty Seisnucally Induced Ground ShakIng ExpansIve SOIls CompressIble Soils VK Areas of Dlstnct Responslblhty Scope of ActIvitIes Prevention, MItIgatIon, Abatement and/or Control of GeologIC Hazards ExceptIons Smgle Property VertiCal Movement or Creep Due to Shnnk Swell or Settlement Property Not Accepted Hazard(s) or Failure(s) Resultmg From Negligence DI~tnct FW1dmg or Rermburscment for Damaged or Destroyed Structures or Site Improvements No Reunbursement of Expense::. Incurred by Property Owners Protected WildlIfe Habitat VB IF'undmg and Acceptance of Responslblhty by the ][hstnet 1 ActIvatIon of Assessment 2 ResponsibilIty for GHAD ActivItIes 3 OwnershIp of the Open Space 4 Process for Transfemng Responsiblhty for GHAD ActIVItIes 4663 I 010 01 May 8, 2007 Latest ReVISIOn October 4,2007 ~v:o C1 t} fEfMGEO INCO RPORA TED Page 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 5 5 5 7 7 II 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 ~ ~ J ) {J ~ ~ I I I II ~ 1\ ~ I ~I I I I q ObC1 if fEfMGEO INCORPORATED T ABLE OF CONTENTS (Contmued) vrrH Geotechmcal Techmques for MItigation of LandslIde, Soil Creep and ErosIOn f[azards 19 Landshde MItigatIOn for EXlstIng Debns Flows and Ldlldshdes 19 General LandslIde MItigation 21 iX BlOtechmcal RecommendatIOns for Prevention and MltIgatJon ofExIStmg or PotentIal ErosIOn f[azards 23 X Pnonty for Ihstnct Funded Repairs 24 Xi Mamtenance and Momtonng Schedule 25 XU Open Space Ownership and Management 27 XJIH Rlght-of-Entry 29 REfERENCES APPENDIX A Exhibit A - Limits of the Fallon VIllage Geologic Hazard Abatement Dlstnct Exhibit B - Boundane.':> of the Distnct Area Figure 1 - Geotechmcal Corrective Gradmg Plan Figure 2 - GeologIc Map Figure 3 - Open Space and Improvements OwnershIp/Mamtenance Plan APPENIHX B OperatIOns and Mamtenance Manual for BIOretentIOn FaCIlItIes, Tract 7586 at Fallon Village, prepared by ENGEO Incorporated APPENDiX C Fallon Village SIte Geology 4663 1 01001 May 8, 2007 Latest RevlslOn October 4, 2007 I ~ ~ 11 {I I I ~I ~ I fI ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ I I I \OVO t1 ~ fE~EO INCORPORA TED K Authority and Scope The Fallon Village Geologic Hazard Abatement DIstnct ("Distnct") IS proposed to be formed under authonty of the CalifornIa Public Resources Code, DIVIsion 17, commencmg with Section 26500 The boundaries of the DistrIct comprIse a total of approximately 488 acres For the Fallon VIllage Project, ConditIOn of Approval (COA) No 76 reqUIres the formatIOn of a GeologiC Hazard Abatement DistrIct ("GHAD") To satIsfy thiS reqUirement, the developer of Fallon VIllage IS submlttmg thiS Plan of Control to allow the DistrIct to permanently mOnItor and mamtam slopes, detentlOn and water quaJtty basms, storm draInage faCilIties and other Improvements wlthm the GHAD as descnbed herem Development of a Plan of Control is a reqUirement for fonnatIOn of a GHAD Pursuant to SectIOn 26509 of the CahfornIa PublIc Resources Code, thiS Plan of Control was prepared by an EngIneenng Geologist certified pursuant to Section 7822 of the BUSIness and ProfessIons Code As reqUired by Section 26509, It descnbes potentIal geologIC hazards WIthIn the proposed Dlstnct boundaries and proVides a plan for the preventIon, mltIgatlOn, abatement, or control thereof As used In thiS Plan of Control, and as provIded In SectIon 26507, "geologiC hazard" means an actual or threatened landshde, land subSidence, SOlI eroSIOn, earthquake, fault movement, or any other natural or unnatural movement of land or earth Property IdentificatIon The proposed Dlstnct boundary IS shown In the Dlstnct Boundary Map on Exhibit A, and further descnbed In the DIstnct Boundary DeSCrIptIOn on [XhibIt B 4663 1 01001 May 8, 2007 Latest RevlSlon October 4,2007 ~ ~ I ~ ~ I I II I I I I, ~ I ~ I I I 11 \ \~~ i fEfMGEO INCORPORA TED n Background EXlstmg Site Conditions Thc study area IS approximately 488 acres and IS located north of HIghway 580 m Dublm Site topography conSIsts of rollmg, grass-covered mIls generally mcreasmg m elevatlOn to thc north Site dramage IS to the south, toward Arroyo Las PosItas and the LIvcrmore Valley Most of the study area conSIsts of opcn, undevelopcd land With local Improvements related to agncultural or reSIdential use These Improvements mclude barns, sheds, and dwellmgs, as well as roadways, dnveways, and utilIties Proposed Development The Site plan prcpared by Mackay and Somps shows 1,043 smgle-fmmly lots In addItIOn, the plans show a school Site, a neighborhood park Site, four blOretentJOn cells (24, 023, 021 and 048 acrcs), roadways and a 46-acre neighborhood square sIte A Prehmmary Geotechmcal ExploratIon report was completed for the SIte by ENGEO Incorporated and dated February 23, 2003 and revIsed December 17, 2004 The ENGEO report tItled Phase 1 - Corrective Gradmg Plans serves as a DeSign Level Geotechmcal ExploratIon Report for the proJect It is our understandmg that bulk gradmg on the Site Will occur m 4 phases As shown on the MacKay and Somps Gradmg Plans the Will mclude Phases 1 and 2 Bulk gradmg and later cach of these areas Will be regraded to the final elevations necessary for the constructIOn roadways, bUlldmg pads and othcr Site Improvements The prehmmary proposed site gradmg mcludes preparatIon of level bUIldmg pads and roadways As planned, gradmg WIll mvolve cuts and fills up to about 4663 1 01001 May 8, 2007 Latest ReVISIOn October 4, 2007 2 I ~ I 11 {I I I {I \I I rr ~, ~ ~ II I I ~ ~ \2"bq ~ iENGEO INCORPORATED 70 feet thick Also, cut slopes as high as 170 feet are planned and fill slopes up to about 80 feet high are planned Open Space ProJect Open Space mcludes approxImately 200 acres as shown In Open Space Plan With about 172 2 acres wIthm a conservatIon easement (figure 3) TItle to the parcels compnsmg thc open space will be conveyed to the GHAD approxImately three years after the first residentIal bUlldmg permit has been Issued WIthm the Distnct Smce long-term mamtenance and stabIlity of the GHAD Property will protect the open space, which IS an amel1lty that wIll benefit all of the current and future propcrty owners, the fundmg for thc GHAO's actIvItIes wIll bc sharcd by all currcnt and future property owners wlthm the GHAD's boundaries All such actIvItIes shall be consistent With thIS Plan of Control GHAD ResponsIbIlItIes The GJIAD Will mItIgate, prevent, abate or repair landslIde or eroslOn hazards that could directly affect property wIthm the GHAO boundary, as necessary to implement thiS Plan of Control The GHAO wIll also assume open-space management responsIbilItIes that are reqUired for the [all on Village proJect These responsiblhtles Will mclude vegetation management, erosIOn control, vegetation removal (fire suppreSSIOn), and selected othcr maintenance assOCiated With open space In additIon, the responSibilIty of the GHAD Includes mamtenance, mOnItorIng and repaIr of bloretentlon cells, vegetation control, armOrIng of channels and desIltmg of detentIon basms 4663 1 01001 May 8, 2007 Latest ReVlSlOn October 4,2007 3 I I ~ I I I I {I {I I 11 ~ ~ ~ 11 ~ ~ I 11 '~ao4Lt /EM3EO I NCORPO RATE D The GHAD's responslbtlltleS will mclude but may not be hmited to momtorIng and mamtenance for the followmg as approprIate o Four blOretentlon cells o Mamtenance and repair of EV A and access roads o EroSIOn repaIrs o RevegetatIon and vegetatIOn control, mcludmg fire break mowmg, weedmg and additional hydroseedmg as deemed necessary o Sediment removal from concrete structures (applies only to open-space catch basms, field mlets, V -ditches and storm dram pipes) o Slope stabilIzation (mcludes mmor landshdmg and debns bench clearmg) o Subdram outfall mamtenance o Open-space storm dram plpe and V -ditch replacement In addition, the GI-IAD wtll have mamtenance, momtonng and repaIr responslbilI1tes for slopes, which will mclude natural, reconstructed or partially reconstructed landslIdes as mdicated wlthm the referenced ENGEO reports and dIscussed m SectIOn V 4663 1 010 01 May 8, 2007 Latest ReVISIOn October 4, 2007 4 ~ I rt fI I I I I I I [J I I ~ I I rI I 11 I +t6C1 y- fEfASGEO IN CO RPORA TED HI Gcology RegIOnal Geology and GeologIC Maps The SIte IS located wlthm the Coast Ranges geologIc provmce of CahfornIa, a senes of northwest-trendmg ndges and valleys Bedrock at the Site IS mapped as non-manne sedimentary rock of the TassaJara FormatIOn (QTt) (Dlbblee, 1980) or as the Livermore Gravels (Grayrner et al, 1994) of Late PlIocene to Pleistocene age The rocks m the SIte VICllllty have been tightly folded such that the bedrock layers (beddmg) are generally mchned at a steep angle from the honzontal Crane (1996) mapped the axes of antlcltnal and synclmal folds through the north end of the SIte The site IS not located wlthm a State of Cahforma Earthquake Fault Zone for active faults (CDMG, 1982) The nearest mapped active faults are the Calaveras fault located approximately 5 miles to the southwest and the Greenville fault located approximately 6 mIles to the northeast A more detailed dlscusslOn ofthe Site geology IS mcluded as Appendix C of this Plan of Control llV Slope Stability Considerations Durmg Mass Gradmg As shown on the Corrective Gradmg Plans for Fallon VIllage (May 2006), eXistmg artifiCial fills wlthm the graded area have been removed and, as reqUIred, replaced With subdramed engmeered fills (Figure 1) In graded or repaIred areas, the unSUitable materIals mcludmg alluvIUm, colluvIUm and/or landslIde debrIS WIll be overexcavated to firm undl.':>turbed matenals below the unSUitable materIal as determmed by the Geotechmcal Engmeer or Engmeenng Geologist at the time of gradlllg Surface and subsurface drams Will be lllstalled to collect the surtace and subsurface waters whIch may have mltIally caused the mstabIhty The configuratIon of each subdramage system will be taIlored to the mdIvidual area at the time of gradmg The Geotechmcal Engmeer and/or Engllleenng GeologIst Will determme the locatIOn and depths of 4663 1 01001 May 8, 2007 Latest ReVISIOn October 4,2007 5 ~ ~ I I ~ ~ ~ 11 I ~ 11 ~ I I, 11 I I I I t66bc.t. t fEUVJGEO INCORPORA TED subdrams at that time The location and elevatIOn of subdrams and outlets wIll be surveyed dUrIng constructIon Each subexcavatIon Will then be reconstructed to final grade by keymg and benchmg below the landshde plane with compacted, dramed engmeered fill It IS important to note that to preserve the natural topography, wildlife habItat and vegetatIon of the Site, stabilIzatlOn of landslIde masses IS currently planned only for landshdes that directly threaten the proposed Improvements Slope mstabilIty m open-space parcels which does not have the potcntIal to directly affect the GHAD-accepted homesltes, roadways, habitat areas or other crItIcallrnprovements will not be repaired, as prOVided m SectIOn VI The cuts WIll be Viewed by the proJect Geologist dunng gradmg to providc mitIgatIon schemes for unsuspected slope conditIons which could decrease the slope stabilIty Such condItions mclude unfavorable bedrock attItudcs and seepage conditIOns A geology map WIll be prepared by the project Geologist for use by the GHAD We expect that the extents of buttressed slopes and associated subdram systems will be IdentIfied on as-bUilt plans followmg constructIOn 4663 I 01001 May 8, 2007 Latest RevIsion October 4, 2007 6 ~ 'I I ~ I ~ I I I I 11 I I I if [I I I tI lloOQ'1 + E!MGEO INCORPORATED V Geologic Hazards GeologIc hazards identified for the site m the Geotechmcal ExploratIOn reports Include the followmg Items o Slope mstabilIty o Seismically mduced ground shakIng o Expansive soils o CompressIble soils These geologic hazards are not expected to be ehmmated entirely by site gradmg Slope mstabllity IS not umque to thIS proJect, but IS of importance for hillSide proJects throughout the San FrancIsco Bay Area Future stablhty of these areas depends on vanous factors, IncludIng any mtroductIOn of natural or artificial groundwater, future gradIng and earthquake ground shakIng Slope InstabIhty Dunng mappmg for thc Site geotechl11cal exploratIOn, areas of slope mstabIhty were identIfied throughout the planned development area and wlthm the future open space areas The geologic hazard map showmg the locatIOn of each of the debns flows and landslIdes is mcluded as Figure 2 The table below Identifies each of the landslIde areas wlthm the development area and the proposed corrective measures The "Current DeSignatIOn" column shown on Table V-I is the landslide labelmg used on the corrective gradmg plan The "PrevIOus DesignatlOn" column Identifies the landshde ldbehng used In the Geotechmcal Exploration Report PotentIal DistrIct momtormg or mamtenance actIvitiCS for the specific areas lIsted In the table below are discussed m SectIOn VIII 4663 1 01001 May 8, 2007 Latest ReVISion October 4,2007 7 I I I I {I I I ~ I I 11 I fI I I I I I I \CUOq Lf fENGEO I NCORPORA TED Bulk Gradmg LANDSLIDE location (Sheet) and Proposed Correctl ve Unremedlated Areas Current PrevIous Landslide Type Measures DeSIgnatIOn DeSignation LI R25 G2, Earthflow Remove and replace None L2 Not Labeled G2, Earthflow Removal and Landslide matenal replacement of may not be removed landslide matenal downslope of Within the limits of engineered fill slope gradmg L3 Not Labeled G2, Larthflow Removdl and Landslide matenal replacement of may not be removed landslide matenal downslope of wlthm the limIts of englneercd fill slope gradmg L4 R13 G I, Earthflow Remove and replace None L5 RI4 G I, Earthflow Remove dnd replace None L6 R8 G I, Earthflow Remove and replace None L7 R7 G I, Edrthflow Removal and Off sIte landslide replacement of matenal Will not be landslide