HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 199-07 Calif Build Standards Code RESOlLlT'lf][ON NO 199 - 07 A RESOlLUTJrON OF THE CITY COUNClfJL OF THE C]['IY OF lOlUBlL][N *********** APPROV][NG FINDJrNGS REGARlLll:D.NG 'IHE NEED FOR AMENDMEN'IS 'IO JPROVu.sJrONS IN 'IHE CAJLIFOlRNIA BUD.JLIDING Sl' ANIDARDS CODE AS ADOPTED BY THE Sl' ATE OF CAJLIFORNIA, IN THE CAJLJrFOlRN][A CODE OF REGlU1LA'IIONS, TD.'IJLE 241, 'IO BE AIDOP'IEll) BY REFERENCE JrN 'IHE DUBlL][N MUNI CD.JP AlL COIDE WHEREAS, Health and Safety Code SectIOn 18938 makes prOVISions pubhshed In the Cahfornla BUlldmg Standards Code pursuant to Health and Safety Code SectIon 17922 apphcable to all occupancies throughout the state and effectIve one hundred and eIghty days after pubhcatIOn by the Cahforrua BUlldmg Standards COmmIssion (the CorrumsslOn), or at a later date estabhshed by the Comrmsslon, and WHEREAS, Health and Safety Code SectIOn 17958 permIts CItIes to amend the reqUIrements ofthe CaltfornIa BUIldmg Standards Code III accordance With Health and Safety Code SectIons 179585 and 179587, and WHEREAS, Health and Safety Code SectIOn 17958 5 permIts cItIes m adoptmg prOVISIons of the CalIfornia BUIldmg Standards Code to make such changes m such prOVIsions as the City determmes, pursuant to Health and Safety Code SectIOn 17958 7, are reasonably necessary because oflocal chmatlc, geological, or topographIcal condItIOns, and WHIEREAS, Health and Safety Code Section 179587 reqUires that a City, before makmg changes pursuant to Health and Safety Code SectIOn 179585, must make an express findmg that such changes are reasonably necessary because of local chmatlc, geologIcal or topographIcal condItlonS, and WHEREAS, under Health and Safety Code SectIOn 17958 7, changes pursuant to Health and Safety Code SectIOn 17958 5 may not become effectlve until the reqUired findmgs, and the changes, have been filed WIth the Cahfornla Bmldmg Standards ComrmsslOn, and WHEREAS, Government Code Sectlon 500222 permIts enactment of City ordmances that adopt codes or statutes, mcludmg codes of the State ofCahfornIa, by reference, and WHEREAS, the CIty CouncIl of the CIty of Dubhn (the CIty CounCIl) mtends to adopt an ordmance adoptmg by reference prOVISIOns of the CalIfOrnIa BUIldmg Standards Code, and WHEREAS, the CIty CouncIl has reVIewed the reasons for proposed changes to the Cahforma Bmldmg Standards Code set forth In Exlltnllnt A NOW. 'IHEREFORE, BE ]['I RESOL WD that the City CouncIl does hereby declare and find that the changes to the proVIsIOns of the CalIfornIa BUIldmg Standards Code set forth m Exlublt A are reasonably necessary because of local clImatiC, geologIc, or topographIcal conditions m accordance With Health and Safety Code SectIOn 17958 7 as further set forth III Exllublt A, and Reso No 199 07, Adopted 11/06/07 Item 6 2 Page 1 of2 BE :D:'I lFlJR'IHER RESOlL VEl!) that a copy of thIS ResolutIOn, mcludmg ExDuDnt A, shall be filed wIth the Cahfornla Bmldmg Standards CommissIon m accordance WIth Health and Safety Code SectIOn 17958 7 P ASSEll), AJPPROVED ANID ADOf''IED thIS 6th day of November, 2007, by the followmg vote AYES Councllmembers Hildenbrand, Oravetz, Sbrantl and Scholz, and Mayor Lockhart NOES None ABSJEN'I None ABS'I Am None A'I'IES'f LL {/~W Deputy City Clerk Reso No 199.07, Adopted 11/06/07, Item 6 2 Page 2 of2 FllNJ])][NGS FOR LOCAl. MODIlFJrCA'IKONS 'IO 'IHE 2007 E][HTllONS OF THE CALKFORN][A FIRE CODE, CAL][FORN1A BUILDKNG CODE. CAlLJrFORNHA EJLEC'IRICAJL CODE, CAlL][lFORN][A PLUMJJUNG CODE AND CALiFORNIA MECHANlICAlL CODE AS SE'I FORTH IN 'IHlE 2007 CAlLKFORNJrA BffllLD][NGS S'I ANDARDS CODE A General lFmdmes The Dublm CIty CouncIl makes the follOWIng general findmgs regardmg local clImatIc, geologiC, and topographICal condItlOns, whIch the CIty CouncIl finds necessItate the local modIficatIOns to the CalIfornIa BUIldmg Standards Code set forth below 1 Local chmatlc conditIOns Include a low amount of average yearly ramfall, whIch tends to be concentrated from October through Apnl From May through September, a dry penod occurs where datly temperatures rematn hIgh, and there IS httle measurable preCIpitatIOn In addItion, the local chmate frequently mcludes high wmds whIch sweep down through the valley In developed areas of the City, fires can occur III bUIldIngs, rubbIsh, automobIles, and grass fires on vacant lots In the undeveloped areas of the City, there IS a nsk of large brush and grass fires If a fire occurs m eIther a developed or undeveloped area of the CIty, the local dry condltlOns combmed WIth hIgh wmds creates the nsk of a potentIal fire storm In addItIon, local resldentIal development IS occUITlng In prevIOusly undeveloped areas adjacent to WIld fire hazard areas These new developments mcrease the chance of fire whIle SImultaneously bemg located further from fITe statIOns, delaymg cntIcal response tImes 2 Local geographIcal condItIons Include a nsk of earthquake A number of earthquake faults are located eIther WithIn or III close proxlmIty to the Clty Those With the most dIrect and potentially destructive Impact are the San Andreas, Calaveras, Hayward, Greenvtlle and Concord-Green Valley Faults History of earthquake activIty mdIcates that there IS a hkelthood of a major earthquake m the area In the event of an earthquake, damage to structures can be expected In reSIdential and commerCIal areas, thIS could mclude SIgnIficant damage or collapse of bUIldmgs Secondary Impacts could mclude ruptured electnc or gas connectIons and/or breaks In water dIstrIbution lines The potentIal for a major seIsmIC event would create a City-WIde demand for emergency response and fire protectIOn servIce which would exceed staff response capaCIty 3 Local topographical condItIons Include hIlls on the western and eastern boarders and flat area In the center of the City Interstate 680 dIVIdes the City mto two sectIOns, and CirculatIon between areas of the City rely on freeway overpasses In addItIOn, local traffic must also pass over ratlroad tracks, creeks, and bndges (to cross arroyos) Durmg peak a m and p m traffic perIods, the CIty expenences heavy traffic congestIon at key IntersectIons, and near many freeway on-ramp and off-ramps In the event of an aCCident or emergency at one of these key IntersectIOns, bndges, or other CIrculatIon comdors, sectIons of the City could become Isolated and response tImes Increased beyond Ideal levels 4 Based on the local clImatIC, geographIcal, and topographIcal condItlOns outlIned above, there IS a real nsk that emergency response could be slgmficantly delayed In the event of an aCCident or emergency Therefore, It IS necessary to address thIS problem through the reqUirement of addItIonal mitigatIOn measures to (I) prevent the chance of aCCident or Injury by requIrIng standards more stnngent than reqUIred by the current codes, and (n) requmng addItIOnal bUIlt-m automatic fire protectlOn systems which WIll proVIde for early detectIon and InItIal fire control EXHIBIT A lB Specnfic lFmdmgs The Dubhn CIty Counctl makes the followmg speclfic findmgs, whIch, m addItIOn to the general findIngs regardmg local clImatIc, geologic, and topographical condItIons set forth above, the City CouncIl finds necessItate the local modlficatlODs to the California BUlldmg Standards Code set forth below .1 CalifornIa Fire Code 508050 Section 102 10 Apphcabdnty-Added SectlOn 102 10 IS added to read as follows 102 lO Apphcall:nhty Where not otherwise hmIted by law, the provISIOns of thlS Code shall apply to vehIcles, cargo contamers, ShIPS, boats, and mobIle vehIcles when fixed III a speCific 10catlOn wIthm the boundanes of thIS Jurisdiction lFllNID llN G ThiS modnficatlon ns necessalrV to adoot the most CUlnent State standard and to clarnfy soecnfic area of the code 508080 SectIon 1056 ReqUInred olPenltlonal permits-Amended SectIOn 105 6 IS amended d<:; follows 1056 ReqUIred operatIonal permits The fire code offiCial I~ authonzed to Issue operatiOn permits for the operations set forth In SectIons 105 6 1 through 105 6 50 105 6 47 Christmas tree sales To use a property for purpose of selling cut ChrIstmas trees 105648 Liquefied petroleum gases Is amended to add Itcm 3 as follows To store, use or handle lIquefied petroleum gas mSlde bUIldmgs See Chapter 38 105 6 49 Model rockets See Cahfornla Code of Regulations Title 19, Chapter 6, Article 17 105 6 50 Tire storage To use an open area or portIon thereof to store tires In excess of 1,000 cublc feet 'IlIuns modnficatnon IS necessary to atRoot the most cuneDt State standard and to cBardy specllt1c areas of tine code Kn atRtRltnon:o. thns modnficatlon Will make Chapter 5 08 consnstent With CImapters 728 and 732 offline Dubhn MUlDIClPal code FJrNDJrNG 508090 Sectnon 108 llBoard of Appeans-Amended Sectlon 108 1 IS amended to read as follows 1081 Board of Appeals A Any person aggneved WIth the declSlon of the Fire Chief m connectlOn With the applIcatiOn or mterpretatIOn of thIS Code or an approval of alternatlve matenals or methods of constructIon may appeal to the CIty COllliCil Such appeal shall be In wntmg and filed WIth the CIty Clerk WIthm ten (10) days B The CIty CounCIl may, after heanng, mterpret any prOVISIOn ofthts Code C The CIty CounCIl may after hearmg, vary the applIcatIOn of this Code m any speCIfic cases when, In ItS opmIOn, the enforcement thereof would be contrary to the spmt and purpose of thIS Code or pubhc mterest The CIty CouncIl In grantIng a vanance may Impose reqUIrements or condIttons to mitigate any adverse effects that may result from grantmg the gnevance D In makmg such mterpretatIon or grantIng any variance, the City CouncIl shall make the followmg findmgs 1 That the mterpretatlon or vanance IS consIstent WIth the purpose of thIS Code, 2 That the mterpretatIOn or varIance will not lessen the protectlOn to the people of the CIty and the property sItuated therem E The CIty CounCIl may approve alternate matenals or methods of constructIon by overruhng the decIsIOns of the Fire Chtef In approval of any alternate materIals or methods of constructIOn, the CIty CouncIl shall make findmgs that the matenal, method or work proposed IS for the purpose mtended, at least eqUIvalent of that prescnbed by thIS Code m quality, strength effectiveness, fire resistance, durablhty, dimenSIOnal StabIlIty and safety F The City Councd may appomt a Board of Appeals to hear a speCIfic appeal The Board of Appeals shall consist of five (5) members quahfied by trammg and expenence to pass on matters pertalmng to the subject matter of the appeal The Board of Appeals shall have the same authonty and dutIes as the City CouncIl m mterpretmg thiS Code, grantmg vanances, or approvmg alternate matenals or methods of constructIOn The FIre Chief shall be an ex OffiCIO member of the Board of Appeals and shall act as secretary to the Board The Board of Appeals shall adopt reasonable rules and regulations for conductmg Its heanngs and mvestlgatIOns G The declSlon of the CIty CounCIlor Board of appeals shall be final lFllNIDllNG These modrfIcattIons are necessall"V to adopt the most current State standard and to clanfv slDecIlt1c areas of the code ][n addltnon. these moddicatnoDls wdll make Chaoter 5 08 consistent With Chapters 7 28 and 7 32 of the Dubhn MllmlClDan code IDefimtnons clanfv the tltne of Fire CRllld and City Councd as soeclfIc to the City of Dubnm 1rlltese modifications WillI prOVide l!mddmes for ]FIre Department access nocatlons and roadway lDrelDaratlon The modrficatlOllls anso lDrovlde sllJeclfIc lanl!ual!e to mSlllre adequate access to fire hydrants and fire apphances 5 08 no Chapter 2 DefimtlODs-Amended Chaptcr 2 IS amended by addmg the followmg defimtlOns to SectIOn 202 SectIOn 202 General Defimhons CIty