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4.05 EPS AgmtDHillRegPark
CITY CLERK FILE #600-30 AGENDA STATEMENT CTTY COUNCTL MEETTNG DATE: 3uly 2, 2002 SUBJECT: Contract Amendment with Economic & Planning Systems (EPS) to assist in the preparation of a Dublin Hills Regional Park Agreement with the East Bay Regional Park District. Report Prepared by: Eddie Peabody ~lr., Community ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution approving contract amendment to an existing contract between the City of Dublin and EPS 2.Existing contract dated November 16, 1999 3.Amendment No.1 to Contract dated October 17, 2001 4. Excerpt from 2002-2003 Adopted Goals & Objectives by the City Council RECOMMENDATION: ~'~ Adopt the attached Resolution authorizing the City Manager to sign ~'~' the contract amendment with Economic & Planning Systems to assist in the preparation of a Dublin Hills Regional Park Agreement FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Sufficient funds have been included in the 2002-2003 budget. DESCRIPTION: In April 2002, the City Council directed staff to explore the possibility of creating a Dublin Hills Regional Park in cooperation with the East Bay Regional Park District (EBRPD). In May 2002, the City Council approved the project as a high priority for the 2002-2003 Fiscal Year and adopted the 2002-2003 goals and objectives. The fiscal year 2002-2003 budget contains funding for this project. A substantial amount of work has been completed that will contribute to the possibility of creating a Regional Park in the 767+ acres east of the Ridge in the Western Extended Planning Area. Significant items that have been finished include: · Appraisals for Nielson & Milestone properties · Acquisition of two major parcels by EBRPD (Scott & John Machado) accompanying 767+ acres east of the Ridge · Environmental and physical analysis of Nielson/Milestone properties · Preliminary discussions with EBRPD staff regarding creation of a Dublin Hills Regional Park COPIES TO: In-house Distribution GSAgendas~2002\CC 7-2 SR for EPS.doc Walter KieserITEM NO. The Work Program included in the staff report will lead to the preparation of park cost estimates, funding sources, a financial analysis and specific elements related to the preparation of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City and EBRPD regarding implementation of the Dublin Hills Regional Park. This MOU will include the following elements: · Precise funding obligation of both parties · Common purpose and interests of both parties · Roles and relationships of the two parties toward creation of the Park · Acquisition process and cost sharing · Park ownership, design and development · Park operations and maintenance · Time line for implementing the above If acceptable to the City and the EBRPD, it is assumed that both parties will execute the MOU and provide both Staff with direction to proceed with the creation of the Dublin Hills Regional Park. Specific discussions are planned with the City Council and the EBRPD Board when a draft MOU has been developed for input, comments and revisions if necessary. It may be appropriate for the Mayor or a designated Council Member to make a presentation to the EBRPD Board early in August or September affirming the City's support for the development of the MOU. In October 2001 an amendment to the Scope of Work to the existing contract with' EPS was done to include the preparation of an Open Space Action Plan for the Western Extended Planning Area. The Work Program follows the City Council direction of June 20, 2000. An Action Plan was developed and presented to the Council in April 2002. Following the City Council meeting of April 2002, whereby Council directed Staff to exPlore the possibility of a Regional Park in collaboration with the East Bay Regional Park District, Staff recommends an amendment to the consultant's contract to include the new services to the Scope of Work. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the attached Resolution authorizing the City Manager to sign the contract amendment with Economic & Planning Systems. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE CONTRACT WITH ECONOMIC & PLANNING SYSTEMS TO ASSIST IN THE PREPARATION OF A DUBLIN HILLS REGIONAL PARK AGREEMENT WITH THE EAST BAY REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Dublin directed Staff on April 2, 2002 to explore the possibility of creating a Dublin Hills Regional Park in cooperation with the East Bay Regional Park District; and WHEREAS, the Dublin City Council in May 2002, directed Staff to explore the Possibility of a Regional Park in the 767+ acre land east of the Ridge in the Western Extended Planning Area as a high priority for the 2002-2003 year in City Council's Goals and Objectives; and WHEREAS, the City Council has directed Staff to utilize a qualified consulting firm to assist in negotiations with the East Bay Regional Park district to implement this Goal; and WHEREAS, the firm of Economic & Planning Systems is under contract to prepare the necessary services to implement the project; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby approve the amendment to the existing contract with Economic & Planning Systems. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin hereby authorizes the City Manager to negotiate and execute the contract amendment, in the amount not-to-exceed $25,000. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of July 2002. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk GSAgendas~2002\CC Reso EPS Contrt Amend Open Space.doc , TACHMENT I AMENDMENT NO. 2 CONSULTING SERVICES AGREEMENT BETVVEEN THE CITY OF DUBLIN AND ECONOMIC & PLANNING SYSTEMS THIS AMENDMENT to the Consulting Services Agreement Between the City of the City of Dublin and Economic & Planning Systems dated November 16, 1999 ("the Agreement"), is entered into by the City of Dublin ("City") and Economic & Planning Systems ("Consultant") as of July 2, 2002. RECITALS A. The parties entered into the Agreement on November 16, 1999 for consulting services related to preparing Open Space Preservation Options. B. The City wishes to retain Consultant to perform additional services related to the preparation of a Dublin Hills Regional Park Agreement with the East Bay Regional Park District, and Consultant has submitted a proposal to perform such work (attached). AGREEMENT 1. The Agreement is amended to include the additional scope of services and compensation schedule set forth in attachment. CITY OF DUBLIN CONSULTANT Richard Ambrose Walter Kieser City Manager Principal Attest: City Clerk Approved as to Form: City Attorney G:~gendas~002\Contract Amendment EPS.DOC EXHIBIT A 2002 t~roRK PROGRAM DLr~LIN HILLS REGIONAL PAI AOREEMEIVr During the past few ye~s the City of Dublin has exptorad options for preserving ~ space in its Western Dublin Extended Planning Area. In April 2002, ~oltowing a tntbli¢ presentation of implementation optiam/or Planning'A-~e~, the City Council dix~d sta~ ~o explore tl~ po.