matendl removed wlthm the limits ofihe , property L7A Not Labeled G 1, Deep seated Buttress fill over lower No removal of portion of the landslide matenal landslide outside the CIVil limIts of wadmg L7B Not Labeled G I, Deep seated Buttress fill over lower No removal of portIOn ot the IdIldshde matenal landslide outSIde thc elVlI hmlts ot gradmg L8 R6 G 1, Earthflow Remove and replace None L9 R12 G 1, Earthflow Remove and replace None LIQ R1I G I, Earthflow Remove and replace None LlI RIO G I, Earthflow Remove and replace None LI2 RI7 G 1, RotatIOnal slump ExcaVdtlon of landslide Landslide matenal matenal wlthm 20 feet not removed below ofthe pad grade 20 feet below the pad wade 1 ABLE V-I MAPPED AREAS OF SLOPE INSTABILITY AND PROPOSED CORRECTIVE MEASURES 4663 1 01001 May 8,2007 Latest ReViSion October 4, 2007 8 I I I I \I I I I I I 11 ~ I I II I ~ I I \~~Lf fEfMGEO INCORPORATED Bulk Gradmg I LANDSLIDE Location (Sheet) and Proposed Corrective Unremedlated Areas Current PrevIous Landslide Type Measures DesignatIOn Designation Phase 2 LI2 RI7 G I, RotatIOnal slump Wlthm bUlldmg pads Landslide matenal excavation of landslide not removed below material wlthm 10 feet 10 feet below the pad of the pdd grade grade wlthm bUIldable tots L13 R16 G I, Rotational slump Wlthm bUlldmg pads, landslide matenal excavatIon oftandsllde not removed below material wlthm 20 feet 20 feet below the pad of the pad grade grade wlthm bUildable lots Ll4 R-15 G2, (Lots and a portIOn Removal and landslIde material of Parcel "E"), replacement of may not be removed RotatlOndl Slump landshde material downslope of wlthm the hmlts of engmeered fill slope gradmg LIS R~19 G2 (Lots and adjacent Removal and None slope), Slump flow replacement of complex landslide material wlthm the hmlts of Igradmg L16 R-26 G3, Earth flow Remove and replace None Ll6A R-27 G3, Earthflow Removal and Off site landshde replacement of matenal Will not be landslide material removed wlthm the limits of the property L17 R~24 G2, Earth flow Remove and replace None LI8 R-25 G2, Earth flow Remove and repldce None LI9 R-2l G2, Edrth flow Remove and replace None L20 R-22 G2, Earth flow Remove and replace None L21 R-20 G2 earth flow Remove and replace None L22 R28, R-29 dnd Lots 976 1004 Remove and replace None R-30 Rotational Slump L23 R-31 Lots 940-942, 961-965 and 1013-1017, Slump Remove and replace None flow Complex 4663 1 01001 May 8, 2007 Latest ReVI.':>lon October 4,2007 9 I II I I I I I I I I 11 I I I ~ (I I I I tC1 un ~ y.. fENlGEO INCORPORATED Bulk Gradmg LANDSLIDE LocatIOn (Sheet) and Proposed Corrective Unremedlated Areas Current PreVIOUS Landslide Type Measures DeSignation DeSignatIOn L24 R-34 Lots 829-831 earth Remove and replace Off site portion of the flow onslte landslide landshde matenal A number of landslIdes are located Withm the open space areas of the DiStrIct and mItIgatIon IS not planned for these areas of slope mstabIhty SInce they do not have the potentml to unpact the Site Improvements as dIscussed m SectIon VI Smce no mitIgatIOn IS shown on the Corrective Gradmg Plan, these landslides were not relabeled and retam the desIgnatlOn from the Geotechmcal ExploratlOn Report These landslIdes are descnbed below and shown on Figure 2 TABLE V-2 MAPPED AREAS OF SLOPE INSTABILITY WI I HOUT PROPOSED CORRECTIVE MEASURES SLIDE TYPE OF FEATURE ESTIMA TED DESIGNA nON DEPTH (FT) R-l to R-4 Earth flow 15 R~5 Slump flow complex 30 R-9 Earth flow 10 R-18 Slump flow complex 40 R-19 Slump flow 30 R~23 Earth flow 15 R-32 and R-33 Earth flow 10 to 15 In additIon to the landslIdes lIsted above, other areas of slope mstabilIty or JandslIdmg Will hkely be IdentIfied dunng the hfe of the development Smce earth stability IS the Dlstnct's pnme geotechmcal concern, thIS sectlOn descrIbes several types of slope mstabllIty that may be wIthm the Dlstnct's area ofresponslblhty, subJect to SectIon VI of thIS Plan of Control 4663 1 01001 May 8, 2007 Latest ReViSIOn October 4,2007 10 I I I I \I I I I I I tI ~ 11 I I (I I I I &Dif) q 4 IEfMGEO INCOR PO RATED A landslide IS defined as a mass of rock, SOlI and other debrIs that has been displaced downslope by slIdmg, floWIng or fallIng LandslIdes mclude coheSIve block glIdes and disrupted slumps that have formed by displacement along a planar slIp surface or rotation (displacement along a curved slIp surface) UndercuttIng and erosion ofhdlslde slopes tngger many slope failures Slope failures are also often tnggered by lllcreased pore water pressure due to the mfiltratlon of ramwater The resultmg decrease of shear resistance (mternal resistance to deformatlOn by shearmg) can cause the slope to move The level of the groundwater table varIes With the amount of ramfall for the area If ramfallls higher than average dUrIng the wmter season, the water table Win be higher than average on a hlllslope and groundwater pressures may become dangerously high Under these conditions, hillSide movement can be activated Areas of thicker sod cover on the hillslopes are known as collUVIUm (Qc) Colluvml depOSits are typically the result of soIl creep and may be m a weak, unconsohdated state, makmg them susceptible to landshdmg If undercut CollUVIUm IS generally approximately ten to fifteen feet m thickness Landslides and colluvial depOSits located withm open space areas are natural landforms that do not reqUire mItIgatIOn except where they affect man-made Improvements Potential mitlgatlon and repaIr measures for DIStrIct areas near development are dIscussed m SectIOn VIII SeISmiCally Induced Ground Shakmg As Identified m the geotechmcal report, an earthquake of moderate to hIgh magmtude generated WIthin the San FrancIsco Bay RegIOn could cause conSiderable ground shakmg at the SIte, Similar to that which has occurred III the past SeismIC slope stabilIty has been conSIdered m the ENGEO 4663 1 01001 May 8, 2007 Latest RevlSlon October 4, 2007 11 I I ~ I I I I I I I 11 ~ ~ I I I ~ I ~ Bl&O~lf IEM3EO INCOR PORA TED desIgned geotechmcal corrective gradmg plan, however, seismically generated slope failures could occur m open-space areas outsIde the development lImIts ExpanSIve SOlis Near-surface soIl, colluvIUm and alluvIUm at the sIte could exhibIt a moderate to cntlcally high potentIal for expansIOn The.':>e potentially expansive sOlis could impact the planned site development Expansive sOlIs shrmk and swell as a result of mOisture changes ThIs can cause heavmg and crackmg of sldbs-on~grade, pavements and structures founded on shallow foundatIons The potential for expanSive ~olls has been identified m prevIous reports for the property Shrmk and swell of expanSive soIls on slopes IS a portIOn of the mechamsm of creep movement which can result m shallow slope mstabilIty Compressible SOlIs Based on the geotechmcal data, It appears that mmor settlement of as much as a few mches could result from consolidatIOn of alluVIal and collUVIal dcposits beneath deep fills and from consolidatIOn of deep fills due to their own weIght Based on the proposed gradmg settlements expenenced by site Improvements due to design fills are anticIpated to be mmor 4663 1 01 0 01 May 8, 2007 Latest ReViSion October 4,2007 12 I I I I I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I I I -;A d-.UV ~ Ur IEU\SGEO INCORPO RA TEO Vi Areas of District ResponsibilIty Scope of ActIvities The Fallon Village GRAD, as owner of the open space areas and basms withm the site, wIll assume responsibIlIties that relate to Its posItIon as a GRAD and other duties of a responsible landowner The GHAD IS charged with responsibIlitIes that relate to the preventIOn, mitIgation, abatement, and control of geologic hazards This mcludes, but IS not hmIted to, the mamtenance of faCilItIes that enhance site stablhty such as draInage faCilIties and associated Improvements This may mclude the momtonng and mamtenance of dram age facilities and associated resources WhiCh, if subJect to Improper care, could result m decreased slope stabIlIty, the prIme concern of the GHAD In additiOn, the GHAD will be responsible for mamtenance of deSignated traIls planned wIthm the open space area Improper rnamtenance of the trail system could faCilItate erOSiOn, a prIme concern for the GHAD PreventiOn. MItIgatIOn, Abatement and/or Control of GeolOgIC Hazards SubJect to the followmg exceptIons, the pnmary mISSlOn of the Dlstnct shall be the preventIOn, mItIgatIOn, abatement and/or control of geologiC hazards withm its boundanes that have damaged, or that pose a sIgmficant threat of damage to site Improvements wlthm the developed areas of the project As used herem, the term "site Improvements" means bUlldmgs and outbuildmgs, road~, sIdewalks, improved paths, utIlIties, Improved traIls, sWimmmg pools, tenms courts, gazebos, cabanas, geologiC stabIlIzatIOn features or SImilar Improvements 4663 1 010 01 May 8, 2007 Latest ReVISIOn October 4, 2007 13 I I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I ~ I I I I d?OQctY- fENlGEO I NCORPO RATED ExceptlOns fhe Intent of thIS Plan of Control IS not to reqUIre or to create the expectatlOn that the DIstnct will take action to address every threatened or actual geologic hazard The DistrIct may dechne to prevent, mitIgate, abate or control geologic hazards under the followmg CIrcumstances Isolated or Remote Slope InstabilIty The DistrIct shdll not have responsibilIty and may place a low pnonty on Its responsIbIlity to momtor, abate, mItIgate or control slope mstabilIty that does not mvolve damage to or pose a slgmficant threat to damage Site Improvement~ Smgle Property The DIstrIct will not prevent, mitigate, abate or control geologiC hazards whICh are hmited In area to a smglc parcel of property unless the geologIC hazard has damaged, or poses a SignIficant thredt of damage, to Site improvements located on other property withm the DIStrIct boundaries ThIS excluslOn does not apply to geologiC hazards eXlstmg on common area property owned by the HOA or wIthm open space owned by the DistrIct Vertical Movement or Creep Due to Shrmk Swell or Settlement Vertical movement due to shrInk-swell of expanSIve ~Olls or settlement of fills IS expected at the SIte as With many reSidential developments In the area Damage to Site improvements resultmg from shrmk swell or settlement of fills IS not the responsl bIhty of the G HAD Property Not Accepted The GHAD shall not have responSIbility to repaIr damdge, which IS situated on a parcel of real property, which the GHAD has not accepted m accordance WIth Section VI The GHAD, however, may momtor, abate, mItigate or control slope InstabilIty on a parcel of real property which the GHAD has not accepted m accordance WIth SectIOn VI, proVided that the GHAD 4663 1 01001 May 8, 2007 Latest RevlSlon October 4, 2007 14 I I I I I ~ I I I ~ I I ~ I I I ~ I I '2t-t"bCfLf fE/NlGEO INCQRPQRA TE D responsIbility on such parcel shall be limIted to the extent necessary to address damage or a sigmficant threat to damage sIte Improvements on a GHAD accepted parcel Not withstandIng the above exceptlOns from Dlstnct responSibility, the DistrIct may take any action necessary to prevent, mitlgate, abate or control damage to property or Site improvements for which, In the sole Judgment of the DistrIct, the DIstrIct would be legally responsible as a property owner Hazard(s) or FaIlure(s) ResultIng From Negligence The Dlstnct may declme to prevent, mItIgate, abate or control geologiC hazards or faIlures If, m the sole Judgment of the DistrIct Manager In consultation With geologIC or geotcchmcal profeSSIOnals as the manager deems necessary, such hazards occur as the result of neglIgence of a property owner and/or a property owner's contractors, agents or employees In developIng, gradmg, constructmg, or IDaIntammg any work on the subject property DistrIct Fundmg or Reimbursement for Damaged or Destroved Structures or Site Improvements In the event a resIdence or any other pnvate structure, Site improvement or landscape feature IS damaged or destroyed as a result of a geologiC hazard, the DIStrICt may fund, or reimburse the property owner for the expenses necessary to repair or replace the ddlllaged or destroyed structure, SIte Improvement or landscapmg Unless otherwise authonzed by the Board of Directors, the total dollar amount of the DistrIct fundmg or reimbursement paId to all property owners whose property IS damaged by the geologIc hazard may not exceed ten percent (10%) of the total costs mcurred by the DistrIct m actually mitIgatmg, abatmg or controllIng the geologIC hazard that causes the damage In the event the geologiC hazard damaged or destroyed a structure, Site improvement or landscapmg WhIch VIOlated any prOVlSlOns of the City BUIldmg Code or City Code at the time of ItS mstallatIon or improvement, the DistrIct may decline to 4663 I 01001 May 8, 2007 Latest ReVISion October 4, 2007 15 I I ~ I I I I ~ I I ~ I I ~ ~ ~ I I ~ Z5dQCf<f fEfNr3EO I NCQRPORA TED provlde any tundmg, or reimbursement to the property owner for repaIr or replacement of the damaged structure, Improvement or landscapmg No Reimbursement of Expenses Incurred by Property Owners The Dlstnct Will not be obligated to reImburse a property owner for expenses mcurred for the preventIOn, mitlgatIOn, abatement, or control of a geologIC hazard nor for reimbursement for damaged or destroyed structures or SIte Improvements absent a written agrcement between the property owner and the Distnct to that effect, WhiCh agreement has been executed pnor to the property owner mcumng saId expenses, and followmg an mvestlgatlon conducted by the Dlstnct Protected WildlIfe Habitat The GHAD WIll not prevent, mitlgate, abate or