HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.1 DubRanWSideStormDrain CITY CLERK
File # 360-40
SUBJECT: Public Hearing: Approval of Engineer's Report for Dublin Ranch ·
West Side Storm Drain Benefit District and Adoption of Ordinance
Creating District
Report Prepared by: Lee S. Thompson, Public Works Director
ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance Approving Engineer's Report and Creating the Storm
Drain Benefit District, including the Engineer's Report and Notice
of Establishment of Dublin Ranch West Side Storm Drain Benefit
RECOMMENDATION: 1) Open Public Hearing
2) Receive Staff Presentation
./~ 3) Receive Public Testimony
4) Close Public Hearing
5) Deliberate
6) Waive reading and INTRODUCE Ordinance
FINANCIAL STATEMENT: There will be no cost to the City for operation of the District. The
owners and developers of property within the District will construct
required storm drain facilities and will be reimbursed for the costs of
construction through reimbursement charges collected by the City
from other property owners who benefit from the facilities. The
City will also recover its costs of administering the reimbursement
program through the reimbursement charges.
DESCRIPTION: The proposed Dublin Ranch West Side Storm Drain Benefit District
consists of approximately 30 parcels bordered by the DiManto Properties on Tassajara Road on the west,
1-580 on the south, Keegan Street on the east, and the northern boundary of Dublin Ranch Area F on the
north. Three of the 30 parcels are owned by DiManto (Dublin Land Company), and all of the remaining
parcels are owned by the Lins~ This area is a western portion of the Dublin Ranch Master Drainage Plan
that was approved as part of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan development, and the boundary of the,
Benefit District is based on this Master Plan.
COPIES TO: DiManto, Lins
G:X,DEVELOP\DiManto~genda Statements~GST benefitdist-revised62602.doc
The Engineer's Report (Attachment 2) shows:
1) Major storm drainage facilities that must be built in the Benefit District to remove the storm water
that will collect upon parcels within the proposed District.
2) How those facilities must be sized to convey storm water drained from parcels in the Benefit
3) The drainage facilities will drain storm water not only from the property on which they are
located, but will also serve other properties in the Benefit District.
4) The dollar-value of the benefits of the various facilities to each parcel within the Benefit District.
The Storm Drain Benefit District is to be established as a means to reimburse the party constructing the
improvements for additional capacity that benefits other neighboring property owners and parties within
the drainage basin area. The drainage area improvements are divided into segments, whereby the owners
of each parcel benefiting from a segment will pay for their share, based on the amount of storm water their
parcel generates. The costs attributable to each property are based on the dollar value of the benefits to a
property of each of the improvements. The total cost for the facilities required for the Benefit District is
estimated to be $1,021,477, of which $739,406 is attributable to the Lins and $282,071 is attributable to
the DiManto property.
Developers of the property within the Benefit District must construct the facilities on their property, or
pay a charge equal to the benefit of the facilities to the property, and pay the charge for the dollar value
of the benefits of off-site facilities to their property. A part of the cost of installing storm drain facilities is
the 48" line on Brannigan Street and the 60" line on Dublin Boulevard, which have been installed by the
Lins (and Toll Brothers) as part of the development improvements in Dublin Ranch Area G.
The obligation to construct facilities or pay th~ charge for the installation of facilities that benefit a
property will be imposed at the time that the property owner seeks discretionary development approvals
from the City. The City will collect all charges due, including an administrative fee, and remit the monies
to the developer(s) that paid for the construction of the improvements.
The ordinance would authorize the City Manager to execute reimbursement agreements with developers
that propose to build a portion of the necessary facilities, rather than requiring the Council to approve each
individual agreement.
Under the provisions of the ordinance, property owners in the district may grant credits to each other for
the reimbursement that would otherwise be applicable. Upon receiving notice of such credits, the City
will reduce the total amount of reimbursement owed for constructed facilities and will not seek
reimbursement from owner/developers that receive such credit.
A notice of the establishment of the District will be recorded against each property in the District.
Staff recommends that the City Council open the public hearing, receive public testimony, close the
public hearing, deliberate, waive the reading, and INTRODUCE the ordinance approving the Engineer's
Report and forming the Dublin Ranch West Side Storm Drain Benefit District.
A. Large portions of eastern Dublin are presently being developed, have approved
development plans, or are likely to be developed in the near furore. Pursuant to Municipal Code
Section 9.16.110 and Government Code Section 66485, the city has required some of the first
developers in those areas to construct, install, and dedicate to the City stormwater drainage
facilities that will benefit property outside their respective subdivisions, primarily by containing
sufficient capacity to convey stormwater that collects upon their properties and stormwater
drained from adjacent properties to the ultimate drainage point for those waters° This Ordinance
is adopted as partial implementation of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, including particularly
Sections 11.3.2 and Policies 10.2, 10.3, 10.5, 10.6, and 10.8.
B. On ., the City Council held a properly noticed public hearing at
which it COnsidered the adoption of a local drainage plan that would define the necessary storm
drain facilities for a portion of eastern Dublin (the "Dublin Ranch West Side Storm Drain Benefit
District" or "Benefit District") and the obligation of each property and subdivision within that
area for drainage. That obligation would include the construction of a portion of the required
facilities for the area, or if the facilities benefiting a property are provided by others, payment of
a charge equal to the dollar-value of the benefit to each property of all facilities that serve the
property. Such charges would be calculated based on a formula described in the plan and used to
reimburse the developer who built the facilities.
C. At that public hearing, the Council received an engineer's report, prepared by
MacKay & Somps Infrastructure Group, dated January 2, 2002, and attached as Attachment 1
(hereafter the "Engineer's Report"), that describes the public drainage facilities that will be
necessary or are already installed or under construction in a portion of eastern Dublin (hereafter
the "Improvements").
D. The Dublin Ranch West Side Storm Drain Benefit District consists of Parcels 1
through 31 listed in Exhibit E of the Engineer's Report and depicted on the Map at Exhibit F of
the Engineer's Report.
E. The Engineer's Report additionally contains an estimate of the total costs of
constructing the drainage facilities that will be necessary for the area and a map of the area
showing its boundaries and the location of the necessary facilities. The parties that are
responsible for construction of the Improvements do not own all of the properties that will
benefit from and use the Improvements.