~Ibili~y uf ~='"l,a~.~, ~.'D~l~Ik'~ I lills rte~iol.~ Pa~k in ~p~'ation with the Fast Bay Regional Park District (E~RPD). This Work Pro, ram addresses the consultant effort to a_~ist the City in this matter. Walter Kieser, 1gianagin§ l~'incipa~, will lead the consulting effort and be directly involved in the necessary discussions wiii't the EBRPD and public meetings. It is the intention of the City to complete a Ivlemoranclum ' of Understanding with the E-BRPD not later than October 15, 2002. TASK 1- PROJECT INrrIA ON AND COORDINATION 'EPS wilt meet with City s~t~ to refine the Work Pro,am and schedule. Initial contact will also be made with the EBRPD sta~ to establish liaison and to identi~ common work tasks rela~ed to preparing park cost estimates, funding sources, financial armly~, and other technical aspec~ of the Regional Park MOU, This detailed work effort insofar as it implicates staff resources, willbe reviewed and approved by management staff in the City and the EBRPD prior to proceeding. ~ TASK 2 - REGIONAL PARK PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATES A substantial amount of work ha~ been completed that will contribute to the cost estimates, including completion of property appraisals for the parcel~ of lin'rd within the proposed Park bound~'. While acquisition will be primary focus of the first phase of the Regionat Park it will be important, at least an a coraeptual level, t~ identify, potential · improvements within the Par_k, including new trafl~ ('e~g. lateral access from Western Dublin to the Ridge Trail), staging and parking areas, imcl fencing/cross Additionally there will be the need to estimate ongoing maintenance and op~atlons costs, tt is proposed that EPS work with City staff and EBRPD staff to prepare "Concept,_,~t Design Propos~I" for the Park addressing the location and ~anction of major facilities. In addiiion to typical Regional Park ~cilities (~ails, staging areas) these facilities may include some more developed features Such as picnic areas. One objective of the City in pursuing the Park is to improve park fa .~llties for its residents living on the western side o£ town. The Concept-eel Design Propose! will be used to prepare cost e~timates. The expa'ience o~ the EBRPD, as well as the City, with the creation of these types of ~acilities will be tapped for this cost estimating effort. SUN-Oa-~OE .1~:54~M TEL)510 841.~E08 ID)CITY OF DUBLIN PAGE:OOE R=gsz 'TASK 4- PREFARAT]ON OF MEMORANDUM OF UNDE~T~D~G. The product of this Work Program will be a Memorandum of u~ding (MOU) between the City of Dublin and the EBRPD regarding implementatior[ of the Dublin lq"~ll~ Regional Park. The Consultant will, following completion of the related technical tasks, prepare a dra~ of the MOU in concert with EBRPD staff. The MOU will establish terms degni~ the roles and relationship of the two jurisctictions towaras creation ot me Park. 'Key terms w/It ~ddress the acquisition process, acqutsitiozt cost sharing, park design and development, park operations and maintenance, and funding obligations and committal. The MOU wia also establish a detailed time line foe the implementatkrn effort. Follow~g staff-level preparation and :eview b7 both jurisdictions the MOU willbe presented to the elected officials for their review and consideration. Assuming that the texms are found to be acceptable to both jurisdictions, it is assum~ that they will execute the MOU and provide seaf-f with direction orr proceeding with the creation of the Dublin l-Sills Regional Park.. J~N-06-E~'~ 11:55~ ~)510 841 9~08 IDJCI~ ~ DUBLIN PR~E:O~ R=~8~ COMPENSATION sCHEDULE CITY shall pay CONTRACTOR an amount not to exceed the total of Twenty Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000) for services to be performed pursuant to this Amendment. CONTRACTOR shall submit monthly invoices for the cost of services performed. * , STANDARD CONTRACTUAL sERvIcES AGREEMENT · THIS AGREEMENT is made at Dublin, California, as of,'~t,~,,/~j 1999 by and between the CITY OF DUBLIN, a municipal corporation ("CITY"), and Economic & Planning Systems, Inc., ("CONTRACTOR"), who agree as follows: 1. SERVICES. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, CONTRACTOR shall provide to CITY the services described in Exhibit A. CONTRACTOR shall provide said services at the time, place and in the manner specified in Exhibit A. 2. PAYMENT. CITY shall pay CONTRACTOR for services rendered pursuant to this Agreement at the time and in the manner set forth in Exhibit B. The payments specified in Exhibit B shall be the only payments to be made to CONTRACTOR for services rendered pursuant to this Agreement. CONTRACTOR shall submit all billings for said services to CITY in the manner specified in E ~xhibit B; or, if no manner be specified in Exhibit B, then according to the usual and customary procedures and practices which CONTRACTOR uses for billing clients similar to CITY. 3. FACILITIES AND EOUIPMENT. Except as set forth in Exhibit C, CONTRACTOR shalI, at its sole cost and expe2se, furnish all facilities and equipment which may be required for furnishing services pursuant to this A~eement. CITY shall furnish to CONTRACTOR only the facilities and equipment listed in Exhibit C according to the terms and conditions set forth in Exhibit C. . 4. GENrERAL PROVISIONS. The general provisions set forth in Exhibit D are part of this Agreement. In the event of any inconsistency between said general provisions and any other terms or conditions of this Agreement, the other term or condition shall control insofar as it is inconsistent with the general provisions. 5. EXHIBITS. All exhibits referred to herein are attached hereto and are by this reference incorporated herein. ~ ~ .' 6. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION. This Agreement shall be administered by Richard C. ,amabrose ("ADMINISTtL~_TOR"). Ail correspondence shall be directed to or through the ADMINISTRATOR or his or her designee. 7. NOTICES. Any written notice to CONTRACTOR shall be sent to: Any written notice to CITY shall be sent to: Cirv of Dublin Arm: Richard Ambrose P. O. Box 2340 Dublin. CA 94568 Executed as of the day lb'st above stated: Attes a municipal.corporation -CITY A p~~~ ~Q"7~ By ~ t "'(--*'---P'' ('" City Attorney EXHIBIT.A SCOPE OF SERVICES TASK t: PROJECT INITL~TION AND FiELD VISIT .... · ~ -i ' oS~d EPS ~af£,~ mee~ ~nfft D~vli:n. City plm'mm~sraff t9 x.,.s~t the ~r0? .,:~ _P., ~tlafiVei ~rid ~atia~!'daia':0n me"0P~-n space,resov-r_ces._ and,the land.0~m~P. t., .hdu~,.