HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 05-08 Amend Classification Plan RESOLUHON NO 05 - 08 A RESOLU'I][ON OF 'IHE CI'IY COUNClIL OF 'I HE CI'fY OF IDUBLIN ********* AMEND][NG 'IHE CLASSlIFlICATION PLAN WHEREAS, In accordance WIth the CIty'S Personnel System Rules, the CIty Council adopted ResolutlOn No 30-84 and subsequent resolutlOns which compnse the ClasstficatIOn Plan, and WHEREAS, It IS necessary to penodIcally addJob descnptIOns m the ClasstficatIOn Plan NOW, 'fHEREFORE,:lBE lIT RESOLVED that ResolutIOn No 30-84 and subsequent resolutIOns shall be further amended to mclude the followmg revIsed Job descnptIOns ASSistant Pool Manager Cashier FacIhty Attendant IIII Lifeguard/SwIm Instructor I Lifeguard/SwIm Instructor II Pool Manager Preschool Aide RecreatIon Leader I RecreatIOn Leader II Semor RecreatIOn Leader Sports OffiCIal (Exllulbnt A) (JExDnbd lB) (ExhIBnt C) (Exltnblt D) (Exllnblt E) (Exhibit IF) (Exhibit G) (ExhIbIt H) (Exhibit I) (Exlllblt J) (Exllllblt K) BE lI'f FURTHER RESOLVED that the followmg new Job descnptIOns be added Aquatics Program SpeCIalIst Cook/Food ServIces SpeCIalIst Preschool Teacher (pT Temporary) Semor FaCIlity Attendant (Exhibit L) (Exhibit M) (Exhibit N) (Exhibit 0) BE n' FURTHER RESOL VEl!) that the followmg Job descnptIOns be deleted RecreatIOn SpeCIalIst Sports Fleld Attendant BE rr FUR'fHER RESOL VIED that these documents shall become a part of the offiCIal ClassIficatIOn Plan for the CIty ofDublm, and that the changes contamed herem shall be effective January 15,2008 Reso No 05-08, Adopted 1/15/08, Item 49 Page 1 of2 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOP'fED thls 15th day of January, 2008, by the followmg vote A YES Councllmembers HIldenbrand, Oravetz, Sbrantl and Scholz, and Mayor Lockhart NOlES None ABSENT None AlBS'f AIN None A~ [/?W Deputy CIty Clerk l Reso No 05 08, Adopted 1/15/08, Item 4 9 Page 2 of2 Exlllblt A Date Adopted 02/13/1996 Date Revised January 15,2008 'fltle ASSistant Pool Manager lFLSA Non-Exempt, Part-Time General Purpose To assIst m plannmg, organlzmg, and supervlsmg aquatics programs related to the management and operation of a pubhc swtmmmg pool, act as the Pool Manager m hls/her absence SupervisIOn ReceIved and Exercised Recelve general supervlslOn from the RecreatIOn Coordmator or Pool Manager May exercise techmcal and functIOnal supervlslon over part-tIme staff, as appropnate Essential DutIes andl ResponsibilitIes The followmg duties are nonnal for thlS classIficatton The omISSion of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the positIOn If the work IS slmllar, related or a logical assignment to thIS class ASSist m supervlsmg and trammg sWlmmmg pool part-tIme staff, mcIudmg mput to schedules and staff evaluatIOn, act as the Pool Manager 10 htslher absence ASSist m overseemg sWim lesson program, serve as sWim mstructor as needed Enforce pool safety rules and regulatIOns, mamtam orderly patron conduct Oversee weekend hfeguard team, serve as lifeguard as needed Mamtam up~to-date records and prepare related reports as requIred BUild and mamtam pOSitive workmg relationships With co-workers, other City employees and the pubhc usmg pnnclples of good customer service Perfonn other dutles as assigned ExhIbit A MInImum Quahficatnons Knowlede:e of CIty sWlmmmg pool rules, regulatIons, and pohcles BasIc techmques of m otIvatJ on and leadershlp Use and care ofhfesavmg techmques and eqUIpment used at pubhc SWlmmmg pools Enghsh usage, spelhng, punctuatIOn, and grammar AbIlIty to ASSISt In the management and operatIOn of a pubhc SWlmmmg pool Oversee part-tIme staff actlVltIes, as assigned Perfonn all SWlmmmg strokes accordmg to Amencan Red Cross standards, engage m physIcal actlvlty Perfonn and demonstrate hfesavmg and emergency first aid techmques and practices Deal with difficult or stressful sltuatlOns m a calm and professIOnal manner Prepare reports related to pool management and operatIOns, as assIgned Commumcate clearly and concIsely, both orally and m wntmg Estabhsh and mamtam cooperative workmg relatIOnshIps WIth those contacted III the course of work Use of computer apphcahons IS deSIrable PhYSical Standards The phYSIcal standards descnbed are representatIve of those that must be met by employees to successfully perfonn the essential functIOns of thlS class Reasonable accommodatIOns may be made to enable mdlvlduals WIth dIsabilIties to perform the essenttal functIons On a contmuous baslS, know and understand all aspects of the Job, mtenmttently analyze work papers, reports and special projects, IdentIfy and mterpret techmcal and numencal mformatlon, observe and problem solve operatIonal and techmcal poltcy and procedures On an mtenmttent baslS stand, walk, and bend while momtonng aquatiCS programs, squat, chmb, kneel and twISt mtermlttently when settmg up vanous programs, perform vanous SWlmmmg techmques when mstructmg staff and/or patrons, perform SImple graspmg and fine manipulation, and hft or carry weIght of 100 pounds or less Exhlhlt A 'frammg and Expcnence Any comhmatlOn eqUivalent to educatIOn and expenence hkely to prOVide the reqUIred knowledge and ahllihes are quahfymg A typical way to obtam the knowledge and abtlltles would be Education Equivalent to completIOn of twelfth grade Experience Two years expenence as hfeguard and sWim mstructor LIcenses, CertIficates, SpecIal ReqUirements At hme of hlre, must be I8 years of age or older Any offer of employment to an adult who Will have dtrect contact wlth mmors IS condItional upon suhmlsslOn of a completed fingerpnnt screenmg and a sahsfactory background check Current certificatIOn m Amencan Red Cross CPR for the ProfeSSIonal Rescuer with AED, Lifeguard Trammg with Admmlstenng Emergency Oxygen, Emergency Response (Title 22), and Water Safety Instructor Lifeguard Management certificatIOn IS desirable PossessIOn of a vahd California Class C dnvers license and Certificate of Automohve Insurance for Personal Llahlhty Exlnblt B Date Adopted 02/12/1990 Date Revised January 15,2008 Title Cashier IFLSA Non-Exempt, lPan1- 'flme General Purpose To collect fees from pubhc sWlmmmg pool patrons, regIster partiCipants In aquatics classes, and perform a vanety of related general cleflcal duties SupervisIOn Received and Exercised Receive general supervlslOn from the Pool Manager Essentnal DutIes and ResponsnbllItnes The followmg duties are normal for thiS classificatIOn The omiSSion of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the posItion If the work IS SImilar, related or a logical assignment to thiS class Collect fees from pubhc sWlmmmg pool patrons and aquatics class registrants, and Issue pool passes Complete daily attendance and cash receipt report forms Answer the telephone, proVide mformatlon to callers and wnte messages as needed, assist customers at the front counter Perform general dencal work such as Issumg receipts, photocopymg, and fihng Perform hght mamtenance work such as emptymg wastebaskets, sweepmg, and openmg and closmg the office May prOVide mmor first aid to patrons, may prOVide assistance to other pool staff m emergency SituatIOns Build and mamtam pOSitIVe workmg relationships WIth co-workers, other City employees and the publtc usmg pnnclples of good customer servIce Exhibit B Perform other duties as assigned Mmlmum QualIficatIons Knowledf!e of BaslC anthmetlc, mcludmg addition, subtraction, multlphcatton and dlvlslOn English language skills, mcludmg punctuatIOn and spelling Ability to Follow wntten and oral mstructlOns Commumcate m an effective manner ExerCise courtesy and tact m meetmg or talkmg With the public Deal wlth dlfficult or stressful sItuatIOns m a calm and professIOnal manner Estabhsh and mamtam cooperative workmg relattonshIps with those contacted m the course of work Use of a personal computer and ten key addmg machme IS deSirable Physical Standards The physical standards descnbed are representattve of those that must be met by employees to successfully perform the essential functIOns of thlS class Reasonable accommodatIOns may be made to enable mdlvlduals with dIsabilities to