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C~lY ClERtk\
File ## D[z]~[o].,[z][OJ
cnrv COUNCIL MEETING DATE JalIT'uoary ~5, 2008
ReViSIOns to the Personnel System
Report Prepared by Angehca T Smuh AdminIstrative Analyst
Paul McCreary, PCS Manager
A 1'1' ACHMEN'I8 1 ResolutIOn AmendIng the ClassIficatIOn Plan
2 ResolutIOn AmendIng the Salary Plan for Part-Time Personnel
RECOMMENDA TIO~Vle~ the proposed modificatIOns to the CIty'S ClassIficatIOn and
~ part-tIme Salary Plans and adopt the ResolutIOns
The CIty'S FY 2007-2008 adopted budget provides fundIng of part-
tIme salanes In several program areas as part of the Parks and
Commumty ServIces Department budget
Staff estImates adoptmg the new hourly rates WIll result m a $10,500
(32%) mcrease m part-tIme temporary salarIes through the end of
FY 2007-2008 It is antICIpated the Increase would be offset by
savmgs In full-tIme salanes due to unantICIpated vacanCIes durmg
the early part of the FIscal Year
DESCRIPTION The CIty'S Personnel System IS governed by several documents
Each document addresses a specIfic set of Issues The Staff report IdentIfies proposed changes to the
CIty'S current Personnel System As discussed below, the proposed adjustments are based on the need to
reVIse, add, and delete part-tIme Job classIficatIOns wlthm the City'S ClaSSIficatIOn Plan
Pursuant to the City'S Per')onnel System Rules, aJob descnptlon must be adopted for each claSSIficatIon m
the organizatIon The Job descnptiOn typically mcludes key clements, knowledge, SkIlls, abilitIes and
reqUIrements of the posItion The Job deSCrIptIOns make up the City'S ClaSSIficatIOn Plan
On an annual baSIS, the CIty of Dublm utIlIzes a number of temporary part-tIme personnel that prOVide
necessary servIces to the City The Clty'S Parks and Commumty Services Department hIres the majorIty
COlPlIES 1'0
I ~2>
['rEM NO
of the City's part-tIme personnel who are assIgned to vanous program areas such as youth and adult
sports, playgrounds, teen programs, preschool, special events, aquatlcs, semor programs, and hentage and
cultural arts Over the years, the CIty'S award wmnmg recreatIOnal programs have changed and as such,
Job dutIes have been adapted In 2006, CIty Staff from the Parks and CommunIty Services Department
and Personnel worked WIth a consultant to reVIew eXlstmg Job descnptIOns and revlCW Job classIficatiOns
to determme what modificatIons were requIred to bnng the classificatIOns up-to-date City Stdffrevlewed
all of the CIty'S part-tIme recreatIOnal classificatIOns and revised them to mclude current scope of dutIes
and Amencans With DIsabIlItIes Act (ADA) language as reqUIred by law These updated and added
classIficatiOns are found m ExhIbits A through 0 of the ResolutIOn (Attachment 1) and Include the
followmg pOSItIOns
ASSIstant Pool Manager
FaCIlIty Attendant IIII
LIfeguard/SwIm Instructor I
LIfeguard/SwIm Instructor n
Pool Manager
Preschool Aide
RecreatIon Leader I
RecreatIOn Leader II
Semor RecreatIon Leader
Sports OffiCial
AquatIcs Program SpeCIalist
CookIFood Services SpeCialIst
Preschool Teacher (PT Temporary)
Semor FaCIlIty Attendant
Proposed DeletIon
RecreatIon SpeCIalIst
Sports FIeld Attendant
Staff recommends that the City CounCIl adopt the attached ResolutIon amendmg the Classlficatlon Plan
Included m the CIty'S Personnel System are ResolutIOns that address salary ranges for part-tIme and full-
tIme personnel The attached ResolutIOn IS a proposed amendment to the City's Salary Plan for part-tIme
personnel (Attachment 2) It has been over 5 years SInce part-time Job descnptlOns were surveyed for
market companson and the City's current ranges have fallen below the Tn-Valley market area After the
part-tIme Job descnptIons were developed, CIty Staff from Personnel and the Parks and CommUll1ty
ServIces Department took the part-time classlficattons to market for development of the approprIate salary
range and alIgnment wIthm the CIty'S eXIstmg part-tIme Salary Plan The Salary Plan ResolutIOn
(Attachment 2) establIshes the followmg hourly salary ranges for the new and updated claSSIficatIOns
AquatICS Program SpeCIalIst
ASSistant Pool Manager
$19 90
$12 10
$ 885
$25 90
$15 70
$11 50
Cook/Food ServIces SpecIalIst
F aCIhty Attendant I
F aClhty Attendant II
LIfeguard/SwIm Instructor I
LIfeguard/SwIm Instructor II
Pool Manager
Preschool AIde
Preschool Teacher (PT Temporary)
RecreatIOn Dnver
Recreation Leader I
RecreatIon Leader II
Senior Pacthty Attendant
Semor RecreatIOn Leader
Sports OffiCIal
$20 75
$ 875
$11 80
$ 915
$15 95
$10 25
MmImum Wage
$ 960
$13 60
$13 40
$27 00
$11 40
$11 90
$13 65
$13 30
$IO 50
$17 65
$17 45
$19 95
The base rates for the eXistIng claSsifications would Increase an average of 10 6%, which equates to about
2 1 % per year SInce the rates were last updated III 2002 The new ranges would be effectIve WIth the pay
penod startmg February 2,2008 Employees whose current pay rate falls below the new mInImum hourly
rates would receIve a salary Increase to the new base It IS antIcIpated thIS would Increase temporary part-
tIme personnel costs approXImately $10,500 (32%) through the end of the FY 2007-2008 Staff estImates
the mcreased cost would be offset by savmgs that have been reahzed In full-time salanes due to
unantIcipated vacanCies III the preschool, teen and sports programs dunng the early part of the Fiscal Year
Staff also estimates that adoptmg the new hourly rates would mcrease personnel costs approxImately
$26,000 (4 1 %) dunng FY 2008-2009
Staff recommends that the City CouncIl adopt the attached Resolution amending the part-tIme Salary Plan
In conclusIOn, It has been several years SInce the City reViewed ItS part-hme Job dasslficatIons and salary
plan In order for the CIty to maIntaIn qualIty programmmg III several key recreatIonal areas It IS necessary
to conSIder updates to part-tIme Job descnptIOns and salary ranges
RECOMMENDATiON Staff recommends that the CIty CounCIl reVIew the proposed modIficatIons
to the City'S ClaSSificatIOn and part-tIme Salary Plans and adopt the ResolutIOns
WHEREAS, In accordance WIth the CIty'S Personnel System Rules, the CIty CounCIl adopted ResolutIOn
No 30-84 and subsequent resolutIOns whIch compnse the ClassificatIOn Plan, and
WHEREAS, It IS necessary to perIodically add Job descnptIons m the ClassIficatIOn Plan
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that ResolutIOn No 30-84 and subsequent resolutions shall
be further amended to mclude the followmg reVIsed Job descnptIons
Assistant Pool Manager
FaCIlIty Attendant IIII
LIfeguard/SWIm Instructor I
LIfeguard/SWIm Instructor II
Pool Manager
Preschool AIde
RecreatIOn Leader I
RecreatIOn Leader II
Seruor RecreatIOn Leader
Sports OffiCIal
(ExhIbIt A)
(ExhIbIt B)
(ExhIbIt C)
(ExhIbit D)
(ExhIbit E)
(ExhIbIt F)
(ExhIbIt G)
(ExhIbIt H)
(ExhibIt I)
(ExhibIt J)
(Exhibit K)
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the followmg new Job descnptIons be added
Aquatics Program SpecIalist
Cook/Food ServIces SpecIahst
Preschool Teacher (PT Temporary)
SenIor FaCIlity Attendant
(ExhIbIt L)
(ExhIbIt M)
(ExhibIt N)
(ExhIbIt 0)
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the followmg Job descnptIons be deleted
RecreatlOn SpeCIalIst
Sports Field Attendant
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that these documents shall become a part of the offiCial ClaSSIficatIOn
Plan for the CIty ofDubhn, and that the changes contamed herem shall be effectIve January 15,2008
j:.-t ~ jt 4 Cj I '}.SItS ~
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED thlS 15th day of January, 2008
City Clerk
EXhl~ A ~ 51J
Date Adopted 02/13/1996
Date RevIsed January 15,2008
Assistant Pool Manager
Non-Exempt, Part-TIme
General Purpose
To assist In planmng, orgamzmg, and supervlSlng aquatics programs related to the management
and operatIOn of a pubhc SWImmmg pool, aet as the Pool Manager m hlslher absence
SuperVISIOn Received and Exercised
ReceIve general supervisIOn from the RecreatIon Coordinator or Pool Manager
May exerCIse techmcal and functIonal supervlSlon over part-tIme staff, as appropnate
Essential Duties and ResponsIbIlities
The followmg dutIes are normal for this claSSIficatIon The omISSIOn of speCIfic statements of
dutIes does not exclude them from the posItion If the work IS Similar, related or a lOgical
aSSIgnment to thIS class
Assist III supervlsmg and trammg SWImming pool part-time staff, mcludmg mput to schedules
and staff evaluatIOn, act as the Pool Manager m hlslher absence
Assist m overseemg SWIm lesson program, serve as SWIm mstructor as needed
Enforce pool safety rules and regulatIons, mamtam orderly patron conduct
Oversee weekend lIfeguard team, serve as hfeguard as needed
Maintain up-to-date records and prepare related reports as reqUIred
Budd and mamtam posItive workmg relatIOnships WIth co-worker<;, other City employees and the
publIc usmg pnncIples of good customer service
Perform other dutIes as aSSigned
ExhI~:{ 9V
Minimum QualIficatIOns