~e r~dom Spe~qc Plm ~e ~t. Gen~ Ft~, ~e ~ry?ose5 ~r~ ~t ~e ~afive (r~6lu~ons No. 2&99 ~d No. ~-- 9), m~ Gem ~ T_~SK 2: PREPARE D~ OP~ SPACE e=no~, ln~e ~tena ~ include co~t'P~Efi~ aeceptabm~',:a~Z~x e , . - ma..e fe~e.op~ ~ace pr~m'a~0a options ~ be seleme~ TASK 3: CONSD~A~ON 1~ C~ .STA~ ~5 $~ff w~ vr~t ~e proposed opm ~are pr~m~,a~on op~o~ to Og' s~ m~d pa~dpate ~ k wor~g session to r~ne md t~t ~e ~e~F~9' of ea~ of ~e proposed TASK 4: PREP.~E ~NAL OP~ SPACE O?~ONS =r~m-~fiOn o~fio~ for W~t ~ md;prep~e ~ te~c~ mmm~ · ~,~- ~g~ ~ne m~or~d~ ~ ~dude a des~pfion of ~e o~ space Ln W~t. ~do~, ~ m,~iew of ~e c~mt md proposed t~d ~e relations, ores ~d coP~ of ~e proposed opm ~ace pr~-afion opfiom. T~ pro~u~ [udude m ox,~d~ of pota~ o~m space ~g so~cm, ~du~g toc~, re~on~ ~t Bay Re~on~ P~k D~c0, mud State OPTIONAL TASK 5: PUBLIC OUTREACH - ..... '~5 will conduct, wit-h Ci~, staff, two public meetings wSth tine stake~holder~ and alleged tandm~m~s. The final ope. n space options ~411 be presemted at one Planning Co.-:-.~mission Meeting mad one Ci5, Council Meeting. Exhibit A Page 1 of 2 9~0~o~./~, 1999 SCOPE OF SERVICES Table 1 Budget Estimate Western, Dublin Open Space Preservation Study Economic & Planning Systems, Inc.; ¢9232 Task/ EPS Staff Staff Cost Direct Grand Description Kieser Jar-quos Prod.Stall' Subtotal Costs Total Task 1: Project Initiation and Field Visit 3 8 0 $1,390 $47 $1,437 Task 2: Prepare Draft Open Space Options 8 20 4 3,760 25 3,785 Task 3: Consultation with City Stat}~ (I) 6 8 0 1,90D 43 1,943 Task 4: Prepare Final Open Space Oplions 8 12 4 2,880 25 2.905 Optional Task 5: Public Outreach (2) 12 12 B 3,760 112 3,872 TOTAL HOURS 37 60 16 Billing Rates (3) ,$I71:) $110 $50 TOTAL PROJECT COSTS $13,690 $252 $13,942 (1) Includes two meetings with City stall. The budgel assumes a total of three meetings with City Stal'[ including the project initiation rneeiin[ (2) Optional task includes two stakeholder meetings, one Planning Commission Meeting and one City Council Meeting. (3) Biliing rates shown ~re applicable during 1999 and are subject to change annually. Exhibit A Page 2 of 2 o¢¢m./I, 1999 EXHIBIT B (page 1 of 1) PAYMENT SCHEDULE CITY shall pay CONTRACTOR an amount not to exceed the total sum of Thirteen Thousand Nine Hundred Forty Two Dollars ($13,942) for services to be performed pursuant to this Agreement.. CONTRACTOR shall submit invoices during the term of this A¢reement based on the cost for Servlaes performed in accordance with'the following schedule: · .~ Monthly but not more often, than once a re°nth; and prdvided ~er; in no event shall CITY pay, CONTRACTOR a sum.exceeding 20% of the total sum due for services pursuant to this Agreement in' any one month; and provided.: further, CITY shall .pay the last 20% of the total sum due:pursuanVto :this' Agreement:~thin forty-five (45) days after completion of the services and submittal to CITy, if all services due, pursuant to this Agreement have been satisfactorily performed. : The total sum stated above shall be the total which CITY shall pay for the services to be rendered by CONTRACTOR pursuant:tO this A~eement. CITY shall not pay any additional, sum for any exp.e~se or cost whatsoever incurred by CONTRACTOR in rende~ng servicds pursuant to this Agreement. CITY shall make no payment for any extra, further'or additional service pursuant to this Agreement unless such extra service and the price therefor is agreed to in writing executed by .the, City Manager or other designated official of CITY authorized to obligate CITY thereto prior to the time such extra service is rendered and in no event shall such change order exceed twenty,five (25%) of the initial contt:act price. .. · ~ ' The services to be provided under this Agreement may be terminated without cause at any point in time in the sole and exclusive discretion of CITY, In this event, CITY shall compensate the . CONTRACTOR for ail outstanding costs incurred as of the date of written notice thereof and shall terminate this Agreement. CONTRACTOR shall maintain adequate logs and timesheets in order to verify costs incurred to date. The CONTRACTOR is not authorized to perform any services or incur any costs whatsoever under the terms of this Agreement until receipt of a fully eXecuted Purchase Order from the Finance Department of the City of Dublin. EXHIBIT C - City Facilities CITY shall fi~ish physical facilities such as desks, filing cabinets, and conference-space, as may be reasonably necessary for CONTRACTOR'S use while consulting with CITY employees and.reviewing records ~d the info~ation in posseSsion:Of CITY: The location, quanti~,: Md time of ~rnishing said physical facilities shall be: in the sole discretion of'CITY~ ,In no e,zent shall, ciTY be obtigmed, to furnish any facility which may involve incurring any direct expense, including, but not limiting the generality of this ex~lusion; 10rig-distance telephone or oth6i~ co~Uni.cation charges, vehicles, and reproduction facillties. Exhibit C Page 1 Of 1 '~0~,t~./i...., 1999 EXI-IIBIT D GENERAL PROVISIONS I. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. At all times during the term of this Agreement, CONTRACTOR shall be an4ndePendent contractor and shall not bean employee of CITY. CITY shall have the right to control CONTRACTOR :only insofar as the~:results of CONTRACTOR'S services rendered p~suant to this Agreement; howeVer, CITY shall .nOt have the right to control the means by whi6h CONTRACTOR accomplishes. ServiCes rendered pursuant to this Agreemem;- 2. LICENSES: PERMITS: ETC. CONTRACT-OR represents and warrants to CITY that he has all licenses, permits, qualifications and approvals of whatsoever nature which are legally required for CONTRACTOR m practice his profession. CONTRACTOR represents and warrants m CITY that CONTRACTOR shall, at his sole cost and expense, keep in effect at ail times during the term of this Agreement any licenses, permits, and approvals which are legally required for CONTRACTOR to practice his profession. 3. TIME. CONTRACTOR shall devote such time to the performance of services pursuant to this Agreement as may be reasonably necessary for satisfactory performance of CONTRACTOR'S obligations pursuant to this Agreement. 4. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS. CONTRACTOR shall procure and maintain for the duration of the contract insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the CONTRACTOR, his ) agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. The cost of such insurance shall be included in the CONTRACTOR'S bid. (a) Minimum Scope of Insurance. Coverage shall be at least as broad as: 1. Insurance Services Office form number GL 0002 (Ed. 1/73) coveting comprehensive.General Liability and Insurance Services Office form number GL 0404 covering Broad Form Comprehensive General Liability; or Insurance Services Office Commercial General LiabilitY coverage ("occurrence" form CG 0001.) 