HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.05 Building Mgmt StudyCITY CLERK File # Elhlnn-mla AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 19, 2008 SUBJECT: Amendment No. 2 to Consulting Agreement with The Zahn Group, Inc., to Perform a Building Management Study Report Prepared by: Melissa Morton, Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: 1) Resolution amending agreement, together with Exhibit "A," Amendment to the Agreement 2) Original Agreement dated October 3, 2006 3) Amendment Extending Agreement to December 31, 2007 RECOMMENDATION: GZ**�Adopt the resolution approving the amendment to the Consulting Services Agreement with The Zahn Group, Inc. zl) FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Under the original Agreement, The Zahn Group, Inc., would be paid $125,355.00 to perform the Building Management Study. This amendment is to extend the length of the contract only. DESCRIPTION: On October 3, 2006, the City of Dublin entered into a Consulting Services Agreement with The Zahn Group, Inc., to undertake a Building Management Study that would encompass the City's building facilities. The City currently operates and maintains the Civic Center, Library, Senior Center, Heritage Center, three fire stations, a Corporation Yard, Swim Center and numerous public restrooms situated in City Parks. Construction has also begun to replace the Shannon Community Center. In addition, future building projects will include a new Community Center, Recreation Center, and Aquatic Complex at Emerald Glen Park The Building Management Study has three goals: 1) Establish accepted standards for the City's facilities, and identify and analyze deficiencies/needs, which will then be rated for priority, and cost estimates provided for necessary improvements; 2) Existing maintenance frequencies and practices will be analyzed and recommendations provided for improvement, when necessary; and COPY TO: John Crosswhite, The Zahn Group, Inc. Page 1 of 2 �� ITEM NO. GACIP\Building Management Study\agst amendmen 2 to Zahn agmt.doc I 1 3) A lIfe cycle analysis wIll be conducted on all major bUIldIng systems and appropnate set-asIdes establtshed for the CIty'S Internal ServIce Fund It was ongmally estImated that the final report for the Study would be completed by the end of FIscal Year 2006-2007 However, establIshmg the baseline condition for the bUIldmgs, assessmg bUIldmg condItIon agaInst that standard and preparatIOn of all of the finanCial mformatlOn has taken more tIme than was ongmally anticipated It is proposed to extend the term of the Agreement with The Zahn Group, Inc, untIl June 30, 2008, to allow for the completIon of the BUlldmg Management Study Staff therefore recommends that the CIty Council adopt the ResolutlOn approvmg Amendment No 2 to the ConsultIng Services Agreement wIth The Zahn Group, Inc Page 2 of2 I 'i-o?J RESOLUTION NO ~ 08 A RESOLUTION OlF THE CITY COUNCIL OlF THE CITY OlF DUBLIN * * ****** **** ***** * **** APPROVING AMENDMENT NO 2 TO THE CONSULTING SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH THlE ZAHN GROUP, INC , lFOR THE BUILDING MANAGEMENT STUDY WHEREAS, the City operates and mamtams several CIVIC bUIldmgs and mtends to construct additIOnal bmldmg faclhties In the future, and WHEREAS, the CIty CounCIl approved a CapItal Improvement Project for Fiscal Year 2006- 2007 to perform a Bmldmg Management Study to assess the current and future mamtenance and repalf needs for City faCIlItIes, and WHEREAS, on October 3, 2006, the CIty entered mto a Consultmg ServIces Agreement wIth The Zahn Group, Inc, to perform the Bmldmg Management Study, and WHEREAS, the CIty extended the term of the Consultmg ServIces Agreement wIth The Zahn Group, Inc, to December 31,2007, WHEREAS, the CIty wishes to extend the term of the Consultmg Services Agreement further wIth the Zahn Group, Inc , to enable the completiOn of the Bmldmg Management Study to June 30,2008, NOW, THERElFORE, BE 1[1' RESOLVEIIl that the City Council of the CIty of DublIn does hereby approve Amendment No 2 to the Agreement wIth The Zahn Group, Inc , for consultmg services related to performance of the BUilding Management Study BE [1' FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor IS authonzed to execute the Amendment, attached hereto as ExhIblt "A " PASSEIIl, APPROVED AND ADOPTED thIS 19th day of February, 2008 AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAINING Mayor ATTEST City Clerk ;:~1f~ [; c2{rl/o€ 1 Q 1m w~OO~~TI 0 G I CfPIBu,ldmg Managemenl Srud) lreso ZllhnGroup amendmem no 2 doc tX ';f ciJ EXHlfllur "A" OF RESOLUTION -08 AMENDMENT NO 2 TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN CiTY OlF DUBLIN AND THE ZAHN GROUP, INC , FOR CONSULTING SERVICES TO PERFORM THE BUILDING MANAGEMENT STUDY WHEREAS, the City of DublIn (heremafter referred to as "CITY") and The Zahn Group, Ine (heremafter referred to as "CONSULTANT"), entered mto an agreement on October 3, 2007, to provIde consultmg servIces to CITY for the Bmldmg Management Study (Project), and WHEREAS, the agreement was amended on October 2, 2007, to extend the term of the agreement to December 31,2007, and WHEREAS, establIshIng the baselme condItIon for the bmldmgs, assessmg bmldmg conditIOn agamst that standard and preparalion of all of the financial mformatlOn has taken more tIme than was ongmaHy antIcIpated, and WHEREAS, an amendment to the amended term of the Agreement IS In order to complete the final report for the CIty of Dub 1m's Project, NOW, THERElFORE, the partIes hereto agree as follows ExtenSion of Term of A2Teement The term of the Agreement shall be extended from December 31,2007 to June 30, 2008 CITY OF DUBLIN Mayor ATTEST CIty Clerk Date G \ClPIBUlldmg Managemenl StudylAMENDMENT NO 2 DOC 1mW1 fiJo To the Resolution p 3a;f ;<1 CONSULTING SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF DUBLIN AND THE ZAHN GROUP, INC THIS AGREEMENT forconsuftlng services IS made by and between the CITY OF DUBLIN ("City") and The Zahn Group, Inc ("Consultant") as of October 3, 2006 Section 1 SERVICES Subject to the terms and conditions set forth In thiS Agreement, Consultant shall provide to City the services described In the Scope of Work attached as Exhibit A at the time and place and In the manner specified