KnowledlZe of
CIty sWlmmmg pool rules, regulattons, and polieles
BaSIC techmques of motIVatton and leadershIp
Use and care of ilfesavmg techmques and eqUIpment used at public SWInllnmg pools
Enghsh usage spelhng, punctuation, and grammar
Ability to
ASSist m the management and operatIOn of a public sWImmmg pool
Oversee part-tIme staff acttVlttes, as assigned
Perform all SWImmmg strokes accordmg to Amencan Red Cross standards, engage m phYSIcal
Perform and demonstrate lifesaVlng and emergency first aid techmques and practIces
Deal WIth dIfficult or stressful situatIons In a calm and profeSSIOnal manner
Prepare reports related to pool management and operations, as assIgned
Commumcate clearly and concIsely, both orally and In wntmg
Estabhsh and maIntam cooperatIve workmg relatIOnshIps WIth those contacted In the eourse of
Use of computer applicatIons IS deSIrable
PhYSical Standards
The phYSIcal standards deSCribed are representative of those that must be met by employees to
successfully perform the essentml functlOns of thIS class Reasonable accommodatIons may be
made to enable mdlVlduals WIth dlsabllitles to perform the essentIal funchons
On a contmuous baSIS, lrnow and nnderstand all aspects of the Job, mten11lttently analyze work
papers, reports and speCIal projects, IdentIfy and mterpret technical and numencal mformatlOn,
observe and problem solve operahonal and techmcal policy and procedures
On an mterrmttent baSIS stand, walk, and bend while momtonng aquatICS programs, squat, climb,
lrneel and tWIst mtermlttently when settmg up vanous programs, perform vanous swnnrmng
techmques when mstructmg staff and! or patrons, perform Simple graspmg and fine mam pulatlOn, and
hft or cany weIght of 100 pounds or less
ExlnbE~ ~
1'rammg and Expenence
Any combmatIOn eqlllvalent to educatton and expencnce lIkely to provide the reqUIred
knowledge and ab1l1t1es are quahfymg A typIcal way to obtam the knowledge and ablhtles
would be
EqUIvalent to completion of twelfth grade
Two years expenence as lifeguard and SWim mstructor
Licenses, Certificates, SpecIal ReqUirements
At tlme ofhlre, must be 18 years of age or older
Any offer of employment to an adult who WIll have dlrect eontaet With mmors lS condItional upon
submISSIOn of a completed fingerpnnt screemng and a sattsfactory background eheck
Current certification m AmerIcan Red Cross CPR for the ProfesslOnal Rescuer with AED,
Lifeguard Trammg wIth Adnumstenng Emergency Oxygen, Emergency Response (Title 22), and
Water Safety Instructor Lifeguard Management certtfication IS deSIrable
PossessIOn of a valid CaltfoIDla Class C drIvers' hcense and Certlficate of Automotive Insurance
for Personal Llablllty
fuhIbIt f ~ {71J
Da te Adopted 02/12/1990
Date ReVlsed January 15,2008
Non-Exempt, Part-Time
General Purpose
To collect fees from public SWImmmg pool patrons, register partlcIpants m aquatics classes, and
perform a vanety of related general clencal dutIes
SupervISIon Received and ExercIsed
RecelVe general superviSIOn from the Pool Manager
Essential ])Jutles and Responslblhtles
The foJIowmg dutIes are normal for thiS classificatIOn The omiSSIon of speclfi.c statements of
dutIes does not exclude them from the posIt!On If the work IS SimIlar, related or a lOgical
aSSIgnment to thIS class
Collect fees from pubhc SWlmmmg pool patrons and aquatIcs class regIstrants and Issue pool
Complete daily attendance and cash receIpt report forms
Answer the telephone, proVide mformatlOn to callers and wnte messages as needed, aSSist
customers at the front counter
Perform general cIencal work such as ISSUIng receIpts, photOCOPYing, and fihng
Perform light mamtenance work such as emptymg wastebaskets, sweepmg, and openmg and
c]osmg the office
May prOVIde mmor first aId to patrons, may proVlde aSSIstance to other pool staff m emergency
Budd and mamtam posItlve workmg relatIonshIps With co-workers, other CIty employees and the
pubhc usmg pnnclples of good customer servlce
fulnbIt;; ~ so
Perform other dutIes as assIgned
MIDlmum QualIficatIOns
Knowledge of
BaSIC anthmetlc, mcludmg addltlOn, subtraction, multIphcatton and dlvlslon
English language sktlls, mcludIng punctuatlOn dnd spelhng
AbIhtv to
Follow written and oral Instructions
CommUnicate man effeettve manner
Exercise courtesy and tact m meetmg or talkmg WIth the pubhe
Deal With dIfficult or stressful sItuatlOns m a calm and professlOnal manner
Establish and maIntam eooperatlve worktng relatIOnships WIth those contactcd In the course of
Use of a personal computer and ten key addIng machme IS deSirable
PhYSIcal Standards
The phYSical standards descnbed are representatlVe of those that must be met by employees to
successfully perform the essentIal functIOns of thiS class Reasonable accommodatlOns may be
made to enable mdlvlduals wlth dlsabilltles to perform the essenhal functIOns
An employee IS regularly reqUlred to SIt at desk and In meetmgs for long penods of hme, talk or
hcar In person III mectmgs and by telephone, use hands and fingers to handle, feel or operate
standard office eqUIpment, and reach With hands and arms Intermittently, twISt to reach
eqUIpment surroundmg desk, walk to observe department actlVlttes, bend and squat to perform
file searches, perform sImple graspmg and fine mampulahon, use telephone and wnte or use a
keyboard to commumcate through 'Nfltten means, attend vanous meetmgs and workshops at
10catlOns other than pnmary workslte While performmg dutles, the employee IS regularly
reqUIred to use 'Nfltten and oral commumcatlOn skIlls, know laws, regulatlOns and codes,
remember personnel rules, legal and code reqUIrements, and explam and mterpret codes, pohcles and
procedures, mteract With City management, other governmental offiCials, contractors, vendors,
employees and the publIc
Trammg and Experience
ExhIbIt B 2s ~ GO
Any combmahon eqUIvalent to educahon and expenence bkely to provlde the reqUIred
knowledge and abtlIhes are quahfymg A typlcal way to obtam the knowledge and abilItles
would be
There IS no educatIOnal reqUIrement for this class, eqUIvalent to completIOn of
two years of high school IS deSlfable
Wark expenence IS not requued, expenence m handlmg money and cashIermg IS
LIcenses, Certificates, Special ReqUirements
At ttme of hIre, must be 16 years of age or older
Any offer of employment to an adult who WIll have dIreet eontact wIth mmars IS condItlOnal upon
submissIOn of a completed fingerpnnt screenmg and a sattsfactory baekground check
Current certification m Flrst AId and CPR lS reqUired
PossessIOn of a vahd CalifornIa Class C dnvers' hcense IS not reqUIred for thiS class, however, If
an employee possesses a vahd license, he/she may be reqUIred to provide a Certificate of
Automottve Insurance for Personal LIability
Exhibit ~ 1 1;--0
Date Adopted
Date Revised
January 15,2008
FacIlity Attendant i/n
N on-Exempt, Part-TIme
General Purpose
Under general supervIsion, oversees the proper use of a commumty recreatIOnal faclhty,
performs a vanety of custodIal tasks, and asSiStS the pubhc and staff m their use of the
faclltty DutIes mclude supervIsmg, settmg up and cleanmg commumty recreatIOnal
faclhtles dunng use by pnvate partIes and commumty groups
BUlldmg Attendant I classlficatlon performs set-up and take-down dutIes, opens and
closes for daytIme rentals and weekend leIsure classes The Bmldmg Attendant II
classificatIon IS dlstmgUlshed from the BUlldIng Attendant I level m that It has some
trammg responsIbIhtles of new attendants, functlonally supervises Bmldmg Attendant I
employees, and closes the bmldmg after rentals and weekday leIsure classes
DIstmgmshmg Characteristics
The BUIldmg Attendant I/II classlficatlon IS fleXibly staffed as defined III the CIty'S
ClaSSIficatIOn Plan After gammg the expenence and knowledge to perform the full
range of Journey level tasks and fulfillmg any speCIal reqUIrements for the Journey level,
the employee could reasonably expect to progress to the higher level based upon the
Judgment of management and approval by the City Manager
Essential Duties and ResponSIbIlItIes
FaCIlity Attendant un
Opens and closes faCIlities as scheduled for use
Sets up furnIture or eqUlpment for actIVItIes scheduled and sees that It IS m proper
condition and IS replaced after use
ExhIbIt C 10 ~ 6D
MOnItors actIvltles of facIlIty users for appropnate and safe conduct
Cleans up after facIlIty users and sets up for subsequent actlvltles
Sweeps and mops floors as reqUIred
Keeps restrooms and kItchen clean and well stocked wIth paper towels, tIssues, etc
EmptIes garbage throughout the faCIlIty as necessary
Secures the faclhty upon leavmg
Other dutles as assIgned
FaCllltv Attendant IT
Makes wntten reports of damage to eqUIpment or facllIty
Trams attendant staff on faCIlity and rental procedures
Lead attendant for evenmg rentals and weekday evemng ShIftS
ResponsIble for momtorIng adherence to bUlldmg rules and party hmltatIons
MIDlmum QualIficatIOns
Knowledge and AbIlItIes