Fo The Engineer's Report further sets forth the estimated costs of constructing the
Improvements and the portion of the costs attributable to each property in the Benefit District,
based on the methodology set forth therein. In general, the costs attributable to each property are
based on the dollar-value of the benefits to a property of each of the Improvements.
G. The City Council hereby finds that the subdivision and development of property in
the Benefit District identified in the Engineer's Report will require construction of the
Improvements, and the charges imposed on properties in the area by this ordinance are fairly
apportioned within the area on the basis of the benefits conferred and costs incurred on each
property and on the need for the Improvements created by the subdivision and development of
each property.
SECTION 1: PURPOSE. The pUrPose of this ordinance is to create a local benefit district,
pursuant to California Government Code Section 66487, to provide for the levy and collection of
charges as a condition of approving the development of properties within the Benefit District that
will necessitate, and benefit from the construction of storm drain improvements. The owner,
developer, or other person holding an interest in property in the Benefit District shall be required
to construct specified drainage improvements and dedicate them to the City or pay the City
charges equal to their share (according to the benefit analysis) of either the estimated costs of
constructing those improvements or the actual cost of already constructed improvements.
Charges for already constructed improvements shall be an amount equal to the proportional
benefit to the benefited property of improvements constructed with supplemental capacity that
will benefit or be used by the benefited property°
SECTION 2: DEFINITIONS. For the purpose of this ordinance, the following words and
phrases shall have the following meanings:
'"Benefit District" means the Dublin Ranch West Side Storm Drain Benefit District which
includes the property described in Recital D.
"Benefited Property" means a property within the Benefit District which receives benefit from
the construction of an Improvement.
"Financing Party" means a property owner, developer, or governmental entity that is required to
install Improvements which benefit properties within the Benefit District.
"Improvement" is defined in Recital C.
"Land Use Entitlement" may include any of the following: a permit or approval granted by the
City for the development of property, a conditional use permit, final subdivision map, a tentative
subdivision map, a development agreement, a grading permit, and a site design review approval.
Section 66483, the City Council hereby adopts the Engineer's Report as the local drainage plan
for the Benefit District.
SECTION 4: CREATION OF LOCAL BENEFIT DISTRICT. Pursuant to its authority under
Government Code Section 66487, the City Council hereby creates the Dublin Ranch West Side
Storm Drain Benefit District, a local benefit district consisting of the benefited properties labeled
Parcels 1 through 31 as shown in Exhibit F to Attachment 1, which properties are further
identified by the Assessor Parcel Numbers listed in Exhibit E to Attachment 1.
SECTION 5: OBLIGATIONS IMPOSED. UpOn the approval of a Land Use Entitlement for
any Benefited Property in the District, the owner, developer, or other person wlth an interest in
such property shall be required, as a condition of approving the Land Use Entitlement to
~onstruct the improvements necessary for that property, as shown in Attachment 1, and/or pay
the applicable benefit charges for the property, as set forth in Table 2 of Attachment 1, whichever
is appropriate. Payment for a Benefited Property within the Benefit Area shall be required at the
time the City approves any final or parcel map on that property or at the time the City issues a
building permit on that property, whichever is earlier. The charges listed in Table 2 of
Attachment 1 shall be increased automatically at the beginning of each fiscal quarter by the rate
of return that the City earns from its Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF).
SECTION 6: USE OF CREDITS. With respect to facilities necessary to provide drainage to a
Benefited Property that have already been constructed, are under construction or are a condition
of developing another property, no charge shall be levied on a Benefited Property if the
Financing Party for those facilities has indicated in writing to the City that a credit should be
granted to the owner of the Benefited Property. In that event, the total reimbursable amount
owed to the Financing Party for facilities construction shall be reduced by an amount equal to
such credit, as adjusted by the annual inflator included in Section 5.
SECTION 7: USE OF CHARGE REVENUE. Charges collected from owners of Benefited
Properties shall be placed into an account for this Benefit District and used to reimburse
Financing Parties pursuant to reimbursement agreements approved by the City Manager in
accordance with Section 9. Any surplus revenue from the charges imposed by this ordinance
shall be used as provided for in Government Code Sections 66483.1 and 66483.2 with preference
for reimbursement of the original payer, when feasible.
SECTION 8: RECORDATION. The City Manager is authorized and directed to record in
Official Records of Alameda County a Notice of Establishment of Benefit District in
approximately the form of Attachment 2 identifying properties included in the Benefit District
with an appropriate map in order that owners of Benefited Properties shall be on notice
regarding the benefits and obligations of the Benefit District.
SECTION 9: REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENTS. The City Manager is herby authorized to
enter into reimbursement agreements with Financing Parties consistent with the terms of this
Ordinance, Government Code Section 66485 et seq. and the adopted Engineer's Report.
SECTION10: EFFECTIVE DATE AND POSTING. In accordance with Section 36937 of the
Government Code of the State of California, this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force
thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage° The City Clerk of the City of Dublin shall
cause this Ordinance to be posted in at least three (3) public .places in the City of Dublin in
accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code of the State of California
Attachment 1 Engineer's Report dated January 2, 2002.
Attachment 2 Notice of Establishment of Benefit District.
DUBLIN on this __ day of__., 2002, by the following votes:
City Clerk
J:\wpdWlnrsw\l 14\001 ~2002\Ord\drainagedistrict-final012202.d0c
City of Dublin
Alameda County, California
Dublin Ranch West Side
Storm Drain Benefit District
January 2, 2002 .
lllA~~Y &.SOIIIP:S
Clvd Englneenng Planning Land Surveyl g
City of Dublin
Alameda County, California
Dublin Ranch West Side
Storm Drain Benefit District
January 2, 2002
Table of Contents
Executive Summary ................................................................................. 1
Exhibit A - Description of Work .............................................................. 2
Exhibit B -Plans for Improvements .......................................................... 2
Exhibit C -Summary of Cost .................................................................... 3
Exhibit D -Methodology ......................................................................... 5
Exhibit E -Assessors Roll ........................................................................ 12
Exhibit F -Area of Benefit ...................................................................... 13
Civil Engineering Planning Land Surveying
City of Dublin
Alameda County, California
Dublin Ranch West Side
Storm Drain Benefit District
January 2, 2002
Engineer's Report
Executive Summary
A portion' of the master storm drain system for DUblin Ranch provides supplemental capacity for other
properties. Part of this storm drain system will be installed with the early phases of Dublin Ranch. The
remainder of the proposed system will be built in the future.