therem In the event of a conflict In or inconsIstency between the terms of thiS Agreement and Exhibit A, the Agreement shall prevail 11 Term of Services The term of thIS Agreement shall begin on the date first noted above and shall end on June 30,2007, the date of completion specified In Exhibit A, and Consultant shall complete the work described In Exhibit A prior to that date, unless the term of the Agreement IS otherwIse terminated or extended, as provided for In Section 8 The time provIded to Consultant to complete the services reqUired by thiS Agreement shall not affect the City's nght to termmate the Agreement, as provided for In Section 8 1 2 Standard of Performance Consultant shall perform all services required pursuant to thiS Agreement In the manner and accordmg to the standards observed by a competent practitioner of the profeSSion In which Consultant IS engaged In the geographical area In which Consultant practices ItS profession Consultant shall prepare all work products reqUired by thiS Agreement In a substantial, first-class manner and shall conform to the standards of quality normally observed by a person practlcmg In Consultant's profession 1 3 AsslQnment of Personnel Consultant shall assign only competent personnel to perform services pursuant to thiS Agreement In the event that City, In ItS sole discretion, at any time dunng the term of thiS Agreement, desires the reassignment of any such persons, Consultant shall, Immediately upon receiving notice from City of such desire of City, reassign such person or persons 1 4 Time Consultant shall devote such time to the performance of servIces pursuant to thiS Agreement as may be reasonably necessary to meet the standard of performance provided In Section 11 above and to satisfy Consultant's oblIgations hereunder Consultant shall not be responsible for delays beyond Consultant's reasonable control Section 2 COMPENSATION City hereby agrees to pay Consultant a sum not to exceed One Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand, Three Hundred Fifty FIVe Dollars and No Cents ($125,355 aD), notwithstanding any contrary indications that may be contained In Consultant's proposal, for services to be performed and reimbursable costs Incurred under thiS Agreement In the event of a confhct between thiS Agreement and Consultant's proposal, attached as Exhibit A, regardmg the amount of compensation, the Agreement shall prevail City shall pay Consultant for services rendered pursuant to thiS Agreement at the time and In the manner set forth herein The payments speCified below shall be the only payments from City to Consultant for services rendered pursuant to thiS Agreement Consultant shaH submit all InVOices to Consulting Services Agreement between City of Dublin and The Zahn Group, Inc Q 1m Q~[J{L0fJ~LJ[J Z 0 t{O;f~1 CIty In the manner specIfied herem Except as specifically authorized by City, Consultant shall not bill City for duplicate services performed by more than one person Consultant and City acknowledge and agree that compensation paid by City to Consultant under thIs Agreement IS based upon Consultant's estimated costs of providing the services reqUired hereunder, Including salaries and benefits of employees and subcontractors of Consultant Consequently, the parties further agree that compensation hereunder IS Intended to Include the costs of contnbutlons to any pensions and/or annUities to which Consultant and ItS employees, agents, and subcontractors may be eligible CIty therefore has no responsibility for such contnbutlons beyond compensation required under this Agreement 21 Invoices Consultant shall submit inVOICeS, not more often than once a month dunng the term of this Agreement, based on the cost for services performed and reimbursable costs Incurred prior to the InvOice date InVOIces shall contain the following information [) Clear numencalldentlficatlon, with no duplication of numbering, a The beginning and ending dates of the billing penod, a A Task Summary containing the onglnal contract amount, the amount of pnor bIllings, the total due this penod, the balance available under the Agreement, and the percentage of completlon, a At City's option, for each work Item In each task, a copy of the applicable tlme entnes or time sheets shall be submitted showing the name of the person dOing the work, the hours spent by each person, a brief descnptlon of the work, and each reimbursable expense, c The total number of hours of work performed under the Agreement by Consultant and each employee, agent, and subcontractor of Consultant performing services hereunder, as well as a separate notice when the total number of hours of work by Consultant and any IndiVidual employee, agent, or subcontractor of Consultant reaches or exceeds 800 hours, which shall Include an estimate of the time necessary to complete the work descnbed In Exhibit A, a The Consultant's signature 22 Month Iv Payment City shall make monthly payments, based on inVOIceS received, for services satlsfactonly performed, and for authOrized reimbursable costs Incurred City shall have 30 days from the receipt of an InVOIce that complies With all of the reqUirements above to pay Consultant 23 Total Payment City shall pay for the services to be rendered by Consultant pursuant to thIS Agreement City shall not pay any additional sum for any expense or cost whatsoever Incurred by Consultant In rendenng services pursuant to thiS Agreement City shall make no payment for any extra, further, or additional service pursuant to thiS Agreement In no event shall Consultant submit any mvolce for an amount In excess of the maximum amount of compensation provided above either for a task or for the entire Agreement, unless the Agreement IS modified pnor 10 the submiSSion of such an rnvorce by a properly executed change order or amendment Consultrng ServIces Agreement between City of Dublrn and The Zahn Group, Inc October 3,2006 Page 2 of 14 6~ 0<\ 24 Hourlv Fees Fees for work performed by Consultant on an hourly basIs shall not exceed the amounts shown on the compensallon schedule attached hereto as ExhibIt B 25 Reimbursable Expenses Reimbursable expenses are Included In the total amount of compensation provided under this Agreement that shall not be exceeded 26 Payment of Taxes Consultant