AbIlIty to do heavy phYSIcal work mcludmg the lIftmg and movmg of tables and chaIrS
AbIlIty to follow wntten and oral InstructIOns
AbIlIty to deal effectlvely and courteously WIth the public
Must be avaIlable to work mghts, weekends and holIdays
PhYSICal Standards
The phYSIcal standards descnbed are representatIve of those that must be met by
employees to successfully perform the essentlal functlons of thIS class Reasonable
accommodations may be made to enable mdlvIduals WIth dlsabIhtles to perform the
essentIal functIons
Exhibit C 11 ~ f)O
An employee IS regularly reqUIred to SIt for long penods of tIme, talk or hear, m person,
III meetmgs and by telephone, use hands and fingers to handle, feel or operate standard
office eqUIpment, and reach wIth hands and anns The employee IS frequently reqUIred to
bend, twlst, lIft, walk, stand, and set-up and move eqUIpment weIghmg up to 50 pounds
WhIle performmg dutIes, the employee IS regularly reqUIred to use wntten and oral
commUnICatIOn skIlls, read and mterpret mformatton and room layout speCificatIOns, and
mteract WIth City employees and the public
'Irammg and Experience
Facility Attendant I
CompletIOn of grade 10 or above
Must be 15 years or older
Some expenence settmg up faCIlitIes for meetmg and events, and III cleamng or custodIal
FaCIlIty Attendant II
CompletIOn of grade 10 or above
Must be 17 years or older
Some experIence supervlsmg the use of facIlItIes, settIng up faCIlitIes for meetmgs and
events and III cleamng or custodial work
PossessIOn of a vahd California Class C drIvers' license and CertIficate of AutomobIle
Insurance for Personal LiabilIty
LIcenses, CertIficates, SpeCial ReqUirements
School work permit, If applIcable
CertIficatIOn III Standard First AId and CPR
eXhibIt!) 150
Date Adopted 02/13/1996
Date RevIsed January 15, 2008
LIfeguard/Swim Instructor II
Non-Exempt, Part-l'Ime
General Purpose
To perform lifeguard duties m enforcmg City public sWImmmg pool rules and momtonng pool
patron conduct, perform emergency rescue and lIfesavmg technIques
SupervISIon Received and ExerCIsed
Receive general superviSion from the Recreation Coordmator, Pool Manager or ASSistant Pool
Essential DutIes and ResponsibIlities
The followmg duties are normal for thIS classIficatlOn The omiSSion of specific statements of
duties does not exclude them from the posltlOn If the work IS simIlar, related or a logical
aSSIgnment to thIS class
Enforce sWlmmmg pool rules and regulatIons, mcludmg ensunng orderly conduct by pool
ASSist m provldmg mstructlOn for a vanety of sWlmmmg classes for all ages and ablhty levels
ASSist SWimmers who are m distress and admInIster a vanety of first aId and/or hfe savmg
techmques, as appropnate
ASSISt m mamtammg pool areas m a safe and clean conditIOn
BUIld and mamtam posIttve workmg relattonshIps With co~workers other CIty employees and the
public usmg pnncIples of good customer servIce
Perform other dutIes as assigned
MInimum QualIficatIOns
Knowledge of
ExhibIt D
Use and care of hfesavmg techmques and eqUIpment used at publIc sWllnmmg pools
Ability to
Learn and enforce Clty sWImmmg pool rules, regulatIOns and pohcIes
Perform hfesavmg strokes accordmg to Amencan Red Cross standards, perform hfesavmg and
emergency first aid techniques and practIces, engage m phYSICal actIVIty
Follow wrItten and oral mstructIons
Commumcate m an effectIve manner
Exercise courtesy and tact m dealmg wlth pool patrons
Deal Wlth difficult or stressful Situations m a calm and professlOnal manner
Estabhsh and mamtam cooperatIve workmg relatIomhlps With those contacted m the course of
PhYSIcal Standards
The physlCal standards descrIbed are representative of those that must be met by employees to
successfully perform the essentIal functiOns of thiS cldss Reasonable accommodatIons may be
made to enable mdlVlduals With dIsabIhtIes to perform the essentIal functIons
On a contmuous basIs, know and understand all aspects of the Job, mternuttently analyze work
papers reports and mstructlOns, observe, ldentIty, and report operatlOnal problems
On an mternuttent baSIS, Sit m hfeguard statIOn for long penods of tIme, stand, walk, and bend while
momtonng vanous swnnnllng actIVitIes, squat, chmb, kneel and tWlSt mtermIttently when settmg up
vanous program~, perform varIOUS swmnnmg technIques, perform SImple graspmg and fine
mampulatIon, and 11ft or cany weight of 100 pounds or less
Trammg and Expenence
Any combmatIon eqUivalent to educatIon and expenence hkely to prOVIde the reqUired
knowledge and ablhtIes are quahfymg A typical way to obtam the knowledge and ablhtIes
would be
There IS no educational reqUirement for thIS class, eqUIvalent to completIOn of
two years of high school IS deSirable
Demonstrated expenence m skilled aquatic actiVItIes IS deslrable
Licenses, Certificates, Special ReqUirements
ExhibIt D
JLf ~ 9J
At tl me of hire, must be 16 years of age or older
Any offer of employment to an adult who will have direct contact with mmors IS c..ondltIonal upon
submIsSiOn of J. completed fingerpnnt screemng and a satlsfactory background check
Current certIficatIOn In Amencan Red Cross CPR for the ProfessIOnal Rescuer with AED,
Lifeguard Trammg with Admmlstenng Emergency Oxygen, and Emergency Response (Title 22)
Exhibit E 15 ~ 50
Date Adopted 02/13/1996
Date Revised January 15,2008
1'I tie
Lifeguard/SwIm Instructor III
Non-Exempt, Part-Time
General Purpose
To provIde mstructlOn m all levels of AmerIcan Red Cross swmumng certificatIOn and other
aquatics programs
SupervisIOn Received and Exercised
Receive general supervIsIon from the Recreatton Coordmator, Pool Manager or Assistant Pool
Essential Duties and ResponsibIlIties
The followmg duties are normal for this classification The omiSSIon of speCIfic statements of
duttes does not exclude them from the posItton If the work IS sImIlar, related or a logICal
aSSIgnment to thIS class
Develop and Implement lesson plans for swnummg classes
ProVide mstructIon for a vanety of swmnnmg classes for all ages and ablhty levels
Enforee sWImmmg pool rules and regulatIons, mcludmg ensunng orderly conduct by pool
patrons, as needed
ASSISt SWImmers who are m dIstress and admmlster a vanety of first aId and/or hfe savmg
techniques as appropnate
ASSISt m mamtammg pool areas m a safe and clean eondltton
Mamtam accurate records related to SW1mmmg classes
Budd and mamtam pOSItIve workmg relattonsh1ps w1th co-workers, other CIty employees and the
public usmg pnnclples of good customer servIce
Perform other dutJes as a""lgned
ExhIbIt E
,,~ .?O
Mmlmum QualIficatIOns
Knowled2e of
BasIC mstructlOn/trammg techmques
Use and care ofhfesavmg techniques and eqUIpment used at pubhc sWlmmmg pools
Ability to
Develop and Implement lesson plans for swmunmg mstruehon and certification activities
Instruct and tram patrons m a vanety of SWlmmmg skills and techniques
Learn and enforce City SWlmmmg pool rules, regulatIOns, and polICies
Perform hfesavmg strokes accordmg to Amencan Red Cross standards, perform hfesavmg and
emergency first aid techmques and practiees, engage m phYSical actiVity
Commumcate conclsely orally and m wntmg
Communleate m an effective manner
ExercIse courtesy and tact m deahng WIth swmllnmg students and pool patrons
Deal WIth difficult or stressful sItuattons m a calm and profeSSIOnal manner
Establish and mamtam cooperative workmg relatIOnships WIth those contacted m the course of
PhYSical Standards
The phYSICal standards desCrIbed are representative of those that must be met by employees to
successfully perform the essential functions of thIS class Reasonable accommodatIOns may be
made to enable mdlvlduals WIth dlsablhhes to perform the essenhal funchons
On a contmuous basIs, know and understand all aspects of the Job, mterrmttently analyze work
papers, reports and mstruchons, observe, Idennfy, and report operatIOnal problems
On an mtermlttent baSIS, stand, walk, and bend willie momtonng vanous s\vmunmg act!Vltles, squat,
chmb, kneel and tWlSt mtemllttently when settmg up vanous programs, perform and demonstrate
vanous swmunmg techmques, perform snnple graspmg and fine mampulatlon, and lIft or carry
weight of 100 pounds or less
1'rammg and ExperIence
ExhIbIt E 11 oe9J
Any combmatton eqUIvalent to educatIOn and expenence hkely to provide the reqUired (f
knowledge and ablhtles are quahfymg A typKal way to obtaill the knowledge and abIlities
would be
There IS no educatlOnal reqUirement for this class, eqUIvalent to complehon of
two years of hIgh school IS desuable
Demonstrated expenence 10 skilled aquattc actIVIties IS deSlfable
Licenses, CertIficates, Special JReqmrement<;
At ttme of h1re, must be 16 years of age or older
Any offer of employment to an adult who Will have direct contact With mmors IS condlttonal upon
submissIOn of a completed fingerpnnt screemng and a sattsfactory background check
Current certificatIOn In Amencan Red Cross CPR for the ProfeSSIOnal Rescuer with AED,
LIfeguard Trammg WIth Admmlstenng Emergency Oxygen, Emergency Response (TItle 22), and
