HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.05 Civic Center Expansion CITY CLERK File # D~[g0-[;1]~ AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE December 18, 2007 SUB TEeT Consultant Services for C1VIC Center ExpansIOn Report prepared by Herma Lichtenstein Park\ & FacllItlCs DLvdopment Manager ATTACHMENTS 1 ResolutIOn approving Agreement Wlth RDC Architects 2 Budget Change 3 Resumes and PrOject Expenence RECOMMENDATION ~ Adopt ResolutIOn approvmg the Agreement and approve the budget change FINANCIAL STATEMENT Avmlable 2007108 Budget Proposed Fee for Servlces $120000 $175310 The proposed fecs for services exceeds the aVaIlable funds at thiS tIme and a budget change will be necessary DESCRIPTION At Ib March 20 2007 meetIng the City CouncIl approved the DublIn CIV1C Center Workspace Progrmnmmg Study s recommended alternatJve to accommodate growth through 2026 m concept rurther the Councll authoIlzed stdff to sOhClt Archltectural Services to prOVIde the followmg servIces Identified m the Next Steps portIOn of the C1YtC Center Workspace Programmmg Study These mcludc Prepare a bmldmg analYSIS to mclude a structurdl evaluatIOn code reqUlrcments utility upgrades and sltc/parkmg reqUIrements Prepare detaJled architectural level Lonceptual deSigns for the proposed expansIOn spaces and remodel areas 2 Prepare a plan to Implement temporary measures to accommodate staff growth pIlor to and dunn!:, constructlOn (Cost Impacts related to temporary space are currently unknown and not mcluded III the Study s project cost estimate) 3 Prep1re more detdlled cost estimates for project based on the conceptual plan dnd a posslble phased approach to constructIOn Based on thiS directIOn CIty Staff reVIewed varIOus quahfied Architectural hrms and subsequently mtervlewed RossDruhsCusenbery Architecture lnc (RDC) RDC has a Wide range of experIence Wlth polIce statIOn deSIgn constructlOn phasmg LEED processmg and pIlor expenence With Almneda County SherIff's Department m deslgnmg the Almneda County EOC COPIES TO RDC Arch.tecture / ITEM NO J\? )0;(0< Staff also toured several facilities desIgned by RDC m order to detenmne the quahty of the firm s design and attentIOn to detaIl These factlltles ranged from new constructIOn of a gramte clad courthouse and a Silver LEED Juvemle hall FaClhty to a histone remodel of the Napa County Courthouse The HIstone remodel reqmred the archItect to mtegrate three separate addItIOns to the bmldmg that spanned a tIme peood of eIghty years and make them appear to be all one proJect This was done WIth great care and detaIl to the hIstonc nature of the bmldmg whIle maIlltamIllg the functlOnahty Based on mput from the end users of all these facllttles they were well deSIgned and sustamablc Attachment 1 IS a ResolutIOn approvmg the Agreement between the CIty of Dublm and RDC The Consultant Services Agreement IS shown as an attachment to the ResolutIon ExhIbit A contaInS a detailed scope of work and fee proposal AddItIOnally the fee proposal IS outhned below SCOPE OF SERVICES Phase I - Pre DeSIgn ( 18 weeks) Progrmn VenficatlOn and SIte Assessment As Bmlt DraWIngs Detmled ArchItectural Conccptudl AlternatlVes Reimbursable Expenses TOTAL $68 900 $25 200 $71 710 $9,500 $175310 Staff IS recommendmg that the architect moye forward With only the first phase of the work to determme the best dIrectlOn for the CIVlC Center bmld out The mput process as contamed III the Phase I scope of work Will mclude multiple meetmgs With Illternal users detaIled architectural level conceptual plans and a presentatlon to the CIty Council to review the proposed buddmg deSIgns at the Conceptual Phase In additIon RDC IS proposmg to prepare a detmled AutoCAD electromc plan set for the City which WIll reflect the actual bmldmg condItions ThIS process Will benefit both the CIVIC Center ExpanSIOn and any subsequent work that Will need to be performed on the bUlldmg Upon completIOn of the Phase I Pre DeSign and Counctl approval of conceptual plan staff Will prepare an updated budget and detalled scope for the remammg phases of the deSign These phases Will mclude, deSign development constructIOn documents and construchon admmIstratlOn RecommendatIOn It IS the recommendatIOn of Staff that the CIty Councd adopt the ResolutJOn III Attachment 1 approvmg the Agreement WIth the RDC and approve the budget change 2~e2 /130 RESOLUTION NO - 07 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLHN ********* APPROVING AN AGREFMENT WITH Rilc ARCHITECTS FOR CIVIC CENTER REMODElL DESIGN SERVICES WHEREAS, the 20062011 Capital Improvement Program mcludes a project to deSign and remodel the CIVIC Center and WHEREAS, the CIty has solICIted a proposal for deSign services to complete the deSIgn and constructIOn documents and WHEREAS, the CIty recelVed a quahfied proposal from RDC Archltects and WHEREAS, RDC ArchItects has demonstrated adequate ablltty to perform said deSIgn servICes and WHFREAS, the consultant IS aVailable to perform the work as speclflcd NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the CIty CounCil of the City of DublIll does approve the Agreement WIth RDC ArchItects attached hereto and authonzes the Mayor to execute the Agreement PASSED APPROVED AND ADOPTED thiS 18th day of December 2007 AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN Mayor ATTEST CIty Clerk 3.feM-t '-I r pi 12'(07 ~ A TT ACHMENT 1 cr- ;113> CONSULTING SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF DUBLIN AND ROC ARCHITECTS TH IS AGREEMENT for consulting services IS made by and between the City of Dublin ( City) and ROC Architects ( Consultant) as of December 18 2007 Section 1 SERVICES Subject to the terms and conditions set forth In this Agreement Consultant shall provide to City the services described In the Scope of Work attached as Exhibit A at the time and place and In the manner specified therein In the event of a conflict In or Inconsistency between the terms of thiS Agreement and Exhibit A the Agreement shall prevail 11 Term of Services The term of thiS Agreement shall begin on the date first noted above and shall end upon completion of the CIVIC Center Remodel construction and Consultant shall complete the work descnbed In Exhibit A pnor to that date unless the term of the Agreement IS otherwise terrnlnated or extended as provided for In Section 8 The lime provided to Consultant to complete the services required by thiS Agreement shall not affect the City s rrght to terminate the Agreement as provided for In Secllon 8 1 2 Standard of Performance Consultant shall perform all services required pursuant to thiS Agreement In the manner and according to the standards observed by a competent practitioner of the profession In which Consultant IS engaged In the geographical area In which Consultant practices ItS profession Consultant shall prepare all work products reqUired by thiS Agreement In a substantial first class manner and shall conform to the standards of quality normally observed by a person practicing In Consultant s profession 1 3 AsslQnment of Personnel Consultant shall assign only competent personnel to perform services pursuant to thiS Agreement In the event that City In Its sole discretion at any time dUring the term of thiS Agreement deSires the reassignment of any such persons Consultant shall Immediately upon receiving notice from City of such deSire of City reassign such person or persons 1 4 TIme Consultant shall devote such time to the performance of services pursuant to thiS Agreement as may be reasonably necessary to meet the standard of performance provided In Section 1 1 above and to salisfy Consultant s obligations hereunder Sectton 2 COMPENSATION City hereby agrees to pay Consultant a sum not to exceed $175 310 notwithstanding any contrary Indications that may be contained In Consultant s proposal for servIces to be performed and reimbursable costs Incurred under thiS Agreement In the event of a conflict between thiS Agreement and Consultant s proposal attached as Exhibit A regarding the amount of compensation the Agreement shall prevail City shall pay Consultant for services rendered pursuant to thiS Agreement at the time and In the manner set forth herein The payments speCified below shall be the only paymenls from City to Consultant for services rendered pursuant to thiS Agreement Consultant shall submit all inVOices to City In the manner speCified herein Except as speCIfically authOrized by City Consultant shall not bill City for duplicate services performed by more than one person Consulting Services Agreement between City of Dublin and ROC Architects Page 1 of 14 31~o Consultant and City acknowledge and agree that compensation paid by City to Consultant under this Agreement IS based upon Consultant s estimated costs of proViding the services reqUired hereunder Including salanes and benefits of employees and subcontractors of Consultant Consequently the parties further agree that compensation hereunder IS Intended to Include the costs of contnbutlons to any pensions and/or annUities to which Consultant and Its employees agents and subcontractors may be eligible City therefore has no responSibility for such contnbutlons beyond compensation reqUired under this Agreement NotWithstanding the not to exceed compensation amount In the preceding paragraph the Contract Administrator may authOrize payment above the not to exceed amount to allow Consultant to proVide addlhonal services or to compensate Consultant for services proVided Within the onglnal scope of work In excess of the hours speCified In Exhibit A In no event however shall the Contract Administrator authonze payment of such additional payments In excess of 20% of the not to exceed amount 2 1 InVOices Consultant shall submit inVOices not more often than once a month dunng the term of this Agreement based on the cost for services performed and reimbursable costs Incurred pnor to the InVOice date InVOices shall contain the follOWing information a Senalldentlflcatlons of progress bills I e Progress Bill No 1 for the first Invoice etc " The beginning and ending dates of the billing penod " A Task Summary containing the original contract amount the amount of pnor billings the total due thiS penod the balance available under the Agreement and the percentage of