perform the essential functIOns An employee IS regularly requued to Sit at desk and m meetmgs for long penods of time, talk or hear III person, m meetmgs and by telephone, use hands and fingers to handle, feel or operate standard office eqUipment, and reach with hands and arms Intermittently, twiSt to reach equlpment surroundmg desk, walk to observe department actiVIties, bend and squat to perform file searches, perform Simple graspmg and fine manipulatIOn, use telephone and wnte or use a keyboard to communicate through wntten means, attend vanous meetmgs and workshops at locations other than pnmary workslte Whlie performmg duties, the employee IS regularly reqUired to use wntten and oral communicatIOn Skills, know laws, regulations and codes, remember personnel rules, legal and code reqUirements, and explam and mterpret codes, poliCies and procedures, mteract WIth Crty management, other governmental offiCials, contractors, vendors, employees and the pubhc 'frammg and Expenence Exhlblt B Any combmatiOn eqUivalent to education and experience likely to provlde the requued knowledge and abilities are quahfymg A typical way to obtam the knowledge and ablhtles would be EducatIon There IS no educational reqUirement for this class, eqUivalent to completiOn of two years of hlgh school IS deSlfable Experience Work experience IS not reqUired, experience III handltng money and cashlenng is deSIrable Licenses, Certificates, Special ReqUirements At time of hire, must be 16 years of age or older Any offer of employment to an adult who will have drrect contact with mmors IS conditiOnal upon submiSSIon of a completed fingerprmt screemng and a sattsfactory background check Current certificatiOn m First Aid and CPR IS reqUired PossessiOn of a vahd CalifornIa Class C dnvers' license IS not reqUired for tlllS class, however, If an employee possesses a valid Itcense, he/she may be reqUired to provide a Certificate of Automotive Insurance fur Personal Liability Exhibit C Date Adopted 2/15/2000 Date Revised January 15,2008 Title lFacIlnty Attendant RIB JFI..SA Non-Exempt, Pan-Time GenerallPulI''1Jose Under general supervISIon, oversees the proper use of a commumty recreatIOnal facIlIty, performs a vanety of custodIal tasks, and asSists the publIc and staff m theu use of the facIlity DutIes mclude supervlsmg, settmg up and cleanmg commumty recreatIOnal facIlIties durmg use by pnvate partles and communIty groups BUIldmg Attendant I classIficatIon performs set-up and take-down duties, opens and closes for daytIme rentals and weekend leisure classes The BUIldmg Attendant II classIficatIon IS dlstmgUIshed from the BUIldmg Attendant I level m that It has some trammg responsIbdltIes of new attendants, functIOnally supervises BUIldmg Attendant I employees, and closes the bUlldmg after rentals and weekday leIsure classes IllIstmgmshmg CharactenstIcs The BUIldmg Attendant IIII classIficatIOn IS flexibly staffed as defined m the City s ClaSSIficatIOn Plan After gammg the expenence and knowledge to perform the full range of Journey level tasks and fulfilhng any speCial reqUirements for the Journey level, the employee could reasonably expect to progress to the higher level based upon the Judgment of management and approval by the CIty Manager EssentIal Duties and Responsdnhtnes \ F aCllItv Attendant IIII Opens and closes faCIlItIes as scheduled for use Sets up furniture or eqUIpment for actlvItIes scheduled and sees that It IS m proper condItIOn and IS replaced after use Exhibit C Momtors activIties offaclhty users for appropnate and safe conduct Cleans up after faclhty users and sets up for subsequent actIvities Sweeps and mops floors as reqUlred Keeps restrooms and kItchen clean and well stocked wIth paper towels, tissues, etc Empties garbage throughout the facIlIty as necessary Secures the facIlIty upon leavmg Other duties as assIgned FaCIlIty Attendant II Makes wntten reports of damage to eqUlpment or faCIlIty Trams attendant staff on faCIlIty and rental procedures Lead attendant for evemng rentals and weekday evemng ShIftS ResponsIble for momtonng adherence to bUIldmg rules and party lImItatIOns Mmlmum QualIficatIolIls Knowledge and AbIlItIes Ablhty to do heavy phYSical work mcludmg the IIftmg and movmg of tables and chaIrs AbIlIty to follow wntten and oral InstructIons AbIlIty to deal effectively and courteously wlth the public Must be avmlable to work mghts, weekends and holIdays Phvslcal Standlards The phYSICal standards descnbed are representative of those that must be met by employees to successfully perform the essential functIOns of thiS class Reasonable acconunodatIOns may be made to enable IndIViduals WIth dlsablhtIes to perform the essential functIOns 2 Exh1b1t C An employee 1S regularly requIred to SIt for long penods of tIme, talk or hear, In person, In meetmgs and by telephone, use hands and fingers to handle, feel or operate standard office eqUIpment, and reach W1th hands and arms The employee IS frequently reqUIred to bend, twist, hft, walk, stand, and set-up and move eqUipment weIghmg up to 50 pounds WhIle perfonmng duties, the employee IS regularly reqUIred to use wntten and oral commUlllcatlOTI skIlls, read and mterpret mformatIOn and room layout specIficatIOns, and mteract WIth CIty employees and the pubhc 'frammg and Expenence Faclhtv Attendant I CompletIOn of grade 10 or above Must be 15 years or older Some expenence settmg up faCIlItIes for meetmg and events, and m cleanmg or custodIal work FacIhtv Attendant II CompletIOn of grade 10 or above Must be 17 years or older Some expenence supervlsmg the use of faclhtles, settmg up faCIlIties for meetmgs and events and m cleanmg or custodlal work PosseSSIOn of a valId CalIforma Class C dnvers' lIcense and Certlficate of Automobile Insurance for Personal LIabilIty Licenses, Certnficates, Speclan ReqUirements ReqUlred School work permIt, If applIcable DeSIrable CertificatIOn m Standard FIrst Aid and CPR 3 Exhtblt D Date Adopted 02/13/1996 Date Revised January 15, 2008 'fltle Lifeguard/Swim ][nstructor ][ IFLSA Non-Exempt, Part-l'Ime General Purpose To perform lifeguard dutIes In enforcing City pubhc sWimming pool rules and momtonng pool patron conduct, perform emergency rescue and hfesavlng techmques Supervision ReceIved and ExerCised Receive general supervision from the Recreation Coordmator, Pool Manager or ASSistant Pool Manager Essential DutIes and! Responsdnhhes The followmg duties are normal for thIS classIficatIOn The omISS1on of specIfic statements of dutles does not exclude them from the posltlon If the work IS similar, related or a logical assignment to thiS class Enforce sWimming pool rules and regulatIOns, mcludmg ensuring orderly conduct by pool patrons ASSist III provldmg mstructlon for a vanety of SWimming classes for all ages and ability levels ASS1St sWimmers who are III d1stress and admmIster a vanety of first aid and/or hfe savmg techmques, as appropnate ASSist III mamtammg pool areas In a safe and clean condition Build and mamtam posltlve working relationships with co-workers, other City employees and the pubhc usmg prmcIples of good customer service Perform other duties as aSSigned MInimum QualIfications Exlllblt D Knowlede:e of Use and care of lifesavmg techmques and eqUIpment used at pubhc sWlmmmg pools Ability to Learn and enforce City swunmmg pool rules, regulattons, and policies Perform hfesavmg strokes accordmg to Amencan Red Cross standards, perform hfesavmg and emergency first aid techmques and practtces, engage ill physIcal acttv1ty Follow written and oral illstructlOns Commumcate In an effectIVe manner Exercise courtesy and tact m dealmg With pool patrons Deal wIth dIfficult or stressful situatIOns m a calm and profess1onal manner Establish and mamtam cooperattve workmg relatIOnships With those contacted to the course of work Physical Standards The physical standards descnbed are representattve of those that must be met by employees to successfully perform the essential functIOns of this class Reasonable accommodatIOns may be made to enable IOdlVlduals With dlsabIhtles to perform the essent1al functIons