control Isolated geologIC hazards which are limited to mltlgatlon areas and/or protected WIldlIfe habitat unless the geologie hazard has damaged, or po~es a sigmficant threat of damage, to site Improvements located on property wlthm the GHAD boundanes 4663 1 01001 May 8, 2007 Latcst ReVISIOn October 4,2007 16 I I I I ~ ~ I I ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ I I I I ~ 2J.a U6 CJr t fEffJGEO IN CORPORA TED VI[ Fundmg and Acceptance of ResponsibilIty by the Dlstnct I Actl vatIOn of Assessment Ultlmately an annual assessment shall be levied on all annexed residentIal or nonresidentIal parcels wIth habitable bUlldmg areas withm the Fallon VIllage development The assessment shall be levied by the GHAD on each mdlvldual parcel begmmng the first fiscal year folJowmg Issuance of a bUIldIng permit for that parcel 2 Responslblhtv for GRAD ActlvltIes The party that, on the date each FInal Map is recorded Withm the GHAD boundanes owns the developable parcels shown on that FInal Map, shall have the responsibilIty to perform all the actIvities of the GHAD on property WithIn that FInal Map Such responsibilIty shall automatlcally transfer to the GHAD at 900 a m on the day exactly three ycars after the first re.':>ldentIaI bUIldIng permit IS issued by the CIty of DublIn provided that the Items lIsted under Item No 3 m thIS sectlOn have been completed ThIS turn-over date may be extended at the sole dlscretlon of the proJect dcveloper provided that the assessments shall contInue to be levied durmg the extensIOn penod and that notice of such extensIOn is delIvered to the GHAD Manager at least 30 days pnor to the turn-over date The petitioners for formatlon of the GHAD mtend that the approxImately three-year perIod between the levYIng of the GHAD assessment and the GHAD becomIng responsible to perform activItles on property wlthm each Fmal Map will allow the Dlstnct to accumulate reserve funds without mcurnng sIgmficdllt expenses 3 OwnershIP of the Open Space Ownership of the open space will pass from the owner/developers to the Dlstnct on, or approximately on the date the Dlstnct commences ItS actIvitles and becomes responsible for oversight of the actual phySical mamtenance of the open space as provided 10 thiS sectIOn 4663 1 01001 May 8,2007 Latest RevIsIOn October 4, 2007 17 I I I I ~ I I I I I ~ ~ I I I I I I I 21DQCiY' fENGEO INCORPORATED 4 Process for TransferrIng Responsibility for GIIAD ActIvities After the Transfer ElIgiblhty Date for parcel(s), the process for transferrmg responsibIlIty for performmg GHAD actIvIties on such parcel(s) shall be as follows (a) In the calendar year of the Transfer EligibilIty Date or m any subsequent year, at Its discretIOn, the developer may apply to the GHAD ('Transfer ApplIcatIOn") to transfer the responsIbilIty for performmg GHAD ActivItIes for parcel(s) to the DI!:>tnct (b) Wlthm 45 days of receIvmg such notIce, a representative of the GHAD shall verIfy that all the faCilItIes for WhICh the GHAD will have mamtenance responsiblhty have been constructed and mamtamed according to the City-approved plans and specIficatIOns for the mdlvlduallmprovements, and that such facIlIties are operatIonal and In good working order (c) Wlthm 15 days of such InSpectIOn, the GHAD will send the developer a list ("Punch lIst") of all of the items that need to be constructed, repaired or otherwise modified III order to comply WIth the City-approved plans and specificatIOns (d) The developer will notify the GHAD when It has completed the Items Identified on the Punch lIst (e) Wlthm 30 days of receipt of such notice, the GHAD shall venfy that all Punch lIst Items have been completed and notify the developer that the Dlstnct accepts responsiblhty for performIng all future GHAD ActivIties on the parcel(s) As part of the transfer actIvitIes the developer of parcel(s) to be transferred will provIde the GHAD, for its use, caples of the applIcable geotechmcal exploratlOn reports, gradmg plans, corrective gradmg plans, Improvement plans, field-venfied geologIC maps, as-bUIlt subdram plans or other pertment documents as requested by the GHAD 4663 1 01001 May 8, 2007 Latest ReVlSlOn October 4,2007 18 I ~ I I I I ~ I I I I I I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~gao ot t !EfMGEO INC 0 R PORA TED vlIn Geotechmcal Techmques for MItigatIOn of Landslide, Soli Creep and ErosIOn Hazards LandslIde MitIgatIon for EXlstmg Debns Flows and Landslides For eXlstmg debns flows and landshde areas, the followmg mltlgatlOn measures have been proposed and shown on the corrective gradmg plans Generallandshde llutlgatIOn measures are shown below TABLE VIII-l SELECTED DISTRICT MITIGATION AND MONIfORlNG AREAS Bulk Gradmg LANDSLIDE Potential District locatIon and Landshde Type Unremedlatcd Areas Mamtenance or Momtorlng Current PrevIOus ActlVltles DeSIgnation DeSignatIOn L2 Not Labeled G2, Earthflow Landslide matenal may Observation of this area not be removed dunng penodlc sIte downslope of engmeered mOnltonng events HIgher fill slope potential for corrective work m future If remalnmg landslide debns expenences movement and Impacts Site Improvements See SectIon VIII for potentlallandshde mItigatIon techmques L3 Not Labeled G2, Earthflow Landshde matenal may ObservatIOn of thiS area not be removed dunng penodlc sIte downslope of engmeered momtorlng events Higher fill slope potential for corrective work m future Ifremammg landshde debns expenences movement and Impacts site Improvements See SectIOn VIII for potentlallandshde mitigation techmques 4663 I 01001 May 8, 2007 Latest ReViSIOn October 4, 2007 19 I I I I 2QDb.?f t- fEUVlGEO I NCOR PO RATED ~ ~ Bulk Gradmg LANDSLIDE Potential D1StnCt location and Landshde Type Unremedlated Areas Mamtenance or Momtonng Current PrevIous Activities DesignatIOn DesignatIOn L7 R7 G ], Earthflow Off sIte landslide matenal Observation of thiS area will not be removed dunng penochc site momtorlng events Higher potential for corrective work In future If remammg landshde debns expenences movement and Impacts Site Improvements See Section vrn for potentiallandshde mitigation techmaues L7A Not Labeled G 1, Deep seated No removal of landshde In the event that Landsltde matenal outside the CIVil L 7 A expenences hmlts of gradmg movement, dramage 10 the swale at the toe of the planned fill slope could be partially blocked To aVOid pondmg of water and the assOCiated problems, It may be necessary to Implement measures to facilitate storm dramage 10 thiS area We antIcIpate that thiS type of operation would become the respon S I blllty of the proposed GeologiC Hazard Abatement District ( GHAD) L7B Not Labeled GJ, Decp seated No removal oflandsl1de Observation of thiS area matenal outside the CIVil dunng penodlc site limits of gradmg momtonng events Higher potential for corrective work In future If remammg landshde debns expenences movement d.I1d Impacts sIte Improvements See Section VllI for potentlallandshde mitigation techmQues I ~ ~ I I I ~ I ~ ~ I I 4663 1 01001 May 8,2007 Latest ReViSIOn October 4,2007 20 I I I I I ~ I ~ ~ I I ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ -aD "b ~tf fENGEO I NCORPORA TED Bulk Gradmg LANDSLIDE Potential District locatIon and Landslide lype Unremedtated Areas Mamtenance or MOOltonng Current PrevIous ActIvities Designation DesIgnatIon L14 R-15 G2, (Lots and a Landshde matenal may ObservatIOn of this area portiOn of Parcel "E ), not be removed dunng penodlc site RotatiOnal Slump downslope of engmeered mOOltonng events HIgher till slope potential for correctIve work 10 future lfremammg landshde debris expenences movement and Impacts site Improvements See Section VIII for potenttallandshde mitIgatIon techOlQUCS L16A R-27 G3, Earthflow Off Site landshde matenal Will not be removed L24 R-34 Lots 829~83 I, Earth Off site portion of the flow landshde General LandslIde MItIgation The techmques the DistrIct may employ to prevent, mItigate or abate landslidmg or adverse erosIOn damage might mclude, but are not necessanly lImited to o Removal of the unstable earth mass o StablhzatIOn (either partial or total) of the landslide by removal and replacement With compacted dramed fill o ConstructIOn of structures to retam or divert landslide matenal or sediment o ConstructIOn of eroslOn control deVices such as gab IOns, np rap, geotextIles, or lIned ditches o Placement of dramed engmeered buttress fill o Placement 01 subsurface dramage devices (e g underdrams, or hOrIzontal dnlled drams) 4663 1 01001 May 8, 2007 Latest RevlslOn October 4,2007 21 I I ~ I ~ I I I I ~ ~ I I I ~ I I ~ I 2> I i1() ~'t iE'M3EO I NCORPORA TED o Slope correctIOn (e g gradient change, blOtechmca' stabIlIzation, and slope trImmmg or contourIng) o ConstructIOn of additlOnal surface ditches and/or detentIOn basms, sIlt fences, sediment traps, or backfill or eroslOn channels Potenttallandslide and erOSIOn hazards can often best be mitigated by controllmg sOIl saturation and water runoff and by mamtammg the surface and subsurface dramage system Mamtenance shall be provided for lined surface dramage ditches and dramage terraces mcludmg debns catchment structures or drop mlets The Impact of soIl creep on Site Improvements is usually best mitIgated by deslgmng structures to resist the forces applIed by the creepmg SOli, smce sot! creep movement on slopes is typically caused by condltlOns which are difficult to control on a larger scale, such as the wettmg and drymg of clays, the growth of roots, burrowmg ammals and by the downslope movement of saturated ground MomtorIng actlvltles may mclude observatIOn of saturated ground condItions and burrowmg anImal populations, whIch may be controlled by addItIonal dramage or the removal ofburrowmg ammals 4663 I 01001 May 8, 2007 Latest RevlSlon October 4, 2007 22 ~ I I I ~ ~ I I I I [i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I I ~ t;2b:b?t f IEUVlGEO INCORPORATED IX BlOtechmcal RecommendatIons for l?reventJon and MItIgatIon of EXistIng or PotentJal ErosIOn Hazards FIll slopes wlthm the boundanes of the DIstrIct are expected to be erodible as will cut slopes m bedrock, therefore, the mamtenance of vegetative cover IS especially Important VegetatIOn provides a protectIve role on sOli and exposed rock It absorbs the Impact of ramdrops, reduces the velocity of runoff and retards eroSIon In many mstances, adequate eroSIOn protectlOn for slopes can be accomplIshed With carefully selected and placed bIOlogICal elements (plants) Without the use of structures (e g brush layermg and Willow waddlmg) In other areas, biotechmcal slope protectIOn may mvolve the use of mechanical elements or structures III combmatlOn With biological element.':> to prOVide eroSIon control and help prevent small-scale slope faIlures Locally, crIb walls, welded-Wire walls, gablOn walls, rock walls, rIprap and remforced earth walls used m combmallon With carefully selected and planted vegetatIOn can proVide high quahty slope protectIOn The vegetatIon may be planted on the slope above a low retammg structure or toe wall, or the mterstIces of the structure can be planted 4663 1 01001 May 8,2007 Latest ReVISion October 4,2007 23 I ~ ~ I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I I I ~ ~ I I I ~~~q+ fEff*JGEO INCOR PORA TED X Pnorlty for District Funded Repairs Emergency response and scheduled repair expendItures are to be prIorItized by the Gencral Manager, utIllzmg Its discretion, based upon aVaIlable funds, a prudent reserve and the approved operatmg budget Should aVaIlable funds not be sufficient to undertake all of the identified remedial and preventive stabihzatlOn measures, the expenditures shall be pnorItlzed as follows m dcscendmg order of prIOrIty A The preventIon, millgatIOn, abatement or control of geologie hazard.':> that have eIther damagcd or pose a sigmficant threat of damage to residences, crItical underground utilItIes or pavcd streets B The prevention, mItIgatIOn, abatement or control of geologic hazards that have either damaged or pose a sigmficant threat of damage to prIvate or commumty recreatIOn faCIlItIes (e g pools, spas, etc ) C lhe prevention, mitigatIOn, abatement or control of geologic hazards that have either damaged or pose a slgmficant threat of damage hmlted to loss of landscapmg or other SimIlar non-essential amemtIes D Thc prevention, mItIgation, abatement or control of geologiC hazards eXistmg entirely on opcn-space property and which have neither damaged nor pose a slgmficant threat of damage to any SIte Improvements 4663 1 OlD 01 May 8, 2007 Latest RevIsIOn October 4, 2007 24 ~ ~ ~ 11 I ~ ~ I I ~ tiO{)t:1 + fENrGEO il I I I~ ,,~ I~ '" ~ ~ ~ :~ I~ L INCORPORATED XI MaIntenance and Momtormg Schedule Geologie features and DIstnct-mamtamed facilities should be mspected on a regular basIs Budget permmmg, mspectlons should be scheduled to occur d mlmmum of two times per year III normal years and three or more times per year m years of heavy ralllfall The mspectlons should be scheduled to take place m October, prIor to the first sigmficant raInfall, mid-wInter as necessary dUrIng heavy ramfall years, and In early Apnl at the end of the ramy season The frequency of the mspectIOns should be mcreased III years of hlghcr than average ramfall mtensIty and/or recurrence o A Distnct engmeer and/or Geologist should mspect the lincd surface of concrete-lmed dramage ditches wlthm the Distnct boundarIes on a regular schedule If possible, mspectIOns should be scheduled tWice each year, budget permittmg One mspcctlon should be In the fall pnor to the onset of wmter rams The mspector should chcck for sedImentatIOn, crackmg or shlftmg of the concrete-lIned