completion a At City s option for each work Item In each task a copy of the applicable time entries or time sheets shall be submitted shOWing the name of the person dOing the work the hours spent by each person a brief deSCription of the work and each reimbursable expense " The total number of hours of work performed under the Agreement by Consultant and each employee agent and subcontractor of Consultant performmg services hereunder as well as a separate notice when the total number of hours of work by Consultant and any IndiVidual employee agent or subcontractor of Consultant reaches or exceeds 800 hours which shall Include an estimate of the lime necessary to complete the work described In Exhibit A The Consultant s signature 22 Monthly Payment City shall make monthly payments based on InVOices received for services satisfactOrily performed and for authOrized reimbursable costs Incurred City shall have 30 days from the receipt of an inVOice that complies With all of the req ulrements above to pay Consultant 2 3 Final Payment City shall pay the last 10% of the total sum due pursuant to thiS Agreement Within sixty (60) days after complellon of the services and submittal to City of a final inVOice If all services reqUired have been satisfactOrily performed Consulting Services Agreement between City of Dublin and RDC Architects Page 2 of 14 41.30 Consultant and City acknowledge and agree that compensation paid by City to Consultant under this Agreement IS based upon CDnsultant s estimated costs Df providing the services required hereunder including salanes and benefits of employees and subcontractors of Consultant Consequently the parties further agree that compensation hereunder IS Intended to Include the costs of contnbutlons to any penSions and/or annullles to which Consultant and Its employees agents and subcontractors may be eligible City therefore has no responsibility for such contributions beyond compensation required under thiS Agreement NotWithstanding the not to exceed compensation amount In the preceding paragraph the Contract Administrator may authorize payment above the not to exceed amount to allow Consultant to provide additional services or to compensate Consultant for services provided within the anginal scope of work In excess of the hours speCified In Exhibit A I n no event however shall the Contract Administrator authonze payment of such additional payments In excess of 20% of the not to exceed amount 21 InVOIces Consultant shall submit Invoices not more often than once a month dunng the term of thiS Agreement based on the cost for services performed and reimbursable costs Incurred prior to the inVOice date InVOices shall contain the following Information Serlalldenllflcatlons of progress bills I e Progress Bill No 1 for the first inVOice etc " The beginning and ending dates of the billing period D A Task Summary containing the onglnal contract amount the amount of prior billings the total due thiS penod the balance available under the Agreement and the percentage of completion At City s option for each work Item In each task a copy of the applicable time entries or time sheets shall be submitted shOWing the name of the person dOing the work the hours spent by each person a brief descnptlon of the work and each reimbursable expense " The total number of hours of work performed under the Agreement by Consultant and each employee agent and subcontractor of Consultant performing services hereunder as well as a separate nollce when the total number of hours of work by Consultant and any mdlvldual employee agent or subcontractor of Consultant reaches or exceeds 800 hours which shall Include an estimate of the time necessary to complete the work deSCribed In Exhibit A " The Consultant S Signature 2 2 Monthly Payment City shall make monthly payments based on Invoices receIVed for services satisfactorily performed arid for authOrized reimbursable costs Incurred City shall have 30 days from the receipt of an inVOice that compiles With all of the reqUirements above to pay Consultant 23 Final Pavment City shall pay the last 10% of the total sum due pursuant to thiS Agreement wlthlrl sixty (60) days after completion of the services and submittal to City Df a final inVOice If all services reqUired have been satisfactorily performed Consulting Services Agreement between City of Dublin and ROC Architects Page 2 of 14 i: il2",_ ~ S~30 24 Total Payment City shall pay for the services to be rendered by Consultant pursuant to this Agreement City shall not pay any additional sum for any expense or cost whatsoever Incurred by Consultant In rendering services pursuant to thiS Agreement City shall make no payment for any extra further or additional service pursuant to thiS Agreement In no event shall Consultant submit any Invoice for an amount In excess of the maximum amount of compensation prOVided above either for a task or for the entire Agreement unless the Agreement IS modified pnor to the submiSSion of such an Invoice by a properly executed change order or amendment 2 5 Hourly Fees Fees for work performed by Consultant on an hourly baSIS shall not exceed the amounts shown on the followmg fee schedule 2 6 Reimbursable Expenses Reimbursable expenses are speCified below and shall not exceed $9 500 Expenses not listed below are not chargeable to City Reimbursable expenses are Included In the total amount of compensation prOVided under thiS Agreement that shall not be exceeded 27 Payment of Taxes Consultant IS solely responsible for the payment of employment taxes Incurred under thiS Agreement and any Similar federal or state taxes 28 Payment upon Termination In the event that the City or Consultant terminates thiS Agreement pursuant to Sectron 8 the City shall compensate the Consultant for all outstanding costs and reimbursable expenses Incurred for work satisfactorily completed as of the date of written notice of termination Consultant shall mamtaln adequate logs and tlmesheets In order to venfy costs Incurred to that date 29 AuthOrization to Perform Services The Consultant IS not authOrized to perform any services or Incur any costs whatsoever under the terms of thiS Agreement until receipt of authOrization from the Contract Administrator Section 3 FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Except as set forth herein Consultant shall at ItS sole cost and expense prOVide all faCilities and equipment that may be necessal)' to perform the services reqUired by thiS Agreement City shall make available to Consultant only the faCilities and equipment listed In thiS sedan and only under the terms and conditions set forth herein City shall furnish phYSical facllllies such as desks filing cabmets and conference space as may be reasonably necessary for Consultant s use while consulting With City employees and revlewmg records and the Information In possession of the City The location quantity and time of furnishing those faCilities shall be In the sole discretion of City In no event shall City be obligated to furnish any faCility that may Involve Incurring any direct expense Including but not limited to computer long distance telephone or other communication charges vehicles and reproduction facilities Consulting Services Agreement between City of Dublin and ROC Architects Page 3 of 14 ~ 'X30 Section 4 INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS Before beginning any work under this Agreement Consultant at Its own cost and expense shall procure occurrence coverage Insurance against claims for Injuries to persons or damages to property that may arise from or in connection With the performance of the work hereunder by the Consultant and Its agents representatives employees and subcontractors Consultant shall provide proof satisfactory to City of such Insurance that meets the requirements of thiS section and under forms of Insurance satisfactory In all respects to the City Consultant shall maintain the insurance policies reqUired by thiS section throughout the term of thiS Agreement The cost of such Insurance shall be Included In the Consultant s bid Consultant shall not allow any subcontractor to commence work on any subcontract until Consultant has obtained all Insurance reqUired herein for the subcontractor(s) and provided eVidence thereof to City Verification of the reqUired Insurance shall be submitted and made part of thiS Agreement prior to execution 4 1 Workers Compensation Consultant shall at ItS sole cost and expense maintain Statutory Workers Compensalion Insurance and Employer s Liability Insurance for any and all persons employed directly or indirectly by Consultant The Statutory Workers Compensation Insurance and Employer s Liability I nsurance shall be provided with limits of not less than ONE MilLION DOLLARS ($1 00000000) per accident In the alternative Consultant may rely on a self Insurance program to meet those requirements but only If the program of self Insurance compiles fully with the provISions of the California Labor Code Determination of whether a self Insurance program meets the standards of the labor Code shall be solely In the discretion of the Contract AdmlnlstratDr The Insurer If Insurance IS prOVided or the Consultant If a program of self Insurance IS prOVided shall waive all rights of subrogation against the City and Its officers offiCials employees and volunteers for loss arising from work performed under thiS Agreement An endorsement shall state that coverage shall not be canceled except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified mall return receipt requested has been given to the City Consultant shall notify City within 14 days of notification from Consultant s Insurer If such coverage IS suspended vOided or reduced In coverage Dr In limits 42 Commercial General and Automobile liability Insurance 42 1 General reQuirements Consultant, at itS own cost and expense shall mallltaln commercial general and automobile liability Insurance for the term Df thiS Agreement In an amount not less than ONE MilLION DOLLARS ($1 00000000) per occurrence combined single limit coverage for risks associated with the work contemplated by thiS Agreement If a Commercial General liability Insurance or an Automobile liability form or other form With a general agg reg ate limit IS used