Water Safety Instructor
Exhibit F
Date Adopted 02/13/1996
Date RevIsed January 15,2008
Pool Manager
Non-Exempt, Part-l'Ime
General Purpose
To plan, orgamze, and supervIse aquatics programs related to the management and operation of a
public SWlmmmg pool
SuperVISIOn ReceIved and ExercIsed
Receive dIrectiOn from a RecreatIon Coordinator
LxcrcIse technical and functtonal supervlSlon over part-ttme staff, as appropnate
EssentIal Duties and Responsibilities
The following duttes are normal for thiS classIficatton The omiSSIOn of specIfic statements of
duttes does not exclude them from the pOSItIon If the work IS Similar, related or a lOgical
assignment to thiS class
Plan, orgamze, and supervise sWlmmmg actIVIttes at a pubhc sWlmmmg pool
Schedule, supervise and evaluate part-tIme staff, plan and conduct m-servIce trammg
Schedule and mamtam staff rotation and breaks, deterrmne appropnate dutIes for lIfeguards
durmg penods when not assigned to guard chalr
ASSIst WIth staff recrUitment and hmng
Teach certlfieatlon classes, and/or serve as sWim mstructor or lifeguard, as needed
Mamtam up to-date records, prepare reqUired reports m a ttmely manner
ASSist m the supervIsIOn of pool and bUlldmg mamtenance, nottfy RecreatIon Coordmator when
supphes are needed or eqUipment needs repaIr
ExhIbIt F
Build and mamtam poslttve workmg relatlOnshlps with co-workers, other City employees and the
pubhc usmg pnnclples of good customer service
Perform other dutIes as assigned
MIDlmum QualIfications
Knowledee of
City SWlmnung pool rules, regulatiOns, and poliCies
Basle supervisory practtces and techniques
Use and care ofhfesavmg technIques and eqUIpment used at publIc swmumng pools
BaSIC pool chemistry and mamtenance
BaSIC mathematICS
Enghsh spelhng, punctuatton, and grammar
AbIlItv to
Plan, orgamze, and supervise programs related to the management and operatlOn of a pubhc
sWImmmg pool
Supervise, tram, and evaluate part-time staff
Perform all Swmlll11ng strokes accordmg to AmerIcan Red Cross standards, engage m physICal
Perform and demonstrate lIfesavmg and emergency first aid techmques and practices
Deal With dIfficult or stressful situations m a calm and professlOnal manner
Prepare, oversee, and/or review reports related to pool management and operatIons
Commulllcate clearly and concIsely, both orally and m \'ffitmg
Estabhsh and mamtam cooperative workmg relationshIps WIth those contacted m the course of
Use of computer apphcatIons IS deSIrable
PhYSIcal Standards
ExhIbIt F
The phys.cal standards descnbed are representattve of those that must he met by employees to o.ib ~ '!JD
successfully perform the essential functIOns of this class Reasonable aecommodatlons may be
made to enable mdIVlduals With disabIlIties to perform the essenhal functIOns
On a contmuous basIs, know and understand all aspects of the Job, mtenmttently analyze work
papers, reports and special projects, IdentIfy and mterpret techmcal and numencal mformanon,
observe and problem solve operational and techmcal pohcy and procedures
On an mtemllttent baSIS, Sit at desk for long penods of time, stand, walk, and bend while momtonng
aquatics programs, squat, chrob, kneel and tWist IntermIttently when settmg up vanous programs,
perform vanous swmnmng techmques when Instructing staff and/or patrons, perform Simple
grasping and fine mampulanon, and hft for carry weIght of 100 pounds or less
TralDlDg and Experience
Any combmatIOn eqUivalent to educatIon and experIence likely to proVIde the reqUIred
knowledge and ab1l1hes IS quahfymg A typIcal way to obtam the knowledge and abIhtles would
EqUIvalent to the completIon of the twelfth grade Some college coursework 10
recreatIon admlmstratJon, sports management or related field IS deslfable
Two years expenence In management of pool operations
LIcenses, CertIficates, SpeCial ReqUIrements
At time of hIre, must be 18 years of age or older
Any offer of employment to an adult who w1l1 have dIrect contact With mmors IS conditIonal upon
submissIOn of a completed fingerprInt screemng and a sattsfactory background check
Current cerhficahon m Amencan Red Cross CPR for the ProfeSSIOnal Rescuer wlth AED,
Ltfeguard frammg WIth AdmmIstenng Emergency Oxygen, Emergency Response (Title 22), and
Water Safety Instructor Llfeguard Management certification 1S deSIrable
PosseSSlOn of a valid CahfomIa Class C dnvers' hcense and Certificate of Automottve Insurance
for Personal Llablhty
ExhIbit G
Date Adopted 09/28/1987
Date RevIsed January 15,2008
!Preschool AIde
Non-Exempt, Part- 'IIme
General Purpose
To assist With the orgamzatlon and instructiOn of preschool classes for children rangmg m age
from 2-1/2 through 5 years
SuperVISIOn ReceIved and Exercised
Receive general superviSIon from a Preschool Instructor
May receIve techmcal and/or functIonal supervlSlon from a Preschool Teacher
Essential Duties and ResponsIbilities
The followmg dutIes are normal for this claSSIficatIon The omiSSiOn of speCIfic statements of
dutIes does not exclude them from the pOSItIon If the work IS Similar, related or a logIcal
assignment to thIS class
ASSist m plannmg and Implementmg preschool class actIvIties
ASSIst m conductmg preschool class a(..tlvltles In areas such as arts and crafts, games, mUSIC, or
story hme
ExerCise precautions necessary to ensure the safety of preschool partICipants
May proVide mmor first aid to participants and/or perform related first aId/emergency techmques
BUIld and mamtam positive workmg relatIOnships With co-workers, other City employees and the
pubhc usmg pnncIples of good customer service
Perform other dutIes as assigned
MlDImum Qualifications
Knowled2e of
ExhIbit G
BasIc anthmetlc
English language skills, mcludmg punctuatIOn and spellmg
Age group charactenstILs of preschool chtldren
Abllltv to
CommUnIcate clearly and concisely both orally and m wntmg
Exercise courtesy and tact In meetmg or talkmg with the publIc
Deal wIth difficult or stressful sItuattons m a calm and profeSSIOnal manner
Estabhsh and mamtam cooperatIve workmg relatIOnships wIth those contaeted m the course of
Use of a personal computer IS deSIrable
PhYSical Standards
The phYSIcal standards descnbed are representattve of those that must be met by employees to
<;uccessfully perform the essenttal functtons of thIS class Reasonable accommodatlOns may be
made to enable mdlVlduals wIth dlsablhtles to perform the essentIal functIOns
An employee IS regularly reqUlred to SIt for long pen ods of hme, talk or hear, m person, 10
classroom and by telephone, use hands and fingers to handle, feel or operate standard office
eqUipment and IDstructlOnal supplIes, reach with hands and arms, and hft or carry weight of 10
pounds or less The employee IS frequently reqUired to bend and twiSt to mteract with chIldren,
reach files, walk and stand WhIle performmg dutIes, the employee IS regularly reqUired to use
written and oral commumcatlOn skIlls, read and mterpret 1OformatIon and doeuments, deal
effectIvely With children, analyze and solve problems, mteract with Clty management, employees
and the pubhc
'frammg and Experience
Any combmatton eqUivalent to educatton and expenence lIkely to provide the reqUIred
knowledge and abtlItIes are quahfymg A typIcal way to obtam the knowledge and abilitIes
would be
Eqmvalent to the completIOn of the twelfth grade, college level course work m
early ehtldhood educatIon IS deSlfable
One year of expenence workmg wIth preschool age chtldren m a structured and
supervIscd envIronment
LIcenses, Certificates, SpecIal ReqUlremenb
Exhlb]t G
cJ3 ~60
Any offer of employment to an adult who wIll have dlrect contact wIth mmors lS condltlOnal upon
suhmlSSlon of a completed fingerpnnt screenmg and a satisfactory background check
Current certIfication m Flrst Aid and CPR IS reqUIred
PossessIOn of a vahd CalifornIa Class C dnvers lIcense]s not reqUIred for thiS class, however, If
an employee possesses a vahd lIcense, he/she may be reqUlred to prOVlde a CertIficate of
Automotive Insurance for Personal LIabIlIty
Exhibit H
02'1 ~!5D
Date Adopted 02/13/1996
Date RevIsed January 15,2008
RecreatIOn Leader "[
Non-Exempt, Part-TIme
General Purpose
To assIst RecreatIOn Leaders m provldmg a vanety of recreatIOn programs related to preschool,
playground, parks, teens, sports, specIal events, and senior CItizen actIvIties
SupervISIon Received and ExercIsed
ReceIve general superviSion from a Recreation CoordInator
May recelVe techmcal and/or functIOnal supervlsIon from a Semor RecreatiOn Leader
Essential Duties and ResponsIbilIties
The followmg dutIes are normal for thIS classlficatlon The omiSSion of specific statements of
duties does not exclude them from the pOSitIOn if the work IS SImIlar, related or a logical
assignment to thiS class
ASSist In leadIng recreatIOn actIvltles In program areas such as preschool, playground, parks,
teens, sports, speCIal events, and semor cltlzen actIVItIes