The "Area of Benefit" (AOB) is therefore established as a means to reimburse the party constructing the
improvements for supplemental capacity that benefits other properties.
The boundary showing the Area of Benefit is shown on the attached Exhibit F. The boundaries are based
on the approved drainage master plan. Minor changes in the grading plan shall not affect the pro-rata share
of the proposed improvements. The cost of the proposed improvements, plus 4% miscellaneous expenses
(mobilizatioh, erosion control, clearing and grubbing, etc.) and 21.5% for the following items shall be
considered the reimbursable amount:
Design 7.0 %
Plan checking 1.0 %
Bonding 1.5
Surveying 2.0
Construction Administration 5.5 %
Inspection 3.0 %
City DistriCt Administration 1.0 %
Total 21.5
The drainage improvements included in this Area of Benefit were divided into three segments, A, C and D.
Each parcel benefiting from a given segment will pay for their share based on the amount of storm water
flow their parcel generates. There are 141 acres outside the distriCt boundaries and within the drainage shed
that will benefit from segment C. The benefit associated with.this area has been apportioned to area of
benefit number 32.
This report includes:
Exhibit A Description of Work
Exhibit B Plans for Improvements
Exhibit C Summary of Cost
Exhibit D Methodology
Exhibit E Assessors Roll
Exhibit F Area of Benefit
K:~LDD2~orojec~s~11267~locmnents~Sk~pecific~tions~Dublin Ranch west side BD Engineers Repo~doc
t' Page 1 of I2
A) Description of Work
The improvements included in the Area of Benefit district include the storm drain pipe and minor
facilities included in area G and area H of Dublin Ranch.
B) Plans for Improvement
Conceptual plans for the improvements to be constructed are shown on Exhibit F.
K:~LDD2i~projeets\l 126"Adecumcats~05~speeificatioas~Dublin Ranch west side BD Engineers Rcpo~doe
Page 2 of 12
Dublin Ranch - West Side
Storm Drain Benefit District
Exhibit ¢, Summary of Cost
Unit Construction Total cost per pipe with
Item Qnnntity Unit Description Price Amount sot~ and other costs
A. Line
1. 920 L.F. 60" RCP $118 $108,560
4 Ea. Large Inlets $4,043 $16,172
Sub-Total for 60" Reach $124,732 $157,611
2. 900 L.F. 48'.'. RCP $91 $81,900
3 Ea. Large Inlets $4,043 $12,129
I Ea. Standard Inlets $2,310 $2,310
Sub-Total for 48" Reach $96,339 $121,734
3. 770 L.F. 42" RCP $79 $60,830
2 Ea. Standard Inlets $2,310 $4,620
Sub-Total for 42" Reach $65,450 $82,703
4. 470 L.F. 30" RCP $53 $24,910
2 Ea. Standard Inlets $2,3t0 $4,620
Sub-Total for 30" Reach $29,530 $37,314
Total Construction Cost $316,051
4% miscellaneous (mobilization, erosion control,
clearing & grubbing, etc.) $12,642
Sub-total $328,693
21.5% Engineering, Inspection, etc. $70,669
Total $399,362 $399,362
3 of 12 11267-05~qow distr calcs A&B revise 011702
2/6/02 CMB
Unit Construction Total cost per pipe with
Item Quantity Unit Description Price Amount soR and other costs
C. Line
1. 1140 L.F. 96" RCP $332 $378,480
2. 2 Ea. Large Manhole $4,043 8,086
3. I Ea. Outfall Structure $34,650 34,650
Total Construction Cost $421,216 $532,249
4% miscellaneous (mobilization, erosion control,
clearing & grubbing, etc.) $16,84
Sub-total $438,065
21.5% Engineering, Inspection, etc. $94,184
Total $532,249 $532,249
D. Line
I. 500 L.F. 42" RCP $79 $40,000
2. 1 Each Standard Inlet $2,310 2,310
Sub-Total for 42" Reach $42,310 $53,463
3. 500 L.F. 30' RCP $53 26,500
4. 1 Each Standard Inlet $2,310 2,310
I Sub-Total for 30" Reach $28,810 $36,404
Total Construction Cost $71,120
I 4% miscellaneous (mobilization, erosion control,
~ clearing & grubbing, etc.) ~$2'845
Sub-total $73,965
21.5% Engineering, Inspection, etc. $15,902
Total $89,867 $89,867
Total Construction Cost $808,387
4% miscellaneous (mobilization, erosion
control, clearing & grubbing, etc.) $32,335
Sub-total $840,722
21.5% Engineering, Inspection, etc. $180,755.
Total Estimated Benefit $1,021,478
4 of 12 11267-05W~w d'~--tr ealcs A&B revise 011702
The "Area of Benefit" (AOB) numbers shown on Exhibit F were developed using land use areas
as shown on tentative maps or other available planning documents. The drainage shed and sub-
shed boundaries depicted on the Drainage Shed Map were taken from the "DUBLIN RANCH
MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN", dated April 2000, and last revised August 2001, prepared by
MacKay & Somps Infrastructure Group. The drainage sub-areas represent the different land uses
within each sub-shed.
The costs of the proposed improvements were distributed to each AOB parcel number within the
AOB based on the quantity of storm runoff generated by each sub-area. The amount of runoff
generated by each sub-area was calculated using the Rational Method. The areas, runoff
coefficient "C" for the different land uses, intensity and time of concentration used tb calculate the
flow, "Q" were taken from the "DUBLIN RANCH MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN", prepared by
MacKay & Somps Infrastructure Group.
The areas contributing to each facility is shown on the Drainage Shed Map. The contributing
storm water runoff flows fi.om each sub-area for each reach are shown in Table I. The benefit
amount for the areas outside the district but inside the drainage sheds (subareas B 1 & B2a) is
identified in area of benefit number 32. The benefit distributed to each AOB number for each
reach is shown in Table 2. The benefit associated with the existing assessors parcel numbers
(APN) and with property owners is summarized in Table 3 & 4 respectively.