ellher the general aggregate limit shall apply separately tD the work to be performed under thiS Agreement or the general aggregate limit shall be at least twice the reqUired occurrence limit Such coverage shalllllclude but shall not be limited tD protectlDn against claims arising from bDdlly and personal inJury Includlllg death resulting therefrom and damage tD property resulting from actiVities contemplated under thiS Agreement Including the use of owned and non owned autDmoblles CDnsultrng Services Agreement between City of Dublin and ROC Architects Page 4 of 14 1~ .30 422 Minimum scope of coveraae Commercial general coverage shall be at least as broad as Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability occurrence form CG 0001 (ed 11/88) or Insurance Services Office form number GL 0002 (ed 1/73) covenng comprehensive General Liability and Insurance Services Office form number GL 0404 covenng Broad Form Comprehensive General Liability Automobile coverage shall be at least as broad as Insurance Services Office Automobile Liability form CA 0001 (ed 12190) Code 8 and 9 (any auto) No endorsement shall be attached limiting the coverage 423 Additional requirements Each of the following shall be Included In the Insurance coverage or added as an endorsemenl to the poliCY a City and ItS officers employees agents and volunteers shall be covered as additional Insureds With respect to each of the follOWing liability aflslng out of actlvllles performed by or on behalf of Consultant including the Insured s general superviSion of Consultant products and completed opera !Ions of Consultant premises owned occupied or used by Consultant and automobiles owned leased or used by the Consultant The coverage shall contain no speCl3llimltatlons on the scope of prolectlon afforded to City or ItS officers employees agents or volunteers b The Insurance shall cover on an occurrence or an accldenl baSIS and not on a claims made baSIS c An endorsement must state that coverage IS primary Insurance With respect to the City and Its officers offiCials employees and volunteers and that no Insurance or self Insurance malnt3lned by the City shall be called upon to contnbute to a loss under the coverage d Any failure of CONSULTANT to comply With reporting proVISions of the poliCY shall not affect coverage provided to CITY and ItS officers employees agents and volunteers e An endorsement shall state that coverage shall not be canceled except after thirty (30) days pnor wntten notrce by certified mall return receipt requested has been given to the City Consultant shall notify City Within 14 days of notification from Consullant s Insurer If such coverage IS suspended VOided or reduced In coverage or In limits 4 3 ProfeSSional Llabllltv Insurance Consultant at ItS own cost and expense shall malntam for the penod covered by thiS Agreement professional liability msurance for licensed profeSSionals performing work pursuant to thiS Agreement In an amount not less Consultrng Services Agreement between City of Oublm and ROC Architects Page 5 of 14 g ~ 30 than ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1 000000) covenng the licensed professionals errors and omisSions 431 Any deductible or self Insured retention shall not exceed $150 000 per claim 43 2 An endorsement shall state that coverage shall not be suspended vOided canceled by either party reduced In coverage or In limits except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified mall return receipt requested has been given to the City 4 3 3 The policy must contain a cross lJablllty or severability of Interest clause 4 34 The following provIsions shall apply If the professional liability coverages are written on a claims made form a The retroactive date of the policy must be shown and must be before the date of the Agreement b Insurance must be malntamed and eVidence of Insurance must be proVided for at least five years after completion of the Agreement or the work so long as commercially available at reasonable rates c If coverage IS canceled or not renewed and It IS not replaced with another claims made policy form with a retroactive date that precedes the date of thiS Agreement Consultant must provide extended reportmg coverage for a minimum of five years after completion of the Agreement or the work The City shall have the right to exerCise at the Consultant s sole cost and expense any extended reporting prOVIsions of the policy If the Consultant cancels or does not renew the coverage d A copy of the claim reporting requirements must be submitted to the City prior to the commencement of any work under thiS Agreement 44 All Policies ReqUirements 441 Acceptabllltv of Insurers All Insurance reqUired by thiS section IS to be placed with Insurers with a Bests rating of no less than A VII 44 2 Verification of coveraQe Prior to beginning any work under thiS Agreement Consultant shall furnish City with certificates of Insurance and with original endorsements effecting coverage reqUired herein The certificates and endorsements for each Insurance poliCY are to be signed by a person authorized by that Insurer to bind coverage on ItS behalf The City reserves the right to require complete certified copies of all reqUired Insurance poliCies at any time Consulting Services Agreement between City of Dublin and ROC Architects Page 6 of 14 q ~ 3fJ 443 Subcontractors Consultant shall Include all subcontractors as Insureds under Its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor All coverages for subcontractors shall be SUbject to all of the requirements stated herem 4 4 4 Vanatlon The City may approve a vanatlon In the foregoing Insurance requirements upon a determination that the coverages scope limits and forms of such Insurance are either not commercially available or that the City s Interests are otherwise fully protected 445 Deductlbles and Self Insured Retentions Consultant shall disclose to and obtain the approval of City for the self Insured retentions and deductlbles before beginning any of the services or work called for by any term of thiS Agreement Dunng the penod covered by thiS Agreement only upon the pnor express wntten authOrization of Contract Administrator Consultant may Increase such deducllbles or self Insured retentions With respect to City Its officers employees agents and volu nteers The Contract Administrator may condlllon approval of an Increase In deductible or self Insured retention levels With a reqUirement that Consultant procure a bond guaranteeing payment of losses and related mvestlgatlons claim administration and defense expenses that IS satisfactory In all respects to each of them 446 Notice of Reductfon In CoveraQe In the event that any coverage required by thiS section IS reduced limited or matenally affected In any other manner Consultant shall provide wntten notice to City at Consultant s earliest possible opportunity and m no case later than five days after Consultant IS notified of the change In coverage 45 Remedies In addition to any other remedies City may have If Consultant falls to proVide or mamtam any Insurance poliCies or policy endorsements to the extent and Within the time herem required City may at ItS sole option exerCise any of the follOWing remedies which are alternatives to other remedies City may have and are not the exclusive remedy for Consultant s breach Obtain such Insurance and deduct and retain the amount of the premiums for such insurance from any sums due under the Agreement Order Consultant to stop work under thiS Agreement or Withhold any payment that becomes due to Consultant hereunder or both stop work and Withhold any payment unlll Consultant demonstrates compliance With 1he requirements hereof and/or D Terminate thiS Agreement Consulting Services Agreement between City of Dublin and RDC Architects Page 7 of 14 /0 ';fc3D SectIon 5 INDEMNIFICATION AND CONSULTANT S RESPONSIBILITIES Consultant shall indemnify defend with counsel selected by the City and hold harmless the City and Its officials officers employees agents and volunteers from and against any and all losses liability claims SUits actions damages and causes of action anslng out of any personal InJury bodily injury loss of life or damage to property or any violation of any federal state or municipal law or ordinance to the extent caused In whole or In part by the willful misconduct or negligent acts or omissions of Consultant or Its employees subcontractors or agents by acts for which they could be held stnctly liable or by the quality or character of their work The foregOing obligation of Consultant shall not apply when (1) the Injury loss of life damage to property or Violation of law anses wholly from the negligence or willful misconduct of the City or Its officers employees agents or volunteers and (2) the actions of Consultant or Its employees subcontractor or agents have contnbuted In no part to the Injury loss of life damage to property or Violation of law It IS understood that the duty of Consultant to indemnify and hold harmless Includes the duty to defend as set forth In Section 2778 of the California CIvil Code Acceptance by City of Insurance certificates and endorsements reqUired under thiS Agreement does not relieve Consultant from liability under thiS Indemnification and hold harmless clause ThiS Indemnification and hold harmless clause shall apply to any damages or claims for damages whether or not such Insurance poliCies shall have been determined to apply By execution of thIS Agreement Consultant acknowledges and agrees to the proVIsions of thiS Section and that It IS a matenal element of consideration Notwithstanding the foregOing to the extent that thiS Agreement IS a construction contract as defined In California CIvil Code section 2783 as amended from time to time such duty to indemnify shall not apply when to do so would be prohibited by California Code section 2782 In the event that Consultant or any employee agent or subcontractor of Consultant providing senllces under thiS Agreement IS determmed by a court of competent JUriSdiction or the Callforma Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) to be eligible for enrollment In PERS as an employee of City Consultant shall indemnify defend and hold harmless City for the payment of