ASSist In planmng, overseemg, and carrymg out recreatIOnal actIVIties appropnate to a vanety of
locatIOns such as playgrounds, parks, commumty centers, school Sites, and sports faCilitIes
ASSISt In leadIng actlvltIes m areas such as arts and crafts, games, sports, mUSlC, drama, and
nature study
ASSIst In Issumg, reCeIVIng and collectmg eqUIpment, games, and supphes
ASSist m settmg up, takmg down and c1eanmg up recreational faCIlIties, as aSSigned
May proVide mmor first aid to recreatIOn program partICipants and/or perform related first
aid/emergency techmques
Exhlblt H 6"
ExercIse precautrons necessary to ensure the safety of recreatron program partrcIpaots and J. 1 ~
BUIld and mamtam posItive workmg relatIonshlps with co-workers, other City employees and the
public usmg pnnclples of good customer service
Perform other dutIes as aSSIgned
Mllllmum Qualifications
Knowledee of
BaSIC knowledge of a varIety of recreatIOn actIVItIes
Ability to
Learn skins needed to conduct basIe recreatIOn actiVities
Follow wntten and oralmstructlons
Commumcate m an effectIve manner
ExerCise courtesy and tact m dealmg WIth recreation program partICipants and spectators
Deal With dIfficult or stressful SltuatlOns m a calm and profeSSIonal manner
Estabhsh and mamtam cooperattve workmg relatIonships With those contacted m the course of
PhYSIcal Standards
The phYSical standards descnbed are representatIve of those that must be met by employees to
successfully perform the essential functIons of thIS class Reasonable accommodatIons may be
made to enable mdtvlduals with dlsabIlltles to perform the essential functIOns
On a contmuous baSIS, know and understand all aspects of the Job, mtermlttently analyze work
papers, reports and specJal proJects, Identify and mterpret technical and numerIcal mformatIon
observe and report operatIOnal and techmcal policy and procedures
On an mtermlttent basts, Sit at desk for long penods of tIme, stand, walk, and bend whllc asslstmg
m leadmg recreatIOn actIvltles, squat, climb, lrneel and tWiSt mtermlttently when settmg up
varIOUS recreatIOn programs, perform Simple graspmg and fine mampulatIon, and lift or carry
weight of 100 pounds or less
'frammg and Expenence
ExhIbit H
Any combInatIOn eqUlvalent to education and expcnence hkely to provide the required
knowledge and abilitIes are quahfymg A typical way to obtam the knowledge and ablilt!es
would be
There IS no educatIOnal reqUirement for thIS class, eqUlvalent to completton of
two years of high schoollS demable
Demonstrated expenence (paid or volunteer) workmg With partlclpants m a
structured or supervised socIal/recreatlOnal program
LIcenses, CertIficates, SpeCial ReqUIrements
At ttme of hire, must be 15 years of age or older
Any offer of employment to an adult who will have dIrect contact WIth mmors IS condItIOnal upon
submissIOn of completed fingerprInt screemng and a satisfactory background check
Current certlficahon 10 FlfSt Aid and CPR IS reqUlred
PossessIOn of a vahd Cahforma Class C dnver's hcense IS not reqUIred for thiS class, however, If
an employee possesses a vahd hcense, he/she may be reqUlred to prOVide a CertIficate of
Automottve Insurance for Personal Llablhty
ExhibIt I
Date Adopted 02/13/1996
Date Revised January 15,2008
RecreatIOn Leader n
Non-Exempt, Part- 'Ilme
General Purpose
To lead and conduet actlvIttes In the delivery of recreatton program areas mc1udmg preschool,
playground, parks, teens, sports, specml events, and semor cIhzens
SupervISIon ReceIved and Exercised
ReeeIve general supervisIon from a RecreatIOn Coordmator
May receIve techmcal and/or functtonal supervl!>lOn from a Semor RecreatIon Leader
EssentIal Duties and ResponsIbIlIties
The followmg duties are normal for thiS c1asslficahon The omiSSIOn of speclfic statements of
dutIes does not exclude them from the pOSItion If the work IS Similar, related or a IOglcal
assignment to thIS class
ASSISt WIth plannmg, overseemg, and conductmg recreational achvlttes m program areas such as
preschool, playground, parks, teens, sports, speeml events, and semor clhzen actlVItles
ASSISt 10 plannmg, overseemg, and carrymg out recreatIOnal actIvIttes appropnate to a vanety of
locatIons such as playgrounds, parks, commumty centers, school SItes, and sports facilItJes
Conduct activitIes In areas such as arts and crafts, games, sports, mUSIC, drama and nature study
Issue, receive, control, and collect eqUIpment games and supplIes
Instruct partICipants In the rules and methods of playmg mdoor and outdoor games
Inspect actIVity areas and related eqUipment and recommend mamtenance and repatr, as
ASSISt With record-keepmg and report completIon
Enforce safety rules and regulattons, mamtam orderly partIcipant conduct
ExhIb"~ 1-&
May provIde mmor first aid to recreatlOn program participants/spectators and/or perform related
first all:llemergency techniques
ExerCIse precautIOns necessary to ensure the safety of recreation program participants and
BUild and mamtam positive workmg relationships WIth co-workers, other City employees and the
pubhc usmg pnnclples of good customer servlce
Perform other dutIes as aSSigned
MlDlmum QualificatIOns
Knowledee of
BasIc techmques of InstructIon for conductmg recreation program areas such as sports, games,
arts and crafts
General use dnd care of a vanety of recreatton program supplies and eqUIpment
AbllItv to
Conduct recreation acttVltIes
CommunIcate conCisely orally and m \vntmg
Communicate III an effective manner
Exercise courtesy and tact III dealIng WIth recreatlOn program partiCIpants and spectators
Deal WIth difficult or stressful situations m a calm and profeSSIOnal manner
Establish and mamtam cooperative workmg relattonshlps WIth those contacted m the course of
IF'hyslcal Standards
The physIcal standards descnbed are representative of those that must be met by employees to
successfully perform the essentIal funettons of thIS class Reasonable accommodattons may be
made to enable mdIvIduals With dlsabdltJes to perform the essential functions
On a contInUOUS basIs, know and understand all aspects of the Job, Intermittently analyze work
papers, reports and special projects, Identify and mterpret techmcal and numencal Information,
observe and report operational and techmcal policy and procedures
ExhlbIt ~ 1
On an mtermIttent basIs, Sit at desk for long penods of tIme, stand, walk, and bend while leadmg
recreation actlvlhes, squat, climb, kneel and tWISt mtermlttently when settmg up vanous
recreation programs, perform sImple graspmg and fine mampulatlon, and hft or carry weIght of
100 pounds or less
'frammg and Experience
Any combmatlon eqmvalent to education and expenence lIkely to provide the reqmred
knowledge and ablhtIes are qualIfymg A typical way to obtam the knowledge and ablhtles
would be
There IS no educational reqmrement for thls class, eqmvalent to completion of
three years of hlgh school IS desirable
A minImum of one year expenence performmg duties slmllar to that of a
RecreatIon Leader I with the City of Dublm
LIcenses, Certificates, SpeCial Requirements
At time of hIre, must be 16 years of age or older
Any offer of employment to an adult who wlll have dlrect contact WIth mmors If:, conditional upon
submISSlOn of completed fingerprmt screenmg and a satIsfaetory background check
Current certificatIOn III FlfSt Ald and CPR IS reqUIred
PossesSlOn of a vahd Cahfoffim Class C dnver's license IS not reqUIred for thiS class, however, If
an employee possesses a vahd l1cense, he/she may be reqmred to provide a Certificate of
AutomotIve Insurance for Personal LIabIlIty
ExhibIt J
Date Adopted 02/13/1996
Date RevIsed January 15,2008
SeDlor Recreahon Leader
Non - JE:xe m pt, Part-1'lme
General Purpose
To assist m planmng, and orgamzmg and to conduct recreation actlvItles m the dehvery of
recreation program areas mcludmg preschool, playground, parks, teens, sports, special events,
and semor cItizens
SuperVISIOn Received and ExerCised
Receive general supervisIOn from a RecreatiOn Coordmator
Essential DutIes and ResponsIbIlItIes
The followmg duties are normal for thiS classIficatIon The omISSIon of speCIfic statements of
dutIes does not exclude them from the pOSItion If the work IS sImtlar, related or a loglcal
asslgnment to thIS class
ASS1St m the planmng and oversight of varIOUS recreatIon program actiVItIeS and conduct related
actIVIties m areas such as preschool, playground, parks, teens, sports, speCIal events, and semor
cItIzen activItIes
Plan oversee, and conduct recreatIonal actIVItIes approprIate to a vanety of locatIOns such as
playgrounds, parks, commumty centers, school SItes and sports facIhhes
Mamtam records and complete wntten program plans and reports
Oversee actiVItIes of part-tIme staff, as aSSIgned
Conduct actlvltles 10 areas such as arts and crafts, games, sports, mUSIC, drama, and nature study
Instruct participants m the rules and methods of playmg mdoor and outdoor games
Inspect actIvity areas and related eqUlpment and recommend mamtenance and repmr, as
