HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.1 DubRanF NoGPA-SPA CITY CLERK FILE #420-30 AGENDA STATEMENT CI'TY COUNCTL MEETI'NG DATE: 3uly 2, 2002 SUBJECT: PA 01-037 Initiation of a General Plan and Specific Plan Amendment Study for the Area F North portion of Dublin Ranch Report prepared by: Michael Porto, Planning Consultant and Kristi Bascom, Associate Planner ATTACHMENT 1. Area F North Location Map 2. Letter from applicant requesting to proceed with a portion of the original GPA/SPA request 3. Existing and Proposed Land Use Plan (revised) 4. Resolution approving initiation of a General Plan and Specific Plan Amendment Study 5. Resolution denying initiation of a General Plan and Specific Plan Amendment Study RECOMMENDATION: 1. Receive staff presentation and public testimony. 2. Question staff and the public. 3. Resolution General Plan and Plan Adopt approving Specific Amendment Study request or 4. Adopt Resolution denying General Plan and Specific Plan Amendment Study request FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None at this time. DESCRIPTION: Mr. James Tong, on behalf of the Lin family, has submitted an application for the development of 87 acres Of property located in Dublin Ranch, south of Dublin Ranch Phase I, north of Gleason Drive, east of Tassajara Road and west of Fallon Road. This property is known as the Area F North portion of Dublin Ranch and is shown in Attachment 1. The original Stage 1 Planned Development application for this area was approved by the City Council on March 21, 2000 by Ordinance No. 6-00. The land uses for the Area F North neighborhood included a combination of medium density residential, single-family residential, Public Facilities (High School) and Public Facilities (Middle School). COPIES TO:Applicant In-House Distribution G:~PA#X2001\01-037\CC Staff Report GPA initiation 07.02.02.DOC ITEM NO. After the school district indicated that they would n~t need a high school site in the area but rather a middle school site requiring less land area, the applicant proposed to use the remaining public facilities property for single-family residential uses. The residential subdivisions for Area F North as proposed formed two single-family neighborhoods: Neighborhood Fl, the western-most portion of the property south of the proposed school site, and Neighborhood F2, the eastern -most portion of the property between Devaney Drive and Fallon Road. The original General Plan and Specific Plan Amendment contained the following land use changes: Original Application: Existing and Proposed General Plan and Specific Plan Land Use Designations in Area F North 91 units (22.7 acres) 221 units (58.5 acres) + 130 units (35.8 acres) ¢:~~ ~i~ ~ ~ig::~:~i~t~:' ~ ~ :~:~'~ ~ lll~ili ·~ /~ ' 99 units (9.9 acres) 0 units (0 acres) - 99(netUnitSgain: (9.931 units)aCres) ': ~ ~8~m~P ~ ~ 50.6 acres 25.2 acres -25.4 acres On May 30, 2002, the applicant requested to revise their application to consider the eastern-most portion (Neighborhood F2) of the site only and requested to remove the public facilities-designated portion (Neighborhood Fl) from consideration. (Attachment 2) The revised General Plan and Specific Plan amendment application includes the following land uses and development potential (Attachment 3): Revised Application: Existing and Proposed General Plan and Specific Plan Land Use Designations of Neighborhood F2 portion only of Area F North ~ ~gll 91 units (22.7 acres) 119 units (32.6 acres) + 28 units (9.9 acres) g~;~ ~ ~ ~:~ 99 units (9.9 acres) 0 ~its (0 acres) - 99 units (9.9 acres) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (net loss: 71 ~its) In order to accommodate the land uses change requested in the revised application, a General Plan and Specific Plan Amendment is required: a change in designation from Medium Density Residential to Single Family Residential on 9.9 acres in Area F North (Neighborhood F2). If the City Council authorizes a General Plan and Specific Plan Amendment initiation for the F2 Neighborhood, Staff will: Continue processing the Area F North project application for Neighborhood F2. · Examine the proposed land use designations to determine if they are appropriate based on City policies and standards. · Study the land use plan, lot subdivision, and circulation routes planned for Neighborhood F2. · Formulate a proposal for providing affordable housing units within the subdivision in the absence of a proposal by the applicant. Although City Council is reviewing the General Plan and Specific Plan amendment only at this stage, the