any employee and/or employer contnbutlons for PERS benefits on behalf of Consultant or Its employees agents or subcontractors as well as for the payment of any penallles and Interest on such contributions which would otherwise be the responsibility of City Section 6 STATUS OF CONSULTANT 61 Independent Contractor At all times dunng the term of thiS Agreement Consultant shall be an Independent contractor and shall not be an employee of City City shall have the right to control Consultant only Insofar as the results of Consultant s services rendered pursuant to thiS Agreement and assignment of personnel pursuant to Subparagraph 1 3 however otherwise City shall not have the nght to control the means by which Consultant accomplishes services rendered pursuant to thiS Agreement Notwithstanding any other City state or federal policy rule regulallon law or ordinance to the contrary Consultant and any of Its employees agents and subcontractors providing services under thiS Agreement shall not qualify for or become entitled to and hereby agree to waive any and all claims to any compensahon benefit or any mCldent of employment by City mcludlng but not limited to eligibility to enroll In the California Public Employees Retirement System Consulting Services Agreement between City of Dublin and ROC Architects Page 8 of 14 Section 7 71 72 Section B 11 ~ J1J (PERS) as an employee of City and entitlement to any contrlbullon to be paid by Clly for employer contributions and/or employee contributions for PERS benefits 62 Consultant No Agent Except as City may specify In writing Consultant shall have no authority express or Implied to act on behalf of City In any capacity whatsoever as an agent Consultant shall have no authority express or Implied pursuant to this Agreement to bind City to any obligation whatsoever LEGAL REQUIREMENTS Govern,"!:! Law The laws of the State of California shall govern this Agreement Compliance with Applicable Laws Consultant and any subcontractors shall comply With all laws applicable to the performance of the work hereunder 73 Other Governmental Regulations To the extent that thiS Agreement may be funded by fiscal assistance from another governmental entity Consultant and any subcontractors shall comply With all applicable rules and regulations to which City IS bound by the terms of such fiscal assistance program 74 Licenses and Permits Consultant represents and warrants to City that Consultant and Its employees agents and any subcontractors have all licenses permits qualifications and approvals of whatsoever nature that are legally required to practice thelf respective profeSSions Consultant represents and warrants to City that Consultant and ItS employees agents any subcontractors shall at their sole cost and expense keep In effect at all tlrnes dUring the term of thiS Agreement any licenses permits and approvals that are legally required to practice their respective professions In addition to the foregOing Consultant and any subcontractors shall obtain and maintain dUring the term of thiS Agreement valid BUSiness Licenses from City 75 NondISCrimination and Equal OpportUnltv Consultant shall not dlscnmlnate on the baSIS of a person s race religion color national ongln age phYSical or mental handicap or disability medical condition mantal status sex or sexual Orientation agamst any employee applicant for employment subcontractor bidder for a subcontract or partiCipant In reCipient of or applicant for any services or programs prOVided by Consultant under thiS Agreement Consultant shall comply With all applicable federal state and local laws poliCies rules and requirements related to equal opportunity and nOndiSCrimination In employment contracting and the provIsion of any services that are the subject of thiS Agreement mcludlng but not limited to the satisfaction of any posl!lve obligations reqUired of Consultant thereby Consultant shall mclude the provISions of thiS Subsection In any subcontract approved by the Contract Administrator or thiS Agreement TERMINATION AND MODIFICATION Consulting Services Agreement between City of Dublin and ROC Architects Page 9 of 14 IJ~30 81 Termmatlon City may cancel this Agreement at any time and without cause upon written notification to Consultant Consultant may cancel thiS Agreement upon thirty days written notice to City and shall mclude In such notice the reasons for cancellation In the event of termination Consultant shall be entitled to compensation for services performed to the effective date of termmatlon City however may condition payment of such compensation upon Consultant delivering to City any or all documents photographs computer software Video and audiO tapes and other materials proVided to Consultant or prepared by or for Consultant or the City 10 connection With thiS Agreement 82 ExtenSion City may In lIs sole and exclUSive discretion extend the end date of thiS Agreement beyond that prOVided for 10 Subsection 1 1 Any such extension shall require a written amendment to thiS Agreement as proVided for herein Consultant understands and agrees that If City grants such an extenSion City shall have no obligation to proVide Consultant With compensation beyond the maximum amount proVided for In thiS Agreement Similarly unless authOrized by the Contract Administrator City shall have no obligation to reimburse Consultant for any otherwise reimbursable expenses Incurred during the extension period 8 3 Amendments The parties may amend thiS Agreement only by a writing Signed by all the parties 8 4 Asslqnment and SubcontractlOq City and Consultant recognize and agree that thiS Agreement contemplates personal performance by Consultant and IS based upon a determination of Consultant S unique personal competence experience and speCialized personal knowledge Moreover a substantial Inducement to City for entering mto thiS Agreement was and ]S the profeSSional reputation and competence of Consultant Consultant may not assign thiS Agreement or any Interest therein Without the pnor wntten approval of the Contract Admmlstrator Consultant shall no! subcontract any portion of the performance contemplated and proVided for herem other than to Ihe subcontractors noted In the proposal Without prior wrrtten approval of the Contract Administrator 85 Survival Ail obligations arising prior to the termination of thiS Agreement and all proVISions of thiS Agreement allocating liability between City and Consultant shall survive the termination of thiS Agreement 86 OptIOns upon Breach bV Consultant If Consultant materially breaches any of the terms of thiS Agreement City S remedies shall Included but not be limited to the follOWing 8 6 1 Immediately terminate the Agreement Consulting Services Agreement between City of Dublin and ROC Architects Page 10 of 14 /3 ~ 3-fJ 862 Retain the plans specifications draWings reports deSign documents and any other work product prepared by Consultant pursuant to Ihls Agreement 863 Retain a different consultant to complete the work described In Exhibit A not finished by Consultant or 8 64 Charge Consultant the difference between the cost to complete the work described In Exhibit A that IS unfinished at the time of breach and the amount that City would have paid Consultant pursuant to Section 2 If Consultant had completed the work Section 9 KEEPING AND STATUS OF RECORDS 9 1 Records Created as Part of Consultant's Performance All reports data maps models charts studies surveys photographs memoranda plans studies specifications records files or any other documents or materials In electronic or any other form that Consultant prepares or obtains pursuant to this Agreement and that relate to the matters covered hereunder shall be the property of the City Consultant hereby agrees to deliver those documents to the City upon termination of the Agreement It IS understood and agreed that the documents and other materials Including but not limited to those described above prepared pursuant to this Agreement are prepared specifically for the City and are not necessarily sUitable for any future or other use City and Consultant agree that until final approval by City all data plans specifications reports and other documents are confidential and Will not be released to third parties Without prior written consent of both parties 92 Consultant's Books and Records Consultant shall maintain any and all ledgers books of account inVOices vouchers canceled checks and other records or documents eVidenCing or relating to charges for services or expenditures and disbursements charged 10 the City under this Ag reement for a minimum of three (3) years or for any longer penod required by law from the date of final payment to the Consultant to thiS Agreement 93 InspectIon and Audit of Records Any records or documents that Section 9 2 of thiS Agreement reqUires Consultant to maintain shall be made available for Inspection audit and/or copYing at any time dUring regular bUSiness hours upon oral or written request of the City Under California Government Code Section 8546 7 If the amount of public funds expended under thiS Agreement exceeds TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($10000 DO) the Agreement shall be subject to the examination and audit of the State Auditor at the request of City or as part of any audit of the City for a period of three (3) years after final payment under the Agreement Section 10 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 101 Attornevs Fees If a party to thiS Agreement brings any action including an action for declaratory relief to enforce or Interpret the prOVISion of thiS Agreement the prevailing Consulting Services Agreement between City of Dublin and RDC Architects Page 11 of 14 /1 ~ ]J{) party shall be entitled to reasonable attorneys fees In addlllon to any other relief to which that party may be enlltled The court may set such fees In the same action or In a separate action brought for that purpose 102 Venue In the event that either party brings any action against the other under this Agreement the parties agree that trial of such action shall be vested exclusively In the state courts of Callforma In the County of Alameda or In the United States District Court for the Ninth District of California 103 Severability If a court of competent