IS solely responsible for the payment of employment taxes Incurred under this Agreement and any similar federal or slate taxes 27 Payment upon Termmatlon In the event that the City or Consultant terminates this Agreement pursuant to Section a, the City shall compensate the Consultant for all outstanding costs and reimbursable expenses Incurred for work satisfactorily completed as of the date of written notice of termlnatlon Consultant shall maintain adequate logs and tlmesheets In order to venfy costs Incurred to that date 2 B Authorization to Perform Services The Consultant IS not authorized to perform any services or Incur any costs whatsoever under the terms of thIs Agreement until receipt of authonzatlon from the Contract Administrator Section 3 FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Except as set forth herein, Consultant shall, at Its sole cost and expense, provide all facIlitIes and equipment that may be necessary to perform the services reqUired by thIs Agreement City shall make available to Consultant only the facIlitIes and equipment listed In this section, and only under the terms and conditions set forth herein City shall furnish physIcal facIlitIes such as desks, filmg cabinets, and conference space, as may be reasonably necessary for Consultant's use while consulting with City employees and reviewing records and the information In possession of the City The location, quantity, and time of furnlshmg those facIlities shall be In the sole discretion of CIty In no event shall City be obligated to furnish any faclllty that may Involve incurring any dIrect expense, Including but not limited to computer, long.dlstance telephone or other communication charges, vehicles, and reproduction facilitIes Section 4 INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS Before beginning any work under this Agreement, Consultant, at ItS own cost and expense, shall procure "occurrence coverage" Insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property that may anse from or In connectIon with the performance of the work hereunder by the Consultant and Its agents, representatives, employees, and subcontractors Consultant shall provide proof satlsfactory to City of such Insurance that meets the reqUirements of this section and under forms of msurance satisfactory In all respects to the City Consultant shall maintain the Insurance poliCies required by this section throughout the term of this Agreement The cost of such Insurance shall be Included In the Consultant's bid Consultant shall not allow any subcontractor to commence work on any subcontract until Consultant has obtained all Insurance reqUired herem for the subcontractor(s} and provided eVIdence thereof to CIty Verification of the reqUired Insurance shall be submitted and made part of this Agreement prior to execution Consulting Services Agreement between City of Dublm and The Zahn Group, Inc October 3,2006 Page 3 of 14 ~ ~ c91 41 Workers' Compensation Consultant shall, at Its sole cost and expense, maintain Statutory Workers' Compensation Insurance and Employer's liability Insurance for any and all persons employed directly or indirectly by Consultant The Statutory Workers' Compensation Insurance and Employer's Liability Insurance shall be provIded with limits of not less than ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,00000) per accident In the alternative, Consultant may rely on a self Insurance program to meet those requirements, but only If the program of self-Insurance complies fully with the provIsions of the California Labor Code Determination of whether a self~lnsurance program meets the standards of the Labor Code shall be solely In the dIScretion of the Contract Administrator The rnsurer, If Insurance IS provided, or the Consultant, If a program of self-Insurance IS provided, shall waive all rights of subrogation against the City and Its officers, offiCials, employees, and volunteers for loss anslng from work performed under thiS Agreement An endorsement shall state that coverage shall not be canceled except after thirty (30) days' prior written notIce by certified mall, return receipt requested, has been given to the City Consultant shall notify City Within 14 days of notification from Consultant's Insurer If such coverage IS suspended, VOided or reduced In coverage or In limits 42 Commercial General and Automobile Liability Insurance 421 General reQuirements Consultant, at Its own cost and expense, shall maintain commercial general and automobile liability Insurance for the term of thiS Agreement In an amount not less than ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000 00) per occurrence, combmed single hmlt coverage for risks associated WIth the work contemplated by thiS Agreement If a Commercial General Liability Insurance or an Automobile Liability form or other form With a general aggregate limit IS used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to the work to be performed under thiS Agreement or the general aggregate limit shall be at least twice the reqUired occurrence limit Such coverage shall rnclude but shall not be limited to, protection against claims anslng from bodily and personal InJury, including death resulting therefrom, and damage to property resulting from activities contemplated under thiS Agreement, including the use of owned and non-owned automobiles 422 Minimum scope of covera~e CommercIal general coverage shall be at least as broad as Insurance Services Office Commercial General LiabIlity occurrence form CG 0001 (ed 11/88) or I nsurance Services Office form nu m ber GL 0002 (ed 1173) covenng comprehenSive General LIabIlity and Insurance Services Office form number GL 0404 covenng Broad Form ComprehenSive General Liability AutomobIle coverage shall be at least as broad as Insurance Services Office Automobile LIability form CA 0001 (ed 12/90) Code 8 and 9 ("any auto") No endorsement shall be attached limiting the coverage 423 Additional reQuirements Each of the follOWing shall be Included In the Insurance coverage or added as an endorsement to the polley Consultmg Services Agreement between City of Dublin and The Zahn Group, lnc October 3,2006 Page 4 of 14 I ~ 02-\ a City and Its officers, employees, agents, and volunteers shall be covered as additional