application in its entirety is for Site Development Review, Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map, Planned Development Rezone, and a General Plan and Specific Plan Amendment. This project will come before the City Council again with the General Plan Amendment/Specific Plan Amendment/Stage I and II Planned Development once all of the preliminary work has been completed by Staff and the Planning Commission and is ready to move forward. At this point, the City Council needs to determine whether a General Plan and Specific Plan Amendment Study should be authorized for the applicant's revised proposal. Both approval and denial resolutions have been included for your review (Attachments 6 and 7). RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Cotmcil receive staff presentation and public testimony; question staff and the public, and adopt a Resolution either authorizing or denying the General Plan and Specific Plan Amendment Study request for Neighborhood F2 of the Area F North portion of Dublin Ranch. MARTIN W. INDERBITZEN Attorney at Law Via Facsimile: 833-6628 Eddie Peabody Community Development Director City of Dublin 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, California 94568 Re: Area F North Dublin Ranch Dear Eddie: This letter is a follow up to my correspondence of May 21, 2002 with regard to the Area F north submittal package filed with the City of Dublin on October 25, 2001. As you know, that package included a;.'Generali·:PI~Specific Plan Amendment; a Stage 1 and Stage 2 PD Rezone; Master Vesting Tentative Map; Neighborhood Vesting Tentative Maps for two distinct neighborhoods FI, west of what is currently identified as DeVaney Drive and north of the future Gleason Drive and F2, which is east of the currently designated DeVaney Drive and north of the future Gleason Drive; and, Site Development Review. Area F2 (east of the Devaney Drive extension) is a 33.5-acre site proposed for low-density residential development. The proposed changes to this portion of the project are due mainly to the desire to develop the 9.9-aCre medium density reSidential site and the 22.7 acre low densi..W residential site together as o~ie low density residential neighborhood. The small size and Odd Shape of the 9.9'acre residential site combined with its hillside topography in conjunction with a stream corridor on the eastern edge and the extension of Gleason Drive on its southern boundary greatly limit the viability of a medium density development. By combining this residential portion with the adjacent low-density portion of Area A, a more efficient and cohesive neighborhood can be created. The proposed low-density residential neighborhood will be approximately the same size and density as the existing Phase I neighborhoods to the north. Gleason Drive, an arterial street along the southern boundary of the project area then acts as a separator between low-density neighborhoods and medium density development to the south. RECEIVED MAY 3 i ZOOZ DUBLIN PLANNING 7077 Koll Center Parkway, Suite120, Pleasanton, Oalifornia 94566- Phone 925 485-1060 Mr. Eddie Peabody May 30, 2002 Page Two We would like approval from both the staff and the City Council to continue processing this portion of our Application which began in October with the original submittal. The second portion of our October Application, Area F1 (west of the extension of DeVaney Drive) also proposed a General Plan/Specific Plaf~ Amendment due to changes in the projected needs of the Dublin Unified School District. The high school site originally designated for this portion of the property has been deemed unn.eC~ssav3~ by the School District fbr quite some time and we have been working with the School District to coordinate the design and site preparation for a future middle school in coordination with site improvements for the overall property for nearly 2 years. A low-density residential project has been designed in conjunction with your staff and the School District in a way that we believe insured the compatibility of all uses for both existing and future neighborhoods. While we believe that our proposal is an appropriate use for the remainder of the property, we recognize that the City Council authorized a General Plan Study on public and semi-public uses at its City Council meeting on May 21, 2002. Accordingly, I am requesting that you continue this portion of our Application indefinitely until such time as there is sufficient information that will allow us to proceed with our Application for neighborhood FI. Thank you in