On a contlOuous bas1S, know and understand all aspects of the Job, mtenmttently analyze work papers, reports and mstruct1ons, observe, 1dentrfy, and report operational problems On an llltenmttent baSIS, Sit m lifeguard Station for long penods of time, stand, walk, and bend whtle momtormg varIOus sWlmmmg actiVities, squat, climb, kneel and 1:wtst totermlttently when settlOg up vanous programs, perform vanous swunmmg techmques, perform slmple grasplOg and fine manIpulatIOn, and 11ft or carty weight of 100 pounds or less l'rannmg and Expenence Any combmatlOn eqUivalent to educatton and expenence hkely to prOVide the reqUired knowledge and abilities are quahfYlOg A typical way to obtalll the knowledge and abllittes would be EducatIOn There IS no educatlOnal reqUirement for thiS class, eqUivalent to completIOn of two years of hIgh school IS deSirable Experience Demonstrated expenence 10 skilled aquatIc acttvltles IS deSIrable Licenses, Certificates, Special ReqUirements ExhibIt D At time of h1re, must be 16 years of age or older Any offer of employment to an adult who will have dIrect contact w1th mmors IS condltlOnal upon submissIon of a completed fingerpnnt screenmg and a satisfactory background check Current certtficatlOn m Amencan Red Cross CPR for the ProfessIOnal Rescuer With AED, Lifeguard Trammg wIth Adtmmstenng Emergency Oxygen, and Emergency Response (Tttle 22) ExhIbit E Date Adopted 02/13/1996 Date Rev1sed January 15,2008 , Title LIfeguard/SwIm Instructor ][]I lFLSA Non-Exempt, Part-l'Ime Genell"3l Purpose To proVide mstructlOn 10 all levels of AmerIcan Red Cross sWlmmmg certlficatton and other aquattcs programs Supervision ReceIved and! Exercised Receive general supervision from the Recreation Coordmator, Pool Manager or Assistant Pool Manager Essential Duties and ResponsIbilities The followmg duttes are nonnal for this classrficatlOn The omiSSion of specific statements of duttes does not exclude them from the positIOn If the work IS slmtlar, related or a logical assignment to thIs class Develop and Implement lesson plans for sWlmmmg classes ProVide mstructton for a vanety of sWlmffimg classes for all ages and ability levels Enforce sWlmmmg pool rules and regulatIOns, mcludmg ensunng orderly conduct by pool patrons, as needed ASSIst sWimmers who are m dIstress and admmlster a vanety of first aid and/or hfe savmg techOlques, as appropnate ASSist m mamtammg pool areas m a safe and clean condltton Mamtam accurate records related to sWlmmmg classes Budd and mamtam poslttve workmg relatIOnships w1th co-workers, other City employees and the pubhc usmg pnncIples of good customer service Perform other dutIes as assigned ExhibIt E MIDlmlllm Qualifications Knowledf!e of BasIc mstructlOn/trammg techmques Use and care of lifesavmg techmques and eqUIpment used at pubhc sWlmmmg pools AbIlity to Develop and 1mplement lesson plans for sWlmmmg instructIOn and certification activIties Instruct and tram patrons 10 a vanety of SWlmmmg sktlls and techmques Learn and enforce City SWimming pool rules, regulations, and pohcles Perform hfesavmg strokes accordlOg to Amencan Red Cross standards, perform hfesavmg and emergency first a1d techOlques and prachces, engage m physICal activity Commumcate concIsely orally and In wntmg Commumcate m an effective manner ExerCIse courtesy and tact m deahng W1th SWImmmg students and pool patrons Deal with difficult or stressful sltuatlons In a calm and professIOnal manner Estabhsh and mamtam cooperatIve working relatIOnshIps With those contacted 10 the course of work Physncal Standards The physical standards descnbed are representative of those that must be met by employees to successfully perform the essential functIOns of this class Reasonable accommodatIons may be made to enable mdlvlduals with dlsabIhttes to perform the essential functions On a contmuous basiS, know and understand all aspects of the Job, mtenmttently analyze work papers, reports and mstructlons, observe, Identify, and report operational problems On an mtermlttent basIs, stand, walk, and bend while mOOltormg vanous sWlmmmg acttvlttes, squat, chmb, kneel and twISt mterrmttently when settmg up vanous programs, perform and demonstrate vanous SWlmmmg techmques, pertorm Simple graspmg and fme mampulatlOn, and lift or carry weight of 100 pounds or less 'frammg and lExpell"lence Exhibit E Any combmatlon eqmvalent to educatton and experience hkely to provide the reqUired knowledge and abllittes are qualifymg A typICal way to obtam the knowledge and abilities would be EducatIOn There IS no educatIOnal reqUirement for this class, eqUlvalent to completIon of two years of hIgh school IS deStfable lExpenence Demonstrated expenence 10 skilled aquatic activIties 1S desirable LIcenses, Certificates, SpeCIal Requirements At ttme of hire, must be 16 years of age or older Any offer of employment to an adult who will have dtrect contact With mlOors 1S condltlonal upon submissIon of a completed fingerpnnt screenmg and a satIsfactory background check Current certtficatton III Amencan Red Cross CPR for the ProfeSSIOnal Rescuer WIth AED, Lifeguard Trammg with Admllllstenng Emergency Oxygen, Emergency Response (TItle 22), and Water Safety Instructor Exlub1t F Date Adopted 02/13/1996 Date Revised January 15, 2008 'IItle Pool Manager JFLSA Non-Exempt, Part-Time Genenl Purpose To plan, orgamze, and supervIse aquatics programs related to the management and operatlon of a public sWlmmmg pool Supervlslolll Received and Exercised Receive directIOn from a Recreatlon Coordmator ExercIse techmcal and functIOnal superv1slon over part-tlme staff, as appropnate EssentIal Duties and ReslPolDsnlbnhbes The followmg duties are normal for thiS classificatIOn The OffilSS1on of specific statements of dutles does not exclude them from the pos1tlon If the work IS slm1lar, related or a logical assignment to this class Plan, orgamze, and supervise SWlmmlllg activities at a pubhc sWlmmmg pool Schedule, superv1se and evaluate part-time staff, plan and conduct tn-service trallllllg Schedule and mallltalll staff rotatIOn and breaks, determme appropnate duties for hfeguards dunng pen ods when not aSSigned to guard chatr ASSist with staff recrUitment and hmng Teach certlficatlon classes, and/or serve as sWim mstructor or lifeguard, as needed Mallltam up-to-date records, prepare requued reports m a tlmely manner ASSist m the supervISIon of pool and butldmg mamtenance, notrfY RecreatIOn Coordlllator when supphes are needed or eqUipment needs repair ExlubIt F Build and mamtam positive workmg relationships wIth co.workers, other City employees and the pubhc usmg pnnclples of good customer service Perform other duties as ass1gned MInimum QualIfications Knowledl!e of City SWlmmmg pool rules, regulatIons, and pohcles BaSIC supervisory practICes and techmques Use and care of hfesavmg techmques and eqUIpment used at pubhc sWlmmmg pools BaSIC pool chemistry and mamtenance BaSIC mathematics Enghsh spellmg, punctuatlOn, and grammar AbIlltv to Plan, organize, and supervIse programs related to the management and operation of a pubhc sW1mmmg pool SupervIse, tram, and evaluate part-time staff Perform all sWImmmg strokes accordmg to Amencan Red Cross standards, engage m phYSIcal acttvlty Perform and demonstrate hfesavmg and emergency first aid techmques and practices Deal with drfftcult or stressful SituatIOns 10 a calm and profeSSIOnal manner Prepare, oversee, and/or revIew reports related to pool management and operatIOns Commumcate clearly and conCisely, both orally and m wntmg Establish and mamtam cooperattve workmg relatlOnsh1ps With those contacted 10 the course of work Use of computer apphcatlOns IS deSIrable PhYSIcal Standards Exhibit F The phys1cal standards descnbed are representative of those that must be met by employees to successfully perform the essentIal functIOns of thIS class Reasonable accommodatIOns may be made to enable mdlvlduals with disabilities to perform the essenttal functIOns On a contmuous basiS, know and understand all aspects of the Job, mtermlttently analyze work papers, reports and special projects, Identify and