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fIle # D[l]~[Q]c~[Q]
Decemlber 18, 2007
Nahonal League of CitIes (NLC) Delegate Appomtment for
Upcommg March 2008 Federal Legislative Update
Report Prepared by Jom Pattlllo ASslstant Cay Manager
Confirm the Mayor's appomtment as the delegate for the
NatIOnal League of CItIes March 2008 Federal Legislative
Update m Washmgton 0 C,
Direct Staff to notify the orgamzatIon of this appomtment and,
Direct Staff to return for CounCIl consIderatIOn the appomtment
of a votmg delegate for the NLC 2008 Fall Annual Conference
m August/September 2008
SuffiCient funds have been allocated for the NatIOnal League of
CIties LegIslative Update
Staff was dIrected by CIty Councll at the October 2, 2007 CIty CounCIl meetmg to bnng back for
CouncIl's conSIderatIOn the appomtment of a delegate for the NatIonal League of CIties for the Federal
LegIslatlve Update that IS scheduled to occur on March 8th through March 12, 2008 m Washmgton, DC
and a votmg delegate for the NatIOnal League of CItIes (NLC) 2008 Annual Conference
Mayor Lockhart IS proposmg a slIght modIfication to the selectIOn process for attendance at the upcommg
NLC Federal LegIslatIve Update and NLC 2008 Annual Conference She IS recommendmg that the
selectIOn of the pnmary delegate to the NLC be made by CIty CounCIl a few months pnor to the March
2008 and the Fall 2008 NLC events to allow the proposed delegate to better gauge theIr aVallabIlIty to
attend these NLC events
To fill thiS upcommg vacancy, Mayor Lockhart recorrunends the appomtment of the Mayor as the delegate
and VIce Mayor Kasle HIldenbrand as the alternate The appomtment of the NLC 2008 Fall Annual
Conference votmg delegate WIll be brought back for CIty CounCIl's conSideration m August/September
2008 m order to proVIde adequate time to regIster for the event
1) Confirm the Mayor's appomtment as the delegate for the NatIOnal League of CItIes March 2008
Federal Leglslatlve Update In Washmgton DC, 2) dIrect Staff to notIfy the organIzatIOn ofthI5
appomtment, and, 3) DIrect Staffto return for CounCIl conSIderatIon the appomtment of a votmg delegate
for the NLC 2008 Fall Annual Conference m August/September 2008
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