ditches Repairs and maIntenance should be performed on a regular schedule excess Silt or sediment m ditches should be removed and cracked or broken ditches should be patched or repaired as reqUIred before the begmmng of the next ramy season o Several types of debrIs catchment structures are planned Repair.':> and mamtenance should be performed on a regular schedule Excess debrIs should be removed to allow the structures to mamtam adequate catchment area o Subsurface draIn outlets and hOrIzontal drIlled dram outlets, If any, should be mspected on a regular schedule Water flowmg from these outlets should be measured and recorded dUrIng each mspectlOn If possible, mspectlOns should be scheduled tWIce each year, preferably m the fall and sprmg Any SUSpICIOUS mterruptlOn m flow should signal a need to unplug or clean by flw,hmg the affected dram o If Illstalled, piezometers used to measure groundwater levels, or other Instruments such as mclmometers and tlltmeters, should be mOnItored on a regular schedule o Settlement momtorIng deVices, If any, should be momtored on a regular schedule In the event of anomalous readmgs or exceSSIve settlement, the momtorIng frequency should be Increased 4663 1 01001 May 8, 2007 Latest ReVISion October 4,2007 25 ~I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~I ~ ~ 5'6 ~ ~ EfMGEO ~I ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ I ~ INCORPORA TED o Inlets, outfalls or trash racks, If used, mu~t be kept free of debns and spIllways mamtamed AttentIOn should be given to plantmgs or other obstructIons, whIch may mterfere with access, by power eqUIpment o I he blOretentlon faCIlItIes should be mOllltored and mamtenance m accordance with the OperatIOns and Mamtenance Manual for BIOretentIon facilIties Tract 7586 at Fallon VIllage A copy of thIS manual is provIded III Appendix B The Dlstnct should reView Its InSpectIOn schedule annually and assess the effectiveness of Its preventive mamtenance program on a regular basIs Dlstnct staff should prepare an annual report to the Board of DIrectors with recommendations for mamtenance and/or repair projects Consultants, If necessary, may be retamed to undertake the needed studies The Dlstnct Engmeer and/or Engmeenng GeologIst retamed by the Dlstnct shall prepare an annual mspectlon report for presentatIOn to the Distnct Board of Directors 4663 1 010 01 May 8, 2007 Latest ReVISIOn October 4,2007 26 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I 3(0 "C/q ~ fENfGEO INCORPORATED XU Open Space Ownership and Management OwnershIp, fundmg sources and mamtenance responslbilItlcs shall be as shown on followmg table Parcels labels lIsted on the table below m quotatIOn marks are those from the vestmg tentative map TENT A TIVE ACCEPTANCE MAINTENANCE DA TE OR FACILITY /FUNCTION FUNDING MINIMUM OWNERSHIP ENTIl Y INITIAL MONITORING TERM K Development Area A ResidentIal Lots Pnvate Pnvate 2010 Pnvate B BlOretentlon Cells (Parcels J JJ "EE" , , and "FF") I Water QualIty GIIAD GHAD 2010 GHAD FacIlIties 2 Retammg Walls and GHAD GHAD 2010 GHAD Slopes 3 Landscapmg HOA HOA GHAD C Semi Public Parcel E Braddock and Braddock Braddock and Logan and Logan Logan D Parcel KK HOA HOA HOA E Park (Parcel "E) CIty oi Dublm CIty of City of Dubhn DublIn F Park (Parcel 0) CIty of Dublm City of City of Dublin DublIn Dublm Umfied Dublm G School Site (Parcel F- School Dlstnct Umfied Dublm Umfied 1) School School DIstrIct DIstrIct TABLE XIII-l Fallon Village Long-Term Ownership and Management Matnx 4663 I 01001 May 8,2007 Latest RevISIon October 4, 2007 27 I I I ~ I ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I I "3itJbq + fEffJGEO INCORPO RATED TENT A TIVE ACCEPTANCE MAINTENANCE DA TE OR FACILITY IFUNCTION FUNDING MINIMUM OWNERSHIP EN1 ITY INITIAL MONITORING TERM H Parkways, Tree P1antmg Easements and HOA HOA City of Dub 1m Sidewalks I Multi-Use Trails and HOA HOA CIty of Dublm Collector Medians Braddock and J Parcel B and "II" GIIAD GHAD Logan (City of Dublm) n Open Space K Par<.-e!s A, C, D, E-1, K, P, "B", "C", "D" and OHAD GHAD 20ID GHAD "00" L MItigatIOn Pond (0 83 Land Trust Endowment GHAD Acres) 4663 1 01001 May 8, 2007 Latest Revision October 4,2007 28 I I ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~~~qLf IEfNlGEO I NCOR PO RATED xu:n Rlght-of-lEntry DistrIct officers, employees, consultants, contractors, agents, and representatives shall have the nght to enter upon all lands wlthm the Dlstnct boundary, as shown on Exhibit B, for the purpose of performmg the activities descnbed m the Fallon Village Plan of Control Such activIties mclude, but are not lImIted to (l) the mspectIOn, mamtenance dnd mOllltonng of site improvements mcludmg sedimentatIOn basms, mamtenance roads, deflection walls, dramage ditches, storm drams, outfalls and plpelmes, (2) the momtorIng, mamtenance and repair of slopes, mcludmg repaIred or partially repaIred landshdes, and (3) the management of eroSIOn and geologic hat:ards wlthm the open space areas shown on ExhibIt A Should the Dlstnct need to access pnvate reSidential lots to fulfill ItS duties under the Plan of Control, the DIstrIct shall proVide the affected landowncr and/or reSident With 72 hours advanced notice, unless m the reasonable Judgment of the Dlstnct, an emergency Situation eXists which makes immediate access necessary to protect the pubhc health and safety, m which case no advanced notice IS reqUired, but the Distnct shall mform the landowner and/or reSident as soon as reasonably pOSSIble The foregomg nght-of-entry shaH be recorded III the cham of tItle for all reSIdential parcels and common area lots, and lt shall be mcluded In all Covenants, Conditions and Restnctlon.'> (CC&Rs) and homebuyer dIsclosure statements prepared for parcels wlthm the DistrIct boundary 4663 I 01001 May 8, 2007 Latest ReVISion October 4,2007 29 I I ~ ~ I ~ ~ I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ I ~'1 00 '1 ~ fEfAfGEO INCORPORA TED REFERENCES CalIfornm State of, DivIsIOn of Mmes and Geology (CDMG), 1982, Earthquake Fault Hazard Zones Map, Livermore Quadrangle (prevlOusly named SpecIal Studies Zones Map) Crane, R, 1996, Geologic Map of the Livermore 7 5-Mmute Quadrangle Dibblee, T W, Jr, 1980, Prehmmary Geologic Map of the Livermore Quadrangle, Alameda and Contra Costa CountIes, Callfornm, Opcn File Report 80-533 Dublm, City of, Resolution 05-61 mcludmg CondItIons of Approval for Tract 7586, APNs 985-0028-002 and 905-0002-003, DublIn, CahfornIa Dublm, City of, Development Agreement between the City of Dublm and Dublm RE Investors, L L C for the Fallon Village ProJect, dated February 1,2006 ENGEO Inc , Response to ReView Comments, Fallon V dlage, Dublin, California, May 31, 2006, ProJect No 4663 1 01001 ENGCO Inc, Phase 1 - Corrective Gradmg Plans, fallon Village, DublIn, California, March 14,2006, ProJect No 4663 1 00901 ENGEO Inc , Prehmmary Geotechmcal ExploratIOn, East Dublm Properties, DublIn, CalIfornIa, February 23, 2003 and revIsed December 17,2004, ProJect No 4663 1 00401 ENGEO Inc, Geotechmcal CorrectIve Gradmg Plan, Fallon Village, DublIn, CahfornIa, May 2006, ProJect No 4663 1 00901 ENGEO Inc, ReView ofPrelimmary Gradmg Plans, Edst Dublm PropertIes, Tract 7586, Dublm, Cahforma, dated February 8, 2005, Project No 4663 1 00401 Graymer, R W, Jones, D L and Brabb, E E, 1994, Prelmunary GeologiC Map Ernphasizmg Bedrock Formations m Alameda County, CalIforma OFR 96-252 MacKay and Somps, Tentative Map, [all on VIllage, DublIn, Cahforma, December 5, 2005 MacKay and Somps, Phase 1 Bulk Gradmg Plan, Tract 7586 - Fallon Village, Dublm, California, Project No 19319-1 June 2006 Nilsen, T H, 1975, Prehmmary Photomterpretatlon Map of Landslide and Other Surficm1 Deposits of the LIvermore 7W Quadrangle, Contra Costa County, Callforma, USGS 75-277-26 4663 I 01001 May 8, 2007 Latest ReVISion October 4,2007 I ~ .. ~ I I I I I I I ~; I I I I I I I I I I " I t ~ , Exhibit A ExhIbit B FIgure 1 / Figure 2 " Figure 3 ) APPENDIX A , ExhIbIts and FIgures ) , <- '" I I " YO 006f L/- fElNlGEO INCOR PO RATED r' ~ " j. 1 t'" .., Open Space and Improvements Ownership/Mamtenance Plan -<- '., I' DistrIct Boundary~Map ) ~ DistrIct Boundary BescnptlOll Geotechmcal Corre~tIve Gradmg Plan , Ge~loglc Map-' , " " ~ )~ " ~ ~ I ~ l' ~ ~ "", ( '" '--, -- ... .J~ 4663 I 01001 May 8, 20Q7 )Latest ReV,ISIOll October 4, 2007 i , I J { r I j .; '-" f \.. J ( I ~ I I I I ~ ~ I ~ ~ I I ~ ~ I I I I lflUO~lf T2S:R1E M DIB M I 22 : 23 ---1--- 21 : 26 ACACIA PARTNERS : SERIES No 2005-037868 ___~J APN 985-0028-001 POB n ---nL:A~:::~-mnn m:;J NB~~~~;;g16;: 76 : _mn~~ :~:~E-: -~;---- f---- PM 8327 ~"')~ I SECTIONS 26 & 27 : BK 298 PM P 14-17 '),.100" PARCEL D :~d : rl> t..lO...:V ~ 0 MUEHLHAUsER : D S R S D :0 ... <.0 0 SERIES No 2002-0974 i30 I ~ PM 9208 ..~N,~ APN 905-0003-012 I , / BK292 M PG16-17 _ : PARCEL 8 313 91* AC ..,. I No LLA 07 -01 Q co D oNaTE BEARINGS AND DISTANCES WITH : sERIEs No 1\1,_ PARCEL A ~:z"" ~O AN ASTERISK(.) FOR THE NW 1/4 OF : ,2007-200946 ~ No l.LA 07-01 SECTION 35 WERE TAKEN FROM : ~-\./-----~'I '" \ SERIES No 2007-200946 RECORD OF SURVEY NO 16750 I I II r-........ 14 66:!:: AC: i DUB L I N i (r \PA:E0 ?:1 ~__~i-L2a221.D~ : RAN CHi "\::: ,I"~ .. ~ POD GHAD PARCEL 2--1--n- \ ~ ~ / GHAD PARCEL 1 t DUBLIN INVESTORS, LLC D ) ~ 1 1 '" J:'" SERIES No 2003-108250 .. ~ ~ / ~ l.LJ 1 _( I 01 "" ROS NO 1675 ~~ <0 ~ / ...~ ;-.,Vlj /...... I L-, ~ I ~ BK25 R 0 S PG31-32 ~~ ~ 8 g /' IIr - .....,1 ~ \ ~ II ~ APN 905-0002-003 ~D ~ J, ~ \'/1 \ \ w w 15954:!:: AC wI ~ 0 g ~ \ L____CO 01 r-- ~~? 't \ N~ 0 GRAD PARCEL 2 N 1J) \ ..,.1..,. <nOs 00 l pARCEL C ..,....,. tDDUZOI =0 PARCEL A \ ~ I ~ NW 1/4 SECTION 35 OJ t) t1) Z \ z~ T2SR1E ~<(~~ '..... M DB&: M * UJ > I D t1) ~ I 0 ...... ~o~ L5l1L.2li~.l.QQ:... ...... ~ ... ... ~ .i3...1.21t.}j~l~ ... ... ~ _ _ _ __ I -....-... fiRST AMERICAN TITLE I CROAK ~ GUARANTEE CO : SERIES No 79-229935 ~... SERIES No 1993-338140: APN 905-0002-002 I ~ A PN 985 -002 7 -00 6 : A PN 905-0002 -002 -0 1 I ~~ I APN 985-0027-007 I I \~ I I I \ I I I \ II /'-- GHAD PARCELS 3 & 4 I LEGEND "... /~ SEE PAGE 3 ~ =......= 500' 1000' 2000' ~~ nn_n_n_ I r, POB NOTE BEARINGS AND DISTANCES WITHOUT AN ASTERISK(,) WERE TAKEN FROM RECORD OF SURVEY NO 1005 ACAcIA PARTNERS SERIES No 2005-037368 APN 905-0003-014-03 GHAD PARCEL 5 SEE PAGE 4 o r BOUNDARY LINE EXISTING LOT LINE POINT OF BEGINNING PAGE 1 OF 4 [ffiB@~V ~ ~@rnID~~ Jmill[lBH'Jr ~ A ~ lLlIW'lrS OF rAJlWN VJI1lIAG! GlillAD SEE EXHIBIT B FOR DESCRIPTION CllY OF DUBLIN 7- '3-2007 CIVIL ENGINEERINGoLANO PLANNINGoLANO SURVEYING Pleosonlon CA (925) - 225-0690 DRAWN DATE SCAlE JOB NO COUNTY OF ALAYEDA CALIFORNIA MW 07-13-07 1 ~1000 19149-10 130830 mwehber P \19149\legols\GHAD-legols-overoll\PLATl:XHIBITdwg I I I I ~ I ~ ~ I I ~ I I ~ ~ I I I I lfl"lJ ?ttf ,-----------, / #~ " /-'" N39"21 56 W(R) ~ pARCEL B --" ------------., N52"39 14 W .3969 No LlA07 -01 R=291 02 D=49"58 40 --..........., SERIES No L=25.3 85 0 I N71"20 52 E 8206 2007-200945 NOcr3924 E 140 60~ I ....,.. Nlcr57 46 W 9603-----.J .. ,l\. \ " N 14"25 1.3 W 1.34 28,,--\ N5cr42 23 W 48 07 \..--, N21"32 10 W _~8~40''-.,__.~\~h-N71"06 39 W 9904 \ ,,---------..., ....1' PM 920B \,,/ " .~ ---- -iJ l. BK 292 M PG 16-17 N21"2328 E 20071--r---- --......;;...... 31391:t AC N.3J01842'E 65.35 + ~.f. I ......'......___ N16"41 lOnE 5140~ N02"1830 E 8136'~ r Nl7"50 10 E 64 19 I Y NOcr 19 22D W 1 06 46 ';---.l\ \ PARCEL '0' Nl7"41 12"W 147 19 L ~ \ N00"4430nW 12097~ ,~ Nl2"4135 W 3086~ .r \ "- N20"4.3 3.3 W 9089 +------\ \ N07"1939 W 25002'+----J N10"47 11 W 26863 &J\ n N70"51 2.3"W 49 05 I U R=42 00 0=59"26 40 ~- L=4358 I~..... n N49"41 51 E 122 85,,~1 "" N28"0741E 28400 ~ I'r~ " II N5.3"025rE 195 67 ~ I .'\ \/ I Xt~ ~~!'J~J~_EJ~L/" \ I R=120 00 \ D= 1 go07 4.3 R=88600 D=32"31 05 ~ \ l=40 06 R=150 00 D=54"0109 l=50285' ~ u l=14142 N89"5724 E(R}l N28"3903DW 5857 N90"00 00 -W -18985 - -=-::::r ~. / R = 1100 00 D = 5"19 52 N70"5217 W 655 yr ~ L=10235 R=80 00 D= 11"47 55" N.3O" 35 31 W 33 48 L=1647 N03"49l8nE 15900 N66"40 50 E(R) 92 39 N22"56 58 W 83 13 N0.3"58 13 W 101 75 N10"41 42 W 61 76 DUBLIN --................ " "- "- '-. ,..., I .. ~ ................, I '-. I .. I "- I .......... ... ... RANCH '- PARCEL A No LLA 07-01 SERIES No 2007-200946 14 66:t AC I I I I I / / " 17.-.. I ;/ N58"5228nE 11988 ..../ LJ I N69"08 41' E 31 7.3 N90"00 00 E 58 47 N75"22 09 W 45 89 _ _...r" ( PARCEL 'C' I \ l. ~ , , , , , \ \ ( \ , \ \ \ , \ \ PARCEL 'A' @ N89"51 52 W 2651 00 ~~~--~~~~~~~~~ 0' I 250' 500' I I SCAlE ,. =500' mDDBIT W A W PAGE 2 OF" 4 IDillI1'S or lFAU,ON VlillUGE GmD LEGEND = co co = BOUNDARY UNE - - - -- -- -- -- EXISTING LOT UNES lOaD' I DUOB(B~v ~ ~@il~~ CITY or DUBLIN 7-13-2007 CIVil ENGINEERINGoLAND PLANNINGoLAND SURVEYING Pleosonlon CA (925) - 225-0690 DRAWN DA l[ SCALE JOB NO COUNTY Dr ALAMEDA CALIfORNIA l.IW 07-13-07 1 -500 19149- 10 13 08 30 m wehber P \ 19149 \Iegols \ CHAD-legals - overoll \PLA T[XH/81 r dwg I ~ I I ~ ~ ~ I I ~ ~ I I ~ ~ I ~ I I 4?"b '1~ ~ 0' I 60' I I SCALE. 1" =60' 120' I '\ N6C?15'1 0" E 31 43' N6C?15'l 0" E 838' '\ \ .,.() ~~ ~~ ~ ~'1b ~~ '\ '\ \ \\ PARCEL 4 REMAfNDER OF PARCEL 18 TRACT 7281 (277 M 82-88) tj ~>-l'-o f::,2:0~ <0.... 