HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.10 HeartMonitorLease-Purch C~1"Y CLIERK FIle # D[I]~@}{~[] SUBJECT Update on ZOLL E Senes Heart Momtor Lease-Purchase Report Prepared by David Rocha Deputy Chief Alameda County Fire Department and Jom Pattillo Assistant City Manager ATT ACHMENTS Alameda County Fire Cost AllocatIOn Worksheet RECOMMENDATIO~ ~ Accept the Staff Report FINANCIAL STATEMENT Adequate funds have been budgeted m the City's Fiscal 2007-2008 budget for the first year lease-purchase cost for Dubhn's allocated cost for the replacement heart momtors/defibnllators DESCRllPTION Backl!round As part of the FY 2007-2008 budget, the Alameda County Fire Department (ACFD) was approved to replace Its entIre fleet of outdated ZOLL 1600 heart mom tors with new state-of-the-art ZOLL E Senes heart momtors Tills purchase, which the City of Dubhn has budgeted $40,000 for m fiscal 2007-2008, wIll result m a SignIficant Improvement m provldmg advanced hfe support and cardiac care to all cItIzens served by the ACFD Every fire engme and truck m the City of Dubhn Will carry a ZOLL E senes heart mom tor by January 1,2008 On September 18, 2007, the City Council directed staff to pursue a $10,000 credit for each of the two AutoPulse ResuscitatIOn Systems as part of the purchase agreement for ZOLL E Senes heart momtors The full amount of credit for the two umts has been allocated exclUSively to the City of Dubhn portIOn of the ZOLL Senes E heart mom tors That dollar amount, along With an additIOnal credit of $89,60000 trade m value for all eXlstmg ZOLL 1600 heart rnomtors throughout ACFD, had a Significant pOSItIve Impact on the total purchase pnce ofreplacmg the entIre fleet of heart morutors The ACFD successfully negotIated a lease purchase agreement With ZOLL for 5-year financmg at an annual mterest rate of 0% With a 20% down payment ACFD total lease purchase agreement IS $881,36800 for the purchase of32 heart mom tors As a result of this agreement, ACFD IS requestmg that COPY'IO Fire Page 1 of2 nEMNO~ C/ the City of Dublin contnbute Its direct cost for heart momtors m the City ofDubhn and allocated cost for reserve heart momtors The heart momtors located at the Fire StatIons m Dublin are the property of the City ofDubhn Heart MODltor Payment Schedule (Dublin) 20 % Down Payment $30,786 AutoPulse ResuscitatIon ($20,000) Systems Trade-m Net Down Payment $10,786 Annual Payments Year 1- 2007-2008 $27,209 Year 2-2008-2009 $27,209 Year 3-2009-2010 $27,209 Year 4-2010-2011 $27,209 Year 5-2011-2012 $27,209 Total Payments $146,831 The $40,000 budgeted m the City's Fiscal 2007-2008 budget IS suffiCIent to cover the $37,995 reqUIred for the down payment ($10,786) and first year lease-purchase cost ($27,209) The cost associated With the Heart Momtor replacement IS less than anticipated due to the $20,000 trade-m allowance and the 5- year no mterest financmg terms The ZOLL E Senes heart momtors will enable the department to comply With current Alameda County EMS protocols, as well as the 2005 Arnencan Heart AssociatIOn (AHA) Gmdelmes With advanced cardiac momtonng and diagnostIc capablhtIes, It will enable our paramediCS to rapidly IdentIfy those patients who are suffenng an acute heart attack and msure they are transported to the closest county- deSignated faclhty With a cardiac cathetenzatIon lab In additIon to momtonng heart rate and rhythm, the E Senes wIll mom tor blood pressure and pulse oXimetry, as well as contmuous exhaled CO2 for patIents who reqmre msertIOn of a breathmg tube With the 2005 AHA Gmdelmes emphaslzmg the need for Improved CPR for all cardiac arrest patIents, ZOLL's patented Real CPR Help technology, offered standard m the E Senes, will enable paramediCS to contmuously mom tor the rate and depth of chest compressIOns, both at the scene and dunng transport to the hospital ZOLL Code ReView Software will also prOVide data capture of the event for QA analysIs RECOMMENDA TION Accept the Staff Report Page 2 of2 tooL Alameda County Fire Department Heart MOnitors Cost Allocation EqUipment Cost Less Trade In Zoll1600 Auto Pulse (Dublin Only) Estimated Freight Estimated Taxes Total Lease Purchase Cost 20% Down Payment Total Amount to Fmance $909 552 70 (8960000) (20 000 00) 1 830 00 79 585 86 881 36856 (18394571) 697 422 85 Cost Per Unit $2816777 Financing Term 0% Lease Term 5 years % Allocation San Alameda Allocation Methodology Total Dublin Leandro LBL County LLNL Front Line Apparatus 26 5 7 1 13 Allocation % 100% 100% 100% 100% Reserves 3 15 38% 26 92% 385% 4231% 11 54% Training I Spare 3 15 38% 26 92% 385% 4231% 11 54% Total Units 32 $ Allocation San Alameda Total Dublin Leandro LBL County LLNL Front Line Apparatus 26 5 7 1 13 Front Line Apparatus Cost $140839 $197174 $28 168 $366 181 AutoPulse System Credit ($20000\ $0 $0 $0 Net Purchase Costs $120839 $197174 $28 168 $366181 $0 Reserve 3 $12997 $22 748 $3 253 $35 753 $9 752 Training I Spare 3 $12997 $22 748 $3 253 $35 753 $9 752 Total Lease Purchase Cost $881,369 $146832 $242 671 $34,675 $437 688 $19,503 Pa tlment Schedule San Alameda Total Dublin Leandro LBL County LLNL 20% Down Payment $183,946 $30 786 $50,600 $7 230 $91,263 $4 067 Annual Payments Year 1 $143485 $27 209 $38 414 $5 489 $69 285 $3087 Year 2 $143485 $27 209 $38 414 $5 489 $69 285 $3087 Year 3 $143485 $27 209 $38 414 $5 489 $69 285 $3087 Year 4 $143485 $27 209 $38414 $5 489 $69 285 $3087 Year 5 $143485 $27 209 $38 414 $5 489 $69 285 $3087 Mmus Auto Pulse Credit ($20000) ($20000) Total Payments $881,369 $146,832 $242,671 $34,675 $437,688 $19,503 FIrst Year Payment Amount San Alameda Total Dublin Leandro LBL County LLNL 20% Down Payment $183946 $30 786 $50 600 $7 230 $91 263 $4 067 Minus Auto Pulse Credit ($20 000) Year 1 Payment $27 209 $38 414 $5 489 $69 285 $3087 Total First Year Payment $307,430 $37,995 $89,014 $12,719 $160,548 $7,154 /2 -l15-Dl ~'lO 16\ TT A C!HI M IE ~ 1J" jL