K:~LDD2i~rojects\11267~locam~eats~05X.specificatioos~Dublin Ranch west side BD Engineers Repofcdoc
Page 5 of 12
Dublin Ranch- West Side
Storm Drain Benefit District
Table 1
Subarea, Qs
SubArea Area of Benefit I A acres Qs/QT, % Benefit Cost
Reach t~ Unit Intensity C cfs ,,
A30" 10.9 0.1509 1.64 $37,314. tl
A30;; ' ' Al'a 5 0.55 11.1'2 ' 10.06
A;~{),, ,~:lb 5' 0;5~2 219:7 21'54- '5.6'%" $2,.093~70
A30" Al'c '~' ' 0.90 0153 01'~8 .1;7% $646.66
'A30'' Ald 5 0.90'0.9'3 1.38 3.0%' $!,.!34.70
A30" Aie 6 0.~5 4.22 2.43 5.4% ....... $2.,.002.33
A30" A2'a 5 0.55 15.14 13.69 30.3%' $11.,.288.70
A3O" A2b 5 0.70 11.62 13.37 29.6% $11,027.05
a30" A2c 7 0.90 0.59 0.87 1.9% $71'9.86
A30" A2d 8 0.90 0.09 0.13 0.3% $109.81
Reach Total 47.21 45.26 100% $37,314.11
A42" 12.2 0.1214 1.48 $82,702.62
A42" Ala 5 0.55 11.12 9.06 11.2% $9,229.14
A42" Aib 5 0.52 2.97 2.29 2.8% $2,33_0.52.
A42'~ AI~ 8 0.90' 0.'53 ' 0.7i' 0.g% $7~19.8-0
A~4-2" ~1~1" 5 . 0-_90 0.93 1.24 1..5% $!.,--2.63.'05
A42" Al ~ 6' 0.35 4.22. 2.19 2.7% $2,228.82
A-~2,;" 'A2a' ' 5' ' 0.5~ ' 1~5'.14 i2.34' ' i'5.2% $12,565.58
"A-4;~''~ ...... '~?.'b- '' .5- .... -o-.~/-0 .... 'i-1-~-6-2' ..... '~..-0'5 .... .1~,'~Yo ......
...... -A-4-2'"' ...... ".42-6 ............. -7' ....... 6'.9---~ ...... OZ~S-~- ........... 6-.-f9- ' .... ~-.'6-0-i0 ................
'-A-~'-'- ......... '~2.-d- ................. ~ ............ -6.-~-~ ........ ~).-~-9' ............ 0.1----2 ..... 0.1% $122.23
"-A-~; ......... 'A§~ ....... i ........... -~ .................. 0.65 ....... -8-~,~ ............. -~.1-6- 10.0% $8,307.89
"-A-4-2-" ......... ~-~'C.- ............ '~ ................. 0.65 ~-~-8 .............~-{.~ ....... 14.1% $11,653.01
"-~4-2~ ..... A~,~ .............. 7' .............. 574-5 ......... -~:~6' ......... ~/4.--7-~ ......... 5.8,/0 $4,821.31
"A42" A4b 8 0.45 7.58 5.05- ..... 6.2% $5,147.25
"A-~'~ ........ X4-'-~ ................ ~ ...........0.30." '~i..-..i. -2--_0_1.111_~i i..ii'..~'.i ii./~)'8--E'.- .... 1'--~/~' ............ $909.94
-A4-'-2-~ ............ ~,~4-d ............. i-___~ 1__~0 ....... 0.45 8.21 .__ 5.47 6.7% $5,575.06
A42" A4e 7 0.45 7.00 4.67 5.7% $4,753.4~
Reach Total 99.46 81.19 . t00% $82,702.62
A48" t3.2 0.1554 2.05 $121,733.96
..... ~ ~ ~ ......... X¥,; ............ ; ...... ;~ .............. -~.~ ..... 3-~-'~£ .............. -i-2.64 .......... ~-. ~, ...............
' --~4-~ ........... A-~6- ..................... ~ ............... -oT~2 ........ 2T~-7-'- ........... §-. ~-7- ............. ~. 4 q, ............. -$-2-~9q ~-~)'
A48" Alc 8 0.90 0.53 0.98 0.7% $901.61
Ald 5 0.90 0.93 1.72 1.3% $1,582.08
i--~;A4S" ~- ~ '~-~ ~,.-~ '~6~ ...... ~-.3-~'/0 ~2~'~.-~
' - ........ ~2.-~ ................. ~ ............. :"-~-~ ':-'--5-.'1-4' ............. 5'.~-0 ........... -~'~-~/~ ............ '$--~-,~-3T~-~
'A-4-~ .......... ~-~ ............ -~ ......... -~. ~d ...... -o-'/~-~ ........ i : ~ 9- ........ -'d..8~ .............. -~,':l ,-o'oT3-. ~,-s
A48" A2d 8 0.90 .0__._0_9_ ..........0_:1_7- -0,_!..°./.o. ............ $._1_5._3.-..!._0
~,;tiS;~ ...... '~,~'b ..........-2' ............. -.0.6--5' '-i . 8~47 11.29 8.5°/0 $10,406.37
A48" A3c 2 0.65 11.88 15.84 .12.0% $14,~96.45
A~,~-:.. '~4~' ' :7 ' 0~4'5'" 7~i'0 6~5 ' ~.(~% ...... $~i(~39-'1~
A48" X~b 8 6.4-5' '7'.-5-§ .... 7'.~)-0 ' ~]3% 'i ' i' $-.6,447-4'~'
A48- A4C 9 0.30 '2.0'~ 1.24 0.9% $!,!39.78.