CounCIl shall mean the governmg body ofthe CIty of Dubhn CIty Manager shall mean the CIty Manager of the CIty of Dubhn or deSIgnee FIre TraIl means a graded firebreak of suffiCient WIdth, surface, and deSign to proVIde access for personnel and eqUipment to suppress and to asSISt m preventmg a surface extenSIOn of fires Fuel break means a WIde Strip or block of land on whIch the vegetatlOn has been permanently modified to a low volume fuel type so that fires bUrnIng mto It can be more readily controlled FlIND IN G 'Ihese modifications are necessall"V to adopt the most current State standall"d and to danfv speCific all"eas of the code In addition. these modIficatIons wdn make Chapter 5 08 consistent With ClltaDtell"s ; 28 and; 32 of the IDunMm Mumcnoal code Defimtnons clanfv the tntne of ]Fare Chnef alIlld Catv Council as slDecnfnc to tine City of Dubhn These modd1catnorns wIlllDll"Oyulle l!uldelmes fOil" lFlre IDelDartmernt access lIoeatlons and roadway preparatnon 'Ihe modDltlcatloll1.s also provulle snecrfic lall1.euaee to IDsure adeauate access to fire hydrants and fire appnnall1.ces 508120 Section 50312 IlFlre Apparatus Access Roads-Added SectIOn 503 1 2 1 IS added to read as follows lFINDllNG 503 1 2 1 The mlmmum number of access roads servIng resldentlal deve1opment(s) shall be based upon the number of dwellIng umts served arid shall be as follows 1-25 Umts One publIc or prIvate access road 26-74 Umts One pubhc or pnvate access road and one emergency access road When more than one access road lS reqmred, the roadways shall be remotely located to provIde a separate and dIstInct means of access arid egress 75 + Umts A mmImum of two publIc or prIvate access roads When more than one access road IS reqUIred, the roadways shall be remotely located to provIde a separate arid distInct means of access and egress The maxImum length of a smgle access road shall be no greater than 1,000 feet The length may be modIfied for speCIal circumstances In accordarIce WIth SectIOn 103 1 2 'Ihese modifications are necessan' to adopt the most current State standard and to clarnfy specnfic areas of the code Io addntIon. these modifications wIll make Clltanter 5 08 consnstent With Chapters 728 and 732 of the IDulOllm MllImcnpal code IDefImtlODls clanfy the tntle of Fnre Clltnef and Cntv CouncIl as speCific to the CAtv of Dulbllm These modlincatnons wIll Dfovuie emdellnnes for Fire IDeoan-ment access locatnons and roadway preparation The modnficatnOBus also provnde specnfic Il~ulll!ual!e to msure ade<l1lllate access to mre Iltvd!rants and fire applumces 508130 Section 503 2 3 :D. Specrllicatnons-Added SectIOn 503 23 1 IS added to read as follows 503 2 3 I Flre arid Emergency Access Roads approved for constructlon sites shall be deSIgned to meet the reqmrements of SectIOn 503:2 The approved all weather-surface shall be conSidered as first lIft of asphalt arid the access shaH be approved by the Department ot Pubhc Works prIor to commencement of combusttble storage or any constructlOn on the SIte FUND][NG ThiS modnflcatnon ns necessarv to adopt tllte most cnrrent State standard! and to danly speCific areas of the code ][n addntlOn. these mo(hficattons will make Chanter 5 08 consnstent Wltllt Chapters 728 and 732 of the Dulbnnn MUnICipal code 'IbiS modnficatnollD.s wnn prOVide eumllebnes for Fire lOlepartment access locatIons and roadway preparatnon 'Ilb.e modnficatnOB:ns also provnde specIfiC lIaneuae:e to msnre ade<l1lllate access to fire hydrants and fire applumces 5 08 140 SectIOn 503 5 :D. :D. ReqlnIlredl gates and ball"Jrncades- Added SectlOn 503 5 IllS added to read as follows 503 5 1:D. When approved, gates arid barrIers may be mstalled across or over fire department access ways These mstallatlOns shall meet FIre Department standards and shall be approved prIor to mstallatlon ]FJrND][NG 'Inns modification ns necessan' to adopt the most current State standard and to clarnfy a specnfic area of the code In addntnon, dus modnficatIon wnn make Clltaoter 5 08 consistent with Chapters 7 28 and 7 32 oll' the Dulbnm Mumcmal code 'fine modd'icatnons anso provide specnfic lanl!ual!e to msure adeQuate access to fire hydrants and fire appliances 508150 Sectnon 5061 Key Boxes-Amended SectIOn 506 lIS amended by addIng the followmg sentences to the end of the paragraph 5061 A Key Box (s) shall be Installed on all new bUIldmgs A Key Box (s) shall be Installed on all eXlstmg bUIldmgs upon Issuance of a buIldmg permIt for a Tenant Improvement If the keymg system lS changed or added to, the responsIble party shall notIfy the Flre Department and the keys located WithIn the key box shall be updated lFINDING Thns modrficatIons ns necessan' to adopt the most current State standard and to a clarnfy specll1'nc aIrea of the code ][n adddnon. tnus m.odnficatlOns wnnn make Chapter 5 08 COll1snstenlt With Clltapters 7 28 and 7 32 oll'the IDublm Munncnpal code The modd'icatnons anso provulle specnfic lanl!ual!e to msure adequate access to fire Ib.ydlrants and fire applIances 5 08 1L60 Sectnon 508 1 1 and 508 2 3 lFnre Protectnon Water Supphes- Amended SectIon 508 lS amended to add the followmg preface sentence and subsectIOns 508 1 1 and 50823 are amended to read as follows FINDING Preface Sentence The type of water supply provided shall meet FIre Department standards 50811 Suburban and! Ruran Water Supply In areas where pubhc or pnvate fire mams are not avaIlable for the proVISIOn of the reqmred fire flow, the FIre Department may develop a standard which reqUIres a water supply for fire fightmg be provIded In developmg the standard, the Chief may be gUIded by the most current edItIon of state or natIOnally recogmzed standards promulgated by such entItIes as NFP A (NatlOnal Fire Protection ASSOCIatIOn), and Ice (International Codc Council) 50823 Storage of Suburban and Rural Water SUPlPhes In calculatmg the water supply avatlable to meet the mlllImum fire flow reqUIred In SectlOn 508 1 of thiS Code, sWlmmmg pools, ponds, and underground CIsterns WhIch would reqUIre a draftmg operatIOn shall not be conSidered as a pnmary water source 'Ihese modnficatnons are necessan' to adopt the most cUll"Jl"ent State standard and to cllarrw specnflc areas of the code ][nil addltnon. these modnfIcatnons wIll make Chapter 5 08 conSistent wdh Chapters 7 28 and 7 32 of the [)unlDnm MUBHcnpal code These modIficatIons wnnn provulle gundelmes for lFlIre ][JlepaRimenIt access locatIOns and roadway preparatnon The modl1t'DcatIons also provulle specl1tic language to msure adeonnate access to fire hydrants and fire apphances 508170 Section 508 5 5lFnre Hydrant Systems-Amended SectlOn 50855 IS amended by addmg the followmg language 508 5 5 Clear Space Around :lHIydnmts When hydrants, department connectIOns, or other fire protectlOn control valves are located behllld curbs on property not governed by the Vehicle Code and/or related parkIng or vehicular regulatIons of a local government entIty, and the parkmg of motor verncles is allowed the curb shall be pamted red for a dimenSIOn of 7 5 feet on each SIde of the hydrant, or a SIgn posted m accordance WIth SectIOn 22500 1 of the Vehlcle Code FINDliNG 'IIltIS modJJt1catJolll IS necessaJrV to adopt the most current State standard and to clanfy specific areas oftllte code ][0 addition. these modlfIcahons wlllmalke Chaptelt' 5 08 consistent With Clltaotelt's 728 and 7 32 of tine DubRm Mumclpal code 'Ibis modllIicatlon Will lDlt'ovlde e:mdehnes folt' ]FIre Department access nocatIons and roadway lDrelDaratlon 'fhe modlfncatROIll. anso provide slDeclfic lane:uae:e to msure adeQuate access to fire hydrants and fire alDlDhances 508 1L80 Sectnons 9032, 903211, 903212, 9032 1L 3, 903214, 903215, 90322, 90323, 90326, 90327, 90328, 90329, 9032103,903214 Chapter 9, Automahc spnnlkllelt' systems-Amended and SectIOns 903 2 7 1, 903 2 7 2 and 903 2 18, Automatic sprlllllk..B.er systems-Added SectIons 903 2, 903 2 1 1 903 2 1 2, 903 2 1 3, 903 2 1 4, 903 1 5, 903 2 2, 903 2 3, 903 26, 903 2 7, 9328,90329 and 903 2 103 are amended and SectIOns 9032 7 1,903272 and 903 2 18 are added to read as follows 9032 Where reqUired An automatIC fire extIllgUishmg system shall be mstalled In the occupancies and locatlOns set forth In SectIOn 903 2 9032 1 1 Group A Occupancies An automatIc fire-extIngUlshmg system shall be mstalled m all Group A Occupancies (except of Type V constructIOn) where the floor area exceeds 5,000 square feet (465 m2) and In all basements floor area exceeds 1,500 square feet (1394 m2) Group A occupancies that are of Type V constructlOn where the floor area exceeds 3,000 square feet (279 m2) (SectIOns 903 2 1 2, 903 2 1 3, 903 2 1 4, 903 2 1 5, are deleted) 903 22 Group E Occupancies An automatlc fire-extIngUIshmg system shall be m Group E, occupanCIes where the floor area exceeds 5,000 square feet (465 m2) 90323 Group F Occupalll.cles An automatIC fire sprInkler system shall be mstalled In all Group F occupancies (except Type V constructIOn) where the floor area exceeds 5,000 square feet (465 m2) an automatic sprInkler system shall be mstalled m all Group F occupancies of Type V constructIon where the floor area exceeds 3,000 square feet (279 m2) 903 2 6 Group M Occupancnes An automatIC sprInkler system shall be mstalled In Group M occupancies where the floor area exceeds 5,000 square feet (465 m2) (except Type V constructlOn) An automatIc fire spnnkler system shall be mstalled In all retail sales rooms classed as Group M and S occupancies of Type V constructIOn where the floor area exceeds 3,000 square feet (279 m2) 9032 7 Group R Occupancnes An automatIc fire-extmgUlshmg system shall be Installed where the total area exceeds 5,000 square feet (465m2) Those systems Illstalled In R -1 OccupanCIes shall use reSIdentIal or qmck response heads m the dwellmg unlt and guest room portIons of the bmldmgs and InstallatIOns may be III accordance WIth NFPA 13 or 13R where applIcable 903 2 7 1 MntIgatnon In one or two famIly dwellIngs, to mitigate problems with access or water supply, the InstallatIOn of a spnnkler system as mItIgatIOn shall be at the dIscretIOn of the Fire Department 9032 72 R-3 Occupalllcnes Those systems mstalled In R-3 OccupanCIes shall be III accordance WI th N FP A 13 or 13 D Matenals shall be approved for use m such systems by the fire department and Installed m accordance WIth theIr hstmgs EXCEPTION Systems which are reqUIred to mItIgate other defiCIencies shall be Illstalled m accordance WIth such addIttonal fire protectIon reqUIrements as may be deemed necessary by the ChIef or hIS or her deSignee 903 2 8 Groujp S OccUljpalllcnes An automatIc spnnkler system shall be Installed III Group S occupancies where the floor area exceeds 5,000 square feet (465 m2) (except Type V constructIOn) An automatIc fire spnnkler system shall be Installed mall retatl sales rooms classed as Group S occupanCIes of Type V construction where the floor area exceeds 3,000 square feet (279 m2) 90329 Group 1B Occlllparncles An automatic fire-extlllgUlshmg system shall be Installed III Group B occupanCIes (except Type V constructlOn) where the floor area exceeds 5,000 square feet (465 m2) An automatIc spnnkler system shall be Installed In Group B, of Type V constructIon where the floor area exceeds 3,000 square feet (279 m2) 903 2 10 3 BUild-lOgs Three Stories III Henght An automatIC spnnkler system shall be Illstalled m all occupanCIes, regardless of type of constructIOn, If the bmldmg IS three or more stones or more than 35 feet m height measured from the pad grade level to the lnghest pomt of the bUIldIng An automatIC spnnkler system shall be mstalled m all other occupanCIes as may be reqUIred by the 2007 CahfornIa BUIldmg Code 903 2 18 All Occupancnes Automatic fire-extmgUlshmg