2;0..10::> .q:''=::l'-o::> C,,)oC'\J1n _C,,)OJ gg>-~g;; _e-.lQC) -,2:CQ.... <<Cl:l ~.Q;:_"*t:, r"., < ""'" C,,) ~J ::.::l c.. 0 ~c<~ CITY OF DUBLIN \ P ARKSITE \ PARCEL 8 TRACT 7281 (277 M 82-88) 60' EXISTING RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENT FOR FALLON ROAD \ \ R=237 00' 6=9"2051" L=38 67 I I I I , I I I , I I AREAS PARCEL 3=4.645:1: SF PARCEL 4=10,082:1: Sf LEGEND pos POINT OF BEGINNING JEXJ8ImlIT 1'9 A Pll PAGE.3 OF 4 lLlmIDlTS OF WAlJIl)N muG~ GEAD SEE EXHIBIT B FOR DESCTIPTlON CITY OF DUBLIN COUNlY OF ALAMEDA CALIFORNIA oo@cmv ~ ~(mi~~ CIVIL ENGINEERINGoLANO PLANNINGoLANO SURVEYING Pleoscnlon CA (925) - 225-0690 DATE SCALE JOB NO 03-21-07 I =60 19149-10 7-/3-2007 /351 JJ mwehber P \ /9/49 \legals \GHAD-Iegals-overol/\GHADPARCELS1&2 dwg EIDBDmIT ~ A ~ XJMITS OW WmON VllUGE GHAID SEE EXHIBIT B FOR DESCRIPTION CITY OF DUBLIN COUNTY OF ALAMEDA CALIFORNIA I I I I I ~ I I I I ~ ~ I ~ I I I I I \ " , \ '\ " \ '\ '\ \ '\, EXHIBIT "A" 44ao Gf'-f LEGEND PCB POINT OF BEGINNING PARCEL MAP 9208 (292 M 16) NW PROPERlY CORNER OF flRST AMERICAN TITlE GUARANlY CO GHAD PARCEL 5 4,582:t SQ FT (0 11:1: AC) @ SCALE ,. = 50' 0' r 25' 50' I J SCALE 1" =50' 100' 1 Ll )::> ;0 () r'1 r ~ ~ ~ ~~ J ~~?l ~~~/ ;$ f:? ~ Si;Jc ~~~ 4J~~ ~~~ 4: FIRST AMERICAN TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY APN 985-0027-007 DOCO 1998-388140 (JORDAN RANCH) \ 18 -..0 19 ..... -..0 '(S1 o;Q Cl t"' tl'1 'Z. ~ ~ ::0 ::0 > (1 ~ \ \ \ \ \ PAGE 4 Of 01- OillB@~v ~ 0@illID~~ POB -\ 20 ..-3 _::0 rV';P'" e~ ~'-.l if CIVIL [NO I N EE RI NG" LAN D PLAN NI NG" LAND SURVEYI NG Pleosonlcn CA (925) ~ 225-0590 DRAWN DATE SCAlL JOB NO "'HW 7-13-07 1 =50 19149-10 l-IJ-2001 14 16 02 m",,;,ber P. \ 19149 \~.t!ib Is\19149-IO-CXHIBlrs\JorrJan Awr -~xhibIIS\fXHI8Ir -f -r..sIAmINICOfI-la-Orr OF DUNUN r;t"9 21 ~ ~-~~ rI ! I 22 23 ~ I I ~ I I ~ I ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I I ~ ~ t+~~qLf 19149 10 7113/Z007 MW Page i of6 JEXIDBIT ]B ]BOUNDARY OF THE DJIS'fRJICT AREA (lPROPlER'fY DESCmp1['ION) ALL THAT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY SITUATED IN CITY OF DUBLIN COUNTY OF ALAMEDA STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING ALL OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 35 AS DESCRIBED IN SERIES No 2003 108250 ALAMEDA COUNTY RECORDS AS WELL AS A PORTION OF THE SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 27 AND A PORTION OF THE NORTH HALF OF SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 1 EAST, MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS PARCELl BEGINNING AT THE COM:M:ON QUARTER CORNER OF SECTIONS 26 AND 27 AS SHOWN ON PARCEL MAP 9208, RECORDED IN BOOK 292 OF MAPS PAGES 16~17 ALAMEDA COUNTY RECORDS, THENCE ALONG THE SECTION LINE OF SECTIONS 26 AND 27 SAID SECTION LINE BEING ALSO THE WESTERLY LINE OF THE MUEfll.HAUSER TRUST SERlES No 2002 097480 ALAMEDA COUNTY RECORDS SOUTH 00048'41" WEST 2 642 65 FEET, TO THE CO:MlvfON SECTION CORNER OF SECTIONS 26 27 34 AND 35 THENCE ALONG THE COMM:ON SECTION LINE OF SECTIONS 34 AND 35 SAID SECfION LINE BEING ALSO THE WESTERLY LINE OF DUBLIN fNVESTORS LLC SERIES No 2003 108250, ALAMEDA COUNTY RECORDS SOUTH 0004428 WEST 2 635 93 FEET TO TIlE COMMON QUARTER CORNER OF SECTIONS 34 AND 35 THENCE ALONG THE EAST-WEST QUARTER SECTION LINE ENTERING SECTION 34 SAID EAST WEST QUARTER SECTION LINE BEING ALSO THE NORTHERLY LINE OF FIRST AMERICAN TITLE GUARANTEE CO, SERIES No 1998388140 ALAMEDA COUNTY RECORDS, NORTII 89051'52" WEST 2,65100 FEET THENCE LEAVING SAID EAST WEST QUARTER SECTION LINE ALONG THE WESTERLY LINES OF PARCEL 'A OF SAID PARCEL MAP 9208 TIlE FOLLOWING SIX (6) COURSES 1) NORTH 33045'20' WEST 12891 FEET 2) NORTH 22056'58" WEST 8313 FEET 3) NORTII 10041'42' WEST 6176 FEET 4) NORTII 03058 13 WEST 101 75 FEET, 5) NORTH 03049'18" EAST 15900 FEET 6) NORTH 30035'37" WEST 3348 FEET / THENCE LEAVING SAID WESTERLY LINE OF PARCEL A ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF PARCEL A PER No LLA 0701 SERIES No 2007-200946 ALAMEDA COUNTY RECORDS THE FOLLOWING THIRTY NINE (39) COURSES I) SOUTH 6604050 WEST 9239 FEET TO A NON-TANGENT CURVE, 2) THENCE ALONG SAID NON TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT, FROM WHICH THE RADIUS porm BEARS SOUTH 66040'50' WEST HA VINO A RAmUS OF 1 10000 FEET TIIROUOH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 05019'52", FORAN ARC DISTANCE OF 10235 FEET P \1 9149\lcgals\GHAD legals-averall\LEGAL-OVERALL dac I I I I ~ ~ I ~ I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I %aot:t+ i9149 10 7/i3/2007 MW Page 20f6 3) NORTH 2803903 WEST 58 57 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE, 4) THENCE ALONG A TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGHT HA VlNG A RADIUS OF 8000 FEET TIffiOUGH A CENfRAL ANGLE OF 11047'55" FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 1647 FEET TO A POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE 5) THENCE ALONG SAID REVERSE CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 15000 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 54001'09" FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 14142 FEET, 6) NORTH 70052 17' WEST 6 55 FEET TO A POINT OF CURV A TORE 7) THENCE ALONG A TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 12000 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 19007'43" FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 40 06 FEET, 8) NORTII 90000'00" WEST 189 85 FEET TO A NON-TANGENT CURVE 9) THENCE ALONG SAID NON TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT FROM WHICH THE RADIUS POINT BEARS SOUTH 89057'24' WEST HAVING A RADIUS OF 886 00 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 32031 '05" FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 502 85 FEET 10) NORTH 53002'51' EAST ]95 67 FEET 11) NORTH 28007'47" EAST 284 00 FEET 12) NORTH 49041 '57" EAST 122 85 FEET, TO A POINT OF CURVATURE 13) THENCE ALONG A TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 4200 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 59"26'40" FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 43 58 FEET 14) SOUTH 70051'23" EAST 4905 FEET 15) SOUTH 75022 09" EAST 45 89 FEET 16) NORTH 90000 00' EAST 58 47 FEET 17) NORTH 69008'47" EAST 31 73 FEET 18) NORTH 5805228 EAST 119 88 FEET 19) NORTH 10047 11" WEST 268 63 FEET 20) NORTH 07019'39" WEST 250 02 FEET 21) NORTH 20043'33" WEST 90 89 FEET 22) NORTII 12041'35" WEST 3086 FEET 23) NORTH 00044'30' WEST 12097 FEET 24) NORTH 17041'12' WEST 147 19 FEET 25) NORTH 0001922 WEST 10646 FEET 26) NORTH 17050'10" EAST 6419 FEET P \19 I 49lJegals\GH AD legals overnll\LEGAL OVERALL doc ~ I ~ I ~ I ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t+1BQ Of ~ i9149 10 7/i3/2007 MW Page 30f6 27) NORTH 02"1830 EAST 81 36 FEET 28) NORTH 16"41'10" EAST 5140 FEET 29) NORTH 37"18'42" EAST 6535 FEET 30) NORTH 21 "23 '28" EAST 200 71 FEET 31) NORTH 71"06'39" WEST 99 04 FEET 32) NORTIf 50"42'2]" WEST 4807 FEET 33) NORTH 21"32'10" WEST 8840 FEET 34) NORTII 14"2513" WEST 134 28 FEET 35) NORTII }o"57'46" WEST 96 03 FEET 36) NORTH 00"]9'24" EAST 14060 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE 37) THENCE ALONG A TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 29102 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 49"58'40' FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 253 85 FEET 38) NORTH 71 "20 52" EAST 82 06 FEET 39) SOUTH 52"39'14" EAST 3969 FEET TO TIIE WESTERLY LINE OF PARCEL D OF SAID PARCEL MAP 9108, TIIENCE ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE OF PARCEL D TIlE FOLLOWING TWO (2) COURSES 1) NORTH 48"4628 I EAST 1 739 56 FEET, 2) NORTH 00"09'11 WEST 23596 FEET TO A POINT ON THE QUARTER SECTION LINE OF SECTION 27 SAlD SECTION LINE BEING ALSO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF ACACIA PARTNERS, SERIES No 20050]7868 ALAMEDA COUNTY RECORDS AND THE NORTIlERL Y LINE OF SAID PARCEL D , TIIENCE ALONG SAID QUARTER SECTION LINE SOUTH 89"40'26" EAST I 485 76 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING CONTAINING 328 57 ACRES MORE OR LESS PARCEL 2 BEGINNlNG AT THE COMMON CORNER OF SECTIONS 26 27 34 AND 35 THENCE ALONG THE SECTION LfNE OF SECTIONS 26 AND 35, SAlD SECTION LINE ALSO BEING THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE MUEHL HAUSER TRUST RECORDED IN SERIES No 2002097480 ALAMEDA COUNTY RECORDS SOUTH 88"4328 EAST 264061 FEET TO THE NORTH QUARTER CORNER OF SECTION 35 THENCE ALONG THE NORTH SOUTH QUARTER SECTION LINE OF SECTION 35 SAlD QUARTER SECTION LINE BEING ALSO THE WESTERLY LINE OF ACACIA PARTNERS RECORDED IN SERIES No 2005 037867 ALAMEDA COUNTY RECORDS SOUTH 00"5527 WEST 2636 26 FEET TO THE CENTER QUARTER CORNER OF SECTION 35 P \19 I 49\1.gals\GHAD legals overall\LEGAL OVERALL doe I I I I I ~ ~ I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I I i9149 10 71\3/2007 MW Page 40f6 THENCE ALONG THE EAST WEST QUARTER SECTION LINE OF SECTION 35 SAID QUARTER SECTION LINE BEING ALSO THE NORTHERLY LINE OF CROAK RECORDED IN SERIES No 79 229985 ALAMEDA COUNTY RECORDS NORTH 88043'19" WEST 2631 95 FEET TO THE WEST QUARTER CORNER OF SECTION AND 35 THENCE ALONG THE COMMON SECTION LINE OF SECTIONS 34 AND 35, BEING ALSO THE EASTERLY LINE OF PARCELS C AND D OF PARCEL MAP 9208 BOOK 292 OF MAPS PAGES 1617 ALAMEDA COUNTY RECORDS NORTH 0004409 EAST 263621 FEET TO TIfE POrNr OF BEGINNING BEARINGS DlSTANCES AND AREA CALCULATION ARE BASED ON RECORD OF SURVEY No 1675 BOOK 25 RECORD OF SURVEYS PAGES 3132 ALAMEDA COUNTY RECORDS CONT AINlNG 159 54 ACRES MORE OR LESS PARCEL 3 ALL THAT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY SITUATED IN THE CITY OF DUBLIN COUNTY OF ALAMEDA STATE OF CALIFORNIA BEING A PORTION OF FALLON ROAD AS SHOWN ON TRACT MAP 7281 FILED SEPTEMBER 3 2004 IN BOOK 277 OF MAPS PAGES 82 88 AND TRACT MAP 7142 FILED AUGUST 21, 2001 eN BOOK 261 OF MAPS PAGES 5-10 ALAMEDA COUNTY RECORDS, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF PARCEL 18 AS SHOWN ON SAID TRACT MAP 7281 THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 18 COINCIDENT WITH THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF FALLON ROAD ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT WITH A RADIUS OF 1360 00 FEET, FROM WHICH THE RADIUS POINT BEARS SOUTH 43011 36 WEST THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 04006 24 FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 97 48 FEET THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTHERLY LINE AND ENTERING SAID FALLON ROAD, THE FOLLOWING 4 COURSES l) NORTH 60015 10 EAST 31 43 FEET 2) ALONG A TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT WITH A RADIUS OF 46600 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 09005 56 FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 74 00 FEET TO THE CENTERLINE OFOLD FALLON ROAD A 60 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY 3) THENCE ALONG SAID CENTERLINE ALONG A NON TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT WITH A RADIUS OF 800 55 FEET FROM WIDCH THE RADIUS POINT BEARS SOUTH 80"0945 EAST TIlROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 03"3034 FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 4904 FEET 4) THENCE SOUTH 06019 16 WEST 73 27 FEET TO THE lPonNT OF BEGINNING CONTAINING 4 645 SQUARE FEET MORE OR LESS PARCEL 4 ALL THAT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY SITUATED IN CITY OF DUBLIN COUNTY OF ALAMEDA STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING PARCEL 18 AS SHO\VN ON TRACT MAP 7281, RECORDED IN BOOK 277 OF MAPS PAGES 82 88, ALAlvlEDA COUNTY RECORDS EXCEPTING FROM SAID PARCEL 18 THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF DUBLIN AS DESCRIBED IN SERIES No ~ ALAMEDA COUNTY RECORDS P \19 I 49\legals\GHAD iegal5-<lvcrall\LEGAL-OVERALL doc ~OO'1t I I I I I ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I Ltqvv "1 'f i9i49 IO 7113/2007 MW Page 5 of 6 PARCEL 4 BEING MORE P ART ICULARL Y DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF PARCEL 18 AS SHOWN ON SAID TRACT MAP 7281 THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 18 COINCIDENT WITH THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF FALLON ROAD ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT WITH A RADIUS OF 136000 FEET FROM WHICH THE RADIUS POINT BEARS SOUTH 43011 36' WEST TI!ROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 04006 24 FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 97 48 FEET TO TIlE EASTERLY LINE OF THE PORTION CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF DUBLIN IN SERIES No _--' ALAMEDA COUNTY RECORDS, THENCE LEAVING SAID NO RTHE RL Y LINE AND ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE THE FOLLOWING FOUR (4) COURSES I) SOUTH 60015'10" WEST 838 FEET TO A TANGENT CURVE 2) ALONG SAID TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 28 00 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 85"49 59 FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 4195 FEET TO A POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE 3) ALONG SAID REVERSE CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 1,073 00 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 09041'14" FORAN ARC DISTANCE OF 18142 FEET TO A POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE, 4) ALONG SAID COMPOUND CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 23700 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 09020'51" FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 3867 FEET TO THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 18, THENCE ALONG SAID EASTERL Y LINE NORTH 06019 16 EAST 18491 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING CONT AINlNG 10082 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS PARCEL 5 ALL THAT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY SITUATED IN THE CITY DUBLIN, COUNTY OF ALAMEDA STATE OF CALIFORNIA BEING A PORTION OF THE PROPERTY OF FIRST AMERICAN TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION UNDER HOLDING AGREEMENT No 592930 AS DESCRIBED AND RECORDED IN SERIES NO 1998388140, ALM1EDA COUNTY RECORDS AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWESTERLY CORNER OF SAID FIRST AMERICAN PROPERTY THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID PROPERTY SmITH 89051 '52" EAST 86 66 FEET THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTHERLY LINE AND ENTERING SAID PROPERTY SOUTH 22021 '46 t WEST 13608 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID FIRST AMERICAN PROPERTY, THENCE ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE THE FOLLOWING TWO (2) COURSES 1) ALONG A NON TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT WITH A RADIUS OF 19976 FEET, FROM wrnCH THE RADIUS POINT BEARS NORTH 87002'08" WEST THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 31011'45" FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 10876 FEET 2) NORTH 28013 53 WEST 24 09 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGIlNNING P \191 49\1egal s\GH AD legals-overalllLEGAL-OVERALL doc I I ~ I I I ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ I ~ I ~ ~ I ~ 6Doo 11 t 19149 10 7/1312007 MW Page 60f6 CONTAINING 4,582 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS SEE EXHIBIT A FOR. DISTRICT BOUNDARY MAP END OF DESCRIPTION 0ill@@~17 ~ ~@illU~~ CI\IIL ENGINEERINGo LAND PlANNING 0 LAND SURVEYING 5 \ 42 Franldln Olive Suite B f'leasanlon CA 94588 3355 (925) 225 0690 P \19149\1ega1s\GHAD legals overnll\LEGAL-OVERALl. doc Ii l ; ~ " . H! l ! ~ ~ ; II l d. a. ~ ~ i: i!!! ;:i:r P!q Ii IlIid Hi! I I'" I ~ 1,.