Insureds with respect to each of the following lIabllltyanslng out of actlvltles performed by or on behalf of Consultant, Including the Insured's general supervision of Consultant, products and completed operations of Consultant, premises owned, occupied, or used by Consultant, and automobiles owned, leased, or used by the Consultant The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to City or Its officers, employees, agents, or volunteers b The Insurance shall cover on an occurrence or an accident baSIS, and not on a claims-made baSIS c An endorsement must state that coverage IS pnmary Insurance With respect to the City and Its officers, officials, employees and volunteers, and that no Insurance or self-Insurance maintained by the City shall be called upon to contnbute to a loss under the coverage d Any failure of CONSULTANT to comply WIth reporting proVIsIons of the policy shall not affect coverage provided to CITY and ItS officers, employees, agents, and volunteers e An endorsement shall state that coverage shall not be canceled except after thirty (30) days' pnor wntten notice by certified mal), return receipt requested, has been given to the City Consultant shall notify City WIthin 14 days of nolJficatlon from Consultant's Insurer If such coverage IS suspended, VOided or reduced In coverage or In limits 43 ProfeSSional Liability Insurance Consultant, at Its own cost and expense, shall maintain for the penod covered by this Agreement professional liability Insurance for licensed profeSSionals performing work pursuant to this Agreement In an amount not less than ON E M ILL! ON DOLLARS ($1 ,000,000) covering the licensed profeSSionals' errors and omissions 43 1 Any deductible or self-Insured retention shall not exceed $150,000 per claIm 432 An endorsement shall state that coverage shall not be suspended, VOided, canceled by either party, reduced In coverage or In limits, except after thirty (30) days' pnor wntten notice by certified mall, return receipt requested, has been given to the City 433 The follOWing proVIsIons shall apply If the professional liability coverages are wntten on a claims-made form Consulting Services Agreement between CIty of Dublin and The Zahn Group, lnc October 3,2006 Page 5 of 14 9';f~l a The retroactive date of the policy must be shown and must be before the date of the Agreement b Insurance must be maintained and eVidence of Insurance must be provided for at least five years after completion of the Agreement or the work, so long as commercially aVailable at reasonable rates c If coverage IS canceled or not renewed and It IS not replaced with another claims-made policy form with a retroactive date that precedes the date of this Agreement, Consultant must provide extended reporting coverage for a minimum of five years after completion of the Agreement or the work: The City shall have the right to exerCise, at the Consultant's sole cost and expense, any extended reportmg provIsions of the policy, If the Consultant cancels or does not renew the coverage d A copy of the claim reporting requirements must be submitted to the City prior to the commencement of any work under thiS Agreement 44 All PoliCies Reaulrements 441 Acceptability of Insurers All Insurance required by thiS section IS to be placed with Insurers with a Bests' rating of no less than A VII 442 Verification of coveraae Prior to begmmng any work under thiS Agreement, Consultant shall furnish City with certificates of msurance and with anginal endorsements effecting coverage required herein The certificates and endorsements for each msurance policy are to be sIgned by a person authorized by that Insurer to bind coverage on Its behalf The City reserves the nght to requIre complete, certified copIes of all reqUired msurance poliCies, at any time 443 Subcontractors Consultant shall Include all subcontractors as Insureds under ItS poliCies or shall furmsh separate certIficates and endorsements for each subcontractor All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the reqUirements stated herem 444 Variation The CIty may approve a vanatlon In the foregoing msurance reqUirements, upon a determination that the coverages, scope, limits, and forms of such Insurance are either not commercially available, or that the City's mterests are othelWlse fully protected 445 Deductlbles and Self..lnsured Retentions Consultant shall disclose to and obtain the approval of City for the self-msured retentions and deductlbles before begmnlng any of the services or work called for by any term of thiS Agreement Consulting ServIces Agreement between City of Dublm and The Zahn Group, Inc October 3,2006 Page 6 of 14 q ~ c2l Dunng the penod covered by this Agreement, only upon the pnor express wntten authonzatlon of Contract Administrator, Consultant may Increase such deductlbles or self-Insured retentions with respect to City, ItS officers, employees, agents, and volunteers The Contract Administrator may condition approval of an Increase In deductible or self-Insured retention levels with a reqUirement that Consultant procure a bond, guaranteeing payment of losses and related inVestigations, claim administration, and defense expenses that IS satisfactory In all respects to each of them 4 4 6 Notice of Reduction In Coveraae In the event that any coverage reqUired by this section IS reduced, limited, or matenally affected In any other manner, Consultant shall proVide wntten notice to City at Consultant's earliest possible opportUnity and In no case later than five days after Consultant IS notified of the change In coverage 4 5 Remedies In addition to any other remedies City may have If Consultant falls to proVide or maintain any Insurance policies or policy endorsements to the extent and within the time herein reqUired, City may, at Its sole option exercise any of the following remedies, which are alternatives to other remedies City may have and are not the exclusive remedy for Consultant's breach o Obtain such Insurance and deduct and retain the amount of the premiums for such Insurance from any sums due under the Agreement, o Order Consultant to stop work under this Agreement or withhold any payment that becomes due to Consultant hereunder, or both stop work and withhold any payment, until Consultant demonstrates compliance