Enforce safety rules and regulatIOns, mamtam orderly particIpant conduct
May proVide mmor first aId to recreatIOn program partIcipants/spectators and/or perform related
first aid/emergency technIques
Exhlb,t3i ~ GO
ExerCIse precautIons necessary to ensure the safety of recreatIon program partICIpants and
Budd and mamtam posItIve worklllg relatIOnships with co-workers, other City employees and the
pubhc usmg pnnclples of good customer servIce
Perform other duties as aSSigned
MIDlmum QualIfications
Knowlede.e of
Techmques of mstruetIon for conductmg recreatlon programs m areas such as sports, games, arts
and erafts
Use and care of a vanety of recreatIOn program supphes and eqUIpment
Ablhtv to
ASSist m plannmg and orgamzmg, and conductmg actIVIties related to speelfic recreatIon
Oversee actIvltles of part -tIme staff
Commumcate conCIsely orally and 10 wntmg
Commumcate m an effectIve manner
ExerCise courtesy and tact m deahng With recreatIon program partICipants and spectators
Deal with difficult or stressful Situations In a calm and professlOnal manner
Establish and mamtam cooperative worlang relatIOnshIps With those contacted m the course of
PhYSIcal Standards
The phYSical standards dcsenbed are representative of those that must be met by employees to
successfully perform the essential functIOns of thiS class Reasonable accommodations may be
made to enable mdlVlduals With dlsablhtles to perform the essential functIOns
ExhIbIt J
On a conlInuous OO"s, kuow and understaud all aspects of the Job, mtemuttently analyze WO'k~~ 6D
paper~, reports and special proJects, Identify and mterpret techmcal and numerIcal mformatIon
observe and report operational and techmeal policy and procedures
On an mtermlttent basIs Sit at desk for long penods of time, stand, walk, and bend while leadmg
recreation programs, squat, chmb, kneel and twist IOtermIttently when settmg up vanous
recreatIOn programs, perform SImple graspmg and fine mampulahon, and hft or carry weIght of
100 pounds or less
'framing and Expenence
Any combmatIOn eqUIvalent to education and expenence hke ly to proVlde the reqUlred
knowledge and ablhtJes are qualIfymg A typIcal way to obtam the knowledge and abIlIties
would be
EqUIvalent to the completion of the twelfth grade, college level course work m
recreatIOn, leisure serVIces, or a related fivld IS deSIrable
A mmImum of two years expenence perforrmng dutIes Similar to that of
RecreatIOn Leader II with the City of Dubhn
LIcenses, Certificates, Special ReqUirements
At time of hIre, must be 18 years of age or older
Any offer of employment to an adult who Wlll have dIrect contact WIth mmors IS condItIOnal upon
submiSSIOn of completed fingerpnnt screemng and a satisfactory background check
Current certlficatlon III FlfSt AId and CPR IS reqUIred
PosseSSIOn of a valid Caltfofma Class C dnver S license and a Cerhficate of Automotive
Insurance for Personal Llablhty
ExhibIt K
Date Adopted
Date Revised January 15,2008
Sports Official
Non-Exempt, Part-Time
General Purpose
To officIate at a vanety ofplaymg field sports league events, to serve as offiCIal scorer-of~record
at such sports events
SuperVISIOn Received and ExerCIsed
ReceJVe general supervlSlon from RecreatIOn T echmclan or Recreation Coordmator
Essential DutIes and ResponSibilities
The followmg duttes are normal for thIS classIficatton The omISSIOn of speCIfic statements of
dutIes does not exclude them from the posltton If the work IS Similar, related or a lOgical
assignment to thIS class
To mterpret and apply offiCial game rules for a vanety of playmg field sports related to league
Conduct sports contests accordmg to rules of the game and mamtam control of the contest
Oversee the work of sconng offiCials to ensure proper tlmmg and sconng of the event, perform as
offiCial scorer -of-record
Inspect playmg field area and eqlllpment pnor to play to ensure preparatton and safety for play to
Ensure safety of players and speetators, nottfy appropnate City staff regardmg necessary repair
and/or replacement of play areas/related eqUipment
Completc and submIt reqUIred forms and reports
Build and mamtam posltlve workmg relatIOnships WIth co-workers, other City employees and the
pubhc usmg pnncIples of good customer servIce
Perform other duties as assigned
Exhibit K
MInImum QuahficatIOns
Knowledl!e of
Rules, regulations, procedures, and score keepmg as applied to the conduct of a vanety of field
sport league actlvltJes
AbIlItv to
OfficIate at a vanety offield sport league actlVltles, engage In physIcal actIVIty
ExerCIse objectIve Judgment m makmg field sport rules determmatIOns/calls
Follow wntten and oral mstructIon and commumcate In an effechve manner
ExerCise courtesy and tact In dealing With members of the public, spectators, players, and sports
and team offiCials
EstablIsh and maIntam LOoperatIve working relatIonships With those contacted In the course of
Work evemngs, weekends, and holidays
!Physical Standards
The physIcal standards descnbed are representatIve of those that must be met by employees to
successfully perform the essential functIOns of thIS class Reasonable accommodatIons may be
made to enable mdlvlduals With dlsablhtIes to perform the essential functIons
On a contmuous baStS, lmow and understand all aspects of the Job, mtermlttently analyze work
papers, reports and speCIal proJects, Identify and mterpret techmcal and numencal infOrmatIOn,
observe and problem solve operational and tecrullcal pohcy and procedures
On an mtermlttent basts, Sit a desk for long penods of tIme, stand, walk, and bend while
momtonng playmg field actIVIties, squat, chmb, lmeel and twISt, stand, walk, and bend when
observmg game, perform graspmg and fine mampulahon, and hft or carry weight of 50 pounds or
'fralDlDg and Experience
Any combmatlon eqUivalent to educatIOn and expenence hkely to proVIde the reqUIred
lmowledge and ablhhes arc quahfymg A typical way to obtam the lmowledge and abilities
would be
ExhlhltK ~ :.fJO
There IS no educalIonal reqUIrement for thIS class, eqUIvalent to complelIon of :f
three years of high sLhoolIS deslfablc
Demonstrated expenence as field sports player or offiCIal
Licenses, CertIficates, Special ReqUirements
At ttme of hire, must be 16 years of age or older
Any offer of employment to an adult who WIll have dIrect contaet WIth mmors IS condIttonal upon
submISSIon of a completed fingerpnnt screemng and a satisfactory background check
Current certIficatIOn m First Aid and CPR
PosseSSIon of a valId Cahforma Class C dnvers' license and Certtficate of Automottve Insurance
for Personal LIabIlity
ExhIbIt'3tp~ 1JO
Date Adopted January 15,2008
Date Revised
Aquatic Program Specialist
Non-Exempt, Part-1'lme
General Purpose
To plan, organize, Instruct and supervIse aquattc programs
SupervISIon Received and Exercised
Receives dlrectton from a RecreatIOn Coordmator
ExerCIses mdependent Judgment III the apphcatlOn of specla llzed lmowledge and skllls m the
conduct of the work May exerCIse technical and functIonal supervlSlon over part-time staff, as
Essential Duties and Responsibilities
The followmg duttes are normal for thiS classlf'icatlon The omiSSIOn of ~peclfic statements of
dutIes does not exclude them from the pOSItion If the work lS slmtlar, related or a logical
assignment to thiS class
Plan, organize, mstruct and supervise swunmmg actiVIties and programs at a public SWlmmmg
Schedule, supervise and evaluate part-tIme staff and volunteers, plan and conduct m servlce
ASSIst WIth staff recruitment and hmng
Develop lesson plans or workouts
Mamtam control of classes or programs
Mamtam eqUipment and supplies for classes or programs
Stlmulate mterest and apprecIatIOn m assigned program area
Prepare promotional matenals and wntten reports as needed
ExhibIt L
Mamtam up-to-date records, prepare reqUlred reports m a tImely manner
BUlld and mamtam posIttve workmg relatIOnshIps with co-workers, other CIty employees and the
public usmg pnnclples of good customer servlce
Perform other duties as assigned
MmImum QualIficatIOns
Knowled2e of
Techmcal and professIOnal knowledge of the assigned program area and skills m planmng,
orgamzmg and conductmg a specIalty aquatic class or program
CIty SWImmmg pool rules, regulatIOns, and polIcies
BasIC supervisory practices and techmques
Use and care of It fesa vmg techmques and eqUipment used at pubhc sWImmmg pools
BaSIC pool chemIStry and mamtenanee
BaSIC mathematics
Enghsh spelling, punctuation, and grammar
AbllItv to
Plan, organIze mstruct and supervise aquatIc programs
Supervise, tram, and evaluate part-tIme staff
ExerClse mdependent Judgment
Deal WIth difficult or stressful SItuatIOns m a calm and professIOnal manner
Prepare, oversee, and/or reVIew reports related to pool management and operatIOns
CommunIcate clearly and concIsely, both orally and 10 wntmg
Establish and mamtam cooperative workmg relatIOnshIps With those contacted m the course of
Use of computer applications IS deSIrable
ExhIbit L
PhYSIcal Standards
