HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 218-07 E Dublin Fiscal Analysis RESOlLU'][][ON NO 218 -07 A RESOlLlJ'][][ON OlF ,][HE C][,][Y COlJNC][lL OlF THE (TJrY OF DUBlLIN ********* APlPROVJ[NG ,][HE SlElLECTHJlN OF MUN][lF][NANC][AlL, ][NC '][0 UPDATE EASTERN DUBlL][N lFKSCAlL ANAlLY][S WHEREAS, m July 2000, the Plannmg CommIssion approved Master Vestmg TentatIve Map 7135 for the development of 562 homes and a golf course m Dublm Ranch Area A, and WHEREAS, the developer, DR AcqUlSItlOnS L L C agreed to enter mto an agreement With the CIty to fund the difference between the revenues generated m and the costs of provIdmg servIces to eastern DublIn (October 2001), and WHERAS. the agreement reqUlred that a fiscal analysIs be completed on an annual baSIS, and WHERAS, the goals and polICies of the Eastern Dublm Speclfic Plan reqmre development to be at a mlTIlmWTI revenue neutral, and WHEREAS. the fiscal analysIs Will enable City Staff to determme the defiCit (If any) m eastern Dubhn, and WHEREAS, MumFmanclal has a clear understandmg of the project scope and IS able to perform the requested task NOW, THEREFORE BE I,][ RESOlL VED that the City CouncIl of the CIty of Dublm does hereby select MunlFmanclal Inc to update the Eastern DublIn FIscal AnalYSIS and authonzes the Mayor to execute the contract With MuruFmancml Inc III an amount not to exceed $ 25,000 P ASSlEIOl, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of December, 2007 AYES Councdmembell"s Hddelllbuod, Oravetz, Sbranh. Scholz, and Mayor lLockhart NOES None AlBSEN'][ None ABS'f AIN N ollle AT'fES'f (jl4Ot~~ I Intenm City Clerk