with the requirements hereof, and/or [] Terminate this Agreement Section 5 INDEMNIFICATION AND CONSULTANT'S RESPONSIBILITIES Consultant shall indemnify defend with counsel acceptable to City, and hold harmless City and ItS officers, offiCials, employees, agents and volunteers from and against any and all liability, loss, damage, claims, expenses and costs (Including, Without limitation, attorney's fees and costs and fees of litigation) (collectively, "Liability") of every nature anslng out of or In connection With Consultant's performance of the Services or Its failure to comply With any of ItS obligations contained In thiS Agreement, except such Liability caused by the sole negligence or willful misconduct of City The Consultant's obligatIon to defend and indemnify shall not be excused because of the Consultant's inability to evaluate Liability or because the Consultant evaluates Liability and determines that the Consultant IS not liable to the claimant The Consultant must respond Within 30 days to the tender of any claim for defense and Indemnity by the City, unless thiS time has been extended by the Town If the Consultant falls to accept or reject a tender of defense and indemnity WIthin 30 days, In addition to any other remedy authonzed by law, so much of the money due the Consultant under and by virtue of thiS Consulting Services Agreement between City of Dublin and The Zahn Group, lnc October 3, 2006 Page 7 of 14 '0 r;f~) Agreement as shall reasonably be consIdered necessary by the City, may be retained by the City until dISposition has been made of the claim or SUit for damages, or until the Consultant accepts or rejects the tender of defense, whichever occurs first With respect to third party claims against the Consultant, the Consultant waives any and all rights of any type to express or Implied Indemnity against the lndemmtees However, notwlthstandmg the foregomg, 10 accordance with California CIvil Code Section 1668, nothing In this Agreement shall be construed to exempt the City from Its own fraud, willful Injury to the person or property of another, or violation of law In addition, and notwlthstandmg the forgoing, to the extent this Agreement IS a "construction contract" as defined by CalIfornia CIvil Code section 2783, as may be amended from time to time, such duties of Consultant to Indemmfy shall not apply when to do so would be prohibited by California CIvil Code Section 2782 In the event that Consultant or any employee, agent, or subcontractor of Consultant provldmg services under this Agreement IS determined by a court of competent JUrisdiction or the California Public Employees RetIrement System (PERS) to be eligible for enrollment In PERS as an employee of CIty, Consultant shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless CIty for the payment of any employee and/or employer contributions for PERS benefits on behalf of Consultant or Its employees, agents, or subcontractors, as well as for the payment of any penalties and Interest on such contributions, whIch would otherwIse be the responsibility of CIty Section 6 STATUS OF CONSULTANT 6 1 Independent Contractor At all times dUring the term of this Agreement, Consultant shall be an Independent contractor and shall not be an employee of City CIty shall have the right to control Consultant only Insofar as the results of Consultant's services rendered pursuant to this Agreement and assignment of personnel pursuant to Subparagraph 1 3, however, otherwise City shall not have the nght to control the means by which Consultant accomplishes servIces rendered pursuant to thIs Agreement NotWithstanding any other City, state, or federal policy, rule, regulation, law, or ordmance to the contrary, Consultant and any of Its employees, agents, and subcontractors providing services under thiS Agreement shall not quahfy for or become entitled to, and hereby agree to waive any and all claims to, any compensatIOn, benefit, or any inCIdent of employment by City, Including but not limited to eligibility to enroll In the California Public Employees Rettrement System (PERS) as an employee of City and entitlement to any contribution to be paid by City for employer contf/butlons and/or employee contributions for PERS benefits 62 Consultant No Aaent Except as City may specify m wntmg, Consultant shall have no authOrity, express or Implied, to act on behalf of City In any capacity whatsoever as an agent Consultant shall have no authoflty, express or Implied, pursuant to thiS Agreement to bind City to any obhgallon whatsoever Consultmg Services Agreement between City of Dublin and The Zahn Group, Inc October 3,2006 Page 8 of 14 II ~o<l Section 7 LEGAL REQUIREMENTS 7 1 Governma Law The laws of the State of California shall govern this Agreement 7 2 Compliance with Applicable Laws Consultant and any subcontractors shall comply with all laws applicable to the performance of the work hereunder 73 Other Governmental Reaulatlons To the extent that this Agreement may be funded by fiscal assIstance from another governmental entity, Consultant and any subcontractors shall comply with all applIcable rules and regulations to which City IS bound by the terms of such fiscal assIstance program 7 4 Licenses and Permits Consultant represents and warrants to City that Consultant and ItS employees, agents, and any subcontractors have all licenses, permits, qualifications, and approvals of whatsoever nature that are legally required to practice their respectIve profeSSions Consultant represents and warrants to City that Consultant and ItS employees, agents, any subcontractors shall, at their sole cost and expense, keep In effect at all times dunng the term of this Agreement any licenses, permits, and approvals that are legally required to practice their respective profeSSions In addition to the foregoing, Consultant and any subcontractors shall obtain and maintain dunng the term of this Agreement valid Business Licenses from City 75 NondlSCrlmmatlon and Eaual OpportUnity Consultant shall not dlscnmlnate, on the basIs of a person's race, religion, color, national ongln, age, physical or mental handicap or disability, mecllcal condition, mantal status, sex, or sexual onentatlon, against any employee. applicant for employment, subcontractor, bidder for a