HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 3.1 12-18-2007 Draft Minute MITN1U1I'JES SClHIAJEJFJER RANClHI GJEOJLOGITC lHIAZARlD> AlBA 1I'JEMJEN1I' ]jJ)ITS1I'RITC1I' (GlHIA]jJ)) Tuesday, lOlecember 18, 2007 -7 00 P m lOlublm CIVIC Center 100 CIVIC Center - City Coullllcd Cllunmbers l rtJ~ o Agendas may be picked up at the CIty Clerk's Office for no charge, or to request mformatlon please call 833-6650 o A complete packet of mformatlOn contammg Staff Reports and exhlblfs related to each lfem IS available for pubhc review m the CIty Clerk s Office and at the Dublm Library pnor to a meetmg 1 CALlL TO ORlDlER Present Absent Dlstnct Board of DIrectors Hildenbrand, Oravetz, SbrantI, Scholz and PreSident Lockhart None 2 PUBlLIC COMMENTS - None 3 CONSlENT CALlENlOlAR 3 1 Mmutes - None Intenm Dlstnct Manager MelIssa Morton stated Agenda Item 3 2 reqUIres actIOn and cannot be approved on the Consent Calendar 3 2 Appomtment of PreSident of the Board of lOll rectors, Interim lOllstrlct Clerk, linterlm lOllstnct Treasurer, Interim lOllstnct Manager, and Intenm lOllstnct lEngmeer for the Schaefer Ranch Geologic Hazard Abatement lOllstnct (GHAlOl) On motIOn by Oravetz, seconded by Scholz, and by unammous vote, Mayor Lockhart was appomted as the PreSident of the Board of Directors On motion of Hildenbrand, seconded by Oravetz, and by unanImOUS vote, the Board adopted Schaefer Ranch Geologic Hazard Abatement Dlstnct ResolutIOn No 1-07, appomtmg a PreSident of the Board of DIrectors, the City Clerk ofthe City of Dublm as the Intenm District Clerk, the City ofDubhn AdmmlstratIve Services Director as the Intenm District Treasurer, the City of Dubhn Pubhc Works Duector as the Intenm Dlstnct Manager, and Enc Harrell, ENGEO, Inc , as the Intenm Dlstnct Engmeer NlEW BUSINlESS 4 1 AlPlProvmg the Imtlatnon of an Assessment BaRlot Proceedlll1g and Expressmg Intent to Order an Assessment to Pay for the Cost and Expenses of the Mamtenance and Operations of the Improvements wlthm the Schaefer Ranch GeologiC Hazard Abatement lOllstnct (GHAlOl) (360-60) Intenm District Manager MelIssa Morton spoke on the process to mltIate an assessment ballot proceedmg to pay for cost and expenses of Improvements wlthm the Schaefer Ranch GeologiC Hazard Abatement Dlstnct, mcludmg the amount of assessment Page 1 of2 2-5-08 3; Ie- Board Member S brantl asked for clanficatlOn on the amount of the assessment If units were mcreased !< 1J ~ Intenm Dlstnct Manager Morton responded that additional units would be annexed and assessed the current maximum rate On motion of Hildenbrand, seconded by Scholz, and by unanimous vote, the Board adopted Schaefer Ranch GeologiC Hazard Abatement Dlstnct ResolutIOn No 2-07, ImtIatmg an Assessment Ballot Proceedmg and Expressmg Intent to Order an Assessment to Pay for the Cost and Expenses of Improvements Wlthm the Schaefer Ranch GeologIC Hazard Abatement Dlstnct 5 OTHlER lIUJSINlESS 51 Bnef INFORMATION ONLY reports from Board! Members and/or Staflf Board Member Sbrantl requested the GRAD meetmg schedule Intenm Dlstnct Manager Morton responded that the next meetmg will be February 5,2008, With annual meetmgs to follow 6 AlIJlJOURNMlENT - The meetmg adjourned at 11 25 p m Board Presndent Interim. 10llstnct Clerk Page 2 of2