JUriSdiction finds or rules that any prOVIsion of Ihls Agreement IS invalid VOid or unenforceable the proVISions of thiS Agreement not so adjudged shall remain In full force and effect The invalidity In whole or In part of any prOVISion of thiS Agreement shall not VOid or affect the validity of any other proVIsion of thiS Agreement 104 No Implied Waiver of Breach The waiver of any breach of a specific provIsion of thiS Agreement does not constitute a waiver of any other breach of that term or any other term of thiS Agreement 10 5 Successors and AsslQns The prOVIsions of thiS Agreement shall Inure to the benefit of and shall apply to and bind the successors and assigns of the parties 106 Use of Recvcled Products Consultant shall prepare and submit all reports written studies and other pnnted matenal on recycled paper to the extent It IS available at equal or less cost than virgin paper 107 ConflIct of Interest Consultant may serve other clients but none whose activities Within the corporate limits of City or whose bUSiness regardless of location would place Consultant In a conflict of Interest as that term IS defined In the Political Reform Act codified at California Government Code Secllon 81000 et seq Consultant shall not employ any City offiCial In the work performed pursuant to thiS Agreement No officer or employee of City shall have any finanCial Interest In thiS Agreement that would Violate California Government Code Sections 1090 et seq Consultant hereby warrants that It IS not now nor has It been In the prevIous twelve (12) months an employee agent appointee or offiCial of the City If Consultant was an employee agent appointee or offiCial of the City In the prevIous twelve months Consultant warrants that it did not participate In any manner In the forming of thiS Agreement Consultant understands that If thiS Agreement IS made In Violation of Government Code S 1090 et seq the entire Agreement IS VOid and Consultant Will not be entitled to any compensation for services performed pursuant to thiS Agreement including reimbursement of expenses and Consultant Will be reqUired to reimburse the City for any sums paid to the Consultant Consultant understands that In addition to the foregomg It Consulting Services Agreement between City of Dublin and RDC Architects Page 12 of 14 /5~ may be subject to criminal prosecution for a violation of Government Code 9 1090 and If applicable will be disqualified from holding publiC office in the State of California 108 Solicitation Consultant agrees not to solicit business at any meeting focus group or Interview related to this Agreement either orally or through any written materials 109 Contract Administration This Agreement shall be administered by the City Manager ( Contract Administrator) All correspondence shall be directed to or through the Contract Administrator or his or her designee 10 10 Notices Any written notice to Consultant shall be sent to Herma Lichtenstein Parks and Facilities Development Manager City of Dublin 100 CiVIC Plaza Dublin CA 94568 Any written notice to City shall be sent to Chuck Drulls RDC Architects 18294 Sonoma Highway Sonoma CA 95476 10 11 Professional Seal Where applicable in the determination of the contract administrator the first page of a technical report first page of design specifications and each page of construction drawings shall be stamped/sealed and signed by the licensed professional responsible for the report/design preparahon The stamp/seal shall be in a block entitled Seat and Signature of Registered Professional With report/design responsibility as In the following example Seal and Signature of Registered Professional With report/deSign responsibility 1012 Integration This Agreement including the scope of work attached hereto and Incorporated herein as Exhibit A represents the entire and Integrated agreement between City and Consultant and supersedes all pnor negotiations representations or agreements either written or oral Consulting Senllces Agreement between City of Dublin and ROC Architects Page 13 of 14 10 ~ 30 CITY OF CONSULTANT [NAME TITLE] [NAME TITLE] Attest [NAME] City Clerk Approved as to Form [NAME] City Attorney J Iwpd\FORMS\4GRElstandard consul Ian! servlce3 agreement 2001 doc Consulting Services Agreement between City of Dublin and ROC Architects Page 14 of 14 17130 EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF SERVICES PRE DESIGN Task 1 - Program Verification and Site Assessment ($94 100) 10 Weeks 1 Kick off Meeting a Confirm the project schedule and Initial assignments b Confer with the City before the meeting to determine an Imtla) IIs1 of Interviews and meetings to be scheduled c Tour the site to establish key Issues and problems d Prepare and distribute minutes project directory and updated schedule 2 Meet with the City s Planning BUilding and Public Works staff to learn of any bUilding code engineering zoning or environmental constraints on the site 3 ReView all eXisting documentation studies reports or planning documents regarding the services and operations of the CIVIC Center and become familiar With any prevIous planmng efforts goals and objectives 4 ReView all pertinent green bUilding information and determine base line strategies for meeting the City s goals for a LEED Silver rated bUilding Prepare an Initial LEED checklist and provide feedback on feasibility 5 Conduct field Verification of eXisting conditions and prepare background as bUilt draWings for contract documents 6 Develop an Architectural Program drawn upon the Workspace Programming Study Summary Report by the firm MKTHINK as well as addlhonallnformatlon proVided by the City The Program Will venfy and document the workload staffing space and functional reqUirements 7 Review and update the project budget from the program data thaI takes Into account anticipated costs for construction fees permits temporary reloca!lon[s] test and Inspections eqUipment and change order contingencies 8 Consider phaSing of the project that Will enable the CIVIC Center to continue day to day operations With minimal disruptions Task 2 1 2 3 Conceptual Alternatives ($71,710) 8 Weeks Finalize the program requirements and understand Site conditions and constraints Develop options based on the assumptions generated by the Workspace Programming Study as well as updated project data and develop three site and floor plans and diSCUSS them With the City of Dublin a Draft staff relocation phaSing plans 10 fully understand the requirements Involved With keepmg the faCIlity fully operational for the duration of the project The cost estimator will test phaSing concepts Develop deSign concepts for review and approval a Consultant teams Will provide technlcallnformallon to the deSign team Develop conceptual plans and elevations Develop cost model to test the overall cost of the project and the vanous deSigns against the project budget 4 Consulting Services Agreement between City of Dublin and ROC Architects Exhibit A Page 1 of 2 )g~yJ 5 Present concepts to the City Project Manager for review 6 Based upon the City s review prepare presentation drawings for City Council review Develop a conceptual cost estimate which will Include fees and permits equipment LEED requirements and contingencies for the three options 7 Present presentation drawings and cost estimate to the City Council for Its review and Input PRE DESIGN Project Relmbursables $9 500 Travel expenses express deliveries pnntlng and plotting charges reproducllon expenses photographic expenses presentation matenal expenses long distance telephone and facsimile expenses are reimbursable expenses under this Agreement Reimbursable expenses will be Invoiced with back up documentation plus 15% and are subject to the maximum budget of $9500 J \wpd\FORMSIAGRElslandard consultant services agreement 2001 doc Consulting Services Agreement between City of Dublin and ROC Architects Exhibit A Page 2 of 2 EXHIBIT B )?}i2:fJ COMPENSATION SCHEDULE Pnnclpal Sr Architect Designer Clerical RossDrulisCusenbery Architecture, Inc Rate/Hour $200 $150 $120 $60 J \wpdlFORMSlAGRElstandard consultant services agreement 2001 doc Consulting Services Agreement between City of Dublin and RDC Architects -Exhibit B Page 1 of 1 C][TY OF DUBJLIN BUDGET CHANGE FORM ;;;'0 130 CHANGE FORM /I New AppropriatIons [City Council Approval Required) Budget Transfers x From Un appropnated Reserves (Fund 310) From Budgeted Contmgent Reserve (1080 799000) WIthm Same Department ActIVIty Between Departments (Citv Council Approval ReqUlred) Other From New Revenues DEcR'&Sr:BUnGCT ACCOUNT i~0FA'Mou~fr:"' INCRI:A:SE BUDGE1]f\GCOUN[;:iF '" ~Mo1iN;r~~ ,~y~ j\ '~","<<,;f.' "~,,.,. ~ ' 'if: . e -"'~~ ... ;' ;,., _.~!'1"ff'Y';"^", Name Name PUBLIC F AC1Ll fV FUNDI $55 310 CIVIC CENTER MODlFICATlON CIPI CONTRACT SERVICESI ENGINEERING DESIGN Account /I Account /I 31093910740078 Name Name PUBLIC FACILITY FUNDI $5) 310 EXPENDITURES CONTROL Account II- Account II- 310 499 0002 Name Name Account 11 Account II Name Ndmc Account # Account # REASON FOR BUDGET CHANGE ENTRY AdditIonal funds needed [or the CIVIC Center ModIficatIon Capital Improvement ProJect ArchItectural ServIces The proposed contract IS $175 3 [0 and exceeds the fiscal year 2007 2008 Adopted FIve Year Capital Improvement Program expendItures budget by $55,310 Fm Mgr/ASD ~ill' Date 12/5/0/- CIty Manager Date Signature As Approved at the CIty CounCIl Meetmg on 12/1812007 Mayor Date Signature Posted By Date SIgnature ATTACHMENT 2 ...... - ... r, " f" r -...... ........ ... .r ...... - .., l -~- t!.......-_l -'" - -- ""l- _ __ r;:;-, ._oJ (". . I, .' - u_q ~ OIl j I ! ~ V .1 ..b - kiii:i ~ ~~.. ~ l~.;.... ~ i...... 'l' ./' H ;~ ~ ~'""CI ,~~-' :f':'!"I" ... "'---1 sfale;rrle'ht 0 ~~Ciiiw_ ~~ ..~~ .;? I o;f 0 f{) Prepared By Ros!Druli~usenbery - - - - ... , .-- ., ~~ " ~ I ..... - - j' J ~~ I ~I \jr ~ ~ 1 ,,~ ~ ~ f J [II" .. __ _:I"- ~ I -:-= ",i; I i ,~ .. c .= II I r t ... - - CI C "... 3:" 'J lJj >- / F:2' . I ' :.: n: " - .-/ ~// [J:I.1 ~l.u,l_1 - 1'[-. II .' . '~,-.,.:~,~~~::~~~~~-:- ":.