systems shall be Installed m all occupanCIes located more than l11z mIles from a fire statton provldmg fire protectIOn to that location Satd distance shall be measured III a stratght lIne For R-3 occupanCIes, the spnnkler system may be a reSIdentIal spnnkler system type NFPA 13 BUlldmgs contaInmg portIOns whIch are reqmred to have an automatIC fire extmgUIshmg system because of the number of stones shall have the automatic fire extmgUlshmg system mstalled throughout and fire walls as set forth In SectIOn 705 shall not be conSIdered as creatmg separate bUIldIngs for the purpose of thiS sectton When the speCific use of a bUlldmg IS not known at the time of deSign and InstallatIOn of the automatIc fire-extmgUlshmg system the deSIgn shall be based upon Ordmary Hazard Group 2 as set forth III the fire code Whenever an addltlOn IS made to an eXlstmg bmldmg automatIc fire-extmgUIshIng systems shall be Installed If the eXIstlllg bUlldlllg plus the addItIOn exceeds the area or height lImItatIOns set forth III thiS sectIon Whenever the use of an eXlstmg bUlldmg or portlOn thereof IS changed m any manner so as to reqmre the InstallatIOn of an automatIC fire-extmgmslnng system, satd system shall be Installed III that portIOn of the bUIldmg hOUSIng the new use IF][ND][N G These modIlt1eatIons are necessan' to adopt the most el.llll"rent State standard and to clamfy specdie areas of the code ][n addntIon. these modd1eatBODls wnn make Chapter 508 consnstent With Chapten 728 amid 732 of the Dublm Mlm.leman code 'Ihese modnficatnons wllllDlrovnde l!Undehnes for lFnre IDeoanment access ioeatIons and !rOadway preparatiOn The modnficatnons anso provnde specnfic laDl2uae:e to IDsure adequate access to fire hydrants and fire aODhances 5 08 190 Sectnon 903 6 Exnstmg lImddmgs-Amended Section 903 6 IS amended and SectIOn 903 6 2 and 903 6 3 are added to read as follows 903 6 Exnstmg BuIldmgs All changes of occupancy classtficatIOn m eXlstmg bUIldmgs shall comply WIth the requuements contamed In SectIon 903 1 and Table 9032 903 6 2 When an addItIon to an eXlstmg bUIldIng causes the total square footage of the bUIldIng to exceed the maxImum floor area speCIfied In Table 903 2 of thiS Ordmance, the entIre bUIldIng shall be sPrInkled EXCEPTION 1 Unless already provided With an automatIc fire extlllgmshmg system, smgle famIly dwellmgs need not comply With SectIOn 903 6 2 above 903 6 3 EXlstlllg bmldmgs which do not conform to Current Bmldmg Code or FIre Code reqUIrements may be reqUIred to Install an automatIc fire extmgmsmng system when an InterIor alteration or remodehng occurs, regardless of whether the floor area IS mcreased or use changed It shall be the responslbIltty of the FIre Marshal and the Bmldmg OffiCial to evaluate the work beIng performed, non-complYIng features, and determme If an automattc fire extmgUIshIng system WIn be reqmred EXCEPTION Unless already prOVIded With an automatic fire extmgUIsmng system, smgle farmly dwellIngs need not comply WIth Section 903 6 3 above 'Ibese modnflcatnOllns are necessary to adopt the most cunent State standard and to cIIarnfv soeel1t1e all"eas of tllte code ][n additIon, these modlficatnons wIll make Chaoter 5 08 consistent wnth Chapters; 28 and 7 32 of the Dlllblm MUllB1lclPall code 'Ihese modIl11eatlOns wnn prOVide eUldellmes for ]Fnre Department access locations and roadway DrenantRon 'fhe modI1l1ca.tnons also provnde specdic lan2LD.aee to nnSlllIre adequate access to fin hydrants and fire alllDbances lFINID][NG 508210 Section 2206 .!Fnammable and ComlmstnllJle JLullmd Motor lFuel- Dlspensmg lFacnnntnes- Amended SectIOns 220622,22623 and 2206 2 4 are amended to read as follows 220622 Above-ground tanlks nocated mSlde bmndmgs The lImIts referred to m SectIOn 2206 22m whIch storage of flammable or combustIble liqUids m above ground tanks IS prohibIted, are hereby establIshed as follows Any area zoned for other than commerCIal, mdustnal, or agrIcultural use 220623 Above-ground tanks loca.ted outsnde, above gnde The lImIts referred to m SectlOn 2206 23m whIch storage of flammable or combustible hqmds m above ground tanks lS prohIblted, are hereby establIshed as follows Any area zoned for other than commercIal, IndustrIal, or agncultural use 2206 2 41 Above-ground tanlks located above-grade vaunts or below-grade vaults The limIts referred to III SectlOn 2206 2 4 In wmch storage of flammable or combustible liqUIds m above F1[NlI1ING ground tanks IS prohIbIted, are hereby establtshed as follows Any area zoned for other than commercIal, mdustnal, or agncultural use 'Ihese modnficatnons are necessary to adopt tll1e most Clllrrent State standard and to darlfy specific areas of the code ][Jrll addntlon. these lIIllodnfica.tnons wnn make Chapter 508 consnstent wdllt Chapten 728 and 732 oftll1e Dulbnm MUllllUclPal code 508220 SectIOn 2703 2 4 Hazardous Matenals General Provnsions-Amended SectlOn 270324 IS amended to read as follows 2703 2 41 .D.nstanatlODl of tanks SectIOn 2703 2 4 IS amended by addIng the second sentence Indlcatmg that the storage of flammable or combustIble ltqUIds m outsIde above ground tanks IS prohIbIted In any area zoned for other than commerCIal, mdustnal, or agrIcultural use (Ord 12-97 93) lFINDING 'IIlInS modnficatnmll ns necessarv to adopt the most current State standard and to clardy speCific areas of the code 508 230 SectIon 3301 2 Fnreworks-Am.ended SectIOn 3301 1 3 lS amended to read as follows FINID1[NG 3301 2 Fireworks SectIOn 3301 2 IS amended by addmg a SIXth exceptIon as follows 6 The sale, use and dIscharge of fireworks are allowed In accordance With Chapter 5 24 of the DublIn MUnICipal Code 'fllus modnficatIon ns necessarv to adopt the most current State standard and to clarify speCific areas of the code ][n addItnon, these modlficahorlls wnn make Chapter 5 08 consistent With Chaoters 7 28 and 7 32 of the Dublm MUDlD.cnpall code 5082410 SectIOn 33018 EstallJhshmelllt of quantity of explosnves and dlstances- Amended SectIon 3301 8 IS amended to read as follows IF][ND][N G 33m 8 EstablIshment of quantity of explosnves and distances The lImIts referred to m SectIOn 3308 1 of the 2006 InternatIonal Fire Code, m which storage of explOSIves and blastmg agents IS prorubned, are hereby establIshed as follows Any central busmess dlstnct area as defined by thiS Code and any area which IS zoned for other that mdustnal or agncultural use 'flus modification ns necessarv to adopt the most current State standard and to clarIfy speCific areas of the code 508250 Sectnon 38042 Maxnmum capacity wntlltm estabhshed hnuts- Amended F][NDING 38042 MaXimum CapacIty Wnthm Establlnshed Lmnnts The hmlts referred to m SectIOn 38042 are the 2006 InternatIOnal Fire Code m whIch storage of compressed natural gas IS prohtblted, are hereby estabhshed as follows Any area zoned for other than commerCial, Industnal, or agrIcultural use 'Ihls modnficatlon ns Dlecessarv to adopt the most current State standard and to clarnfy speCific anas of the code 2 Cahforma Buddme: Code 732120 Section 50712, Chapter 5, Yard restrictIOn-Added A new SectIOn 507 12 IS added to read 507 12 Yard RestnctlOn The mcrease In area permitted by Sections 507 1 through 507 11 of this SectIOn shall not be allowed unless or untIl the owner of the reqUIred yard shall file an agreement bIndIng such owner, hiS heIrS, and assIgnees, to set aSIde the reqUIred yard as unobstructed space havmg no Improvements Such agreement shall be recorded m the Alameda County Recorder's Office W][NDING The amendment IS needled dlue to local dlmatlc and topoe:rapllllcal conditions Tins modification was necessan' because of the City of Dulblm has a dn' Denod of at least five months each year AddltlonaHy. 'Ihe area IS subBect to occasional droue:ht Because of dhrvness. a rapuJlny burlHllle: 2rass fire or exterior buddJlll.l! fire can Clulcklv transfer to otllter bUllldlme:s 'Illtese modifications are consistent Wltllt the Fire Authonty lltavnDle: IUDnsdlctnolll 7 32 130 Section 705 Jl, Chapter 7, lFlre walls-Amended SectIon 705 1 IS amended by addmg a new subsectIOn 705 1 2 to read 705 1 2 FIre walls shall not be consldered to create separate bUlldmgs for the purpose of automattc fire-spnnkler system reqUlrements as set forth m Chapter 9 ExceptIOn BUlldmgs separated by contllluous area separatIOn walls of four-hour fire- resistIve constructlOn WIthout opemngs BUlldmgs reqmred to have automatIc fire-spnnkler protectIOn as set forth In SectIOn 13113 of the Health and Safety Code are proruhted from usmg area separatlOD walls In lteu of automatIc fire-spnnkler protectIOn lFllNID][N G The amendment IS needed dlue to local dlmatIc and tOPol!raphlcal conditions 'Ihls modification was rn.ecessan' because oftllte City of Dublm. has a dn pernod of at least five months each year AddItionally. 'Ilb.e area IS subDect to occasional dlroue:ht Because of dn'llIless. a lI"alPIdlny llmll"lIllBnl! l!lI"ass fire Oil" externor buddml! mre can <1IulckIy transfer to other buddlme:s 'Ihese modifications are consistent with the lFlre AuthOlrBtv Illavme: HUJlJrnsdlctlODl 732 140 Secn.on 71732 ExceptIOns 1 and 2, 717 4, 2 Exception 2, 717 43 ExceptIOn Draft-stoppmg- Deleted SectlOns 717 3 2 ExceptIOns 1 and 2, 71742 ExceptIOn 2, and 717 4 3 ExceptlOn are deleted FINDING The amendment IS needed due to local chm.atIc and tOlDoe:ralllhlcal conditions ThiS modificatIOn was lllecessan because of the City of IDublIn has a dn perIOd of at least five months each year AdldhtIonaHy. 'fhe area IS subBed to occasional droue:D:nt Because of drvness. a rapldlv burDllll2 a:Jrass fnre or exfenor bunldlllll! fire can <1IUlckIv transfer to other buddlma:s 'Ihese modifications are consistent with tine lFlre Authority havlIl1l! Dllllflsdllcn.ollll 7 32 150 Sections 903 2 1 1, 903 2 1 2, 903 2 U 3, 903 2 1 4, 903 2 1 5, 903 2 2, 903 2 3,963 2 6, 90327.90328,90329,9032103,9032 18 Chapter 9, Automatic sprmkller systems- Amended SectIOns 903 2 1 1,903 2 1 2, 903 2 1 3,903 2 1 4,903 2 1 5,903 22,903 23,903 26,903 2 7, 90328,90329,9032 103 and 903 2 18 are amended to read 9032 1 1 Group A OccUllpancnes An automatic fire-extIngUishIng system shall be mstalled m all Group A OccupancIes (except of Type V constructlOn) where the floor area exceeds 5,000 square feet (465 m2) and III all basements floor area exceeds 1,500 square feet (1394 m2) Group A occupancIes that are of Type V constructIOn where the floor area exceeds 3,000 square feet (279 m2) (SectIOns 903 2 I 2, 903 2 1 3, 903 2 1 4, 903 2 1 5, are Deleted) 903 2 2 Group JE OccupancIes An automatIc fire-extIngUlshmg system shall be m Group E, occupancIes where the floor area exceeds 5,000 square feet (465 m2) 903 2 3 Group IF Occupancies An automattc fire spnnkler system shall be Illstalled m all Group F occupancies (except Type V constructIOn) where the floor area exceeds 5,000 square feet (465 m2) an automatiC spnnkler system shall be mstalled m all Group F occupanCIes of Type V constructlOn where the floor area exceeds 3,000 square feet (279 m2) 90326 Group M OccupancIes An automatIc spnnkler system shall be Installed III Group M occupanCIes where the floor area exceeds 5,000 square feet (465 m2) (except Type V constructIOn) An automatIc fire spnnkler system shall be mstalled III all retatl sales rooms classed as Group M and S occupanCIes of Type V constructIon where the floor area exceeds 3,000 square feet (279 m2) 90327 Group R Occnpancles An automattc fire-extIngmslnng system shall be Installed where the total area exceeds 5,000 square feet (465m2) 90328 Gronp S Occupancies An automatIc spnnkler system shall be mstalled In Group S occupanCIes where the floor area exceeds 5,000 square feet (465 m2) (except Type V constructlOn) An automatic fire spnnkler system