2. Insurance Services Office form number CA 0001 (Ed, 1/78) covering Automobile Liability, code 1 "any auto" and endorsement CA 0025. 3. Workers' Compensation Insurance 'as required by the Labor Code of the State of California and Employers Liability Insurance. (b) -. Minimum Limits of Insurance. CONTRACTOR shall maintain limits no less than: t. General Liability: $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. If commercial General Liability Insurance or other form with a general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this project/location or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit. 2. Automobile Liability: $1,000,000 combined single limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage. ' Exhibit D (Page 1 of 4) qtt[00'6~./6 ~, 1999 3. Workers' Compensation and Employers Liability: Workers' Compensation limits as required by the Labor Code of the State of Califomia and Employers Liability limits of $1,000,000 per accident. (c) Deductibles and Self-Insured Retentions. Any deductibles or self-insured retentions must be declared to and approved by the CITY. At the option of the CITY, either the insurer shall reduce or eliminate such deductibles or self-insured retentions ~ respects the CITY, its officers, officials and employees; or the CONTRACTOR shall procure a bond guaranteeing payment of losses and related investigations, claim adminish'ation and defense expenses. (d) Other Insurance Provisions. The policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: 1. General Liability and Automobile Liability Coverages. a. The CITY, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers are to be covered as inSureds as respects: liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the CONTRACTOR; products and completed operations of the CONTRACTOR, premises owned, occupied or used by the CONTRACTOR, or automobiles owned, leased, hired or borrowed by the CONTRACTOR. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of the protection afforded to the CITY, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers. b. The CONTRACTOR'S insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the CITY, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by the CITY, its officers, officials,' employees or volunteers shall be excess of the CONTRACTOR'S insurance and shall not Contribute with it. c. Any failure to comply with reporting provisions of the policies shall not affect coverage provided to the CITY, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers. d. The CONTRACTOR'S insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability. 2. Workers' Compensation and Employers Liability Coverage. · The insurer shall agree to waive all fights of subrogation against the CITY, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers for losses arising from work performed by the CONTR~_CTOR for the CITY. 3. . Professional Liability. CONTRACTOR shall carry professional liability insurance in an amount deemed by the CITY to adequately protect the CONTRACTOR against liability caused by negligent acts, errors or omissions on the part of the CONTRACTOR in the course of performance of the services specified in this Agreement. 4. All Coverages. Each insurance policy required by this clause shall be endorsed to state that covera~oe shall, not be suspended, voided, canceled by either party, reduced in coverage or in limits except after thirty (30) days' prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the CITY. (e) Acceptability of Insurers. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a Bests' rating of no Exhibit D (Page 2 of 4) less than A:VII. /]qt~e'~,,/~ .i., 1999 (.,f) Verification;ofCovera~e. CONTRACTOR shall furnisbCITY with certificates of insurance and with original endorsements, effecting coverage required by this clause. The certificates and endorsements for each insurance policy are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The certificates and endorsements are to be received and approved by the CITY before'work commences. The CITY reserves the right to require complete, certified copies of all reqtfired insurance policies; at any time. (g) Subcontractors. CONTRACTOR. shall, include all subcontractors as insureds under its: policies or shall' furnish separate,certificates and endorsements 'for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the requirement~ stated herein.: (h) The Risk Manager of CITY may approve a variation in those insurance requirements upon a determi~nation that- the coverages, scope, l',~mits and forms of such insurance are either not commercially available or that the CITY's interests are otherwise fully protected. 5.. ©ONTRACTOK.NO AGENT: Except aS'CtTY may specifyin writing, CONTRACTOR shall have no authority;e~:press:Or implied; to actOn behalf of CITY in an.y capacity whatsgever as a!a. .. agent. CONTRACTOR shall, have no authority, .express or implied, pursuant .to this Agreement to .bind CITY to any obligation whatsoever. 6. ASSIGNMENT PROHIBITED. No party to this Agreement may assign any right or obligation pursuant to this A~eement. A2,~ y: attempted .or purported assignment of any right or obligation pursuant to this Ageement shall be,void;and of no effect.. 7. PERSONNEL. CONTRACTOR shall as:sign onty?eompetent~persormel to pefformservices pursuant to :this Agreement; Iht he :,event that CITY,-in its sole discretion, at any time during the term of this Agreement, desires'the~removaI of any such persons, CONTRACTOR shall, immediately upon receiving :notice from CITY of such desire of CITY, cause the removal of such person or persons. 8. STANDARD OF PERFORMANCE. CONTRACTOR shall perform all services required pursuant to this Ag-reement in the ,manner and according to the standards obse~ed by a competent practitioner of the profession in which CONTRACTOR is engagedinthe.geographical area in which CONTRACTOR practices his profession. All instruments of service of whatsoever namre'which CONTRACTOR delivers to CITY pursuant to this Agreement shall be prepared in a.subsmntial, first class and workmanlike manner and conform to the standards of quality normally observed by a person practicing in CONTRACTOR's profession. 