~ ~';:':;~;7-~~';' .;74~:'i-~ INTRODUCTION RossDrulisCusenbery Architecture, Ine. (RDC) provides planning, programming, architectural design and engineering services for civic buildings, police facilities, court projects, fire stations, 911 emergency communication centers and emergency operations centers throughout Califor- nia, nationally and internationally. ROC has a reputation for delivering superior architectural programming, design and consultant services and is a nationally recognized leader in the pro- gramming and design of Civic Center buildings and state-of-the-art essential services facilities including Police Stations, Emergency Operations and Communications Centers. RDC has provided professional services for public projects in excess of $1 billion valuation. RDC projects are located in over twenty states, 16 California counties, Canada and Polynesia. The firm has extensive ex. perience working with federal, state, county and municipal governments and law enforcement agencies. RDC works closely with civic, public safety, police, fire, justice and emergency service providers to progra m, assess a nd design modern, secu re "next generation" civic, pu blic safety emergency operations and communications center facilities. RDC has been programming and designing civic buildings, public safety facilities, emergency op- erations and communications centers for over 20 years and has the benefit of post occupancy evaluations of essential services facilities that have been operational for years. RDC is a "think tank"for administration and police facilities and RDC's database and "lessons learned" over the years are a valuable resource in the programming and future needs assessmentanalysisof public projects. ROC regularly works on critical high security projects and we are considered to be ex- cellent planners, programmers, designers, project managers and collaborators. We are excellent listeners and RDC's success is based on its ability to work with multiple user groups in a highly interactive process to program,assess, plan, design and deliver new and renovated projects that meet sophisticated operational requirements, on time and on budget. RDC's proven program verification methodology includes questionnaires, interviews, review and evaluation of existing information and site visits. ROC projects include new construction, additions to existing buildings and renovations of ex- isting facilities. RDC's has experience in additions and/or renovations where other areas of the building must remain secure and operational during construction. RDC's renovation/addition ex- perience includes the following projects; SPECIALIZED RENOVATION/ADDITION PROJECTS City of Los Gatos Police Department Building City of Sonoma, CA Police Department Headquarters City of Sonoma, CA Fire Department Headquarters/Fire Station City of San Jose, Police/Fire Emergency Communications and Operations Center City of Oakland Fire Station #l/EOClFire Dispatch CitylCounty of San Francisco Courts Interim Courthouse City/County of San Francisco Small Claims Court Napa County Administration Building . Napa County Historic Courthouse Preservation and Rehabilitation Los Angeles County Central Civil West Courthouse . Marin County Sheriff's Dispatch Center, San Rafael, CA Marin County Fire Dispatch Center, Woodacre, CA . San Mateo County"Flexible Courtroom" Napa County Historic Courthouse . Sonoma County HOl Family Court and ADA upgrades Los Angeles County Robertson Branch Traffic Courts Nourse Auditorium and Crestmoor"Mega-Courts" Sonoma County Hall of Justice Server Room State of Colorado Emergency Operations Center, Denver, CO RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE CITY FACILITIES . City of San Jose, CA South City Police Substation/Alternate EOC & 9115ite Planning, programming, design and construction administration for a 115,000 sf police sub station that includes administration, investigations, back up-EOC and patrol operations. R05sDruti5Cusenbery Architecture, Inc. ~.130 Alameda County Sheriffs Headquarters & EOe, Dublin, CA, (From top to bottom) Exteriof; tobby, 911 Sketch 1 San Jose, CA South City Police Substation; (from top to bottom): View from plaza; Regional map; Site plan; Interior view of lobby looking ,outh o?3~ 3Q City of San Jose, CA Fire Station 36 Planning, programming, design and construction administration for an 11,000 sf fire station . City of San Jose, CA Police/Fire Emergency Communications and Operations Center Planning, programming, design and construction administration for a 18,000 sf renovation on the fourth floor in the San Jose Police Department Headquarters City of Sonoma, CA Police Department Headquarters Planning, programming, design and construction administration for a new 19,000 sf police station . City of Palo Alto, CA Public Safety Building Planning, programming, design and construction administration of a 44,000 sf police, fire, dispatch and emergency operations center City of Oakland, CA Fire Station #1/EOC/Fire Dispatch Feasi bi I itystudy, pro gra m mi ng a nd conce ptual des ign of the City's Emerge ncyCom m u n icatio n and Operations Center & Fire Station #1 renovation in downtown Oakland City of Sonoma, CA Fire Department Headquarters/Fire Station Planning, programming. design and construction administration for a new 16,000 sf fire station . City ofLos Angeles, CA Emergency Operations Center/Fire Dispatch/Police & Fire Operations Centers Planning, programming and conceptual design of a 100,000 sf Emergency Communication and Operations Center /Fire Dispatch/Police & Fire Operations Centers collocated with a Fire Station in downtown Los Angeles. Shared use of space between the Fire Department, Police Department and Office of Emergency Services users . City of Santa Monica, CA Police /Fire Public Safety Building Planning, progra m m ing a nd conceptua I design of a new 115,000 sf police, fire a nd emergency operations center. The preliminary design was planned to be consistent with the new Civic Center master pia n City of Sausalito, CA Police Department Master Plan, Sausalito, CA Facilities needs assessment, architectural programming, public outreach, concept design . City of Napa Facility Master plan and City Hall Space Program, Napa, CA RDC provided the city-wide facilities master plan and City Hall space program services City of Vancouver B.t. Canada, Regional Emergency Operations and Communication Centre Planning, programming, design and construction administration of a 70,000 sf, police/fire Emergency Communication and Operations Center in Vancouver, BC City of Seattle Command Center, Seattle, WA Planning. programming. design and construction administration of a 62,000 sf, Emergency Communication and Operations Center, Fire Command Center and Fire Station . City of Reno/Sparks/Washoe County Regional Communications 8< Emergency Operations Center, Reno, NV Planning. programming and design of a 23,000 sf regional Police/Fire EmergencyCommuni. cation a nd Operations Center COUNTY FACILITIES Alameda County Sheriff's Department Emergency Operations Center, Dublin, CA Planning, programming, design, and construction administration for a 26,000 sf, emergency operations center. . San Francisco Civic Center Courthouse, San Francisco, CA Planning, programming, design, and construction administration for the 235,000 sf new civil court facility on the Civic Center in San Francisco San Francisco Superior and Municipal-Court Interim Courthouse, San Francisco, CA Facility master planning, programming, and design of a six-story, 120,000 sf high-rise office building for use as a 31-court interim courts facility . Sonoma County Sheriff's Headquarters/Regional Dispatch Center, Santa Rosa, CA Planning,programming,design and construction administration for a new 61,200 sf. sheriff's headquarters and regional911-dispatch center. Contra Costa County (CA) Family Law Center, Martinez, CA Planning, programming, design. and contract administration services for a new $13.8 million 40,000 sf family law court facility, including five courtrooms RO"!isOrul1sCusenbery Archltedure.lnc. ~ . Napa County Criminal Courthouse, Napa, CA Planning, programming, design, and construction administration for a new 48,000 sf high security criminal courthouse in historic downtown forthe City of Napa, CA . Napa County Historic Courthouse Preservation and Rehabilitation, Napa, CA Planning, programming, design, and construction administration of the renovation of the Napa Historic Courthouse Napa County Juvenile Justice Center Facility Plan and Design, Napa, CA Planning, programming, design, and construction administration forthe new 42,000 sf Napa County Juvenile Justice Center Marin County Sheriff's Dispatch Center, San Rafael, CA Planning, programming, and design of the Marin County Sheriff's Department central dispatch center renovation Marin County (CA) Fire Dispatch Center, Woodacre, CA Planning, programming, and design of the Marin County Fire Department central dispatch center renovation King County Regional Communications and Emergency Coordination Center. Seattle, WA Planning, programming, design and construction administration of a new 37.000 sf Emergency Communication and Operations Center Oakota County Emergency Operations and Communications Center, Empire, MN Programming and design of a 25,000 sf 911 dispatch facility designed to essential services standards that provides service to Dakota County and several towns within the county . Hennepin County Emergency Operations and Communications Center, Minneapolis, MN Planning, programming, design. and provided Construction Administration support for the new 45,000 sf Emergency Communication and Operations Center Gwinnette County Emergency Operations and Communications Center, Lawrenceville, GA Planning. programming. design, and construction administration support for the 48,000 sf police headquarters and Emergency Communication and Operations Center County of Kauai, HI Main Police Headquarters/911/EOC, Lihue, Kauai, HI Planning, programming, and design of "bridging documents" for the 60,000 sf, police headquarters and Emergency Communication and Operations Center in Lihue, HI Fairfax County, VA Public Safety and Transportation Operations Center, Fairfax, VA Feasibility study, planning, programming and conceptual design ofthe new 100,000 sf Police I Fire I VDOT EmergencyCommunication and Operations Center Orange County Sheriff's Department Emergency Operations and Communications Center, Silverado, CA