advance. Very truly yours, MARTIN W. INDERBITZEN MWI/lmh Enclosure - Exhibit cc: Jim Tong Rod Andrade Dave Chadbourne John Sugiyama Bob Kingsley EASTERN DUBLIN GENERAL PLAN/SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDNmNT EXHIBIT Land Use Summary 30.6 ac, .Existing Eastern Dublin General Plan/Specific Plan Land Uses Legend DUBLIN RANCH AREA F NORTH 221~b~ £alY'omia ~'~ o 1oo 200 4o0 600 · Prop0sedPlanned Development Land Uses RESOLUTION NO. - 02 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING THE INITIATION OF A GENERAL PLAN AND EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT STUDY FOR THE F2 NEIGHBORHOOD OF THE AREA F NORTH PORTION OF DUBLIN RANCH WHEREAS, a General Plan and Specific Plan Amendment has been requested by Mr. James Tong, on behalf of the Lin family, for the 32.6-acre property located in Dublin Ranch, south of Dublin Ranch Phase I, north of Gleason Drive, east of Tassajara Road and west of Fallon Road referred to as the F2 neighborhood of Area F North; and WHEREAS, a General Plan and Specific Plan Amendment from Medium Density Residential to Single Family Residential is requested by the applicant; and WHEREAS, additional entitlements including zoning, site development review and other associated permits would need to be processed before development could occur; and WHEREAS, the initiation request has been reviewed in accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and was found to be Categorically Exempt under Section 15306, Class 6 of the State CEQA Guidelines; and WHEREAS, a staff report was submitted outlining the issues surrounding the request; and WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and consider all such reports, recommendations, and testimony hereinabove set forth and supports the initiation of a General Plan and Specific Plan Amendment Study for the 32.6-acre site known as the F2 neighborhood of Area F North; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby approve the initiation request for a General Plan and Specific Plan Amendment Study for the F2 neighborhood of the Area F North portion of Dublin Ranch. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Applicant shall pay for all processing costs involved with the General Plan and Specific Plan Amendment Study. PASSED, APPROVED., AND ADOPTED BY the City Council of the City of Dublin on this 2nd day of July 2002, by the following votes: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk G:XPA#X2001\01-037\CCResos for approving and denying 07.02.02.doc ATTACHMENT 4 RESOLUTION NO. - 02 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN DENYING THE INITIATION OF A GENERAL PLAN AND EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT STUDY FOR THE F2 NEIGHBORHOOD OF THE AREA F NORTH PORTION OF DUBLIN RANCH WHEREAS, a General Plan and Specific Plan Amendment has been requested by Mr. James Tong, on behalf of the Lin family, for the 32.6-acre property located in Dublin Ranch, south of Dublin Ranch Phase I, north of Gleason Drive, east of Tassajara Road and west of Fallon Road known as the F2 neighborhood of Area F North; and WHEREAS, a General Plan and Specific Plan Amendment from Medium Density Residential.to Single Family Residential is requested by the applicant; and WHEREAS, additional entitlements including zoning, site development review and other associated permits would need to be processed before development could occur; and WHEREAS, the initiation request has been reviewed in accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and was found to be Categorically Exempt under Section 15306, Class 6 of the State CEQA Guidelines; and WHEREAS, a staff report was submitted outlining the issues surrounding the request; and WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and consider all such reports, recommendations, and testimony hereinabove set forth and does not support the initiation of a General Plan and Specific Plan Amendment Study for the 32.6-acre site known as the F2 neighborhood of Area F North. NOW, TItEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED TItAT the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby deny the initiation request for a General Plan and Specific Plan Amendment Study for the F2 neighborhood of the Area F North portion of Dublin Ranch. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED BY the City Council of the City of Dublin on this 2nd day of July 2002, by the following votes: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk G:~PA#k2001 \01-037\CCResos for approving and denying 07.02.02.doc ATTACHMENT 5