mterpret techmcal and numencal mformat1on, observe and problem solve operatIOnal and technical policy and procedures On an mternuttent basiS, Sit at desk for long penods oft1me, stand, walk, and bend while momtonng aquattcs programs, squat, climb, kneel and twist mtenmttently when settmg up vanous programs, perform vanous swnnmmg techniques when mstructmg staff and/or patrons, perform Simple graspmg and fine manipulation, and lift for carry weIght of 100 pounds or less l'rammg and Expenence Any combmatlOn eqUIvalent to education and expenence likely to provIde the reqUIred knowledge and abIlities IS quahfymg A typical way to obtam the knowledge and abIhtles would be EducatIOn EqUIvalent to the completion of the twelfth grade Some college coursework m recreatIOn admlmstratlOn, sports management or related field IS deSirable ExperIence Two years expenence m management of pool operations LIcenses, Certificates, Special ReqUirements At time of hire, must be 18 years of age or older Any offer of employment to an adult who Will have dIrect contact With mmors IS conditIOnal upon submiSSion of a completed fingerpnnt screenmg and a satisfactory background check Current cert1ficatlOn m Amencan Red Cross CPR for the ProfeSSIOnal Rescuer With AED, LIfeguard Trammg With Admmlstermg Emergency Oxygen, Emergency Response (Title 22), and Water Safety Instructor Lifeguard Management certIficatIOn IS deslfable PossessIOn of a vahd California Class C dnvers' hcense and Certtficate of Automottve Insurance for Personal LtabIhty Exhibit G Date Adopted 09/28/1987 Date Revised January 15, 2008 'fIde Presclb.ool Aide lFLSA Non-Exempt, Part-'flme General Purpose To assist WIth the orgalllzatlOn and mstructlOn of preschool classes for children rangmg In age from 2-1/2 through 5 years SupervISIon Received and Exercised ReceIve general supervision from a Preschool Instructor May receive techlllcal and/or functIonal superviSion from a Preschool Teacher Essential Duties and Responsnlbdntles The followmg dutIes are nonnal for this claSSIficatIOn The omISSion of specrfic statements of duties does not exclude them from the posItion If the work IS Similar, related or a logical assignment to this class ASSist III planmng and Implementmg preschool class actiVItIes ASSist m conductmg preschool class actiVIties In areas such as arts and crafts, games, mUSIC, or story time ExerCIse precautions necessary to ensure the safety of preschool participants May proVide mmor first aId to partiCipants and/or perfonn related first aid/emergency techruques Budd and mamtam pOS1tlve workmg relatIOnships w1th co-workers, other CIty employees and the pubhc usmg pnnclples of good customer service Perfonn other dut1es as aSSIgned Mmlmum Quahficattons Exh1blt G Knowlede:e of BasIc anthmetlc English language skllls, lOcludmg punctuation and spellmg Age group charactenst1cs of preschool chddren Ability to Commulllcate clearly and concisely, both orally and 10 wntmg Exerc1se courtesy and tact m meetmg or talkmg with the pubhc Deal w1th d1fficult or stressful situatIOns III a calm and profeSSional manner Establish and mamtam cooperatlve workmg relatIOnshIps With those contacted III the course of work Use of a personal computer IS deSirable PhYSical Standardls The phYSIcal standards descnbed are representative of those that must be met by employees to successfully perf ann the essential functIOns of thiS class Reasonable accommodatIOns may be made to enable mdlVIduals With d1sabtlltles to perfonn the essential functions An employee IS regularly reqmred to Slt for long penods of time, talk or hear, m person, III classroom and by telephone, use hands and fingers to handle, feel or operate standard office eqmpment and mstructlonal supplies, reach With hands and arms, and hft or carry weight of 10 pounds or less The employee IS frequently reqUIred to bend and tWist to mteract With children, reach files, walk and stand Whlle perfonnmg duties, the employee IS regularly reqUIred to use wntten and oral commulllcatlon skills, read and mterpret lllfonnatlOn and documents, deal effectively With children, analyze and solve problems, lllteract With City management, employees and the pubhc l'rammg andllEx][Jenence Any combmatlon eqUIvalent to education and expenence hkely to provide the reqmred knowledge and abilities are quahfymg A typIcal way to obtain the knowledge and ablhtles would be Education EqUIvalent to the completion of the twelfth grade, college level course work III early childhood education IS deSIrable Experience One year of expenence workmg WIth preschool age chIldren m a structured and supervised enV1ronment Exhibit G LIcenses, CertIficates, Special Requirements Any offer of employment to an adult who wtll have direct contact with mmors IS condlttonal upon submlsslOn of a completed fingerpnnt screeomg and a sattsfactory background check Current certlficatton m First Aid and CPR IS reqUired PossesSIOn of a valid California Class C dnvers' hcense IS not reqUired for this class, however, If an employee possesses a valid license, he/she may be reqUired to provide a Certificate of Automottve Insurance for Personal Liability Exhibit H Date Adopted 02/13/1996 Date Revised January 15, 2008 'fltle RecreatIOn Leader II IFLSA Non-Exempt, Part- Tnme General Purpose To assist Recreatton Leaders m provIdmg a vanety of recreation programs related to preschool, playground, parks, teens, sports, specIal events, and semor cItizen acttvltles SupeJrVlslon ReceIVed and Exercised Rece1ve general supervlSlon from a Recreatlon Coordmator May receive techmcal and/or functional supervisIon from a Semor Recreatton Leader EssentIal DutIes and ResponsnbllItnes The followmg duties are normal for thIS classdicatlOn The omiSSIOn of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the posltlOn 1f the work 1S similar, related or a logical assignment to thiS class ASSISt m leadmg recreatIOn activities m program areas such as preschool, playground, parks, teens, sports, special events, and semor clttzen activIties ASSISt m planmng, overseemg, and carrymg out recreational activIties appropnate to a vanety of locations such as playgrounds, parks, commumty centers, school Sites, and sports facilIties AssIst III leadmg activities m areas such as arts and crafts, games, sports, mUSIC, drama, and nature study Assist 10 Issumg, recelvmg, and collectmg eqUipment, games, and supphes Assist III settmg up, takmg down, and cleanmg up recreatlOnal faclhttes, as assIgned May prOVide mmor first a1d to recreatIOn program partiCIpants and/or perform related first aid/emergency techmques Exhibit H Exercise precautIOns necessary to ensure the safety of recreation program partlc1pants and spectators BuIld and mamtam pOSitive working relationships With co-workers, other City employees and the pubhc uSing pnnclples of good customer servIce Perform other dut1es as ass1gned MmmlUm QualIfications Koowlede:e of BaSIC knowledge of a vanety of recreation actlv1tles AbIlity to Learn skills needed to conduct baSIC recreatton actlvlttes Follow wrItten and oral instructions Commumcate m an effective manner ExerCise courtesy and tact m deahng With recreatIOn program partICipants and spectators Deal With difficult or stressful SituatIOns In a calm and profeSSIOnal manner Estabhsh and mamtam cooperative workmg relatIOnships WIth those contacted m the course of work PhYSical Stallldards The phYSical standards descnbed are representative of those that must be met by employees to successfully perform the essential functtons of thiS class Reasonable accommodatIOns may be made to enable indiViduals With disabilities to perform the essential functions On a contmuous baSIS, know and understand all aspects of the Job, mtermlttently analyze work papers, reports and speCial projects, IdentrfY and mterpret techmcal and numencal mformatlOn, observe and report operational and techmcal pohcy and procedures On an mterm1ttent baSIS, Slt at desk for long penods of time, stand, walk, and bend while asslstmg m leadmg recreation actiVities, squat, chmb, kneel and twiSt mtermlttently when settmg up vanous recreatIOn