Programming, planning, and concept design for the renovation and expansion ofa 30,000 sf Emergency Operations and Communications Center to house a +/- 60,000 sf program,either on site or split into a new building . Sonoma County Government Center Master Plan, Santa Rosa, CA Facilities needs assessment, planning. programming, and concept design for the Sonoma County Government Center County of Mendocino Health and Human Services Facility Master Plan, Mendocino, CA Planning, programming, design and construction administration for the CountyofMendocino Health and Human Services Center Mendocino County Criminal Justice System Master Plan, Mendocino, CA County wide facilities needs assessment, planning, programming and design of the Mendocino County Criminal Justice System Center STATE FACILITIES State of California, Governors Office of Emergency Services Headquarters, State Emergency Operations Center/Regional Operations Center, Sacramento, CA Planning, programming, and design of a new 111,000 sf emergency operations and state warning center . State of Colorado Emergency Operations Center, Denver, CO Planning, programming and design of a state emergency operations center . University of California, Santa Cruz, Police Headquarters/Emergency Response Center, Santa Cruz, CA Planning, programming, and design of a new 13,850 sf emergency response center and a 3.400 sf emergency equipment warehouse. RossDruHsCusenbery AfoC::hitedure,lnc. c2 Lf ~3D Son Jo~e , CA South City Police Sub~totion; (from top to bottom); View from plazo; ,~egionol map; Site plan; Interior view of lobby looking south 3 San JOfe, CA South City Police Subftation; From top to bottoln Community Room; Courtyard; lobby Soutll Side 4 J-5 a;f.~ FEDERAL FACILITIES San Ysidro Border Station, Site Master Plan, San Ysidro, CA Planning. programming,and design ofa new $325 million border station and law enforcement facility between San Diego and Tijuana, Mexico. This Port of Entry is the busiest land crossing in the world. Calexico Border Station, Calexico, CA Planning, programming, and concept design of a new border station William K. Nakamura Courthouse Renovation, Seattle, WA Planning, programming, and design of a $44 million historic federal courthouse renovation in downtown Seattle . Government of American Samoa Territorial Emergency Communications & Operations Center, Pago Pago, Tutuila, American Samoa Planning, programming. and design of a new 23,000 sf emergency response center for American Samoa . Administrative Office of the United States Courts, Nation Wide, US Nation wide facility planning, technical consultation and design service for the Federal Court system. RDC has produced planning services for projects in over 30 States. AWARD WINNING DESIGN EXCELLENCE FIRM DESIGN AWARDS Historic Napa Courthouse Award of Merit, 32nd Annual Napa County Landmarks, 2006 Award of Merit, Preservation Awards Program, Napa County Landmarks, Inc., 2006 Napa County Juvenile Justice Center (itation for Design Excellence, AlA Justice Facilities Review 2006-2007 San Jose Police Department. South City Substation Unbuilt De5ign Citation Award, AlA San Francisco 2006 Citation for Design Excellence, AlA Justice Facilities Review 2006-2007 Citation for Design Excellence, AlARE 2006 Architectural Design Awards Seattle Fire Station 10 I Command Center Unbuilt Award, Seattle Honor Award for Washington Architecture. AlA 2005 Commendation for De5ign Excellence, Seattle Design Commission, 200S Citation for Design Excellence, AlA Justice Facilities Review 2006-2007 State of California Governor's Office of Emergency Services Headquarters & State Operations Center Cit~tion,Archjtecture Design Awards, AlA San Francisco 2005 Award of Merit, "Best of the Bay" Design Awards 2005 (it~tion Justice Facilities Award, 2004-2005 Award of Merit, Design Awards, AlA San Francisco 2004 Excellence in Design Award, "Best of the Bay" AlA San Francisco 2003 Energy Efficiency Integration Award,AIA California Council 2002 Merit Award in Public Building Design, Central Valley Chapter, AlA 2002 Contra Costa Family law Center Citation, Justice Facility Review 2002-2003 Merit Award, Honor Awards, AlA Redwood Empire 2004 Citation, Design Excellence AiA Justice Facilities Review 2004 King County Regional Communication and Emergency Coordination Center Merit Award, "Best ofthe Bay" Design Awards, AlA San Francisco 2005 Merit Award, Honor Awards, AlA Redwood Empire 2004 (itation for Design Excellence, AlA Justice Facilities Review, 2004 First place Gold Award, "Building Technology Systems" ACEC - Washington San Francisco Civic Center Courthouse & Napa County Criminal Courthouse Design Excellence, AlA Committee on Architecture Award of Honor for Design Excellence, AlA San Francisco, "Best of the Bay and Beyond" Certificate of Recognition Excellence in Design, Committee on Architecture for Justice R055Druli.5(u~enbery Architedure1lnc, Palo Alto Public Sofety Building. (from top to bottom) For;ode view; Courtyard 16 t?6 ~30 THE ROC TEAM The assessment and design for renovation and expansion of existing buildings, and future needs assessmentfor a co-located civic center, city hall and police facilities requires an AlE design team thatfacilitates and manages a complex process. RDC is experienced in assembling, managing and coordinating specialized consultant teams for Civic Buildings and Public Safety facilities with op- erational survivability and systems redundancy requirements. ROC's experienced team includes:, DASSE Design, Inc., Structural Engineers; Bohley Consulting, Inc., Civil Engineers; 15000 Inc., Me- chanical Engineers; O'Mahony & Myer, Electrical Engineers; Thorburn Associates, Acoustics/AV & Security Consultants; MACKS, Cost Consultants; KEMA, Sustainabi!ity and LEED Documentation; and Carducci & Associates, Inc., Landscape Architects. RESUMES OF KEY TEAM PERSONNEL R05SDRULISCUSENBERY ARCHITECTURE, INC. CHARLES R. DRULlS, AlA Principal Education UC Berkeley, MAArchitecture Duke University, BA History Professional Affiliations American Institute of Architects AlA Committee on Architecture and Justice William & Catherine BauerWurster Society, University of California, Berkeley Guest Lecturer/Architectural Critic, UC Berkeley College of Environmental Design Lecturer, Courthouse Design Conferences, Justice Management Institute Lecturer, AlA Architecture for Justice Conference: Public Safety Emergency Operations & Communications Centers Juror, AlA Justice Facility Review 2002-2003 Jury Chair, AlA Justice Facility Review 2004-2005 Licenses/Registration s Registered Architect, California, C21236 Published Work Courthouses of California, An Illustrated History Ray McDevitt (Heyday Books. Berkeley 2001) "Designing the New" - A case study essay. Experience Charles (Chuck) Orulis has 25 years of experience in programming, design and project manage- ment and directs ROC's Public Safety Emergency Communications and Operations programming and design studio. During the past five years, Chuck Orulis has served as project planner and director for over two million square feet of public safety, judicial and other public sector proj- ects. These projects include the new 111,000 sf State of California Offices of Emergency Services Headquarters/State Operations Center (SOc)/Regional Emergency Operations Center (REOe), the 100,000 sf City of Los Angeles Emergency Operations and Communications Center, the King County (WA) Communications & Operations Center. the City of Vancouver (Be) Emergency Op- erations and Communications Centre. the County of Kauai (HI) Police Headquarters/Emergency Operations and Communications Center, the Master Planning for the Northern California Re- gional Public SafetyTraining College. the 80,000 sf Fairfax County, VA. Public Safety Building, and the Reno/Sparks/Washoe County (NV) Emergency Communications & Operations Center. He also served as project director for the award- winning County of Alameda Emergency Operations Cen- ter, the $8S million San Francisco Civic Center Courthouse and led the planning, programming and conceptual design ofthe City of Oakland Emergency Communications & Operations Center. The majority of these projects are m u Iti-pu rpose operations and tra I ning centers. RossDrulisCusenbery Architecture,lnc. Mr. Drulis'experience in planning, programming and design represents expertise in state-of.the. art command centers. public safety and emergency operations facilities. Mr. Drulis' knowledge of the complex nature of high security public buildings, including communications and critical operations, provides a firm foundation for his practice. Representative Projects King County (WA) Sheriff's Communications & EmergencyCoordination Center, Renton, WA City of Vancouver, BC PolicelFire/Emergency Operations & Communications Centre Kauai County (Hll Police Headquarters, Emergency Operations and Communications Center, Lihue, Kauai City of Los Angeles, CA Emergency Operations Center/Police Operations Center/Fire Dispatch Center City of Seattle, WA Fire Station 10 Relocation Project: Fire Station 10 Operations/EOC/Fire Alarm Center, Seattle. WA Fairfax County, VA Public Safety Operations Center, Fairfax, VA County of Sonoma Sheriff's Headquarters/Regional Dispatch Center, Santa Rosa, CA State of California OES Headquarters & EOC, Sacramento, CA State of Colorado Emergency Operations Center, Denver, CO Seattle Public utilities Operations Control Center,Seattle, WA Dakota Communications Center, MN Lorna Ridge Facility, Orange County, CA Government of American Samoa Territorial Emergency Communications & Operations Center, pago pago, Tutuila,American Samoa City of San Jose Emergency Operations, Communications & Telecommunications Center,San Jose, CA Napa County Criminal Courthouse, Napa, CA Napa County Historic Courthouse Preservation and Rehabilitation, Napa, CA Napa County Juvenile Justice Center Facility Plan and Design. Napa, CA Contra Costa County ICA) Family Law Center,Martinez, CA T.C. MOORE Project Architect Education Master of Landscape Architecture 1986, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon Bachelor of Architecture 1984, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon Diploma of Interior Design 1980. Mount Royal College, Calgary, Alberta Awards and Publications First Prize