HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.11 SolicitBidsContract 07-13 C~1"Y CLERK File # O[lJ[Q][Q},liJ@ AGIE~DA STATIEME~T C~TY COUNCIL MIEIET~NG DATIE December 18,2007 SUBJECT AuthonzatIon to SolIcit Bids - Contract No 07-13, 1-5801Fallon Road Interchange Improvements Report Prepared by Melissa Morton Public Works ~ ATTACHMENTS 1) 2) Location Map Plans and Specifications to be available at the City Council meeting RECOMMENDATION ~ Authonze Staff to sohclt bids for Contract No 07-13, I-580lFallon Road Interchange Improvements FINANCIAL STATEMENT The budget for construction In the FY 2007-2008 CIP IS $11,900,000 Staff has requested the LIn Family to advance the funds needed to construct the project (per agreement With the City) and Staff antiCipates reCeiVing those funds ill January 2008 pnor to opemng of construction bids ][)ESCllUlPTION On October 24, 2007, the State Department of TransportatIOn (Caltrans) approved the City-sponsored Interstate 580IFallon Road Interchange Improvement project, along With approval of the project enVIronmental document (CategOrIcal ExclusIOn) under the National Envlfonmental PolIcy Act (NEP A) As referenced In the NEP A document, construction of the project shall comply With the terms and conditions Identified In the project BIOlogical OpinIOn issued by the Umted States Fish and WildlIfe Service on July 13, 2007 The BIOlogical OpinIOn proposes several conservatIOn measures to aVOid, minimiZe, and compensate for effects to hsted speCies, including the purchase of 106 acres of combination CalIfornia red-legged frog/Cahfornia tiger salamander credits at the Ohlone Conservation Bank to offset project effects to these two hsted speCies The City had Since purchased said conservatIOn credits at the Ohlone Conservation Bank to comply With thiS reqUirement Caltrans had also approved the final plans and speCifications and the project IS now ready for bidding ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COpy ']['0 ][,][,lEM NO 4 I \ Page 1 of2 G \CIP\I 580 Fallon Rd\agsl aulhonzal1on doc The 1-580/Fallon Road Interchange Improvement ProJect proposes to modify the eXlstmg diamond mterchange deSign to a partial cloverleaf configuratIOn while mcreasmg the capacity of the mterchange ramps and the ramp mtersectlOns The proposed mterchange modifications mclude the followmg work o Widen the eXlstmg EI Charro Road freeway overcrossmg to proVide 2 lanes m each directIOn, a 4-foot wide median, 4-foot shoulders and a 6-foot sidewalk along the east side of the overcrossmg o Widen the eXlstmg westbound off-ramp to 2 lanes and provldmg 4 lanes (2 left and 2 rIght turn lanes) at the ramp mtersectlOn with Fallon Road o Construct 1,300 feet of westbound auxlhary lane east of the westbound off-ramp o Widen the eXlstmg eastbound off-ramp to 2 lanes and provldmg a second left turn lane at the ramp mtersectIon with EI Charro Road o Construct the new southbound to eastbound 2-lane loop on-ramp with ramp metenng o Construct the new northbound to westbound 2-lane loop on-ramp with ramp meterIng o Construct the eXlstmg smgle-Iane eastbound diagonal on-ramp to 2 lanes with ramp metenng o Widen Fallon Road north of the westbound ramp mtersectlOn to proVide two thru-lanes and a nght-turn lane m each duection o Install traffic Signal system at the ramp mtersectIons with Fallon Road and El Charro Road o Installlandscapmg north of the mamlme along westbound on and off-ramps The budget for Improvements m the FY 2007-2008 Capital Improvement Program (CIP# 96430) IS $11,900,000 Staff has requested the Lm Family to advance the funds needed to construct the proJect and Staff anticipates receIVmg those funds m January 2008, pnor to openmg of construction bids ConstructIOn IS expected to start m early spnng 2008, With the work estimated to take 12 months It IS recommended that the City Council authonze Staff to solIcit bids for Contract No 07-13, 1- 580/Fallon Road Interchange Improvement ProJect Page20f2 BEGIN CONSTRUCTION aTA 114 86 KP 27 4 \ PM 17 0 \ em Ll\lt.> ~ _ -. --- ROUTE 580 m ,WOAHD I" ~iS llSllJPL\Ofl.( 10 !11)S l\(l~liWl l~ l~u)fO IN lilt ~Pllct 10 Q)~ IPJ" l,,~$ Ifi) JVltI~l FRO'(ISI~lS e~ mill,W' tr - 0 () I.L'N) ~- PLEA8ANTON OUBlIN ! I LImIt of Work Sto W46 .J II lLOCA TION MAP I 580 I FALLON ROAD - EL CHARRO ROAD INTERCHANGE IMPROVEMENTS