programs, perform Simple graspmg and fine manlpulatton, and Itft or carry weight of 100 pounds or less Exhibit H 'frammg and Expernence Any combmatton eqUlvalent to educatIOn and expenence likely to provide the reqUlred knowledge and ablhtles are quahfymg A typical way to obtam the knowledge and abllittes would be Education There IS no educattonal requuement for thiS class, eqUivalent to completIOn of two years of high school IS desIrable Expenence Demonstrated expenence (paid or volunteer) workmg w1th partlclpants 10 a structured or superv1sed social/recreatIOnal program Licenses, CertIficates, SpecIal Requirements At time ofhne, must be 15 years of age or older Any offer of employment to an adult who will have dtrect contact with mmors IS conditIOnal upon submIsSIOn of completed fingerpnnt screemng and a satisfactory background check Current certtficatlOn 10 FlfSt Aid and CPR IS reqUired PossessIOn of a vahd Cahfomta Class C dnver's hcense IS not reqUIred for this class, however, If an employee possesses a vahd hcense, he/she may be reqUlred to provide a Certtficate of Automot1ve Insurance for Personal Liability Exhibit I Date Adopted 02/13/1996 Date Revised January 15,2008 Title Recreation Leader n lFLSA NOIll-Exempt, Part- 'fDme General Purjpose To lead and conduct activities m the delIvery of recreatIOn program areas mcludmg preschool, playground, parks, teens, sports, speCial events, and sentor c1tlzens SUjpervlSlon ReceDved and ExercDsed Rece1ve general superviSIOn from a RecreatlOn CoordInator May receive techntcal and/or functional superviSIon from a Sentor RecreatIOn Leader EssentIal Duties and ResponsnbDlDhes The folloWIng duties are normal for thIS claSSificatIOn The omiSSion of spec1fic statements of duties does not exclude them from the posltlOn If the work IS slmtlar, related or a logical assignment to thiS class ASSist With planmng, overseemg, and conductIng recreational actlv1tles m program areas such as preschool, playground, parks, teens, sports, speCial events, and semor citizen activities ASSist m planmng, overseeIng, and carryIng out recreational actiVities appropnate to a vanety of locatIOns such as playgrounds, parks, commumty centers, school SItes, and sports faCilitieS Conduct actiVities In areas such as arts and crafts, games, sports, mUSIC, drama, and nature study Issue, receive, control, and collect eqUlpment, games and supphes Instruct partiCipants In the rules and methods of playmg mdoor and outdoor games Inspect activity areas and related eqUipment and recommend mamtenance and repaIr, as appropnate ASSist with record-keepmg and report completIOn Exhibit I Enforce safety rules and regulatIOns, mamtam orderly participant conduct May provtde mmor first a1d to recreatIOn program part1clpants/spectators and/or perform related first aid/emergency techruques Exercise precautIOns necessary to ensure the safety of recreatton program participants and spectators Butld and mamtam pos1tIVe workmg relatIOnships with co-workers, other CIty employees and the public usmg pnnclples of good customer serv1ce Perform other duties as aSSigned Mnumum Quahficatlons Knowledl!e of Bastc techmques of 1Ostructlon for conductmg recreatIOn program areas such as sports, games, arts and crafts General use and care of a vanety of recreation program supphes and equipment Ability to Conduct recreatton activities Commumcate conc1sely orally and m wntmg Commufilcate 10 an effective manner Exercise courtesy and tact In deahng With recreation program participants and spectators Deal with difficult or stressful situatIOns In a calm and profeSSIOnal manner Estabhsh and mamtam cooperative workmg relationships with those contacted In the course of work JPhYSIcal Staltldards The phYSical standards descnbed are representative of those that must be met by employees to successfully perform the essential functlOns of tillS class Reasonable accommodatIOns may be made to enable md1v1duals with disabilities to perform the essent1al functIons On a contmuous baSIS, know and understand all aspects of the Job, mterm1ttently analyze work papers, reports and special projects, 1dentrfY and mterpret techmcal and numencal mformatlOn, observe and report operatIOnal and techmcal pohcy and procedures Exhibit I On an mtenmttent basIs, Sit at desk for long penods of time, stand, walk, and bend while leadmg recreatIOn activities, squat, chmb, kneel and twist mternllttently when settmg up vanous recreation programs, perform simple graspmg and fine mampulatton, and \1ft or carry weight of 1 00 pounds or less 'frammg and Experience Any combmatlon eqUIvalent to educatton and expenence hkely to provide the reqUired knowledge and ablhtles are quahfymg A typical way to obtam the knowledge and abilities would be EducatIOn There IS no educational reqUIrement for this class, eqUIvalent to completion of three years of high school IS des1rable Experience A mInImum of one year expenence performmg duties slmtlar to that of a Recreation Leader I With the City of Dub 1m Licenses, Certificates, Special ReqUirements At time of hIre, must be 16 years of age or older Any offer of employment to an adult who will have dtrect contact With mmors IS condItional upon submIssion of completed fingerpnnt screemng and a satisfactory background check Current certificatIOn m First Aid and CPR IS reqUired PosseSSIOn of a valtd Cahfornla Class C dnver's hcense IS not reqUired for this class, however, If an employee possesses a valid hcense, he/she may be reqUired to provide a Certtficate of Automotive Insurance for Personal LiabIlity Exh1blt J Date Adopted 02/13/1996 Date RevIsed January 15,2008 'fltle SernIor Recreation Leader JFLSA Non-Exempt, lPall1-'fnme GenerallPurpose To assist In planmng, and organlzmg and to conduct recreatIon actIvIties In the dehvery of recreatIon program areas Includmg preschool, playground, parks, teens, sports, specml events, and semor cItIzens Supervnsnon Received and Exercnsed Receive general supervlstOn from a RecreatIOn Coordmator EssentIal Dunes and ResponslbIlltnes The followmg dutIes are normal for this classification The omiSSIon of specIfic statements of dutIes does not exclude them from the posltlon If the work IS Similar, related or a loglcal aSSIgnment to th1S class ASSISt In the planmng and oversight of vanous recreatIOn program actlVltles and conduct related activities m areas such as preschool, playground, parks, teens, sports, speCIal events, and semor cItizen actiVities Plan, oversee, and conduct recreatIonal actiVities appropnate to a variety of locatIOns such as playgrounds, parks, commumty centers, school Sites, and sports faclhtIes Mamtam records and complete wntten program plans and reports Oversee actIVItIes of part-tIme staff, as asSigned Conduct actiVitIes m areas such as arts and crafts, games, sports, mUSIC, drama, and nature study Instruct partiCipants 10 the rules and methods of playmg mdoor and outdoor games Inspect actiVity areas and related eqUIpment and recommend mamtenance and repair, as appropnate ExhibIt J Enforce safety rules and regulations, mamtam orderly partIcipant conduct May provide mmor first aId to recreatIOn program participants/spectators and/or perform related first aid/emergency techruques Exercise precautIOns necessary to ensure the safety of recreation program particIpants and spectators BUlld and mamtam positive workmg relationships wIth co-workers, other City employees and the public usmg pnnclples of good customer service Perform other duties as assigned MIDlmum Quahfncatlollls Knowled!!e of Techmques of mstructlOn for conductmg recreatlon programs m areas such as sports, games, arts and crafts Use and care of a variety of recreatIOn program supphes and eqUIpment Ability to ASS1st 10 planning and orgamzmg, and conductmg actiVities related to specific recreation programs Oversee actlVltles of part-time staff Commumcate conCisely orally and 10 wnt10g CommUnicate m an effective manner Exercise courtesy and tact m dealing WIth recreation program partICipants and spectators Deal With drfficult or stressful SituatIOns III a calm and profeSSIOnal manner