shall be Installed m all retaIl sales rooms classed as Group S occupanCIes of Type V constructlOn where the floor area exceeds 3,000 square feet (279 m2) 90329 Group lB OCCUlpanCIes An automatIc fire-extmgmslnng system shall be Installed In Group B occupanCIes (except Type V constructIOn) where the floor area exceeds 5,000 square feet (465 m2) An automatIc spnnkler system shall be mstalled m Group B, of Type V constructlOn where the floor area exceeds 3,000 square feet (279 m2) 903 2 10 3 Bunftdmgs 'IlI:nree Stones nun Helglb.t An automattc spnnkler system shall be mstalled In all occupanCIes, regardless of type of construction, If the bUlldmg IS three or more stones or more than 35 feet In heIght measured from the pad grade level to the lnghest pomt of the bmldlllg An automatIc spnnkler system shall be mstalled m all other OCCUparICIeS as may be reqUired by the 2007 CahfornIa BUIldIng Code 903 2 18 AIIOcclllpancles Automatic fire-extmgmshlllg systems shall be Illstalled m all occupancies located more than 11;2 mIles from a fire statIOn provldmg fire protectton to that 10catlOn Satd dIstance shaH be measured m a straIght lIne For R-3 OCCUparICIeS, the spnnkler system may be a resIdential spnnkler system type NFPA 13 BUIldIngs contammg portIons wlnch are reqUIred to have an automatic fire extIngmslnng system because of the number of stones shall have the automatIc fire extmgUlshIng system mstalled throughout and fire walls as set forth m SectIOn 705 shaH not be consIdered as creattng separate bUIldmgs for the purpose oftlns sectlOn When the speclfic use of a bUIldIng IS not known at the time of design and InstallatIOn of the automatic fire-extmgUlslnng system the design shall be based upon Ordmary Hazard Group 2 as set forth m the fire code Whenever an addItIon IS made to an eXlstmg bUlldmg automatIC fire-extIngUlshmg systems shall be Illstalled lfthe eXlstlllg bUildIng plus the additIOn exceeds the area or height lImitatIOns set forth In thls sectIOn Whenever the use of arI eXIstmg bUIldIng or portIOn thereof IS charIged In any manner so as to reqUire the lllstallatlOn of arI automatic fire-extIngUlshmg system, SaId system shall be Installed m that portion of the bUlldmg hOUSIng the new use F][ND][N G 'Ilb.e amendment IS needed due to local dlmatlc and tODol!raphlcan conditions 'fhls modrficahon was necessanr because of the C'ltv of Dubbn has a dnr period of at least five months each year AddltIonallv, The area IS sublect to occasional droul!1l1t Because of (in-ness, a rapulllv bumlDll! l!rass fare 011' extell"lor buddml! fire can cu:nnclkllv transfer to other bunldml!s These modifications are consistent with the lFIre AuthOlrltv havml! JurisdIctiOn 7 32 160 'IabUe 1005 1 Egress WIdth per occupant served-Amended Table 1005 I Egress WIdth per Occupant Served IS amended to read TABLE 1005 1 EGRESS WIDTH PER OCCUP ANT SERVED OCCUPANCY WITHOUT WITH SPRINKLER SYSTEM SPRINKLER SYSTEMa Stairways Other egress Stairways Other egress (Inches per components (Inches per components occupant) (mches per occupant) (mches per occupant) occupant) OccupancIes other than those lIsted belowb 03 02 03 02 Hazardous H-l, H-2 H-3 and H-4 NA NA 7 04 IntUItIOnal 1-2 NA NA 03 02 For SI 1 Inch = 25 4 rom NA = Not apphcable a BUlldmgs eqmpped throughout WIth an automatic spnnkler system In accordance WIth SectIOn 903 3 1 1 or 903 3 1 2 b See SectIOn 1025 R-4 FIND][N G 'fine amendment IS needed due to 1I0caB lleoBollncal. climatIc and tOPollll"2Dhlul comhtlODs 'fIns modll1tlcahon was necessan' because of the City of IDubhn has a din' oenolll of at least five m.onths each year AddltlOnanny. The area IS subned to occaslonall droulllb.t Because of dryness. a lI"aondBy bUlI"mllD.1l e:lI"ass fire 011" extenor buddme: fire can QUllckly transfer to other Ibunlldnne:s 'finest modifications all"e consnstent With the lFIlI"e AuthOlrntv havnB.lll IUll'nsdlctnon JIn addntIon. the San Fll'ancnsco Bay area ree:non IS denseny lDopuBatedl and/or nocated 10 an area of 1:D.Ie:1lt sensnnc actnvItnes as mdlcated by lJ mted States GeoBoelcan SUll'Vty and CahfoJrDua IDlvnsnon of Mmes and Geonol!V Recent ean1IltQuake actnvItnes. mchndme the 1989 Lorna PrIeta eartlulIuake. have mdncated the need for adequate eXltmg 732 170 Sectnon 10.152 1 ExceptnOln 2, Exnt and Exnt access dooJrWays- Amended SectIOn 10] 5 2 1 ExceptIOn 2, lS amended by addmg a new sentence to read When approved by the BUildIng OffiCial and Fire Marshal F][NDING The amendment IS needed due to DocaD lleonoencal, climatIc and tOlDollraDincal conditIOns ThiS modIficatIOn was necessan' because of the City of IDubhn has a dry lDell'nod of at least five montllts each year AddltlOnaBBy. The area IS subned to occasnonal droul!b.t Because of dryness, a: ra:ondBy lInllll"nIDe: e:1I"a:ss fire or extenor bunlldmg fire can ClIlllICkly transfer to other buddme:s Tlltese modifications are consistent wdh the lFire Autholl'lltv Ilta:yme: lunsdldlon. ][n addItIon. the San ]FrancIsco Bay area Tee:lOn IS densely populated and/or located m an a:rea of hll!h seismiC actIvItnes as mdlcated by Umted States Geoloelcan Sunrey and Cahfornna DIVISion of Mmes and GeoBof!V Recent eall1hQuake activItIes. mchndID2 the 1989 Lorna JPneta eall1hquake.have mdlcated the need for adeQuate exItme: 732180 Section 1505 1, Chapter 15, Fire CnassdicatlOn-Amended Section 1505 1 IS amended to read 1505 1 Roof AssemblIes shall be diVIded Into the classes defined below Class A, B, and C roof assemblIes and roof covenngs required to be lIsted by tlus sectIon shall be tested m accordance WIth ASTM E 108 or UL 790 In addltlOn, fire-retardant-treated wood roof covenngs shaH be tested m accordance WIth ASTM D 2898 The rmmmum roof covenngs mstalled on bUIldIngs shall comply WIth the folloWIng 1 Map ofJFlre Safe Roof Areas FIgure 15-1 * IS a map of Fire Safe Roof areas SaId map may be amended from time to time by mcludmg areas whIch are annexed to the CIty wlthm one of the two roofing areas SaId amendments may be made by the Bmldmg OffiCIal after consultatIOn, With the ChIef at the FIre Department havmgJurIsdlctlOn 2 Roofnng Area 1 Any new roof and any alteratlOn, repair or replacement for buIldIngs hOUSIng R & V-I occupancies m Roofing Area 1 shall use roof covenng matenal that conforms to Class B or better or shaH be made of concrete, ferrous or cooper metal, clay, slate or simIlar non-combusttble matenal 3 Roofing Area 2 Any new roof for bUIldmgs USIng roof covenng materIal that conforms to Class C or better or shall be made of concrete, ferrous or copper metal, clay, slate or SImIlar non-combustible matenal 4 Other Occupancies Any new roof covenng and any alteratIOns, repaIrs or replacement of roof covenng matenal for bUlldmgs hOUSIng all other occupancIes shall conform to the reqmrements as set forth III Roofing Area 1 * Editor's Note FIgure 15-1 IS on file m the office of the CIty Clerk IF][ND][N G 'Ihe amendment IS needed due to nocaH climatiC and tOlP02ralDhlcan conddnons 'Ihns modnfncatnorn was necessalrV because of tine Cd" of DublIn has a dn' lDernod of at least five months eacllt year AdddnornaHy. 'Ilb.e area. IS sublect to occasional drou2D:nt Because of dryness. a raouUy lburnml! l!rass fire or extenor IIJ1uldm2 fire can QUlcklv trarnsfer to other buddm.l!s 'Ihese modIfncatIons are consistent With tllte lFIre Authontv havIDe: Dunsdnctnon I 732 190 'fable 1607 1, ClltalPtell' 16, Ul1I.lform ami concell1tratedlloadls-Amended Table 1607 1 IS amended by addmg a new Footnote M to read M Bndges for vehicular traffic shall be deSIgned for H20 loadmg as deSignated by the Amencan ASSOCIatlOn of State Highway OffiCIals lFINIDING 'Ihe amendment IS needed due to nocaH l!eolol!lcal. chmatlc and tODoe:ralPDucaR corndltnons 1'llus modificatIOn was necessary because lbrnde:es were not addressed by the buIldml! code AdddnonaHy do to tllte Cnty's terram a number of bnd2es and overpasses mav be reQUIred 732200 Section 16141, Modnficatnons to ASCE 7-Added SectIOn 1614 15 added to Chapter 16 to read 1614 1 General The text of ASCE 7 shall be modified as IndIcated m thIS SectIon 1614 1 3 ASCE 7, SectlOn 12 8 1 1 Modify ASCE 7 Sectton 128 1 1 by amendIng 12 8-5 as follows EquatlOn Cs = 0 044 SDsI 2: 0 01 (EquatIOn 12 8-5) 1614 1 7 ASCE 7, SectIOn 12 123 Replace ASCE 7 SectlOn 12 123 as follows 12 123 MImmum BUlldmg Separation All structures shall be separated from adJolmng structures SeparatIOns shall allow for the mroamum melasttc response dIsplacement (~M) 8M shall be detemllned at cntlcallocatIOns WIth conSIderatIon for both translatIOnal and torslOnal displacements of the structure as follows 8M = Cdomax (EquatIOn 16-45) where Omax IS the calculated maximum displacement at Level x as defined In 12 843 ASCE 7 SectIOn Adjacent bUIldmgs on the same property shall be separated by at least a distance 8MT, where ~MT = ~(&'11)2 + (8M2)2 (EquatlOn 16-46) and 8Ml and 8M2 are the maxImum melastlc response dIsplacements of the bUIldmgs adjacent Where a structure adJoms a property hne not common to a publIc way, the structure shall also be set back from the property lIne by at least the dIsplacement, 8M of that structure ExceptIon Smaller separatIOns or property hne setbacks shall be permItted when JustIfied by ratIonal analYSIS lFINIDINGS The amendment ns needed due to Bocal 2eoI0!!lcaI. clImatnc and tODJoe:raohncal condntlOns 'fine San FranCISCO Bay ana nl!lon IS densely lDopullated andJOIr located m an area of Imrh seismIC acbvdnes as nndncated bv Unnted States Geoloe:ncal SUlrVev and Cabforma Dnvlslon of Mnnes and Geolo!!V Recent eartlullualke actIVities. mchndllllle: the 1989 JLoma Pneta eartlltQluake. have mdlcated the lack of adequate d1esne:n and detanRme: as a contrlbutme: factor to damae:es that reduced the protectIOn of the hfe-safety of bmldnne: occummts The City of Dubllm IS a denselly [)aDuRated area havm.e: 1l:HlllldlDe:S construc1ted near potentmlRy active faults The ASSOCIatIon of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) rou21ltlly estnmates the JPll"Obabnllntv of a senous earthauake allonl!: the Havward lFault as one-m-ft"olllll" no the next 30 years. wlltnRe the lJSGS predict the probabilIty of a JDowerlul auake m tine next 30 yean at 62% 'Ihe proposed modhficatlon to ensure that the deSIl!n oft" sllender wallll must satnsfv botllt stremrth and sell"Vnceabnhtv requirements need to be lI1lcorlJorated IIlto the code to assure that new buddm!!'s and additIOns to eXlstnn2 blllnldme:s are dlesl21l1ed and! constructed III accordance wnth tllte scone and obJectives of the InternatIOnal lBunlldmg Code 732210 Sec1tlOn1805 4l- 23 1, PRam concrete :Ifootnngs rebar re(j[lD.Irements- Amended SectlOn 1805 423, IS amended by addmg SectIOn 1805423 1 All plalll concrete footlllgs, as a mInImum, shall have Installed one Y2 mch (51 mm) contmuous rebar placed at the top and bottom of all grade beams and spread footIngs IF][NIDRNGS The amendmelllt IS needed due to 10cale:eoHoe:lcal, clImatic and tOJlJoe:raDhncal conditions 'Ihe San :!FrancIsco llb.v area rel!lon IS densely populated and/or located m an area of budl sensmlc actnvltnes as mdlcated bv Umted States Geoloe:ncal SUn'ey and Call1forma DIVIsion of MUles and Geolol!V Recent earthQuake activIties, nndudme: tllte 1989 lLoma lPneta eall1lltquake. have mdlcated the lack of adeauate desle:1D. and detadme: as a cOllltnbutme: factor to damae:es that rednced the protectIon of the Hife-safety of bnddml! occumants The City of Dulblm us a densely populated area havlDe: bunlldlDe:s constructed near DotelllltlanV actIve faults 1rllte Assoclatnon of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) roue:lltnv estnmates the lDll"Oballnhty of a senOlllS earthquake aloDe: tllte Havward :!Fault as one-U1I-fOl.D.ll" no the next 30 years. wlule