A48'' A4d i0 0.45 8.21 7.58 5.7% $6:983.26
A48" A4e 7 0.45 7.00 6.46 4.9% $5~954~0.6
A48" A5a 3 .. _0~_8._0 .... i_6.:~9 . 11....1.4 8.4% $10,266.84
A'48;; A5'b ' ' .1'7 ' 0.90 1.63 3.01 -2.3-~ ........ ~72.~9
'-A~.-8~; ...... ~d' ......... -3 .... -~]~t~ -8'.'5'~)" ' ~'~4105 10.6o/0 $12,950.74
Reach Total 108.89 132.10 100% $t 2t ~733.96
flow dlstr calcs A&B revise 0117021A&B by Reach T1 Page 6 of 12 2/6/02
Dublin Ranch- West Side
Storm Drain Benefit District
Table 1
SubArea Area of Benefit I Subarea, Qs
A acres Qs/QT, % Benefit Cost
Reach t~ Unit Intensity C cfs
A60"-1 14.7 0.1327 1.95 $78,805.68
A6(~';-1 Aia 5 0.55 11.12 11.93 6.7°/0 '..$.5,'_2[}~j~_~
A6'~)"-1 XI'I~ 5 ~315'2 2.97 31(~ ;I .7% $!, .3..2..8. -!8
A6-~)"-1 Alc 8 0.g0 0.53 0.93 0.5°/0 $410.22
A(~0';-1 A'ld 5 0.90 0.93 1.63 0.9% $719.82
A60"-1 A1 e 6 0.35 4.22 2.88 1.6% $1,270.~2
A60"-1 A2a 5 0.55 15.14 16.24 9.1% $7,161.19
A60"-1 A2b 5 0.70 11.62 15.87 8.9% $6,995.21
A60"-1 A2C 7 0.90 0.59 1.04 0.6% $456.66
A60"-1 A2d 8 0.90 0.09 0.16 0.1% $69.66
A60"-1 A3b 2 0.65 8.47 10.74 6.0% $4,734.71
A6'0"-1 A3C 2 0.65 11.88 1'5.06 8.4% $6,64!.12
A60"-1 A4a 7 0.45 7~10 6.23 3.5% $2,747.69
A60"-1 a~b 8 0.45 7.5'8 6.65 3.7% $2,933.45
A60"-1 A4c 9 0.30 2.01 1.i'~ 0.7% $518.58
A60~'~i A4d 10 0.45 812i 7.21 ;~.0% $3~!'7~6
~60"':1' ' A4'e 7 "0'.45 7.00 6.15 3:4% $ .2,7_0..8 ._ .9_9
~6-0'C1 ~'5~ 3 '0.80 6.'/;9 i'0.60 5.9°/0 $4,671.23
,g,~'0;'-'1 '~5'1~' 17' 0:90 1.~3 "~'.'86 .... 1.6% ' Si
- ~,~-6-"---i ..... A--~'d- '~ ....... (~.'i~-0 ' 8'~'~6" 'i-:~.-3~ ........... '7'~ ...... $--~,-8-g-2',-3-5
'"X66'-q ........ ~6--~ ~ .................. b.80 'S'.-~-9' ..... §:-~'6 ............ ~,~"' i ' .$_~,.s_7_!.0~
-,~,~-0"--i- ...... ~6-~' .'' '~6'~i' .i"i .~:6--~" i ~:-~--.4".. i. '. ']i~--~-i'-iii"-i .'.i... i'~-~?~o' $469.56
"~,~0"~i' ........ ~,-6~' 26 0.90 0.58 1.02 0.6% $448.92
A60"-1 A6d ' '-3- ...... 0~-0'" ~-~)' .......... ~-.6-~ .............. -~-~'" $2,476.79
-A-6~"2;~- ....... A--~' .......... ~' .......... ~).~ '8-.-0~ ............. ;I-2-~-(.- ............. ~-.-0~/; ...... $5,503.98
A60"-1 A6f 26 0 90 1.50 2.63 1.5% $1,161.00
~'6--~;C~ ........ ~7~' ...... ~'-6 ........0"~'~ ' ' '~- 5~ ......... -'~.~ ............... ~ $4,237.20
A60"-1 A7b 26 0.S0 0.80 1.40 0.8% $619.20
'-'~'6-~;--~ ...... ~,'~-~ ........... -2-~ ........~3'19-0' ...... '-0.'-~ ........... ~).46 ........... ~-.~ ........... $201.24
Reach Total 146.$9 178.76 t00% $78,805.68
A60"-2 t4.7 0.1327 1.95
' 'X~2- ....... Xi~ ................ ~ ................. i)'~5'~' - {~i'~ ............ -i-i-;~-~ .............. ~4~ ........... :' --~(~-~.~
"~,-6-d'~-2 ........ ~-1-1:; ............... ~) ............. ~'~ ..... '2Vc~7- .......... ~'~-1-- ......... -~'~6-~ .......
' 'A-~6~C~ ...... ~,~ .............. -§- ........ ~'~6 .... 'd :5~' ............ -0.93 " ....... -0[ ~Z '~-~'9-6-~.26
A60"-2 Ald ......... ~ ........... ~)~-~J ...... -0~'g~ .............. 1-76-3 ................ ~---~'~ .......
....... ......... .i ......i ii .
'A-~0-~_-~ .' .... -,a~' 5 0.55 15.14 16.24 8.8% .. _$6_~,9_1_6:_46:
A-6~":~ ..... ~?.~3 5' 0'.70 1i'.62 ' 1-5 .-8:7' ...... ~ .-~ ~/~ .$6ff.5_6: .1_5_
"' A6~:2 -~ 7 0j§0 0.~9 '1:'{~ 0'. 6°~o ' ~!_.0__5
A60"-2 A2d 8 0.90 0.09. 0'Ji-6-' 0~ ~ 0/0 $67.28
A60"-2 A3b 2 0.65 8.47 10.74 5.8% $4,572.90
A~'C2 A'3c 2 0.65 11.88 '{'~i06' '8.1% ............... '$6~1~.i~
]~-0;, '2 'Aga 7 0.45 7.10 ' '6'.'23 3.4% $2,653.79
A60"~.'2 A4b 8 0.45 7.58 61~5 3.6% ~2,~'~3120
1.18 0.6% $500186
A60'~-2 A4c 9 0.30 2.01
A60"-2 A4d 10 0.45 8.21 7:2~1 3.9% $3,068.67
A60"-2 A4e 7 0.45 7.00 6.15 3.3% $2,6~16..4.!
A60"-2 A5a 3 0.80 6.79 1'0.60 5.7% .$.4,511~5.9
A60"-2 A5b 17 0.90 1.63 2.86 1.5% $1:_2_18:50-
A60"-2 A5c 17 0.55 2.45 ~i~.3_ 1.4% $!,..1 !9.~.4.
A60"-2 A5d 3 '0.80 8.56 13.37 7.2% ..$.5,6._.9.0. :g__!