The physICal standards descnbed are representatIve of those that must be met by employees to
successfully perform the essenttal functIons of thIs class Reasonable accommodatIOns may be
made to enable mdlVldual') WIth dIsabIhtIes to perform the essential functIOns
On a contmuous basIs know and understand all aspects of the Job, mtermIttently analyze work
papers, reports and specJal proJects, IdentIfy and mterpret technIcal and numencal mformatIOn,
observe and problem solve operatlOnal and techmcal pohcy and procedures
On an mtenmttent basIs, Sit at desk for long penods of ttme, stand, walk, and bend whtle
momtormg aquatIcs programs, squat, chmb, kneel and tWist mternuttently when settmg up
varIOUS programs, perform vanous SWImmmg techniques when mstructmg staff and/or patrons,
perform Simple graspmg and fine mampulatlOn, and hft for carry weight of 100 pounds or less
'fralOlOg and Experience
Any combmatlOn eqUivalent to educatIon and expenence IS likely to prOVIde the reqUired
knowledge and abllIttes IS quahfymg A typical way to obtam the knowledge and abIhtles would
EqulValcnt to the completIOn of the twelfth grade
2 years expenence as an mstructor or coach m the assIgned program area
LIcenses, Certificates, Special ReqUIrements
At tIme of hire, must be 18 years of age or older
Any offer of employment to an adult who will have direct contact WIth mmors lS condIttonal upon
submIssIon of a completed fingerpnnt eard and a sattsfactory background check
Current certIficatIOn m Safety Trammg for SWIm Coaehes Water Safety Instructor and Lifeguard
Trammg are deSIrable
PossesSIOn of current certificate, credentIal or hcense m the area of specJalty program (as
PosseSSIOn of a valid Cahfornm Class C dnvers lIcense and Certlficate of Automotive Insurance
for Personal LmbIhty
Exhlblt M
Date Adopted January 15, 2008
Date Revlsed
Cook/Food Service SpeCialist
Non-Exempt, Part-TIme
General Pnrpose
To plan, prepare and cook a vanety of food for service In a Semor Center
Supervision ReceIved and lExercIsed
Receive general superviSion from a RecreatIon TechmcJan or Recreation Coordmator
May exerCise functional supervision over kitchen volunteers
Essential Duties and ResponsibIlIties
The followmg dutIes are normal for this classIfieatIon The omISSIOn of speclfic statements of
duties does not exclude them from the pOSItIon If the work IS Similar, related or a lOgical
assignment to this class
Prepare nutntlOus meal menus
Prepare food for dally lunch meals and speCial programs, as aSSIgned
Prepare meats for cookmg by cuttmg, tnmnnng gnndmg or shcmg
Clean, cut, chop and slice food for preparation
Cook meat, vegetables, soups, and other foods accordmg to recipe or other mstructlOns meetmg
the dIetary needs of semor cItIzens
Mamtam and oversee latchen safety standards, food handhng practices, and the disposal of
Clean kitchen utenSIls and equtpment, and mamtam cookmg area III clean and safe condItIon
Tram volunteers m food preparatIon, servIce, and clean-up dutIes, and safety and samtatIon
Exhibit M
Pto",de drrccbon and mstrucboo m food preparabon and cookIng methods to lotchen voluoteen; if 0 ~ ;;;"0
Prepare volunteer work schedule
Ensure proper storage and temperature of foods for servIng
Inventory penshables and dry goods weekly and rotate Inventory, as necessary
MamtaIn up-to-date records and prepare related reports as reqUired
Order supplies for meals as reqUired and aSSIst m the receiVIng and stonng of food Items and
Build dnd mamtaIn posIttve working relatlOnsh1ps With co-workers, other CIty employees,
volunteers and the public usmg pnnclples of good customer semee
Performs related duties as aSSigned
MmmlUffi QuahficatIOns
Knowled2e of
Pnnclples and methods offood preparatIOn and cookmg
KItchen samtatlOn and methods of care and c1eanmg of kitchen eqUipment
BaSlC safety procedures as applIed to food storage, preparatIOn and cookmg
BaSIC anthmetlc and record keepmg procedures
English usage, spellmg, punctuatIOn, and grammar
AbIlIty to
Prepare and cook large quantItIes of foods for vaned meals
Plan nutntIous and cost-effective menus
Dehver and receIVe wntten and oral mstructlons
Commumcate m an effectIve manner
ExerCise courtesy and tact In dealIng With patrons
Deal With difficult or stressful s1tuatlOns m a calm and profeSSIOnal manner
Establish and mamtam cooperatlve workmg relatIonships With those contacted m the eourse of
ExhIblt M
PhYSIcal Standards
41 &;150
The physical standards descnbed are representative of those that must be met by employees to
successfully perform the essentlal functlOns of this class Reasonable accommodations may be
made to enable mdlvlduals wIth disabilities to perform the essential functions
Employee IS regularly reqUIred to stand for long penods of time, talk or hear, 10 person,
In meetmgs, and by telephone, perform graspmg and fine mampulatlOn to operate
standard commercIal kItchen eqUIpment, and reach wIth hands and arms Employee IS
frequently reqUIred to bend, tWIst, lift, and walk On an mtermIttent basIs, employee IS
reqUIred to lift or carry weIght of 50 lbs or less
WhIle performmg dutIes, employee IS reqUIred to use WrItten and oral commUnICatIOns,
read and Interpret InformatIon and mteract wIth employees, volunteers and the public
Trammg and Experience
Any combmatIOn eqUIvalent to educatton and expenence hkely to provIde the reqUIred
knowledge 'and ab1l1tles are qualrfymg A typical way to obtam the knowledge and abIllttes
would be
EqUIvalent to the completton of twelfth grade, must be 18 years or older Some
cuhnary coursework is deSIrable
One year of experIence m large scale food preparatton and cookmg WhICh
mvolved the actual planmng, preparation and cookmg of large quanttttes of food
LIcenses, Certificates. SpecIal R.eqUIrements
Possess Food Handlmg CertificatIOn authonzed by County Health Department or abilIty to attam
certIficatlOll Wlthm 90 days of employment
Any offer of employment to an adult who Will have direct contact With mmors IS condIttonal upon
submiSSIOn of completed fingerpnnt screemng and a satIsfactory background check
Currcnt certtficatlOn m First Aid and CPR IS reqUIred
Possession of a valtd California Class C drIvers' hcense and Certificate of Automotive Insurance
for Personal LiabIlity
ExhibIt N
If,). ;f~
Date Adopted
Date Revised
January 15 2008
lP'reschool1'eacher (Part-Time 1'emporary)
General Purpose
Under general supervisIOn, the Preschool Teacher plans orgarnzes and teaches preschool classes to children
2 1/2 through 5 years of age Program mcludes lessons, arts & crafts, games, mUSIC, drama, specml events
and field tnps
SupervIsIOn ReceIvedlExercIsed
RetelVes ImmedIate superviSion from a Preschool Instructor LxerClses techmcal and/or functJonal
supervlSlOn over part tJme and temporary employees, as well as volunteers
Essential ])utIes and ResponSibilities
The followmg duties are normal for thIS claSSIficatIOn The OlTIlSSlOn of specific statements of dutIes does
not exclude them from the poslUon If the work IS snnilar related or a logical aSSIgnment to thiS class
Develops weekly lesson plans
Plans and directs lessons games crafts and songs
Trams, supervises and evaluates Preschool Alde(s) and other part-time or temporary staff
Mamtams a vaTlety of program records and prepares reports relevant to program area
Requests Issues and IS responsible for proper care of eqUipment
Ensures that actiVities run smoothly and accordmg to program obJectJves and gUidelines and general
department phllosophy
Enforces City and department rules and regulalions
Performs routme faclIlty/eqmpment mamtenance tasks
Renders baSIC FilSt AId/CPR .IS netessary
ExhIbIt N
MmIIDum Qualifications
'-f3 ~ffV
Knowledl!e of
Current early cluldhood educatIOn practices
Age group charactenstlcs of preschoolers
Customer service techniques
Federal state and local laws regulatlons and court deCISIOns apphcable to ass1gned areas ofrespollS1bllity
Abllltv To
Work effectively With preschool age children and parents
Lead recreatIOnal actiVIties such as games arts & crafts musIc and drama
Commumcate effectively, both verbally and m \VTltmg and keep orgamzed records
Establish and mamtam effective relatIOnships With the public and other employees
OrgaruLe people supplies eqUIpment and faclht1es
Plan and schedule activIties
Explam and enforce rules regulatIons procedures and program objectIves
Adll1lUlster baSIC First AId/CPR
Perform routme mamtenance tasks
Develop and Implement effective program cumculum/content
Supervise tram and evaluate subordmates
Understand evaluate and resolve problems and conflicts
Ixcrclsc good Judgment tact and courtesy
PhYSIcal Standards
The phYSIcal standards descnbed are representative of those that must be met by employees to successfully
perform the essential functIOns of tlus class Reasonable accommodatIOns may be made to enable
mdlvlduals With disabIlitIes to perform the essentIal functIOns
An employee IS regularly reqUired to S1t for long penods of time talk or hear, III person III classroom and