the USGS predict the probalbnllntv of a powerful Quake m the next 30 years at 620/0 'Ihe proposed modlfncatlOlllI to ensure that the desne:n of slender wan must satisfy both stren:urth and sell"Vnceabnhty reCllllllrements need to be UlcorpOIrated mto the code to assure tilt at new lmnlldnne:s and addntnOllls to exnstmf! bmldllll2s are deSll!ned and constructed m accordance wnth the SCOlPe and objectives of the Internatnonal Bunlldme: Code 732 220 SectIOn 1908 I, Chapter 19, StructUllrallForces related to slender cOllllcrete wan desngn-Amended SectIOn 1908 1, IS amended to read 1908 1 General The text of ACI 318 shall be modIfied as mdlcated m SectIOns 1908 1 1 through 1908 1 1 7 JFINIDINGS The amendment ns lllIeeded due to locale:eol021cal. clImatic and tOlOoe:rapnucal condItIO III S 'Ihe San Francnsco Bay area ref!lOn IS denselv lDopulated allld/or nocated lID. an area of hlf!1b. selsmnc actlvntnes as mdncated! bv Umted States Geoloe:lcaJ SUll"Vey and Cahfornn2 DlvnslOn of Mmes and Geoloev Recent earthQuake actiVItIes. mcludme: the 1989 lLoma Pll"Ieta earth<1luake. have mdlcated! tll1e lack of adequate desle:D and detanllme: as a contll'lbntm2 faetor to damae:es that reduced the protection of the life-safety of Ibunndme: occupants 'fine CIty of DublIn IS a densely populated area havme: D.mIldm2s constructed near potentially actnve fauUs 'fine Assocnatlon of Bav Area Governments (AlBAG-) roue:hly estnmates the probabnhtv of a senous earthquake anolll.f! the Havward lFaunt as one-m-foUllr 10 the next 30 years. whde the USGS prednct the probabilIty of a powerful <make iii the next 30 years at 62% 'Ihe proposed modlll1catlon to ensure that tllte desle:n of slender wan must satisfy both strene:tlb. and servnceabIlnty reQunremenIts need to be mcorlDorated mto the code to assUllre that new Ibunlldme:s and addltnons to eXlstme: bunndnne:s are desu!nedl and constructed In accordance With the scope and obJectIves of the Internatnonal lBuddnne: Code 7 32 230 SectIOn 1908 n 17, Cba pfeil" 19, StrncturallF orces renated! to slender concrete wan desnglll-Added A new SectlOn 1908 1 1 7 IS added to read 1908 1 17 ACI 318, SectIon 14 8, ModIfy ACI 318 SectIOn 1483 and 14 84 equation (14-7), (14-8) and (14-9) replacmg 1 ModIfy equatIOn (14-7) of ACI 318 SectlOn 14 8 3 as follows ler shall be calculated by EquatIOn (14-7), and Ma shall be obtamed by IteratIOn of deflectlOns Es ( P u h l ( )2 ["c3 Icr=- A,+-- d-c +- Ec h 2d. 3 (14-7) and the value EJEc shall not be taken less than 6 2 Modify ACI 318 SectIOn 14 84 as follows 14 84 - MaxImum out-of-plane deflectlOn, I'1s' due to servIce loads, mcludmg PI'1 shall not exceed Ic/150 effects, If Ma, maximum moment at mId -height of wall due to servIce lateral and eccentnc IncludIng P 1'1 effects, exceed (2/3)Mer, 1'1, shall be calculated by EquatIOn (14-8) loads, 2 2 M,,--Mer ( 2 ) 1'1, = 31'1 r + ~ I'1n - 31'1er Mn --Mer 3 (14-8) If Ma does not exceed (2/3)Mer, I'1s shall be calculated by Equation (14-9) I'1s =( Ma ]tJ.er Mer ( 14-9) where 1'1 = 5 MeJe 2 or 48E I c .. 1'1 = 5M)/ n 48EJer lFJINDliNGS 'file amendment IS needed due to nocan e:eoloeucal. chmahc and topoeraplncaJl comhtuons 'Ilb.e San IF ll'anCIS co ]Bay area reenon ns densely populated and/oll' Jlocated m an area of Jlne:h seismiC actlvntIes as mdlcated by lJOlted States Geoloe:lcal Survev and Call1lforma Dnvlslolll of Mmes and GeoJlo2V Recent eartDUIl111ake actnvltIes, mchndme: the 1989 Lorna Pll'leta earthQuake. have mdlcated the Back of adeQuate desneD and detanhne: as a contrlbutllllle faetoll' to dam.aees that reduced the protection of the lIfe-safety of buddnne: occummts 'file City of DulbHllDllS a densely lDOPlllllated area nUUVnDle: lbmndmes constructed neall' potentnaHy active faults The ASSOCiatIon of Bay Area Governments (AJBAG) Il'olllelltnv estnmates the lDll'obablhtv of a sernollls earthquake alone: the Hamard Fault as one-m-fol.llr IlDl the next 30 years, wlnle the USGS prednct tine lDrobaD:nhtv of a lDowenlllJl Quake nn the next 30 years at 620/0 'lime OTolDosed modIfication to ensure that the desne:n of slender waHl munst satIsfy both stJl"leDe:tllt and selrVnceabdntv reQuIrements need to be mcoll'porated unto the code to assure that new lbmhllmes and addhtlons to eXlstme: ll:nlddme:s are desle:ned and constructed m accordance with the scope and obDechves of the International lBmldme: Code 732240 Sectnon 230893, Chapter 23. Bracmg, Hem S-IDeletedl SectIon 230893, Item 5 IS deleted ]FINDING 'Illte amendment IS needed due to local e:eolloe:lcal conditions ThiS sectnon deHetes the use of 2VPSlllm board for llatenl bracme: ThiS deletIOn nS necessary becaunse the Cnty ofIDUlllDllm ns located lID. SensrDUc Zone D and E Gypsum wallboard has performed lDoorllv durme: recent Cahfornna sensmDC events 'ID:te shear values for 2YPsum wallboard con tamed DDl the cadle are based on mono-dDrectDonal testIne: Jrt DS approlPrnate to hmnt the use of tlltns product untd cvdlc lloadme: tests are performed andl evaluated 732250 Sectnon 230893, Chapter 23, lBracmg, ][tem 7-Amended Section 2320 11 3, Item 7 IS amended to read Portland cement plaster on studs spaced 16 Illches (406 mm) on center mstalled In accordance WIth SectIOn 2510 LImited to smgle story R-3 and U-l occupanCIes The amendment ns needed due to local e:eoloe:Dcal condntlons lFINDING 'Ihls sectlOlll IImnts tllte use of portland cement lDlaster for lateral bracme to snne:ne stOry resndentlal bunlldme:s ThiS IImntatnon DS necessary because the City of DublIn IS located m SeDsmlc Zone D and E Exterior portland cement plaster has peD1formed lDoorly dunne: recent Cahfornna seIsmiC events The shear values for lDortland cement stucco contamell! m the code .are based on mono-chrectlOnal testm2 H IS alDlDrOPllute to hm" the use of thDS lDrodmct mntnl cycllnc lloadme tests are lDerformell! and evaluated 7 32 260 SectIon 2308 12 5, Attachmellll.t of Sllteathmg-Amended SectIOn 2308 125, IS amended by addmg a second paragraph All braced wall panels shall extend to the roof sheathmg and shall be attached to parallel roof rafters or blockmg above With frammg clIps (18 gauge nummum) spaced at maxImum 24 mches (6096 mm) on center WIth four 8d naIls per leg (total eight 8d nails per clIp) Braced wall panels shall be laterally braced at each top corner and at maximum 24 Inch (6096 mm) mtervals along the top plate of dlscontmuous vertIcal frammg lFIND][NG-S Tille amendment ns needed dllle to localeeolo2lcan. chmatnc mndl tOlDo2ralDIltncal condntnOlIlS The San Frmnclsco Bay area rce:IOnlS densely lDolDullated allll.dJor nouted In an area of hneh sensmDC actlvItnes as mdncated bv lJmted States Geoloencan Survey and CalIfornna Dnvlsnon of Mmes and Geolo2Y Recent earthquake actiVItIes. mcludme: the 1989 JLoma J?neta earthcnuake. hmve md.cated tllte lack of adequate desle:n and detallm2 as a contr.butme factor to damae:es that reduced the IDll'OtedlOl11 of the hfe-safety of bmldme: occupants 'fine City of IDlubnm IS a densenv populated area lb.avDllll.2 1l:mnndm2s constructed near potentnaHy actlye faults The Assoclatnon of Bav Area Governments (ABAG) roue:lltny estimates the lDroballnhty of a senolns eartlh.<make alone the Havward lFault as one-no-foUlI' m the next 30 years. whnlle the USGS pre(hct the probability 011' a lPowerlul Quak.e RIll the next 30 years at 62% 'fllte IDroposed modrficanoHl to ensure that the desl21tD. of slender waH must satIsfy both stnne:tllI and servnceablhty re<llulrements need to be mcorporatedmto the code to assure that new bunldme:s and addntlOns to exlStm.e. buddme.s are desn2ned and constructed In accordance with the scope and obJectnves oftD:ne butell"lllahomnl Buddm2. Code 732270 SectIon 3110 1, CD:napter 31.ProhlbIted b.staHatnons-Addedl A new Section 3110 1 IS added to read It shall be unlawful to Install a wood burnmg fireplace or appltance that IS not one 0 [the followmg 1) Pellet-fueled wood heater, 2) EP A certIfied wood heater, 3) Fireplace certIfied by EP A lFINID][N G The amendment ns needed due to local climatic and tOPOl!raphlCaR condln.OIlls 'fhls modll1'ncatnon was necessall"V because fireplaces andl wood stoves l!enen-ate 410 percent of the lDartlcuRate maUer un tllte ]Bav Area dunnl! tllte wmter months Of 2.reater concern are the fine partldes. winch can lodl!e dleep un the Runl!s causml! permanent IUlJ/lll! dama2.e and mcreasml! mortality ]BLIlmm2. wood also l!enerates carbon monOXide. IllltrOl!en diOXide. volatde orl!amc and tOXIC air 1D0Bhltants 732280 SectIon 3203, Chapter 32, Sngns~Added A new SectIOn 3203 IS added to read SectIOn 3203 SIgns SIgns when placed flat agaInst the wall of a bUIldmg shall not project beyond the front property hne more than 12 mches (305nun) }FIND][N G 'Ihe amendment ns needed due to local dnmatnc alllld tOPol!raphncal condltnons ThiS modnfncatnon was necessall"V do to the Cnty of DublIn's baSIC wmd speed reqmrement 732290 Sectnon HI01 2, Signs exempt from permits -Deleted SectIOn HI 0 1 2 IS deleted FINIDING The amendment ns needed due to local dlman.c and tODol!raplucaD condltnons 'fl/ns modnficatnon was neCeSS3ll"V do to tllte Cnty of Dublin's baSIC wmd speed reqUIrement 732300 Secn.on 1010, Appendnx Chapter 10, Bmldmg secunty - Added AppendiX Chapter 10 IS added to read Section 1010 ReSidentIal bUIldmg secunty shall be m accordance WIth the Uniform Buddmg Secunty Code m addItIOn to the followmg (a) Addressmg All dwellmg umts shall be addressed as follows (1) Dnveways servlcmg more than 5 mdlvldual dwellIng units shall have mImmum of 4 mch hIgh ldentlficatlOn numbers, notIng the range of unit numbers placed at the entrance to each dnveway at a heIght between 36 and 42 mches above grade The address numbers shall be lllurmnated dunng the hours of darkness The lIght source shall be proVided WIth an unmterruptIble AC power source or controlled only by a photoelectnc deVice (2) There shall be posItioned at each street entrance of a multiple fan1l1y dwellIng complex havmg more than one structure, an lllummated dIagrammatic representatIOn (map) of the complex that shows the locatIOn of the VIewer and the unIt deSIgnatIons WithIn the complex It shall be lIghted durmg the hours of darkness utlhzmg a hght source whIch IS constructed of weather and vandal resistant matenals and provIded WIth an unInterruptIble AC power source or controlled by a photoelectrIc devIce Notlung m thiS section shall preclude the reqUIrement for CIrcUIt protectIOn deVices where applIcable (3) No other number may be affixed to a structure that might be mIstaken for, or confused With, the number assigned to the structure (4) If the bUIldIng IS adjacent to an alley, the number shall also be placed on or adjacent to the rear gate accessmg the alley (5) For multIfamIly bUIldIngs WIth recessed entryway over 2 feet, an additional lIghted address must be placed at the entryway to the recessed area If the recessed area prOVIdes access to more than one dwelhng unIt, the range of unItS shall be dIsplayed (6) Each pnnclpal bUIldIng ofa multIfamily complex shall display the number or letter aSSIgned to that bUIldmg on each comer of the bUIldmg at a height that WIll prevent the number from bemg obscured by landscapmg (7) Any bUIldmg With vehIcular access to the rear through a pubhc or pnvate alley shall display, In a clearly vlSlble locatIon, a hIghly reflectIve or Illummated address number a mlmmUD1 of two (2) Inches m heIght (8) AddreSSIng shall not be obstructed by arclntectural structures such as trellIses, arbors, balcomes, lIght fixtures and or landscapIng ExterIor doors Each extenor door shaBH be secured as foHows (1) Extenor doors (excludmg glass patIO doors) and doors leadmg from garage areas Into dwellmgs shall be eqUIpped With a dead bolt lock With one Inch (1 ") throw (2) Pans of doors shall have flush bolts WIth a mlmmum throw of five-eIghths lOch (5/8") at the head and foot (floor and cetllllg) of the mactIve leaf (3) Doorstop on a wooden Jamb for an m-swmg door shall be of one-pIece constructIOn WIth the Jamb Jomed by a rabbet (4) Locks shall be prOVided on all shdIng patto doors (5) SlIdmg patio glass doors opelllng onto patIOS or balcomes whIch are less than one story above grade or are otherwise acceSSible from the outSIde shall have the moveable sectIOn of the door slIdmg on the mSlde of the fixed portIOn of the door or possess an approved secondary lock mounted on mterIor of moveable sectlOn (6) The lock bolt on all glass patIO doors shall engage the strIke suffiCiently to prevent ItS bemg dIsengaged by any pOSSible movement of the door WIthlll the space or clearance prOVIded for InstallatIOn and operation The strike area shall be of materIal adequate to mallltam effectiveness of bolt strength (b) lLallldscapnng (1) Shrubs and ground cover shall not dIfectly cover wmdows and doorways (2) RIver rock used near parkIng lots or bUlldmgs shall be permanently affixed (3) Backyard gates shall be the full heIght of the wall or fence adjacent and capable of bemg locked (4) Open space and bmldmgs shall be arrarIged to afford VISibIlIty and opportumty for surveIllance by on-site users and passers-by (5) Barriers, both real and symbolIc, shall be desIgned to afford opporturutles for surveIllance through the barner (6) For resIdential development, walls or fences, If Installed, shall be a mlmmum of 6 feet m helght when adjacent to arIY of the folloWIng Reverse frontage Retention/detentIOn areas Parks COllUllercIal areas Industnal areas Bike paths (c) lrnghtmg, R~l OccInpancy Llghtmg of MultIfarmly or Apartment complexes shall at a mImmum be Illumlllated as follows (1) A slte plan shall be provlded showmg bUlldmgs, parkmg areas, walkways, detaIled landscapmg and a pomt by pomt photometnc calculatIOn of the reqUired hght levels (2) All extenor entrances shall be Illummated With a uniformly mamtaIned mmlmum level of one foot candle of lIght between ground level and 6 vertIcal feet wIthm a mInImum radIUS of 15 feet from the center of the entrance between SUflset and SunrIse (3) Postal ServIce "gang boxes" (group postal boxes) shall be IllumInated With a urnformly mamtamed mmlmum level of one foot candle of hght (4) LightIng of all exterIor areas shall be deSIgned to maximIze survelllance and reduce confhcts WIth bUIldIng deSIgn, mature landscapmg, and to mlrnmIze glare (5) Open stairways shall be Illummated WIth a mlmmum mamtamed five-tenths (0 5) foot-candle of lIght m all landIngs and staIr treads durmg the hours of darkness Enclosed staIrways and enclosed common corndors shall be illumInated at all tImes With a mlmmum mamtamed one-foot candle of lIght on alllandmgs and stair treads (6) Pnvate streets, alleys, and emergency access roads shall be Illummated usmg the same standards as estabhshed for pubhc thoroughfares (7) Aisles, passageways, pedestnan walkways and recessed areas related to and wIthm a bmldmg, a bUIldmg complex, or provldmg access to a bUIldIng or bUlldmg complex from a parkmg lot or fight of way shall be Illummated WIth a mlrnmum umformly maIntained minImum level of one foot candle of lIght between ground level and SIX vertical feet between sunset and sunrIse or other methods approved by the Bmldmg OffiCIal (8) Each parkIng lot and/or carport provldmg more than ten (10) parkmg spaces shall be proVided WIth and mamtamed to a mllllmum of one foot-candle of hght on the parkmg surface The BUIldmg OffiCIal may approve a lower hght level, If It can be demonstrated that the lower level proVIdes for sufficlent securIty hghtlllg (9) Llghtmg fixtures shall be so arranged as to Illummate hght unIformly over the parkIng surface and be tamper resistant All hght sources reqmred by this sectlOn shall be (a) controlled by a photocell device or a tIme clock that WIll turn the lIghts on at dusk and off at dawn and (b) protected by weather and vandal reslstant covers (d) Garage 'Iype (Velltnde) IDoors Garage-type doors, whIch are either roilIng overhead, sohd overhead, SWlllglllg, shdmg, or accordIOn style doors shall conform to the followmg standards, (1) Wood doors shall have panels a mlmmum of five-sIxteenths (5/16) Inch In thtckness WIth the lockmg hardware bemg attached to the support frammg (2)AlumInum doors shall be a mlmmum thickness of 0215 Inches and rIveted together a mmlmum of 18 Inches on center along the outSIde seams There shall be a full WIdth hOrIzontal beam attached to the main door structure WhICh shall meet the pIlot, or pedestrian access, door frammg WIthIn 3 Inches of the stnke area of the pilot or pedestrian access door (3) Fiberglass doors shall have panels a mlmmum denSity of 6 ounces per square foot from the bottom of the door to a height of 7 feet Panels above 7 feet and panels In resldentml structures shall have a denSity not less than 5 ounces per square foot (4) Doors utilIZIng a cyllllder lock shall have a lock recelvmg pOInt at each outer edge of the door, or, If the door does not exceed 19 feet, a smgle bolt may be used If placed m the center of the door WIth the lockIng pOInt located eIther at the floor or door frame header (5) Doors WIth shde bolt assemblies shall have frames a mlmmum of 120 Inches of thIckness, With a mimmum bolt dtameter of one half (1/2) Inch and protrude at least one and one half (1 'is) Inches Into the receIVmg gUIde A bolt dIameter of three-eighths (3/8) mch may be used In a reSidentIal bUlldmg The shde bolt shall be attached to the door With non~removable bolts from the outSIde RIvets shall not be used to attach shde bolt assembhes (e) Emergelllcy Access (1) Pnvate roads and parkmg areas or structures controlled by unmanned mechanical parkIng type gates shall proVIde for polIce emergency access as follows (1) RadiO frequency access or by provldmg the gate access code for dlstnbutIOn to emergency responders When an access code IS to be utIlized the control box IS to be mounted on a control pedestal conslstmg of a metal post/pipe which shall be mstalled at a heIght of 42 mches and a mlmmum of 15 feet (4 6m) from the entry/exIt gate It shall be located on the drIver's Side ofthe road or dnveway and accessIble m such a manner as to not reqUIre a person to eXIt their vehIcle to reach It, nor to dnve on the wrong SIde of the road or drIveway, nor to reqUIre any back-up movements In order to enter/exIt the gate (2) All lockable pedestrian gates to resIdentml recreatIOn areas servmg 6 or more dwellmg unItS, and gates or doors to common walkways or hallways ofresldentml complexes where there are 4 or more dwellIng unItS wIthm the complex, shall prOVide for pohce emergency access utlhzmg an approved key SWitch deVIce or approved Knox box which shall be mstalled as follows (3) Pedestnan gates/doors usmg an electromagnetIc type lock shall mstall a key SWItch WIthtn a telephone/Intercom console or m control housmg, or other method approved by the BUIldmg OffiCIal that WIll proVIde for polIce emergency access Options Include radIO frequency access or provldmg the gate access code for dlstnbutIon to emergency responders (4) Pedestnan gate doors utIlIzmg mechanIcal locks shall mstall a Knox box adjacent to each gate/door, securely attachIllg It to a fence or wall (f) Keymg requirements Upon occupancy by the owner or propnetor, each smgle unIt In a tract or commercIal development, constructed under the same site development reView, shall have locks usmg cOmbInatlOns that are Interchange free from locks used m all other separate dwellIngs, propnetorshlps, or SImIlar dlstmct occupancies (g) lLalm.dry rooms or areas Common area laundry rooms III garden style multIple~famIly complexes shall be designed and protected as follows (1) Entry doors shall have a A mlmmum SIX hundred (600) square mch clear VISIOn panel m the upper half of the door, conslstmg of lj.,' tempered glass b AutomatIc, hydraulIc door closures c Self-Iockmg door locks eqmpped With a dead-lockmg latch allOWIng eXltmg by a smgle motIOn and openable from the mSlde wlthout the use of a key or any specml knowledge or effort d Non-removable hmge pInS for out-sWInglllg doors to preclude removal ofthe door from the extenor by removmg the hmge pInS e A latch protector conslstmg ofmlmmum 0 125-mch-thlck steel attached to the door's extenor by non-removable bolts from the extenor It shall be two t2) mches wIde and extend a mlmmum offive mches above and below the strike opemng and extend a mlmmum of one (l) mch beyond the edge of the door It shall have a metal antI-spread pm a mlmmum of one-half (1/2) Inch m length (2) The laundry room shall be Illummated at all ttmes WIth a mlmmum mamtamed one-foot candle of hght at floor level, usmg a non-mterruptIble power source There shall be no lIght sWItches InSide the room that controlltght fixtures used to meet thiS hghtmg reqUIrement (3) Any portlOn of an openable WIndow whIch IS wlthm eIght (8) feet vertIcally or SIX (6) feet honzontally from any accessIble surface or any adJOlmng roof, balcony, landIng, staIr tread, platform, or sImtlar surface, or any chmbable pole or tree, or any surface provldlllg a foothold, shall be secured as reqUired by sectIon 1018 Umform BUlldmg SeCUrIty Code (4) The mtenor ofIaundry rooms shall be VISIble from the extenor along common walkIng or dnvIng surfaces Penmeter wmdows and mtenor mirrors may be uttltzed to meet thIS reqUIrement Laundry rooms are to be located m hIgh actIvIty areas With natural surveIllance opportumtIes and not In remote or Isolated locatIOns (h) Other reljJlllllremeIllts 0) Storage Areas Any extenor storage area attached to a dwellIng, apartment or condomInIUm and enclosed by a door shall comply WIth thts sectIOn or have a mlmmum 3/8" dIameter hardened padlock hasp (2) Side Gates SIde gates shall be the full heIght of the adjacent fence or wall and be capable of bemg locked SIde gates shall be secured With a sltde bolt mounted on the mSlde of the gate The slIde bolt shall have a bolt dIameter of three-eIghths (3/8) mch and protrude at least one and one-half (1 ~) mches Into the receiVIng gUide The slIde bolt shall be attached to the gate With non-removable bolts Rivets shall not be used to attach sltde bolt assemblIes The slide bolt shall be mounted at a height that IS not accessIble by reachmg over the gate (1) Enevators Elevators shall be desIgned as follows Elevator cabs, the mtenors of whIch are not completely vISIble when the door IS open from a pOInt centered on the 36 mches away form the door shall have shatter reSIstant mIrrors or other equally reflecttve matenal so placed as to make vlSlble the entIre elevator cab from tills pOInt The elevator cab shall be Illummated at all hmes WIth a mmlmum mamtamed 2 foot candles of hght at floor level (J) Stau"Ways Except for pnvate stairways, StaIrways shall be deSigned as follows (al Intenor doors shall have glazIng panels a mlmmum of 5 Inches wide and 20 Inches m height and meet reqUIrements of the InternatIOnal BUildIng Code (b) Areas beneath stairways at or below ground level shall be fully enclosed or access to them restncted (c) Enclosed stairways shall have shatter reSIstant miITors or other equally reflective matenal at each level and landIng and be deSIgned or placed 10 such manner as to prOVIde vISIbility around corners lFINDINGS 'Ihe amendment IS needed due to nocan 2eol021ul and toooersohncal condntnons nUS lll1odnficatnoID. ns llIlecessarv do to the topoeraplltncallv natuJre offlne Cnty and tllle easy access to freeways lit ns necessarv to adopt Jrell1lll1Jrements of crime preventnon Addntlonallv tllus wnn brme the code mto confonnance wnth the