\',----11 ' ~I (' I I..: ~ n i II, h !!! II ~ e 1- ~ ~ jnldii H l II' I! I' l!i ll! 11 II t !/iS8 ({f({' 51DO 0,1 I ! , \ I If ~ s ~ ~~ , I' '. ~~ i~ I~tl 11 .1 ! ~ I ;, I'i ~ ~ , II! I I Ji' I II i i j! ! ",.qlol!, ! I! I!! Ii I!.!! i 1111111 ! Ii Ii 01: I gIll n: ~:id.~'U" f ~ ! ~ ~ .1. I ,.,' . ~ a " j;: ,.l , ! II , il!l ~ 1 i ; Ill! I ! II I ! ;. ", ! '-".:"-"1 i , !! Ii " " II '! I. I! ~i E ~ Ii '.1 ~j!! l!' '!~ ~I! ~li . -_.._-----_..__._----~_.._._..._----:--._.- 52."3 q'f _._..______._II_"II_../ofI__.........._....-nll\_._~y___....__JIII, ....-$- ,l,PPROXIMATELOCAtJONUF BORING (,ENGEO. 2002l ~~) APPROxm....11l.WC,ir,T10fo10fCOREDIEST amtlN<] (EJ'.'GID, WOl.l "~3$- ;\PPROXL\tATElilCATIO;'lOfBORING(ENGEO.:!.IX:O) (}O>3~.) A1"PROXI~An: 1.(ICATlONOFCORIDTEST BORll'G (ENGEO.. :.IDOOJ -L.. BEDDING TTl.ENtl PROM AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY -.<5 Si'RIKf..ANODIPOFBIDDING .........4';; .!iIRIKE AND DIP OF SHEER P.L.A."lB '::'-::."'J SFoI!\lloW EARTHFlOWfDEBlUS fLOW (;!i'.lf T1tICK) .~~~ MODERATELY DEEP EA"R.THfl.OWIROTAl1ONAL SLUMP (l5'.J(l' THlCKl ~...., DEENDATFD IWTATIO~AL 'BEDROCK SLUMP(jrJ'-fRTHICK) &-34 LAADSLIDB DE..,l(it'.'lATI(lN Qof F1l.L QaI AllUVIUM Qc COll.UVUlM QTf TA.SSAJ'~fQR.'I1Al1ON __ 'IJl.6 A1'f'IWXlMATBLOCATIONQF1'ESTPl"T 'TP.~ AFPRO:xn.l,l"T51.OCATIONOf n:::iiPfi(ENGEO,1OOJ) -..._ .!'"ROPERTYB.OU'tmARY --t-- ANTl<l.J!;E --t-- SYND..IKE - - -I'AUlT 11 0 ~ .. ~ 0 WflUl.S. ~oo GEOUXiLC MAP I'II.1..Wt>1Vc:..t.AGEGlllD DtJIlLIN,CAI,1R:ftN[A ~ -+- ORICINAL FICURE PRINTED IN COLC \3, w 3 PROJEcrNO.: 4663.1.010.01 DATE: OCTOBER 2007 DRAWN BY: PC ICllllCKlIDBY: EH OPEN SPACE AND IMPROVEMENTS OWNERSHIP / MAINTENANCE PLAt"\[ FALLON VILLAGE GHAD DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA ENGEO INCORPORATEO EXC~l.lINT SEll'IIlCI; SlNCE 1971 I 350 METERS o Ii o fiGURE NO. FEET 700 BASE MAP SOURCE: MACKA Y & SOMPS A N .. LANDS TO BE OWNED BY GEOLOGIC HAZARDS ABATEMENT DISTRICT, AND MAINTAINED BY A LAND TRUST. (0.83% AC.) CULVERT FOR CORRIDOR CROSSING WILL BE OWNED AND MAINTAINED BY THE CITY OF DUBUN. (22B.8J:AC.) 1'-'-=111 LANDS AND IMPROVEMENTS TO BE OWNED AND MAINTAINED BY A GEOlOGIC HAZARDS ABATEMENT DISTRICT. LANDS TO BE OWNED BY BRADDOCK AND LOGAN AND LANDSlIMPROVEMENTS MAINTAINED BY GEOLOGIC (O.16t- AC.) L:=J HAZARDS ABATEMENT DISTRICT AND DEDICATED TO THE CITY IN THE FlTTURE FOR CITY OWNERSHIP AND MAINTENANCE. FOR PUBLIC ROADS. LAND AND IMPROVEMENTS TO BE OWNED AND MAINTAINED BY DUBliN UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT (DUSO). LANDS AND IMPROVEMENTS TO BE OWNED AND MAINTAINED BY MASTER HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, WITH EXCEPTION OF PUBliC UTlLmES. LANDS AND IMPROVEMENTS TO BE OWNED AND MAINTAINED BY THE CITY OF DUBLIN. - C!J-..' ';'- ,J;"" ~,. .~ - --rf'.., D .. LANDS OWNED BYTHE TRACT 7142 HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION AND TO BE MAINTAINED BY THE FALLON VILlAGE MASTER HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION. LANDS AND IMPROVEMENTS TO BE OWNED BY CITY OF DUBUN WITH MASTER HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION MAINTAINING PARtMAY STRIP LANDSCAPING AND lREE PLANTING AND HOMEOWNER OR MASTER HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION MAINTAINING SIDEWALK. c=J I ~ I ~ I , ~ I ~ I I " LEGEND: PARCE L "'1:' PARCEL NAMES IN QUOTES CORRESPOND TO TENTATIVE MAP 7586 PARCEL NAMES. PARCEL X PARCEL NAMES WITHOUT QUOTES CORRESPOND TO FINAL MAP PARCELS (PER FM 7853,7854, AND 7855). -, -, - FIRE I OPEN SPACE FENCING TO BE MAINTAINED BY GEOLOGIC HAZARDS ABATEMENr DISTRICT. PARCEL . D" '~_._-----"----~---&I \ i tI PAACn [-1 I .----- - - - '1 F--- -,':..-.. ---.. / /~ -, . I) r / .' J ~ "' ~ COPYRlGHT C 2007 BY .NaEO INCORPORATED. TH'S DOCU~ENT ~AY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART BY ANY MEANS WHATSOEVER, NOR MAY IT BE QUOTED OR EXCERPTED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT DF ENCED INCORPORATED. - - - - - - - ~ - -.- - - - - - - - - ~ I " I I I I I I I I' I I 1 , I- I' I I I \ 1 , I I I " c\ h ~UrUbCJr~ fEUVJGEO I NCORPORA TED I " '. APPENDiX B I I OperatIbn and MaIntenance Manual for BloretentIOn FacIlItIes, J I Tract 7586 at Fallon Village, Alameda County, CalIfornia, , _ ProJect No 4663 1 00604, ENGEO Incorporated, dated December 5, 2006 and RevIsed February 8, 2007 , <I ( I J ~ ... .;~ l - \ ~.v 'i. " /! '" ;- I' t " 4663 1 01001 May 8, 2007 Latest RevisIOn October 4,2007 \ .., I ' v I ; I f " ,~ .. ~ " J~ ~ ~I '- .... , _1 '........... t " r \ \' , .j ~ ,\ .- '1 ~ \' .. , I ,., -. ~ , ~ , \ .t I I " I i I ) I ~ I i I ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ I ~ ~ I i I I I 5S-PQ OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL FOR BlORETENTION FACILITIES TRACT 7586 AT FALLON V1LJLAGE ALAMEDA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA PREPARED FOR BRADDOCK & LOGAN SERVICES, [NC DANVlLLE, CALIFORNIA PREPARED BY ENGEOINCORPORATED PROJECT NO 4663 1 006 04 DECEMBER 5, 2006 REVISED FEBRUARY 8, 2007 COPYRIGHT iO 2007 BY ENGEO rNCORPORA Tl:O THIS OOCUMEN r MA Y NOT BE RLPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART BY ANY MEANS WHATSOEVER NOR MA Y J r BE QUOTED OR EXCERPYED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTI:,N CONSENT OF ENGEO INCORPORA TED I I ~ ~ I I ~ I I I ~ I I ~ I ~ I I I ?w fJ C1f OPlERATITONS ANJI) MAlfNTlENANClE MANUAL FOR lBlfOlRlETlENTlfON JF AClfLlfTlilES TRACT 7536 AT FALLON VlfLLAGlE AlLAMJElD>A COUNTY CAlLlIFORNILA I I I I I I I I I I I ~ I ~ I I I I I Sltf() t1~ LE~EO INCORPORA TED TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1 0 INTRODUCTION 1 1 I General Policy and Goals 1 20 FACILITY DESCRIPTIONS 3 2 1 B I oretentlon F ac I [It I es 3 30 FACILITY OPERATIONS AND MAJlNTENANCE 4 3 I Landscape MamtenancefPlant Replacement 6 32 Debris Control 7 33 Dramage and Filter MedIUm Momtormg and Mamtenance 7 34 Access Road MOllltormg 10 40 MONITORING AND MAJIN'fENANClE SCHEDULE 11 BIORETENTION FACILITY MONITORING REPORT FORM REFERENCES FIGURES IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR BIORETENTION CELLS 4663 1 00604 December 5,2006 ReVIsed February 8,2007 ~ I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ~ I I I I ~ 5~ObqY. fEfNlGEG I NC 0 R PORA TED 1 0 INTRODUCTION As part of State reqUirements for obtaining a Clean Water Act SectIOn 401 Water Quality CertificatIOn and addressmg Alameda County reqUirements for meetmg the NPDES MUnicipal Stormwater Permit, several blOretentlon faclhtles have been designed for ImplementatIOn at Tract 7586 of Fallon Village (the Project) The goal of thIS document IS to prOVIde the reader with an understanding of how the faCIlities are designed to operate and to descnbe a mamtenance program that should proVide for optimum functIOn of the facilities ThIS document IS reqUired to meet CondItIOn of Approval No 9 as stated In the Water Quality CertificatIOn for the Fallon Village Project from the San francIsco RegIOnal Water Quahty Control Board (RWQCB), dated August 7, 2006 It IS antiCipated that the faCilities Will not reqUire extensive mamtenance, however, routine momtormg and minor maintenance IS necessary smce the faclhtles are part of the ProJect' 5 stonn dram system 1 I General Polley and Goals ThiS draft OperatIOns and Mamtenance Manual (OMM) IS based on the reqUirements of both the County National PollutIon Discharge ElImmatlon System (NPDES) permit, and the R WQCB Water Quahty CertificatIon ConditIOn No 9 The subJect water quality faCilitIes should be mamtalned WIth a focus on provldmg the services needed to accomplish dram age and water quality goals, performance standards and pnontles as outlmed In thiS document and m the project Stormwater Management Plan (ENGEO, February 23,2006) The objectives of this OMM are mtended to support NPDES elements and long-term best management practices (BMPs), as well as Project CondItions of Approval by mamtammg safe, effective and hlgh-quahty water treatment facilities 4663 1 00604 December 5,2006 Revised February 8,2007 ~ I I I I I I I I I I fI I ~ I I I I I SDrl1b or f /ENGEO INCORPORA TED The goals for mamtenance and mOnItormg of water quality treatment faCIlities at the Project are o Mamtam the blOretentlOn facilities as all-season water quality faCilities o Preserve the structural mtegnty and mtended capacity of these facilities o Momtor these facihtles for public safety and proper functlomng o Prepare mamtenance and mOnltormg reports for these faclhtles o ProVIde for any repair work associated With mamtenance of these faCilities ThiS OMM proVides a structured momtormg and mamtenance program mcludmg a plan regardmg the frequency of mOnItormg, mamtenance tnggers and corrective measures Dramage faclhty maintenance IS an mtegral part of the process to proVide proper function, promote public health and safety, and protect the development Improvements from erOSion and other natural processes This document can function as a manual for the Project as It IS presently proposed It may be necessary to amend portions of thiS document to accommodate land use changes or unforeseen condItions Modifications must be consistent With the goals and mtentlOns of both the resource and pubhc agencies 4663 I 006 04 December 5, 2006 ReVised February 8, 2007 2 ~ woOO~Lf I ~ IE/NlGEO INCORPORA TED 20 FACILITY DESCRIPTIONS ~ 2 I B]oretentlon FacilitIes ~ [J Th]s Project ]S located m Alameda County (Figure I), and Includes four water quahty features labeled BlOretentlOn Cell No I through BlOretentlOn Cell No 4 as shown on Figure 2 (also see Improvement Plans) The blOretentlOn facilities reqUire periodIc momtonng and mamtenance to keep the outlet and mlet structures free of blockage, to remove litter and debriS, to ensure proper filtermg and dramage, and to mamtam the faClhtles for aesthetics FacIlity mamtenance should mclude vegetatIOn prunmg, mlet and outlet cleanmg and observatIOn of the structural components for structural mtegnty The facillt]es are designed to remam free drammg If standmg water IS found for an extended penod of time (defined as greater than two hours) withm any of the facilitIes dunng any momtormg event, the faclhty and/or plpmg leavmg the facility may not be functlonmg properly In thIs case, mamtenance may be reqUired so that the facIlity m question remams self-drammg wlthm the time frame noted ~ [I \I I~ ~ The bloretent]on facilities have been desIgned for water quailty purposes only These facilities are not mtended to be used as a park, playground, recreatIOnal area or parkmg area The blOretentlOn cells should not be walked or driven on, except when necessary for mamtenance reasons Because the facilities are designed to pond water a depth of SIX mches, access should also be restricted due to safety reasons SIgns and/or fencmg at the penmeter of the bloretentlon facilities should be mstalled to prohibit homeowners and/or pedestnans from walkmg on the blOretentlon facli]t]es For example, a sign may read "ThiS blOretentlOn area has been constructed for water quality purposes For your safety and for the protection of water quality III thIs neighborhood, please stay out of this area" ~ ~ (J (J [I [I 4663 1 006 04 December 5, 2006 Revised February 8, 2007 3 (I [JJ V~~1`~~~ EIV~GEO INCORPORATED 3.0 FACILITY OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Facility function for urban pollutant filtering should be maintained; for this reason, vegetation is planned in the facilities to aid in biological and chemical reactions. Plants are important for proper functioning, but should not be allowed to become so extensive that their root systems clog the subdrains. Pruning, removal and replacement with smaller specimens, as well as normal plant care are anticipated only to the extent that they do not hinder infiltration of water. The bioretention facilities are designed with a veneer of organic material such as well-drained mulch. The consistency of this medium should not be altered during maintenance unless specifically reviewed and accepted by ENGEO. Pesticides and herbicides should generally not be used within the facilities as the chemicals would add significantly to the pollutant load and might cause adverse changes in the biotic mix necessary for proper facility function. Pesticide use should be limited and only applied if absolutely necessary for mosquito control, with input from Alameda County Mosquito Abatement District, applicable resource agencies, and in conformance with all applicable rules and regulations. The following general maintenance activities are considered appropriate for the stormwater quality bioretention elements at Tract 7586 of Fallon Village and will be discussed in more detail in following sections: 1. Landscape Maintenance - The bioretention facilities will require landscape maintenance to control vegetation growth and improve appearance. Maintenance should limit the vegetation height, allow for a neat appearance and provide for adequate surface flow capacity. Maintenance should be in keeping with generally acceptable landscape maintenance practices. 