,~-{~ '-,~,~ ":~ 0~0 5. i9 ' - ~.':1'~ ...... ~1:4'% ' ' $3,449.0_j
"~'6--~""L-~ ...... A6b .............~ .......... ' ..... 6~'-' -6~ ............. 1.07- .......... ~.-6-~/0 ....... $453.51
flow distr calcs A&B revise 0117021A&B by Reach T1 Page 7 of 12 ' 2/6/02
Dublin Ranch- West Side
Storm Drain Benefit District
Table 1
SubArea Area of Benefit I A acres Subarea, Qs Qs/QT, % Benefit Cost
Reach tc Unit Intensity C cfs
~,60"-2 A6c 26 0.90 0.58 1.02 0..6% .... $433..581
~,60":2 ' A6d 3 0.90 3120 5.62 3.0% $2,392.14i
A60"-~ A6e 3 0.8-0 8.'00 :1'2149 6.7% $-51~15.88:
A60"--2 A6f 26 0.90 1.50 2.63 1.4% $1,121.32
A60"-2 A7a 26 0.65 7158 9.61 5.2% $4,09'2.40
A.6(~"-2 A7b 26 0.90 0.80 1.40 0.8% $598.04
A60"-2 A7c 26 0.90 0.26 0.46 0.2% $'194.36
A60"-2 a8a 27 0.65 3.41 4.32 2.3% $:1,841.04
A60"-2 A8b 27 0.90 1.14 2.00 1.1% $852.20
Reach Total 151.40 185.09 100% $78,805.6~,
C96" 28.1 0.0529 1.49 $532,248.54
C96" Ala 5 0.55 11.12 9.09 2.5% $13,368.72
C96" A1 b 5 0.52 2.97 2.30 0.6% $3,375.84
C96" Alc 8 0.90 0.53 0.71 0.2% $1,042.66
C96" Ald 5 0.90 0.93 1.24 0.3% $1,829.56
C96" A1 e 6 0.35 4.22 2.20 0.6% $3,228.52
C96" A2a 5 0.55 15.14 12.38 3.4% $'J8120i:66
C96" A2b 5 0.70 11.62 12.09 3.3% .... $17,7'79'i-;Z'9 .............
C96"' A2c 7 0.90 0.59 0_i_7._9 .0-2% .... $- -1-, :1.-6..0-.-'.6- -9-
C'96''~ J~?.d 8 p:9_0_.. ~0~9 .... .0:!_2.. 0.0% $177.05
(~9-6;;" ' ~,3b ' 2 0.65 8.47 8.18 2.'3~/~' $12,034.25
-~0;;' A-3~ ........ -2' '0'.6'~'' :I-'~:8'8 .......... 1-~.-4~ ' '~'~2-_°/.-,~'.'i.-i . .$16,879.78
'~-9'6" ~,~,~ -7-' ' ' 0'.-4'5-' ' 771-0 .-_4.~.?~5_" i ...... 1.._3_% ....... $6,983.8-~
' C-9-(~'-;'- A~.-b .... 8 -0~J45 7.-~-8 ..... 5.07 ............ 1.4% $7,455.97
.... ~-9-6'-; ~,~.~ ................... {)' '~;~'~)' .... ~.-0~--i._ii .i. 'i0.-~-'9.-.~) .... .0_~.2_°_/o_ . . $1,318.07
-'--~-'; ......... ~:4.-d ......... 1.b' 0.~'-' 8.21 .5__._4_.9 ..... '1_.._5_~ ........ $8,075.66
'.i~9_--~'i"'..-i.~~e '. i . ':7 _~.._4.~ . ~':~_~.'..".'..i ..... -4'68 ...... [I-.'-3-°-~-- $6,885.46
C96" A5a 3 ' 0.80 6.79 8.07 2.2% $11,872.89
- -~'6~;'' ~,-5-b ........ ;I-7 '0':90 ' :1'16-~ ...... ~.-1-8 ........~).-6~,~ .... $3,206.66
.... C96----'~ ........ ~,-5~ ............ 1.:7 ........... (~:~" ~ ......... ~.-0'~- ......... b-.:6:)~o .......... -$"~--,945.4~
"~g--6-'; ........ ~A'~'~ ......... ~ ......... ~J~-§'~ ~'1'5-~ ........... :i-0~-9 ..... ...2:8.e.~ .... _$.!.4,97J-64
.... C9---6-"' ......... ~'~' .......... -~ ..........(~:8'(~ ' ~l)_~;. 1'i._".['i.;~:'-~--.7-~- - .... 1,~-0'~ ............ _$_9_,076.5_7_
~-~;'- ........ A'-~I~ ..................... ~'6' ' -(~[~5.' 0.84 0.81 0.2% $1,193.48
'C-~-e' ........... ×~' ................ ~- ..... 0:90 '-~':-~-~ ........ d:'~' _'.: i. i..O.;~i~:'.Li' '
.... ~,,9-~; .......... ~6-~' .............. ~ ...........'0--9~0' .... ~-~ ............. 4.28-' 1.2% $6,295.28
' -b-9-6-~ ........... ~,~- ................. §' ...... ~(f.-§b' - ' &-o-O- ....... ~.-~-i ...... 2':6~ ............. -~ 1-:~:9-s-<~ ..-5~
'--C96"- ........ -,~ .................. 2-6 ...... b:9-O' :i.-5-~- ............ -~:~':1' ........... -~':6'~ $2,950.91
..... ~{~6-:' ..... X7'~ ....... ~S 0:65" '~.5~8 ........ ;l.-3~' .... : -"~:~:~; ..................
'b'J~S:;'' ~b 26 ~.9'0 ' 0':~0 .... ;l':6;l .......... 0.3% $_1,5_7.3:.82'
C96" A7c 26 0.90 0:2'6 0:§5 ..... 0.1% ._ _$.5.!_1..~_9.
C96" A-8a 27 0.65 3.41 '3.~9 0.9% $4,844.96
c96- 'A~b 27 0.90 1.1-4 1:53 0.4%
c96,, B1 32 0.52 42.9 33.16 9.2% $4~762.1.?
