HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.4 Selection of Vice Mayor CITY CLIERK File # D~I1J[Q}IZJ[(1] AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCil MEIETING DATE December 18,2007 SUBJECT SelectIOn ofVlce Mayor Report Prepared by Richard C Ambrose City Manager A TT AClHrMENTS ResolutIOn No 5 - 96 Estabhshmg Rules for the SelectLOn ofVlce Mayor RECOMMENDATION ~ Select VIce Mayor FINANCIAL STATEMENT None DESCRIPTION Smce 1996 the CIty COWlcd's poLIcy has been to select m December of each year a member of the CIty COWlCI] to serve as Vice Mayor for a penod of one year In the absence of the Mayor the VIce Mayor would become Mayor Pro Tempore and would assume the temporary responsIbIlItIes of the Mayor Staff recommends that the CIty Counell detenmne who shall serve as VIce Mayor for a one-year penod COPY TO Page] of 1 IITEMNO .3 't--- G ICC MTGS\2007 cc mlg,\2007 qlr4\12 Dec\12 18 07\as vlcemayor doc RESOLUTION NO 5 - 96 Ii-' A RESOLUT:D:iON OF THJE: CITY COUNCllL OF THE CITY OlF DOOL.IIN ,,-. .................. ESTAlBUSI8IIING RULES FOR 1I'lBDE SELECTION OF weE MAYOR AND REPEAUNG RESOLUTION NO 5-87 WHEREAS the CIty consohdates Its general nlUnlClpal electIon WIth the statewtde general electIon held m November of even numbered years and WHEREAS SectIon 36801 of the Caltforma Government Code prOVIdes for the seleCtion by the Councll of one of Its members as VIce mayor NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the CltyCOunCtl of the CIty of Dub 1m hereby adopts the followmg rules 1 ELECTION OF VICE MAYOR (a) TIme At the CIty CouncIl's first meetmg III December followmg certtficatlOn of the results of the general muruclpal election III even-numbered years the CIty Councll shaIl select one of Its members as VIce mayor .-- At the CIty CouncIl s first meetmg In December of odd numbered years the CIty CouncIl shall select one of Its members as VIce mayor (b) Term The VIce mayor shal1 serve In such capacIty for a I-year penod or untIl a successor IS selected (c) Rules The procedure for selectIon of VIce mayor shall be 10 accordance WIth the current edItIon of Roberts Rules of Order' BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that ResolutIOn No 5-87 IS hereby rescmded III Its enhrety PASSED APPROVED AND ADOPTED tills 9th day ofJanuary 1996 AYES Cooner/members Barnes Howard and Mayor Houston NOES Councl/members Burton and Moffatt ABSENT None ABSTAIN None 4J-!~ ATTE~ .- y CIeri< ~ G/Jan 96/res~vro do" -r-tem:tt3 if \"1'?iP? A'a"IT &<CIHOOIERl'IT