4663.1.006.04 December 5, 2006 Revised February 8, 2007 4 ~ (I I I I I I I I 0~Db~ L\- IENGEO I NCOR PO RA TE 0 2 Plant Reolacement ~ All plant replacement matenals should be able to tolerate saturated soil condItions for the length oftlme antlclpated m the design stonn event (one hour), as well as other anticipated runoff constituents The bloretentlOn facIlities should be planted with vegetation havmg low water, fertilizer and pesticIde reqUirements Please refer to the plantmg palette listed on the Plantmg Plans for recommended plant types 3 Debns Control - Litter and debns blockmg the bloretentlOn cell filter media could contnbute to floodmg and should be removed Regular debns removal should be undertaken ThiS mcludes removal of woody vegetatIOn blockmg the flow path, removal of debns blockmg fac I IIty outlets and 10 lets and removal 0 f general litter from all fac I It ties 4 Dramag-e MOnltonng - Because the blOretentlOn cells are deSigned as filters, It IS Important that the facllltles are drammg at appropnate rates, and are not expenencmg over-saturatIOn or excesSive pondmg Dramage mOnltonng should be used to record long-tenn changes 10 the system and highlight any needed mamtenance to either surface or subdramage, mcludmg the nser pipes I I I I I I I I I I 5 Filter MedIUm Momtonng - Replacement of the sand or other media wlthm blOretentlOn cells should not be necessary as part of mamtenance actIvitIes unless eVIdence of excessive saturatlon or pondmg IS noted durmg repeated momtormg and the mtegnty of the dIscharge plpmg has been established as functIOnal The deSign life of the filter system IS generally greater than 50 years (CELSOC, November 2004) Filter medIUm replacement In such cases would improve aesthetICS or repair systems damaged by high pollutant loads or exceSSive pestlcldelherblclde accumulatIOn The ongmal percentage of natlve soli m the sandy medIUm (speCified on the Improvement Plans) should be repeated m any new medIUm placed 10 the faCIlities unless speclficall) approved by ENGEO 6 Access Road MOOltormg - Access roads should be momtored and mamtamed In a condition SUitable for access vehIcle travel Mamtenance should mclude reapphcatJon of gravel or other surfacmg as necessary to prOVide access for serVice vehIcles As currently planned, the above mamtenance will be undertaken by the project GeologIC Hazard Abatement DistrICt (GHAD) The GHAD wlil mamtam and manage the bloretentlon faclhtles' water quahty and dramage aspects and related dramage faclhtles as soon as construction has been completed The GHAD Will prOVide landscape contractmg, mamtenance and litter control wlthm common areas, mcludmg the bloretentlOn faCIlities 4663 I 006 04 December 5, 2006 ReVised February 8, 2007 5 ~ I ~ ~ I ~ I I I to 3cJb C1 ~ IENGJEO INCORPORA TED 3 1 Landscape MamtenancelPlant Replacement VegetatIOn should be planted and allowed to become established In the facIlitIes, however, any planting should be Irrigated by low-flow dnp emitters only Plant establishment IS Important because many of the chemical and bIOlogical processes that remove pollutants from the system are enhanced by plant growth Landscape maintenance should Include applicable prumng, lrght feeding, dnp Irrigation maintenance and annual mulch replacement A 2-mch veneer of orgamc plantmg medIUm such as mulch should be reapphed annually The consIstency of thIS medIUm should not be altered from that mdlcated on the Improvement Plans during landscape mamtenance unless speCIfically reviewed and accepted by the Soli Engmeer The mulch layer IS Important to the blOretentlOn facilItIes and serves an Important functIOn for metals and bactena removal The new layer of mulch can be apphed over the older layer from the prevIOus year ~ I I I ~ I I I I I As stated prevIOusly, the use of pesticides and herbiCides should not be used excessIvely wlthm the blOretentlon facihlles as the chemicals would add slgmficantly to the pollutant load treated m the facilities and mIght cause adverse changes m the biotic miX necessary for proper faCIlities function Stones and hardscape used In landscapmg must not be contmuous over the surface of the blOretentlon faCilities, but can be Incorporated mto the landscapmg plan WIth pnor approval from ENGEO Incorporated or the Project Engmeer In no case should any portion of the blOretentlOn cell be paved or have any surfaCing applied Access roadways Within the facilities are acceptable as long as the road base IS freely draining and has an appropriate bearmg capacity 4663 1 006 04 December 5, 2006 Revised February 8, 2007 6 ~ ~ I I I I I I I ~ I ~ ~ ~ I to4-OO q f !ENGEO INCORPORA TED All plant replacement materials should be able to tolerate saturated SOIl conditions for up to approximately one hour and addItIonally should have low water, fertlhzer and pestlc]de reqUirements A suggested plant palette ]s shown on the Planting Plans Plants can be pruned and lightly fed, as well as serviced WIth dnp Irrigation as long as the Irrlgat]on system ]S mamtamed m a proper working conditIOn lrngatlon systems should not be allowed to leak or malfunction such that excess water IS allowed to enter the water quahty facilities An observatIOn of contmuous flow m the outfall pIpes could be an mdlcatlon of IrrigatIOn system malfunction or overwatermg and should be followed up With a system check for proper function In summary, the mamtenance and mOnitoring procedures for landscape mamtenance and plant replacement should mclude o Pruning, mowmg, and light feedmg as applicable o Checking for proper Irrigation system function o Annual mulchmg o Observation of stressed or dead vegetation o Scheduling for replacement of stressed or dead vegetation 32 Debns Control Mamtenance should Include routme removal of litter and debns ThIS removal IS anticipated as part of a routme maintenance program and can be Incorporated mto the landscape maintenance plan Maintenance may Include trash plck.up and removal, rakmg and removal of leaves/litter, etc 33 Drainage and Filter MedIUm Momtorlng and Maintenance ~ I ~ I The faCIlitIes are deSigned With diverSIOn structures (weir boxes) so that higher flow events will by~pass the faCIlities and remam In the project storm drain system If standing water or soggy, 4663 I 006 04 December 5, 2006 ReVised February 8, 2007 7 ~ I ~ I I ~ ~ ~ I I ~ I ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 5 ()-f31 '-t IENGEO INCORPORA TED saturated soli medIUm IS noted durmg mOnitoring, It may be an mdlcatlon of subdram or outfall cloggmg and both the subdram and outfall should be checked for mtegrlty and proper functIOn The blOretention mflows, Inlet and outfalls must be mamtamed m workmg condItion, free of obstructIOn and freely draining The bloretentlon facilities should be mOnitored for proper functIOn and public safety Of particular Importance IS mamtammg the ability of the facIlitIes to filter stormwater wIthout cloggmg or becommg saturated The faCilities are desIgned to filter the 85th percentile runoff event (approximately the first 1 mch of ramfall runoff) and must functIOn as water quality treatment facilities even If used addItIOnally for aesthetiC uses To thiS end, the facilities must not be capped with clayey solis, paved or parked on for extended time or covered Additionally, the blOretentlOn facilities should not be used as recreatIOnal areas, and should not be walked or driven on except for mamtenance reasons It IS anticipated that the rock aprons for energy diSSipation located where water enters the blOretentJOn cells may need periodiC mamtenance and replacement If there is sediment bUildup m thiS location The purpose of the rock aprons IS to slow the water entermg the bloretenhon cell, and also to trap suspended sediments III the rock prior to the water flowmg onto the surface of the blOretentlon cell Therefore, sediment bUildup IS expected on the rock apron and on the filter fabnc beneath the rock If sediment bUildup has accumulated on the rock apron such that It appears that the rocks are not trappmg sedlment/debns or the VOId spaces between rocks are filled with sedlment/debns, thIS IS a tngger for replacement of the rock apron To replace the rock apron, the filter fabriC and rock should be removed and the filter fabnc replaced with fresh material equal to that speCified on the Improvement Plans The rock can be reused If not coated with clayey sOil 4663 1 006 04 December 5, 2006 ReVised February 8, 2007 8 ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ltA.b au or if EIMGEO INCORPORA TED The surface of the facilities at the mflow locations must be regularly cleared of any excess clayey sediment and leafy matenal to enable proper flow charactenshcs If sediment, leafy matenal or other debns IS accumulatmg such that it has created a continuous cover over any portIOn of the bioretentlOn cell, this should tngger the need to remove the bUildup FaIlure to do so can create the potential for inefficient functIOning The surface dramage and filter medIUm functIOn should be mOnitored at least three times yearly, In May, August and November, WIth add]tlonal mOnltonng Within two working days after slgmficant storm events (I e I Inch or more of rainfall 10 a 24-hour penod) to evaluate the functIon of the blOretentlOn facilities A weather forecastmg webslte such as www accuweather com can be used to track ramfall amounts Although the number of major storm events vanes from year to year, a ram event of I mch or more In a 24-hour penod occurs on avcrage roughly 3 5 times per year, but could be as many as twelve or more times per year The results of the mOnltormg WIll be mc1uded In June, September and December momtonng reports Inflow and outflow structures and subdram cleanouts should additIOnally be checked for proper functIon and conditIOn and repaired or replaced as necessary As stated above, filter medium functlOnmg should be observed three times yearly and additionally after major storm events ObservatIons that may mdlcate filter medium malfunct]on mclude but are not limited to excessive pond 109, saturation and/or plant mortality ExceSSive pondmg or saturation should be defined as saturation or pondmg of water for more than two consecutive hours If excess pondmg/saturatlOn IS observed, It should first be checked that the subdram system IS functlOnmg properly The subdram should bc evaluated for proper functlOnmg by penod]cally checkmg the outfall to note If water ]S freely drammg from the bloretentlon cell If It IS determmed that the subdram ]S not clogged or broken, thiS would warrant the need to replace all or a portIOn of the filter medIUm It]S expected that If malfunctIOn of filter medIUm were to occur, It would most likely occur m the areas where water 4663 I 006 04 December 5,2006 ReVised February 8, 2007 9 ~ I I I I I I I I I I i I ~ I ~ I I ~ ~ lOb C1 r.t fENGEO I NC ORPO RA TE D Immediately enters the blOretentlon cell, I e In the VICllllty of the rock aprons Iffilter medIUm IS to be replaced, ENGEO should be consulted to confinn the locatIOns of replacement and for observatIOn of replacement actIVities The entire depth of the filter medIUm should be replaced to the depth of the subdraln In summary, the maintenance and momtormg procedures for the surface, subsurface and medIUm dramage should Include o Observmg mflow, mlet, spillway and outfall locatIOns for function o Checkmg for soggy or saturated sOIl medIUm o RepalTlng broken or blocked plpmg o Replacmg the mlet rock apron filter fabnc as needed If sediment build-up IS vIsible o Observation of the filter medIUm for any bare patches or nlls on the surface on the blOretentlOn facilities o Observations of the benns surroundmg the blOretentlon cells for any bare patches, nlls or slumpmg 3 4 Access Road MOllltormg Access roads should be checked annually to determme If the access road IS sUItable for vehicle access to the bloretentlOn cell If needed, an apphcattOn of gravel or other surfacmg should be applied to the access road The access road should be checked for erOSIon, nlls or other problems that may affect the mtegnly of the access road 4663 1 006 04 December 5, 2006 ReVised February 8, 2007 10 ~ I I I I I ~ I I {J I I I fI I I I I ~ {,o~6b 04 !EfNlGEO INCORPORA TED 4 0 MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE The following schedule for mOnltonng and mamtenance IS recommended The schedule may be modified as needed when condItions change m order to fulfill the overall faCility mamtenance goals MOnltormg VISitS can be performed on the followmg schedule ITEM SCHEDULE MAINTENANCEIREP AIR ~h'!fLliltlisr:apelM{fin~~~fi~"~~~~'t;&~~~~ Check plant height and health, and prune plants over three feet In height Ifneeded plant replacement should be able to I a Pruning and light feedmg Monthly tolerate saturated sOIls, and should have low water fertlllzer and pestiCide reqUirements Please refer to planting palette speCified on the Imorovement Plans ] b Check for proper ImgatlOn Monthly Repair ImgatlOn system as svstem functIOn needed Apply 2-Inch mulch layer I c Reapply Mulch Yearly yearly Can be applied over orevlOUS layers :2Web1;lsIeb1ftr1jl~~~~~~4jf~~~~f~\~T~~~&'~~~~~~ 2 a RoutlOe removal of litter Monthly Remove debns/lltter as and debflS necessary - t': - p~ ~~< - - "".)1 ""'w ~i<$~1?:Wf""~~ ~ ""'" }""(~{"M'" . ~~:r'Jfi"':Ii'i"i:~~~l'lY-;" ~- ">>t }3 '/lJllama1!e an(1tl[llter. !JVfealum, 'gmtor.JJJfi~q1Ja;Nfamtenance '" >I ,l. ;:..,,~\*y,;t . _ '-,< ,i$/S:~ ~ Three limes yearly (May August and November) and 3 a Check for standing water or additIOnally within two Replace filter medIUm as soggy, saturated SOli medium working days after stonn necessary events wlth ramfall exceeding 1 mch In 24 hours Three times yearly (May, 3 b Surface of faclllty at Inflow August and November) and locatIOns should be cleared of additionally within two Remove debns as necessary excess clayey sediment, leaves workmg days after stonn or other debflS events with ramfall exceeding ] lOch 10 24 hours 4663 1 006 04 December 5,2006 ReVised February 8, 2007 II ~ I I I I I ~ I ~ I ~ I I {I I I ~ ~ ~ (P'1 Db Cj if IEfMGEO INCORPORA TED ITEM SCHEDULE MAINTENANCEIREP AIR 3 c Check for sediment bUildup Remove filter fabnc and rock Yearly Clean rock, replace filter fabnc at rock apron Inlet protectIOn as needed Three times yearly (May 3 d Check Inflow and outflow August and November) and Clean/repair as necessary structures for cloggmg, and addItIOnally Within two Repalf any broken or blocked check subdram cleanouts working days after stann plpmg events With ram fall exceedmg I Inch m 24 hours ~-~y- "'''t: -f ~-,.