City of Dubnm Polnce Department Jrell1lll1Jrements 7323JlO Section Jl020, Appendnx Chapter JlO, Non ResldentIan Buddmg Secunty Reqllllrements -Added Sechon 1020 N on ReSidential BUIldmg Secunty shall be as follows (a) Addlressmg All non-residential bUIldIngs I unitS shall be addressed as follows (1) BUIldIngs reqmre a mlmmum of5-mch high numbers displayed on the bUIldmg (2) Tenant space numbers shall be a mllllmum size of 5 mches and be located on all doors ExceptIOn, dual doors may have the addresses on one door or centered above the doors In addition all rear doors or servIce doors WIll have the name of the busllless In 5-mch hIgh lettenng (3) There shall be posItIoned at each street entrance of a non-reSidentIal complex havmg more than one structure, an IllumInated dIagrammatIc representatIOn (map) of the complex that shows the locatIOn of the VIewer and the unit deSIgnatIOns WithIn the complex (4) No other number may be affixed to a structure that mIght be mistaken for, or confused With, the number asSigned to the structure (5) The assIgned address, mcludmg the SUIte number, shall be dIsplayed on all electrIC meters III accordance WIth uhhty company standards (6) If the bUIldIng IS adjacent to an alley, the number shall also be placed on or adjacent to the rear gate accessmg the alley (7) BUIldIngs wIth recessed entryway over 2 feet, an addltlonal hght must be placed at the entryway to the recessed area If the recessed area provides access to more than one tenant space the range of umts shall be dIsplayed (8) Where more than 1 bUlldmg IS accessed by a common street entrance or there are multiple bUlldmgs on the same lot, each prlllclpal bUIldmg shall dIsplay the number or letter assigned to that bUIldmg on each comer of the bUIldIng, as detenmned by the BUIldIng OffiCIal These numbers shall be made VISIble dUrIng the hours of darkness The street name may also be reqmred when there IS a secondary street frontage (9) All statrwells / elevator lobbies shall be numerIcal IdentIfied (10) In CommercIal Day Care or Educatlon facIlItIes all exterIor doors shall be provided WIth a room number on the door A map of the faclhtles detathng locatIOn of all rooms and theIr uses shall be kept on file at the facIlItIes on-sIte office (b) Lallldsca.plll1g (1) Shrubs and ground cover shall not directly cover WIndows and doorways (2) River rock used near parklllg lots or commercIal bUIldIngs shall be pennanently affixed (3) Open space and bUIldmgs shall be arranged to afford VISIbIlIty and OppOrtunity for surveillance by on-SIte users and passers-by (4) BarrIers, both real and symbohc, shall be deSigned to afford opportunltles for surveIllance through the barrier (c) Lnglb.tnng Llghtmg ofnon-resldentml bUlldmgs shall at a mlmmum be Illummated as follows (1) A SIte plan shall be proVIded shoWIng bUIldIngs, parkmg areas, walkways, detailed landscapmg and a pOInt by pomt photometnc calculatlon of the reqUIred lIght levels The SIte plans shall be approved prIor to the Issuance of the bUIldIng permit (2) All exterIor entrances shall be Illummated WIth a unIformly mamtaIned mlmmum level of one foot candles of hght between ground level and 6 vertIcal feet WIthm a mlmmum radIUS of 15 feet from the center of the entrance between sunset and sunnse (3) All lIght sWitches In pubhc rest rooms or rooms IdentIfied for general PUblIC use shall be of the style that cannot be turned off or on by users other than staff All lIght sWitches m rooms used specIfically for chIldren's' actlvltles or children's recreatIon, shall be of a style that can only be accessed by authonzed staff (4) Llghtmg of all extenor areas shall be deSIgned to maximIze surveIllance and reduce confltcts With bUIldmg desIgn, mature landscapmg, and to mInImiZe glare (5) Open statrways shall be IllumInated WIth a mmlmum mamtamed five-tenths (0 5) foot-candle of lIght In alllandmgs and stair treads dUflng the hours of darkness Enclosed staIrways and enclosed common comdors shall be Illummated at all times WIth a mImmum matntaIned one-foot candle of lIght on alllandmgs and staIr treads (6) Pnvate streets, alleys, and emergency access roads shall be Illummated USIng the same standards as establIshed for publIc thoroughfares (7) AIsles, passageways, pedestnan walkways and recessed areas related to and WIthIn a bUildIng, a bUIldmg complex, or providIng access to a bUlldmg or bmldmg complex from a parkmg lot or rIght of way shall be Illummated With a rmmmum uniformly mamtaIned mmlmum level of one foot candle of ltght between ground level and SIX vertIcal feet between sunset and sunrise (8) Open parkIng lots, carports and refuse areas shall be provIded With and mamtamed to a mmlmum of one foot-candle of ltght on the parkmg surface between sunset and surmse The BUIldmg OffiCial may approve a lower hght, If It can be demonstrated that the lower level prOVIdes for sufficient security ltghtmg (9) Covered parkmg lots or covered portIons of parkIng lots shall be IllumInated WIth a umformly mamtallled mmImum level of one foot candle of hght between ground level and 6 vertIcal feet between sunset and sunrIse (10) Parkmg structures or enclosed or partially enclosed parkmg lots shall be Illummated WIth a uniformly maIntaIned mInImum level of two foot candles of light between ground level and 6 vertical feet between surmse and sunset (dayhght hours) Allltght sources reqUired by tlus sectIOn shall be (a) controlled by a photocell deVIce or a ttme clock that WIll turn the hghts on at dusk and off at dawn and (b) protected by weather and vandal reSIstant covers (d) Garage 'Iype (Vehicle) Doors Garage-type doors, whIch are either rollIng overhead, sohd overhead, SWIngmg, slIdmg, or accordIon style doors shall conform to the followmg standards, (1) Wood doors shall have panels a mIDlmum of five-sIxteenths (5/16) lllch m tluckness With the lockmg hardware bemg attached to the support frammg (2)Alummum doors shall be a mInImum thickness of 0215 mches and rIveted together a mlmmum of 18 Illches on center along the outSide seams There shall be a full Width hOrIzontal beam attached to the mam door structure whIch shall meet the pIlot, or pedestnan access, door frammg WIthm 3 Inches of the stnke area of the pIlot or pedestnan access door (3) Fiberglass doors shall have panels a mmlmum densIty of6 ounces per square foot from the bottom of the door to a height of 7 feet Panels above 7 feet and panels m resIdentIal structures shall have a denSity not less than 5 ounces per square foot (4) Doors utIlIzmg a cylInder lock shall have a lock recelvmg pomt at each outer edge ofthe door, or, of the door does not exceed 19 feet, a smgle bolt may be used If placed m the center of the door WIth the lockIng pOInt located either at the floor or door frame header (5) Doors With shde bolt assemblIes shall have frames a mIDlmum of 120 mches oftluckness, WIth a mmImum bolt diameter of one half (1/2) mch and protrude at least one and one half (1 ~) Inches Into the reCeIVIng gUIde A bolt dIameter of three-eIghths (3/8) mch may be used m a resIdential bUildIng The slIde bolt shall be attached to the door WIth non-removable bolts from the outSIde Rivets shall not be used to attach slIde bolt assemblIes (6) Padlocks used With extenor mounted sJtde bolts shall have a hardened steel shackle lockmg at both heel and toe and a mInImum five pm tumbler operatIOn WIth non-removable key when In an unlocked posItIon Padlocks used WIth Intenor mounted shde bolts shall have a hardened steel shackle WIth a minImum 4-pm tumbler operatIOn (e) Emergency Access (1) Pnvate roads and parkmg areas or structures controlled by unmanned mechanical parkmg type gates shall proVide for emergency access as follows I (A) RadIO frequency access or by providIng the gate access code for distributIOn to emergency responders When arI access code IS to be utilized the control box IS to be mounted on a control pedestal consIstIng of a metal post/pIpe whIch shall be Installed at a height of 42 mches arid a I mInImum of 15 feet (4 6m) from the entry/exl1t gate It shall be located on the dnver's side of the road or dnveway and accessIble m such a manner as to not reqUIre a person to eXit theIr vehicle to reach It, nor to drIve on the wrong sIde ofthe road or drIveway, nor to reqUIre any back-up movements III order I to enter/exIt the gate I I (2) Non-resIdential multI-tenant bUlldmgs utIihzmg electronIc access control systems on the mam entry doors, arid enclosed retatl shoppmg centers shall be provided With a means to allow for pohce emergency access (f) Keymg requnremeltlts Upon occupancy by the owner or propnetor, each SIngle unit In a commercial development, constructed under the same general plan, shall have locks usmg combmatlons that are mterchange free from locks used m all other separate propnetorshlps, or SimIlar dlstmct occupancIes (g) JExtenol!' Openm.gs Extenor opemng m non-resIdentIal bUIldmgs shall be as follows (1) Swmgmg extenor wood and steel doors shall be eqUIpped as follows (a) A SIngle or double door shall be eqUIpped WIth a double or smgle cylInder deadbolt The bolt shall have a mlmmum prOjectlOn of one (1) mch and be constructed so as to repel cuttmg tool attack The deadbolt shall have an embedment of at least three-fourths (3/4) mch mto the strIke receivmg the projected bolt The cylInder shall have a cylmder guard, a mlmmum offive pm tumblers and shall be connected to the mner portlOn of the lock by connectmg screws of at least one-fourth (1/4) mch m dIameter The prOVISIOns ofthe thIS paragraph do not apply where (a) panic hardware IS reqUIred, or (b) an eqUIvalent deVIce IS approved by the authonty havmg JurisdIctIOn (2) Double doors shall be eqmpped as follows (a) The Inactive leaf of double door(s) shall be equipped WIth metal flush bolts have a mlmmum embedment of five-eighths (5/8) mch mto the head and threshold of the doorframe (b) Double doors shall have an astragal constructed of steel a mmlmum of 125 mch thtck, which WIll cover the opemng between the doors The astragal shall be a mmImum of two (2) mches WIde and extend a mInImum of one (1) mch beyond the edge of the door to whIch It IS attached The astragal shall be attached to the outside of the actIve door by means ofweldmg or WIth non- removable bolts spaced apart on not more than ten (10) Inch centers (The door to WhICh such an astragalls attached must be determmed by the fire safety codes adopted by the enforcmg authonty ) (3) AlumInum frame sWIngmg doors shall be eqUIpped as follows (a) The jamb on all alumlllum frame sWIngmg doors shall be so constructed or protected to WIthstand 1,600 pounds of pressure m both a vertIcal dlstarIce of three (3) mches arid a honzontal distance of one (1 ) mch each SIde of the stnke, so as to prevent VIOlatIon of the stnke (b) A smgle or double door shall be eqUipped WIth a double cyhnder deadbolt WIth a bolt prOjectIOn exceedmg one (1) mch, or a hook shaped or expandlllg dog bolt that engages the strIke sufficiently to prevent spreadmg The deadbolt lock shall have a mmlmum of five pm tumblers and a cylInder guard (4) PanIc hardware, whenever reqUIred by the InternatlOnal BUlldmg Code or Title 19, CalIfornIa AdmInIstratlon Code, shall be Installed as follows, (a) PanIC hardware shall contaIn a mmlmum of two (2) lockmg pOInts on each door, or (b) On SIngle doors, panic hardware may have one lockIng pomt, which IS not to be located at eIther the top or bottom frame The door shall have an astragal constructed of steel 125 mch thick, whIch shall be attached WIth non-removable to the outside of the door The astragal shaH extend a minImum of SIX (6) Illches vertIcally above and below the latch of the paruc hardware The astragal shall be a minImum of two (2) mches Wide and