9. HOLD HARMLESS AND RESPONSIBILITY OF CONTRACTORS, CONTRACTOR shall take alt responsibility for thework, shall bear all losses .and damages directly or indirectly resulting to him, to any subcontractor, to the CITY, to CiTY officers and employees, or to parties designated by the CITY, on account of the performance or character of the work, unforeseen difficulties, accidents, occurrences or other causes predicated on active or passive negligence of the CONTRACTOR or any .subcontractor. CONTRACTOR shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the CITY, its officers, officials, directorS, employees and agents from and against any or alt loss, liability, expense~ claim,' costs(inCluding costs of defense), suits, and damages of every 'kind, nature and description directly or indirectly arising from the performance of the work. This paragraph shall:not be construed to e~:ernp1 the CITY, its employees and officers from its own fraud, willful injury or ¥iolatiOn ::of taW' whether willful or negligent. Exhibit D (Page 3 of 4) "~0i~,/i , 1999 For purposes of Section 2782 of the Civil Code the parties hereto recognize and agree that this agreement is not a construction'contract. By execution of this agreement CONTRACTOR ac'knowledges and agrees that he has read and understands the provisions hereof and that this paragraph is a material element of consideration. Approval of the insurance contracts does not relieve the CONTRACTOR or subcontractors from liability under this paragraph. 10. GOVERNMENTAL REGULATIONS. To the extent that this Agreement may be funded by fiscal assistance from another governmental entity, CONTRACTOR shall comply with all applicable rules and regulations to which CITY is bound by the terms of such fiscal assistance program. 11. DOCUMENTS. All reports, data, maps, models, charts, studies, surveys, photographs, memoranda or other written documents or materials prepared by CONTRACTOR pursuant to this Ageement shall become the property of CITY upon completion of the work to be performed hereunder or upon termination of the A~eement. Exhibit D (Page 4 of 4) 999 g:\initiative\W. Dublin open space study\consultant contract STANDARD CONTRACTUAL sERVICES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made at Dublin, California, as of October 17, 2000 by and between the CITY OF DUBLIN, a municipal corporation ("CITY"), and Economic & Planning Systems, Inc., ("CONTRACTOR"), who · agree as follows: 1. SERVICES. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, CONTRACTOR shall provide to CITY the services described in Exhibit A. CONTRACTOR shall provide said services at the time, place and in the manner specified in Exhibit A. 2. PAYMENT. CITY shall pay CONTRACTOR for services rendered pursuant to this Agreement at the time and in the manner set forth in Exhibit B. The payments specified in Exhibit B shall be the only payments to be made to CONTRACTOR for services rendered pursuant to this Agreement. CONTRACTOR shall submit all billings for said' services to CITY in the manner specified in Exhibit B; or, if no manner be specified in Exhibit B, then according to the usual and customary procedures and practices which CONTRACTOR uses for billing clients similar to CITY, 3. FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT. Except as set forth in Exhibit C, CONTRACTOR shall, at its sole cost and expense, furnish all facilities and equipment which may be required for furnishing services pursuant to this Agreement. CITY shall furnish to CONTRACTOR only the facilities and equipment listed in Exhibit C according to the terms and conditions set forth in Exhibit C. 4. ELECTION RESULTS 2000. When the results of the November 7, 2000 General Election. regarding the various land use initiatives are known, the validity of the options outlined in Exhibit A will be assessed and this contract may be modified if one or more of the options are no longer valid or necessary as a result of the General Election. 5. GENERAL pROVISIONS. The general provisions set forth in Exhibit D are part of this Agreement. In the event of any inconsistency between said general provisions and any other terms or conditions of this Agreement, the other term or condition shall control insofar as it is inconsistent with the general provisions. 6. EXHIBITS. All exhibits referred to herein are attached hereto and are by this reference incorporated herein. 7. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION. This Agreement shall be administered by Richard C. Ambrose ("ADMINISTRATOR"). All correspondence shall be directed to or through the ADMINISTRATOR or his or her designee. 8. NOTICES. Any written notice to CONTRACTOR shall be sent to: Walter Kieser, Economic & Planning Systems, Inc. ' 2501 Ninth Street, Suite 200 Berkeley, CA 94710 Any written notice to CITY shall be sent city of Dublin Attn: Richard Ambrose P. O. Box 2340 Dublin, CA 94568 Executed as of the day first above stated: a municipal corporation Attest - ~J2iW--~le~k' By~ '~ ! "CITY" Approved as to form: City .~ttorney "CONTRACTOR" ATTACHMENT October 2, 2000 EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF SERVICES WORK PROGRAM DUBLIN OPEN SPACE ACTION PLAN The following tasks describe the technical and policy development effort necessary to create an Open Space Action Plan, a set of actions initiated by the Dublin City Council that implement a strategy adopted in June 2000 related to open space preservation'in the' Western Dublin Extended Planning Area. Developing the Action Plan will be a collaborative effort, led by the Consultant (EPS) engaging key City staff members, supporting~consultants .(geotechnical engineers, appraisers), and policy makers. 'The interaction will be continual; each task as the assignment proceeds will be reviewed, decisions taken, and refinement of subsequent efforts identified. TASK 1: RESOLUTION OF SPECIFIC OPEN SPACE OPTIONS Work with Staff to complete precise Open Space Preservation strategies. Review and resolve specific property analysis including environmental issues, development potential, political and long-term sustainability of various acquisition possibilities. Determine precise schedule, data needs and outside resources. (East Bay Regional Park District's use of land trusts or other public agencies.) TASK 2: UPDATE PARCEL DATA BASE INFORMATION FOR PARCELS LOCATED EAST OF THE RIDGE (930 + ACRES) Conduct new investigations related to the £ollowing: Geological constraints Soil conditions Access · Visual exposure · Slope · Vegetation & biological resources · Land use history · Property sales and transactiorts(individual properties and actions, of public agencies such as EBRPD) Retain a GeoIogistj utilize Staff and Consultants to compile necessary information. I I/qrkPrgra-Corttract October 2, 2000 TASK 3: DEVELOP SUITABILITY OF AFFECTED PROPERTY ? One strategy that the City Council selected for further study was the "transfer of development" program for those properties east of the ridge in the' Extended Planning Area that may have some development poter~tiaI. This task wili provide a basic development suitability analysis for these potential sites. The site suitability anatysis will involve a typical "constraint Overlay~' approach. A key constraint factor will be "geotechnical conditions'. The hilly geomorphology of the Extended Plann~g is Characterized by expansive