Estabhsh and mamtam cooperative workmg relationships WIth those contacted m the course of work PhYSical Standards The phYSical standards descnbed are representative of those that must be met by employees to successfully perform the essential functIOns of thiS class Reasonable accommodattons may be made to enable mdlvlduals With dlsabllttles to perform the essentlaI functIOns Exhibit J On a contmuous basIs, know and understand all aspects of the Job, mterrmttently analyze work papers, reports and special proJects, Identify and mterpret technical and numencal mformatIon, observe and report operational and techmcal poltey and procedures On an mtermlttent baS1S, Sit at desk for long pen ods of time, stand, walk, and bend while leadmg recreatIOn programs, squat, climb, kneel and twISt mtermlttently when settmg up various recreatIOn programs, perform simple graspmg and fine mampulatJ.on, and hft or carry weIght of I 00 pounds or less 'frammg and Expernence Any combmatlOn eqUivalent to educatIOn and expenence likely to prov1de the requtred knowledge and abilities are quahfymg A typIcal way to obtam the knowledge and abilities would be Education EqUivalent to the completion of the twelfth grade, college level course work m recreatIOn, leisure services, or a related field IS deSirable Experience A mlntmUill of two years expenence performmg dutIes SimIlar to that of RecreatIOn Leader II with the City of Dublm Licenses, CertIficates, SpeCial ReqUIrements At time of hire, must be 18 years of age or older Any offer of employment to an adult who w11l have direct contact WIth mmors IS conditional upon submiSSIOn of completed fingerprint screemng and a satisfactory background check Current certlficatJOn III FIrst Aid and CPR IS reqUIred PossessIOn of a vahd Cahforma Class C dnver's hcense and a Certtficate of Automotive Insurance for Personal Liability Exhibit K Date Adopted Date Revised January 15,2008 Title Sports Official lFLSA Non-Exempt, Part- 'fllme General Purpose To officiate at a vanety of playmg field sports league events, to serve as offic1al scorer-of-record at such sports events Supervision Received and Exercised! Receive general superviSion from RecreatIOn Techmclan or RecreatIOn Coordmator Essential Duties and RespolllsIbnhtIes The followmg dutles are normal for this classificatIOn The om ISSlon of specific statements of duhes does not exclude them from the posItion If the work IS slmtlar, related or a loglcal assignment to thiS class To mterpret and apply offiCial game rules for a variety of playmg field sports related to league play Conduct sports contests accordmg to rules of the game and mamtam control of the contest Oversee the work ofscormg offiCials to ensure proper tlmmg and sconng of the event, perform as offiCIal scorer-of-record Inspect playmg field area and eqUipment pnor to play to ensure preparatIOn and safety for play to begm Ensure safety of players and spectators, notrl:Y appropnate City staff regardmg necessary repair and/or replacement of play areas/related eqUipment Complete and submit reqmred forms and reports BUild and mamtam pOSItive workmg relatIOnships With co-workers, other CIty employees and the pubhc usmg prtnclples of good customer servIce Exhibit K Perform other duties as ass1gned MInImum QualIficatIons Knowled!!:e of Rules, regulatIOns, procedures, and score keepIng as apphed to the conduct of a variety of field sport league activIties Abrlltv to Officiate at a vanety of field sport league actIvities, engage In physIcal actlVlty Exercise obJective Judgment In making field sport rules determinations/calls Follow written and oral mstructlon and commumcate m an effective manner Exercise courtesy and tact In deahng w1th members of the pubhc, spectators, players, and sports and team officials Establish and mamtam cooperative workmg relatIOnships with those contacted m the course of work Work evenings, weekends, and hohdays lPhyslcal Standards The physical standards descnbed are representative of those that must be met by employees to successfully perform the essential functions of thiS class Reasonable accommodatIOns may be made to enable mdlvlduals With disabilities to perform the essential functions On a contmuous basIs, know and understand all aspects of the Job, mtenmttently analyze work papers, reports and spec1al proJects, Identtfy and mterpret techmcal and numencal lOformatlOn, observe and problem solve operatIonal and techmcal policy and procedures On an mtenmtlent basts, Sit a desk for long pen ods of hme, stand, walk, and bend while momtorlOg playmg field actiVities, squat, climb, kneel and twiSt, stand, walk, and bend when observmg game, perform graspmg and fine mampulatlOn, and hft or Carry weight of 50 pounds or less 'franllog and Experience Any combmatlOn eqUIvalent to educatlOn and expenence hkely to prov1de the reqUIred knowledge and abilitIes are quahfymg A typical way to obtaIn the knowledge and abilities would be Exlublt K EducatIOn There IS no educatIOnal requuement for tlus class, eqUivalent to completIOn of three years of high school IS desirable Experience Demonstrated expenence as field sports player or offiCial lLlcenses, CertIficates, SpecIal ReqUIrements At time of hire, must be 16 years of age or older Any offer of employment to an adult who will have drrect contact with mmors IS conditIOnal upon submission of a completed fingerpnnt screenmg and a satisfactory background check Current certificatIOn m FlfSt A1d and CPR PossessIOn of a vahd CahfomJa Class C dnvers' license and Certificate of Automotive Insurance for Personal Llablhty Exhibit L Date Adopted January 15,2008 Date Revised 'fItle Aquatic Program Speclahst JFl.,sA Non-Exempt, Part- 'flme General Purpose To plan, orgamze, Instruct and supervise aquatic programs SupervisIon Received and Exercised Receives direction from a Recreation Coordmator Exercises mdependentJudgment III the apphcatlOn of specialized knowledge and skills III the conduct of the work May exerC1se techOlcal and functIOnal supervisIOn over part-time staff, as appropriate Essential Duties and Responsd)lhtnes The followmg duties are normal for th1S classificatIOn The om1SSIon of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the pOSitIOn If the work IS Similar, related or a logical aSSIgnment to thIS class Plan, organ1ze, mstruct and supervise sWlmmlllg actIVities and programs at a publtc sWImrnmg pool Schedule, supervise and evaluate part-tIme staff and volunteers, plan and conduct ill-servICe trallllllg Assist With staff recrUitment and hmng Develop lesson plans or workouts Mallltam control of classes or programs Mallltalll equipment and supplies for classes or programs Stimulate mterest and appreciatIOn III assigned program area Exhibit L Prepare promotlOnal matenals and wntten reports as needed Mamtam up-to-date records, prepare reqUIred reports m a timely manner Build and mamtam positive workmg relationships w1th co-workers, other City employees and the public usmg pnnclples of good customer service Perform other duties as assigned Mmnmum QualIfications Knowlede:e of Techmcal and professIOnal knowledge of the assigned program area and sklils m plannmg, orgamzmg and conductmg a specIalty aquatic class or program City SWlmmmg pool rules, regulatIOns, and policIes BaSIC supervisory pract1ces and techmques Use and care of hfesavmg techlllques and equipment used at publtc sW1mmmg pools BaSIC pool chemiStry and mamtenance BaSIC mathematics Enghsh spelhng, punctuation, and grammar Ability to Plan, orgamze, mstruct and supervise aquatic programs Supervise, tram, and evaluate part-time staff ExerCise mdependent Judgment Deal with drfficult or stressful sltuatlOns In a calm and professIOnal manner Prepare, oversee, and/or review reports related to pool management and operatIOns CommUlllcate clearly and concisely, both orally and m wntmg Estabhsh and mamtam cooperative workmg relatlOnshIps With those contacted m the course of work Use of computer applications IS deSirable ExhIbit L Physical Standards The physical standards descnbed are representative of those that must be met by employees to