extend a nUnImum of one (1) Inch beyond the edge of the door to whICh It IS attached (c) Double doors contaInmg panIC hardware shan have an astra gal attached to the doors at their meetmg pomt, which wIll close the opeillng between them, but not Interfere WIth the operatlon of eIther door (Fire Department approval may be deSIred here) (5) HOrIzontal slIdIng doors shall be eqUIpped With a metal gUIde track at top and bottom and a cylInder lock and/or padlock WIth a hardened steel shackle which locks at both heel and toe, and a mInImum five pIn tumbler operatIon With non-removable key when m an unlocked positIOn The bottom track shall be so deSigned that the door cannot be lifted from the track when the door IS In a locked pOSItIon (6) In office bUildIngs (multIple occupancy), all entrance doors to IndIVidual office SUItes shall meet the constructIon and lockmg reqmrements for exterIor doors (7) Wmdows shall be deemed accessIble Ifless than twelve (12) feet above the ground Accessible WIndows havmg a pane exceedmg mnety-slx (96) square mches m an area WIth the smallest dImenSIOn exceedmg SiX (6) mches and not vIsible from a publIc or prIvate thoroughfare shall be protected WIth burglary reSIstant glazIng or other approved methods as determmed by the BUildIng OffiCIal (8) SIde or rear wmdows ofthe type that can be opened shall, where applicable, be secured on the mSlde WIth either a slIde bar, bolt, crossbar, auxlliary lockIng deVice, and/or padlock Wlth a hardened steel shackle, a mllllmum four pIn tumbler operatIon (9) Protectlve bars or gnlls shall not Interfere With the operatIon of opeillng WIndows If such wmdows are reqUIred to be openable by the InternatIOnal BUIldIng Code (10) All exterIor transoms exceedmg nInety-sIx (96) square mches on the SIde and rear of any bUlldmg or premIses used for busmess purposes shall be protected With burglary reSIstant glazmg or other approved methods as determmed by the BUIldmg OffiCIal (11) Roof opeillngs shall be eqUIpped as follows (a) All skylIghts on the roof of any bUildIng or premises used by busmess purposes shall be proVIded With (1) Rated burglary resistant glazIng, or (2) Iron bars of at least one-half (1/2) mch round or one by one-fourth (1 x~) mch flat steel matenal under the skylIght and securely fastened, or (3) Steel gnUs of at least one-eighth (1/8) Inch matenal With a maxImum two (2) mches mesh under the skylIght and securely fastened (4) A momtored mtruSlOn alarm system The system shall be kept operable at all tImes The Chief of Poltce may reqUIred pen odic testmg of the alarm system to venfy proper operation (12) All hatchway openIngs on the roof of any bUIldmg or premIses used for bus mess purposes shall be secured as follows (a) If the hatchway IS of wooden matenal, It shall be covered on the mSlde WIth at least sixteen (16) U S gauge sheet metal, or ItS eqUIvalent, attached WIth screws (b) The hatchway shall be secured from the InSide With a sltde bar or sltde bolts (FIre Department approval may be desired) (c) OutsIde lunges on all hatchway opemngs shall be provIded WIth non-removable pms when USIng pm-type hlllges (13) All aIr duct or aIr vent openIngs exceedmg nInety-sIx (96) square Inches on the roof or extenor walls of any bUIldmg or premIses used for busmess purposes shall be secured by covenng the same WIth eIther of the follOWIng (a) Iron bars of at least one-half (1/2) Illch round or one by one-fourth (1 x V4) mch flat steel materIal spaced no more than five (5) Inches apart and securely fastened, or (b) Iron or steel grIlls of at least one-eighth (118) Inch matenal With a maximum two (2) mch mesh and securely fastened (c) If the barner IS on the outsIde, It shall be secured With bolts whIch are non-removable from the extenor (d) The above must not Interfere WIth ventmg reqUIrements creatmg a potentlally hazardous conditIon to health and safety or conflIct With the prOVIsIOns of the InternatlOnal BUIldIng Code or Title 19, CalIfornIa AdrmmstratIve Code (14) ExterIor roof ladders shall not be permItted (15) There shall be no exterIor electncal or phone panels (16) SeparatIOn walls for IndIVIdual tenant spaces housed wlthm a common structure shall be soltd and contmuous from the structure's foundatIOn to roof (1 7) IntruSIOn DeVIces (a) If the enforcmg authOrIty determmes that the securIty measures and lockmg deVIces descnbed In thts chapter do not adequately secure the bUlldmg, due to specIal condltIons, he/she may reqUIre the mstallatIOn and mamtenance of an mtrusIOn deVIce (burglar alarm system) (h) Parkmg structures (1) Parkmg structures shall be deSIgned to restnct unauthonzed access (2) OutsIde staIrwells shall be open and not obstructed from view (3) SecurIty telephones With mOnItorIng capablhty shall be located on every level adjacent to pedestrian Ingress/egress pOInts Ifpedestnan Ingress/egress pOInts are more than 200 feet but less than 300 feet apart, addItIonal security telephones shall be located at the mldpolllt between pedestnan mgress/egress pOInts Ifpedestnan mgress/egress pOInts are more than 300 feet apart, secunty telephones wIll be located at 100 foot mtervals Secunty telephones shall be v1SIble from all vehicular and pedestnan Ingress/egress pomts and IdentIfied With appropnate slgnage (4) B hnd corners shall be provIded WIth shatterproof convex mIrrors to Improve VISIbilIty for both operators of vehicles and pedestnans (5) A radiO repeater system or other eqUIpment, approved by the BUlldmg OffiCial, shall be Installed In all garages to faCIlItate the use ofPohce and FIre commumcatIOn deVIces (6) Parkmg structures shall have the ceIlIng area of each floor Of tier pamted and mamtaIned white or other reflectIve color approved by the BUIldIng OffiCIal (I) Enevators Elevators shall be deSigned as follows (a)Elevator cabs, the mtenors of whIch are not completely vIsIble when the door IS open from a pomt centered on the 36 Inches away form the door shall have shatter reSIstant mIrrors or other equally reflectIve matenal so placed as to make VISIble the entIre elevator cab from thiS pomt The elevator cab shall be Illummated at all tImes WIth a mlmmum maIntamed 2 foot candles of lIght at floor level (J) Stannvays Except for pnvate staIrways, Stairways shall be deSIgned as follows (a) Intenor doors shall have glazmg panels a mInImum of 5 Inches wlde and 20 mches m heIght and meet reqUirements of the IntematlOnal Bmldmg Code (b) Areas beneath stairways at or below ground level shall be fully enclosed or access to them restncted (c) Enclosed stairways shall have shatter reSIstant mirrors or other equally reflectIve matenal at each level and landmg and be deSIgned or placed m such manner as to provide v1SIbIlIty around corners IF][NDKNGS 'IlIue amendment IS needed due to nocan e:eolol!lcan and topoe:raplucal cODulhtDo1l1ls 'Illns modIficatIon IS necessan' do to the topoe:nplltncally natu.DIl'e of the City and the easy access to freeways H IS D1ecessan' to adopt Il'eQllDlremernts of CIrlme preventIOn AddItIOnally thIS wIn bll'lne: the code mto cOlllllform.ance wltlll the Cn1ty of DuMm lPohce Department reQllllrements 3 Cahforma .lEllectncan Code Section 736080 DMC SectDOn 210-53, Office receptacle outlets-Added Section 210-53 IS added to read SectIOn 210-53 Office Receptade OutDets In office bUIldIngs or offices exceedmg ten (10) percent of the floor area of the major use receptacle outlets shall be mstalled m all permanent walls or partitions so that no pomt along the floor lIne any wall space IS more than SIX (6) feet (183m) measured hOrizontally, from an outlet III that space mcludmg any wall space two (2) feet (610 mm) or more m wIdth and the wall space occupIed by shdIng panels In exterior walls As used m the sectIOn a "wall space" shall be considered a wall unbroken along the floor hne by doorways, fireplaces, and SimIlar opeillngs Each wall space two (2) or more feet (610 mm) wIde shall be treated mdlvldually and separately from other wall spaces wlthm the room A wall space shall be permitted to mclude two or more walls of a room (around comers) where unbroken at the floor hne Receptacle outlets shall, Insofar as practIcable be spaced equal distances apart Receptacle outlets In floors shall not be counted as part of the reqUIred number of receptacle outlets unless located near the wall The receptacle outlets reqUIred by the sectIOn shall be m addltlOn to any receptacle that lS part of any hghtmg fixture or apphance, located WithIn cabmets or cupboards, or located over five and one- half(5 Y2) feet (1 68 m) above the floor IF][NIDiNG-S 'IllIe amendment ns needled! d!ue to 10call!eoDol!ncal condntIOlls 'Ill1ns section reou1Il"es addntlonaD receptades 'Ihe City of Dubnm ns located m a DnIl!IltDv active Sensmnc ZODlle D and JE. in Office lBmDdmgs wnth ont these requirements extensnoDll codes are beml! used Extensnon cords arc not afforded! the same lOrotectnon from damae:e as wnrnoe: Il'acewavs IDamae:e to extensnODll cords could occur m a selsmnc event, winch nncreases the 100tentnal for a fin 41 Cahforma JPhnmbme: Code SectIOn 7410080 IDMC SectIOn 6093, Chapter 6lUPC, Water plpmg un sDab fl.oors-AmellJded SectIOn 609 3, first paragraph, IS amended by replacmg It to read SectIOn 609 3 Water plpmg shall not be Installed m or under a concrete t100r slab wrtlnn a bUlldmg Without prior approval of the BUlldmg Officlal When approved, such plpmg shall be Installed In accordance With the followmg reqmrements lFlNDKNGS 'Ihe amendlmellllt ns needed due to DocaD l!eOloe:lcaD condlltlOllIs 'flus sectnon ehmmates water DllDnol! no 011" umdler concrete floor slabs wltlltm a buddml! 'flus amendment ns lllecessaJrV for the foUowme: reasons (1) Most of the sull"1face sonDs no the Cnty of IDublm are reDatnveDv vou.me: and rnDconsohdated sedimentary matell'llals formed from a wnde vall"letv of parent materials The vanrme: chemIcal COIDlOosltlOn, dee:ree ofweatherml! and tllte reDatlveDv acnd environment have ueated SOlis of vaJrVnol! types. whnch are partIcularDv corroSive no nature (2) Much oftllte surface soil no the cnty of Dublm IS I:ue:hllv eXlPansnve (n e , slhrmlk-swell behavnor) and have Dow bearme: strell1rth Then an two tylDes of eXlDansnve sods m the area a the on!:amc sIlty clays whnch are the ncent bay muds and b tll1e phnstlc silty clays which weatllter from the shane f01llD.dl m the Iltdns surrOllmdme the Cnty ofIDublm. (3) 'Ibe HocaH chmate IS charactenzed by mark.edHy delmeated ramy and dn' seasons. whlcllt tend to maXIIDlIZe the expansive characteIt"lstlcs of soli (41) Some panis oHhe City of Dubhn have hard water. wll"nclllls corrosive to ferrous Pipe (5) The erolD.ndwater table IS unIUlsuaHy hleh H1 many pnaces (6) The Cnty of ])ullJIm ns a D:llBehly active sellsmlC area 7 ~O 090 Chaptell' 16 Gray Water Systems-IDeleted Chapter 16 IS deleted F][NIDJINGS The amendment ns needed due to localeeoloelcan condItnons 'Ibns sect-nOD] eHnmmates the use of l!ray water systems no the City 'IhIS amendment ns necessall'V fall' the folloWIDl! reasons (:D.) Mucllt oHhe surface soIl m the cnty ofIDlllblm. IS hll!IllHy expansnve (n e. shnnlk-sweHH belb.avnor) and have now beanne stll'eneth 'Ihere all'e two types of expansive sods m. the area a tlb.e oreamc sdty days which are the recent bay muds and b tllte pHastIc sdty days winch weather from the shane found m. tllte nulllls slllrrOllmdme the Cnty of Dubhn (2) 'Ibe HocaH dnmate IS charactenzed by markedly dellmeatedll'amy and dn' seasons. wlltnch tend to maXimIZe tllte expansive charactenshcs of sonn (3) The eroundwatell' table ns u.lDUlsually hU!Dl m many places 5 Cahforma Meclllamcan Code No modificatIOns necessltatmg specific findmgs are adopted G IAgendas12007\code adoptlOn\Dublm 2008 CBSC update (reso ExhIbit A) DOC