Category 'A'Corner Site, Housing on Toronto's Main Street's Competition,1989. American Society of landscape Architecture Certificate of Merit for Excellence in the Study of Landscape Architecture, 1986. Masonry and Ceramic Tile Institute Fellowship, 1984 Anne Vernez Moudon. "Housing on Toronto's Main Streets: An Overview ofthe Competition and Its Results', Praxis: A Magazine on Architecture [September 1990]:18-21.43. "Designing with Bricks and Tiles", 1.c. Moore, [Masonry and Ceramic Tile Institute of Oregon, 1984] Caroline Scarborough, "Cottage Industry; Living Small Can be a Big Adventure'" San Francisco Chronicle [March 1994] Z-l. Z-4 licenses/Registration s Registered Architect, State of California, 1990 (#C 25069) T.C. Moore has 20 years professional experience in architectural, landscape, urban and interior design. Ms. Moore's project experience includes civic, public safety buildings, libraries, private and public housing. parks and planning work. Ms. Moore is currently the project manager archi- tect for the City of Seattle Fire Station 10 project which is under construction and incorporates not only a fire station but the new EOe and 911 center. She is also a project architect on the San Jose Police Sub-station, which is currently in construction documents where she is working on the overall site plan ofthis ll-acre site, which includes coordination with the landscape. civil and RQssDrulls(u-senbery Architecture,lnc. ;2"1 <9f 30 Palo Alto Public Safety Building, (from top to bottom) Southeast view; Main lobby 17 Palo Afto Public Safety Building, (from top to bottom) Window study; Communications room 18 ,;;{f?' ~3{) project artist. T.C. has diverse project type experience integrating the requirements from the site through to the interiors of buildings. Her approach balances a projects team for she understands the overall requirements. Representative Projects Seattle Fire Station 10. Seattle, WA Project Manager for a 62,000 sf Emergency Communication and Operations Center. Fire Command Center a nd Fi re Station . City of San Jose, CA South City Police Substation Master Plan, CA Project Architect for a new $65 million 115,000 sf police substation that includes administration, investigations, back up-EOC and patrol operations . Cecil Williams Glide Community House. San Francisco, CA Project Architect for a nine-story. 52-unit. $10 million transitional housing project EBMUD Adeline Maintenance Center. Oakland, CA Project Manager, project architect for four new industrial buildings including fleet maintenance, shops, stores, a testing laboratory and remodel of administrative offices. This $18 million project on a 13 acres site included 122,000 sf of new construction as well as 47,000 sfof remodeled space . Marin Center for Independent Living - San Rafael. CA Project Architect for a remodel of a historic brick structure to house this non-profit organization . Danville City Library Be Community Center. Danvllle. CA Project Architect for the 18,000 sflibrary and 7.000 sf community center with a focus on the plaza and landscape in front of the library . Meadow Club Golf Club House. Fairfax. CA Pro jed Arch itect doing co nstruction adm i n istration of this 27,000 sf c1u b Main St. Redevelopment Plan - Po rtervi II e, CA Project Architect for a master plan document for Main Street Signal Hill Specific Plan - Signal Hill. CA Project Architect developing the requirements for a specific plan Long Range Development Plan. University of California at Riverside ProjedArchitectto guide develop mentto 2005-06 including plan ni ng for utility infrastructure based on a strong open space system . Bi5hop Ranch 1S. San Ramon,CA Project Architect for a 585-acre business park . Mondavi Winery. Napa, CA Project Architect for continued development and maintenance ofthis winery River5ide Park. Hartford, Connecticut Project Architect for the restoration and reuse of this original Frederic Law Olmsted Park . Mountain View Civic Center and Community Theater. Mountain View, CA Project Designerforthe plaza between these two buildings as well as coordinating the work of the landscape architect GWEN STANLEY Designer Education Bachelor of Architecture 1997, California College of Art, San Francisco Architectural Technician Diploma, 1985, Regional Technical College. Cork, Ireland Gwen Stanley has provided architectural design and detail production in projects in the private and public sector. Awards Ms. Stanley received the AlA Henry Adams Award, medal and certificate of merit. in 1997 for recognition of achievements in design and the AlA scholastic award in 1996. Representative Projects San Jose South City Police Substation. San Jose,CA RossOrullsCuumbery Arc:hitectl,lre, Jnc. State of California, Governors Office of Emergency Services Headquarters/State Emergency Operations Center/State Warning Center, Sacramento, CA City of Sonoma, CA Fire House Village Mendocino Juvenile Hall, Mendocino. CA Napa County Juvenile Justice Center, Napa, CA Mendoci no Yo kayo Co urthouse, Mendoci no, CA ALBERT LAW Designer Education M. of Architecture{ 2001), B. S. Architecture (1999). University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Professional Affiliations American Institute of Architects Associate Member Albert Law has professional experience in architectural design, graphic design and planning. Mr. Law's professional experience includes judicial facilities. public safety facilities. emergency opera- tions centers, border station, commercial and residential projects. Mr. law has provided analyti- cal and graphical support for a variety of publications for the Administrative Office ofthe Courts (AOUSC) and California Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC). Before joining RDC Mr. Law has worked as an intern in an award-winning architecture firm in Hong Kong providing services in architectural design, 3D rendering and construction documents in a variety of projects including both residential and public facilities. Representative projects: City of San Jose, South San Jose Police Substation City of San Jose Communications Center San Ysidro Border Station Expansion and Relocation City of Seattle Fire Station 10 Replacement Project City of Sonoma Police Station and Court/City Council Chamber Expansion Courthouse Design Reference Manual for AOUSC Server Room Study & Design Manual for AOUSC Courtroom Technology Study for AOUSC u.s. Courts Courtroom Mock-up Evaluation and Assessment Report for AOUsC William K. Nakamura Federal Courthouse. Seattle, WA United States Bankruptcy Court, Grand Rapids,MI San Francisco 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Space Planning Chamber Interiors and Furniture Acquisition Plan for USDC, Salt Lake City, UT California Trial Courts Facility Guidelines for AOC County of Santa Clara Morgan Hill Courthouse R"ssDrullsCu~enbery ArchltE'cture. .nc. Olq ~30 King County, WA Polite and Regional Com- munication & Coordination Center, (from top to bottom) Exterior View, Main entry at dU5k, Exterior view 19 King County, WA Police and Regional Communication & Coordination Center, (from top to bottom): Cowtyard, employee entry 20 30~3{) CONSULTANT TEAM DASSE DESIGN, INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS DASSE Design Inc., founded in 1986, has offices in San Francisco and Oakland with a combined staff of over 60, including over 30 registered civil and structural engineers. The firm provides a complete range of structural engineering services to architects, developers, building owners and government agencies including: Design of new buildings and ancillary structures Structural and seismic evaluations of existing buildings Renovation and seismic retrofit of existing buildings, including historic preservation Development offacility structural and seismic design standards Peer Reviews,constructability Reviews and structural code plan checking Building Occupancy Resumption Programs Post Earthquake Inspections These services involve traditional structural engineering for new building construction,additions, alterations and retrofitting of existing structures including tenant build-outs. Structural design experience ofthe firm includes the use of conventional structural materials plus new and inno- vative structural materials and systems, including exposed structure with carefully articulated structural details integrated with the architecture. The firm embraces "cutting edge" analyses and design techniques, and the use of new project delivery platforms. DASSE has provided structural engineering for the design and construction of many buildings for municipal governments and the State of California including: City Halls and other government office buildings Emergency communication centers Police and sheriff facilities Fire stations Courthouses Juvenile and adult justice facilities Libraries Community and senior centers Recreation facilities and child care centers The principalsand staff have also provided structural engineering services for school,community college and university facilities; major corporate facilities including offices, laboratories, comput- er and manufacturing buildings; hospital expansions and remodels; commercial office buildings; retail centers; hotels and resorts; multi-family and senior housing and parking garages. Philosophy The firm's success and reputation is built on our philosophy of applying state-of-the-arttechnol- ogy in earthquake resistant design, providing responsive service and developing creative, eco- nomical solutions. Each project is directed by a Principal who works with the c1ientto define their needs and our approach to the project. During preliminary design DASSE works to produce eco- nomical and constructible design solutions which satisfy functional, operational and aesthetic constraints. In the preparation of construction documents special attention is paid to the devel- opment ofthorough structural details, and coordination with architectural, mechanical, electri- cal, plumbing and other non structural building systems. During construction, DASSE provides timely support in processing of submittals, responding to contractor questions, and construction site visits to observe the progress of the structural work. RossDrulisCusenbery Archltectu..e, InC:.