soils, historical mass movement (landslides), and ongoing soil creep. These conditions can generally be managed, with proper siting and engineering solutions. Other constraints include access, development context, visual · exposure, and biological resources: The suitability analysis will be summarized in map form ( a composite overlay map) showing areas that have potential for "cluster development", consistent with the objective of preserving open space resources in the Area. TASK 4: DEVELOP FOUR SPECIFIC OPTIONAL PLANS Based on suitability analysis developed in Task 3 determine the following: · Transfer of Development concept based on potential development of certain areas and specific feasibility of. such an approach. Determine incentives for private sector participation and potential acceptability of possible development. · 'PotentiaI acquisition and/or Preservation potential by outside agencies and land l~usts. A certain realistic potential for outside agencies and the specific properties that may be' affected. * Use of conservation/development rights easements and their potential costs. - Potential' direct acquisition of aH or portions of affected properties. Appraisers wili conduct specific appraisals of key parcels. TASK 5: OPEN SPACE ACQUISITION PRIORITIES The parcel data base along with geographic data previously prepared by City-staff will facilitate a discussion with policy makers regarding priorities for acquisition. This priority-setting will be facilitated by preparation of a ranking system that applies a formal ranking logic to the parcels in the Extended Planning Area, including such criteria as "level of 'development constraint", "open space values", "potential for near · term development'', and "willingneSs of landowner". The acquisition priorities will be 2 WrkPrgm-Co.ntract Dublin Open Space Action Plan October 2, 2000 documented and used during the subsequent tasks. A workshop with the City Council in January will be held to solicit comment on potential priorities. TASK 6: COMPILATION OF SPECIFIC COST ESTIMATES AND FUNDING SOURCES Land value information from Task 5, plus realistic outside funding sources will be combined to give a bottom line cost for each option. Specific otrtside funding sources will be determined and evaluated. TASK 7: ACTION PLAN & PUBLIC COMMENT The Action Plan will establish a' series of specific actions for the City Council that implement the open space strategy for the Westem Extended Planning Area. Each of the four options action will be discrete, but the actions will be ordered by their independence. Thus, the actions related to implementing the transfer of development concept will be presented first, followed by formal priority setting and funding actions. Funding actions will include those previously identified but these will be evolved to the point of being "actionable" rather that "possible". Similar actions will be identified for acquisition preservation options and direct acquisitions. Actions may also include partnerships or agreements with other public agencies (e.g. the East Bay Regional Park District) and/or private parties. A Draft Action Plan will be prepared for review, initially by City ~taff, the public through two workshops and then by policy makers. This review will assure appropriateness and practicality of the recommended actions. Following policy guidance a more final Action Plan will be prepared for inclusion in the Report. · TASK 8:. REPORT PREPARATION AND PRESENTATION The Action. Plan public comments from the workshops and its supporting documentation will be summarized in a'Report intended for adoption by the City Council and subsequent implementation by City staff. The Consultant will prepare the Report. A administrative draft will be followed by a draft for public review and comment. FolloWing.the requisite public process .and direction by the City Council a final Action Plan Report will be prepared. 3 WrkPrgm-Conlvact Dublin Open Space Action Plan Octo ,e , 2, 2000 Open Space Action Plan Schedule November December' January February Task.1 ~ Task 2 ~ Task 3 ~ Task 4 ~ Task 5 t~'ry, Ch, moll ~ Workshop Task 6 2 Pvhl~c . ~ Workshops Task 7 ~ Task 8 ~ Action 4 kVrkP, r~m-Contract Table 1 Budget Estimat~ Dublin Open Space Allocation Plan Economic & Planning Systems, Inc.; #10274 EPS Staff EPS SubcontractOrs Task/ Walter T-'eifion Todd Prod.Staff Staff Cost Grand Description *Kieser Rice~Evans Lieberman Subtotal Expenses Total Task I:' Resolution of Specific Open Space Options 4 4 4 ' 0 $1,400 0 0 $.~1,400 Task 2: Update Parcel Database Info for Parcels 0 4 16 0 $1,420 0 $50 ' $1,470 Located East of the Ridge (930 +' acres) Task3: Develop Suitability of Affected Property 16 16 40 0 $7,160 $10,000 $~00 $17,360 Task 4: Develop Four Specific Optional Plans 24 8 0 4 $5,520 0 $50 $5,570 Task 5: Open Space Acquisition Priorities 8 24 24 0 $5,360 $10,000 $50 $15,410 Task 6: ComPitatioh of Specific Cost EStimates 16 12 8 0 $41700 0 $50 $4,750 & Funding Sources Task 7: Action Plan & Public Comment 20 16 8 0 $5,840 0 $300 $6,140 Task 8: Report Prepartion and Presentation .8' 12 24 ...... 1~6 ~$5,__020' 0 $100 $5,120 .TOTAL HOURS 96 96 124 20 Billing Rates $190 $95 $65 $50 TOTAL PROJECT COSTS $36,420 $20,000 $800 $57,220 Econol~c&Plannll~gSystems, lnc. 10/02/00 g:/cormspo/rdloper~space/100200~os-budge! EXHIBIT B (page 1 ell) ,~//~~ PAYMENT SCI~EDULE CITY shall pay CONTRACTOR an mount not to exceed the total sum of Fifty Seven Thousand Two Hundred and Twenty Dollars ($57,220) for services to be performed pursuant to this A_gi-eement. CONTRACTOK shall submit invoices during the term of this Agreemem based on (he cost fOr services performed in accordance with the following schedule: Monthly but not more often than'once a month; and provided further, in no event shall CITY pay CONTRACTOR a sum exceeding 20% of the total sum due for services pursuant to this Agreement in any one month; and provided further, CITY shall pay the last 20% of the total sum due pursuant to this Agreement within forty-five (45) days after c'ompletion of the services and submittal to CITY, if ail services due pursuant to this Agreement have been satisfactorily performed. The total sum stated above shall be the total which CITY shall pay .for the services to be rendered by CONTRACTOR pursuant to this Agreement. CITY shall not pay any additional sum for any expense or cost whatsoever incurred by CONTRACTOR in rendering services pursuant to this Agreement. CITY shall make no payment for any extra, further or additional service pursuant to this Agreement unless such extra service and. the price therefor is agreed to in writing executed by the City Manager or other designated official of CITY au(horized to obligate CITY thereto prior to the time such extra service is rendered and in no event