HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.01 GHAD Cost & Expense
!D)~SlrR~(Cr CllERK
file # D[]rnc~EJ
MIEIEI~NG DAIlE februarry 5, 2008
ResolutIon Confirmmg Assessment and Ordenng Levy and
CollectIon Thereof to Pay for the Cost and Expenses of the
Mamtenance and OperatIons of Improvements wIthm the Fallon
VIllage GeologIc Hazard Abatement DIstnct
Report Prepared by Mehssa Morton Pubhc Works Director
/J.. r/' Adopt the ResolutIOn confirmmg assessment and ordenng levy
yw :md collectIon thereof to pay for the cost and expenses of the
mamtenance and operatIons of Improvements wIthm the Fallon
VIllage GeologIc Hazard Abatement DIstnct
The GRAD does not currently have a source of revenues to finance
Its operatIons The funds generated w1l1 pay for the mamtenance and
operatIon of GHAD Improvements m the DIstnct
DESCRJ[lPTiON DIvIsion 17 of the CalI form a PublIc Resources Code establIshes
legal standards for geologIc hazard abatement distnct ("GHAD") formatIon, GHAD financmg and the
scope of GHAD authonty (SectIon 26500 et seq )
On December 18,2007, the Board of DIrectors of the Fallon Vlllage GeologIc Hazard Abatement DIstnct
("GHAD") adopted ResolutIon 1-07, expressmg an mtent to order an armual assessment to pay for the cost
and expenses of the mamtenance and operatIons of improvements wIthm the Fallon Vlllage GeologIc
Hazard Abatement DIstnct ("Assessment"), ImtIatmg an Assessment ballot proceedmg and settmg a
publIc heanng on the Assessment for February 5,2008 ("Heanng") In complIance WIth PropositIon 218
and the GHAD Law, DIstnct staff thereafter maIled notIces, ballotmg materIals and mstructIons to each
record owner of a parcel wIthm Fallon VIllage, announcmg the date and tIme of the Heanng and
procedures for ballot tabulatIon
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G \GHAD\Fdllon Vlllagc\Fallon Village As~essemnl Lcvy\012208 Ag~t Asse~smcnt Lt.vy DOC
The adoptIon of the resolutIOn (attached) would confirm the Assessment and authorI7e the levy and
collectIon thereof for the Fallon VIllage GHAD If approved, an Assessment WIll be levIed and collected
annually for DIstnct Improvements and actIVIties that dIrectly benefit the propertIes wIthm the Fallon
VIllage subdIVIsIOn The armual assessments, If confirmed by the Board of DIrectors, wIll generate
$1,475 per detached smgle-famIly reSIdence and $0 50 per square foot for commercial propertIes wIthm
the DIStrIct, adjusted annually based upon the percentage change m the San FranCIsco-Oakland-San Jose
Consumer Pnce Index for All Urban Consumers
CalIfornIa PublIc Resources Code S 26550 5 proVIdes that proceedmgs for the formatIon of a new GHAD
may be mItIated by a petItIon SIgned by owners of at least ten percent (10%) of the real property to be
mcluded wIthm the proposed dIStnCt
In order to defray the costs and expenses of mamtammg and operatmg the GHAD Improvements wlthm
Fallon VIllage, as desIgnated m the Plan of Control for the Fallon VIllage GeologIc Hazard Abatement
DIStrICt ("Plan of Control") on file wIth the DIstnct Clerk, It IS necessary to proVIde a relIable fundmg
mechamsm for the operatIon and mamtenance of those Improvements PublIc Resources Code SectIons
26650 et seq authorIze, after a notIced publIc heanng, the levy and collectIOn of assessments upon
benefited properties to pay for the mamtenance and operatIon ofDIstnct Improvements
PropOSItIon 218 Imposes addItIonal reqUIrements for the levy and collectIon of assessments, mcludmg the
maIlmg of notIce, ballotmg matenals and mstructIons as speCIfied m Government Code SectIon 53753 to
each record owner of a parcel subject to the proposed assessment at least 45 days pnor to a publIc heanng
on the levy of the assessment In addItIon, PropOSItIon 218 reqUIres the creatIon of an engIneer's report
that separates the speCIal benefits prOVIded to the propertIes to be assessed from the general benefits to the
publIc at large
An engIneer's report for Fallon Vlllage ("EngIneer's Report") was prepared by a registered profeSSIOnal
engIneer certIfied by the State of CalIfornIa The EngIneer's Report separates the speCIal benefits
prOVIded by the GHAD to property WIthIn Fallon VIllage from general benefits conferred on the publIc at
large, IdentIfies the speCIally benefited parcels, and sets forth the estImated budget, the total assessment to
be leVIed agaInst each parcel of property WIthIn Fallon VIllage, and proVIdes a descnptIOn of the method
used In formulatIng the assessments
On December 18,2007, the Board of DIrectors adopted ResolutIon 1-07, expressIng the Intent to order an
annual Assessment for GHAD actIVItIes wlthm Fallon VIllage, ImtIatmg an Assessment ballot proceedIng
and settmg a Heanng on the Assessment for February 5, 2008 DIstnct staff thereafter maIled notIces,
ballotIng matenals and mstructIons to each record owner of a parcel WIthIn Fallon VIllage, announcmg the
date and tIme of the Heanng and procedures for ballot tabulatIon
Upon the conclUSIon of the Heanng, the Board of DIrectors must determIne whether a maJonty protest
eXIsts m accordance WIth Government Code SectIon 53753 When the assessment ballots are tabulated,