successfully perform the essenttal functIOns of th1S class Reasonable accommodatIOns may be made to enable mdtv1duals wtth dlsablhttes to perform the essential functIOns On a contmuous basts, know and understand all aspects of the Job, mtermlttently analyze work papers, reports and special proJects, Identtfy and mterpret techmcal and numencal mformatton, observe and problem solve operational and techmcal pohey and procedures On an mtermlttent bas1s, Sit at desk for long pen ods of ttme, stand, walk, and bend whtle momtonng aquatics programs, squat, chmb, kneel and twiSt mtermlttently when settmg up vanous programs, perform vanous sWlmmmg techmques when Illstructmg staff and/or patrons, perform Simple graspmg and fine mampulahon, and hft for carry wetght of 100 pounds or less 'framIng and Experience Any combmatlOn eqUivalent to educatIOn and expenence IS hkely to provide the reqUired knowledge and abllittes IS qualrfymg A typical way to obtam the knowledge and abllittes would be Education EqUivalent to the completton of the twelfth grade Experience 2 years expenence as an mstructor or coach m the assigned program area l.lcenses, Certnficates, Special Requnrements At ttme of htre, must be 18 years of age or older Any offer of employment to an adult who Will have drrect contact With mmors IS condlttonal upon submiSSion of a completed fingerpnnt card and a satisfactory background check Current certification III Safety Trammg for SWim Coaches, Water Safety Instructor and Lifeguard TralllIllg are deSirable PossessIOn of current certIficate, credenttal or hcense m the area of specialty program (as appropnate ) PossesSIOn of a vahd Cahfomla Class C dnvers' hcense and Certificate of Automottve Insurance for Personal Liability Exh1blt M Date Adopted January 15,2008 Date RevIsed 'fltle CookllFood Service Speclahst IFLSA Non-Exempt, Part-Time General Purpose To plan, prepare and cook a vanety offood for serv1ce In a Semor Center SUpell"VISIOn Received and lExerclsed Receive general supervIslOn from a RecreatlOn Techmclan or RecreatlOn Coordmator May exerCIse functlOnal supervlSlon over kItchen volunteers Essential DutIes and ResponslbnhtIes The followmg duties are nonnal for this classlficatlOn The omiSSIOn of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the positIOn If the work IS similar, related or a 10glcal assignment to th1S class Prepare nutntlOus meal menus Prepare food for dally lunch meals and speCial programs, as assigned Prepare meats for cookmg by cuttmg, tnmmmg, gnndmg or silcmg Clean, cut, chop and slice food for preparatIOn Cook meat, vegetables, soups, and other foods accordmg to recipe or other mstructlons meetmg the dIetary needs of seDlor cItizens Mamtam and oversee kitchen safety standards, food handling practices, and the d1sposal of garbage Clean kitchen utenstls and eqUIpment, and mamtam cookmg area m clean and safe condition Tram volunteers 10 food preparation, serv1ce, and clean-up duties, and safety and saOltatlOn practices ExhibIt M Provlde directiOn and mstructlon m food preparation and cookmg methods to kitchen volunteers Prepare volunteer work schedule Ensure proper storage and temperature of foods for servmg Inventory penshables and dry goods weekly and rotate mventory, as necessary Mamtam up-to-date records and prepare related reports as reqUlred Order supplies for meals as reqUlred and aSSIst m the receIvmg and stormg of food ltems and supplies Budd and mamtam posItive workmg relatiOnships With co-workers, other City employees, volunteers and the pubhc usmg prmclples of good customer servIce Perfonns related duties as assigned MIlllmum QualldicatlODs Knowledl!e of Pnnclples and methods of food preparation and cookmg Kitchen samtatlon and methods of care and cleanmg of kItchen eqUlpment Baslc safety procedures as apphed to food storage, preparatiOn and cookmg BasIc anthmetlc and record keepmg procedures English usage, spelhng, punctuatiOn, and grammar Abllltv to Prepare and cook large quantttles of foods for vaned meals Plan nutntlous and cost-effective menus Dehver and receive wntten and oral mstructlons Commumcate m an effective manner ExerCIse courtesy and tact m deahng With patrons Deal With difficult or stressful situatIOns 10 a calm and professiOnal manner Estabhsh and mamtam cooperative workmg relatlOnshlps With those contacted 10 the course of work Exhlblt M ]physical Standards The physical standards descnbed are representative of those that must be met by employees to successfully perform the essential functlOns of thiS class Reasonable accommodatIOns may be made to enable mdlvlduals With disabilities to perform the essential functIOns Employee IS regularly reqUired to stand for long pen ods of hme, talk or hear, m person, m meetmgs, and by telephone, perform graspmg and fine mampulatlOn to operate standard commercIal kItchen eqUipment, and reach wIth hands and arms Employee IS frequently requIred to bend, twIst, 11ft, and walk On an mtermIttent baSIS, employee is reqUired to hft or carry welght of 50 lbs or less While performmg duties, employee IS requIred to use wntten and oral communIcatIOns, read and mterpret mformatIOn and mteract With employees, volunteers and the public 'frammg and Experience Any combmatlon equivalent to education and expenence hkely to proVide the reqUired knowledge and abilities are quahfymg A typlcal way to obtam the knowledge and abtlltles would be Education EqUivalent to the completlon of twelfth grade, must be 18 years or older Some cuhnary coursework IS deslrable lExDerlence One year of expenence m large scale food preparatIOn and cookmg which mvolved the actual plannmg, preparatlon and cookmg of large quantities of food Licenses, Certificates, Special ReqUirements Possess Food HandllOg Certlficatlon authonzed by County Health Department or ablhty to attam certlficatton wlthm 90 days of employment Any offer of employment to an adult who wlll have drrect contact wlth mmors IS conditIOnal upon submiSSion of completed fingerpnnt screemng and a sattsfactory background check Current certificatIOn III First Ald and CPR IS reqUired Possession of a vahd California Class C drivers' hcense and Certificate of Automottve Insurance for Personal Llablhty Exhibit N Date Adopted January 15, 2008 Date Revised 1'Itle Preschool 'feadner (Part- 'flme 'Iemporary) JFLSA Non-lExempt General Purpose Under general supervlSlon, the Preschool Teacher plans organizes and teaches preschool classes to children 2-1/2 through 5 years of age Program mcludes lessons, arts & crafts, games, muslC, drama, special events and field tripS S u pervnsnon RecelVed/Exerclsed Receives Immediate supervisIOn from a Preschool Instructor Exercises techlllcal and/or functIOnal supervisIOn over part-tune and temporary employees, as well as volunteers Essential Dutnes and ResjponsdlnhtIes The followmg duties are Donnal for thiS classIfication The omiSSion of specific statements of dutIes does not exclude them from the pOSition If the work IS SImilar, related or a logical assignment to thIS class Develops weekly lesson plans Plans and dIrects lessons, games, crafts and songs Trams, supervises and evaluates Preschool Alde(s) and other part-time or temporary staff MamtaIns a variety of program records and prepares reports relevant to program area Requests, Issues and IS responSible for proper care of eqUipment Ensures that activities run smoothly and accordmg to program objectives and gUldeltnes and general department philosophy Enforces City and department rules and regulatIOns Performs routIne faclhty/eqUlpment maIntenance tasks Renders baSIC FtrSt AId/CPR as necessary Exhibit N MmImum QualificatIOns Knowledee of Current early childhood educatIOn practices Age group charactenstlcs of preschoolers Customer service teclullques Federal, state and 10ca11aws, regulatIOns and court declSlons applicable to assigned areas of responsibility Ablhtv To Work effectively with preschool age children and parents Lead recreational activlties such as games arts & crafts musIc and drama Communicate effectively both verbally and m wntmg and keep organIzed records Establish and