\\ -"'~~"&; ~,... ~~~~ %~~m<'::::"i'[~~M~'" ..4'iAccessg<Road'tMo!J.lt01;Id?i. ~Th: ~~ 1fJ.~ 1",;.... .'1~l1:f .". ,i:m:~ ..,,~"'" ~ ')'i! fwA$9 ''If * '1,j 4 a Check that access road IS Yearly Reapply gravel or other SUItable for vehIcle access surfaCing as necessary 4663 I 00604 December 5,2006 ReVIsed February 8, 2007 12 ~ I I ~ ~ I I ~ IDco'11f LEAA3EO INCORPORA TED BIORE 'fENTION F ACILI'fY MONITORING PROGRAM MONITORING REPORT !FORM Please refer to the Improvement plans Included In the prOject Operations and Maintenance Manual for blOretentlOn cell locatIOns ThIs momtonng report fonn IS bemg completed for o BloretentlOn Cell #1 0 BlOretentlOn Cell #2 0 BloretentlOn Cell #3 0 BlOretentlon Cell #4 A separate momtonng fonn should be completed for each bloretentJon faclhty Reason for IOspectlOn o Scheduled mspectlOn (m May, August or November) o InspectIOn after major ram event (greater than one Inch In 24 hours) Inspector Name Company I ~ I I ~ I I Date of InspectIOn Date of Last InspectIOn Plant Health (check dUrin!! every inspection) Do plants appear to be 10 generally good health? DYes 0 No Are plants over three feet In heIght (excludmg trees)? DYes 0 No Does It appear that the top layer of mulch needs to be replaced? DYes 0 No Descnbe CondItIOns CorrectIve Actlons (If needed) ~ I ~ 4663 1 00604 December 5, 2006 Revised February 8, 2007 I ~ ~ Ilur/4 t+ !EfMGEO INCORPORA TED I Irn!!atlOn System FunctIonm!! (check durm!! every inspection) I Does ITTlgatton system appear to be functIOning properly? DYes 0 No Describe ConditIOns I ~ CorrectJ ve Actions (If needed) I I Dralna!!e and Filter MedIUm Momtorm!! (check In Mav. AU2ust and November. and addltlOnallv after laree storm events) Is stand 109 water Or soggy saturated s01l present 10 the bloretentlOn cell? DYes 0 No I Is there a bUild-up of excess clayey sediment, leaves or other debns at the surface of faclhty at mflow locatIOns? DYes 0 No ~ Is there a sediment blllld-up at the locatIOns ohock apron mlet protectIOn? DYes 0 No Are any of the mflow or outflow structures clogged With sedlmentJdebns? DYes 0 No ~ Is water drammg freely from the subdram system? DYes 0 No I DescrI be ConditIOns ~ Correctl ve Act! ons (I f needed) I ~ Access Road Momtonne (check once per year) ~ Is access road IS sllltable for vehicle access? DYes 0 No I 4663 I 006 04 December 5, 2006 ReVised rebruary 8, 2007 2 ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ I I '12.61) q 4-" IENGEO INCORPORA TED Describe Conditions Corrective Actions (I f needed) Other (check dUrin!! every mspechon) Is litter/garbage present within the blOretentlon cells? Descnbe Condlhons DYes 0 No Corrective ActIOns (If needed) 4663 1 00604 December 5, 2006 Revised February 8, 2007 3 I I ~ I I ~ I ~ ~ I ~ I ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ I"?Ub t1 t..t IEINJGEO INCORPORA TED SELECTED REFERENCES Bedient, Philip and Huber, Wayne, Hydrology and Floodplam AnalysIs, Third EditIOn, Prentice-Hall, Inc , @ 2002 2 CELSOC, November 29,2004, Low Impact Development Workshop by Larry S Coffman 3 Contra Costa Clean Water Program, Stormwater C 3 GUIdebook, ThIrd Edition, dated October 2006 4 ENGEO Jnc , Stormwater Quality and Hydrograph Management Plan, Tract 7586 at Fallon V illage, A lameda, Call fom la, February 23, 2006, ProJ ect No 4663 I 006 0 I 4663 I 00604 December 5, 2006 Revised February 8, 2007 ~ I I I I ~ I ~ ~ I ~ ~ I I ~ ~ ~ ~ I 4663 1 006 04 December 5, 2006 RevIsed february 8, 2007 LIST OF F][GURES Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Site VICinity Map SIte Plan TYPlcal BlOretentlon Cell Detail 14-~ cr Lf !E~EG INCORPORA TED I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ei .... "" '" li' \3 2E 8 " i5 ... " E '" z " u z ~ ~ 1?'6f; 0't ~r _, /1 / " J ~, :h_._____~ --~--::.-,~~C:.:..;:.;.~~.-. "_._-"'-'-'~-- -------~ ! ./1 , . ,,~ ~ ! // 28 27 J .-"/ .....j~-~;.~ FALLON LAGE PROPERTY BOUNDARY '" ~ 1j .., .= .... ::> " .= ji: ~ ... ~ ~ != ';; '" '" " z oi ~ " '" !;;: % ;>< '" ~ '" ,.. " .. >- '" .... '" ~ ;!; '" o w .... " % ;>< 2E " .. " 5 " ~ ~ .... " z ';; '" .... ~ '" ::> g '" 'i' .... Ei S li' " " u ;!; 8 " ~ >- '" '" o :;: o BASE MAP SOURCE: THOMAS BROTHERS ENGEO INCORPORATED EXCELl.ENT IlEI>'VlCE SINCE 1971 ro 1"9 wg - Qnl"iQ ~ I) ~ ~~~ ~. .~"- '.\ .26 ~-. '6 ~"'~;;;.., ~ ( ~ I / \:., ..1,..__.....01" cJ r I I 35 f ( I \ I / EDPO PROpa~..! 1 I"'" BOUNDARY) : Ii I H II I - - - - - ,1::- rt- r.. I -"'--BRAl'rAU6H II I 111 I I.! I RIGHETTI I I r 11 I I. I I~ FIRST AMERICAN TITLE (JORDAN PARCEL) CHEN PARCEL oj ( I --~ I 1-'1~ / i ~"-"_,"_n____ J I ~___ ~- :, J.f;:ii5~.:.:=:j;, 1 I -- ~- -. "--.. ~~ II I J 11 A N o o FEET 2000 METERS 1000 VICINITY MAP FALLON VILLAGE O&M MANUAL FOR BIORETENTION DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA FIGURE NO PROJECTNO.: 4663.1.006.04 DATE: OCTOBER 2006 DRAWN BY, DLB CHECKED BY' JB 1 Ie op- _ \Il'Q ORIGIN~L ,IGURE: PR I NTE:D I N COW. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -, it; If6 '1 '-+ ci ~ 0 & 0 u '" S ~ .. 0 .... is " z 0 u z t: ~ '" ::J fi: 1:i ... is .... " 0 i!: i Q e ~ '" 0 @ 0 " '" III !:;: ,.. :;: '" 0 z f5 ~ lil !;;i :J: ;. '" z i:'i ::>: ,.. z .. ,.. "' .... '" .. .. ~ '" 0 .. 0 :J: ;. ~ B " " Q ~ ... '" .... 0 z ; ~ ::>: ::> <..l 0 0 '" ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 g, 8 '" 0 .. N " ~ ,.. "' EXPLANATION APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF PROPOSED OPEN SPACE S1DRM DRAIN TO CREEK FALLON VILLAGE PROJECf BOUNDARY - WATERSHED BOUNDARY (MACKAY AND SOMPS, DECEMBER 2003) APPROXIMATE BIORETENTION CELL LOCATION .. g .. g BASE MAP SOURCE: UNKNOWN ENGEO INCORPORATED EXCELLENT SERVICE SlNCe 1971 NO SCALE FIGURE NO : rei 1"9 - -.- oIJnu - 10 t)CQ 1(M"j- "wg -- PROJECT NO,: 4663.1.006.04 DATE: OCTOBER 2006 DRAWN BY: KA CHECKED BY: JB ORIGI""-l FIGURE PRINTED IN COLOR SITE PLAN FALLON VILLAGE O&M MANUAL FOR BIORETENTION DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA 2 - Oriuo .0 ~ ~ ~ ~ I I ~ ~ ~ I I i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E: ~ ~ " " ;=. :;: ~ "- " z '" '" z " " z >- to ~ "' '" w " 0- X W ::> " 10 ;< ~ fO ~ " " E: " ::> " w '" to ~ ::E '" " z " > '" ~ .. ~ '" z <:i ::E ~ .. ~ " ;!. ;=. " " --' " '" ;< ;=. " w " => " ~ w "' >- " z >- .. ::E :'. " 3 " Q .. ~ :;: ~ >- "' '" " " N " r " ~ " " < '" '" ~ ~ 9 OJ ::c >< \ :z o '" ::3 "' aJ) 0...0 "':5 -'0.. 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"" ~ '-' [f) 0 >- ..... 20 U 'It ~ ... ~ ..I W 0 Y ~ :E 0 ~ a:: w F I!.I ~ 0 ~ - - I I I I I I I ,I I I I I I I I I I I I " '. ...., ,> 4663 I 01001 May 8, 2007 Latest RevlSlon October 4, 2007 APPENDIX C ~ Fallon Village SIte Geology " I \ \ q let> ~ ~ (EN[3EO I Neo R PORA TED ~ ~ ~ I ~ I ~ ~ ~ I ~ I I I ~ ~ ~ ~ I t128[) C1~ fEfA!JGEO INCORPORATED Site Geology The geologic umts mapped on the site mclude bedrock and surfiCial deposits consistmg of artIficIal fill, allUVIUm, colluvIUm and landslIdes that are descnbed below The geologic umts descrIbed below are adapted from reports completed by ENGEO Incorporated for the Site GeologiC Umts ArtifiCIal Fdl ArtifiCial fill encountered on the Site IS assocIated WIth some of the roadways and other areas m the proJect mcludmg a quarry area The fill matenals were descnbed as a mixture of clay and rock fragments Surficial Sods The surface of the Site IS typically mantled With 3 to 4 feet of dark gray-brown clay derIved from weathenng of the underlymg parent matenal consIstmg of weak bedrock or allUVIUm The gradatIOnal contact at the base of the deSiccated surficIal soIl layer typIcally exhIbited a zone of dlscontmuous slIckensided shear planes that we mterpret to be the result of seasonal shnnkmg and swelhng of the clay SOli The above-descnbed features are typical of highly expansive clay sods PlastICity Index (PI) from 30 to 51 were reported from samples of the surfiCIal soIl, mdtcatmg that the surface SOlIs should be conSidered very highly plastIC and cntIcally expanSive CollUVIUm Mantlmg the bedrock and fillmg swales of the Site are collUVial depOSIts These sediments are denved from weatherIng of the underlymg bedrock and conSist mostly of a SIlty clay matrIX With sand and rock fragments In general, the deposits of collUVIUm III site swales should be expected to range from 5 to 25 feet thick Laboratory testmg mdlcates that the collUVIUm IS overconsohdatcd and moderately compressible 4663 1 01001 May 8, 2007 Latest ReVISIon October 4, 2007 ~ I I ~ I ~ I I ~ ~ ~ ~ I I ~ ~ ~ I I 03 i5{)t1 i fEfMGEO INCORPO RA TED Where colluvIUm is located on slopmg ground, it may be charactenstrcally unstable Withm swales, the colluvlal dCpOSltS tend to be relatIvely thicker and may be subject to flow or slIp downslope LandslIdes LandslIde deposits consist of masses of unconsolIdated matenal and/or bedrock that have moved downslope by slIdmg, fallmg, or flowmg LandslIdes rangmg III Size from very small to relatively large occur along the northern edge of the Site The landslIdes mclude soIl slips, earth flows, debns slides, areas of shallow slumps and gullymg, large predommantly rotatIOnal slumps, and translational slIdes AllUVIUm AlluvIUm underlies the Wider portIOns of valley floors on the subJect property AllUVial soils m the site ViClmty typically consist of very stiff Silty clay With mmor amounts of mterbedded gravelly clay On the southwest portion of thc property alluvIUm may be as much as 100 feet m depth Laboratory testmg mdlcates that the SIte alluvIUm IS overconsohdated and relatively non-compreSSI ble Bedrock Bedrock at and north of the site was Identified dUrIng subsurface exploratIOns dUrIng slte studies as weak clayey slltstone and claystone, With relatively mmor amounts of mterbedded frIable sandstonc Bedrock was descnbed m the bOrIng and exploratory test pIt logs as havmg sheanng lS mterpreted to be the result of the regIOnal foldmg of the bedrock formatIons In general, beddmg was descrIbed as stnkmg to the north-northwest The fine-gramed rocks mcludmg cldystone and clayey SIltstone should be consIdered hIghly to very highly plastiC and cntlcally expansive Groundwater At the tlmc of subsurface work, groundwater was encountered between 14 10 40 feet below the ground surface In the exploratory bormg where it was encountered FluctuatIOns m groundwater 4663 1 01001 May 8, 2007 Latest ReVISion October 4, 2007 2 r ~ I I I I I I ~ I I I I I ~ I I I I I t1tf~qLf IENJGEO IN CO R PORA TED levels may occur seasonally and over a penod of years because of precIpItatIOn, changes 10 dram age patterns, lITIgation and other factors Future lITIgatIOn may cause an overall rIse 10 groundwater levcls SeismiC Source.':> No active faults are known to pass through the property, accordmg to published geologIc maps (Dibblee, 1980, Crane, 1995, Graymer, et al 1994) The nearest State-of-CalIforma-zoned, actlveD faults are the Calaveras fault located apprOXimately 5 mIles to the southwest and the Greenvllle fault located about 6 mIles northeast of the Site A "blmd" thrust fault has been mapped traversmg the southern portIOn of the property by Dibblee (1980), Crane, (1995) and Graymer, et a1, (1996), at the northern edge of the Livermore Valley ThiS mapped thrust fault is not consIdered active by the State of CalIforma or by local geotcchmcal consultants WhIle the probabIlity of ground rupture IS conSidered low, as descnbed In the ENGEO Geotechmcal Reports, there is a high probabilIty that the Site and any Improvements wIll be subject to strong ground shakmg dunng the lIfettme of the proJect o D An active fault IS defined by the State Mlnmg and Geology Board as one that has had surface dlsp]acement wlthm Ho]ocene time (about the last 10000 years) (Hart 1994) The State of Cahfomm has prepared maps deslgnatmg zones for specml studies that contam these active earthquake faults 4663 1 01001 May 8, 2007 Latest ReVISion October 4,2007 3