they WIll be weIghted accordmg to the proportIOnal finanCIal oblIgatIon of each affected property If a
maJonty protest eXIsts, the proceedmgs related to the levy and collectIOn of the Assessment must be
If the Board of DIrectors determmes that a maJonty protest does not eXIst at the conclUSIOn of the Heanng,
the resolutIon confirmmg the Assessment and ordenng the levy and collectIOn thereof for Fallon Vlllage
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may be adopted The resolutIon dIrects the Clerk of the Fallon VIllage GHAD to record a notIce of
Upon adoptIOn of the resolutIon and recordatIon of the notIce of assessment, the Assessment w1l1 be
payable at the same time and In the same manner as general taxes on real property wIthm the GHAD
The adoptIon of the resolutIon IS the final actIon reqUIred by the Board of DIrectors to levy the
Assessment In Fallon VIllage
Staff recommends that the CIty Councll adopt the ResolutIon confirmmg assessment and ordenng levy
and collectIon thereof to pay for the cost and expenses of the mamtenance and operatIons of
Improvements WIthIn the Fallon VIllage GeologIc Hazard Abatement DIstnct
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WHEREAS, thIS ResolutIon IS adopted pursuant to the proVIsIons of DIvIsIon 17 (SectIon 26500
et seq ) ofthe PublIc Resources Code, entitled "GeologIc Hazard Abatement DIStnCtS", and
WHEREAS, on December 4,2007, the CIty CounCIl of the CIty of DublIn approved ResolutIon
No 216-07 whIch created the Fallon VIllage GeologiC Hazard Abatement DIstnct ("DIstnct") WIth the
Board of DIrectors to conSIst of the CIty CouncIl of the CIty of DublIn, and
WHEREAS, on December 18,2007, the Board of DIrectors of the DIStrICt adopted ResolutIon
No 02-07 expressmg an mtent to order an armual assessment for the cost and expenses of the
maIntenance and operatIon of the Improvements WIthIn the Fallon VIllage GeologiC Hazard Abatement
DIstnct("Assessment"), ImtIatmg an Assessment ballot proceedmg and settIng a publIc heanng on the
Assessment ("Heanng") for February 5,2008, and
WHEREAS, DIstnct staff maIled notIces, ballotIng matenals and InstructIOns to each record
owner ofa parcel wIthm Fallon VIllage the week of December 19, 2007, announcIng that ballots would be
canvassed and a Heanng conducted on February 5,2008, on the levy and collectIon of the Assessment,
WHEREAS, the HearIng was conducted on February 5, 2008, In accordance With the
reqUIrements of CalIfornIa ConstItution Article XIID, PublIc Resources Code SectIons 26650 et seq ,
Government Code SectIon 53753 and other applIcable law, and
WHEREAS, upon conclUSIOn of the Heanng, the Board of DIrectors of the DIstnct determmed
that a maJonty protest dId not eXIst pursuant to PublIc Resources Code SectIon 26653 and Government
Code SectIon 53753, and
WHEREAS, applIcable law prOVIdes that If a majorIty protest has not been filed, after the
Heanng the Board of Directors may adopt a resolutIon confirmIng the Assessment and ordenng the levy
and collectIon thereof
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the Fallon VIllage
GeologIC Hazard Abatement Dlstnct that
SectIon 1
FmdIngs and DetermInatIons
The Board of DIrectors hereby finds and determmes that the above reCItals are true and correct and
have served as the baSIS, In part, for the findIngs and actIons of the Dlstnct set forth below
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SectIOn 2 DlfectIon
1 The Board of DIrectors hereby confirms the Assessment and orders the annual levy and
collectIOn thereof The DistrIct shall assess agamst the properties wIthm Fallon VIllage, for
the 2008-2009 FIscal Year and for subsequent years, the assessment amounts apportIOned m
accordance wIth the engIneer's report, on file WIth the DIstnct Clerk, adJusted for mflatIon
armually to reflect the percentage change In the San FranCIsco-Oakland-San Jose Consumer
Pnce Index for All Urban Consumers as of the precedmg December
2 The engmeer's report and the Plan of Control for Fallon VIllage GeologIC Hazard Abatement
DIstnct shall be avaIlable for publIc mspectlOn at the DIstnct Clerk's office
3 The DIstrICt Clerk IS hereby dIrected to record a notIce of assessment, as provIded for In
SectIon 3114 of the CalIfornIa Streets and HIghways Code, whereupon the Assessment shall
attach as a lIen upon the propertIes, as provIded for In SectIOn 3115 of the Streets and
HIghways Code
4 The Assessment shall be payable at the same tIme and In the same manner as general taxes
on real property wIthm the DIStrICt are payable
5 All funds generated by the Assessment, and all mterest earned on the Assessment, shall be
segregated and deposIted m a separate account for the exclUSIve benefit of the relevant
parcels WIthIn the DIStrICt
SectIon 3 CertIficatIOn
The DIstnct Clerk shall certIfy the adoptIon of thIS ResolutIOn
Section 4
EffectIve Date
ThIS ResolutIon shall take effect ImmedIately upon adoption
PASSE]) AND ADOPTED on the 5th day of February, 2008, by the follOWIng vote
DIstnct Clerk
G \GHAD\I allon Vlllage\Fallon VIllage Assessemnt Lcvy\Ol2208 Resolution Assessment Levy DOC