C'9~;; -B2a 32 0.52 98:3 ~'5.98 21.0% $111,732.42
C96" B2b 32 0.52 5.1 3.94 1.1% $5,796.90
C96" B3a 5 0.55 4.4 3 57 1.0% $5,253.71
C96" B3b 5 0.52 2.5 1.96 0.5% $2,887.08
C96" B3c 5 0.90 0.9 1.26 0.3% $1,849.24
C96" B4 6 0.35 15.9 8.27 2.3% $12,!56.66
C9~S'' B5a 8 0.45 2.6 1.77 0.5% $2,59.6_.17
C~;' B5b 8 0.30 0.2 0.08 0.0% $_120..8~
C9-6" E~c 8 0.90 0.6 0.76 0.2% _$!. ,116...0.8
'~'~S" ~5d ~2 0.45 9.2 6.15 1.7% $9,049.46
C96" ~1'~'~"- 13 0'.~0 ' 8.6 '~:9;/; 2.5~/~ $~:~:'~ §§-~'~
'"~9---~~- ......... -I~- .................. ~-~ .................. ~}':~4-~ ....... ~- ................. ~-~ .............. ~i~ ..... $2,488.60
flow distr calcs'A&B revise 0117021A&B by Reach TI Page 8 of 12 2/6/02
Dublin Ranch- West Side
Storm Drain Benefit District
Table 1
SubArea Area of Benefit I A acres Subarea, Qs Qs/QT, % Benefit Cost
Reach tc Unit Intensity C cfs
C96" B5g 10 0.30 0.2 0.08 0.0% .... $117,16
C96" BSh 10 0.{)0 0.6 0.:~5 0.2% $! .,097-7_9_
C9-6" B5i 14 0.30 5.6 2.49 0.7% $3,654.78~
C96" B5j 15 0.45 12.2 8.14 2.2% $11,971.93
C96" B6a 10 0.90 1.5 2.06 0.6% $3,024.68
C96" B6b 7 0.:45 0.4 0.24 0.1% $359.29
C96" B6c 10 0.45 0.6 0.38 0.1% $553.62
C96" B6d 10 0.45 0.8 0.51 0.1% $753.51
C96" B6e 11 0.45 1.3 0.89 0.2% $1,310.68
C96" B6f 11 0.90 1.2 1.55 0.4% $2,272.30
C96" B6g 11 0.30 0.1 0.03 0.0% $46.13
C96" B7a 15 0.70 2.0 2.05 0.6% $3,017.72
C96" BTb 15 0.45 0.7 0.50 0.i % $731.26
C96" B7c 15 0.45 0.5 0.33 0.1% $482.79
C96" B7d 16 0.45 1.8 1.20 0.3% $1,770.55
C96" B7e 16 0.90 1.2 1.56 0.4% $2,290.28
C96" B8a 17 0.55 5.4 4.41 1.2% $6,492.00
C96"; B8b 1'7 0.90 1.8 2.36 0.7% $3,]476.70
Cg6;' ' ' B8c 18 0,35 2.4 1.22 0.3% $1,80.0.:.!.7
096" B~d 20 ~13~3 0.7 0.32 0. i% $471.75
c96'~ ........ --B-~ ....... ...... 2~' ....... -~-~0 ' 1.4 1.83 .........0.5% ................ $2,695.92
C96" B9c _2..~ ........ _0.30. ....... ~!.:_3_. 0.59 ..........0.2% .... $8_68.__4~
C96" B9f 23 0.85 2.3 2.93 0.8% $4,310.35
C96" B9k 24 0.90 2.3 3.08 0.9°1o $4,524.73
-C'9-6-~ ......... 'B-I-O-I~ '2~ 0.90 2.1 2.84 0.8°/0 $4,169.62
Reach Total 426.32 361.96 106% $532,248.84!
D30" 12.2 0.1131 1.38 $36,404.32
D30" D1 4 0.80 22.21 24.52 100.0% $36,404.32
Reach Total 22.21 24.52 100% $36,404.32
D42" - 12.2 0.1214 1.48 $53,462.92
D42" D1 4 0.80 20.36 24.13 49.6% $26,523.03
D42" D2 30 0.80 11.69 13.85 28.5% $15,228.59
D42" D3 31 0.80 8.99 10.65 21.9% $11,711.30
Reach Total 41.04 48.64 100% $53,462.92
flow distr calcs A&B revise 011702 / A&B by Reach T1 Page 9 of 12 2/6/02
Ranch - West Side
Drain Benefit District
Benefit Char~es
parce~ number) A30" A42" A48" A60"~1 A60"-2 Total
2 $0.00 $19,960.90; $25,002.82 $11,375.83 $10,987.06 $28,914.03 $0.00 $0.00 $96,240.64
3 $0.68 $0.00 $23,217.58 $22,115.40 $21,359.60 $56,210.88 $0.00 $0.00 $122,903.46
4 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.68 $0.00 $0.00 $36,404.32 $26,523.03 $62,927.34
5 $33,835.45 $37,662.63 $36,779.84 $21,464.15 $20,730.59 $64,545.61 $0.00 $8.00 $215,018.26
6 $2,002.33 $2,228.82 $2,791.79 $1,270.22 $1,226.80 $15,385.18 $0.00 $0.00 $24,905.14
7 ~ $719.86 $10,375.99 $12,996.86 $5,913.34 $5,711.25 $15,389.27 $0.00 $0.00 $51,106.57
8 $756.47 $5,989.28 $7,502.12 $3,413.33 $3,296.67 $12,508.82 $0.00 $0.00 $33,466.69
9 $0.00 $909.94 $1,139.78 $518.58 $500.86 $1,318.07 $0.00 $0.00 $4,387.22
10 $0.00 $5,575.06 $6,983.26 $3,177.26 $3,068.67 $16,111.01 $0.00 $0.00 $34,915.26
11 $0.00 $0.00 $0.68 $0.00 $0.00 $3,629.11 $0.00 $0.00 $3,629.11
12 $0.68 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.68 $9,049.46 $0.00 $0.00 $9,049.46
13 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $13,189.48 $0.00 $0.00 $13,189.48
14 $0.68 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,654.78 $0.00 $0.00 $3,654.78
15 $0.00 $0.00 $0.68 $0.00 $8.00 $16,203.70 $0.00 $0.00 $16,203.70
16 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,060.82 $0.00 $0.00 $4,060.82
17 $0.00 $0.00 $5,319.91 $2,420.46 $2,337.74 $17,486.43 $0.00 $0.00 $27,564.54
18 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,995.68 $0.00 $0.68 $1,995.06
19 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $6,370.151 $0.00 $0.00 $6,370.15
20 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,843.94 $0.00 $0.00 $1,843.94
21 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $6,887.68 $0.00 $0.00 $6,887.68
22 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0-68 $4,168.88 $0.00 $0.00 $4,168.88
23 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,369.32 $0.00 $0.00 $4,369.32
24 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.68 $0.68 $18,636.88 $0.00 $0.00 $18,636.88
25 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,359.68 $0.00 $0.00 $1,359.68