subcontract, or participant In, reCipient of, or applicant for any services or programs provided by Consultant under this Agreement Consultant shall comply With all applicable federal, state, and local laws, poliCies, rules, and requirements related to equal opportunity and nondlscnmlnatlon In employment, contractmg, and the proVIsion of any services that are the subject of thiS Agreement, mcludlng but not limited to the satisfaction of any pOSitive obligations reqUired of Consultant thereby Consultant shall Include the proVIsions of thiS Subsection In any subcontract approved by the Contract Administrator or thiS Agreement Consultmg Services Agreement between City of Dublin and The Zahn Group, Inc October 3, 2006 Page 9 of 14 f IJ ~ 011 Section 8 TERMINATION AND MODIFICATION 81 Termmatlon City may cancel this Agreement at any time and without cause upon wntten notification to Consultant Consultant may cancel this Agreement upon thirty (30) days' wntten notice to City and shall Include In such notice the reasons for cancellation In the event of termination, Consultant shall be entitled to compensation for services performed to the effective date of termination, City, however, may condition payment of such compensation upon Consultant delivenng to City any or all documents, photographs, computer software, Video and audiO tapes, and other matenals provided to Consultant or prepared by or for Consultant or the City In connection with this Agreement 8 2 Extension CIty may, In ItS sole and exclUSive discretion, extend the end date of this Agreement beyond that provided for In Subsection 1 1 Any such extension shall require a wntten amendment to this Agreement, as provided for herein Consultant understands and agrees that, If City grants such an extension, City shall have no obligation to provide Consultant with compensation beyond the maximum amount provided for In this Agreement Similarly, unless authonzed by the Contract Administrator, City shall have no obligation to reimburse Consultant for any otherwise reImbursable expenses Incurred dunng the extension penod 8 3 Amendments The parties may amend this Agreement only by a wntlng signed by all the parties 84 Asslanment and Subcontractma City and Consultant recognize and agree that this Agreement contemplates personal performance by Consultant and IS based upon a determination of Consultant's unique personal competence, expenence, and speCialized personal knowledge Moreover, a substantial Inducement to City for entenng Into thiS Agreement was and IS the profeSSional reputation and competence of Consultant Consultant may not assign thiS Agreement or any Interest therein without the pnor wntten approval of the Contract Administrator Consultant shall not subcontract any portion of the performance contemplated and proVided for herein, other than to the subcontractors noted In the proposal, Without pnor wntten approval of the Contract Administrator 8 5 Survival All obligations anslng pnor to the termination of thiS Agreement and all proVIsions of thiS Agreement allocating liability between City and Consultant shall survive the termination of thiS Agreement 8 6 Options upon Breach bv Consultant If Consultant matenally breaches any of the terms of thiS Agreement, City's remedies shall Included, but not be limited to, the follOWing 8 6 1 Immediately terminate the Agreement, Consulting Services Agreement between City of Dublin and The Zahn Group, Inc October 3, 2006 Page100f14 ) 3~t7<J 8 6 2 Retain the plans, specifications, drawings, reports, design documents, and any other work product prepared by Consultant pursuant to this Agreement, 8 6 3 Retain a different consultant to complete the work descnbed In Exhibit A not finished by Consultant, or 8 6 4 Charge Consultant the difference between the cost to complete the work descnbed In Exhibit A that IS unfinished at the time of breach and the amount that City would have paid Consultant pursuant to Section 2 If Consultant had completed the work Section 9 KEEPING AND STATUS OF RECORDS 9 1 Records Created as Part of Consultant's Performance All reports, data, maps, models, charts, studies, surveys, photographs, memoranda, plans, studies, specifications, records, files, or any other documents or matenals, In electronic or any other form, that Consultant prepares or obtains pursuant to this Agreement and that relate to the matters covered hereunder shall be the property of the City Consultant hereby agrees to deliver those documents to the City upon termination of the Agreement It IS understood and agreed that the documents and other matenals, including but not limited to those descnbed above, prepared pursuant to this Agreement are prepared specifically for the City and are not necessanly SUitable for any future or other use City and Consultant agree that, until final approval by City, all data, plans, speCifications, reports and other documents are confidential and will not be released to third parties Without pnor wntten consent of both parties 92 Consultant's Books and Records Consultant shall maintain any and all ledgers, books of account, inVOiCeS, vouchers, canceled checks, and other records or documents eVidenCing or relating to charges for services or expenditures and disbursements charged to the City under this Agreement for a minimum of three (3) years, or for any longer penod required by law, from the date of final payment to the Consultant to thiS Agreement 9 3 Inspection and Audit of Records Any records or documents that Section 9 2 of this Agreement requires Consultant to maintain shall be made available for Inspection, audit, and/or coPYing at any time dunng regular bUSiness hours, upon oral or wntten request of the City Under California Government Code Section 85467, If the amount of public funds expended under thiS Agreement exceeds TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($10,000 DO), the Agreement shall be subject to the examination and audit of the State Auditor, at the request of City or as part of any audit of the City, for a period of three (3) years after final payment under the Agreement Section 10 IVlISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 101 Attornevs' Fees If a party to thiS Agreement bnngs any actIon, including an action for declaratory relief, to enforce