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CITY COUNC~l MEIETI~G DATE December 18, 2007
Approval of CIty Staff Servmg as Officers and Staff for Schaefer
Ranch and Fallon Village GeologIc HaLard Abatement DIstncts
Report Prepared by Melissa Morton Pubhc Works Director
Staff recommends that the CIty Councll approve the use of City
Staff on an mtenm basIs to provIde services to the Schaefer Ranch
and Fallon VIllage GeologIc Hazard Abatement Dlstncts
The cost to provIde servIces WIll be mInImal as neIther the Schaefer
Ranch nor Fallon VIllage GHADs WIll be accepted fOT mamtenance
for another three years, and assessment IS not scheduled to begin
until Fiscal Year 2008-2009
llJIESCRlllPl'ION GHAD law reqUIres that a Clerk of the Dlstnct, Treasurer of the
Dlstnct, and Manager of the DIStrIct be appomted It IS proposed that the CIty Clerk, City AdmmlstratIve
Services Director and PublIc Works DIrector be appomted on an mtenm basIs as, respectively, the Dlstnct
Clerk, DIstnct Treasurer and DIstnct Manager untIl such tIme as an mdependent GRAD Manager IS
retamed, who WIll be funded by assessment proceeds, and can make a recommendatIon regardmg
appropnate persons or firms to serve as DIStrIct Clerk and Dlstnct Treasurer
WhIle the Schaefer Ranch and Fallon VIllage GHADs are stIll bemg operated and mamtamed by the
developers of the parcels, costs wIll be mmlInal to provIde admmIstratI ve review and fi nancI3l assl stance,
as well as management and directIon to the staff, wIll be mImmal The assessment on any given parcel
wIll not begm untIl the bUIldmg permIt has been completed, therefore, assessments WIll come on
COpy 1'0 Jeff Lawrence, Braddock & Logan
Doug Chen, Schaefer Ranch, LLC
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G \GHADlAgst Approve Staff for GHADs 12 18 07 do~
gradually over tIme The earlIest assessment wIll be for the 2008-2009 fiscal year Smce the developers
wIll be operatmg and mamtammg the GHAD at that tIme, any funds collected wIll be placed III reserve
Staff recommends that the CIty Council approve the use of City Staff on an mtenm basIs to provide
servIces to the Schaefer Ranch and Fallon Vtllage GeologIc Hazard Abatement DIstncts
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