mamtam effective relatIOnships with the public and other empoyees Organize people, supphes, eqUipment and factlltles Plan and schedule acttvltles Explam and enforce rules regulatIOns procedures and program objectIves Admmlster baSIC Frrst Aid/CPR Perform routme mamtenance tasks Develop and Implement effective program cUrriculum/content Supervise tram and evaluate subordmates Understand, evaluate and resolve problems and confhcts ExerCise good Judgment tact and courtesy PhYSIcal Standards The phYSical standards descnbed are representative of those that must be met by employees to successfully perform the essentIal functIOns of thiS class Reasonable accommodatIOns may be made to enable mdlvlduals WIth disabilitIes to perform the essential functIOns An employee IS regularly reqUired to Sit for long penods of time, talk or hear, 10 person, ill classroom and by telephone, use hands and fingers to handle, feel or operate standard office equipment and mstructlOnal supplies, reach With hands and arms, and 11ft or carry weight of 10 pounds or less The employee IS frequently requIred to bend and twiSt to mteract with children reach files, walk and stand While performmg duties the employee IS regularly reqUired to use wntten and oral commUDlcatlOn skllls, read and mterpret mformatJon and documents deal effectIVely With children, analyze and solve problems, mteract With City management employees and the public Exhibit N 'frammg and Expenernce Any combmahon eqUivalent to educatIOn and expenence IS likely to provide the requIred knowledge and ablhtJes A typical way to obtam the knowledge and ablhtIes would be EducatIOn Completton of I t" grade and completIOn of 2 years of college with speclahzatlOn ill Early ChIldhood EducatIOn EducatIOn or RecreatIOn Experience Two years of expenence workmg 10 a preschool or elementary school settlOg Licenses, Certificates, Specnal ReqUirements Any offer of employment to an adult who will have dIrect contact with mmors IS condlttonal upon submiSSIOn of a completed fmgerprmt screenmg and a satisfactory background check PossesSIOn of or abilIty to obtam valid Red Cross CPR and First Aid CertificatIOn PossessIOn of a vahd Cahfomla Class C drivers' lIcense and Certificate of Automobile Insurance for Personal Llablltty Exhlblt 0 Date Adopted January 15,2008 Date ReVised 'f.tle Semor IFaclhty Attendant FLSA Non-Exempt, Part- 'flme General Purpose Under general supervIsIOn, oversees the proper use of a commumty recreatIOnal faCIlIty, performs a varIety of tasks, and assIsts the publIc and staff m their use of the facilIty The Semor Bmldmg Attendant opens and closes for weekday and weekend pubhc hours, tours, speCial events and rentals, welcomes VIsItors, proVIdes tours, tour matenals and answers patron questIOns, asSiStS vlSltors WIth exhibIts, actlvltles and mteractlve displays, proVides customer servIce that WIll lead to a posItive VISItor expenence, oversees the safety and secunty ofvlSltors, the faCIlIty, exlllblts and grounds, opens, sets up and cleans up after speCial events or use by pnvate partIes and communIty groups DIS tmgulshmg Characteristics ThlS is the advanced Journey level class ill the BUlldmg Attendant senes PosItions at thIs level are dlstmgUlshed from other classes Wltlun the senes by the level of responslbIhty assumed, compleXIty of duties asSIgned, mdependence of actlOn taken, the amount of trme spent performmg the duties, and the nature of the pubhc contact made Employees perform the most dIfficult and responsible types of dutIes asSIgned to classes Wlthtn thIS senes mcludmg docent actIVItieS With the scope of a commuruty hIstonc facllIty Employees at tlus level are reqwred to be fully teamed In all procedures related to asSIgned area of responsIbilIty Must be aVaIlable to work mghts, weekends and holIdays Supervision Received and Exercised ReceIve dIrection from the Hentage Center DIrector ExerCIse techmcal and functIOnal supervIsIon over less expenenced bmldmg attendants and mamtenance personnel ExhIbIt 0 EssentIal Duties and ResponsIbilities The followmg dutIes are normal for thIS classIficatIOn The omISSIOn of specIfic statements of duties does not exclude them from the pOSItion If the work l~ SImIlar, related or a logIcal assignment to thIS class Open and close faclhtIes as scheduled for use Set-up furn1ture or eqUIpment for actiVItIes scheduled and very that lt 1S m proper cond1tlOn and IS replaced after use When work aSSIgnments are m publIc area of assIgned faCIlity, greet VISItors, collect fees, have vlSltors sign guest book ProVIde faCIlIty and exhIbIt onentatIons and/or tours mcludmg appropnate tour matenals Fooct1on as supervisIng attendant for evemng rentals and weekday everung shlfts, as necessary Momtor actiVItIes of faCIlity users for adherence to buddmg rules and appropnate and safe conduct Clean-up after faCIlIty users and set up for subsequent actIvIties Sweep and mop floors as reqUIred Keep restrooms and kItchen clean and well stocked Wlth paper towels, tIssues, etc Empty garbage throughout the faCIlIty as necessary Make wntten reports of damage to eqUIpment or faCIlity Tram anCIllary attendant and mamtenance staff on faCIlIty and rental procedures Appropnately secure the factl1ty upon leavmg BUIld and mamtam pOSItive workmg relatIOnshIps With co-workers, other City employees, and the publIc usmg pnncIples of good customer servIce Perform related duties as assigned MImmum QualIficatIOns Knowledl!e of Exhibit 0 PrmcIples and practices offaclllty mamtenance and operatIOnal practices PnncIples and practIces of standard safety precautIOns OperatIOnal charactenstics of the asslgned program Enghsh usage and vocabulary Customer servlCe technIques AbilIty to Learn tour and exhIbit content Provide tours to dIverse audIences Problem solve conflIcts and disputes, as applIcable Perform heavy physIcal work mcludIng the lIftmg and movIng of tables and chatrs Follow wntten and oral mstructIons Express Ideas and comrnumcate effectively both verbally and m wntmg Instruct and enforce safety rules Analyze and mterpret faCIlIty polICIes and procedures Deal effectively and courteously WIth the public EstablIsh and mamtam effective workmg relatIOnshIps wIth those contacted In the course of work Commumcate clearly and conCIsely, both orally and m wntmg PhYSIcal Standards The phYSIcal standards descnbed are representative of those that must be met by employees to successfully perfonn the essential functions of this class Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable mdivIduals WIth dIsabIlItIes to perform the essentIal functIOns An employee IS regularly reqUired to stand for long pen ods of tIme, talk or hear m person, m meetmgs and by telephone, use hands and fingers to handle, feel or operate ExhIbit 0 standard office eqUIpment, and reach wIth hands and anns The employee IS frequently reqUIred to bend, twIst, lIft, walk, set-up and move eqUIpment weIghmg up to 50 pounds While performIng dutIes, the employee IS regularly reqUired to use wntten and oral commumcatIOn often speakmg to large groups of people, read and mterpret mformatIOn and room layout speCIficatIOns, and mteract WIth City employees and the PUblIC Trammg and Expenence Any combmatIOn eqUIvalent to educatIOn and expenence lIkely to provIde the reqUired knowledge and ablh!les are quallfymg A typIcal way to obtam the knowledge and abIlItIes would be Education EqUIvalent to the completIOn of twelfth grade IS deSirable, must be 18 years or older Experience Some expenence supervlsmg the use of facllltles, settmg up facilities for meetmgs and events, and m cleanmg or custodial work Expenence m museum and/or public faclhty operatIons deSlfable Licenses, Certificates, SpecIal ReqUllt'ements ReqUired PosseSSIOn of a valId Cahforma Class C Dnvers' LIcense and CertIficate of Automobtle Insurance for Personal LIabIlIty Any offer of employment to an adult who wtll have direct contact WIth mmors IS condItIOnal upon submIssIOn of completed fingerpnnt screemng and a satisfactory background check Work PermIt, as applIcable DeSirable CerttficatIOn m Standard First AId and CPR