or Interpret the proVISion of thiS Agreement, the prevailing Consultrng Services Agreement between City of Dublin and The Zahn Group, Inc October 3,2006 Page 11 of 14 Ii{ ~ dl party shall be entitled to reasonable attorneys' fees In addition to any other relief to which that party may be entitled The court may set such fees In the same action or In a separate action brought for that purpose 102 Venue In the event that either party brings any action against the other under this Agreement, the parties agree that trial of such action shall be vested exclUSively In the state courts of California In the County of Alameda or In the United States District Court for the Northern District of California 10 3 Severability If a court of competent JUriSdiction finds or rules that any proVIsion of thiS Agreement IS invalid, VOid, or unenforceable, the provIsions of thiS Agreement not so adjudged shall remain In full force and effect The invalidity In whole or In part of any provIsion of thiS Agreement shall not VOid or affect the validity of any other provIsion of thiS Agreement 104 No Implied Waiver of Breach The waiver of any breach of a specific proVIsion of thiS Agreement does not constitute a waiver of any other breach of that term or any other term of thiS Agreement 105 Successors and AsslQns The provIsions of thiS Agreement shall Inure to the benefit of and shall apply to and bind the successors and assigns of the parties 106 Use of Recycled Products Consultant shall prepare and submit all reports, written studies and other pnnted matenal on recycled paper to the extent It IS available at equal or less cost than VIrgin paper 10 7 Conflict of Interest Consultant may serve other clients, but none whose activities Within the corporate limits of City or whose bUSiness, regardless of location, would place Consultant In a "conflict of Interest," as that term IS defined In the Political Reform Act, codified at California Government Code Section 81000 et seq Consultant shall not employ any City official In the work performed pursuant to thiS Agreement No officer or employee of City shall have any finanCial Interest In thiS Agreement that would Violate California Government Code Sections 1090 et seq Consultant hereby warrants that It IS not now, nor has ,t been In the prevIous twelve (12) months, an employee, agent, appointee, or offiCial of the City If Consultant was an employee, agent, appOintee, or offiCial of the City In the prevIous twelve months, Consultant warrants that It did not participate In any manner In the forming of thiS Agreement Consultant understands that, If thiS Agreement IS made In vlolatton of Government Code ~1090 et seq , the entire Agreement IS VOid and Consultant Will not be entttled to any compensation for services performed pursuant to thiS Agreement, including reimbursement of expenses, and Consultant Will be required to reimburse the City for any sums paid to the Consultant Consultant understands that, In addition to the foregOing, It Consulting Services Agreement between City of Dublin and The Zahn Group, Inc October 3,2006 Page 12 of 14 /S~O(\ may be subject to cnmmal prosecution for a violatIon of Government Code 9 1090 and, If applicable, wIll be disqualified from holding public office In the State of California 108 Solicitation Consultant agrees not to solicit business at any meetmg, focus group, or interview related to this Agreement, either orally or through any wntten materials 109 Contract Administration ThIs Agreement shall be administered by Melissa Morton, Public Works Director ("Contract Administrator") All correspondence shall be directed to or through the Contract Administrator or hiS or her deSignee 1010 Notices Any wntten notice to Consultant shall be sent to Elyce Zahn, President The Zahn Group, Inc 11846 Dublm Boulevard Dublin, CA 94568 Any written notice to City shall be sent to Melissa Morton City of Dublin Public Works 100 CIVIC Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 10 11 Professional Seal Where applicable In the determmation of the contract administrator, the first page of a technical report, first page of deSign speCifications, and each page of construction draWings shall be stamped/sealed and SIgned by the licensed professional responsIble for the report/deSign preparation The stamp/seal shall be In a block entItled "Seal and Signature of Registered Professional with report/deSIgn responsibility," as m the following example Seal and Signature of RegIstered Professional with report/deslg n responsIbility 10 12 Intearatlon Th IS Agreement, I nel udmg the scope of work attached hereto and mcorporated herem as ExhibIt A, represents the entire and mtegrated agreement between City and Consultant and supersedes all pnor negotiatIons, representations, or agreements, either wntten or oral Consultmg Services Agreement between City of Dublin and The Zahn Group, Inc October 3,2006 Page 13 of 14 IG~';() CITY OF DUBLIN ---- Atte~ ~ Fawn Holman, City Clerk Elyce Zahn, sldent The Zahn Group, nc 11846 Dublin Boulevard Dublin) CA 94568 -- Approved as to Form <!J.'h LIA' _ 7~. f; L Elizabeth Sliver, City Attorney G \MISCPROJ\Buildlng Management Sludy\consultll'IQ agreement BUilding Mgt Study laM doc Consulting Services Agreement between City of Dublin and The Zahn Group, lnc October 3, 2006 Page 14 of 14 /11;? \ EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF SERVICES Prerect Obrectlves o Assess the current condition of facIlities agamst a developed standard o Augment the current penodlc maintenance of facIlities to Insure cntlcal review and long term sustalnablllty o Define the needed financial resources for tImely replacement of major bUilding systems to Insure the longeVity of the facIlity as a whole Scope of Services The consultant's scope of services shall Include but not be limited to the following 1 Work with staff to develop minimum standards for all facilities that mclude accessibility, safety, effiCient use of resource (I e gas and electnclty, maintenance and supplies) and usabIlity The report will focus on the followmg major bUilding system areas o Structural o Electncal o Mechanical Systems (HVAC, etc) o Plumbing and Fire SuppressIon System o Food Service Area (If applicable) o Roofing and Roof Drainage Systems o Building Extenor Including