26 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $7,137.11 $6,893.20 $20,836.37 $0.00 $0.00 $34,866.69
27 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,693.24 $8,244.95 $0.00 $0.00 $10,938.19
28 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 . $0.00 $0.00 $11,297.91 $0.00 $0.00 $11,297.91
29 $0.00 $8.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,289.59 $0.00 $0.00 $2,289.59
30 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $15,228.59 $15,228.59
31 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.68 $0.00 $11,711.30 $11,711.30
32 $0.00 $0.00 so.oo so.oo ~0.00 $1~,291.49$0.00 $0.00 $1~,291.,,9
Reach Total i $37,314.111 $82,702.62 1 $121,733.~I $78,~05.68 t $78,805.68-1 $832,246.541 $~,~.32 I $63,462.92 1 $1,021,4~'.81
calc~ A&B revise 011702/Table 2 Page 10 of 12 2/6/02
Dublin Ranch - West Side
Storm Drain Benefiting Properties
Table 3
Assessor's Parcel No.* Cost
985-0009-001 & $62,927.34
985-0009-002 $219,144.11
985-0009-0'04-002 $198,568.23
985-0009-004-003 $132,588.49
985-0009-005-002 $26,939.89
985-0014-005 or
985-0014-009 or $215,018.26
Areas B1 & B2 $166,291.49
Total Benefit $1,021,477.81
Table 4
~NJ3=e~ Cost
Lin, et.at. $739,406.37
Dublin Land Company $282,071.45
Total Benefit $1,021,477.81
* APN are per August 2001 assessor's roll.
flow distr calcs A&B revise 0117021T'ol 3 & 4 Page 11 of 12 2/6/02
Dublin Ranch- West Side / ~ ~/~' /
Storm Drain Benefit District '
Exhibit E
Assessor's Roll
Assessors Parcel No,. Area of Benefit No.. .Benefit Amoun~t -
985-0009-002 2 $96,240.64
985-0009-002 3 $122,903.46
985-0009-001 & 4 $62,927.34
985,0014-005 or
985-0014-009 or 5 $215,018.26
985-0009-004-002 6 $24,905.14
985-0009-004-002 7 $51,106.57
985-0009-004-002 8 $33,466.69 :
985-0009-004-002 9 $4,387.22
985-0009-004-002 10 $34,915.26
985-0009-004-002 1 i $3,629.11
985-0009-004-002 12 $9,049.46
985-0009-004-002 13 $13,189.48
985-0009-004-002 14
985-0009-004-002 15 $16,203.70
985-0009~004-002 '16 $4,060.82
985-0009-004-003 17 $27,564.54
985-0009-004-003 18 $1,995.06
985-0009-004-003 19 $6,370.15
985-0009-004-003 20 $1,843.94
21 $6,887.68
985-0009-004-003 22 $4,168.88
985-0009-004-003 23 $4,369.32
985-0009-004-003 24 $18,636.88
985-0009-004-003 25 $1,359.68
985-0009-004-003 26 $34,866.69
985.0009-004.003 27 $10,938.19
985~0009-004-003 28 $11,297.91
985-0009-004-003 29 $2,289.59
985-0009-005-002 30 $15,228.59
985-0009-005-002 31 $11,711.30
' i.. 32 $166,291.49
Grand Total $1,021,477.81
Benefit Numbers are keyed to the Exhibit F, Area of Benefit.
* APN are per August 2001 assessor's roll.
flow dlstr selcs A&B revise 011702 / Exhibi~ E Page 12 of 12 2/6J02
~f .................................. DRAINAGE SHEDS
J ' [ ~ : J ~ Jt ~;'; JENNIFI~ R LiN
. : ~,,;~x- ~ ................. ~. ~
o; I % ~ ~ ............... ~~ LINE~ '~ [~ J~l~
- __ -- ~ /I ' ~ , ' ~ ............................ ....
g V { ~ ~ ~ ....... ~ JENNIFER LIN
~ I ~, ~.~ ,~, ~ ..........
: SH[~ 1 OF
u Dublin Ranch, West Side .~ u..~.,~o~ ~YEi~a~S ~.
Storm Drain Benefit District ~.~.~uc~na~ ~ ~, ss~
' PR~E~ NO ..... ~ ...........
r~ 96" "- '--
; .....
141 Ac.
_ {
SH[~ 2 OF 2 Dublin Ranch, West Side
'~ Storm Drain Benefit District I
Recording Requested by and when recorded
mail to:
City Clerk
City of DublLn
100 Civic Plaza
Dublin, CA 94568
Notice of Establishment of
Dublin Ranch West Side Storm Drain Benefit District
Notice is hereby given as follows:
1. Existence of Benefit District.
On , the City Council of the City of Dublin adopted Ordinance No.
establishing the Dublin Ranch West Side Storm Drain Benefit District ("Benefit District")
.pursuant to Government Code Section 66487. Copies of the Ordinance can be obtained
from the Public Works Department, City of Dublin, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin CA (925/833-
· 2. Area of Benefit.
Parcels within the Area of Benefit ("Benefited Properties'.') listed as Parcels 2 through 31
of Exhibit A attached and depicted in Exhibit B Attached, will be required by City to pay
their pro rata share of the cost of certain public improvements benefiting those parcels all
asset forth more particularly in the Engineer's Report.
3. Time of Collection.
l~eimbursement to the financing party is required upon issuance of a building permit for a
development project or before a final map or parcel map is approved for recordation on a
Benefited Property.
4. Inquiry;
Any inquiry regarding the Benefit District shall be directed to City Engineer, City of
Dublin, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin CA 94568; Phone 925/833-6630.
City of Dublin
By: Date:
Name: Richard Ambrose
Its: City Mz~ager and Authorized Agent
Pursuant to Ordinance No.
Attach Acknowledgments