by telephone use hands and fingers to handle feel or operate standard office equipment and mstruetlOnal
supplies reach With hands and arms and lift or carry weight of 10 pounds or less The employee IS
frequently reqUIred to bend and tWiSt to mteract With chIldren reach files, walk and stand While
perfomnng dutIes, the employee IS regularly reqUired to use \VTltten and oral commuOlcatJOn skllIs, read and
mterpret mformatlon and documents, deal effectively With chIldren analyze and solve problems, Illteract
With City management, employees and the public
ExhIbIt N
l'rammg and Expenence
Any combmatlOn eqUIvalent to educatlon and expenence IS hkely to provIde the requITed knowledge and
abilities A typical way to obtam the knowledge and abIlitIes would be
CompletIOn of 12lh grade and completIon of 2 years of college With specializatIOn III Early
Childhood Education, EducatIon or RecreatIOn
Two years of experIence workmg m a preschool or elementary school settmg
LIcenses, Certificates, Special Reqmrements
Any offer of employment to an adult who Will have duect contact WIth mmors IS conditIOnal upon
submiSSIOn of a completed fingerpnnt screemng and a satisfactory background check
PossessIOn of or abihty to obtam valtd Red Cross CPR and FlfSt Aid CerttficatlOn
PossessIOn of a vahd Cahfomm Class C dnvers hcense and Certificate of Automobtle Insurance for
Personal LiabIlity
Exhlblt 0
Date Adopted January 15,2008
Date Revised
SenIOr lFacIlIty Attendant
Non-Exempt, Part-TIme
General Purpose
Under general supervlSlon, oversees the proper use of a commumty recreatIOnal faCIlIty,
perfonns a vanety of tasks, and aSsIsts the pubhc and staffm theIr use ofthe facIlIty
The Semor BUIldmg Attendant opens and closes for weekday and weekend publIc hours,
tours, specIal events and rentals, welcomes VIsItors, provldes tours, tour matenals and
answers patron questIOns, assists vlSltors wIth exhIbIts, activIties and mteractIve displays,
proVides customer service that will lead to a positive vIsitor experIence, oversees the
safety and securIty of VIsitors, the faCIlity, exhibits and grounds, opens, sets up and cleans
up after special events or use by pnvate parties and commumty groups
DIstm gUlsh m g Ch a racterlstlcs
ThlS IS the advanced Journey level class m the Blllldmg Attendant senes POSItions at tlllS
level are dIstmgUlshed from other classes wlthm the series by the level of responsibility
assumed, compleXity of duties assIgned, mdependence of actIOn taken, the amount of time
spent perfonnmg the duties, and the nature of the public contact made Employees perform
the most difficult and responsible types of duties assIgned to classes wIthm thIS senes
mcludmg docent acttvItIes With the scope of a commumty hlstonc faCIlIty Employees at
thiS level are reqUired to be fully tramed m all procedures related to asSigned area of
responsIbIlIty Must be aVaIlable to work mghts, weekends and hohdays
SupervIsIOn ReceIved and ExerCIsed
Receive direction from the Hentage Center DIrector
Exerclse techmcal and functIOnal supervisIon over less expenenced bUlldmg attendants
and mamtenance personnel
Essential Duties and ResponsIbilIties
Exhibit 0
4' 160
The followmg dutIes are normal for thls classlficatIOn The omISSion of specific
statements of dutIes does not exclude them from the posltlon If the work IS sml1lar,
related or a logIcal assIgnment to thiS class
Open and close facIhtIes as scheduled for use
Set-up furniture or eqUipment for actiVItIes scheduled and very that It IS m proper
condItIon and is replaced after use
When work assIgnments are m publIc area of assigned facIlIty, greet ViSitorS, collect fees,
have VISItorS Slgn guest book
PrOVIde faCIlIty and exhibit OrIentatIOns and/or tours mcludmg appropnate tour matenals
Functlon as superviSing attendant for evemng rentals and weekday evemng ShIftS, as
Momtor actIvItIes of facIlIty users for adherence to bUlldmg rules and appropnate and
safe conduct
Clean-up after faclhty users and set up for subsequent activItIes
Sweep and mop floors as reqUlred
Keep restrooms and kitchen clean and well stocked wIth paper towels, tissues, etc
Empty garbage throughout the faCilIty as necessary
Make WrItten reports of damage to eqUlpment or facllIty
Tram ancl1lary attendant and maIntenance staff on facIlIty and rental procedures
Appropnately secure the faCIlIty upon leavmg
Build and maIntam pOSItive workmg relatIonshIps WIth co-workers, other CIty
employees, and the pubhc usmg pnncIples of good customer servIce
Perform related duties as assIgned
MlDlmum QualIficatIOns
Knowled!!e of
ExhIbit 0
Pnnclples and practices offacllIty mamtenance and operatIOnal practIces
PrInciples and practIces of standard safety precautions
OperatIonal charactenstIcs of the assIgned program
English usage and vocabulary
Customer servIce technIques
AbIlity to
Learn tour and exhibit content
Provide tours to dIverse audIences
Problem solve conflicts and disputes, as applicable
Perform heavy physical work mcludmg the lIftmg and movmg of tables and chaIrs
Follow WrItten and oral mstructIOns
Express ldeas and commUlllcate effectIvely both verbally and In wntmg
Instruct and enforce safety rules
Analyze and illterpret facIlIty polIcIes and procedures
Deal effectively and courteously wIth the pubhc
Establish and mamtam effectIve workmg relatIOnshIps with those contacted m the course
of work
CommunIcate clearly and concIsely, both orally and In wntmg
Physical Standards
The physIcal standards descnbed are representatIve of those that must be met by
employees to successfully perform the essentIal functIons of thlS class Reasonable
accommodatIOns may be made to enable IndiVIduals wIth dIsabIlItIes to perform the
essential functions
An employee IS regularly reqUired to stand for long perIods of tIme, talk or hear In
person, In meetmgs and by telephone, use hands and fingers to handle, feel or operate
ExhIbIt 0
standard office eqUIpment, and reach WIth hands and arms The employee IS frequent:S ~.50
reqUIred to bend, twIst, lIft, walk, set-up and move eqUipment weIghIng up to 50 pounds
While performmg duties, the employee IS regularly reqUIred to use wntten and oral
commUnICatIOn often speakmg to large groups of people, read and mterpret mformatlOn
and room layout specIficatlOns, and mteract Wlth CIty employees and the public
'framIng and Experience
Any combmatIon eqUIvalent to educatIOn and expenence lIkely to proVide the reqUIred
knowledge and abilities are qualIfymg A typIcal way to obtaIn the knowledge and
abIlitIes would be
EqUIvalent to the completIon of twelfth grade IS deSirable, must be 18
years or older
Some expenence supervlsmg the use of faclhttes, settmg up faclhttes for
meetmgs and events, and m cleanmg or custodIal work Expenence III museum
and/or pubhc faCIlity operatIons deSIrable
lLlcenses, Certificates, SpeCial ReqUIrements
PossessIOn of a valid CalIfornla Class C Dnvers' License and CertIficate of AutomobIle
Insurance for Personal LlabIhty
Any offer of employment to an adult who wIll have direct contact wIth mmors IS
condItIonal upon submlsslon of completed fingerprInt screemng and a satIsfactory
background check
Work PermIt, as apphcable
CertificatIon m Standard Flrst AId and CPR
1f'1 i ~
WHEREAS, In accordance With the CIty'S Personnel System Rules, the CIty CouncIl adopted
Resolutton No 122-93 and subsequent resolutIOns whIch comprIse the Salary Plan for Part- TIme
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the follOWIng posItIOns shall be covered under
Resolution No 122-93 and subsequent resoluttons
Aquatics Program Speclahst
ASSistant Pool Manager
Cook/Food ServIces Specialist
FaCIlity Attendant I/ll
LIfeguard/SwIm Instructor I
LIfeguard/SwIm Instructor II
Pool Manager
Preschool Aide
Preschool Teacher (PT)
Recreatton Dnver
Recreatton Leader I
RecreatIOn Leader II
Semor Faclltty Attendant
Semor RecreatIon Leader
Sports OffiCial
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the followmg posItIons shall be paId an hourly rate wlthm the
followmg sdldfY range In accordance With the adopted Personnel Rules
AquatIcs Program SpecIalIst
ASSIstant Pool Manager
Cook/Food Services SpecIalIst
FacIltty Attendant I
FacIhty Attendant II
LIfeguard/SwIm Instructor I
LIfeguard/SwIm Instructor II
Pool Manager
Preschool AIde
Preschool Teacher (PT)
Recreation Dnver
$19 90
$12 to
$ 885
$ 875
$11 80
$ 915
$1 0 50
$15 95
$10 25
$15 05
$13 35
$25 90
$15 70
$11 50
$27 00
$11 40
$11 90
$13 65
$13 30
$19 55
$17 35
Recreation Leader I
RecreatIOn Leader II
Semor Faclhty Attendant
Semor RecreatIon Leader
Sports OffiCial
Minimum Wage
$ 960
$13 60
$13 40
$15 95
$10 50
$12 50
50 150
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that thIS document shall become a part of the officIal Salary Plan
for the CIty ofDublm, and that the changes contamed herem shall be effectIve February 2,2008
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED thIS 15th day of January, 2008
City Clerk