Lighting o Doors, Hardware and GlaZing o Storage Rooms o Bathrooms 2 Inspect all City facilitIes against the developed standards 3 Develop a list of needed Improvements Includmg costs and project workmg days to complete The City of Dublin has adopted a LEED Silver Standard for all Improvements that exceed $2,000,000 While It IS unlikely that any Improvements to eXisting faCIlities WIll exceed thiS amount Green BUilding Practices In adherence to the ordinance attached shall be Incorporated Pnontlze the Improvement list based on the follOWing list of Issues o Safety/Liability exposure o Accessibility o Potential for system faIlure o RemedIation to eliminate greater cost repair Consulting Services Agreement between City of Dublin and The Zahn Group, Inc -Exhibit A October, 2006 Page 1 of2 fg ~ d \ 4 Develop a yearly schedule for Inspection and maintenance for each facility Compare the report to current operations and periodic maintenance schedules, and make recommendations for changes and provide the reasoning for the changes Provide analysIs on the annualized cost of making any recommended change compared to the long term savings to the system or facility 5 Assess the remaining life span for all major bUilding equipment and systems Develop a schedule of replacement for all major bUilding systems In each facility with a replacement cost schedule annualized for use In determIning the annual set aSide needed In the Internal service fund The financial recommendations provided as part of thiS study Will take Into account eXisting balances, available funding and the Inclusion or exclUSion of projects defined In the early phases at the study The final agreed upon information Will be Incorporated mto the eXisting JSF for facilities system replacement 6 Provide 6 caples of the study to the City at the 50% and 95% level of completion for review and amendment 7 Conduct the necessalY meetings with City staff to assess the condition of the listed facilities for Incorporation Into the report The follOWing IS the list of facIlities to be analyzed as part of thiS study CIVIC Center 100 CIVIC Plaza Public LlbralY 100 CIVIC Plaza Senior Center 7600 Amador Valley Boulevard Fire Station 16 7494 Donohue Dnve Fire Station 17 6200 Madigan Avenue Fire Station 18 4800 Fallon Road Heritage Center 6600 Donlon Way SWim Center 8156 Village Parkway Park Restrooms Various Locations Future Shannon Center * 11600 Shannon Avenue * Note Assessment for thiS facIlity Will be limited to an assessment at the plans for purposes of regular maintenance, lite cycle analysIs, and amortized costs for purposes of establishing the Internal service fund needed for facIlity system replacement uSing Jlfecycle analysIs Consulting Services Agreement between City of Dublin and The Zahn Group, Inc - ExhibIt A October, 2006 Page 2 of2 )q ~ ;Z J EXHIBIT B COMPENSATION SCHEDULE Compensation shall be paid per the attached Fee Schedule(s) entitled, "City of Dublin BUilding Management Study, Zahn Group Cost Proposal," dated September 12, 2006 Consulting Services Agreement between City of Dublin and The Zahn Group, Inc --Exhibit B October 3, 2006 Page 1 of 2 City of Dublin Building Management Study Zahn Group Cost Proposal Date 9/12/06 cJ..o 1 c?l , I T"kNJ - .- J Croswhlte ~ 'youngmelSter I - - K Llndorfer - - K f\ E Zahn I I - Pro) Mgr / Cost Acltvlty Description Estimator Semor Analyst I Asst PM Structural AnalysIs Electrical - Hourly Rates I- 145 00 110 00 8500 165 00 145 r - - I - - - - Phase 1 Establish Standards I f--- - ---- - -- ------ -- -- -- Work With staff to develop minimum standards for all L20 faCilities that mclude accessibility safety effiCIent use of resources and usability '- -- ---- Phase 2 Condition Assessment Inspect all City fac.!.I~les Draft and Finalize Report ---- ---- l - CIVIC Center 24 J 2 I 24 8 2 - - --- -- - Public Library i-- 4 2 4 4 E --- - - - - Senior Center 4 2 4 4 E - -- - Fire Station 16 2 2 2 2 ~ Fire Station 17 2 - - 2 2 2 ~ Fire Station 18 -- - 2 -, - 2 2 2 ~ =--J:lerltage Center 4 2 4 4 I ~ - - - - SWim Center 4 2 4 4 ~ Future Shannon Center - 8 24 2 ~ I- Draft (50% 95%) and finalize (100%) report - - 66 24 I-~ 32 3 Meet With City Staff - - 36 8 I-- 8 8 E Phase 3 AnalysIs of BUilding Systems Life Cycle and Values --- -- Develop a list of needed Improvements including costs 48 8 16 2 4 and project working days _to complete - - - -- Phase 4 Develop PeriodiC MaIntenance Recommendations I Schedules I I Develop a yearly schedule for Inspeclton and I - maintenance compare to current operaltons / penodic maintenance schedules make recommendations 16 32 ~ PrOVide annualized cost of making any recommended change;? __ _ Assess the remaining life span for all major bUilding equipment and systems Develop schedule and cost I estimate of replacem~nt _ __ __ _ _ _ PrOVide 6 copies of study to the City at 50% and 95% com letlon --- --- Conduct meetings With City to diSCUSS report findings at draft and final stages 1 32 16 8 11 1_ - - __-1-_ Sub Total Labor 40 8 312 80 187 - ~ -- 82 11 $121 855_00 $3 500 00 - !.. ---r $12~355_00 -l- f - -- --- Sub-Total Hours - -- -- Expenses including but not limited to document re roduct!.on println9 _copies of City reports ~hot~__ I r _ Total Pro Eased Fee EXIHBIl' "A" OF RESOLUTION ~-07 AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF DUBLIN AND THE ZAHN GROUP, INC , FOR CONSULTING SERVICES TO PERFORM THE BUILDING MANAGEMENT STUDY 07)~;<\ WHEREAS, the CIty of Dubhn (herem after referred to as "CITY") and The Zahn Group, Inc (heremafter referred to as "CONSULTANT"), entered mto an agreement on October 3, 2007, to provIde consultmg servIces to CITY for the BUIldmg Management Study (Project), and WHEREAS, estabhshmg the baselme condItIon for the bUIldmgs, assessmg bmldmg condItIon agamst that standard and preparation of all of the financial mformatIon has taken more tIme than was ongmally antIcipated, and WHEREAS, an amendment to the ongmal term of the Agreement is m oider to complete the final report for the CIty ofDubhn's Project, NOW, THEREFOlRlE, the partIes hereto agree as follows ExtensIOn of Term of A2reement The term of the Agreement shall be extended from July 1,2007, to December 31, 2007 ~{tw pvty City Clerk Date G \CIP\BUlldmg Management StudylAMI:.NDMENT DOC wWw~~~~TI 30