shall such change order exceed twenty-five (25%) of the initial contract price. .The services to be providedunder this Agreemem may be terminated without cause at any point in time in the sole and exclusive discretion of CITY. In this event, CITY shall compensate the CONTRACTOR for all outstanding Costs incurred as of the date of written notice thereof and shall terminate this Agreement. CONTRACTOR shall maintain adequate logs and timesheets in order to verify costs incurred to date. The CONTRACTOR' is not authorized to perform any services or incur any costs whatsoever under the terms of this Agreement until receipt of a fully executed Purchase Order from the Finance Department of the City of Dublin. CITY shall furnish physical facilities such as desks, filing cabinets, and conference space, as may be reasonably necessary for CONTRACTOR'S use while consulting with CITY employees and reviewing records and the information in possession of CITY. The location, quantity, and time o'f fumisMng said physical facilities shall be in the sole discretion of CITY. In no event shall CiTY be obligated, to furnish any facility which may involve incurring any direct expense, including, but not limiting the generality of this exclusion, long-distance telephone or other communication-charges, vehicles, and reproduction facilities. Exhibit C Page t of 1 10-17-00 i. INDEPENDENT CO~CTOP,. At all times during the term of this Agreement, CONTKACTOK shall be am independent contractor and shall not be an employee of CITY. CITY shall have the right to control CONTRACTOK only insofar as the results of CONTRACTOK'S services.rendered pursuant to this Agreement; however, CITY shall not have the fight to control the means by which CONTKACTOK accomplishes services rendered pursuant to this Agreement. 2. LICENSES; PEKMITS; ETC. CONTKACTOK represents and warrants to CITY that he has all licenses, permits, qualifications and approvals of whatsoever nature which are legally required for CONTRACTOR to practice his profession. CONTRACTOR represents and warrants to CITY that CONTRACTOR shall, at his sole cost and expense, keep in effect at all times during the term of this Agreement any licenses, permits, and approvals which are legally required for CONTKACTOK to practice his profession. 3. T1/V[E. CONTKACTOP, shall devote such time to the performance of services purSUant to ~his Agreemen! as may be reasonably necessary for'satisfactory performance of CONTRACTOR'S obligations. pursuant to this Agreement. 4. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS. CONTRACTOR shall procUre and maintain for the duration 0fthe contract insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the CONTRACTOR, his agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. The cost of such insurance shall be included in the CONTRACTOP,'S bid. (a) !Vfmimum Scope of Insurance. Coverage shall be at least as broad as: 1. Insurance Services Office form numbef GL 0002 (Ed. 1/73) covering comprehensive General Liability and Insurance Services Office form number GL 0404 covering Broad Form Comprehensive General Liability; or Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability coverage ("occurrence" form CG 0oo1:) 2. ' Insurance Services Office form number CA 0001 (Ed. 1/78) covering Automobile Liability, code 1 "any auto" and endorsement CA 0025. 3. Workers' Compensation Insurance as required by the Labor Code of the State of California and Employers Liability Insurance. (b) tVfmimum Limits.of Insuranc. e. CONTRACTOR shall maintain limits no less than: 1. General Liability: $1,000,000 combined single limit per oeeurrerfce for bodily.injury, personal injury and property damage. If commercial General Liability InSUrance or other form with a general aggregate limit is used, either'the general aggregate limit shall apply Separately to this project/location or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required .occurrence limit. 2. .Automobile Liability: $1,000,000 combined single limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage.. ' ' 3. Workers' Compensation and Employers Liability: Workers' Compensation limits as. required by the Labor Code of theState of California and Employers Liability limits of $1,000,000 per accident. Exhibit D (Page 1 of 3) 10-,17-00 (c) Deductibles and Self-Insured Ketentions. Any deductibles or self-inSured retentions must be declared to and approved by the'CITY. At the option of the CITY, either the insurer shall reduce or eliminate such deductibles or self-insured retentions as respects the ~ITY, its officers; officials and employees; or the -CONTKACTOK shall procure a bond guaranteeing payment of losses .and related investigations', claim .administration and defense expenses. (d) Other Insurance Provisions.~ The pohcics are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: I.' General Liability and Automobile Liability Coverages. " a. The CITY, its officers, offic/als, employees and.volunteers are to be covered as insureds as respects: liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the CONTRACTOR; products and completed operations of the CONTRACTOR, premises owned, occupied or used by the CONTKACTOR, or .automobiles owned, leased, h/red or borrowed by the CONTRACTOR. The coverage.shall contain no special limitations on the.scope of the protection afforded to the CITY, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers. ' The coNTRACTOR'S insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the CITY, its officers, officials, employees and volUnteers. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by the CITY, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers shall be excess of the CONTRACTOR'S insurance and shall not contribute with it. e. Any failure to comply with reporting provisions of the policies shall not affect coverage provided to the CITY, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers. d. The CONTRACTOR'S insurance shall apply.separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect tO the limits of the insurer's liability.. 2. Workers' Compensation and Employers Liability .Coverage. The insurer shall agree to waive all rights of subrogation against the CITY, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers for losses arising from work performed by the CONTKACTOK for the CITY. 3. Professional Liability. CONTRACTOR shall carry professional liability insurance in an amount deemed by the CITY t.o adequately protect the CONTKACTOK against liability caused by negligent acts, errors or omissions on the part of the coNTKACTOK in the course of performance of the services specified in this Agreement. , 4. , All Coverages. Each insurance policy required by tiffs clause shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be suspended, voided, canceled by either party, reduced in coverage or in limits except after thirty (30) days' prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the CITY. (e) Ac0ep.tab_'flity of Insurers. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a Bests' rating of no less than A:VII. (f) Verification of Coverage. CONTRACTOR shall furnish CITY with certificates ofinSUran~ce and with original endorsements effecting coverage reqUired by this clause. The cert~cates and endorsements for each insurance policy are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The · certificates and endorsements are to be received and approved bythe CITY before work commences. The CITY reserves the right to require complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, at any time. (g) Subcontractors. CONTRACTOR shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to ail of the requirements stated herein. · Exhibit D (Page 2 of 10-17-00 (h) The Risk Manager of C1TY may approve a variation in those insurance requirements upon a determination that the coverages, scope, limits and forms of such insurance are either not commercially available or that the CITY's interests are otherwise fully pro'cected. 5. CONTRAcToR NO AGENT. Except as CITY may specify in writing, CONTRACTOK shall have no authority, express or implied, to act on behal~of CITY in any capacity whatsoever as an agent. COiNrTRAcTOR · shall have no authority, express or implied, pursuant to this Agreement to bind CITY to any obligation whatsoever. 6. ASSIGNMENT PROHIBITED. No party to this Agreement may assign anyright or obligati°n pursuant to this Agreement. Any attempted or purported, assignment of any right or obligation pursuant to tl-~s Agreement shall be void and of no effect. 7.' . PEKSONNEL. 'CONTRACTOK shall assign only competent personnel to perform services pursuant to this Agreement. In the event that CITY, in its sole discretion, at any time during' the term of this Agreement, .deSires the removal of any such. persons, CONTRACTOK shall, immediately upon receiving notice from CITY of such desire of CITY, cause the removal of such person or persons. 8. STANDARD OF PERFOKMANCE. CONTRACTOR shall perform all services required pursuant to this Agreement in the manner and according to the standards observed by a competent practitioner of the profession in which CONTRACTOR is engaged in the geographical area in which CONTRACTOR practices bis profession. All instruments of service of whatsoever nature which CONTRACTOK delivers to CITY pursuant t° this Agreement shall be prepared in a substantial, first class and.workmanlike manner and conform to the standards of quality normally observed by a person practicing in CONTRACTOR's profession. 9. HOI,D HAK_MI,F~SS AND KESPONSIBILITY OF CONTRACTORS. CONTRACTOK shall take all responsibility for the work, Shall bear all losses and damages directly or indirectly resulting to him, to any subcontractor, to the CITY, to CITY officers and employees, or to parties designated by the CITY, on account of the performance or character of the work, unforeseen difficulties, accidents, occurrences or other causes 'predicated on active o[ passive negligence of the CONTRACTOR or any subcontractor. CONTRACTOR shall indemnify,' defend and hold harmless the CITY, its officers, officials, directors, employees, and agents from and against any or all loss, liability, expense, claim, costs (including costs of defense), suit. s, and d .amages of every kind, nature and description directly or indirectly arising from the performance of the wOrk. This paragraph shall not be construed to exempt the CITY, its employees and officers from its own fraud, willful injury or violation of law whether willful or. negligent. For purposes of Section 2782 of the Civil Code the parties hereto recognize and agree that this agreement is not a construction contract. By execution of this agreement CONTRACTOK acknowledges and agrees tha~ he has read and understands the provisions hereof and that this paragraph is material element Of consideration. Approval of the insurance contraCts does not relieve the CONTRACTOK or subcontractors from liability under this paragraph. 10. GOvEKNMENTAL REGULATIONS. To the extent, that this Agreement may be funded by fiscal assistance from another governmental entity, CONTRACTOR shall comply with all applicable rules and regulations to which CITY is bound..by the terms of such fiscal assistance program. 11. DOCLgVIENTS. All reports, data, maps, models, charts, studies, surveys, photographs, memoranda or other written documents or materials prepared by CONTRACTOK purSUant to this Agreement shall become the property of CITY upon completion of the work to be performed hereunder or upon termination of the Agreement. Exhibit D (Page 3 of 3) CITY OF DUBLIN PREMMINARY ADOPTED GOALS & OBJECTIVES WITH CITY COUNCIL RANKINGS 2002-2003 PAGE 2 INDIVIDUAL COUNCIL PRIORITY · · COUNCIL STAFF # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR BENEFIT/NF_F.D ADD'L TIME PRIORITY PRIORITY ACCOMPLISHING GOALS RESOURCES REQUIRED REQUIRED .TS 'JL CM TO GZ AV . · -2- - 3, 1 2 2 · 2.0 Medium · Medium 5.' 2002 Participate incity Council Team Enhance Funding for Retreat Less than 1 - - ' · Building Retreat.. working month · relationship'of ·. · - ' City Council. B. FINANCE To effectively manage the City's financlal resources, maximize reven~..es, conb',ol expenditures & develop .a.n adequate information reportin~l sys. t.em. §' 3 3 3 3 3,0 High High 1. 2001 Implement new GASB Rules, Ensure having Consultant services 12 months '. -- including evaluation of the City's an' unqualified . ... infrastructure and revising the City's audit opinibn & a · · . · CAFR. better Valuation of the City's . · · . . infrastructure. 3 3'. 3 3 3 3,0 i High High 2. 2002 Investigate feasibility of implementing Improve I~'ank/contract 12 months · · an e-commerce policy for citizen use Customer costs for card ' ' , of City services, Service and processing . increase · revenue. 2 - 2 3 2 2 2,2 Medlur~ · Medium 3. 2002 'Update Study for Indirect Charges for Current indirect · Consultant services 12 moi~ths . Development Services. ~harges for Development · . . .- Services have · ' · not been reviewed for ' , ........ _ over :10 years. 2 2. 2. 2 2" 2,0 Medium Medium 4, ~002 Complete feasibility analysis for the Lower.the Consultant services 3 months .-. DBX Bond re-financing, . . annual . assessment. costs for .. ... prope~ owners,. '~;. INTERGOVERNMENTAL RI;;LATIONS To work with other'agencies on problems of areawide concern; keep abreast of legislation which impact the City. 3 · 3 3 ' '3 -' 3 3.0 . I High High 1.. · 2002 · Work with Alameda County Open Priority list None* 12 months · ' ' . Space C. ommittee to establish open needed for use · ' ~ ' ,space acquisition priorities, of Altamont~fees, . ·